The Unusual Suspects - 7 Days to Die Darkness Falls Mod Ep 73
Neebs Gaming
neebs: Hey Appsro, have you seen the latest episode of The Unusual Suspects in 7 Days to Die Darkness Falls Mod? It's absolutely hilarious!
appsro: Oh yeah, that one where I start working on the new horde base? Classic Appsro moves right there!
neebs: I couldn't stop laughing at your building skills, Appsro. It's like watching a master craftsman at work... or not!
appsro: Haha, very funny, Neebs. But let's be real, that episode is my favorite because I get to show off my mad zombie-fighting skills!

This video comes straight from the Neebs Gaming YouTube channel.
Hey there fellow Neebs Gaming fans! I am so excited to tell you about the latest video on the channel. In this episode, Appsro is diving into building a new horde base in Darkness Falls. I can't wait to see what he comes up with and how he strategizes to defend against the hordes of zombies that are sure to come his way.
If you haven't already, make sure to hit that subscribe button to stay up to date with all the latest Neebs Gaming content. And if you want to show some extra support, check out their Patreon page for some awesome perks. Plus, they have a new channel called Neebs Magic Dumpster that you definitely don't want to miss out on.
I love how Neebs Gaming always keeps things interesting with their gameplay and commentary. It's like hanging out with friends while watching them play some of the coolest games out there. And don't even get me started on their merch - I definitely need to get my hands on some of those awesome designs.
So grab your favorite snack, get cozy, and let's dive into the latest episode of Darkness Falls with Appsro. I'm sure it's going to be epic! And make sure to follow Neebs Gaming on all their social media channels to stay connected with the community. I can't wait to see what other adventures they have in store for us.

Caption | Start | Duration |
nees you in here I'm in here come with | 10.84 | 4.64 |
me come with me I'm making some grain | 13.679 | 4.881 |
alol just real quick real quick okay uh | 15.48 | 4.52 |
what we got your grain alcoholic can | 18.56 | 3.959 |
wait come here can't wait if next time | 20.0 | 4.439 |
we're fighting a hoorde and then got no | 22.519 | 3.08 |
this won't take won't take long I | 24.439 | 3.6 |
promise I promise hop in the car okay | 25.599 | 5.041 |
and boom locked | 28.039 | 6.641 |
locked this damn thing and boom there we | 30.64 | 5.88 |
go you want me to guess where we're | 34.68 | 3.68 |
going uh yeah guess where we're going | 36.52 | 3.559 |
give me a hand | 38.36 | 6.64 |
M it's a Mart a Mart yeah it's a Mart | 40.079 | 8.12 |
okay uh we're going right here well | 45.0 | 5.96 |
that's aing pole ah Mini Mart of murder | 48.199 | 7.721 |
Mini Mart of murder is this your doing | 50.96 | 6.239 |
yes this is going to be our next hord | 55.92 | 4.04 |
base oh gotcha love it I'm going to tell | 57.199 | 4.32 |
take this entire Mini Mart I'm going to | 59.96 | 2.96 |
redo the inside I'm going to make it | 61.519 | 4.0 |
full of traps and we can spend the whole | 62.92 | 5.08 |
time dumping water on ourselves dumping | 65.519 | 4.761 |
water I can't wait I love dumping water | 68.0 | 4.08 |
on myself okay you're going to create a | 70.28 | 3.36 |
path for zombies though not just what | 72.08 | 3.399 |
we've been doing right yeah well I | 73.64 | 3.76 |
always try to create a path okay you | 75.479 | 2.921 |
know I'm not going to do something | 77.4 | 3.079 |
boring like you know just put it at the | 78.4 | 4.12 |
top of a building okay but they have to | 80.479 | 3.6 |
have a clear path to get to us for the | 82.52 | 4.04 |
traps to work yeah no [ __ ] okay do you | 84.079 | 4.161 |
want to do this the skyscraper wasn't | 86.56 | 3.12 |
that I'm just saying I'm not sure you | 88.24 | 4.0 |
understand do this hey if you understand | 89.68 | 3.719 |
fine I just feel like you don't | 92.24 | 2.8 |
understand I do understand dip [ __ ] now | 93.399 | 3.601 |
move on do you think the tower base was | 95.04 | 4.359 |
a path hell yeah nope they can still go | 97.0 | 4.079 |
through the walls no exactly they claw | 99.399 | 2.921 |
the path through the walls but they're | 101.079 | 3.68 |
not going to do it this time okay I mean | 102.32 | 3.439 |
they might whatever they're just going | 104.759 | 2.081 |
to hit us with Fireballs through the | 105.759 | 2.921 |
[ __ ] walls anyway look I know my | 106.84 | 5.4 |
voice is raised but I love what you're | 108.68 | 3.56 |
doing ah beer base you were a gem | 114.52 | 7.519 |
[Music] | 119.97 | 3.95 |
some people going to hate on it | 122.039 | 3.641 |
particularly in our team I I would | 123.92 | 4.24 |
imagine but um as far as I'm concern | 125.68 | 6.32 |
second Flawless base that I've had yeah | 128.16 | 6.64 |
Bor boring shoot whatever if you agree | 132.0 | 5.04 |
go ahead and write Flawless in the | 134.8 | 4.96 |
comments oh this is adorable you still | 137.04 | 6.0 |
going it's | 139.76 | 3.28 |
adorable okay we need to replenish stuff | 143.08 | 5.439 |
I'm going to go do one I'm going to go | 146.68 | 5.12 |
see the trader after after one treasure | 148.519 | 5.961 |
map thank you beer base you you were a | 151.8 | 5.079 |
blessing in the time in a time of need | 154.48 | 5.56 |
nobody appreciate that but you were and | 156.879 | 5.401 |
you look delicious and | 160.04 | 5.4 |
refreshing just like you were in the | 162.28 | 6.679 |
beginning Flawless | 165.44 | 3.519 |
comments oh God | 176.64 | 5.4 |
screamer oh chees cream that ain't good | 178.76 | 6.399 |
oh she dropped a blue bag and I got crap | 182.04 | 5.96 |
um oh boy yep here they come oh | 185.159 | 6.0 |
boy I love it I love | 188.0 | 6.64 |
it can I get on top of this bus station | 191.159 | 5.681 |
that's what I'm doing | 194.64 | 5.679 |
here come and get me idiots what do we | 196.84 | 5.92 |
got a demon spider any you guys spit | 200.319 | 5.361 |
Fireballs like [ __ ] you okay over | 202.76 | 5.36 |
there I mean I can use some help if you | 205.68 | 4.52 |
got nothing else going on yep hold on | 208.12 | 4.679 |
coming I got 42 coil round is that going | 210.2 | 4.92 |
to do it uh it's better than no coil | 212.799 | 4.841 |
round which is what I'm carrying right | 215.12 | 6.0 |
now there we go is this it right here | 217.64 | 6.56 |
yeah it's not too bad it's manageable oh | 221.12 | 5.44 |
these guys there demon right there take | 224.2 | 5.759 |
this demon now oh God see him on my butt | 226.56 | 5.879 |
demon uh yeah hold on I'm I'm pouring | 229.959 | 5.2 |
water on my myself which is so fun oh | 232.439 | 9.241 |
too big oh crap okay yep we oning | 235.159 | 6.521 |
keep popping him I'm popping | 241.72 | 6.92 |
her bring it back this way okay I'm | 244.92 | 5.959 |
trying to knock him that oh got him okay | 248.64 | 4.72 |
nice got him with the Whopper the | 250.879 | 5.041 |
Whopper yep man I cannot find a decent | 253.36 | 5.92 |
pair of pants to wear they keep looking | 255.92 | 4.92 |
I'm not wearing those goth pants they | 259.28 | 3.0 |
make my legs look skinny I don't like | 260.84 | 3.48 |
the goth pants either oh boy I fell and | 262.28 | 4.6 |
nope I go all right you got two three | 264.32 | 4.56 |
more left I think there's two under me | 266.88 | 3.879 |
they really want but they can't get me | 268.88 | 3.64 |
all right you got this uh nurse big | 270.759 | 3.201 |
nurse and there's also one of those | 272.52 | 3.8 |
invisible guys yep I see him even though | 273.96 | 4.44 |
he's invisible where'd he go yep there | 276.32 | 2.57 |
he is | 278.4 | 2.6 |
[Music] | 278.89 | 5.27 |
okay there we go check out this orange | 281.0 | 7.84 |
bag red bag well oh that's a AK 47 and | 284.16 | 7.479 |
armor Shredder ammo verus protection of | 288.84 | 5.68 |
armor by 10% what's that where oh | 291.639 | 5.681 |
there's he is behind you oh nice he hey | 294.52 | 7.04 |
that's a home run baby | 297.32 | 4.24 |
oh yeah so getting three treasure maps a | 302.28 | 8.52 |
drop there some ammo that's a good start | 307.32 | 5.96 |
thank you so much bring that back | 310.8 | 4.16 |
they'll be super happy and might as well | 313.28 | 5.199 |
it's been a real pleasure might as well | 314.96 | 5.48 |
do a gerb it's been a while since I did | 318.479 | 5.361 |
a gerb tier four | 320.44 | 7.479 |
gerbs yeah I can do some gerb um and | 323.84 | 6.639 |
clears are always fun | 327.919 | 4.4 |
screw the fetch part let's see which one | 330.479 | 3.56 |
am I | 332.319 | 5.561 |
feeling 344 that seems good 44 is a good | 334.039 | 6.72 |
number can you do me a favor yeah I can | 337.88 | 4.96 |
do you a favor well I'm going to swing | 340.759 | 4.16 |
by the base on the way and drop off some | 342.84 | 4.52 |
Amos and I will do this for you sir | 344.919 | 3.611 |
thank you | 347.36 | 6.92 |
[Music] | 348.53 | 11.789 |
Joel okay boom boom boom bam yeah clean | 354.28 | 9.56 |
this floor out make it look nice oh God | 360.319 | 5.081 |
this is going to take a lot of work you | 363.84 | 3.079 |
know what I'm thinking though I'm | 365.4 | 2.96 |
looking at the roof I'm thinking the | 366.919 | 4.4 |
roof could be all damn bars that we | 368.36 | 5.679 |
could just shoot down into these guys | 371.319 | 5.401 |
yeah do something on the front but I got | 374.039 | 4.921 |
to figure out a path like neeb said the | 376.72 | 4.64 |
word path like the zombie path they | 378.96 | 5.2 |
always path what the hell's a path the | 381.36 | 5.08 |
path they take that's what I figured you | 384.16 | 3.599 |
never know what the path they take what | 386.44 | 3.599 |
was wrong with my base hell used my base | 387.759 | 4.0 |
talking about a | 390.039 | 5.481 |
path path right to his | 391.759 | 3.761 |
ass all right Police Department this | 398.599 | 5.281 |
should be a good time a lot of fat cops | 401.36 | 6.679 |
bunch of fat hey hey hey hey we're here | 403.88 | 6.439 |
to we're here to do stuff with you right | 408.039 | 3.841 |
you going to share the the thing with us | 410.319 | 4.0 |
oh sure hey there's some ammo in the the | 411.88 | 5.28 |
thing and let me share the mission um I | 414.319 | 4.521 |
I dropped some off at the base on the | 417.16 | 3.719 |
way here too I'm driving okay yeah you | 418.84 | 3.68 |
don't have to drive it to get the ammo | 420.879 | 4.04 |
yep | 422.52 | 2.399 |
understood all right moving in moving in | 426.52 | 5.48 |
all right you take point we're on your | 429.44 | 6.319 |
six G you're breaching that room yes | 432.0 | 5.919 |
okay oh you got him oh it's the hey we | 435.759 | 4.0 |
should get a picture here guys oh yeah | 437.919 | 4.361 |
yeah yeah okay I'll be number two how | 439.759 | 4.16 |
about number two uh I I'm going to be | 442.28 | 4.72 |
number three I'll be I'll be four now | 443.919 | 4.96 |
everyone turn to your right turn to the | 447.0 | 5.44 |
right uh y right and to the left and to | 448.879 | 5.72 |
the left okay all right all right | 452.44 | 4.199 |
straight ahead Straight Ahead all right | 454.599 | 3.121 |
now I'm going to step forward and I'm | 456.639 | 2.641 |
going to say I'm going to say something | 457.72 | 4.52 |
that the P person said like um hey give | 459.28 | 5.359 |
me a purse you dumb [ __ ] how do you | 462.24 | 4.72 |
know so much about this okay now I'm | 464.639 | 5.12 |
going to say it yeah give me your purse | 466.96 | 4.16 |
you dumb | 469.759 | 3.72 |
[ __ ] I mean look at me you know I | 471.12 | 5.28 |
didn't do it everybody loves me right | 473.479 | 5.12 |
that's not how it works that's that's it | 476.4 | 3.56 |
that's | 478.599 | 4.28 |
always let's go clear this | 479.96 | 8.28 |
place that was great good role play | 482.879 | 5.361 |
yeah oh we got a we got a demon behind | 488.8 | 4.799 |
the here I'm going to try and sneak and | 491.68 | 4.76 |
get the demon sh okay | 493.599 | 5.0 |
okay how could you tell the demon just | 496.44 | 4.28 |
cuz it's black black smoke the black | 498.599 | 3.801 |
isn't it's not the black I thought it | 500.72 | 3.4 |
was the black smoke that's what he just | 502.4 | 3.84 |
told me before it wasn't the black Oh I | 504.12 | 3.799 |
thought abso said it was the black smoke | 506.24 | 3.72 |
I know he said not the black | 507.919 | 5.521 |
there you go is he down yeah right on oh | 509.96 | 5.12 |
so this is where they have court yeah | 513.44 | 3.399 |
this is Court we could do another role | 515.08 | 5.68 |
play here yeah okay hold on order order | 516.839 | 4.921 |
in the | 520.76 | 2.639 |
court | 521.76 | 4.0 |
order I don't know where to go from okay | 523.399 | 4.241 |
I'm on I'm on witness here and needes | 525.76 | 3.32 |
you're the lawyer you want to ask some | 527.64 | 3.52 |
questions to question the witness needes | 529.08 | 6.199 |
uh yeah uh what is your name sir uh | 531.16 | 7.239 |
Simon Belmont and where were you at the | 535.279 | 4.68 |
time of the murder | 538.399 | 4.721 |
I was uh at the time of exactly there I | 539.959 | 4.681 |
was right there when I did it at the | 543.12 | 4.8 |
murder yeah are you saying you did it oh | 544.64 | 7.28 |
no no well um you just said you did it | 547.92 | 7.68 |
uh I was in Florida and where was the | 551.92 | 7.44 |
murder Florida it it was in | 555.6 | 6.479 |
Florida all right arrest my case your | 559.36 | 4.4 |
honor damn | 562.079 | 4.561 |
it I should have should have my lawyer I | 563.76 | 4.6 |
don't even have a lawyer my lawyer isn't | 566.64 | 3.48 |
even president that's your Dam this is | 568.36 | 3.52 |
not good all right moving on this is | 570.12 | 3.37 |
doesn't | 571.88 | 4.28 |
[Music] | 573.49 | 5.789 |
ah you got any pants a pair of blue | 576.16 | 6.359 |
jeans or some overalls something | 579.279 | 8.961 |
classy let's check it out um no pants | 582.519 | 9.44 |
crap behind you behind you oh my gosh | 588.24 | 5.839 |
what is happening in that room this | 591.959 | 5.201 |
looks bad what I see is bad watch out | 594.079 | 5.721 |
I'm going upstairs oh God | 597.16 | 6.4 |
oo I found you some pants oh my God holy | 599.8 | 5.88 |
[ __ ] get out here we got to I want to | 603.56 | 5.92 |
leave we got okay got to run got to run | 605.68 | 6.36 |
oh boy there's a there's a [ __ ] squid | 609.48 | 4.799 |
in | 612.04 | 2.239 |
here okay this ising crazy this is crazy | 614.32 | 4.68 |
all right I'm going to die where did you | 617.68 | 6.32 |
guys go I'm hiding I'm dead I am dead | 619.0 | 6.399 |
this is | 624.0 | 4.64 |
insane this is insane what is that what | 625.399 | 5.201 |
is that what what are you doing here oh | 628.64 | 6.04 |
my God no no I got | 630.6 | 4.08 |
to oh God why am I even bothering to | 637.8 | 7.159 |
heal myself right now [ __ ] man I don't | 641.639 | 5.681 |
even oh I know how to get out you got a | 644.959 | 5.601 |
way out s uh I can go upstairs at least | 647.32 | 4.28 |
oh | 650.56 | 3.519 |
no is there any other | 651.6 | 5.4 |
healing oh God I saw you die oh there he | 654.079 | 5.88 |
goes Simon I'm so sorry | 657.0 | 4.839 |
I'm oh you're still doing it why are you | 659.959 | 4.68 |
just still doing it good Lord what a way | 661.839 | 5.24 |
to go wonder if I just sit here if don't | 664.639 | 5.121 |
know I'm up here I'm just going to wait | 667.079 | 3.191 |
it | 669.76 | 6.149 |
[Music] | 670.27 | 5.639 |
out let's | 677.04 | 5.599 |
see what is in this floating safe I | 679.12 | 6.08 |
wonder come on be something good | 682.639 | 4.76 |
floating safe should always have 330 | 685.2 | 4.92 |
bucks that's ah I was hoping that would | 687.399 | 4.24 |
have something more interesting in it | 690.12 | 4.2 |
but once I got this floating safe out of | 691.639 | 6.88 |
here then the floor will be completely | 694.32 | 8.16 |
clean awesome H that's a lot of death | 698.519 | 6.12 |
going up in the top left corner of my | 702.48 | 6.159 |
screen hope they're having a good | 704.639 | 4.0 |
day NS yeah I am back okay I want my | 709.8 | 10.68 |
stuff the zombies are still in here | 716.8 | 7.2 |
here hey hey guys um I'm I'm about half | 720.48 | 5.799 |
a block away and yeah it looks horrible | 724.0 | 4.519 |
this is a tier four yeah it's a tier | 726.279 | 4.401 |
four yeah I'm not I will not be doing | 728.519 | 5.12 |
any more tier fours there's a bunch of | 730.68 | 4.599 |
them down there still there's a bunch | 733.639 | 3.64 |
everywhere my best bet is maybe to try | 735.279 | 4.92 |
to go out through the roof yeah but as | 737.279 | 5.24 |
soon as they see me they're going to | 740.199 | 5.601 |
come after me yeah well I know what my | 742.519 | 4.641 |
day is going to entail just getting my | 745.8 | 3.44 |
crap back yeah me too oh they're | 747.16 | 4.52 |
shooting at me yep backing | 749.24 | 6.159 |
away oh hey Simon hey if I wasn't an | 751.68 | 5.959 |
idiot like I should have gotten out of | 755.399 | 4.0 |
there I just forgot that I had to go up | 757.639 | 3.64 |
and I was running around in circles hey | 759.399 | 4.0 |
you know what I think my best weapon is | 761.279 | 4.201 |
this pickaxe what your paint brush what | 763.399 | 4.281 |
about your Paton no I mean for getting | 765.48 | 7.039 |
away oh I see demons outside too God up | 767.68 | 7.8 |
demon bear good Lord everywhere I look | 772.519 | 5.801 |
is not good oh boy jeez I'm going to | 775.48 | 5.95 |
keep looking for another way out | 778.32 | 6.239 |
[Music] | 781.43 | 3.129 |
okay all right let's see do I leave man | 786.839 | 4.761 |
kind of want to leave some | 790.04 | 4.08 |
windows which should be the way they get | 791.6 | 5.239 |
in all right we're going to be on top | 794.12 | 4.2 |
but I guess there's got to be a path to | 796.839 | 2.761 |
us which makes sense there's always a | 798.32 | 2.24 |
path to | 799.6 | 4.039 |
us um H but I need to build a ramp | 800.56 | 6.16 |
somewhere you know what let me get rid | 803.639 | 3.961 |
of | 806.72 | 3.16 |
this oh I wonder if I build like a | 807.6 | 4.599 |
little ramp like right here if they'll | 809.88 | 6.04 |
slowly work their way towards this ramp | 812.199 | 4.601 |
I don't | 815.92 | 4.2 |
know let's see | 816.8 | 7.24 |
yepop boop boop okay so they come in and | 820.12 | 6.2 |
then maybe I'll have them go this way | 824.04 | 3.479 |
and then they'll have to turn and go | 826.32 | 3.16 |
that way and then there'll be traps and | 827.519 | 2.88 |
all this other stuff and then they'll | 829.48 | 2.279 |
have to turn and go this way and then | 830.399 | 3.44 |
they get to the ramp so the ramp's in | 831.759 | 3.44 |
the middle so I guess I got to make a | 833.839 | 3.841 |
way to get to the ramp from the back and | 835.199 | 4.841 |
then just underneath that is a maze a | 837.68 | 5.24 |
maze of death destruction and blade | 840.04 | 5.56 |
traps and electric traps and dart traps | 842.92 | 5.68 |
and fun hell yeah if you think this base | 845.6 | 5.88 |
is going to be fun you put fun in the | 848.6 | 4.52 |
damn comments and if you think Dora's | 851.48 | 4.479 |
base was boring you put boring put that | 853.12 | 5.13 |
[ __ ] in the comments talk about it | 855.959 | 5.481 |
[Music] | 858.25 | 3.19 |
baby just going to jump up here jump up | 862.36 | 6.919 |
here okay all right I'm on a roof okay | 865.279 | 6.0 |
oh you're in good shape then what are we | 869.279 | 3.8 |
doing are we leaving I don't want to I | 871.279 | 4.601 |
get my stuff oh you well you go in there | 873.079 | 4.921 |
and kill everything and then uh that I | 875.88 | 3.16 |
didn't say I was going to kill | 878.0 | 3.0 |
everything wait all right who's on the | 879.04 | 3.88 |
roof is that you still on the roof | 881.0 | 4.88 |
that's me now okay so you made it up uh | 882.92 | 4.68 |
you got balls I don't want to go up | 885.88 | 5.519 |
there stuff yeah oh could I get this I | 887.6 | 5.679 |
could maybe have a weapon if I got the | 891.399 | 3.0 |
stuff in | 893.279 | 4.401 |
here I'm getting the the | 894.399 | 5.88 |
stuffff oh God scream is right behind me | 897.68 | 5.12 |
[ __ ] she and she's screaming oh boy yeah | 900.279 | 4.68 |
you're not going to want that nope I'm | 902.8 | 4.839 |
running I don't even care oh God running | 904.959 | 5.68 |
into this guy I do not want to die again | 907.639 | 4.88 |
this is the weirdest Mission well it's | 910.639 | 4.161 |
not a mission anymore but nope it's not | 912.519 | 4.281 |
now it's just a bunch of | 914.8 | 4.92 |
[Music] | 916.8 | 6.479 |
failures Odis hi you were you punch in | 919.72 | 5.28 |
that box yeah I wanted to get whatever's | 923.279 | 4.041 |
in the shotgun Messiah crate almost done | 925.0 | 4.279 |
I got an no get the other one | 927.32 | 6.6 |
huh oh it's just ammo | 929.279 | 4.641 |
yeah o weapons bag now we're talking I | 934.56 | 6.24 |
found an auto shotgun in there and I | 938.199 | 4.681 |
think that's great H how you doing on | 940.8 | 4.719 |
that almost through it just uh another | 942.88 | 7.959 |
20% maybe here we go and almost there | 945.519 | 8.601 |
and we got it yeah anything good in | 950.839 | 7.12 |
there um yeah there some books and some | 954.12 | 6.0 |
ammo yep yep yep yep yep can we break | 957.959 | 3.521 |
this one open real quick real quick and | 960.12 | 2.199 |
then I'm going to go down and get my | 961.48 | 2.599 |
stuff you got it the shotgun one | 962.319 | 3.52 |
hopefully for some more shotgun ammo | 964.079 | 4.44 |
there's that and watch your face there's | 965.839 | 7.601 |
that oh jump turn oh jeez oh my god oh | 968.519 | 7.081 |
oh God later I'll try to knock him out | 973.44 | 4.36 |
of the building or I'll leave the | 975.6 | 5.28 |
building and come back in a second okay | 977.8 | 5.519 |
you out I'm | 980.88 | 4.48 |
out oh | 983.319 | 4.2 |
on okay | 985.36 | 5.159 |
and | 987.519 | 4.24 |
don't fail me | 990.519 | 3.12 |
stamina ah | 991.759 | 6.681 |
crap just die would you get off my | 993.639 | 9.801 |
roof okay are these guys going um yep | 998.44 | 8.399 |
there we go oh he missed an arm there we | 1003.44 | 6.519 |
go that was a hole in one baby well not | 1006.839 | 7.24 |
one but it was a hole got to get my | 1009.959 | 7.601 |
stuff knock it off nice that was fun to | 1014.079 | 7.481 |
see yep oh that was that's | 1017.56 | 7.6 |
great get off of | 1021.56 | 3.6 |
here all right a little bit of a | 1028.12 | 5.959 |
redesign here I'm wondering and I I'm | 1030.72 | 5.359 |
going to look in the comments for uh | 1034.079 | 4.48 |
suggestions about uh how to do this | 1036.079 | 6.24 |
proper but I'm thinking they come in and | 1038.559 | 6.28 |
uh they'll have to go this way and then | 1042.319 | 5.201 |
they'll have to turn this way and then | 1044.839 | 4.321 |
they'll come here cuz that's the only | 1047.52 | 3.0 |
way to get up to the roof which is where | 1049.16 | 3.08 |
we're going to be and then they're going | 1050.52 | 4.48 |
to have to jump up these things and then | 1052.24 | 5.64 |
boom they're on the roof and then we | 1055.0 | 4.84 |
have like another little roof base like | 1057.88 | 3.64 |
over here in case they get up here which | 1059.84 | 4.48 |
they probably will but yeah God that | 1061.52 | 4.92 |
does leave some unutilized space down | 1064.32 | 4.12 |
here though how could I utilize this | 1066.44 | 4.28 |
space could I do two hallways but then | 1068.44 | 4.04 |
are they just going to chew through the | 1070.72 | 4.76 |
concrete | 1072.48 | 3.0 |
man | 1077.4 | 3.0 |
Dallas where are you I don't know how to | 1080.919 | 4.561 |
explain it but I'm like close to the top | 1082.799 | 5.24 |
inside you're inside close to the top | 1085.48 | 4.92 |
okay oh boy I'm looking for you there | 1088.039 | 6.081 |
are so many so many zombies any luck | 1090.4 | 6.519 |
getting your stuff well I just punched | 1094.12 | 5.48 |
and unlock this door I want to just go | 1096.919 | 3.721 |
through the | 1099.6 | 3.88 |
door try to get to you hold up uh-huh if | 1100.64 | 4.0 |
I can get to you I can get the door open | 1103.48 | 3.079 |
for you well I got the door open I just | 1104.64 | 5.0 |
said that oh you did yeah got | 1106.559 | 5.441 |
you man I assume you're this way | 1109.64 | 3.919 |
somewhere remember where you were | 1112.0 | 3.4 |
hitting the guys off when you were | 1113.559 | 3.12 |
banging them off and I was like hey | 1115.4 | 2.519 |
that's really neat to watch are you on | 1116.679 | 3.641 |
the roof yeah I said one tier down from | 1117.919 | 4.88 |
the roof which isn't the roof right it's | 1120.32 | 7.04 |
inside yes you're inside yes okay well I | 1122.799 | 6.641 |
keep walking towards your you're above | 1127.36 | 5.319 |
me aren't you we just yeah roof okay I'm | 1129.44 | 5.56 |
going to the you said one tier down from | 1132.679 | 4.0 |
the roof you know that sounds crazy | 1135.0 | 3.919 |
right it's either roof or one te down | 1136.679 | 4.24 |
from the roof all right I'm going to go | 1138.919 | 6.521 |
in I'm I'm coming up the roof uh okay no | 1140.919 | 6.961 |
I don't see you I'm on the roof yeah but | 1145.44 | 5.04 |
I'm one tier down from the roof I don't | 1147.88 | 5.32 |
know what that means one level down from | 1150.48 | 4.36 |
the roof that means you're not on the | 1153.2 | 4.839 |
roof anymore okay yeah I'm one down from | 1154.84 | 6.839 |
it yep hold on I'm still looking I can't | 1158.039 | 6.441 |
find you anywhere man I'm really trying | 1161.679 | 5.641 |
I just want to get my stuff I'm going in | 1164.48 | 7.0 |
go in oh is that a is she uh did you | 1167.32 | 6.239 |
hear that I heard the booms they're | 1171.48 | 4.12 |
going to come to me are you in here oh | 1173.559 | 3.161 |
my God they're going to trying to come | 1175.6 | 4.28 |
to you okay I'm in like a brick attic | 1176.72 | 4.839 |
which sounds like one tier down from a | 1179.88 | 5.6 |
roof that's I think oh what did that you | 1181.559 | 5.561 |
didn't do that did you no oh there you | 1185.48 | 3.36 |
are you're in the stairs yeah well now I | 1187.12 | 4.52 |
am yeah okay stairwell would help so | 1188.84 | 5.0 |
your goal is just to get your stuff back | 1191.64 | 4.88 |
yes it's not going down at all oh man | 1193.84 | 5.28 |
he's is he zombie I don't see any | 1196.52 | 4.72 |
particles he is a zombie we know that oh | 1199.12 | 5.16 |
my God he's a oh God that's never good | 1201.24 | 5.84 |
well I'm on fire where is he oh he fell | 1204.28 | 5.519 |
I think he fell good yeah I don't have a | 1207.08 | 6.16 |
water or nothing okay Alice this is bad | 1209.799 | 5.961 |
for you man I know oh we're just going | 1213.24 | 4.52 |
through here | 1215.76 | 5.919 |
huh I see my stuff I see it oh yeah I | 1217.76 | 7.68 |
see it I'm getting it okay here you | 1221.679 | 5.48 |
go I'm | 1225.44 | 5.4 |
out yep you good W oh they wanted you | 1227.159 | 5.361 |
they wanted you bad okay I'm out too | 1230.84 | 4.079 |
I'll meet you | 1232.52 | 2.399 |
outside that is a success well it's not | 1235.08 | 6.16 |
it's far from but congratulations thank | 1238.0 | 6.36 |
you so | 1241.24 | 3.12 |
[Music] | 1244.59 | 3.2 |
much | 1257.12 | 3.0 |
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The Game
You definitely should check it out
Man, have you been watching Neebs Gaming's Darkness Falls series? It's so awesome! Appsro and the crew have really outdone themselves with this latest 7 Days to Die playthrough.
The custom Darkness Falls mod they're using adds so much to the vanilla 7D2D experience. The new quests and expanded progression system make the game feel fresh, even for longtime players. And the amped up zombie hordes during blood moon nights look insane! I don't know how the guys survive some of those attacks on their bases.
But as intense as the action gets, my favorite part of Neebs Gaming's series is their trademark humor and camaraderie. The banter between Appsro, Simon, Thick, Doraleous and the rest of the gang is comedy gold. You can tell these guys have been friends for years with the way they play off each other. And they aren't afraid to laugh at themselves when things go hilariously wrong, which happens a lot in this unforgiving survival game.
Neebs Gaming's cinematic editing style really enhances the Darkness Falls series too. The way they splice together gameplay footage, custom dialog and scripted narrative storytelling sucks you into the post-apocalyptic world. It feels like you're watching a TV show, getting to know the characters and experiencing the highs and lows of their struggle to survive.
Overall, I think this Darkness Falls playthrough is some of Neebs best work yet. Their love of 7D2D really shines through. And their mix of intense action, outrageous humor and immersive storytelling makes this the absolute best way to experience Darkness Falls short of playing it yourself. I'd highly recommend all Neebs fans and survival game lovers check out the series for a good time!