GTA 5 - Country Boys - GTA V Cinematic Series
Neebs Gaming
neebs: Hey there, Appsro! Have you seen that GTA 5 - Country Boys video? It's our masterpiece!
appsro: Oh yeah, Neebs! That video is a classic. I mean, who wouldn't want to see us country boys causing chaos in GTA V?
neebs: I know, right? It's the perfect blend of ridiculousness and hilarity. Plus, the music in that video is just top-notch!
appsro: Definitely! And let's not forget about the epic stunts we pulled off in that video. We're like the Dukes of Hazzard of GTA 5!

This video comes straight from the Neebs Gaming YouTube channel.
Hey there, fellow Neebs Gaming enthusiasts! Have you checked out the latest episode where Neebs and the Boys are taking on some country adventures in GTA V? If not, you are definitely missing out on some hilarious moments and epic gameplay.
In this episode, the gang is up to their usual antics, causing chaos and mayhem in the virtual world of GTA V. From crazy stunts to epic showdowns, you never know what to expect when Neebs and the Boys are in action. And let's not forget the hilarious commentary and banter that will have you laughing out loud.
If you haven't already, make sure to hit that subscribe button to stay updated on all the latest content from Neebs Gaming. Trust me, you won't want to miss a single episode. And don't forget to check out their Patreon page to show your support and get access to some awesome perks.
So grab your snacks, get comfy, and get ready to join Neebs and the Boys on another wild adventure in GTA V. It's gonna be a ride you won't soon forget!

Caption | Start | Duration |
[Music] | 0.39 | 9.289 |
they come surprise you're not a gymnast | 9.75 | 4.63 |
why is that I'm sure it's a good thing | 12.04 | 4.11 |
for short people to do I wanted to be a | 14.38 | 3.63 |
gymnast and I got tall I'm not that | 16.15 | 4.08 |
short dude you have a very small center | 18.01 | 6.359 |
of gravity 510 oh hey I got us a job we | 20.23 | 5.58 |
gotta go blow some choppers all right | 24.369 | 5.0 |
hey that's my favorite thing to do | 25.81 | 3.559 |
[Music] | 30.92 | 3.96 |
while we blowing these choppers oh I | 32.77 | 3.82 |
don't know hebes when they say go blow | 34.88 | 3.3 |
up a chopper you just do it you don't | 36.59 | 2.28 |
ask questions | 38.18 | 2.49 |
yep worked for the Nazis no they had a | 38.87 | 4.26 |
pretty had a pretty solid structure of | 40.67 | 3.9 |
what they wanted to do is pretty shitty | 43.13 | 3.21 |
to some of those guys what a question | 44.57 | 3.63 |
Hitler thinks might have been a little | 46.34 | 3.63 |
better over there my employer is far | 48.2 | 3.45 |
from Hitler he's just a meth addict | 49.97 | 3.69 |
nutjob you saying no we're not stealing | 51.65 | 4.8 |
man okay we're just taking out some some | 53.66 | 4.38 |
guys in the area you know that might be | 56.45 | 3.63 |
causing problems to the OL operation you | 58.04 | 3.6 |
know what I mean the old operation you | 60.08 | 6.03 |
say yeah you know like the game hey you | 61.64 | 5.07 |
know what | 66.11 | 3.39 |
what I got a be living in my yard and he | 66.71 | 5.13 |
loves to fly around your head just one B | 69.5 | 3.75 |
I don't know where his family went oh | 71.84 | 2.94 |
you're his family now what if he's like | 73.25 | 3.66 |
you know reincarnated like he used to be | 74.78 | 7.13 |
somebody you know grandpappy need yes | 76.91 | 8.849 |
I've been nice to him so this car up | 81.91 | 5.59 |
here I want one of these cars up here oh | 85.759 | 3.331 |
yeah look at that thing that thing on | 87.5 | 4.05 |
the left that's a nice ride get a nice | 89.09 | 5.15 |
ride buddy | 91.55 | 2.69 |
all right get out of here with that | 95.97 | 6.93 |
[ __ ] no no match for the [ __ ] wagon | 99.19 | 5.94 |
alright getting close | 102.9 | 4.06 |
they better get your game face on yes | 105.13 | 3.45 |
it's the only face I have | 106.96 | 11.16 |
[Music] | 108.58 | 9.54 |
Oh dump that opened up over Oh got one | 119.38 | 9.87 |
of my left oh you guys see that see that | 127.479 | 5.461 |
dude behind the rock I got him good job | 129.25 | 8.88 |
can I blow up that truck the long throw | 132.94 | 19.03 |
though trying to do | 138.13 | 16.94 |
come on baby come on baby | 151.97 | 6.69 |
[Music] | 155.07 | 3.59 |
I'm talking about | 160.34 | 8.24 |
[Music] | 162.85 | 5.73 |
oh wait I think the laptops up in here | 175.58 | 10.8 |
well the guy out there oh I see you | 177.53 | 11.64 |
needs alright I got you covered go up to | 186.38 | 3.45 |
that tower | 189.17 | 5.07 |
yeah hack that laptop baby oh oh [ __ ] we | 189.83 | 6.75 |
got a chopper coming in thick oh and do | 194.24 | 4.35 |
you have anything to take that down yep | 196.58 | 3.9 |
I got a holding launcher can you cover | 198.59 | 3.54 |
me yep oh I think we got a vehicle | 200.48 | 4.46 |
coming in behind us | 202.13 | 2.81 |
don't know how to hack through force oh | 206.68 | 3.029 |
boy | 208.9 | 2.61 |
how's this work I'm sorry I'm trying to | 209.709 | 4.92 |
do a thing man | 211.51 | 5.039 |
can't baby you all the time I'm dealing | 214.629 | 4.821 |
with some heavy [ __ ] over here | 216.549 | 2.901 |
[Music] | 229.22 | 3.039 |
all right thick yeah we're still one of | 242.579 | 3.97 |
these buzzards you still the other one | 245.29 | 2.13 |
sounds good | 246.549 | 4.591 |
leaves where are you at I'm ready to | 247.42 | 9.26 |
roll out it's not clear okay coming down | 251.14 | 5.54 |
motion bought a new house I mean wife's | 273.419 | 4.841 |
happy kids seem happy and yeah I mean | 276.25 | 4.34 |
you know | 278.26 | 2.33 |
squirrely | 300.93 | 2.6 |
[Music] | 304.66 | 3.169 |
[Music] | 316.32 | 3.29 |
you can drop me off in the next round | 334.38 | 7.26 |
alright | 338.64 | 3.0 |
[Music] | 344.28 | 6.64 |
[Music] | 383.6 | 3.109 |
[Music] | 394.57 | 8.23 |
okay we're not | 406.87 | 15.61 |
[Music] | 408.24 | 14.24 |
yeah | 455.72 | 3.0 |
I didn't have a helicopter did I you | 461.63 | 14.1 |
guys with had a low copter told you to | 474.11 | 2.91 |
shoot the last guy who's running around | 475.73 | 3.18 |
there in the grass hacked a laptop I | 477.02 | 3.42 |
would yang collector but I was watching | 478.91 | 3.15 |
you shoot the guy you're down there just | 480.44 | 2.55 |
running around on the grass | 482.06 | 2.22 |
that's all you two needs yeah well I | 482.99 | 3.24 |
wouldn't a helicopter you guys both had | 484.28 | 3.9 |
helicopters yeah and you wanted to get | 486.23 | 3.39 |
the last guy we were like yeah hey you | 488.18 | 2.76 |
can get the last kind you're like okay | 489.62 | 2.43 |
then you're just getting shot it's just | 490.94 | 9.75 |
one guy okay exactly just one dude well | 492.05 | 10.29 |
I don't want to stop by my house I got a | 500.69 | 3.81 |
house out here do ya you guys want to | 502.34 | 4.32 |
come in of course I've been to this | 504.5 | 4.37 |
house | 506.66 | 2.21 |
this trailer yeah I like to dress like | 509.21 | 4.68 |
this when I uh when I come out here yeah | 512.12 | 3.87 |
man just all comfy yeah exactly get nice | 513.89 | 3.75 |
and comfy it's like man this is my | 515.99 | 3.9 |
redneck home yeah do you guys have any | 517.64 | 4.17 |
good redneck outfits I don't think we | 519.89 | 3.3 |
got to go dress you up like a redneck | 521.81 | 3.36 |
buddy I don't have a lot of redneck | 523.19 | 3.87 |
clothes that's just underwear noobs | 525.17 | 4.41 |
yeah but rednecks wear underwear yeah | 527.06 | 4.56 |
they wear underwear but all right let's | 529.58 | 3.24 |
go get you guys some redneck clothes | 531.62 | 3.62 |
okay | 532.82 | 2.42 |
[Music] | 536.66 | 10.369 |
you look good boys yes yeah see being in | 549.82 | 5.56 |
the country is all about comfort well | 553.52 | 2.67 |
your own | 555.38 | 2.19 |
yeah it's about where you know whatever | 556.19 | 2.85 |
whatever you feel like that day whatever | 557.57 | 2.97 |
makes you comfortable some you get dirty | 559.04 | 3.42 |
in you know I'm saying yeah yeah it's | 560.54 | 4.2 |
done yeah think I don't know no I'm not | 562.46 | 3.69 |
sure about their shorts they don't | 564.74 | 3.12 |
really say I'm living in the country | 566.15 | 3.72 |
yeah I kind of say I'm up and says I'm | 567.86 | 3.99 |
living in the country like smacking this | 569.87 | 5.22 |
guy leave it alone | 571.85 | 10.4 |
I'm a country boy sorry sorry all right | 575.09 | 9.51 |
good as gas station any davila foam | 582.25 | 6.88 |
snakes I need you some coke and peanuts | 584.6 | 12.3 |
I need some chalk Simon hey are you | 589.13 | 10.53 |
doing try to find you guys right here | 596.9 | 5.48 |
yeah okay | 599.66 | 2.72 |
there's gonna hate us okay Hey look hey | 609.25 | 5.76 |
guys look at this city boy here with | 613.42 | 4.59 |
this top hat this fancy bow tie is that | 615.01 | 9.21 |
you like you like a top hat city boy Wow | 618.01 | 7.98 |
look at this look at his bow with his | 624.22 | 4.35 |
bow ties look it is look at this you | 625.99 | 5.7 |
probably you probably have a TV yeah you | 628.57 | 6.32 |
know you know what I do to City Board | 631.69 | 3.2 |
you will see the boy see the boy you | 636.78 | 8.53 |
want some of this city boy all right | 643.63 | 3.18 |
come on let's get some meteorite what | 645.31 | 3.66 |
yeah really honestly what tonight yeah | 646.81 | 4.05 |
so get some candy bars and beer Hey | 648.97 | 3.48 |
think I'm stealing a country truck sure | 650.86 | 3.83 |
thing | 652.45 | 2.24 |
shotgun sorry | 656.01 | 4.9 |
yeah you want me to get out neebs no | 658.3 | 13.83 |
you're good cut your boy that's | 660.91 | 13.35 |
something city cool wear top hat yeah | 672.13 | 5.3 |
bowties the top head | 674.26 | 3.17 |
[Music] | 677.54 | 9.26 |
I think this is close enough number one | 684.43 | 4.29 |
to the top now we go to the top real boy | 686.8 | 4.029 |
come on | 688.72 | 3.399 |
just like something city boy would say | 690.829 | 3.48 |
yeah yeah they got a watery under the | 692.119 | 4.89 |
top of the mail I bet you there's a | 694.309 | 3.96 |
bunch of girls down there looking at | 697.009 | 2.37 |
baddest like I wonder if they're gonna | 698.269 | 2.37 |
go to the top of the mountain if they do | 699.379 | 3.66 |
come have sex with them yeah watch is | 700.639 | 15.32 |
ladies let's write it coming over here | 703.039 | 12.92 |
idea thing although we're good we're | 719.53 | 6.83 |
good maybe not so great for this [ __ ] | 723.07 | 5.55 |
commercials yeah this thing was built | 726.36 | 4.95 |
Chevy top | 728.62 | 2.69 |
[Music] | 736.01 | 6.3 |
there we go all right thanks to the road | 738.43 | 5.17 |
yeah that's where I'm going | 742.31 | 4.459 |
[Music] | 743.6 | 6.979 |
Chuck gun hop | 746.769 | 3.81 |
got you again man you know what I'm | 750.92 | 3.419 |
gonna get a car | 753.139 | 3.12 |
should I get a Karuma Simon you see if | 754.339 | 3.091 |
you can buy that Karuma we'll get back | 756.259 | 4.791 |
over to my place you know he's gonna say | 757.43 | 3.62 |
that truck did cuz I'm a country boy | 761.709 | 5.531 |
all right so I have five hundred and | 765.379 | 3.601 |
ninety nine thousand how much he's a | 767.24 | 3.839 |
coruña croon is less than that and get | 768.98 | 4.56 |
one so how do I get one see and I not | 771.079 | 4.11 |
just call it you did I just call it how | 773.54 | 2.489 |
do I do it though | 775.189 | 5.431 |
go to your phone Oh yep got it right | 776.029 | 6.12 |
here five hundred twenty-five thousand | 780.62 | 12.389 |
yeah boy all right | 782.149 | 12.601 |
okay well let me buy it I gotta pick a | 793.009 | 3.27 |
color you want black | 794.75 | 3.6 |
I don't know city boy I probably like a | 796.279 | 4.5 |
pink or yellow don't get a bigger yellow | 798.35 | 5.88 |
city boy you know what I don't give a | 800.779 | 3.93 |
[ __ ] | 804.23 | 3.149 |
city boy I'm buying it boy city boys | 804.709 | 4.8 |
like like that city boy you think I | 807.379 | 3.18 |
think we like things | 809.509 | 3.421 |
oh yeah we're doing they got a rainbow | 810.559 | 6.301 |
colors kerubim there yeah I've got it | 812.93 | 6.3 |
all right sold it should be delivered to | 816.86 | 4.289 |
your garage shortly yeah all the way | 819.23 | 3.75 |
back in the city now wait a minute guys | 821.149 | 4.38 |
yeah I got to show you something back at | 822.98 | 4.32 |
the airfield you go there you look | 825.529 | 3.571 |
you're a-peein thick you do not look | 827.3 | 3.839 |
like a like a country boy you're like a | 829.1 | 4.26 |
French pilot or something right so we | 831.139 | 3.63 |
got to go to the airfield thick yeah | 833.36 | 2.699 |
well that's good because if you want | 834.769 | 2.581 |
that canoe but we got to go to Simon's | 836.059 | 5.0 |
place to check now all right do it | 837.35 | 3.709 |
[Music] | 841.11 | 7.4 |
the thing today you can't get shotgun | 843.67 | 6.95 |
[Music] | 848.51 | 4.51 |
where we going to the airport cuz I got | 850.62 | 4.71 |
something to show you guys what is it | 853.02 | 4.65 |
right here to us so the dodo | 855.33 | 5.25 |
yeah participating in a government | 857.67 | 5.01 |
program that I found a couple loopholes | 860.58 | 3.54 |
in and I've been getting a little extra | 862.68 | 6.54 |
money that thing's awesome in the water | 864.12 | 6.6 |
with that I still got one of those | 869.22 | 45.33 |
phones but yeah I like this here oh and | 870.72 | 45.51 |
I'm right in the water you can lay right | 914.55 | 3.51 |
you can just lay down right the canal | 916.23 | 2.13 |
right | 918.06 | 3.18 |
you can land at the marina next to some | 918.36 | 6.86 |
that would be the perfect perfect | 921.24 | 3.98 |
[Music] | 929.5 | 24.22 |
it's really classes nice you see I know | 940.57 | 26.73 |
exactly what happened okay | 953.72 | 13.58 |
so you still gotta live in this marina | 981.47 | 5.21 |
yeah I'm gonna do it | 983.57 | 3.11 |
[Music] | 999.05 | 3.129 |
we think Simon is good question | 1006.31 | 7.68 |
hey Simon why didn't you land near your | 1011.49 | 4.659 |
house what what do you mean when near my | 1013.99 | 7.68 |
house oh god I didn't think of that I | 1016.149 | 7.35 |
was just trying not to freaking kill | 1021.67 | 2.909 |
myself | 1023.499 | 2.281 |
what do you mean the first thing you | 1024.579 | 2.37 |
think about when you're in a parachute | 1025.78 | 4.139 |
is where am I gonna land just asking | 1026.949 | 5.64 |
worries all right where you at in front | 1029.919 | 7.831 |
of the maze bank yeah hey good job Simon | 1032.589 | 8.7 |
glad you didn't die usually hey don't | 1037.75 | 5.429 |
make this about you sir this is Nick's | 1041.289 | 4.081 |
moment this room is burst they're | 1043.179 | 5.61 |
playing yeah should have seen it Simon 8 | 1045.37 | 4.77 |
tell them we're gonna come pick him up | 1048.789 | 2.491 |
we'll come pick you up | 1050.14 | 9.779 |
I don't know why I just punched all | 1051.28 | 11.49 |
right so we can either steal a chopper | 1059.919 | 7.701 |
over there or we could take fix plane | 1062.77 | 4.85 |
[Music] | 1068.93 | 3.179 |
I don't know it might just be a boat now | 1073.99 | 3.41 |
[Music] | 1093.16 | 3.099 |
I'll get someone to fix it you get by | 1096.809 | 8.351 |
one we got to go to an airfield to get | 1102.85 | 3.08 |
it yeah | 1105.16 | 4.74 |
[Music] | 1105.93 | 3.97 |
please it I don't know it's not mine | 1115.94 | 5.42 |
those planes are awesome though | 1118.43 | 2.93 |
you want to fly that yeah alright we'll | 1121.49 | 3.48 |
take the dodo you can take the Mallory | 1123.529 | 2.851 |
whoo I'm out | 1124.97 | 5.939 |
oh okay I was gonna take you to it it's | 1126.38 | 7.76 |
alright I'll walk the coach boy alright | 1130.909 | 5.25 |
so I'm gonna take you to it | 1134.14 | 4.18 |
straight ahead the lights are pointing | 1136.159 | 5.15 |
okay go that way | 1138.32 | 2.989 |
contra cheetah | 1148.09 | 3.27 |
faster faster go faster dance I offer to | 1154.55 | 19.35 |
take you back all right apps are you | 1170.54 | 4.63 |
ready let's get this dodo | 1173.9 | 10.189 |
[Music] | 1175.17 | 8.919 |
[Music] | 1239.81 | 7.13 |
my church | 1243.67 | 3.27 |
you stopped in front of me pretty | 1272.35 | 5.68 |
quickly we were supposed to stop we were | 1275.03 | 4.89 |
landing a plane anybody could have made | 1278.03 | 3.42 |
that mistake anybody could have ran in | 1279.92 | 2.82 |
the back of anybody yes | 1281.45 | 3.87 |
flying in a you know late at night on a | 1282.74 | 4.44 |
bridge it could've been anybody I feel | 1285.32 | 2.67 |
like I just need a little bit more | 1287.18 | 3.03 |
practice but like a lot more yeah you | 1287.99 | 3.99 |
try trailing me you have an easy job | 1290.21 | 8.13 |
I'll treat the car that's right how do | 1291.98 | 10.62 |
you like that huh salmon I gotta say I | 1298.34 | 4.74 |
like it | 1302.6 | 3.33 |
hey nice ride when you got new clothes | 1303.08 | 6.45 |
yeah did you looking sharp yeah I go the | 1305.93 | 5.04 |
opposite of country that's life though | 1309.53 | 4.7 |
let us see morning | 1310.97 | 3.26 |
[Music] | 1323.93 | 3.089 |
[Music] | 1331.24 | 3.109 |
[Music] | 1336.75 | 3.079 |
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The Game
You definitely should check it out
Man, the latest Neebs Gaming video is an absolute blast! I'm telling you, these good ol' boys know how to have a rip-roaring good time. This time around, they're getting their country on in GTA V.
You can just tell they had a hoot making this one. The way they play off each other with that down home southern charm of theirs cracks me up something fierce. And the cinematic shots they get are gorgeous - makes you feel like you're right there joyriding with them through the countryside.
Those Neebs fellas have got filming these videos down to an artform I tell you. The editing is so slick and professional. And they pick the perfect background music to set the mood. But it's their personalities that really shine through and make their videos so dang entertaining.
Whether they're goofing off or engaged in epic shootouts, their camaraderie and laidback banter gives me a case of the warm and fuzzies. You can't help but smile watching them. It's like hanging out with a bunch of hilarious best buddies.
So if you're looking for some good-natured laughs and adventures, I can't recommend Neebs Gaming enough. Their cinematic style makes you feel immersed in the action like you're playing the games yourself. Except you don't have to do any of the work! Just sit back and enjoy the ride with the Neebs gang. They're the best entertainment on YouTube, bar none.