Let's Rob a Casino! - GTA Cinematic Diamond Casino Heist Part 4
Neebs Gaming
neebs: Hey guys, welcome back to another epic episode of Let's Rob a Casino! Part 4 is here and we're about to dive headfirst into some serious trouble.
simon: Oh yeah, trouble is our middle name! And by trouble, I mean failing spectacularly at robbing this casino. But hey, at least we're having fun, right?
appsro: Fun? More like chaos and mayhem! I can't wait to see how we mess up this time. But hey, that's what makes it our favorite video, right? Because nothing ever goes according to plan in GTA.
neebs: Exactly! We may be the worst casino robbers in history, but at least we're entertaining. And hey, failing is just part of the fun. So sit back, relax, and enjoy the show!

This video comes straight from the Neebs Gaming YouTube channel.
Hey there, fellow Neebs Gaming fans! Have you checked out the latest installment of the Casino heist in GTA 5? Well, Part 4 is here and let me tell you, the crew is geared up and ready to go. Or at least they think they are - heavy emphasis on the word "think"!
If you haven't already, make sure to hit that subscribe button and show your support on Patreon. The Neebs Gaming team always brings the laughs and epic moments in their videos, so you won't want to miss out on any of the action.
In this episode, you'll follow along as the crew dives into the Diamond Casino Heist. From the heist beginning to dealing with failure, planning their next move, and even a helicopter showdown, there's never a dull moment with this group. And let's not forget about the hilarious mishaps and unexpected twists that always seem to happen when they're on a mission.
So grab your snacks, settle in, and get ready to join the Neebs Gaming crew on this wild ride through GTA 5. With each episode packed full of excitement and entertainment, you'll be eagerly awaiting the next installment to see what crazy antics they get up to next. Trust me, this is one gaming channel you'll want to keep coming back to for more epic adventures in Los Santos.

Caption | Start | Duration |
to smile normally dear you look like The | 1.58 | 5.98 |
Village Idiot come on stop making that | 4.98 | 4.74 |
thing with your denture I'm not okay | 7.56 | 7.94 |
ready one two three cheese and crackers | 9.72 | 5.78 |
come on | 16.26 | 6.32 |
come on come on | 18.859 | 3.721 |
he's got to clean these idiots out yep | 24.06 | 4.219 |
yep | 26.039 | 2.24 |
okay I'm gonna push forward a little bit | 30.98 | 4.78 |
yep I'm with you I'm with you there's a | 33.96 | 4.34 |
guy in the booth | 35.76 | 2.54 |
hey I see you in there I see you there | 38.64 | 5.78 |
you go you got him | 41.579 | 2.841 |
wow | 46.28 | 3.0 |
you're really confusing that we've | 49.76 | 3.94 |
dressed like security yeah I don't like | 52.02 | 3.42 |
it I think we got guys on the left and | 53.7 | 4.019 |
right I got I got left covered all right | 55.44 | 3.72 |
I'm left with you shoot this lady | 57.719 | 4.081 |
because she deserves it | 59.16 | 4.379 |
go check | 61.8 | 4.56 |
I forgot how to | 63.539 | 4.801 |
how to oh [ __ ] yeah I'm not prepared at | 66.36 | 5.24 |
all you're never prepared nope | 68.34 | 7.4 |
oh boy we got more in here | 71.6 | 4.14 |
oh wasted our only life we had oh the | 77.18 | 5.979 |
check your armor guy all right yep I see | 80.34 | 5.91 |
one over here yeah you're sneaky | 83.159 | 4.32 |
[Music] | 86.25 | 4.229 |
all right I'm back with you sweet turn | 87.479 | 5.28 |
on a dog you need I can't you got any | 90.479 | 4.921 |
more lives oh god oh they do yeah that's | 92.759 | 3.841 |
what I'm saying we're dressed like the | 95.4 | 3.3 |
damn security that one threw me all | 96.6 | 3.9 |
right staff Lobby this way follow me I'm | 98.7 | 3.0 |
the guy in the blue leaves trying to | 100.5 | 4.759 |
stay alive this time and I'm gonna | 101.7 | 3.559 |
[Music] | 106.02 | 3.46 |
did we not have keys thermal charges | 109.56 | 4.919 |
okay they work like keys they really do | 112.56 | 4.5 |
that's right yeah right yeah it's like | 114.479 | 5.881 |
looking into Jesus's eyes | 117.06 | 6.539 |
[Music] | 120.36 | 3.239 |
these guys got shotguns perfect | 127.32 | 4.02 |
hey now | 129.619 | 4.021 |
jeez | 131.34 | 4.8 |
there we go | 133.64 | 5.5 |
clear in there uh so far I might stand | 136.14 | 5.04 |
back up I'm looking yeah I don't think | 139.14 | 4.099 |
he's gonna | 141.18 | 7.04 |
oh I mean buddy come on | 143.239 | 4.981 |
keep me covered keep me covered | 149.42 | 5.299 |
[Applause] | 151.65 | 3.069 |
all right you two go that way I'll uh | 157.92 | 4.399 |
all right | 160.02 | 2.299 |
oh what we got | 164.66 | 3.54 |
all right yep yep | 169.08 | 3.08 |
[Applause] | 172.83 | 3.209 |
so where do we go uh we gotta get to the | 177.14 | 4.56 |
vault in the basement follow me | 179.879 | 4.801 |
[Music] | 181.7 | 4.78 |
we're going about stairs right yellow | 184.68 | 4.919 |
things follow me I'm going upstairs | 186.48 | 5.039 |
kill this dumb [ __ ] in the locker room | 189.599 | 4.56 |
I'll move ahead you kill her kid Lord | 191.519 | 4.08 |
how many bullets does one guy take | 194.159 | 3.181 |
machine enemy let's just kill people | 195.599 | 3.321 |
that are enemies | 197.34 | 4.5 |
[Music] | 198.92 | 4.539 |
yep you guys keep an eye on our six | 201.84 | 4.22 |
we'll keep going | 203.459 | 2.601 |
have to pack the keypad can we just take | 212.58 | 5.22 |
the stairs um yeah stairs are right | 216.0 | 3.42 |
around the corners oh wait the stairs no | 217.8 | 3.359 |
there's a there's a thing here too God | 219.42 | 3.179 |
okay I guess I'm hacking the keyboard | 221.159 | 2.761 |
I'll place the thermite on this just in | 222.599 | 2.251 |
case | 223.92 | 4.2 |
[Music] | 224.85 | 3.27 |
put this in let me hit a couple buttons | 228.379 | 5.801 |
here oh my God all right I gotta play a | 231.299 | 4.741 |
mini mini game for some reason enjoy we | 234.18 | 3.779 |
got you oh what is this [ __ ] well you | 236.04 | 3.9 |
gotta identify a thumbprint a thumbprint | 237.959 | 4.081 |
yeah well good luck with that yeah good | 239.94 | 3.84 |
God | 242.04 | 4.259 |
okay so I think the stairs are open if | 243.78 | 5.36 |
you'd rather come this way | 246.299 | 2.841 |
[Music] | 256.959 | 10.581 |
he's fine | 265.04 | 6.4 |
man uh we were not ready for that at all | 267.54 | 5.64 |
I mean I was playing like a champ I felt | 271.44 | 3.78 |
like I don't know you died you died | 273.18 | 4.26 |
twice I know but I was I felt like I was | 275.22 | 4.08 |
shooting them quick I didn't feel like I | 277.44 | 3.9 |
was fumbling I saw your last stephaniebs | 279.3 | 3.06 |
you weren't even looking in the | 281.34 | 3.06 |
direction you were walking so well the | 282.36 | 4.02 |
last death I was like after was like | 284.4 | 3.6 |
what's this keypad thing and I like look | 286.38 | 3.36 |
over I'm like yeah I don't know oh yeah | 288.0 | 3.12 |
that keypad thing I don't know what I | 289.74 | 3.06 |
was doing there okay well that was a | 291.12 | 5.7 |
good excuse not you absolutely oh hey | 292.8 | 5.64 |
you want to watch where you're going you | 296.82 | 3.72 |
damn dumb [ __ ] we're on an important | 298.44 | 3.18 |
Mission here | 300.54 | 2.879 |
yeah right | 301.62 | 4.82 |
side dug in secure | 303.419 | 3.021 |
and find it and I'm sure we'll get it | 309.54 | 2.82 |
wait are we supposed to be sneaky what | 311.16 | 2.64 |
do you say I wouldn't see avoid security | 312.36 | 3.3 |
guards at the meeting and use the | 313.8 | 3.899 |
license plate number okay so we gotta | 315.66 | 4.44 |
sneak in there and take a picture of a | 317.699 | 4.921 |
license plate number uh-huh all right | 320.1 | 4.2 |
guys I think if we're careful we can do | 322.62 | 2.58 |
this quietly | 324.3 | 4.14 |
[Music] | 325.2 | 3.24 |
oh god | 332.36 | 4.839 |
oh boy what happened did we lose rallies | 334.639 | 7.141 |
I don't know did we I'm running | 337.199 | 4.581 |
all right clean them out | 344.16 | 3.66 |
going behind this truck yeah don't blow | 345.84 | 4.56 |
up any of the cars I'm not but I see why | 347.82 | 4.439 |
you would say that all right where's | 350.4 | 4.019 |
this thing we gotta take a picture of | 352.259 | 3.78 |
it's a good question search the meeting | 354.419 | 3.361 |
for the car | 356.039 | 3.6 |
all right looking at my mini how do we | 357.78 | 4.4 |
know which car | 359.639 | 2.541 |
dealers | 363.66 | 3.66 |
I guess it's this one open the trunk of | 365.06 | 3.4 |
the vehicle | 367.32 | 4.159 |
uh open in the trunk | 368.46 | 3.019 |
yeah hold on let me pull up my camera | 375.419 | 3.06 |
needs I'll watch it back yep yep okay | 376.56 | 3.78 |
nobody shoot my friends he's taking | 378.479 | 5.241 |
pictures yeah I got stuff to do | 380.34 | 3.38 |
yeah it looks | 385.139 | 3.9 |
I just died in it last time and I hate | 387.12 | 4.68 |
that now get out of there they're coming | 389.039 | 4.38 |
all right we'll come to you never mind | 391.8 | 3.26 |
gotta get out of here | 393.419 | 5.72 |
are you driving I'm sure | 395.06 | 4.079 |
kill the cops | 408.919 | 3.481 |
so we might need a an escape tunnel or | 415.039 | 5.641 |
something yeah | 418.199 | 2.481 |
all right | 423.96 | 2.359 |
yep hey be careful with this yeah you | 426.919 | 5.141 |
know where any uh tunnels are I don't | 429.72 | 4.56 |
probably not toward the hills so | 432.06 | 6.51 |
[Music] | 434.28 | 4.29 |
where are you going I'm heading back the | 445.88 | 4.18 |
same way because I feel like there'd be | 448.56 | 3.24 |
more tunnel down here yeah you know what | 450.06 | 3.72 |
I might be able to get you to a tunnel | 451.8 | 5.02 |
Dora highways to the left take a left | 453.78 | 7.92 |
[Music] | 456.82 | 4.88 |
now there's some in front of us I see | 463.819 | 4.72 |
him oh yeah there they are oh yeah | 466.139 | 4.801 |
tunnels right here take it right now it | 468.539 | 4.701 |
looks crazy | 470.94 | 2.3 |
now they know where we are it's okay | 474.319 | 4.261 |
oh | 479.039 | 2.78 |
perfect good job Dora let's squeeze this | 482.759 | 4.621 |
in here a little bit more sometimes you | 486.24 | 2.459 |
guys like to come down here yeah you got | 487.38 | 2.879 |
to really you gotta really get in here | 488.699 | 3.421 |
yeah play it safe here oh yeah they'll | 490.259 | 3.481 |
never look here no they're good they | 492.12 | 3.799 |
would never | 493.74 | 2.179 |
let me take a look did we do it yep | 504.78 | 4.979 |
Patrol routes is checked sweet so now | 507.3 | 3.959 |
they'll pop up on the mini map we'll be | 509.759 | 3.301 |
able to see them that'll help us yeah | 511.259 | 4.2 |
that'll help us for sure | 513.06 | 4.5 |
all right what's the next Advantage the | 515.459 | 4.2 |
next we want to do is the what do you | 517.56 | 4.8 |
call it reinforced armor yeah okay well | 519.659 | 4.32 |
better armor oh yeah that's definitely | 522.36 | 6.7 |
gonna help us 100 for sure you betcha | 523.979 | 8.981 |
[Music] | 529.06 | 9.459 |
[Applause] | 532.96 | 5.559 |
behind me up I am uh you know what | 542.36 | 4.479 |
you're having a break real quick break | 545.519 | 3.681 |
check | 546.839 | 2.361 |
I don't know you just can do it it's | 553.76 | 3.639 |
cool yeah can you do it while you're | 555.72 | 4.679 |
driving uh let's see oh yeah yeah that's | 557.399 | 6.06 |
what I thought oh boy that's the problem | 560.399 | 6.361 |
with the hood yeah that's one problem | 563.459 | 5.94 |
um so we're going to Humane labs to get | 566.76 | 5.579 |
reinforced armor yeah God that place we | 569.399 | 4.5 |
had to do a heist there once didn't we | 572.339 | 4.021 |
it might get ugly oh probably because | 573.899 | 4.5 |
it's Humane Labs might take me a while | 576.36 | 3.539 |
to um get there you could go on ahead | 578.399 | 3.0 |
and do the mission we'll meet you all | 579.899 | 3.56 |
right | 581.399 | 2.06 |
think that the guards here would be | 588.12 | 3.899 |
using the armor they provide yeah | 590.04 | 3.359 |
they're probably going to be loaded up | 592.019 | 3.301 |
see I wish we could prevent you know the | 593.399 | 4.201 |
casino guards from Heaven body armor I | 595.32 | 4.38 |
wish we could prevent forest fires yeah | 597.6 | 4.799 |
that too like that bear yeah who growls | 599.7 | 5.22 |
and grunts it's all sexy about it never | 602.399 | 4.861 |
saw it that way but yeah only you can | 604.92 | 5.28 |
prevent forests | 607.26 | 5.28 |
taking a shortcut Dora I don't know why | 610.2 | 4.199 |
you would ever not fly this second a | 612.54 | 3.66 |
shortcut to | 614.399 | 4.261 |
because I went the wrong way | 616.2 | 5.18 |
thank you | 618.66 | 2.72 |
oh wow leaves yeah I just got here uh | 629.88 | 4.86 |
you might want to take a boat buddy a | 632.7 | 4.38 |
boat yeah yeah to get here there's no | 634.74 | 4.38 |
real Road here it's kind of an abandoned | 637.08 | 4.74 |
Beach ah but with a chopper or a plane | 639.12 | 4.8 |
work yeah I get a seapling it's perfect | 641.82 | 4.259 |
for a seaplane | 643.92 | 5.38 |
but you'd never asked ah do it baby | 646.079 | 9.44 |
[Music] | 649.3 | 8.24 |
is this your first time am I playing | 655.519 | 5.141 |
Simon oh yeah you actually uh I I told | 657.54 | 4.799 |
you recently I had a dream about you | 660.66 | 3.84 |
flying the plane oh man that must have | 662.339 | 4.381 |
been a dream come true it was kind of a | 664.5 | 4.68 |
nightmare it's really being very erratic | 666.72 | 4.02 |
but I like the way you're deploying | 669.18 | 3.599 |
right now okay well wait till you see me | 670.74 | 4.86 |
land yeah I hope that I can | 672.779 | 5.101 |
live through it yeah see you guys | 675.6 | 4.919 |
oh wow where should we land how many | 677.88 | 4.62 |
Indians landed right here on the beach | 680.519 | 4.141 |
oh you are coming in hot yeah that's not | 682.5 | 4.2 |
good oh roll down slow down slow down | 684.66 | 3.179 |
yeah there's no way I got to come back | 686.7 | 2.94 |
around okay yeah go back around go back | 687.839 | 3.24 |
around give yourself a little Runway get | 689.64 | 2.939 |
a little lower huh did you guys find an | 691.079 | 3.061 |
entrance no we're waiting for you guys | 692.579 | 3.361 |
to get here so we can equip scuba gear | 694.14 | 3.96 |
oh okay I thought y'all could just be | 695.94 | 5.1 |
halfway started already nope Doris come | 698.1 | 4.799 |
in the water's great I'm good I just | 701.04 | 5.359 |
very comfortable in my suit | 702.899 | 3.5 |
Simon this is probably gonna be a bad | 708.839 | 3.12 |
landing just warning you | 710.399 | 3.0 |
oh wait that just might be one of my | 711.959 | 3.901 |
better Landings yeah see I got this look | 713.399 | 4.861 |
at that that was amazing | 715.86 | 4.26 |
I did a really good Landing well you're | 718.26 | 3.96 |
you're still on the land yet have you I | 720.12 | 4.74 |
mean this is what I call Landon okay oh | 722.22 | 4.02 |
yeah just bring it in just bring it in | 724.86 | 3.26 |
all right yeah | 726.24 | 4.08 |
we'll bring it in too far don't feature | 728.12 | 6.339 |
you know okay jumping out Simon | 730.32 | 5.88 |
that's how I land planes all right hey | 734.459 | 4.38 |
good job Don't Drown I'm gonna try not | 736.2 | 5.16 |
to no I'm impressed you made it from the | 738.839 | 4.381 |
plane to the beach thank you so it says | 741.36 | 4.919 |
a quick uh scuba gear right here this is | 743.22 | 5.59 |
awesome we are so professional now | 746.279 | 4.821 |
[Music] | 748.81 | 5.469 |
thank you | 751.1 | 3.179 |
[Music] | 754.53 | 3.139 |
[Music] | 760.7 | 4.459 |
thank you | 766.459 | 3.0 |
[Music] | 773.04 | 3.12 |
it's got to be around here somewhere | 777.0 | 5.459 |
these are the coordinates Lester gave us | 779.16 | 5.58 |
here yeah all right you guys with me I | 782.459 | 5.101 |
just uh entered oh wow | 784.74 | 4.86 |
I like this this is cool man I feel like | 787.56 | 3.719 |
we're like a full-on covered up right | 789.6 | 4.08 |
now right there's one to you where's the | 791.279 | 4.761 |
last one | 793.68 | 2.36 |
um headcount I'm not good at swimming | 796.8 | 6.479 |
just come to the dots on the map I know | 800.76 | 4.74 |
I just I was behind you I just can't | 803.279 | 4.8 |
really swim where I want to swim gotcha | 805.5 | 4.98 |
it's got a very strong swimmer I'm not | 808.079 | 6.721 |
nope not this is a lot harder than you | 810.48 | 6.539 |
would think it would be for me | 814.8 | 4.02 |
let's see if you hold age it's kind of | 817.019 | 4.141 |
like you just kick your fins | 818.82 | 5.22 |
and they drive it in nah you can't seem | 821.16 | 5.46 |
to wrap my head around the swimming in | 824.04 | 4.22 |
this game | 826.62 | 5.399 |
I just want to hit every wall yeah | 828.26 | 6.34 |
you're almost in | 832.019 | 4.201 |
oh yeah there he is all right we got | 834.6 | 3.46 |
Simon we got all right moving forward | 836.22 | 10.14 |
[Music] | 838.06 | 8.3 |
[Music] | 851.93 | 3.3 |
[Music] | 857.25 | 3.149 |
[Music] | 863.61 | 8.779 |
oh here we go door's open | 872.42 | 4.599 |
they feel like we should have taken | 875.22 | 3.179 |
these swimsuits off right because we | 877.019 | 3.0 |
think it'll be the way to go yeah | 878.399 | 3.361 |
because we look ridiculous at least the | 880.019 | 4.62 |
at least the flippity flips and the tank | 881.76 | 5.4 |
says there's an elevator to gain entry | 884.639 | 4.741 |
to a lab no access without protective | 887.16 | 4.859 |
garments so we don't want to go in there | 889.38 | 4.38 |
it's Nate | 892.019 | 3.481 |
this is like something out of a star war | 893.76 | 3.6 |
so you guys don't want to have weapons | 895.5 | 5.1 |
out in case you know bad things weapons | 897.36 | 6.659 |
out oh here we go elevator you'll never | 900.6 | 5.7 |
see guys in flippers and scuba gear | 904.019 | 5.76 |
coming no we look like we fit right in | 906.3 | 4.48 |
foreign | 909.779 | 4.331 |
[Music] | 910.78 | 3.33 |
here we go I'm back now it's over | 935.6 | 5.859 |
yeah there's ding dong you got your swim | 939.42 | 3.539 |
trunks on still I know and I'm gonna | 941.459 | 2.82 |
keep them off I'm gonna do this with | 942.959 | 3.601 |
swim trunks | 944.279 | 4.201 |
we're looking for reinforced armor folks | 946.56 | 3.66 |
I don't know what it looks like but keep | 948.48 | 4.159 |
an eye out | 950.22 | 2.419 |
all right it was very calm walking up | 954.92 | 5.26 |
here neebs I know you got to keep your | 958.5 | 3.54 |
head together you know yeah good for you | 960.18 | 5.339 |
okay pushing through yep | 962.04 | 6.479 |
tomorrow | 965.519 | 3.0 |
I might have killed them all just | 969.959 | 3.301 |
because I'm pretty awesome did I sleeps | 971.399 | 3.721 |
very nice I think we still do have one | 973.26 | 3.54 |
behind us though so we gotta be careful | 975.12 | 3.24 |
I'm watching a six all right yeah you | 976.8 | 2.94 |
know what this guy in this room it's | 978.36 | 2.64 |
bugging me | 979.74 | 4.94 |
hey buddy I know you're back here | 981.0 | 3.68 |
there you go | 985.16 | 3.419 |
going in the cold room oh boy | 988.68 | 6.06 |
every room has a bunch okay I mean two | 991.88 | 5.86 |
oh wait here's boxes yep I got the boxes | 994.74 | 5.039 |
is that a reinforced armor yep I got one | 997.74 | 4.019 |
Simon you grab that one got it oh sweet | 999.779 | 3.48 |
we gotta get back to the elevator to | 1001.759 | 3.541 |
exit outside why won't we just go back | 1003.259 | 3.781 |
the way we came you know through the | 1005.3 | 3.719 |
tunnel with our scuba gear I'd rather | 1007.04 | 3.239 |
not swim | 1009.019 | 4.461 |
Simon doesn't want to swim | 1010.279 | 3.201 |
[Music] | 1014.05 | 9.25 |
well I got a marksman's ride full I'm | 1021.199 | 4.441 |
gonna be shooting some Choppers out with | 1023.3 | 4.499 |
this thing on the co-pilot I can press e | 1025.64 | 4.62 |
to use the rocket launcher oh I got a | 1027.799 | 4.561 |
rocket launcher oh cool I think all we | 1030.26 | 3.9 |
got to do is lose the cops yeah this | 1032.36 | 3.719 |
isn't bad oh wait leave you want to see | 1034.16 | 2.94 |
if you can hit some of the Choppers | 1036.079 | 4.701 |
following us I do heck yeah | 1037.1 | 3.68 |
he's trying to I'm trying to point a man | 1042.74 | 3.719 |
uh point you at them | 1044.36 | 5.64 |
oh boy | 1046.459 | 3.541 |
off point at him | 1051.44 | 3.32 |
ah man it's so hard to find them oh wow | 1054.88 | 4.72 |
yeah nice shot whoever that was I think | 1058.039 | 4.561 |
I got him yeah oh | 1059.6 | 5.939 |
man that's that does not go away no yeah | 1062.6 | 4.199 |
someone shot him out of this guy he's | 1065.539 | 3.481 |
going down the highway damn right | 1066.799 | 4.981 |
damn nice I'm not sure why I even have a | 1069.02 | 4.26 |
reticle because it's not where the | 1071.78 | 3.36 |
missiles go yeah whatever it is you're | 1073.28 | 3.899 |
using knees Nevis is crap just give me | 1075.14 | 3.72 |
control of the uh the Rockets I could do | 1077.179 | 5.0 |
much better I'm gonna try to hit the Sun | 1078.86 | 3.319 |
my view is horrible | 1087.08 | 3.78 |
so all we gotta do is get back to the | 1089.419 | 3.481 |
arcade we got reinforced armor huh yep | 1090.86 | 4.08 |
we did it | 1092.9 | 3.5 |
was expertly done | 1094.94 | 3.54 |
at least we got something done today | 1096.4 | 3.03 |
hell yeah | 1098.48 | 4.579 |
[Applause] | 1099.43 | 3.629 |
[Music] | 1108.32 | 7.289 |
what was that | 1117.38 | 2.72 |
Dora | 1120.5 | 4.43 |
foreign | 1122.72 | 7.05 |
[Music] | 1124.93 | 5.17 |
[Applause] | 1129.77 | 6.54 |
[Music] | 1130.1 | 9.23 |
[Applause] | 1136.31 | 9.309 |
[Music] | 1139.33 | 6.289 |
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The Game
You definitely should check it out
Man, watching Neebs Gaming play through the Diamond Casino Heist in GTA 5 has been an absolute blast! Their cinematic approach to gameplay commentary and editing really makes you feel like you're right there with the crew as they plan and execute the perfect heist.
In the latest episode, the action kicks off right away as the gang makes their move on the casino vault. Even though things don't quite go as planned at first, the back and forth between Neebs, Thick, and the rest of the crew is hilarious as always. Their chemistry together makes every failed attempt entertaining.
When they inevitably have to make a quick escape from the casino lobby and end up in a chaotic police chase, the cinematic camera work paired with the gang's reactions creates an immersive, movie-like experience. Even in the planning and preparation phases, the clever writing and jokes keep things exciting.
Overall, Neebs Gaming's playthrough is the perfect blend of comedy, action, and storytelling. Their unique approach gives you the thrill of pulling off an epic heist without having to do any of the work yourself. From laughing at their hilarious failures to cheering on their narrow escapes, it feels like you're part of the crew.
For anyone looking to experience GTA 5's Diamond Casino Heist in the most cinematic and entertaining way, without actually playing it themselves, Neebs Gaming's series is an absolute must-watch. Their commentary and editing brings the heist to life in a way that makes you feel like you're playing through it with a group of hilarious friends. It just doesn't get any better than this!