Oh no... MY TRIDENT!!! - (Minecraft #33)
Neebs Gaming
neebs: Hey Simon, have you seen that latest Minecraft video where we lose my trident? It's hilarious!
simon: Oh, you mean the one where we were supposedly being productive in the Nether? Yeah, that was a disaster!
neebs: I can't believe we had to go back three times to get that trident. Classic us, always making things harder than they need to be!
simon: Well, at least we got to see those adorable baby turtles at the end. Totally worth all the trouble!

This video comes straight from the Neebs Gaming YouTube channel.
Hey there fellow Neebs Gaming fans! Did you catch the latest Minecraft video on the channel? It was an absolute blast watching the boys rescue their villagers and head off to the turtle sanctuary. And let's not forget about Dora and Simon diving headfirst into the Nether for... productivity? Classic!
If you're like me and love supporting the Folding@Home team, make sure to check out the link in the description. And hey, have you seen the awesome Super Simon Defense Squadron shirt? It's a must-have for any true fan of the channel.
And speaking of mods, have you ever wanted to copy the setup the guys use in their Minecraft videos? There's a link in the description that shows you how to do just that. It's like getting a behind-the-scenes look at how they make their content so entertaining.
I also can't get enough of the Minecraft playlist on the channel. It's filled with so many hilarious moments and epic adventures. And don't even get me started on the music they use in the videos. It really sets the tone for each episode and adds so much to the overall experience.
So, if you haven't already, make sure to hit that subscribe button and join the Neebs Gaming community. And don't forget to check out their Discord server and Neebs Gaming Coffee for even more fun.

Caption | Start | Duration |
[Music] | 0.0 | 2.879 |
ladies and gentlemen Minh you you I've | 0.38 | 4.51 |
joined you here today so look at this | 2.879 | 3.601 |
thing I made just how do we this we just | 4.89 | 3.48 |
happen to be yeah you did join anything | 6.48 | 4.44 |
yeah oh well thanks thanks for pitying | 8.37 | 3.93 |
me then and just checking this out for a | 10.92 | 2.879 |
minute so I've been building bread world | 12.3 | 2.64 |
it's taking a little longer than | 13.799 | 3.81 |
expected so there's some delays but it | 14.94 | 4.02 |
needs a lot of concrete so you have a | 17.609 | 2.43 |
good seat right here | 18.96 | 2.909 |
probably yes like I feel like we're | 20.039 | 3.421 |
gonna see what we want to see can I get | 21.869 | 2.58 |
on your show like I should be up there | 23.46 | 3.12 |
wait yeah maybe yes | 24.449 | 4.051 |
how about app store looks like he has a | 26.58 | 3.99 |
good seat he's in a good spot yeah I | 28.5 | 3.48 |
mean he'll see what goes on but it's | 30.57 | 2.669 |
only one block this is my seat don't | 31.98 | 2.73 |
come up here I'll take my seat alright | 33.239 | 3.84 |
so you have to wet the cement you put it | 34.71 | 4.89 |
in this thing it pushes it ready now | 37.079 | 4.8 |
that is one wet cement block do another | 39.6 | 5.58 |
another another one more another until | 41.879 | 5.52 |
another in that another more and then it | 45.18 | 3.629 |
pushes it forward and then you got to | 47.399 | 3.211 |
break all this there is no other way | 48.809 | 5.011 |
apparently it's easier just to land say | 50.61 | 5.25 |
the way I did it was was faster than | 53.82 | 3.899 |
this oh wait you can keep going with it | 55.86 | 7.05 |
you can just keep going oh because it | 57.719 | 8.451 |
hit the tree and hit this tree back | 62.91 | 3.26 |
there's redstone and water what happened | 68.54 | 4.57 |
back here oh no it broke the wheat | 71.52 | 6.09 |
machine yeah alright alright things have | 73.11 | 6.72 |
happened I love your laughs thank you | 77.61 | 4.38 |
it's a problem you did a lot of work to | 79.83 | 7.05 |
not work didn't you point is we need | 81.99 | 7.46 |
sand | 86.88 | 2.57 |
I need sand to make concrete I don't | 91.7 | 5.08 |
have enough alright just go to the | 94.439 | 4.47 |
desert with a shovel then I'll take you | 96.78 | 4.92 |
but take me there okay go with you Simon | 98.909 | 6.03 |
I have no idea what that machine did or | 101.7 | 4.14 |
what just happened | 104.939 | 3.661 |
I had neither do I and I feel more | 105.84 | 4.37 |
comfortable to staring into your eyes | 108.6 | 4.979 |
yeah this is technology that makes it | 110.21 | 6.339 |
longer to get concrete I'm not blinking | 113.579 | 5.521 |
on my lincoln either don't up like it | 116.549 | 4.911 |
either have involved here too | 119.1 | 5.879 |
he's distracting me you look at me | 121.46 | 5.019 |
oh I'm not gonna break though probably | 124.979 | 2.67 |
see the Hat I'm not gonna blink either | 126.479 | 3.631 |
I'm up Lincoln either he blinked apps or | 127.649 | 5.911 |
blink easily I didn't blink he's out | 130.11 | 7.41 |
Wow Wow Simon go do something okay | 133.56 | 5.64 |
good job with that piece of oh god | 137.52 | 3.36 |
there's a creeper in my campfire why is | 139.2 | 6.42 |
it out as a creeper your campfire | 140.88 | 26.579 |
Anthony it's a good day so far I had to | 145.62 | 24.63 |
uh kind of close this floor off yeah I | 167.459 | 5.761 |
hear about their old towns down here I | 170.25 | 5.61 |
said this even happen um yeah they just | 173.22 | 5.67 |
fill in okay so my plan is I dig them | 175.86 | 5.099 |
out this way right that's that's just | 178.89 | 4.379 |
one level they're even further down in | 180.959 | 3.991 |
there let's see if we get these out oh | 183.269 | 3.511 |
we should be able to just just make a | 184.95 | 4.289 |
clear path yeah ring the bell | 186.78 | 6.09 |
okay so hmm they would just go wouldn't | 189.239 | 4.951 |
he yeah they just need a stair a | 192.87 | 2.97 |
staircase or you know they need to be | 194.19 | 3.12 |
able to hop up to the next block now | 195.84 | 4.17 |
they went there bless you y'all move | 197.31 | 7.41 |
yeah I swear hold on they come up there | 200.01 | 8.91 |
oh now we're getting there okay he | 204.72 | 6.42 |
jumped in front of my pick axe they're | 208.92 | 5.58 |
all in the way can you help give Tom Yam | 211.14 | 4.83 |
up top dick can you dig so they can | 214.5 | 3.51 |
climb okay so oh yeah so they need to go | 215.97 | 3.45 |
one lower is that what you say just a | 218.01 | 4.91 |
big one down all right | 219.42 | 3.5 |
you see good hey come on Pete all right | 224.66 | 5.73 |
you watch her oh yeah I'm gonna ring the | 227.71 | 3.28 |
bell | 230.39 | 14.73 |
yeah bail freaking them out Oh get rid | 230.99 | 18.33 |
of the ladder okay oh yeah oh yeah here | 245.12 | 4.8 |
they go | 249.32 | 2.82 |
what are you waiting on yeah yeah hold | 249.92 | 4.07 |
hold on maybe if I do a thing | 252.14 | 7.98 |
there you go yeah yep come on obviously | 253.99 | 10.21 |
that way obviously Oh stupid yeah going | 260.12 | 6.0 |
after oh well right this way | 264.2 | 3.66 |
they coming out that always that's you | 266.12 | 3.24 |
yeah there's still some in there ring | 267.86 | 2.76 |
the bell and then you got ring the bell | 269.36 | 4.17 |
ring the bell where's the Belltown Bell | 270.62 | 7.35 |
here we go ding ding ding ding that's it | 273.53 | 7.86 |
you too foreigner what do you do you | 277.97 | 4.98 |
don't even work all right | 281.39 | 4.64 |
Fletcher leather man all right that's | 282.95 | 5.85 |
they keep coming I'll be happening we're | 286.03 | 5.2 |
down there oh yeah it's like all of them | 288.8 | 5.25 |
yeah there's even more all right that's | 291.23 | 6.15 |
just level one all right no level two | 294.05 | 4.68 |
we're just gonna have to murder their | 297.38 | 3.539 |
Chiquita no thanks for your help guys | 298.73 | 4.92 |
okay listen lava solve all your | 300.919 | 4.591 |
problems from here on out well do you | 303.65 | 3.53 |
want to do your villagers that way no | 305.51 | 3.99 |
seal them underground but my villagers | 307.18 | 3.76 |
aren't buried underground | 309.5 | 3.27 |
Thebes at least leave the hole there for | 310.94 | 3.72 |
them if they get ambitious you just read | 312.77 | 8.07 |
them I've got a plan Anthony babes I'm | 314.66 | 6.77 |
scared | 320.84 | 3.66 |
yeah no its way to create my very close | 321.43 | 4.9 |
are you even in here yeah I mean the | 324.5 | 4.16 |
kids are you oh where where | 326.33 | 5.12 |
kids back off for you can we can we like | 328.66 | 4.23 |
clear this hallway out a little bit | 331.45 | 3.45 |
can you I have water maybe it'll work | 332.89 | 5.1 |
try it here yep water park | 334.9 | 6.41 |
they just keep wanting to go to the top | 337.99 | 3.32 |
[Music] | 341.33 | 4.58 |
with Danny amp through all right let me | 343.02 | 5.32 |
get went with me the hell is wrong with | 345.91 | 4.92 |
this one's head it looks like Barney the | 348.34 | 4.44 |
Dinosaur nutted on it.after do you have | 350.83 | 3.69 |
a hose this might work better now I have | 352.78 | 5.82 |
claustrophobia is what I have gotten | 354.52 | 6.87 |
here get out of here these people I see | 358.6 | 5.82 |
you back we're all nice out of here yep | 361.39 | 4.05 |
I see daylight | 364.42 | 3.96 |
okay are we still in the village yeah | 365.44 | 4.4 |
all right good deal | 368.38 | 32.66 |
ring the bell all right cover it up | 369.84 | 33.28 |
we'll never speak of this again | 401.04 | 4.33 |
good work everybody all right rock and | 403.12 | 3.96 |
roll I get some sleep you know you're | 405.37 | 2.91 |
exhausted | 407.08 | 2.97 |
Taylor bucket of lava would have made | 408.28 | 4.37 |
that a lot quicker | 410.05 | 2.6 |
Simon yeah I just wanted wanted to do | 413.7 | 5.44 |
this real quick we've been here a couple | 416.8 | 4.92 |
times we it's a work in progress but um | 419.14 | 4.98 |
kind of a failure both times and I know | 421.72 | 3.69 |
we're gonna need these down the road | 424.12 | 2.82 |
these blaze rods these things give us | 425.41 | 4.47 |
these blaze rods see that there let's | 426.94 | 6.9 |
see see I've seen you die and people die | 429.88 | 7.05 |
in things like this uh-huh that's what | 433.84 | 5.91 |
they do wait so I didn't get a chance to | 436.93 | 5.58 |
sit there so you spawned on the other | 439.75 | 4.71 |
side over there so this is a flawed it's | 442.51 | 3.57 |
a flawed thing you know I mean what I | 444.46 | 4.5 |
know but I mean what I was what's that | 446.08 | 5.16 |
okay follow me I don't really know what | 448.96 | 4.68 |
you're should they already be attacking | 451.24 | 4.23 |
well they're blocked by all the things | 453.64 | 4.17 |
that was in that that's in between us | 455.47 | 4.2 |
okay so that as if they were blocked | 457.81 | 4.02 |
right and they're not sort of what I was | 459.67 | 8.4 |
working on let's see yeah go where is | 461.83 | 7.98 |
that well some have gone where's that | 468.07 | 3.9 |
will summer God Simon I don't know but | 469.81 | 4.77 |
it sounds awful in here yeah oh there's | 471.97 | 5.19 |
that summer gun okay can I get this he | 474.58 | 4.59 |
had right there with that okay we won't | 477.16 | 3.78 |
be there here long so I appreciate your | 479.17 | 7.29 |
patience yeah just get that yeah got one | 480.94 | 7.8 |
on him so he's trying to shoot at me | 486.46 | 4.86 |
this might have a magic spot sigh oh it | 488.74 | 5.13 |
might be the magic spot oh good like I'm | 491.32 | 4.8 |
glad like I haven't been hit if I get | 493.87 | 5.19 |
hit let's see oh no nope they've spawned | 496.12 | 4.92 |
elsewhere Simon this isn't it's not the | 499.06 | 4.28 |
magic spot maybe we should | 501.04 | 9.14 |
oh no it's not magic at all it's not did | 503.34 | 7.68 |
you close it up | 510.18 | 5.12 |
no dude I spawned out the front not just | 511.02 | 7.77 |
okay what one blaze brought I'd consider | 515.3 | 5.53 |
a a win okay | 518.79 | 4.89 |
still don't even know what it is right | 520.83 | 9.63 |
there okay yeah yeah come on maybe a | 523.68 | 8.88 |
fire yeah give me that rod give me the | 530.46 | 15.18 |
rod give me the rod rod rod tell you | 532.56 | 14.46 |
what guys this is pretty great | 545.64 | 3.96 |
voting no just being in a boat with a | 547.02 | 4.47 |
chicken he just keeps producing eggs | 549.6 | 6.18 |
kind of like an egg generator so she's | 551.49 | 5.73 |
pooping around you just catching up yeah | 555.78 | 3.12 |
I guess so it seems like a pretty in | 557.22 | 4.62 |
harmonious relationship I guess so he | 558.9 | 4.14 |
gets to see the world | 561.84 | 2.7 |
I think it's funny just yeah the chicken | 563.04 | 2.94 |
hopped in the boat with you well it hop | 564.54 | 2.88 |
to the boat before I was and then I was | 565.98 | 3.0 |
like am I getting this boat too and now | 567.42 | 3.36 |
we're riding he's behind me though so | 568.98 | 4.05 |
he's like right him he's a character now | 570.78 | 4.05 |
what's he gonna name him Jimmy John I | 573.03 | 3.87 |
think Jimmy John Jimmy John | 574.83 | 3.15 |
think of a sandwich when I think of | 576.9 | 3.45 |
Jimmy Joe yeah but they sell chicken - I | 577.98 | 3.75 |
do think yeah they have like hot | 580.35 | 3.45 |
sandwiches but but it's not like a | 581.73 | 3.27 |
chicken place right | 583.8 | 4.16 |
not specifically | 585.0 | 2.96 |
yeah it rose be from there hey here it | 588.29 | 5.22 |
is I'm the world turtle sanctuary turtle | 590.21 | 4.59 |
see I've heard about the turtle taker I | 593.51 | 2.79 |
have not seen there's the Turtles | 594.8 | 5.01 |
yeah it's a turtle eggs we'll get the | 596.3 | 4.14 |
Turtles | 599.81 | 2.37 |
now listen do not step on these eggs | 600.44 | 4.17 |
okay they will break and we need them to | 602.18 | 5.52 |
help lava beside them up now who would | 604.61 | 4.35 |
do that what kind of monster would pour | 607.7 | 4.98 |
lava on things oh my god | 608.96 | 6.39 |
eggs they didn't have these in Minecraft | 612.68 | 5.01 |
when I'm back in my day yep you're an | 615.35 | 2.91 |
old geezer | 617.69 | 3.63 |
yeah sorry grandpa we got turtle eggs | 618.26 | 5.22 |
now deal with it so apparently these are | 621.32 | 5.82 |
good for making helmets scoot you make | 623.48 | 6.03 |
underwater helmets I can't hit them no | 627.14 | 4.05 |
if we got to feed them don't we get the | 629.51 | 3.06 |
feet of kelp or something like that yeah | 631.19 | 3.24 |
I'll make some Clippers I'll get some | 632.57 | 4.2 |
seaweed you start digging force and | 634.43 | 4.77 |
maybe some guy make some Clippers who do | 636.77 | 4.95 |
you think I am I have my old Clippers | 639.2 | 4.83 |
okay I'll go dive in for seaweed and I | 641.72 | 4.62 |
have a shovel yeah let's start digging | 644.03 | 4.29 |
we'll take it back a little bit don't | 646.34 | 3.66 |
just start digging right here go find a | 648.32 | 4.04 |
place over there somewhere okay great | 650.0 | 5.91 |
right yep we'll shack up here tonight | 652.36 | 7.0 |
can we go play in the sand this sand | 655.91 | 7.17 |
goes as far as the eye can see Desert | 659.36 | 6.14 |
dummy | 663.08 | 2.42 |
is that a gas gassed but yes yeah that | 666.029 | 6.911 |
unlike a pretty cold the big gob the | 670.99 | 4.47 |
thing with the big of that was the big | 672.94 | 5.19 |
the big thing the big it's below me hey | 675.46 | 7.47 |
oh yeah Ed's ba there was another big ol | 678.13 | 7.47 |
blocky blob jumping over here for like | 682.93 | 6.24 |
five minutes a blocky blob a big block | 685.6 | 7.29 |
that was just moving boy right here | 689.17 | 6.39 |
wonder and I waited called is this the | 692.89 | 4.11 |
block that's nothing | 695.56 | 3.48 |
you waited what do you mean why I waited | 697.0 | 4.32 |
because I wanted to wait I wanted to | 699.04 | 5.97 |
wait until I wore here ha ha ha | 701.32 | 6.75 |
not this way then which way did it go it | 705.01 | 5.28 |
just it just disappeared that's what is | 708.07 | 4.08 |
really well I was looking at something | 710.29 | 4.08 |
else and I look back at it is gone ha ha | 712.15 | 9.629 |
ok alright go go go they look big and it | 714.37 | 9.87 |
looked like it had two glowing like eyes | 721.779 | 22.171 |
look like it was just a blob oh oh it's | 724.24 | 23.039 |
like a babies babies sure but this seems | 743.95 | 3.96 |
so sweet | 747.279 | 9.421 |
kill the babies oh hey look at that way | 747.91 | 10.98 |
this could be our one done watch off no | 756.7 | 3.24 |
no come this way | 758.89 | 3.12 |
now I try to sneak up let up let them | 759.94 | 4.14 |
shoot nope Oh get that way I'll go you | 762.01 | 4.17 |
can't go this way I think I got him I | 764.08 | 4.82 |
got him I got him | 766.18 | 2.72 |
first get up I mean I already got up and | 769.84 | 5.94 |
didn't oh you mean Wow | 774.04 | 11.72 |
they're everywhere okay that happened | 775.78 | 13.2 |
but I had 50 chickens and now I only | 785.76 | 5.59 |
have 13 breads so something went wrong | 788.98 | 4.23 |
oh you dropped a bunch of chickens I | 791.35 | 2.73 |
don't think I did | 793.21 | 3.21 |
if you find chicken let me know I have | 794.08 | 57.72 |
no shield okay yeah I'm in the are you | 796.42 | 63.48 |
kidding me no no let's get no much right | 851.8 | 15.3 |
in my try dead oh snap oh how the hell | 859.9 | 9.86 |
do I get back | 867.1 | 2.66 |
Oh God nope Anthony there's a bunny | 873.71 | 4.95 |
rabbit bunny rabbit help me | 877.31 | 2.94 |
you gotta get inside we need funnier and | 878.66 | 4.14 |
there's a rabbit there's phantom alright | 880.25 | 4.47 |
hey guys I see the lights I'm coming you | 882.8 | 3.6 |
guys have shelter yep | 884.72 | 4.32 |
this way weird follow me okay I don't | 886.4 | 5.07 |
need no shelter but we have shields | 889.04 | 4.62 |
babes you have a door still you don't | 891.47 | 3.21 |
know what's the direction they're coming | 893.66 | 5.43 |
from all the time how about you peace | 894.68 | 7.26 |
yep watch that one right until we're | 899.09 | 4.44 |
close to death and then run like cowards | 901.94 | 3.18 |
or get her underneath something like | 903.53 | 3.21 |
this and then that way they can't sneak | 905.12 | 2.93 |
up on you | 906.74 | 4.14 |
Sam Sam yeah protect the turtles noobs | 908.05 | 4.3 |
they're not gonna protect the turtles | 910.88 | 5.6 |
but they might look the fiddles of cute | 912.35 | 4.13 |
run in here the trailer will protect us | 924.16 | 5.59 |
Thanks tweedle oh yeah | 926.48 | 7.12 |
live here come on yeah oh you're in my | 929.75 | 6.25 |
turf now imagine oh yeah that's great to | 933.6 | 3.84 |
get them trapped under it if you guys | 936.0 | 2.88 |
notice when you hit it with a sword baby | 937.44 | 3.03 |
three parts I've mentioned this before | 938.88 | 4.5 |
yeah like they like it for some reason | 940.47 | 5.55 |
they die but what if you kill them just | 943.38 | 4.41 |
close enough to death do they become | 946.02 | 3.96 |
friends I don't know this turtle in your | 947.79 | 6.66 |
boat yeah that turtle is a box how does | 949.98 | 7.14 |
it fit all the skeletons now - he's near | 954.45 | 6.69 |
the egg get away from them | 957.12 | 7.38 |
he's in the water yep careful you got | 961.14 | 6.03 |
him this would leave eat bread available | 964.5 | 5.4 |
red world oh there's a lot of friends | 967.17 | 6.14 |
I'm going inside okay | 969.9 | 3.41 |
Oh uh-huh yeah a corn | 974.92 | 20.969 |
no not like cord like Minecraft husk I | 993.37 | 5.04 |
don't know what you're saying I said | 995.889 | 6.781 |
Anthony was slain by a husk and the husk | 998.41 | 8.16 |
must be one of those zombies why are you | 1002.67 | 4.919 |
talking like that I don't know how to | 1006.57 | 3.829 |
talk like you're talking | 1007.589 | 2.81 |
salad yeah Oh | 1013.66 | 7.86 |
salmon okay I gotta go back up a stuff | 1016.73 | 8.88 |
my house hiding under the dirt okay well | 1021.52 | 7.36 |
you enjoy that number have a gun I | 1025.61 | 5.459 |
really really hope I really hope there's | 1028.88 | 4.26 |
a chance Simon there's a chance about | 1031.069 | 7.441 |
the try dad yeah I'll see if I'll get | 1033.14 | 14.449 |
you dirty I was weird | 1038.51 | 9.079 |
of the at what time is of the essence | 1050.5 | 14.58 |
oh all right you mother peace of poops | 1055.61 | 12.6 |
big old poop face but I know you're easy | 1065.08 | 4.78 |
and I can't believe you beat me I just | 1068.21 | 3.98 |
brain farted you son | 1069.86 | 5.699 |
I'm kind of weak he's just waiting no | 1072.19 | 6.48 |
there's no | 1075.559 | 3.111 |
that's the worst what yeah yeah you I | 1080.95 | 9.15 |
got you I got your number yeah yeah you | 1085.69 | 6.3 |
didn't think my hands were so strong did | 1090.1 | 6.96 |
ya ya bouncy block wait yep yep yep yep | 1091.99 | 10.97 |
yep going in going to do the store I'll | 1097.06 | 5.9 |
[Music] | 1104.22 | 3.269 |
buy a magma cube Oh Castle a second time | 1107.82 | 39.22 |
in the dark I don't know shut up sorry | 1137.23 | 11.34 |
actually I could really use a horse but | 1147.04 | 9.29 |
I don't okay stupid so stupid | 1148.57 | 7.76 |
[Music] | 1156.69 | 8.29 |
[Applause] | 1164.82 | 3.93 |
[Music] | 1164.98 | 4.18 |
[Applause] | 1168.75 | 4.959 |
[Music] | 1169.16 | 4.549 |
[Music] | 1177.27 | 30.12 |
long hey buddy I don't I'll do it god I | 1183.02 | 26.68 |
just discovered a mind that was already | 1207.39 | 4.5 |
under my place did you put that there | 1209.7 | 5.52 |
yeah I'm I'm the mind fairy I just what | 1211.89 | 5.93 |
[Music] | 1215.22 | 7.44 |
yeah yeah I'm working on thank you so | 1217.82 | 5.41 |
much | 1222.66 | 4.65 |
all right Simon hey stay alive stay cool | 1223.23 | 5.52 |
stay sexy | 1227.31 | 6.96 |
I will it's daytime no come out of your | 1228.75 | 10.02 |
little nooky whole damn man I have a man | 1234.27 | 7.8 |
good morning petunia morning I'll be | 1238.77 | 9.27 |
right back okay oh don't you dare don't | 1242.07 | 9.33 |
you wait okay I did it laughs don't you | 1248.04 | 4.05 |
dare | 1251.4 | 2.45 |
oh excuse me sir | 1252.09 | 3.839 |
[Music] | 1253.85 | 5.439 |
oh oh ow ow ow | 1255.929 | 10.37 |
I'll run front suck it you can suck it | 1259.289 | 10.38 |
make sure I got this is there I tried | 1266.299 | 4.72 |
int there is and I don't care about | 1269.669 | 2.551 |
anything else | 1271.019 | 4.311 |
I don't care going home | 1272.22 | 8.279 |
whoo oh boy what a day probably should | 1275.33 | 9.299 |
make a bed yeah I'm gonna make a bet | 1280.499 | 4.13 |
after a voice from the gods said that | 1285.73 | 4.829 |
there's baby turtles over here yeah this | 1288.22 | 4.919 |
shows a bunch of eggs there's big | 1290.559 | 7.021 |
turtles big turtle big turtle oh my god | 1293.139 | 6.241 |
oh my god I saw a tiny green doubt in | 1297.58 | 8.849 |
the distance there's so Q I haven't seen | 1299.38 | 9.539 |
it let me enjoy this enjoy it oh my god | 1306.429 | 4.771 |
hold up what I miss names look they're | 1308.919 | 4.671 |
tiny baby turtles and baby tears of need | 1311.2 | 5.78 |
okay look how cute they are got a fatal | 1313.59 | 9.429 |
we could rip them in the can we dip them | 1316.98 | 8.74 |
in the news and teach them karate you | 1323.019 | 4.471 |
gotta catch them here we go ped one | 1325.72 | 8.069 |
where do I pick it up what do I do the | 1327.49 | 7.95 |
grass on the bottom now you have to have | 1333.789 | 3.51 |
clippers to clip the grass noobs give me | 1335.44 | 3.03 |
some grass I want to feed a baby turtle | 1337.299 | 11.581 |
please you're in paradise look at you | 1338.47 | 15.15 |
this could be a commercial come swim at | 1348.88 | 8.159 |
the turtle sanctuary only $300 after you | 1353.62 | 6.39 |
get off the boat yeah little turtle dude | 1357.039 | 10.831 |
Eve hey Simon hey what's up did yeah I | 1360.01 | 9.21 |
want to show you what I was talking | 1367.87 | 3.419 |
about this is what I just happened to | 1369.22 | 4.559 |
run across maybe I saw him Warren I | 1371.289 | 4.801 |
forgot but I mean this it's just off | 1373.779 | 5.821 |
it's just a hallway put these uh torches | 1376.09 | 5.48 |
Oh No | 1379.6 | 4.829 |
what about it whose pre torched is | 1381.57 | 4.66 |
pretty torched I mean yes this is | 1384.429 | 4.59 |
another word somebody did this and I | 1386.23 | 4.35 |
thought it was you was you said you were | 1389.019 | 4.171 |
the the mind fairy well I was kidding | 1390.58 | 4.74 |
about that but I know but look at that | 1393.19 | 4.02 |
isn't that interesting it's super | 1395.32 | 3.18 |
interesting come on out let's get out | 1397.21 | 3.99 |
here let's get out let's smell this | 1398.5 | 4.72 |
let's smell this morning air we're a lie | 1401.2 | 6.22 |
mmm-hmm man I gotta tell you uh I gotta | 1403.22 | 4.98 |
tell you story | 1407.42 | 4.26 |
what so there's this I was like I had | 1408.2 | 6.72 |
this idea he's like man if I dig this | 1411.68 | 5.16 |
hole it goes right to the middle of | 1414.92 | 3.99 |
Simon's new house there's gonna be this | 1416.84 | 4.62 |
perfect time where I can just pop up out | 1418.91 | 22.17 |
of the ground you know you found Barry | 1421.46 | 23.01 |
and now I will sell you on the dark web | 1441.08 | 8.52 |
so they will dissect you oh oh well that | 1444.47 | 5.94 |
took a turn | 1449.6 | 2.67 |
yeah oh you're not the only one that | 1450.41 | 4.44 |
likes things dark came around full | 1452.27 | 3.84 |
circle didn't it | 1454.85 | 3.78 |
I didn't blink yet that's I'm not | 1456.11 | 9.84 |
flaking either hey guys don't look at me | 1458.63 | 13.25 |
don't do it and do this all day | 1465.95 | 5.93 |
and do it I did it what do you do I | 1480.49 | 4.89 |
connected the swamp | 1483.67 | 5.1 |
I connected the dirt to my oasis dirt | 1485.38 | 7.5 |
why so the grass of throat most of this | 1488.77 | 6.33 |
whole world's grass no grass works yeah | 1492.88 | 3.66 |
but not in the desert yeah the grass | 1495.1 | 3.51 |
needs to spread it's weird you would | 1496.54 | 4.08 |
want to change a place that's rare well | 1498.61 | 3.78 |
no I just one part of the place that the | 1500.62 | 4.98 |
whole place okay I want an oasis in the | 1502.39 | 6.99 |
desert on the beach let me see this come | 1505.6 | 5.37 |
on Anthony yeah let's see if this is | 1509.38 | 2.04 |
working | 1510.97 | 2.1 |
it's all right now it's all dirt yeah | 1511.42 | 3.66 |
right now it's all dirty but if I did | 1513.07 | 4.14 |
this right it's gonna be great that | 1515.08 | 3.84 |
great she's gonna spread from one beach | 1517.21 | 4.349 |
they too would not a piece of do you oh | 1518.92 | 4.97 |
I think it's yeah look it's beautiful | 1521.559 | 3.75 |
this is | 1523.89 | 2.95 |
yeah it's working already I'm gonna look | 1525.309 | 2.971 |
at this in there's grass Oh | 1526.84 | 3.45 |
oh my god all right give it a minute how | 1528.28 | 3.39 |
long until this happens give it a minute | 1530.29 | 3.36 |
give it a minute cut off zooming in here | 1531.67 | 6.72 |
we go it's gonna be amazing team Oh | 1533.65 | 10.44 |
any second now the green will sprout | 1538.39 | 13.38 |
from the grass that was a so yeah I'm | 1544.09 | 9.15 |
gonna be here a minute oh yeah | 1551.77 | 3.39 |
yeah no I I understand this is pretty | 1553.24 | 3.689 |
exciting all right I'll be looking for | 1555.16 | 3.84 |
scoop that's probably gonna take longer | 1556.929 | 4.801 |
than watching this it's a race I | 1559.0 | 5.07 |
remember doing the scoop it took forever | 1561.73 | 5.88 |
I bet my grass gets their larva for your | 1564.07 | 6.32 |
turtle crap | 1567.61 | 2.78 |
[Applause] | 1578.72 | 4.92 |
[Music] | 1579.23 | 4.41 |
[Music] | 1585.77 | 7.21 |
Oh | 1590.98 | 2.0 |
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If anyone has any fan art they would like to submit, a post idea or promotional content for the crew just reach out and let me know! This is community supported so feel free to get involved if you love Neebs Gaming half as much as I do!

The Game
You definitely should check it out
Man, the latest Minecraft video from Neebs Gaming is an absolute blast! Their cinematic style brings the gameplay to life in a way that makes you feel like you're right there with the crew on their adventures.
The episode starts off with Anthony working on one of his signature contraptions - looks like some sort of concrete maker? Leave it to Anthony to find new ways to automate things in-game. Then we jump right into the action as the boys heroically rescue their villagers from pillagers. The editing makes the whole sequence so dramatic and tense even though it's just Minecraft gameplay.
After that, Simon and Dora take a terrifying trip into the Nether while the rest of the gang sets off on a wholesome quest to find baby turtles. The contrast between the two storylines really shows off the range of experiences you can have in Minecraft. And Neebs Gaming nails the comedy and camaraderie between the crew throughout.
The way they intercut between the different groups, with fun editing and music, builds up so much anticipation for what will happen next. And they pay off those story beats perfectly, like when Simon and Dora finally find a Nether fortress or the others help the baby turtles reach the sea.
By the end, I was on the edge of my seat! Neebs Gaming has such a talent for storytelling and cinematic gameplay. Their Minecraft series truly feels like an animated show - it's just as entertaining to watch as it is to play the game yourself. From laugh-out-loud moments to heartwarming adventures, this is Minecraft content at its absolute best.