MINECRAFT: GoodTimesWithScar Pt.1 - New Neebsylvania 20
Neebs Gaming

This video comes straight from the Neebs Gaming YouTube channel.
neebs: Hey Simon, have you seen the latest episode of GoodTimesWithScar in Neebsylvania?
simon: Oh yeah, that was hilarious! Scar really knows how to keep us entertained in Minecraft.
appsro: I love how Simon thinks he's a tough guy now just because he learned a new skill in the game.
neebs: Haha, yeah, watching Simon try to act all cool in Minecraft is the best part of the video.
Hey there fellow Neebsylvania fans! Have you checked out the latest episode from our favorite YouTube channel, GoodTimesWithScar? In this episode, the second lot in Neebsylvania's walk of fame is getting filled up, and Simon is learning a new skill in Minecraft that has him feeling like a tough guy. It's all going down in Pt.1 of New Neebsylvania 20 and let me tell you, it's epic!
If you haven't already, make sure to click the link to explore Neebsylvania on the Hank and Jed Movie Pictures website. And don't forget to check out the awesome merchandise available on their Spreadshirt store. The website is filled with all the Neebsylvania goodness you could ever want!
And let's not forget about the social media pages for Neebs Gaming. Make sure to give them a like on Facebook and follow them on Twitter to stay up to date with all the latest Neebsylvania news. Plus, if you're into live streaming, check out their Twitch channels for even more gaming content.
The episode features some awesome music by Kevin MacLeod and The Jingle Punks, adding to the excitement of watching Simon learn his new skill. And of course, the iconic Neebs Gaming intro by Hank and Jed never fails to get us pumped up for the episode.
So grab your popcorn, settle in, and get ready to watch Simon become a Minecraft tough guy in the latest episode of GoodTimesWithScar. It's a must-watch for any die-hard Neebsylvania fan!

The Game
You definitely should check it out!
Man, the latest Neebs Gaming Minecraft video is just fantastic. I'm always impressed with the creativity and humor they bring to their videos, and this one is no exception. As soon as I saw they were collaborating with GoodTimesWithScar, I knew we were in for a treat.
Scar is a master Minecraft builder, and it's so cool to see him and Simon working together to construct the next phase of Neebsylvania. The banter between them is hilarious, with Simon's eagerness to learn clashing perfectly with Scar's expert mentorship. And when Simon masters the art of TNT and starts gleefully blowing everything up? Absolute gold.
The cinematic shots of their builds are gorgeous too. Neebs Gaming has such a talent for capturing the scope and beauty of Minecraft creations. The panning shots really give you a sense of the insane detail Scar puts into his work. And the edits moving between their silly antics and the builds ties everything together smoothly.
Honestly, Neebs Gaming's Minecraft series is the next best thing to playing the game yourself. Their skits breathe so much life and humor into the Minecraft world. It feels like you're right there goofing around with the crew. And they spotlight so many incredible builders and creations that I'd never experience on my own.
For any Minecraft fan, this is absolutely must-watch content. The way Neebs Gaming blends top-notch building, hilarious personality, and cinematic flair makes for a viewing experience like no other. I really can't recommend their Minecraft collabs highly enough. Scar and the crew are clearly having a blast, and their joy is contagious. Each video leaves me grinning from ear to ear. Neebs Gaming is simply the best way to experience Minecraft vicariously!

Caption | Start | Duration |
alright guys you know time it is I do | 0.03 | 3.69 |
know what time is it time to hump | 1.949 | 5.221 |
doraleous yep no no huh oh you have got | 3.72 | 7.35 |
a guest another guest got a road you | 7.17 | 4.469 |
know who it is | 11.07 | 3.93 |
it's this good sounds with scar here hey | 11.639 | 5.101 |
man I like what you guys have done with | 15.0 | 3.24 |
the place recently got I don't approve | 16.74 | 3.0 |
mitts around here so you don't learn out | 18.24 | 2.91 |
in the distance that's really sweet of | 19.74 | 3.39 |
you to say considering like you actually | 21.15 | 3.78 |
build really good things no I mean when | 23.13 | 3.36 |
Anders L was here he lost his mind he | 24.93 | 3.57 |
didn't even see the barn I like this guy | 26.49 | 3.51 |
scar he's coming in with a positive | 28.5 | 2.82 |
attitude look at that face he's got a | 30.0 | 3.87 |
nice smile a nice smile yeah yeah you | 31.32 | 3.6 |
don't think Anna's out a good positive | 33.87 | 3.09 |
attitude I think and Roselle's a jerk | 34.92 | 4.68 |
face okay but that's all positive note | 36.96 | 12.57 |
he did have an amazing belt buckle paper | 39.6 | 13.02 |
paper in the hills gasps oh where oh in | 49.53 | 5.7 |
the hills this is intense already I bet | 52.62 | 4.05 |
you've never seen a creeper scar have | 55.23 | 3.329 |
you they're dangerous they're rare to | 56.67 | 3.81 |
have a bow and arrow I'll hit him let's | 58.559 | 4.441 |
see it oh there we got him yeah already | 60.48 | 6.179 |
oh boy there are you guys ready you know | 63.0 | 5.52 |
that was an impressive operation all | 66.659 | 3.21 |
right let's get down to business | 68.52 | 3.209 |
go ahead you can get started all right | 69.869 | 4.231 |
I'm ready so good time with scar I've | 71.729 | 4.14 |
noticed like one of your biggest videos | 74.1 | 2.37 |
is called | 75.869 | 2.671 |
how to build a house in it yep yep | 76.47 | 3.66 |
people love those house building video | 78.54 | 3.36 |
they do like a house so is that about | 80.13 | 3.809 |
building a house yes | 81.9 | 4.05 |
yes it is a couple okay cuz sometimes | 83.939 | 5.461 |
you see Britney's sex tape and it's it's | 85.95 | 5.279 |
real estate oh yes we're just just | 89.4 | 3.39 |
building a house just building a house | 91.229 | 5.25 |
okay yep right now we have four Lots | 92.79 | 6.27 |
possibly five or six if you wanted to | 96.479 | 4.831 |
build down here but okay I like to build | 99.06 | 4.349 |
I don't think I'll be by a handers here | 101.31 | 4.83 |
all good company good come look at you | 103.409 | 4.801 |
first on the writers now Simon had a | 106.14 | 4.259 |
yeah it's a [ __ ] in that lot at one | 108.21 | 4.26 |
point we cleared it since no it was a | 110.399 | 4.981 |
piece of art was what it was Shannon it | 112.47 | 3.57 |
was good | 115.38 | 2.22 |
listen scar this is this is what you | 116.04 | 2.939 |
need to do you need to make and | 117.6 | 2.94 |
Roselle's house look like a piece of | 118.979 | 4.651 |
[ __ ] okay she had to step it up my | 120.54 | 4.71 |
friend well now I've got a goal that | 123.63 | 3.419 |
makes it easier thank you very much | 125.25 | 3.36 |
names you want to show them where the | 127.049 | 3.091 |
supplies are are they are they in our | 128.61 | 3.45 |
little little well that's where we put | 130.14 | 3.45 |
this in our supply Jack yeah | 132.06 | 3.6 |
we have things poorly labeled so if you | 133.59 | 4.29 |
need if you need dirt and sand there's | 135.66 | 4.35 |
probably wheat and carrots all right | 137.88 | 4.98 |
good good okay let's sugarcane now you | 140.01 | 4.35 |
wouldn't you wouldn't mind if I take all | 142.86 | 2.94 |
this right now it's all yours | 144.36 | 2.94 |
well at the end of everything you just | 145.8 | 3.39 |
put it back damn it I need a fishing | 147.3 | 3.48 |
pole by the way cuz anyone be kind | 149.19 | 2.97 |
enough to give me a fishing to make you | 150.78 | 3.209 |
shut up yeah scar what's your YouTube | 152.16 | 4.44 |
channels name it is good times with scar | 153.989 | 4.741 |
and you can find that on YouTube and on | 156.6 | 4.23 |
Twitch hey scar come check this son make | 158.73 | 3.18 |
sure it's right yep | 160.83 | 3.12 |
so you want me to tower over Anders | 161.91 | 3.51 |
right whatever you want to do whatever | 163.95 | 3.84 |
is make this place look bad the rose did | 165.42 | 5.73 |
exactly within the 15 by 15 as high or | 167.79 | 5.85 |
as low and want to go keep in mind we | 171.15 | 4.26 |
campaign I can't pay anybody off to go a | 173.64 | 4.05 |
little over the edge oh and you look at | 175.41 | 4.109 |
the diamond or something Wow trying to | 177.69 | 3.629 |
bribe me it's already you send me a | 179.519 | 3.901 |
Snickers bar and we can talk yeah what | 181.319 | 4.081 |
the run let's run that by the HOA man I | 183.42 | 3.69 |
don't know that's good that's good info | 185.4 | 3.66 |
some paperwork he's already begun guys | 187.11 | 4.14 |
yeah I know he start with commendations | 189.06 | 5.13 |
late so also scar keep in mind that if | 191.25 | 4.68 |
you need anything that you know at all | 194.19 | 3.69 |
we will we will get it for you we are | 195.93 | 4.68 |
your service really yes so I could send | 197.88 | 4.26 |
you to the nether for some courts yeah | 200.61 | 4.07 |
we have to call the HOA it's paperwork | 202.14 | 5.069 |
we can't do the whole process we got | 204.68 | 3.7 |
some new members on the board | 207.209 | 3.211 |
they won't comply with anything and | 208.38 | 3.419 |
they're all like senior citizen yeah | 210.42 | 4.26 |
it's a Tod situation I always start out | 211.799 | 4.5 |
with like a blank wall and then I carve | 214.68 | 3.27 |
in whatever I want like a window a door | 216.299 | 3.241 |
what that's that's what I do that's | 217.95 | 3.36 |
that's exactly what I do | 219.54 | 4.08 |
we there we go scar and I are cut from | 221.31 | 4.679 |
the same cloth I'm thinking as a gift to | 223.62 | 4.17 |
your hard work you know at the end of | 225.989 | 3.241 |
the day we'll we'll have a beer and | 227.79 | 3.06 |
maybe give you a tour of Simon's Museum | 229.23 | 3.72 |
oh it's right it's close to the stairway | 230.85 | 4.229 |
to heaven that I put there too when | 232.95 | 3.33 |
you're up on the top of the stairway to | 235.079 | 3.211 |
heaven you'll you'll feel queasy it's up | 236.28 | 3.72 |
there how's that fishing going Simon Oh | 238.29 | 4.35 |
once coming once coming pull it you know | 240.0 | 4.769 |
what your turn explained to me had it | 242.64 | 4.26 |
had a head of fish do you know Simon's | 244.769 | 4.831 |
last name Cousteau yes sir you realize | 246.9 | 4.559 |
you actually go you just need an orange | 249.6 | 3.33 |
hat over there didn't have an orange hat | 251.459 | 3.631 |
well that was Gordon Gordon's fisherman | 252.93 | 4.049 |
wasn't it was they yellow hat that was a | 255.09 | 3.81 |
yellow hat fun fact I won a coloring | 256.979 | 3.271 |
contest and got a Gorton's fisherman | 258.9 | 3.99 |
bear once now who's that a fun fact for | 260.25 | 4.62 |
now no one | 262.89 | 5.58 |
ah me and this book can see oh do it hit | 264.87 | 7.35 |
it something hey listen I likes Carmina | 268.47 | 5.79 |
more buds I'm just gonna like light the | 272.22 | 3.6 |
[ __ ] out of this place right now I know | 274.26 | 3.33 |
enough to know that those [ __ ] things | 275.82 | 4.37 |
don't those those torches don't do [ __ ] | 277.59 | 4.98 |
that's that's what I network it's a big | 280.19 | 3.97 |
myth well you can't just place down one | 282.57 | 2.819 |
or two you got to have a consistent | 284.16 | 3.18 |
layout if I rolled over they're all over | 285.389 | 3.361 |
the place score and don't get on my [ __ ] | 287.34 | 3.66 |
list pal there's a dark poker there | 288.75 | 3.84 |
although I was a friendly suggestion | 291.0 | 2.699 |
okay that's right | 292.59 | 3.06 |
I put betterment in betterment our | 293.699 | 4.081 |
enjoyment of the Minecraft so Nev should | 295.65 | 3.93 |
we go to bed he's got he's got work to | 297.78 | 3.99 |
do I will take I will definitely gladly | 299.58 | 4.47 |
take a nap all those secret times let's | 301.77 | 4.97 |
do it yes yeah well three programs oh | 304.05 | 6.17 |
not one count him again | 306.74 | 7.57 |
you there he's done snuggle times I'm | 310.22 | 5.319 |
gonna get right in the middle there | 314.31 | 4.44 |
right in the middle good spot in and | 315.539 | 4.831 |
snuggle with us oh we're gonna eat | 318.75 | 4.889 |
snacks and bed oh not Brigham Young and | 320.37 | 5.4 |
watch a movie oh whoa whoa whoa whoa we | 323.639 | 4.381 |
got four creepers up here oh [ __ ] I'll | 325.77 | 4.05 |
take care of them | 328.02 | 3.93 |
get them Simon now can I just go over | 329.82 | 4.469 |
and hit them yeah sure go for it is that | 331.95 | 2.969 |
bad | 334.289 | 4.111 |
oh they were in the water nice well he | 334.919 | 5.37 |
killed his friends I'm in her now when | 338.4 | 3.15 |
they're doing that they're gonna explode | 340.289 | 2.821 |
so you'd want to move yeah but he | 341.55 | 3.03 |
tactically killed the other one with | 343.11 | 2.279 |
that explosion | 344.58 | 2.61 |
good thank you good point so that's one | 345.389 | 3.391 |
point up for that that's one point | 347.19 | 3.36 |
that's one point for you scar scholars | 348.78 | 5.069 |
in the LBC we're at Andrews ales pun in | 350.55 | 6.089 |
his moat oh hello I'll get him I'll get | 353.849 | 5.311 |
him I will save you oh yes got his | 356.639 | 5.25 |
flowers encrusted while his [ __ ] | 359.16 | 4.8 |
flowers you gotta edit that out man | 361.889 | 3.541 |
let's see let's come down and work on | 363.96 | 2.639 |
the few details | 365.43 | 4.169 |
can I ask can I ask a question | 366.599 | 6.961 |
yo yes Simon how do I shoot a bow oh wow | 369.599 | 6.211 |
I got a bow we're at that point we're at | 373.56 | 4.71 |
that point you're like the big day what | 375.81 | 5.1 |
do you want to shoot um doraleous | 378.27 | 5.13 |
yeah nice come here no I'm dealing with | 380.91 | 4.14 |
wheat so I can make bread he's a diamond | 383.4 | 3.84 |
sucks at fishing these days yeah we need | 385.05 | 4.53 |
sustenance come with me Simon okay aim | 387.24 | 5.04 |
it that would target okay yeah yeah but | 389.58 | 4.74 |
how do I house hold the right click | 392.28 | 5.7 |
button guy and aim and release | 394.32 | 5.82 |
oh look at that look hit it yeah he got | 397.98 | 4.14 |
it how far was he away like a boy well | 400.14 | 4.47 |
he hit the right bottom corner uh-huh | 402.12 | 4.53 |
look at this oh I'm gonna go very far | 404.61 | 4.26 |
away late 20 blocks away now yeah step | 406.65 | 3.93 |
it up how about this I'm stepping it up | 408.87 | 3.66 |
but oh this is it you should get it | 410.58 | 3.9 |
straining hit it ready yep | 412.53 | 4.02 |
up little low ok that's a trajectory | 414.48 | 4.92 |
that I ran out of I'm out he'll come | 416.55 | 4.17 |
back sitting pick him up can I pick | 419.4 | 2.88 |
those there yeah you got me just set up | 420.72 | 2.79 |
an archery range over here you're | 422.28 | 3.36 |
probably right yeah I wonder who came up | 423.51 | 4.44 |
with this brilliant idea oh it's me the | 425.64 | 3.84 |
one that can't do it no one who can't oh | 427.95 | 2.76 |
yeah the one who can't do it watch this | 429.48 | 2.82 |
you know what we're gonna have a contest | 430.71 | 3.42 |
then you out you feel pretty confident | 432.3 | 3.6 |
with your uh your archery skills scarf | 434.13 | 3.87 |
and I am I think we should have a | 435.9 | 4.23 |
distance set and we'll make a target and | 438.0 | 3.9 |
we'll have a little contest by the time | 440.13 | 3.6 |
this is all through now you guys went up | 441.9 | 3.75 |
and have any spruce wood would you yeah | 443.73 | 5.04 |
sprays to spruce yeah the milk chocolate | 445.65 | 5.73 |
wood oh you like you like that chocolate | 448.77 | 5.13 |
like that there well the dark oak and | 451.38 | 4.98 |
that he that's a good one too but I like | 453.9 | 3.96 |
the milk because it creates a kind of | 456.36 | 3.93 |
medieval door so you could tell scar is | 457.86 | 3.87 |
a real gamer because that's sexual | 460.29 | 3.27 |
innuendo through like flew right over | 461.73 | 5.64 |
his head you're like oh you like that | 463.56 | 5.28 |
dark chocolate and you're like then you | 467.37 | 3.18 |
go to detail about no it's actually the | 468.84 | 5.7 |
chocolate of vision yeah yeah got some | 470.55 | 6.39 |
arcade wood if you want it what we have | 474.54 | 5.07 |
15 kinds of arcade wood it's a hardened | 476.94 | 3.27 |
apps right | 479.61 | 4.53 |
it's Akasha okay see a KCCI arcade key | 480.21 | 6.15 |
key on different every episode and by | 484.14 | 4.89 |
the way these freakin lamps are killer I | 486.36 | 4.14 |
was just gonna say their little tacky | 489.03 | 4.61 |
you thought your what's tacky about that | 490.5 | 6.21 |
thing else assaulting that's neat am I | 493.64 | 3.58 |
wrong | 496.71 | 2.13 |
I like you all wrong definitely yeah no | 497.22 | 2.97 |
you're wrong on that one now now tell | 498.84 | 2.49 |
you what I would I would like to make a | 500.19 | 3.09 |
nicer street lamp but we have to travel | 501.33 | 3.27 |
to the nether for that and get the | 503.28 | 3.27 |
glowstone yeah well we'll get those one | 504.6 | 4.32 |
day that is gonna be a great episode now | 506.55 | 3.51 |
does anybody want to rustle me up some | 508.92 | 3.3 |
glass panes I got you | 510.06 | 4.169 |
where where where can I find more arrows | 512.22 | 3.6 |
because App Store stole my hour gotta | 514.229 | 3.931 |
kill skeletons you can make them with | 515.82 | 5.22 |
Flint which we have some feathers which | 518.16 | 5.13 |
we have hardly I'm getting bone your | 521.04 | 2.79 |
doraleous | 523.29 | 2.04 |
yeah I have 15 of them I can give you | 523.83 | 3.54 |
some there you go I got a need to | 525.33 | 3.69 |
practice for the big competition hey | 527.37 | 3.1 |
guys seven arrows | 529.02 | 3.52 |
who's been putting flowers in the tool | 530.47 | 5.82 |
chest what oh look at scars on sleep I | 532.54 | 6.03 |
get ready to go right in the middle the | 536.29 | 4.11 |
roof is gonna be a problem that's what | 538.57 | 3.63 |
I'm not sure about so any luck on that | 540.4 | 4.53 |
wood but not the wood but I am throwing | 542.2 | 4.86 |
a bunch of sand in the cooker oh nice | 544.93 | 4.35 |
nice a glass all we really need when we | 547.06 | 3.48 |
get these pictures oh I've been | 549.28 | 5.34 |
decorating you did that yeah half the | 550.54 | 6.72 |
paintings up so make a big old square at | 554.62 | 4.11 |
a sticks and put wool in the middle oh | 557.26 | 5.85 |
boy there's that oh man look at this | 558.73 | 6.03 |
thing now that kind of looks like the | 563.11 | 3.39 |
house that Simon had there before great | 564.76 | 4.44 |
minds think alike what the [ __ ] was that | 566.5 | 5.04 |
that's Simon oops Simon he almost killed | 569.2 | 2.97 |
me man | 571.54 | 2.1 |
yeah I really want area I would almost | 572.17 | 3.54 |
kill you I took me down to one heart I | 573.64 | 3.36 |
thought it was it yeah | 575.71 | 2.94 |
hey zombie under eyes I believe I | 577.0 | 2.97 |
thought it was a zombie you realize what | 578.65 | 3.87 |
we just created what a monster [ __ ] yes | 579.97 | 4.41 |
yeah do you realize that this is fun for | 582.52 | 3.72 |
me and I just shot him from pretty far | 584.38 | 3.57 |
away to here's what we do tonight when | 586.24 | 3.3 |
we go to bed we all go in the house and | 587.95 | 3.36 |
look out the window while Simon fights | 589.54 | 3.93 |
off monsters with his bow I think I need | 591.31 | 3.78 |
to put you guys at work over there what | 593.47 | 2.97 |
you need you can do help me do the | 595.09 | 3.15 |
backside over here Simon you're good at | 596.44 | 3.69 |
the backside don't even oh yeah Simon | 598.24 | 3.72 |
over here quick dude I really don't know | 600.13 | 3.3 |
how to like do anything now that'll be | 601.96 | 3.15 |
fun so yes I'm gonna end you have it | 603.43 | 3.54 |
give give an axe on you at the moment I | 605.11 | 3.06 |
do not have an axe | 606.97 | 3.0 |
okay tickle take thee take the oak and | 608.17 | 3.66 |
then fill in this corner going up like | 609.97 | 4.71 |
so going up like so like I understand | 611.83 | 4.14 |
what you meant what do you mean going up | 614.68 | 3.54 |
like what you know take an oak and then | 615.97 | 3.9 |
running up this all the way up here | 618.22 | 3.0 |
okay I'll fill in this section right | 619.87 | 4.14 |
there here you go got it hey scar yes | 621.22 | 4.29 |
we've come around the backside again on | 624.01 | 5.04 |
the bottom yeah damn it bottom there you | 625.51 | 6.12 |
go Simon you just grabbed his glass you | 629.05 | 4.65 |
idiot I didn't mean to rip his glass I | 631.63 | 3.48 |
thought I dropped that you give it to | 633.7 | 1.65 |
him | 635.11 | 2.55 |
hold on here we go how do I drop things | 635.35 | 4.32 |
how do I drop things I just did what's | 637.66 | 4.05 |
that right there we had like this good | 639.67 | 4.98 |
job Simon yes and then I will give you | 641.71 | 5.64 |
the arrows in exchange there we go | 644.65 | 4.74 |
what a guy you guys have a bond where | 647.35 | 4.05 |
are these arrows those a shady deal is | 649.39 | 4.02 |
my protege yeah back here in the corner | 651.4 | 4.74 |
I'm a protege guys with Simon we're so | 653.41 | 5.13 |
proud of you salmon let's do this what's | 656.14 | 4.32 |
up let's all get on top of scars house | 658.54 | 2.7 |
mm-hmm | 660.46 | 4.09 |
and Simon it's fight night | 661.24 | 6.99 |
how you feel out there I feel confident | 664.55 | 6.93 |
you look great I know it reminds me I | 668.23 | 6.22 |
look good what that like King Kong when | 671.48 | 5.729 |
they put that yo lady out there yep has | 674.45 | 5.91 |
an offering yeah you got two creepers | 677.209 | 3.991 |
straight up there | 680.36 | 3.419 |
straight up straight over weight hind | 681.2 | 3.93 |
you directly behind you to Creek I'm | 683.779 | 3.0 |
really bad ladies go no no straight up | 685.13 | 4.05 |
there and I can walk yeah you come on | 686.779 | 3.451 |
unless you feel like you're gonna hit | 689.18 | 4.17 |
him for this up to you buddy okay oh boy | 690.23 | 6.87 |
you got it in you yep this is intense | 693.35 | 7.71 |
oh man one down one down Wow go he's | 697.1 | 5.549 |
gonna be a trained warrior yeah but a | 701.06 | 2.279 |
boom bada bing | 702.649 | 2.401 |
Simon walk towards that other creeper | 703.339 | 3.421 |
that was behind that one and draw him | 705.05 | 2.97 |
into the light so we can see him oh | 706.76 | 3.15 |
there's another creeper yeah yeah I | 708.02 | 3.39 |
don't even see him oh is that him oh | 709.91 | 3.179 |
he's walking he's always afraid he's how | 711.41 | 2.85 |
much did the other yeah I know he's | 713.089 | 2.461 |
running what do you do why are you | 714.26 | 2.19 |
running | 715.55 | 3.3 |
cuz he's afraid he saw you come on come | 716.45 | 4.11 |
on you little monkey that's impressive | 718.85 | 4.56 |
come on there we go nope okay run back | 720.56 | 4.31 |
to us that's what I'm doing | 723.41 | 3.78 |
keep running I like what I'm doing | 724.87 | 4.69 |
listen I'm a master I got this okay cuz | 727.19 | 3.72 |
you weren't wrong oh he's gaining on you | 729.56 | 2.58 |
yeah let him game | 730.91 | 3.84 |
uh-uh you got a wild Akane coming in now | 732.14 | 4.92 |
fight him all right oh sure you got a | 734.75 | 3.18 |
wild card | 737.06 | 5.58 |
oh nice get him go man go we believe in | 737.93 | 7.62 |
you what is it yeah | 742.64 | 5.43 |
BAM you did it yes I did and creeper | 745.55 | 4.11 |
that wall none no and I'm getting my | 748.07 | 4.11 |
arrow back you little [ __ ] hey yeah man | 749.66 | 3.9 |
what a tough guy man | 752.18 | 2.61 |
what a tough where's that | 753.56 | 2.969 |
where's-where's worst pop-up he's behind | 754.79 | 2.73 |
the stairway to heaven | 756.529 | 4.021 |
oh you think come on come on dad come on | 757.52 | 4.74 |
Baba tricks gonna work can I get this | 760.55 | 3.87 |
guy from afar or I don't know Kenya I | 762.26 | 4.05 |
got it I got a double shock oh they're | 764.42 | 4.56 |
zombie just took a hit I know cuz I'm | 766.31 | 5.7 |
good Wow yeah you know what here let's | 768.98 | 4.7 |
let's let's let you guys see the magic | 772.01 | 3.389 |
yeah drama man | 773.68 | 3.19 |
seriously does this kind of brings a | 775.399 | 3.421 |
tear to my eye because of just how you | 776.87 | 4.14 |
started this game this is impressive | 778.82 | 4.32 |
yeah like wanting a little baby boy or | 781.01 | 4.17 |
girl well go get a sweet view of this | 783.14 | 3.48 |
yeah see it mm-hmm | 785.18 | 5.73 |
oh wow Lana jam all midsi's ain't no big | 786.62 | 5.909 |
deal no big deal I don't even need the | 790.91 | 3.45 |
experience oh we got a twist guys | 792.529 | 2.701 |
another twist | 794.36 | 1.57 |
oh what's going | 795.23 | 2.23 |
on actually might be locked on to me | 795.93 | 3.9 |
Simon will you save me I am in trouble | 797.46 | 4.98 |
oh no I will get you Oh what's this guy | 799.83 | 3.96 |
doing it over here I don't think he | 802.44 | 3.39 |
realizes oh that's a little poor little | 803.79 | 4.95 |
bastard Simon's Oh | 805.83 | 8.73 |
Oh did oh boy oh no wrong way oh wow you | 808.74 | 7.89 |
now watch oh you got a sneaky spider - | 814.56 | 4.11 |
oh I see him let's do let's do a far | 816.63 | 5.28 |
shot oh he's out of my sight again | 818.67 | 5.729 |
running from you just came up and stuff | 821.91 | 5.489 |
at the arch now he's um he was behind | 824.399 | 5.371 |
some stone there you couldn't move good | 827.399 | 4.761 |
yeah there was only some way to move oh | 829.77 | 7.14 |
no not this fire mmm yep that's a nice | 832.16 | 9.82 |
short on it yeah oh wow I'm gonna go get | 836.91 | 6.929 |
your arrows Simon's a master Archer now | 841.98 | 4.44 |
Suns coming up Wow wee man we went | 843.839 | 4.531 |
through the whole night without Simon go | 846.42 | 3.359 |
into the road creeper | 848.37 | 3.089 |
we're under what end of this road yeah | 849.779 | 4.861 |
into this walk upon I see him go get him | 851.459 | 5.161 |
this is an important one this is far | 854.64 | 4.77 |
away check it out munching okay yeah | 856.62 | 5.37 |
sure hold on yeah I'm far away see if | 859.41 | 4.38 |
this is gonna do it just shooting grass | 861.99 | 4.77 |
I am oh I hit him no that was me damn it | 863.79 | 6.6 |
Oh American sniper right there kind of | 866.76 | 6.54 |
made my own content any place cuz you | 870.39 | 3.3 |
missed | 873.3 | 1.86 |
cuz you were getting cocky pain we're | 873.69 | 3.24 |
getting super cocky stir super cocky | 875.16 | 4.26 |
pants scar you need some more glass I | 876.93 | 4.5 |
know I'm just putting the panes in here | 879.42 | 4.35 |
look good looking good so far that house | 881.43 | 4.83 |
is looking beautiful but it is it's a | 883.77 | 4.41 |
fancy house and I yeah I got the panes | 886.26 | 3.63 |
all set up just adds more depth in the | 888.18 | 3.42 |
windows if you use a paint over us a | 889.89 | 3.66 |
square block of glass oh and that's | 891.6 | 4.38 |
gonna look good see how I call them bud | 893.55 | 4.86 |
me and him a buds now yep and there's | 895.98 | 3.9 |
nails gonna get a complex when he sees | 898.41 | 3.84 |
this yes he is | 899.88 | 3.899 |
do you are you uh are you a fan of | 902.25 | 3.81 |
Anders probably not right what a dick he | 903.779 | 7.68 |
is a good guy Oh Anders is a good guy | 906.06 | 7.769 |
important guy I'm joking he we we have | 911.459 | 5.791 |
we have a relations listen we we have a | 913.829 | 5.551 |
past Swedish people have great sense of | 917.25 | 4.529 |
humor no oh yeah no he's awesome don't | 919.38 | 4.11 |
tell him I said that though yeah my | 921.779 | 3.331 |
grandma was Swedish I'm familiar with | 923.49 | 3.089 |
the Swedish people all right I'll see | 925.11 | 3.76 |
your part filthy sweet as well yeah | 926.579 | 4.991 |
there we go look at that what other | 928.87 | 4.08 |
details can we put on there you think | 931.57 | 3.06 |
you're the guy that made a video on how | 932.95 | 3.6 |
to build a house well I mean we do need | 934.63 | 4.11 |
an interior so you got a video on how to | 936.55 | 3.81 |
make a living room too don't you yep | 938.74 | 3.69 |
living room all sorts of other weird | 940.36 | 3.87 |
stuff can't wait till it gets to be | 942.43 | 3.51 |
night again so I could shoot more stuff | 944.23 | 3.12 |
but neither I want to get a little nut | 945.94 | 3.12 |
mob action I don't killed anything yet | 947.35 | 2.55 |
there you go | 949.06 | 2.64 |
well the back end here is pretty boring | 949.9 | 4.44 |
not allowed anything going on you had a | 951.7 | 4.59 |
guy working back there didn't you yeah | 954.34 | 3.9 |
you did ever yeah I'll come back I'll | 956.29 | 3.54 |
help you I've literally have one piece | 958.24 | 4.14 |
of bread oh my look at all that don't | 959.83 | 5.07 |
you get fat now all right so regoing mob | 962.38 | 3.27 |
hunting tonight | 964.9 | 4.56 |
yeah Oh creeper famour were you at | 965.65 | 5.85 |
Marissa's creeper as roma right there | 969.46 | 3.6 |
that I just hit and then there was a | 971.5 | 3.99 |
another guy right there which I just hit | 973.06 | 3.72 |
I don't want to rain on your parade but | 975.49 | 3.06 |
can I kill the skeleton yeah go for it | 976.78 | 5.27 |
go kill him I was just about to get him | 978.55 | 6.3 |
look at him with the proper tactics | 982.05 | 4.69 |
you know jumpy swing did you check out | 984.85 | 3.06 |
the stairway to heaven while you're over | 986.74 | 3.03 |
there oh yeah let me show you all right | 987.91 | 2.7 |
I'm here I'm here | 989.77 | 2.1 |
all right hold on that's good it's gonna | 990.61 | 2.64 |
be it's gonna be up here little ways | 991.87 | 4.74 |
okay and right there there it is we're | 993.25 | 5.16 |
stairway to heaven right here where | 996.61 | 3.21 |
check it out pick it up | 998.41 | 3.27 |
check it out boom boom boom boom | 999.82 | 5.85 |
stairway to heaven I'm in heaven I just | 1001.68 | 5.97 |
let a creeper blew over here now you go | 1005.67 | 4.86 |
to heaven uh-uh I did I fell Oh | 1007.65 | 4.95 |
so you need to be careful it's high but | 1010.53 | 3.63 |
look at this door and it's right next to | 1012.6 | 2.73 |
my museum check it out | 1014.16 | 4.26 |
oh wow you like it I like it Oh Izzie oh | 1015.33 | 4.95 |
yeah you got a little ladder here I got | 1018.42 | 3.81 |
your ladders action just in case you | 1020.28 | 3.51 |
need to climb well I don't see any mobs | 1022.23 | 3.479 |
is kind of disappointing yeah yeah | 1023.79 | 3.87 |
they're all scared of me come this way | 1025.709 | 2.911 |
go to the barn | 1027.66 | 2.49 |
night night trip to the barn though I | 1028.62 | 5.01 |
like that idea Oh creeper running over | 1030.15 | 4.77 |
the ones that usually fell right right | 1033.63 | 3.24 |
there watch out The Hulk | 1034.92 | 6.3 |
oh boy oh alright no I see flour | 1036.87 | 6.21 |
replenish your help and stay away from | 1041.22 | 3.21 |
the UH all right | 1043.08 | 3.0 |
hit houses have you guys seen the | 1044.43 | 3.72 |
archery range I'm working on no I'm | 1046.08 | 4.14 |
interested I'm almost I'm almost done I | 1048.15 | 4.05 |
forgot one more target I'm devotees oh | 1050.22 | 2.69 |
boy | 1052.2 | 3.36 |
who we found a cave down you guys you | 1052.91 | 3.91 |
getting slammed here you got you got | 1055.56 | 3.99 |
three zombies | 1056.82 | 4.17 |
man you're just going against going to | 1059.55 | 3.3 |
town aren't you mm-hmm ooh I like the | 1060.99 | 4.14 |
barn nice yeah | 1062.85 | 4.68 |
can I shoot the Enderman oh Jesus I | 1065.13 | 4.02 |
looked at one for the first time ever | 1067.53 | 4.68 |
see after you yep yeah oh you just | 1069.15 | 5.12 |
stirred up a hornet's you know water oh | 1072.21 | 4.62 |
sorry I'm in the water he's worried I'm | 1074.27 | 3.85 |
gonna need to save you I got you I got | 1076.83 | 1.89 |
you | 1078.12 | 4.2 |
oh boy I got you I got you Oh Lord oh my | 1078.72 | 5.76 |
god did anyone see that yeah Wow on | 1082.32 | 5.22 |
action up here there's okay oh [ __ ] yeah | 1084.48 | 6.27 |
starting like a porcupine boy mmm-hmm | 1087.54 | 6.81 |
you got like 20 arrows stuck in you holy | 1090.75 | 5.1 |
[ __ ] yeah he does he looks like a | 1094.35 | 5.64 |
porcupine hey guys hey that's my thing I | 1095.85 | 6.12 |
know I just nobody stealing my Butler ah | 1099.99 | 3.48 |
I wish ones day time I want to finish | 1101.97 | 3.81 |
that archery uh oh it will be soon all | 1103.47 | 3.45 |
right I mean you know how much you know | 1105.78 | 2.88 |
how fast Knight goes here so seven | 1106.92 | 4.02 |
minutes exactly you do know how fast | 1108.66 | 3.36 |
yeah that's kind of look I've been | 1110.94 | 3.0 |
reading a book who made this little like | 1112.02 | 4.41 |
pool that's undercover I did I don't | 1113.94 | 4.62 |
know why but yeah that was a waste of | 1116.43 | 4.71 |
time and material it wasn't a material | 1118.56 | 4.62 |
involved whoa whoa no this is the hot | 1121.14 | 2.49 |
tub | 1123.18 | 2.85 |
all right look at nego straining neebs | 1123.63 | 4.8 |
loves the rain nothing makes him happier | 1126.03 | 3.93 |
nidia fan of the rain | 1128.43 | 3.51 |
he loves it I don't like rain ah only | 1129.96 | 4.23 |
like sunshine so you would love it where | 1131.94 | 3.84 |
I live right you said you're in | 1134.19 | 3.51 |
Washington yeah you love it | 1135.78 | 4.56 |
may I like this hot tub you jazz it up a | 1137.7 | 4.44 |
little bit maybe a little lava thank you | 1140.34 | 2.64 |
thank you | 1142.14 | 2.64 |
he's gonna put some last bottom and then | 1142.98 | 3.24 |
put lava in there you don't eat it up | 1144.78 | 3.87 |
that's going that's awesome yeah he just | 1146.22 | 4.14 |
he just turned your shitty idea into a | 1148.65 | 3.69 |
good wonder I accept that Simon there's | 1150.36 | 4.74 |
a skeleton you can get god I'm there we | 1152.34 | 5.67 |
go nice ice Slamma jamma go get your | 1155.1 | 5.19 |
bone Simon okay yeah I'm actually I'm | 1158.01 | 4.14 |
out of arrows so you can make bone | 1160.29 | 3.69 |
arrows that's what the Indians used | 1162.15 | 5.1 |
right yeah yeah exactly would be a deal | 1163.98 | 5.79 |
yeah yeah you got me but I'll bet they | 1167.25 | 2.88 |
did | 1169.77 | 2.37 |
all right let's see just a few more | 1170.13 | 3.57 |
finishing touches ain't some half slabs | 1172.14 | 4.53 |
Simon talk to me got it did you make it | 1173.7 | 5.4 |
just made it let's see it you want to | 1176.67 | 4.83 |
see it and see it hold on a second | 1179.1 | 6.36 |
slamma-jamma jammed you baboom Gemma Jew | 1181.5 | 7.08 |
damage you is it iron that's iron where | 1185.46 | 4.17 |
you at good job | 1188.58 | 3.86 |
this is me making [ __ ] job Simon yay | 1189.63 | 5.37 |
that's alright how do you make an axe | 1192.44 | 5.29 |
you just have gold ballast was saying | 1195.0 | 5.34 |
that uh yeah the gold pickaxe is the | 1197.73 | 4.77 |
fastest pickaxe but it breaks the | 1200.34 | 4.35 |
quickest interesting right I've got a | 1202.5 | 4.44 |
book I want to see this book actually it | 1204.69 | 5.25 |
was 1499 but marked down 20% Skaar have | 1206.94 | 5.04 |
you ever eaten zombie flesh yeah I would | 1209.94 | 4.26 |
recommend it yeah save that for the UH | 1211.98 | 4.86 |
for when you tame a dog there there's | 1214.2 | 4.53 |
the book kickin in there good oh [ __ ] | 1216.84 | 3.66 |
I've got two skeletons up in my [ __ ] | 1218.73 | 3.72 |
spider house oh noes | 1220.5 | 4.02 |
I've not even seen your spider house yet | 1222.45 | 3.84 |
well you know what's great Simon what I | 1224.52 | 4.29 |
have a gift for you up here you really I | 1226.29 | 2.76 |
do | 1228.81 | 3.48 |
he needs yep I got a rich man's pickaxe | 1229.05 | 5.37 |
is it gold you see that | 1232.29 | 5.76 |
oh it's gold go take public axes and go | 1234.42 | 5.19 |
find some stone and see if there's any | 1238.05 | 3.3 |
difference where do I just find stone | 1239.61 | 5.42 |
like maybe behind the old museum Oh | 1241.35 | 7.71 |
that'll keep him busy I can hear you | 1245.03 | 7.6 |
need that stone right yeah he's getting | 1249.06 | 6.81 |
cobblestone okay now try yours your iron | 1252.63 | 4.05 |
one see if there's any difference | 1255.87 | 1.95 |
alright well good | 1256.68 | 4.29 |
yep try your difference in speed yeah | 1257.82 | 5.19 |
gold is better it's faster yeah | 1260.97 | 4.44 |
confirmed it breaks through a | 1263.01 | 4.62 |
cobblestone like a shovel breaks through | 1265.41 | 5.31 |
dirt nice where'd you go neeps I was | 1267.63 | 4.23 |
just taking out the house how it's | 1270.72 | 3.18 |
coming Oh what you need I got something | 1271.86 | 3.98 |
you just see a little bit of exploring | 1273.9 | 4.62 |
let's take a look can I give this a | 1275.84 | 5.29 |
little idea of the land like look down | 1278.52 | 4.25 |
at it there you go | 1281.13 | 4.59 |
it's a fairly large desert out there | 1282.77 | 5.11 |
we're the little white dot at the top | 1285.72 | 3.54 |
that's where we're at | 1287.88 | 3.66 |
it's nighttime guys be weary so the barn | 1289.26 | 3.87 |
I wish it showed up on the map but it | 1291.54 | 4.08 |
doesn't where's the scar huh I just | 1293.13 | 6.09 |
build a [ __ ] crab knee you got one | 1295.62 | 6.48 |
coming into the barn I'm gonna watch you | 1299.22 | 5.57 |
leave behind you | 1302.1 | 2.69 |
oh [ __ ] creeper in the barn yeah run run | 1306.38 | 4.139 |
run oh boy that was close | 1308.36 | 4.59 |
he was blinking oh yeah here I'm luring | 1310.519 | 3.691 |
him oh man | 1312.95 | 2.699 |
keep it out why keep it out behind me | 1314.21 | 4.17 |
I'm behind him Lorraine stop that's good | 1315.649 | 5.071 |
man goodness oh man we blew the barn | 1318.38 | 4.32 |
intense stuff y'all yeah did I just get | 1320.72 | 3.74 |
here way too late for the Bob action | 1322.7 | 4.979 |
yeah he's like working and we were | 1324.46 | 5.17 |
having a grand old time we can sleep | 1327.679 | 3.33 |
real quick can everybody get us late | 1329.63 | 4.2 |
yeah we're down whew that was yeah I got | 1331.009 | 5.061 |
Harry | 1333.83 | 2.24 |
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