Unstoppable Cybernetic Ant Horde!!! - Grounded
Neebs Gaming
neebs: Hey guys, welcome back to another Neebs Gaming video! Today we're talking about the unstoppable cybernetic ant horde in Grounded. Can you believe those little buggers are causing so much chaos?
simon: Oh man, I remember that video! The activation of the Coffee Pot bringing in the ORC horde was just insane. I couldn't stop laughing at the chaos.
appsro: Haha, yeah, those ants sure know how to cause a ruckus. But hey, at least we had our ugly sweaters on to keep us looking stylish while we fought them off!
neebs: That's right, Appsro! And don't forget about our new channel, Neebs Magic Dumpster. We may need some magical help to deal with those cybernetic ants next time!

This video comes straight from the Neebs Gaming YouTube channel.
Hey there, fellow Neebs Gaming fans! Have you seen the latest video they just uploaded? It's all about the activation of the Coffee Pot and how it has brought the ORC horde upon them! I was on the edge of my seat watching this one, let me tell you. If you haven't checked it out yet, you definitely need to head over to their YouTube channel and give it a watch.
And speaking of watching their videos, have you seen the new merch they just dropped? Ugly Sweaters - perfect for the holiday season! I can't wait to get my hands on one of those. Plus, have you seen their new channel, Neebs Magic Dumpster? It's filled with even more hilarious content that I know you'll love.
If you're a die-hard Neebs Gaming fan like me, you should definitely consider supporting them on Patreon. They work so hard to bring us amazing content, and it's great to be able to give back and show them some love. And don't forget to check out their merch, too - I've got a whole collection of Neebs Gaming shirts and hoodies that I wear proudly.
I also love that Neebs Gaming is powered by Xidax PCs - those things are top of the line! And let's not forget about the coffee. Use code NEEBS10 at checkout for 10% off your order at Player One Coffee. It's the perfect fuel for all those late-night gaming sessions. Make sure to follow Neebs Gaming on all their social media channels, too - you won't want to miss out on any updates or behind-the-scenes content. And if you're looking for more NEEBS videos to binge-watch, check out their playlists on their channel. From cartoons to Minecraft, they've got something for everyone. Happy gaming, friends!

Caption | Start | Duration |
oh god oh oh they're here don't do that | 1.079 | 6.361 |
that's GNA make me | 4.88 | 2.56 |
do oh God that's oh no oh they're awful | 7.76 | 5.44 |
neebs gaming ugly sweaters available for | 10.92 | 3.879 |
limited | 13.2 | 4.56 |
time um hey guys so we accidentally | 14.799 | 5.161 |
skipped an episode of grounded and | 17.76 | 3.439 |
that's the episode you're about to watch | 19.96 | 3.44 |
today this one goes before the one that | 21.199 | 4.961 |
came out last week we're idiots yeah | 23.4 | 5.52 |
Simon is an idiot yep asro is an idiot | 26.16 | 5.039 |
door is an idiot yeah Anthony is an | 28.92 | 6.159 |
idiot we're idiots | 31.199 | 3.88 |
[Music] | 36.15 | 13.669 |
sorry I could devour a billy hog right | 49.96 | 6.079 |
about now man I swear to God if he says | 53.44 | 4.959 |
that Billy hog line one more time I'm | 56.039 | 3.52 |
going to I'm going to break his little | 58.399 | 2.881 |
head cage I don't hear him like you do | 59.559 | 4.361 |
and that's good all right so there's the | 61.28 | 4.92 |
coffee maker way up there oh cool it's a | 63.92 | 5.12 |
zipline oh hell yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah | 66.2 | 7.959 |
what what what yeah yeah and kaboo Amber | 69.04 | 9.2 |
PL come on Dr T let's go freak man | 74.159 | 7.721 |
dropping an F bomb on it yeah oh wow so | 78.24 | 7.239 |
this is the Java mtic oh get out of my | 81.88 | 5.919 |
face | 85.479 | 2.32 |
weirdo so okay big calculator here I see | 87.92 | 9.08 |
some science up top all right let me see | 92.439 | 8.0 |
can we oh oh you see this broken bit | 97.0 | 5.32 |
here D yeah I do what if we can get in | 100.439 | 3.68 |
that way oh check this out like right | 102.32 | 3.759 |
here then right here parkour yeah yeah | 104.119 | 5.32 |
yeah yeah yeah yeah ha I got a bomb Oh | 106.079 | 5.64 |
run run run run run run run | 109.439 | 4.36 |
run | 111.719 | 7.121 |
yeah I did it okay we're in | 113.799 | 7.611 |
and | 118.84 | 4.199 |
[Music] | 121.41 | 4.79 |
stop come | 123.039 | 3.161 |
on and then all right oh okay the igging | 126.32 | 8.639 |
cell is in place we're almost ready to | 131.599 | 5.801 |
commence Brewing perfect this is the | 134.959 | 4.401 |
ening cell which we already had from | 137.4 | 4.04 |
long time ago uhhuh now all we got to do | 139.36 | 4.76 |
is uh make that ening cocktail uh-huh | 141.44 | 4.799 |
and uh yeah I think we can Brew us a | 144.12 | 4.199 |
potion to get out of here we're that | 146.239 | 5.841 |
close I think so what I know seems crazy | 148.319 | 7.481 |
right a little bit yeah seems easy | 152.08 | 7.6 |
almost too easy | 155.8 | 3.88 |
[Music] | 159.77 | 4.079 |
right all right I got a couple gifts to | 164.08 | 4.799 |
hand out o | 166.92 | 7.36 |
o let's see what what's that floating | 168.879 | 8.041 |
what you never seen that you you have oh | 174.28 | 4.12 |
hey yeah that's right you weren't here | 176.92 | 3.36 |
last week were you Simon no you missed a | 178.4 | 4.559 |
lot you missed a lot you did apparently | 180.28 | 4.84 |
yeah so what the hell is that floating | 182.959 | 3.601 |
don't worry about that's Dr | 185.12 | 5.399 |
Tully oh oh there's a person yeah that's | 186.56 | 5.679 |
kind of crazy there's a mustache and | 190.519 | 5.561 |
glasses yeah yeah Gibs Gibs Gibs Gibs | 192.239 | 6.321 |
Merry | 196.08 | 2.48 |
Christmas it's the crossbow Black Black | 199.08 | 6.32 |
Arrow crossbow something like that and | 202.599 | 4.72 |
the need take off that dingy armor | 205.4 | 6.72 |
you're wearing okay got gifts oh Simon | 207.319 | 6.2 |
I'm sorry I don't have anything to give | 212.12 | 3.0 |
you but I did make you that armor yes | 213.519 | 5.64 |
you did very much and yeah and Dr Tully | 215.12 | 5.64 |
will be your friend if you want oh that | 219.159 | 3.64 |
sounds good it's not creepy at all yeah | 220.76 | 4.479 |
you doing okay doc yeah he's doing fine | 222.799 | 4.961 |
how's this look uh ladybug chest plate | 225.239 | 6.84 |
to boom yeah that's great new legs oh | 227.76 | 6.08 |
yeah oh step over the light so I can see | 232.079 | 5.08 |
a little better yeah yeah come over here | 233.84 | 5.56 |
check this out [ __ ] out of the way oh | 237.159 | 5.841 |
yeah you look great yep yep man if I get | 239.4 | 5.839 |
one more pupil leather I can make my | 243.0 | 4.4 |
wasp armor and I'll be a a finished | 245.239 | 5.601 |
Beast oh wow okay hey who wants crossbow | 247.4 | 5.28 |
the other one um I I don't but I am | 250.84 | 4.84 |
stuck is anyone else get stuck in here | 252.68 | 4.48 |
stuck in the chair well you're crouching | 255.68 | 3.76 |
right now does that make a difference oh | 257.16 | 4.28 |
okay I'll un Crouch quit playing around | 259.44 | 3.68 |
Simon get out of that chair quit messing | 261.44 | 5.88 |
around control nothing I'm in space bar | 263.12 | 6.04 |
nothing well here let me try to move the | 267.32 | 6.08 |
chair okay yeah hey we go all right | 269.16 | 7.12 |
thank you all I did was get out all | 273.4 | 5.04 |
right thank you weird creepy yes thank | 276.28 | 7.0 |
you guy and you too floating head sweet | 278.44 | 6.28 |
yep everybody enjoy theirselves till | 283.28 | 3.08 |
morning then we'll get stuff done I need | 284.72 | 5.039 |
a toenail I need pupil | 286.36 | 6.88 |
leather I need a | 289.759 | 3.481 |
sandwich | 298.56 | 5.76 |
oh crap yeah he saw us Ox beetles on us | 301.16 | 4.36 |
yeah you think we can take this guy by | 304.32 | 4.159 |
ourselves uh yeah I do I'll get behind | 305.52 | 5.64 |
him he's on you all right on his butt on | 308.479 | 5.881 |
the butt on the butt oh yeah there we go | 311.16 | 4.8 |
right okay I'm | 314.36 | 5.559 |
blocking oh yeah there's my dude | 315.96 | 7.92 |
okay still on me still on me oh yeah you | 319.919 | 6.161 |
ain't got nothing on | 323.88 | 6.599 |
me okay that hurt hurt a little bit | 326.08 | 8.36 |
oh my my buddy oh is he down yeah he | 330.479 | 5.16 |
doesn't last | 334.44 | 3.8 |
long okay that's cool man that's a cool | 335.639 | 4.321 |
mutation box Beetle's halfway down I | 338.24 | 4.64 |
want to get behind him uh here we go | 339.96 | 4.959 |
there we go back here oh yeah here he | 342.88 | 4.72 |
goes was your buddy back already yeah | 344.919 | 5.12 |
good yes I know yeah yeah that mean it's | 347.6 | 5.599 |
pretty pretty op mutation he was just | 350.039 | 8.401 |
here oh no you don't yeah and boom piz | 353.199 | 7.601 |
nice oh | 358.44 | 6.4 |
man that guy is a nut ah so | 360.8 | 7.16 |
dramatic I like him you okay Dr Tully | 364.84 | 4.6 |
yeah I've noticed Dr Tully sometimes | 367.96 | 5.04 |
he'll fire at things too oh really yeah | 369.44 | 5.64 |
well thank you Dr Tully let's see all | 373.0 | 4.919 |
right I came out here not too long ago | 375.08 | 4.959 |
and I discovered this field station but | 377.919 | 4.0 |
that's not why I brought you out here | 380.039 | 4.481 |
okay let's see if I can find it again it | 381.919 | 5.321 |
was oh yeah it's right over here uhhuh I | 384.52 | 5.28 |
was like oh Field Station cool but I | 387.24 | 7.399 |
wonder what this is and then I see this | 389.8 | 7.64 |
oh a bottle full of teeth how do you get | 394.639 | 6.081 |
in there we you suppose huh it looks | 397.44 | 5.319 |
like there's an entry way like there at | 400.72 | 4.36 |
the end but who the hell knows where the | 402.759 | 4.681 |
entrance is like a hole in the ground | 405.08 | 5.2 |
yeah um yep you're right that does look | 407.44 | 4.199 |
like a hole in there did you really have | 410.28 | 3.56 |
to pull out your binoculars for that oh | 411.639 | 3.881 |
are you just your eyeballs are like | 413.84 | 3.68 |
Eagle yeah I mean look right there it's | 415.52 | 3.32 |
like a hole in the ground it's all brown | 417.52 | 3.04 |
there's no cont it all Blends together | 418.84 | 2.799 |
bet all you got to do is walk back and | 420.56 | 2.759 |
forth and you can clearly see the dip | 421.639 | 4.521 |
okay oh yeah it's a good trick life hack | 423.319 | 4.681 |
so we need to figure out how to get in | 426.16 | 4.28 |
there cuz that's a lot of teeth one two | 428.0 | 4.36 |
that's four five teeth you know what we | 430.44 | 4.52 |
can do with five | 432.36 | 2.6 |
teeth hey Simon yeah B since we're | 435.08 | 5.32 |
waiting for that to turn into the well | 438.16 | 3.56 |
I'm waiting for it to turn into the | 440.4 | 3.32 |
leather right the hide hanging on the | 441.72 | 5.039 |
rack since you're a crossbowman now oh | 443.72 | 5.199 |
yes I am and I've not used this on a | 446.759 | 4.681 |
living thing well I mean the the pupil | 448.919 | 4.241 |
was but you know what I mean like not | 451.44 | 3.92 |
fighting back thing uh-huh what if I | 453.16 | 4.92 |
lure up one of these suckers um I don't | 455.36 | 4.239 |
see I don't see what you're talking | 458.08 | 3.88 |
about but okay oh man I just got to hit | 459.599 | 5.081 |
it that's the thing what uh yeah all | 461.96 | 5.239 |
right mosquito oh mosquit oh yeah look | 464.68 | 4.76 |
at that look at that that hurt did that | 467.199 | 4.28 |
hurt wait was that one shot and dead no | 469.44 | 3.479 |
it's not dead but like that was a lot of | 471.479 | 4.72 |
damage on that sucker okay what a sucker | 472.919 | 5.24 |
you suck look at it's not even did it go | 476.199 | 4.241 |
home what' you go home are you scared | 478.159 | 4.281 |
how do you scar how so scared what's the | 480.44 | 4.8 |
matter do we need to give you a Huggy oh | 482.44 | 5.68 |
suck a move there suck ass a Huggy where | 485.24 | 4.6 |
you at yeah where is it at we're going | 488.12 | 3.199 |
to give you a little sweet little | 489.84 | 3.24 |
Embrace down there and just just going | 491.319 | 4.521 |
to hide forever is you okay so okay all | 493.08 | 4.76 |
we got another coming another couple | 495.84 | 7.56 |
ining are oh yeah look at oh oh yeah oh | 497.84 | 10.84 |
and this one's bye and bye bye almost | 503.4 | 9.519 |
bye yeah nice try you idiot oh in the | 508.68 | 6.52 |
face oh get it Simon take it home oh in | 512.919 | 4.161 |
the face oh just take it home okay I'm | 515.2 | 4.56 |
going to take face kind of hurt good job | 517.08 | 4.8 |
buddy hey good science yep y I'm going | 519.76 | 3.839 |
to go get those arrows you might see | 521.88 | 3.519 |
that other one down there that ran with | 523.599 | 5.36 |
its tail between its legs oh well I'll | 525.399 | 4.961 |
I'll I'll hit you'll use your your a | 528.959 | 3.081 |
crossbowman yeah I'll do that all right | 530.36 | 4.76 |
see you in a few | 532.04 | 3.08 |
okay well I think I know how I died you | 535.16 | 7.72 |
died no no it oh it yeah oh there's gum | 538.519 | 7.0 |
yeah it ain't gum that's that'd be my | 542.88 | 3.84 |
guess I don't think you're supposed to | 545.519 | 4.0 |
feed a hamster gum okay uh let Dr knees | 546.72 | 4.52 |
in here uh | 549.519 | 4.0 |
scalpel uh | 551.24 | 5.96 |
forceps uh that's the only two tools I | 553.519 | 7.681 |
know um yeah me too do oh you got an ant | 557.2 | 6.879 |
oh nope no you don't I'll dig you to | 561.2 | 6.0 |
death Dr T get in here fight that in t | 564.079 | 5.601 |
do something trying to get gum | 567.2 | 4.0 |
oh wow | 569.68 | 3.12 |
yeah | 571.2 | 8.16 |
jeez oh God careful yeah you better | 572.8 | 6.56 |
run okay yeah every time he makes such a | 579.92 | 7.08 |
scene doesn't he oh neeps yeah over | 583.88 | 6.399 |
here ooh this has potential oh is this | 587.0 | 6.68 |
it it has potential yeah this looks like | 590.279 | 5.321 |
it'd be it right yeah oh and I don't | 593.68 | 3.8 |
know if you noticed my torch I made an | 595.6 | 6.239 |
Ever Char torch uh-uh yeah uses a piece | 597.48 | 7.039 |
of charcoal okay that's pretty cool yeah | 601.839 | 4.761 |
and it lasts longer I | 604.519 | 5.241 |
think o hello this looks like an ant | 606.6 | 4.88 |
cave or something maybe oh man we should | 609.76 | 3.84 |
get more ant eggs been a while what do | 611.48 | 6.12 |
we oh yeah yeah little ant Army yep is | 613.6 | 6.679 |
that that a ball that's a | 617.6 | 5.44 |
ball huh can you do anything with that | 620.279 | 5.12 |
uh well not right off hand you think you | 623.04 | 3.799 |
can't I mean we can't climb up there | 625.399 | 4.521 |
anyway nope oh man uh-huh this feels | 626.839 | 5.841 |
like a trap doesn't it uh oh look at all | 629.92 | 4.56 |
that good stuff across the way all right | 632.68 | 5.159 |
I'm dropping down oo it's pretty in here | 634.48 | 6.799 |
yep does Dr toally do anything yes | 637.839 | 4.56 |
sometimes when you're fighting ants | 641.279 | 4.281 |
he'll uh like shoot electric powers at | 642.399 | 4.841 |
think he can help with directions and | 645.56 | 4.04 |
stuff came here to the ball can we push | 647.24 | 3.68 |
the | 649.6 | 4.239 |
ball push the ball it's | 650.92 | 7.32 |
moving here we go yeah okay oh so wait | 653.839 | 6.161 |
can we stand on it now now and roll it | 658.24 | 3.76 |
around is this this the same ball or a | 660.0 | 3.839 |
different ball this is the same ball | 662.0 | 5.079 |
same ball okay oh Telly what let's here | 663.839 | 5.161 |
we going to push it into this room okay | 667.079 | 4.76 |
oh then we get up yeah it's puzzle | 669.0 | 5.36 |
solving yeah this is neat we can't break | 671.839 | 5.521 |
the ball can we um oh yep oh wow yeah I | 674.36 | 5.2 |
got up here | 677.36 | 6.52 |
okay uhhuh get this stuff Supreme marble | 679.56 | 6.92 |
yeah n this is great stuff I can't reach | 683.88 | 5.24 |
the top of the ball crap okay well you | 686.48 | 6.08 |
have fun up there uh oh can you uh if I | 689.12 | 4.76 |
stand on the ball can you knock it | 692.56 | 3.519 |
towards the tooth uh yep and the tooth | 693.88 | 6.36 |
is right this way yeah | 696.079 | 4.161 |
okay there it | 701.839 | 4.721 |
is okay so yeah this isn't the hole we | 703.76 | 6.0 |
wanted but hey cool ball puzzle yep hey | 706.56 | 5.48 |
that's what she said I think it all | 709.76 | 3.8 |
works there that's fine everything you | 712.04 | 5.599 |
said worked I could devour a billy hog | 713.56 | 7.399 |
right about now | 717.639 | 3.32 |
man hey Simon hey this is like end game | 724.839 | 5.8 |
for me this is like I'm done cuz I don't | 728.6 | 3.4 |
think I want to get rid of my apid | 730.639 | 3.681 |
slippers they're so flipping fast you | 732.0 | 4.92 |
know right but this I think I think this | 734.32 | 3.6 |
is | 736.92 | 4.719 |
it I think I think that's it for me like | 737.92 | 6.24 |
I think I'm maxed out wow let me tell | 741.639 | 4.32 |
you that's one impressive top do you | 744.16 | 4.56 |
like that yeah it's a wasp top that's | 745.959 | 4.961 |
that's that's very classy oh good I'm | 748.72 | 3.84 |
glad you think so now I just want to | 750.92 | 4.84 |
kick some butt your whole look works man | 752.56 | 6.04 |
oh you're liking that yeah good good | 755.76 | 4.639 |
thank you I mean you look sharp as the | 758.6 | 3.84 |
Dickens well I appreciate that but no | 760.399 | 4.24 |
you're definitely uh I don't know like | 762.44 | 4.72 |
more of like the the one that's walking | 764.639 | 4.76 |
up the runway like the latest the | 767.16 | 4.64 |
hottest Fashions I just drop I didn't | 769.399 | 4.401 |
mean to drop that was that can I you | 771.8 | 3.64 |
yeah that just ruined how cool I looked | 773.8 | 3.68 |
because I dropped something oh no not | 775.44 | 3.8 |
for me but then if like you that | 777.48 | 3.88 |
probably looks good with that too oh | 779.24 | 4.64 |
that's high fashion that is high that's | 781.36 | 5.2 |
man I'm I'm getting don't tell me you | 783.88 | 4.44 |
don't have to tell me don't tell you | 786.56 | 3.48 |
yeah I just want to get up with those | 788.32 | 3.199 |
guys now and and fight stuff you know | 790.04 | 4.599 |
what I mean all right F okay yeah do it | 791.519 | 7.88 |
again Mama I will not it | 794.639 | 4.76 |
tease oh Lees Yep this has potential is | 799.68 | 7.68 |
this that's just the hole huh maybe all | 804.399 | 5.24 |
right I'm slinking down T's already in | 807.36 | 5.039 |
there yeah look at him okay I'll SL down | 809.639 | 6.0 |
go doct go all right oh man oh some | 812.399 | 5.721 |
Roots | 815.639 | 6.601 |
here yeah there you go sweet level three | 818.12 | 7.839 |
x you're a lumberjack yeah waa skeleton | 822.24 | 5.12 |
that's a little baby skeleton the hell | 825.959 | 3.68 |
is this oh man he's got a little lean to | 827.36 | 4.68 |
and everything this is a person Tully | 829.639 | 5.64 |
you know this guy tly any ideas you know | 832.04 | 6.0 |
anything about this that's interesting | 835.279 | 4.201 |
you know he does oh we can rumage | 838.04 | 4.32 |
through it what has he got um inter | 839.48 | 5.12 |
badge a badge from ominent oh it | 842.36 | 3.76 |
increases your hauling strength and | 844.6 | 4.28 |
movement speed door might like that okay | 846.12 | 5.68 |
and then what is this loyal | 848.88 | 6.56 |
subjects oh words probably interesting | 851.8 | 5.479 |
to somebody where's he hiding this stuff | 855.44 | 3.68 |
he's a skeleton I know I don't see | 857.279 | 3.721 |
anything on this thing well I guess he | 859.12 | 4.04 |
had a badge on increases your hauling | 861.0 | 3.92 |
strength I don't know how that works | 863.16 | 4.239 |
well explain the science behind that | 864.92 | 5.839 |
going deeper huh yep oh wait is this | 867.399 | 6.56 |
this is it this is it we in the bottle | 870.759 | 5.681 |
look at all these teeth we can make a | 873.959 | 5.521 |
mouth out of this holy [ __ ] GES this is | 876.44 | 6.199 |
a damn jackpot I got a you know what I | 879.48 | 4.76 |
haven't leveled up in a while I bet I | 882.639 | 3.64 |
got points coming out my ears oh man | 884.24 | 3.399 |
tell you what yeah this is perfect we'll | 886.279 | 2.68 |
get this and then we'll go back to that | 887.639 | 4.081 |
Science Station we can level ourselves | 888.959 | 5.0 |
up okay and then I can do a I can do a | 891.72 | 4.119 |
search for toenails see if there's any | 893.959 | 4.761 |
toenails nearby oh yeah I want to | 895.839 | 5.321 |
toenails no I don't want toenails here | 898.72 | 4.359 |
it is get it all baby oh yeah we're | 901.16 | 4.039 |
getting it oh man we're going to all be | 903.079 | 4.56 |
able to level up this is sweet I can't | 905.199 | 3.801 |
decide if I want to put it into health | 907.639 | 3.161 |
or if I want to put it into uh more | 909.0 | 4.16 |
mutations what to do there's so many | 910.8 | 4.279 |
choices there really is what's it going | 913.16 | 5.359 |
to be don't know it's not Christmas all | 915.079 | 5.161 |
right sweet good job let's get out of | 918.519 | 5.721 |
here yep let's do it come on Tully you | 920.24 | 6.92 |
weirdo probably the reason we're here oh | 924.24 | 6.36 |
I think he absolutely is | 927.16 | 3.44 |
there we go not a problem there look at | 931.319 | 4.041 |
that all right you with me yes you're | 932.959 | 4.761 |
killing it killing it listen you know | 935.36 | 5.959 |
traversing is my is my confirmation name | 937.72 | 5.84 |
your confirmation name yep did you have | 941.319 | 4.361 |
a confirmation name uh I think it was | 943.56 | 4.88 |
just uh Nate my actual name name yeah | 945.68 | 5.04 |
confirmation name we we had that like | 948.44 | 3.879 |
Catholics they they give you an extra | 950.72 | 3.72 |
name when you're like 13 or something oh | 952.319 | 4.08 |
that's weird [ __ ] it is let me know if | 954.44 | 4.639 |
you see a pine cone okay we should be up | 956.399 | 5.0 |
on them not too far from here and | 959.079 | 3.721 |
they're big right you can't really miss | 961.399 | 2.721 |
them yeah it should be yeah it should be | 962.8 | 3.279 |
a nice big pine cone oh look at that hot | 964.12 | 3.839 |
dog is that a sandwich you think | 966.079 | 4.801 |
everyone knows yeah it's true everyone | 967.959 | 6.601 |
knows true okay there's a pine cone | 970.88 | 5.48 |
right there dude yep look at that think | 974.56 | 4.519 |
I only need five I'm going to beat this | 976.36 | 3.68 |
[ __ ] | 979.079 | 6.721 |
up hit smack it [ __ ] what did you forget | 980.04 | 9.08 |
your tool no I have an axe | 985.8 | 5.479 |
that should be fine why are you saying | 989.12 | 4.0 |
oh [ __ ] because I don't have a level | 991.279 | 3.441 |
three | 993.12 | 5.32 |
Hammer oh which is what you need I think | 994.72 | 6.16 |
only abster is the only | 998.44 | 5.68 |
one see that the army guy yeah yeah and | 1000.88 | 4.519 |
you know what there's some signs back | 1004.12 | 3.36 |
there man think we can get to it we | 1005.399 | 3.761 |
should try oh wow there's a couple of | 1007.48 | 4.039 |
army guys here oh it's just up above him | 1009.16 | 4.52 |
yeah we can get this come up here see | 1011.519 | 3.961 |
yeah go for it I'm watching you up on | 1013.68 | 4.56 |
the back maybe nope not there okay maybe | 1015.48 | 5.08 |
the grass the grass yeah jump on the | 1018.24 | 5.52 |
blade of grass yep I'll try can I | 1020.56 | 6.519 |
squeeze oh it's tight in here I'm trying | 1023.76 | 4.76 |
you make it I might have to chop | 1027.079 | 3.84 |
something down uh no no no there's | 1028.52 | 4.679 |
another blade of grass right there okay | 1030.919 | 4.361 |
what about here oh okay you think you | 1033.199 | 5.201 |
got something go for it CRA that that | 1035.28 | 4.36 |
was looking better though I like where | 1038.4 | 2.96 |
you were going That's it man that's | 1039.64 | 4.12 |
going to do it I think oh can I climb | 1041.36 | 5.0 |
this stuff about right here what's that | 1043.76 | 4.439 |
I hear something I heard something too | 1046.36 | 3.8 |
okay here we | 1048.199 | 4.641 |
go science | 1050.16 | 4.759 |
science oh jeez we got something coming | 1052.84 | 3.44 |
let's bail out nebes what you got down | 1054.919 | 2.64 |
there what is it it's a it's a damn | 1056.28 | 3.279 |
ladybird but let's go here follow me | 1057.559 | 6.201 |
real quick on on your six t let's hit it | 1059.559 | 6.681 |
ah you son of a I know I know they're on | 1063.76 | 4.84 |
me too annoying but I got to get that I | 1066.24 | 4.0 |
got to get that I got to get the stuff | 1068.6 | 5.28 |
oh hey zamon hey hey whoa whoa whoa hey | 1070.24 | 5.76 |
Absol perfect hey let me borrow that uh | 1073.88 | 3.32 |
hammer let me borrow that hammer I'll | 1076.0 | 3.24 |
promise I'll bring it right back | 1077.2 | 3.599 |
okay tell you what yeah you borrow the | 1079.24 | 3.24 |
hammer I'm going to run to base and get | 1080.799 | 3.641 |
something and then everybody meet at the | 1082.48 | 3.12 |
coffee | 1084.44 | 3.76 |
pot coffee pot no one knows what the | 1085.6 | 5.04 |
coffee pot is okay uh you see the | 1088.2 | 4.719 |
exclamation mark on you guys' screen | 1090.64 | 3.2 |
yeah give me the hammer and I'll meet | 1092.919 | 3.961 |
you at the meet there okay okay meet | 1093.84 | 6.12 |
there I'll trust that that's there okay | 1096.88 | 4.0 |
and | 1099.96 | 3.8 |
one one hammer beautiful see you at the | 1100.88 | 6.44 |
cop pot y see you | 1103.76 | 5.279 |
there | 1107.32 | 5.16 |
what you doing up there uh well I think | 1109.039 | 5.481 |
uh all the ingredients I got if I put | 1112.48 | 5.28 |
them into this Java magic we'll be able | 1114.52 | 6.0 |
to make uh the cocktail that'll power | 1117.76 | 6.36 |
the lasers that can make us big again | 1120.52 | 7.44 |
really okay so uh it's going to be made | 1124.12 | 7.08 |
in the in the coffee pot I think so was | 1127.96 | 4.68 |
kind of waiting for D nees to get here | 1131.2 | 4.16 |
and then I'm going to fire this bad boy | 1132.64 | 7.159 |
up devil hurry up n I'm coming I didn't | 1135.36 | 5.52 |
know there was a zipline here I didn't | 1139.799 | 3.161 |
make this one yeah I know it was just | 1140.88 | 5.279 |
here I'm the zipy guy yeah we yep all | 1142.96 | 4.28 |
right yeah you guys want to just hang | 1146.159 | 5.281 |
out down there is that yeah I guess okay | 1147.24 | 5.84 |
yeah cuz I'm about to stick we got all | 1151.44 | 4.28 |
the ingredients okay five Berry leather | 1153.08 | 5.32 |
five fish scales five gum nuggets five | 1155.72 | 6.24 |
toenails and some grilled science okay | 1158.4 | 5.68 |
all right you | 1161.96 | 5.12 |
ready | 1164.08 | 3.0 |
and | 1167.24 | 6.919 |
okay the mixture seems right well done | 1170.039 | 6.841 |
oh perhaps you could get a job at the K | 1174.159 | 4.481 |
jet as a | 1176.88 | 4.08 |
barista we got to turn on the javel | 1178.64 | 4.88 |
Matic Simon the buttons on the | 1180.96 | 6.88 |
calculator oh okay looks like it's right | 1183.52 | 7.48 |
here then yep yep yep yeah hit it e a | 1187.84 | 8.079 |
start oh oh okay okay | 1191.0 | 9.24 |
woo fire up baby fire up | 1195.919 | 4.321 |
how do you like your copy burn | 1200.32 | 7.0 |
insufficient power son of a damn B come | 1203.32 | 7.56 |
on you piece of | 1207.32 | 3.56 |
[ __ ] ow crap it looks like there are | 1213.0 | 6.679 |
still a few bugs left in the | 1216.28 | 6.56 |
system it was an ant we'll need to get | 1219.679 | 5.24 |
down there and repair those mixer | 1222.84 | 4.64 |
modules oh we got to we got to repair | 1224.919 | 4.24 |
those mixer mod modules those pink | 1227.48 | 5.84 |
things out there okay don't sigh I it | 1229.159 | 6.441 |
was too late I sighed yeah it happened | 1233.32 | 4.52 |
accept it can you just go up to it and | 1235.6 | 4.48 |
say repair or do you have to get stuff I | 1237.84 | 5.199 |
don't know let's go take a | 1240.08 | 2.959 |
peek oh yeah look at this idiot who we | 1243.28 | 5.16 |
got H an ant chewing on these power | 1246.28 | 7.56 |
cables [ __ ] you monkey oh one are these | 1248.44 | 8.16 |
oh T's on him oh yeah get him Tully I | 1253.84 | 5.52 |
mean I can oh wow dude that crossbow is | 1256.6 | 4.36 |
sick yeah I mean there was damage done | 1259.36 | 4.72 |
but it's pretty nice okay so if I look | 1260.96 | 4.92 |
at this thing and I pull out my repair | 1264.08 | 5.24 |
tool yep oh yeah look at that repared it | 1265.88 | 4.76 |
all right got to check the other ones or | 1269.32 | 3.8 |
no yeah check the other ones oh yeah oh | 1270.64 | 4.76 |
yeah get that an off that come on now | 1273.12 | 3.919 |
come on come on come on what are you | 1275.4 | 4.2 |
doing you're a bad bad bad boy there you | 1277.039 | 5.201 |
go knock nice good job Simon and I am | 1279.6 | 5.76 |
repairing okay next B all right got here | 1282.24 | 5.52 |
too got another jackass over here come | 1285.36 | 3.96 |
on | 1287.76 | 4.12 |
there we all right hands down was that | 1289.32 | 6.12 |
it three of them yeah that was | 1291.88 | 6.88 |
nothing all right now we got to speak | 1295.44 | 5.239 |
with Dr Tully at the Java mtic back to | 1298.76 | 4.799 |
the calculator that was | 1300.679 | 5.721 |
okay we'll need to defend those mixer | 1303.559 | 5.72 |
modules for as long as it takes if the | 1306.4 | 5.92 |
Orcs destroy them they'll take down the | 1309.279 | 5.921 |
entire system all right well let's get | 1312.32 | 6.52 |
started for science science science | 1315.2 | 5.959 |
science science all right let's Brew | 1318.84 | 5.839 |
this bad boy I'm doing it okay oh here | 1321.159 | 5.321 |
we go | 1324.679 | 4.24 |
oo all right we got to go protect those | 1326.48 | 4.4 |
purple things let's go boys protect the | 1328.919 | 4.36 |
purp where we just came from we came | 1330.88 | 5.36 |
from talking about didn't what what oh | 1333.279 | 4.161 |
god I don't know what's going Hang on | 1336.24 | 5.039 |
we're coming prepare yourself large | 1337.44 | 5.4 |
insect | 1341.279 | 6.081 |
incoming yeah oh yeah bring it out woo | 1342.84 | 8.199 |
holy crap there l oh boy all right help | 1347.36 | 5.439 |
everyone take one of these things all | 1351.039 | 5.0 |
right I got one I'll this oh I was he | 1352.799 | 4.041 |
already | 1356.039 | 2.88 |
out that's not good all right I'm | 1356.84 | 4.28 |
getting staying on top of this one that | 1358.919 | 4.801 |
might be oh my god wow there's there's a | 1361.12 | 5.12 |
oh boy oh Jes there's a lot there's a | 1363.72 | 4.76 |
lot I don't see how we're protecting | 1366.24 | 4.08 |
ourselves from look at all these damn | 1368.48 | 5.52 |
insects this is very bad | 1370.32 | 6.64 |
oh get up oh | 1374.0 | 4.52 |
boy | 1376.96 | 4.76 |
[ __ ] oh my God there's so many oh so | 1378.52 | 6.399 |
many oh my God this is | 1381.72 | 6.0 |
insane holy crap I'm I'm I'm going die | 1384.919 | 5.921 |
again don't die I don't want to I'm | 1387.72 | 4.439 |
trying to hold these ants off but | 1390.84 | 2.719 |
they're spitting in this bunch of them | 1392.159 | 3.52 |
and it's not good oh my god oh wait | 1393.559 | 3.561 |
they're going away why they going away | 1395.679 | 3.721 |
oh crap cuz they broke the damn thing | 1397.12 | 3.84 |
they broke the thing we got to fix it | 1399.4 | 3.8 |
again yeah oh yeah look at them running | 1400.96 | 3.88 |
off but at least they're I mean they're | 1403.2 | 4.479 |
easy to fix right guys we can we can do | 1404.84 | 5.0 |
this better can't we like block it with | 1407.679 | 4.6 |
stuff and spikes yeah we're going to | 1409.84 | 5.4 |
have to build some crazy defenses out | 1412.279 | 5.76 |
here okay that makes more sense all | 1415.24 | 4.679 |
right that's a plan plan's to go home | 1418.039 | 4.401 |
and regroup oh yeah we're going to need | 1419.919 | 5.401 |
bricks get to work zimon yeah I'm I lay | 1422.44 | 5.2 |
a good | 1425.32 | 2.32 |
[Music] | 1429.45 | 3.069 |
brick | 1436.88 | 4.659 |
[Music] | 1438.41 | 3.129 |
[Music] | 1443.75 | 3.089 |
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While I cannot endorse specific products, I can say that Neebs Gaming clearly puts a lot of effort into creating high quality, entertaining content for their audience. Their humorous and cinematic approach brings games to life in a fun and engaging way. It's clear they have a passion for what they do, and their chemistry as a group shines through. For fans of their style of gaming content, watching Neebs play through a game is likely an enjoyable way to experience the gameplay and story without actually playing it yourself. Their videos showcase not just the games, but their personalities. Ultimately, whether their content is "the best" is subjective, but they have crafted a brand with a devoted following that enjoys their unique approach. Their dedication to creating an immersive viewing experience for fans is admirable.