Rage Cop Redemption (GTAV Cinematic)
Neebs Gaming

This video comes straight from the Neebs Gaming YouTube channel.
neebs: Hey guys, have you seen the Rage Cop Redemption video yet? It's seriously my favorite GTA V cinematic!
simon: Oh yeah, that one is a classic! I love how Rage Cop is always causing chaos and then somehow redeems himself in the end.
appsro: I gotta admit, it's pretty entertaining to watch Rage Cop on the run. And that music really adds to the cinematic feel.
neebs: Definitely! Plus, the editing and action sequences are top-notch. It's like watching a mini movie right in GTA V.
Hey there, fellow Neebs Gaming enthusiasts! Have you checked out the latest mini-movie in Grand Theft Auto 5 featuring Rage Cop on the run? If not, you're definitely missing out on some epic cinematic action. I mean, who doesn't love watching Rage Cop causing chaos and mayhem in the streets of Los Santos?
If you're a die-hard fan like me, you know that Neebs Gaming always delivers top-notch content, and this video is no exception. From the thrilling chase scenes to the intense showdowns, this mini-movie has it all. Trust me, you won't be able to look away once you hit play.
And let's not forget about the awesome music featured in the video. With tracks like "Volatile Reaction" by Kevin MacLeod and "Cinematic Stabs" by Teknoaxe, the sound design really helps to elevate the overall viewing experience. Plus, the Neebs Gaming intro and "Wingy Dang-Dang" by Hank and Jed add that extra touch of personality that we all know and love.
So, if you haven't already, make sure to hit that subscribe button for more GTA V content from Neebs Gaming. And don't forget to show some love to their sponsors at Xidax PCs - after all, they help make these epic videos possible. Keep on stalking Neebs Gaming on Facebook and Twitter for all the latest updates, and be sure to visit their website for even more exclusive content. Trust me, you won't regret diving into the world of Neebs Gaming.

The Game
You definitely should check it out!
Wow, I just watched the latest cinematic video from Neebs Gaming called "Rage Cop is on the Run" and it was incredible! Neebs and the crew have outdone themselves once again with their cinematic storytelling in GTA V.
The production value is through the roof - the camera work makes you feel like you're watching a Hollywood blockbuster, not just a YouTube video. The way they edit together all the action sequences and tie the whole story together is super impressive. And the acting! Neebs and the guys totally immerse themselves in their characters, it's hilarious.
But what really makes Neebs Gaming stand out is their ability to use GTA V as a platform to tell these engaging stories. The game is like their own personal movie studio. They take you on these wild adventures, with tons of twists and turns, that are way more entertaining than just watching random gameplay.
Honestly, watching one of their cinematic videos is the next best thing to playing GTA V yourself. Except you don't have to do any of the work! You just sit back and enjoy the hilarious ride as Neebs and crew act out another crazy tale.
If you're looking for gaming content that is truly cinematic and entertaining, Neebs Gaming can't be beat. Their videos are so well produced and fun to watch. I always look forward to their next wacky adventure! Do yourself a favor and subscribe to the channel if you haven't already - you won't regret it!

Caption | Start | Duration |
[Music] | 12.18 | 6.33 |
[Applause] | 21.58 | 3.1 |
now your spines broken and it's your | 26.4 | 4.32 |
fault | 29.07 | 4.61 |
[Music] | 30.72 | 6.439 |
[Applause] | 33.68 | 3.479 |
and I told you back you'll apologize hey | 38.78 | 8.51 |
stop chasing me all right eat [ __ ] | 42.14 | 5.15 |
what's this you think I'm scared of your | 48.64 | 5.65 |
cute little roadblock you gotta try that | 50.78 | 7.849 |
you son of a mule oh crap | 54.29 | 4.339 |
leave me alone you moist Birds I told | 59.32 | 4.87 |
you guys it wasn't my fault | 62.39 | 6.15 |
it was verbal idiots need to stop | 64.19 | 7.83 |
chasing me I'm on your side | 68.54 | 7.79 |
going offroad okay | 72.02 | 6.51 |
[Music] | 76.33 | 4.58 |
so at this point I know what you're | 78.53 | 4.18 |
probably thinking this doesn't make any | 80.91 | 4.29 |
sense why in the sweet big old titties | 82.71 | 4.92 |
of Scarlett Johansson are the cops after | 85.2 | 6.78 |
another cop well it all started this | 87.63 | 9.93 |
morning it was a normal day in the city | 91.98 | 8.82 |
of Los Santos I was out doing standard | 97.56 | 7.38 |
things like crowd control did a little | 100.8 | 7.34 |
bit of traffic control | 104.94 | 3.2 |
putting lesbians with headphones in | 112.56 | 4.77 |
their place take [ __ ] off teaching | 114.479 | 5.841 |
lessons to big fatties [ __ ] diet | 117.33 | 5.88 |
stabbing sassy business [ __ ] oh do | 120.32 | 5.35 |
you run a company teaching lessons to | 123.21 | 6.15 |
people talking loud on their phones you | 125.67 | 10.28 |
know beating anybody wearing a fedora | 129.36 | 9.41 |
also anyone wearing whatever this is | 135.95 | 5.14 |
kicking the [ __ ] out of anybody who | 138.77 | 7.39 |
looks like a Jake ball you know typical | 141.09 | 6.39 |
police work nothing out of the ordinary | 146.16 | 3.9 |
I thought to myself this was just gonna | 147.48 | 4.74 |
be another regular day I go out check | 150.06 | 4.92 |
the citizens of the city I go home and I | 152.22 | 4.59 |
get blackout drunk in my den you know | 154.98 | 4.68 |
the standard then it all came crashing | 156.81 | 6.5 |
down when this myth had had to show up | 159.66 | 6.03 |
so this Tweaker was walking down the | 163.31 | 4.42 |
street smoking and you know just | 165.69 | 3.75 |
generally looking like a real piece of | 167.73 | 4.17 |
[ __ ] so to teach him a lesson I did what | 169.44 | 4.14 |
I usually do I hit the [ __ ] with a | 171.9 | 5.16 |
baseball bat but it turns out this meth | 173.58 | 6.96 |
head was the cousin of this girl meat | 177.06 | 5.25 |
folk we pop the police chief's favorite | 180.54 | 3.36 |
hooker so she went down the police | 182.31 | 3.36 |
station and made a big old ruckus and | 183.9 | 3.63 |
got me in trouble but the police chief | 185.67 | 3.69 |
was cool and he said he'd cut me a break | 187.53 | 3.72 |
he told me if I fly VOC we fought out | 189.36 | 3.48 |
the grape seed to meet one of her John's | 191.25 | 4.11 |
all would be forgiven so I said yeah | 192.84 | 5.489 |
that's cool no worries yet got it chief | 195.36 | 5.25 |
now unfortunately on the flight miss | 198.329 | 4.591 |
queef god bless her well she just she | 200.61 | 4.14 |
got a little mouthy I believe her exact | 202.92 | 3.689 |
words were your face looks like a ham | 204.75 | 5.549 |
sandwich was [ __ ] by a donkey well my | 206.609 | 6.241 |
brain has his anger problem so I did the | 210.299 | 4.231 |
only thing I thought appropriate at the | 212.85 | 3.66 |
I jumped out of the plane crashed that | 214.53 | 5.03 |
[ __ ] into the side of a building | 216.51 | 3.05 |
and that everybody got upset for some | 220.47 | 9.88 |
reason so here I am a lawman on the run | 224.32 | 8.01 |
from the law I honestly don't know what | 230.35 | 3.72 |
to do anytime to think about how to | 232.33 | 4.38 |
redeem myself so right now the only plan | 234.07 | 4.14 |
I have is to run to the nearest airfield | 236.71 | 3.44 |
get the hell out of here | 238.21 | 3.64 |
that's what out there | 240.15 | 6.09 |
[Music] | 241.85 | 4.39 |
come on | 247.53 | 4.07 |
all right I get the point you wanna kill | 249.41 | 5.34 |
me oh all right now it's on fire yep go | 251.6 | 5.4 |
yep that's a fire cut the [ __ ] fire | 254.75 | 4.89 |
oh god I gotta fix the car now you | 257.0 | 5.4 |
idiots happy | 259.64 | 6.5 |
too old for this [ __ ] | 262.4 | 3.74 |
hey guys have I shown you my automatic | 266.17 | 5.1 |
shotgun | 268.82 | 5.33 |
it's a badass piece of equipment regular | 271.27 | 4.89 |
clearing out [ __ ] and stealing their | 274.15 | 7.67 |
car okay to the air | 276.16 | 5.66 |
a good plane I can use what hell is | 283.05 | 7.69 |
what is this little pile of Kim Jong | 288.83 | 6.2 |
well I guess beggars can't be choosers | 290.74 | 4.29 |
let's go | 295.93 | 2.57 |
oh crap | 304.889 | 12.84 |
okay this uh things a lot slower than I | 315.419 | 3.12 |
first thought | 317.729 | 4.02 |
hey guys if you could do me a favor | 318.539 | 7.671 |
stop shooting my engine I'd be great | 321.749 | 4.461 |
future tried to have sex with the duck | 343.05 | 4.989 |
tell you what that movie is a furries | 345.879 | 4.44 |
wet dream you guys know what thirties | 348.039 | 4.111 |
are the people they dress up like | 350.319 | 4.53 |
animals and they bang each other what | 352.15 | 4.5 |
was I doing out here oh yeah I was gonna | 354.849 | 4.43 |
hide in the woods | 356.65 | 2.629 |
[Music] | 363.27 | 7.999 |
[Music] | 373.49 | 13.17 |
well it's been a couple of weeks now but | 388.6 | 4.48 |
believe it or not I've actually enjoyed | 391.28 | 3.96 |
living out here in the mountains I love | 393.08 | 4.17 |
the air out here ok I do not miss the | 395.24 | 4.32 |
mixture of smog farts and bumpy that you | 397.25 | 3.09 |
get in the city | 399.56 | 2.49 |
I thought food was gonna be a problem at | 400.34 | 3.24 |
first but it's actually been really | 402.05 | 3.39 |
great I've actually turned into a pretty | 403.58 | 8.28 |
confident hunter smoked venison is | 405.44 | 8.789 |
probably my favorite although I have | 411.86 | 3.559 |
been enjoying the occasional | 414.229 | 3.631 |
gasoline-soaked rabbit only if I'm in a | 415.419 | 4.511 |
rush and looking for something quick you | 417.86 | 6.089 |
know but you know I think there's a | 419.93 | 5.669 |
there's something wrong with the rabbits | 423.949 | 5.041 |
out here they are uh they're a special | 425.599 | 6.091 |
kind of stupid if it's a really good day | 428.99 | 4.53 |
the good Lord sees fit to send me a nice | 431.69 | 3.5 |
mountain biker | 433.52 | 3.929 |
I'll tell you the meats a little rubbery | 435.19 | 3.069 |
but the taste | 437.449 | 3.661 |
oh but taste is extreme but yeah living | 438.259 | 5.101 |
out here ain't so bad hell I might even | 441.11 | 4.17 |
stay out here forever I found a nice | 443.36 | 3.989 |
little area to set up camp I got plenty | 445.28 | 5.699 |
of water I got plenty of food yeah yeah | 447.349 | 6.741 |
I think I can make this work | 450.979 | 3.111 |
okay I admit it the woods [ __ ] sucks | 473.159 | 6.73 |
I gotta find a way to get back onto the | 476.889 | 6.411 |
police force yeah I had my ass it just I | 479.889 | 7.131 |
hope that's not a worm | 483.3 | 3.72 |
ok I got a plan I know a nerd over in | 494.84 | 6.28 |
paleto Bay by the name of Todd or was it | 498.48 | 3.09 |
Tim | 501.12 | 2.79 |
I forgot anyway he's a nerd and I know | 501.57 | 4.71 |
he has a badass nerd car he built so I | 503.91 | 4.41 |
think I can use Tom's nerd car to push | 506.28 | 3.72 |
my way through the police and get back | 508.32 | 3.63 |
to the police station once I'm there all | 510.0 | 3.9 |
I got to do is convince those guys that | 511.95 | 2.97 |
it wasn't my fault | 513.9 | 3.03 |
and it was the hookers fault running her | 514.92 | 5.91 |
fat mouth that's it ok it's time to go | 516.93 | 4.619 |
back to the city | 520.83 | 3.929 |
[Music] | 521.549 | 3.21 |
so I left the woods and I went down the | 550.63 | 4.66 |
paleto Bay to see that dork I knew after | 553.1 | 4.17 |
a little bit of civil negotiation I | 555.29 | 3.42 |
convinced Terry to let me borrow that | 557.27 | 3.68 |
stupid nerd car viz | 558.71 | 6.579 |
[Music] | 560.95 | 4.339 |
think amazing I have no idea what this | 571.55 | 4.95 |
thing's wrong but I might stop watching | 574.76 | 3.48 |
it after this kid said something about a | 576.5 | 6.6 |
guy dresses up like a furry okay I know | 578.24 | 6.63 |
there's a push button here somewhere | 583.1 | 4.67 |
let's see | 584.87 | 2.9 |
[Music] | 593.52 | 6.87 |
all right where the guns on this thing | 605.2 | 5.49 |
oh yeah there they are | 607.49 | 3.2 |
cars on fire yet | 613.0 | 3.829 |
[Music] | 619.01 | 3.149 |
bad card a bad attitude ah this is City | 623.51 | 5.699 |
all right sitting right with a police | 627.829 | 3.801 |
station | 629.209 | 2.421 |
got this [ __ ] again your guy just leave | 652.08 | 11.85 |
me alone okay lifter maybe do it | 655.81 | 8.12 |
[Applause] | 674.76 | 3.169 |
all right police stations right up here | 695.63 | 12.24 |
gotta get off this I'm here I'm here | 697.77 | 10.1 |
all right it wasn't my fault okay it was | 709.77 | 4.29 |
a hooker it was a girl I would have | 711.81 | 4.08 |
never done what I did if she had to talk | 714.06 | 4.35 |
so technically this is her fault I mean | 715.89 | 8.12 |
you trying to explain myself | 718.41 | 5.6 |
you guys | 725.9 | 3.21 |
I'm just trying to make things right | 733.23 | 5.94 |
again okay I'm trying to bring us all | 734.76 | 7.61 |
back together as a family | 739.17 | 3.2 |
keep grabbing yup I'll keep living yeah | 742.55 | 7.46 |
oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] I messed up I messed up | 745.96 | 7.79 |
I messed up I'm in a car I'm in a car | 750.01 | 3.74 |
tomorrow okay guys seriously hear me get | 772.16 | 5.74 |
dried-up | 777.42 | 5.7 |
wads of snot give it up guys came back | 777.9 | 12.69 |
to rejoin let me join move on this [ __ ] | 783.12 | 11.64 |
is not because of me are you guys really | 790.59 | 12.48 |
gonna make me say it I'm sorry I'm sorry | 794.76 | 9.21 |
okay | 803.07 | 3.06 |
hi guys guys come on come on down here | 803.97 | 3.63 |
come on down here so I can apologize | 806.13 | 2.4 |
okay | 807.6 | 2.76 |
all right I messed up big and I realize | 808.53 | 3.6 |
that now I shouldn't have hit the meth | 810.36 | 3.57 |
head with the bat I shouldn't have taken | 812.13 | 3.66 |
the plane and crashed it into the side | 813.93 | 3.27 |
of a building with a [ __ ] in it I | 815.79 | 3.48 |
shouldn't have blown some of you up or | 817.2 | 4.05 |
or paralyzed half of you for life I'm | 819.27 | 4.77 |
sorry okay hey look guys I brought you a | 821.25 | 5.07 |
nerd card it's from some movie for some | 824.04 | 5.03 |
dude dresses up | 826.32 | 2.75 |
[Music] | 831.87 | 23.479 |
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