Ark Aberration A Reaper Ate My House!
Neebs Gaming
neebs: Hey guys, Neebs here! Can you believe a Reaper actually ate my house in Ark Aberration? It was hilarious!
simon: Oh man, that video was epic! I couldn't stop laughing when I saw that Reaper chomping down on your house, Neebs!
appsro: Haha, yeah, that was definitely one for the books! Neebs, you really need to build stronger houses next time to fend off those hungry Reapers!
neebs: Hey, I like to keep things interesting! Plus, it makes for great content for our viewers. Who wouldn't want to see a Reaper eating a house?

This video comes straight from the Neebs Gaming YouTube channel.
Hey everyone, have you seen the latest video from Neebs Gaming on YouTube? It's all about Ark Survival Evolved Aberration and let me tell you, it's hilarious! The title alone, "A Reaper ate my house," had me cracking up before even watching the video.
If you're a fan of Neebs Gaming like I am, make sure you hit that subscribe button and support them on Patreon. They always bring such entertaining content and this video is no exception. Plus, they have a new channel called Neebs Magic Dumpster that you definitely need to check out.
In this video, the Neebs Gaming crew encounters some crazy moments in Ark Survival Evolved Aberration. From reapers eating houses to unexpected surprises, this episode is filled with laughs and excitement. And don't forget to check out their merch and the Xidax PCs that power their gaming adventures. Trust me, you don't want to miss out on this epic gameplay. So grab some popcorn, sit back, and enjoy the ride with Neebs Gaming!

Caption | Start | Duration |
foreign | 1.02 | 3.0 |
[Music] | 5.15 | 16.119 |
this is where he decided to die Simon | 21.779 | 3.781 |
yeah well listen man I don't know what | 23.76 | 3.9 |
the hell happened I just ran out there | 25.56 | 3.84 |
and then all of a sudden it was like I | 27.66 | 3.24 |
got bit by something but nothing was | 29.4 | 3.6 |
there oh yeah it's those spores can you | 30.9 | 4.08 |
you see the little glowy things right | 33.0 | 3.66 |
there they're in the air you see those | 34.98 | 3.72 |
little blue kind of kind of like stars | 36.66 | 4.079 |
yeah see the stars yeah yeah that's | 38.7 | 4.379 |
spores and if you go into that it gives | 40.739 | 5.521 |
you uh you're cold until you die yeah | 43.079 | 5.041 |
but I was right by a fire it was a real | 46.26 | 3.959 |
real pain in the dick well this is | 48.12 | 3.779 |
aberration just one more day just one | 50.219 | 3.241 |
more day yeah that's all we got to do | 51.899 | 4.32 |
you see that goat out there you know I | 53.46 | 4.98 |
got the stuff to tame that goat oh but | 56.219 | 4.141 |
he's in uh well he's in the Spore region | 58.44 | 3.72 |
right now yeah I see him at some point | 60.36 | 3.659 |
and this is the thing in the Spore | 62.16 | 4.08 |
region you I you know you said oh this | 64.019 | 3.901 |
is what it is but those floaty things | 66.24 | 4.68 |
like that's where I can't go yeah all | 67.92 | 4.98 |
right I'm really it's very easy to just | 70.92 | 3.9 |
run into them like they're they're not | 72.9 | 4.02 |
very obvious to me so we just we don't | 74.82 | 3.839 |
need to go that way we need to go | 76.92 | 3.6 |
another way maybe behind the house see | 78.659 | 5.28 |
if we can find a goat man Dora does a | 80.52 | 5.279 |
really good goat everyone says door do | 83.939 | 2.381 |
your goat | 85.799 | 3.611 |
[Music] | 86.32 | 3.09 |
pretty good goat rallies yeah thank you | 90.84 | 4.2 |
um I would agree what'd you want to do | 93.299 | 3.661 |
today I'll leave it to you I feel like I | 95.04 | 3.24 |
was running things last time so this is | 96.96 | 2.64 |
your day you're always running things | 98.28 | 3.839 |
I'm afraid to be here okay this stego | 99.6 | 5.1 |
uh-huh not saying I want to tame it but | 102.119 | 4.68 |
if we did I had a great name for it okay | 104.7 | 5.52 |
what's that stego my eggo uh yeah or | 106.799 | 5.401 |
Lego my stego that's what it was Lego | 110.22 | 4.98 |
mystego do they still okay do they still | 112.2 | 4.32 |
make Eggos do they still do that | 115.2 | 3.059 |
campaign is Lego mango still their | 116.52 | 3.48 |
phrase I don't think so but we know what | 118.259 | 3.54 |
the best one is right okay well let's | 120.0 | 3.42 |
see do you want to tame that I don't | 121.799 | 4.081 |
it's your day yeah but that's that's | 123.42 | 5.539 |
lame oh crap is getting a little closer | 125.88 | 6.12 |
we could use the polymer I don't want to | 128.959 | 5.321 |
go anywhere here ever well that's gonna | 132.0 | 4.08 |
be a boring day sir okay all right well | 134.28 | 3.539 |
then you decide again there go a crab | 136.08 | 4.44 |
pick one the crab doesn't that take like | 137.819 | 5.041 |
launching Boulders at it and [ __ ] to | 140.52 | 5.1 |
tame it to kill it no oh we don't yeah | 142.86 | 4.98 |
screw that I'd rather tame a stego okay | 145.62 | 3.42 |
because we don't have many things | 147.84 | 4.82 |
anymore well put the animals on | 149.04 | 3.62 |
let's do it | 152.84 | 4.86 |
foreign | 155.52 | 2.18 |
all right where is it where are you | 189.26 | 4.54 |
manky where'd he go I don't see him | 191.519 | 4.201 |
anymore oh I hear him oh I see him | 193.8 | 3.42 |
running around the house oh [ __ ] there's | 195.72 | 3.36 |
more of them oh God | 197.22 | 3.86 |
oh God yeah | 199.08 | 6.379 |
oh why are we still here | 201.08 | 7.48 |
one of the megalosauruses the thing that | 205.459 | 5.081 |
was killed us but uh not with all these | 208.56 | 4.86 |
bankies running about no this is uh it's | 210.54 | 4.44 |
kind of a nightmare all right actually | 213.42 | 3.36 |
this might work out for us can we uh | 214.98 | 3.899 |
where's my stone arrows let me load up | 216.78 | 5.34 |
oh I have some Stone arrows too let's | 218.879 | 6.241 |
start shooting monkeys oh okay maybe we | 222.12 | 4.679 |
can at least kill a bunch of them there | 225.12 | 3.119 |
you go there you go how you like that | 226.799 | 2.761 |
minky boy | 228.239 | 2.64 |
sheds | 229.56 | 3.06 |
I feel like we're kind of screwed now | 230.879 | 4.261 |
yeah I'll be happy if we just kill this | 232.62 | 4.979 |
one big guy come on come on oh god what | 235.14 | 3.84 |
the hell is that large ass freaking | 237.599 | 3.241 |
thing that's right outside is that like | 238.98 | 4.619 |
uh oh God T-rex or something whoa what | 240.84 | 5.16 |
is that I don't know some massive oh my | 243.599 | 5.041 |
God I'm gonna shoot it did you just | 246.0 | 4.379 |
shoot what the hell did you shoot that | 248.64 | 4.019 |
for I don't know what is that I don't | 250.379 | 4.461 |
know | 252.659 | 2.181 |
yeah it was huge all right well listen | 254.879 | 4.381 |
if we're gonna die we might as well go | 257.22 | 4.139 |
out in the blaze of glory right | 259.26 | 3.719 |
this doesn't feel like a blaze of glory | 261.359 | 3.421 |
this feels like we're trapped in a house | 262.979 | 3.841 |
surrounded by like evil make yeah but | 264.78 | 4.62 |
that big thing might come in and and do | 266.82 | 4.5 |
something pretty cool so you said you | 269.4 | 3.54 |
shot it yeah I did | 271.32 | 4.76 |
should be attacking us | 272.94 | 3.14 |
yeah yeah here we go oh yeah charge all | 276.36 | 3.74 |
right | 279.06 | 4.859 |
oh yeah here we go you can't yeah this | 280.1 | 5.68 |
little Hill Way guys the best thing in | 283.919 | 4.34 |
the world isn't it yeah oh my goodness | 285.78 | 6.38 |
don't you go anywhere we got plans today | 288.259 | 8.021 |
oh stego my Lego my step which way I | 292.16 | 6.099 |
think Lego mustango that to me is the | 296.28 | 4.02 |
best one yeah that's the one I didn't | 298.259 | 3.961 |
look up how to tame these so let's hope | 300.3 | 3.54 |
this is right yeah I don't remember good | 302.22 | 4.68 |
Lord come on baby I might run out I'm | 303.84 | 4.62 |
just excited that none of our dinos have | 306.9 | 3.359 |
been attacked yet and they're not | 308.46 | 3.36 |
attacking we're professionals man yeah | 310.259 | 2.88 |
we're really good at this three years | 311.82 | 3.659 |
ago we got everything killed yeah no | 313.139 | 4.321 |
you're right can you get up here no I | 315.479 | 4.621 |
feel like I'm cheating oh wait I just | 317.46 | 4.679 |
shot it with a stone Arrow what do you | 320.1 | 3.96 |
mean just now or the whole time | 322.139 | 3.481 |
it might have been the whole time this | 324.06 | 3.06 |
is three years later man we're supposed | 325.62 | 3.859 |
to be better | 327.12 | 2.359 |
damn it sorry about that sorry I thought | 329.58 | 5.399 |
we were gonna look good this time God | 333.3 | 3.54 |
that's so many arrows in you I'm so | 334.979 | 3.301 |
sorry | 336.84 | 4.38 |
oh I'm a fool and see I get dragged into | 338.28 | 4.32 |
this when the comments go they haven't | 341.22 | 3.78 |
learned anything yeah you do it I get it | 342.6 | 5.46 |
right right we're a unit man you were | 345.0 | 5.1 |
really bloody sorry we're gonna kill | 348.06 | 5.359 |
this thing aren't we no we're fine | 350.1 | 6.14 |
that was knockout right not death | 353.419 | 5.861 |
wow all right all right I got tracks I | 356.24 | 4.6 |
don't have any berries yet okay we'll | 359.28 | 3.3 |
let him get hungry for a bit then we'll | 360.84 | 4.26 |
feed him oh buddy I'm so sorry I'm so | 362.58 | 5.399 |
dumb Lego mystego | 365.1 | 4.26 |
okay | 367.979 | 3.421 |
what's that noise I don't know it didn't | 369.36 | 4.26 |
sound friendly | 371.4 | 3.66 |
oh God | 373.62 | 6.72 |
oh no oh no oh God what what | 375.06 | 7.759 |
see that in the ceiling | 380.34 | 5.1 |
he says Christ I don't see anything in | 382.819 | 4.901 |
the ceiling except it's a Prevail Jesus | 385.44 | 5.28 |
I didn't even see that I see like let me | 387.72 | 5.22 |
light him up now do you see it | 390.72 | 5.94 |
no I just see like Justin things | 392.94 | 6.479 |
oh no I don't see that but you see I | 396.66 | 3.96 |
don't see | 399.419 | 4.34 |
what is it where is he going | 400.62 | 3.139 |
yeah yep and now you're you're blowing | 404.52 | 6.299 |
up green goo that looks weird well I | 407.1 | 5.46 |
don't think he's hitting me but I don't | 410.819 | 3.181 |
know how much longer this building has | 412.56 | 4.259 |
Simon I am looking forward to seeing it | 414.0 | 5.52 |
go down oh God things just got dark what | 416.819 | 4.741 |
is it yeah well I I put the torch away | 419.52 | 3.84 |
okay good well I might as well keep the | 421.56 | 3.3 |
torch out tell you what you're in charge | 423.36 | 3.3 |
of shooting what the hell am I shooting | 424.86 | 3.839 |
these I can't even I can't kill anything | 426.66 | 3.84 |
with these arrows and I'm practically | 428.699 | 3.84 |
out of them this is uh and I would love | 430.5 | 3.6 |
to drink this thing but this thing looks | 432.539 | 4.561 |
like extreme like oh no that ain't good | 434.1 | 5.219 |
hey that ain't good I can't even see | 437.1 | 5.46 |
what the thing no that ain't good oh | 439.319 | 4.32 |
running | 442.56 | 5.6 |
hey no no no no no no no no no no | 443.639 | 4.521 |
yeah I'm here where you at all right | 449.819 | 5.1 |
down the way oh boy now our place does | 452.34 | 4.979 |
not look good those monkeys are very | 454.919 | 4.981 |
attracted to what's inside of there all | 457.319 | 4.621 |
right leave the monkeys away uh lead | 459.9 | 4.44 |
them away yeah oh God I don't I didn't | 461.94 | 3.78 |
have to lead him away one of them found | 464.34 | 3.18 |
me right hey guys hey monkeys hey | 465.72 | 4.68 |
monkeys hey monkeys | 467.52 | 4.86 |
got it | 470.4 | 5.1 |
oh there you are what you doing did you | 472.38 | 5.7 |
eat my buddy oh okay you're falling huh | 475.5 | 4.199 |
all right well that's good at least he's | 478.08 | 4.22 |
away from the house | 479.699 | 2.601 |
I'm not waiting for this Dallas it takes | 482.759 | 4.38 |
so long here's what we do we just | 484.86 | 4.5 |
completely load him up on narcotics yeah | 487.139 | 4.861 |
we just force feed this okay get his | 489.36 | 4.2 |
torpidity all the way up and we go away | 492.0 | 3.479 |
where do we go what do you want to do I | 493.56 | 3.539 |
don't know we let's go get into | 495.479 | 4.921 |
something go die nah we go conquer you | 497.099 | 5.701 |
ever been on this map before yeah we | 500.4 | 3.84 |
conquered last time didn't we didn't we | 502.8 | 4.679 |
yeah I mean yeah no well no it was it | 504.24 | 5.7 |
was very scary I almost lost Spina I | 507.479 | 6.3 |
almost lost you yes I did so um I'll | 509.94 | 6.959 |
follow you on spino and I don't know I | 513.779 | 4.14 |
don't know | 516.899 | 3.361 |
all right whatever yeah it's getting | 517.919 | 4.261 |
dark too perfect I'll be on foot I'll | 520.26 | 3.42 |
just love this guy with more narcotics | 522.18 | 3.3 |
and we'll come back I love it all right | 523.68 | 4.56 |
getting my uh saddle all torched up | 525.48 | 7.4 |
today we conquer we don't | 528.24 | 4.64 |
oh [ __ ] what was that what was that well | 538.459 | 6.841 |
God cocoon I've been cocoon | 542.339 | 5.18 |
what is that | 545.3 | 5.94 |
what did I just hit | 547.519 | 3.721 |
oh God oh God the monkeys are chasing me | 563.12 | 4.54 |
okay well good for you I don't know | 565.98 | 3.96 |
what's chasing me all right well oh damn | 567.66 | 4.98 |
it this is hell yeah no I think we just | 569.94 | 4.86 |
got to abandon this place this was a | 572.64 | 4.199 |
good view | 574.8 | 3.96 |
I'm gonna die right now but this was | 576.839 | 4.221 |
beautiful | 578.76 | 2.3 |
I'm alive | 581.54 | 5.32 |
I'm alive in the water oh god oh is that | 583.74 | 5.659 |
piranhas | 586.86 | 2.539 |
I'm not gonna lie man I don't remember | 593.3 | 5.08 |
anything good ever happening up here | 595.98 | 5.64 |
yeah yeah probably not yeah or like | 598.38 | 5.04 |
anywhere again I can't say that enough | 601.62 | 3.6 |
but if we're going to conquer things you | 603.42 | 3.9 |
wouldn't go for a nice would you look at | 605.22 | 4.08 |
this guy oh yeah those things what'd | 607.32 | 3.24 |
they eat do you remember we could use | 609.3 | 3.18 |
one for light yeah of course we could | 610.56 | 4.26 |
and also not go it at night okay I'm | 612.48 | 4.14 |
thinking out Allosaurus out over there | 614.82 | 4.8 |
oh you see an Allosaurus yeah where I | 616.62 | 4.26 |
think that's what it is I try to | 619.62 | 3.54 |
remember these things the big thing no | 620.88 | 4.019 |
to the right of it to the right of it | 623.16 | 4.56 |
yeah you got the back right huh you got | 624.899 | 5.581 |
my back doing what if we gotta fight | 627.72 | 4.739 |
this Allosaurus we're Justice around | 630.48 | 5.039 |
here me and you with a law man I tell | 632.459 | 4.681 |
you what yeah you'd be you'd be great in | 635.519 | 3.361 |
the military what are we doing this for | 637.14 | 4.98 |
sir I don't know you got a spino I know | 638.88 | 5.28 |
but why would I want it killed for no | 642.12 | 3.839 |
reason I think we can take it we can | 644.16 | 2.82 |
find that thing in front of me is that | 645.959 | 2.581 |
what you're calling Allosaurus what is | 646.98 | 3.84 |
that you really just don't even make an | 648.54 | 4.02 |
effort do you what is it it's a | 650.82 | 2.84 |
carnosaurus | 652.56 | 4.8 |
yeah you ready for what if I did we're | 653.66 | 4.84 |
gonna fight this thing right yeah | 657.36 | 3.84 |
because we're Justice yeah you go right | 658.5 | 5.76 |
behind me all right and yeah boom there | 661.2 | 7.199 |
we go all right hey we don't up I think | 664.26 | 5.94 |
I hit you like your kind around here | 668.399 | 4.801 |
that's right talk trash | 670.2 | 6.36 |
oh man that was easy for you yeah I what | 673.2 | 6.18 |
are you afraid of I nothing because we | 676.56 | 5.279 |
are Justice that's right we are Justice | 679.38 | 5.28 |
ready high five uh one second and three | 681.839 | 6.541 |
two one high five three two one yeah | 684.66 | 5.29 |
okay that hurt | 688.38 | 3.86 |
[Laughter] | 689.95 | 5.31 |
Ah that's dumb as hell | 692.24 | 5.68 |
[Music] | 695.26 | 6.199 |
okay hey how you doing I'm doing good | 697.92 | 5.46 |
I'm back where I want to be in this map | 701.459 | 3.961 |
have my little my little home here oh | 703.38 | 4.32 |
look at this and you've got a carport oh | 705.42 | 4.08 |
yeah it was for uh it was one of the | 707.7 | 3.12 |
dinosaurs I had back in the day I think | 709.5 | 3.0 |
it was for the ravager I parked him in | 710.82 | 4.32 |
there oh very nice it was nice until I | 712.5 | 4.56 |
you know you died tragically I could | 715.14 | 3.78 |
just chill here because this That Monkey | 717.06 | 4.14 |
Business was awful yeah I'm done with | 718.92 | 4.32 |
the monkey business so uh I I do like it | 721.2 | 3.54 |
here but occasionally we do get | 723.24 | 3.599 |
stragglers but I think I think this I'm | 724.74 | 3.96 |
retiring from aberration and I'm | 726.839 | 4.44 |
retiring here oh this is my retirement | 728.7 | 4.98 |
community I like it do you mind if I | 731.279 | 5.161 |
just visit with you for the weekend not | 733.68 | 4.26 |
at all you know what matter of fact if | 736.44 | 3.06 |
you want to build uh you can build your | 737.94 | 3.54 |
own little place over here really yeah | 739.5 | 3.66 |
you know what like right here I'll I'll | 741.48 | 3.78 |
lend you this piece of property oh that | 743.16 | 4.5 |
sounds nice if I only had an ax I can | 745.26 | 4.139 |
hook you up with an ax damn all right | 747.66 | 3.48 |
good you didn't follow me follow me I'll | 749.399 | 3.601 |
help you lay the foundation I love it | 751.14 | 3.96 |
I'm gonna be neighbors and I'm not going | 753.0 | 4.14 |
to be that neighbor that bothers you all | 755.1 | 3.96 |
the time by knocking on your door and | 757.14 | 4.5 |
offering you cake yeah we'll see I do | 759.06 | 5.6 |
have good cakes though | 761.64 | 3.02 |
Justice keep an eye out I do see a | 769.74 | 4.14 |
little Injustice in the form of a | 772.38 | 4.74 |
Scorpio oh really oh where is he two | 773.88 | 6.54 |
Scorpio hey go up and uh do your Spiel I | 777.12 | 6.6 |
see a raptor too hey guys what are you | 780.42 | 6.24 |
picking on that guy for there you go | 783.72 | 5.52 |
here I am with some justice up your butt | 786.66 | 6.299 |
but justice but Justice yep that's where | 789.24 | 5.399 |
I put it all right we got some Raptors | 792.959 | 4.68 |
see the Raptor in the Triceratops yep I | 794.639 | 4.801 |
don't want to hit the Triceratops on | 797.639 | 3.901 |
accident hey back off I'll uh we'll know | 799.44 | 4.38 |
the Triceratops is probably sending out | 801.54 | 4.44 |
some justice oh he's got this man we | 803.82 | 4.98 |
should recruit that guy | 805.98 | 6.359 |
um you got 24 hours no and we'll let him | 808.8 | 5.719 |
be | 812.339 | 2.18 |
listen our base is just beyond that big | 815.88 | 4.259 |
metal thing right there oh off to the | 818.459 | 4.32 |
left yeah oh yeah we did do it low so we | 820.139 | 4.32 |
could uh maybe go check on that stego | 822.779 | 3.481 |
yeah I kind of want to where do you | 824.459 | 3.961 |
think it's at we can take bets where | 826.26 | 4.319 |
it's at oh what number yeah not where it | 828.42 | 3.84 |
is physically ah we know where it is | 830.579 | 6.38 |
unless it's eaten I'm gonna say 55 60 | 832.26 | 8.879 |
okay I'm gonna give it a solid 63. okay | 836.959 | 8.5 |
I'll uh I'll race you there go okay | 841.139 | 6.0 |
you might win this because I gotta find | 845.459 | 3.541 |
some High Ground first like I'm I'm | 847.139 | 3.601 |
pretty much there | 849.0 | 3.779 |
yeah I'm here | 850.74 | 4.5 |
yes no | 852.779 | 4.021 |
no I am are you | 855.24 | 5.46 |
yes really yes why would I lie about it | 856.8 | 5.82 |
that seems faster than I would think it | 860.7 | 5.28 |
was right around the corner the stego | 862.62 | 6.659 |
it just seems impossible crap it's 42.7 | 865.98 | 5.4 |
you're really there I don't know how | 869.279 | 4.321 |
that's blowing your mind it seems so far | 871.38 | 4.32 |
I had to go through the water right I | 873.6 | 3.479 |
went just over that little piece of | 875.7 | 3.3 |
metal and I was here what are you doing | 877.079 | 4.44 |
I'm so far behind you just walk around | 879.0 | 4.079 |
the piece of metal | 881.519 | 4.62 |
you know I'm a flyer right here we go my | 883.079 | 5.281 |
mind is blown it's like you teleported | 886.139 | 5.041 |
and what'd you say the number was 42.7 | 888.36 | 5.64 |
wow jeez makes you not want to tame | 891.18 | 5.279 |
anything ever again kind of me too or be | 894.0 | 4.199 |
here well this is probably the last day | 896.459 | 4.94 |
this is our last one | 898.199 | 3.2 |
yes sir I'm getting | 902.0 | 4.66 |
how are you yeah uh we're gonna go find | 904.199 | 4.561 |
meat yeah I'm actually pretty close to | 906.66 | 3.66 |
starving too why don't we head down to | 908.76 | 2.759 |
the water we'll get water and then maybe | 910.32 | 3.3 |
kill a Dodo or something yeah matter of | 911.519 | 3.781 |
fact we come up here we see that uh that | 913.62 | 4.019 |
bulb dog the bulb dog yeah the little | 915.3 | 4.14 |
doggy little doggy with a light on its | 917.639 | 4.921 |
head oh okay that's a goat yeah oh that | 919.44 | 4.8 |
that yeah that is all right that's good | 922.56 | 3.6 |
meat yeah I wonder how easy it is to get | 924.24 | 6.74 |
this meat let's see come on there we go | 926.16 | 4.82 |
that was quick oh what am I I thought I | 931.279 | 4.3 |
was purple oh yeah it's because I'm | 934.26 | 3.9 |
starving hold on I'll eat my two berries | 935.579 | 5.161 |
oh that actually gives us raw mutton I | 938.16 | 4.679 |
like me some mutton yeah we should go | 940.74 | 3.599 |
down uh go down to the river make a | 942.839 | 3.421 |
campfire yeah hold on you know what I | 944.339 | 4.261 |
need to do I need to you pick a lot more | 946.26 | 4.98 |
mushrooms okay yeah do that I'll drag | 948.6 | 4.26 |
this sheep down to the water all right | 951.24 | 5.039 |
hold on holy crap look at this mole I'm | 952.86 | 5.64 |
too busy trying to get mushrooms focus | 956.279 | 3.661 |
on the mushrooms we got food I'm | 958.5 | 2.76 |
dragging it let's get it down to the | 959.94 | 3.42 |
water I know but I'm starving like | 961.26 | 4.56 |
glowing purple starving I know all right | 963.36 | 5.279 |
I'm trying to feed you okay do you have | 965.82 | 3.84 |
enough stuff to make a campfire | 968.639 | 4.2 |
assignment no I don't think so I'm not | 969.66 | 5.1 |
sure I'll have to wait and see I'm | 972.839 | 4.381 |
following you by walking oh wait and I | 974.76 | 4.379 |
think I see one of them Bulldogs good | 977.22 | 4.08 |
for you taking my time sorry I tell you | 979.139 | 3.541 |
what I'm gonna leave our uh our kill | 981.3 | 2.88 |
right there I'm gonna try to get this | 982.68 | 4.32 |
bulb dog all right or maybe I can just | 984.18 | 5.279 |
walk with them you know all right hey | 987.0 | 5.94 |
know hey Bubba oh you're pretty | 989.459 | 6.781 |
and okay I gotta wait till he's hungry | 992.94 | 5.819 |
again why can't I drag him I don't know | 996.24 | 5.099 |
doesn't say drag it just says it's dead | 998.759 | 4.38 |
and it's gonna decompose in four minutes | 1001.339 | 4.201 |
so see I can build a campfire I gotta go | 1003.139 | 3.601 |
and I'll do all the work it's okay you | 1005.54 | 4.02 |
relax all right and let's see a little | 1006.74 | 4.92 |
bit of wood actually I got more thatch | 1009.56 | 4.32 |
than wood we're gonna light it up oh | 1011.66 | 4.799 |
we're cooking some mud there you go man | 1013.88 | 3.899 |
I don't think I've ever had cooked | 1016.459 | 4.32 |
mutton in this game well get ready to be | 1017.779 | 5.961 |
blown away | 1020.779 | 2.961 |
but the food is gonna be nice I'm | 1025.54 | 3.759 |
looking forward to it it is nice yes oh | 1027.559 | 3.78 |
wait are you hungry again okay there you | 1029.299 | 4.461 |
go okay | 1031.339 | 2.421 |
here we go what what this is the problem | 1035.059 | 5.4 |
what you know what the problem is I | 1038.059 | 4.561 |
don't we can't make any progress right | 1040.459 | 4.081 |
you know because we got the boat but the | 1042.62 | 4.62 |
boat is limited to the lake isn't it | 1044.54 | 4.44 |
yeah it's a boat this is where we need | 1047.24 | 4.679 |
to be oh yeah this is the perfect place | 1048.98 | 5.4 |
to be no matter except for on aberration | 1051.919 | 5.461 |
I mean yeah wow okay because there's no | 1054.38 | 4.32 |
flyers I mean we could have been | 1057.38 | 2.76 |
collecting so much stuff have we just | 1058.7 | 3.54 |
had this God how fast do you think that | 1060.14 | 4.74 |
thing's gonna die though he's uh 164 | 1062.24 | 5.16 |
plus we're Justice what could go wrong | 1064.88 | 4.919 |
have you seen the nightmares out there | 1067.4 | 5.34 |
hey who's the nightmare here we're the | 1069.799 | 5.521 |
nightmare we're the nightmare we are | 1072.74 | 5.22 |
good job thanks here we go aberration | 1075.32 | 4.68 |
has just been tamed I thought this was | 1077.96 | 5.28 |
our last day it is just in time yeah | 1080.0 | 4.799 |
it's about time we did that you're | 1083.24 | 4.559 |
welcome aberration you are welcome I'm | 1084.799 | 7.041 |
gonna go check on uh okay | 1087.799 | 4.041 |
[Music] | 1098.1 | 5.0 |
oops what you don't see that in the | 1100.46 | 4.38 |
ground to our right ground to the right | 1103.1 | 4.199 |
ah it's a basilisk yeah how did he not | 1104.84 | 4.57 |
come up I don't know but | 1107.299 | 3.421 |
[Music] | 1109.41 | 3.59 |
what should we do on the count of three | 1110.72 | 4.8 |
run forward run forward and attack it no | 1113.0 | 5.58 |
forward away I'll run from it yeah but | 1115.52 | 5.1 |
we're Justice let me take a look rallies | 1118.58 | 6.86 |
oh peeps damn it oh there he goes okay | 1120.62 | 4.82 |
Justice me and you baby me and you just | 1126.94 | 5.14 |
listen I swear to God what's what's even | 1129.74 | 4.38 |
happening right now nothing can I hurt | 1132.08 | 3.719 |
him it's hiding in the ground it's | 1134.12 | 4.08 |
apparently afraid of Justice wow never | 1135.799 | 4.201 |
had this happen before have you no I | 1138.2 | 3.24 |
don't think so let's act like we're | 1140.0 | 3.96 |
leaving you ready okay all right I guess | 1141.44 | 5.099 |
we're going yep just gonna head on up | 1143.96 | 5.94 |
the hill here Burpee Derpy derps no | 1146.539 | 6.301 |
crying back that way not at all seems | 1149.9 | 6.659 |
all clear huh no okay well as you were | 1152.84 | 7.38 |
as you were that's a first huh yes by | 1156.559 | 5.881 |
far usually there's death involved on | 1160.22 | 4.44 |
our end created Justice without violence | 1162.44 | 4.68 |
the best kind of Justice there is yeah | 1164.66 | 4.98 |
so true | 1167.12 | 4.38 |
what you think of this guy Simon I named | 1169.64 | 4.32 |
him stanky Panky I love it beautiful | 1171.5 | 4.86 |
color yeah exactly like yeah I should | 1173.96 | 3.54 |
probably give them to you because of the | 1176.36 | 2.699 |
color no no I think it really | 1177.5 | 3.84 |
complements your shoulder and beautiful | 1179.059 | 4.98 |
breasts all right hey the um the | 1181.34 | 4.199 |
mutton's good but we can only cook one | 1184.039 | 3.061 |
at a time so we're gonna need more meat | 1185.539 | 3.181 |
Let's see we can either get that pair | 1187.1 | 4.199 |
sir or we could go down to the river see | 1188.72 | 3.959 |
if there's something more dangerous or | 1191.299 | 3.421 |
this guy how easy is this guy to kill oh | 1192.679 | 3.421 |
there we go yeah all right sweet | 1194.72 | 5.339 |
goodness oh whoa we got a spider uh yeah | 1196.1 | 6.3 |
yeah we do yeah I'd love to tame one of | 1200.059 | 4.021 |
those guys we don't yeah we don't have | 1202.4 | 3.72 |
the equipment to do it right now this is | 1204.08 | 4.92 |
our last day yeah that's true so you | 1206.12 | 5.64 |
know so yeah let him live yeah | 1209.0 | 6.78 |
oh who's calling you I don't [ __ ] | 1211.76 | 6.659 |
know somebody somebody trying to sell me | 1215.78 | 4.38 |
something should I answer it yeah go for | 1218.419 | 3.841 |
it hello are you trying to sell me | 1220.16 | 4.34 |
something | 1222.26 | 2.24 |
it's a scam telling me I've been charged | 1226.4 | 4.74 |
400 and something dollars and I need to | 1229.039 | 4.081 |
call someone and give them my banking | 1231.14 | 4.68 |
information oh Jesus it's crazy that | 1233.12 | 5.88 |
that must work on some people I know my | 1235.82 | 6.3 |
goodness lucky for you spino yeah lucky | 1239.0 | 5.039 |
for you spider let's head back to the | 1242.12 | 4.5 |
retirement home yes | 1244.039 | 5.281 |
The Umbrellas I see him you know I think | 1246.62 | 4.26 |
the problem is is they see all this | 1249.32 | 3.719 |
Firepower and they start acting normally | 1250.88 | 4.02 |
you know it's seeming like that yeah all | 1253.039 | 3.361 |
of a sudden they're compliant I'm gonna | 1254.9 | 3.6 |
walk over there on the cover yeah and | 1256.4 | 4.86 |
see how they act okay you ready yeah | 1258.5 | 4.559 |
keep an eye on me I'm watching him | 1261.26 | 5.159 |
looking good just a regular guy not a | 1263.059 | 5.281 |
part of a Justice Force at all just | 1266.419 | 4.161 |
walking around doing regular guy stuff | 1268.34 | 5.579 |
nothing uh just picking berries you know | 1270.58 | 5.02 |
no big deal what you doing come there | 1273.919 | 3.321 |
they come yep | 1275.6 | 5.18 |
yeah you guys | 1277.24 | 3.54 |
normal | 1282.02 | 5.22 |
couldn't resist the evil were you a part | 1284.38 | 4.779 |
of this yeah you're not going anywhere | 1287.24 | 4.74 |
right because of Justice You're Gonna | 1289.159 | 4.621 |
Leave one alive and tell the friends or | 1291.98 | 3.78 |
just kill them off nope nope because | 1293.78 | 4.8 |
it'll just have evil kids there you go | 1295.76 | 4.5 |
all right you done playing make believe | 1298.58 | 4.32 |
we go home anyone that saw this let it | 1300.26 | 5.159 |
be known Justice lives here we are the | 1302.9 | 5.87 |
justice of aberration | 1305.419 | 7.341 |
[Music] | 1308.77 | 7.05 |
thank you | 1312.76 | 3.06 |
yeah we get it yeah wait Lego | 1315.94 | 6.58 |
thank you | 1331.299 | 3.0 |
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The Game
You definitely should check it out
Wow, I am blown away by the latest Ark Survival Evolved gameplay from Neebs Gaming! Aberration takes the intense dinosaur survival experience to a whole new level. Venturing into the mysterious underground biome is thrilling and dangerous, with threats around every corner. But the reward is worth it - discovering amazing new creatures like the Rock Drake and Reaper Queen opens up incredible possibilities.
Neebs and the gang bring Aberration to life in their signature cinematic style. Their hilarious commentary and reactions make me feel like I'm right there with them, scrambling to avoid getting devoured by nameless creatures or plunging into the depths on a zip line. Even in the most chaotic moments, their camaraderie shines through.
Experiencing this incredible new environment alongside Neebs, Appsro, Thick, Simon and Dora is the next best thing to playing it yourself. Their masterful editing transports you into the world in a way no ordinary let's play can match. I'm on the edge of my seat watching the saga unfold, never knowing what outrageous situation they'll get themselves into next.
If you're an Ark fan, you need to dive into Aberration with Neebs Gaming. Their mix of cinematic flair, comedic chemistry and genuine reactions captures the spirit of survival game exploration perfectly. I can't wait to see what adventures they'll embark on next!