What Is Inside the Stump??? - Grounded
Neebs Gaming
neebs: Hey there, folks! Today we're gonna find out what's inside this mysterious stump! I've got my trusty shovel ready!
simon: Oh boy, I can't wait to see what's hidden in there! Do you think it's buried treasure or maybe some ancient relic?
appsro: Haha, knowing our luck, it's probably just a bunch of dirt and bugs! But hey, that's what makes it exciting, right?
neebs: Exactly! It's the thrill of the unknown that keeps us coming back for more. Who knows, maybe we'll uncover a portal to another dimension in there!

This video comes straight from the Neebs Gaming YouTube channel.
Hey guys, welcome back to another exciting video from the Neebs Gaming YouTube channel! Today, we're diving into the mystery of what's hidden inside that mysterious stump. I don't know about you, but I'm on the edge of my seat wondering what we're going to find in there!
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Caption | Start | Duration |
where is the lady bird Lady Bird yep | 1.0 | 3.359 |
she's on you this is good oh her little | 2.72 | 5.96 |
babies are on me oh boy I'm going to die | 4.359 | 4.321 |
[Music] | 8.97 | 6.42 |
oh all right so do you think uh you | 19.72 | 4.96 |
think it's going to be a swisso from up | 22.72 | 4.08 |
here you think I think I think it's best | 24.68 | 4.08 |
shot contest and I've got a better shot | 26.8 | 3.959 |
after you'd make your shot | 28.76 | 5.08 |
okay well um for it I'm doing it first | 30.759 | 5.32 |
shot this got to see first shot I'll do | 33.84 | 4.2 |
it all | 36.079 | 6.601 |
right Miss missed okay you get oh [ __ ] | 38.04 | 6.48 |
what happened to you oh one second you | 42.68 | 4.32 |
lost your shot yeah cuz now I want to | 44.52 | 6.12 |
shoot again all you trying to do is | 47.0 | 3.64 |
slam oops oh you got to hook it forgot | 50.76 | 5.84 |
yeah I'm going to try that again boom sh | 53.719 | 8.201 |
I got that one yeah you didoo yeah | 56.6 | 5.32 |
no going to | 62.6 | 3.2 |
do oh guys are just going to break our | 65.88 | 6.68 |
walls no we're good we're good what this | 68.759 | 6.161 |
what all this RIT oh Lord the play we're | 72.56 | 6.879 |
playing some basketball Ro got that one | 74.92 | 7.68 |
that was nice yeah baby s d stop a | 79.439 | 5.881 |
second look sorry sorry see you you guys | 82.6 | 4.36 |
are playing with the old stuff what you | 85.32 | 5.08 |
need is the new stuff baby oh [ __ ] | 86.96 | 6.0 |
oh damn look at me now all right well | 90.4 | 3.96 |
how are you I feel like an idiot | 92.96 | 3.96 |
bouncing that like a basketball I made a | 94.36 | 4.24 |
basketball out of pupil leather all | 96.92 | 4.559 |
right now you job do it let's see you go | 98.6 | 7.839 |
to the hoop take to the net and stop | 101.479 | 7.401 |
yeah that was a solid shot that was | 106.439 | 3.561 |
beautiful but you know when you were | 108.88 | 3.32 |
doing that you're doing that with the uh | 110.0 | 3.64 |
you know with the thing that that helps | 112.2 | 4.72 |
you fly like so on my on my screen I | 113.64 | 5.36 |
didn't see a basketball it looked quite | 116.92 | 4.559 |
fun | 119.0 | 4.32 |
oh you didn't see the basketball did you | 121.479 | 3.96 |
pick the basketball up D I got no I | 123.32 | 4.36 |
don't think so yeah ne's in the house | 125.439 | 4.401 |
now you're on the dandelion right now | 127.68 | 4.199 |
Abra that's what I was seeing you bounce | 129.84 | 3.84 |
go for it come on you got it he's off | 131.879 | 5.241 |
off the bouncy and yep oh crap man | 133.68 | 6.199 |
blocked by Dora did I lose your ball you | 137.12 | 4.52 |
might have lost the ball I think it just | 139.879 | 3.681 |
it hit the roof and then uh it rolled | 141.64 | 3.239 |
where where the hell did the ball go | 143.56 | 3.64 |
that's it went over the fence | 144.879 | 5.161 |
great did it get the hell out of here oh | 147.2 | 4.48 |
I see it yeah it rolled all the way down | 150.04 | 3.52 |
here into the damn water here you go | 151.68 | 5.36 |
nebs sorry | 153.56 | 3.48 |
guys I see you hey stoping just a cute | 161.56 | 6.36 |
little girl I wanted to see what can I | 165.4 | 4.839 |
do for you well uh first off I want to | 167.92 | 3.239 |
show you what I've been working on | 170.239 | 3.961 |
follow me all right me and Dr T been | 171.159 | 4.321 |
hanging out I've been chatting to him | 174.2 | 3.72 |
way too much uh yeah I could see that | 175.48 | 4.56 |
happening yeah look how this is coming | 177.92 | 6.08 |
along ooh okay You' got uh so yeah you | 180.04 | 6.44 |
remember those three power points oh uh | 184.0 | 4.84 |
yes I do vaguely yeah so we got I got | 186.48 | 3.8 |
those pretty much wrapped up in Brick | 188.84 | 3.28 |
but I still need to make a ton of spikes | 190.28 | 3.56 |
I'm going to have this platform kind of | 192.12 | 3.119 |
running in between them all so when we | 193.84 | 3.24 |
fight we'll be able to run I guess where | 195.239 | 4.321 |
we need to be oh that's cool okay so | 197.08 | 4.92 |
these things don't get broken easily um | 199.56 | 4.8 |
they might but hopefully they'll stand | 202.0 | 4.36 |
the test of time I guess we'll see I | 204.36 | 3.56 |
think their biggest threat might be | 206.36 | 4.0 |
mosquitoes all right well that's good | 207.92 | 4.44 |
well this is no this is this is great | 210.36 | 4.159 |
man yeah I still need a lot more bricks | 212.36 | 3.959 |
like a lot a lot more bricks what are | 214.519 | 3.72 |
you going to you're going to double it | 216.319 | 4.041 |
up oh yeah you see well look like even | 218.239 | 4.441 |
look that way see that Alleyway uh-huh | 220.36 | 4.04 |
all right so should I be like just I | 222.68 | 5.36 |
don't mind being uh just a slave to | 224.4 | 5.52 |
getting mushroom chunk or whatever it is | 228.04 | 4.119 |
that you need o like a gopher I I'll do | 229.92 | 4.56 |
that yeah hey we need that right now I | 232.159 | 5.72 |
need something else I need red ant or | 234.48 | 7.36 |
fire ant mandibles fireant Mand yeah and | 237.879 | 5.841 |
I need you to back me up um I think | 241.84 | 4.679 |
there are some not too far away from us | 243.72 | 4.719 |
so yeah just follow me give me some | 246.519 | 4.881 |
backup all | 248.439 | 2.961 |
right all right I think a dandelion Tu | 253.2 | 5.039 |
fell yep I got a couple there oh there's | 256.0 | 5.199 |
a bunch what what cuz you need to make | 258.239 | 5.121 |
more well since they changed it mine | 261.199 | 3.361 |
keep going away I don't know what's | 263.36 | 3.16 |
going on well I got lucky as the Dickens | 264.56 | 4.04 |
cuz I've got like a an infinite one | 266.52 | 4.6 |
somehow yeah yeah yeah I guess it | 268.6 | 5.76 |
registers as a trinket but uh TR it's a | 271.12 | 5.56 |
fluffy dandelion Tu or something it's | 274.36 | 3.6 |
it's infinite I haven't had to change | 276.68 | 3.2 |
the thing all right you jump you jump | 277.96 | 3.76 |
down to me and use it well I mean it's | 279.88 | 4.08 |
it it it's used just like it always has | 281.72 | 5.039 |
been wow look at you I don't even see it | 283.96 | 4.92 |
oh well maybe | 286.759 | 3.841 |
it'll | 288.88 | 5.4 |
okay I like this better this is great | 290.6 | 5.8 |
why I don't know you just just like | 294.28 | 3.4 |
you're running you're like running in | 296.4 | 3.44 |
the air you didn't see it nope oh that's | 297.68 | 4.079 |
weird so they've really broken uh let's | 299.84 | 3.919 |
see let me look at mine the ones I just | 301.759 | 4.761 |
picked up where does it even go now I | 303.759 | 4.241 |
don't know I'm just glad I don't have to | 306.52 | 2.72 |
worry about it does it go where my TR | 308.0 | 3.28 |
does it go where your trinkets go I have | 309.24 | 4.64 |
not a clue mine is in | 311.28 | 5.199 |
my what is that spot I don't even know | 313.88 | 5.28 |
that spot fluffy dandelion TFT is what I | 316.479 | 6.72 |
have I have SE it says seven left shift | 319.16 | 7.2 |
but it's not in my trinket spot you know | 323.199 | 4.921 |
I hold on let me go up top let see what | 326.36 | 3.6 |
happens just wait there okay yeah yeah | 328.12 | 3.68 |
come on down to me we'll see if I can | 329.96 | 5.56 |
see it almost there why know you just | 331.8 | 5.959 |
left yep I just don't want you to lose | 335.52 | 5.119 |
you know patience I'm fine nothing to do | 337.759 | 4.601 |
until we do something I've been gone for | 340.639 | 4.241 |
a while so I get it I get that is pretty | 342.36 | 5.119 |
sweet huh which part the tower the | 344.88 | 4.56 |
ladder which part yeah all of it I'm I'm | 347.479 | 3.56 |
looking at you right now it's is going | 349.44 | 4.879 |
to be like another Hub zipline Hub sure | 351.039 | 6.961 |
okay left shift you ready here it | 354.319 | 6.521 |
goes yeah it's working yeah I don't see | 358.0 | 4.319 |
it that is you're just running in the | 360.84 | 4.32 |
air that's silly okay so I assume let's | 362.319 | 4.521 |
see what happens when I land I had seven | 365.16 | 2.36 |
of | 366.84 | 2.96 |
them almost there God I definitely hear | 367.52 | 4.84 |
it too yeah am I just running in air | 369.8 | 6.0 |
that's a weird Okay that was a weirdly | 372.36 | 5.52 |
louder than should have been sound yep | 375.8 | 4.08 |
now I have six so I used up one of my | 377.88 | 4.28 |
Dand lines oh man what a pain in the ass | 379.88 | 4.719 |
why would they do that I just just said | 382.16 | 5.319 |
hey we got to ruin | 384.599 | 2.88 |
something | 388.4 | 3.0 |
man oh it comes my buddy oh yeah yeah I | 391.84 | 9.12 |
love this guy they are good oo come on | 395.68 | 6.88 |
okay he's running he's running all right | 400.96 | 4.639 |
easy easy easy | 402.56 | 3.039 |
man it's so dramatic what are you | 407.759 | 4.601 |
looking | 410.039 | 2.321 |
at come on can we just get out of here | 412.88 | 7.2 |
no come on seriously you just insist he | 417.199 | 4.801 |
could have just laughed hey no look we | 420.08 | 3.36 |
could use that stuff we can use that | 422.0 | 2.919 |
stuff to make good plating we can | 423.44 | 3.759 |
upgrade our armor we could use the bug | 424.919 | 4.321 |
parts yeah cuz Lord knows we don't have | 427.199 | 4.801 |
enough back at the place all right so | 429.24 | 5.28 |
these uh fire ant mandibles I need I | 432.0 | 5.16 |
believe at least according to the map | 434.52 | 5.2 |
they're like right here they must be | 437.16 | 7.36 |
inside this uh toolbox all right well um | 439.72 | 7.72 |
oh jeez come on now what are you | 444.52 | 5.92 |
again that's why I say y hey we didn't | 447.44 | 4.96 |
need you we took care of it ourselves go | 450.44 | 4.56 |
do the he just walking off I've never | 452.4 | 4.04 |
seen him that just walking around oh | 455.0 | 5.639 |
he's about to do a watch | 456.44 | 4.199 |
him see yeah but I like so | 461.12 | 5.519 |
dramatic oh wait Simon what right below | 467.52 | 5.0 |
us there might be some sort of entrance | 470.199 | 5.921 |
here follow me okay oh I think you're | 472.52 | 6.6 |
right hold on let me oh yeah that's a | 476.12 | 5.759 |
damn D black widow oh come on now oh man | 479.12 | 4.6 |
who wants to do that I don't want to do | 481.879 | 4.481 |
that now uhoh behind us okay oh hey how | 483.72 | 7.28 |
you doing sweetie ooh come on now stab | 486.36 | 7.399 |
that butt yep work together stab I get | 491.0 | 5.44 |
the butt get the butt you know what What | 493.759 | 5.081 |
ladyb bird versus Black Widow let's make | 496.44 | 4.719 |
that happen okay all right burn her fat | 498.84 | 5.4 |
ass in here s all I'm doing it I'm doing | 501.159 | 6.44 |
it how doing hey what's going on oh God | 504.24 | 5.0 |
oh God I got bit immediately where's | 507.599 | 4.44 |
Lady Bird where is the ladyb bird Lady | 509.24 | 4.76 |
Bird yep she's on you this is good oh | 512.039 | 3.961 |
our little babies are on me oh boy I'm | 514.0 | 4.36 |
going to die | 516.0 | 5.76 |
oh where that lady bird oh [ __ ] got you | 518.36 | 5.2 |
oh no I don't have my thing on oh crap | 521.76 | 3.72 |
crap crap crap I'll get you oh God let | 523.56 | 5.68 |
me put my fake on okay put your F on oh | 525.48 | 9.16 |
god oh oh Dr tul stuck in the web Dr T | 529.24 | 6.279 |
be | 534.64 | 5.52 |
careful oh over here oh EV oh don't even | 535.519 | 8.721 |
have my shield out dark wrench 12 the | 540.16 | 6.48 |
baby's coming back to me she's eating my | 544.24 | 5.719 |
head get off my head please mutations I | 546.64 | 6.319 |
need to turn on a friend go oh it's Pass | 549.959 | 5.081 |
Me Now seconds I'm | 552.959 | 4.601 |
try oh | 555.04 | 7.0 |
no got me oh | 557.56 | 4.48 |
no | 568.12 | 3.0 |
all right there should be a science | 571.76 | 4.72 |
station up here oh crap whoa what what | 573.56 | 4.88 |
I'm good I just fell oh oh there you are | 576.48 | 4.88 |
oh hey guys hey what's up oh we just got | 578.44 | 5.68 |
a mauled by Black Widow fun why you | 581.36 | 4.599 |
fight a black widow without us there | 584.12 | 3.32 |
well we didn't intend to we tried to get | 585.959 | 4.241 |
a lady listen it stuff happened that's | 587.44 | 4.92 |
an us thing that's like when you promise | 590.2 | 3.44 |
you going to watch a movie with somebody | 592.36 | 3.919 |
we try to get a ladybug to fight it triy | 593.64 | 4.6 |
is the key word okay we didn't really | 596.279 | 3.56 |
miss out on anything NE yeah you didn't | 598.24 | 4.48 |
want to watch this movie okay well I do | 599.839 | 4.961 |
now yeah what are you guys up to we're | 602.72 | 4.88 |
going to go that stump oh sweet I'm fire | 604.8 | 4.44 |
amp Parts yeah there's one of those uh | 607.6 | 3.52 |
what do you call them stumps no the | 609.24 | 3.4 |
things we're looking for oh yes burgle | 611.12 | 3.64 |
chips that's yeah good yeah you guys go | 612.64 | 3.879 |
go find that one oh hey since it's uh | 614.76 | 3.8 |
since we're all here uh here we got a | 616.519 | 3.681 |
milk Muller upgrade we can do a mega | 618.56 | 3.0 |
milk Muller you guys want more | 620.2 | 3.639 |
consumables resources or arrows I don't | 621.56 | 5.36 |
know I don't care some consumables or | 623.839 | 5.401 |
you know what let's do resources you got | 626.92 | 5.08 |
more storage space b | 629.24 | 6.68 |
boom bu boom all right Simon yeah follow | 632.0 | 5.959 |
me I got a new location to go let's do | 635.92 | 4.76 |
it we'll catch up with your boys later | 637.959 | 6.721 |
be careful out there okay I will | 640.68 | 4.0 |
[Music] | 645.73 | 5.83 |
not um what do you think the best way in | 648.88 | 3.759 |
I don't know it almost looks like | 651.56 | 3.24 |
there's a I don't know you think there | 652.639 | 3.921 |
at the bottom where the water meets what | 654.8 | 4.24 |
are we looking for again uh burgle trip | 656.56 | 5.519 |
chip chip inside eh maybe let's just I | 659.04 | 4.44 |
don't know this is inviting right here | 662.079 | 4.681 |
let's take a look maybe I'm wrong no I I | 663.48 | 5.56 |
kind of felt that oh yeah this has got | 666.76 | 5.519 |
ways in oh yeah okay didn't it seem like | 669.04 | 6.12 |
could have swore there were wasps oh oh | 672.279 | 6.601 |
you little you see you in there yeah you | 675.16 | 7.0 |
just messed with the wrong Duo sure oh | 678.88 | 5.84 |
hey well okay we were good we had this | 682.16 | 4.64 |
one all right thank you though yeah we | 684.72 | 5.52 |
didn't want to waste it on here | 686.8 | 5.64 |
looks like there's ticks in here it's | 690.24 | 4.44 |
not a very warm | 692.44 | 4.76 |
welcome worst welcome I've had yet I | 694.68 | 5.56 |
don't like it okay get on | 697.2 | 4.92 |
baby you know what I got to switch my | 700.24 | 3.64 |
mutation I don't I don't hate it when he | 702.12 | 4.959 |
shows up never | 703.88 | 5.759 |
have oh boy there's a wolf spider behind | 707.079 | 6.041 |
you oh bring him in bring him in that | 709.639 | 6.121 |
was get him boys I'll stab his pooper I | 713.12 | 5.959 |
got to heal up okay uh I'll hold him off | 715.76 | 4.6 |
while you heal up then we'll tag out | 719.079 | 3.281 |
right yeah but you know how it takes a | 720.36 | 4.599 |
while man all I see is Pete's Health | 722.36 | 4.159 |
that's very annoying I'm ready to tag | 724.959 | 4.161 |
out like anytime now all right you ready | 726.519 | 6.281 |
yep tagging yeah we'll tag switching up | 729.12 | 6.159 |
hey drink me some drink oh that's some | 732.8 | 4.96 |
good drink right there oh oh that was a | 735.279 | 5.081 |
good hit I got a bit of poison going so | 737.76 | 4.04 |
uh all right I think I'm good though | 740.36 | 4.64 |
coming in okay need sandwich forget that | 741.8 | 5.039 |
last one I don't see his health either | 745.0 | 4.36 |
do you no what is happening with game I | 746.839 | 3.841 |
don't know it's knowing the [ __ ] out of | 749.36 | 4.44 |
me I they fixed it oh I'm getting all | 750.68 | 7.2 |
the hits all them hits woo oh you got a | 753.8 | 5.8 |
bunch of spiders helping out too all | 757.88 | 4.04 |
right we got it there we go now what are | 759.6 | 4.08 |
we dealing with here I don't know I need | 761.92 | 4.56 |
to heal again so there should be a | 763.68 | 5.76 |
burgle chip somewhere in all this mess | 766.48 | 5.28 |
probably underwater surrounded by evil | 769.44 | 6.519 |
things oh boy oh | 771.76 | 4.199 |
splinters nice morg yeah very nice uh so | 777.6 | 7.239 |
oh see I've never used these seeds | 782.76 | 4.28 |
before you pick them up anymore uh no I | 784.839 | 3.601 |
think they're grass seeds I've never | 787.04 | 4.239 |
picked them up oh okay oh no come on but | 788.44 | 4.12 |
yeah I know we need to have my shield | 791.279 | 3.68 |
out oh come on their spit is way there's | 792.56 | 3.92 |
one this all we this is perfect this is | 794.959 | 3.161 |
it all right all right all right couple | 796.48 | 6.24 |
stabs in the butt huh in your eyes Dr | 798.12 | 6.48 |
tly you know you could help out I've | 802.72 | 3.799 |
seen you help out with other ants yeah | 804.6 | 4.88 |
come on now stabing in the eyes yes | 806.519 | 6.641 |
perfect good job Simon eyes | 809.48 | 6.64 |
oh we'll take on all you idiots yeah we | 813.16 | 5.56 |
will you going to run you little [ __ ] | 816.12 | 3.8 |
yeah he's going to run watch out though | 818.72 | 3.08 |
you got two more behind you okay fine | 819.92 | 3.88 |
fine fine fine all right let's clean him | 821.8 | 4.32 |
up it's just an ant killing morning | 823.8 | 5.159 |
Simon yeah it is be nice if their parts | 826.12 | 5.519 |
were more useful oh we can make | 828.959 | 4.161 |
something with them we can make | 831.639 | 3.44 |
something but I mean like are we though | 833.12 | 3.56 |
cuz my goodness I haven't been doing | 835.079 | 4.32 |
anything with these parts myself in fire | 836.68 | 5.76 |
ant armor Simon I is it these are okay | 839.399 | 4.56 |
well I didn't realize that these are | 842.44 | 3.759 |
actually fire ants and not just red ants | 843.959 | 4.24 |
that are annoying no yeah they are fire | 846.199 | 4.88 |
ants all right they are like yeah worst | 848.199 | 6.2 |
ants in the yard all | 851.079 | 3.32 |
right hey do me a favor what uh well | 855.12 | 5.6 |
first watch your back mhm you too just | 858.279 | 3.92 |
killed this idiot my God they're | 860.72 | 3.479 |
everywhere they won't stop | 862.199 | 4.08 |
nope all right you know what here run | 864.199 | 3.521 |
let's get let's get somewhere safe all | 866.279 | 3.401 |
right let's get away from these | 867.72 | 4.679 |
there you go let see can we jump up here | 869.68 | 4.76 |
maybe and then maybe up onto this straw | 872.399 | 4.961 |
and then yep o very okay little crawly | 874.44 | 4.92 |
crawl this is cool I don't think I can | 877.36 | 4.839 |
get it up there come [ __ ] it all right | 879.36 | 5.36 |
damn it hold on how you how did you you | 882.199 | 4.601 |
get up the straw huh yeah that was it | 884.72 | 3.28 |
well yeah I jump to the leaf and then | 886.8 | 3.88 |
jump to the straw oh that's it the leaf | 888.0 | 4.16 |
is the | 890.68 | 4.719 |
action I know it's taking me a minute oh | 892.16 | 6.96 |
it's not easy to Traverse you got it | 895.399 | 5.56 |
like that word yeah there you go Leaf | 899.12 | 5.04 |
there we go Leaf the leaf theop then to | 900.959 | 6.401 |
the straw then to the | 904.16 | 3.2 |
lur down here where it should be huh all | 910.24 | 6.0 |
right so this is there a way into this | 914.16 | 3.52 |
thing I don't know I'm going to do a | 916.24 | 3.399 |
little round boot you do a roundabout | 917.68 | 4.76 |
I'll look over here um I'll poke my head | 919.639 | 3.681 |
on the | 922.44 | 3.959 |
water oh so close I think I can do it oh | 923.32 | 4.56 |
there's another spider there's a bunch | 926.399 | 3.12 |
of ticks hold on I'm going look under | 927.88 | 3.92 |
water oh I did it oh my God I'm glad I | 929.519 | 4.8 |
didn't fall you did what I got to the | 931.8 | 5.0 |
top of this one okay is there something | 934.319 | 5.921 |
to climb into a long ways down oh really | 936.8 | 6.36 |
yeah I almost fell a long ways down do | 940.24 | 5.44 |
you think that's the way to go I not | 943.16 | 4.96 |
really I don't know there'd be no way | 945.68 | 6.159 |
back up huh um nope there wouldn't be I | 948.12 | 6.48 |
see science down there it's incredibly | 951.839 | 5.92 |
um intriguing oh man should we do it uh | 954.6 | 5.599 |
fall down here how'd you get up just I | 957.759 | 4.121 |
jumped up yeah that was it but be | 960.199 | 4.361 |
careful now right here huh yeah little | 961.88 | 3.759 |
divot and | 964.56 | 3.68 |
then okay all right yeah I did it twice | 965.639 | 4.56 |
too how many how many times for you | 968.24 | 4.519 |
probably a bunch more okay okay and then | 970.199 | 5.721 |
uh oh God yeah that's not going to do it | 972.759 | 5.721 |
here we go and my apid slippers may have | 975.92 | 8.159 |
helped but there he is oh okay yeah go | 978.48 | 7.839 |
from side to side right | 984.079 | 5.76 |
M I'm going to try it yep good | 986.319 | 7.681 |
work you good yeah all right go a little | 989.839 | 6.401 |
further I did it went a little further | 994.0 | 3.88 |
and a little further going a little | 996.24 | 4.12 |
further yep okay and that one hurt a | 997.88 | 4.959 |
little bit and I missed the science I | 1000.36 | 3.959 |
somehow missed the science you missed | 1002.839 | 3.44 |
the science yeah don't you miss the | 1004.319 | 4.44 |
science okay this is the way to go | 1006.279 | 5.761 |
though right it's a way to go all right | 1008.759 | 5.481 |
here goes get that science I'm going to | 1012.04 | 4.56 |
tuck it all the way down okay I'm going | 1014.24 | 5.159 |
to T it out can't wait to yell out | 1016.6 | 5.479 |
here it goes you missed the science no I | 1019.399 | 7.121 |
didn't oh perfect science science | 1022.079 | 6.801 |
science yep all right come on to the | 1026.52 | 5.24 |
leaf right and this time hold on I got | 1028.88 | 4.199 |
to have to run | 1031.76 | 3.799 |
in there you go hey let's get a view up | 1033.079 | 5.321 |
here come on all right look at this | 1035.559 | 6.24 |
careful careful I do not like just don't | 1038.4 | 5.639 |
run there you go | 1041.799 | 4.64 |
wowo oh there's the stump that's where | 1044.039 | 4.721 |
nebes and door are yeah and hey while | 1046.439 | 4.281 |
you're here do me a favor uhhuh go into | 1048.76 | 4.6 |
your mutations there's one called Ant | 1050.72 | 4.44 |
Annihilator that's going to up your ant | 1053.36 | 4.36 |
damage all right | 1055.16 | 5.12 |
mutations Annihilator I think yeah it | 1057.72 | 4.4 |
looks like oh yeah I already found it | 1060.28 | 3.24 |
right away yeah turn one of the other | 1062.12 | 2.88 |
ones off and then turn that one on | 1063.52 | 3.279 |
that'll help you kick some ant butt all | 1065.0 | 4.559 |
right so what should I turn off I maybe | 1066.799 | 4.801 |
the man cuz I got the man activated we | 1069.559 | 3.321 |
don't need two of those idiots running | 1071.6 | 4.48 |
around do we uh that's the maner | 1072.88 | 5.279 |
stranger yeah just kill that all right | 1076.08 | 5.64 |
so some activate that boom that's it all | 1078.159 | 7.201 |
right sweet let's continue our ant hunt | 1081.72 | 7.92 |
yes back down jeez careful careful | 1085.36 | 6.88 |
careful careful careful careful careful | 1089.64 | 5.72 |
careful careful careful careful careful | 1092.24 | 5.84 |
you idiot careful | 1095.36 | 6.16 |
careful careful | 1098.08 | 6.44 |
yes | 1101.52 | 3.0 |
careful okay that was a horrible slide | 1105.039 | 5.561 |
stump lab out post okay what are we | 1107.36 | 6.439 |
looking at here stump lab Outpost | 1110.6 | 6.52 |
interesting looking for a burgle | 1113.799 | 6.601 |
chip okay more science up there this is | 1117.12 | 6.76 |
another ooh that one's locked this door | 1120.4 | 7.0 |
is locked yeah a we got to find a way to | 1123.88 | 6.72 |
open a huh I guess all right look around | 1127.4 | 5.399 |
a little | 1130.6 | 5.319 |
more boy this place is a mess this is | 1132.799 | 6.36 |
crazy it's uh okay I'm up oh oh okay | 1135.919 | 7.161 |
right behind you is this open I all of a | 1139.159 | 6.161 |
sudden feel incredible oh look at that | 1143.08 | 7.2 |
back back behind us yep you're doing | 1145.32 | 4.96 |
great right behind you buddy okay sit | 1153.32 | 6.16 |
tight it goes back this way too see that | 1156.0 | 6.32 |
a little bit go back in behind there | 1159.48 | 6.12 |
take a oh take a got a chest oh really | 1162.32 | 5.359 |
is it open yeah it's got some grumbles | 1165.6 | 5.64 |
granola bar and beefy human food and uh | 1167.679 | 7.721 |
right elf charm H that sounds important | 1171.24 | 7.96 |
did you grab it all I did | 1175.4 | 3.8 |
okay o Tower actually looks pretty cool | 1180.76 | 6.48 |
nees did a good job yeah no looks great | 1183.72 | 5.88 |
yeah I like that a lot all right so | 1187.24 | 4.04 |
what's on the top there is it like | 1189.6 | 4.92 |
turret things no no it's a zip lines oh | 1191.28 | 4.48 |
okay I think that's his plan he's going | 1194.52 | 3.6 |
to build more zip lines for us nice all | 1195.76 | 4.56 |
right all right so let's see hopefully I | 1198.12 | 5.24 |
did this right Simon I believe you did | 1200.32 | 6.12 |
cuz I I try to be encouraging to you | 1203.36 | 6.24 |
sometimes oh yeah I believe I made it | 1206.44 | 6.56 |
happen all right so now hold on holding | 1209.6 | 6.8 |
let's seeing got it | 1213.0 | 9.0 |
here and check this out oh wow huh go | 1216.4 | 6.759 |
out here I don't think I want to use | 1222.0 | 2.919 |
this in the | 1223.159 | 5.201 |
house take care okay good thing things | 1224.919 | 5.721 |
are happening Muller baby all right so | 1228.36 | 4.64 |
we got um just that way that doesn't go | 1230.64 | 3.88 |
anywhere okay good I'm glad we don't | 1233.0 | 3.679 |
have choices right now me too oh more | 1234.52 | 3.88 |
science there's so much | 1236.679 | 4.721 |
science | 1238.4 | 3.0 |
[Music] | 1241.56 | 5.88 |
science all right and push forward if | 1244.24 | 6.799 |
you can oh boy yep that hurt that was | 1247.44 | 6.56 |
too far yeah I didn't do that like | 1251.039 | 7.481 |
that missed it crap okay oh man signs | 1254.0 | 7.679 |
there's a we're supposed to climb back | 1258.52 | 5.399 |
out I'll just take a look under here and | 1261.679 | 5.401 |
make sure there's nothing yeah oh | 1263.919 | 6.24 |
there's a mash keys I can Mash keys do | 1267.08 | 7.36 |
it okay mashing Keys level a granted oh | 1270.159 | 6.601 |
that's the door we were at way back in | 1274.44 | 5.44 |
the the way back H that was way back it | 1276.76 | 6.799 |
was God | 1279.88 | 3.679 |
[Music] | 1284.42 | 4.78 |
okay | 1287.039 | 4.88 |
what what's going on with all that [ __ ] | 1289.2 | 5.84 |
M it's getting weird man yeah pretty | 1291.919 | 5.64 |
[Music] | 1295.04 | 5.72 |
weird kab wait how do you do this oh oh | 1297.559 | 6.281 |
God how do that moly yes please do that | 1300.76 | 6.159 |
again and hit come on oh you didn't even | 1303.84 | 6.56 |
skip a beat do it again okay here we | 1306.919 | 8.0 |
go come on okay you find them M all hit | 1310.4 | 6.639 |
him from a distance okay | 1314.919 | 3.76 |
oh | 1317.039 | 4.64 |
come on are you going to I wonder does | 1318.679 | 5.6 |
it hurt me want to try I don't hell it | 1321.679 | 4.841 |
doesn't hurt them okay well try to shoot | 1324.279 | 4.041 |
this guy right here that's as much | 1326.52 | 3.519 |
damage as this does with all the [ __ ] | 1328.32 | 4.16 |
resources it takes well I'm just | 1330.039 | 5.081 |
genuinely upset yeah look at this all | 1332.48 | 4.4 |
right so then right yeah you're chewing | 1335.12 | 4.72 |
oh man maybe I got to upgrade it Kaboom | 1336.88 | 5.76 |
Kaboom yeah we can pretend like my | 1339.84 | 5.04 |
stabbing didn't kill it and Kaboom dead | 1342.64 | 7.12 |
Kaboom Kaboom nothing oh well it hurt me | 1344.88 | 8.399 |
I found the Mantis research note nebes | 1349.76 | 5.6 |
awesome what's that do I think now we'll | 1353.279 | 4.76 |
know what to use to lure out that one | 1355.36 | 5.48 |
mantis boss oh gotcha okay so I think | 1358.039 | 4.601 |
this door that we uh activated is right | 1360.84 | 4.28 |
here behind me really yeah you coming | 1362.64 | 4.6 |
remember we walked in this way uh yeah I | 1365.12 | 3.76 |
thought we fell down from way up there | 1367.24 | 3.6 |
we did but this then we landed here oh | 1368.88 | 5.039 |
the other oh and this one no God | 1370.84 | 5.719 |
okay I didn't I want to go in there but | 1373.919 | 5.601 |
on my own I'll do it okay all right just | 1376.559 | 4.921 |
on that as a good start oh there's | 1379.52 | 5.44 |
another chest okay behind you chest with | 1381.48 | 7.6 |
things moth stuff and stuff moth stuff | 1384.96 | 7.0 |
yeah we Simon and I beat a moth okay hey | 1389.08 | 4.28 |
there's some stones to break over there | 1391.96 | 3.8 |
too hey guess what what there's a burgle | 1393.36 | 4.28 |
chip should I NAB it oh that's the | 1395.76 | 5.519 |
burgle chip NAB it baby naed burgle chip | 1397.64 | 7.279 |
burgle I don't think they're going to | 1401.279 | 3.64 |
respond see it worked out well yeah they | 1406.88 | 5.2 |
just they were forced to really yeah | 1409.96 | 5.64 |
okay um is there more or did we did we | 1412.08 | 5.719 |
conquer I think we conquered I mean I | 1415.6 | 4.4 |
feel like we between those two things we | 1417.799 | 4.24 |
conquered nothing over here huh I don't | 1420.0 | 4.08 |
know I'm not sure we can get out of here | 1422.039 | 4.481 |
I think I found a way earlier that it's | 1424.08 | 5.079 |
possible it's just going to take oh look | 1426.52 | 4.519 |
at this oh oh a little | 1429.159 | 7.201 |
hole science science that's | 1431.039 | 5.321 |
science chck | 1436.52 | 6.7 |
papie all right things are going off the | 1439.44 | 23.119 |
[Music] | 1443.22 | 22.339 |
rails | 1462.559 | 3.0 |
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The Game
You definitely should check it out
Wow, I'm really loving the new game Neebs Gaming is playing in their latest video! The graphics are so immersive and the world they've created feels so expansive and full of possibility. It's like we've been given a window into a living, breathing fantasy realm.
The characters are also fantastic - they have such unique and charming personalities, and the voice acting brings them to life. Their comedic banter and camaraderie makes it feel like you're embarking on an adventure with a group of friends. I'm already invested in their story!
The cinematic style of Neebs Gaming's videos is the perfect way to experience this game. It's edited so smoothly and professionally that it feels like you're watching a movie, drawing you into each moment. And they pick such interesting quests and storylines to follow - it highlights the best parts of the game.
Honestly, watching Neebs play through this world is just as immersive as playing it yourself. Their entertaining commentary combined with the excellent footage lets you get lost in the game's magic. I always look forward to their uploads because I know I'll get to dive back into this incredible virtual universe.
If you're looking for a fun, lighthearted escape, I can't recommend Neebs Gaming's videos enough. Their love of storytelling and natural chemistry makes this game come alive. It's some of the best content out there for anyone who loves getting drawn into expansive fantasy worlds. I'm so glad I stumbled across their channel!