These Shoes Make Me Invisible?! - (Minecraft Ep 10)
Neebs Gaming
neebs: Hey guys, have you seen this video where we find these crazy shoes that make me pretend to be invisible in Minecraft? It's hilarious!
simon: Oh yeah, that was a good one! I still can't believe you thought you were actually invisible with those shoes on, Neebs.
appsro: I know, right? And then Thick finds shoes that freeze water? What a wild episode. Definitely one of my favorites.
neebs: Haha, yeah, and let's not forget Dora working on her secret project in the background. I can't wait to see what she's up to.

This video comes straight from the Neebs Gaming YouTube channel.
Hey guys, I am so excited to tell you all about the latest episode from the Neebs Gaming YouTube channel! In this video, Thick discovers shoes that can freeze water, while Neebs gets his hands on some shoes that make him feel invisible - how cool is that? Appsro and Simon are digging away, and Dora is working on a secret project that we don't get to see just yet - the suspense is killing me!
If you're a fan of Neebs Gaming like me, you'll definitely want to check out their mod setup in the video linked in the description. And don't forget to subscribe to their channel if you haven't already - they always have such entertaining content that never fails to make me smile.
I love that Neebs Gaming is powered by Xidax PCs, and you can even join their Discord server to chat with other fans. Plus, they have their own coffee blend - Neebs Gaming Coffee, which I definitely need to try out soon. And if you're a Minecraft fan, they have a whole playlist dedicated to their Minecraft adventures that you won't want to miss.
The music in this video is always on point, and I love how they credit the artists in the description. It really shows how much they care about the content they create.

Caption | Start | Duration |
all right one more chest I'm a treasure | 1.46 | 4.69 |
map oh boy | 4.71 | 6.12 |
okay Oh hates women why's it so hard I'm | 6.15 | 7.52 |
swimming battlefield | 10.83 | 2.84 |
Oh boots I don't want to drown let's see | 13.84 | 12.279 |
Tory frost wha-oh frost Walker I heard | 21.2 | 7.919 |
about these okay I want to go undone | 26.119 | 5.961 |
let's see third person can I do it oh | 29.119 | 10.26 |
sweet ice yes like ice man this is great | 32.08 | 9.4 |
what happens if I do this chap chap chap | 39.379 | 2.551 |
chap chap | 41.48 | 5.94 |
oh I sank so I sang song Sun sank this | 41.93 | 8.43 |
is awesome I could walk this whole place | 47.42 | 6.599 |
and just ice it over if I want it to you | 50.36 | 5.339 |
see if I can trap this squid under ice | 54.019 | 4.941 |
not that I'm a sick individual but Oh | 55.699 | 6.93 |
yep yep there we go come on come on | 58.96 | 7.81 |
are you stuck oh oh oh it's disappearing | 62.629 | 6.901 |
okay so it melts makes sense mount the | 66.77 | 7.08 |
Sun this is awesome though whew I need | 69.53 | 6.769 |
to find some drowns for you and drowns | 73.85 | 7.189 |
icewalker ice Walker Texas Ranger | 76.299 | 4.74 |
[Music] | 83.34 | 17.96 |
nice landing Simon thank you sir | 98.08 | 4.72 |
all right hey you want to see what I've | 101.3 | 4.56 |
been working on sure okay so it's | 102.8 | 5.79 |
nighttime you get afraid and you can't | 105.86 | 4.92 |
make it to your house uh-huh you're over | 108.59 | 4.86 |
here right say like your a your us | 110.78 | 4.68 |
creeper or your a skeleton and I'm like | 113.45 | 3.66 |
Oh up you can't get me I'm running like | 115.46 | 3.63 |
this right and then I run around and | 117.11 | 3.51 |
then you're a dumb skeleton so you're | 119.09 | 3.69 |
like I know a shortcut I'll cut straight | 120.62 | 3.78 |
through but then you fall into my cactus | 122.78 | 3.33 |
trap you think that's gonna work | 124.4 | 3.779 |
yeah you think that they're gonna try to | 126.11 | 4.23 |
cut through it's quicker in it I mean it | 128.179 | 4.411 |
is but I mean I'll be curious to see it | 130.34 | 4.05 |
work would that be cool though it would | 132.59 | 3.93 |
be and then listen let's say you're | 134.39 | 3.75 |
running around and I don't know you fall | 136.52 | 4.23 |
in you like up I'm as dumb as a skeleton | 138.14 | 4.32 |
I fell in you come over here there's a | 140.75 | 4.47 |
door go in the door shut that open the | 142.46 | 4.65 |
gate shut the gate front stairs up | 145.22 | 3.81 |
there's a hatch boom Wow | 147.11 | 4.89 |
I'm safe again it's amazing yeah like | 149.03 | 6.03 |
you are an amazing individual I should | 152.0 | 5.31 |
probably work in national security Shh | 155.06 | 4.86 |
don't tell anybody that's Emily that's | 157.31 | 4.74 |
how they control you but I would be the | 159.92 | 4.17 |
one controlling cuz I'm Oh cuz you're so | 162.05 | 4.32 |
okay well good yeah just take care of me | 164.09 | 4.38 |
yeah I'm going to oh you know what | 166.37 | 5.94 |
no Bing Bing Bing Bing Bing it's raining | 168.47 | 5.43 |
bread I'm gonna go steal some of that | 172.31 | 4.2 |
thing you got growing what oh you mean | 173.9 | 4.98 |
my bamboo yep let me take some okay but | 176.51 | 4.86 |
thanks you replant it yeah I just gave | 178.88 | 4.26 |
you bread there shouldn't be a | 181.37 | 15.66 |
you know rules hey you know that mine | 183.14 | 20.34 |
you found with the rails yeah where are | 197.03 | 9.03 |
you I'm outside your house looking up at | 203.48 | 4.92 |
it oh nothing yell this much anymore | 206.06 | 6.09 |
yeah I see on the roof I think hey how | 208.4 | 5.91 |
are you good you want that down there uh | 212.15 | 4.53 |
yeah where's your mind I will bring you | 214.31 | 4.05 |
there in a moment | 216.68 | 6.12 |
oh okay um let me uh yes let me um yes | 218.36 | 6.59 |
okay I will let you um yes thank you I | 222.8 | 8.01 |
will just sit here why um yes hi are you | 224.95 | 16.09 |
doing yeah but let me just I want it | 230.81 | 13.44 |
since their stuff let me just burn and I | 241.04 | 5.25 |
don't need to burp okay no more that | 244.25 | 11.94 |
reverb come over here good ink sac seeds | 246.29 | 13.05 |
flower alright you ready sure you got | 256.19 | 4.289 |
any more stuff you want to throw out I | 259.34 | 2.399 |
kind of want to just put this in my | 260.479 | 3.121 |
chest and it's on the way so follow me | 261.739 | 3.961 |
okay okay yeah just need to know where | 263.6 | 3.6 |
it's at yeah I know I know | 265.7 | 2.67 |
well I kind of want to go down there | 267.2 | 3.05 |
with you because I'm out of everything | 268.37 | 3.99 |
through half of what you had out well | 270.25 | 6.45 |
that's just materials down this hatch | 272.36 | 7.11 |
nope nope that's my man cave I'm working | 276.7 | 5.23 |
on that stay out oh I will stay out okay | 279.47 | 3.15 |
um | 281.93 | 2.79 |
I'm ready follow me all right hey Katie | 282.62 | 4.74 |
we got to push where we going this way | 284.72 | 4.89 |
right here how you been I'm good man | 287.36 | 4.26 |
just working on the you know trying to | 289.61 | 3.84 |
make the comfort comfortable home | 291.62 | 4.41 |
setting yeah yeah I get it I'm working | 293.45 | 5.37 |
on a big Mayan you know with with rails | 296.03 | 5.34 |
oh so I need rails and usually these | 298.82 | 3.78 |
little mines that I know you have found | 301.37 | 3.51 |
they have rails yes plenty there are | 302.6 | 3.99 |
rails down here and this for the most | 304.88 | 4.47 |
parts untapped I mean died down here I | 306.59 | 4.34 |
think once thick maybe did about | 309.35 | 3.379 |
eight times I'm not sure you guys went | 310.93 | 2.97 |
all the way to the bedrock huh | 312.729 | 3.181 |
uh-huh I forget what number it is I | 313.9 | 3.9 |
think it's like 12 it's a it's like the | 315.91 | 4.14 |
lava bed like that's the safest place to | 317.8 | 4.26 |
dig down to okay because then he could | 320.05 | 3.679 |
dig straight you won't hit lava yeah | 322.06 | 5.01 |
okay this is where we're pick and I got | 323.729 | 5.021 |
we've got a little crafting table here | 327.07 | 4.53 |
forged as well thick made perfect I'm | 328.75 | 5.52 |
here nothing in that chest but yeah we | 331.6 | 4.349 |
got a spawner right here that we've | 334.27 | 3.899 |
blocked off will spider spawner oh thank | 335.949 | 4.771 |
you haste bodies there's the rails man | 338.169 | 6.72 |
yeah go to town I'll see you in a little | 340.72 | 5.97 |
bit I'm in your butt yeah I need you I | 344.889 | 3.0 |
need you to move so you don't suck the | 346.69 | 2.97 |
rails in your butt uh-huh you're still | 347.889 | 4.141 |
okay thank you for that rail sir thank | 349.66 | 4.44 |
you don't you don't be mad I brought not | 352.03 | 3.419 |
bad I'm just saying you were sucking it | 354.1 | 3.3 |
in your butt and I need the rails | 355.449 | 4.261 |
okay suck em in my butt yeah suck em up | 357.4 | 4.049 |
to that but that button takes a lot done | 359.71 | 3.66 |
it ooh hey good luck | 361.449 | 3.9 |
thank you but sucker yeah well that | 363.37 | 7.729 |
sucked the but first is that thing Oh | 365.349 | 10.861 |
see it's like a wobble call waterfall | 371.099 | 8.711 |
but lava in a weird structure to Lava | 376.21 | 7.679 |
Falls huh this is like part of Mustafar | 379.81 | 8.31 |
you see let me see this it's a point of | 383.889 | 8.191 |
interest of swartz hello Anakin obi-wan | 388.12 | 7.65 |
you hear ground get your legs chopped | 392.08 | 6.72 |
off this place is interesting yeah it's | 395.77 | 4.98 |
almost like a paradise to me | 398.8 | 5.22 |
whoo I want to climb this jump off the | 400.75 | 7.28 |
top into the water I'm gonna do that | 404.02 | 4.01 |
Donna yeah can I have a little more | 410.23 | 6.04 |
bamboo and some string oh yeah I've got | 413.33 | 5.25 |
a lot of both how do I separate them in | 416.27 | 6.48 |
my door just here shift-drag I'm just | 418.58 | 5.79 |
gonna do that I'll give you back what I | 422.75 | 3.48 |
don't use good and I'll give you that | 424.37 | 3.84 |
some of that there's a whole lot of each | 426.23 | 3.24 |
of them perfect | 428.21 | 3.18 |
so with bamboo you can make some called | 429.47 | 5.85 |
scaffolding and let's make no no wait | 431.39 | 7.08 |
can only make six wait nope here we'll | 435.32 | 4.68 |
make it we'll make it doesn't and we'll | 438.47 | 2.04 |
try that out | 440.0 | 2.94 |
okay sure scaffolding sounds good you | 440.51 | 5.28 |
coming yeah okay so I assume it's | 442.94 | 4.95 |
scaffolding like scaffolding what do you | 445.79 | 4.62 |
want to build scaffold your place I mean | 447.89 | 4.74 |
I don't I don't really I don't really | 450.41 | 4.59 |
need scaffolding well we should learn | 452.63 | 3.03 |
how it works | 455.0 | 2.28 |
shouldn't we yeah well then do it next | 455.66 | 5.79 |
to it we'll see come on okay so hmm | 457.28 | 8.25 |
let's say we're working here yeah oh so | 461.45 | 8.22 |
it's just basically a block oh do you | 465.53 | 5.82 |
like this I was trying to build around | 469.67 | 3.48 |
you just click the wait hold on break | 471.35 | 5.37 |
these there we go break this oh crap I | 473.15 | 6.33 |
broke all of it Simon yeah okay so let's | 476.72 | 4.95 |
say we're working here you just keep is | 479.48 | 4.77 |
it just going up well it's just like a | 481.67 | 4.41 |
block yeah but I just click the bottom | 484.25 | 3.27 |
and it goes up you don't have to bike | 486.08 | 5.55 |
aim up oh okay hold on now and now this | 487.52 | 5.85 |
is something you climb how does it work | 491.63 | 3.3 |
I assume you can just like go up and | 493.37 | 3.6 |
like work on it can you give it how do I | 494.93 | 4.2 |
get on it try space-like go maybe hit | 496.97 | 3.6 |
space like a ladder or something | 499.13 | 4.74 |
spacebar yep you're going up this is | 500.57 | 6.0 |
good now come down um | 503.87 | 6.45 |
like maybe Crouch now stop now go like | 506.57 | 5.28 |
right left can you go right and left or | 510.32 | 5.099 |
yep if I'm here go at this oh now you | 511.85 | 5.19 |
don't need to have two of them in it but | 515.419 | 3.331 |
look you can go you can cross sideways | 517.04 | 4.35 |
if you had to all right so well imagine | 518.75 | 4.229 |
you had a whole wall of these I gotta | 521.39 | 3.71 |
listen so computer what's that money pay | 522.979 | 5.761 |
scaffolding ah yeah neat sound real | 525.1 | 5.32 |
quick I owe you something from our | 528.74 | 4.16 |
adventure okay so back up neebs | 530.42 | 6.54 |
yeah what are you doing now | 532.9 | 6.13 |
ah did I get it nope I think Simon got | 536.96 | 3.27 |
him those are your three diamonds from | 539.03 | 1.6 |
all right | 540.23 | 2.74 |
ah found them down on the mines that | 540.63 | 5.34 |
doraleous had built diamonds like | 542.97 | 3.539 |
everywhere | 545.97 | 2.369 |
really yeah I felt like 12 of them | 546.509 | 4.38 |
aren't they like is it's their minds | 548.339 | 3.12 |
though right | 550.889 | 3.481 |
yeah good for you abstract yo if you | 551.459 | 5.341 |
give me two diamonds I'll give you a | 554.37 | 6.449 |
turtle helmet deal that was easy for now | 556.8 | 6.24 |
I can make a pickaxe | 560.819 | 4.291 |
good deal now about that turtle helmet | 563.04 | 5.7 |
yep there you go BAM up yeah alright so | 565.11 | 5.43 |
what do I do with my diamonds what's the | 568.74 | 3.87 |
best thing for me to do a pickaxe sword | 570.54 | 4.32 |
but really the best thing is the | 572.61 | 4.02 |
durability just last forever alright I | 574.86 | 4.11 |
got I got stuff to do things to do so | 576.63 | 4.139 |
see you guys see ya I got a turtle | 578.97 | 4.89 |
helmet to make and a diamond pickaxe | 580.769 | 4.8 |
thank you you're welcome to noobs you | 583.86 | 3.209 |
should make me a turtle helmet | 585.569 | 4.561 |
actually what make that diamond pickaxe | 587.069 | 5.551 |
then meet me at my house okay I got | 590.13 | 3.329 |
plans | 592.62 | 8.94 |
oh man this is high up wait I wonder if | 593.459 | 9.81 |
I have these boots on if I'm gonna make | 601.56 | 4.8 |
ice if I fall and then I break my legs I | 603.269 | 6.211 |
can see some face some villages a temple | 606.36 | 6.99 |
man this place is great all right here | 609.48 | 5.99 |
we go | 613.35 | 2.12 |
[Music] | 622.04 | 10.1 |
that what get that pickax yeah let's do | 627.93 | 4.69 |
this | 632.14 | 2.31 |
let's do it all right I need you feel | 632.62 | 3.839 |
the last leg of this race all right it's | 634.45 | 5.759 |
a race yeah it's it's a project go get a | 636.459 | 5.401 |
little bit quicker fan one more hand | 640.209 | 3.991 |
well I'm beat I'd be proud to be your | 641.86 | 4.11 |
right-hand man | 644.2 | 4.11 |
thank you that's all for Conda yeah well | 645.97 | 3.869 |
that's what I'm here to do I'm here to | 648.31 | 3.54 |
be kind today oh you're in it you're in | 649.839 | 4.711 |
that mood huh I'm in a great mood yeah I | 651.85 | 3.69 |
built this tunnel | 654.55 | 3.27 |
it's pretty long tunnel but I and | 655.54 | 3.27 |
obviously I'm gonna be able to rail | 657.82 | 2.79 |
system and I'll show you where it's | 658.81 | 3.089 |
gonna hopefully take us | 660.61 | 3.3 |
okay wait speed it up it's run a little | 661.899 | 4.651 |
bit all right running wait as soon as | 663.91 | 4.44 |
you say run you stop feel that no yeah | 666.55 | 2.909 |
I'm sorry I was just looking at stuff | 668.35 | 4.02 |
all right looking good man like this is | 669.459 | 7.07 |
really nice very impressive thank you | 672.37 | 8.0 |
hello hey Ellie hi I just made a iron | 676.529 | 6.881 |
block like a whole block of iron is that | 680.37 | 4.92 |
what you need to make a Belvedere | 683.41 | 9.359 |
yeah all right it's night time we got a | 685.29 | 9.76 |
bodyguard we should call him Kevin | 692.769 | 4.531 |
Costner what are we gonna call this guy | 695.05 | 6.24 |
Kevin Costner do you like that nope how | 697.3 | 5.46 |
you gonna act it's exciting huh | 701.29 | 5.58 |
I like this my friend Kevin few funny of | 702.76 | 5.55 |
everybody fought that way when they | 706.87 | 3.329 |
fought both arms straight up and down | 708.31 | 2.94 |
two hands | 710.199 | 3.421 |
yeah I bet Kevin peed his pants all the | 711.25 | 4.74 |
way his ankle off a bed so hey a cat | 713.62 | 4.5 |
there's a creeper right down here names | 715.99 | 4.32 |
right by whatever this magic test you've | 718.12 | 2.54 |
got | 720.31 | 2.63 |
in here Kevin just saved your life mine | 720.66 | 4.53 |
yep uh-huh right here you see where I'm | 722.94 | 4.23 |
looking creeper yeah you might want this | 725.19 | 3.57 |
not here cuz it's gonna surprise buddy | 727.17 | 3.87 |
he's locked on me yeah he's happy there | 728.76 | 3.54 |
oh you won't leave him | 731.04 | 3.48 |
yep okay well I'll make him come out | 732.3 | 3.87 |
here then I can't wait for it to make | 734.52 | 2.22 |
upskilling | 736.17 | 2.1 |
you gonna take him towards Kevin does | 736.74 | 3.78 |
Kevin fight these I don't know Kevin get | 738.27 | 4.02 |
him why wouldn't he does he not | 740.52 | 4.14 |
recognize him at all it has no beef with | 742.29 | 5.01 |
creepers what's up with that laid him | 744.66 | 4.8 |
into the ax trap you already tried that | 747.3 | 2.88 |
neebs | 749.46 | 3.36 |
okay maybe I did it wrong alright this | 750.18 | 4.5 |
is your problem I'm leaving should hop | 752.82 | 3.54 |
in the top it hop down in there | 754.68 | 4.59 |
Kevin come on you just walked right by | 756.36 | 5.94 |
yeah okay have a good night noobs yep be | 759.27 | 3.57 |
safe | 762.3 | 5.33 |
you too you had a lot to work on Kevin | 762.84 | 4.79 |
hit that with a pickaxe Ford well come | 771.62 | 8.04 |
on now is this what we're doing yeah | 775.56 | 4.1 |
[Music] | 782.44 | 3.25 |
[Music] | 788.22 | 3.1 |
there is what Oh remember that's right | 792.53 | 8.02 |
my rail cart should take me all the way | 797.67 | 4.47 |
down here to this river and I'll | 800.55 | 3.03 |
building a little station down there | 802.14 | 3.42 |
I'll be able to haul in resources like | 803.58 | 3.06 |
wood because I don't know if he can | 805.56 | 11.94 |
really look around here but what do you | 806.64 | 13.41 |
think you're doing what do you think get | 817.5 | 4.32 |
going you hitting him with a shovel Wow | 820.05 | 5.64 |
very nice okay all right just eat some | 821.82 | 7.62 |
bread some and you'll be fine whoops | 825.69 | 6.139 |
[Laughter] | 829.44 | 4.069 |
you have a problem with that don't you I | 831.829 | 4.281 |
do I constantly don't know how to eat | 833.509 | 4.74 |
yeah this is gonna be the start of | 836.11 | 4.329 |
something awesome Simon yes it is I'm | 838.249 | 6.39 |
gonna transform this place and I'm gonna | 840.439 | 6.84 |
be your helper and you're gonna pay me | 844.639 | 5.55 |
and die but we got digging for diamonds | 847.279 | 5.011 |
but you don't have much diamonds we're | 850.189 | 4.231 |
gonna pay me and die listen I'll pay you | 852.29 | 4.019 |
and Dom is if you actually help I will | 854.42 | 3.089 |
of course I'll help | 856.309 | 3.81 |
okay okay hey might have a deal I'm a | 857.509 | 4.86 |
good helper yeah I just want to have | 860.119 | 4.26 |
more diamonds than neebs can ever get on | 862.369 | 4.68 |
his own that might be tough come on hey | 864.379 | 4.11 |
you might go down in the mines with me | 867.049 | 3.27 |
cuz I am gonna need some materials to | 868.489 | 3.9 |
make this rail track I need a bunch of | 870.319 | 6.671 |
materials I can be your little baby boy | 872.389 | 7.691 |
[Music] | 876.99 | 3.09 |
are you stuff grows like crazy what what | 885.129 | 8.05 |
bamboo | 891.829 | 5.37 |
oh okay so uh you have any metal very | 893.179 | 6.15 |
little why I thought we'd build an anvil | 897.199 | 4.35 |
see what we can do with it um I think | 899.329 | 7.911 |
I've got to iron three you got two oh I | 901.549 | 7.741 |
don't see how we're gonna do business | 907.24 | 4.209 |
you got two I didn't think we had a plan | 909.29 | 4.829 |
I had to make some good tools what kind | 911.449 | 4.521 |
of tools are you making the basic | 914.119 | 6.33 |
pickaxe shovel sword what okay yeah I | 915.97 | 7.0 |
just didn't realize oh wow worried about | 920.449 | 4.56 |
my tools what's his table work it's an | 922.97 | 2.729 |
enchanting table | 925.009 | 5.94 |
he put Luna Luba Xue Xue xue's oh um I | 925.699 | 7.23 |
just had this weird voice in my head | 930.949 | 3.99 |
that said put bookshelves around it I'll | 932.929 | 3.66 |
put bookshelves around can we make our | 934.939 | 5.07 |
own books hello dick hey we're in | 936.589 | 5.94 |
Darrell's house you are yeah hey do you | 940.009 | 4.2 |
know how to use this thing oh the | 942.529 | 3.691 |
enchanting I've used it before it's yeah | 944.209 | 4.141 |
probably not to its lips nah that's the | 946.22 | 3.839 |
wrong button all right I'm not gonna | 948.35 | 2.19 |
shoot you | 950.059 | 3.541 |
uh yeah put the thing in here do you | 950.54 | 4.649 |
have an enchanted do you enchant books | 953.6 | 3.51 |
here or do you have to have an enchanted | 955.189 | 4.861 |
book oh wait a minute chicken or egg has | 957.11 | 4.47 |
nope can't do it yeah you need the | 960.05 | 5.28 |
lipids got that the Lupus see me lupus | 961.58 | 5.37 |
it seemed clear when we said think you | 965.33 | 3.98 |
know how to use it because I'm using | 966.95 | 5.04 |
listen I've used it there's something | 969.31 | 4.72 |
else that I've used but he's sorted oh | 971.99 | 2.64 |
boy | 974.03 | 2.79 |
so I'm getting sharpness one or sharpest | 974.63 | 4.95 |
one look at that enchanted it used it | 976.82 | 4.65 |
chanted so are done | 979.58 | 3.93 |
noobs use your ears I still don't | 981.47 | 4.56 |
understand what you said I put the blue | 983.51 | 4.77 |
stuff where it shows to put the blue | 986.03 | 3.84 |
stuff and then you put your sword in the | 988.28 | 3.21 |
other slot or whatever yeah I'm gonna | 989.87 | 3.48 |
get blue stuff I've got blue stuff for | 991.49 | 3.6 |
you okay let me do my make you some your | 993.35 | 5.1 |
blue stuff then I'll put it in I can is | 995.09 | 5.79 |
it in there nope well then get out real | 998.45 | 3.75 |
quick okay I don't know if it'll stay | 1000.88 | 3.54 |
maybe have to hand it to you | 1002.2 | 3.3 |
alright go ahead and look in there now | 1004.42 | 3.15 |
did you hand it to me no okay it didn't | 1005.5 | 4.56 |
stay all right here we go Lupe's OOP is | 1007.57 | 3.3 |
I can pay you back | 1010.06 | 2.52 |
boobs oobs I got some of this myself | 1010.87 | 3.45 |
diamonds are cool so I go like this and | 1012.58 | 4.05 |
then I put it like a sort of here that's | 1014.32 | 5.91 |
a brand new one up oh crap I didn't mean | 1016.63 | 4.65 |
it just wow | 1020.23 | 2.76 |
you click on it as done doesn't it yeah | 1021.28 | 3.75 |
because that means you wanted that well | 1022.99 | 4.41 |
I wanted I wanted to read more though | 1025.03 | 4.2 |
you collected anyway it was your lupus | 1027.4 | 4.41 |
lupus so what's the thing you need to to | 1029.23 | 4.08 |
enchant things wouldn't you have a book | 1031.81 | 3.84 |
is that an amble I don't know but yeah | 1033.31 | 3.629 |
you should build some bookshelves I | 1035.65 | 3.419 |
threw your stuff back there okay anyway | 1036.939 | 4.65 |
that's I guess that's all right thanks | 1039.069 | 4.62 |
noobs got a sword now it's sharp be | 1041.589 | 4.591 |
careful okay you can uh wonder you can | 1043.689 | 4.65 |
have these boots there enchanted oh wow | 1046.18 | 3.72 |
I don't know what they mean I haven't | 1048.339 | 3.361 |
tried them on kind of about vanishing | 1049.9 | 5.22 |
did I get them I don't know today or | 1051.7 | 5.4 |
possibly unlucky day leather boots curse | 1055.12 | 4.41 |
of vanishing what's that when on feet | 1057.1 | 5.16 |
went on feet feel like I'm being trolled | 1059.53 | 5.13 |
here it says person it I've got boots on | 1062.26 | 3.93 |
right now that makes the ice under my | 1064.66 | 2.7 |
feet when I walks on water | 1066.19 | 2.7 |
come on | 1067.36 | 5.43 |
you can vanish run go I'm gonna watch | 1068.89 | 8.31 |
you run kid you're right you're | 1072.79 | 21.6 |
invisible where'd he go me I can't see | 1077.2 | 21.69 |
him oops a trap you'll die | 1094.39 | 8.97 |
ooh what what's happening here they | 1098.89 | 6.029 |
wouldn't fall in it so I thought if I | 1103.36 | 2.88 |
put Finn's here uh-huh | 1104.919 | 3.451 |
they'd be confused they'd go oh I | 1106.24 | 4.2 |
usually can't go over fence and then be | 1108.37 | 4.62 |
tempted to go over it oh it's a sure | 1110.44 | 6.359 |
plan okay bye see ya but you won't see | 1112.99 | 11.22 |
me hey boo I dubbed this the cyber taps | 1116.799 | 9.691 |
for a mud hole very nice all right I'm | 1124.21 | 3.93 |
gonna give you a lesson in mining | 1126.49 | 3.75 |
efficiency Simon all right so I've | 1128.14 | 3.84 |
obviously dug a little ways down here | 1130.24 | 2.67 |
but uh | 1131.98 | 2.699 |
so you basically you can pick either | 1132.91 | 4.17 |
side I'm gonna pick the right side okay | 1134.679 | 4.651 |
so here's what you start doing you start | 1137.08 | 3.87 |
just carving all right and then you | 1139.33 | 4.29 |
carve as far as you want to go uh-huh | 1140.95 | 5.9 |
then you take a lift and then you carve | 1143.62 | 7.08 |
three blocks over and then you come back | 1146.85 | 5.98 |
and then you keep on going keep on going | 1150.7 | 6.359 |
keep on going oh okay and then this and | 1152.83 | 5.699 |
then you're out okay so the reason this | 1157.059 | 3.12 |
is efficient is because you get to see | 1158.529 | 4.26 |
all the blocks around you I like it so | 1160.179 | 6.45 |
right here there you go okay and I and I | 1162.789 | 7.411 |
choose the amount that I want to go in | 1166.629 | 5.55 |
yeah you can go as far as you want to | 1170.2 | 3.809 |
now you said make a left but if I wanted | 1172.179 | 3.69 |
to match up at the same place I would | 1174.009 | 3.841 |
make it right I would take a right and | 1175.869 | 5.52 |
you said three blocks very dark in here | 1177.85 | 8.899 |
put a torch down boom boom all right huh | 1181.389 | 7.321 |
mmm going over | 1186.749 | 5.441 |
uh-huh and then come back and come on | 1188.71 | 6.569 |
back come on come out come in come on I | 1192.19 | 5.64 |
should see you I'm starting to see stuff | 1195.279 | 5.46 |
you should pop out yeah they are | 1197.83 | 5.219 |
boom yeah and Simon what we're looking | 1200.739 | 5.4 |
for is gold all right any gold you find | 1203.049 | 4.74 |
I'm gonna need the goal to complete the | 1206.139 | 3.331 |
track but guess what we're also deep | 1207.789 | 4.23 |
enough Simon will you like fine diamond | 1209.47 | 6.269 |
that's it oh boy oh I love what you did | 1212.019 | 7.98 |
do it old timey guy me too Simon you're | 1215.739 | 7.32 |
gonna find the diamond Oh diamonds here | 1219.999 | 5.701 |
we come all right start digging Bubba | 1223.059 | 4.651 |
you got | 1225.7 | 24.979 |
[Music] | 1227.71 | 30.54 |
good good dude dude dude that's wrong | 1250.679 | 11.261 |
yeah I found is it it's it like a | 1258.25 | 8.4 |
turquoise greenish is that time in how | 1261.94 | 7.469 |
do I tell whole lawns your pickaxe I was | 1266.65 | 5.97 |
uh come on oh wait a second what did I | 1269.409 | 8.4 |
pick up I don't know um what is it I | 1272.62 | 6.51 |
don't know | 1277.809 | 3.72 |
pick it up well I thought I did pick it | 1279.13 | 5.96 |
up tonight not pick it up hold on boy | 1281.529 | 11.041 |
just we be patient diamond yes then | 1285.09 | 10.209 |
there's one hold on a second | 1292.57 | 10.8 |
got three four five diamond oh man this | 1295.299 | 10.86 |
is good good | 1303.37 | 5.7 |
that's right now I don't even need to be | 1306.159 | 6.931 |
nice to anybody anymore that's right I | 1309.07 | 6.02 |
love money and what it does to our | 1313.09 | 10.98 |
personalities yeah some just snuck up on | 1315.09 | 9.76 |
me okay | 1324.07 | 4.77 |
got a couple zombies incoming okay okay | 1324.85 | 6.0 |
let me get my shield there's a spider | 1328.84 | 4.469 |
horse there's a spider now what to kill | 1330.85 | 11.569 |
this one oh boy there's a skeleton now | 1333.309 | 9.11 |
okay.what spider no the spiders gonna | 1343.89 | 4.21 |
fall for this he's like you can climb | 1346.539 | 3.39 |
walls and stuff I just like watch me | 1348.1 | 4.29 |
that's a fast little spider yes thank | 1349.929 | 7.591 |
God come on hey here we go it's dead on | 1352.39 | 7.35 |
this side thick confuse them how's the | 1357.52 | 7.7 |
cactus thing working noobs yep working | 1359.74 | 7.77 |
effective this is great | 1365.22 | 5.89 |
Wow smart enough now base go back to | 1367.51 | 5.46 |
zombie school well they're going to | 1371.11 | 3.33 |
zombie heaven right now | 1372.97 | 4.679 |
okay well done thanks Travis we're proud | 1374.44 | 5.31 |
of your noobs you look so dumb earlier | 1377.649 | 8.181 |
and now just half dumb yep | 1379.75 | 6.08 |
[Applause] | 1388.34 | 4.23 |
[Music] | 1388.85 | 3.72 |
[Music] | 1395.39 | 8.219 |
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If anyone has any fan art they would like to submit, a post idea or promotional content for the crew just reach out and let me know! This is community supported so feel free to get involved if you love Neebs Gaming half as much as I do!

The Game
You definitely should check it out
Neebs Gaming's Minecraft series is a masterclass in collaborative storytelling and comedic gameplay. Their motley crew of characters like Thick44, Neebs, Appsro, and Dora embark on hilarious misadventures in their blocky world. Each episode is packed with laugh-out-loud moments as their grand plans inevitably go awry thanks to playful bickering or unexpected crises.
The cinematic style of the videos makes you feel like you're watching a riveting television show, not just raw gameplay footage. Clever camera work, creative editing, and dramatic music build tension and immerse you in the hijinks. The high production values transform Minecraft into a thrilling saga filled with mystery, action, and humor.
While the gameplay itself is entertaining, Neebs Gaming's commentary and chemistry elevate it to comedic gold. Their jokes play off each character's quirks perfectly. Thick's absent-minded antics, Neebs' exaggerated reactions, and Appsro's exasperated complaining blend together into comic joy. You find yourself laughing nonstop at their sharp improv skills.
Neebs Gaming's videos are the ideal way to experience the very best Minecraft has to offer without actually playing it yourself. Their cinematic editing makes the blocky world cinematic and their hilarious commentary transforms mundane tasks into outrageous fun. For any fan of Minecraft or gaming entertainment, this is must-watch content.