Don't Open The Door!!! - RUST PVP
Neebs Gaming
neebs: Hey Appsro, have you seen that Rust PVP video titled 'Don't Open The Door!!!'? It's seriously the best video on our channel!
appsro: Oh yeah, Neebs! That video where we were hoping for a comeback? Classic! I mean, who wouldn't want to see us struggle and almost fail, right?
neebs: Exactly, Appsro! It's all about the drama and suspense. Plus, the tables turning? That's entertainment gold!
appsro: Totally! And let's not forget the hilarious moments in that video. I still can't stop laughing every time I watch it!

This video comes straight from the Neebs Gaming YouTube channel.
Oh my gosh, you guys! Have you seen the latest video from Neebs and Appsro on their YouTube channel? It looks like things are really heating up in their Rust gameplay, and they might just be making an epic comeback! I am on the edge of my seat watching them navigate through Survival Servers and taking on all kinds of challenges. If you haven't checked it out yet, you definitely need to give it a watch!
I love how Neebs and Appsro always bring their A-game to their videos. They are so entertaining to watch and you can tell they put a lot of effort into creating quality content for their fans. Plus, they always have the best banter and it's so fun to see them work together to overcome obstacles in the game. It's like watching two best friends on an epic adventure, and I am here for it!
And can we talk about how awesome it is that they are supported by their fans through Patreon? It's so cool to see the community come together to support content creators like Neebs Gaming. Plus, I love that they are powered by Xidax PCs - those machines are no joke! If you're looking for a Rust server of your own, definitely check out Survival Servers because if it's good enough for Neebs and Appsro, it's good enough for me! So excited to see what other adventures they get into in future videos. Neebs Gaming for the win!

Caption | Start | Duration |
[Music] | 0.16 | 3.92 |
this is sweet names i got all of | 2.48 | 4.56 |
doraleous junk i love it yeah this is a | 4.08 | 5.36 |
sweet rifle she had a scope on it that's | 7.04 | 3.76 |
crazy that's how he was pecking at me | 9.44 | 3.84 |
from a distance i bet good job man | 10.8 | 4.879 |
tables of turn kind of but not really | 13.28 | 3.6 |
yeah it's like we got some catching up | 15.679 | 3.6 |
to do still yeah we never get the drops | 16.88 | 3.68 |
that's our problem we never get the | 19.279 | 2.641 |
drops because we sit in the middle of a | 20.56 | 3.04 |
field on a horse we should yep i don't | 21.92 | 3.359 |
see any let's see we gotta i'm gonna go | 23.6 | 3.04 |
outside actually take a good look you | 25.279 | 3.76 |
have a horse | 26.64 | 4.24 |
do i i don't even know anymore okay i | 29.039 | 3.281 |
feel like we've stolen horses from each | 30.88 | 3.679 |
other so much yeah we need a garage or | 32.32 | 4.56 |
something don't we yeah yeah maybe a | 34.559 | 4.16 |
little stable now be careful they're | 36.88 | 4.48 |
over there i know they're over there | 38.719 | 5.84 |
i also got four land mines oh yeah yeah | 41.36 | 5.039 |
okay they try to like raid their base or | 44.559 | 3.201 |
something we put a bunch of mines right | 46.399 | 2.881 |
outside their door and then when they | 47.76 | 3.76 |
come out boom we go in i can get rid of | 49.28 | 3.68 |
all my good stuff and just go over there | 51.52 | 4.719 |
and stink out oh stake out why don't you | 52.96 | 5.84 |
take a land mine we got four take one | 56.239 | 4.32 |
why don't you get rid of all your stuff | 58.8 | 4.399 |
and go lay a trap okay wait i think the | 60.559 | 4.32 |
sun's going down too yeah you can do | 63.199 | 3.521 |
this in the dark yeah i got oh we got | 64.879 | 3.201 |
some night vision goggles too you want | 66.72 | 3.2 |
those no i don't want to lose them okay | 68.08 | 3.84 |
okay i understand okay i'm going okay | 69.92 | 4.66 |
good luck i'm gonna change | 71.92 | 38.64 |
[Music] | 74.58 | 37.98 |
it's a great day stolen horse because i | 110.56 | 3.839 |
feel like we stole you you know what i | 112.56 | 4.48 |
love doing more than anything | 114.399 | 5.441 |
that's right burning people so today i'm | 117.04 | 5.6 |
gonna make a flamethrower and i just | 119.84 | 5.599 |
need the materials to do it now | 122.64 | 4.96 |
let's see i lost a bunch of stuff i know | 125.439 | 4.32 |
doraleous lost some stuff too so i'm | 127.6 | 4.08 |
gonna try to try to get some stuff for | 129.759 | 2.881 |
him | 131.68 | 2.24 |
and me | 132.64 | 2.959 |
and him | 133.92 | 3.6 |
and me but yeah i'm looking forward to | 135.599 | 4.481 |
burning people and hopefully dora is | 137.52 | 5.6 |
working on some ammo because we are | 140.08 | 6.0 |
out of most ammo all right stolen horse | 143.12 | 5.28 |
yeah | 146.08 | 2.32 |
oh god i feel naked i feel naked and | 148.72 | 4.48 |
dumb | 152.239 | 2.881 |
oh i messed up big and i can't get over | 153.2 | 3.759 |
it i got to get over it i can't get over | 155.12 | 5.119 |
it god wish we had ammo all i've got is | 156.959 | 5.041 |
like the same bag of tricks made some | 160.239 | 3.521 |
more mines put those down and tell you | 162.0 | 4.319 |
what karma catching up to me | 163.76 | 5.119 |
bullying is [ __ ] | 166.319 | 6.321 |
and oh oh what's that all about | 168.879 | 6.241 |
what is that going on | 172.64 | 4.56 |
keep it down please | 175.12 | 3.759 |
busy | 177.2 | 4.56 |
you're having regret | 178.879 | 2.881 |
oh what's that [ __ ] i hear shooting | 182.8 | 4.719 |
maybe you make it ah there's not enough | 185.519 | 4.241 |
boxes to put stuff in make a new box | 187.519 | 4.481 |
just put it up here okay | 189.76 | 4.24 |
somebody's up in the woods i think | 192.0 | 4.959 |
oh yeah maybe | 194.0 | 4.56 |
oh yeah there's there's a horse one of | 196.959 | 4.081 |
them's coming back don't you have nvgs i | 198.56 | 5.599 |
do but they suck | 201.04 | 3.119 |
aurelius | 204.56 | 4.399 |
yeah yeah now that hey yeah | 206.0 | 6.08 |
being shot at by a scientist okay okay i | 208.959 | 5.2 |
i see one of those oh drop | 212.08 | 4.32 |
no i just was i see them | 214.159 | 4.481 |
back when i had my good weapon i could | 216.4 | 4.399 |
take a shot from here and hit him and | 218.64 | 4.319 |
now i can't okay all right where are you | 220.799 | 4.16 |
at i can't hear you by the workbench | 222.959 | 4.0 |
yeah yeah i'm hiding i'm staying out of | 224.959 | 3.681 |
the light because if they've got a long | 226.959 | 3.2 |
distance weapon they could pepper you | 228.64 | 3.36 |
but they're not good shots i think no no | 230.159 | 3.201 |
i think that might have been scientists | 232.0 | 3.12 |
hey uh in the light here i'm just going | 233.36 | 3.36 |
to put down one of these | 235.12 | 2.72 |
boom | 236.72 | 4.56 |
i think that make yep we're gonna win | 237.84 | 5.039 |
yeah oh | 241.28 | 2.64 |
where | 242.879 | 4.881 |
where's that plane gonna drop something | 243.92 | 6.879 |
drops peeps drops really yeah | 247.76 | 5.119 |
you got a horse uh no | 250.799 | 3.601 |
i thought you had a horse | 252.879 | 4.001 |
no i don't i don't think i do you found | 254.4 | 4.799 |
one by that scrap thingy where we were | 256.88 | 3.919 |
okay | 259.199 | 3.041 |
okay these night fishing goggles are | 260.799 | 3.84 |
awful absolutely awful | 262.24 | 3.36 |
i can't | 264.639 | 2.321 |
this is what they consider night vision | 265.6 | 3.039 |
you want my candle hat no i don't want | 266.96 | 2.88 |
your damn candle hat that's just gonna | 268.639 | 2.721 |
give me away okay | 269.84 | 3.52 |
oh god this is stupid i'm gonna lose all | 271.36 | 4.08 |
this [ __ ] good luck | 273.36 | 4.48 |
yeah i see the drops okay they're closer | 275.44 | 4.16 |
to them i bet yeah they're gonna get to | 277.84 | 3.2 |
it before we do this might be a perfect | 279.6 | 2.72 |
time to attack their base if we want to | 281.04 | 2.719 |
try well you want to come back inside | 282.32 | 4.08 |
and make a plan uh | 283.759 | 4.561 |
okay do we have time should we just go i | 286.4 | 2.64 |
mean what are you going to attack the | 288.32 | 2.24 |
base with we might need some of these i | 289.04 | 3.28 |
have a gun oh i thought you wanted to go | 290.56 | 3.28 |
naked and i go with a gun you'd be like | 292.32 | 2.879 |
you go in first and i'll be in behind | 293.84 | 2.88 |
you i can you you know i can spot the | 295.199 | 4.641 |
threats okay okay all right like we need | 296.72 | 5.039 |
some explosives though okay well then | 299.84 | 3.6 |
god get what you need it's been five | 301.759 | 3.44 |
minutes you're not naked yet | 303.44 | 3.36 |
yep because we didn't have a box this is | 305.199 | 3.681 |
why we lose you were so [ __ ] slow | 306.8 | 6.0 |
well i don't like you either | 308.88 | 6.0 |
are you doing it i went last time thick | 312.8 | 4.88 |
uh how do i put my my lights on my my | 314.88 | 3.92 |
night vision | 317.68 | 4.32 |
do you remember yeah yeah you should uh | 318.8 | 5.119 |
no but that's that's the reason why you | 322.0 | 3.759 |
should go this time for the drops | 323.919 | 5.441 |
okay let's see i gotta get fun | 325.759 | 4.961 |
stop falling you have night vision on | 329.36 | 3.6 |
you can see i know where to how do i how | 330.72 | 5.68 |
do i turn the light as night vision | 332.96 | 3.44 |
look across from us uh north 10 north | 336.72 | 5.199 |
10. i mean this is the you get it get it | 339.68 | 3.12 |
dick | 341.919 | 3.84 |
i get i get killed a lot in the uh | 342.8 | 5.04 |
in the dark nbg's | 345.759 | 3.121 |
you're right | 347.84 | 3.6 |
wish i could wish i could fire or wish i | 348.88 | 4.879 |
could put put them on and turn them on | 351.44 | 3.36 |
you can | 353.759 | 2.961 |
all right i'm going anyways | 354.8 | 4.0 |
i'll figure it out | 356.72 | 3.12 |
okay | 358.8 | 2.399 |
if | 359.84 | 3.44 |
it's | 361.199 | 3.641 |
have | 363.28 | 5.28 |
you all right i see you i can't see all | 364.84 | 4.84 |
right i'll close the door all right you | 368.56 | 2.96 |
got the door yeah | 369.68 | 4.239 |
okay all right right behind you | 371.52 | 4.0 |
no you need to you need to go first i | 373.919 | 4.161 |
need to look at your name | 375.52 | 4.399 |
follow your name no you know where that | 378.08 | 3.44 |
base is it's lit up over there i can't | 379.919 | 3.441 |
see the ground okay i can see the ground | 381.52 | 4.08 |
i'm in front of you go okay what you're | 383.36 | 4.32 |
saying makes no sense there's a pig in | 385.6 | 3.039 |
front of you | 387.68 | 3.2 |
see i can't see kill it | 388.639 | 4.0 |
did you kill it oh we're taking fire | 390.88 | 3.759 |
from the woods is that a scientist or a | 392.639 | 2.721 |
run | 394.639 | 3.761 |
back to bay back to base okay hold on | 395.36 | 5.279 |
yeah that's definitely a scientist | 398.4 | 3.76 |
this game hates us like every time we | 400.639 | 3.28 |
try to go out and do something it's pigs | 402.16 | 4.479 |
scientists jesus christ all right get | 403.919 | 4.321 |
naked and do a hail mary or something go | 406.639 | 4.241 |
for it okay | 408.24 | 2.64 |
okay | 411.759 | 3.201 |
got baddies everywhere | 412.88 | 3.68 |
oh | 414.96 | 2.4 |
this | 416.56 | 3.44 |
this night vision sucks | 417.36 | 6.16 |
oh it's the worst oh god there yeah | 420.0 | 5.28 |
this isn't gonna be good | 423.52 | 3.92 |
i'll have to sneak | 425.28 | 6.08 |
man this could this could go really | 427.44 | 5.199 |
come on | 431.36 | 3.6 |
come at me bro | 432.639 | 5.041 |
oh | 434.96 | 3.92 |
oh no | 437.68 | 3.68 |
two of them | 438.88 | 2.48 |
going apes | 445.039 | 2.72 |
yeah all right good luck | 446.24 | 3.359 |
i got my eye on you from a distance why | 447.759 | 5.601 |
are there pigs eggs pigs pigs no i | 449.599 | 5.921 |
don't see any pigs just hey if you're | 453.36 | 4.8 |
naked just run for it okay make it make | 455.52 | 4.32 |
at least noises possible what should i | 458.16 | 3.2 |
do when i get there | 459.84 | 3.6 |
did you grab a land mine yeah put a | 461.36 | 3.76 |
landmine in front of their door okay | 463.44 | 3.92 |
then wait okay | 465.12 | 3.68 |
you're doing great you're doing great i | 467.36 | 3.519 |
can't say anything i just run towards | 468.8 | 3.519 |
the base you're fine | 470.879 | 2.401 |
okay | 472.319 | 2.961 |
there's a scientist i think | 473.28 | 3.84 |
chasing you i'm getting shot at i know | 475.28 | 4.65 |
that's a scientist he's chasing you okay | 477.12 | 4.479 |
[Music] | 479.93 | 2.47 |
oh | 481.599 | 4.0 |
oh what is this what is going on here | 482.4 | 6.32 |
what is going on here | 485.599 | 4.401 |
spikes | 488.72 | 4.759 |
watch out for spikes | 490.0 | 3.479 |
oh i see you up there too | 502.72 | 4.64 |
it's not letting me lay it down | 505.36 | 3.92 |
what why i don't know | 507.36 | 4.239 |
oh really it's [ __ ] might be too | 509.28 | 4.639 |
close no that's [ __ ] | 511.599 | 5.961 |
whoa what's that | 513.919 | 3.641 |
the hell was that | 521.12 | 2.96 |
too dark way too dark oh yeah no [ __ ] | 524.32 | 3.519 |
it's way too dark can't see anything | 526.399 | 3.281 |
nice try though not really | 527.839 | 3.761 |
yeah so you couldn't put down the mine | 529.68 | 3.52 |
it was like red like it wouldn't place | 531.6 | 3.52 |
so yeah i don't know | 533.2 | 3.199 |
that's yeah i feel like they've been | 535.12 | 2.48 |
putting mines all over the front of our | 536.399 | 2.641 |
house yeah how come we can't do it to | 537.6 | 2.64 |
them it could have been the ground | 539.04 | 2.88 |
wasn't even or i don't know it was so | 540.24 | 3.2 |
dark anyway | 541.92 | 4.7 |
did the best i could | 543.44 | 5.77 |
[Applause] | 546.62 | 14.18 |
[Music] | 549.21 | 13.51 |
this could get hairy | 560.8 | 3.52 |
risk and reward | 562.72 | 2.88 |
here we go | 564.32 | 2.959 |
oh yeah | 565.6 | 3.2 |
h | 567.279 | 2.331 |
ah | 568.8 | 3.599 |
[Music] | 569.61 | 5.03 |
get rid of that there we go | 572.399 | 5.041 |
i might be able to get the next drop | 574.64 | 4.72 |
there's another horse | 577.44 | 4.32 |
this horse island oh i see | 579.36 | 4.08 |
see a bluey | 581.76 | 3.92 |
but does he see me | 583.44 | 4.95 |
and i hear a chicken | 585.68 | 5.9 |
[Music] | 588.39 | 3.19 |
where him at | 592.0 | 4.08 |
oh i think he's walking away from it | 593.92 | 3.68 |
here we go | 596.08 | 2.96 |
okay good | 597.6 | 2.88 |
getting out of here | 599.04 | 4.56 |
man i knew thicker 44 could do it | 600.48 | 5.039 |
all right | 603.6 | 5.919 |
hi-ho other stolen horse | 605.519 | 4.0 |
i think was looting the airdrop neebs oh | 610.48 | 3.599 |
yeah that's what it said okay so they're | 612.32 | 3.44 |
over there now oh you think doraleous is | 614.079 | 3.44 |
by himself i could try to hail mary i | 615.76 | 3.6 |
put the good gum gun up i got a shotgun | 617.519 | 4.32 |
can we go with you uh if you want to if | 619.36 | 4.4 |
we go together he's he's over there okay | 621.839 | 3.281 |
what we're gonna do we're gonna swing a | 623.76 | 2.72 |
different way than what we usually do | 625.12 | 4.36 |
okay | 626.48 | 3.0 |
[Music] | 634.85 | 12.75 |
how do you get up this way | 651.04 | 2.96 |
can we get up this way maybe not maybe | 654.88 | 4.399 |
not maybe not [ __ ] | 656.72 | 3.679 |
no jesus | 659.279 | 2.961 |
right here absolutely found the spot | 660.399 | 4.161 |
yeah can you get up i think so come to | 662.24 | 2.98 |
me | 664.56 | 3.44 |
[Music] | 665.22 | 6.299 |
yeah okay all right here you | 668.0 | 3.519 |
[Music] | 671.97 | 4.429 |
watching go mines | 673.44 | 2.959 |
[Music] | 678.46 | 6.1 |
oh there's a turret here | 682.48 | 4.56 |
does it work it doesn't seem to open i | 684.56 | 5.839 |
see it doraleous inside | 687.04 | 3.359 |
yeah i can't put mine's here | 692.24 | 3.44 |
maybe he'll come outside maybe so | 696.24 | 4.0 |
stand right here on him soon as he opens | 701.12 | 4.8 |
the door okay | 703.04 | 2.88 |
should i knock | 711.92 | 2.24 |
now | 713.279 | 3.68 |
would be funny | 714.16 | 2.799 |
hold on i'm coming i'm coming | 725.6 | 3.359 |
i'm in | 728.079 | 4.88 |
okay i can't close the door um hold on | 728.959 | 6.0 |
all right got all the doors [ __ ] | 732.959 | 3.201 |
he's gonna spawn on his bed where's his | 734.959 | 4.241 |
bed i don't know up here | 736.16 | 6.56 |
come on oh no he's down destroy his bed | 739.2 | 5.12 |
there we go sorry | 742.72 | 2.799 |
i love you | 744.32 | 2.639 |
how do we destroy these beds can you can | 745.519 | 2.88 |
you build a wall build a wall around the | 746.959 | 3.68 |
door uh no i can't i can't even interact | 748.399 | 3.601 |
with the door i can't close it i know | 750.639 | 3.601 |
but uh author authorize yourself right | 752.0 | 3.76 |
here on the cupboard authorize myself in | 754.24 | 3.039 |
the covered house just go up to it click | 755.76 | 3.28 |
it click it and then authorize clear | 757.279 | 4.0 |
authorized list authorized open oh yeah | 759.04 | 3.68 |
i'm sticking i'm taking this [ __ ] if | 761.279 | 2.881 |
they're wood their base is gonna start | 762.72 | 3.679 |
falling apart okay um | 764.16 | 4.08 |
keep an eye outside the door we gotta | 766.399 | 3.761 |
watch the door watch the windows can you | 768.24 | 3.599 |
build walls around doors i'm working i'm | 770.16 | 4.239 |
going as fast as i can man okay nope and | 771.839 | 4.8 |
build it on the inside too there we go | 774.399 | 4.0 |
we need shutters on these windows | 776.639 | 3.76 |
reinforce them yeah but i took the wood | 778.399 | 2.721 |
out | 780.399 | 2.801 |
gotcha is this part of our base now | 781.12 | 3.92 |
it's part of their base it'll crumble | 783.2 | 3.28 |
but if they can't get back inside that | 785.04 | 3.52 |
could be good | 786.48 | 3.68 |
hey maybe all right | 788.56 | 2.8 |
let's loot their [ __ ] and then let's get | 790.16 | 3.04 |
out okay okay watch the windows oh yeah | 791.36 | 3.12 |
look at all this ammo look at all this | 793.2 | 2.879 |
[ __ ] all these [ __ ] guns the windows | 794.48 | 3.12 |
are wide open i know that let's get | 796.079 | 3.76 |
their [ __ ] and go okay oh have they got | 797.6 | 3.919 |
a level two workbench how'd they get a | 799.839 | 2.881 |
level two workbench i don't know they | 801.519 | 2.721 |
must have got some scrap in the drops or | 802.72 | 3.52 |
something it's yeah the these weapons | 804.24 | 2.96 |
are the most important you get all the | 806.24 | 2.719 |
weapons i got some weapons all right | 807.2 | 3.36 |
take this stone throw this stone out | 808.959 | 3.68 |
okay yeah the base is just gonna start | 810.56 | 4.959 |
falling apart | 812.639 | 4.32 |
all right we got to get back to our base | 815.519 | 4.961 |
as soon as possible | 816.959 | 3.521 |
this is good this is really good this is | 821.04 | 3.84 |
good what else can we take just let's | 822.72 | 3.6 |
suck it let's not get greedy let's go | 824.88 | 3.12 |
okay right behind you we gotta jump and | 826.32 | 4.319 |
run yep okay these guys they got solar | 828.0 | 3.76 |
up here yeah god they're way more | 830.639 | 2.401 |
advanced than we are we got some great | 831.76 | 4.0 |
stuff let's go let's go okay oh my god | 833.04 | 4.96 |
okay | 835.76 | 2.24 |
oh we're on top now baby uh we're doing | 839.92 | 4.24 |
better we got all this [ __ ] oh i'm gonna | 842.48 | 3.12 |
go home and just watch their face | 844.16 | 3.119 |
crumble from a distance watch for | 845.6 | 4.679 |
landmines | 847.279 | 3.0 |
[Music] | 856.37 | 7.23 |
oh god | 862.16 | 2.88 |
oh | 863.6 | 3.12 |
there's someone right | 865.04 | 2.98 |
the [ __ ] is going on here | 866.72 | 2.479 |
[Music] | 868.02 | 3.179 |
who are you | 869.199 | 4.241 |
who is that | 871.199 | 4.161 |
thought i saw someone | 873.44 | 3.92 |
how is this place not | 875.36 | 4.64 |
completely blown up now | 877.36 | 4.96 |
how | 880.0 | 4.48 |
what the hell | 882.32 | 3.04 |
okay | 884.48 | 3.76 |
they must have everything | 885.36 | 5.52 |
i don't want that [ __ ] | 888.24 | 4.88 |
oh my god | 890.88 | 4.079 |
oh no whoops | 893.12 | 4.159 |
wrong wrong button | 894.959 | 5.841 |
huh god i [ __ ] up again | 897.279 | 5.441 |
why didn't they take everything | 900.8 | 4.56 |
what's going on here | 902.72 | 4.88 |
get that on | 905.36 | 3.52 |
probably | 907.6 | 3.239 |
grab | 908.88 | 5.199 |
this god | 910.839 | 6.281 |
where's thick what the [ __ ] | 914.079 | 5.44 |
[ __ ] like there's did they leave us | 917.12 | 5.519 |
ammo what | 919.519 | 4.56 |
hey come on come on | 922.639 | 3.041 |
yeah ready yeah we're gonna go in the | 924.079 | 5.44 |
woods this time uh yeah okay okay | 925.68 | 3.839 |
i can't believe how well we're doing | 931.12 | 3.76 |
today we're done really finally finally | 932.48 | 4.479 |
the rust gods have shined upon us i know | 934.88 | 3.68 |
it took forever i feel like we had a | 936.959 | 3.761 |
good run even if we lose this thing hey | 938.56 | 4.0 |
listen yeah hey we went out fighting | 940.72 | 3.359 |
that's right like we were the underdogs | 942.56 | 2.8 |
we were at the bottom now yeah we're | 944.079 | 3.2 |
back on top yep maybe i don't see that | 945.36 | 2.8 |
today i don't know what they have they | 947.279 | 2.56 |
have a level two workbench they should | 948.16 | 3.039 |
have so much more than us and thick | 949.839 | 2.481 |
probably does so we got to be like | 951.199 | 2.56 |
that's that's the guy we really gotta | 952.32 | 3.04 |
work uh worry about we gotta worry about | 953.759 | 3.52 |
dick yep he's got a ton of stuff on him | 955.36 | 4.399 |
sure we didn't loot doraleous his body | 957.279 | 4.24 |
either [ __ ] yeah i did i got everything | 959.759 | 4.64 |
okay i got all of it kid | 961.519 | 4.081 |
did they grab | 964.399 | 2.56 |
they didn't even grab | 965.6 | 4.0 |
just half my i'm so confused | 966.959 | 5.361 |
are they being friendly | 969.6 | 5.039 |
oh wow | 972.32 | 3.68 |
i'm gonna have a [ __ ] heart attack | 974.639 | 2.961 |
with this | 976.0 | 4.079 |
there's my shotgun what | 977.6 | 3.44 |
the | 980.079 | 4.32 |
how'd they get so dumb in this | 981.04 | 3.359 |
okay | 984.639 | 4.241 |
oh boy what a | 986.56 | 4.0 |
what a hoot | 988.88 | 4.0 |
oh | 990.56 | 2.32 |
yeah that's | 993.36 | 4.479 |
that's adorable that's really funny | 995.04 | 3.919 |
well | 997.839 | 4.081 |
i guess i'm stuck here forever | 998.959 | 4.56 |
jesus christ | 1001.92 | 5.32 |
they're the biggest idiots | 1003.519 | 3.721 |
[Music] | 1008.9 | 16.5 |
the wall still holding neebs perfect | 1022.32 | 7.04 |
[Music] | 1025.4 | 5.639 |
anybody inside | 1029.36 | 5.199 |
yeah let's see there's one inside | 1031.039 | 3.52 |
[Music] | 1034.8 | 4.08 |
freeze [ __ ] | 1037.039 | 4.321 |
whoa whoa whoa whoa what the [ __ ] | 1038.88 | 5.679 |
whoa freeze i think i see you at freeze | 1041.36 | 6.319 |
i'm not gonna i will breathe damn it | 1044.559 | 5.761 |
freeze outside so i'm not gonna freeze | 1047.679 | 5.441 |
why wouldn't | 1050.32 | 2.8 |
do you see him neebs yeah he's on top oh | 1055.84 | 3.76 |
shoot him i can't shoot him i don't have | 1058.0 | 3.12 |
a good one he's also | 1059.6 | 4.88 |
can't aim like he's not good | 1061.12 | 4.32 |
ow | 1064.48 | 3.6 |
okay oh wait he just fell down | 1065.44 | 3.599 |
he's on his name | 1068.08 | 5.04 |
no no no no no i'm uh i'm i'm fine | 1069.039 | 6.081 |
you look hurt i feel great i've never | 1073.12 | 3.6 |
felt better you look like you had a | 1075.12 | 4.16 |
rough night breaking no | 1076.72 | 3.6 |
you kind of look like you're bleeding | 1079.28 | 5.519 |
out up there okay dude i'm so good | 1080.32 | 4.479 |
i'm good mind your own business you | 1086.48 | 3.68 |
little peeping tom | 1088.16 | 4.72 |
okay anything in that uh smell today uh | 1090.16 | 6.399 |
neebs oh yeah hold up um medals and | 1092.88 | 6.72 |
stuff uh how's your guys day uh it's | 1096.559 | 5.521 |
been pretty good so far i feel like | 1099.6 | 3.68 |
oh no | 1102.08 | 1.96 |
okay | 1103.28 | 3.759 |
[Music] | 1104.04 | 4.44 |
neebs this is going swimmingly all right | 1107.039 | 3.041 |
let's get back to our base it can turn | 1108.48 | 2.8 |
around | 1110.08 | 3.44 |
all it takes is thick to be at our base | 1111.28 | 4.63 |
yeah and then like yeah really messed up | 1113.52 | 4.08 |
[Music] | 1115.91 | 3.61 |
he's safe out here then | 1117.6 | 3.36 |
this little thing they made that was all | 1119.52 | 3.519 |
safe i'll just hide here | 1120.96 | 4.079 |
[ __ ] | 1123.039 | 3.601 |
i should put these land mines around | 1125.039 | 3.841 |
their base shouldn't i um sure you know | 1126.64 | 3.84 |
kind of a why not they did it to us | 1128.88 | 3.52 |
let's do it to them kind of thing yep | 1130.48 | 3.36 |
all right give me a second | 1132.4 | 4.32 |
what's that what's that i don't know | 1133.84 | 4.32 |
oh it's a turret | 1136.72 | 3.28 |
oh they got a turret | 1138.16 | 3.2 |
shooting the wall | 1140.0 | 2.4 |
that's | 1141.36 | 1.71 |
okay | 1142.4 | 1.59 |
[Music] | 1143.07 | 2.77 |
[Laughter] | 1143.99 | 4.33 |
now we're going home yes go home okay | 1145.84 | 4.32 |
yeah | 1148.32 | 3.28 |
we're back | 1150.16 | 2.8 |
poor doraleous | 1151.6 | 3.36 |
kind of feeling for him right now i know | 1152.96 | 3.92 |
i like drivers he didn't kill me with a | 1154.96 | 4.4 |
land mine though so sweet revenge yeah | 1156.88 | 3.679 |
and that might have been him that killed | 1159.36 | 6.16 |
me earlier but i was attacking his place | 1160.559 | 7.761 |
[ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] | 1165.52 | 5.12 |
oh boy | 1168.32 | 5.28 |
oh boy i'm gonna die | 1170.64 | 5.039 |
oh my god get | 1173.6 | 4.48 |
out | 1175.679 | 3.281 |
oh | 1178.08 | 2.88 |
back and forth back and forth to and fro | 1178.96 | 4.88 |
to and fro what the hell these guys are | 1180.96 | 5.599 |
not the back | 1183.84 | 2.719 |
[ __ ] | 1188.0 | 2.32 |
we got attacked be careful watch out | 1194.48 | 4.0 |
they were just here well you know what i | 1196.72 | 4.0 |
gotta run if they're oh did you just | 1198.48 | 4.0 |
close the door can you open that door | 1200.72 | 4.24 |
yeah but but good luck | 1202.48 | 4.559 |
oh | 1204.96 | 5.079 |
yeah | 1207.039 | 3.0 |
[Music] | 1210.69 | 7.95 |
[Applause] | 1217.6 | 6.979 |
[Music] | 1218.64 | 5.939 |
[Applause] | 1225.13 | 3.83 |
[Music] | 1225.26 | 5.779 |
you | 1228.96 | 2.079 |
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If anyone has any fan art they would like to submit, a post idea or promotional content for the crew just reach out and let me know! This is community supported so feel free to get involved if you love Neebs Gaming half as much as I do!

The Game
You definitely should check it out
Wow, I am on the edge of my seat watching Neebs and Appsro try to turn the tables in this intense Rust session! Their scrappy underdog approach makes me want to root for them against the dominating clans. The high stakes and rollercoaster momentum shifts keep me totally engaged.
Neebs Gaming really knows how to craft cinematic stories and hilarious moments even in the ultra-competitive world of Rust. Their chemistry and banter lightens the tension perfectly. I love how they roleplay distinct personas like the calculating Appsro and aggressive Neebs - it adds so much character to the videos.
The top-notch editing and music make their Rust series as entertaining as any TV show. The action is easy to follow while still feeling raw and unscripted. And they strike a great balance between quiet, tense resource gathering and sudden bursts of over-the-top PvP madness.
Honestly, watching Neebs Gaming's well-produced Rust videos is the next best thing to playing it yourself. They suck you into the Lord of the Flies struggle for survival and make you feel like part of the crew. I always look forward to their brand of goofy, adrenaline-filled chaos in harsh survival games. Neebs and Appsro feel like old friends you want to root for.
So if you're looking for some hilarious escapist gaming entertainment, I can't recommend Neebs Gaming's Rust series enough! Their top-notch production and infectious energy provide the perfect virtual vacation. It's no wonder they have such a loyal community of viewers who love their unique comedic spin on gritty survival games.