The Most Disgusting Sword Ever Made!!! - Grounded
Neebs Gaming
neebs: Hey guys, Neebs here! Have you seen that video of the most disgusting sword ever made? It's absolutely ridiculous!
simon: Oh yeah, I saw that one! It's so gross, I couldn't believe someone actually made a sword like that. It's like they wanted to gross everyone out!
appsro: Haha, you guys crack me up! That sword is definitely something else. But hey, at least it's entertaining to watch, right?
neebs: Absolutely! I mean, who wouldn't want to watch a video about a disgustingly weird sword? It's like a train wreck, you just can't look away!

This video comes straight from the Neebs Gaming YouTube channel.
Hey there fellow Neebs Gaming enthusiasts! Have you seen the latest video that just dropped on their channel? Brace yourselves because this one is all about the most disgusting sword ever made. Yes, you read that right - disgusting! If you're a fan of their hilarious antics and epic gameplay, this video is definitely worth checking out. But fair warning, it might make you cringe a little.
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Caption | Start | Duration |
all right all right Simon in a | 1.839 | 7.141 |
[Applause] | 5.74 | 3.24 |
[Music] | 11.5 | 14.019 |
pond what do you boys think of this wall | 22.519 | 8.121 |
I think it's gross no I like it a lot um | 25.519 | 7.401 |
yeah going take pride in that you know I | 30.64 | 3.32 |
tell you what do you guys know the | 32.92 | 2.6 |
secret to these things what they're used | 33.96 | 5.24 |
for no Dora I think I've heard recently | 35.52 | 6.92 |
if you rub it you do better against it | 39.2 | 5.839 |
yeah exactly so like I I spent a little | 42.44 | 4.959 |
of our stuff and I got a rly poly Mount | 45.039 | 4.601 |
so when we hunt roly poliy you come over | 47.399 | 3.921 |
here and we'll mark our | 49.64 | 4.239 |
foe yeah yeah that makes us tougher it | 51.32 | 5.6 |
gets really polish that's dope we were | 53.879 | 5.081 |
making funny of these things fun fun | 56.92 | 5.52 |
funny huh we were making fun of Mark our | 58.96 | 7.839 |
foe oh yeah fo marked so yeah like today | 62.44 | 6.319 |
we need a lot of fire ant parts and I've | 66.799 | 4.721 |
made an ant mount here so ooh I'm going | 68.759 | 5.321 |
to kill me some fire ants nice oh and | 71.52 | 4.84 |
today I'm for the first time I'm not a | 74.08 | 3.92 |
big deal but for me it is using a | 76.36 | 4.16 |
crossbow okay welcome to crossbow Ville | 78.0 | 7.159 |
yeah and uh thanks to apps for giving me | 80.52 | 8.88 |
this yeah I'm part spider now what so | 85.159 | 6.521 |
now that with uh if I'm not mistaken | 89.4 | 4.6 |
with the crossbow that does poison | 91.68 | 4.36 |
damage it's what I'm hearing hopefully | 94.0 | 5.28 |
poison with all of my tips that's pretty | 96.04 | 5.48 |
cool I yeah we'll see we're going to | 99.28 | 4.56 |
mess with some wasps aren't we son yes | 101.52 | 4.16 |
we are and I've got a a turret I'm going | 103.84 | 4.04 |
to lay down with sticky stones or | 105.68 | 3.68 |
something like that that'll weigh them | 107.88 | 3.8 |
down and break your bones you guys want | 109.36 | 6.119 |
to see something real gross though gross | 111.68 | 6.84 |
sure oh is that the toenail toenail it's | 115.479 | 6.361 |
a toenail sword | 118.52 | 3.32 |
that's yeah you know it's a big toe yeah | 130.599 | 6.321 |
oh God yeah I'm going to go I'm going to | 135.0 | 5.12 |
go fight ants with it it's going to be | 136.92 | 5.679 |
great so yeah you you guys go where | 140.12 | 5.92 |
you're going okay easy I'm going to work | 142.599 | 5.761 |
on | 146.04 | 2.32 |
this | 148.76 | 6.6 |
oh oh god oh that one was real glad Dees | 151.519 | 4.621 |
isn't here to | 155.36 | 4.61 |
[Laughter] | 156.14 | 3.83 |
see here they are Simon that's them all | 164.8 | 5.96 |
right so I should uh hold on a second | 167.92 | 5.16 |
huh been peeped it is a INF fact a wasp | 170.76 | 5.52 |
we were right okay um all right so I'm | 173.08 | 5.4 |
thinking if you like you know we'll take | 176.28 | 4.36 |
the closest one to us you know one at a | 178.48 | 4.839 |
time unless they just all come you know | 180.64 | 4.679 |
but maybe like right in right here hold | 183.319 | 4.321 |
on is it the cuz I got confused that | 185.319 | 4.081 |
it's not in the flag thing where's the | 187.64 | 4.08 |
weapon again | 189.4 | 6.52 |
ah Acorn turret y there it is so wait a | 191.72 | 5.72 |
second | 195.92 | 3.84 |
what Acorn | 197.44 | 5.84 |
shells yeah I had [ __ ] Acorn shells I | 199.76 | 6.199 |
had tops and I had sides now it's saying | 203.28 | 4.879 |
I don't you saying someone took them | 205.959 | 4.161 |
from you Simon saying somebody took him | 208.159 | 3.761 |
from me someone stole them up your | 210.12 | 6.039 |
person I took too many of too much of | 211.92 | 8.879 |
everything well we only okay I know | 216.159 | 8.8 |
so oh jeez do remembering the I guess | 220.799 | 6.281 |
this is how we're doing this then Simon | 224.959 | 4.401 |
we're doing it old school pull out that | 227.08 | 5.799 |
crossbow and let's fight like a you yeah | 229.36 | 5.4 |
I really wanted to do that tur thing I | 232.879 | 5.401 |
know I know hey shall we I guess yeah we | 234.76 | 5.6 |
have to bummed out oh I missed that | 238.28 | 3.92 |
there's serious drop in these things too | 240.36 | 5.2 |
isn't it yeah let's just get the oh oh | 242.2 | 5.319 |
easy hold up oh don't walk in front of | 245.56 | 5.44 |
me okay here it comes here no is | 247.519 | 7.041 |
he uh did I go over him [ __ ] that one | 251.0 | 4.76 |
that was a perfect I don't know how to | 254.56 | 3.04 |
shoot this thing what do you mean | 255.76 | 3.8 |
there's just no backup okay I was | 257.6 | 3.639 |
expecting something else I've never shot | 259.56 | 3.919 |
this before okay see it's like I didn't | 261.239 | 6.081 |
even think it waso on okay you can block | 263.479 | 6.761 |
with it too okay oh yeah these are going | 267.32 | 5.96 |
to be easy that did some damn damage all | 270.24 | 4.84 |
right okay and and they're not coming | 273.28 | 4.88 |
with friends I missed that one oh okay I | 275.08 | 5.16 |
was trying to block it yeah you can | 278.16 | 3.4 |
block hold it yeah you got it well I'm | 280.24 | 3.04 |
holding it but it's knocking me down and | 281.56 | 3.68 |
hurting me oh yeah he he's got a good I | 283.28 | 4.12 |
mean there oh [ __ ] his buddy's here yeah | 285.24 | 4.36 |
okay yeah well hey if you're not feeling | 287.4 | 5.04 |
good you can switch to the uh switch to | 289.6 | 6.439 |
what switch to your you know other stuff | 292.44 | 5.96 |
oh they shoot | 296.039 | 5.841 |
shoot oh oh God where' that go oh God | 298.4 | 7.84 |
holy shy oh my God | 301.88 | 6.039 |
what | 306.24 | 4.799 |
red diamond let's go get what you need | 307.919 | 6.201 |
for the turret | 311.039 | 3.081 |
yeah and do that with who s | 318.319 | 9.841 |
t I'm H I like oh wow just chopped it | 322.44 | 9.599 |
all up huh what I can do with a donut M | 328.16 | 5.84 |
fresh donut chunk eat do that give me | 332.039 | 7.401 |
help oh threat detected oh hell come | 334.0 | 8.639 |
on there we go yeah okay still getting | 339.44 | 5.759 |
used to this thing oh okay yeah you | 342.639 | 4.761 |
little man I can chew you guys up with | 345.199 | 7.521 |
this though uhoh uh no no no no no no | 347.4 | 10.32 |
ma'am oh this thing is great wo choose | 352.72 | 8.759 |
through an no problem | 357.72 | 3.759 |
uh Dora yeah I'm back oh God I I'm not | 362.52 | 7.6 |
sure where I should place the | 367.039 | 5.88 |
thing but uh Place blueprint all right | 370.12 | 5.199 |
so listen they've come closer they've | 372.919 | 5.0 |
come go so don't easy easy like I'm | 375.319 | 4.28 |
going to be right here and then you are | 377.919 | 3.4 |
going to stand where you want me to put | 379.599 | 2.961 |
it yeah do it right there do it right | 381.319 | 4.241 |
there it's fine sure okay obstruction | 382.56 | 5.44 |
was it blocked say it's blocked location | 385.56 | 4.88 |
there you go okay oh sh [ __ ] I'll get in | 388.0 | 4.36 |
there and load up are you ready we got | 390.44 | 3.36 |
one right here I don't know how to load | 392.36 | 3.72 |
up I says I guess I'm ready if you've | 393.8 | 3.48 |
got them on your person I think you're | 396.08 | 4.28 |
good okay you see this one up here nope | 397.28 | 6.359 |
uh yeah I hit it okay load them up load | 400.36 | 8.0 |
them up sa I can get him uh yeah load | 403.639 | 6.96 |
them up wow okay you got him yeah | 408.36 | 3.72 |
brought him | 410.599 | 3.481 |
down you're | 412.08 | 5.32 |
out okay okay try to get him down on the | 414.08 | 6.28 |
ground yeah okay I'm shooting him yeah I | 417.4 | 5.079 |
know I know so how do I get out of this | 420.36 | 3.92 |
thing um | 422.479 | 3.801 |
exit give me give me give me give me | 424.28 | 3.08 |
give | 426.28 | 3.08 |
me all right all right okay okay I'm | 427.36 | 3.76 |
going to come back around and and give | 429.36 | 3.8 |
him a what for I was shooting him man I | 431.12 | 4.12 |
SAR get back in the tur I am in the tur | 433.16 | 3.68 |
I can't reach him now so I can't shoot | 435.24 | 2.639 |
him all right I'm going to bring him to | 436.84 | 2.84 |
you all right here we go here we go here | 437.879 | 5.641 |
we go [ __ ] got him there where that | 439.68 | 6.12 |
there there's two of them I didn't see | 443.52 | 5.2 |
that one I didn't see that one okay guys | 445.8 | 4.799 |
get my butt there's three of them think | 448.72 | 4.96 |
he broke my I broke my | 450.599 | 5.72 |
[ __ ] okay hold on oh there's a there's | 453.68 | 4.959 |
there's three of them all right yep yep | 456.319 | 4.72 |
yep I see the crow going to try to get | 458.639 | 6.081 |
to you there you are son of a [ __ ] oh | 461.039 | 5.6 |
he's going to get he is going to get me | 464.72 | 4.08 |
but there you go oh he is | 466.639 | 6.84 |
thereo holy crap yep man I'm poisoned | 468.8 | 5.88 |
I'm going to have to drink another one | 473.479 | 2.521 |
of these things it's just kind of a | 474.68 | 2.799 |
waste but I'm doing it here's another | 476.0 | 4.8 |
day so success nope nope not at all not | 477.479 | 4.081 |
even | 480.8 | 5.239 |
close was being sarcastic yeah I | 481.56 | 4.479 |
know knew this guy was a redneck tire | 486.479 | 5.801 |
out in the yard with a car | 489.759 | 5.4 |
battery | 492.28 | 7.359 |
hello hello who's that it's | 495.159 | 6.281 |
me | 499.639 | 4.041 |
now all right where's the best place to | 501.44 | 5.08 |
go in oh oh is this what them wants me | 503.68 | 7.56 |
to do climb down oh boy | 506.52 | 4.72 |
oh there's treasure there's treasure in | 511.96 | 7.24 |
here sticky key what is a sticky key oh | 515.279 | 6.64 |
this is good stuff taking that uh-oh I | 519.2 | 4.199 |
hear | 521.919 | 5.441 |
mess oh that's a lot of | 523.399 | 3.961 |
them okay get some here I didn't see the | 527.399 | 4.841 |
tooth here get up here get up here get | 530.36 | 5.4 |
up here no stand up here am I safe all | 532.24 | 4.48 |
right I need something I can use | 535.76 | 2.68 |
underwater I think I can use that | 536.72 | 3.0 |
underwater | 538.44 | 5.639 |
oh man wish I had a slime | 539.72 | 6.92 |
torch oh what that sturdy mobile Shir | 544.079 | 4.801 |
that's really really good that's not | 546.64 | 3.879 |
really really good can I use my shield | 548.88 | 5.28 |
in the water can | 550.519 | 6.841 |
idiot oh boy wow okay wow these hit hard | 554.16 | 6.799 |
they hit hard that ain't good crap crap | 557.36 | 5.919 |
crap crap crap okay where's the two I'm | 560.959 | 4.44 |
seeing like three blinkies on the to oh | 563.279 | 4.401 |
I bet the tooth in the damn thing it's | 565.399 | 4.081 |
in the thing isn't it yep there's a | 567.68 | 3.399 |
treasure chest here that we got to get | 569.48 | 3.76 |
into all right nope no no can't do this | 571.079 | 4.32 |
can't do | 573.24 | 4.8 |
this no no no no get me out of here | 575.399 | 7.201 |
we're swarming all right here we are | 578.04 | 4.56 |
jeez all right we got to find a sticky | 582.64 | 3.639 |
key how in the world are we going to | 585.16 | 3.76 |
find a sticky key oh it's going to take | 586.279 | 5.921 |
me forever to get out of here NOP yep | 588.92 | 8.24 |
and yep okay no worries no worries we're | 592.2 | 4.96 |
good yeah yeah yeah what we needed this | 597.519 | 4.88 |
is exactly what shoot yeah go ahead and | 600.44 | 5.88 |
do your thing idiot you focus on me okay | 602.399 | 5.801 |
that's fine I'll stab you yeah I'll stab | 606.32 | 5.199 |
you too oh oh oh you got me there but | 608.2 | 5.4 |
that's all right uh-huh uh-huh it is all | 611.519 | 5.641 |
right isn't it come on oh yeah yeah | 613.6 | 5.799 |
you're not so tough by yourself are you | 617.16 | 5.76 |
[ __ ] huh I like how you fly though got | 619.399 | 5.88 |
there you go come on come on what was | 622.92 | 4.159 |
that what was that you sting up there | 625.279 | 5.761 |
doing a little sh there oh you going to | 627.079 | 3.961 |
come on come on got [ __ ] oh no is that | 631.72 | 4.679 |
another one oh no it is oh [ __ ] we got | 634.12 | 4.36 |
to get this one we got to kill this one | 636.399 | 5.361 |
we're so close we're so close we're so | 638.48 | 6.159 |
close come on right here oh I don't have | 641.76 | 5.48 |
any stamina right here I do go go no | 644.639 | 4.361 |
knock down come on that's all right just | 647.24 | 4.92 |
stab we got him we got him [ __ ] that guy | 649.0 | 4.92 |
[ __ ] that guy I mean I'm just saying we | 652.16 | 3.52 |
got what did I just throw what did I | 653.92 | 3.719 |
throw I don't know did you get the parts | 655.68 | 3.92 |
NAB it NAB it that's mine give me my | 657.639 | 4.161 |
ramp reer give it give it me why can't I | 659.6 | 4.16 |
get this I don't know I don't know why I | 661.8 | 4.0 |
can't get it but the the WASP is right | 663.76 | 3.92 |
here God okay yeah should we oh and he's | 665.8 | 4.039 |
hitting the plants so that's good oh | 667.68 | 3.64 |
being dumb oh we should have take | 669.839 | 4.24 |
advantage or uh I got he up all right | 671.32 | 4.519 |
let's just run you got what you needed | 674.079 | 3.44 |
right yeah or do we need to kill more | 675.839 | 3.841 |
than one no I mean not necessarily | 677.519 | 4.361 |
obviously it' be great but okay maybe | 679.68 | 4.08 |
not okay okay bab me now I'm going to | 681.88 | 4.12 |
run home yeah yeah run home run it home | 683.76 | 4.199 |
run | 686.0 | 4.36 |
home | 687.959 | 5.68 |
oh yeah of course on the day I let Door | 690.36 | 6.719 |
bar my hammer look at this a treasure | 693.639 | 4.88 |
Trove of sour | 697.079 | 5.241 |
wormholes and I can't get him with this | 698.519 | 5.601 |
miserable Hammer all right fine I'll | 702.32 | 3.72 |
have to come back he wanted to borrow it | 704.12 | 3.8 |
in case he ran into Pine | 706.04 | 4.56 |
conbs hey let me uh hey you mind if I | 707.92 | 5.359 |
borrow your your uh hammer in case I run | 710.6 | 5.16 |
it oh | 713.279 | 2.481 |
look pine cone right here what oh you | 717.24 | 8.68 |
little bostard oh you mess with the | 722.72 | 5.04 |
wrong [ __ ] today | 725.92 | 3.719 |
baby | 727.76 | 6.439 |
oh oh there was two of you you cheeky | 729.639 | 6.081 |
bastard | 734.199 | 6.08 |
oh okay I got to lean too not far | 735.72 | 4.559 |
[Music] | 741.93 | 3.28 |
away | 747.88 | 9.359 |
[Music] | 750.35 | 6.889 |
door hey hey hey um D found a pine cold | 757.6 | 7.4 |
and you got the hammer oh [ __ ] you got | 762.279 | 5.0 |
[ __ ] P I mean it's it's near my body | 765.0 | 3.839 |
I put a lean to over there it's just you | 767.279 | 3.161 |
you got to go that way don't go home s | 768.839 | 3.961 |
if you want to come too okay I I'm going | 770.44 | 5.44 |
to goast I'll meet you guys there that's | 772.8 | 4.399 |
how that's awesome I think that's | 775.88 | 4.959 |
hilarious that is pretty cool | 777.199 | 3.64 |
[Music] | 781.12 | 3.129 |
ah hey ants ants ants everywhere need | 788.199 | 5.961 |
okay good oh good there you go [ __ ] them | 792.199 | 5.041 |
up here I'm going to need my shield oh | 794.16 | 5.52 |
God what was behind me all wow okay a | 797.24 | 4.92 |
lot that's what saying holy moly you | 799.68 | 5.32 |
guys Dr the whole damn ant every single | 802.16 | 7.28 |
one uh okay all right okay | 805.0 | 8.16 |
come on uhhuh uh-huh let's single you | 809.44 | 7.28 |
away here fireworker oh god oh no no my | 813.16 | 8.44 |
stamina y y y yep yep oh man man I am I | 816.72 | 6.32 |
am just [ __ ] in the bed at fighting in | 821.6 | 3.44 |
this game today well we didn't do the | 823.04 | 4.159 |
best e oh boy that really got me good | 825.04 | 4.039 |
[ __ ] got to retreat little bit all right | 827.199 | 4.401 |
yeah stick together stick together is | 829.079 | 4.601 |
that what we're supposed to do now uh | 831.6 | 3.84 |
yeah all right I'll ran one hand off | 833.68 | 3.48 |
come on come on get out take one of | 835.44 | 4.519 |
these [ __ ] | 837.16 | 6.64 |
I'm on the hot dog going I'm with you on | 839.959 | 6.281 |
these guys all right I'm with this guy | 843.8 | 5.24 |
here I got you too knocked him out not | 846.24 | 5.92 |
not yet but come on run run you're going | 849.04 | 5.159 |
to run going to come back oh yeah | 852.16 | 3.239 |
they're running they're running they | 854.199 | 4.681 |
know uh-huh you running yeah get dark | 855.399 | 5.12 |
there we go that's that teamwork I was | 858.88 | 3.48 |
after that makes the dream workor at | 860.519 | 5.841 |
time it do it do yeah he's down nice | 862.36 | 7.96 |
holy crap oh okay hey so yeah hey door | 866.36 | 6.599 |
follow me follow me okay okay okay right | 870.32 | 6.68 |
over there oh yeah look at that pine | 872.959 | 6.56 |
cone you ready we've been trying to find | 877.0 | 4.36 |
this for a | 879.519 | 5.401 |
while oh wow that's breaking apart nice | 881.36 | 5.8 |
oh we're getting a bunch oh I hope so | 884.92 | 5.88 |
what is all this oh | 887.16 | 6.88 |
yeah nice okay oh you know what I found | 890.8 | 4.88 |
a scanner on the way here so yeah follow | 894.04 | 3.64 |
me follow me okay | 895.68 | 5.0 |
okay | 897.68 | 3.0 |
oh yeah oh yeah yeah yeah oh yeah hey | 900.839 | 5.92 |
yeah let's deal with these ants first | 905.399 | 4.201 |
all right well I'm very very close to | 906.759 | 6.64 |
death oh wow oh God where did you come | 909.6 | 8.2 |
from Big Boy Hey wo hey hey hey we don't | 913.399 | 7.921 |
need any of that oh | 917.8 | 8.0 |
God it's okay no no no no no no no NOP | 921.32 | 7.639 |
running just leave me be can you in that | 925.8 | 5.719 |
P condora I really want to do it I'll | 928.959 | 4.841 |
hold off uh hold off the or the [ __ ] | 931.519 | 5.161 |
sper here we go here we go hey leave him | 933.8 | 4.959 |
alone he's scanning stuff yeah that's | 936.68 | 4.959 |
right you run there we go that's a large | 938.759 | 5.601 |
storage chest large plank pallet large | 941.639 | 6.0 |
stem pallet oh [ __ ] how you guys doing | 944.36 | 5.959 |
out there great I'm fighting ants not | 947.639 | 4.841 |
not doing too good wasp | 950.319 | 6.281 |
leg uh wasp leg wasp leg the leg of the | 952.48 | 8.0 |
WASP stuff wasp a wasp mou nice uh-huh | 956.6 | 7.799 |
let's get past that and then we got MOS | 960.48 | 5.44 |
shell | 964.399 | 5.0 |
um got it uh wasp aote we can make a | 965.92 | 7.479 |
wasp aote a bote like a like an antidote | 969.399 | 7.0 |
but but it's a was doe oh so like an | 973.399 | 6.721 |
antidote specifically for a was I guess | 976.399 | 5.0 |
you want to help me out with this uh | 980.12 | 3.36 |
[ __ ] wolf spatter yeah I'm killing | 981.399 | 4.12 |
this | 983.48 | 6.0 |
uh I can help May | 985.519 | 7.841 |
ah [ __ ] okay coming for you I'm sorry | 989.48 | 5.08 |
keep me covered door keep me covered | 993.36 | 3.56 |
keep me covered come on baby all right | 994.56 | 4.12 |
we're running | 996.92 | 5.0 |
home and boom up let's get let's get out | 998.68 | 5.8 |
of here let's get out of | 1001.92 | 6.0 |
here we found | 1004.48 | 3.44 |
[Music] | 1008.96 | 3.179 |
PES all right and this couple pinec cone | 1012.68 | 6.8 |
pieces little bit of set bam hey it | 1016.0 | 5.56 |
looks cool it I mean it does it kind of | 1019.48 | 5.88 |
looks more like a treasure case or | 1021.56 | 6.479 |
whatever you'd call that right man and | 1025.36 | 4.88 |
there is a ton of storage in there oh is | 1028.039 | 3.361 |
there yeah I guess we could use these | 1030.24 | 2.799 |
for more bug parts cuz we like we got | 1031.4 | 4.08 |
like three bug chest in there I I was | 1033.039 | 5.241 |
just their fault man right | 1035.48 | 5.4 |
okay listen now you know that we've had | 1038.28 | 5.36 |
the issue with the bags right yeah we | 1040.88 | 4.559 |
were see them nees and I were looking | 1043.64 | 4.319 |
for them and yeah get some they're all | 1045.439 | 5.48 |
over the place but we can I I heard that | 1047.959 | 4.72 |
we can go into like I don't know the | 1050.919 | 3.561 |
menus like you should be able to go in | 1052.679 | 3.681 |
there and like turn them on and off | 1054.48 | 5.199 |
right like uh oh okay in game repair I | 1056.36 | 6.559 |
found a recover backpacks yes that so be | 1059.679 | 4.761 |
uh yeah get your eye on a backpack and | 1062.919 | 2.681 |
see what happens when I click this | 1064.44 | 5.2 |
button you ready uh sure and boom this | 1065.6 | 5.84 |
will return all player backpacks to the | 1069.64 | 3.919 |
starting Ravine use this if your | 1071.44 | 4.2 |
backpacks are not recoverable oh you | 1073.559 | 3.24 |
know what we should go to the kid case | 1075.64 | 4.6 |
and like uh watch this happen okay uh go | 1076.799 | 4.88 |
go for it I I'm going to watch right | 1080.24 | 2.799 |
here and watch him disappear in front of | 1081.679 | 4.321 |
me Simon you and me yeah let's go yeah | 1083.039 | 4.64 |
let's go let's go can't wait to see it | 1086.0 | 3.559 |
I'll just I'm going to grab a seat let's | 1087.679 | 3.12 |
see I guess the best way to get yeah | 1089.559 | 2.721 |
this way all | 1090.799 | 4.041 |
right and all the bags are just supposed | 1092.28 | 4.68 |
to show up in I have no idea how this | 1094.84 | 3.8 |
works but it says it'll it'll respawn at | 1096.96 | 4.16 |
the Ravine which I assume is a kid case | 1098.64 | 6.8 |
all right all right Simon in a | 1101.12 | 4.32 |
pond ah now we got to swim there that's | 1107.32 | 10.0 |
fun you see that uh-huh that was | 1112.52 | 5.68 |
[Applause] | 1117.32 | 2.64 |
[Music] | 1118.2 | 5.8 |
fun okay so this is I believe where we | 1119.96 | 8.44 |
started Simon Okay and the Ravine when I | 1124.0 | 6.28 |
think of a ravine I mean it's a body of | 1128.4 | 3.68 |
water right should be this right here | 1130.28 | 3.72 |
yeah this is it you remember this I | 1132.08 | 3.719 |
remember this but I thought a ravine was | 1134.0 | 3.96 |
a body of water no I thought Ravine I | 1135.799 | 3.401 |
thought it was just just a crack like | 1137.96 | 3.36 |
this oh yeah think you're thinking of a | 1139.2 | 5.16 |
river no no no no I was thinking of a I | 1141.32 | 5.04 |
thought a ravine was a body of water and | 1144.36 | 6.559 |
a crack anyway go on okay well uh take a | 1146.36 | 7.4 |
look at it I'm going to hit game repair | 1150.919 | 5.801 |
recover backpacks this can only be run | 1153.76 | 5.279 |
once per load of a save okay I'm doing | 1156.72 | 4.56 |
it | 1159.039 | 5.081 |
and holy cow they all just dropped right | 1161.28 | 5.8 |
here all of | 1164.12 | 2.96 |
them | 1167.24 | 4.36 |
neat what what's in these things that | 1169.0 | 5.44 |
one's yours this is dor that's Simons | 1171.6 | 5.68 |
Simons Doris | 1174.44 | 5.56 |
Simons uh Simons this one Simons all | 1177.28 | 5.759 |
right so so far healthy mix of abro | 1180.0 | 6.28 |
let's see oh boy see man I'm I should | 1183.039 | 4.76 |
have dumped all my stuff before we came | 1186.28 | 4.24 |
out here oh damn this is awesome though | 1187.799 | 4.24 |
but we can come back to this we can get | 1190.52 | 3.32 |
this stuff later if we want to right I | 1192.039 | 3.64 |
mean yeah what's your inventory like can | 1193.84 | 4.48 |
you can you call it now I mean it's full | 1195.679 | 4.48 |
full I F Well I filled it up because I | 1198.32 | 4.2 |
just picked up stuff man I wonder like I | 1200.159 | 3.921 |
don't need like I mean honestly there's | 1202.52 | 3.44 |
stuff I could dump like I spoiled meat I | 1204.08 | 4.719 |
don't need what can I get rid of what | 1205.96 | 4.24 |
can I get oh man there's nothing I want | 1208.799 | 3.161 |
to get rid of it's Al so good I'm | 1210.2 | 3.64 |
getting rid of plant fiber oh wait you | 1211.96 | 4.0 |
know what I can get rid of that get rid | 1213.84 | 4.839 |
of that get okay so yeah I I want these | 1215.96 | 4.839 |
ant heads that might fuzz that might | 1218.679 | 4.401 |
fuzz is that's like finding gold yeah I | 1220.799 | 4.441 |
mean like Billy H Billy hog bites who | 1223.08 | 5.12 |
gives a [ __ ] right uh I don't yeah | 1225.24 | 4.72 |
probably good I can I can I can hear | 1228.2 | 3.4 |
chat yelling at us now you need to keep | 1229.96 | 3.64 |
those belly hog bites you really need to | 1231.6 | 4.28 |
like get peets fine I got peets in other | 1233.6 | 5.199 |
places you know red ant Parts who car oh | 1235.88 | 4.12 |
is that red ants that's red ant | 1238.799 | 3.281 |
mandibles I'll cap that over the parts | 1240.0 | 3.72 |
well yeah this is awesome and we'll have | 1242.08 | 3.44 |
to tell listen we'll we'll tell nees | 1243.72 | 3.319 |
that we went and we got all the stuff | 1245.52 | 3.399 |
ourselves we took it upon ourselves to | 1247.039 | 4.281 |
do all this yeah I like that and uh | 1248.919 | 5.041 |
he'll be so proud and we really didn't | 1251.32 | 4.08 |
have to work for it all I like that | 1253.96 | 4.8 |
that's a good idea all right good all | 1255.4 | 6.399 |
right shall we we shall all right we | 1258.76 | 4.6 |
still need to collect more parts did you | 1261.799 | 3.36 |
do this | 1263.36 | 4.52 |
yeah well look at | 1265.159 | 5.721 |
that | 1267.88 | 3.0 |
[Music] | 1271.82 | 18.219 |
wow | 1287.039 | 3.0 |
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The Game
You definitely should check it out
Man, I gotta tell you about this YouTube channel called Neebs Gaming. These guys are hilarious! They play all sorts of games, but the way they edit their videos makes it like you're watching a movie or a TV show. They add funny voices, sound effects, custom animations - it's so over the top and entertaining.
Like in this disgusting sword video, the way they zoom in on the gross details and add gagging sounds - it cracks me up! But they also do great storytelling in games like 7 Days to Die and their GTA series. You really get invested in their crazy characters. It feels like you're right there going on adventures with them.
And that's the thing about Neebs - their videos are the next best thing to actually playing the games yourself. Maybe even better, since they edit out all the boring parts and only keep the best moments. Their Subnautica series was so tense and dramatic at times, I was on the edge of my seat!
So if you're looking for gaming videos that are truly cinematic experiences, Neebs Gaming is the way to go. Their channel is like watching a gaming TV show, with recurring characters, ongoing stories, and non-stop entertainment. And they upload tons of content all the time, so you'll never run out. Whether you want laughs or adventure, Neebs has it all - they're the best gaming channel on YouTube, hands down. Check them out!