MINECRAFT: The Map Pt.2 - New Neebsylvania 23
Neebs Gaming

This video comes straight from the Neebs Gaming YouTube channel.
neebs: Hey guys, welcome back to another episode of Minecraft: The Map Pt.2 - New Neebsylvania! I gotta say, this is hands down my favorite video on our channel.
simon: Oh, come on Neebs, don't be so dramatic. But I have to admit, watching us get lost and butt heads in this episode is pretty hilarious. Definitely a classic moment.
appsro: Classic indeed! I mean, who wouldn't love revisiting New Neebsylvania and seeing us struggle to read a map? It's pure comedy gold, my friends.
neebs: Exactly! And let's not forget the epic music choices in this video. 'Rollin at 5' really sets the tone for our misadventures.
Hey guys, have you checked out the latest episode of Neebsylvania yet? If not, you're missing out on some hilarious moments as the gang tries to navigate through Minecraft and uncover the rest of the map. And of course, they still manage to get lost and butt heads along the way - classic Neebs Gaming antics!
In this episode, titled "The Map Pt.2", the gang revisits some nostalgia while exploring New Neebsylvania. From uncovering hidden treasures to encountering unexpected obstacles, you never know what to expect when watching these guys play. And let's not forget the epic music that accompanies their adventures, adding to the excitement and fun of the game.
If you're a fan of Neebs Gaming like me, you'll love watching the gang in action and experiencing their journey through Minecraft. So don't miss out on the laughs, the drama, and the pure entertainment that comes with each episode. And make sure to check out their website and social media channels for even more exclusive content and updates. Trust me, you won't be disappointed!

The Game
You definitely should check it out!
Man, have you seen Neebs Gaming's latest Minecraft series, New Neebsylvania? Those guys are hilarious! I've been watching their cinematic Minecraft videos for years and they never fail to crack me up with their antics.
In this new series, they're exploring a massive custom map while roleplaying as settlers trying to build a new civilization called Neebsylvania. As always, the banter between the guys is comedy gold. Simon is the clueless one, Thick is the loveable oaf, Appsro is the nerdy brains of the operation, and Neebs is the frustrated leader trying to herd these cats into something productive.
No matter what they're doing - gathering resources, building, fighting mobs, or just wandering around aimlessly - they find ways to make it entertaining. Like in this latest episode when they revisited their original Minecraft house from years ago and got all nostalgic. The cinematic camera work also adds to the cinematic feel that makes their Minecraft series so enjoyable to watch.
Honestly, Neebs Gaming is the best way to experience Minecraft without actually playing it yourself. Their editing and filmmaking expertise transforms Minecraft into an engrossing world full of humor and adventure. And the way they roleplay and improvise dialogue makes it feel like you're watching a funny TV show, not just another gaming video.
If you're looking for some hilarious entertainment, do yourself a favor and check out Neebs Gaming's Minecraft series. And make sure to watch from the beginning so you get all the inside jokes and references. You won't regret it! These good ol' boys from North Carolina know how to spin gaming videos into comedic gold.

Caption | Start | Duration |
all right yall follow me yeah all right | 0.12 | 4.76 |
so we're going to go past the cactus uh | 2.28 | 6.12 |
Farm is Simon still on course yep okay | 4.88 | 5.6 |
great be careful Simon a lot of holes | 8.4 | 4.84 |
over here oh really this is a holy place | 10.48 | 4.279 |
all right so right there is the | 13.24 | 4.36 |
Northeast Wonder I've got two two towns | 14.759 | 4.881 |
around this place somewhere that you've | 17.6 | 4.36 |
already explored that I've commandeered | 19.64 | 5.719 |
yes you shouldn't Commander a town th | 21.96 | 5.76 |
what are you a dictator kind of no idea | 25.359 | 8.441 |
where I'm a dictator oh oh just a | 27.72 | 6.08 |
dick hey where where are you guys oh | 38.64 | 4.759 |
yeah Simon right behind neees oh look | 41.32 | 3.8 |
there's a whale we lost Simon what | 43.399 | 4.121 |
there's a whale water whale all right we | 45.12 | 4.52 |
need to find Simon Simon you forget that | 47.52 | 4.839 |
we Simon I've been walking I wasn't said | 49.64 | 4.16 |
you found a well neees I don't see a | 52.359 | 3.961 |
well and Simon I just went up to a very | 53.8 | 4.599 |
tall PE there you are you see me yep all | 56.32 | 4.719 |
right cool we're to nebl all right so so | 58.399 | 4.84 |
far I see what looks like a whale and | 61.039 | 3.721 |
there's a body of water to our right so | 63.239 | 5.56 |
you say whale whale whale a whale whale | 64.76 | 6.08 |
you said a whale I don't see me judging | 68.799 | 4.161 |
any of you on the way you talk yeah well | 70.84 | 5.36 |
you judge us on Plenty other things yeah | 72.96 | 6.479 |
but you're insulting every my entire | 76.2 | 6.959 |
Heritage you don't have a Heritage yeah | 79.439 | 6.201 |
you're heritag less you're a hick that's | 83.159 | 5.041 |
a Heritage yeah I'm just messing we're | 85.64 | 3.88 |
we're at the edge of the map so we got | 88.2 | 3.279 |
to be careful careful might fall off | 89.52 | 4.279 |
well we'll get lost guys look over here | 91.479 | 4.441 |
don't split up guys no I know follow me | 93.799 | 4.64 |
we're out of the map Zone come this way | 95.92 | 5.04 |
I am but I'm reluctant following you is | 98.439 | 5.72 |
never a good idea what is this place oh | 100.96 | 4.92 |
was this our thing our place our first | 104.159 | 4.92 |
place it is our first place yeah it is | 105.88 | 6.0 |
oh wow realiz pigs killed by thick which | 109.079 | 4.921 |
I ate later wonder know where we are now | 111.88 | 4.12 |
good to know okay so this is off the map | 114.0 | 3.92 |
we did so much good stuff here too a lot | 116.0 | 3.52 |
of good fishing here don't you remember | 117.92 | 3.44 |
fishing right here Simon remember we sat | 119.52 | 4.84 |
here by the water we talking about life | 121.36 | 4.2 |
remember you fell in a hole over here | 124.36 | 2.759 |
Simon we all had a group pug to make you | 125.56 | 3.479 |
feel better and you enjoyed it way back | 127.119 | 4.041 |
when I was a noob oh no take a look at | 129.039 | 3.56 |
this squid guys we got to help this | 131.16 | 6.56 |
squid is there a squid in in danger hold | 132.599 | 9.081 |
up oh boy oh he died I didn't kill him I | 137.72 | 6.0 |
you were just doing your sword no but I | 141.68 | 4.199 |
was getting the block right next to him | 143.72 | 4.159 |
and then killed him we should sleep so | 145.879 | 4.72 |
we don't in the old place yeah there we | 147.879 | 5.961 |
go huh all time sake wow it's just still | 150.599 | 4.92 |
got that musty smell there's all kinds | 153.84 | 2.92 |
of stuff in there oh [ __ ] I didn't bring | 155.519 | 4.321 |
a bed what we had this conversation | 156.76 | 5.119 |
Simon y he was eating a oh I didn't | 159.84 | 3.759 |
bring a bed either does anyone have any | 161.879 | 3.961 |
oh thick didn't bring one either cuz I | 163.599 | 3.801 |
we we put it back did you not bring a | 165.84 | 3.92 |
bed thick no I had one and then I had to | 167.4 | 4.919 |
put it back cuz Nee Nee started bitching | 169.76 | 4.6 |
yeah you didn't one we can get in our | 172.319 | 4.241 |
safe spot over here and just wait out | 174.36 | 5.159 |
the night fishing spot we could have I'm | 176.56 | 4.679 |
okay with that as an alternate I know | 179.519 | 3.8 |
I'm sorry I put the bed down back where | 181.239 | 3.441 |
we were supposed to take the hike and | 183.319 | 3.801 |
then I you to forget the bed I'm | 184.68 | 4.4 |
disappointed I know let's set up for the | 187.12 | 4.36 |
night all right this brings me back you | 189.08 | 4.32 |
know what I mean back when I was I used | 191.48 | 3.92 |
to fish every day yeah that's all you | 193.4 | 3.919 |
know how to do it was my thing then I | 195.4 | 4.16 |
turned into the bow master and lost that | 197.319 | 5.56 |
fish oh there you got one he that catch | 199.56 | 8.599 |
that was me nice one thick thank | 202.879 | 5.28 |
you sometimes you just don't get | 208.239 | 5.08 |
bites who's who's hit dris are you | 210.799 | 5.0 |
trying to kill that chicken kill it we | 213.319 | 4.2 |
need the feathers we need the | 215.799 | 4.281 |
feathers I'm trying to kill a spider cuz | 217.519 | 4.521 |
I'm only guy doesn't have a fishing pole | 220.08 | 3.719 |
we got some fish cooking in the oven | 222.04 | 4.68 |
guys oh look who's back hey what I miss | 223.799 | 4.321 |
you're not going to believe where we are | 226.72 | 3.0 |
I was exploring the map we ended up in | 228.12 | 3.92 |
the old the old Hut you're having a | 229.72 | 4.719 |
Nostalgia trip without me we had a very | 232.04 | 5.72 |
clear message bring beds how many of us | 234.439 | 5.601 |
brought beds out of four yeah every one | 237.76 | 4.839 |
but thick no wait Simon you didn't bring | 240.04 | 3.98 |
us I know shush don't worry about | 242.599 | 4.521 |
[Music] | 244.02 | 7.139 |
it oh here comes some zombies the zombie | 247.12 | 6.759 |
twins I hooked one oh that hurt him do | 251.159 | 3.761 |
it | 253.879 | 2.64 |
again | 254.92 | 3.879 |
oh where are you at can you kill him | 256.519 | 4.921 |
with that I don't know sorry sorry keep | 258.799 | 3.921 |
doing it hit him | 261.44 | 4.64 |
again do it again wow I never knew this | 262.72 | 6.039 |
the scary part is it brings it to you ah | 266.08 | 5.119 |
it's like scorpion get over | 268.759 | 6.321 |
here it's like barely hurting him yeah | 271.199 | 6.881 |
got a pet guys oh sorry sorry what' you | 275.08 | 4.959 |
do I killed him okay eventually it | 278.08 | 3.959 |
killed him it just took about 50 hits | 280.039 | 4.88 |
not a very good no no abro that you're | 282.039 | 6.081 |
back yeah did you make some type of like | 284.919 | 5.401 |
path I did okay so but it's like a | 288.12 | 3.72 |
straight line through the water and [ __ ] | 290.32 | 3.599 |
it is okay I saw that that's what I was | 291.84 | 4.16 |
curious about anybody got shears yeah I | 293.919 | 4.28 |
do my shears look like a sword so these | 296.0 | 4.68 |
sheep here come right click on them with | 298.199 | 4.881 |
your shears | 300.68 | 5.12 |
okay look at that you're doing good with | 303.08 | 5.6 |
this fishing thick oh thanks yep I need | 305.8 | 5.72 |
a little more wood I'll give you | 308.68 | 6.2 |
30 did you bring a bed for you ABS no | 311.52 | 6.48 |
but I got um 53 wool so I'm not worried | 314.88 | 4.84 |
about it we'll make a bed real quick | 318.0 | 4.039 |
okay can we sleep right now all right | 319.72 | 4.08 |
I'm in a bed I don't like this rain | 322.039 | 4.0 |
Simon go to bed put it put it on the uh | 323.8 | 4.72 |
second block there you go go to bed | 326.039 | 5.44 |
Simon leave me Al | 328.52 | 2.959 |
alone hey pretty that was convenient | 331.84 | 5.919 |
where the [ __ ] are you guys okay there | 335.28 | 4.479 |
we go right over here is where people | 337.759 | 4.081 |
spawn in when people first enter the | 339.759 | 4.321 |
server so when we have guest so my whole | 341.84 | 5.359 |
goal is to make a way for people to get | 344.08 | 5.6 |
from the spawn point to neebsylvania | 347.199 | 4.28 |
okay I thought it'd be fun to have a | 349.68 | 3.56 |
boat ride well we can get to that follow | 351.479 | 3.361 |
the Torches this was temporary he did | 353.24 | 3.04 |
what he could when he could do it I | 354.84 | 2.88 |
think this is a great idea and I think | 356.28 | 3.039 |
neebs is [ __ ] on you what you did | 357.72 | 3.599 |
right I expected that would you want to | 359.319 | 4.16 |
see this in the ocean in the real ocean | 361.319 | 4.72 |
holy [ __ ] if there was a mine cart on it | 363.479 | 5.72 |
I tick it doesn't bother me okay well | 366.039 | 4.28 |
but you know what I would have went I | 369.199 | 2.44 |
would have went straight across where | 370.319 | 3.16 |
I'm at here I don't know why you did | 371.639 | 3.921 |
this I want to hear more what Simon | 373.479 | 3.56 |
would have done stories yeah you want to | 375.56 | 2.759 |
hear that I'll show you could have gone | 377.039 | 2.641 |
straight to the land yeah could straight | 378.319 | 2.521 |
to the land here I think would have been | 379.68 | 3.68 |
less weird okay I'll do that less tacky | 380.84 | 4.44 |
guys can we go exploring that' be great | 383.36 | 3.239 |
I'd like that oh thick I didn't know you | 385.28 | 2.919 |
were here when did you get here I'm I've | 386.599 | 2.921 |
been here the whole time watching you | 388.199 | 4.4 |
idiots oh what's going on all right | 389.52 | 5.76 |
who's our leader that'd be me where's | 392.599 | 5.201 |
the guy with the map I got the map where | 395.28 | 5.4 |
y'all going I where are you are yall | 397.8 | 4.48 |
going back to the Hut where you going to | 400.68 | 2.76 |
sleep another night there I thought that | 402.28 | 3.759 |
was like the the okay you you you should | 403.44 | 5.039 |
probably lead the way yeah don't even | 406.039 | 3.801 |
know where you follow the path the way | 408.479 | 4.16 |
you're going now the path yep oh I don't | 409.84 | 4.72 |
want to get on that tack oh I know it's | 412.639 | 4.161 |
ugly am I going the right way neebs huh | 414.56 | 3.84 |
there's only one path am I going the | 416.8 | 3.28 |
right yeah but the right there's One | 418.4 | 3.4 |
Direction which direction am I going the | 420.08 | 3.64 |
right direction are you the one guy | 421.8 | 5.44 |
going the wrong way is it I see you guys | 423.72 | 5.36 |
hey you guys are very far away to the | 427.24 | 3.88 |
side you're very far away from Mees | 429.08 | 2.92 |
don't worry when I'm done with that | 431.12 | 2.519 |
thing it's going to look great Sim I | 432.0 | 3.919 |
would submerge it why are you going up | 433.639 | 4.0 |
the hill we're out on the path it | 435.919 | 2.921 |
doesn't look good do you realize that | 437.639 | 3.921 |
there was another path even if explain | 438.84 | 5.639 |
to me how that would ever look good in | 441.56 | 5.88 |
CU I'm going to make it look good stupid | 444.479 | 5.081 |
[ __ ] we're completely splitting up right | 447.44 | 4.24 |
only way you can make that look good is | 449.56 | 4.199 |
to get rid of it quit being a shitty | 451.68 | 4.079 |
leader going to look good qu being a | 453.759 | 4.401 |
[ __ ] you're being a [ __ ] rightl to me | 455.759 | 3.88 |
St I'm going to make it look like a nice | 458.16 | 3.319 |
little rail track if you put tracks on | 459.639 | 4.52 |
it still ugly can you [ __ ] listen to | 461.479 | 4.12 |
me what are you guys doing on the hill | 464.159 | 4.281 |
you said follow the path we're I yeah I | 465.599 | 4.32 |
was going to say follow the path so you | 468.44 | 4.159 |
can get to me well then say that come to | 469.919 | 5.161 |
me wait a second [ __ ] [ __ ] do you | 472.599 | 4.44 |
realize this that I was going the right | 475.08 | 3.16 |
way I was in the right place and you | 477.039 | 3.16 |
guys are laughing at me well and I went | 478.24 | 3.959 |
all the way to you just listened to what | 480.199 | 3.68 |
he said and then he started bitching | 482.199 | 4.521 |
come to me he said go to the to that was | 483.879 | 4.801 |
the point we didn't know where you were | 486.72 | 3.72 |
two people are still walking away from | 488.68 | 5.12 |
me come to me where where are you I'm on | 490.44 | 6.0 |
the hill goodness you never even said | 493.8 | 4.44 |
that that not once did he say anything | 496.44 | 4.36 |
about H someone said | 498.24 | 5.56 |
I did y'all not see me we didn't cuz we | 500.8 | 4.92 |
were following the [ __ ] path that was | 503.8 | 4.119 |
the first step well there was no Second | 505.72 | 4.039 |
Step well then | 507.919 | 4.281 |
got me upet about this Road's no way | 509.759 | 3.801 |
that's ever going to look good when I | 512.2 | 3.759 |
told you we had a serious uh situation | 513.56 | 4.159 |
you ignored me and kept bitching and | 515.959 | 4.0 |
weren't leading it was a more important | 517.719 | 5.601 |
matter tacky over us getting lost abro | 519.959 | 4.801 |
the only way that'll look good is if | 523.32 | 2.8 |
it's an | 524.76 | 3.24 |
underground great when I'm done with it | 526.12 | 4.2 |
it's not let him do his thing you got | 528.0 | 4.08 |
all right lead the way they're arguing | 530.32 | 3.92 |
[ __ ] leader yeah which way are we | 532.08 | 4.52 |
going Master [ __ ] all right so which | 534.24 | 3.48 |
way is North it's going to be dark here | 536.6 | 2.96 |
in like a minute is that North as far as | 537.72 | 4.76 |
the map goes the top northeast corner is | 539.56 | 6.36 |
our old place now let's Venture South | 542.48 | 5.24 |
that's where my map starts cuz I have | 545.92 | 3.88 |
the next grid up really except yeah | 547.72 | 4.239 |
mine's much a much bigger map so you | 549.8 | 3.88 |
guys will actually recognize things like | 551.959 | 3.56 |
I can go through this world and never be | 553.68 | 3.56 |
like oh oh yeah I remember this where' | 555.519 | 4.121 |
that giant spider come from from | 557.24 | 5.0 |
before yeah where' this tacky track come | 559.64 | 4.52 |
from yeah with this tacking track I like | 562.24 | 3.599 |
how you snuck that in there you'll never | 564.16 | 3.32 |
forget seeing that mess you know what | 565.839 | 3.68 |
they say it's not about the Journey it's | 567.48 | 4.76 |
about the destination mhm are you thick | 569.519 | 3.961 |
are you following | 572.24 | 4.36 |
neebs yeah why why' you turn back and | 573.48 | 4.88 |
look confused then you guys realize I'm | 576.6 | 2.84 |
leading | 578.36 | 3.4 |
right I was following you you're gone | 579.44 | 4.399 |
now we all get lost you realize that we | 581.76 | 4.84 |
were all following my name is above my | 583.839 | 5.041 |
head yeah but where the [ __ ] are you oh | 586.6 | 4.919 |
he's back here what where were you going | 588.88 | 4.28 |
I was looking at the map you guys just | 591.519 | 3.241 |
running on no one was in front of you | 593.16 | 3.0 |
and you were confidently going One | 594.76 | 3.079 |
Direction what's wrong with you thick I | 596.16 | 3.76 |
could have swore I saw him | 597.839 | 4.321 |
you're seeing mirages in the desert o | 599.92 | 3.64 |
Sun's going down should we camp on this | 602.16 | 2.56 |
island over here that's ruining the | 603.56 | 4.44 |
ocean yeah let's do that all right y I'm | 604.72 | 7.0 |
sleepies what a bed sleeping under the | 608.0 | 6.6 |
stars I like this uh guys I don't have | 611.72 | 4.96 |
my bed Simon did you not bring your bed | 614.6 | 4.32 |
nope oh my God hold on everybody stay in | 616.68 | 3.719 |
bed I can build in one real quick | 618.92 | 3.4 |
[ __ ] [ __ ] think of it as a sleeping | 620.399 | 4.12 |
bag Simon always carry your sleeping bag | 622.32 | 3.88 |
with well this is I'm just getting used | 624.519 | 3.241 |
to it bring your brain with you too | 626.2 | 4.199 |
everybody grab your beds my bed how's | 627.76 | 4.199 |
that map filling inbs it's starting to | 630.399 | 3.88 |
fill in if you want to see it's uh out | 631.959 | 4.721 |
for those creepers oh man this a big ass | 634.279 | 4.56 |
desert isn't it it's no creepers we are | 636.68 | 4.64 |
surrounded by | 638.839 | 4.841 |
desert get | 641.32 | 5.759 |
him oh get the gunpowder we got a lot of | 643.68 | 6.0 |
gunpowder back at the uh place we're | 647.079 | 4.481 |
going to blow the [ __ ] out of everyone's | 649.68 | 7.12 |
houses all right This Way South M oh | 651.56 | 7.92 |
Bo oh look at that pool you like that | 656.8 | 4.719 |
pool I like it cuz it's like it looks | 659.48 | 3.44 |
like a pool I feel like I've seen this | 661.519 | 3.161 |
pool before yeah I think we did I | 662.92 | 3.88 |
remember seeing perfectly round pool | 664.68 | 3.599 |
yeah it's pretty neat but now it's on | 666.8 | 3.76 |
the map I like it I think it's tacky how | 668.279 | 4.8 |
do you not that's a natural pull so | 670.56 | 4.8 |
tacky how do you not differentiate I was | 673.079 | 4.081 |
making fun fun of you yeah but you're | 675.36 | 4.36 |
not doing it right no you you say things | 677.16 | 4.04 |
that aren't tacky are tacky like the | 679.72 | 3.04 |
street lights the street lights are | 681.2 | 3.84 |
tacky no no they're not tack are nice | 682.76 | 4.4 |
look good that's four against one nees | 685.04 | 3.68 |
where'd you go I'm waiting he's behind | 687.16 | 5.56 |
us he's leading from behind so um this | 688.72 | 6.88 |
is his face is all up in that map it's | 692.72 | 4.119 |
like someone with a new cell phone | 695.6 | 3.239 |
what's fill in this | 696.839 | 4.0 |
little Let's Walk This Way so we can | 698.839 | 3.641 |
fill in this part walking around with a | 700.839 | 3.44 |
map in their face maybe one day we can | 702.48 | 3.44 |
find some horses that reminds me of | 704.279 | 3.8 |
something else I want to do I've got two | 705.92 | 4.76 |
Saddles that I caught fishing so this is | 708.079 | 5.44 |
a big body of water oh are you swimming | 710.68 | 5.399 |
neebs mhm I'm following thick and I've | 713.519 | 4.601 |
realized quickly it's not a good idea no | 716.079 | 3.961 |
it is it's fine all right we're good swi | 718.12 | 3.159 |
in front of us keep in mind he's been | 720.04 | 3.599 |
all these places before I'm running low | 721.279 | 5.041 |
on the foods you need here come here | 723.639 | 4.76 |
hold on let me uh I'll Chomp down this | 726.32 | 4.959 |
last pork chop I mean uh he come back | 728.399 | 4.761 |
veggie sandwich I think we can build | 731.279 | 4.68 |
boats I have 20 wood crafting table | 733.16 | 5.479 |
there Simon you have one now I won what | 735.959 | 5.641 |
wood no boat a boat one wood yep that's | 738.639 | 4.801 |
a boat I'd like a boat do you have | 741.6 | 3.599 |
enough to make one for dalus thick do | 743.44 | 3.839 |
you have a boat I do not have a boat how | 745.199 | 4.481 |
long until when when out on our boats | 747.279 | 5.281 |
till Simon ejects from the boat oh Simon | 749.68 | 4.159 |
don't break the boat you slam it into | 752.56 | 2.399 |
the land you're going to break the boat | 753.839 | 2.721 |
oh [ __ ] okay well how do I do not have a | 754.959 | 3.081 |
boat oh there's a Bo there's a boat | 756.56 | 2.6 |
going | 758.04 | 4.039 |
away oh Jesus turn around and look at | 759.16 | 5.56 |
the crafting table oh just intercepted | 762.079 | 4.601 |
my boat hell yeah cuz you're slacking | 764.72 | 4.0 |
get it sumon can I get in it from the | 766.68 | 3.76 |
water I think you right click on why' | 768.72 | 3.44 |
you hit me because you hit me I didn't | 770.44 | 4.0 |
mean to hit you could be in a [ __ ] yeah | 772.16 | 4.239 |
Simon's in his boat already Simon look | 774.44 | 4.92 |
at you feets are hanging out | 776.399 | 5.841 |
did you give me a boat D what happened | 779.36 | 4.919 |
dris give me my boat no that's my boat | 782.24 | 3.039 |
all right nees do you have enough to | 784.279 | 2.601 |
make another Simon boat is there not | 785.279 | 4.321 |
enough over there how much do you | 786.88 | 5.519 |
need uh how many that's should be enough | 789.6 | 4.88 |
up there thank you mhm all right Simon | 792.399 | 3.601 |
I'm going make you another boat thick | 794.48 | 3.68 |
doesn't have one thick doesn't have one | 796.0 | 4.72 |
what fine boat yeah you do no durus | 798.16 | 4.039 |
intercepted my boat well then I wouldn't | 800.72 | 3.44 |
have had a boat I just made like four | 802.199 | 4.241 |
boats Simon crashed three made like | 804.16 | 4.119 |
three or four we should all have two | 806.44 | 4.44 |
boats keep coming keep coming all right | 808.279 | 5.601 |
good deal so what's the best way for me | 810.88 | 5.44 |
to get in this thing without crashing it | 813.88 | 3.92 |
well do you know how to steer it thick | 816.32 | 3.04 |
here's your boat ready all right all | 817.8 | 3.599 |
right what if I bang it into other boats | 819.36 | 4.0 |
don't do that bang I'm not trying to I | 821.399 | 3.56 |
was just right next to somebody and I | 823.36 | 2.64 |
hit into | 824.959 | 4.44 |
him bumper watch out D Alis I'm coming | 826.0 | 4.32 |
for | 829.399 | 3.56 |
you you have no control this is | 830.32 | 4.079 |
difficult here here's here's how this | 832.959 | 3.761 |
works Simon go left and right doesn't do | 834.399 | 3.761 |
[ __ ] no left and right does not do [ __ ] | 836.72 | 2.72 |
you are correct you point in the | 838.16 | 3.96 |
direction you want to go and you hold W | 839.44 | 4.759 |
that take you that what about reverse | 842.12 | 3.76 |
does it stop it doesn't reverse it goes | 844.199 | 4.281 |
slower you hold s hold s until you stop | 845.88 | 5.68 |
I don't like this Simon is not a fan not | 848.48 | 5.159 |
a fan here we go don't run into the | 851.56 | 4.04 |
squid you'll break your boat are you | 853.639 | 4.081 |
[ __ ] serious I'm yes I am [ __ ] | 855.6 | 3.599 |
serious so when you're full speed the | 857.72 | 3.359 |
arrows the right and left do work oh | 859.199 | 3.801 |
yeah it kind of does but oh yeah see if | 861.079 | 4.241 |
I can get through here tripping oh boy | 863.0 | 3.639 |
what are you doing why would you go | 865.32 | 2.879 |
through well it was we have Simon with | 866.639 | 2.76 |
us | 868.199 | 3.32 |
oh [ __ ] | 869.399 | 5.161 |
[ __ ] stop laughing at me I'm laughing at | 871.519 | 4.32 |
the whole | 874.56 | 3.639 |
situation it's ridiculous this is not a | 875.839 | 4.68 |
comfortable thing to navigate Sun's | 878.199 | 4.361 |
going down all right we're in boats | 880.519 | 4.361 |
Captain | 882.56 | 2.32 |
thick oh | 888.36 | 4.479 |
boy all right should we find a place to | 890.72 | 3.44 |
bed for the night well if you're in a | 892.839 | 3.24 |
boat good all right where are you at | 894.16 | 3.4 |
nebs follow me I want to get this part | 896.079 | 2.32 |
of the map I don't know where you're at | 897.56 | 2.56 |
where you at cuz all all of us are right | 898.399 | 2.841 |
here you got to guess and if you don't | 900.12 | 2.36 |
guess right he's going to get mad at you | 901.24 | 3.279 |
oh there he is okay oh that's thick I | 902.48 | 3.84 |
can't tell you guys apart yeah we're | 904.519 | 4.68 |
working we're right next to each other | 906.32 | 5.079 |
boy all right Simon you keep it up | 909.199 | 3.961 |
trying to watch out for the squid you | 911.399 | 4.56 |
see us all behind you why did I just | 913.16 | 5.72 |
stop yeah I mean it's good for footage | 915.959 | 4.641 |
neebs feets so your | 918.88 | 4.519 |
Armada oh neebs keep going forward there | 920.6 | 4.96 |
go boats are nice aren't they can you | 923.399 | 5.0 |
fish out of the boat yeah yep that's | 925.56 | 5.639 |
great isn't it though oh no what | 928.399 | 4.44 |
happened I don't know oh you must have | 931.199 | 3.281 |
hit somebody's but I just picked up oh I | 932.839 | 4.881 |
hit a [ __ ] oh boy oh boy now you're | 934.48 | 5.56 |
screwed I I I was trying to pull out | 937.72 | 5.0 |
like a different item but doing that | 940.04 | 3.88 |
makes you jump out of the boat we're | 942.72 | 3.119 |
close to some land here with a lot of | 943.92 | 5.44 |
wood some land right here creepers and | 945.839 | 5.881 |
theang Bo now we're both | 949.36 | 2.86 |
[Applause] | 951.72 | 4.919 |
[Music] | 952.22 | 4.419 |
down | 957.6 | 3.0 |
BJ f | 961.36 | 4.24 |
[Music] | 963.81 | 4.79 |
i | 965.6 | 3.0 |
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