MINECRAFT: AnderZEL - New Neebsylvania 12
Neebs Gaming

This video comes straight from the Neebs Gaming YouTube channel.
neebs: Hey AnderZEL, have you seen the latest episode of New Neebsylvania? It's a real banger!
appsro: Oh yeah, that's my favorite video! I mean, who doesn't love watching you struggle to build something in Minecraft?
neebs: Hey, it's all part of the fun! And let's not forget the epic soundtrack that accompanies our building adventures.
appsro: Yeah, those tunes really set the mood. It's like we're in our own little Minecraft music video.
Hey there Neebsylvania fans! Have you checked out the latest video on the Neebs Gaming YouTube channel yet? The gang has a special guest, AnderZEL, who is the first of many to join in on the fun as they build something epic along their Minecraft parade of homes. It's always exciting to see new faces and collaborations on the channel, and this one definitely does not disappoint!
As the gang gets creative and works together to bring their vision to life in the game, you can't help but get caught up in the excitement and energy of the episode. The chemistry between the Neebsylvania crew and AnderZEL is palpable, making for a hilarious and entertaining viewing experience. Plus, the music choices in the video, like "Jaw Harp You Can Dance To" by Doug Maxwell and "Rollin at 5" by Kevin MacLeod, really set the tone and add to the overall vibe of the build.
If you're a die-hard Neebsylvania fan like me, you'll definitely appreciate all the little details and references sprinkled throughout the video. From the in-game creations to the banter between the players, every moment is packed with humor and creativity. And let's not forget about the shoutouts to other content creators and the links to resources like the official Minecraft website and the Neebs Gaming merchandise store. It's clear that the team is dedicated to providing a top-notch viewing experience for their fans.
So, if you haven't already, be sure to hit that subscribe button and follow Neebs Gaming on all their social media channels to stay up-to-date on all the latest Neebsylvania adventures. Whether you're a seasoned veteran of the channel or a newcomer just discovering the magic of Neebsylvania, there's something for everyone to enjoy in each and every video. Let's show our support for this amazing team and keep the Neebsylvania spirit alive!

The Game
You definitely should check it out!
Man, have you been watching Neebs Gaming's Minecraft series? It's honestly one of the best Minecraft series I've ever seen. The way they transformed that vanilla world into an incredible place called New Neebsylvania is just amazing.
I love how each episode feels like another chapter in an epic saga, as we follow the core crew of Neebs, Thick, Appsro, Simon, Doraleous and Anthony on their adventures. One week they're building a kickass castle, the next they're creating games and attractions for the citizens of their world. It really feels like you're part of their story.
And the cinematics are just top-notch. The way they blend gameplay footage with custom storylines and voice acting makes it like you're watching a big budget animated film at times. I mean, remember that episode where they built that huge minecart rollercoaster? The way they shot that in cinematic style made me feel like I was actually riding the coaster with them!
Having guest YouTubers like AnderZEL come join their world also adds such a cool dynamic. It's genius how they incorporate other personalities into their narratives. And of course all the jokes and antics of the Neebs crew make every episode hilarious.
Overall, in my opinion there's no better way to experience Minecraft than by watching Neebs Gaming's series. Unless you want to join their server and play alongside them, the cinematic videos are the next best thing. Their creativity and filmmaking talent really makes their Minecraft world come alive. I could go on all day about it! Definitely check out their New Neebsylvania series if you haven't already - you won't regret it.

Caption | Start | Duration |
all right nebes what the hell's going on | 0.199 | 2.361 |
yeah why we why are we waiting what are | 1.439 | 2.48 |
we waiting for we're waiting on a | 2.56 | 4.68 |
special guest okay oh really what it's a | 3.919 | 7.361 |
big day guys oh there he is | 7.24 | 4.04 |
what hello guys hey what's up dude how | 16.039 | 6.48 |
you guys doing good man hey it's hell | 19.4 | 6.959 |
the [ __ ] are you doing here h | 22.519 | 3.84 |
under oh don't get too close | 27.64 | 5.88 |
he's a celebrity I just got tested we're | 31.039 | 4.281 |
fine this a fine world you have here | 33.52 | 4.08 |
boys hey fine thank you thank you are | 35.32 | 4.28 |
you impressed with what we've built or | 37.6 | 4.56 |
what we haven't built yes very impressed | 39.6 | 5.0 |
because this this is something I've | 42.16 | 4.559 |
never seen before yeah so so wait a | 44.6 | 4.36 |
second so so he's the surprise and | 46.719 | 5.32 |
derelle is the surprise yeah okay so so | 48.96 | 5.32 |
that's it surprise over we're going to | 52.039 | 4.84 |
put him to work oh oh really wait I'm | 54.28 | 4.599 |
here to work I thought I was an honored | 56.879 | 4.16 |
guest I watched you on YouTube and you | 58.879 | 6.36 |
have skills okay all right see this road | 61.039 | 5.721 |
yes that's the that's going to be the | 65.239 | 4.361 |
Walk of Fame and I I would like you to | 66.76 | 5.52 |
be the first guest to build something on | 69.6 | 5.72 |
the Walk of Fame oh so a little bit of a | 72.28 | 5.519 |
house like a Parade of Homes huh yeah so | 75.32 | 4.72 |
if you walk down here see we have four | 77.799 | 4.561 |
Lots right now that you can choose from | 80.04 | 4.2 |
M so you can you can choose any one of | 82.36 | 4.799 |
these Lots make it yours and you can | 84.24 | 5.96 |
build within that area let's see South | 87.159 | 6.92 |
is this way so I guess uh I guess I take | 90.2 | 6.08 |
this one that one looks good all right | 94.079 | 4.521 |
yeah now can he he can go as high as he | 96.28 | 4.72 |
wants high as low whatever just try to | 98.6 | 4.4 |
stay within the bushes there I have a | 101.0 | 4.56 |
question what Simon how much rent are we | 103.0 | 4.88 |
going to charge andelle nothing yeah we | 105.56 | 4.04 |
we invite him to charge him you idiot | 107.88 | 3.239 |
well why not well I don't know I just | 109.6 | 3.64 |
thought we were trying to make some cash | 111.119 | 4.081 |
it's all about making cash what so we're | 113.24 | 3.479 |
not okay so you're getting a deal first | 115.2 | 4.48 |
month free first month free you know | 116.719 | 5.161 |
what a bad deal when when I don't use | 119.68 | 4.439 |
the house you can rent it out to people | 121.88 | 5.279 |
okay ooh time share yeah ah time share | 124.119 | 5.0 |
that's yeah that's you see so win-win I | 127.159 | 3.921 |
don't have to pay you and you still get | 129.119 | 3.801 |
money but we can collect all the time | 131.08 | 3.28 |
share money I feel like we just got | 132.92 | 3.24 |
Bamboozled it's a | 134.36 | 4.879 |
scheme I do feel a little Bamboozled | 136.16 | 7.719 |
here Andel come follow me yes I'm coming | 139.239 | 6.841 |
all right is it andelle or Andel what do | 143.879 | 5.521 |
you prefer Anders Anders so's already | 146.08 | 5.68 |
messed up well I was saying what was | 149.4 | 4.96 |
saying resarch saying it wrong so but we | 151.76 | 6.32 |
say but we're doing Anders Anders Anders | 154.36 | 5.72 |
there you go yes I knew that cuz I'm | 158.08 | 4.12 |
important I didn't why isn't he the boss | 160.08 | 3.799 |
why isn't he showing me around why is | 162.2 | 3.44 |
nebs doing it he can't even say my name | 163.879 | 4.0 |
right that's true disrespectful I'm an | 165.64 | 4.48 |
idiot yeah can he please get to work are | 167.879 | 4.161 |
y'all going to gab all day okay okay | 170.12 | 4.039 |
okay right we got tools and stuff here | 172.04 | 3.76 |
so if there's anything that's here that | 174.159 | 3.0 |
that's missing let us know we'll go get | 175.8 | 5.719 |
it for you I I would need about 150 more | 177.159 | 7.761 |
gold blocks Gold Blocks on it Simon BR | 181.519 | 6.241 |
yeah 150 Gold Blocks Simon good miny I'm | 184.92 | 5.28 |
on it yep yeah can I catch that with a | 187.76 | 4.8 |
fishing pole all right andelle I I mean | 190.2 | 4.64 |
it's been like 15 minutes not one thing | 192.56 | 3.959 |
has been put not even the ground hadn't | 194.84 | 4.319 |
even broken yet don't worry don't worry | 196.519 | 4.481 |
don't worry he's baking stuff man he's | 199.159 | 3.401 |
in here's working I'm making some tools | 201.0 | 3.92 |
here I I can't be ask to work with | 202.56 | 5.48 |
subpar tools man it was just all Stone | 204.92 | 4.959 |
oh yeah we had some [ __ ] tools hey | 208.04 | 3.32 |
speaking of that let us know whatever | 209.879 | 3.241 |
you need like like neeb said and we will | 211.36 | 5.079 |
be your servants excellent excellent I I | 213.12 | 7.0 |
would like some uh pork chops yeah the P | 216.439 | 5.641 |
the pork chop things we got there's a | 220.12 | 4.6 |
weird rule in This Server yeah neebs is | 222.08 | 4.6 |
kind of a he's kind of against the | 224.72 | 5.04 |
killing of anything but fish well they | 226.68 | 6.759 |
look at you they look so sad yeah the Cs | 229.76 | 6.0 |
do look sad but but I've noticed if if | 233.439 | 5.08 |
you think about them as food like the | 235.76 | 6.0 |
finished piece of food it's much easier | 238.519 | 6.481 |
see we have a guest and use AAR sword | 241.76 | 5.08 |
it's a great if you hit them many times | 245.0 | 3.519 |
they you'll scream it's better if you | 246.84 | 4.72 |
use a a diamond sword or something | 248.519 | 5.121 |
that's true and if you're really lazy | 251.56 | 3.64 |
and you don't want to cook them you can | 253.64 | 2.8 |
set them on | 255.2 | 3.68 |
fire oh if you set them on fire they | 256.44 | 4.359 |
they go ahead and cook that's | 258.88 | 4.16 |
human I don't know how you would sleep | 260.799 | 4.801 |
at night even if zombies weren't around | 263.04 | 4.52 |
easy just right I sleep with a belly | 265.6 | 5.319 |
full of food on a bed made of sheep I | 267.56 | 4.88 |
really want to go set a cow on fire | 270.919 | 3.12 |
right now with a tummy full of steak | 272.44 | 3.24 |
never seen that it works on pigs too | 274.039 | 3.481 |
manad oh my God okay Sun's going down we | 275.68 | 3.48 |
should probably all lay down go sleepies | 277.52 | 3.56 |
Anders can you cook the puffer fish I | 279.16 | 4.16 |
think you can only use in Po in like | 281.08 | 5.36 |
potions actually to to like dive longer | 283.32 | 5.12 |
we don't even know how to make potions | 286.44 | 4.52 |
no we don't know [ __ ] all right all | 288.44 | 4.12 |
right does anybody have another fishing | 290.96 | 3.32 |
pole I can at least help some I see I | 292.56 | 3.52 |
see why I'm here I I definitely see why | 294.28 | 3.479 |
I'm here it's not just free labor it's | 296.08 | 4.04 |
it's labor that knows what he's doing | 297.759 | 3.921 |
yeah exactly so far I'm starting to | 300.12 | 3.72 |
think you being here is a | 301.68 | 5.359 |
mistake no you can't say that he might | 303.84 | 6.04 |
leave oh that oh our gu I have to be | 307.039 | 6.801 |
very very helpful okay very helpful I | 309.88 | 6.48 |
I'm not totally here to to like make fun | 313.84 | 4.919 |
of you guys and your your lack of skills | 316.36 | 3.76 |
or anything like that in Minecraft | 318.759 | 5.16 |
absolutely not okay good you bu that so | 320.12 | 4.919 |
you're going to build that house then | 323.919 | 2.241 |
we're going to take credit for it and | 325.039 | 2.841 |
change the sign and | 326.16 | 4.24 |
everything make that sign house neeb can | 327.88 | 5.56 |
I set this pig on fire no set set the | 330.4 | 5.4 |
chicken on fire d man I will the shicken | 333.44 | 3.599 |
to go | 335.8 | 4.959 |
run it's not safe here | 337.039 | 6.6 |
anymore go andrelle if I gave you a | 340.759 | 5.401 |
flint can you make me flint and steel uh | 343.639 | 4.68 |
he's busy yes yes I actually have the | 346.16 | 4.879 |
iron oh there's the pig hey what are you | 348.319 | 4.44 |
doing | 351.039 | 4.6 |
no is protecting the pig oh he's biting | 352.759 | 3.841 |
his | 355.639 | 5.521 |
lip get away abro is not the this pig is | 356.6 | 6.96 |
under my protection no that pig is that | 361.16 | 6.12 |
pig is toast oh there he goes | 363.56 | 6.68 |
no now now you can put the pig on toast | 367.28 | 4.12 |
how do I put it | 370.24 | 4.56 |
out stop dropping roll buddy H H him oh | 371.4 | 6.88 |
good there you go stop dropping oh no | 374.8 | 6.0 |
I'm on fireo oh jeez you're on fire go | 378.28 | 3.479 |
jump in | 380.8 | 4.519 |
water oh there we goes wrong with you | 381.759 | 6.521 |
people let's share so yeah hey uh Andre | 385.319 | 4.841 |
how did you get started just playing | 388.28 | 3.6 |
games and uploading to YouTube what what | 390.16 | 3.439 |
gave you the uh what gave you the idea | 391.88 | 3.879 |
to just start doing that for fun uh it | 393.599 | 4.16 |
was actually after I saw videos on | 395.759 | 4.081 |
YouTube of people playing Minecraft I | 397.759 | 4.641 |
thought like this this game looks fun so | 399.84 | 4.6 |
I I actually started playing it and when | 402.4 | 3.76 |
they started with | 404.44 | 5.12 |
multiplayer I got onto a a British | 406.16 | 5.68 |
server with with British people and a | 409.56 | 4.759 |
few Danish and Swedish people and the | 411.84 | 4.4 |
multiplayer back then in Minecraft | 414.319 | 4.32 |
wasn't at all the same as single player | 416.24 | 3.84 |
so you couldn't show show them things | 418.639 | 3.441 |
like rail cart setups you had in your | 420.08 | 3.92 |
single player world on multiplayer | 422.08 | 3.679 |
because it simply just didn't work | 424.0 | 3.72 |
because it was kind of different build | 425.759 | 4.521 |
so to say so the First videos I made was | 427.72 | 5.0 |
actually for those online friends so | 430.28 | 3.84 |
they would be able to see what I was | 432.72 | 3.56 |
talking about because back then my my | 434.12 | 5.639 |
English was was very | 436.28 | 8.12 |
bad a lot a lot say worse | 439.759 | 9.041 |
than oh wait wait who built these plots | 444.4 | 5.56 |
what happened | 448.8 | 4.16 |
it it's off center man what is it it's | 449.96 | 7.239 |
not Center I I thought oh my God deal | 452.96 | 5.0 |
with | 457.199 | 4.12 |
it you picked it see this is what the | 457.96 | 5.28 |
Indians did when we gave them land they | 461.319 | 5.88 |
they as bro man you to me man that's too | 463.24 | 5.88 |
soon Salon | 467.199 | 4.081 |
sorry it is off center actually yeah | 469.12 | 3.6 |
this one is off center I need to we need | 471.28 | 3.479 |
to move this entire thing over one Abo's | 472.72 | 3.96 |
on it he's done more in 15 minutes than | 474.759 | 4.801 |
we've done in months this is true it | 476.68 | 4.519 |
took us two months to build this house | 479.56 | 5.039 |
over here out of dirt and glass 15 | 481.199 | 6.56 |
episodes 15 episodes It's all about | 484.599 | 4.681 |
quantity there's still a [ __ ] zombie | 487.759 | 2.88 |
underneath it | 489.28 | 3.919 |
somewhere yeah so yeah I made I made | 490.639 | 4.28 |
some videos for for those guys to watch | 493.199 | 4.481 |
so so just like 5 10 people and and also | 494.919 | 4.24 |
because I wanted to learn how to make | 497.68 | 3.68 |
videos and record because I I never had | 499.159 | 3.801 |
a clue how people made those YouTube | 501.36 | 3.08 |
videos that I watched for a couple of | 502.96 | 6.079 |
years already so I I got fraps uh and uh | 504.44 | 6.12 |
it was one of those test versions you | 509.039 | 3.641 |
can only record like Max 10 minutes and | 510.56 | 3.919 |
then it cut out so all the videos were | 512.68 | 3.279 |
were really short in the beginning of | 514.479 | 3.841 |
course and I had no clue how to edit or | 515.959 | 4.0 |
anything like that so the files were | 518.32 | 4.56 |
humongously big and took like days to | 519.959 | 5.601 |
upload even just like 3 minutes so the | 522.88 | 4.72 |
the First videos were were very short | 525.56 | 4.32 |
and and very like direct to the point | 527.6 | 5.0 |
and one of those videos were how to how | 529.88 | 5.6 |
to find the diamonds in Minecraft and uh | 532.6 | 6.64 |
that just blew up on YouTube got tons of | 535.48 | 7.039 |
views on it and maybe half a year later | 539.24 | 6.96 |
it had almost almost uh half a million | 542.519 | 6.961 |
views on it and then the channel had | 546.2 | 5.36 |
like 5,000 subscribers or something like | 549.48 | 5.08 |
that it was just nuts and after that I I | 551.56 | 5.44 |
just kept on doing uh tutorials and | 554.56 | 5.2 |
stuff and uh sooner or later people | 557.0 | 4.68 |
wanted Let's Plays and I did that as | 559.76 | 5.24 |
well and then yeah it's the rest is kind | 561.68 | 6.04 |
of on YouTube so to say well how how of | 565.0 | 5.959 |
videos how long ago was that uh that | 567.72 | 4.96 |
first one that you said blew up I mean | 570.959 | 6.041 |
how many years ago was that ooh 5 years | 572.68 | 7.64 |
November the 16th you're veteran it's | 577.0 | 4.56 |
been a while you've been doing this for | 580.32 | 4.36 |
a long time oh yeah a very long time I | 581.56 | 6.16 |
mean like professionally for not so long | 584.68 | 5.76 |
like actually doing as as as like a job | 587.72 | 5.239 |
so to say it's more like a good hobby | 590.44 | 4.56 |
but you guys know what I mean like | 592.959 | 3.521 |
really putting the hours in and like | 595.0 | 3.6 |
like quitting your dead dead day job to | 596.48 | 3.68 |
do it and like kind of stuff that | 598.6 | 3.6 |
happened like maybe 2 years ago we need | 600.16 | 4.799 |
to go to bed neoh I I got a question if | 602.2 | 4.72 |
that's okay go to bed go to bed I'm | 604.959 | 3.681 |
going to bed can I ask him a question | 606.92 | 4.599 |
yeah of course in bed uh since you've | 608.64 | 4.72 |
been doing this professionally has it | 611.519 | 4.241 |
been getting you laate at | 613.36 | 6.919 |
all no never no | 615.76 | 6.759 |
never see cuz that's what I want to try | 620.279 | 4.0 |
to do I want to break break off from | 622.519 | 3.241 |
these guys and I want to get a channel | 624.279 | 3.361 |
so I can get laid Simon your bobber's | 625.76 | 4.0 |
sticking out oh is it | 627.64 | 4.96 |
Su night everybody nighty night good | 629.76 | 6.199 |
morning fellas good morning Mr | 632.6 | 6.52 |
Andel morning that first video or those | 635.959 | 4.641 |
first videos you were oh there's | 639.12 | 3.08 |
creepers creep oh hold on I get him I | 640.6 | 3.239 |
get him I get him that very first video | 642.2 | 4.759 |
though I had saved so I have | 643.839 | 6.481 |
that you have it but it's not online no | 646.959 | 4.88 |
it is actually online it's very like | 650.32 | 3.519 |
cringe wordy watching because the the | 651.839 | 5.881 |
English is just oh God it's bad it is it | 653.839 | 7.401 |
is bad sh too what's it called I think | 657.72 | 5.52 |
the title is like my very first video | 661.24 | 3.599 |
how to find diamonds or something like | 663.24 | 3.32 |
that man I got to I got to make some | 664.839 | 4.8 |
more glass you guys did lazy | 666.56 | 5.92 |
preparations glass people glass glass | 669.639 | 3.961 |
we're on it we're on it we're on it | 672.48 | 3.56 |
where's andreil is he is he in a union | 673.6 | 3.56 |
why a't he | 676.04 | 3.56 |
working he I'm working I'm getting my | 677.16 | 5.08 |
own wood here man you you guys you guys | 679.6 | 4.64 |
are not men enough to get me the the | 682.24 | 5.92 |
logs and what I need so I got my own I'm | 684.24 | 6.2 |
making freaking glass from scratch | 688.16 | 5.44 |
andelle for you it's not easy a it isn't | 690.44 | 5.44 |
easy buddy it's not easy I'm blowing it | 693.6 | 3.64 |
too he's got a lot of sand in his | 695.88 | 2.88 |
butthole | 697.24 | 4.64 |
yep here's some glass for you oh the | 698.76 | 5.84 |
great R gives me glass here's a little | 701.88 | 4.759 |
secret little | 704.6 | 4.64 |
special Mountain Shops where did you get | 706.639 | 4.961 |
that what's that how do I give fish you | 709.24 | 6.64 |
go to your you I know highlighted yeah | 711.6 | 6.96 |
this reminds me when my dad calls an | 715.88 | 5.399 |
Eder I need help to fix the email yeah | 718.56 | 4.399 |
Anders if you were here you'd get a | 721.279 | 4.161 |
smack in the | 722.959 | 5.361 |
mouth I like to see you try buddy oh | 725.44 | 4.92 |
yeah am I am am I going to have to go | 728.32 | 5.04 |
after Anders in here and attack him just | 730.36 | 5.96 |
Simon stand near a hole Anders come at | 733.36 | 5.479 |
me bro come at me yeah Anders when your | 736.32 | 4.68 |
dad says that does he say it in English | 738.839 | 4.841 |
uh say what when he asked you for help | 741.0 | 4.639 |
with the email does he say it in English | 743.68 | 3.76 |
oh God no he says it's in Swedish let's | 745.639 | 3.0 |
he what's that sound like yeah give it | 747.44 | 1.959 |
to us | 748.639 | 3.041 |
something | 749.399 | 2.281 |
like nice that's a ridiculous sounding | 753.92 | 4.88 |
language so that's so that's Simon in | 757.0 | 4.12 |
Swedish so I like the way that language | 758.8 | 4.52 |
sounds I think it sounds good but it | 761.12 | 4.48 |
seems inefficient to me a lot of | 763.32 | 4.079 |
syllables you spoke for two minutes just | 765.6 | 3.12 |
to say | 767.399 | 4.081 |
that we we like we like speaking you | 768.72 | 5.4 |
know it's some a strong side and he just | 771.48 | 4.359 |
said | 774.12 | 4.2 |
hello neebs I like it when you insult | 775.839 | 4.281 |
him and his native language I wasn't I | 778.32 | 3.68 |
was helping him oh well I'm just saying | 780.12 | 5.279 |
I he's on my [ __ ] list right now Anders | 782.0 | 7.199 |
so this place kind of looks like a [ __ ] | 785.399 | 6.44 |
hole shut up man do do you like this | 789.199 | 5.521 |
place for you yeah really I like it I | 791.839 | 5.041 |
could do better you can't do [ __ ] just | 794.72 | 4.16 |
saying why don't you go build something | 796.88 | 5.28 |
in the corner at I'm on my way That's a | 798.88 | 5.319 |
classic trick of how to keep children | 802.16 | 4.28 |
quiet won't you go Draw Something in the | 804.199 | 5.721 |
corner I will I'll bet you can't clean | 806.44 | 6.399 |
your room I bet I can it is getting | 809.92 | 4.84 |
close to bedtime Simon are you building | 812.839 | 3.961 |
a house do you bet your ass I am oh man | 814.76 | 3.639 |
this is awesome oh are you seriously | 816.8 | 3.88 |
building that lot you bet your ass I am | 818.399 | 4.68 |
I'm going to be and neighbor yeah Simon | 820.68 | 3.8 |
you could you could build your place on | 823.079 | 2.921 |
the other side of the mountain oh jeez | 824.48 | 2.84 |
watch out for the creeper Simon I'm | 826.0 | 2.88 |
running away from it right now run | 827.32 | 3.199 |
towards me run towards me keep running | 828.88 | 3.56 |
remember the tactics yeah tactic all | 830.519 | 4.081 |
right keep use your training keep | 832.44 | 3.88 |
running keep running draw away drw away | 834.6 | 3.76 |
keep running keep running that is not | 836.32 | 4.16 |
your train was I the one that K I did | 838.36 | 5.599 |
not cause that to happen prent it | 840.48 | 5.64 |
listen we still have a few things to | 843.959 | 3.521 |
learn about this game we know most | 846.12 | 3.0 |
everything but I can definitely see that | 847.48 | 5.279 |
I mean look at this impressive dirt Hut | 849.12 | 6.079 |
mixed in with some some grass we got | 852.759 | 5.2 |
here popping up next to my fine house oh | 855.199 | 6.481 |
yeah keep on talking you filthy | 857.959 | 3.721 |
swed zombie in the house oh [ __ ] I'm in | 862.519 | 5.281 |
bed everybody go to bed of course you | 865.279 | 6.961 |
get him oh no connection lost what good | 867.8 | 7.36 |
we reconnect I am back to title screen | 872.24 | 6.12 |
just get back in here we all in there we | 875.16 | 7.16 |
go sleepy times go sleepy oh waa look | 878.36 | 8.44 |
what look what what look at what what am | 882.32 | 7.04 |
I there's two Simons there's two | 886.8 | 5.56 |
Simons yeah there's two Simons I | 889.36 | 5.88 |
see how'd that happen there's a sleeping | 892.36 | 5.839 |
Simon oh this creepy walking around | 895.24 | 7.56 |
Simon you have a doger I | 898.199 | 4.601 |
do | 903.199 | 7.121 |
and thin line pal Simon do you are you | 905.759 | 7.481 |
in bed no I'm right here do you see | 910.32 | 5.319 |
yourself in bed I do hell I see myself | 913.24 | 5.279 |
in bed wow this is Twilight Zone [ __ ] | 915.639 | 5.0 |
get in the bed beside you let's see what | 918.519 | 3.801 |
happens okay we can do weird stuff to | 920.639 | 3.601 |
this on can you get in that other bed | 922.32 | 3.28 |
I'm trying to do you remember what | 924.24 | 3.839 |
button to push yes it's that one nope | 925.6 | 4.64 |
it's this one one no it's not letting me | 928.079 | 4.401 |
go to bed so no all right we'll click I | 930.24 | 3.719 |
now I wonder if I can go to bed it's | 932.48 | 3.039 |
right click you may not rest right now | 933.959 | 3.161 |
there are monsters nearby was it not | 935.519 | 3.641 |
letting you go to bed I'm in bed now oh | 937.12 | 4.68 |
look I'm in bed that's so creepy where | 939.16 | 5.76 |
am I going to sleep uh oh there we go | 941.8 | 4.76 |
clone Simon's gone | 944.92 | 4.32 |
now full that was way too much idiot | 946.56 | 4.36 |
that's a shame know what I mean easy | 949.24 | 5.88 |
durus way too much stupid around us | 950.92 | 9.279 |
easy I'm in bed I'm in bed I'm in bed | 955.12 | 6.6 |
all right put put your bed back where | 960.199 | 5.08 |
you y had it wait a second is that whoa | 961.72 | 5.799 |
Simon Simon what where are you it looks | 965.279 | 5.761 |
like Simon hung himself I'm outside is | 967.519 | 5.081 |
he's still there the doppelganger is | 971.04 | 3.359 |
still here he hung | 972.6 | 4.919 |
himself oh God creepy as | 974.399 | 6.081 |
[ __ ] I I guess my insults got to him | 977.519 | 5.8 |
your head's built into the wall you must | 980.48 | 7.0 |
all go away boogy boogy boo all run for | 983.319 | 5.88 |
your life | 987.48 | 3.44 |
boogy boogy | 989.199 | 4.721 |
boo is that Hur don't hit me is it | 990.92 | 4.279 |
hurting you no it's not doing anything | 993.92 | 5.159 |
to me it's hurting this one of us oh God | 995.199 | 6.961 |
look at that it's like a piñata I have | 999.079 | 5.801 |
still have all my stuff all the stuff it | 1002.16 | 5.239 |
was a Simon pinata it's free stuff | 1004.88 | 4.48 |
glitch how to make money in Minecraft | 1007.399 | 4.56 |
there you go I think you lost connection | 1009.36 | 3.68 |
while you were going to sleep or | 1011.959 | 2.32 |
something we did that's pretty damn | 1013.04 | 3.56 |
funny that was it huh I've never seen | 1014.279 | 3.721 |
anything like that before that's awesome | 1016.6 | 3.479 |
and you've played this a couple times | 1018.0 | 4.319 |
yeah a couple of times just a couple of | 1020.079 | 4.96 |
thousand hours no [ __ ] I've seen double | 1022.319 | 4.561 |
Gaggers before but not that you could | 1025.039 | 3.52 |
kill and get the stuff off it was a | 1026.88 | 4.159 |
freaking pinata man all those little | 1028.559 | 4.36 |
treats inside we're going to get a | 1031.039 | 4.561 |
million views on this | 1032.919 | 5.241 |
guys I like your mud hut Simon are you | 1035.6 | 6.079 |
done Simon I'm done you say I you're | 1038.16 | 5.6 |
done yeah done you're done what else do | 1041.679 | 4.28 |
you need who's hitting me it was a | 1043.76 | 3.799 |
skeleton you have arrows all over | 1045.959 | 3.401 |
yourself did you not realize you were | 1047.559 | 5.201 |
getting hit nope wow Simon yes what the | 1049.36 | 5.6 |
[ __ ] is this place what do you mean it's | 1052.76 | 3.6 |
just a bunch of dirt and you're you're | 1054.96 | 3.8 |
used to do carpentry well I do real | 1056.36 | 4.52 |
carpentry and this is what this was what | 1058.76 | 4.76 |
you your vision are you really done | 1060.88 | 4.64 |
Simon yeah I'm done something tells me | 1063.52 | 4.56 |
andelle couldn't install a you know oh | 1065.52 | 4.56 |
Jesus Christ my phone thanks for the | 1068.08 | 4.0 |
silence I turned it off yeah you did | 1070.08 | 5.2 |
apparently sounds sounds off this is | 1072.08 | 5.68 |
it's fine work there andelle maybe you | 1075.28 | 3.8 |
started to turn turn it off just like | 1077.76 | 2.72 |
you started to build something here I | 1079.08 | 2.479 |
don't even think he started to build | 1080.48 | 2.92 |
something looks like he took a [ __ ] it's | 1081.559 | 3.201 |
like that art style what's what's the | 1083.4 | 4.88 |
word for it it's um [ __ ] yeah yeah | 1084.76 | 7.0 |
exactly it's actually called modern | 1088.28 | 6.96 |
yeah [ __ ] modern [ __ ] modern [ __ ] yeah | 1091.76 | 6.399 |
it's not even Modern Art I could totally | 1095.24 | 5.36 |
pass for Modern Art weird people out | 1098.159 | 5.4 |
there exactly first smart thing you said | 1100.6 | 6.319 |
all day Anders I'm very clever you know | 1103.559 | 5.721 |
I'm I'm very clever the the only thing | 1106.919 | 4.561 |
that exceeds my cleverness is my my | 1109.28 | 5.16 |
beautifulness yeah he is a sexy manx | 1111.48 | 4.079 |
that I will give | 1114.44 | 3.479 |
you you are handsome you're using your | 1115.559 | 4.561 |
sword on the dirt you've got a shovel | 1117.919 | 5.841 |
no I tell I like the sword | 1120.12 | 7.96 |
better yes I am you sons of | 1123.76 | 4.32 |
[ __ ] it's so nice of you guys to let | 1129.2 | 5.12 |
the mentally handicapped kid play with | 1131.88 | 5.72 |
you his parents going to be so happy or | 1134.32 | 5.479 |
so nice letting him join | 1137.6 | 5.319 |
in it's like he won he got to make a | 1139.799 | 6.721 |
wish yeah exactly this is great I'm | 1142.919 | 5.921 |
liking it here I feel at home it's a | 1146.52 | 3.92 |
good place yeah you're not wel nice to | 1148.84 | 3.76 |
be surrounded by people are equally | 1150.44 | 3.239 |
mentally | 1152.6 | 4.559 |
insane oh spiders I'll take care of them | 1153.679 | 4.801 |
guys go get man go get them they might | 1157.159 | 3.64 |
be friendlies don't you worry they look | 1158.48 | 3.52 |
like they're friendlies I'm going to | 1160.799 | 3.12 |
save the day they're not attacking | 1162.0 | 4.919 |
Simon's just showing off right now I got | 1163.919 | 5.281 |
mad skills bro | 1166.919 | 4.481 |
oh you know what Anders I went to uh we | 1169.2 | 4.719 |
have a bar here called Katie's Grill and | 1171.4 | 4.279 |
uh I went there one night and there was | 1173.919 | 4.24 |
a guy that was a big twitch fan and I | 1175.679 | 4.0 |
could he never heard of nee's game I | 1178.159 | 4.601 |
couldn't believe it what yeah there's | 1179.679 | 5.24 |
people out there that hav't heard of | 1182.76 | 5.44 |
this guy yeah what oh my God has has he | 1184.919 | 6.361 |
been sleeping in a dirt Hut under a ro | 1188.2 | 5.88 |
he said yeah in s Rock very | 1191.28 | 6.04 |
clever so anyway I told him you know we | 1194.08 | 5.28 |
do Battlefield and some other stuff and | 1197.32 | 4.839 |
he's like oh well I I play uh Counter | 1199.36 | 5.48 |
Strike I'm like oh we we had a guy that | 1202.159 | 4.481 |
plays Counter Strike on our Minecraft | 1204.84 | 5.68 |
show his name was uh andrelle and this | 1206.64 | 7.32 |
kid started flipping | 1210.52 | 3.44 |
out he couldn't believe it and he had | 1214.28 | 4.279 |
this girl with him and and she said to | 1216.559 | 5.0 |
him she said you are geeking out right | 1218.559 | 6.681 |
now and he was I like the sound of that | 1221.559 | 6.081 |
though is that nice sound of that see | 1225.24 | 4.84 |
some great T that guy mhm see I know | 1227.64 | 3.96 |
that story is [ __ ] because you said | 1230.08 | 3.599 |
he was with a | 1231.6 | 5.28 |
girl was just about to say the same you | 1233.679 | 5.041 |
pushed it too far you did you you | 1236.88 | 3.08 |
already had us you didn't need to add | 1238.72 | 2.76 |
the girl into it I know it sounds | 1239.96 | 3.959 |
farfetched but it was it happened um I'm | 1241.48 | 4.24 |
in bed is everybody else coming to bed | 1243.919 | 3.64 |
Andale is still working oh okay it's | 1245.72 | 3.079 |
night time we got to go to bed I'm | 1247.559 | 3.041 |
coming I'm coming I hate to break up the | 1248.799 | 3.88 |
party but I'm going to have to go a got | 1250.6 | 5.439 |
to go Simon I do I got to go curfew but | 1252.679 | 5.841 |
this was F now I need a new nemesis what | 1256.039 | 3.88 |
the heck I know everyone's going to be | 1258.52 | 3.24 |
so nice I'll be your Nemesis you piece | 1259.919 | 4.201 |
of [ __ ] see you Simon goodbye Simon | 1261.76 | 4.799 |
goodbye Simon bye bye guys have a great | 1264.12 | 4.919 |
Anders you prick see you buddy I'm just | 1266.559 | 4.48 |
joking I love you man thanks again thank | 1269.039 | 4.961 |
you very much love you ass kissing [ __ ] | 1271.039 | 4.921 |
oh finally I [ __ ] hate that dude | 1274.0 | 4.84 |
godam no he sucks he sucks at life | 1275.96 | 4.719 |
there's a witch out here where just | 1278.84 | 3.0 |
leave her alone she'll be all right | 1280.679 | 2.161 |
right yeah I'm not going to touch her | 1281.84 | 2.48 |
I'm going to go sheer the Sheep you want | 1282.84 | 4.36 |
to leave me alone you leave me alone | 1284.32 | 5.56 |
[ __ ] yall up bring your ass over here oh | 1287.2 | 5.52 |
God that Witch is so nasty she's pretty | 1289.88 | 4.399 |
she's pretty sexy she my favorite | 1292.72 | 3.439 |
character in that show yeah it's | 1294.279 | 3.28 |
actually one of my favorite characters | 1296.159 | 4.241 |
too she is just so [ __ ] nasty it's | 1297.559 | 5.681 |
awesome she's a horny ass witch she just | 1300.4 | 4.639 |
hit me with a potion oh that looks | 1303.24 | 4.36 |
pretty okay see that is a sharp looking | 1305.039 | 4.961 |
house there and nice did you know you | 1307.6 | 4.679 |
have a creeper in your basement what boy | 1310.0 | 5.559 |
oh my God he's enjoying my Jacuzzi | 1312.279 | 5.88 |
Jacuzzi how you going to handle this oh | 1315.559 | 5.161 |
[ __ ] how did he handle it he's coming | 1318.159 | 5.561 |
upstairs I smoked him did you kill it | 1320.72 | 6.72 |
yeah he did son he did I ran say jacuzzi | 1323.72 | 7.88 |
again that is a nice Yaki Yaki Yaki I | 1327.44 | 7.52 |
like that shut up stop sure jacuzzi is | 1331.6 | 5.16 |
not an American word so I would trust | 1334.96 | 5.319 |
how he says it that's like the Japanese | 1336.76 | 8.24 |
like gang oh yeah oh Yakuza yeah Yakuza | 1340.279 | 8.28 |
the yakis the yakut the yakis | 1345.0 | 5.88 |
Dam they just relax but they're so evil | 1348.559 | 5.12 |
they're very cute oh look what look | 1350.88 | 4.279 |
Anders look at | 1353.679 | 5.24 |
what oh god what happened oh waa you got | 1355.159 | 6.481 |
an end your house got guests are you | 1358.919 | 4.0 |
having an open house today we didn't | 1361.64 | 4.68 |
know about I I guess so now what is | 1362.919 | 7.441 |
going on here I think he likes it he | 1366.32 | 7.92 |
does like it he does like it oh oh is he | 1370.36 | 7.08 |
mad uh-oh oh he's gone oh he's out back | 1374.24 | 6.12 |
now he's he's gone out he's outside that | 1377.44 | 4.76 |
all man that's creepy as [ __ ] that is | 1380.36 | 5.6 |
weird you walk into your house D oh [ __ ] | 1382.2 | 5.92 |
this is my place guys I like it lot this | 1385.96 | 4.92 |
is nice like it aot lot she made it in | 1388.12 | 5.28 |
like a little just like an hour pretty | 1390.88 | 5.96 |
much yeah oh here we go ladies like like | 1393.4 | 6.12 |
yeah yeah here | 1396.84 | 4.959 |
Cannonball what are those bubbles coming | 1399.52 | 5.08 |
from your corner neebs oh was that was | 1401.799 | 5.601 |
that me are you farting in my cutsie man | 1404.6 | 5.6 |
no it was in my shorts andelle you need | 1407.4 | 5.24 |
to put a sign up cuz out front we're | 1410.2 | 3.839 |
going to have a sign that says andelle | 1412.64 | 3.159 |
on your YouTube address but you need to | 1414.039 | 4.401 |
have a sign in the house that's like a | 1415.799 | 5.76 |
message to anybody that uh comes to your | 1418.44 | 6.56 |
house to see it oh okay eventually this | 1421.559 | 6.401 |
is going to be a road of uh just you | 1425.0 | 5.84 |
know YouTubers and if they go oh this is | 1427.96 | 5.56 |
andel's house they could come in and go | 1430.84 | 4.92 |
oh he left me a message all right so is | 1433.52 | 5.08 |
that right yeah yeah yeah there you go | 1435.76 | 4.6 |
beautiful looks good once we make it | 1438.6 | 3.72 |
available yeah they can download the map | 1440.36 | 4.08 |
and explore oh people like that stuff | 1442.32 | 4.08 |
that's that's a clever clever plan | 1444.44 | 4.239 |
there'll be a 100 collabs down this road | 1446.4 | 3.92 |
at some point and you'll be the first | 1448.679 | 5.201 |
one man I feel honored good this place | 1450.32 | 5.0 |
is going to be fun once it's uh it will | 1453.88 | 4.039 |
be the tking dirt house now we're going | 1455.32 | 3.8 |
to we're going to tear this dirt Shack | 1457.919 | 2.88 |
down this is a piece of [ __ ] look at | 1459.12 | 4.039 |
this this is just it's the first thing | 1460.799 | 4.441 |
anyone sees this insults me I'm insulted | 1463.159 | 4.361 |
by this mhm full on full on insulted | 1465.24 | 4.559 |
you're | 1467.52 | 2.279 |
I'm taking it down [ __ ] | 1470.64 | 2.04 |
[Applause] | 1472.17 | 4.919 |
[Music] | 1472.68 | 4.409 |
[Music] | 1479.22 | 9.819 |
this | 1486.039 | 3.0 |
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