MINECRAFT: "Horse" - New Neebsylvania 9
Neebs Gaming

This video comes straight from the Neebs Gaming YouTube channel.
neebs: Hey guys, have you seen the latest episode of New Neebsylvania 9? It's all about Thick getting a horse!
simon: Oh yeah, that one's hilarious! Thick getting the team lost is always a good time. And that horse, what a character!
appsro: I love how Thick thinks he's so great at navigating in Minecraft, but then he leads us in circles for hours. Classic Thick move!
neebs: And let's not forget about that epic soundtrack they used in the video. It really sets the mood for Thick's misadventures.
Hey fellow Neebsylvania fans! Have you seen the latest episode of New Neebsylvania 9 yet? Thick gets a horse in this one, and you know he's always up for some exploring. But things take a hilarious turn when Thick leads the team into getting lost in Minecraft. Classic Thick!
As a die-hard fan of the Neebsylvania series, I always look forward to seeing what kind of trouble Thick and the team will get into next. This episode, titled "A Man And His Horse," had me laughing from start to finish. Thick's antics never fail to entertain, and watching him navigate the world of Minecraft with his new horse had me in stitches.
The editing and music choices in this episode were spot-on, adding to the overall comedic vibe of the series. Plus, the team at Hank and Jed always do such a great job of creating engaging content that keeps me coming back for more. If you haven't checked out this episode yet, I highly recommend giving it a watch. And don't forget to show your support by checking out their website and social media channels. Let's show Thick and the team some love!

The Game
You definitely should check it out!
Neebs Gaming has done it again with their latest Minecraft series New Neebsylvania! This series really showcases everything that makes their channel so great. The cinematic camera work and editing brings the Minecraft world to life in a way that makes you feel like you're right there with the characters.
In this latest episode, Thick goes off adventuring on his own and finds a horse to be his trusty new companion. It's hilarious to see the other characters' reactions when he brings the horse back to show them his new discovery. The horse adds a fun new dynamic to the series.
The banter between the characters is comedy gold as always. You can tell these guys have been friends for years with the way they play off each other. It's not just about playing the game but also about creating an entertaining story together.
Neebs Gaming is truly the best way to experience Minecraft without actually playing it yourself. The world they've created in New Neebsylvania feels so rich and alive. As a viewer you get sucked into the adventures right along with them.
While the gameplay is great, it's the personalities of Neebs, Thick, Doraleous and the rest of the crew that really make these series special. Their chemistry and improv skills turn Minecraft into so much more than just a sandbox game.
I can't recommend Neebs Gaming's Minecraft series enough, especially for people who want a more cinematic and story-driven approach to the game. It's like watching the best Minecraft machinima series ever! The production values are through the roof.
So do yourself a favor and dive into the wonderful world of New Neebsylvania with Neebs and the gang. You'll laugh your head off while also being drawn into an immersive Minecraft experience like no other.

Caption | Start | Duration |
listen zombies it's been nice knowing | 0.149 | 5.551 |
you but we got a place to build look at | 2.52 | 5.25 |
you busy bee yeah look at you a little | 5.7 | 4.14 |
busy busy babe I don't get all of those | 7.77 | 3.9 |
I don't like this it looks like you guys | 9.84 | 3.69 |
are getting too little buddy buddy oh | 11.67 | 3.96 |
good job there sure I think that looks | 13.53 | 4.38 |
pretty nice look at you I'm glad that | 15.63 | 3.33 |
you're helping the team | 17.91 | 3.09 |
what's Tony doing it's riding a [ __ ] | 18.96 | 12.3 |
horse oh great yeah him right look at | 21.0 | 14.489 |
this oh nice that's gonna help us build | 31.26 | 6.09 |
a lot of [ __ ] my horse's name is dr. | 35.489 | 4.41 |
Douglas Stein but you all can call him | 37.35 | 4.41 |
traitor what are you looking at see | 39.899 | 4.441 |
looks great stop messing with my whole | 41.76 | 5.94 |
was this your ol yes notice you weren't | 44.34 | 5.25 |
catching [ __ ] we're gonna need some more | 47.7 | 3.839 |
Ocasio leaves eventually because that's | 49.59 | 3.57 |
what I've been building this with okay | 51.539 | 3.571 |
what's so funny why y'all laughing it | 53.16 | 5.039 |
why are you well we had the big food | 55.11 | 6.99 |
shortage of 2015 yeah how's me what you | 58.199 | 6.301 |
guys are all fish well and when I went | 62.1 | 4.46 |
to help and then thick got a thick oh | 64.5 | 5.01 |
you catch a fish I didn't get it oh hey | 66.56 | 4.51 |
salmon do you know we're used to fish | 69.51 | 5.429 |
you know to get there um what do you | 71.07 | 8.479 |
think hey that's my horse my horse oh | 74.939 | 7.411 |
that fish that I caught actually Simon | 79.549 | 4.57 |
if you drop down one step there's a fish | 82.35 | 6.03 |
there yes I got a bone hit me yeah I'm | 84.119 | 7.921 |
doraleous get off my horse no you're | 88.38 | 7.14 |
gonna drown it we're fine oh come on | 92.04 | 6.539 |
faces underwater it that's enough fun | 95.52 | 5.37 |
right there we're going off trigger get | 98.579 | 5.161 |
off your high horse you fishing with the | 100.89 | 5.939 |
force it's how you get them I'm catching | 103.74 | 5.159 |
[ __ ] the whole time okay i lure you | 106.829 | 4.621 |
using I'm using the [ __ ] yourself lure | 108.899 | 4.711 |
see that's your problems not biting this | 111.45 | 4.59 |
season yeah I've just been watching you | 113.61 | 3.719 |
catch nothing while I caught three fish | 116.04 | 3.24 |
here but really how many fish did you | 117.329 | 4.411 |
catch so far this time huh three Oh got | 119.28 | 5.64 |
three as well make it four make my four | 121.74 | 5.879 |
but no I thought you caught like leather | 124.92 | 4.88 |
and a bone | 127.619 | 6.321 |
golde STD who got butt sex disease did | 129.8 | 6.06 |
salmon get butt sex disease yeah that | 133.94 | 2.46 |
was me | 135.86 | 3.39 |
another fish man thick is on it man he's | 136.4 | 6.51 |
got a fish everyday yeah or I can go get | 139.25 | 7.05 |
horses and write on that you just | 142.91 | 6.84 |
absolutely sure Alice no they'll spit | 146.3 | 5.37 |
the fish horse and fish they've got this | 149.75 | 4.65 |
bond that we can't understand see horse | 151.67 | 6.93 |
is a lot like a fish oh look at him man | 154.4 | 6.42 |
hey hey you know what buddy girl fishing | 158.6 | 3.84 |
show you know what you're gonna give me | 160.82 | 3.48 |
some raw fish oh yeah man you do what | 162.44 | 3.36 |
you want with that I'll go cook it need | 164.3 | 4.08 |
it that's what I do with it fYI guys I | 165.8 | 5.76 |
put some more fish in the in the chest | 168.38 | 5.96 |
oh look at you thick master fisherman | 171.56 | 5.64 |
boy you know what Simon seems to like | 174.34 | 8.44 |
with his peanut butter dog Ellie I | 177.2 | 7.8 |
understand that joke I do | 182.78 | 4.71 |
I said dog [ __ ] I was completely okay | 185.0 | 4.02 |
that wasn't it right | 187.49 | 3.9 |
hey hey trigger don't you climb up there | 189.02 | 4.77 |
you get back by your master oh look at | 191.39 | 4.74 |
that trigger please well I got to go | 193.79 | 4.35 |
what chili trigger I got to the foolish | 196.13 | 3.93 |
that's not too bad where did you put | 198.14 | 3.27 |
your fish coz I hardly see anything | 200.06 | 4.05 |
added to this now there should be six of | 201.41 | 4.77 |
the brown type of fish no brown fish | 204.11 | 4.32 |
unless somebody took some well so you | 206.18 | 3.99 |
you put six in there and I'm putting | 208.43 | 2.79 |
seven in there | 210.17 | 3.21 |
oh how crazy is there isn't that nuts | 211.22 | 4.56 |
Wow someone's insecure huh somebody's | 213.38 | 5.64 |
very right you're it's me absolutely is | 215.78 | 3.929 |
yeah it's me | 219.02 | 2.67 |
hey it's getting dark should we should | 219.709 | 3.0 |
we retire for the night | 221.69 | 4.26 |
can't sleep zombies on I can sleep now I | 222.709 | 6.171 |
can kill the zombie up front okay | 225.95 | 5.94 |
I'm sleeping I'm sleeping save face god | 228.88 | 4.42 |
I wake up right on neebs | 231.89 | 4.41 |
face what is that in your face well okay | 233.3 | 3.99 |
yeah | 236.3 | 3.09 |
parts almost over guys yeah the boring | 237.29 | 4.8 |
hard yep struggle to make this watchable | 239.39 | 4.56 |
footage part yeah what can be done a lot | 242.09 | 3.6 |
faster somebody wasn't riding on a horse | 243.95 | 3.96 |
that's true I dare to say app shows | 245.69 | 4.34 |
employee of the week whoo | 247.91 | 3.96 |
because no one else was doing anything | 250.03 | 4.36 |
either I mean he was top of that creeper | 251.87 | 3.899 |
needs just doing everything that you | 254.39 | 2.64 |
said to do I mean there was a lot of | 255.769 | 3.871 |
people right no good stuff it was a hard | 257.03 | 4.86 |
decision this week was it by killing the | 259.64 | 3.93 |
creeper behind you that was sneaking up | 261.89 | 4.2 |
yeah I didn't count no yeah you don't | 263.57 | 3.72 |
like to be saved how do you get on this | 266.09 | 4.5 |
horse good question I was right click | 267.29 | 5.37 |
right click look I'm on the horse now | 270.59 | 5.64 |
look at yo mule by the way try to figure | 272.66 | 4.98 |
out how to get off something fun riding | 276.23 | 4.74 |
on my horse yeah okay kind of like yours | 277.64 | 4.23 |
working | 280.97 | 3.12 |
oh yes Massa needs and you please get | 281.87 | 4.26 |
back to work it's whipping me with is a | 284.09 | 5.1 |
back slash way yeah can you catch a | 286.13 | 3.57 |
creeper | 289.19 | 2.28 |
I killed it with my fishing pole no | 289.7 | 4.16 |
never killed it with my sword | 291.47 | 6.17 |
woo oh we could start like a equestrian | 293.86 | 6.91 |
oskol course here nope you could if that | 297.64 | 4.99 |
horse belong to you you could you could | 300.77 | 5.31 |
you know horse ma'am could you could you | 302.63 | 4.41 |
could you meet you meet you meet you be | 306.08 | 3.18 |
to me all right think we have to make | 307.04 | 3.63 |
the sound were you gonna keep your horse | 309.26 | 4.35 |
I don't know yet probably make sure well | 310.67 | 5.34 |
probably make something to keep him in | 313.61 | 4.83 |
like a stable yeah so he can be in a | 316.01 | 5.91 |
stable environment yeah this is where | 318.44 | 4.8 |
you know we just have that bond you know | 321.92 | 3.6 |
yeah it's gonna go wherever I wanted to | 323.24 | 2.64 |
go | 325.52 | 2.76 |
so that's your horse now her eyes what | 325.88 | 4.44 |
are you talking about let's not get | 328.28 | 3.93 |
upstairs for the horse that's mine well | 330.32 | 4.68 |
I'm the one radner's names in his trusty | 332.21 | 5.4 |
steed back her up girl | 335.0 | 4.83 |
Simon's riding a rabbit this is faster | 337.61 | 3.75 |
right horses are faster yeah they're | 339.83 | 3.33 |
faster you lead very well up on that | 341.36 | 6.03 |
thing look this guy's what desert is | 343.16 | 7.23 |
just around the corner we could be out | 347.39 | 4.53 |
of the rain and know to get back over | 350.39 | 4.77 |
here need oh look at this talk about | 351.92 | 5.94 |
catching fish man is that worth it is | 355.16 | 4.08 |
that where it is we need Simon on a | 357.86 | 3.63 |
horse over here no do not give him my | 359.24 | 4.83 |
horse okay I'm coming to you trigger his | 361.49 | 6.12 |
mind his way just thought okay what'd | 364.07 | 5.4 |
you just see I look like that rabbit was | 367.61 | 3.0 |
taking a poop but it's probably just | 369.47 | 4.19 |
kicking up dirt yeah poop rabbit my dog | 370.61 | 5.85 |
every time he pees on something he's got | 373.66 | 4.93 |
a kick the dirt well that's with legs | 376.46 | 4.2 |
out that's what dogs do yeah it's pretty | 378.59 | 3.72 |
funny but you acted like it was | 380.66 | 3.27 |
something that dogs don't do later Ollie | 382.31 | 4.41 |
do it needs bravery on my day pretty | 383.93 | 4.74 |
common I mean they do it but it's not | 386.72 | 4.05 |
like man I had it I saw a dog once when | 388.67 | 3.42 |
I was taking a leak and it lifted it's | 390.77 | 3.66 |
like I was like what that's I'm like | 392.09 | 4.33 |
what do you do is you get video of it I | 394.43 | 4.42 |
did put it on YouTube I saw a cat cover | 396.42 | 4.5 |
it stirred with some sand oh you kidding | 398.85 | 5.07 |
me no way how do you uh don't know | 400.92 | 5.13 |
covered turd with sand all right guys we | 403.92 | 3.57 |
need we need more size for everybody | 406.05 | 5.28 |
that is a nice asset to have I'm gonna | 407.49 | 6.72 |
call mine cinnamon okay or brownie hey | 411.33 | 4.98 |
buddy this is looking great apps ro you | 414.21 | 3.66 |
are a boy material | 416.31 | 3.33 |
I can't wait to build more up topside | 417.87 | 4.35 |
but uh yeah this was necessary down here | 419.64 | 6.69 |
okay are you just randomly placing those | 422.22 | 6.12 |
around well I picked them over here and | 426.33 | 3.75 |
I thought let's I don't want to just be | 428.34 | 3.12 |
gentle rigor let's put them back up | 430.08 | 3.26 |
somewhere what's up what's the next step | 431.46 | 7.35 |
all right next step is uh-oh what what | 433.34 | 8.86 |
is it found a village yay Oh how far | 438.81 | 5.25 |
away are you I'm not that far away | 442.2 | 4.44 |
there's never stick with us in Lake I | 444.06 | 5.1 |
sure do I'm fishing and and then you | 446.64 | 6.36 |
guys get boring yeah I oh oh maybe I am | 449.16 | 6.0 |
far away holy [ __ ] I found like do you | 453.0 | 5.01 |
know how to get back maybe you soon I | 455.16 | 6.33 |
found ruins of some sort okay if you're | 458.01 | 4.65 |
gonna journey off that for you should | 461.49 | 2.82 |
have made a map so you can like at least | 462.66 | 4.32 |
map out the place make a map yep | 464.31 | 5.4 |
I actually don't know how to make a map | 466.98 | 4.05 |
he was trying to come up with the wise | 469.71 | 3.3 |
as Nasik oh yeah no no I wasn't I'll | 471.03 | 3.6 |
have to would I would have been it's | 473.01 | 5.49 |
getting Derek is it yep man look who's | 474.63 | 6.81 |
back see you make it back yeah cool that | 478.5 | 6.03 |
looks good - Elias no I didn't do the | 481.44 | 4.83 |
right side yet I'm concerned it's gonna | 484.53 | 3.42 |
end up like your observation tower you | 486.27 | 3.03 |
know what I don't feel bad about it | 487.95 | 3.48 |
already died uh yeah let me let me just | 489.3 | 3.81 |
take it all can I do the arch I haven't | 491.43 | 4.8 |
built anything except for squares I love | 493.11 | 4.74 |
your squares yeah please do it I would | 496.23 | 3.48 |
have done a different I I'm in bad | 497.85 | 4.02 |
everybody got a bid that pic actions got | 499.71 | 3.84 |
some reach on it it really does | 501.87 | 3.84 |
seriously I found some some | 503.55 | 4.23 |
crazy-looking structure in the desert so | 505.71 | 5.55 |
well hey tomorrow morning why don't you | 507.78 | 6.3 |
show us yeah that's a stroke can build | 511.26 | 5.13 |
this arch what that sounds fun ya know | 514.08 | 3.78 |
miss settle the adventure said you want | 516.39 | 3.48 |
to make it okay alright fine fine I'll | 517.86 | 3.36 |
be looking orange and then we could come | 519.87 | 3.359 |
back and have a have a you know go a | 521.22 | 4.44 |
surprise we can we come back you can | 523.229 | 4.201 |
s'mores I'm showing tail I like | 525.66 | 4.05 |
party all right by the way I added nine | 527.43 | 4.08 |
fish so you're welcome | 529.71 | 4.23 |
um why don't you cook them I don't need | 531.51 | 3.63 |
to do everything anyway | 533.94 | 3.149 |
hit a minute everybody go to bed go to | 535.14 | 3.54 |
bed do it who's nothing better be | 537.089 | 4.741 |
government get me I'm not bad buddy bad | 538.68 | 5.64 |
better all right go to bed yeah look | 541.83 | 5.19 |
everybody looks so comfy yeah and don't | 544.32 | 4.709 |
you blow up I'll bleed him the [ __ ] away | 547.02 | 4.86 |
leave him so far away oh oh there's one | 549.029 | 5.071 |
in there too watch out oh why don't I | 551.88 | 4.92 |
leave them so come away creeper or don't | 554.1 | 4.26 |
even go near him take him away from the | 556.8 | 4.38 |
dam this [ __ ] I built I don't feel like | 558.36 | 4.38 |
starting over so you can hit them | 561.18 | 3.029 |
without them while distracting them | 562.74 | 2.789 |
understand but then you got to move away | 564.209 | 3.421 |
I was good teamwork but he the teamwork | 565.529 | 3.93 |
needs that's the first thing you've done | 567.63 | 5.01 |
think my point a month uh position has | 569.459 | 4.711 |
been contested all right let's do our | 572.64 | 3.569 |
thing so that's how we go creepers now | 574.17 | 4.35 |
on guys lead the way are we going on a | 576.209 | 4.081 |
mission good luck apse row yeah man | 578.52 | 3.48 |
we'll see you in a bit Don I need | 580.29 | 3.33 |
we'll see you there's fish in the chest | 582.0 | 4.17 |
all right it's just uncooked cuz Simon | 583.62 | 4.65 |
does me boy the weight gaps are you | 586.17 | 2.609 |
earned it | 588.27 | 4.41 |
yeah man this is fun guys weren't an | 588.779 | 5.941 |
adventure it's been a while hasn't yeah | 592.68 | 4.02 |
it's been working so hard and guys I | 594.72 | 5.07 |
honestly I don't know what's inside of | 596.7 | 4.74 |
it I'm trying to get some high ground to | 599.79 | 4.169 |
see if I can spot the place but okay so | 601.44 | 3.75 |
we'll probably burn their own way no | 603.959 | 2.971 |
it's good chance then would this be | 605.19 | 4.47 |
great to live out here all this | 606.93 | 5.849 |
diversity and in scenery you glad it | 609.66 | 4.71 |
would be it'd be amazing is it back | 612.779 | 3.961 |
through here thick he has no idea where | 614.37 | 4.32 |
he might be over here actually uh yeah | 616.74 | 3.45 |
yeah we're never gonna see it | 618.69 | 3.06 |
I just realized we're never gonna see | 620.19 | 4.44 |
this thing I kind of know you know this | 621.75 | 4.589 |
is Dutch now we're heading back you're | 624.63 | 3.45 |
starting to realize though thick right | 626.339 | 4.74 |
that your sense of direction in | 628.08 | 5.94 |
Minecraft is a little off it's weird how | 631.079 | 5.671 |
quick the mission became less fun yeah | 634.02 | 5.7 |
if it's an adventure we're looking it's | 636.75 | 4.98 |
amazing up quick the adventure became | 639.72 | 4.23 |
less fun what surprises me is thick | 641.73 | 3.75 |
found his way back home from this thing | 643.95 | 3.84 |
of course I did and you were only gone | 645.48 | 4.74 |
for like 30 seconds when you said oh I | 647.79 | 5.28 |
found a village also on a horse anybody | 650.22 | 4.77 |
else nervous I'm a little bit nervous | 653.07 | 5.009 |
we're not gonna get back dude if if we | 654.99 | 5.67 |
had to circle back this far your first | 658.079 | 4.8 |
direction was so off I was also on a | 660.66 | 4.02 |
horse does any what does that mean that | 662.879 | 3.57 |
doesn't mean anything that means it | 664.68 | 3.48 |
means it means they were to travel | 666.449 | 3.721 |
further faster no but he's talking about | 668.16 | 3.869 |
it this is so far away from where you | 670.17 | 3.479 |
originally thought it was whether on or | 672.029 | 3.24 |
so yeah I should be making a circle or a | 673.649 | 4.351 |
direction you went wrong back at our | 675.269 | 4.471 |
mountain here in a second now I know I | 678.0 | 2.91 |
just don't want to get too far away | 679.74 | 3.51 |
because because I don't want to hear you | 680.91 | 4.619 |
guys [ __ ] because I'll tell you what | 683.25 | 6.06 |
this is much more exciting than watching | 685.529 | 6.75 |
everybody just put squares in places so | 689.31 | 4.62 |
playing minecraft oh geez I'm gonna | 692.279 | 3.721 |
drowned what the [ __ ] | 693.93 | 4.5 |
hit spacebar I am old spacebar hold | 696.0 | 5.0 |
space all the dumb where did you go | 698.43 | 5.459 |
water on every other time all right we | 701.0 | 4.3 |
are there you go here yes | 703.889 | 3.87 |
I'll hold it down yeah but yeah that's | 705.3 | 3.269 |
Christ | 707.759 | 4.171 |
hey shut out of your inventory okay now | 708.569 | 6.031 |
like hit W to walk forward don't trail | 711.93 | 5.009 |
space we're gonna lose turnaround gay | 714.6 | 5.609 |
the way around behind you manager Simon | 716.939 | 6.9 |
I feel like you looked at me and you | 720.209 | 5.701 |
still aren't like what when I say turn | 723.839 | 3.24 |
around what's going through your mind | 725.91 | 2.7 |
and you just keep walking forward I | 727.079 | 3.841 |
didn't know you were talking to me okay | 728.61 | 4.02 |
no one else is drowning Thicke where'd | 730.92 | 5.43 |
you go I'm down here I'm going about go | 732.63 | 6.48 |
down there see you down there he's just | 736.35 | 5.219 |
moved on without ya I have kind of fix | 739.11 | 4.68 |
motto is no man left behind as long as | 741.569 | 6.421 |
it's thick what are you [ __ ] are you | 743.79 | 6.989 |
kidding me thick Riley you're when you | 747.99 | 4.17 |
heard that Simon was drowning you think | 750.779 | 2.971 |
it's not that maybe we thought he was | 752.16 | 4.859 |
kidding no well what was I'm hearing | 753.75 | 5.49 |
about drowning look at I found thick do | 757.019 | 3.331 |
you know where you have no idea where | 759.24 | 1.589 |
you are | 760.35 | 2.849 |
yes I do and we put our lives in his | 760.829 | 5.281 |
hands where is thick he's this way the | 763.199 | 4.771 |
fur I made a complete start can you see | 766.11 | 3.779 |
me he did well do you know where this | 767.97 | 3.539 |
place is he's looking I'm going to where | 769.889 | 4.8 |
I think his instincts were and where he | 771.509 | 5.88 |
stopped like right up here you're trying | 774.689 | 4.77 |
to read his mind well I know where we | 777.389 | 3.271 |
are at least I know how to get back to | 779.459 | 2.55 |
the mountain and I know thick doesn't | 780.66 | 5.7 |
okay hey would you like to respond to | 782.009 | 7.08 |
that nope what where are you why aren't | 786.36 | 4.68 |
you trying to get with us I'm trying to | 789.089 | 3.93 |
I'm trying to get back to home I figured | 791.04 | 3.3 |
he was we're not going | 793.019 | 2.371 |
we're not going home we're going to | 794.34 | 2.85 |
where we first but we should they don't | 795.39 | 4.26 |
right now it was hanging us this is | 797.19 | 4.26 |
where I first thought you're scaring me | 799.65 | 3.48 |
now and realize no no I know how to get | 801.45 | 4.32 |
straight I know about icy thick you know | 803.13 | 5.52 |
you see me yeah do you don't you're now | 805.77 | 4.53 |
heading the right way are you good Simon | 808.65 | 4.439 |
um I don't see thing we're gonna swim | 810.3 | 3.84 |
this way I'll lead you to him | 813.089 | 2.731 |
abstractly prepared to give us the | 814.14 | 3.81 |
coordinates I think everybody ever has | 815.82 | 4.83 |
no no no I'm not oh I found it | 817.95 | 5.97 |
where guys I found it almost in me know | 820.65 | 5.1 |
which is you Larry never runs get over | 823.92 | 3.87 |
here guys yeah yes if you see the | 825.75 | 4.14 |
pumpkins go towards the pumpkins fix | 827.79 | 3.57 |
could have pay attention now so tomorrow | 829.89 | 3.69 |
we can go back you know what you pick | 831.36 | 3.99 |
close attentions they can you go right | 833.58 | 3.24 |
there and are you in the grocery sick | 835.35 | 5.37 |
nope not anymore so yeah what I'm out at | 836.82 | 4.83 |
about thick | 840.72 | 3.99 |
are we high as I'm drowning and you just | 841.65 | 5.22 |
kept sprinting forward like you're in a | 844.71 | 4.47 |
marathon I thought he was kidding I | 846.87 | 4.469 |
didn't know somebody could actually play | 849.18 | 4.74 |
every hole he comes across and good he | 851.339 | 4.44 |
wanted water in them and and when and | 853.92 | 3.12 |
you thought I was kidding so when they | 855.779 | 3.481 |
were like giving me instructions and did | 857.04 | 3.21 |
you think they were kidding | 859.26 | 4.11 |
yeah you guys go behind me yeah okay you | 860.25 | 5.13 |
see home yep okay great | 863.37 | 3.33 |
are you gonna be home they get home in | 865.38 | 3.6 |
time pick I don't know you're out there | 866.7 | 3.78 |
good to be already awake this is gonna | 868.98 | 4.47 |
be entertaining woo me likey apps ro I | 870.48 | 4.98 |
feel like I'm in prom right now it's | 873.45 | 4.35 |
like a sideways vagina and you're adding | 875.46 | 4.83 |
the flowers and everything I mean yeah | 877.8 | 3.96 |
we're gonna do it do it right wow you | 880.29 | 4.56 |
got a lot done wears thick not so much | 881.76 | 5.28 |
thick what's happening now with you | 884.85 | 5.67 |
I'm building a makeshift shelter | 887.04 | 4.89 |
makeshift shelves you're not gonna make | 890.52 | 2.73 |
we gotta wait through your night cuz you | 891.93 | 2.43 |
can't go to bed hey you guys can | 893.25 | 2.49 |
probably do something you find something | 894.36 | 3.81 |
to do this is lovely work you've got it | 895.74 | 6.21 |
just one you've got a knack a neck yes | 898.17 | 6.48 |
oh thanks man a real knack for this and | 901.95 | 4.59 |
thick you have a knack for not giving a | 904.65 | 5.16 |
damn you gotta get back I don't care if | 906.54 | 5.13 |
they got to stay up all night and avoid | 909.81 | 4.14 |
zombies guys there's a bunch of yeah we | 911.67 | 4.83 |
should go away Simon are you in the | 913.95 | 5.25 |
house yes ma'am probably a good place | 916.5 | 4.62 |
for you to be you little [ __ ] you want | 919.2 | 3.96 |
me to go uh I'm gonna go outside and go | 921.12 | 3.54 |
find thick Simon | 923.16 | 5.19 |
okay I got you yeah till oh we realize | 924.66 | 5.64 |
I'm fighting some zombies that are | 928.35 | 3.21 |
heading back since we can't go to sleep | 930.3 | 3.27 |
now I'll be back in a little bit you | 931.56 | 3.96 |
won't be and I'm certainly not going to | 933.57 | 3.81 |
drown where's noobs | 935.52 | 4.35 |
I didn't drown I was drowning Hey I | 937.38 | 4.65 |
won't even come close to him I don't | 939.87 | 3.48 |
know how you keep this years ago was | 942.03 | 2.76 |
good at this so by you saying that | 943.35 | 3.45 |
doesn't really affect I'm good at | 944.79 | 3.03 |
everything | 946.8 | 2.73 |
okay good for you you're an athlete | 947.82 | 3.0 |
you're handsome yep | 949.53 | 3.6 |
you're almost five foot six not all of | 950.82 | 4.44 |
these things oh five ten I do like how | 953.13 | 3.96 |
this is like it's it's exactly the way | 955.26 | 3.57 |
we play battlefield like it's the same | 957.09 | 4.62 |
thing like totally soft like fun no | 958.83 | 5.25 |
matter and we're all trying to work yeah | 961.71 | 5.1 |
yeah it's not a bad Simon needs to eat | 964.08 | 5.22 |
I'm about to starve good I'm glad | 966.81 | 4.98 |
oh you totally made it back with an | 969.3 | 6.24 |
arrow in ink oh I do that every time I'm | 971.79 | 6.0 |
sorry to do now he's hit somebody with a | 975.54 | 7.85 |
brick beds Breaking Bad Breaking Bad Oh | 977.79 | 5.6 |
of it we need some dirt blocks [ __ ] we | 984.29 | 5.71 |
doing Simon coz gonna come to better | 988.17 | 4.29 |
yeah I've been Ben Simon you're gonna | 990.0 | 4.47 |
bid alright I'm in bed Jesus sleep with | 992.46 | 6.15 |
your clownfish go to bed yeah his | 994.47 | 7.46 |
favorite is clownfish | 998.61 | 3.32 |
you | 1012.83 | 2.06 |
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