Conan Exiles - Day 1
Neebs Gaming
neebs: Hey there, Appsro! Have you seen our latest Conan Exiles video, Day 1? It's got everything from hairy pits to goddesses to koala bears. What more could you ask for?
appsro: Oh yeah, Neebs! That video was a riot. I mean, who knew koala bears were such a big deal in Conan Exiles? And those hairy pits, man, they really add some flair to the game.
neebs: I know, right? It's like a hairy paradise out there. I can't get enough of it. Definitely one of my favorite videos we've done.
appsro: Agreed, Neebs. It's ridiculous in all the best ways. Just another day in the wild world of Conan Exiles. Can't wait to see what other hairy adventures await us.

This video comes straight from the Neebs Gaming YouTube channel.
Hey there, fellow Neebs Gaming aficionados! If you haven't checked out the latest Conan Exiles video yet, you're in for a wild ride. Picture this: hairy pits, goddesses, and koala bears galore as the boys embark on their first official day in the Conan Exiles universe. Trust me, it's a hilarious adventure from start to finish.
And hey, if you're in need of a pick-me-up while watching the chaos unfold, don't forget to grab yourself some Neebs Gaming Coffee. It's the perfect companion for any gaming session, especially when you're watching the Neebs crew tackle a game as epic as Conan Exiles.
If you're like me and can't get enough of Neebs Gaming, make sure to hit that subscribe button and join the Neebs Gaming family. Plus, if you're in the market for a new gaming PC, be sure to check out Xidax PCs. They power Neebs Gaming and deliver top-notch performance for all your gaming needs.
And let's not forget about the awesome music featured in the Conan Exiles video. From "Tribal Affair" by SYBS to "Steel Drum Lullaby" by Doug Maxwell/Media Right Productions, the soundtrack adds an extra layer of excitement to the gameplay. It's like the ultimate gaming playlist that keeps you pumped up throughout the entire video.
Thanks for tuning in to Neebs Gaming and watching the Conan Exiles shenanigans. It's fans like you that make this community so special. So grab your coffee, sit back, and enjoy the adventure with the Neebs Gaming crew.

Caption | Start | Duration |
look at this yeah it's great climber | 2.419 | 6.461 |
yeah all right you know what else what | 5.85 | 7.13 |
like the world's longest armpit hairs | 8.88 | 6.19 |
awesome | 12.98 | 6.609 |
[Music] | 15.07 | 4.519 |
[Music] | 21.93 | 3.1 |
[Music] | 28.27 | 16.13 |
look at us we're gonna hey dick | 48.22 | 6.85 |
hello thank you Oh like Jason Momoa oh | 52.52 | 4.32 |
thank you yeah yeah you look like | 55.07 | 4.05 |
Aquaman yeah you you have the hair of | 56.84 | 6.69 |
ariana grande Thank You Simon you uh you | 59.12 | 5.87 |
look like something | 63.53 | 3.96 |
alright well listen I'm already very | 64.99 | 5.29 |
thirsty and I've lost half of my food oh | 67.49 | 4.8 |
well then we should uh we should seek | 70.28 | 4.5 |
greener pastures yes let's head towards | 72.29 | 13.2 |
this mountain range oh well that was | 74.78 | 13.44 |
frightening yeah I left a book it was | 85.49 | 6.51 |
reading a book it looks a guy I've seen | 88.22 | 4.53 |
this guy before | 92.0 | 2.729 |
yeah he was the villain in the Ninja | 92.75 | 3.42 |
Turtle movie shredder | 94.729 | 3.541 |
yeah it's shredder he was writing a | 96.17 | 3.839 |
journal alright so wait we're still | 98.27 | 3.0 |
worried about food and water right yeah | 100.009 | 5.61 |
we gotta go by shredder | 101.27 | 5.91 |
hey guys if you see sticks and rocks | 105.619 | 3.811 |
pick them up okay I need them oh by the | 107.18 | 2.76 |
Fang | 109.43 | 2.16 |
I see green trees there's got to be one | 109.94 | 5.13 |
when I got somewhere hey whoa who's this | 111.59 | 7.56 |
who's ooh oh wow that's something right | 115.07 | 5.28 |
there | 119.15 | 4.77 |
oh boy it's a guys it is a goddess it's | 120.35 | 5.55 |
the goddess a to hop looking at its Mun | 123.92 | 5.099 |
hi that's your couch yeah cover up mate | 125.9 | 6.51 |
a hop yes oh oh man yeah the nice took | 129.019 | 6.241 |
us that nice took us belongs to the | 132.41 | 4.859 |
spectator cam whose footage we lost for | 135.26 | 3.39 |
this episode so that's always good | 137.269 | 3.541 |
always fun the new spectator footage | 138.65 | 4.89 |
here in a pilot all right water guys | 140.81 | 5.28 |
focus water water on from here you see | 143.54 | 5.82 |
what all these have all right okay sir I | 146.09 | 6.45 |
can't see it but okay there's oh what's | 149.36 | 5.67 |
this what's this looks like a fetus | 152.54 | 4.9 |
craft yourself | 155.03 | 8.44 |
an ax craft myself an X you say that | 157.44 | 7.11 |
like it's nothing | 163.47 | 8.22 |
Oh God I'm coming oh Jesus do it I | 164.55 | 9.48 |
killed it for you I think it exploded in | 171.69 | 4.02 |
front of my face am I covered in blood | 174.03 | 4.59 |
no what the hell just happened I saved | 175.71 | 3.59 |
his life | 178.62 | 3.51 |
welcome okay I can't just you can't just | 179.3 | 4.96 |
say Crafton except I I don't know how to | 182.13 | 4.83 |
do anything Jesus is there she is again | 184.26 | 10.56 |
yeah not going away Kalas you're doing | 186.96 | 10.38 |
pretty good already huh yeah you know | 194.82 | 3.93 |
it's not that hard to put things | 197.34 | 2.01 |
together | 198.75 | 3.45 |
you got pants a sword a shirt yep I've | 199.35 | 5.97 |
got a bow no arrows I've got this what I | 202.2 | 5.79 |
got this what you got there it's a we | 205.32 | 3.99 |
mean you don't you got to know what that | 207.99 | 2.94 |
is there's one of these when you got one | 209.31 | 4.26 |
see what do you plays yeah yeah all of | 210.93 | 3.99 |
these what do you know I'm one of those | 213.57 | 3.48 |
roll better roll I got a turtle you know | 214.92 | 4.77 |
that turtle oh hey I like that these | 217.05 | 6.0 |
guys are sweet yeah it's nice but I I | 219.69 | 5.73 |
like killing them too well why | 223.05 | 5.01 |
whoa peaceful what else do you kill baby | 225.42 | 4.5 |
seals no but sometimes these things it's | 228.06 | 3.81 |
all about survival go grab one there's | 229.92 | 4.08 |
eggs over there I know how that works | 231.87 | 3.87 |
I'm not gonna fall for that [ __ ] how did | 234.0 | 2.58 |
you do that already | 235.74 | 4.98 |
I just know huh I do see a native you | 236.58 | 6.24 |
see a native yeah follow me okay should | 240.72 | 3.42 |
we take him out well I don't have new | 242.82 | 3.12 |
weapons yeah I just got here oh okay but | 244.14 | 3.69 |
you use that I'll just tell mom with you | 245.94 | 3.45 |
maybe he's friendly cuz we can just hang | 247.83 | 2.85 |
out in this place tonight if we want | 249.39 | 5.79 |
yeah hey buddy how are you sir my name's | 250.68 | 4.98 |
newbs | 255.18 | 3.33 |
this is doraleous I have a sword neebs | 255.66 | 6.21 |
doesn't yep I just got here um oh what a | 258.51 | 6.659 |
nice guy yep you mind if we just crash | 261.87 | 5.34 |
in your lean-to for the evening you | 265.169 | 3.541 |
don't mind I might I might put my | 267.21 | 2.85 |
bedroll down I didn't expect them to be | 268.71 | 3.18 |
so nice oh yeah yeah I'm gonna do that | 270.06 | 3.48 |
have a bedroll yeah I made a bed roll | 271.89 | 4.05 |
good look at you I can trust you you | 273.54 | 4.17 |
have it doesn't allow me to build here | 275.94 | 2.79 |
cuz it's not ours | 277.71 | 5.31 |
yeah you can't be a squatter this world | 278.73 | 6.749 |
well I feel like this guy doesn't know | 283.02 | 3.8 |
what he's going to do | 285.479 | 3.351 |
well he lives here hell we move on | 286.82 | 4.41 |
should we go build us a place yeah yeah | 288.83 | 3.78 |
cuz I have a better rule to put down | 291.23 | 2.46 |
maybe on this island | 292.61 | 3.18 |
this looks pretty nice yeah grab one | 293.69 | 11.63 |
there's eggs that's a pretty sunset um | 295.79 | 11.94 |
yeah what are you guys uh we should | 305.32 | 3.52 |
probably bed down for the night | 307.73 | 3.74 |
somewhere huh yep are you hitting on me | 308.84 | 6.81 |
no okay maybe we should Jesus there she | 311.47 | 4.69 |
is again | 315.65 | 3.75 |
Oh God yeah she's in a different pose | 316.16 | 4.86 |
though this time I like it she's like | 319.4 | 5.07 |
more of a come to me get out of my head | 321.02 | 4.05 |
witch | 324.47 | 3.48 |
listen I like her you go on you get if | 325.07 | 4.2 |
you're gonna have if you're gonna have | 327.95 | 3.39 |
like a God in this fantasy world that's | 329.27 | 4.23 |
a pretty tight one to have yeah it's not | 331.34 | 2.46 |
bad | 333.5 | 3.09 |
she's keeping in shape I'd worship that | 333.8 | 5.46 |
why not yeah you doing all right and | 336.59 | 4.89 |
even if she put on 50 I'd be cool with | 339.26 | 2.97 |
that too | 341.48 | 2.85 |
BFD all worked there she goes there she | 342.23 | 4.5 |
goes huh I said she could put on 50 and | 344.33 | 3.75 |
all of a sudden she's getting ready to | 346.73 | 5.04 |
eat some ice cream come on all right | 348.08 | 5.43 |
Oh guys I see a fire over there you guys | 351.77 | 4.26 |
see that hey I like fire let's go what | 353.51 | 4.8 |
do we do um we kill them and take their | 356.03 | 3.81 |
fire is that what we're supposed to do | 358.31 | 3.3 |
for real I don't know that's what that | 359.84 | 3.45 |
you do that just sounds fun though | 361.61 | 4.08 |
well fine let's go act some people you | 363.29 | 4.2 |
got act some let's go pack some howdy | 365.69 | 4.02 |
during all righty oh just look at this | 367.49 | 4.89 |
it looks like just one chump he's a | 369.71 | 3.63 |
couple of chumps | 372.38 | 2.49 |
all right well hold on let's say hello | 373.34 | 7.62 |
ladies all right come on baby come on | 374.87 | 6.96 |
I'll give you some of that | 380.96 | 5.18 |
Oh what got here oh I'm sorry get her | 381.83 | 4.31 |
alright I am wide crafted a chapter in | 386.18 | 18.639 |
half | 404.249 | 4.711 |
easy easy is this person is that one of | 404.819 | 6.81 |
them I am getting some human flesh there | 408.96 | 3.209 |
you go | 411.629 | 2.88 |
who is that an illusion a guy got ooh | 412.169 | 3.891 |
Airways thieves | 414.509 | 4.261 |
that's you son you will fight me what's | 416.06 | 5.319 |
fighting you damn it I thought you were | 418.77 | 4.679 |
one of the ladies no we were just | 421.379 | 4.29 |
fighting each other we were I apologize | 423.449 | 2.791 |
man | 425.669 | 2.761 |
alright I'm super sorry are you though | 426.24 | 4.139 |
I've got some human flesh on me for some | 428.43 | 5.09 |
reason alright so let's eat | 430.379 | 3.141 |
hey doraleous various yeah yeah um oh | 438.75 | 9.43 |
that's looking nice that's all I could | 444.699 | 5.611 |
it's like a lean-to well not a lean-to | 448.18 | 4.079 |
it's a well it's you know I don't know | 450.31 | 3.0 |
if you heard there's a turtle that's | 452.259 | 5.37 |
really angry is he mad at you what'd you | 453.31 | 6.87 |
do to him nothing he doesn't seem to | 457.629 | 5.25 |
mind me I did not take any eggs or | 460.18 | 5.43 |
anything oh you took it you sure took | 462.879 | 5.07 |
turkey no drug I didn't take any any | 465.61 | 3.839 |
stay out of my lean - sir I don't think | 467.949 | 2.94 |
you understand I didn't take any eggs | 469.449 | 5.881 |
Hey do not hit this again tell him hello | 470.889 | 8.761 |
you [ __ ] wouldn't see yeah I see and | 475.33 | 6.149 |
that hurt very much but guess who's got | 479.65 | 2.759 |
I saw ward | 481.479 | 6.15 |
Oh oops buddy all right all right easy | 482.409 | 7.711 |
hey you started this noobs no I didn't | 487.629 | 4.59 |
do anything I didn't take an egg all the | 490.12 | 5.06 |
deal walking around the island looking | 492.219 | 6.591 |
okay I can't | 495.18 | 3.63 |
are you sure you can win this fight | 498.969 | 3.63 |
drown no I'm not at all well the point | 500.139 | 3.96 |
you started that you're ignoring now I | 502.599 | 2.521 |
didn't start it | 504.099 | 3.841 |
my help is not good right now noobs well | 505.12 | 5.22 |
it's fight or flight situation what you | 507.94 | 5.039 |
gonna do stand up here oh that works for | 510.34 | 7.249 |
me so uh he's after you | 512.979 | 4.61 |
you're doing good thank you you're doing | 518.49 | 3.78 |
great you're doing great too | 520.89 | 4.38 |
stay right there all right oh I'm really | 522.27 | 5.49 |
hurt oh yeah oh yeah you're doing great | 525.27 | 4.83 |
almost dad take one of those eggs almost | 527.76 | 4.08 |
dead grab the eggs while I'm fighting | 530.1 | 3.18 |
them be a good distraction | 531.84 | 6.0 |
well I've got plenty of Buzzbee give me | 533.28 | 6.39 |
some like okay he's dead | 537.84 | 4.98 |
whoop hand thank you for the help thanks | 539.67 | 4.47 |
for starting it and then not giving me | 542.82 | 2.76 |
help well I just started I haven't made | 544.14 | 2.88 |
a sword yet I just wanted to thank you | 545.58 | 2.6 |
for it all | 547.02 | 3.0 |
can I sit can I stay at your place | 548.18 | 4.69 |
tonight yeah yeah that's fine okay thank | 550.02 | 3.0 |
you | 552.87 | 0.82 |
mm-hmm | 553.02 | 8.16 |
[Music] | 553.69 | 9.92 |
my boys there's a little bit of human | 561.18 | 6.63 |
flesh in the fire grab some eat it or | 563.61 | 8.01 |
tried human flesh I am I'm interested oh | 567.81 | 5.79 |
they mm-hmm | 571.62 | 4.11 |
can you get it out of there I'm gonna | 573.6 | 7.89 |
open it oh can i it's good it dehydrates | 575.73 | 7.77 |
you a little bit tell you what kind | 581.49 | 3.63 |
tastes like pork when it really gets | 583.5 | 4.35 |
down to it I've had worse day that | 585.12 | 7.26 |
cooked human flesh I'm taking 13 hey six | 587.85 | 5.85 |
filled me up it's all I want | 592.38 | 3.24 |
I had the I had the cap the caps my | 593.7 | 4.26 |
favorite let me try this I think I have | 595.62 | 5.22 |
a forearm not too shabby | 597.96 | 5.13 |
for them good meat yeah that little | 600.84 | 4.62 |
tough probably be what yeah it'd be nice | 603.09 | 4.47 |
and tough some dark meat well | 605.46 | 4.77 |
Suns coming up we should explore let's | 607.56 | 4.98 |
go this way okay follow me boys | 610.23 | 5.33 |
following you | 612.54 | 3.02 |
what do you wanna go in heaps I don't | 623.61 | 4.89 |
know man I want some adventure how'd you | 626.37 | 5.339 |
sleep good have a sword now oh cool I | 628.5 | 4.649 |
got some arrows now oh yeah | 631.709 | 4.081 |
look what else BAM oh you just one-up me | 633.149 | 3.361 |
yep | 635.79 | 3.06 |
she made steaks last night you made | 636.51 | 5.31 |
steaks I've got eight steaks okay who's | 638.85 | 6.51 |
winning now I got eggs because no one oh | 641.82 | 6.75 |
you got eggs well afterwards and right | 645.36 | 5.099 |
right I'm sure that's how that went down | 648.57 | 4.53 |
yeah okay I want to try my bow and arrow | 650.459 | 4.081 |
out real quick maybe I'll try it on this | 653.1 | 3.27 |
floating woman you think so you'd like | 654.54 | 4.289 |
to get hit with an arrow could I hit her | 656.37 | 5.07 |
I doubt it I don't know are you good at | 658.829 | 5.731 |
archery I don't know how to wait with | 661.44 | 9.75 |
her moving yeah I don't shoot that yes | 664.56 | 7.2 |
you did | 671.19 | 3.0 |
no but it shouldn't wow at at some point | 671.76 | 6.569 |
how about weird this got him oh you're | 674.19 | 6.959 |
fighting the turtle again okay all right | 678.329 | 5.01 |
little help you got a sword right well I | 681.149 | 4.111 |
didn't start the fight I didn't last | 683.339 | 5.071 |
time yeah yeah you wanted action and | 685.26 | 4.44 |
adventure go ahead and acquaint the | 688.41 | 3.06 |
turtle well I wanted to learn too we've | 689.7 | 3.27 |
already done that I want to go look up | 691.47 | 4.44 |
the hill all right thanks for the help | 692.97 | 5.64 |
see welcome well if you had a friend | 695.91 | 8.01 |
that kept starting fights 11 yeah you're | 698.61 | 7.32 |
the worst dude you're the friend that | 703.92 | 3.6 |
always starts bar fights and says you | 705.93 | 4.94 |
got my back I didn't do anything | 707.52 | 12.09 |
is he dead all right I'm going on all | 710.87 | 10.9 |
right guys let's be care oh nice big | 719.61 | 5.789 |
statue oh and a gator it is - oh all | 721.77 | 5.37 |
right weapons now we can take this Gator | 725.399 | 3.69 |
right both oh yeah | 727.14 | 6.06 |
let's do it come on ha ha hold on | 729.089 | 6.961 |
you're punching them I'm gonna end up | 733.2 | 4.46 |
dabbing this boy all right | 736.05 | 5.279 |
I'm mad job baby whoo all right I just | 737.66 | 5.89 |
crippled it oh there's our goddess we | 741.329 | 4.651 |
worship our God it's a to hop as she | 743.55 | 4.349 |
floats around watch out Oh | 745.98 | 10.969 |
okay up fine you're stabbing me okay oh | 747.899 | 10.591 |
I'm bleeding | 756.949 | 4.301 |
are you okay Simon I don't think so cuz | 758.49 | 4.02 |
things are getting worse | 761.25 | 3.69 |
oh god don't let me take a good look at | 762.51 | 6.12 |
you Oh No please please please help me | 764.94 | 7.199 |
help me Lord help me Lord radish goddess | 768.63 | 6.389 |
please give me strength pray to the cold | 772.139 | 5.221 |
goddess give me what I need to do to | 775.019 | 4.531 |
survive I walk out of you hey get in the | 777.36 | 4.469 |
water I will get to the water I will | 779.55 | 6.18 |
crawl to the water I will go to you I'll | 781.829 | 4.62 |
come with you | 785.73 | 5.03 |
please friend ah yes be with me | 786.449 | 14.281 |
underwater Dam is going down alright oh | 790.76 | 13.99 |
yeah look you're hurt I know what really | 800.73 | 14.299 |
yeah that's so funny I didn't know yeah | 804.75 | 14.16 |
yeah it's great climber yeah alright you | 815.029 | 4.541 |
know what else | 818.91 | 3.33 |
what Oh like the world's longest armpit | 819.57 | 7.949 |
hairs awesome oh don't forget here the | 822.24 | 8.37 |
world's worst friend that's not true it | 827.519 | 6.0 |
is you you started the fight okay | 830.61 | 7.729 |
okay this is what I don't give a [ __ ] | 833.519 | 6.991 |
remember when I killed the thing that | 838.339 | 5.891 |
was trying to attack you well I didn't | 840.51 | 6.72 |
do anything I don't care but I saved you | 844.23 | 5.849 |
right right you remember that part I | 847.23 | 7.229 |
gave used help yeah your hands okay I | 850.079 | 8.221 |
climbed the rock awesome I could okay | 854.459 | 7.38 |
who cares but seriously you started that | 858.3 | 5.469 |
fight with that Tom though didn't you | 861.839 | 3.91 |
honestly yes I did so that was the | 863.769 | 3.3 |
difference I didn't start the first | 865.749 | 4.02 |
fight uh-huh can you see my armpit hairs | 867.069 | 4.981 |
from there no I don't care about that | 869.769 | 4.41 |
either come on back down but it might | 872.05 | 3.75 |
not your friend yeah | 874.179 | 3.931 |
was that thing your friend can you see | 875.8 | 4.379 |
my armpit hairs all right I'm done with | 878.11 | 2.909 |
this conversation | 880.179 | 2.16 |
hold on I'll come down you get a better | 881.019 | 2.73 |
night don't worry about it I'm gonna go | 882.339 | 2.521 |
over here I'll be right there | 883.749 | 3.06 |
hold on how do I put the arms down I | 884.86 | 6.449 |
can't put my arms down now okay okay but | 886.809 | 9.69 |
it's it's gonna get tiring arms are | 891.309 | 9.99 |
stuck well I see someone well over here | 896.499 | 7.351 |
what are they unfriendly doesn't look | 901.299 | 4.681 |
like an NBC's looks like he's just kind | 903.85 | 4.649 |
of [ __ ] around hello hello is that an | 905.98 | 5.279 |
MPC who are you looking at thick this | 908.499 | 5.58 |
guy right here you see him around the | 911.259 | 4.471 |
campfire oh yeah | 914.079 | 5.88 |
hello sir hello hello sir what are you | 915.73 | 7.469 |
doing man hey he's just acting weird | 919.959 | 5.581 |
you know what he's acting a little too | 923.199 | 4.23 |
weird yeah I agree Simon can't trust | 925.54 | 3.959 |
this son of a baby would meet time yeah | 927.429 | 4.89 |
human mate come on I was talking to him | 929.499 | 5.31 |
I'm talking to him are you oh yeah I'm | 932.319 | 4.38 |
just talking to him oh I just stabbed | 934.809 | 3.421 |
him in the chest with my ax | 936.699 | 9.95 |
he's friendly hey oh hey what's up man | 938.23 | 11.219 |
hold on let me swim over to you I don't | 946.649 | 4.091 |
know if you've seen my armpit hairs | 949.449 | 5.63 |
madam that is some nice armpit here | 950.74 | 4.339 |
don't trust neebs | 955.74 | 5.019 |
he'll let you die by the hands of | 957.759 | 4.5 |
something else he's got his hands up | 960.759 | 4.38 |
though I trust him okay well okay look | 962.259 | 4.2 |
at this hair just stays that way the | 965.139 | 3.091 |
entire time was well yeah let's go that | 966.459 | 3.391 |
needs these are crazy long hairs right | 968.23 | 3.68 |
oh god yeah | 969.85 | 4.22 |
you got your arms up put them down or | 971.91 | 4.2 |
stop talking about it yeah otherwise | 974.07 | 3.99 |
give me your money I'm gonna show you | 976.11 | 4.5 |
put him down get him up in the first | 978.06 | 4.83 |
pass I raise don't jump the water ran | 980.61 | 4.5 |
out grab a wetter net water there change | 982.89 | 4.5 |
up animation oh hey come back | 985.11 | 5.13 |
she's beautiful you're dying there we go | 987.39 | 14.76 |
she is beautiful that's right really so | 990.24 | 12.9 |
that's how this works huh | 1002.15 | 4.49 |
yeah what are you shooting Elias nothing | 1003.14 | 6.93 |
okay hey can we start a tribe do you do | 1006.64 | 5.71 |
that in this game I think I can yeah I | 1010.07 | 3.99 |
can start a clan what do we want to call | 1012.35 | 5.73 |
a the crispy boys what a turtle friends | 1014.06 | 5.55 |
I could give a [ __ ] | 1018.08 | 7.53 |
clam chowder clam chowder clam chowder | 1019.61 | 16.08 |
that's great when chowder it is all | 1025.61 | 11.61 |
right so what should we do now we should | 1035.69 | 3.84 |
go fun just like explore for me more | 1037.22 | 5.58 |
yeah no need to slow down maybe a couple | 1039.53 | 4.62 |
of us go one way a couple of us go | 1042.8 | 3.12 |
another then meet back here I like bass | 1044.15 | 4.29 |
yeah well if I were to look at the map | 1045.92 | 5.55 |
I'd want to go more east where it looks | 1048.44 | 5.1 |
like you guys came from because it gets | 1051.47 | 4.11 |
brainer that it does and I like that | 1053.54 | 4.17 |
well say what Simon why don't you and I | 1055.58 | 4.62 |
go with doraleous yeah yeah you and Eve | 1057.71 | 4.92 |
you guys go go somewhere else I like | 1060.2 | 4.05 |
that I like that because I don't want to | 1062.63 | 3.27 |
be my name's right now lead the way | 1064.25 | 6.27 |
probably following you think no actually | 1065.9 | 5.67 |
I want to follow you Neves | 1070.52 | 2.85 |
okay this way you have a good sense of | 1071.57 | 11.97 |
smell smells good this way they look | 1073.37 | 12.409 |
dangerous and look our mother | 1083.54 | 5.119 |
Lord is here geez maybe show certain oh | 1085.779 | 4.44 |
boy these things are tough do they kill | 1088.659 | 2.37 |
both of you | 1090.219 | 3.66 |
oh [ __ ] they're after me so I get to | 1091.029 | 5.1 |
follow this save me save me gotta say to | 1093.879 | 6.62 |
hop and all your mind and wisdom wait | 1096.129 | 4.37 |
hmm | 1104.46 | 4.149 |
seven take all seven yeah thank you | 1105.609 | 3.9 |
you're welcome | 1108.609 | 2.341 |
all right it's cooked which way well we | 1109.509 | 3.24 |
were going this way right yeah it looks | 1110.95 | 2.849 |
like there's some sort of crater over | 1112.749 | 3.571 |
there a critter yeah see this critter | 1113.799 | 6.12 |
yeah it looks like a UH dog oh oh that | 1116.32 | 5.669 |
dog oh you got your do you have anything | 1119.919 | 3.781 |
out where you have got a sword and a | 1121.989 | 4.65 |
shield just in case is he gonna attack | 1123.7 | 5.309 |
oh he's just a puppy that's a koala bear | 1126.639 | 3.87 |
it's not a koala bear | 1129.009 | 4.441 |
oh it's not yours you've seen koala that | 1130.509 | 4.86 |
oh that does look like I'm sort of a | 1133.45 | 6.019 |
fire all right you see can we feed it | 1135.369 | 4.1 |
all right let's move on | 1140.879 | 3.55 |
we need pets in this game that's for | 1142.779 | 5.541 |
sure you ready let's see what you see | 1144.429 | 3.891 |
[ __ ] son of a [ __ ] son of a [ __ ] | 1150.149 | 8.71 |
really [ __ ] son of a Simon Simon yep | 1154.599 | 10.94 |
hey alright well I'll see you in a bit | 1158.859 | 6.68 |
Confucius say do not run off with | 1166.44 | 5.649 |
doraleous and get eaten by dog stay here | 1168.729 | 5.101 |
and build house yes | 1172.089 | 4.14 |
bill dwelling and you may stay in for | 1173.83 | 5.88 |
wrong time here we go got a bed roll | 1176.229 | 6.87 |
down putting up a little house yeah this | 1179.71 | 5.639 |
is much better than getting eaten by | 1183.099 | 3.0 |
animals | 1185.349 | 7.591 |
well you [ __ ] off hey oh hi what you | 1186.099 | 10.62 |
doing I'm building a little Hut why uh | 1192.94 | 6.809 |
that's just a pate a place to stay yeah | 1196.719 | 4.65 |
I know but we were on a mission we were | 1199.749 | 4.201 |
oh I got lost from me well we were like | 1201.369 | 4.86 |
I can see where we died from here that's | 1203.95 | 3.719 |
what you guys died I didn't die so I | 1206.229 | 3.33 |
don't know because you ran away what I | 1207.669 | 4.86 |
can see where we die from here okay | 1209.559 | 4.86 |
is this a why wouldn't we oh you just | 1212.529 | 3.48 |
want to state your you're happy here for | 1214.419 | 2.551 |
the rest of your life you're just gonna | 1216.009 | 2.711 |
settle here no no I was waiting | 1216.97 | 4.12 |
for we're simon it's good question what | 1218.72 | 3.81 |
the [ __ ] is going on here I don't know | 1221.09 | 4.01 |
is this a sandstorm what is this miss | 1222.53 | 4.2 |
need shelter | 1225.1 | 3.76 |
oh no I'm taking damage how do we get | 1226.73 | 4.23 |
the shelter I don't know I don't know | 1228.86 | 4.88 |
can you build something | 1230.96 | 2.78 |
where are you yeah we came back put your | 1235.92 | 5.73 |
torch at heart keep an eye on the area | 1239.52 | 3.51 |
my torch broke | 1241.65 | 4.69 |
okay boy | 1243.03 | 7.889 |
avenge me beeps man | 1246.34 | 7.0 |
what is this | 1250.919 | 2.421 |
I'm supposed to be right here it's right | 1256.38 | 4.9 |
here it's getting bloody | 1259.2 | 7.98 |
[Music] | 1261.28 | 5.9 |
Oh guys yeah I think it's going away | 1271.9 | 9.03 |
okay yeah | 1279.45 | 6.55 |
that was rough oh hey oh yeah it's | 1280.93 | 6.6 |
cleared out clear now it's cleared out | 1286.0 | 5.309 |
so back to the initial plan all right | 1287.53 | 4.74 |
yeah you want to head to greener | 1291.309 | 2.701 |
pastures yes I want to get yeah all | 1292.27 | 4.14 |
right initial plan going to greener | 1294.01 | 4.02 |
pastures yeah what are you doing after | 1296.41 | 3.84 |
we find Simon I'll probably go try to | 1298.03 | 5.55 |
get my stuff back okay and then I should | 1300.25 | 8.309 |
build a house on this island I guess did | 1303.58 | 12.51 |
you guys see that across the way hey you | 1308.559 | 9.12 |
want to still do that one mission Simon | 1316.09 | 4.5 |
I want to do something you can join me | 1317.679 | 4.611 |
anyone can join me I just want to go now | 1320.59 | 4.86 |
I want to find my stuff | 1322.29 | 4.93 |
yeah it's by your dead body that is | 1325.45 | 10.35 |
protected we're coming with you I'm | 1327.22 | 10.65 |
gonna be on run though I can run | 1335.8 | 3.0 |
whatever I want | 1337.87 | 3.809 |
running tell me what to do let's head on | 1338.8 | 6.2 |
the hill the new animal | 1341.679 | 3.321 |
[Music] | 1346.51 | 3.279 |
[Music] | 1351.92 | 7.599 |
Oh up there okay hold on | 1363.31 | 9.03 |
coming through the Disney tree nope | 1368.5 | 8.4 |
oh wait a minute that's you again did | 1372.34 | 7.05 |
you die twice doesn't matter I got most | 1376.9 | 5.04 |
of my stuff back I'm got everything I | 1379.39 | 6.78 |
need right now yeah I look there and I | 1381.94 | 11.25 |
saw you instead of me yep there's new | 1386.17 | 11.76 |
tree on top of the thing see me no I | 1393.19 | 6.87 |
just want to explore a new area but | 1397.93 | 3.23 |
never been up here before | 1400.06 | 4.05 |
hold on I'm coming to you coming to you | 1401.16 | 6.13 |
I saw a gator oh you did but not like a | 1404.11 | 4.92 |
normal Gator this one was much bigger | 1407.29 | 4.2 |
than my knee Gator I've seen like | 1409.03 | 4.38 |
another couple five feet or like a | 1411.49 | 4.05 |
hundred times bigger probably like twice | 1413.41 | 2.79 |
as big | 1415.54 | 3.33 |
look at this place hey that's pretty | 1416.2 | 5.49 |
yeah let's go top this rock see if we | 1418.87 | 4.95 |
can see can we get on top of this rock | 1421.69 | 6.42 |
howdy oh we can climb on you got a climb | 1423.82 | 9.24 |
hold spacebar oh oh my god in this cool | 1428.11 | 7.86 |
yeah it's like 28 days but we're not | 1433.06 | 5.34 |
gonna have to what is it 28 days 100 | 1435.97 | 8.28 |
days whatever about 36 days oh [ __ ] what | 1438.4 | 8.88 |
is that I've never seen one of those it | 1444.25 | 5.94 |
looks like a like a bony Chihuahua like | 1447.28 | 4.35 |
a giant bony Chihuahua | 1450.19 | 4.05 |
it doesn't look friendly I think we | 1451.63 | 6.65 |
should be ready yeah | 1454.24 | 4.04 |
holy crap did you see that move you okay | 1465.039 | 5.35 |
where you at huh coming to me hold you | 1467.69 | 5.219 |
fall yeah it came down oh you're you're | 1470.389 | 6.15 |
up there yeah I'm a cliffhanger so Wow | 1472.909 | 5.64 |
look at their eyeballs we'll get a | 1476.539 | 2.87 |
closer look | 1478.549 | 4.891 |
nope look at this try to come at me you | 1479.409 | 5.681 |
can't raise me thick it's trying to come | 1483.44 | 2.489 |
at me bro | 1485.09 | 2.189 |
is it on the ground with you know you | 1485.929 | 3.6 |
sprite come down here too it's pretty | 1487.279 | 2.97 |
cool though | 1489.529 | 3.691 |
yeah you look great I doubt what oh come | 1490.249 | 4.89 |
on noobs he's afraid of heights down I'm | 1493.22 | 5.75 |
coming come on down easy | 1495.139 | 8.451 |
there he's right the butt up there we go | 1498.97 | 5.74 |
huh | 1503.59 | 4.69 |
oh oh there's a koala bear behind you | 1504.71 | 6.74 |
[Music] | 1508.28 | 3.17 |
so those aren't Gators | 1512.059 | 6.761 |
oh you're right like Komodo dragons or | 1515.519 | 5.581 |
Ghia monsters is so they might be worse | 1518.82 | 4.799 |
to fight big Gators might be but you | 1521.1 | 4.439 |
know what they also might be friendly | 1523.619 | 4.351 |
what doraleous yeah well shoot he's shot | 1525.539 | 3.96 |
what are you doing | 1527.97 | 3.839 |
why don't you communicate you wanted to | 1529.499 | 4.351 |
kill everything all right I'm gonna get | 1531.809 | 3.57 |
in there on the action doraleous keep it | 1533.85 | 9.269 |
covered all right yo oh [ __ ] Oh Oh hmm | 1535.379 | 9.561 |
load it for you doraleous yeah I know | 1543.119 | 13.351 |
are you hurting at all oh yeah he didn't | 1544.94 | 12.4 |
see that coming | 1556.47 | 3.179 |
it was a little Komodo beat he's about | 1557.34 | 4.559 |
halfway on health got some more work to | 1559.649 | 5.551 |
do watch the arrows I'm trying damming | 1561.899 | 6.09 |
us down get it back yep bring them back | 1565.2 | 6.99 |
this way bring it back Oh Gemma can I | 1567.989 | 4.53 |
help | 1572.19 | 2.699 |
yeah get in there seven all right tag it | 1572.519 | 6.561 |
out check it out oh it's bloody yeah | 1574.889 | 7.561 |
boys that's right | 1579.08 | 6.52 |
Oh Simon finish it off right | 1582.45 | 9.3 |
taste of my axe don't you oh you do Oh | 1585.6 | 9.069 |
bro run away start with tap out tap out | 1591.75 | 7.049 |
I'm coming in I'll finish this guy Oh | 1594.669 | 4.13 |
guys guys what let's make this our base | 1599.88 | 7.99 |
uh yeah I could see this being a nice | 1604.57 | 4.8 |
little base for now you know what I mean | 1607.87 | 3.84 |
yes just better than the [ __ ] we | 1609.37 | 4.169 |
were at what about this Beach over here | 1611.71 | 2.49 |
doraleous | 1613.539 | 2.76 |
yeah I mean look at that oh come on look | 1614.2 | 5.04 |
at this I saw some Lightning come oh | 1616.299 | 13.561 |
yeah yes this is this is heaven Oh neebs | 1619.24 | 13.98 |
yeah man it's looking good yeah like the | 1629.86 | 4.65 |
place around the water what a bit of | 1633.22 | 2.13 |
deck out there later | 1634.51 | 4.02 |
who would deck yeah can we fish I don't | 1635.35 | 5.25 |
know how many things my first day okay | 1638.53 | 5.7 |
mine too Hey I built a furnace over here | 1640.6 | 7.77 |
furnace you know like a Forge okay hey I | 1644.23 | 5.64 |
have a little something for you to | 1648.37 | 4.679 |
spruce up your place you do yeah is it a | 1649.87 | 5.28 |
deck yeah I want a deck I got you some | 1653.049 | 6.301 |
wind chimes holy moly clang clang are | 1655.15 | 7.35 |
you playing oh there's no wind okay well | 1659.35 | 5.699 |
it looks good okay yeah we don't have | 1662.5 | 4.08 |
these counter decorations where I'm from | 1665.049 | 4.161 |
well hey thick YUM I just want to say | 1666.58 | 6.329 |
congratulations on your first day and | 1669.21 | 6.969 |
Conan exhales and uh or wicked this | 1672.909 | 4.711 |
could be a high-five if you did it oh | 1676.179 | 3.261 |
here we go | 1677.62 | 7.97 |
at 10:00 okay yeah yep well we're coming | 1679.44 | 9.18 |
jumpin Huckle oh wait yeah yep one two | 1685.59 | 6.87 |
three yeah yeah kind of worked | 1688.62 | 6.36 |
kinda what a dumb-looking jump yeah | 1692.46 | 7.17 |
there are mares are long I know the | 1694.98 | 6.95 |
longest | 1699.63 | 2.3 |
[Applause] | 1702.9 | 7.65 |
[Music] | 1703.4 | 10.189 |
[Applause] | 1710.55 | 3.039 |
[Music] | 1714.7 | 3.69 |
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The Game
You definitely should check it out
Man, have you seen Neebs Gaming's playthrough of Conan Exiles? It's absolutely hilarious and epic at the same time. Their cinematic style brings the brutal and unforgiving world of Conan to life in a way that is both cinematic and personal.
You can really feel the struggle as they start off naked and afraid, desperately trying to survive against the elements and dangerous creatures. The banter between the guys as they get attacked by crocodiles or try to figure out the crafting system is comedy gold. They have such great chemistry together.
And the world of Conan Exiles is practically a character itself in this series. The sprawling deserts, jungles and frozen peaks create an incredibly immersive backdrop. Neebs Gaming's skits and storytelling within this world are creative and fun. Like when Thick44 had to get his leg chopped off after getting poisoned - classic Neebs moment there.
The cinematic editing also draws you into the brutal action in a visceral way. Like when Appsro goes on an epic rampage against the skeleton army - it's edge-of-your seat stuff edited together so smoothly. You really feel like you're right there in the battle with him.
Overall, Neebs Gaming's Conan Exiles series is the absolute best way to experience this brutal survival game short of playing it yourself. Their comedy and storytelling within the cinematic world of Conan Exiles makes for an incredibly entertaining and binge-worthy series. If you're even remotely interested in this genre, it's an absolute must-watch. Neebs Gaming at their best right here!