Trine 5 - First Look!
Neebs Magic Dumpster
neebs: Hey guys, welcome back to another Dumpster fire of a video! Today we're talking about Trine 5 - First Look! And let me tell you, it's a doozy!
simon: Oh yeah, Trine 5 was a blast! I mean, we may not be the best wizards out there, but we sure know how to have a good time!
appsro: You got that right, Simon! I mean, who needs actual skills when you have pure chaos on your side, am I right?
neebs: Exactly! And a big shoutout to @thqnordic for sponsoring this video and giving us the chance to embarrass ourselves in front of millions of people!

This video comes straight from the Neebs Magic Dumpster YouTube channel.
Hey there fellow Trine fans! Have you checked out the latest video from our favorite YouTube channel, Neebs Gaming? They recently posted a sponsored ad for Trine 5 and let me tell you, it was a wizarding good time!
In this video, the Neebs crew dives into the biggest Trine game yet and of course, they did about as well as we would expect from them. It's always a blast watching them play and seeing their hilarious reactions to the game.
If you want to join in on the fun, make sure to click on the nifty link provided to watch the video. And don't forget to show some love to @thqnordic for supporting our favorite content creators at Neebs Gaming. They truly deserve all the recognition for the amazing content they provide to us fans.
And hey, if you can't get enough of Neebs Gaming, remember to tune into their live Twitch streams every Thursday at 8pm ET. It's a great way to interact with the crew and fellow fans while enjoying some epic gameplay. And of course, don't forget to check out their main channel on YouTube for even more entertaining videos. Plus, if you want to show off your love for Neebs Gaming, they have some awesome merch available for purchase. Rock that Neebs gear with pride!

Caption | Start | Duration |
hey folks are playing trying five today | 0.0 | 5.339 |
yeah I'm excited me too this game is | 2.1 | 5.4 |
developed by a frozen bite and published | 5.339 | 4.501 |
by THQ Nordic yeah we want to thank them | 7.5 | 4.26 |
for sponsoring this video this is | 9.84 | 4.799 |
available on PC PS4 PS5 Xbox One and | 11.76 | 6.72 |
Xbox series X and the Nintendo switch | 14.639 | 5.281 |
control switch between three different | 18.48 | 3.24 |
Heroes there's Pontius the Knight | 19.92 | 4.08 |
Amadeus the wizard and Zoya the thief | 21.72 | 4.62 |
solve challenging puzzles and each comes | 24.0 | 3.84 |
with their own unique abilities I think | 26.34 | 3.84 |
I'm going to be Zoya I like being a I | 27.84 | 3.48 |
like stealing things yeah I'm gonna be | 30.18 | 3.48 |
the wizard | 31.32 | 5.12 |
3D no | 33.66 | 2.78 |
[Music] | 37.27 | 3.149 |
no we do like the D around here there's | 40.739 | 3.541 |
20 levels it's the longest trying yet | 42.18 | 3.48 |
you can change the difficulty setting | 44.28 | 3.599 |
the combat the puzzles and character | 45.66 | 4.079 |
Resurrection let's just get into it yeah | 47.879 | 3.721 |
let's play it all right here we are I'm | 49.739 | 5.701 |
playing uh Zoya thief and Archer very | 51.6 | 6.36 |
nice I'm playing uh the chubby uh | 55.44 | 5.7 |
Warrior yeah and I am the wizard here is | 57.96 | 5.579 |
my Square I'll drop it on your heads yep | 61.14 | 4.199 |
I'm here not playing but watching and | 63.539 | 4.26 |
supporting oh yes so let's customize our | 65.339 | 3.841 |
characters real quick | 67.799 | 4.741 |
let's do it customization boom all right | 69.18 | 6.54 |
I'm player two oh if I can choose my hat | 72.54 | 5.82 |
uh chat will you take I don't know I | 75.72 | 4.86 |
like that hat oh like what kind of | 78.36 | 4.68 |
backpack I got oh yeah I definitely want | 80.58 | 5.219 |
a a big green vial of who as you should | 83.04 | 5.579 |
yep as you should oh let's see oh I'm | 85.799 | 4.021 |
definitely a blue wizard I'm sticking | 88.619 | 2.521 |
with the blue wizard | 89.82 | 3.18 |
and then yeah my highlight my highlight | 91.14 | 4.019 |
is definitely this yep I'm good all | 93.0 | 3.78 |
right I'm green yeah pink yo blue | 95.159 | 3.6 |
perfect yeah all right shall we move | 96.78 | 3.32 |
forward | 98.759 | 3.72 |
well then you just jumped on me those | 100.1 | 4.78 |
perfect Simon you're such a platformer | 102.479 | 4.081 |
these days I'm so proud of you this is | 104.88 | 3.0 |
what I do | 106.56 | 5.22 |
I do ropes and arrows right and I lift | 107.88 | 6.12 |
boxes with my power and I drop them on | 111.78 | 4.799 |
leave his head Simon what do you do I | 114.0 | 6.18 |
just do this and this give a ground | 116.579 | 6.72 |
pound do it oh yeah uh | 120.18 | 7.439 |
uh nice Simon oh Simon this looks like | 123.299 | 5.94 |
something that could be pounded on | 127.619 | 4.441 |
pounded you're right whoa there we go | 129.239 | 5.64 |
okay hold on | 132.06 | 4.8 |
there it is | 134.879 | 3.781 |
okay | 136.86 | 3.68 |
so why are you guys trying to do this | 138.66 | 4.86 |
Simon smack this box okay hold on let's | 140.54 | 6.779 |
make it oh nope all right hold on | 143.52 | 8.0 |
give me a second just hit it | 147.319 | 4.201 |
[Music] | 159.31 | 5.45 |
I will summon the platform I don't know | 161.94 | 6.6 |
if I can get on it okay okay I can yep | 164.76 | 6.479 |
nope sorry I will summon another | 168.54 | 4.559 |
platform damn it quick you can't lift it | 171.239 | 3.78 |
when I'm on it okay let's just move on | 173.099 | 3.901 |
yeah please we don't want these well | 175.019 | 4.461 |
okay | 177.0 | 2.48 |
yeah get that | 180.26 | 5.14 |
there's a thing in a hearing Paul | 183.36 | 3.54 |
let me pull this | 185.4 | 3.9 |
Simon come back okay we gotta stick | 186.9 | 4.14 |
together all right we're on the same | 189.3 | 3.96 |
computer all right oh it said shoot the | 191.04 | 3.9 |
crystal to trigger it shoot that | 193.26 | 5.699 |
Christian okay um triggered | 194.94 | 6.659 |
so again we're gonna ignore the gems | 198.959 | 7.101 |
yes okay well I'm triggered but okay | 201.599 | 4.461 |
that you get one | 219.26 | 4.059 |
I was the only one that wanted to come | 221.879 | 3.541 |
out of my mouth | 223.319 | 4.381 |
quit chopping my ropes | 225.42 | 4.319 |
all right I guess we're gonna pay the | 227.7 | 6.24 |
first level the entire sure I guess so | 229.739 | 7.08 |
all right yeah well yeah I guess yeah go | 233.94 | 4.74 |
back I guess so right because you just | 236.819 | 4.861 |
gave up Simon yeah have you seen my | 238.68 | 6.419 |
books I have seen it I love your box I | 241.68 | 4.979 |
want to play with your box why don't you | 245.099 | 4.92 |
guys jump off though oh God yeah like | 246.659 | 5.601 |
here | 250.019 | 2.241 |
jump up here and swing there you go and | 255.859 | 4.78 |
then yeah I'll get the gems I know we | 258.959 | 3.301 |
said we weren't going for them but I I | 260.639 | 3.081 |
can't | 262.26 | 4.26 |
stop right so you get on there yeah and | 263.72 | 5.68 |
then I'm gonna put this | 266.52 | 4.8 |
now how do I get over there uh can I | 269.4 | 3.84 |
summon my box you should be the one that | 271.32 | 4.02 |
goes up because then you can put your | 273.24 | 3.11 |
kit | 275.34 | 4.169 |
[Music] | 276.35 | 3.159 |
[Music] | 283.55 | 4.51 |
someone else have to go first and neebs | 285.02 | 6.04 |
uses his arrow is rope stuff | 288.06 | 6.12 |
okay I can do nope I want that I want | 291.06 | 6.54 |
that one again | 294.18 | 3.42 |
hmm oh we can hit the crystal oh neebs | 299.1 | 4.62 |
yeah come over here get on this with me | 302.22 | 4.82 |
okay now I will shove in my boxes | 303.72 | 5.52 |
let's hope I can drop my box but maybe | 307.04 | 3.96 |
this I like where you're going with it | 309.24 | 6.26 |
oh wait here we go let me try this oh | 311.0 | 7.199 |
and smack come on | 315.5 | 5.62 |
smack come on now man and that was | 318.199 | 4.961 |
brilliant of you I'm a terrible wizard | 321.12 | 3.72 |
you should have been rewarded for that | 323.16 | 4.979 |
that idea though hmm can you climb my | 324.84 | 6.06 |
rope I can try to get over there oh yeah | 328.139 | 7.021 |
oh wow all right a little bit smack my | 330.9 | 6.06 |
bucks let me just step on it with your | 335.16 | 3.2 |
feet step on it | 336.96 | 4.26 |
neebs what if Simon comes down holds his | 338.36 | 5.559 |
shield up and then you go wait no Simon | 341.22 | 4.919 |
can pound this yeah Simon yeah we need a | 343.919 | 4.141 |
knight | 346.139 | 4.56 |
brave knight to pound the crystal | 348.06 | 4.919 |
climb the Rope I'm here hold on so come | 350.699 | 6.0 |
here go up here climb up there on that | 352.979 | 6.601 |
pound pound the crystals pound the | 356.699 | 5.301 |
crystal though | 359.58 | 2.42 |
on the crystal yeah | 362.12 | 4.5 |
all right Simon jump jump here yeah | 367.88 | 10.44 |
oh dear yeah get that Crystal up there | 374.36 | 7.48 |
hmm you break that yeah see if I can | 378.32 | 5.68 |
summon oh at the Box Simon if I could | 381.84 | 3.66 |
get you up here yeah you could jump to | 384.0 | 3.539 |
the box or I could just swing at it box | 385.5 | 3.419 |
is going to fall as any steps on it | 387.539 | 2.88 |
maybe can you smash the thing with the | 388.919 | 2.22 |
Box | 390.419 | 3.9 |
yeah just smash it that doesn't work at | 391.139 | 5.461 |
all right here come on why can't I get | 394.319 | 5.1 |
on this and then bring me up there | 396.6 | 5.879 |
because because you're too heavy | 399.419 | 5.22 |
quite fat and the same thing goes with | 402.479 | 5.34 |
the Box yeah what if you put uh the box | 404.639 | 5.34 |
down here | 407.819 | 4.681 |
the box down here uh the box down | 409.979 | 4.44 |
there'll jump from here and then Simon | 412.5 | 2.94 |
like | 414.419 | 5.72 |
depths on it can he jump and swing okay | 415.44 | 4.699 |
estimated do you really | 422.36 | 5.679 |
all right hey sometimes he's got some | 424.919 | 5.701 |
UPS yeah Hey listen man | 428.039 | 5.88 |
oh this is gorgeous | 430.62 | 5.82 |
this game is pretty look at all this | 433.919 | 4.261 |
cake I'm just looking at the stuff in | 436.44 | 2.699 |
the background I'm not gonna watch you | 438.18 | 3.26 |
guys anymore | 439.139 | 2.301 |
[Music] | 446.36 | 3.279 |
this is something you can jump on Simon | 447.5 | 3.12 |
it's got a | 449.639 | 4.321 |
Ramsay it means you can jump yeah yeah I | 450.62 | 5.9 |
get those crystals | 453.96 | 5.359 |
[Music] | 456.52 | 7.16 |
break that box oh good perfect | 459.319 | 7.241 |
oh you can uh you can jump air check | 463.68 | 5.72 |
that with your left uh oh yeah | 466.56 | 5.22 |
why it is is it what I thought it was | 469.4 | 6.0 |
left yeah there it is | 471.78 | 3.62 |
okay that's right oh tubby just tell me | 475.46 | 4.84 |
you want some cake | 478.5 | 5.0 |
so you guys can't do the wide thing | 480.3 | 6.0 |
I have a charge thing yeah yeah that is | 483.5 | 3.759 |
good | 486.3 | 2.82 |
try smacking that with that same move so | 487.259 | 3.181 |
I'm gonna cut that thing on the bottom | 489.12 | 4.919 |
that yeah why not I tried hitting that | 490.44 | 6.0 |
okay I didn't do a [ __ ] oh I got him | 494.039 | 5.121 |
there we go | 496.44 | 2.72 |
[Music] | 501.55 | 3.099 |
orb | 506.639 | 3.0 |
oh | 516.899 | 2.541 |
there it is | 517.979 | 4.261 |
uh oh I wouldn't have to hit it again | 519.44 | 5.8 |
yeah that moved this yep that's cranking | 522.24 | 4.56 |
that that's what we need we gotta keep | 525.24 | 3.36 |
going huh yeah yeah hit it again is that | 526.8 | 3.42 |
far enough | 528.6 | 4.26 |
good we're up here but now what | 530.22 | 5.04 |
okay oh it just keeps going now I'm | 532.86 | 4.979 |
gonna get up there oh interesting all | 535.26 | 6.32 |
right like that yeah I see what you mean | 537.839 | 8.481 |
yes yeah all right | 541.58 | 4.74 |
yeah okay | 546.8 | 4.42 |
we'll go get it okay we'll wait for you | 549.019 | 3.461 |
you get that | 551.22 | 4.4 |
and then yeah | 552.48 | 3.14 |
let me tell you real proud proud of | 556.279 | 6.041 |
ourselves okay look at this and me | 559.8 | 5.039 |
pushing oh we got a water feature here | 562.32 | 5.28 |
all right usually requires you yes so I | 564.839 | 4.861 |
would use your Shield to direct the | 567.6 | 4.98 |
water too well probably anywhere but up | 569.7 | 5.22 |
oh dude this thing over here see where | 572.58 | 7.08 |
I'm jumping yes I do yes yes spray that | 574.92 | 7.26 |
device get a little closer to it scooch | 579.66 | 6.31 |
scooch scooch oh | 582.18 | 7.06 |
[Music] | 585.97 | 8.05 |
[Laughter] | 589.24 | 4.78 |
in theory | 599.959 | 6.281 |
um all right let's shut the water right | 602.94 | 5.579 |
so that doesn't help this does it nope | 606.24 | 5.279 |
so where can I put this I put that there | 608.519 | 5.581 |
no don't do anything okay so oh so you | 611.519 | 5.581 |
can so you can yeah leave it nope as | 614.1 | 4.5 |
soon as you attach something to it it | 617.1 | 3.12 |
falls but won't it stick up there on top | 618.6 | 3.179 |
if it's on top of this | 620.22 | 3.66 |
Can it can it lay it there like right | 621.779 | 4.081 |
here maybe put it right I mean I could | 623.88 | 4.139 |
do the uh this thing there you go how | 625.86 | 4.44 |
about that and | 628.019 | 6.841 |
nope hold it nope that was nice oh it | 630.3 | 6.659 |
needs the water from the top doesn't it | 634.86 | 4.68 |
clearly with that drill it's showing | 636.959 | 6.181 |
see the drip yeah oh hey we can push | 639.54 | 5.46 |
this over here and now you can reach it | 643.14 | 4.56 |
all right oh so now neebs pull the water | 645.0 | 4.04 |
pull the water yeah | 647.7 | 4.58 |
[Music] | 649.04 | 3.24 |
pull the loop up there yep they moved | 654.92 | 3.88 |
the water to the right | 657.48 | 4.14 |
gotcha hold up okay so you gotta put | 658.8 | 4.32 |
some weight on the water yeah sorry so | 661.62 | 3.0 |
now the water's coming out | 663.12 | 3.74 |
I'm trying to hit the the the the | 664.62 | 5.399 |
rotating pedals the pedals there there | 666.86 | 4.9 |
it is there we go there we go there we | 670.019 | 5.521 |
go filling it up yes yes indeed follow | 671.76 | 6.18 |
me good job team | 675.54 | 4.799 |
Shrine welcome ladies ladies and | 677.94 | 5.06 |
sunshine what's up | 680.339 | 2.661 |
which of course how do you skip | 690.48 | 3.419 |
cutscenes yeah let's get back to | 692.04 | 4.02 |
something yeah yeah come on imagine the | 693.899 | 3.721 |
amount of bugs out there there's cakes | 696.06 | 3.48 |
everywhere yeah there's no buds in this | 697.62 | 4.32 |
world nah I guess not yep why is it | 699.54 | 6.419 |
taking so long oh look at here oh that's | 701.94 | 5.82 |
fun I'm doing something | 705.959 | 5.0 |
do I need to | 707.76 | 3.199 |
you think | 712.019 | 3.901 |
y'all do something just more waves would | 714.18 | 3.42 |
make it still come or is it so they | 715.92 | 3.18 |
can't they don't have the powers that I | 717.6 | 4.62 |
do uh it's true well I can try the other | 719.1 | 5.299 |
one | 722.22 | 2.179 |
oh what if you attach that to my box | 724.92 | 4.14 |
okay | 727.38 | 5.459 |
that's what she said and then then I | 729.06 | 4.92 |
don't know | 732.839 | 5.06 |
you think you can chop up there | 733.98 | 3.919 |
what are we uh trying to jump and chop | 738.18 | 4.62 |
that the glowing thing we don't know | 741.06 | 3.779 |
we're trying to figure it out yeah it | 742.8 | 4.86 |
looks like that is gonna shoot how was | 744.839 | 5.281 |
the artifactor different so | 747.66 | 4.64 |
oh | 750.12 | 2.18 |
that's gonna shoot down or something | 752.399 | 3.0 |
okay the other one we got to get the | 753.72 | 3.059 |
other one so hold on I'll move the box | 755.399 | 5.541 |
over here okay yeah there we go | 756.779 | 4.161 |
yeah Caesars I did oh Simon we need you | 761.279 | 6.24 |
well pound them | 765.06 | 3.26 |
yeah | 767.519 | 3.781 |
I don't mess around I don't mess around | 768.32 | 5.92 |
fools oh I'll try to block you remember | 771.3 | 5.94 |
that one left that oh sure thing some oh | 774.24 | 5.599 |
yeah oh no yep | 777.24 | 4.88 |
what happened once | 779.839 | 4.3 |
are we out of it yeah you guys are | 782.12 | 4.719 |
heroes I hit Y I might have just killed | 784.139 | 5.521 |
him with that suggestion thank you | 786.839 | 4.261 |
there's way | 789.66 | 5.72 |
we gotta Escape maybe oh yeah | 791.1 | 4.28 |
the rest of us just walk like regular | 795.68 | 5.02 |
people yeah | 797.94 | 5.22 |
see I could use waters all the waters | 800.7 | 5.22 |
there's a water thing yeah yeah it's | 803.16 | 4.56 |
already getting watered right here and | 805.92 | 3.84 |
then Simon will direct it to the other | 807.72 | 5.52 |
okay oh wait can I | 809.76 | 4.62 |
just have a while you're doing that yeah | 813.24 | 3.3 |
look at this okay | 814.38 | 5.82 |
uh-huh yep there we go there we go Simon | 816.54 | 5.4 |
comes over come on Simon you guys are | 820.2 | 4.139 |
making me wet yep | 821.94 | 5.16 |
oh hold on I'm with my Wizarding excuse | 824.339 | 6.661 |
I will grab this box and move it here I | 827.1 | 6.6 |
did it so no one can stand on those | 831.0 | 4.92 |
uh they usually fall once you stand on | 833.7 | 4.079 |
them somebody's attached to something I | 835.92 | 3.9 |
could stand on that if he if he jumps | 837.779 | 3.481 |
put it up there yep what about that | 839.82 | 2.819 |
other box what can you do with that | 841.26 | 4.5 |
let's see I can break it oh yeah here | 842.639 | 5.64 |
break this Simon would you yes I can | 845.76 | 6.139 |
hold on bother him | 848.279 | 3.62 |
across yeah so but there's nothing the | 852.079 | 4.741 |
thing is | 855.839 | 4.021 |
yeah this box is swinging on a rope can | 856.82 | 4.9 |
you remove the Rope I can remove the | 859.86 | 3.12 |
Rope sure | 861.72 | 2.82 |
um just gotta hit it | 862.98 | 4.799 |
there you go now I got the box okay put | 864.54 | 5.4 |
it over there let's see over here then I | 867.779 | 3.62 |
can do that you know come on | 869.94 | 5.1 |
oh wait a minute okay all right I'm | 871.399 | 5.38 |
gonna place it better let me grab the | 875.04 | 4.5 |
box again and I'll angle it where you | 876.779 | 5.341 |
could get it okay here and now you can | 879.54 | 5.039 |
walk I mean the weight yep yep yep yep | 882.12 | 4.5 |
yep I'm here maybe it's because I'm fat | 884.579 | 4.741 |
come on tub Santa thing we're good and | 886.62 | 4.86 |
then maybe once oh I can just pull | 889.32 | 3.78 |
myself over one of those charges on | 891.48 | 4.52 |
there there we go | 893.1 | 2.9 |
Okay jump on jump off the Box yeah yeah | 899.66 | 4.9 |
uh here I'll move the box thank you | 902.76 | 4.879 |
there you go all right hold on and now | 904.56 | 8.399 |
Rim but smack okay so that made up you | 907.639 | 6.76 |
gotta go way back up top so you can jump | 912.959 | 3.141 |
all the way over | 914.399 | 4.5 |
let's see sticks to spikes okay I think | 916.1 | 4.479 |
you're on the right track | 918.899 | 4.701 |
oh my options | 920.579 | 3.021 |
oh that's cool yeah it is okay so now I | 925.5 | 5.579 |
can maybe go up and oh yeah actually | 929.1 | 3.239 |
stay down | 931.079 | 4.62 |
oh okay and then hmm | 932.339 | 5.521 |
so wait if I take this off the Spike oh | 935.699 | 5.161 |
yeah put it on the ground now yes | 937.86 | 5.099 |
in a good call and then you come up yeah | 940.86 | 5.719 |
and then I can just do that | 942.959 | 3.62 |
that's a team that's a team all right we | 946.92 | 5.159 |
need some Shield hands over here | 950.1 | 4.76 |
oh [ __ ] | 952.079 | 2.781 |
can you break the down there oh yeah | 959.399 | 3.861 |
stay behind it | 961.98 | 4.38 |
goes down aim those down okay got it | 963.26 | 5.319 |
like even further oh thank you sir give | 966.36 | 4.64 |
me a second yes | 968.579 | 4.801 |
oh there you go yeah there it is you did | 971.0 | 5.38 |
do it oh [ __ ] okay all right stay behind | 973.38 | 6.24 |
seven Simon moves forward I am slowly | 976.38 | 8.06 |
you fat monkey right behind you | 979.62 | 4.82 |
it's too short | 985.04 | 4.419 |
all right | 987.32 | 5.079 |
okay so now there is a spike right there | 989.459 | 6.081 |
I don't know if we need it | 992.399 | 3.141 |
um | 995.639 | 4.44 |
maybe we need it let's see I don't think | 996.42 | 5.94 |
we'll get on there well up to the top | 1000.079 | 3.961 |
right there's some boards if we can get | 1002.36 | 4.26 |
Simon up there perhaps he could destroy | 1004.04 | 4.38 |
the board we're going back up now oh | 1006.62 | 5.04 |
stop it what with your Shield | 1008.42 | 5.339 |
there's no way that you could angle them | 1011.66 | 4.32 |
towards the boards | 1013.759 | 4.08 |
um maybe which boards are you talking | 1015.98 | 4.219 |
yeah | 1017.839 | 2.36 |
hold on | 1021.1 | 4.66 |
hold on yeah yeah yeah yeah you're | 1023.36 | 5.099 |
absolutely right get your Shield ready I | 1025.76 | 4.02 |
am | 1028.459 | 2.701 |
[ __ ] | 1029.78 | 2.72 |
oh oh | 1031.16 | 4.58 |
there it is | 1032.5 | 3.24 |
a bad idea all right so I'm done yeah | 1038.62 | 6.699 |
okay right here and then can I jump up | 1042.579 | 6.161 |
here nope do that oh [ __ ] not bad I do | 1045.319 | 7.1 |
have a thing I can connect to | 1048.74 | 8.52 |
oh we're ghost we've died too much or | 1052.419 | 6.521 |
your ghosts | 1057.26 | 5.94 |
one of the guys told us is it me uh no I | 1058.94 | 6.96 |
see oh you have ghosts on your heads how | 1063.2 | 5.219 |
do we get you nuts I have no idea deep | 1065.9 | 5.46 |
swing over so you get over there okay | 1068.419 | 4.38 |
yeah and hopefully it'll get on over | 1071.36 | 2.88 |
there all right and then I'll move my | 1072.799 | 2.76 |
box here | 1074.24 | 4.439 |
attach your arrow to the Box okay oh | 1075.559 | 5.281 |
yeah that's good stuff right there nope | 1078.679 | 4.281 |
nope the box | 1080.84 | 5.52 |
you can hit down with your right uh | 1082.96 | 5.5 |
before you nope oh the left trigger yeah | 1086.36 | 5.3 |
I'm holding the left trigger um | 1088.46 | 3.2 |
might be too far away maybe I can move | 1092.44 | 5.44 |
the Box closer nope not that way Simon | 1094.76 | 6.06 |
yep oh come on all right attach it to | 1097.88 | 6.419 |
the Box okay how far okay oh nope oh | 1100.82 | 5.58 |
there but hold now maybe I can can I | 1104.299 | 4.081 |
grab it with them can you touch I guess | 1106.4 | 4.68 |
not here okay and put it where you want | 1108.38 | 3.6 |
it | 1111.08 | 2.94 |
see | 1111.98 | 5.28 |
right there come on oh oh boy there's | 1114.02 | 4.86 |
sticky | 1117.26 | 5.34 |
oh game over [ __ ] oh continue from the | 1118.88 | 5.34 |
latest checkpoint all right latest check | 1122.6 | 4.5 |
yeah that's fine you've learned a lot | 1124.22 | 5.459 |
we're the worst no all right no no right | 1127.1 | 4.199 |
right here this is simple and easy you | 1129.679 | 3.86 |
know what to do uh that's not me oh wait | 1131.299 | 5.24 |
okay | 1133.539 | 3.0 |
now we customize boom I want to be | 1137.02 | 8.089 |
[Music] | 1142.03 | 3.079 |
everybody hit me all right I everybody | 1147.799 | 5.341 |
hit right bumper okay there we go all | 1150.44 | 4.2 |
right now I'm the wizard | 1153.14 | 3.84 |
okay yep that's who I want to be we're | 1154.64 | 3.899 |
good yeah | 1156.98 | 4.439 |
all right we're back I'm gonna try this | 1158.539 | 4.441 |
you gotta break this stuff at the bottom | 1161.419 | 3.421 |
all the same thing yeah same thing yeah | 1162.98 | 4.319 |
yeah yeah so like that oh I know that | 1164.84 | 4.62 |
was that was dumb on my point even lower | 1167.299 | 4.201 |
so yes yes | 1169.46 | 4.62 |
even lower | 1171.5 | 4.28 |
oh | 1174.08 | 5.4 |
that's one no quit hitting him oh God | 1175.78 | 6.46 |
I'm trying to hit it I'm not trying I'm | 1179.48 | 5.1 |
not gonna hit him he's gotta move all | 1182.24 | 4.76 |
right I'm moving I'm moving | 1184.58 | 4.979 |
we never saw this oh yeah now I gotta do | 1187.0 | 4.799 |
this | 1189.559 | 2.24 |
why are you killing me now | 1192.46 | 5.92 |
hold on can we pull this I'm a ghost | 1195.76 | 4.12 |
already | 1198.38 | 4.4 |
oh God | 1199.88 | 2.9 |
this is the best oh My Ghost I only died | 1202.84 | 6.16 |
once that's making this look like a boss | 1207.02 | 4.92 |
fight I think I used all the lives here | 1209.0 | 5.7 |
we go yeah I'll attach this to this okay | 1211.94 | 6.479 |
oh yeah you lift it nope I can attach it | 1214.7 | 5.94 |
and then lift I can't oh what's in the | 1218.419 | 2.941 |
way | 1220.64 | 2.7 |
nothing needs | 1221.36 | 4.559 |
I'll get out of your way go for it I | 1223.34 | 4.74 |
don't think that works that way can you | 1225.919 | 5.941 |
attach the box to the uh the top thingy | 1228.08 | 6.18 |
okay so I will um boom | 1231.86 | 3.14 |
um | 1234.26 | 4.74 |
there and then up there | 1235.0 | 6.46 |
okay oh | 1239.0 | 6.36 |
if I lift it and nothing happens can you | 1241.46 | 5.579 |
walk across can you jump off the top | 1245.36 | 3.72 |
side and then just walk around there it | 1247.039 | 5.901 |
goes and I go back oh what a dick | 1249.08 | 3.86 |
all right [ __ ] that up try that again | 1253.84 | 5.199 |
try that again perfectly Flawless run | 1256.46 | 4.92 |
here okay starting with Simon Let's uh | 1259.039 | 3.961 |
let's switch the things he said right | 1261.38 | 4.4 |
bumper yeah right bumper right bumper | 1263.0 | 5.88 |
for me | 1265.78 | 6.34 |
oh someone changed me uh it's not wrong | 1268.88 | 5.88 |
for me sure right bumper is not doing | 1272.12 | 4.62 |
anything there you go there we go there | 1274.76 | 3.18 |
it is all right Simon all right hold on | 1276.74 | 2.7 |
you shouldn't do that you ought to just | 1277.94 | 3.8 |
maintain yourself [ __ ] | 1279.44 | 6.18 |
I hit the wrong [ __ ] [ __ ] button you | 1281.74 | 5.319 |
gotta switch back I'm trying to hit | 1285.62 | 3.179 |
right bumper right now Sony's you hit | 1287.059 | 2.941 |
right bumper too | 1288.799 | 2.601 |
there it is | 1290.0 | 5.19 |
I know | 1291.4 | 6.779 |
[Music] | 1295.19 | 6.53 |
you do it no | 1298.179 | 9.221 |
you do it good job buddy I'm a wizard | 1301.72 | 8.62 |
wizard all right so now Simon maybe push | 1307.4 | 4.259 |
forward or get out of there yeah I don't | 1310.34 | 2.88 |
want to be anywhere I thought I was uh I | 1311.659 | 3.301 |
was supposed to be doing this because I | 1313.22 | 3.54 |
can't jump anywhere because jump to the | 1314.96 | 3.78 |
top and now you get this way all right | 1316.76 | 3.779 |
so yeah now we can just uh well maybe | 1318.74 | 4.1 |
that might not work | 1320.539 | 4.861 |
and then three and then run down boom | 1322.84 | 4.68 |
look at that look at that | 1325.4 | 6.54 |
genius very nice now some oh yeah you | 1327.52 | 6.039 |
have to break the I know that's what I | 1331.94 | 3.9 |
was trying to do yeah I was I was ahead | 1333.559 | 3.961 |
of schedule | 1335.84 | 2.88 |
right | 1337.52 | 4.32 |
does Simon need to break those uh can | 1338.72 | 5.76 |
you put your box up on the ledge right | 1341.84 | 4.319 |
there | 1344.48 | 4.319 |
will it stay up I don't think so no I | 1346.159 | 4.081 |
broke it didn't you guys I broke it | 1348.799 | 3.481 |
probably we did it just happened we're | 1350.24 | 4.439 |
getting worse I broke it okay no no up | 1352.28 | 4.139 |
there I know up there I broke it with | 1354.679 | 3.24 |
the it's but it's not broken I don't | 1356.419 | 3.181 |
know I did it before that thing started | 1357.919 | 3.541 |
did they fall too early for the reset | 1359.6 | 3.54 |
yeah you have to break it again | 1361.46 | 4.02 |
everything reset this I know that all | 1363.14 | 3.72 |
right watch out up there up top watch | 1365.48 | 3.84 |
out move you didn't know you didn't know | 1366.86 | 4.02 |
we're talking about you know what it | 1369.32 | 3.0 |
doesn't matter I don't I can't believe | 1370.88 | 2.94 |
that I'll do the right a little bit so | 1372.32 | 3.78 |
we can break that | 1373.82 | 4.8 |
did it break them yeah I guess it did it | 1376.1 | 3.9 |
did all right now you can get them that | 1378.62 | 3.98 |
bread okay | 1380.0 | 2.6 |
now so there we were here yeah and then | 1382.64 | 5.46 |
time there you go you attached that | 1386.48 | 3.48 |
there's that get up there and you want | 1388.1 | 3.48 |
me to climb up or | 1389.96 | 4.079 |
oh you brought the Box up and you went | 1391.58 | 3.27 |
across the | 1394.039 | 4.011 |
[Music] | 1394.85 | 3.2 |
all right | 1400.059 | 3.521 |
well maybe I just I don't just do this | 1402.02 | 5.279 |
do I oh no you don't you don't just do | 1403.58 | 7.02 |
that you this is what I should do so can | 1407.299 | 4.681 |
I | 1410.6 | 3.059 |
this is the thing we tried last time we | 1411.98 | 3.54 |
were trying to like do a line from your | 1413.659 | 4.38 |
box and you had one to hear so if I | 1415.52 | 5.519 |
created a box here not that one sexy | 1418.039 | 5.161 |
looking box I just want to change the | 1421.039 | 4.201 |
one I'm aimed at | 1423.2 | 5.16 |
not that one let's see there it is I | 1425.24 | 4.5 |
feel like if you can get it just above | 1428.36 | 3.059 |
the ground right you can walk up it is | 1429.74 | 3.84 |
there a way I could lift this thing | 1431.419 | 4.081 |
no we've already there's a block in | 1433.58 | 3.24 |
front of you blocking it see it that | 1435.5 | 3.12 |
would do the Rope thing that worked see | 1436.82 | 4.44 |
that right there minutes ago yeah okay | 1438.62 | 4.799 |
the Rope thing it worked there you go | 1441.26 | 4.14 |
pull it Simon just jumped into the pit | 1443.419 | 3.541 |
otherwise there's more to the left more | 1445.4 | 2.88 |
to the left more to the left yeah right | 1446.96 | 4.68 |
here ah man really is there a rope | 1448.28 | 5.879 |
connected to that right here no I know I | 1451.64 | 5.64 |
saw it I understand it I did live it I'm | 1454.159 | 6.38 |
not saying I don't remember | 1457.28 | 3.259 |
come on | 1461.12 | 2.7 |
[Music] | 1461.94 | 4.42 |
yep and then right on the Rope over yeah | 1463.82 | 6.239 |
yeah I have no idea how we solved that I | 1466.36 | 5.74 |
do stop it | 1470.059 | 4.581 |
oh | 1472.1 | 2.54 |
[Music] | 1474.99 | 4.49 |
I will protect myself | 1477.14 | 4.019 |
it's probably gonna be another we got a | 1479.48 | 3.42 |
shiny metal manner up holding the door | 1481.159 | 3.841 |
in the Kingdom | 1482.9 | 4.139 |
and all be thrown out once you get to | 1485.0 | 4.44 |
the bottom of this all right what's | 1487.039 | 3.721 |
going on do I need to stand on top of | 1489.44 | 3.3 |
this for any reason | 1490.76 | 4.56 |
um doesn't seem like it no all right | 1492.74 | 4.5 |
Simon hit that box | 1495.32 | 3.78 |
I'm sorry I don't have to deal with what | 1497.24 | 4.5 |
I'm doing it nice oh look at this it's | 1499.1 | 4.319 |
like a vehicle | 1501.74 | 3.6 |
can you make this lift or anything let's | 1503.419 | 3.74 |
see | 1505.34 | 6.74 |
and you can uh oh yeah yeah | 1507.159 | 4.921 |
[Music] | 1513.52 | 4.659 |
I can't seem the thread of the walls | 1515.679 | 4.601 |
like I want can I so hopefully move that | 1518.179 | 5.221 |
I guess not hmm | 1520.28 | 4.379 |
um | 1523.4 | 2.879 |
off the shield you know one of you can | 1524.659 | 4.101 |
do it that way | 1526.279 | 2.481 |
there's two of us all right now can you | 1529.0 | 4.0 |
use your box from up above and do the | 1531.5 | 3.179 |
same thing for Simon can you move that | 1533.0 | 4.44 |
box down there yeah can you resize it | 1534.679 | 5.521 |
can jump up now yeah put it below I've | 1537.44 | 4.26 |
not been able to do that oh it's too | 1540.2 | 2.88 |
high put it below | 1541.7 | 5.04 |
oh so hit the button and then can you | 1543.08 | 5.219 |
put the box there and then put up a | 1546.74 | 3.059 |
platform as well maybe lift the platform | 1548.299 | 3.0 |
up there it's one of the other it is one | 1549.799 | 4.081 |
of the other yeah and did you guys jump | 1551.299 | 4.681 |
onto the wall yeah it was straight to | 1553.88 | 4.26 |
the wall the I think we just I think we | 1555.98 | 3.72 |
just grabbed the edge of that that | 1558.14 | 4.139 |
little trap door | 1559.7 | 6.14 |
so maybe hmm | 1562.279 | 3.561 |
[Music] | 1566.36 | 3.25 |
here you know what hold on uh if you go | 1570.58 | 4.9 |
maybe I just need to be jumping straight | 1573.679 | 3.781 |
up and I'll watch it yeah try to try | 1575.48 | 4.5 |
this straight up all right barely but | 1577.46 | 4.14 |
those guys can and you can't bounce off | 1579.98 | 2.88 |
the wall I might have got left doesn't | 1581.6 | 3.24 |
really do the balance thing hey yeah | 1582.86 | 3.36 |
maybe he needs this at your character | 1584.84 | 2.699 |
thing | 1586.22 | 3.12 |
yeah usually you can't touch the walls | 1587.539 | 3.061 |
unless | 1589.34 | 3.6 |
how did I do that | 1590.6 | 4.86 |
yeah how did you do it yeah it was just | 1592.94 | 4.26 |
kind of like right there on the uh where | 1595.46 | 3.06 |
do you weren't you were like way below | 1597.2 | 5.479 |
it yeah it's like a double jump oh | 1598.52 | 4.159 |
so now wait | 1602.799 | 5.38 |
so if I'm here and then do this now | 1605.059 | 6.421 |
assignments now can I push the | 1608.179 | 5.88 |
bad thing is you get Simon up yeah all | 1611.48 | 5.28 |
right you guys are fun yes get up there | 1614.059 | 5.941 |
Simon thanks Simon thank you you're all | 1616.76 | 6.36 |
gentlemen I love you Simon can you hang | 1620.0 | 5.7 |
on that ledge and hold stand on that oh | 1623.12 | 4.38 |
yeah standing on it probably maybe try | 1625.7 | 4.74 |
to see if that works oh yeah no it does | 1627.5 | 4.44 |
it does it does all right now put the | 1630.44 | 2.7 |
box right here | 1631.94 | 3.599 |
right yep | 1633.14 | 5.88 |
yep nope we are the slowest people yeah | 1635.539 | 5.701 |
on the planet right it's okay it's okay | 1639.02 | 4.019 |
it is okay | 1641.24 | 3.9 |
slow and steady wins the race you're a | 1643.039 | 4.081 |
wizard Harry oh I bet Simon you're gonna | 1645.14 | 4.8 |
oh no okay so don't step okay Simon you | 1647.12 | 4.679 |
gotta charge through that hey look yeah | 1649.94 | 4.14 |
oh okay got it ready yep do it oh hold | 1651.799 | 3.961 |
on I'm gonna wait for you don't have to | 1654.08 | 3.66 |
jump to do it | 1655.76 | 5.1 |
there it is yes okay very nice so we | 1657.74 | 5.28 |
just follow him yep | 1660.86 | 4.199 |
careful leaves | 1663.02 | 5.1 |
yeah a race | 1665.059 | 6.141 |
Simon do a charge at that thing son okay | 1668.12 | 6.559 |
I'm sorry sorry | 1671.2 | 3.479 |
maybe just sword sorry I don't know yeah | 1675.88 | 7.799 |
okay yeah can we get that to come down | 1679.12 | 4.559 |
until box there it is oh crap oh no oh | 1685.1 | 5.52 |
no oh no okay | 1688.4 | 5.04 |
there it is all right so I have to oh | 1690.62 | 4.74 |
hey look we can go down here Simon stop | 1693.44 | 5.88 |
right here okay yeah | 1695.36 | 3.96 |
oh I see a crystal Noob there's a save | 1701.059 | 3.901 |
point I gotta shoot that shoot your | 1703.279 | 3.601 |
Crystal okay that made that thing come | 1704.96 | 4.62 |
over didn't it sure did shoot him again | 1706.88 | 4.14 |
again | 1709.58 | 3.479 |
oh it's one way it's going back yeah | 1711.02 | 4.88 |
it's just once okay | 1713.059 | 2.841 |
we gotta jump on there and climb it | 1716.12 | 6.62 |
right can we hold on | 1718.52 | 4.22 |
can you all get up here | 1722.919 | 6.101 |
I'm on it there's one of you | 1725.919 | 5.14 |
okay | 1729.02 | 4.259 |
do you I'm not sure how to hit that | 1731.059 | 5.22 |
thing oh didn't get it oh [ __ ] that's | 1733.279 | 4.861 |
okay wait till again | 1736.279 | 4.14 |
I might need to uh | 1738.14 | 5.279 |
sit back and hit that thing so it brings | 1740.419 | 5.941 |
you across I think yeah Simon who do you | 1743.419 | 4.441 |
want to cross first oh he can hit it | 1746.36 | 3.9 |
with the thing here I'm a bad wizard all | 1747.86 | 6.919 |
right you guys get up there so son yeah | 1750.26 | 4.519 |
we gotta jump immediately okay all right | 1755.38 | 3.76 |
all right | 1758.12 | 2.939 |
here we go and I don't have to hit a | 1759.14 | 4.44 |
button it just no you grab it | 1761.059 | 4.521 |
um | 1763.58 | 2.0 |
try again | 1765.82 | 6.459 |
all right tell me when you're ready it's | 1768.58 | 6.219 |
all good to go get it yeah yeah he's up | 1772.279 | 4.741 |
now now can use someone's a box and jump | 1774.799 | 4.021 |
from your box to get on there | 1777.02 | 3.23 |
try | 1778.82 | 6.42 |
[Music] | 1780.25 | 4.99 |
like you should bring Simon across neebs | 1785.38 | 4.6 |
okay like so he can say with that thing | 1787.94 | 3.719 |
and I'm on | 1789.98 | 4.28 |
oh all right very good very Arrow happy | 1791.659 | 5.9 |
they just can they swing at that side | 1794.26 | 6.22 |
oh yeah oh yeah okay so then I could | 1797.559 | 4.181 |
jump on that and now you can bring it | 1800.48 | 3.12 |
back did you do it so it's time to jump | 1801.74 | 3.96 |
over here with me yeah okay okay all | 1803.6 | 3.959 |
right bring it back leaves oh you guys | 1805.7 | 4.44 |
yep | 1807.559 | 4.74 |
Get on Up and that there that thing | 1810.14 | 5.1 |
should make it go back like can you hit | 1812.299 | 5.76 |
that uh Simon can you like jump and like | 1815.24 | 5.34 |
slice in the air uh there you go you got | 1818.059 | 5.1 |
it you got it needs Hazard nice he took | 1820.58 | 4.38 |
care of it thank you neebs hit it again | 1823.159 | 3.421 |
for me | 1824.96 | 4.88 |
I can't get up okay what yeah | 1826.58 | 5.4 |
jump up there and hit it see that | 1829.84 | 4.12 |
Crystal right there | 1831.98 | 7.5 |
yeah I'm gonna hit it yeah come on WOW | 1833.96 | 5.52 |
kill the guy kill the guy okay | 1846.82 | 4.02 |
too we got him sorry oh boy yeah | 1852.14 | 5.279 |
they're after me and I can't see myself | 1857.799 | 3.461 |
oh you can do that thing through the air | 1859.88 | 5.76 |
remember uh yeah I can oh boy oh don't | 1861.26 | 5.76 |
go in the spikes | 1865.64 | 4.32 |
oh he's shooting me oh my goodness I'm | 1867.02 | 6.32 |
not sure all right all right | 1869.96 | 6.86 |
yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah | 1873.34 | 3.48 |
here's two oh he's dead okay | 1877.36 | 6.22 |
remember you go across this I don't know | 1880.179 | 6.361 |
sometimes | 1883.58 | 6.31 |
[Music] | 1886.54 | 3.35 |
I remember when those soldiers come | 1892.34 | 3.0 |
Simon you can use your shield and bounce | 1893.84 | 2.939 |
their arrows back at them probably their | 1895.34 | 3.6 |
Spears or whatever yes I'm sure this is | 1896.779 | 6.601 |
uh not good for me oh you're killing it | 1898.94 | 6.599 |
all right now Simon could probably | 1903.38 | 4.799 |
bounce on that get him over there | 1905.539 | 5.701 |
can you yeah try that Thomas oh yeah you | 1908.179 | 4.261 |
got that | 1911.24 | 4.2 |
again | 1912.44 | 3.0 |
[Music] | 1917.2 | 6.54 |
can you slice up there | 1920.0 | 3.74 |
see what's up | 1928.96 | 5.819 |
go down see what's up like that | 1930.98 | 3.799 |
well with my Wizarding Powers I could | 1936.5 | 3.059 |
lift that | 1938.419 | 3.721 |
okay and would that make one able tag | 1939.559 | 5.181 |
yeah I can block oh there's a crystal | 1942.14 | 4.34 |
looks | 1944.74 | 5.08 |
oh Crystal see the crystal I do can you | 1946.48 | 5.14 |
make your box real quick | 1949.82 | 3.54 |
and make your box stick to that thing | 1951.62 | 2.7 |
down there | 1953.36 | 3.66 |
stick to it yes spikes | 1954.32 | 4.5 |
make that a box well | 1957.02 | 3.779 |
Simon could probably hold that music | 1958.82 | 4.38 |
Shield to redirect those you're stuck it | 1960.799 | 3.541 |
is stuck | 1963.2 | 5.16 |
so can I can you turn that platform in | 1964.34 | 5.04 |
front of me | 1968.36 | 3.24 |
to reveal the crystal thing | 1969.38 | 4.26 |
yes I could do that so I gotta jump down | 1971.6 | 4.079 |
there | 1973.64 | 4.5 |
shoot it is it gonna shoot me | 1975.679 | 4.201 |
it is it's gonna hit you it's a direct | 1978.14 | 3.08 |
headshot | 1979.88 | 3.179 |
that's what I'm saying Simon could | 1981.22 | 4.24 |
redirect him what it could oh hey you | 1983.059 | 4.701 |
hit it | 1985.46 | 2.3 |
if Simon did that yeah if I jump down if | 1989.32 | 5.5 |
Simon goes first then he can you mean | 1992.84 | 4.26 |
right I mean just jump down here oh yeah | 1994.82 | 4.32 |
but hug the left and you've got to | 1997.1 | 3.419 |
bounce those back just like I did | 1999.14 | 2.899 |
Crystal thing like yeah I was doing yeah | 2000.519 | 4.621 |
there you go all right aim it up to the | 2002.039 | 5.341 |
oh | 2005.14 | 2.24 |
well that'll work | 2008.399 | 4.421 |
you can't hit that thing | 2010.36 | 5.699 |
if I can get not all the way up | 2012.82 | 5.64 |
let me get behind you okay | 2016.059 | 4.321 |
it doesn't look like it reaches try it | 2018.46 | 3.559 |
doesn't look like it reaches oh okay | 2020.38 | 5.039 |
interesting here we go | 2022.019 | 5.441 |
plug it | 2025.419 | 4.38 |
up all right hey just come back up just | 2027.46 | 3.9 |
come back okay we did all right come | 2029.799 | 4.98 |
back up Simon okay now uh can you use | 2031.36 | 4.559 |
your Shield when you're holding on to | 2034.779 | 3.421 |
that all right so Simon you got to lead | 2035.919 | 4.26 |
the way on this uh jump over there pull | 2038.2 | 4.02 |
out the shield and walk across oh wait I | 2040.179 | 3.84 |
could actually do that too as soon as I | 2042.22 | 4.319 |
Let Go all right all right Simon you | 2044.019 | 4.741 |
jump up there all right put your shield | 2046.539 | 4.681 |
down and all right go go all the way | 2048.76 | 4.74 |
forward like right there oh oh [ __ ] all | 2051.22 | 3.72 |
right stay right there yeah I'm gonna | 2053.5 | 3.54 |
put that down | 2054.94 | 4.26 |
all right and then I'm going past you | 2057.04 | 4.26 |
look oh god oh there's a thing there | 2059.2 | 4.52 |
[ __ ] | 2061.3 | 2.42 |
[Music] | 2081.96 | 3.279 |
here we go | 2091.8 | 5.799 |
all right | 2094.899 | 7.281 |
now what now we take it we move forward | 2097.599 | 9.02 |
ah delightful | 2102.18 | 4.439 |
okay | 2108.359 | 6.161 |
we gotta think you'll get uh | 2111.119 | 5.021 |
oh I come against believe they're | 2114.52 | 3.9 |
replacing honest nights with those | 2116.14 | 5.52 |
trinket machines how dare they it is | 2118.42 | 4.62 |
much more fun than shooting at your | 2121.66 | 3.44 |
friend's Pontius | 2123.04 | 4.079 |
[Music] | 2125.1 | 3.61 |
totally | 2127.119 | 7.65 |
[Music] | 2128.71 | 6.059 |
all right we're starting to get the hang | 2138.82 | 2.9 |
of this | 2140.14 | 5.04 |
how you feeling Simon uh | 2141.72 | 5.92 |
it's Hit or Miss you're getting better I | 2145.18 | 5.1 |
think uh yeah well trust me I'll | 2147.64 | 4.26 |
surprise you I didn't say much better | 2150.28 | 4.319 |
yeah oh boy | 2151.9 | 6.06 |
okay all right can you all do this yeah | 2154.599 | 6.121 |
yeah oh there you go and jump from right | 2157.96 | 4.5 |
there stay there I'm going over here now | 2160.72 | 3.119 |
I think you gotta oh you don't have to | 2162.46 | 3.72 |
do the spring do you oh yeah just go | 2163.839 | 4.861 |
here okay | 2166.18 | 6.0 |
um jump to the platform and I hit it and | 2168.7 | 7.2 |
then jump again okay that was me being | 2172.18 | 5.52 |
stupid | 2175.9 | 5.219 |
um so let's see if my stuff sticks to | 2177.7 | 6.06 |
spikes this is gonna give us like oh | 2181.119 | 5.581 |
wait Simon what come over here jump on | 2183.76 | 3.839 |
that | 2186.7 | 3.6 |
and then destroy those wood blocks okay | 2187.599 | 3.901 |
I will | 2190.3 | 4.52 |
all right hold on there we go | 2191.5 | 5.42 |
[Music] | 2194.82 | 5.74 |
there you go now destroy the wood | 2196.92 | 7.9 |
yes okay there we go now I can jump on | 2200.56 | 7.5 |
that look at that okay | 2204.82 | 5.7 |
here you go | 2208.06 | 5.16 |
nope that sure is got it sweet wait | 2210.52 | 6.059 |
please yeah yeah very nice where's the | 2213.22 | 4.68 |
water puzzles | 2216.579 | 2.701 |
Yeah the more you play this the better | 2217.9 | 2.82 |
you get I feel what is that what is that | 2219.28 | 4.68 |
oh no oh god oh [ __ ] I need to probably | 2220.72 | 6.42 |
we got it see neebs what is this can we | 2223.96 | 7.98 |
is this a lever push it Bender oh | 2227.14 | 4.8 |
no there's also a water thing over here | 2232.54 | 7.92 |
you know what I'm gonna move seats okay | 2235.78 | 7.4 |
hmm | 2240.46 | 2.72 |
so no water's coming out huh I don't see | 2243.54 | 4.96 |
any water yet what about let's all check | 2246.52 | 4.38 |
over here to the right what is this okay | 2248.5 | 5.7 |
is this something I just need water is | 2250.9 | 5.939 |
there a door over here anything we can | 2254.2 | 4.17 |
shoot | 2256.839 | 4.441 |
[Music] | 2258.37 | 5.01 |
this way huh no | 2261.28 | 5.94 |
you think back that way oh what'd I do | 2263.38 | 5.04 |
oh | 2267.22 | 2.82 |
I don't know I wouldn't go back that way | 2268.42 | 3.6 |
yeah I wouldn't either but I would do | 2270.04 | 4.559 |
own an Epic Quest I just want to see so | 2272.02 | 5.64 |
far we haven't figured it out okay | 2274.599 | 4.161 |
okay | 2277.66 | 4.26 |
all right so this Wiggles a little and | 2278.76 | 4.599 |
it goes where I go there's a lever | 2281.92 | 2.84 |
there's there | 2283.359 | 4.861 |
ah get to the lever Maybe | 2284.76 | 5.56 |
Simon | 2288.22 | 5.22 |
um whatever jump to hold on | 2290.32 | 5.7 |
where's this little lever it's up top | 2293.44 | 4.38 |
it's above this platform it's got a big | 2296.02 | 5.52 |
okay got it got it okay so | 2297.82 | 6.24 |
um jump up okay oh [ __ ] didn't mean to | 2301.54 | 4.62 |
do that but can somebody jump can | 2304.06 | 4.74 |
somebody jump on uh who's not doing the | 2306.16 | 5.4 |
lever they can jump on me uh yep nope | 2308.8 | 5.76 |
can't reach no I'm talking about using | 2311.56 | 4.38 |
the lever | 2314.56 | 4.68 |
uh to go up higher that doesn't make any | 2315.94 | 4.98 |
sense you got the lever to go up higher | 2319.24 | 3.92 |
we're trying to get to the lever yeah | 2320.92 | 4.56 |
not the lever I'm sorry the shield | 2323.16 | 5.14 |
platform the platform I was trying to | 2325.48 | 5.099 |
use in combination the shield with the | 2328.3 | 4.559 |
platform yeah right neebs let's go I I | 2330.579 | 3.721 |
actually have an idea Simon put your | 2332.859 | 2.941 |
Shield up | 2334.3 | 5.34 |
and then I will put my box on top of the | 2335.8 | 7.94 |
shield okay I'll try to climb both | 2339.64 | 4.1 |
[Music] | 2343.81 | 3.039 |
there it is | 2347.04 | 5.26 |
oh diamond oh ground pound ground pound | 2349.9 | 4.62 |
me pound me get on that side you get on | 2352.3 | 3.6 |
the right side all right get on the | 2354.52 | 3.36 |
right side yeah I've done whatever right | 2355.9 | 4.34 |
here pound me | 2357.88 | 6.44 |
yeah oh geez pull this down and then | 2360.24 | 7.06 |
nope how do we I think we're gonna need | 2364.32 | 5.2 |
to do that we get to stay up there do it | 2367.3 | 4.559 |
again one of us | 2369.52 | 5.76 |
and now you can come jump on here maybe | 2371.859 | 5.701 |
oh yeah and break that crap yeah break | 2375.28 | 5.76 |
it oh yeah nice | 2377.56 | 3.48 |
all right if you get there would your | 2381.28 | 3.78 |
weight hold that down yeah probably yeah | 2383.2 | 4.1 |
stay up there yeah so we can do this | 2385.06 | 4.88 |
yeah | 2387.3 | 6.52 |
there it is this crew okay can I pull | 2389.94 | 6.28 |
there we go I can pull this up | 2393.82 | 5.039 |
right that's cool so isn't that neat | 2396.22 | 5.399 |
yeah attach this maybe do my box oh wait | 2398.859 | 4.561 |
that's gonna fall there can you attach | 2401.619 | 4.081 |
it to you're in the way but yeah I guess | 2403.42 | 5.179 |
oh oh look at you | 2405.7 | 6.3 |
adventurous Adventure excitement all | 2408.599 | 5.5 |
right so now where do we go from here I | 2412.0 | 5.099 |
can maybe go to that box could you shoot | 2414.099 | 5.221 |
the chain holding that box Isn't that | 2417.099 | 4.02 |
cool | 2419.32 | 4.2 |
can I do two ropes let me try shoot the | 2421.119 | 3.301 |
chain | 2423.52 | 2.94 |
all right so that worked now I got the | 2424.42 | 4.679 |
bucks I can block some of this crap | 2426.46 | 5.52 |
coming at us all of the crap really and | 2429.099 | 6.061 |
then we gotta get up there quickly | 2431.98 | 5.7 |
oh so wait can you guys can you guys | 2435.16 | 6.36 |
jump here now I don't think okay it | 2437.68 | 5.88 |
looks like it's moving looks like we | 2441.52 | 6.96 |
could do it oh okay okay all right let | 2443.56 | 8.0 |
me grab it again I'm up here | 2448.48 | 5.22 |
yeah but just make sure you jump over | 2451.56 | 4.059 |
here he's got to get up okay that's no | 2453.7 | 3.36 |
this is you Simon you gotta jump to the | 2455.619 | 5.061 |
box and then to the foreign | 2457.06 | 3.62 |
can you attach a rope to the box from | 2497.339 | 5.52 |
there no | 2500.26 | 2.599 |
when it was further out there coming a | 2506.88 | 3.4 |
little closer Maybe | 2509.32 | 2.4 |
[Music] | 2510.28 | 3.02 |
go right there | 2511.72 | 4.56 |
but that was it right | 2513.3 | 6.46 |
it was something that's the answer like | 2516.28 | 5.52 |
not B all right I'll do this neebs if | 2519.76 | 3.96 |
you wanna oh God we need the Rope again | 2521.8 | 4.559 |
though don't we what if I do that and | 2523.72 | 3.96 |
then | 2526.359 | 3.961 |
and is there some way we can do that the | 2527.68 | 5.58 |
wood I'm gonna pull this uh-huh | 2530.32 | 6.72 |
oh whoa what's happening here I'm back | 2533.26 | 7.98 |
where we started yeah oh no oh wait am I | 2537.04 | 6.059 |
getting closer all right we're gonna | 2541.24 | 4.14 |
push that down jump up here | 2543.099 | 3.901 |
I can't tell what's happening | 2545.38 | 3.239 |
there you are yeah I feel like the | 2547.0 | 3.24 |
camera the camera needs to like widen | 2548.619 | 3.781 |
out yeah | 2550.24 | 5.16 |
I'm back all right so | 2552.4 | 6.179 |
attach your rope to this box | 2555.4 | 6.179 |
okay oh all right maybe that'll work and | 2558.579 | 5.341 |
then to | 2561.579 | 5.121 |
just hook right here there you go | 2563.92 | 6.54 |
would it help if my shield broke | 2566.7 | 6.879 |
something like that that's hanging uh I | 2570.46 | 4.44 |
don't know if it would do that | 2573.579 | 4.681 |
I mean it might be what it helps all | 2574.9 | 4.98 |
right so get up there nibs how are you | 2578.26 | 3.96 |
getting up here I don't know | 2579.88 | 4.86 |
oh leaves | 2582.22 | 4.92 |
what up | 2584.74 | 4.44 |
so it leaves what if when you get up top | 2587.14 | 4.32 |
and move over can you get anywhere after | 2589.18 | 5.88 |
that let's try yeah climb over here | 2591.46 | 6.6 |
right so then can you hit this box from | 2595.06 | 5.48 |
there | 2598.06 | 2.48 |
I hit X I was trying to I might hit the | 2603.78 | 6.039 |
wrong button all right you ready I'm try | 2607.78 | 3.72 |
again | 2609.819 | 3.841 |
no I wasn't ready I thought that was a | 2611.5 | 4.079 |
string that I could walk on yeah it | 2613.66 | 4.459 |
looked like it | 2615.579 | 2.54 |
nope nope | 2619.5 | 4.48 |
all right yep stop what you're doing I'm | 2621.819 | 3.54 |
not doing anything okay you've got that | 2623.98 | 3.48 |
attached let me move this box over here | 2625.359 | 6.561 |
yeah like it hangs on and that's over | 2627.46 | 4.46 |
oh I'll do this so Neves you can get | 2637.859 | 6.661 |
back up here okay there he goes | 2640.359 | 4.161 |
there you go you wanna go all the way | 2644.859 | 2.701 |
top | 2646.3 | 2.88 |
yes go all the way to the top because | 2647.56 | 3.0 |
you're the one that could potentially | 2649.18 | 5.52 |
shoot that and bring them up so so now | 2650.56 | 6.299 |
I'll shoot that box if you did no not | 2654.7 | 5.159 |
yet I saw an ax I'm just saying this box | 2656.859 | 4.121 |
here | 2659.859 | 4.22 |
[Music] | 2660.98 | 3.099 |
well I could swing when I was hanging | 2669.3 | 4.12 |
which was kind of weird and I can shoot | 2671.74 | 3.78 |
a bow when I'm swinging yeah like when | 2673.42 | 4.38 |
I'm shooting enemies yeah so that's the | 2675.52 | 5.16 |
way of saying [ __ ] you | 2677.8 | 5.779 |
so this | 2680.68 | 7.22 |
these look like watch out | 2683.579 | 4.321 |
yeah we did something similar to that | 2694.26 | 4.8 |
yeah | 2696.7 | 2.36 |
did we try shooting did I can I does it | 2702.04 | 5.16 |
matter if I come down back down it's | 2705.28 | 4.559 |
probably easy enough for me to | 2707.2 | 4.919 |
I feel like I want to shoot that wood | 2709.839 | 4.74 |
you really there's arrows in it and I | 2712.119 | 5.041 |
thought that it doesn't matter | 2714.579 | 4.981 |
can you guys | 2717.16 | 5.48 |
like if the Box | 2719.56 | 5.82 |
it's Simon you're gonna kill us oh sorry | 2722.64 | 5.199 |
sorry I'm trying to I'm trying to shoot | 2725.38 | 4.939 |
the the thing that I was trying to break | 2727.839 | 4.951 |
like neeps | 2730.319 | 4.901 |
[Music] | 2732.79 | 4.89 |
right now he's got which which box do | 2735.22 | 5.599 |
you have now you attached to that | 2737.68 | 3.139 |
oh this box has a rope attached to it | 2747.66 | 5.5 |
neeb shoot this rope yeah all right and | 2750.579 | 4.381 |
then this box goes here like it would | 2753.16 | 4.14 |
hang over that edge like as far as the | 2754.96 | 4.619 |
physics of it yeah | 2757.3 | 4.68 |
it's got to be done in between those | 2759.579 | 5.52 |
balls and I guess oh [ __ ] you know what | 2761.98 | 3.98 |
I'm saying | 2765.099 | 5.781 |
hold on let's let me all right sorry | 2765.96 | 4.92 |
nope | 2776.38 | 4.58 |
nope | 2778.9 | 2.06 |
trying five everybody it was made for | 2784.839 | 4.801 |
people smarter than us I like it now | 2787.24 | 5.66 |
it's a very big distance | 2789.64 | 3.26 |
they're easy | 2793.48 | 6.139 |
it's not fun they're too easy | 2796.06 | 3.559 |
so that goes there I was hoping you | 2803.74 | 6.02 |
could do one of the flat platforms | 2806.26 | 3.5 |
let's try this | 2810.52 | 3.9 |
you ready yeah all right what you got I | 2812.14 | 4.74 |
pull this up you do a flat platform | 2814.42 | 4.439 |
on those you put up two between the two | 2816.88 | 4.92 |
yeah that would allow you to can you | 2818.859 | 4.801 |
make that jump well you got well I got | 2821.8 | 4.08 |
the strings yeah you can go on the | 2823.66 | 3.9 |
string you're fine on the string | 2825.88 | 3.08 |
and here we go | 2827.56 | 4.86 |
oh yeah oh okay yeah I'm out here now | 2828.96 | 7.119 |
you two are up yep y'all can come across | 2832.42 | 5.64 |
what what if you oh why did that go | 2836.079 | 5.221 |
because I was pulling summon I can't | 2838.06 | 5.34 |
okay I can't summon or move oh wait I | 2841.3 | 5.0 |
can move oh [ __ ] damn it | 2843.4 | 6.36 |
damn it I'm sorry all right well hey | 2846.3 | 5.68 |
this actually might work yeah so now you | 2849.76 | 4.52 |
guys can get over here | 2851.98 | 4.859 |
you can make it up there seven you just | 2854.28 | 4.48 |
gotta do it in between okay I gotta go | 2856.839 | 3.661 |
you gotta jump over the balls okay hold | 2858.76 | 3.359 |
on or just put your Shield up once you | 2860.5 | 3.3 |
get over it true that actually might | 2862.119 | 3.72 |
help Neves put Sheila | 2863.8 | 4.44 |
go over there Shield up Shield I tried | 2865.839 | 6.141 |
I've tried to jump so | 2868.24 | 3.74 |
okay it should work right what if I let | 2876.72 | 6.16 |
go of this rope nope oh god oh I thought | 2880.54 | 3.6 |
you had it attached to something I've | 2882.88 | 5.12 |
got to do this first showed up | 2884.14 | 3.86 |
all right we got | 2890.339 | 3.541 |
Okay so | 2894.579 | 4.081 |
I think we got this all right I gotta | 2896.38 | 6.12 |
pull that right maybe and then we need | 2898.66 | 6.3 |
that box this one up here yeah I think | 2902.5 | 4.74 |
that box has to come oh I gotta shoot | 2904.96 | 4.139 |
that one yes shoot this uh yeah shoot | 2907.24 | 4.22 |
the chain | 2909.099 | 2.361 |
got it | 2913.38 | 4.12 |
right there | 2915.22 | 5.0 |
got it | 2917.5 | 5.04 |
why don't you let go of the rope and | 2920.22 | 5.46 |
then yeah try it okay yeah | 2922.54 | 3.14 |
that is | 2926.319 | 3.661 |
yes I saw his exes when he was moving it | 2927.46 | 5.119 |
there | 2929.98 | 2.599 |
what how did this work last time right I | 2932.819 | 7.921 |
died you did I pull it last time | 2936.04 | 4.7 |
hold it but | 2941.26 | 2.84 |
it's not breaking it | 2942.88 | 2.58 |
[Music] | 2944.1 | 3.4 |
oh there we go okay I broke it somehow | 2945.46 | 4.619 |
all right so put this box over here yeah | 2947.5 | 3.9 |
so let's | 2950.079 | 4.621 |
I grab this I attach it to that right | 2951.4 | 5.64 |
now it stays right right there now | 2954.7 | 4.82 |
beautiful take your your flat platform | 2957.04 | 4.799 |
yeah and put it between those two things | 2959.52 | 4.0 |
that's the answer over the platform over | 2961.839 | 4.801 |
here drop it oh too far to the right and | 2963.52 | 7.02 |
drop it there we go yes so now Simon | 2966.64 | 6.12 |
lead the way with the shield okay and | 2970.54 | 4.079 |
just keep it out just keep it keep it | 2972.76 | 3.96 |
out keep it out got it get real close to | 2974.619 | 4.141 |
it and then you do your jumps and be | 2976.72 | 4.44 |
careful you stay there Simon yeah I'll | 2978.76 | 4.2 |
go first so yeah oh okay I got hit | 2981.16 | 4.38 |
that's it there we go up and then nope | 2982.96 | 5.58 |
okay | 2985.54 | 3.0 |
all right and then | 2989.26 | 3.9 |
I'll get out of the way get out of the | 2991.18 | 3.179 |
way yeah and then Simon should be able | 2993.16 | 2.88 |
to go all right | 2994.359 | 3.541 |
there you go | 2996.04 | 3.66 |
there we go then just wait right there | 2997.9 | 3.91 |
now go for it all right | 2999.7 | 5.04 |
[Music] | 3001.81 | 4.85 |
all right maybe you're gonna shoot that | 3004.74 | 3.42 |
Crystal okay | 3006.66 | 4.76 |
um nobody hit a button to drop | 3008.16 | 6.3 |
until this comes now drop onto this okay | 3011.42 | 5.08 |
all right hold on hit the Trap again | 3014.46 | 4.619 |
down on the d-pad yeah all right Neve | 3016.5 | 5.42 |
shoot the crystal again okay and boom | 3019.079 | 6.681 |
yes yeah | 3021.92 | 3.84 |
look at us we're trying | 3026.18 | 7.38 |
[Laughter] | 3029.78 | 3.78 |
to know game's fun yes yeah trying five | 3033.68 | 5.74 |
everybody check it out in the | 3037.319 | 4.561 |
description below we got all the windows | 3039.42 | 5.54 |
Clickety click click links | 3041.88 | 3.08 |
[Applause] | 3046.38 | 4.92 |
[Music] | 3046.89 | 4.41 |
baby | 3054.54 | 3.0 |
[Music] | 3058.53 | 3.109 |
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If anyone has any fan art they would like to submit, a post idea or promotional content for the crew just reach out and let me know! This is community supported so feel free to get involved if you love Neebs Gaming half as much as I do!

The Game
You definitely should check it out
Neebs Gaming's latest let's play of Trine 5 is an absolute delight. Their cinematic approach to gameplay commentary brings the vibrant world of Trine to life in a way that's entertaining and engaging. Right from the start, you feel immersed in the enchanting landscapes and challenging puzzles thanks to the guys' signature banter and reactions.
The expanded gameplay features in Trine 5 like 4-player co-op and the ability to freely switch between characters seem tailor-made for Neebs Gaming's chaotic yet coordinated playstyle. It's hilarious watching them bumble through puzzles and combat scenarios together, with each person bringing their own personality and skills to the table. And the new physics-based elements lead to some seriously funny moments as they knock each other off ledges or get smushed by crates.
Visually, Trine 5 looks stunning, from its dynamic weather system to destructible environments. Neebs Gaming's high production values really let the beauty of the world shine. Their cinematic camera work captures sprawling vistas and action sequences in cinematic fashion. It feels like you're watching an animated film at times. The editing is top-notch as well, moving the adventure along at a great pace.
At its core, Trine is about imaginative world-building, clever puzzles, and thrilling action. By bringing their infectious enthusiasm and filmmaking expertise to the game, Neebs Gaming enhances that experience for viewers in ways that are more entertaining than just watching someone else play. Their Trine 5 series is a must-see for any fan of the franchise or enjoyable gaming content.