Minecraft - The Dire Straits episode. Appsro, Anthony, and Neebs make a Nether highway from Pantsylvania to their skeleton spawner, while Simon and Do...
Minecraft - Out with their first spawner, and on with their second! Appsro, Neebs, and Anthony make a zombie spawner while Dora and Simon attempt to s...
Minecraft - Today Dora sets his sights on taking down Bread World, while his partner in crime Simon has computer problems. Neebs, Appsro, and Anthony ...
Minecraft - Today three of the boys rescue their villagers before setting off for the turtle sanctuary while Dora and Simon hurl themselves into the N...
Minecraft - Today starts with the unsettling discovery that ALL of Pantsylvania's villagers have disappeared! After that Anthony leads an expedition f...
28 min read
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