Termite Hunters!!! - Grounded
Neebs Gaming
neebs: Hey guys, welcome back to another hilarious episode of Termite Hunters! I mean, who doesn't love searching for termite parts, am I right?
simon: Oh yeah, termite parts are the best! Nothing like a good old termite hunt to get the adrenaline pumping.
appsro: I gotta say, this video is definitely my favorite. I mean, who knew termite hunting could be so thrilling and entertaining?
neebs: Absolutely! And let's not forget the joy of finding those precious termite parts. It's like a treasure hunt, but with bugs!

This video comes straight from the Neebs Gaming YouTube channel.
Hey there fellow fans of Neebs Gaming! Have you seen the latest video where they're on the hunt for some Termite parts? If not, you definitely need to check it out. The team knows exactly where to find them and it's going to be an epic adventure, I can just feel it!
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Caption | Start | Duration |
okay all right | 0.56 | 6.52 |
that's right oh look it hurts doesn't it | 4.04 | 5.5 |
oh don't you mess up my sticks that's my | 7.08 | 4.99 |
sticks man | 9.54 | 14.18 |
[Music] | 12.07 | 15.129 |
all right all hands on deck for this one | 23.72 | 6.479 |
termites | 27.199 | 3.0 |
wow okay okay thanks good good talk guys | 30.26 | 6.28 |
I tell you man you are in a really | 33.84 | 4.559 |
special kind of mood I'm kind of a | 36.54 | 3.6 |
termite expert I'm not in a special mood | 38.399 | 3.241 |
like every day Simon what are you all | 40.14 | 3.36 |
about Hey listen I'm sorry I didn't | 41.64 | 3.36 |
realize that I couldn't say anything to | 43.5 | 3.12 |
you without you immediately pointing it | 45.0 | 4.68 |
back at me oh now you realize no that's | 46.62 | 5.459 |
okay it's listen I'm I'm totally cool | 49.68 | 3.539 |
with it yeah are you gonna be in your | 52.079 | 2.701 |
special mood today I mean I get it | 53.219 | 3.601 |
you're a girl so am I we'll see that's | 54.78 | 4.68 |
that's insulting women women are | 56.82 | 4.98 |
probably better than you and me yeah | 59.46 | 4.339 |
you're not wrong about that all right so | 61.8 | 4.319 |
anyways yeah we're hunting termites you | 63.799 | 3.701 |
ready | 66.119 | 5.401 |
um no man why because I don't like how | 67.5 | 6.0 |
my hot bars are right now okay well we | 71.52 | 3.0 |
can wait for you all right everybody | 73.5 | 2.4 |
wait for Neighbors got to get his stuff | 74.52 | 3.779 |
together yep I would really love to have | 75.9 | 4.62 |
the shield what is going on | 78.299 | 5.341 |
hey I made a broodmother BLT by the way | 80.52 | 6.0 |
oh man it's just that giant spider yeah | 83.64 | 4.619 |
we can do that too it's sitting in the | 86.52 | 3.3 |
oven just when we need it let's take a | 88.259 | 3.54 |
look at it oh yeah there it is brewed | 89.82 | 3.42 |
mother BLT that's a nasty looking | 91.799 | 3.081 |
sandwich yeah | 93.24 | 4.62 |
bait no brood mother can resist not for | 94.88 | 5.62 |
human consumption good to know don't eat | 97.86 | 5.82 |
it salmon okay stick it in here with the | 100.5 | 5.96 |
odd ingredients box | 103.68 | 2.78 |
you done names there we go | 106.86 | 6.78 |
so I can boom boom boom got it when | 109.939 | 5.261 |
weapons are ready let's get some | 113.64 | 2.939 |
termites all right we're termite hunt | 115.2 | 2.76 |
let's go | 116.579 | 3.771 |
let's do it which way this way yeah | 117.96 | 7.33 |
[Music] | 120.35 | 4.94 |
side of this is termite country | 130.02 | 4.02 |
right for sure okay oh there's a little | 131.64 | 5.22 |
green beetle he's still he's shiny whoa | 134.04 | 5.18 |
he's fast | 136.86 | 5.519 |
did you peep it uh no I didn't peep it I | 139.22 | 5.019 |
should have peeped it hey uh next | 142.379 | 3.301 |
time one of a season try to hit it with | 144.239 | 3.181 |
an arrow because it is fun good call | 145.68 | 3.54 |
good call okay what are these termites | 147.42 | 4.5 |
uh these termites are over here hope | 149.22 | 6.239 |
this uh yeah be real careful here yep | 151.92 | 5.64 |
they're up against this back kind of | 155.459 | 3.901 |
wall issue yeah yeah I think there's a | 157.56 | 4.98 |
wood shed back here oh yeah perfect for | 159.36 | 5.099 |
termites huh yeah exactly they love it | 162.54 | 3.24 |
back here they just they can't get | 164.459 | 4.201 |
enough of them yeah yeah this is | 165.78 | 6.239 |
definitely a wood pile yeah yeah let's | 168.66 | 5.52 |
see has anyone peeped a termite yet I | 172.019 | 4.741 |
don't think I have all right let me see | 174.18 | 4.74 |
it's got to be one around here somewhere | 176.76 | 4.74 |
oh you know it oh I see one let's see | 178.92 | 6.06 |
yep oh yeah yeah yeah termite Soldier | 181.5 | 5.58 |
hates stabbing and salty things all | 184.98 | 4.5 |
right perfect I love the stab uh Yep | 187.08 | 5.54 |
this is a termite Soldier | 189.48 | 3.14 |
[Music] | 219.88 | 3.159 |
[Music] | 246.88 | 3.08 |
lightning things | 250.04 | 4.839 |
all right all right I need to get out | 252.68 | 5.2 |
for a second that one's almost done all | 254.879 | 4.621 |
right hold on stay away from me right | 257.88 | 3.06 |
here he's low all right I'm with you | 259.5 | 3.72 |
yeah all right grab the parts I got him | 260.94 | 4.819 |
okay oh let's try to get another one | 263.22 | 5.82 |
for each other right uh yes oh God yes | 265.759 | 5.261 |
we can be careful yep I'm just coming | 269.04 | 3.36 |
here stabbing like a crazy person Simon | 271.02 | 3.42 |
so did I stab you well you didn't seem | 272.4 | 4.28 |
to care | 274.44 | 2.24 |
okay | 279.32 | 3.0 |
that's you just pointing that out is so | 282.68 | 7.26 |
stupid I know I like Fantasia | 285.6 | 4.34 |
hey delicious | 290.06 | 5.44 |
I'm not annoyed I'm actually smiling | 292.46 | 5.44 |
sweet good keep that up there you go oh | 295.5 | 4.979 |
this one's almost dead yep come on come | 297.9 | 5.42 |
on come on yeah that was down okay | 300.479 | 5.581 |
anyone want to back up this guy over | 303.32 | 4.54 |
here I got a butt over here you can be | 306.06 | 4.4 |
poking yeah | 307.86 | 2.6 |
[Music] | 317.65 | 3.18 |
all right oh no leaves I need help hang | 320.9 | 5.38 |
out there we go we got him thank you I | 324.18 | 5.16 |
got you all right now nice get the larva | 326.28 | 4.94 |
Parts take a drink | 329.34 | 4.68 |
take advantage I'm gonna be stabbing | 331.22 | 5.199 |
things now yeah all right we got one | 334.02 | 4.08 |
more termite here we get him but I think | 336.419 | 3.78 |
we can go back let's do it let's do it | 338.1 | 4.28 |
baby | 340.199 | 2.181 |
boys | 343.259 | 3.0 |
okay yes all right I think we've uh | 355.94 | 6.099 |
we've been Victorious against yeah wait | 359.52 | 4.5 |
there's a there's a science center near | 362.039 | 4.621 |
here I got it on my radar oh which way | 364.02 | 4.36 |
is it this way | 366.66 | 4.08 |
[Music] | 368.38 | 7.18 |
oh there it is right below us oh | 370.74 | 7.62 |
nice weird all right I do have something | 375.56 | 6.28 |
I can scan scan is not termite Chompers | 378.36 | 6.559 |
here we go are we gonna learn from you | 381.84 | 5.699 |
wow man just sold your Mountain a | 384.919 | 5.081 |
stuffed termite thing ah all right but | 387.539 | 4.141 |
now hey I do think we have enough to | 390.0 | 3.539 |
make the termite ax here let me give you | 391.68 | 4.38 |
this one piece okay just so I don't you | 393.539 | 4.28 |
know that's the only one I had | 396.06 | 4.44 |
termite Parts all right so the termite | 397.819 | 4.541 |
axis what we needed we got what we | 400.5 | 3.96 |
needed yeah I guess so man look we can | 402.36 | 4.619 |
actually go into that termite hole I | 404.46 | 4.679 |
mean that'd be awful yeah we're not | 406.979 | 3.421 |
gonna go in there until we have good | 409.139 | 3.12 |
axes though yeah and all the other good | 410.4 | 4.2 |
stuff oh man I wonder man it looks like | 412.259 | 4.38 |
we can get on top of that log it does | 414.6 | 4.86 |
that whole log pile have you yeah you're | 416.639 | 4.981 |
one of those tiger mosquito things like | 419.46 | 3.9 |
they don't like poking so we should use | 421.62 | 4.32 |
those tiger mosquitoes well we need rust | 423.36 | 4.08 |
for that yeah maybe if we can make the | 425.94 | 3.539 |
ax and then the um the hammer maybe we | 427.44 | 4.08 |
can Harvest rust I don't know yes yes | 429.479 | 4.44 |
rust that seems like it would be the | 431.52 | 5.64 |
logical play then we'll do it that way | 433.919 | 4.861 |
all right yeah let's get back to face | 437.16 | 2.96 |
damn it | 438.78 | 4.02 |
what'd you do I didn't hit the | 440.12 | 4.9 |
freaking tab button and I fell and hurt | 442.8 | 5.1 |
myself hmm now I'm over here all right | 445.02 | 5.519 |
let me get to you I'll see you in a | 447.9 | 4.799 |
minute yup you can get over here there | 450.539 | 4.261 |
you go I'm right here oh hey this is | 452.699 | 5.72 |
something a little clump | 454.8 | 3.619 |
oh but we need that okay yeah we gotta | 459.74 | 3.94 |
go make that action yeah we're finding | 462.24 | 2.82 |
so much stuff out here like yeah let's | 463.68 | 4.94 |
focus make the X yeah | 465.06 | 3.56 |
[Music] | 469.7 | 4.069 |
right we gotta get this place all | 476.16 | 5.22 |
ziplined so I'm thinking this one goes | 478.5 | 5.639 |
here we do a little crisscross this way | 481.38 | 5.159 |
I'm wondering if I could get on that big | 484.139 | 5.481 |
tripod thing out there | 486.539 | 7.021 |
all right I got a plan Let's see we do | 489.62 | 6.94 |
this call on the net there he is hey | 493.56 | 6.479 |
buddy can you get on there and grab | 496.56 | 5.94 |
some of these things | 500.039 | 5.34 |
all right here we go and let's head to | 502.5 | 7.139 |
that tripod oh yeah this will be great | 505.379 | 7.02 |
gotta go all the way to the sandbox | 509.639 | 6.061 |
yes sir all right let's see | 512.399 | 4.861 |
if I can get these wheat stems over | 515.7 | 4.8 |
there easily actually pretty quick all | 517.26 | 4.199 |
right let's | 520.5 | 4.56 |
just drop these off right here right the | 521.459 | 5.0 |
bottom and | 525.06 | 4.92 |
boom boom boom boom boom boom there we | 526.459 | 3.751 |
go | 529.98 | 3.479 |
[Music] | 530.21 | 6.309 |
over here is uh needs the person let's | 533.459 | 5.121 |
do it | 536.519 | 3.861 |
[Music] | 538.58 | 5.379 |
ah nut sacks and chicken grease huh what | 540.38 | 7.0 |
we need Crow feathers no is there there | 543.959 | 5.221 |
might there might be some at the | 547.38 | 4.1 |
original base | 549.18 | 5.04 |
we only need two I'll be right back all | 551.48 | 5.62 |
right Dora's gonna go check so do we | 554.22 | 5.58 |
just uh like I don't remember finding | 557.1 | 5.28 |
running across feathers well the best | 559.8 | 4.86 |
thing to do is find the crow I know and | 562.38 | 5.04 |
and uh isn't it usually at a certain | 564.66 | 5.16 |
place uh it bounces all over the place I | 567.42 | 3.539 |
know I've seen it on top of the bird | 569.82 | 2.82 |
bath I've seen it on top of the big | 570.959 | 4.801 |
lasers out there all right so yeah God | 572.64 | 4.379 |
we just got to keep an eye out for that | 575.76 | 3.36 |
Crow and grab his feathers and they just | 577.019 | 3.721 |
fall off periodically as long as we're | 579.12 | 3.659 |
hanging around yeah I mean usually under | 580.74 | 3.9 |
the crow I mean you can find them out in | 582.779 | 4.381 |
the yard and places but yeah best best | 584.64 | 4.92 |
case scenario is we find that Crow we | 587.16 | 3.66 |
Harvest this feather I mean best case | 589.56 | 3.54 |
scenario is Dora's gonna find some back | 590.82 | 8.3 |
at the old all right and found Daddy | 593.1 | 6.02 |
make something that tried to make | 599.16 | 3.48 |
something that includes a feather and | 601.019 | 3.781 |
then you'll see if you have any over | 602.64 | 7.5 |
there oh oh yeah to what Simon said yeah | 604.8 | 7.92 |
oh to what I said that made sense to you | 610.14 | 4.62 |
right that's okay I got you yeah try to | 612.72 | 3.66 |
make something to see if it's there and | 614.76 | 3.0 |
then yeah because that's what I did and | 616.38 | 2.579 |
I was like oh you need a feather for | 617.76 | 2.699 |
that it looks like there's a feather | 618.959 | 3.961 |
here okay so have you found FedEx | 620.459 | 7.261 |
yes there's 11 available 11. I said one | 622.92 | 7.02 |
or eleven I knew it was one of them all | 627.72 | 3.54 |
right bring it back baby bring it back | 629.94 | 4.98 |
uh-huh uh-huh | 631.26 | 3.66 |
[Music] | 635.99 | 7.349 |
a bad moment of truth | 647.579 | 6.0 |
and yep ladies and gentlemen one termite | 649.579 | 6.421 |
ax | 653.579 | 2.421 |
that looks like a nice ax man we gotta | 664.339 | 5.081 |
go get so much uh yeah well yeah we | 667.26 | 3.06 |
gotta get | 669.42 | 3.84 |
whoa let's focus pupil leather okay so | 670.32 | 5.28 |
yeah we can at least make the hammer I | 673.26 | 3.78 |
mean eventually we all want the ax we | 675.6 | 2.76 |
all want the hammer yeah let's get that | 677.04 | 3.0 |
lint while we're over there too okay | 678.36 | 3.539 |
yeah pupil leather and lint you want to | 680.04 | 3.06 |
go in the morning it's a little dark | 681.899 | 2.94 |
right now yeah probably and then I don't | 683.1 | 3.66 |
know where rust is but damn I want rust | 684.839 | 3.841 |
all right yeah we'll uh yeah we'll do | 686.76 | 5.4 |
all that in the morning sleep | 688.68 | 3.48 |
come on he's trying to build a zipline | 695.16 | 5.7 |
thing okay you know what I don't know if | 698.1 | 4.2 |
you want to do this I've gotten a lot | 700.86 | 3.419 |
stronger since we first met yep you | 702.3 | 4.82 |
gonna do it okay all right | 704.279 | 6.18 |
come on that's right oh look it hurts | 707.12 | 4.899 |
doesn't it oh don't you mess with my | 710.459 | 3.351 |
sticks those are my sticks man | 712.019 | 7.341 |
[Music] | 713.81 | 7.93 |
I don't know if you heard no mercy for | 719.36 | 3.7 |
babies | 721.74 | 2.88 |
okay back it up back it up back it up | 723.06 | 3.32 |
back it up | 724.62 | 5.24 |
oh you see that trick that's new | 726.38 | 8.019 |
come on okay that's it coming in come in | 729.86 | 7.539 |
hot oh boy oh boy that's hurt I got hurt | 734.399 | 6.801 |
bad there oh there's another one | 737.399 | 3.801 |
I'll be back for you | 747.959 | 11.181 |
[Music] | 749.57 | 9.57 |
oh I think it's a good morning for some | 759.26 | 4.98 |
pupil leather | 762.36 | 4.919 |
let's see it was over here yeah all | 764.24 | 4.899 |
right I see him already oh yeah they're | 767.279 | 4.921 |
all dingleberries dangling oh man we do | 769.139 | 5.221 |
have a ladybird over here always there's | 772.2 | 4.199 |
like three up here I'm gonna try to be | 774.36 | 4.86 |
sneaky wait that's not a isn't that just | 776.399 | 5.641 |
a later bug no no that's a lady bird | 779.22 | 5.22 |
we've seen way too many of those as of | 782.04 | 5.88 |
late leave me alone leave me alone leave | 784.44 | 7.079 |
me alone yeah they're not oh God no it's | 787.92 | 4.979 |
changed oh yeah all right change the | 791.519 | 2.82 |
radio all right let's try it again all | 792.899 | 2.641 |
right change of plans we're gonna try to | 794.339 | 3.3 |
do this quick all right I can distract | 795.54 | 5.58 |
this one maybe because I'm super fast | 797.639 | 5.581 |
wasn't there some pupil leather up here | 801.12 | 3.719 |
somewhere oh wait I think I see it up | 803.22 | 5.76 |
here uh no no it's not damn can we knock | 804.839 | 5.701 |
can we knock the ones up there yeah | 808.98 | 3.9 |
knock them off and then you can oh you | 810.54 | 3.66 |
can knock them off okay well then | 812.88 | 2.88 |
let's do that knock them and then chop | 814.2 | 3.54 |
them knock and chop I don't know where | 815.76 | 4.44 |
that lady bird bug bird went all right | 817.74 | 4.26 |
so that's it huh yeah where'd you go | 820.2 | 4.079 |
I was just distracting this ladybug | 822.0 | 3.899 |
bird all right we need you back here to | 824.279 | 4.221 |
do it yeah I'm with you oh there we go | 825.899 | 7.221 |
Simon distract that ladybird all right | 828.5 | 4.62 |
didn't follow me didn't follow me no | 837.139 | 6.461 |
it's been stuck on me all right why me | 840.12 | 6.18 |
all right there yeah lure it away Simon | 843.6 | 4.58 |
um | 846.3 | 4.159 |
what was that | 848.18 | 4.26 |
way | 850.459 | 4.601 |
I'm right next to you all right let's | 852.44 | 4.32 |
start knocking | 855.06 | 4.079 |
aren't you the crossbow guy oh yeah | 856.76 | 3.9 |
crossbows | 859.139 | 3.601 |
that'll do it | 860.66 | 4.96 |
yes nice all right all right uh let me | 862.74 | 4.41 |
get one it's gonna make him mad | 865.62 | 3.24 |
[Music] | 867.15 | 4.95 |
yeah is this that's it it's oh wait this | 868.86 | 5.76 |
is Pupa hide oh can we make it into | 872.1 | 5.22 |
leather God I hope so on the on the on | 874.62 | 3.92 |
the machine | 877.32 | 3.8 |
there you go | 878.54 | 4.96 |
I can't get to him these ladybirds are | 881.12 | 4.839 |
sulking about like all right | 883.5 | 4.44 |
got two there there we go right they | 885.959 | 3.661 |
seem to be looking at me can you reach | 887.94 | 3.12 |
me up here I don't think they can reach | 889.62 | 4.88 |
me where I'm at okay three | 891.06 | 3.44 |
I swear ready uh I mean we're here let's | 895.62 | 4.32 |
knock it all right it's already knocked | 898.019 | 4.081 |
oh I see it his Ham's a ladybird right | 899.94 | 4.579 |
on top of it | 902.1 | 5.22 |
I know I see it thank you hit the | 904.519 | 4.841 |
ladybirds be having your back and it | 907.32 | 4.44 |
does not care that I'm shooting it no no | 909.36 | 4.38 |
it wants me it sees me it thinks I'm | 911.76 | 4.68 |
cute I get it oh boy | 913.74 | 4.8 |
oh it's coming up to me now okay I'm | 916.44 | 4.339 |
Gonna Knock you welcome | 918.54 | 5.159 |
we got it okay I think we got it all | 920.779 | 4.24 |
right you want to go check out that uh | 923.699 | 3.0 |
that lint that'd be cool if we did we're | 925.019 | 3.541 |
here all right everyone made over by the | 926.699 | 3.981 |
Light | 928.56 | 2.12 |
I'm back where's your friend just one of | 931.44 | 4.98 |
you sure you want to do that okay | 933.48 | 6.539 |
is that it okay oh yeah oh yeah I'm | 936.42 | 6.0 |
gonna do it in my progress sir okay what | 940.019 | 7.401 |
you got huh come on yep there you go | 942.42 | 8.659 |
come on all right | 947.42 | 3.659 |
get out of here it's dangerous okay | 951.5 | 6.579 |
boom boom all right bring it bring it | 954.68 | 7.42 |
down oh we got more okay I got more too | 958.079 | 6.5 |
boom boom boom baby | 962.1 | 8.039 |
that's right okay this is how it is yeah | 964.579 | 7.721 |
I'd like to have like a spiral staircase | 970.139 | 3.421 |
kind of a thing | 972.3 | 3.3 |
I can put it like right | 973.56 | 4.079 |
maybe I'll just go like right here and | 975.6 | 5.52 |
go up like that it's probably a horrible | 977.639 | 5.7 |
idea but that's what I'm doing | 981.12 | 4.38 |
let's get started though sometimes I | 983.339 | 3.421 |
better just get it started and get it | 985.5 | 2.82 |
right | 986.76 | 4.56 |
foreign | 988.32 | 3.0 |
guys check this out what you got this uh | 993.24 | 6.719 |
a burr weed we can chop these now too oh | 996.36 | 6.719 |
yeah let's see hey they're tough all | 999.959 | 5.421 |
right what do we get out of this | 1003.079 | 4.341 |
timber timber | 1005.38 | 5.199 |
they all went down oh spiky Birds yeah | 1007.42 | 5.02 |
you're supposed to make traps and | 1010.579 | 3.241 |
it's a shame they all fell down people | 1012.44 | 3.42 |
oh they didn't because look right here | 1013.82 | 4.62 |
whoop oh there you go don't you | 1015.86 | 4.62 |
fall down I just picked those up I was | 1018.44 | 3.959 |
that was probably very silly of me to do | 1020.48 | 3.839 |
yeah all right no that's fine just go in | 1022.399 | 3.361 |
and put them in here but now let's try | 1024.319 | 5.701 |
this yeah lint plump oh how many one two | 1025.76 | 6.6 |
three I picked up one we got like four | 1030.02 | 4.26 |
or five yeah okay let's go scan this | 1032.36 | 3.599 |
stuff since we're right here by this uh | 1034.28 | 4.44 |
lot this log you know they say lint is | 1035.959 | 4.201 |
supposed to be really good if you stick | 1038.72 | 3.719 |
like lint inside of a like toilet paper | 1040.16 | 3.6 |
roll it's supposed to be really good | 1042.439 | 3.421 |
like fire starter oh I use lint for uh | 1043.76 | 3.9 |
fire kindling all the time there you go | 1045.86 | 4.02 |
I don't think I've ever used it but I've | 1047.66 | 3.78 |
always heard it's good let's see yeah | 1049.88 | 5.0 |
yep right below us Science Center | 1051.44 | 7.2 |
here we go if we scan the lit oh we got | 1054.88 | 5.679 |
a couple things to scan first the pupa | 1058.64 | 6.36 |
hide oh which is gonna give us hey hey | 1060.559 | 7.62 |
pupil leather perfect and then now the | 1065.0 | 5.7 |
lint come on Big Money big money big | 1068.179 | 3.481 |
money | 1070.7 | 5.599 |
uh-huh lint rope oh perfect | 1071.66 | 8.16 |
all right all right well okay termites I | 1076.299 | 7.601 |
want to get more you but um God brush | 1079.82 | 6.78 |
for now yeah oh yeah the rust yeah but I | 1083.9 | 4.139 |
just don't know where it is I don't know | 1086.6 | 4.819 |
where it is either hmm | 1088.039 | 3.38 |
hey look what | 1093.52 | 5.68 |
splinters oh | 1096.02 | 4.58 |
oh | 1099.2 | 3.96 |
scan those wooden splinters gave that | 1100.6 | 5.22 |
door up scanning | 1103.16 | 6.32 |
Splinter Arrow | 1105.82 | 3.66 |
all right we need more axes we need more | 1110.86 | 5.439 |
Splitters oh this is awesome yeah we're | 1113.48 | 5.579 |
leveling up boys we need rust we need | 1116.299 | 6.361 |
rust rust your pretty face wow | 1119.059 | 8.36 |
oh I jumped very far that scared me | 1122.66 | 4.759 |
you nut | 1127.84 | 6.24 |
[Music] | 1130.44 | 8.119 |
okay and boom boom we're gonna oh there | 1134.08 | 5.26 |
you go | 1138.559 | 3.901 |
you're doing great Nat keep it up | 1139.34 | 4.92 |
each floor we gotta get as high as we | 1142.46 | 2.64 |
can | 1144.26 | 3.6 |
man can you see it up there the other | 1145.1 | 4.939 |
base I'll come up in a second | 1147.86 | 4.8 |
just grab the grass | 1150.039 | 4.081 |
uh-huh | 1152.66 | 4.62 |
all right what a great worker you got | 1154.12 | 7.02 |
good work ethic net I love it | 1157.28 | 3.86 |
climb up there together | 1162.38 | 5.76 |
there it is perfect we're going high | 1164.299 | 5.641 |
baby this could be like Grand Central | 1168.14 | 4.14 |
Station right here in the middle | 1169.94 | 4.2 |
all right you know what what's that I'm | 1172.28 | 4.62 |
being attacked oh boy I'm gonna go up | 1174.14 | 3.72 |
here right in the middle of building | 1176.9 | 2.34 |
stuff all right you know what we're | 1177.86 | 3.179 |
gonna bring it out here don't fight on | 1179.24 | 3.6 |
the platform | 1181.039 | 5.281 |
don't fight on the platform okay | 1182.84 | 4.92 |
thank you | 1186.32 | 3.599 |
guys | 1187.76 | 5.58 |
I eat things like you for breakfast yum | 1189.919 | 5.88 |
yum yum | 1193.34 | 4.62 |
okay let's take a look we're gonna go up | 1195.799 | 4.561 |
here this is a mess it's a work in | 1197.96 | 6.719 |
progress don't judge it yet oh yeah | 1200.36 | 5.699 |
quick | 1204.679 | 3.601 |
all right this I can't go any further | 1206.059 | 3.601 |
than this right now oh I should have | 1208.28 | 2.82 |
brought some grass with me | 1209.66 | 3.96 |
so we peep here | 1211.1 | 5.939 |
and I know I live by the tree can I see | 1213.62 | 5.46 |
the base | 1217.039 | 3.961 |
might not be high enough yet | 1219.08 | 4.56 |
I think we're right behind that can | 1221.0 | 6.35 |
well net back to it | 1223.64 | 5.36 |
[Music] | 1227.35 | 6.09 |
all right all right all right all right | 1229.0 | 4.44 |
yep we got it yeah yeah Black Ox Hammer | 1234.4 | 7.72 |
oh oh excuse myself sorry Goodbye old | 1239.0 | 6.9 |
stupid Hammer yeah hello delicious New | 1242.12 | 6.179 |
Black Ox Hammer come on what do you look | 1245.9 | 4.44 |
that's what it looks like you got a | 1248.299 | 6.12 |
cloth do you have a claw oh | 1250.34 | 4.079 |
interesting that there it looks like a | 1255.039 | 6.52 |
molar almost like yeah well this yeah | 1258.62 | 5.16 |
this thing ought to kick some butt all | 1261.559 | 4.081 |
right so with this we know that we can | 1263.78 | 4.38 |
go up top to where uh we can open the | 1265.64 | 5.039 |
watch yep Tully's watching maybe we can | 1268.16 | 4.98 |
figure out where Captain Tully is uh-huh | 1270.679 | 4.74 |
I like that can you can you can you hold | 1273.14 | 4.5 |
it over your head and shake it like your | 1275.419 | 2.861 |
door | 1277.64 | 3.84 |
[Music] | 1278.28 | 3.2 |
easy easy | 1290.32 | 3.719 |
you guys cool yep sure totally cool | 1297.22 | 5.28 |
[Music] | 1303.92 | 10.379 |
thank you | 1315.34 | 3.719 |
[Music] | 1320.89 | 4.199 |
Supporting the crew is a no-brainer! Go buy some merch!

If anyone has any fan art they would like to submit, a post idea or promotional content for the crew just reach out and let me know! This is community supported so feel free to get involved if you love Neebs Gaming half as much as I do!

The Game
You definitely should check it out
Neebs Gaming has done it again with their cinematic 7 Days to Die series! I've been eagerly following along with each new episode, feeling like I'm right there scavenging and surviving alongside the crew.
The way they blend storytelling and humor into the gameplay makes for such an engaging watch. Even though I've never actually played 7 Days myself, I feel like I'm getting the full experience through their videos.
The top-notch editing and sound design also help pull me into their post-apocalyptic world. When a sudden zombie attack happens, I get legitimately startled! Their added sound effects and music ratchet up the tension perfectly.
And I just have to mention the base building. Seeing their impressive fortress take shape throughout the series, going from a small shack to a sprawling concrete structure, has been super satisfying. The amount of time and creativity they put into it really shines through.
Overall, Neebs Gaming's 7 Days series is the absolute best way to experience the game without actually playing it. Their commentary and cinematic style bring so much extra life to the gameplay. I'd highly recommend that anyone looking for a fun, immersive watch check out their 7 Days videos. It's some of their best content yet!