The Termite King Location!!! - Grounded
Neebs Gaming

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Caption | Start | Duration |
hello Dora hello | 1.16 | 5.8 |
zit I wonder what's down here I guess | 3.6 | 7.6 |
we'll find out next time on | 6.96 | 4.24 |
[Music] | 12.55 | 8.46 |
Grounded go for it do | 21.039 | 6.961 |
it oh wow uh which one of you has a | 24.84 | 5.16 |
torch I'm going to need some light cuz | 28.0 | 4.8 |
this is spoopy I got one yeah does it | 30.0 | 6.559 |
keep going uh o yeah looks like it got | 32.8 | 5.32 |
some wires running down something going | 36.559 | 3.561 |
on down here oh | 38.12 | 3.8 |
boy sa | 40.12 | 4.48 |
it there's a base down here or something | 41.92 | 5.88 |
like a lb timeon I got you what the hell | 44.6 | 4.16 |
is all | 47.8 | 2.96 |
that here we | 48.76 | 5.68 |
go oh you discovered mysterious M | 50.76 | 5.599 |
mysterious lab and Dr Tully says it | 54.44 | 5.119 |
wasn't one of his what and it's locked | 56.359 | 4.2 |
uh-oh | 59.559 | 3.441 |
oh there's a tooth I'll get that tooth I | 60.559 | 5.361 |
think I got to talk to Dr Tully schme | 63.0 | 5.759 |
has been spying on me this whole | 65.92 | 9.04 |
time cme's lab schmeer it's now or never | 68.759 | 9.321 |
are you ready oh he just asked me it's | 74.96 | 7.44 |
now or never are we ready um I I I don't | 78.08 | 5.92 |
think we're ready we don't even have NE | 82.4 | 3.679 |
here I mean we're not but it's now or | 84.0 | 5.119 |
never oh that good point so yeah well he | 86.079 | 4.761 |
should have said that it's now or never | 89.119 | 3.36 |
are you ready and I can just hit not yet | 90.84 | 3.44 |
it's very dramatic very dramatic and | 92.479 | 3.881 |
lying yeah now yeah yeah yeah we'll come | 94.28 | 3.839 |
back to this but remember that I | 96.36 | 3.32 |
remember seeing a door on the outside is | 98.119 | 4.121 |
there a way up to it uh yes I think but | 99.68 | 4.52 |
can we unlock it I don't know yes I | 102.24 | 5.72 |
don't know ow oh yeah follow this twig | 104.2 | 6.72 |
oh no damn | 107.96 | 6.479 |
it oh [ __ ] we're going up the twig I'm | 110.92 | 6.4 |
going yeah go up The Twig tricky twig is | 114.439 | 5.521 |
there a way got to be able to do this | 117.32 | 5.159 |
this right right yes this looks good | 119.96 | 7.4 |
boys oh damn it oh we can open this yeah | 122.479 | 7.84 |
s I'm going to freaking die try to go up | 127.36 | 3.959 |
this | 130.319 | 3.28 |
twig this is how I'm going to die it's | 131.319 | 4.121 |
just a twig I know it's a twig just a | 133.599 | 3.841 |
twig but I'm falling that's how it goes | 135.44 | 3.799 |
man if it's it's causing pain if it's | 137.44 | 3.64 |
your time it's your time you know yeah | 139.239 | 3.36 |
all right don't you fall you fall we're | 141.08 | 4.879 |
leaving you that's fine don't you do it | 142.599 | 8.201 |
okay come on mhm there you go see smooth | 145.959 | 7.28 |
you see what happen last time well you | 150.8 | 3.4 |
didn't die you're still alive you're | 153.239 | 3.441 |
good I'm surprised I didn't die yeah | 154.2 | 4.44 |
keeps on happening you get those little | 156.68 | 3.6 |
knots those little knots you got to jump | 158.64 | 3.44 |
over the knot just believe in yourself | 160.28 | 3.12 |
not jumping over the knots when your | 162.08 | 3.48 |
movement stops just stop and jump over | 163.4 | 4.16 |
the knot can't jump over the knot you | 165.56 | 3.84 |
just jumped over a knot can't jump you | 167.56 | 4.08 |
didn't jump over that knot yeah you got | 169.4 | 4.4 |
to take your time got to be patient I | 171.64 | 5.36 |
was going slow Simon Simon you can do it | 173.8 | 5.24 |
Simon really I'm here to Hype you up | 177.0 | 4.28 |
baby you climb this twig I believe in | 179.04 | 5.16 |
your ass it's it's not nice and easy and | 181.28 | 5.48 |
you're coming to the first knot shortly | 184.2 | 4.8 |
all right jump over that knot and then | 186.76 | 4.0 |
slowly up to the next knot which you're | 189.0 | 5.4 |
coming up to right now uh n no that's | 190.76 | 6.479 |
you didn't jump over it try again you | 194.4 | 5.64 |
got this baby you did uh I think I | 197.239 | 4.64 |
jumped when you said the jump yeah but | 200.04 | 3.4 |
you didn't jump forward enough you just | 201.879 | 2.801 |
kind of jump you got this use your | 203.44 | 3.92 |
instincts my | 204.68 | 5.68 |
instincts this is what we used to Dr T | 207.36 | 4.439 |
sometimes you got to wait a minute my | 210.36 | 3.56 |
instincts tell me that I should not have | 211.799 | 4.52 |
to jump over yeah I know you're right | 213.92 | 3.8 |
you're right about that Simon but that's | 216.319 | 3.441 |
the first knot now keep going slowly | 217.72 | 3.4 |
until it kind of stops you is there | 219.76 | 3.64 |
another knot yeah keep going no no no no | 221.12 | 4.16 |
don't jump there that was a [ __ ] knot | 223.4 | 3.68 |
no but okay walk slowly forward a little | 225.28 | 3.56 |
bit more yeah I see the KN now jump over | 227.08 | 3.079 |
that KN yeah just jump right towards the | 228.84 | 3.84 |
twe yeah there there there there there | 230.159 | 4.28 |
it is | 232.68 | 5.279 |
yeah yeah come on baby now you can make | 234.439 | 6.52 |
this jump it's a whole oh you know thing | 237.959 | 7.321 |
yeah yes carry on wonderful this bring | 240.959 | 8.441 |
us outside I God I hope | 245.28 | 4.12 |
[Music] | 259.17 | 6.23 |
so okay I think we're here guys oh boy | 261.8 | 6.76 |
we got yep yep yep y oh okay oh that was | 265.4 | 5.04 |
Telly right yeah shoots those little | 268.56 | 4.04 |
electric balls gotcha but only when | 270.44 | 4.12 |
fighting these ants with the crazy stuff | 272.6 | 5.2 |
on their head like did you stab me suon | 274.56 | 5.6 |
I I don't know did I okay I mean you | 277.8 | 3.56 |
know what I look like and you know when | 280.16 | 2.479 |
you're swinging your sword so you tell | 281.36 | 3.399 |
me well I mean did you jump in front of | 282.639 | 4.641 |
the ant when I was fighting it no did I | 284.759 | 4.241 |
stab you just then that's that's what it | 287.28 | 4.24 |
looked like okay that I that I might | 289.0 | 5.08 |
have little bit like yeah going to chew | 291.52 | 3.8 |
your health down before we even go in | 294.08 | 3.48 |
and fight these termites well talk to | 295.32 | 4.52 |
your boy okay I mean honestly I didn't | 297.56 | 3.52 |
know we have to talk to each other every | 299.84 | 2.96 |
time we just got stabbed a little bit by | 301.08 | 4.119 |
a friend just it didn't seem like it was | 302.8 | 4.72 |
just the threat was over nees get | 305.199 | 3.961 |
stabbed hey don't worry look guys it | 307.52 | 3.519 |
happened it's okay right all right we | 309.16 | 4.2 |
we're moving on all right so I know we | 311.039 | 3.561 |
want to see what's in the bottom of the | 313.36 | 3.279 |
castle and I know we're building that | 314.6 | 3.8 |
stuff out there but there's some burgle | 316.639 | 4.201 |
chips out here that we haven't like | 318.4 | 4.28 |
collected I kind of want to get them cuz | 320.84 | 3.919 |
burgle chips usually mean cool upgrades | 322.68 | 4.44 |
yeah so but this one's in the termite | 324.759 | 5.321 |
Mound mhm so I figured the three of us | 327.12 | 4.919 |
will uh break in here and kill us some | 330.08 | 3.959 |
termites oh boy here they're coming | 332.039 | 4.921 |
already strategy that's a termite oh | 334.039 | 4.521 |
yeah a termite am I the only one that | 336.96 | 4.12 |
brought oh that's your boy oh God okay | 338.56 | 5.8 |
uh I got a new thing to try out Rusty | 341.08 | 6.16 |
spear ooh that look good and a uh bloody | 344.36 | 5.839 |
bird shield oh dude that Shield is sick | 347.24 | 5.16 |
all right o we should all turn this guy | 350.199 | 5.72 |
on cuz this guy's awesome okay well not | 352.4 | 6.2 |
right now oh I think mine's turned on | 355.919 | 3.961 |
it's I think I don't think it's ever | 358.6 | 4.159 |
worked unless unless that was mine okay | 359.88 | 4.56 |
whose was that Dad could have been yours | 362.759 | 4.521 |
or mine there we go there we go come on | 364.44 | 5.92 |
oh say what was that salmon I know no I | 367.28 | 4.759 |
got hit too I think that was uh the | 370.36 | 3.8 |
termite doing his little termite spit | 372.039 | 3.801 |
all right so basically you yelling at me | 374.16 | 3.92 |
for something I didn't even do I | 375.84 | 4.68 |
apologize thank you for this one thank | 378.08 | 5.92 |
you mad find way into this termite Mound | 380.52 | 5.519 |
the other one was same thing happened | 384.0 | 3.96 |
was it that was a termite that was a red | 386.039 | 3.961 |
back there oh my God | 387.96 | 4.239 |
you shut up does a red a bite you with | 390.0 | 5.12 |
his butt is that a thing does a red an | 392.199 | 5.56 |
bite you oh God what was that this guy | 395.12 | 4.24 |
oh God all right we're going to fight | 397.759 | 4.361 |
all these guys huh gu so oh Dam these | 399.36 | 5.64 |
are the guys guarding the door okay all | 402.12 | 4.12 |
right | 405.0 | 5.919 |
well oh she damn it Dr tally you were | 406.24 | 7.359 |
all up in my | 410.919 | 2.68 |
business oh man this sword does not do a | 414.52 | 5.32 |
lot of damage in these termites why not | 417.52 | 4.0 |
I don't know how's your spear working um | 419.84 | 6.12 |
I got him down to about uh 30 40 30 35% | 421.52 | 7.359 |
oh let me peep these guys they're tag | 425.96 | 4.639 |
teaming okay yeah their weakness is | 428.879 | 3.44 |
stabbing that's what I'm doing and I'm | 430.599 | 3.16 |
stabbing them too oh but they're | 432.319 | 3.121 |
resistant to slashing that's why my | 433.759 | 3.361 |
sword's not doing dick there's your | 435.44 | 3.52 |
problem oh man I should have made a | 437.12 | 4.799 |
spear kill one all right let me get this | 438.96 | 4.519 |
guy with there you go yeah you're the | 441.919 | 3.4 |
stabber oh yeah yeah it's doing a whole | 443.479 | 5.241 |
lot more damage of course nice so yeah | 445.319 | 5.761 |
you guys are going to be the tanks for | 448.72 | 6.319 |
this we will try all right Z me and you | 451.08 | 7.44 |
sandwich all right sandwich I love it | 455.039 | 5.481 |
beautiful there we go that's awesome | 458.52 | 4.399 |
okay and hey guys I think right here | 460.52 | 4.48 |
this looks like a nice entrance into the | 462.919 | 5.0 |
termite hole all right I'm coming and | 465.0 | 4.919 |
that's what she said she wouldn't have | 467.919 | 3.921 |
said that termite hole who's going to | 469.919 | 5.361 |
call that a termite hole ter who wants | 471.84 | 6.96 |
to call it a termite hole not a termite | 475.28 | 5.759 |
hole hole is the least sexy thing I've | 478.8 | 5.2 |
ever heard in my | 481.039 | 2.961 |
life okay so I have the duty of uh | 484.24 | 7.16 |
Duty I've got some things to research | 489.12 | 4.16 |
and I was going to see what that mantis | 491.4 | 3.479 |
needs but on the way since we can see | 493.28 | 2.96 |
these | 494.879 | 4.521 |
molers I will try to get | 496.24 | 7.2 |
MERS I saw one uh-oh what is this all | 499.4 | 7.56 |
about you're broken | 503.44 | 6.28 |
okay doesn't seem like I could can do | 506.96 | 4.559 |
anything can't do | 509.72 | 4.799 |
anything | 511.519 | 3.0 |
H oh breakables can | 514.76 | 7.44 |
I oh blow up Ables probably blow up | 518.24 | 6.44 |
Ables damn it this this is not how I | 522.2 | 3.96 |
want to start my day that's probably a | 524.68 | 4.839 |
blowy uper thing hope you can blow that | 526.16 | 5.2 |
crap | 529.519 | 6.0 |
okay okay noted | 531.36 | 4.159 |
wait | 538.2 | 3.0 |
ah so close yet so far | 541.72 | 4.08 |
maybe oh hey this is good stuff oh you | 548.72 | 6.16 |
got the prop Hammer | 552.519 | 4.88 |
yep oh there you go I I could even bang | 554.88 | 4.32 |
that all right am I the only one with an | 557.399 | 5.12 |
ox Hammer yeah I got a crap Hammer okay | 559.2 | 4.639 |
yeah I got a crap one too but it's a | 562.519 | 3.32 |
level two right so that doesn't matter I | 563.839 | 3.881 |
can still break it uh yeah you can break | 565.839 | 4.921 |
most things I think ox is level three we | 567.72 | 4.52 |
should be level three everything right | 570.76 | 4.04 |
now well work towards it I work towards | 572.24 | 4.4 |
it that's why I get it well I feel like | 574.8 | 3.96 |
also when we get group stuff you you get | 576.64 | 4.52 |
the thing first so uh yeah cuz I work | 578.76 | 5.079 |
for it um let's see is this where we | 581.16 | 5.16 |
went to be you want to be here um yeah | 583.839 | 3.921 |
we're crawling up here we're looking for | 586.32 | 4.639 |
a burgle chip okay o this is good stuff | 587.76 | 5.28 |
though see this is the type of stuff | 590.959 | 4.88 |
Simon walks right past yeah yeah oh yeah | 593.04 | 5.64 |
it's true now uh where's the burle chip | 595.839 | 5.481 |
I have no no idea man keep climbing yep | 598.68 | 6.12 |
that's uh that's my plan okay let's see | 601.32 | 6.84 |
there any more places to go in it he | 604.8 | 6.64 |
absor try to oh let's see how I fell uh | 608.16 | 5.2 |
if you see any of that stuff leave it | 611.44 | 4.16 |
and then maybe if I pass it and I we can | 613.36 | 3.88 |
test me and I can try to see if I can | 615.6 | 4.0 |
find it oh crap I forgot man I tell you | 617.24 | 4.8 |
what they uh they have made a change | 619.6 | 3.919 |
where you don't have your Dandy line on | 622.04 | 3.64 |
your slot anymore I know it's like they | 623.519 | 3.801 |
stack or something so we got to be more | 625.68 | 4.48 |
careful can't fall today m- my Iden | 627.32 | 5.72 |
Line's already gone oo wow what a view | 630.16 | 5.04 |
pretty cool this is cool oh there's a | 633.04 | 3.4 |
thing over there have you been to that | 635.2 | 3.4 |
station oh yeah that sence station at | 636.44 | 4.399 |
the uh the axe yeah we've been there and | 638.6 | 3.479 |
we're just looking for a burgle CHP it's | 640.839 | 2.68 |
going to be on the ground just lay | 642.079 | 2.161 |
around I don't know where the burgle | 643.519 | 3.081 |
chip is | 644.24 | 2.36 |
Dees man I'll bet that tooth is in that | 647.8 | 6.839 |
tire and man if anyone's been around a | 652.32 | 4.16 |
tire it's been around for a while it is | 654.639 | 4.76 |
bad business spiders and all types say | 656.48 | 6.24 |
sh okay um resource server got three | 659.399 | 5.44 |
things this is fun uh the resource | 662.72 | 4.32 |
analyzer that's the one we'll start with | 664.839 | 5.56 |
the gunpowder Clump analyze this is fun | 667.04 | 7.12 |
new [ __ ] rare this is rare flares and | 670.399 | 9.44 |
splody rounds fun fun okay all right get | 674.16 | 9.04 |
out of there next moth scale I how many | 679.839 | 5.881 |
moths are here but we had a epic | 683.2 | 5.4 |
battle uncommon yeah because there's the | 685.72 | 4.44 |
there's one | 688.6 | 5.88 |
uh none none recipes great great on to | 690.16 | 8.84 |
the next and uh moth fuzz you you know | 694.48 | 7.039 |
how many things moth fuzz is useful for | 699.0 | 5.44 |
everybody moth mounts and stuffed moth | 701.519 | 5.12 |
because we fight them all the all right | 704.44 | 6.04 |
hey we got gunpowder it's rare and okay | 706.639 | 5.921 |
well did my part maybe I'll get a Moler | 710.48 | 6.08 |
on the way to that uh that uh the Mantis | 712.56 | 5.8 |
thing I'm not going in that tire I'm not | 716.56 | 3.36 |
going in the tire I might go in the I'm | 718.36 | 4.159 |
not going to go in the | 719.92 | 2.599 |
tire it's a nice tarp it is a nice shape | 722.88 | 5.48 |
I don't see the you know the normal | 727.04 | 3.28 |
tears that you run across on the tarps | 728.36 | 3.8 |
that people leave on the roofs for like | 730.32 | 4.84 |
years at a time like my neighbors years | 732.16 | 5.239 |
yeah after the hurricane man it just | 735.16 | 5.2 |
said watch out yeah come on man our roof | 737.399 | 5.161 |
now it's just a tarp isn't it yep just | 740.36 | 4.599 |
all tarp there's a big spider I'm seeing | 742.56 | 4.56 |
a big spider we can take big spiders I | 744.959 | 4.281 |
mean what kind of big spider like wolf | 747.12 | 5.719 |
SP oh there's a little spider too oh | 749.24 | 5.159 |
yeah get that mosquito part Mak some | 752.839 | 3.68 |
heal Bas okay there's no longer a little | 754.399 | 3.921 |
spider just a big one he's coming he | 756.519 | 5.721 |
sees us oo come on all right I'm going | 758.32 | 7.36 |
behind him me too stab it stab it stab | 762.24 | 5.839 |
it you remember when we were scared of | 765.68 | 4.92 |
you Wolfie oh look at this he's already | 768.079 | 5.521 |
half down I know I know man we're too | 770.6 | 4.84 |
strong I don't want to get in there I'm | 773.6 | 6.64 |
just going to going do the arrows | 775.44 | 7.88 |
yeah easy oh here comes another one you | 780.24 | 5.92 |
want some too was that your problem I'm | 783.32 | 6.16 |
blocking o look we got my mantis | 786.16 | 5.44 |
[Music] | 789.48 | 4.32 |
friend | 791.6 | 5.76 |
wo no you're not act what's happening | 793.8 | 6.039 |
I'm messing with the NES gaming boys big | 797.36 | 6.52 |
dummy woo | 799.839 | 4.041 |
woo man it's so fun now that we can kick | 805.44 | 4.88 |
those guys butts man we're tough yeah we | 807.88 | 6.68 |
are O Let's see wood pile | 810.32 | 4.24 |
entrance all right damn it there the | 814.839 | 3.601 |
last thing I want to do but I couldn't | 817.04 | 3.56 |
resist oh you know it's going to be a | 818.44 | 4.32 |
[ __ ] show probably there's a treasure | 820.6 | 5.4 |
chest I have nothing for oh I don't okay | 822.76 | 9.12 |
easy easy easy Trad chest I don't see | 826.0 | 8.6 |
threats just yet man I've seen black | 831.88 | 4.68 |
widows in in spiders that have water in | 834.6 | 5.56 |
them okay um off to the right it would | 836.56 | 5.6 |
appear down | 840.16 | 3.919 |
here all | 842.16 | 5.679 |
right oh these nasty little shits oh | 844.079 | 7.401 |
they're the worst I don't see a | 847.839 | 7.36 |
tooth you guys | 851.48 | 3.719 |
suck oh oh we having a | 855.36 | 6.32 |
party sound like you're having a party | 858.36 | 7.919 |
tooth seen a tooth what the [ __ ] man oh | 861.68 | 7.76 |
my God this is the worst | 866.279 | 4.8 |
tooth | 869.44 | 5.44 |
no these quarts side Shard hey I got | 871.079 | 8.32 |
quarts side shards I contributed | 874.88 | 7.639 |
today and now we go in the hole let's go | 879.399 | 4.321 |
in the hole man let's see what's down | 882.519 | 3.601 |
here we need a burgo chip now that's | 883.72 | 4.6 |
what she said let's go in the hole and | 886.12 | 4.92 |
let's clear out these webs hopefully she | 888.32 | 4.8 |
didn't say that man feel like we should | 891.04 | 4.0 |
pick up some of this stuff for Dora he | 893.12 | 3.92 |
likes those Splinter arrows well I like | 895.04 | 4.08 |
Splinter arrows too well pick pick up | 897.04 | 4.68 |
the Splinter stuff Oh I thought you oh | 899.12 | 4.639 |
here we go uh n we're going to need your | 901.72 | 4.72 |
light uh yep okay um I was getting | 903.759 | 5.2 |
Splinter hold on change my hat bam all | 906.44 | 4.12 |
right light hat coming in hey by the way | 908.959 | 3.44 |
I would walk normally right past what | 910.56 | 4.44 |
you just did but there's a material | 912.399 | 3.961 |
there that I noticed oh we're going to | 915.0 | 3.92 |
get it I | 916.36 | 5.36 |
know oh okay where is he he's behind us | 918.92 | 6.0 |
he's behind us is he yep all right I'm | 921.72 | 4.479 |
hit this I'm just going to sit here and | 924.92 | 3.8 |
light if that's cool uh yeah that's cool | 926.199 | 3.801 |
you guys see all | 928.72 | 3.799 |
right not too | 930.0 | 7.24 |
bad oh yeah say my | 932.519 | 4.721 |
real | 937.6 | 3.76 |
yeah are there two of | 939.12 | 4.519 |
them yeah there a | 941.36 | 5.719 |
worker yeah but both of them that's okay | 943.639 | 5.961 |
wait two what two mantis we have | 947.079 | 6.041 |
freaking two gigantic friends oh | 949.6 | 6.88 |
sweet oh we got friends coming in all | 953.12 | 7.48 |
right woo this is get ha | 956.48 | 4.12 |
oh my God this is the | 962.12 | 5.56 |
worst sticky key great yeah there's | 964.279 | 5.321 |
nothing in here I don't even know how to | 967.68 | 5.12 |
get out well I guess | 969.6 | 3.2 |
climbing the worst I'm the | 973.759 | 6.88 |
worst CU I live here | 977.36 | 5.76 |
now how you doing sammon I'm doing all | 980.639 | 4.481 |
right all right yeah let's keep pushing | 983.12 | 3.88 |
forward all right there Buddy's coming | 985.12 | 4.92 |
though so that's going to be a problem | 987.0 | 5.759 |
don't worry I'll help you out all right | 990.04 | 6.08 |
oo take me some liquid rage baby ow you | 992.759 | 4.961 |
motherucker you little [ __ ] you're | 996.12 | 4.36 |
going to die oh you're jumping right in | 997.72 | 4.52 |
front of me you did that no problem jump | 1000.48 | 3.919 |
on the side of you on the side of you | 1002.24 | 4.719 |
yeah oh oh yeah but but when I do up a | 1004.399 | 5.841 |
SAT his head come on now you need to be | 1006.959 | 7.201 |
careful rules go both ways that's what | 1010.24 | 6.44 |
she said that is what she said what's a | 1014.16 | 4.84 |
safe word | 1016.68 | 5.399 |
pumpkin banana spice my safe word is | 1019.0 | 4.959 |
please stop that word is not safe say | 1022.079 | 3.441 |
that around woman see what | 1023.959 | 4.08 |
happens she go crazy he it's true they | 1025.52 | 5.559 |
start drooling to get | 1028.039 | 3.04 |
excited come on another come on baby | 1033.799 | 5.561 |
this place is just I mean it's I guess | 1036.76 | 4.4 |
it makes sense it's a termite Nest yeah | 1039.36 | 5.28 |
I mean we we've invaded their home they | 1041.16 | 5.0 |
they should be everywhere we're doing | 1044.64 | 3.96 |
pretty well though aren't we not too sh | 1046.16 | 4.44 |
we're not dead that's what you mean yeah | 1048.6 | 4.12 |
no I'm proud of us all right let's keep | 1050.6 | 4.6 |
pushing okay oh more of these get these | 1052.72 | 6.36 |
for need and Dora pick those | 1055.2 | 3.88 |
up okay all right and then okay all | 1059.679 | 8.921 |
right this isn't fun nothing fun about | 1065.44 | 5.16 |
it | 1068.6 | 4.68 |
ooh man | 1070.6 | 6.8 |
this am I going to hit my head on | 1073.28 | 5.759 |
you | 1077.4 | 4.279 |
son of a | 1079.039 | 2.64 |
[ __ ] C was fierce it really is there's | 1082.32 | 6.2 |
a lot of stuff I just see something | 1086.08 | 5.16 |
science over there oh get more rocks yep | 1088.52 | 4.08 |
you grab that I'll grab the science do | 1091.24 | 4.04 |
it here we | 1092.6 | 4.559 |
go all | 1095.28 | 4.48 |
right H my inventory is full come over | 1097.159 | 4.481 |
here and grab some of this stuff NES | 1099.76 | 4.36 |
okay first s you got it yeah I got some | 1101.64 | 5.24 |
oh man running out of space so we came | 1104.12 | 5.48 |
from up there I yes I'm going to go this | 1106.88 | 5.0 |
way cuz it's brighter it is brighter | 1109.6 | 3.92 |
what is that sunlight coming through oh | 1111.88 | 5.0 |
yeah maybe this looks nice yeah there's | 1113.52 | 6.399 |
another cave over there stick this look | 1116.88 | 4.72 |
fun all right hold on let me grab my | 1119.919 | 2.76 |
choppy | 1121.6 | 3.559 |
chop oh yeah pick these up needes get | 1122.679 | 4.281 |
all that splinters yeah oh we'll be able | 1125.159 | 3.841 |
to make Splinter arrows for days we're | 1126.96 | 3.68 |
going to need him for that final fight | 1129.0 | 5.039 |
probably oh yeah yeah okay I'll show you | 1130.64 | 5.36 |
what I did later it started working uh | 1134.039 | 3.921 |
think you'll be quite impressed uh | 1136.0 | 5.6 |
probably will will oh hey I like it this | 1137.96 | 6.19 |
you like a | 1141.6 | 5.559 |
[Applause] | 1144.15 | 5.69 |
what screw that | 1147.159 | 6.201 |
place another | 1149.84 | 3.52 |
day oh oh | 1153.76 | 5.68 |
that hold on is there something bigger | 1156.4 | 4.44 |
down there that looks like a bigger | 1159.44 | 3.96 |
termite than usual okay let's kill this | 1160.84 | 4.44 |
one first yeah take out the little guy | 1163.4 | 4.0 |
yeah and and let's uh you know even go | 1165.28 | 5.2 |
back like let we him back here I guess | 1167.4 | 6.6 |
oh the big one's coming big one is | 1170.48 | 6.12 |
coming that is not a good thing that is | 1174.0 | 6.52 |
a big that the light now I'm the I'm the | 1176.6 | 6.959 |
light can we kill it let's see okay he's | 1180.52 | 4.6 |
on me all right yeah let's do the old | 1183.559 | 3.921 |
surround you know yep he's uh where's he | 1185.12 | 5.12 |
going okay I got his butt I got his butt | 1187.48 | 4.6 |
oh he's looking at me I'm blocking oh | 1190.24 | 4.2 |
boy St me take out his little friend | 1192.08 | 3.8 |
there yeah out little guy oh he's | 1194.44 | 3.08 |
looking at me you guys stab we going | 1195.88 | 4.08 |
take guy out he hits hard he hits real | 1197.52 | 4.44 |
hard okay little guys | 1199.96 | 5.24 |
down oh yeah big boy coming get in there | 1201.96 | 6.839 |
oh yeah yeah yeah okay running okay come | 1205.2 | 4.88 |
on | 1208.799 | 5.0 |
stand oh boy Stand Down hey get him Mr | 1210.08 | 7.0 |
Man yeah get in there buddy oh I love | 1213.799 | 5.961 |
having this guy what's his name man Mr | 1217.08 | 6.52 |
man oh man man I get it it's hilarious | 1219.76 | 6.08 |
okay I'll get the side you get the back | 1223.6 | 4.84 |
oh he turning I'm ready oh we're doing | 1225.84 | 6.12 |
great he's over halfway down we got this | 1228.44 | 6.479 |
[ __ ] man we came in here and we were op | 1231.96 | 4.76 |
M this damn thing's got Splinter | 1234.919 | 3.321 |
sticking out of his ass you guys see | 1236.72 | 3.6 |
that yep you got be careful we some | 1238.24 | 5.28 |
gloves got a me oh boy that's another | 1240.32 | 7.32 |
man wa about yeah Mr Man yeah yeah who | 1243.52 | 6.399 |
his damn | 1247.64 | 6.039 |
ass oh he really wants | 1249.919 | 3.76 |
ninja man that wasn't even that tough oh | 1253.96 | 5.68 |
no sorry man man we see you again | 1257.12 | 3.76 |
someday there's some good stuff on the | 1259.64 | 3.519 |
ground my inventory is full okay I got | 1260.88 | 4.799 |
tons picking it up picking it up see man | 1263.159 | 5.4 |
that was the termite King me is there a | 1265.679 | 5.961 |
queen uh man if so she better be tougher | 1268.559 | 5.681 |
than that uh the Queens are often bigger | 1271.64 | 6.88 |
oh wait a minute is this yes what burgle | 1274.24 | 7.679 |
chip burgle chip mission accomplished we | 1278.52 | 5.279 |
found sweet is this something we need | 1281.919 | 3.281 |
right here yeah let's chop these up | 1283.799 | 3.841 |
right see this oh yeah that is good oh | 1285.2 | 4.68 |
yeah that's a pile of good stuff right | 1287.64 | 5.56 |
there okay you break it I'll take it got | 1289.88 | 7.84 |
it woo success boys what else do we do | 1293.2 | 7.4 |
that's all we know is | 1297.72 | 2.88 |
[Music] | 1303.71 | 13.329 |
[Applause] | 1313.77 | 6.269 |
success | 1317.039 | 3.0 |
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