HOW TO BUILD A SPACE ALIEN | Subnautica: Below Zero (Finale)
Neebs Gaming
neebs: Hey guys, welcome back to Neebs Gaming! Today, we're talking about our favorite video, 'HOW TO BUILD A SPACE ALIEN | Subnautica: Below Zero (Finale)'
simon: Oh man, that video was a blast! I mean, who doesn't want to build their own space alien, right?
appsro: Haha, yeah, it was so much fun! I still can't believe we managed to pull it off in the end. And the music in that video was epic!
neebs: Definitely! And let's not forget about the 'FINGERBANG' tune by Drayton Tunes. That song really set the tone for our space alien building adventure.

This video comes straight from the Neebs Gaming YouTube channel.
Hey there, fellow Neebs Gaming fans! Have you caught the latest Subnautica Log video? I am absolutely hooked on this series and I can't wait to see what happens next. The team is almost done with their latest adventure and the suspense is killing me!
If you haven't seen the original series, don't worry - you can catch up by clicking the link provided. Trust me, it's totally worth it. The Neebs Gaming crew always brings their A-game and their Subnautica series is no exception.
And hey, if you love their content as much as I do, consider supporting them on Patreon. Every little bit helps to keep the videos coming. Plus, they're powered by Xidax PCs, so you know they're working with the best equipment out there.
If you're not following Neebs Gaming on social media, what are you waiting for? They're always posting behind-the-scenes stuff and interacting with fans. And don't forget to check out their other playlists - there's something for everyone, from cartoons to Minecraft to GTA V.
Oh, and let's not forget the awesome music in their videos. From 'FINGERBANG' by Drayton Tunes to tracks by Bensound and Scott Hall Music, the soundtrack to their adventures is always on point.

Caption | Start | Duration |
whoa | 8.16 | 2.24 |
yep | 11.759 | 3.281 |
found uh | 12.88 | 5.28 |
cool looking facility | 15.04 | 4.319 |
what is this | 18.16 | 3.44 |
this is the components | 19.359 | 5.201 |
oh names yeah i found fabricators for | 21.6 | 4.56 |
the parts i need to build that's | 24.56 | 3.28 |
convenient | 26.16 | 3.199 |
so you don't have the parts i don't know | 27.84 | 2.88 |
let's take a peek | 29.359 | 3.841 |
all right neebs get out of notepad okay | 30.72 | 4.48 |
oh boy yeah i knew there was gonna be | 33.2 | 3.68 |
some [ __ ] down here well it couldn't | 35.2 | 2.8 |
have been easy | 36.88 | 5.32 |
couldn't have been easy could it | 38.0 | 4.2 |
[Music] | 42.78 | 4.64 |
yeah i remember seeing okay boom look at | 47.68 | 2.96 |
this | 49.6 | 3.68 |
architect tissues architect skeleton and | 50.64 | 4.8 |
architect organs okay good because my | 53.28 | 3.68 |
font was way too playful for the | 55.44 | 2.959 |
situation we're in so it looks like for | 56.96 | 3.04 |
the organs we're gonna need ion cube | 58.399 | 3.521 |
ribbon plant kyanite | 60.0 | 3.84 |
architect skeleton polyethylene diamond | 61.92 | 4.239 |
plastil ingot architect tissues root | 63.84 | 3.52 |
pustule i remember getting that | 66.159 | 4.081 |
synthetic fibers we can make in gel sacs | 67.36 | 4.96 |
[ __ ] may have to go all the way back up | 70.24 | 3.76 |
yeah i think root pustle is something | 72.32 | 5.04 |
that they eat in asian cultures as well | 74.0 | 4.88 |
hey tell you what maybe we'll get lucky | 77.36 | 3.119 |
maybe i can find some of that [ __ ] down | 78.88 | 4.599 |
here | 80.479 | 3.0 |
all right neebs i'm out of the red | 89.84 | 5.04 |
region okay uh that red crystal region | 91.2 | 7.84 |
uh i'm gonna put down the other beacon | 94.88 | 5.84 |
yeah red region beacon that's actually | 99.04 | 3.52 |
kind of cool isn't it yeah | 100.72 | 3.439 |
so | 102.56 | 4.08 |
here we go | 104.159 | 2.481 |
red region beacon | 109.52 | 3.68 |
all right so have my beacon for the | 111.28 | 4.799 |
crystal entrance red region beacon yep | 113.2 | 4.879 |
all right i'm gonna take uh grumpy buns | 116.079 | 3.441 |
back to dr boo boom we're gonna head | 118.079 | 3.441 |
back up make all the [ __ ] we need then | 119.52 | 3.84 |
we're coming back we're going shopping | 121.52 | 3.12 |
oh god | 123.36 | 2.88 |
knew there was gonna be some [ __ ] | 124.64 | 2.72 |
knew there was gonna be some damn | 126.24 | 2.879 |
[ __ ] you were right hey what do i | 127.36 | 3.2 |
need to make polyaniline i don't want to | 129.119 | 3.12 |
get up there and be like oh [ __ ] i'm | 130.56 | 3.28 |
missing something okay so you're going | 132.239 | 5.121 |
to need uh gold okay and hydrochloric | 133.84 | 5.44 |
acid oh god why don't i need to make | 137.36 | 5.599 |
hydrochloric acid | 139.28 | 3.679 |
and if not i can go get some just got to | 146.64 | 4.48 |
make the [ __ ] and avoid big monsters | 148.56 | 4.16 |
easy | 151.12 | 4.6 |
easy | 152.72 | 3.0 |
back doctor boom boom | 162.0 | 5.12 |
putting the prawn suit in the back | 164.4 | 5.52 |
front suit is back hopping in | 167.12 | 5.63 |
yes sir getting the hell out of here | 169.92 | 5.76 |
[Music] | 172.75 | 5.25 |
oh god what alan we have gathered the | 175.68 | 4.08 |
necessary components to begin | 178.0 | 4.8 |
constructing my body yeah no [ __ ] it's | 179.76 | 5.44 |
what sort of a do it all day alan | 182.8 | 4.48 |
first you must find the fabrication | 185.2 | 3.84 |
facility yeah i already did that it was | 187.28 | 4.0 |
concealed at some point yeah i know i | 189.04 | 4.08 |
was there alan which begs the question | 191.28 | 3.44 |
why the hell do you guys have a facility | 193.12 | 3.6 |
like that anyway it is a standard | 194.72 | 5.12 |
medical facility okay a standard medical | 196.72 | 5.519 |
facility where you have to rebuild your | 199.84 | 3.28 |
body | 202.239 | 3.041 |
that doesn't sound very standard to me | 203.12 | 3.92 |
ours was a research mission of the | 205.28 | 4.64 |
highest importance okay so what were you | 207.04 | 5.52 |
like a damn scientist or something i am | 209.92 | 5.039 |
a scientist no well then answer me this | 212.56 | 4.319 |
einstein what the hell are you doing | 214.959 | 4.0 |
with the facility where you you have the | 216.879 | 3.36 |
components | 218.959 | 4.0 |
find the facility and construct the body | 220.239 | 4.481 |
okay one already found the facility | 222.959 | 4.0 |
we've been over that and two hell yeah | 224.72 | 3.84 |
i've constructed this body i gotta get | 226.959 | 3.92 |
you the [ __ ] out of my head alan | 228.56 | 3.679 |
god | 230.879 | 2.56 |
was allen just telling you to do | 232.239 | 3.121 |
everything you just did yeah he seems as | 233.439 | 5.651 |
forgetful as simon oh boy | 235.36 | 12.07 |
[Music] | 239.09 | 8.34 |
yeah but that may just be a symptom of | 248.0 | 3.12 |
being in my hand like you might build | 249.28 | 3.92 |
that body and he's like who are you | 251.12 | 3.52 |
are you a threat | 253.2 | 3.039 |
if you build the body i'd make it like | 254.64 | 4.08 |
small so you could like attack anything | 256.239 | 4.321 |
you know if i have a choice okay i also | 258.72 | 3.759 |
hope this is a good idea hopefully that | 260.56 | 3.6 |
turn on me or some [ __ ] you know you | 262.479 | 3.28 |
build it with a bomb on it not a bad | 264.16 | 5.16 |
idea oh | 265.759 | 3.561 |
i thought you were going to drill stuff | 286.0 | 3.52 |
if it got you man i am not in the prime | 287.28 | 4.24 |
suit i am in the sea truck i don't have | 289.52 | 3.6 |
a drill on the t-truck okay cause you | 291.52 | 5.959 |
were pretty cocky about it earlier | 293.12 | 4.359 |
i do have something on the sea truck | 299.12 | 2.96 |
that's supposed to be some sort of | 300.56 | 3.76 |
perimeter defense how do i activate that | 302.08 | 4.16 |
look that up how do i use perimeter uh | 304.32 | 3.92 |
the perimeter defense system got it | 306.24 | 4.239 |
hammered | 308.24 | 2.239 |
[Music] | 314.1 | 3.069 |
all right c truck is repaired i'm gonna | 322.16 | 4.8 |
check all the modules make sure they're | 324.96 | 2.799 |
good | 326.96 | 3.36 |
yep yep yep yep how are you doing prawn | 327.759 | 4.961 |
suits looking good see a few gel sacks | 330.32 | 4.159 |
here we need two of them to make one of | 332.72 | 3.199 |
these parts i'm gonna go ahead and grab | 334.479 | 4.241 |
them neebs okay now do you have the | 335.919 | 4.961 |
perimeter defense system yes it's | 338.72 | 5.039 |
installed okay so it can be used by left | 340.88 | 4.64 |
clicking after selecting the icon with | 343.759 | 3.601 |
one of the hotkeys one through four oh | 345.52 | 3.6 |
my god what oh | 347.36 | 4.16 |
one two four so let me let me try that | 349.12 | 4.56 |
okay maybe i just | 351.52 | 6.0 |
one of the hot keys one through four | 353.68 | 6.799 |
oh so it's number two in my hot keys oh | 357.52 | 5.28 |
and then | 360.479 | 2.321 |
okay all right okay all right all right | 363.759 | 5.201 |
okay i didn't know about that that's | 366.96 | 4.32 |
nice yeah uh didn't suck a little bit of | 368.96 | 4.0 |
power though okay | 371.28 | 4.0 |
okay all right heading back got the jail | 372.96 | 4.32 |
sacks think i can make everything back | 375.28 | 5.68 |
to base if i can't i'm just gonna slit | 377.28 | 3.68 |
[Music] | 385.58 | 8.42 |
all right neebs back at hiddenberg | 391.44 | 4.96 |
welcome back captain all right let me | 394.0 | 5.199 |
detach this | 396.4 | 4.88 |
from the sea truck | 399.199 | 4.321 |
disconnecting the modules taking the sea | 401.28 | 3.759 |
truck putting it in the moon pool so it | 403.52 | 3.2 |
can recharge | 405.039 | 4.801 |
good idea | 406.72 | 3.12 |
seek fluid intake all right we need to | 409.919 | 5.12 |
take inventory | 412.24 | 2.799 |
so let's see first off root pustules let | 415.52 | 4.239 |
me eat real quick where's that paper i | 418.16 | 4.8 |
made earlier yeah i'm gonna chow | 419.759 | 3.201 |
all right so root pustules | 430.479 | 4.72 |
yes got two of them sweet | 432.8 | 4.32 |
got it wait next that wasn't a root | 435.199 | 4.161 |
pustule that's a flowering spore | 437.12 | 5.04 |
oh no what's a root pustle ah do you | 439.36 | 4.48 |
need me to look that up no you know what | 442.16 | 3.039 |
i think i know what they are i think | 443.84 | 2.88 |
there's those damn things in monkey | 445.199 | 3.761 |
caves monkey caves yeah i think we're | 446.72 | 3.919 |
gonna have to go back into monkey caves | 448.96 | 3.44 |
oh boy all right no not a big deal | 450.639 | 3.521 |
synthetic fibers all right what is | 452.4 | 3.519 |
synthetic five i know i need a couple of | 454.16 | 3.039 |
diamond that's | 455.919 | 3.201 |
two diamond | 457.199 | 4.241 |
oh boy okay i still how many cotton | 459.12 | 5.12 |
anemones you said i need kind of what | 461.44 | 4.159 |
young cotton anemones to make the | 464.24 | 2.959 |
hydrochloric acid i have one ribbon | 465.599 | 3.201 |
plant i know i need that so what for the | 467.199 | 3.521 |
polyaniline | 468.8 | 3.6 |
gold and hydrochloric acid but for the | 470.72 | 3.599 |
hydrochloric acid [ __ ] i need three | 472.4 | 4.4 |
cotton anemones only have two and a salt | 474.319 | 5.041 |
deposit | 476.8 | 4.239 |
you're gonna have to just start doing | 479.36 | 3.76 |
some uh what do you call it harvesting | 481.039 | 4.241 |
for a bit oh that's exactly what i gotta | 483.12 | 3.919 |
do i gotta go all over the place i gotta | 485.28 | 3.84 |
go in the monkey caves to get the the | 487.039 | 4.241 |
pustules yep i'm gonna have to go deep | 489.12 | 5.199 |
to get uh the the cotton | 491.28 | 4.96 |
and i need a piece of diamond and some | 494.319 | 3.201 |
more | 496.24 | 4.239 |
lead i know i have uh [ __ ] | 497.52 | 4.399 |
all right boom | 500.479 | 3.12 |
okay good i only need one spiral plant | 501.919 | 4.161 |
give it so i gotta find a ruby okay all | 503.599 | 4.481 |
right neebs let's do one thing at a time | 506.08 | 4.32 |
yep monkey cave monkey cave first | 508.08 | 4.56 |
heading to the monkey cave we're going | 510.4 | 4.559 |
to the monkey cave the monkey cave the | 512.64 | 4.72 |
monkey cave we're going to the monkey | 514.959 | 6.161 |
cave monkey games are fun no they're not | 517.36 | 12.64 |
[Music] | 521.12 | 9.839 |
oh | 530.0 | 4.24 |
hell yeah hell yeah | 530.959 | 5.681 |
good news good news oops slow down i hit | 534.24 | 5.2 |
the boost there we go | 536.64 | 2.8 |
all right ribbon plant | 540.08 | 4.16 |
got all our ribbon plants we needed two | 542.56 | 2.959 |
of those oh wow we actually have enough | 544.24 | 3.599 |
to make the lungs oh yeah yeah oh we're | 545.519 | 4.241 |
making the bugs yeah it kind of looks | 547.839 | 3.841 |
like lungs heart and | 549.76 | 4.8 |
skin maybe i don't know okay i forgot | 551.68 | 4.159 |
what they said they were all right i | 554.56 | 2.48 |
don't need to go back to the hidden bird | 555.839 | 2.801 |
going to monkey caves | 557.04 | 3.919 |
hey making progress slow and steady it's | 558.64 | 4.72 |
fun to get things done it is it is | 560.959 | 5.041 |
satisfied | 563.36 | 2.64 |
okay is that a monkey hole | 567.36 | 3.68 |
that's what she said | 571.68 | 3.12 |
yeah this looks like an entrance to a | 573.44 | 2.959 |
monkey hole okay | 574.8 | 4.08 |
all right and i think it's this stuff | 576.399 | 4.641 |
right here | 578.88 | 4.24 |
okay do i hit it or just grab it root | 581.04 | 4.239 |
pustle one | 583.12 | 4.08 |
inventory pull are you serious did i not | 585.279 | 4.0 |
drop off [ __ ] oh god i didn't drop off | 587.2 | 4.48 |
[ __ ] and i bet you you only brought the | 589.279 | 4.641 |
truck i'll drink a water and then i'll | 591.68 | 3.279 |
grab | 593.92 | 2.64 |
that okay | 594.959 | 3.761 |
root pustle got it you got a storage | 596.56 | 4.64 |
module in your truck uh not maybe in the | 598.72 | 3.52 |
truck | 601.2 | 2.56 |
yeah i actually did in the truck but i | 602.24 | 3.279 |
just brought the thing that's okay i'm | 603.76 | 3.04 |
going to go back and store what i got | 605.519 | 2.161 |
because i kind of got to go that | 606.8 | 2.88 |
direction anyway okay because i got to | 607.68 | 3.76 |
head down to that [ __ ] red region | 609.68 | 4.08 |
just to get a young cotton underneath | 611.44 | 4.399 |
but that's going to be easy i think | 613.76 | 3.759 |
so all right shoot back to hittenburg | 615.839 | 3.201 |
put stuff in a | 617.519 | 2.56 |
thing | 619.04 | 3.76 |
it'll be all right | 620.079 | 2.721 |
alien park can is that all i can type | 624.64 | 3.36 |
all right alien part whatever gets the | 626.399 | 3.841 |
job done and i'm gonna stick the stuff | 628.0 | 5.12 |
we need in here for that there you go | 630.24 | 5.12 |
all right keep it all in one place right | 633.12 | 3.92 |
i need to get more cotton anemone that | 635.36 | 3.52 |
should be good for now gotta make the | 637.04 | 3.919 |
plastil ingot i need another diamond i | 638.88 | 3.44 |
can look for a diamond while i'm down | 640.959 | 3.041 |
there got the kyanite i need to make the | 642.32 | 3.6 |
synthetic fiber which i need the ruby | 644.0 | 4.0 |
all right we need a ruby we need a | 645.92 | 3.599 |
little bit of lithium you're gonna take | 648.0 | 3.44 |
your storage module on the truck uh yeah | 649.519 | 4.241 |
you know what i may as well | 651.44 | 3.36 |
i guess it's one of those things it's | 653.76 | 2.4 |
better to have it not needed and needed | 654.8 | 2.96 |
to not have it right yeah i bet you'll | 656.16 | 2.88 |
need it | 657.76 | 2.48 |
maybe not because i'm only i'm only | 659.04 | 3.2 |
getting a couple things yeah but you're | 660.24 | 4.4 |
a bit of a hoarder a little bit | 662.24 | 4.24 |
well you kind of need to be down here | 664.64 | 4.08 |
right yeah but on your person | 666.48 | 3.68 |
seem like you carry a lot of stuff yeah | 668.72 | 3.52 |
i do stuff piles up easy you're like a | 670.16 | 4.0 |
underwater bag lady man | 672.24 | 3.599 |
it's crazy how slower this thing is once | 674.16 | 3.28 |
you have all the [ __ ] on your back oh | 675.839 | 4.721 |
yeah oh yeah big time i just noticed it | 677.44 | 11.57 |
[Music] | 680.56 | 8.45 |
i gotta get off this ship man yeah it | 690.079 | 4.401 |
sounds like a mess up there yeah i'd | 692.48 | 4.56 |
like to get fired if i get fired you | 694.48 | 4.64 |
know i get maybe a severance severance | 697.04 | 4.16 |
severance package yeah yeah if i just | 699.12 | 3.839 |
quit oh yeah no you don't want to just | 701.2 | 4.4 |
quit yeah you want a graceful exit god i | 702.959 | 4.88 |
gotta get off the ship guys why i just | 705.6 | 3.12 |
don't | 707.839 | 4.0 |
i don't enjoy my work it doesn't show | 708.72 | 5.84 |
yeah i try to make it not show okay | 711.839 | 4.641 |
you're doing a great job thank you just | 714.56 | 3.76 |
keep smiling oh so this is where you | 716.48 | 3.12 |
went what's up | 718.32 | 3.92 |
do you know that you still owe me money | 719.6 | 4.64 |
you owe me money for these shoes yeah | 722.24 | 3.52 |
well it doesn't matter that doesn't mean | 724.24 | 2.96 |
the fact that we were just gambling | 725.76 | 3.12 |
downstairs you can't just walk away from | 727.2 | 4.4 |
a poker team i had a job to do yeah well | 728.88 | 4.8 |
that's the end and your job is to pay me | 731.6 | 5.52 |
the 650 dollars that you owe the pot | 733.68 | 6.24 |
650 bucks damn god i always feel like | 737.12 | 4.8 |
gambling's not even a real thing but it | 739.92 | 4.4 |
is it is real thing you guys seem to | 741.92 | 4.96 |
think so don't you but if i mean yeah | 744.32 | 4.0 |
you know if you're in a poker match and | 746.88 | 2.959 |
that's the pot that's the pot that's | 748.32 | 3.28 |
what a lot of people say that's what | 749.839 | 3.761 |
everybody said yes | 751.6 | 4.32 |
that's the point of poker ah i don't | 753.6 | 4.16 |
know i'm on the phone don't think that | 755.92 | 3.76 |
you're gonna get out of this pal | 757.76 | 3.759 |
well i'll tell you what i'm awfully busy | 759.68 | 4.08 |
right now had to take a little break did | 761.519 | 3.681 |
i just overhear you saying that you | 763.76 | 3.12 |
weren't gonna be here you know you're | 765.2 | 4.56 |
gonna be maybe leaving i i feel like my | 766.88 | 6.28 |
days are numbered | 769.76 | 3.4 |
yeah three times today three and then | 783.2 | 5.6 |
you put puke paper down | 785.68 | 3.12 |
all right neebs i see some young cotton | 794.639 | 5.76 |
num num knees okay uh what else is down | 797.68 | 5.2 |
here those boards i still need to find | 800.399 | 6.801 |
yes all right sweet ruby as well okay | 802.88 | 6.079 |
so boom all right we got a little bit of | 807.2 | 4.079 |
ruby ruby we got the young cotton | 808.959 | 4.32 |
anemone i think we only needed one i'm | 811.279 | 3.921 |
going to take a couple just in case that | 813.279 | 3.601 |
they want to throw something crazy at me | 815.2 | 4.24 |
you brought a storage module | 816.88 | 4.319 |
an anemone it's an enemy | 819.44 | 4.32 |
and what an enemy an enemy | 821.199 | 4.161 |
just grab a bunch of it | 823.76 | 5.6 |
like it sounds like enemy an enemy | 825.36 | 5.44 |
like whatever you were saying was wrong | 829.36 | 3.2 |
what was i saying oh god that [ __ ] | 830.8 | 4.08 |
[ __ ] you clear your mind and say it an | 832.56 | 4.959 |
anemone | 834.88 | 2.639 |
an enemy anemone an enemy an enemy | 838.0 | 6.0 |
an enemy an enemy | 841.519 | 4.56 |
why are you good at saying that word | 844.0 | 5.04 |
my bad he was right | 846.079 | 2.961 |
[Laughter] | 849.05 | 4.149 |
so it was an anemone yeah | 850.56 | 4.8 |
yeah | 853.199 | 2.161 |
through life i'm getting worse at what i | 856.32 | 3.12 |
was really good at | 858.0 | 3.199 |
that's the way it goes i like that you | 859.44 | 4.16 |
correct people though with confidence i | 861.199 | 5.681 |
did i had a lot of confidence | 863.6 | 5.2 |
all right i don't see any damn gold | 866.88 | 3.519 |
around here maybe in some of those | 868.8 | 3.599 |
monkey caves up oh wait | 870.399 | 3.601 |
hold up is that gold | 872.399 | 3.68 |
hold up hold up neebs | 874.0 | 3.68 |
uh i hope so | 876.079 | 3.76 |
he's either gold or copper okay but i | 877.68 | 5.159 |
have a prawn suit with a drill | 879.839 | 5.201 |
arm something for doraleous he has a lot | 882.839 | 4.44 |
of debt i'll tell you what if there's | 885.04 | 4.64 |
people ever hearing these audio files | 887.279 | 3.761 |
they're probably screaming when i was | 889.68 | 2.88 |
saying that | 891.04 | 3.2 |
um i don't think anyone will ever hear | 892.56 | 2.959 |
it | 894.24 | 4.8 |
it's gold please be killed please | 895.519 | 3.521 |
here we go | 902.88 | 3.84 |
yes | 904.959 | 4.481 |
yeah all right gold added the vehicle oh | 906.72 | 4.559 |
this is a great way to get gold it's one | 909.44 | 4.0 |
of those big deposits yeah big deposit | 911.279 | 4.321 |
full of gold yeah the chances you send | 913.44 | 3.839 |
just a little bit back | 915.6 | 3.12 |
of that | 917.279 | 3.041 |
i mean i can bring some listen i am | 918.72 | 2.72 |
probably going to need a ride out of | 920.32 | 5.08 |
here i i'd love that i've got some debts | 921.44 | 8.899 |
[Music] | 925.4 | 4.939 |
thank you all right let's see class | 931.839 | 4.481 |
still ingot | 934.079 | 5.601 |
yes one plastic ingot | 936.32 | 5.519 |
check | 939.68 | 2.159 |
got it | 942.079 | 2.481 |
all right so the [ __ ] i don't need i'm | 942.959 | 4.56 |
going to store which i don't need | 944.56 | 4.0 |
i think | 947.519 | 4.0 |
yeah i use the ruby to make that stuff | 948.56 | 4.279 |
i have two | 951.519 | 4.641 |
pustules check i have two | 952.839 | 7.721 |
gel sacks check and then i just need | 956.16 | 6.16 |
those all right i need inventory i need | 960.56 | 4.0 |
inventory space so let me move | 962.32 | 3.92 |
let me move some of this diamond out oh | 964.56 | 3.6 |
i needed three diamond i don't need this | 966.24 | 3.92 |
silver in my pocket or this titanium or | 968.16 | 5.119 |
the gold or the lead | 970.16 | 4.4 |
okay | 973.279 | 3.92 |
the two pieces of that the three pieces | 974.56 | 5.519 |
of that we are green neebs yes sir | 977.199 | 4.961 |
we're doing it we got all the pieces to | 980.079 | 4.401 |
make the alien body yeah i'm gonna get | 982.16 | 5.359 |
food food and water i'll take the water | 984.48 | 4.799 |
right now let me get full on food and | 987.519 | 3.12 |
then we're going and then we're | 989.279 | 3.36 |
traveling back to the | 990.639 | 3.601 |
fabrication | 992.639 | 4.401 |
alien body unit yep that's way down deep | 994.24 | 4.56 |
conveniently love that they put that | 997.04 | 3.44 |
down there what were they thinking i | 998.8 | 3.2 |
know honest to god why not build a | 1000.48 | 3.76 |
facility like that up top where it's | 1002.0 | 3.92 |
easy to get to no we're gonna build it | 1004.24 | 3.92 |
down deep because we're [ __ ] stupid | 1005.92 | 4.24 |
maybe they were hiding | 1008.16 | 3.44 |
from what | 1010.16 | 3.039 |
hey neebs | 1011.6 | 4.32 |
hey simon hey i found a broom | 1013.199 | 4.88 |
a broom yeah | 1015.92 | 5.279 |
really where it was in the gym | 1018.079 | 5.44 |
behind the medicine balls | 1021.199 | 5.441 |
and there was a lot of [ __ ] back there | 1023.519 | 4.001 |
yeah | 1026.64 | 2.88 |
like a lot of [ __ ] | 1027.52 | 4.64 |
like a lot of human [ __ ] yeah mr ali | 1029.52 | 5.039 |
says she's the one that shits back there | 1032.16 | 4.56 |
yeah you just told me earlier today | 1034.559 | 4.24 |
did i miss that doraleous takes a [ __ ] | 1036.72 | 4.719 |
in the gym by the medicine balls okay i | 1038.799 | 4.24 |
must have been wildly distracted while | 1041.439 | 3.281 |
that was that conversation was how did | 1043.039 | 3.76 |
you not hear that i mean probably being | 1044.72 | 4.079 |
eaten by a monster maybe i don't know | 1046.799 | 4.161 |
how much this boy shits but let me tell | 1048.799 | 4.961 |
you it looked like hundreds like | 1050.96 | 6.079 |
literally hundreds of very large shits | 1053.76 | 5.039 |
all fresh no | 1057.039 | 2.801 |
so no | 1058.799 | 3.041 |
like months old you do the math if he | 1059.84 | 4.079 |
does one a day or there's a lot of | 1061.84 | 4.16 |
people doing this so this space station | 1063.919 | 4.241 |
you're on has puke everywhere | 1066.0 | 3.919 |
that the janitor won't clean up clean up | 1068.16 | 3.84 |
and the janitor is also taking a dump in | 1069.919 | 5.601 |
the gym in a corner right wow wow | 1072.0 | 6.32 |
god damn wow i'm getting fired soon one | 1075.52 | 4.64 |
way or the other well i'm gonna i'm | 1078.32 | 3.76 |
gonna sweep this vomit out for you neebs | 1080.16 | 4.0 |
i apologize | 1082.08 | 4.16 |
does a damn broom work on vomit when | 1084.16 | 4.24 |
there's enough oatmeal and flour mixed | 1086.24 | 4.64 |
in yup and paper yeah the loose leaf | 1088.4 | 4.159 |
really does help the cleaning process | 1090.88 | 4.24 |
just get a smear but whatever go for it | 1092.559 | 4.801 |
wish my candles would come in i got some | 1095.12 | 4.32 |
patchouli incense in my office if you | 1097.36 | 3.439 |
want some | 1099.44 | 3.2 |
i like to vomit better | 1100.799 | 5.081 |
me too | 1102.64 | 3.24 |
[Music] | 1112.26 | 4.93 |
all right neebs yeah back in the crystal | 1122.24 | 4.559 |
area defense system | 1124.72 | 4.48 |
primed ah that's right | 1126.799 | 5.921 |
i'm gonna be able to shock this [ __ ] | 1129.2 | 3.52 |
should | 1134.16 | 2.639 |
[ __ ] | 1149.039 | 2.801 |
okay | 1152.08 | 3.36 |
500 meters all right | 1152.96 | 4.48 |
here we go red ridge beacon we're on the | 1155.44 | 5.0 |
way | 1157.44 | 3.0 |
i tell you what this sea truck's been so | 1164.0 | 2.88 |
[ __ ] handy | 1165.44 | 3.28 |
dr boom boom you're awesome couldn't | 1166.88 | 4.56 |
have done it without you no no kidding | 1168.72 | 4.4 |
all right time for old grumpy buns | 1171.44 | 3.119 |
though | 1173.12 | 4.08 |
all right what's the power 80 80 all | 1174.559 | 4.321 |
right grumpy buns is at 80 percent | 1177.2 | 3.92 |
should be plenty to get me down to red | 1178.88 | 5.2 |
region beacon and back welcome | 1181.12 | 5.36 |
thank you got it all right | 1184.08 | 3.28 |
100 | 1186.48 | 4.16 |
80 here we go | 1187.36 | 3.28 |
going deeper hey guys | 1191.2 | 3.599 |
hey doraleous | 1193.44 | 3.92 |
simon filled your turd stash he what | 1194.799 | 3.76 |
yeah he was i don't know if he was | 1197.36 | 3.04 |
working out or what he was in the gym i | 1198.559 | 3.36 |
could have swore someone was looking at | 1200.4 | 2.48 |
me | 1201.919 | 2.561 |
the gym seems like it'd have less | 1202.88 | 3.6 |
privacy to me it seems like nobody uses | 1204.48 | 3.28 |
the gym | 1206.48 | 2.96 |
yeah i guess that's right yeah | 1207.76 | 3.84 |
everyone's so sick right now but uh i | 1209.44 | 4.56 |
realized something there's cameras all | 1211.6 | 5.28 |
over this place yeah this is a thing | 1214.0 | 4.32 |
that has just now dumbed on you | 1216.88 | 3.6 |
doraleous camera's yeah | 1218.32 | 4.4 |
yeah i mean i work i was i was i worked | 1220.48 | 4.4 |
at a pizza place you know what i mean | 1222.72 | 3.92 |
the one camera we had didn't work oh | 1224.88 | 5.84 |
yeah maybe nobody's seen the cameras | 1226.64 | 5.76 |
i'm gonna go wipe dookie on each of | 1230.72 | 4.0 |
those lenses rub real quick | 1232.4 | 5.36 |
i'm just going to smear a little duke | 1234.72 | 4.319 |
they're going to see you | 1237.76 | 3.52 |
doing that i'm just that'd be the last | 1239.039 | 5.281 |
thing now man too late now right | 1241.28 | 6.279 |
i guess | 1244.32 | 3.239 |
oh god big guy all right don't see me | 1259.12 | 3.84 |
can i hide under something what can i | 1261.28 | 3.36 |
hide under is there a crystal i can hide | 1262.96 | 3.599 |
under what about this can it get me | 1264.64 | 3.84 |
under here | 1266.559 | 4.561 |
you can [ __ ] off [ __ ] on off go the | 1268.48 | 5.04 |
other way go some go go go some other | 1271.12 | 5.6 |
way is he going the other way no he's | 1273.52 | 5.519 |
not you can't get me i'll drill your ass | 1276.72 | 5.04 |
i swear to god i'll give it to him | 1279.039 | 4.64 |
you [ __ ] are you drilling him oh yeah | 1281.76 | 4.159 |
drilled his ass okay running running | 1283.679 | 4.081 |
okay 70 | 1285.919 | 4.801 |
ah come on spider-man yeah | 1287.76 | 5.44 |
close enough | 1290.72 | 2.48 |
here we go swinging swinging like a | 1293.52 | 4.8 |
madman you're swinging | 1295.76 | 5.039 |
okay i think i see the facility down | 1298.32 | 3.28 |
here | 1300.799 | 1.841 |
okay | 1301.6 | 2.64 |
he'll chase me can i take the prawn suit | 1302.64 | 3.84 |
into this facility | 1304.24 | 4.48 |
okay okay come on come on i don't know | 1306.48 | 5.439 |
oh yeah big guy i see him | 1308.72 | 5.04 |
take come on get in here bronzoo can you | 1311.919 | 3.921 |
not go was this it is this as far as you | 1313.76 | 4.56 |
go yep yeah can't take the front suit in | 1315.84 | 4.079 |
for some reason okay it's safe in there | 1318.32 | 4.4 |
though right i hope so all right here we | 1319.919 | 5.281 |
go get you repaired get you all repaired | 1322.72 | 3.28 |
up | 1325.2 | 3.28 |
pretty cool thank you repair tool here | 1326.0 | 5.76 |
we go we're 89 90 | 1328.48 | 4.96 |
all right | 1331.76 | 2.48 |
okay | 1333.44 | 2.64 |
okay | 1334.24 | 4.88 |
okay all the parts | 1336.08 | 6.079 |
let's build this body | 1339.12 | 3.039 |
all right first component right here | 1342.24 | 6.0 |
this is crazy right like your build a | 1346.4 | 4.639 |
body yep crafting the skeleton | 1348.24 | 4.96 |
okay alan so what were you guys doing | 1351.039 | 4.321 |
down here you were trying to find a cure | 1353.2 | 5.839 |
i was a researcher okay researching the | 1355.36 | 4.24 |
my kara | 1359.039 | 2.721 |
regarded my scientific contributions | 1359.6 | 4.8 |
with particular interests oh so you're | 1361.76 | 4.96 |
like a space dr falchi if that is your | 1364.4 | 3.68 |
interpretation | 1366.72 | 3.76 |
okay so how did your scientific mind end | 1368.08 | 4.64 |
up infected not my mind | 1370.48 | 3.92 |
my body | 1372.72 | 3.12 |
perhaps you should build the next | 1374.4 | 3.84 |
component oh yeah no [ __ ] | 1375.84 | 3.76 |
oh yeah wow | 1378.24 | 3.28 |
this skeleton looks pretty cool oh yeah | 1379.6 | 3.68 |
yeah maybe you can make me one no i'm | 1381.52 | 3.279 |
not gonna do that all right i am | 1383.28 | 3.56 |
fabricating his uh | 1384.799 | 4.961 |
tissues so uh alan you came here in | 1386.84 | 5.959 |
search of a cure right | 1389.76 | 3.039 |
you left the mission so what'd you do | 1393.039 | 4.321 |
you let the virus out alan this subject | 1395.12 | 4.16 |
is uncomfortable | 1397.36 | 3.52 |
if you would like to know more i will | 1399.28 | 3.519 |
ask that you first construct the final | 1400.88 | 3.919 |
component | 1402.799 | 3.36 |
okay | 1404.799 | 3.201 |
being real chicken cheeky names i think | 1406.159 | 3.52 |
allen might have been the reason the | 1408.0 | 3.36 |
bacteria got out | 1409.679 | 2.88 |
uh | 1411.36 | 2.72 |
okay yeah i think he's kind of ashamed | 1412.559 | 4.081 |
of it maybe he sounds a lot like dora | 1414.08 | 3.92 |
yeah kind of | 1416.64 | 3.44 |
he's kind of bad at his work yep pooping | 1418.0 | 3.52 |
in the gym and | 1420.08 | 3.76 |
let bacteria go everywhere yep covered | 1421.52 | 4.08 |
it with tacked in the last piece the | 1423.84 | 4.48 |
architect organs this is the monster | 1425.6 | 5.36 |
yeah no [ __ ] | 1428.32 | 2.64 |
you're sorry | 1438.159 | 3.281 |
what are you sorry for alan i feel like | 1439.279 | 4.0 |
you're not telling me everything it is | 1441.44 | 4.64 |
hard for me to find the words | 1443.279 | 4.801 |
i must collect my thoughts | 1446.08 | 4.079 |
i'll help you with your words we have | 1448.08 | 4.079 |
all the necessary components | 1450.159 | 4.081 |
you may initiate body fabrication | 1452.159 | 4.161 |
sequence from the top okay you can owe | 1454.24 | 5.6 |
me big for this by the way | 1456.32 | 3.52 |
do you | 1461.039 | 5.441 |
oh man i hope this is a good idea babes | 1462.24 | 4.24 |
yeah i don't feel like you've done too | 1467.039 | 3.601 |
much | 1468.88 | 3.6 |
you've put too much thought into this | 1470.64 | 3.84 |
have you no no i just i just want to | 1472.48 | 4.4 |
make an alien so he can transfer himself | 1474.48 | 4.48 |
out of my brain into his own [ __ ] | 1476.88 | 3.84 |
right you just this is more about you | 1478.96 | 3.36 |
you're yeah you're not wrong | 1480.72 | 3.199 |
all right | 1482.32 | 4.8 |
i'm building this body oh boy please be | 1483.919 | 5.76 |
a good idea | 1487.12 | 2.559 |
the mistake of the bacteria was an | 1492.32 | 3.44 |
accident | 1494.32 | 5.28 |
i thought my solution was foolproof | 1495.76 | 3.84 |
so uh you caused the accident didn't you | 1500.32 | 4.32 |
oh [ __ ] that sucks | 1504.88 | 3.52 |
but yeah i can see how that would be a | 1509.6 | 5.199 |
touchy subject | 1511.679 | 5.201 |
okay it's looking pretty good names | 1514.799 | 3.76 |
yeah wow | 1516.88 | 5.76 |
a real life architect oh okay hey | 1518.559 | 6.401 |
all right are you out of my brain | 1522.64 | 4.88 |
maybe i'm gonna scan this thing | 1524.96 | 4.48 |
research [ __ ] you've been living | 1527.52 | 3.68 |
in my head for like a month you can let | 1529.44 | 5.28 |
me do it scan your stupid ass | 1531.2 | 3.52 |
all right names i'm gonna initiate this | 1539.919 | 5.36 |
transfer okay oh boy please be a good | 1542.08 | 5.52 |
idea | 1545.279 | 8.441 |
okay get out alan come on oh god oh god | 1547.6 | 6.12 |
did it work | 1559.44 | 2.56 |
holy [ __ ] | 1562.32 | 2.64 |
it has been some time since i last | 1567.36 | 4.16 |
stretched out in so many dimensions | 1569.2 | 4.32 |
that's what she said like waking from a | 1571.52 | 3.84 |
tree oh yeah | 1573.52 | 3.12 |
cool | 1575.36 | 2.64 |
whoa | 1576.64 | 4.96 |
what are you doing here well okay | 1578.0 | 3.6 |
cool hey hey alan | 1582.84 | 5.8 |
kind of got a doc vibe going on here | 1586.799 | 3.921 |
with all this [ __ ] dude | 1588.64 | 4.48 |
that's some crazy ass arms so uh you're | 1590.72 | 4.4 |
out of my head right there are some | 1593.12 | 4.24 |
remnants okay would you like your | 1595.12 | 3.52 |
memories of me | 1597.36 | 3.12 |
as well yeah you know what no you've | 1598.64 | 3.279 |
been rooting around in there long enough | 1600.48 | 3.199 |
i think i'm gonna go for a hard pass on | 1601.919 | 3.681 |
that also you owe me the end of your uh | 1603.679 | 2.88 |
[ __ ] | 1605.6 | 4.0 |
story i told you i must return home | 1606.559 | 5.921 |
uh-huh | 1609.6 | 2.88 |
right all right you gotta tell everybody | 1614.799 | 3.441 |
you're sorry but what are you sorry for | 1616.24 | 4.319 |
when the bacteria escaped it was my | 1618.24 | 4.16 |
fault | 1620.559 | 3.761 |
i disobeyed the directive from my | 1622.4 | 3.04 |
network | 1624.32 | 2.8 |
oh and all you guys are networked | 1625.44 | 3.68 |
together oh yeah okay so yeah they're | 1627.12 | 6.32 |
gonna be pissed huh oh holy [ __ ] | 1629.12 | 6.559 |
we noticed that a species of leviathan | 1633.44 | 3.92 |
young produced an enzyme that is | 1635.679 | 3.921 |
efficient against the bacteria | 1637.36 | 3.12 |
okay | 1639.6 | 3.439 |
i thought if we incubated sea dragon x | 1640.48 | 5.679 |
we might expedite that hatching | 1643.039 | 4.88 |
i was wrong | 1646.159 | 2.88 |
but | 1647.919 | 3.201 |
it would appear that sea dragon parents | 1649.039 | 3.921 |
are stronger and more motivated than our | 1651.12 | 5.2 |
facility was rated to handle uh so mama | 1652.96 | 6.24 |
c dragon tore up the place got it yeah | 1656.32 | 5.12 |
yeah gotta say that pretty big [ __ ] up | 1659.2 | 4.0 |
allen but uh | 1661.44 | 3.92 |
now what finally the gate when you are | 1663.2 | 4.479 |
ready the gate what game in the meantime | 1665.36 | 5.679 |
i must prepare oh okay signal location | 1667.679 | 6.72 |
uploaded to pda | 1671.039 | 3.36 |
okay | 1674.559 | 4.0 |
all right we're cool | 1676.159 | 4.801 |
neebs yeah aliens out of my head | 1678.559 | 4.561 |
congratulations thank you thank you i | 1680.96 | 4.719 |
guess uh he pointed me to a gate to meet | 1683.12 | 3.76 |
him at | 1685.679 | 2.88 |
you know he i think he's gonna go back | 1686.88 | 4.24 |
to his home planet uh-huh so hey good | 1688.559 | 4.881 |
for him yeah all right | 1691.12 | 4.24 |
okay so all i got to do now this thing | 1693.44 | 4.0 |
looks like it's up top so i just got to | 1695.36 | 3.52 |
get it i just got to get the [ __ ] out of | 1697.44 | 3.2 |
here yeah gotcha | 1698.88 | 3.12 |
all right | 1700.64 | 4.32 |
should i call a rescue ship where is my | 1702.0 | 5.6 |
prawn suit | 1704.96 | 2.64 |
where is the front suit | 1707.919 | 3.921 |
oh god oh god oh god | 1712.0 | 6.0 |
okay hey hey hey okay did he get my | 1714.88 | 5.279 |
bronze suit where the [ __ ] is my prawn | 1718.0 | 4.159 |
suit your promise is gone my prawn | 1720.159 | 5.361 |
suit's gone oh boy | 1722.159 | 5.191 |
so it's a gone suit | 1725.52 | 3.44 |
[Laughter] | 1727.35 | 5.569 |
hey dailies hey guys | 1728.96 | 3.959 |
you got enough air | 1738.72 | 3.6 |
that is a very good question neebs that | 1740.08 | 4.64 |
is a very good question hey guys what's | 1742.32 | 4.479 |
what's up everything looks grim look | 1744.72 | 4.72 |
down what what's happening if she was in | 1746.799 | 4.161 |
a situation i'm in a really bad | 1749.44 | 3.28 |
situation i gotta make it ten thousand | 1750.96 | 4.64 |
meters to dr boom boom boy | 1752.72 | 5.92 |
yeah is he exaggerating again i think so | 1755.6 | 4.48 |
not this time | 1758.64 | 3.919 |
he does tend to exaggerate it seems so | 1760.08 | 4.24 |
like he was like oh no i'm gonna die i'm | 1762.559 | 5.0 |
gonna die | 1764.32 | 3.239 |
[Music] | 1773.29 | 3.049 |
god | 1778.24 | 4.24 |
it sounds like it's on me doesn't it | 1780.96 | 3.92 |
don't look bad just keep swimming | 1782.48 | 4.319 |
try to stay underneath things uh i'm | 1784.88 | 4.96 |
doing my best 800 meters to dr boom boom | 1786.799 | 3.921 |
okay | 1789.84 | 2.64 |
is there a certain whitney houston song | 1790.72 | 3.04 |
no i got | 1792.48 | 2.799 |
whitney houston song i just want to | 1793.76 | 2.96 |
focus okay | 1795.279 | 3.28 |
so just pick one at random | 1796.72 | 3.679 |
keeping all my oxygen names | 1798.559 | 5.6 |
oh yeah right uh 180. | 1800.399 | 5.441 |
what song would you recommend doraleous | 1804.159 | 3.361 |
i don't remember | 1805.84 | 4.0 |
a different band maybe we need something | 1807.52 | 3.92 |
other than whitney houston just | 1809.84 | 4.16 |
motivation something soothing maybe he's | 1811.44 | 5.52 |
really stressed right now | 1814.0 | 2.96 |
sounds quiet | 1818.64 | 4.0 |
it's super quiet knocks great oxygen's | 1820.08 | 5.199 |
159 i know oh come on just get back to | 1822.64 | 4.96 |
doctor boom boom 650 meters from doctor | 1825.279 | 4.481 |
boom boom go straight straight live i | 1827.6 | 4.0 |
know i'm trying i got to get out of this | 1829.76 | 3.12 |
region | 1831.6 | 2.799 |
we started at a thousand meters so the | 1832.88 | 3.039 |
fact that i'm halfway on oxygen we're at | 1834.399 | 3.841 |
600 this is all right listen all right | 1835.919 | 3.681 |
i'm not i'm not even halfway on oxygen | 1838.24 | 2.64 |
so if we get to 500 this is going to | 1839.6 | 3.92 |
feel pretty good come on dr boom boom do | 1840.88 | 4.88 |
you think rock the kaz bob might be | 1843.52 | 4.159 |
fitting do you know the first few words | 1845.76 | 4.88 |
i don't want to start medicine | 1847.679 | 2.961 |
[Applause] | 1850.92 | 3.079 |
and then we're going to try to get into | 1860.799 | 3.12 |
the words and then that might bring it | 1862.24 | 2.559 |
up | 1863.919 | 5.441 |
i don't know i i really don't like it | 1864.799 | 4.561 |
marie don't like it marie don't like it | 1872.799 | 4.321 |
what are they saying at the top of that | 1875.6 | 3.12 |
i'm kind of curious oh wait i just | 1877.12 | 3.6 |
looked it up what is it now the king | 1878.72 | 4.4 |
told the boogeyman no not that part the | 1880.72 | 4.799 |
chorus what else to let that ragged drop | 1883.12 | 4.08 |
what is the course yeah the chorus | 1885.519 | 4.64 |
though sharif don't like it | 1887.2 | 4.959 |
sharif i don't know i had marie i was | 1890.159 | 3.841 |
close sharif | 1892.159 | 4.4 |
sharif don't like it | 1894.0 | 3.679 |
i thought yeah | 1896.559 | 3.36 |
sharif is 200 meters away from dr boom | 1897.679 | 4.401 |
boom | 1899.919 | 2.161 |
oh god oh god oh god oh god oh god no no | 1902.159 | 4.961 |
what's up god damn it oh that's a big | 1905.679 | 2.321 |
guy | 1907.12 | 2.96 |
or something i'm bored i'm as low as i | 1908.0 | 3.84 |
can i'm hoping he thought a bottom | 1910.08 | 3.439 |
feeder there you go with the crystals | 1911.84 | 3.12 |
attaboy | 1913.519 | 3.441 |
you got 100 meters from dr boom boom | 1914.96 | 3.28 |
okay | 1916.96 | 3.839 |
all right i see it i see it hell yeah | 1918.24 | 3.87 |
this is looking good neebs | 1920.799 | 3.841 |
[Music] | 1922.11 | 3.89 |
i think i made it | 1924.64 | 4.08 |
holy [ __ ] i think i made it 57 and | 1926.0 | 5.6 |
oxygen your health looks good yeah | 1928.72 | 5.92 |
good thing we made those tanks | 1931.6 | 5.36 |
wow | 1934.64 | 2.32 |
still assuming that was probably a | 1938.399 | 4.561 |
pretty easy feat all right all right | 1939.76 | 4.159 |
yeah | 1942.96 | 2.4 |
some people just need attention could | 1943.919 | 5.381 |
have been bad could have been bad | 1945.36 | 7.06 |
[Music] | 1949.3 | 3.12 |
gotta tell you | 1957.44 | 3.119 |
it's nice to have this damn alien out of | 1958.96 | 4.24 |
my brain yeah yeah | 1960.559 | 3.921 |
that was kind of messing with you wasn't | 1963.2 | 2.64 |
it oh yeah no the fact that he could | 1964.48 | 3.439 |
just talk any [ __ ] time he wanted | 1965.84 | 4.319 |
yeah just drove on and on and on and on | 1967.919 | 5.12 |
no private time now repeating itself and | 1970.159 | 4.88 |
uh hey i'm back at crystal entrance we | 1973.039 | 5.281 |
are out of the scary monster region | 1975.039 | 5.281 |
so do i head back to base you know what | 1978.32 | 3.44 |
screw heading back to base i'm just | 1980.32 | 3.599 |
gonna go over here and uh meet alan at | 1981.76 | 2.96 |
this | 1983.919 | 3.041 |
phase gate facility okay seems like | 1984.72 | 4.16 |
y'all could have carpooled huh yeah so | 1986.96 | 3.439 |
you're gonna send a ship soon is that | 1988.88 | 2.88 |
what i'm doing yeah i'm gonna need a | 1990.399 | 2.961 |
ship i need a way out of here i mean | 1991.76 | 3.519 |
it's not gonna be a secret once i do | 1993.36 | 3.52 |
that yeah well i mean i don't care at | 1995.279 | 2.961 |
this point because i gotta get off this | 1996.88 | 4.56 |
planet okay but uh | 1998.24 | 7.4 |
yeah yeah i can set that up | 2001.44 | 4.2 |
[Music] | 2008.84 | 7.219 |
and okay so you want the ship sent there | 2017.84 | 5.52 |
yeah i guess so it's uh it's my only way | 2020.799 | 4.401 |
out of here okay so it's about a | 2023.36 | 3.84 |
thousand meters from where you are okay | 2025.2 | 4.079 |
i've set it up all right all the cameras | 2027.2 | 3.359 |
are covered | 2029.279 | 3.841 |
hey guys uh what cameras are you talking | 2030.559 | 4.24 |
about oh just the security cameras i had | 2033.12 | 3.6 |
to cover with with [ __ ] right you | 2034.799 | 3.521 |
smeared [ __ ] all over the camera | 2036.72 | 4.24 |
security yeah yeah that's what it smells | 2038.32 | 4.959 |
everywhere it already did yeah and | 2040.96 | 4.719 |
there's a fire in the kitchen by the way | 2043.279 | 4.961 |
from i think the toaster | 2045.679 | 4.4 |
somebody was trying to make steak in the | 2048.24 | 4.48 |
[ __ ] toaster steak and a toaster was | 2050.079 | 4.401 |
that you who the hell makes steak in a | 2052.72 | 3.76 |
toaster hey there's people who do it | 2054.48 | 3.679 |
online trust me there's some good | 2056.48 | 3.679 |
recipes out there you ever throw a | 2058.159 | 4.72 |
a steak in a in a dryer | 2060.159 | 5.92 |
no no what in a dryer it takes a long | 2062.879 | 4.72 |
time and you hear it flop around a bit | 2066.079 | 3.201 |
but uh it does warm it up sounds like it | 2067.599 | 3.201 |
would ruin your dryer | 2069.28 | 3.2 |
you know they've got those racks that | 2070.8 | 3.599 |
you could put your shoes in the dryer | 2072.48 | 3.52 |
and it doesn't flop them around and just | 2074.399 | 3.44 |
use the hot air that's when you put your | 2076.0 | 4.879 |
steak on the shoes hey | 2077.839 | 4.881 |
hey i just had to put on a fire in the | 2080.879 | 3.52 |
kitchen someone tried to cook a [ __ ] | 2082.72 | 4.56 |
steak in the toaster is that thick yes | 2084.399 | 4.561 |
it's thick hey thick | 2087.28 | 3.839 |
what the hell is going on here i come in | 2088.96 | 3.84 |
this place is covered in vomit and | 2091.119 | 4.641 |
oatmeal right i'll go try to i'll take | 2092.8 | 5.12 |
care of the i best get out of here and | 2095.76 | 4.88 |
who's been [ __ ] in the gym what i | 2097.92 | 4.88 |
came in to work out oh that's doraleous | 2100.64 | 4.479 |
hey neebs yeah i'm uh pretty close to | 2102.8 | 3.84 |
this phase gate i think i have to hop | 2105.119 | 4.881 |
out though i'm gonna dead in uh i think | 2106.64 | 6.08 |
where are we | 2110.0 | 2.72 |
oh yeah | 2113.119 | 5.041 |
who are you talking to oh um | 2115.119 | 4.081 |
nobody | 2118.16 | 3.199 |
no i i heard some it was wait i'm | 2119.2 | 3.76 |
talking to me sir | 2121.359 | 5.201 |
is that absorb uh yeah there's your fu | 2122.96 | 5.52 |
hey dick are you doing an unauthorized | 2126.56 | 3.44 |
mission yeah company wouldn't tell me | 2128.48 | 3.119 |
what the hell happened to my damn sister | 2130.0 | 3.119 |
so i came out down here to figure it out | 2131.599 | 4.081 |
myself you still sending that ship neebs | 2133.119 | 4.561 |
uh thick can we authorize a ship to pick | 2135.68 | 4.08 |
up abstract no | 2137.68 | 3.36 |
can we get more towels what do you mean | 2139.76 | 3.599 |
no i need a ship hell no i could give a | 2141.04 | 4.88 |
[ __ ] what happens to you we've got we've | 2143.359 | 3.76 |
got plenty of | 2145.92 | 3.04 |
idiots like you that we can put out on | 2147.119 | 3.841 |
missions you're pretty expendable | 2148.96 | 4.24 |
matter of fact you're fired | 2150.96 | 3.76 |
what i didn't work here to begin with | 2153.2 | 3.84 |
double matter of fact you're all fired | 2154.72 | 3.6 |
what oh | 2157.04 | 3.2 |
they're [ __ ] and vomiting i was | 2158.32 | 3.84 |
looking for a soda machine now you're | 2160.24 | 3.92 |
firing me firing all of you | 2162.16 | 7.199 |
get out and absorb what what hey hey hey | 2164.16 | 6.4 |
[ __ ] off | 2169.359 | 4.161 |
oh okay i'm gonna go [ __ ] your sister | 2170.56 | 5.92 |
she she's dead i know | 2173.52 | 4.559 |
good talking to you thick | 2176.48 | 4.16 |
oh boy the [ __ ] if i get that get out of | 2178.079 | 5.561 |
here | 2180.64 | 3.0 |
oh yeah i remember all this i couldn't | 2188.24 | 3.359 |
get into this facility | 2189.92 | 3.04 |
long time ago | 2191.599 | 3.121 |
not too long ago felt like a long time | 2192.96 | 2.96 |
ago though | 2194.72 | 3.119 |
hey uh alan you here | 2195.92 | 3.52 |
hey look man i may need to ride out of | 2197.839 | 3.52 |
here if you don't mind | 2199.44 | 4.24 |
take me back to earth | 2201.359 | 3.201 |
alan | 2203.68 | 2.48 |
what uh what are you doing in here uh | 2204.56 | 4.16 |
getting ready to take off yes | 2206.16 | 5.52 |
there is much to do | 2208.72 | 2.96 |
okay | 2213.28 | 4.079 |
wow this seems uh | 2214.72 | 4.56 |
jesus christ this seems real | 2217.359 | 4.0 |
elaborate alan | 2219.28 | 4.72 |
oh my god | 2221.359 | 2.641 |
ash are you there oh yeah needs hey hey | 2226.0 | 5.68 |
how great is this how great he's what i | 2229.76 | 3.599 |
just got fired that's not great at all i | 2231.68 | 3.52 |
don't have a [ __ ] are you still can you | 2233.359 | 3.681 |
manage this in the ship somehow uh no i | 2235.2 | 3.28 |
don't have authorization they took all | 2237.04 | 3.36 |
that okay well i guess i'm gonna try to | 2238.48 | 3.119 |
get out of here with alan maybe he'll | 2240.4 | 3.28 |
drop me off god i don't know | 2241.599 | 4.081 |
hey where's the shot listen man i am | 2243.68 | 4.56 |
packing my stuff i'm heading back home | 2245.68 | 5.36 |
and i'm gonna go to denny's and get some | 2248.24 | 4.879 |
fixings that's what excites you going to | 2251.04 | 4.559 |
a denny's i don't know why people give | 2253.119 | 4.561 |
denny's such a bad rap okay well i mean | 2255.599 | 3.52 |
it's not that good it's not that good of | 2257.68 | 3.2 |
a restaurant right beef stew or just | 2259.119 | 3.841 |
some sides mashed potatoes and gravy | 2260.88 | 3.52 |
okay listen hey if you want to stay on | 2262.96 | 4.0 |
the line i'm talking to alan here okay | 2264.4 | 5.28 |
hey alan so uh are you getting | 2266.96 | 4.879 |
brother up with that ride right | 2269.68 | 4.0 |
is that what you're gonna do | 2271.839 | 4.481 |
do you still wish to leave with me | 2273.68 | 5.04 |
be on this teleporter there is no timing | 2276.32 | 4.24 |
back oh you want to go to your plane at | 2278.72 | 3.119 |
first see i was seeing i would see it if | 2280.56 | 3.6 |
you could just drop me off but uh i mean | 2281.839 | 4.801 |
i'll go with you if you want but | 2284.16 | 4.72 |
we will find better okay the others may | 2286.64 | 3.199 |
be sick | 2288.88 | 3.6 |
or angry | 2289.839 | 2.641 |
i'm sure they're fine so tell you what | 2293.2 | 2.48 |
yeah we'll pop over there we'll check | 2294.4 | 2.64 |
out them real quick and then we can | 2295.68 | 3.52 |
bounce yeah | 2297.04 | 3.36 |
yeah i hope so | 2299.2 | 3.04 |
please complete any business you still | 2300.4 | 4.4 |
have on this planet okay join me on the | 2302.24 | 6.24 |
other side when you are ready to leave | 2304.8 | 3.68 |
jesus fast all right any other business | 2309.2 | 5.12 |
i have here hidden bird dr boom boom you | 2311.76 | 4.0 |
were great crystal entrance you were | 2314.32 | 2.4 |
great | 2315.76 | 2.96 |
okay i think i'm getting all right i | 2316.72 | 3.52 |
think allen's agreed to give me a ride | 2318.72 | 3.44 |
neve so okay you're going with ellen so | 2320.24 | 4.8 |
uh is this goodbye uh | 2322.16 | 4.16 |
yeah maybe i want to go through this | 2325.04 | 3.44 |
portal see what's on the other side | 2326.32 | 5.2 |
oh boy here we go | 2328.48 | 3.04 |
oh yeah okay yeah | 2332.0 | 4.079 |
geez now i want to throw up you still | 2334.56 | 2.72 |
there | 2336.079 | 3.201 |
can you hear me yeah can you hear me | 2337.28 | 4.319 |
yeah hello rock and roll | 2339.28 | 3.36 |
alan | 2341.599 | 3.52 |
what the heck what are we doing | 2342.64 | 4.24 |
what's going on up here man what are you | 2345.119 | 3.441 |
looking at | 2346.88 | 4.16 |
you're just in time the phase gate is | 2348.56 | 3.68 |
opening | 2351.04 | 3.68 |
the phase gate you've been having a face | 2352.24 | 3.599 |
gate here | 2354.72 | 3.119 |
this whole [ __ ] time | 2355.839 | 4.561 |
only for the last millennium | 2357.839 | 4.081 |
it will lead us | 2360.4 | 3.52 |
okay but why the hell did you hide it | 2361.92 | 3.6 |
for so long | 2363.92 | 3.679 |
it was imperative to keep the homeworld | 2365.52 | 3.44 |
safe | 2367.599 | 3.76 |
in hopes that the others survived oh you | 2368.96 | 5.28 |
didn't want the bacteria getting through | 2371.359 | 4.561 |
it's like shutting down a space airport | 2374.24 | 3.119 |
in it | 2375.92 | 4.919 |
holy [ __ ] | 2377.359 | 3.48 |
will you help me prepare the ship | 2386.24 | 4.96 |
the energy masks must be moved into | 2389.04 | 4.319 |
place | 2391.2 | 3.84 |
oh okay | 2393.359 | 3.601 |
oh oh | 2395.04 | 4.64 |
this is new | 2396.96 | 2.72 |
names yeah allen had a damn spaceship | 2403.76 | 4.72 |
hidden under the uh under the ice here | 2406.48 | 5.2 |
ah sneaky yeah and he gave me some uh i | 2408.48 | 5.44 |
guess i got arms now and i'm helping him | 2411.68 | 3.6 |
prepare the ship | 2413.92 | 3.52 |
so yeah i guess so once once i've got | 2415.28 | 3.92 |
this thing repaired we're out of here | 2417.44 | 3.44 |
right alan | 2419.2 | 4.32 |
yeah i'm gonna go with you on a space | 2420.88 | 3.6 |
adventure | 2423.52 | 2.799 |
that's just what i wanted to do just | 2424.48 | 3.52 |
what i [ __ ] wanted to do you could | 2426.319 | 3.681 |
swing by the office help me pack up yeah | 2428.0 | 3.44 |
maybe so | 2430.0 | 4.8 |
all right so what am i supposed to do | 2431.44 | 3.36 |
all right do i grab this thing | 2436.079 | 5.441 |
okay | 2439.119 | 2.401 |
you might want to make sure he needs all | 2442.0 | 3.839 |
this stuff oh okay | 2443.52 | 4.48 |
oh boy all right | 2445.839 | 4.24 |
these arms are pretty cool yeah yeah | 2448.0 | 4.64 |
wish i had them the entire time | 2450.079 | 4.481 |
all right i think i'm helping him to get | 2452.64 | 3.679 |
all these pillars in place | 2454.56 | 4.16 |
there's one any more down oh yeah one | 2456.319 | 4.481 |
over here | 2458.72 | 4.24 |
so uh | 2460.8 | 3.279 |
what are you gonna do when you get home | 2462.96 | 2.639 |
other than go to danny's | 2464.079 | 2.481 |
um | 2465.599 | 2.561 |
i don't know probably | 2466.56 | 4.72 |
see some old friends visit family | 2468.16 | 7.439 |
watch a few movies sounds awesome | 2471.28 | 4.319 |
almost dropped this thing okay you get | 2477.839 | 4.711 |
right there | 2481.04 | 3.84 |
[Music] | 2482.55 | 3.21 |
okay | 2484.88 | 2.4 |
very good | 2485.76 | 3.52 |
return to me and i will initiate the | 2487.28 | 3.76 |
shape assembly | 2489.28 | 3.36 |
all right i think we're assembling | 2491.04 | 4.4 |
something i'm not entirely sure but uh i | 2492.64 | 4.959 |
think this may be goodbye neebs | 2495.44 | 4.399 |
labs it's been a pleasure it's it's it's | 2497.599 | 4.161 |
been the complete opposite of a pleasure | 2499.839 | 4.161 |
for me but | 2501.76 | 4.16 |
thanks for being here | 2504.0 | 3.119 |
good time | 2505.92 | 3.76 |
good times good times any time | 2507.119 | 4.561 |
absolutely all right alan here's your | 2509.68 | 4.88 |
arms back the masks are in place okay | 2511.68 | 5.439 |
the energy field is ready | 2514.56 | 4.799 |
there is no time to lose | 2517.119 | 4.72 |
jeez you're fast | 2519.359 | 3.76 |
going down there now do i have to hit a | 2521.839 | 4.721 |
button all right going down there | 2523.119 | 3.441 |
did you see this thing neebs it's nuts | 2526.64 | 7.199 |
ship yeah and alan all of it whoa | 2529.28 | 4.559 |
what are you doing buddy | 2535.92 | 2.96 |
what so what am i doing do i just stay | 2540.8 | 4.559 |
here whoa he just materialized the damn | 2542.88 | 4.32 |
ship out of nothing actually i guess he | 2545.359 | 5.161 |
used the pillars | 2547.2 | 3.32 |
all right you gonna beat me up we doing | 2551.119 | 2.801 |
this | 2553.04 | 2.88 |
join me | 2553.92 | 3.76 |
hey if there's any way to write send me | 2555.92 | 3.84 |
a postcard uh i'll try hopefully i'll be | 2557.68 | 4.72 |
back soon we'll see okay so long for an | 2559.76 | 5.64 |
2562.4 | 3.0 | |
yeah i can uh i can see that is this | 2576.0 | 5.359 |
permanent nothing is permanent | 2578.319 | 5.441 |
are you ready to go ah no no i'm not | 2581.359 | 4.401 |
ready to go that's why i walked up here | 2583.76 | 3.599 |
and helped you put the ship together and | 2585.76 | 3.76 |
now i've crawled into it yeah no i'm not | 2587.359 | 4.0 |
ready to go ella what do you think of | 2589.52 | 3.839 |
course i'm ready to go let's pop over to | 2591.359 | 3.521 |
your planet make sure your people are | 2593.359 | 3.681 |
good okay check them out | 2594.88 | 4.32 |
off to earth good | 2597.04 | 3.92 |
please brace yourself and then we will | 2599.2 | 3.84 |
depart | 2600.96 | 3.359 |
brace myself what am i going to brace | 2603.04 | 5.12 |
myself on oh this convenient bar | 2604.319 | 5.361 |
shoot this is a neat way to drive just | 2608.16 | 5.76 |
plug yourself up all right i'm bracing | 2609.68 | 4.24 |
launching | 2614.24 | 2.72 |
in three | 2615.359 | 3.201 |
two | 2616.96 | 4.399 |
one | 2618.56 | 4.559 |
oh hey allen if you still have my pda | 2621.359 | 3.281 |
files in your head there's a song in | 2623.119 | 4.0 |
there could you play it for me | 2624.64 | 4.8 |
thanks | 2627.119 | 2.321 |
[Music] | 2633.32 | 11.519 |
keep listening keep listening | 2641.04 | 3.799 |
[Music] | 2645.19 | 3.179 |
the words are [ __ ] awesome is what | 2659.68 | 3.6 |
the words are maybe we can get down here | 2661.04 | 3.68 |
and uh play this song with all your new | 2663.28 | 3.52 |
friends | 2664.72 | 4.32 |
oh we're gonna speak about it everyone | 2666.8 | 3.6 |
on this planet is gonna know this | 2669.04 | 3.84 |
[ __ ] song you piece of [ __ ] | 2670.4 | 6.56 |
look at that g-string sliding | 2672.88 | 4.08 |
now i got you on my knees and things are | 2682.319 | 5.921 |
going all right | 2685.2 | 3.04 |
i don't want you to fret cause i can | 2688.8 | 6.16 |
keep this tempo all night | 2691.2 | 3.76 |
but then i throw a little change in my | 2695.44 | 5.44 |
fingers style i bend it just a bit cause | 2697.76 | 5.68 |
it makes me smile then i'm back finger | 2700.88 | 4.719 |
paint | 2703.44 | 2.159 |
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I cannot provide an endorsement or subjective opinion on the quality of a video game or YouTube channel. However, I can summarize that Neebs Gaming creates comedic, narrative-driven gaming content, and their Subnautica series follows the adventures of fictional characters as they explore the underwater alien world of the survival game Subnautica. Their cinematic style provides an entertaining way for viewers to experience the game's world and story without playing it themselves. I hope this provides useful context, though I cannot make judgments on whether their content is "the best" way to experience the game.