We Broke The Game!!! - Generation Zero
Neebs Gaming
neebs: Hey guys, welcome back to another epic video where we break the game in Generation Zero!
simon: Oh yeah, this one is definitely my favorite! Who knew we could mess things up so badly?
appsro: I mean, we had a plan, but as always, chaos ensued! That's the Neebs Gaming way!
neebs: And don't forget the best part - when everything goes wrong, we still manage to have a blast and make it entertaining for our viewers!

This video comes straight from the Neebs Gaming YouTube channel.
Hey there Neebs Gaming fans! So, in this latest video, the team has a pretty epic plan to take down some of the big boys, but of course, things don't go exactly as they hoped. But isn't that part of the fun of watching Neebs and the gang in action?
If you're interested in grabbing some awesome Neebs Gaming merch, they've got a Spreadshirt shop with a sweet 15% off deal for the first two weeks. And if you need a pick-me-up while watching all the crazy antics, Player One Coffee has got you covered with their Neebs Gaming blend.
And of course, if you want to support Neebs Gaming even more, you can check out their Patreon page. They're also powered by Xidax PCs, so if you're in the market for a new gaming rig, definitely give them a look.
Don't forget to follow Neebs Gaming on all their social media channels - Facebook, Twitter, Twitch, and even TikTok. They're always posting behind-the-scenes stuff and updates on their latest adventures. And if you can't get enough of Neebs and the crew, there are plenty of playlists to keep you entertained, from cartoons to Minecraft to GTA V.
And last but not least, the music in the video is by Karl Casey at White Bat Audio. So sit back, relax, and enjoy the latest Neebs Gaming escapade!

Caption | Start | Duration |
[Music] | 2.59 | 3.809 |
what's our target | 5.04 | 3.599 |
apparently a really really mean robot | 6.399 | 3.761 |
isn't there two | 8.639 | 3.681 |
i think so hold on | 10.16 | 5.28 |
oh yeah i see one the plague of the | 12.32 | 4.719 |
archipelago | 15.44 | 3.04 |
according to the map there's two of them | 17.039 | 3.841 |
out there the plane yeah and i see three | 18.48 | 5.6 |
these things are so small in my scope oh | 20.88 | 4.479 |
he's looking in a completely different | 24.08 | 4.0 |
direction i am get him | 25.359 | 4.641 |
look at you door i'm looking at the | 28.08 | 3.599 |
player of the arc | 30.0 | 2.96 |
yeah the plague of the archipelago right | 31.679 | 2.961 |
there okay well i was looking farther | 32.96 | 3.439 |
away i think trying to take him out here | 34.64 | 3.439 |
in this field is suicide i have a | 36.399 | 4.241 |
proposal i think there's a bridge what | 38.079 | 4.561 |
if we set up on the bridge we have one | 40.64 | 4.239 |
of them like call the robots and lead us | 42.64 | 3.52 |
back to the bridge and then we fight | 44.879 | 2.641 |
them and blow them up on the bridge i | 46.16 | 3.6 |
like that now there are no less than | 47.52 | 3.84 |
seven robots over there a couple of them | 49.76 | 3.2 |
are right so yeah we need a nice | 51.36 | 3.679 |
defensive point tell you what i'm gonna | 52.96 | 4.16 |
go north through the woods | 55.039 | 4.721 |
and then head west follow me stay | 57.12 | 4.82 |
crowned jesus christ | 59.76 | 11.009 |
[Music] | 61.94 | 8.829 |
[Music] | 77.53 | 6.379 |
uh can we stand up yeah you guys see me | 88.24 | 3.44 |
yeah yeah i'm not the uh all right we're | 90.159 | 3.761 |
gonna double time it come on all right i | 91.68 | 4.479 |
think this may be a bridge up here | 93.92 | 3.68 |
looks like a bridge all right it looks | 96.159 | 2.721 |
like there's a couple of robots though | 97.6 | 2.559 |
these are little guys we can handle | 98.88 | 3.36 |
little guys yeah | 100.159 | 3.92 |
i'm not getting any kind of oh [ __ ] | 102.24 | 3.28 |
i'm being seen | 104.079 | 3.761 |
enter combat crouch | 105.52 | 4.959 |
behind okay he's coming take this guy | 107.84 | 5.12 |
out oh yeah yeah do we have to be quiet | 110.479 | 4.081 |
because i don't have a child to go out | 112.96 | 3.839 |
now | 114.56 | 2.239 |
oh boy one coming in | 117.36 | 3.2 |
good job | 121.84 | 2.559 |
come on | 124.56 | 4.88 |
yeah all right rock roll guys all right | 126.84 | 5.88 |
another one right to the door watch out | 129.44 | 3.28 |
nice oh [ __ ] said all of them all right | 136.879 | 4.561 |
yeah let me check the map uh the bad | 139.52 | 3.92 |
robots are not coming we're still clear | 141.44 | 4.64 |
hmm got some toothpaste | 143.44 | 4.879 |
what is that stuff is it swedish i don't | 146.08 | 4.56 |
know swedish you got swedish toothpaste | 148.319 | 4.081 |
that's made of meat it might be meat | 150.64 | 3.44 |
flavored | 152.4 | 3.919 |
oops sorry that was thick i just thick | 154.08 | 4.56 |
the mouse | 156.319 | 2.321 |
oh oh yeah big is that a big boy big guy | 160.08 | 5.04 |
down the other end of the bridge oh yeah | 162.72 | 4.96 |
walking to us walking to us it looks | 165.12 | 4.56 |
like can we take that big of a guy i | 167.68 | 4.559 |
don't know with explosions explosives | 169.68 | 4.16 |
i've got two minds all right we don't | 172.239 | 2.881 |
want to use all our explosives we want | 173.84 | 2.8 |
to save our explosives for the really | 175.12 | 3.28 |
big guy agreed all right come on you | 176.64 | 2.959 |
know what let's firing line this | 178.4 | 2.96 |
[ __ ] yeah like if we all get | 179.599 | 3.441 |
right here all right yeah hide behind | 181.36 | 3.76 |
this burning car now does he have a weak | 183.04 | 3.6 |
point do you know what the weak point is | 185.12 | 4.16 |
don't maybe on the back i think i see a | 186.64 | 4.72 |
canister on the back but i'm not 100 | 189.28 | 3.44 |
it's hard to tell the back until he | 191.36 | 3.2 |
starts walking maybe the head i don't | 192.72 | 3.599 |
know what do we do with this you guys | 194.56 | 4.57 |
ready yeah all right fire | 196.319 | 4.241 |
[Music] | 199.13 | 2.95 |
i think that's the front is that the | 200.56 | 3.759 |
front | 202.08 | 2.239 |
[Music] | 205.36 | 5.2 |
yep he's coming | 209.28 | 2.879 |
all right we're taking some pieces off | 210.56 | 3.679 |
that's for damn sure oh he's running he | 212.159 | 4.8 |
runs running he's running he running | 214.239 | 4.321 |
oh boy | 216.959 | 4.64 |
no explosions he's tough oh [ __ ] | 218.56 | 4.56 |
i think the weak area is behind him man | 221.599 | 3.601 |
i'm hurt okay oh god take cover take | 223.12 | 4.0 |
cover and i don't have any of those damn | 225.2 | 3.52 |
things equipped i'm gonna look for a | 227.12 | 3.52 |
flank y'all stay at it oh yeah we're | 228.72 | 3.76 |
staying at it son of a [ __ ] | 230.64 | 4.239 |
oh no there's a big river crap it's a | 232.48 | 4.319 |
bridge neebs i know but i thought maybe | 234.879 | 4.08 |
it was just a rain here he's come he's | 236.799 | 4.961 |
coming yeah i know he's coming come on | 238.959 | 5.761 |
oh boy that hurt okay oh i'm down oh god | 241.76 | 4.0 |
damn | 244.72 | 2.64 |
oh wait can we get him oh we got him | 245.76 | 4.8 |
he's dead yay oh okay i got him right | 247.36 | 5.04 |
before i died that's what i'll say there | 250.56 | 3.039 |
you go bud | 252.4 | 2.96 |
good job simon you just want to respawn | 253.599 | 3.2 |
at the uh that little thing oh he just | 255.36 | 3.119 |
did it for me i guess he's wasting a | 256.799 | 2.801 |
thing but okay | 258.479 | 4.16 |
whatever he's a good guy | 259.6 | 3.039 |
all right sedora yeah down to mine right | 263.759 | 3.121 |
there | 266.08 | 2.96 |
can humans hit the mine i don't know | 266.88 | 4.08 |
just don't hit it god that's easier said | 269.04 | 3.92 |
than done in it yeah okay he's gonna | 270.96 | 3.84 |
step on that don't step on him what if i | 272.96 | 4.16 |
walk past it real fast | 274.8 | 4.32 |
oh if i go over here | 277.12 | 3.84 |
what if i jump i don't know why here | 279.12 | 3.359 |
yeah why are you messing with doing that | 280.96 | 3.44 |
i'm just testing okay should i put an | 282.479 | 3.44 |
explosive i have a why are we even | 284.4 | 3.359 |
barrel can i put it down yeah you know | 285.919 | 2.961 |
what we need to put as many damn | 287.759 | 3.201 |
explosives right here as we as we got | 288.88 | 3.28 |
okay so | 290.96 | 2.959 |
how do they go down uh that there's one | 292.16 | 3.2 |
there you go yeah that's a real good one | 293.919 | 2.641 |
all right i'll see what i have in my | 295.36 | 2.8 |
inventory i'm going to do a bunch i | 296.56 | 4.479 |
think like a bunch i only had one oh now | 298.16 | 5.039 |
i have two land mines so hold on put | 301.039 | 4.321 |
them uh like out here salmon like uh you | 303.199 | 4.56 |
know so you cover all the what over here | 305.36 | 4.8 |
yeah yeah yeah so i'll just go like that | 307.759 | 4.72 |
well that's that's fine stand where you | 310.16 | 4.479 |
want it right now the next one | 312.479 | 4.56 |
i wanted it to like cover more areas so | 314.639 | 4.321 |
they have more chance of stepping | 317.039 | 3.44 |
on stand where you want me to put the | 318.96 | 3.84 |
next one how about put it right here | 320.479 | 3.201 |
okay | 322.8 | 2.8 |
did these white ones blow up uh yeah i | 323.68 | 4.4 |
believe so just throw them down too uh | 325.6 | 4.72 |
you may as well yeah right there why not | 328.08 | 3.119 |
bam | 330.32 | 4.48 |
yeah yeah okay now who gets to lure the | 331.199 | 5.361 |
robot i would love to | 334.8 | 3.6 |
all right door you would love to they | 336.56 | 3.84 |
are still out in that field you see them | 338.4 | 5.28 |
on the map i do all right get to luring | 340.4 | 5.76 |
uh i guess simon neebs will take cover | 343.68 | 7.32 |
okay yeah all right good luck dora | 346.16 | 4.84 |
i see the tyrant of divek's utter hud | 356.639 | 7.12 |
[Music] | 362.03 | 3.729 |
oh they're running they're running to me | 363.759 | 3.44 |
okay | 365.759 | 2.88 |
start heading back [ __ ] am i running the | 367.199 | 2.72 |
right way | 368.639 | 3.201 |
do you kind of kind of go west yeah yeah | 369.919 | 4.881 |
towards the road okay | 371.84 | 2.96 |
health | 377.6 | 2.0 |
i mean | 378.72 | 2.0 |
stamina | 379.6 | 2.48 |
are they coming | 380.72 | 2.319 |
maybe | 382.08 | 2.239 |
uh they don't look like they're moving | 383.039 | 3.6 |
on my map maybe after you sh after you | 384.319 | 3.921 |
shoot them like wait for them to come at | 386.639 | 3.921 |
you listen they're shooting at me | 388.24 | 4.0 |
yeah we got a bunch of little ones you | 390.56 | 3.44 |
might want to pop those guys before oh | 392.24 | 3.92 |
god they're i see you dora | 394.0 | 3.52 |
bring him to the bridge | 396.16 | 2.72 |
coming coming | 397.52 | 2.799 |
take it to the bridge | 398.88 | 2.64 |
oh boy | 400.319 | 1.441 |
come on | 401.52 | 1.76 |
[Music] | 401.76 | 3.439 |
stamina come on you picked that right | 403.28 | 3.759 |
now what if these [ __ ] though these | 405.199 | 3.681 |
little ones might set off the stuff for | 407.039 | 4.801 |
the big ones i know that's not good nope | 408.88 | 4.319 |
what the [ __ ] are we doing | 411.84 | 2.479 |
what else are we going to work we're | 413.199 | 2.56 |
experimenting | 414.319 | 5.28 |
here they come captain hindsight | 415.759 | 3.84 |
that was the explosions yeah but who did | 420.08 | 4.0 |
that probably the little ones that the | 422.639 | 3.361 |
robot robot shot | 424.08 | 4.11 |
yes guys | 426.0 | 5.269 |
[Music] | 428.19 | 3.079 |
they're not coming | 432.24 | 3.28 |
they're not down there i don't see him | 433.68 | 3.919 |
down there no what the hell blew up our | 435.52 | 4.239 |
explosives well dora running down which | 437.599 | 4.241 |
i get you were told to do that door but | 439.759 | 5.44 |
that was not a good thing to do | 441.84 | 3.359 |
i'm talking about they're right here | 445.28 | 4.08 |
how are you guys not shooting these i | 447.36 | 3.279 |
don't see what you're shooting at | 449.36 | 2.64 |
neither do i | 450.639 | 4.4 |
there's a robot right behind her | 452.0 | 5.599 |
not for us | 455.039 | 2.56 |
do you see a robot | 458.16 | 3.52 |
what's going on here i don't know get | 459.599 | 5.44 |
him dora i am | 461.68 | 3.359 |
[Music] | 469.8 | 3.399 |
i'll aim where you're aiming just shoot | 471.599 | 3.04 |
down the | 473.199 | 2.801 |
oh wait | 474.639 | 4.321 |
is it right here | 476.0 | 3.84 |
hmm | 478.96 | 3.6 |
they're gonna kill me | 479.84 | 2.72 |
after i think doraleous lost it oh god | 482.639 | 8.68 |
no i saw the bullets crap yeah he's done | 485.44 | 5.879 |
i don't see anything | 494.639 | 3.041 |
are we hitting it | 496.08 | 3.1 |
are we hitting it | 497.68 | 4.61 |
[Music] | 499.18 | 3.11 |
sorry sorry god damn it | 502.56 | 4.24 |
that was the car will you please all | 504.72 | 4.24 |
right clearly this plan is going to [ __ ] | 506.8 | 3.839 |
what now yep oh | 508.96 | 3.68 |
hi | 510.639 | 3.681 |
i'm gonna just have my battle here i | 512.64 | 4.48 |
guess yeah you're doing great thank you | 514.32 | 4.56 |
we're gonna get those robots one day | 517.12 | 5.76 |
holy crap if we can see them | 518.88 | 4.0 |
[Music] | 524.56 | 3.36 |
hey guys it's uncle thick again there's | 525.839 | 3.921 |
nothing like starting off your day with | 527.92 | 4.0 |
a tall cup of cocaine coffee that's | 529.76 | 4.56 |
right player one coffee a terrific blend | 531.92 | 4.64 |
of a bunch of coffee makes me jittery as | 534.32 | 3.6 |
[ __ ] but i love it can't stop tricking | 536.56 | 3.44 |
it hey do you need something to put your | 537.92 | 4.32 |
coffee in how about a coffee cup our | 540.0 | 4.64 |
spreadshirt shop has a simon box coffee | 542.24 | 4.8 |
cup if you didn't know simon smells like | 544.64 | 5.6 |
meatballs and | 547.04 | 5.04 |
so head on over to play one coffee and | 550.24 | 3.599 |
then go to our spreadshirt shop get | 552.08 | 4.319 |
everything you need okay bye bye here we | 553.839 | 3.68 |
go not encourage the use of cooking | 556.399 | 2.161 |
cocaine is classified as a schedule two | 557.519 | 2.0 |
drugs and is illegal in the united | 558.56 | 1.92 |
states sweden and a bunch of other | 559.519 | 2.241 |
places here in bolivia wait a minute | 560.48 | 2.32 |
does this say that cocaine is legal in | 561.76 | 2.4 |
canada medical cocaine those canadians | 562.8 | 3.039 |
are [ __ ] crazy i'm going to canada | 564.16 | 4.239 |
uncle vic is moving to the great white | 565.839 | 3.881 |
star | 568.399 | 10.201 |
[Music] | 569.72 | 8.88 |
you know i'm gonna get high i'm gonna go | 584.08 | 3.52 |
up on the top of this rock | 585.6 | 4.16 |
are you getting high on top of the rock | 587.6 | 4.0 |
are you just getting up i sound like you | 589.76 | 3.519 |
said you were gonna get high no getting | 591.6 | 3.919 |
high up here we're getting high up here | 593.279 | 4.641 |
getting high up here to get some height | 595.519 | 4.241 |
you know what i mean no i don't it | 597.92 | 2.8 |
sounds like you're saying you want to | 599.76 | 3.68 |
get stoned i do i'm getting higher | 600.72 | 5.119 |
that's classic simon | 603.44 | 5.2 |
shar carvin bunker oh is a bunker here | 605.839 | 4.641 |
uh-huh i must be down this way a little | 608.64 | 4.879 |
bit follow follow | 610.48 | 3.039 |
we got going on in here i got this | 615.519 | 4.88 |
shoddy want me to lead sure | 617.92 | 4.8 |
oh there's already things down here you | 620.399 | 4.401 |
see something yep getting sneaky all | 622.72 | 3.84 |
right it's kind of a long you might want | 624.8 | 3.92 |
to use your snippy snip rifle oh wait is | 626.56 | 4.24 |
there are there | 628.72 | 4.32 |
little | 630.8 | 2.24 |
does anybody have any like uh explosives | 633.519 | 3.201 |
we can lure them into a trap all right | 635.279 | 2.321 |
all right | 636.72 | 2.72 |
hey there's four of us we all pick one | 637.6 | 3.919 |
good idea neebs all right bottom right i | 639.44 | 5.12 |
got up uh top left bottom left top right | 641.519 | 5.041 |
three two one go | 644.56 | 4.959 |
bam this one's still coming okay there | 646.56 | 5.36 |
we go is that it all right | 649.519 | 4.961 |
that's it very nice it's pretty tactful | 651.92 | 4.64 |
that's right that was pretty tech | 654.48 | 4.56 |
tactful tactical is it i guess tactful | 656.56 | 4.88 |
right tactical tactical tactical | 659.04 | 4.0 |
tactical isn't a [ __ ] word no | 661.44 | 3.68 |
tactical tactical | 663.04 | 4.0 |
jesus | 665.12 | 4.48 |
oh god look | 667.04 | 4.08 |
door yeah that's no good down there | 669.6 | 3.84 |
you're uh this one you got the gas mask | 671.12 | 4.959 |
right oh i got a brown leather jacket oh | 673.44 | 4.56 |
and there's there's gas mask in here oh | 676.079 | 4.721 |
yeah where in that bag yeah in the back | 678.0 | 4.88 |
i got a brown leather jacket see what i | 680.8 | 8.36 |
get come on gas mask ah wood crap | 682.88 | 6.28 |
[Music] | 689.31 | 5.01 |
[Applause] | 692.95 | 2.889 |
all right you guys gotta go because i | 694.32 | 3.36 |
don't have anything okay all right dory | 695.839 | 4.0 |
you got one i got one yeah all right | 697.68 | 4.96 |
ready here we go i'll let you take a | 699.839 | 5.601 |
point okay | 702.64 | 2.8 |
oh wait hold on hold on hold on i'm | 705.519 | 3.361 |
getting hurt it's hurting me too what | 707.2 | 2.8 |
the [ __ ] | 708.88 | 3.12 |
does it just slow down or does it stop | 710.0 | 2.959 |
it | 712.0 | 2.72 |
i can i can try and see what happens | 712.959 | 3.921 |
real quick and run back little science a | 714.72 | 4.96 |
little science all right this is um | 716.88 | 4.0 |
you still getting hurt oh god there's a | 719.68 | 2.88 |
bunch of robots in here oh yeah i'm | 720.88 | 3.12 |
still hard working he's shooting how | 722.56 | 2.8 |
badly hurt though like what's your | 724.0 | 3.68 |
health health half health half health | 725.36 | 3.52 |
tonight that doesn't make any sense | 727.68 | 2.24 |
what's the point of that gas mask let's | 728.88 | 2.56 |
give it a second let's see | 729.92 | 3.28 |
oh [ __ ] all right | 731.44 | 3.199 |
talk about those guys | 733.2 | 3.92 |
plus 20 gas resistance with the gas mask | 734.639 | 5.041 |
oh plus 20 okay so it only gives you a | 737.12 | 4.56 |
little bit of resistance well that's | 739.68 | 4.8 |
dumb it should [ __ ] i got a couple | 741.68 | 4.24 |
of health kits i'll just try to run for | 744.48 | 2.96 |
it get to the generator as quick as i | 745.92 | 3.919 |
can turn it on okay i love it i love | 747.44 | 5.28 |
that idea okay | 749.839 | 5.601 |
yeah go get em after go out joe you're a | 752.72 | 5.119 |
hero where's the power oh god's a bunch | 755.44 | 4.079 |
up in here all right where's the thing | 757.839 | 3.041 |
where's the thing i've found the thing | 759.519 | 2.56 |
before | 760.88 | 3.759 |
where's the button | 762.079 | 2.56 |
but there it is | 765.2 | 2.48 |
sweet | 768.079 | 4.481 |
okay [ __ ] this place get out of here | 769.04 | 5.44 |
come on buddy there he is | 772.56 | 3.92 |
yeah yeah good job and nobody came | 774.48 | 3.2 |
behind yet | 776.48 | 2.72 |
i'm wasting all my damn health packs on | 777.68 | 4.32 |
that [ __ ] all right we're having a waste | 779.2 | 4.319 |
is uh is there any sort of command | 782.0 | 3.92 |
center here maybe here see this right | 783.519 | 4.081 |
here this one that's at the end it feels | 785.92 | 4.0 |
command center location it does it | 787.6 | 4.64 |
opened you opened it right oh it was a | 789.92 | 4.64 |
gun look at that gun right there smg | 792.24 | 3.2 |
yeah | 794.56 | 4.0 |
yeah right down here oh [ __ ] oh god i | 795.44 | 5.199 |
think it's loud as hell scary every time | 798.56 | 3.68 |
though kind of love it i guess we'll | 800.639 | 6.021 |
just look around figure this place out | 802.24 | 13.44 |
[Music] | 806.66 | 11.66 |
oh house yeah we got a side mission in | 815.68 | 4.56 |
this little town up ahead yeah and that | 818.32 | 4.24 |
house looks nice this robot's right down | 820.24 | 4.64 |
here guys yeah is that the lights going | 822.56 | 4.24 |
off can you near these big brothers on | 824.88 | 4.16 |
the other | 826.8 | 2.24 |
what are we gonna do can we all take him | 832.0 | 3.279 |
out he's rolling around in circles he's | 833.839 | 3.761 |
as high as high as a kite you see that | 835.279 | 4.321 |
tank on his back yeah yeah red tight i | 837.6 | 4.0 |
think that's what we're aiming for okay | 839.6 | 4.0 |
you know what i have been wanting to try | 841.6 | 4.96 |
an emp careful cell this is like a | 843.6 | 4.72 |
grenade for robots yeah it's it's | 846.56 | 2.959 |
supposed to yeah it shuts the | 848.32 | 3.36 |
electricity off all right tell you what | 849.519 | 3.921 |
throw it i'm gonna move towards them and | 851.68 | 3.12 |
throw it and then you guys hammer them | 853.44 | 3.44 |
with bullets yeah yeah yeah okay here we | 854.8 | 3.279 |
go i'm going to try to get behind this | 856.88 | 3.23 |
boulder here without being seen | 858.079 | 5.2 |
[Music] | 860.11 | 5.49 |
yeah yeah | 863.279 | 4.8 |
he's spinning okay okay | 865.6 | 4.239 |
oh nope he's looking your way all right | 868.079 | 2.88 |
no all right i'm trying to get a little | 869.839 | 2.401 |
closer all right i'm going to throw this | 870.959 | 3.921 |
emp yeah i hope this works | 872.24 | 4.08 |
you can't throw that far can you i guess | 874.88 | 4.399 |
i did well okay you did it didn't um | 876.32 | 5.12 |
didn't seem to do anything i'm shooting | 879.279 | 5.601 |
them oh god there's two of | 881.44 | 3.44 |
holy [ __ ] is he right on me | 889.279 | 5.521 |
oh boy oh boy wow crap | 892.0 | 6.839 |
he's no [ __ ] he's right here | 894.8 | 4.039 |
[ __ ] | 899.12 | 3.519 |
i'm flanking maybe oh i'm behind him oh | 900.32 | 4.56 |
crap he's running boom | 902.639 | 5.2 |
come on oh boy i am almost dead can we | 904.88 | 5.199 |
take cover in the house sure i'm chasing | 907.839 | 5.201 |
him for the house take over | 910.079 | 2.961 |
okay | 918.24 | 2.959 |
oh [ __ ] they're running after you | 919.199 | 3.521 |
hopefully | 921.199 | 3.361 |
you're not getting away from me | 922.72 | 4.32 |
no way | 924.56 | 2.48 |
because he sees me | 937.12 | 3.36 |
you son of a [ __ ] | 938.72 | 4.0 |
okay oh he's definitely coming towards | 940.48 | 4.32 |
the house yeah okay what's that outside | 942.72 | 4.0 |
is that oh god there's another another | 944.8 | 3.44 |
robot to your left door all right he's | 946.72 | 4.16 |
in the front yard | 948.24 | 2.64 |
[ __ ] oh god we're getting gassed don't | 953.04 | 4.239 |
stop coming to the house i got a shot in | 954.959 | 4.0 |
the tank bam | 957.279 | 4.401 |
come on bam really i feel like i'm | 958.959 | 3.761 |
hitting it | 961.68 | 2.719 |
where are they at i have shots should i | 962.72 | 4.16 |
try to divert them yes convert them i | 964.399 | 4.721 |
can't | 966.88 | 2.24 |
come on just just shoot the damn thing | 971.44 | 3.199 |
just kill it just kill it kill it just | 973.12 | 4.24 |
kill it kill it | 974.639 | 2.721 |
i'm coming i'm coming i'm coming i'm at | 977.6 | 2.96 |
the door come on come on come on thank | 978.88 | 3.84 |
you | 980.56 | 2.16 |
oh it's in the house | 987.92 | 3.64 |
oh wait holy moly oh wait there's one | 998.48 | 5.84 |
more what is this it's like dog thing | 1001.519 | 4.56 |
can you get it come on | 1004.32 | 3.6 |
come on baby come on come on come on | 1006.079 | 4.961 |
come on come on oh thanks god | 1007.92 | 5.52 |
yeah get to the house okay i took out | 1011.04 | 4.0 |
the big guys | 1013.44 | 3.04 |
okay awesome | 1015.04 | 3.76 |
there's one dog oh god take the hit oh | 1016.48 | 4.0 |
god i gotta get covered i gotta get | 1018.8 | 4.68 |
covered | 1020.48 | 3.0 |
jesus christ jesus christ jesus christ | 1025.039 | 4.64 |
holy [ __ ] | 1028.319 | 2.88 |
what are we dealing with out there | 1029.679 | 3.681 |
another piggy hunter that is backed by | 1031.199 | 5.6 |
those i'm going back in he's a big one | 1033.36 | 6.479 |
i'm gonna hit him with an emp | 1036.799 | 3.04 |
yeah [ __ ] that one | 1039.919 | 3.681 |
never mind | 1042.559 | 3.601 |
try it again | 1043.6 | 2.56 |
that did that worked yeah | 1047.919 | 4.041 |
oh | 1062.559 | 3.0 |
that was [ __ ] nuts | 1078.96 | 5.12 |
jesus i can't believe we survived that i | 1082.0 | 3.919 |
can't believe i didn't die holy moly | 1084.08 | 4.4 |
okay oh and a health pack oh god i need | 1085.919 | 4.081 |
so many health packs right now yes | 1088.48 | 3.92 |
simple first aid kits | 1090.0 | 7.32 |
holy [ __ ] hey big boy | 1092.4 | 4.92 |
[Music] | 1100.81 | 3.21 |
[Music] | 1110.78 | 6.82 |
you | 1115.52 | 2.08 |
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If anyone has any fan art they would like to submit, a post idea or promotional content for the crew just reach out and let me know! This is community supported so feel free to get involved if you love Neebs Gaming half as much as I do!