How Did We Not Know This??? - RUST
Neebs Gaming
neebs: Hey guys, have you seen that video we did on Rust? 'How Did We Not Know This???' That rocket launcher was epic!
simon: Oh yeah, that was hilarious! I still can't believe we didn't know about that feature. Classic Neebs Gaming move.
appsro: I know, right? We were all running around like headless chickens until we figured it out. Good times, good times.
neebs: And the best part is, we still managed to pull off that tank battle. Rust never fails to keep us on our toes!

This video comes straight from the Neebs Gaming YouTube channel.
Hey guys, have you seen the latest video from Neebs Gaming yet? They're gearing up for an epic tank battle and you won't believe what they're up to this time. In this episode, the team is loading up on supplies and even building their first ever rocket launcher - how cool is that?
I love how they play on Survival Servers, it adds a whole new level of intensity to their gameplay. If you're into Rust, you should definitely check them out and maybe even get your own server to join in on the fun.
And don't forget to hit that subscribe button, you don't want to miss any of the action-packed content Neebs Gaming has in store. They're always coming up with new and exciting ways to keep us entertained.
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Make sure to follow them on all their social media platforms too, like Facebook, TikTok, Twitter, and their website. They're always posting behind-the-scenes content and updates on their latest projects.
And if you can't get enough of Neebs Gaming, be sure to check out their playlists for more hilarious cartoons and gameplay from games like 7 Days to Die, Scrap Mechanic, Minecraft, GTA V, and Subnautica. Trust me, you won't be disappointed with the hours of entertainment they have to offer. Happy gaming!

Caption | Start | Duration |
you guys are looking good look at you | 0.399 | 3.28 |
man you haven't seen nothing yet check | 2.399 | 3.281 |
out these boots i got | 3.679 | 3.281 |
to blamo | 5.68 | 5.12 |
yeah yeah nice that's straight silly | 6.96 | 5.92 |
door i like your helmet i do too thank | 10.8 | 3.999 |
you so much like a smiley face helmet i | 12.88 | 4.399 |
got a badass new gun too that is no joke | 14.799 | 3.921 |
thick you're wearing solar panels for | 17.279 | 3.521 |
armor yep man he's like a walking | 18.72 | 4.08 |
battery nibs he has a battery one | 20.8 | 4.479 |
battery-owned charger all right listen i | 22.8 | 5.04 |
need everybody's scrap oh yeah yeah 173 | 25.279 | 5.441 |
right there 260 right there there's a | 27.84 | 3.92 |
bunch | 30.72 | 3.28 |
700 something i don't know make it rain | 31.76 | 4.4 |
just did there we go all right let me | 34.0 | 3.92 |
start unlocking stuff oh yeah how much | 36.16 | 2.88 |
do you need we're like we're not far | 37.92 | 2.88 |
from that rocket launcher right uh yeah | 39.04 | 3.039 |
unlocking it we're gonna do it right now | 40.8 | 3.04 |
[ __ ] yeah come on come on have enough do | 42.079 | 4.64 |
it neebs i'm learning the revolver | 43.84 | 4.64 |
flamethrower oh yeah okay i like | 46.719 | 4.081 |
flamethrowers okay all right | 48.48 | 3.68 |
muzzle boost | 50.8 | 2.72 |
smoke grenade grab this man you're | 52.16 | 4.0 |
unlocking a lot of good stuff yeah oh | 53.52 | 5.199 |
thick 5.56 yeah | 56.16 | 4.079 |
all right rocket launcher do you have | 58.719 | 5.601 |
enough uh yeah yes [ __ ] yes | 60.239 | 5.761 |
i'm looking at these and the high | 64.32 | 3.28 |
velocity is cheaper to build we'd | 66.0 | 3.92 |
probably go that way high velocity yep | 67.6 | 3.839 |
okay how much damage is that gonna do | 69.92 | 3.68 |
damage against the tank i think so i | 71.439 | 3.601 |
hope so you're gonna be a lot easier to | 73.6 | 3.199 |
make grabbing okay | 75.04 | 4.079 |
all right go for high velocity got it | 76.799 | 4.081 |
absolutely grab that damn it i don't | 79.119 | 4.32 |
want that your legs look bare oh made | 80.88 | 4.8 |
you a kilt i made a kilt too my pants | 83.439 | 4.241 |
back on well put the kilt over it yeah | 85.68 | 3.28 |
you can put it over there and i'll put | 87.68 | 2.96 |
the damn put the kilt on your if | 88.96 | 2.799 |
anyone's wearing a kilt you're wearing | 90.64 | 2.56 |
the kilt all right so what do what do | 91.759 | 3.441 |
you need now neebs we need metal pipes | 93.2 | 4.08 |
we need gunpowder yeah you know what | 95.2 | 3.76 |
i'll be on the gunpowder uh we need | 97.28 | 5.44 |
sulfur i think if i looked at my map uh | 98.96 | 7.199 |
yes over at g3 a sulfur quarry okay i'm | 102.72 | 5.439 |
gonna head over there and uh get sulfur | 106.159 | 5.201 |
have we been to the launch site um | 108.159 | 4.801 |
you can go you're getting you do | 111.36 | 2.88 |
whatever you want to i'm heading toward | 112.96 | 2.96 |
the court all right i'll go with you | 114.24 | 3.04 |
yeah let's go to the launch site hold on | 115.92 | 3.199 |
one sec okay you want to come with me | 117.28 | 3.76 |
neebs yeah i'll go with you sorry you're | 119.119 | 4.081 |
going to the quarry nearly quite a bit | 121.04 | 5.77 |
gunpowder going to the quarry | 123.2 | 41.6 |
[Music] | 126.81 | 40.149 |
oh yeah i think we're approaching the | 164.8 | 3.519 |
quarry tell you what let me put the | 166.959 | 2.481 |
horse | 168.319 | 3.601 |
here whoa boy yep | 169.44 | 3.76 |
that's it | 171.92 | 3.599 |
take him down spread out what's around | 173.2 | 4.72 |
him all right go on left left there we | 175.519 | 5.44 |
go yeah man this hollow scope is sweet | 177.92 | 4.72 |
oh man look at you you got to get you | 180.959 | 3.761 |
one of these uh i want one of those all | 182.64 | 3.44 |
right let me just what was that what's | 184.72 | 3.12 |
that where's it coming from i can't tell | 186.08 | 4.32 |
i can't tell either pull them back | 187.84 | 4.399 |
fall back fall back fall back okay heal | 190.4 | 3.199 |
up i'm still talking about there he is | 192.239 | 3.681 |
there he is he's right on me | 193.599 | 5.201 |
he's at a 30 30. he was right oh god | 195.92 | 5.44 |
damn it oh that's you | 198.8 | 5.12 |
he's coming coming we got him we got him | 201.36 | 5.2 |
damn the mother [ __ ] yeah oh there's | 203.92 | 4.08 |
another one oh god i'm bleeding i gotta | 206.56 | 3.92 |
fall back a bit look gotta reload [ __ ] | 208.0 | 4.239 |
man there was a lot more here than i | 210.48 | 3.6 |
thought yep there's a ton of them i see | 212.239 | 5.121 |
you over there behind you [ __ ] | 214.08 | 5.439 |
you okay i'm just healing up baby man | 217.36 | 4.56 |
okay i'm running head south head south | 219.519 | 5.041 |
we'll regroup bandages and mushrooms | 221.92 | 3.76 |
okay | 224.56 | 5.2 |
the sweet healing nurturish nurturings | 225.68 | 7.36 |
nurturement i'm working on my vocabulary | 229.76 | 5.119 |
what are you shooting i was just messing | 233.04 | 4.16 |
with you so yeah we got one guy to kill | 234.879 | 4.161 |
i think just one more just one guy i | 237.2 | 4.08 |
kind of sworn i saw two okay | 239.04 | 4.08 |
oh boy they followed us here he comes | 241.28 | 4.0 |
here | 243.12 | 2.16 |
you son of a [ __ ] are you busy | 245.439 | 6.0 |
you were what huh what that was taunting | 248.72 | 5.599 |
oh okay trash talking i just ate my | 251.439 | 5.04 |
mushroom that's a weird trash talking | 254.319 | 4.081 |
man well it's in his face tell him to | 256.479 | 3.921 |
suck your dick or something | 258.4 | 5.44 |
everybody says that cliche crap i just | 260.4 | 5.359 |
ate my mushrooms | 263.84 | 4.919 |
sucka | 265.759 | 3.0 |
you think that rocket works i i don't | 269.28 | 3.76 |
know but this is where the tank i didn't | 271.36 | 3.52 |
know this was a okay i forgot that was | 273.04 | 3.92 |
called the launch site yeah well we're | 274.88 | 4.4 |
gonna just scout it out i'm gonna see if | 276.96 | 4.239 |
i wanna check out the rocket though | 279.28 | 4.56 |
yeah if we can get to the rocket well | 281.199 | 4.401 |
why wouldn't we be able to because of a | 283.84 | 3.919 |
tank does the tank guard the rocket the | 285.6 | 3.52 |
tank just goes all over the place it | 287.759 | 2.641 |
comes out here quite a ways i don't know | 289.12 | 3.6 |
how far though oh really i just saw a | 290.4 | 5.04 |
box i like those boxes boxes are good | 292.72 | 4.16 |
yeah i'm gonna get that bot there's two | 295.44 | 3.199 |
big box okay i don't why don't you focus | 296.88 | 4.0 |
we can all right yeah we'll go for your | 298.639 | 4.241 |
rocket we'll get your little rock you | 300.88 | 4.72 |
know what i'm gonna go on foot from no | 302.88 | 5.68 |
i see the tank is it coming at us | 305.6 | 4.72 |
it's not coming at us i just see it out | 308.56 | 4.24 |
there you know yep i see it now too and | 310.32 | 4.08 |
i see a blue boy | 312.8 | 3.04 |
bluebee is what you call them right | 314.4 | 3.6 |
bluebees yeah yeah you see that tank out | 315.84 | 4.4 |
there i do what do you think yeah is it | 318.0 | 3.84 |
going right by the rocket what do you | 320.24 | 3.44 |
think its range is | 321.84 | 4.4 |
pretty good | 323.68 | 2.56 |
we got to make better curatives man | 327.44 | 4.08 |
why you keep using that word you've | 330.24 | 2.799 |
never used that word but i like it i | 331.52 | 3.04 |
like that word | 333.039 | 4.0 |
medicine or something you know who you | 334.56 | 5.12 |
are anymore there's a bear behind you | 337.039 | 3.841 |
right | 339.68 | 4.239 |
he's coming he's coming | 340.88 | 3.039 |
jeez | 345.6 | 4.319 |
what is it with this place | 346.8 | 3.119 |
all right we we could use the meat all | 351.039 | 3.44 |
right oh god do you have an axe all i | 352.8 | 3.839 |
have to pick ax i'm just probably making | 354.479 | 6.241 |
a mess here yep here we go okay | 356.639 | 4.081 |
okay all right are we ready to push in | 362.16 | 3.28 |
what's my ammo situation all right i | 363.919 | 3.921 |
have 25 bullets left on this but i do | 365.44 | 5.039 |
have some incendiary uh i'm sorry high | 367.84 | 4.799 |
velocity ammo and i do have some shotgun | 370.479 | 4.641 |
stuff nope because all my curatives went | 372.639 | 4.081 |
to waste when that barrier oh see now | 375.12 | 3.359 |
you're looking though yeah | 376.72 | 3.52 |
curatives see how weird it sounds coming | 378.479 | 3.521 |
out of me no i like it i don't look like | 380.24 | 3.36 |
a person that would say curatives you | 382.0 | 3.52 |
look exactly like a person who would say | 383.6 | 4.8 |
curatives and neither do you nope | 385.52 | 4.959 |
great you see these shoes that's the | 388.4 | 4.239 |
shoes of somebody that says curatives | 390.479 | 4.401 |
that's | 392.639 | 2.241 |
oh | 397.12 | 2.56 |
see a bluebee out there too | 397.919 | 3.28 |
i could probably kill him from here yeah | 399.68 | 3.44 |
i can probably hit him | 401.199 | 3.28 |
he didn't like that | 403.12 | 5.56 |
you see him coming yep | 404.479 | 4.201 |
whoa whoa are they like all over us now | 408.88 | 4.96 |
you shot me i didn't shoot you well then | 411.919 | 3.441 |
what do you mean i don't know i got shot | 413.84 | 3.199 |
from a different area yeah they're | 415.36 | 4.16 |
behind me just talking about my my spray | 417.039 | 5.841 |
oh i see him | 419.52 | 6.079 |
he's down nice | 422.88 | 4.48 |
it's nice having good weapons | 425.599 | 3.921 |
yeah nothing nothing on this piece of | 427.36 | 4.959 |
[ __ ] oh this is yeah thanks lanita oh | 429.52 | 5.28 |
they have names apparently that's fun | 432.319 | 4.0 |
now they have like yeah they tell us | 434.8 | 3.2 |
they have families and stuff it's a lot | 436.319 | 4.401 |
more fun okay sorry about the family | 438.0 | 4.16 |
yeah yeah let's see if we can get to the | 440.72 | 3.759 |
rocket | 442.16 | 2.319 |
yeah they don't look good sorry sorry | 447.599 | 4.081 |
that that was a desk pop my god | 449.52 | 4.16 |
my god my god you know how hard it is to | 451.68 | 4.16 |
make curatives listen i know i know look | 453.68 | 3.519 |
all right hey you're fine though let's | 455.84 | 3.44 |
push forward are we because i was 100 | 457.199 | 4.641 |
health and now i'm like uh 80. i think | 459.28 | 4.8 |
we may have cleared all them out of here | 461.84 | 4.4 |
okay man i gotta tell you when you think | 464.08 | 4.559 |
uh quarry i think something much deeper | 466.24 | 4.639 |
than this yeah this is uh | 468.639 | 3.921 |
i wouldn't even qualify this as a damn | 470.879 | 4.0 |
quarry nope this looks more like a place | 472.56 | 5.28 |
you do like an outdoor theater | 474.879 | 5.921 |
and you sit up there and i go right oh | 477.84 | 6.72 |
henry i'm so sad we've come to the new | 480.8 | 6.399 |
land i cannot bear it i don't know is | 484.56 | 5.359 |
that a reference to a play um who's on | 487.199 | 5.28 |
drea henry henry who the hell's on reign | 489.919 | 3.761 |
you know how you're in people that | 492.479 | 3.361 |
europeans don't say henry they're like | 493.68 | 3.359 |
henry | 495.84 | 3.359 |
yeah but i don't think they say andre | 497.039 | 4.321 |
they go i'll read that's french you're | 499.199 | 3.44 |
doing french | 501.36 | 2.559 |
yeah i don't think we're doing french | 502.639 | 2.24 |
okay hey | 503.919 | 2.56 |
so this is a solar core where's the | 504.879 | 4.32 |
sulfur um this is a this looks like a | 506.479 | 4.56 |
water pump or something sure this is | 509.199 | 4.481 |
sulfur man on the map it says sulfur | 511.039 | 4.88 |
quarry well wait this is a diggy thing | 513.68 | 4.159 |
right here it's a diggy thing yes this | 515.919 | 4.321 |
is a diggy thing um variable oh wait | 517.839 | 4.64 |
there's a ladder i'm going up oh wait | 520.24 | 4.56 |
there's fuel storage here wait a minute | 522.479 | 4.321 |
is this something okay i brought a chunk | 524.8 | 4.0 |
of fuel okay i'm gonna put some fuel in | 526.8 | 3.28 |
this is there a button or something you | 528.8 | 4.479 |
can hit start engine oh do it | 530.08 | 4.64 |
did it hey | 533.279 | 3.68 |
okay so now where is it gonna dump the | 534.72 | 5.36 |
sulfur away yep open hey all right we | 536.959 | 5.841 |
got six sulfur ore already oh really | 540.08 | 4.56 |
okay so that's what we gotta do this is | 542.8 | 4.88 |
this is literally a sulfur mine okay i | 544.64 | 4.72 |
can where are you picking this stuff up | 547.68 | 3.44 |
at in the back and the barrel you see | 549.36 | 3.28 |
where you know the thing goes up and it | 551.12 | 3.76 |
dumps it in here that's right so yeah | 552.64 | 4.319 |
this is just gonna stack full of sulfur | 554.88 | 3.84 |
man we can okay we'll just stay here | 556.959 | 3.44 |
tonight okay we'll just hang out here | 558.72 | 3.36 |
all evening you should get a bunch of | 560.399 | 3.681 |
damn sulfur hey i'll put on a plate you | 562.08 | 3.6 |
sit you get comfortable do not want to | 564.08 | 3.52 |
hear you put on a [ __ ] play you don't | 565.68 | 4.0 |
know what happened henry no [ __ ] henry | 567.6 | 4.32 |
[ __ ] his mama okay | 569.68 | 5.719 |
you got good reviews | 571.92 | 3.479 |
oh man i wonder if i can hit him in the | 576.16 | 4.4 |
head headshot right here yeah | 577.44 | 5.519 |
okay i'm not seeing the headless just | 580.56 | 4.64 |
peak | 582.959 | 2.241 |
leading | 586.08 | 3.68 |
down nice good job should we get this | 587.12 | 5.12 |
fuel right here yeah oh [ __ ] yeah there | 589.76 | 3.84 |
we go there we go where where where | 592.24 | 4.0 |
where where where sit southwest right | 593.6 | 5.52 |
yeah oh it's down | 596.24 | 2.88 |
down good job thank you you want to loot | 602.16 | 4.08 |
your boy whatever i kind of just want to | 604.64 | 3.04 |
know what their names are now i'll tell | 606.24 | 3.12 |
you okay yeah yeah | 607.68 | 5.12 |
marjorie marjorie | 609.36 | 3.44 |
okay | 613.519 | 3.681 |
i like it that's crazy yeah yeah that's | 614.64 | 4.4 |
crazy that marjorie | 617.2 | 4.0 |
is still a common name she really went | 619.04 | 4.64 |
downhill after high school all right | 621.2 | 5.36 |
let's press on pressing like lee | 623.68 | 4.96 |
press on nails yes i knew you were going | 626.56 | 6.08 |
there marjorie was wearing them | 628.64 | 6.639 |
i think i see two uh professors out | 632.64 | 5.199 |
there professors or bluebeasts i forget | 635.279 | 4.401 |
we keep calling different stuff yeah i'm | 637.839 | 3.201 |
starting to like bluebees more and more | 639.68 | 3.68 |
professors just ridiculous is this | 641.04 | 6.16 |
scientist a name too scientist professor | 643.36 | 6.479 |
oh yep yep i got contact all right tell | 647.2 | 5.04 |
you what i'm gonna bring one in okay | 649.839 | 5.44 |
hey [ __ ] | 652.24 | 3.039 |
ooh taking cover taking cover yeah come | 655.36 | 5.2 |
get me you see him neebs uh yep oh man | 657.2 | 4.4 |
what | 660.56 | 2.8 |
are you just spraying what are you doing | 661.6 | 3.679 |
over there let's see up too i might not | 663.36 | 4.0 |
see you you're pretty invisible i guess | 665.279 | 4.0 |
oh there he is i see him hey | 667.36 | 4.32 |
[ __ ] tell him tell me h | 669.279 | 3.601 |
mushrooms | 671.68 | 2.719 |
you you wanna suck my dick | 672.88 | 3.36 |
eat your mushrooms yeah do the mushroom | 674.399 | 3.601 |
one that really gets them | 676.24 | 3.76 |
yeah he's behind he's in the trees you | 678.0 | 3.839 |
need help no i don't need no damn hell | 680.0 | 5.44 |
he can't oh god okay he can't hit [ __ ] | 681.839 | 5.921 |
there you go [ __ ] keep moving oh god oh | 685.44 | 4.399 |
man yeah he's peppering me oh you need | 687.76 | 3.68 |
that guy there's another one yeah i told | 689.839 | 3.761 |
you there's two oh god oh god this is | 691.44 | 2.959 |
coming | 693.6 | 2.96 |
back all right i'm coming okay god | 694.399 | 3.201 |
where'd he go where'd he go where'd he | 696.56 | 4.32 |
go oh see him am i seeing you or | 697.6 | 4.96 |
yep god damn it | 700.88 | 3.76 |
all right i got one jesus you got the | 702.56 | 3.76 |
guy i was flanking you okay yeah all | 704.64 | 2.72 |
right we'll flank the other guy i think | 706.32 | 2.959 |
he's still out there in the trees okay | 707.36 | 3.44 |
okay i don't need a bandage here we go | 709.279 | 3.36 |
i'm bleeding where's the guy you down uh | 710.8 | 4.0 |
the guy down is over there to the north | 712.639 | 4.0 |
but the guy who is over there to the | 714.8 | 3.68 |
east he's still in those trees i think | 716.639 | 4.241 |
okay well i don't see him right now i | 718.48 | 3.76 |
see him right there | 720.88 | 3.12 |
get him you got that nice scope right i | 722.24 | 3.2 |
don't have any cover i guess i'm just | 724.0 | 3.279 |
going to go for it go for it uh yeah hey | 725.44 | 5.519 |
we'll charge ready yep charge | 727.279 | 6.321 |
i'm going to suck your dick | 730.959 | 5.44 |
your mushrooms | 733.6 | 5.76 |
nice | 736.399 | 2.961 |
i found a slide oh i don't know where it | 741.68 | 5.2 |
goes but just idiot me just needs to | 744.24 | 5.2 |
slide down it i'd say uh you got to | 746.88 | 5.92 |
enjoy life when you can right yep yolo | 749.44 | 4.399 |
yolo | 752.8 | 2.32 |
how do i go through this isn't a good | 753.839 | 2.961 |
sign | 755.12 | 3.68 |
okay there we go boom | 756.8 | 4.32 |
having fun yeah | 758.8 | 4.96 |
i see it flying a flying animal yeah | 761.12 | 4.56 |
there's some flying wolves around here | 763.76 | 3.04 |
somehow | 765.68 | 2.959 |
um i killed one of them oh i just shot | 766.8 | 4.88 |
it out of the sky you did yeah wolf bird | 768.639 | 4.32 |
yeah we're shooting in the same | 771.68 | 3.36 |
direction yeah no that's great isn't | 772.959 | 4.721 |
that crazy i just killed a carl | 775.04 | 5.12 |
you killed a carl yeah murdered a carl | 777.68 | 4.48 |
wonder if these wolves have names | 780.16 | 4.88 |
this one's name is | 782.16 | 2.88 |
oh jackie | 785.44 | 3.28 |
this one's all sorts of [ __ ] up | 786.399 | 5.44 |
ah well shout it out of the sky i get | 788.72 | 5.04 |
out of the water thick time for the | 791.839 | 3.041 |
adults | 793.76 | 2.079 |
okay | 794.88 | 2.72 |
get out of the water getting out of the | 795.839 | 3.081 |
water | 797.6 | 2.72 |
[Music] | 798.92 | 3.64 |
can we take that boat i don't know if it | 800.32 | 4.56 |
leads anywhere we want to go but yeah | 802.56 | 3.839 |
yeah i'm just curious it's like yeah i | 804.88 | 3.6 |
see a boat on the beach i'm like can we | 806.399 | 3.841 |
take it but yeah we got a scientist over | 808.48 | 3.599 |
here all right you know what we take the | 810.24 | 4.0 |
scientists we take the boat yeah are we | 812.079 | 3.601 |
gonna take this guy or is he gonna leave | 814.24 | 3.44 |
us alone no we're gonna he gonna leave | 815.68 | 4.64 |
us alone you never know oh wait and he | 817.68 | 4.08 |
is i mean that's what i'm saying look at | 820.32 | 3.36 |
him i didn't realize how far he went | 821.76 | 3.12 |
there's two of them all right let's | 823.68 | 3.12 |
check out this boat yeah why not | 824.88 | 2.8 |
okay | 826.8 | 2.08 |
how's this work you still have some that | 827.68 | 2.8 |
fuel would you use it all uh no i still | 828.88 | 2.639 |
have some | 830.48 | 2.799 |
can we oh yeah it's something you could | 831.519 | 3.601 |
absolutely push into the water have we | 833.279 | 3.761 |
ever there's a box up here | 835.12 | 3.839 |
uh it's empty oh so it's like a storage | 837.04 | 3.919 |
box huh okay | 838.959 | 3.921 |
mount should i get off oh wait maybe it | 840.959 | 3.12 |
is pushed | 842.88 | 3.04 |
maybe i should get off huh | 844.079 | 3.12 |
maybe | 845.92 | 2.96 |
oh yeah that's exactly what was doing it | 847.199 | 3.041 |
so yeah stay off all right we're gonna | 848.88 | 4.24 |
push it out into the water | 850.24 | 6.76 |
yep wait commissioner | 853.12 | 3.88 |
yeah this is fun yeah all right so we | 861.92 | 4.8 |
can take boats real easy yeah | 864.16 | 4.88 |
again like you said this is pointless | 866.72 | 3.84 |
there's no way we really want to go is | 869.04 | 4.0 |
there yep yeah i'm gonna make a rocket | 870.56 | 3.519 |
launcher | 873.04 | 2.08 |
all right i'm gonna beach this | 874.079 | 3.361 |
[ __ ] here we go | 875.12 | 4.079 |
don't hit the horse | 877.44 | 4.56 |
going right for it | 879.199 | 2.801 |
wasn't very cool that was a really | 882.88 | 5.99 |
shitty beach wasn't it | 885.04 | 13.919 |
[Music] | 888.87 | 11.69 |
check this out i didn't know this you | 898.959 | 3.201 |
could put these on the wall oh really | 900.56 | 4.399 |
yeah that's upside down or is that right | 902.16 | 4.239 |
i guess it would be i don't think it's | 904.959 | 3.12 |
right to begin with because it's a rug | 906.399 | 3.921 |
on a wall okay yeah i just didn't know | 908.079 | 5.041 |
if we're gonna do it though a tapestry | 910.32 | 5.199 |
yo door you got a bear on the wall yeah | 913.12 | 3.92 |
i don't think that's where people put | 915.519 | 3.44 |
those no usually on the floor like this | 917.04 | 2.88 |
one | 918.959 | 2.24 |
down right | 919.92 | 2.0 |
no | 921.199 | 2.0 |
how was that i doesn't realize that | 921.92 | 2.56 |
looking for another opinion i'll tell | 923.199 | 3.361 |
you what uh that'll be good for just a | 924.48 | 3.2 |
little bit more insulation and some | 926.56 | 2.8 |
sound proofing there you go thank you | 927.68 | 3.839 |
for your answer doraleous i don't i | 929.36 | 3.76 |
didn't hear your question dave can you | 931.519 | 3.281 |
make that rocket i'm doing it right now | 933.12 | 4.159 |
man hello | 934.8 | 4.56 |
how goes your adventure pretty good got | 937.279 | 3.521 |
some more scrap | 939.36 | 3.76 |
got some shotgun shells | 940.8 | 5.44 |
here we go ammo high velocity rocket yay | 943.12 | 4.32 |
how many of those can i make i'll make | 946.24 | 4.32 |
seven right now raft | 947.44 | 5.12 |
just made seven rockets yeah oh that's | 950.56 | 3.199 |
amazing and hey i just put more | 952.56 | 3.839 |
gunpowder in here i put 520 gunpowder | 953.759 | 5.121 |
over this box okay so wait how many oh | 956.399 | 4.161 |
you just made seven rockets how many do | 958.88 | 3.28 |
you think we need to take down that tank | 960.56 | 2.959 |
we're gonna make as many as we can of | 962.16 | 3.76 |
course of course 100 we should make 100 | 963.519 | 4.401 |
right but how many do you think we need | 965.92 | 4.56 |
to take down this tape | 967.92 | 4.0 |
you want me just to make up a number | 970.48 | 3.12 |
okay so you don't number no just say you | 971.92 | 3.839 |
don't know [ __ ] okay well he wouldn't | 973.6 | 3.919 |
answer the rug question i feel like i | 975.759 | 4.0 |
could okay | 977.519 | 5.601 |
let's see is it done | 979.759 | 6.241 |
i got the rocket and i'm waiting no i | 983.12 | 4.8 |
got the rocket launcher | 986.0 | 3.92 |
and now i'm waiting on my oh i got a | 987.92 | 4.08 |
rocket holy crap yeah yeah you do we're | 989.92 | 3.52 |
gonna try one | 992.0 | 2.639 |
uh | 993.44 | 3.519 |
yeah all right lee let's go | 994.639 | 4.801 |
not in the house okay yeah no no no no | 996.959 | 4.32 |
don't aim that muzzle awareness please | 999.44 | 3.759 |
is that loaded uh | 1001.279 | 2.721 |
no | 1003.199 | 2.161 |
all right let's take it outside now it's | 1004.0 | 3.199 |
loaded okay wonderful yeah let's go find | 1005.36 | 3.44 |
a bluebee right | 1007.199 | 4.0 |
there there was one close up to the uh | 1008.8 | 5.36 |
the north or the west rather earlier but | 1011.199 | 5.121 |
i don't know also bear southwest bears | 1014.16 | 4.87 |
work too they blow up as well | 1016.32 | 8.41 |
[Music] | 1019.03 | 5.7 |
all right neebs give me some light uh | 1024.799 | 3.681 |
forgot my helmet | 1027.039 | 2.721 |
okay | 1028.48 | 3.04 |
oh he stopped he stopped how about that | 1029.76 | 4.559 |
make sure wait for him | 1031.52 | 2.799 |
all i could see was smoke that was | 1036.799 | 3.201 |
amazing yeah | 1038.319 | 5.921 |
i had a great great view of that | 1040.0 | 4.24 |
yeah | 1047.839 | 2.561 |
what the hell did you blow up a road | 1048.96 | 2.4 |
sign | 1050.4 | 3.279 |
it dropped the metal pipe oh wow what we | 1051.36 | 4.319 |
need that metal pipes perfect we can get | 1053.679 | 4.321 |
metal pipes but blowing up road signs | 1055.679 | 4.0 |
oh wait can we just break apart road | 1058.0 | 4.4 |
signs wait can't wait no no no no no no | 1059.679 | 5.041 |
no what how stupid how convenient would | 1062.4 | 4.48 |
that be oh yeah he's taking damage you | 1064.72 | 3.6 |
got that big hammer | 1066.88 | 2.88 |
how about the hammer | 1068.32 | 4.479 |
metal oh my god oh my god dude | 1069.76 | 5.279 |
we could get metal pipes from roadsides | 1072.799 | 3.521 |
i didn't know i didn't know i didn't | 1075.039 | 2.481 |
know that we've been playing this game | 1076.32 | 2.719 |
for like two months i know we're [ __ ] | 1077.52 | 3.279 |
idiots i love it all right back in the | 1079.039 | 5.52 |
house ha ha harf harper i don't know why | 1080.799 | 6.841 |
i'm watching | 1084.559 | 3.081 |
[Music] | 1088.19 | 3.78 |
[Applause] | 1090.93 | 6.97 |
[Music] | 1091.97 | 5.93 |
[Applause] | 1098.46 | 3.94 |
[Music] | 1098.61 | 3.79 |
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If anyone has any fan art they would like to submit, a post idea or promotional content for the crew just reach out and let me know! This is community supported so feel free to get involved if you love Neebs Gaming half as much as I do!

The Game
You definitely should check it out
Wow, what an exciting episode of Neebs Gaming's Rust series! I could hardly peel my eyes away as the team frantically prepared for the big tank battle. You could really feel the tension mounting as they gathered supplies and crafted their first-ever rocket launcher - such a monumental moment!
The cinematic camera work as they explored the world and prepared for battle made me feel like I was right there with them. The close-up shots during crafting really let me appreciate all the hard work that went into making weapons and explosives. And that reveal of the completed rocket launcher - so badass!
Neebs Gaming has such a talent for storytelling in their gameplay videos. Even though it's not scripted, they naturally banter and roleplay in a way that sucks you into the adventure. Their enthusiasm is contagious too - I found myself cheering out loud when they overcame challenges.
And the Survival Servers they use make such a cool backdrop - the world feels so vast and full of possibilities. It really enhances the gameplay when the environment is so immersive.
Honestly, watching Neebs Gaming play Rust is the next best thing to playing it yourself. Their cinematic style brings out all the drama and excitement that makes Rust so addictively fun. After this episode, I can't wait to see how the big battle turns out! Their videos are always the highlight of my day.