Raiding With Rockets Gone Wrong!!! - RUST PVP
Neebs Gaming
neebs: Hey guys, welcome back to another epic Rust PVP video! Today, we're talking about Raiding With Rockets Gone Wrong!!!
simon: Oh man, that video was hilarious! I mean, who knew rockets could backfire like that? Classic Rust chaos!
appsro: I still can't believe we thought those rockets were gonna be our ticket to victory. But hey, at least it made for some great content, right?
neebs: Absolutely! And don't forget to check out the Neebs Socks in the description. Perfect for keeping your feet warm during those intense Rust battles!

This video comes straight from the Neebs Gaming YouTube channel.
Hey there fellow Neebs Gaming fans! Have you seen the latest video where the teams are going head to head with an upgraded arsenal? It's an epic showdown that you definitely don't want to miss. From intense battles to hilarious moments, this video has it all!
And let's talk about those Neebs socks - aren't they just the coolest? If you want to show off your Neebs pride, be sure to check them out on the Freaker USA website. I don't know about you, but I definitely need to get my hands (or should I say feet?) on a pair of those.
As always, the Neebs crew is playing on Survival Servers, which always adds an extra layer of excitement to their gameplay. And don't forget to subscribe to their channel so you never miss out on any of the action. Plus, if you want to show your support, you can become a Patreon member and get access to some awesome perks.
I love how Neebs Gaming is always interacting with their fans on social media. Whether it's Facebook, TikTok, Twitter, or their website, there are so many ways to stay connected with the Neebs community. And if you're looking for more Neebs content, be sure to check out their playlists for cartoons, 7 Days to Die, Scrap Mechanic, Minecraft, GTA V, and Subnautica. There's always something new and exciting to watch!

Caption | Start | Duration |
neve's gaming 2021 socks are now | 0.32 | 3.04 |
available | 2.24 | 5.4 |
links in the description box baby | 3.36 | 4.28 |
[Music] | 8.34 | 33.61 |
yeah | 44.16 | 4.0 |
what i got at level two workbench now | 45.92 | 4.319 |
which we can make all the good stuff | 48.16 | 4.48 |
already right now pretty good stuff bam | 50.239 | 4.8 |
but wouldn't a level three | 52.64 | 5.04 |
better yeah but okay we can make mines | 55.039 | 5.36 |
and rocket launchers now oh | 57.68 | 4.559 |
yeah like don't even don't even start | 60.399 | 3.601 |
with me how are you did you die what | 62.239 | 2.721 |
happened | 64.0 | 4.56 |
i did die okay i did die i i i went | 64.96 | 4.479 |
ham | 68.56 | 3.52 |
as they said oh what the what what what | 69.439 | 6.401 |
what uh oh it's like uh our what our | 72.08 | 6.079 |
base deteriorated maybe i'm going up top | 75.84 | 3.599 |
side mate i've just said i'm going top | 78.159 | 3.681 |
side too hold on | 79.439 | 5.601 |
i'm looking sure your face is coward | 81.84 | 4.8 |
you know what let's go up that way i | 85.04 | 3.36 |
like going out of the house up top yeah | 86.64 | 3.68 |
no that's the best way to do it isn't it | 88.4 | 4.8 |
anything nope | 90.32 | 2.88 |
oh they're shooting at us are they yeah | 93.439 | 4.081 |
okay we gotta watch out watch out okay | 95.439 | 3.36 |
coming in | 97.52 | 3.599 |
a bunch | 98.799 | 2.32 |
i know i can't hit them oh wait you got | 102.72 | 3.92 |
a shot there's a couple of boars over | 105.04 | 3.52 |
there oh yeah i see what i'm saying | 106.64 | 3.2 |
oh yeah | 108.56 | 3.68 |
you got me hey | 109.84 | 4.88 |
yeah i see you peeking nick thick what | 112.24 | 3.839 |
are you doing man | 114.72 | 3.999 |
i see them peeking oh god we've got to | 116.079 | 4.961 |
focus dude we're focusing you don't | 118.719 | 4.561 |
worry you're down okay it's true but i | 121.04 | 4.56 |
didn't tell you to start [ __ ] well i'm | 123.28 | 3.839 |
start [ __ ] | 125.6 | 4.159 |
well yeah i see you peeking | 127.119 | 4.48 |
hey you're wasting bullets and we're not | 129.759 | 3.601 |
gonna get the bullets because you can't | 131.599 | 4.561 |
hit [ __ ] hey you shut up you can't hit | 133.36 | 5.2 |
[ __ ] either oh no i hit you i know i | 136.16 | 5.84 |
can't shoot you boy myself | 138.56 | 3.44 |
yeah | 145.44 | 3.04 |
i'm gonna quit wasting bullets now i | 146.319 | 3.521 |
wonder if he has a scope knee because i | 148.48 | 3.039 |
am bleeding he got me oh yeah he might | 149.84 | 3.28 |
have a skill yeah you know what i got | 151.519 | 3.521 |
some cloth though i can get i can make a | 153.12 | 3.759 |
couple of those what you call them what | 155.04 | 4.4 |
you call them yeah bandages crap crap | 156.879 | 4.0 |
should make a couple anyway so i'm going | 159.44 | 3.2 |
to cover your sign up you know because | 160.879 | 2.881 |
uh | 162.64 | 3.04 |
i want to do is that backwards i don't | 163.76 | 3.119 |
know if it's backwards or not but look i | 165.68 | 3.12 |
want more more layers i'll get you i'll | 166.879 | 3.201 |
get | 168.8 | 2.88 |
so yeah i'm going to be uh upgrading | 170.08 | 4.159 |
this here there we go i got to stop the | 171.68 | 4.639 |
bleeding there we go there we go easy | 174.239 | 4.0 |
peasy yep all right so what else do we | 176.319 | 3.28 |
want to accomplish today we have a | 178.239 | 4.321 |
workbench now so uh we're crafting some | 179.599 | 6.161 |
materials yep just uh hey my my first | 182.56 | 4.56 |
thing is let's make sure this they can't | 185.76 | 3.04 |
breach the walls of this thing right oh | 187.12 | 3.28 |
yeah go for it all right you'll be on | 188.8 | 2.96 |
that i'll see what else i can get | 190.4 | 4.16 |
crapping okay | 191.76 | 4.96 |
okay here we go take that | 194.56 | 4.8 |
yeah yeah i know i don't know i know but | 196.72 | 4.4 |
all i need i don't have uh i've got | 199.36 | 4.48 |
enough gun powder but i need one metal | 201.12 | 5.199 |
pipe to make one rocket and i tell you | 203.84 | 4.88 |
what what a statement we'd make yeah at | 206.319 | 4.48 |
the end and tell you what we'll wait for | 208.72 | 4.96 |
night time and you strike them and i'll | 210.799 | 5.601 |
put like uh landmines down on their | 213.68 | 4.8 |
property there we go i'm gonna go get | 216.4 | 4.32 |
you some pipe give me some pipe dude | 218.48 | 4.24 |
give me that pipe as many pipes as you | 220.72 | 4.96 |
can get but don't take too long | 222.72 | 6.079 |
i'll miss you oh | 225.68 | 3.119 |
[Music] | 230.18 | 3.339 |
it's a mixing table huh yeah no we can | 231.68 | 3.04 |
get a mixing table we can make a [ __ ] | 233.519 | 3.201 |
ton of gunpowder okay well let's craft | 234.72 | 4.239 |
them but listen my biggest worry is | 236.72 | 4.56 |
these outside walls aren't | 238.959 | 5.2 |
secure enough okay and i can't build a | 241.28 | 4.239 |
platform here so i'm wondering if we | 244.159 | 2.881 |
should it's gonna be tight but we should | 245.519 | 3.44 |
put a wall here and here and a second | 247.04 | 3.68 |
door oh wow | 248.959 | 3.28 |
that is gonna be tight but if they blow | 250.72 | 2.799 |
this door and just come in and take out | 252.239 | 2.72 |
everything we worked for no i get it | 253.519 | 3.44 |
yeah we don't want that to happen and i | 254.959 | 4.24 |
can't lay yeah i can't build out because | 256.959 | 4.4 |
of this hill right now | 259.199 | 3.761 |
okay yeah man | 261.359 | 2.481 |
god | 262.96 | 2.08 |
should have picked a better location | 263.84 | 2.24 |
what do they got going over there is | 265.04 | 3.12 |
that a furnace kind of yeah i don't know | 266.08 | 3.6 |
probably stuff thick found running | 268.16 | 3.68 |
around yeah god they got big walls and | 269.68 | 3.28 |
everything that place looks so much | 271.84 | 4.4 |
better than ours yep it does | 272.96 | 3.28 |
what's taking these a lot but i want to | 276.479 | 4.961 |
get a lot well i just i can only make | 278.88 | 4.96 |
three you know can only right now i | 281.44 | 3.68 |
guess i didn't tell you that but i just | 283.84 | 3.2 |
found that i could make three ah but | 285.12 | 4.4 |
that's a really good start like three | 287.04 | 5.04 |
that says we've got a hundred oh yeah | 289.52 | 3.84 |
okay | 292.08 | 2.8 |
hopefully they don't hear me banging on | 293.36 | 3.68 |
metal yeah | 294.88 | 3.759 |
three meter pipe i'll see you in a | 297.04 | 4.64 |
second all right | 298.639 | 3.041 |
all right so i've built this little | 301.919 | 4.56 |
inlet thing here uh oh yeah okay uh | 303.52 | 4.56 |
there's a metal door here don't you need | 306.479 | 3.761 |
to make a lock i made a lock okay but | 308.08 | 3.839 |
this is a metal door it's the only i | 310.24 | 2.799 |
think it's a wood lock in the middle | 311.919 | 2.881 |
door i don't know how to do another lock | 313.039 | 3.681 |
how do i lock this door | 314.8 | 3.36 |
oh god can you just pick it up i just | 316.72 | 4.24 |
picked it up yep okay so oh there we go | 318.16 | 4.4 |
god now it opens this way we don't want | 320.96 | 3.28 |
it opening that way do we wait well i | 322.56 | 2.639 |
don't know if this block's gonna work | 324.24 | 3.679 |
anyway more options nope man it's | 325.199 | 4.401 |
probably the wrong block it's the wrong | 327.919 | 3.681 |
rock i bet okay wrong type of all right | 329.6 | 3.599 |
we need to move this door | 331.6 | 2.96 |
how did i pick up the first time i swear | 333.199 | 3.201 |
to god i think it's gonna be open oh you | 334.56 | 3.44 |
gotta open it and then you can pick it | 336.4 | 4.239 |
up oh good deal all right yeah let's put | 338.0 | 4.56 |
it on this side yeah that makes much | 340.639 | 3.601 |
more sense i don't see any more locks | 342.56 | 3.44 |
well that's not opening the same damn | 344.24 | 3.76 |
way l-o-c-k | 346.0 | 3.52 |
okay hold on | 348.0 | 4.16 |
code lock it's electric there we go man | 349.52 | 4.16 |
i can't be doing electric stuff right | 352.16 | 2.96 |
now well okay well you did the metal | 353.68 | 4.239 |
door well but we have a battery or | 355.12 | 4.96 |
something of oh okay so you can't use | 357.919 | 3.84 |
the normal locks on the metal door you | 360.08 | 3.36 |
have to use the electrical i have no | 361.759 | 3.121 |
idea okay | 363.44 | 2.4 |
i thought there would just be like a | 364.88 | 3.039 |
regular lock like a key lock yeah you | 365.84 | 3.84 |
would think i mean boom we made the door | 367.919 | 4.241 |
at the lock um yeah i don't know what to | 369.68 | 4.079 |
do now uh i thought about making some | 372.16 | 3.44 |
landmines and just like sneaking over | 373.759 | 3.44 |
there at night and putting land mines | 375.6 | 3.12 |
all over their house hey that works | 377.199 | 3.28 |
because i've also got a uh timed | 378.72 | 3.759 |
explosive charge oh | 380.479 | 3.361 |
so wait that's something we could put on | 382.479 | 3.361 |
the side of their house right yeah just | 383.84 | 3.919 |
stick it yeah yeah that's how we get | 385.84 | 3.52 |
their attention we put the land mines | 387.759 | 4.961 |
out then we blow a charge yeah yeah and | 389.36 | 5.2 |
we don't take anything no no no we're | 392.72 | 3.36 |
just we're just [ __ ] with them | 394.56 | 3.52 |
we do it nude | 396.08 | 5.04 |
okay i'll get naked for that | 398.08 | 3.04 |
drops drop strap straps | 403.44 | 6.4 |
i really hope think sees the drops | 405.759 | 4.081 |
come on oh that's a bluebee what are you | 413.52 | 4.48 |
doing up here [ __ ] | 416.0 | 6.08 |
what are bluebees up here for | 418.0 | 6.88 |
can i get off of you | 422.08 | 4.64 |
oh boy who's shooting me | 424.88 | 3.439 |
was someone shooting me | 426.72 | 2.96 |
oh my god | 428.319 | 3.361 |
i freaking okay | 429.68 | 3.68 |
oh that's a lot of scrap | 431.68 | 4.48 |
oh my god i can't help whisper oh god um | 433.36 | 4.64 |
take this nope nope | 436.16 | 3.039 |
nope nope | 438.0 | 4.319 |
you can't no oh | 439.199 | 3.12 |
[Music] | 444.2 | 3.08 |
[ __ ] | 445.44 | 4.96 |
oh boy | 447.28 | 5.12 |
okay one down | 450.4 | 3.68 |
where's this other [ __ ] | 452.4 | 3.359 |
did i get him | 454.08 | 3.839 |
oh no where were you where are you | 455.759 | 4.56 |
alice i hear you oh my god | 457.919 | 5.961 |
they are on me | 460.319 | 3.561 |
oh boy | 464.879 | 5.521 |
okay yeah yeah be safe about it be safe | 466.319 | 4.081 |
i'm gonna circle around doraleous | 471.199 | 5.601 |
oh i'm bleeding man i gotta this is oh | 474.319 | 4.72 |
god i'm down thick i didn't do with a | 476.8 | 5.2 |
bandage in time i'm gonna come around | 479.039 | 5.28 |
okay try to loot up i'm up by that well | 482.0 | 4.96 |
yep i'm wounded you could uh you could | 484.319 | 5.121 |
help me not be uh not die oh i see a | 486.96 | 3.359 |
horse | 489.44 | 2.8 |
white horse yeah i'm by the horse i'm by | 490.319 | 4.401 |
the horse i'm around the mountain | 492.24 | 4.399 |
i see another blue guy | 494.72 | 4.08 |
okay | 496.639 | 2.161 |
oh | 500.0 | 3.28 |
it's going well | 501.199 | 3.361 |
got him | 503.28 | 3.52 |
thank goodness | 504.56 | 3.68 |
okay i don't i don't know how much time | 506.8 | 3.519 |
i have buddy all right i'm i'm coming | 508.24 | 3.519 |
yeah i wish you yeah yeah yeah please | 510.319 | 2.72 |
come on | 511.759 | 3.84 |
oh boy oh boy i hear that got like nine | 513.039 | 6.12 |
bullets left right | 515.599 | 3.56 |
all right at least he's got me some | 520.8 | 5.039 |
some more ammo here | 522.8 | 3.039 |
[ __ ] | 526.72 | 4.559 |
huh i see a drop okay okay it looks like | 527.6 | 5.12 |
it's on top of that mountain though i | 531.279 | 2.721 |
think we got enough clothes on should we | 532.72 | 2.96 |
try it yeah yeah i got enough clothes on | 534.0 | 3.279 |
for sure yeah can we get down this way | 535.68 | 3.12 |
let's just go straight forward let's do | 537.279 | 2.881 |
it let's do it we might be the first | 538.8 | 3.599 |
ones to see it uh maybe i know thick | 540.16 | 4.08 |
he's probably cheating flying around | 542.399 | 4.0 |
looking for him man this might be a | 544.24 | 3.92 |
piece of cake hopefully hopefully we'll | 546.399 | 3.361 |
find the level two workbench oh in the | 548.16 | 5.04 |
drive and a ton of scrap a scrap yeah | 549.76 | 5.04 |
oh i see it turn around turn around | 553.2 | 4.0 |
right here oh [ __ ] all right thank you | 554.8 | 3.92 |
yeah i was just grabbing stuff in case | 557.2 | 3.759 |
there was still a hairy situation all | 558.72 | 3.6 |
right we've got a big night ahead of us | 560.959 | 3.921 |
we should we should head on back hey did | 562.32 | 4.72 |
i have that i realized this stuff uh | 564.88 | 5.92 |
yeah i did um i have flares so we could | 567.04 | 5.84 |
light up their house and they could they | 570.8 | 6.0 |
could not even see us that gives | 572.88 | 5.519 |
they'll probably see us they'll probably | 576.8 | 3.92 |
see no not if the player not if we're a | 578.399 | 4.801 |
good distance away okay let's well let's | 580.72 | 4.799 |
uh let's go home and we'll uh let's go | 583.2 | 4.48 |
home all right | 585.519 | 3.44 |
don't be anybody there watch out for | 587.68 | 4.719 |
scientists too yep i'm keeping an eye | 588.959 | 5.201 |
we might have lucked out man all right | 592.399 | 4.081 |
go for it okay you watching me yep i am | 594.16 | 4.48 |
watching you i'm clear | 596.48 | 3.2 |
don't forget to turn around every now | 598.64 | 3.439 |
and then yep no um yeah i'm just gonna | 599.68 | 4.0 |
keep moving and stay on the horse and uh | 602.079 | 3.601 |
yeah just be a guard you can see me | 603.68 | 4.0 |
right i can see you yes sir okay i'm | 605.68 | 4.08 |
moving into the first one oh it's a oh | 607.68 | 3.36 |
that's not that good it's a shirt and | 609.76 | 2.8 |
some electronic parts that's some more | 611.04 | 3.6 |
[ __ ] okay uh where's my horse are | 612.56 | 3.44 |
you going for that one uh no i'm not | 614.64 | 2.72 |
going for it but i'm getting where i can | 616.0 | 3.04 |
see it and see you okay i'm gonna grab | 617.36 | 3.84 |
my horse come on moving in all right | 619.04 | 4.0 |
come on baby that last one doesn't mean | 621.2 | 3.199 |
it was looted already maybe because | 623.04 | 3.28 |
there was just crap in it there's a good | 624.399 | 3.281 |
chance damn it yeah there's a good | 626.32 | 2.48 |
chance that they were here and they got | 627.68 | 3.44 |
it already yeah well there's a helmet | 628.8 | 4.0 |
and some pants oh hey that's up bad | 631.12 | 3.279 |
pants are better than mine yep i bet | 632.8 | 4.56 |
they were here damn it oh boy okay they | 634.399 | 4.56 |
could have set up a nice trap for us | 637.36 | 3.039 |
yeah what's wrong with him that's what | 638.959 | 3.44 |
we do next time next time there's a drop | 640.399 | 4.0 |
we put traps down gotcha all right tell | 642.399 | 3.361 |
you what let's get follow me let's get | 644.399 | 2.88 |
back down to the road joke's on you i | 645.76 | 4.92 |
got a new helmet | 647.279 | 3.401 |
[Music] | 652.52 | 9.8 |
dress | 660.959 | 3.281 |
uh i got killed by wolf trailers where | 662.32 | 3.84 |
where are you at | 664.24 | 3.68 |
to your left oh is that you yeah with | 666.16 | 2.88 |
the | 667.92 | 3.2 |
oh you're fine then what do you mean no | 669.04 | 5.039 |
no i died i'm looking at oh oh to come | 671.12 | 5.2 |
down and escort you yeah yeah yeah i | 674.079 | 4.561 |
need an escort i thought a male escort | 676.32 | 3.519 |
what were you doing over here it's | 678.64 | 3.6 |
toward their base i i was i was coming | 679.839 | 5.281 |
back up god you are okay | 682.24 | 5.44 |
vic what are you doing man we're in the | 685.12 | 3.68 |
night now | 687.68 | 2.88 |
you're a child there's a wolf there's a | 688.8 | 2.96 |
wolf | 690.56 | 3.44 |
and we're making all this noise dude i | 691.76 | 5.36 |
needed that i can't see it now [ __ ] i | 694.0 | 6.8 |
don't know where he is he hate me | 697.12 | 7.68 |
you're [ __ ] up the whole plan dude | 700.8 | 4.0 |
you hear that gunfire neebs | 705.2 | 2.879 |
uh-huh | 706.88 | 3.84 |
oops got a wolf on you oh [ __ ] crap i | 708.079 | 4.56 |
can't i can't see him hold on all right | 710.72 | 4.0 |
yeah oh god yeah god damn it he's | 712.639 | 3.44 |
nipping at me he's nipping at me can you | 714.72 | 3.2 |
pull out a light what's that | 716.079 | 4.871 |
oh crap are you serious | 717.92 | 4.479 |
[Music] | 720.95 | 3.85 |
okay you've got your uh | 722.399 | 4.401 |
all right let's do this all right all | 724.8 | 3.76 |
right we gotta go wide right wide right | 726.8 | 4.32 |
wrap around here all right wide right | 728.56 | 4.399 |
wrap it around reach around can you see | 731.12 | 5.44 |
my silhouette ah kind of okay yeah yeah | 732.959 | 4.961 |
just give me the direction that you're | 736.56 | 2.8 |
going number okay | 737.92 | 4.4 |
looks like 70. yeah i'm going 170. i'm | 739.36 | 5.84 |
going 170 going just straight and hoping | 742.32 | 4.079 |
it works | 745.2 | 3.6 |
jumping yeah okay there's simon's place | 746.399 | 4.081 |
that is simon's place i broke up the | 748.8 | 4.159 |
left of it okay and now i'm back on now | 750.48 | 6.159 |
i'm back on 170. let's see | 752.959 | 3.68 |
oh now he's on me | 757.279 | 5.041 |
neebs yeah he's the wolf's on me now | 759.6 | 4.16 |
get off the horse and shoot his head | 762.32 | 2.72 |
yeah [ __ ] i'm not gonna be able to see | 763.76 | 4.0 |
him i can't see a thing see that was a | 765.04 | 4.0 |
bad idea | 767.76 | 5.12 |
crap okay damn it and no wolves no | 769.04 | 6.56 |
wolves right and here where is it where | 772.88 | 4.56 |
is it where's the stuff | 775.6 | 4.479 |
see the horse | 777.44 | 2.639 |
oh man come on let's go get my that's | 783.279 | 5.441 |
right i don't have my keys crap | 786.399 | 4.081 |
i'm stuck in here aren't i | 788.72 | 4.64 |
i am freaking stuck in here | 790.48 | 4.24 |
i can | 793.36 | 3.039 |
yep the only one i can open is the one | 794.72 | 2.88 |
that i built | 796.399 | 3.041 |
guess i'm just here | 797.6 | 4.239 |
i'm just here all right i'll just guard | 799.44 | 4.079 |
the place | 801.839 | 3.44 |
i'm locked in here | 803.519 | 4.401 |
uh all right well now you should be all | 805.279 | 4.321 |
right you're good uh just eating | 807.92 | 3.28 |
mushrooms here in the dark eating you | 809.6 | 3.12 |
wanna go get your stuff yeah all right | 811.2 | 3.36 |
cut the horse right out here okay i'm | 812.72 | 3.919 |
just well i'll just walk i guess uh all | 814.56 | 4.0 |
right we'll just start walking hey hey | 816.639 | 3.041 |
grab the other horse if you're out there | 818.56 | 3.04 |
i brought back the uh the black and | 819.68 | 3.599 |
white one okay brown one's still out | 821.6 | 3.28 |
there okay | 823.279 | 4.401 |
so yeah you gotta wait yeah i have a key | 824.88 | 4.8 |
oh wait you need a key um no my keys are | 827.68 | 3.68 |
on my body oh wait so | 829.68 | 3.2 |
okay and i got this key all right go | 831.36 | 3.36 |
yeah go to your body are you inside okay | 832.88 | 3.44 |
yeah i'm inside i'm good lock everything | 834.72 | 3.28 |
up i'm doing it i'm doing it okay all | 836.32 | 4.48 |
right good | 838.0 | 2.8 |
i hate how much i lost | 841.36 | 4.159 |
everything | 843.92 | 4.32 |
oh no that's uh is that the sun i see | 845.519 | 4.32 |
that what is that that is the sun oh | 848.24 | 5.599 |
[ __ ] better i went so far past thick so | 849.839 | 5.281 |
far past | 853.839 | 4.24 |
[ __ ] okay we gotta do this we went way | 855.12 | 4.56 |
too far it was my bad | 858.079 | 3.521 |
i should have routed a plan and you know | 859.68 | 5.839 |
oh i yep i see i see i see you see me | 861.6 | 5.28 |
should i have a rocket launcher yeah | 865.519 | 3.041 |
should i be launcher ready yeah of | 866.88 | 2.8 |
course | 868.56 | 4.079 |
oh i they oh they see us what they gotta | 869.68 | 5.44 |
see us do you see them outside | 872.639 | 3.361 |
yeah | 875.12 | 2.079 |
oh what what | 876.0 | 4.399 |
what what oh god who's that | 877.199 | 5.521 |
i'm wrapping around right there sure | 880.399 | 3.361 |
where they at where they at where they | 882.72 | 3.52 |
at where they at where they at | 883.76 | 4.72 |
oh yeah that is a rocket launcher oh god | 886.24 | 4.08 |
damn right it's a rocket launcher | 888.48 | 3.599 |
oh and i don't have all my ammo all | 890.32 | 5.04 |
right well guess i'm just going hard | 892.079 | 5.681 |
hello hey guys neebs isn't here you | 895.36 | 3.839 |
might [ __ ] it off | 897.76 | 2.8 |
oh | 899.199 | 4.0 |
oh little sneaky chassis | 900.56 | 6.48 |
i will take that thank you very much | 903.199 | 5.601 |
oh that's on the sleeping bag yeah you | 907.04 | 3.039 |
know what i'll put | 908.8 | 4.399 |
i'll put two of these right here | 910.079 | 5.44 |
good morning | 913.199 | 4.161 |
you guys still out there | 915.519 | 3.041 |
nope | 917.36 | 4.8 |
we're we are not as a matter of fact | 918.56 | 6.56 |
well hey uh i i i'm here by myself we | 922.16 | 5.76 |
just got eaten by wolves okay so | 925.12 | 4.639 |
so you know i mean you can shoot at us | 927.92 | 3.039 |
but you're basically being a bully at | 929.759 | 2.161 |
this point | 930.959 | 3.68 |
right all right think what you're doing | 931.92 | 4.56 |
oh god oh | 934.639 | 4.691 |
doraleous | 936.48 | 11.75 |
[Laughter] | 939.33 | 8.9 |
this has really become a day man | 952.88 | 4.16 |
just been running around let's spend the | 955.759 | 3.601 |
whole day running around | 957.04 | 5.28 |
to my right and way over there crap | 959.36 | 4.8 |
is it like wolf day | 962.32 | 4.72 |
wolf day isn't it | 964.16 | 2.88 |
trellis yep | 967.12 | 4.32 |
where's | 970.16 | 3.28 |
did you do plan b | 971.44 | 4.079 |
not really | 973.44 | 3.28 |
huh | 975.519 | 3.281 |
i don't know what plan b was | 976.72 | 5.919 |
oh god i could use some help | 978.8 | 6.159 |
oh [ __ ] what the hell was that that was | 982.639 | 4.751 |
fun that rock was plan c vic | 984.959 | 5.44 |
[Music] | 987.39 | 5.809 |
got it oh damn what you guys doing up | 990.399 | 3.601 |
there | 993.199 | 3.44 |
nothing mind your business i am minding | 994.0 | 4.399 |
my business my business is you [ __ ] | 996.639 | 4.64 |
out there up to no good after can you | 998.399 | 4.56 |
can you leave a candy bar outside your | 1001.279 | 3.92 |
door maybe hell no | 1002.959 | 3.281 |
steak | 1005.199 | 2.88 |
some salad all right you guys hungry i | 1006.24 | 4.719 |
got a box full of food in here | 1008.079 | 4.32 |
oh yeah you need to eat some cooked pork | 1010.959 | 2.481 |
right now | 1012.399 | 3.121 |
you son of a [ __ ] i love cooked pork | 1013.44 | 4.16 |
[Music] | 1015.52 | 3.6 |
wow | 1017.6 | 3.12 |
that's nice i like that sound in the | 1019.12 | 3.839 |
morning | 1020.72 | 2.239 |
coming to get your stuff back i got it | 1024.559 | 4.0 |
oh i see you don't shoot me i will not | 1026.64 | 4.799 |
can and i would be such a good shot you | 1028.559 | 5.921 |
know what i mean i know i know | 1031.439 | 4.24 |
oh | 1034.48 | 4.319 |
oh that sounded rough man | 1035.679 | 4.64 |
yeah that kind of sucks this place | 1038.799 | 3.681 |
fortified like a [ __ ] i could do | 1040.319 | 3.631 |
this all day | 1042.48 | 3.439 |
[Music] | 1043.95 | 4.369 |
all right well we might just go home oh | 1045.919 | 6.241 |
man yeah you go on and scoot skew skew i | 1048.319 | 6.081 |
say you think neebs is at our house | 1052.16 | 3.84 |
hopefully hopefully he's doing something | 1054.4 | 2.88 |
worthwhile like right in your [ __ ] | 1056.0 | 2.48 |
base hey it's good to see you though | 1057.28 | 2.16 |
buddy | 1058.48 | 3.76 |
yep good times | 1059.44 | 2.8 |
oh thank goodness oh god there you are | 1063.52 | 5.2 |
oh man it has been | 1066.799 | 4.0 |
been a day no no hey they attacked while | 1068.72 | 3.92 |
you were gone oh really a rocket | 1070.799 | 3.12 |
launcher but man i tell you what this | 1072.64 | 3.68 |
place is built like a [ __ ] i guess | 1073.919 | 4.241 |
well stone house i told you man that's | 1076.32 | 3.2 |
why i wanted to build these uh these | 1078.16 | 3.2 |
little things yeah no that wasn't | 1079.52 | 3.519 |
working out real good i was just inside | 1081.36 | 2.559 |
like it would take a little bit of | 1083.039 | 2.561 |
damage pull the hammer out repair they | 1083.919 | 2.961 |
couldn't do [ __ ] everyone's wasting | 1085.6 | 3.36 |
their ammo that's wonderful i'm glad it | 1086.88 | 4.08 |
worked out oh god they're shooting at me | 1088.96 | 3.839 |
really [ __ ] i feel like he's got a | 1090.96 | 4.24 |
scope or something he probably yeah he's | 1092.799 | 3.841 |
the luckiest person when it comes to | 1095.2 | 3.359 |
looting well no he's just a loot goblin | 1096.64 | 3.44 |
he's a loot guy yeah i mean he just runs | 1098.559 | 3.441 |
out and loots but yeah i mean see that | 1100.08 | 4.08 |
that could be advantageous that could be | 1102.0 | 4.0 |
disadvantageous because i i wonder if | 1104.16 | 2.8 |
they're making the same amount of | 1106.0 | 2.32 |
materials we are because we're rocking | 1106.96 | 3.2 |
and rolling in here now yeah why is this | 1108.32 | 4.08 |
out oh is it out of wood | 1110.16 | 3.68 |
all right this needs more wood but yeah | 1112.4 | 2.96 |
we're making a ton of gunpowder ton of | 1113.84 | 4.16 |
sulfur ton of uh metal yeah yeah hey | 1115.36 | 4.8 |
tell you what i've got a shotgun with | 1118.0 | 3.52 |
one bullet that i found i don't care | 1120.16 | 2.96 |
about okay put it in the chest upstairs | 1121.52 | 3.039 |
no i'm gonna take all my clothes off and | 1123.12 | 2.64 |
go over there and just shoot them with | 1124.559 | 5.521 |
it oh yeah yeah go for it okay | 1125.76 | 4.32 |
thick | 1130.32 | 2.64 |
yeah what did we learn dude because i | 1131.12 | 3.6 |
learned a lot | 1132.96 | 4.4 |
i i learned a lot too those those rocks | 1134.72 | 4.959 |
didn't do [ __ ] yep and they have got | 1137.36 | 4.16 |
that place like crusted there's like an | 1139.679 | 3.441 |
extra crust on the outside i used two | 1141.52 | 4.8 |
pieces of c4 i picked up and uh it blew | 1143.12 | 4.559 |
the [ __ ] out of like if we got through | 1146.32 | 4.16 |
one more okay bottom line is their place | 1147.679 | 4.321 |
is tougher and you know that they're up | 1150.48 | 3.36 |
to stuff we're gonna get screwed if they | 1152.0 | 3.76 |
do decide to attack so it's like do we | 1153.84 | 4.0 |
have to just go extra offensive like | 1155.76 | 4.08 |
yeah we got it well yeah i think we | 1157.84 | 3.199 |
gotta | 1159.84 | 4.4 |
find our base a bit more | 1161.039 | 3.201 |
we got work to do and we got to do it | 1171.679 | 2.721 |
stat dude | 1173.2 | 3.359 |
sorry for shooting you by the way that's | 1174.4 | 6.08 |
okay i think i shot you too all right | 1176.559 | 3.921 |
let me check my [ __ ] | 1180.799 | 3.041 |
i wonder if they hit that behind | 1186.16 | 3.2 |
should we go check | 1189.919 | 3.441 |
no it's it's by their base someone's | 1191.28 | 3.6 |
here hey | 1193.36 | 4.96 |
oh i got one they're here | 1194.88 | 3.44 |
i can't believe it oh it's crazy | 1198.4 | 6.48 |
i'm riding baby i'm raiding are you | 1201.84 | 6.48 |
hating yeah i'm raiding | 1204.88 | 6.0 |
is this out completely out in it yep i'm | 1208.32 | 4.4 |
out yep hey buddy you're gonna get all | 1210.88 | 5.12 |
my good stuff no | 1212.72 | 3.28 |
hey at least you killed one good job | 1216.4 | 4.08 |
neebs | 1218.0 | 3.679 |
that was fun | 1220.48 | 3.679 |
that's me | 1221.679 | 2.48 |
do you have a scope nope i'm just a | 1224.559 | 3.681 |
great shot oh is that what it is yeah | 1226.4 | 3.519 |
watch the footage | 1228.24 | 5.48 |
oh he raided with | 1229.919 | 3.801 |
a bow and arrow | 1234.0 | 2.88 |
i love it | 1238.4 | 3.56 |
[Applause] | 1244.41 | 4.839 |
[Music] | 1249.31 | 3.78 |
[Applause] | 1252.05 | 7.54 |
[Music] | 1253.09 | 6.64 |
[Applause] | 1259.59 | 3.77 |
[Music] | 1259.73 | 5.71 |
you | 1263.36 | 2.08 |
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