Neebs Day Off - GTA 5 Cinematic series (GTA 5 Gameplay)
Neebs Gaming
neebs: Hey guys, have you seen our latest Neebs Day Off video in GTA 5? It's hilarious!
simon: Oh yeah, that's definitely one of my favorites! I mean, who doesn't love watching Neebs goof off in the game?
appsro: I know, right? It's like watching a train wreck in slow motion, but in a good way. Neebs always brings the chaos!
neebs: Hey, I heard that! But you can't deny that my epic fails make for some great entertainment, right?

This video comes straight from the Neebs Gaming YouTube channel.
Hey there, fellow Neebs Gaming fans! So, in this latest video, Neebs decided to take a break and let the boys have some fun without him. But don't worry, he does make a sneaky appearance at the end that you won't want to miss!
If you're like me and absolutely love Neebs Gaming, then you know that hitting 1,000,000,000 subscribers is the ultimate goal. So, make sure to hit that subscribe button and help us reach that milestone!
I don't know about you, but I'm always curious about what kind of gear the Neebs Gaming crew uses. Did you know they're powered by Xidax PCs? If you're in the market for a new gaming rig, definitely check them out - they're top-notch.
And let's not forget about their Patreon page. Supporting them on Patreon means more awesome content for us fans, so it's a win-win situation. Plus, their Twitch stream is legendary - every Thursday at 8:00 EST, it's the place to be for some serious gaming action.
Oh, and have you checked out their Spreadshirt shop? I've picked up some sweet Neebs Gaming merch from there. And don't even get me started on their music - it's so catchy! From "March On" to "Get me to Brazil," the tunes in their videos are always on point.
If you're a die-hard Neebs Gaming fan like me, you definitely don't want to miss this video. Trust me, it's a wild ride from start to finish, with plenty of laughs along the way. So kick back, relax, and enjoy the latest antics of the Neebs Gaming crew - you won't be disappointed!

Caption | Start | Duration |
[Music] | 0.22 | 11.69 |
how was your latte it was good it was | 9.24 | 4.26 |
overpriced everything in this city is | 11.91 | 2.28 |
overpriced | 13.5 | 1.95 |
well everything at a coffee shops | 14.19 | 3.0 |
overpriced five thousand dollars for a | 15.45 | 3.48 |
latte that doesn't make much sense | 17.19 | 3.87 |
no [ __ ] have you seen t-shirt prices | 18.93 | 3.96 |
yeah yeah yeah crazy | 21.06 | 5.55 |
I own two I think and I'm in debt there | 22.89 | 4.8 |
you should be mm-hmm | 26.61 | 3.99 |
we're all in debt all right get the hell | 27.69 | 4.14 |
out of here what do you guys want to do | 30.6 | 4.59 |
today Oh back over people yeah watch out | 31.83 | 4.049 |
idiots | 35.19 | 4.68 |
yeah all right do we have to pick up | 35.879 | 6.841 |
neebs no doesn't he doesn't around today | 39.87 | 4.619 |
you said he was hanging out hanging out | 42.72 | 3.69 |
in his house for a little bit really | 44.489 | 6.331 |
yeah so so no no need so look I can do | 46.41 | 6.36 |
that and there's no bitching I'm not | 50.82 | 2.64 |
gonna say anything | 52.77 | 2.58 |
hey well I say we can do whatever we | 53.46 | 4.59 |
want yeah yeah you hear the sound of no | 55.35 | 8.67 |
bitching yeah yeah no bitching so the | 58.05 | 10.02 |
air is like just more free yep well what | 64.02 | 5.72 |
do we do to take full advantage of this | 68.07 | 4.95 |
and ever the [ __ ] we want you guys want | 69.74 | 4.75 |
to see if we can get into a five-star | 73.02 | 4.14 |
cop chase oh yeah - let's do it | 74.49 | 5.96 |
[Music] | 77.16 | 3.29 |
baby we got three stars | 86.38 | 12.36 |
Wow this is insane | 104.619 | 3.64 |
like even the cops are having a good | 107.0 | 5.28 |
time or this car in front of us pick the | 108.259 | 24.301 |
one time to drive down this road man two | 112.28 | 22.76 |
choppers | 132.56 | 2.48 |
but no bitching another chopper got a | 136.14 | 21.51 |
roadblock so four stars go four stars | 144.64 | 17.64 |
come on man we gotta up our game we need | 157.65 | 14.8 |
to kill more innocent people all right | 162.28 | 12.63 |
I'm on it be able to sleep tonight now | 172.45 | 5.06 |
you cap | 174.91 | 2.6 |
go to this little country town you can | 182.29 | 5.699 |
stand the roads | 185.36 | 2.629 |
oh this choppers going down yeah it's | 192.41 | 8.55 |
about you going you and i'ma get it come | 198.41 | 5.43 |
on hit seven I'm gonna shine do it | 200.96 | 7.22 |
work on it boys get that pilot the pilot | 203.84 | 4.34 |
yeah then we gonna see if we can get out | 212.48 | 8.349 |
of this alive oh yeah oh boy all the | 215.129 | 7.351 |
time alright | 220.829 | 4.921 |
oh [ __ ] dick got killed | 222.48 | 5.399 |
alright he deserved it I don't know the | 225.75 | 4.079 |
rallies mister down holy to him it's | 227.879 | 3.69 |
just us buddy it's dust all right tell | 229.829 | 2.13 |
you what | 231.569 | 3.03 |
see these hills yeah if we go to the top | 231.959 | 4.2 |
of these hills I bet the cops like the | 234.599 | 3.42 |
Carl's will lose us or I take out those | 236.159 | 4.53 |
choppers okay so oh god what are you I | 238.019 | 3.211 |
don't know | 240.689 | 5.041 |
seriously Rock dammit yeah go for the | 241.23 | 7.349 |
chopper come on this thing was not made | 245.73 | 4.74 |
for climbing hills he's not made for | 248.579 | 3.33 |
climbing he'll know it's not a good | 250.47 | 2.37 |
vehicle for it | 251.909 | 3.0 |
thank you I'll have a shot because of | 252.84 | 3.75 |
where I'm at I don't have a shot hold on | 254.909 | 4.26 |
I'm him near Traveler choppers right | 256.59 | 6.56 |
beside and I'ma [ __ ] I'm on them | 259.169 | 3.981 |
all right hold on here I'm gonna stop at | 270.689 | 3.401 |
the top of this hill I got a homing | 272.949 | 3.331 |
launcher got one up here we go here we | 274.09 | 2.849 |
go here we go | 276.28 | 4.5 |
doing oh crap you know what's on [ __ ] me | 276.939 | 6.091 |
covered Simon oh yeah | 280.78 | 9.75 |
and really yeah there's one yeah I get | 283.03 | 8.19 |
this other one | 290.53 | 4.59 |
come on come on yeah that's - that's | 291.22 | 5.19 |
right okay | 295.12 | 3.48 |
Oh got some coming in oh you got another | 296.41 | 5.94 |
chopper these days down come on I gotta | 298.6 | 6.9 |
take guy guy out come on | 302.35 | 5.85 |
all right Simon yeah okay stay low man | 305.5 | 4.46 |
stay low stay low | 308.2 | 3.93 |
all right we got to get away I gotta get | 309.96 | 4.05 |
away how many stars do we have right now | 312.13 | 5.13 |
five pipes chip all right dude I need to | 314.01 | 5.68 |
get in the vehicle it means to drive | 317.26 | 5.989 |
away can you would expand on ground | 319.69 | 4.969 |
crazy yeah we're standing our ground | 323.249 | 3.45 |
we're going out like heroes oh [ __ ] was | 324.659 | 3.75 |
that coming on the man okay I'm taking | 326.699 | 4.7 |
this guy out come on | 328.409 | 2.99 |
that was good times watch is crazy yeah | 346.28 | 3.1 |
buddy | 348.9 | 3.42 |
damn it's a cop car yeah no they were | 349.38 | 4.92 |
after him hey that was a good time | 352.32 | 2.43 |
though right | 354.3 | 3.66 |
great no bitching no regrets | 354.75 | 4.8 |
yeah everybody had a good time not a lot | 357.96 | 3.959 |
of bitching going on no I will say guys | 359.55 | 5.1 |
though uh sad things happened what my | 361.919 | 4.711 |
Moonbeam got impounded because we all | 364.65 | 3.87 |
died they took my [ __ ] car how much | 366.63 | 4.05 |
does it cost to get it out it costs like | 368.52 | 4.56 |
250 bucks or we could go steal it back | 370.68 | 6.959 |
yeah we're gonna still let [ __ ] | 373.08 | 10.44 |
move be bought a car yeah let's all hop | 377.639 | 7.59 |
into a sheriff's car got to go back to | 383.52 | 2.91 |
the city are you it's gonna be easy | 385.229 | 5.761 |
right it should be can we just take a | 386.43 | 6.6 |
moment to recognize this beautiful sons | 390.99 | 4.769 |
it is really gorgeous a very smut the | 393.03 | 6.09 |
[ __ ] about there let's see we are just | 395.759 | 5.551 |
going to the Waypoint but not the right | 399.12 | 4.229 |
place yeah it's up here Oh God and | 401.31 | 4.139 |
they're surrounded by cops there's the | 403.349 | 5.25 |
movie I see it yep that's it do a circle | 405.449 | 4.53 |
around the block on the block drop me | 408.599 | 1.56 |
off | 409.979 | 2.071 |
Tyler now hop in the Moonbeam you guys | 410.159 | 4.421 |
stay in the cop car | 412.05 | 7.36 |
do that Oh God the shooting at us all | 414.58 | 6.57 |
right so are you feel safe | 419.41 | 8.79 |
what are we doing sure come on Circle | 421.15 | 12.68 |
Circle Circle [ __ ] run over these people | 428.2 | 5.63 |
really wish me down | 434.91 | 5.26 |
still no bitching all right so doraleous | 436.78 | 5.22 |
you come up here yeah you take a right | 440.17 | 4.56 |
and then there's an alleyway yeah take | 442.0 | 3.69 |
that alleyway right there see that | 444.73 | 3.72 |
alleyway yeah all right Simon ready yeah | 445.69 | 4.47 |
hop out hop out son all right I'm out | 448.45 | 2.22 |
all right | 450.16 | 1.68 |
it's rallies Khan you got to slow down | 450.67 | 2.91 |
damn it [ __ ] you didn't tell me to do | 451.84 | 3.75 |
that you got good yeah we're good we're | 453.58 | 4.47 |
good we're stealing the Moonbeam come on | 455.59 | 6.99 |
you try it all right pump in Simon all | 458.05 | 7.59 |
right I'm in Simon all right dude there | 462.58 | 4.53 |
we go right there house you gonna watch | 465.64 | 7.83 |
it why won't this door open open you son | 467.11 | 7.559 |
of a [ __ ] | 473.47 | 3.36 |
all right we got the Moonbeam boys come | 474.669 | 3.081 |
on | 476.83 | 2.45 |
you're Alex where do you Matt come on | 477.75 | 5.46 |
you just follow me we're gonna go to the | 479.28 | 5.01 |
highway we're gonna hide out in the | 483.21 | 1.59 |
tunnels | 484.29 | 3.9 |
this works every time don't see [ __ ] | 484.8 | 6.18 |
like that it works every time say it's | 488.19 | 4.94 |
so itchy | 490.98 | 4.95 |
all right near Alex you owe me copper | 493.13 | 4.15 |
right here just gonna shoot I'll shoot | 495.93 | 3.93 |
the cop I follow me doraleous we gotta | 497.28 | 3.5 |
cross the road here | 499.86 | 5.75 |
watch out traffic watch it [ __ ] [ __ ] you | 500.78 | 4.83 |
damn it you idiots hey Simon yeah I know | 541.27 | 11.56 |
today is like a non [ __ ] day right but | 549.98 | 4.77 |
you're the one who killed me I know I | 552.83 | 4.17 |
did and you know what I got confused | 554.75 | 4.98 |
and I was shooting everyone that was a | 557.0 | 5.7 |
cop and I'm not a cop but I know but you | 559.73 | 5.19 |
were in a cup car wait but we knew that | 562.7 | 5.36 |
right but I forgot it that's the issue | 564.92 | 5.52 |
okay I'm not gonna [ __ ] about it I know | 568.06 | 5.08 |
like I'm not gonna that King no no no | 570.44 | 4.08 |
don't do that I'm not gonna give you a | 573.14 | 4.41 |
punch I got on him for all I was showing | 574.52 | 6.36 |
him money my new piece yeah he killed me | 577.55 | 5.61 |
Diddy yeah it was an accident Simon come | 580.88 | 3.75 |
on I know we could have pulled that off | 583.16 | 3.36 |
with some [ __ ] no no we're a bitchin | 584.63 | 3.72 |
there was some actually Joan on no | 586.52 | 2.88 |
bitching all right | 588.35 | 3.21 |
so all right we gotta go get thick he's | 589.4 | 4.74 |
somewhere he's somewhere yeah let me | 591.56 | 8.93 |
call him you make it out of the tunnels | 594.14 | 6.35 |
hey thick can you hear me | 601.0 | 5.49 |
I'm sorry that I died but Simon shot me | 604.09 | 5.22 |
but it's up but it's all good yeah but | 606.49 | 4.29 |
you keep on bringing it up don't you I | 609.31 | 3.03 |
just want everyone to know I'm not | 610.78 | 2.94 |
bitching yeah of course you're not | 612.34 | 3.24 |
sometimes there's a helicopter on top of | 613.72 | 3.66 |
the hospital buildings oh yeah I know | 615.58 | 3.6 |
yeah let's let's steal a helicopter and | 617.38 | 4.34 |
go pick up Nick | 619.18 | 2.54 |
[Music] | 652.72 | 3.049 |
[Music] | 670.7 | 3.899 |
so who died for the parachutes that was | 681.62 | 6.58 |
no warning he was checking our cat-like | 684.72 | 7.02 |
reflexes right so uh yeah we got to go | 688.2 | 6.12 |
out to a old trailer park and still some | 691.74 | 4.29 |
cocaine from a bunch of hippies that | 694.32 | 4.56 |
cook probably smells like truly and that | 696.03 | 4.89 |
is a dessert thing smell yeah I'm not a | 698.88 | 2.55 |
fan | 700.92 | 2.64 |
what do we do to take advantage of not | 701.43 | 4.5 |
being with Yves now anyone know a good | 703.56 | 6.87 |
road song like Co CAI and E cocaine okay | 705.93 | 8.85 |
COC AIT okay now you need a smoke but a | 710.43 | 7.41 |
sniff we gotta make it up as we go | 714.78 | 6.3 |
around and Jim Jim Jim it's not very | 717.84 | 5.58 |
family-friendly no yeah you can't break | 721.08 | 3.63 |
that one out at night you know a kid's | 723.42 | 5.13 |
party put you up on this hill thick with | 724.71 | 5.73 |
your sniper rifle I would love that | 728.55 | 4.26 |
pretty good with a sniper rifle - oh | 730.44 | 4.92 |
look at that oh it could I'll just get | 732.81 | 3.69 |
out and pepper them with our sniper | 735.36 | 2.11 |
rifles if you go | 736.5 | 2.32 |
I mean they're right there I see a bunch | 737.47 | 2.61 |
of the idiots see a problem with that | 738.82 | 3.42 |
let's see all right tell you what if you | 740.08 | 3.84 |
guys start distracting them with the | 742.24 | 3.24 |
sniper rifles keep me covered I can run | 743.92 | 3.45 |
in there with the bellicose yes hi oh | 745.48 | 4.11 |
[ __ ] stop shootin damn it you've been | 747.37 | 4.11 |
distracted I don't even have the right | 749.59 | 4.56 |
rifle there's a guy here to the left | 751.48 | 4.32 |
all right I'm going to serve on the | 754.15 | 4.05 |
perimeter make sure I get them all oh we | 755.8 | 4.86 |
got one on our bike yeah that's right | 758.2 | 4.74 |
[ __ ] oh no there's a guy with a coke | 760.66 | 4.52 |
he's trying to run I'm gonna get him | 762.94 | 5.22 |
over on you damn hippie hey you guys see | 765.18 | 11.02 |
me up here yeah all right keep me | 768.16 | 10.26 |
covered and stealing the cocaine I've | 776.2 | 3.54 |
got some tree in my way | 778.42 | 4.79 |
let's see cocaine cocaine where is it | 779.74 | 6.81 |
around here oh there you are I got the | 783.21 | 7.51 |
cocaine I'm coming we got company behind | 786.55 | 8.04 |
us whoa who's that dammit there's | 790.72 | 5.31 |
rallies oh just shooting at you | 794.59 | 3.06 |
yeah I don't you to me again you're | 796.03 | 5.97 |
filming today hop in hop in come on guys | 797.65 | 10.44 |
doraleous hop in buddy come on I'm in | 802.0 | 13.38 |
come on dumbass hippies they were so big | 808.09 | 10.26 |
they were I don't know what happened | 815.38 | 5.31 |
all right we got to get this cocaine to | 818.35 | 3.42 |
Gerald's apartment | 820.69 | 2.16 |
you think the hippies are going to | 821.77 | 3.63 |
follow us there probably let's see I | 822.85 | 6.14 |
need to get back on the highway though | 825.4 | 3.59 |
quick you'ii do it on the highway | 835.41 | 4.89 |
all right oh man they're gonna be | 846.649 | 4.941 |
chasing us all the way to the apartment | 848.519 | 6.24 |
[Applause] | 851.59 | 3.169 |
oh alright I got cocky I got that's | 863.69 | 3.65 |
alright | 866.27 | 4.55 |
okay he's still alive not anymore | 867.34 | 5.83 |
alright you're gonna do some shoot a man | 870.82 | 6.9 |
named Dan a mass shooting cocaine | 873.17 | 7.41 |
alright boys I got an idea let's say we | 877.72 | 4.48 |
get wanted and then try to lose the cops | 880.58 | 4.38 |
on foot okay | 882.2 | 4.08 |
I feel like I'm really good at that | 884.96 | 3.66 |
first we got to deliver the coke all | 886.28 | 3.45 |
right yeah that's easier no one wants to | 888.62 | 2.49 |
see that [ __ ] let's just get to the fun | 889.73 | 3.41 |
stuff | 891.11 | 2.03 |
[Music] | 897.14 | 4.23 |
alright let's see what's on the old | 899.38 | 6.1 |
telly no he's probably okay and are kept | 901.37 | 7.05 |
up I saw that one seven days that's a | 905.48 | 4.02 |
good one | 908.42 | 3.9 |
scrap come on guys you got about Nia's | 909.5 | 7.53 |
move on little subnautica Mike what's | 912.32 | 10.58 |
this on that looks like | 917.03 | 5.87 |
oh hey Dave yeah what's up baby you're | 926.55 | 18.39 |
on TV yeah Carly says we're on TV what | 931.5 | 14.94 |
are you doing I don't know if that's the | 944.94 | 3.51 |
image we're going for I was hoping to | 946.44 | 3.99 |
turn on the news and seat needs game in | 948.45 | 4.02 |
save sloths in South America or | 950.43 | 6.08 |
something having fun today | 952.47 | 4.04 |
all right follow me okay stranger exits | 957.5 | 4.18 |
try to hop on the train to get away Oh | 960.33 | 2.49 |
that'd be awesome | 961.68 | 2.64 |
all right States stay here stay here | 962.82 | 3.66 |
it's like a Western oh okay oh we're | 964.32 | 3.96 |
going over why not okay | 966.48 | 4.26 |
come on hop across the way damn it now | 968.28 | 4.47 |
what the hell you just fell off the | 970.74 | 4.5 |
fence in front of a whole one Santos | 972.75 | 7.05 |
Here Come Tammy watch out oh god you | 975.24 | 5.94 |
guys get back here follow me get back | 979.8 | 3.54 |
into these houses we're exposed here | 981.18 | 8.91 |
okay what about the Train idea yeah the | 983.34 | 8.22 |
Train that I'm trying to get us to the | 990.09 | 2.58 |
train but I'm trying to get us there | 991.56 | 2.46 |
without all those cops around all right | 992.67 | 5.03 |
that's the goal Oh God oh boy 15 no 17 | 994.02 | 7.11 |
containing her 15 okay guys there's the | 997.7 | 8.08 |
Train Oh Kevin I think we missed it we | 1001.13 | 6.19 |
missed it No | 1005.78 | 4.749 |
no we missed the Train all right guys | 1007.32 | 15.87 |
follow me this way rally's is down train | 1010.529 | 14.101 |
train all right we got to get on the | 1023.19 | 4.889 |
train no gonna come soon dick follow me | 1024.63 | 17.01 |
oh did we lose a pro is just you thick | 1028.079 | 18.181 |
you can't fit through there chubby not | 1041.64 | 6.27 |
too late to save those slobs in South | 1046.26 | 6.75 |
America oh I'll see you at the hospital | 1047.91 | 8.48 |
yeah good TV | 1053.01 | 3.38 |
[Music] | 1056.98 | 16.089 |
you | 1073.789 | 2.061 |
Supporting the crew is a no-brainer! Go buy some merch!

If anyone has any fan art they would like to submit, a post idea or promotional content for the crew just reach out and let me know! This is community supported so feel free to get involved if you love Neebs Gaming half as much as I do!

The Game
You definitely should check it out
Wow, I just watched the latest Neebs Gaming video where the guys play without Neebs. Even though he wasn't there, it was still hilarious! The banter between the guys had me laughing out loud. Their chemistry is just so natural and fun.
I love how cinematic their videos are. The camera angles and edits make it feel like you're watching a movie or TV show rather than just another gameplay video. The custom animations and text overlays give it a really unique style too. It's clear a lot of work goes into making their videos so high quality.
The way they tell stories and improv scenarios in their gameplay is what really makes Neebs Gaming special. Like in this video, they pretended Neebs' character got stuck under a car and they had to try and rescue him. The storyline made the gameplay way more entertaining.
Neebs Gaming is hands down the best way to experience games like GTA V without actually playing them yourself. Their funny commentary combined with the cinematic style makes it super engaging to watch. It feels like you're playing it yourself or at least watching the best let's play ever.
I seriously can't recommend Neebs Gaming enough if you're looking for gaming channels that go way beyond just showing raw gameplay footage. From their hilarious personalities to their top-notch production value, they really set the gold standard for gaming entertainment on YouTube. Definitely give them a sub if you haven't already!