MINECRAFT: The Spider Castle 2 - New Neebsylvania 14
Neebs Gaming

This video comes straight from the Neebs Gaming YouTube channel.
neebs: Hey guys, have you seen 'MINECRAFT: The Spider Castle 2 - New Neebsylvania 14'? It's like a rollercoaster of emotions and suspense!
simon: Oh yeah, that one is hilarious! Especially when Thick tries to infiltrate the spider castle, classic Thick move.
appsro: I love how they all work together to find the lost horse and start a farm. Teamwork makes the dream work, right?
neebs: Definitely! And let's not forget the creeper tactics, they had me on the edge of my seat. Such a thrilling episode!
Hey there, fellow Neebsylvania fans! Have you checked out the latest episode where the guys embark on a quest to find a lost horse, face off against a creeper, and even start a farm together? It’s all in Minecraft - New Neebsylvania 14: "The Spider Castle 2". And let me tell you, the camaraderie between the guys is at an all-time high in this one.
One of the highlights of the episode is when Thick is challenged to navigate his way into the mysterious spider castle. I won’t spoil it for you, but let’s just say it makes for some intense and hilarious moments. Will he succeed in his mission? You’ll have to tune in to find out!
And don’t forget to click the link to explore more of the Neebsylvania world. The adventures never stop in this crazy Minecraft universe created by the talented folks at Neebs Gaming. Plus, if you want to rock some awesome Neebs Gaming gear, head over to their Spreadshirt store to grab some cool merch.
If you can’t get enough of Neebsylvania, make sure to follow them on Facebook and Twitter for all the latest updates and behind-the-scenes content. And if you want to catch the guys in action live, don’t miss their Twitch channels for some epic gaming streams. Trust me, you won’t want to miss out on all the fun and excitement that Neebsylvania has to offer. So grab your snacks, sit back, and enjoy the ride!

The Game
You definitely should check it out!
Wow, I am loving watching the Neebs Gaming crew play Minecraft! Their cinematic approach makes it feel like you're right there with the guys, living the Minecraft life.
In their latest series "Neebsylvania," we really get immersed in the world they are building together. It's fun watching their personalities shine as they banter and work together to survive. Thick's daring quest to infiltrate the mysterious spider castle had me on the edge of my seat! Meanwhile, the farm and garden Dora and Appsro are developing adds a wholesome element.
Through all their hilarious misadventures, you get a feel for the creativity and discovery that makes Minecraft so engrossing. The Neebs crew finds ways to keep it exciting, whether they're battling creepers, exploring ravines, or just goofing around. Their chemistry and storytelling draw you into the world.
Overall, Neebs Gaming's Minecraft series is a blast to watch. Their cinematic style enhances the gameplay, making it the next best thing to playing yourself. It's the perfect way to live out the Minecraft adventure without having to do all the grinding yourself. If you haven't checked out their Minecraft content, I highly recommend it for funny, immersive entertainment!

Caption | Start | Duration |
guys I have a question yeah where's my | 0.12 | 5.759 |
horse I don't know I killed that son of | 2.879 | 5.04 |
a [ __ ] you did not kill it but imagine | 5.879 | 3.8 |
the day imagine the day when we find him | 7.919 | 4.121 |
again yeah he's going to be so happy to | 9.679 | 4.561 |
see me yeah right he's out there | 12.04 | 4.239 |
somewhere I don't like that he's out | 14.24 | 5.76 |
there somewhere in the nether running | 16.279 | 3.721 |
free if I see him I'll let you know all | 25.039 | 5.56 |
right hi bunny you should be happy that | 27.679 | 4.841 |
he's out running free maybe he met a | 30.599 | 4.12 |
lady horse that's possible too what | 32.52 | 4.24 |
keeps this water from oh there it goes | 34.719 | 4.321 |
did you just do that yep water physics | 36.76 | 3.959 |
are really weird yeah no they're they're | 39.04 | 2.999 |
a little strange in this game hey buddy | 40.719 | 2.561 |
how you doing I'm trying to be | 42.039 | 2.761 |
constructive I was going to go mining | 43.28 | 5.24 |
today but but eh no I'm going to still | 44.8 | 7.239 |
I'm going to do it I was on a lost horse | 48.52 | 4.96 |
search but I'm going to end that right | 52.039 | 3.801 |
now yeah I was looking for the horse too | 53.48 | 3.239 |
you're going to | 55.84 | 4.12 |
connect this River to the lake right y | 56.719 | 5.121 |
yep dick why are you over there what's | 59.96 | 3.399 |
the level I was looking for the horse | 61.84 | 2.84 |
did you not hear me say that the horse | 63.359 | 2.8 |
is free don't worry about it it may be | 64.68 | 3.28 |
mul wow it takes forever to hit this | 66.159 | 4.041 |
kill the stone here huh you got a shovel | 67.96 | 3.28 |
you need to use a pickaxe are you | 70.2 | 4.12 |
killing Stone thick you keep it up buddy | 71.24 | 5.6 |
you keep it up thick did he just shoot | 74.32 | 5.799 |
you yeah you can't prove that no I know | 76.84 | 5.08 |
I know you did it you know look at that | 80.119 | 3.36 |
right in the belly | 81.92 | 4.4 |
button H I'm just messing with you dude | 83.479 | 4.161 |
he's just messing so were you going to | 86.32 | 3.32 |
give me that pickaxe yep you're ready | 87.64 | 4.68 |
yep I had a question for abs Stone it's | 89.64 | 4.6 |
not that great oh end you definitely | 92.32 | 3.68 |
want to take it out of flat part okay | 94.24 | 2.879 |
I'm not going to look at him I'm looking | 96.0 | 3.439 |
down at the water I'm just oh thank you | 97.119 | 4.081 |
saying get your get your pumpkin on is | 99.439 | 3.841 |
that yours right there mine's not in my | 101.2 | 3.4 |
uh inventory I don't know whose that is | 103.28 | 2.64 |
but we just picked one up so yeah I'll | 104.6 | 3.72 |
take it does anyone have a bucket I do | 105.92 | 3.839 |
not have ack I have two extra ones up in | 108.32 | 3.119 |
my spider you don't hear that every day | 109.759 | 4.68 |
do you no you don't just thinking that | 111.439 | 5.481 |
what a Simon come here come look at this | 114.439 | 4.521 |
come stand beside me all right bedtime | 116.92 | 4.44 |
look at the sunset ni perfect place to | 118.96 | 4.32 |
watch it oh | 121.36 | 6.959 |
wow look how pretty that is I'm in bed I | 123.28 | 7.84 |
too am in bed D what are you doing he's | 128.319 | 4.681 |
not in bed let's focus on one goal this | 131.12 | 3.8 |
morning guys well I need to get iron | 133.0 | 4.68 |
right nope nope oh God nope what nope | 134.92 | 5.72 |
what no iron no we don't need iron no | 137.68 | 6.12 |
iron today [ __ ] the tools let's have | 140.64 | 7.679 |
Simon fish and the rest of us | 143.8 | 7.159 |
make a farm | 148.319 | 6.081 |
what okay make it a farm let make a farm | 150.959 | 4.92 |
salimon you go fish I'll build the | 154.4 | 3.16 |
slaughter house would you like to make | 155.879 | 4.321 |
it out of wood or | 157.56 | 5.56 |
stone what are you talking about the the | 160.2 | 6.679 |
barn dirt a farm F not Barn oh so Barnes | 163.12 | 6.72 |
don't go on farms Creeper Creeper I | 166.879 | 4.401 |
guess you're right let's do the drill do | 169.84 | 3.16 |
the drill guys here I'll let him chase | 171.28 | 3.12 |
me oh wait a second then I get to kill | 173.0 | 3.12 |
him yeah this'll be the first time hold | 174.4 | 3.72 |
on it's not going to oh [ __ ] Simon run | 176.12 | 4.479 |
run okay hold on get your sword hold on | 178.12 | 3.64 |
I'm going to get him watch this it's | 180.599 | 3.401 |
locked on to Tony so do it Simon I'm | 181.76 | 3.64 |
doing it wa no draw him away from the | 184.0 | 3.04 |
house thick why are you going towards | 185.4 | 4.88 |
the house he's R going to catch me all | 187.04 | 4.919 |
right okay it's locked on Simon stuck in | 190.28 | 2.8 |
the | 191.959 | 3.801 |
water Simon you got the spider right on | 193.08 | 4.96 |
you yeah I know and I'm killing it yeah | 195.76 | 6.16 |
and I just got some Str run run run stop | 198.04 | 7.16 |
it what is wrong with you I did run I | 201.92 | 5.879 |
ran a little late oh s thank goodness | 205.2 | 5.16 |
you weren't by the houses well okay you | 207.799 | 4.761 |
want me to fill it in yeah but I want | 210.36 | 3.76 |
but more than that I want you to learn | 212.56 | 3.039 |
how to run from a creeper well do you | 214.12 | 3.839 |
realize that you before you learn to run | 215.599 | 4.36 |
you need to learn to walk you weren't | 217.959 | 6.241 |
even walking I was technically | 219.959 | 4.241 |
walking that's that's you got to learn | 225.4 | 6.36 |
this stuff man I am you [ __ ] the whole | 228.84 | 5.239 |
nebs Sania could depend on it some what | 231.76 | 4.96 |
if what hey what if that creeper would | 234.079 | 4.88 |
have been standing by andel's house what | 236.72 | 4.359 |
if Simon I would not have been there I | 238.959 | 4.081 |
would not even be anywhere near a house | 241.079 | 4.321 |
if the creeper was there so thank you | 243.04 | 4.72 |
for for for even noticing that I was | 245.4 | 6.16 |
away from the houses on purpose | 247.76 | 3.8 |
okay girls I found a donkey you did not | 252.0 | 4.28 |
there's not donkey there's donkeys in | 254.959 | 3.201 |
here yeah there's not donkeys where are | 256.28 | 4.76 |
you I'm over by Lake Wataga you guys see | 258.16 | 5.599 |
me I want to see this donkey I see you I | 261.04 | 3.92 |
have not seen a Don oh he's doing his | 263.759 | 2.88 |
thing he's making the noises donkey | 264.96 | 3.92 |
things the heha yeah and then there's | 266.639 | 3.681 |
another one | 268.88 | 4.879 |
up on this hill cannot Mount this thing | 270.32 | 6.92 |
can you feed it a wheat he likes it he | 273.759 | 5.121 |
likes the wheat did he eat it it looked | 277.24 | 4.36 |
like he smiled he is smiling that's a | 278.88 | 5.44 |
happy ass donkey where are you is no | 281.6 | 4.8 |
longer happy wh over by where the r | 284.32 | 5.24 |
can't put a saddle on it oh what you're | 286.4 | 5.68 |
on it I FedEd all the [ __ ] wheat my | 289.56 | 4.84 |
gosh look get on it I I I right clicked | 292.08 | 5.0 |
on it after I fed it all the wheat but | 294.4 | 4.76 |
you need to in order to to ride it hey | 297.08 | 3.839 |
Simon I'm sorry I didn't mean that God | 299.16 | 3.68 |
what you doing you've got a freaking | 300.919 | 4.361 |
lure in it that was a mistake you're a | 302.84 | 3.799 |
mistake right | 305.28 | 4.72 |
click oh man I'm sorry donkey I have no | 306.639 | 4.721 |
control over this donkey because it | 310.0 | 3.32 |
doesn't have a saddle I've got a saddle | 311.36 | 4.36 |
now let me try to put a saddle on it get | 313.32 | 4.319 |
away Simon oh you got on it that that | 315.72 | 4.28 |
makes sense an ass on an ass is awesome | 317.639 | 4.201 |
oh look you know what you son of a [ __ ] | 320.0 | 5.919 |
oh wait I'm On One donkey | 321.84 | 6.56 |
party am off of it did he kick me off no | 325.919 | 4.0 |
now you're on him again all right come | 328.4 | 4.88 |
on guys all right let's good stuff Have | 329.919 | 5.961 |
Fun Simon let's make the the farm Simon | 333.28 | 4.919 |
the garden how do I get off this thing | 335.88 | 4.2 |
all right let's just make a straight | 338.199 | 3.641 |
track of water | 340.08 | 5.0 |
uh-huh this then we'll get a hoe and | 341.84 | 6.639 |
we'll ho both sides of this we need | 345.08 | 5.44 |
seeds does anyone have seeds uh let me | 348.479 | 3.601 |
check I get some does anyone have a | 350.52 | 3.56 |
bucket I also have a bucket I have a | 352.08 | 3.839 |
bucket yes you got the hoe thing going | 354.08 | 3.04 |
there yeah do you want me to hoe right | 355.919 | 4.481 |
next to this or yeah ho right next water | 357.12 | 5.04 |
I've already planted some of my seeds we | 360.4 | 3.48 |
should really head back soon planted | 362.16 | 3.759 |
your seeds be in some trouble here all | 363.88 | 3.439 |
right let's go to sleep we should have | 365.919 | 3.84 |
some sort of a barn as well for the uh | 367.319 | 4.681 |
for the farm just a little like Shack or | 369.759 | 4.0 |
something to supplies | 372.0 | 5.16 |
in classic red and white barn yeah why | 373.759 | 5.481 |
not get some red now it's a good now | 377.16 | 4.319 |
it's a great idea huh no one ever said | 379.24 | 3.519 |
it was a bad | 381.479 | 5.521 |
idea absor sleepwalking it's creepy oh | 382.759 | 7.801 |
boy see look at abs sleep walking mhm | 387.0 | 5.84 |
someone needs to go to his computer and | 390.56 | 4.479 |
put him in the bed | 392.84 | 5.0 |
yeah all right back to the | 395.039 | 5.641 |
Garden mhm are these donkeys going to | 397.84 | 4.759 |
eat all of our | 400.68 | 5.28 |
crops maybe can I could really uh use | 402.599 | 6.16 |
some food where you at oh | 405.96 | 6.079 |
and D you need a hoe uh do you want a | 408.759 | 5.201 |
hoe and I'll follow you with seeds uh | 412.039 | 4.641 |
yeah I can do that we should make like a | 413.96 | 5.919 |
like a 20 acre crop and then neebs | 416.68 | 5.16 |
gaming is no more because we're building | 419.879 | 5.04 |
making 20 acres of farm we could get all | 421.84 | 5.079 |
the people that watch us on YouTube to | 424.919 | 4.96 |
harvest on Spare Time [ __ ] put them | 426.919 | 5.881 |
to work yeah why not cuz they don't want | 429.879 | 4.561 |
to work they just want to take going | 432.8 | 4.44 |
down guys I wonder if I can commission | 434.44 | 5.56 |
uh any of the nee's gaming uh followers | 437.24 | 6.16 |
to build me a giant Hydra | 440.0 | 6.28 |
house look at abso dumbass just hanging | 443.4 | 5.0 |
out an idiot are you guys back at the | 446.28 | 4.0 |
house oh | 448.4 | 3.799 |
let me put these last seeds down dark | 450.28 | 3.599 |
enough what do you think one more day on | 452.199 | 3.801 |
the garden then do some mining can we uh | 453.879 | 5.361 |
break up break it up by um seeing if | 456.0 | 5.08 |
thick can find his way into my place | 459.24 | 5.079 |
yeah when is abro getting back in 15 | 461.08 | 6.76 |
Tris yeah are you locking down there | 464.319 | 5.72 |
yeah did you grab the seeds yeah man | 467.84 | 3.88 |
asro is going to flip out when he sees | 470.039 | 2.521 |
his | 471.72 | 3.36 |
garden probably not no he's not going to | 472.56 | 4.44 |
flip up no I think he's going to say oh | 475.08 | 4.079 |
wow that spider wasn't doing [ __ ] to you | 477.0 | 4.44 |
NE I know World Peace [ __ ] killed it | 479.159 | 3.841 |
for you dry so now you're afraid of them | 481.44 | 4.52 |
no I I live in one I'm working on | 483.0 | 4.84 |
something guys what you doing look at | 485.96 | 3.56 |
that oh you just you son of a [ __ ] | 487.84 | 3.56 |
what' I do you just did what I wanted to | 489.52 | 5.76 |
do so I helped you no but it's like it's | 491.4 | 5.32 |
you know like when you finish something | 495.28 | 2.599 |
you're like oh I'm right there and you | 496.72 | 2.919 |
go oh yeah let me just get that that was | 497.879 | 4.88 |
like the that was ex yeah exactly like | 499.639 | 5.481 |
that building a dirt Hut over here that | 502.759 | 4.681 |
was that was my | 505.12 | 4.72 |
museum that's my museum starting your | 507.44 | 5.2 |
clown so Grand yeah I started it and I'm | 509.84 | 4.24 |
going to go back to it soon thank you | 512.64 | 3.399 |
for closing that back up again this | 514.08 | 4.519 |
needs to be a nice Cascade into the to | 516.039 | 4.521 |
the lake yes you're absolutely think | 518.599 | 3.521 |
about how the water's going to fall can | 520.56 | 4.44 |
this be my project yeah thank you all | 522.12 | 5.24 |
right everybody follow dalas did | 525.0 | 3.48 |
everybody hear that feel like we should | 527.36 | 4.039 |
have a fresh day for it yeah I I'm with | 528.48 | 5.64 |
pushing it on a on a little journey all | 531.399 | 3.961 |
right | 534.12 | 3.92 |
skeleton behind you thick I'm going to | 535.36 | 4.28 |
get him with a bow and arrow want to see | 538.04 | 4.28 |
my Marksmanship see it let's see | 539.64 | 7.0 |
it oh you hit him yeah I did oh he's | 542.32 | 6.28 |
down you did | 546.64 | 4.52 |
it oh man look there's a skeleton in | 548.6 | 6.4 |
there D and I use a crafting table to | 551.16 | 6.28 |
make stuff right yep I'll show you come | 555.0 | 3.88 |
here are you in the house I'm in the | 557.44 | 3.56 |
house buddy all right I'm coming Simon | 558.88 | 3.88 |
made his first pickaxe ladies and | 561.0 | 4.2 |
gentlemen what I missed guys uh nothing | 562.76 | 5.8 |
oh tons tons you would not believe what | 565.2 | 4.92 |
we just buil | 568.56 | 3.48 |
okay you'll believe it oh no I'll | 570.12 | 3.36 |
believe it I'm sure I'll believe it | 572.04 | 3.12 |
nothing did not believe about it don't | 573.48 | 4.64 |
want to write HED anybody about we set a | 575.16 | 7.32 |
goal and we did it didn't we as a team M | 578.12 | 6.04 |
kind of yeah I don't know about that | 582.48 | 2.919 |
yeah we did I'll believe that when I see | 584.16 | 3.919 |
it all right so do you want to go look | 585.399 | 5.601 |
at your thing D yep oh I got to see this | 588.079 | 4.401 |
you ready to follow me yeah all right | 591.0 | 3.04 |
follow me all right what did you guys | 592.48 | 4.359 |
build while I was gone oh you you'll see | 594.04 | 4.359 |
you'll see it up here it'll be a fun | 596.839 | 3.761 |
reveal to see it from here but oh yeah | 598.399 | 3.761 |
should we look at the observation tower | 600.6 | 3.44 |
and look down see if we can see it see | 602.16 | 3.799 |
if I can see it sure wait don't look | 604.04 | 5.0 |
don't look close your eyes abro Okay um | 605.959 | 6.961 |
oh yeah I can see it uh options how do I | 609.04 | 5.68 |
turn clouds off oh I think I kind of see | 612.92 | 4.52 |
it I told you to close your eyes they | 614.72 | 4.96 |
were closed see Simon working down there | 617.44 | 4.48 |
diligently all right you turn your | 619.68 | 5.08 |
clouds off where you at I'm going up to | 621.92 | 5.52 |
the observation deck with Mr D so the | 624.76 | 4.36 |
river goes down there yeah I see the | 627.44 | 4.24 |
Farm the river yeah little farm or a | 629.12 | 4.839 |
garden that's River abso yeah he said | 631.68 | 4.0 |
Farm didn't he sure but more importantly | 633.959 | 4.241 |
look right at that giant spider looking | 635.68 | 6.44 |
down on thicks place about to attack | 638.2 | 6.28 |
it that is a that's the reveal this is | 642.12 | 3.8 |
the best spot to see it from like right | 644.48 | 4.84 |
here yeah that's nice God I'm not proud | 645.92 | 7.32 |
of it at all why don't we uh thick go | 649.32 | 6.36 |
ahead and see if you can find the way up | 653.24 | 4.039 |
and it is off of this level it's not | 655.68 | 3.36 |
like you have to go down or something | 657.279 | 4.201 |
neebs is taking taking up rear yeah | 659.04 | 4.239 |
neebs let's | 661.48 | 4.08 |
stay let's stay | 663.279 | 4.881 |
here stay here | 665.56 | 6.839 |
yeah um thicks off to find the way | 668.16 | 6.72 |
up and | 672.399 | 5.041 |
uh uh got plenty of | 674.88 | 4.36 |
food | 677.44 | 4.68 |
oh Dick's climbing the spider Castle | 679.24 | 4.279 |
he's climbing spider Castle I have a | 682.12 | 3.2 |
feeling there's it's not | 683.519 | 4.56 |
a it's not a climb it's not a direct | 685.32 | 6.0 |
climb up if I duras he's he's been | 688.079 | 4.721 |
crafty it's a | 691.32 | 6.4 |
maze he's been crafty and let's see did | 692.8 | 6.64 |
you put all these flowers out here I did | 697.72 | 4.16 |
do you like them yeah this is nice you | 699.44 | 4.12 |
were super close you were very hot thick | 701.88 | 2.8 |
I don't think it's in the river the | 703.56 | 3.839 |
other way back over there we're super | 704.68 | 4.279 |
hot are you going to do the hot and cold | 707.399 | 3.281 |
thing the whole time going to make it | 708.959 | 3.44 |
real easy it's straight ahead to the | 710.68 | 3.44 |
left there like you're looking at it | 712.399 | 5.961 |
right now is no back look to the left | 714.12 | 6.04 |
look to the left there is he doing this | 718.36 | 3.44 |
or you doing it BR there you go it's | 720.16 | 2.88 |
kind of like hidden it's like an optical | 721.8 | 3.36 |
illusion take a left look left there you | 723.04 | 5.64 |
go oh all right now let's let's watch | 725.16 | 6.119 |
him make his way up here you got your | 728.68 | 5.8 |
name right my faceis it's fun times get | 731.279 | 5.961 |
to try out the TNT I made yeah blow that | 734.48 | 5.719 |
[ __ ] up hop up here yeah it's kind of | 737.24 | 4.8 |
hidden if you're not looking at it yeah | 740.199 | 3.521 |
you don't want thick to know where it is | 742.04 | 4.159 |
no but and then don't tell thick about | 743.72 | 5.2 |
this next part up here okay when you get | 746.199 | 5.401 |
to the top don't go up that ladder that | 748.92 | 5.56 |
you see that that'll lead you to a hole | 751.6 | 5.88 |
that'll drop you and kill | 754.48 | 3.0 |
you okay here we go | 758.32 | 5.519 |
whoa oh | 761.279 | 6.281 |
man oh that's terrible did you set a | 763.839 | 6.56 |
booby trap I'll grab your stuff oh good | 767.56 | 5.36 |
oh he's got look at he got diamonds | 770.399 | 5.601 |
tough he's got loot his [ __ ] he's got so | 772.92 | 5.44 |
much [ __ ] I am very impressed I mean | 776.0 | 4.12 |
it's not every day trust me when I say | 778.36 | 3.56 |
this you see something original in | 780.12 | 3.68 |
Minecraft that's awesome so enjoy enjoy | 781.92 | 4.919 |
the house my um my bedroom's up here | 783.8 | 5.44 |
that is that is some cool stuff and then | 786.839 | 3.921 |
yeah there's | 789.24 | 3.92 |
my that's the pool oh you even have a | 790.76 | 6.4 |
jutu too yeah yours is bigger than mine | 793.16 | 5.84 |
good Lord what the [ __ ] we're in the | 797.16 | 5.039 |
spider butt right now yeah spider butt | 799.0 | 6.24 |
Yak evil | 802.199 | 3.041 |
castle I had fun I got carried away I | 807.36 | 6.08 |
like that happens in Minecraft it does I | 811.24 | 5.039 |
think I spent your bed up here 6,000 | 813.44 | 5.6 |
hours in Minecraft almost the last five | 816.279 | 6.401 |
years yeah to me to me this game is uh | 819.04 | 5.88 |
it's easily the best bang for my buck | 822.68 | 6.12 |
I've ever spent I bought for absolutely | 824.92 | 5.279 |
okay so that's thick piece of [ __ ] over | 828.8 | 3.839 |
there thick little dump over | 830.199 | 7.56 |
there sorry thi I had to do it | 832.639 | 6.64 |
that's | 837.759 | 3.2 |
sorry we got your stuff there you just | 839.279 | 4.0 |
declared war you sp where'd you | 840.959 | 5.12 |
spawn no that was that was fun I can I | 843.279 | 4.321 |
can appreciate yeah I'll show you that | 846.079 | 4.041 |
I'll show you the real way perfect man | 847.6 | 4.239 |
it's a lot of work it was a lot of work | 850.12 | 3.279 |
and this and this whole thing is on | 851.839 | 3.881 |
Survival yeah I didn't do any God mode | 853.399 | 5.481 |
to make this oh my God which uh I fell a | 855.72 | 4.039 |
couple | 858.88 | 3.319 |
times a couple lives were lost couple | 859.759 | 5.08 |
lives were lost oh man get get lost | 862.199 | 3.481 |
getting down this | 864.839 | 2.44 |
[Laughter] | 865.68 | 3.68 |
thing yeah you don't want to get into | 867.279 | 3.92 |
that hole that killed you that that's | 869.36 | 4.44 |
not the no I can't wait till someone | 871.199 | 4.44 |
does that though but that's a good | 873.8 | 3.479 |
little trap isn't it that got it that is | 875.639 | 4.241 |
a very good trap if anybody can find it | 877.279 | 4.841 |
is that what you want to show us dris uh | 879.88 | 5.12 |
him falling to his death yes okay good | 882.12 | 6.42 |
show sir good show thank | 885.0 | 4.05 |
[Applause] | 888.54 | 4.91 |
[Music] | 889.05 | 4.4 |
you L of food I give | 897.68 | 4.76 |
[Music] | 900.63 | 4.81 |
l | 902.44 | 3.0 |
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If anyone has any fan art they would like to submit, a post idea or promotional content for the crew just reach out and let me know! This is community supported so feel free to get involved if you love Neebs Gaming half as much as I do!