Nightingale - First Look!
Neebs Gaming
neebs: Hey guys, have you seen the new Nightingale video? It's our first look at this crazy Gaslamp Fantasy world!
simon: Oh yeah, I love how we jump into a portal and end up in a whole new realm! It's like a fantasy rollercoaster ride!
appsro: I can't get enough of the crafting and building in Nightingale. It's like Minecraft meets Game of Thrones!
neebs: And don't forget the epic battles we face in this game. It's like we're the Avengers of the Gaslamp Fantasy world!

This video comes straight from the Neebs Gaming YouTube channel.
Hey there Nightingale fans! Have you heard the news? The latest video has just been dropped on the YouTube channel and I am so excited to share all the details with you. So grab a snack, get comfy, and let's dive into the latest adventure with Neebs, Simon, Doraleous, and Aztecia.
In this brand-new episode, our favorite group of gamers set out on a thrilling journey into the mysterious and dangerous Fae Realms of Nightingale. From crafting and building to exploring and fighting, the team faces challenges and encounters like never before. And let me tell you, the visuals in this Gaslamp Fantasy world are absolutely stunning - it's like stepping into a whole new universe!
But the excitement doesn't stop there. Our fearless adventurers also open their first portal into another realm, adding a whole new level of mystery and intrigue to the game. I can't wait to see what surprises await them on the other side. So if you're ready for an epic adventure filled with survival, exploration, and plenty of laughs along the way, be sure to click on the special link provided and join Neebs and the gang in Nightingale. Trust me, you won't want to miss out on this wild ride!

Caption | Start | Duration |
welcome to nighting Gale developed and | 1.719 | 3.56 |
published by inflection games we've been | 3.36 | 3.28 |
keeping our eye on this shared world | 5.279 | 3.041 |
survival crafting game for some time and | 6.64 | 3.48 |
luckily for us they even sponsored this | 8.32 | 3.76 |
video link is in the description and | 10.12 | 3.96 |
it's now available on PC through Steam | 12.08 | 4.36 |
and epic for $30 so today we're going to | 14.08 | 4.279 |
dive in and try to show off some of this | 16.44 | 3.56 |
game's building crafting and fighting | 18.359 | 3.401 |
mechanics as well as its ability to | 20.0 | 3.32 |
craft different realm cards that will | 21.76 | 3.359 |
open portals to new procedurally | 23.32 | 3.68 |
generated Realms that you can explore | 25.119 | 4.441 |
Solo or with up to six players Co-op so | 27.0 | 4.16 |
let's jump been and our first goal is to | 29.56 | 3.92 |
craft better tools weapons and clothing | 31.16 | 4.84 |
so we can level up to what is it 20 | 33.48 | 4.56 |
Simon to unlock the antiquarian side of | 36.0 | 5.12 |
power that's what it says and uh there's | 38.04 | 4.8 |
some I don't know what I just da but | 41.12 | 3.68 |
it's good okay so that's our goal right | 42.84 | 3.76 |
now we've got a small basic Camp down | 44.8 | 3.32 |
there with like a pitch tent kind of | 46.6 | 4.119 |
thing a campfire a work table and a | 48.12 | 4.16 |
tanning station so we're going to work | 50.719 | 3.16 |
on building a better base so let's get | 52.28 | 5.48 |
to it then break break all right break | 53.879 | 5.041 |
to | 57.76 | 4.16 |
what | 58.92 | 3.0 |
[Music] | 69.81 | 3.129 |
okay so we built a house and uh yep we | 84.56 | 3.879 |
built all the work tables we got the | 87.079 | 4.521 |
campfire the sew and B some storage a | 88.439 | 5.561 |
workbench and the Tanner and we want to | 91.6 | 4.839 |
start upgrading our tools and weapons | 94.0 | 4.28 |
let's see what am I missing what I'd | 96.439 | 3.761 |
like to build is an axe so I need wood | 98.28 | 6.0 |
bundle straps and Stones M and then we | 100.2 | 6.599 |
might want to build a sling bow so we | 104.28 | 5.08 |
can hunt to get leather oh for sure yeah | 106.799 | 5.32 |
cuz we can put leather on the Tanner so | 109.36 | 6.119 |
uh let's upgrade let me grab some stuff | 112.119 | 4.881 |
out of this | 115.479 | 4.481 |
basket Boop and um go back into the | 117.0 | 6.28 |
workbench and uh let's see let's make | 119.96 | 7.159 |
the wood axe you can autofill here boom | 123.28 | 7.0 |
craft one and that starts making it look | 127.119 | 7.041 |
at that that's pretty cool still making | 130.28 | 5.959 |
it oh yep it's made okay so now we got a | 134.16 | 5.68 |
level 20 Hatchet I'll give that to Simon | 136.239 | 6.521 |
there you yep and then let's make the | 139.84 | 5.16 |
what was it the sling bow yes boom so we | 142.76 | 4.0 |
can go hunting all right I guess I'll | 145.0 | 3.879 |
make my sling bow next cuz if I had to | 146.76 | 4.0 |
choose between got a sling bow for you | 148.879 | 3.241 |
oh well I didn't know it was just for me | 150.76 | 2.88 |
I mean he needs one too doesn't he I | 152.12 | 4.16 |
killed my hands I'm a monster oh come on | 153.64 | 5.48 |
now okay let me get some of this and | 156.28 | 5.959 |
then we need simple Rock marble as ammo | 159.12 | 6.96 |
auto fill that and Bam okay now we got | 162.239 | 7.64 |
simple Rock ammo oh no it's still going | 166.08 | 5.04 |
there you go you see kind of see how | 169.879 | 4.08 |
it's building right there and then once | 171.12 | 6.52 |
it's ready I will just collect the items | 173.959 | 5.881 |
all right uh so that's it we got this | 177.64 | 3.319 |
nice little house we got all these | 179.84 | 2.36 |
workbenches and we're going to go | 180.959 | 2.521 |
hunting now so we can make better | 182.2 | 3.399 |
clothes sound good yeah let's do it all | 183.48 | 3.24 |
right let's | 185.599 | 14.881 |
[Music] | 186.72 | 17.4 |
hunt dear anyone got a shot oh | 200.48 | 7.319 |
yeah boom Oh I oh I got to reloaded | 204.12 | 6.52 |
again I got one down to 10 % I'm | 207.799 | 6.481 |
whacking okay I'm chasing my guy did I | 210.64 | 6.239 |
get him no oh I got one with the club | 214.28 | 5.92 |
all right uh-oh I really want to get | 216.879 | 4.201 |
this | 220.2 | 4.2 |
guy oh keep on him I am oh I see a weak | 221.08 | 6.719 |
one come here oh I think I took that one | 224.4 | 6.64 |
down we got two already I'm shooting | 227.799 | 6.121 |
horribly okay wasting a lot of rocks | 231.04 | 4.16 |
it's okay rocks everywhere I'm going to | 233.92 | 3.239 |
skin these I told you I can get them | 235.2 | 3.48 |
with the | 237.159 | 4.521 |
wacker | 238.68 | 3.0 |
so hunting went pretty well huh I'd say | 242.959 | 4.321 |
so yes very well so we're going to need | 245.2 | 4.8 |
leather to make clothes M and we have | 247.28 | 4.36 |
tons of that and we could like choose as | 250.0 | 4.2 |
many as we want to uh so we'll craft | 251.64 | 4.52 |
leather and we'll also save some to make | 254.2 | 4.12 |
straps for any weapons and upgrades we | 256.16 | 4.0 |
want to make there I need an upgrade on | 258.32 | 4.24 |
my knife a knife okay we'll get some | 260.16 | 4.88 |
straps going after this goes so that's | 262.56 | 6.12 |
just uh oh yeah there's a timer on there | 265.04 | 5.439 |
okay so once we have the hide we come | 268.68 | 5.12 |
over to the sewing bench and we got all | 270.479 | 6.0 |
this stuff to build and this is going to | 273.8 | 5.16 |
raise our what do you call it level a | 276.479 | 3.801 |
level what do you call I don't know what | 278.96 | 2.84 |
it's called I I the better the clothes | 280.28 | 4.0 |
we put on gear skull it's called gear | 281.8 | 6.76 |
skull I caps lock I'm on fire on fire | 284.28 | 6.08 |
this is what happens when you stop | 288.56 | 3.88 |
dropping yeah when you hit what is it | 290.36 | 3.839 |
caps lock yep that's there you go you | 292.44 | 3.8 |
just walk oh yeah caps just does a like | 294.199 | 4.161 |
if I hit caps lock right here yeah hands | 296.24 | 3.32 |
off the keyboard you just walk for | 298.36 | 2.76 |
forever that's it I kind of like it | 299.56 | 3.24 |
let's get off the table all right I'm | 301.12 | 4.2 |
off the table okay so that's great I | 302.8 | 3.88 |
never saw anyone on fire before in this | 305.32 | 4.8 |
game listen it brightened up to day | 306.68 | 6.72 |
literally that that worked okay so let's | 310.12 | 5.48 |
let all this hide build and then straps | 313.4 | 4.56 |
and let's upgrade all of our I want all | 315.6 | 5.56 |
of these to not be crude but simple like | 317.96 | 5.64 |
this one level 20 6 to 20 all right I | 321.16 | 4.12 |
want 20s all way across and then I want | 323.6 | 4.879 |
to upgrade all these close to 20 yes | 325.28 | 5.98 |
boss | 328.479 | 5.941 |
[Music] | 331.26 | 3.16 |
[Music] | 337.19 | 12.05 |
okay we grinded we're ready yeah so | 346.96 | 4.32 |
Simon what is your gear score right now | 349.24 | 4.84 |
well for which one cuz for un un total | 351.28 | 5.08 |
gear score the main score the number up | 354.08 | 4.76 |
top the number up top is three out of 25 | 356.36 | 4.48 |
it used to be three out of 20 three so | 358.84 | 3.52 |
I'm yeah we took some stuff off so I'm | 360.84 | 3.68 |
number 12 I've got all new weapons and | 362.36 | 5.2 |
tools but I want to switch out my | 364.52 | 5.92 |
clothes take all these old clothes off | 367.56 | 5.84 |
change out so I can do that now too yeah | 370.44 | 4.72 |
okay there we go put all the level 20s | 373.4 | 3.96 |
on we're going to look very much alike | 375.16 | 4.56 |
like uh Beaver Trappers or something | 377.36 | 4.44 |
yeah that Clan I don't know if I've ever | 379.72 | 4.56 |
met a beaver Trapper nor have I names | 381.8 | 5.92 |
okay there we go um now my score gear | 384.28 | 7.84 |
score is 21 one oh got new weapons and | 387.72 | 7.44 |
everything all right I'm a 20 okay then | 392.12 | 5.84 |
let's all go see if we can do is it a | 395.16 | 6.12 |
boss fight yeah okay boss fight boss | 397.96 | 5.799 |
fight I'm still changing okay once | 401.28 | 3.88 |
someone's done | 403.759 | 5.921 |
changing boss fight boss fight | 405.16 | 6.55 |
yeah come on | 409.68 | 3.959 |
[Music] | 411.71 | 6.97 |
some is that it boss fight boss fight do | 413.639 | 9.24 |
I have a under gear anything under | 418.68 | 4.199 |
gear yeah boss | 423.0 | 4.4 |
[Music] | 427.51 | 12.269 |
fight is this where the boss fight is I | 440.56 | 5.0 |
think so I know the essence Trader is | 443.44 | 4.199 |
here someone else is | 445.56 | 6.639 |
here oh it's uh Simon hey buddy hey how | 447.639 | 6.761 |
you doing pal I'm going to talk to him | 452.199 | 5.0 |
how does this work uh Survivor nearby | 454.4 | 4.479 |
needs your Aid in completing a structure | 457.199 | 3.12 |
help them to complete the structure for | 458.879 | 3.76 |
a reward that's easy it's like look at | 460.319 | 4.28 |
this stuff they need built right here oh | 462.639 | 4.441 |
just right over here yeah I'll help a | 464.599 | 4.201 |
little bit with what I got just needs | 467.08 | 4.16 |
plant fiber and sticks okay and some | 468.8 | 4.16 |
rocks and then if we build this what | 471.24 | 4.0 |
happens I don't know we can maybe get a | 472.96 | 5.199 |
uh a helper if we want okay helpers are | 475.24 | 4.88 |
nice now you guys had followers before | 478.159 | 3.801 |
where'd they go I I dismissed mine | 480.12 | 3.479 |
because you got annoying oh he's just | 481.96 | 3.32 |
all in your business huh clingy well we | 483.599 | 3.361 |
should get a Helper to help us fight the | 485.28 | 3.759 |
boss right yeah yeah why not if we can | 486.96 | 3.919 |
sure okay some | 489.039 | 4.84 |
sticks that one's built that one's built | 490.879 | 7.801 |
we did it oh so now what uh recruitable | 493.879 | 7.081 |
Simon is now recruitable oh recruit him | 498.68 | 4.359 |
Simon recruit him okay hold on Simon | 500.96 | 4.6 |
recruit Simon I'm going to Let's well it | 503.039 | 5.801 |
just said speak yeah go ahead yeah so | 505.56 | 5.319 |
Simon can't name him something else he's | 508.84 | 4.96 |
Simon we need to do it'll be easy so | 510.879 | 4.64 |
manage equipment and inventory it says | 513.8 | 3.679 |
dismiss recruit I don't want to dismiss | 515.519 | 3.681 |
so just close right done yeah yeah yeah | 517.479 | 4.24 |
yeah yeah boom welcome to the team Simon | 519.2 | 5.04 |
now it's techa yes what do we do next | 521.719 | 5.081 |
well we want to go in here cuz this is | 524.24 | 4.599 |
where we get cards apparently let's go | 526.8 | 4.24 |
in there so let's go in yeah come on up | 528.839 | 5.361 |
oh is this the boss fight this is okay | 531.04 | 4.16 |
up the | 534.2 | 3.68 |
zigurat come on up now why I bring that | 535.2 | 5.12 |
Ingot you brought the Ingot to help us | 537.88 | 5.6 |
make the enchanters focus okaya what | 540.32 | 5.68 |
else do you know about this boss uh he's | 543.48 | 5.44 |
very big and very mean and he's an | 546.0 | 5.48 |
automatron uh what's an automatron I | 548.92 | 4.4 |
don't know like a | 551.48 | 4.32 |
robot yeah that is this where we do this | 553.32 | 4.16 |
is where we do so if you have the right | 555.8 | 4.479 |
gear level you can pass through this | 557.48 | 5.32 |
uninjured it doesn't look passable I | 560.279 | 5.961 |
know but it should be oh okay she's in | 562.8 | 6.68 |
going in everybody in boom yeah there we | 566.24 | 6.92 |
go awesome okay great now so you there's | 569.48 | 4.84 |
going to be some things that are going | 573.16 | 3.679 |
to spawn that we need to kill and | 574.32 | 4.28 |
there's also lootable chests around this | 576.839 | 3.921 |
room you just need to go find them okay | 578.6 | 3.479 |
and there's stuff to pick up it looks | 580.76 | 4.96 |
like uh release hope Echo we'll do yep | 582.079 | 6.2 |
uh don't don't fall in this pit yeah | 585.72 | 5.359 |
that'd be oh I found a chest yay it's a | 588.279 | 5.401 |
bunch of buggies I see a dog thing kill | 591.079 | 4.161 |
the dog thing no oh wait they got | 593.68 | 3.44 |
exploding heads on them yeah that's the | 595.24 | 3.96 |
guy so do I have to shoot these or can I | 597.12 | 4.12 |
St whatever whatever you want to do | 599.2 | 4.639 |
Chase well I want to save my ammo make | 601.24 | 4.52 |
him dead recruitable Simon is fighting | 603.839 | 3.841 |
right now all right recruitable Simon | 605.76 | 2.639 |
thank | 607.68 | 3.88 |
you oh yeah come on baby don't mess with | 608.399 | 5.361 |
my | 611.56 | 5.12 |
man I hope this is I'm not getting too | 613.76 | 8.56 |
hurt come on baby oh oh yeah yeah take | 616.68 | 8.68 |
that Essence very nice do mhm now do we | 622.32 | 5.24 |
go that way or down the stairs down I | 625.36 | 4.56 |
believe St | 627.56 | 4.92 |
pick up Arcane Wick do I want this yeah | 629.92 | 4.76 |
pick up pick up everything found bristle | 632.48 | 4.96 |
come on oh another chest get your loot | 634.68 | 5.32 |
on folks so we have to make our way all | 637.44 | 5.72 |
the way to the bottom and Beyond Simon | 640.0 | 5.88 |
you good y I wasn't talking to you | 643.16 | 5.84 |
fruitable Simon yeah thank you see it's | 645.88 | 5.639 |
a problem though it is I like it Essence | 649.0 | 3.839 |
Dave should come in here and help out a | 651.519 | 4.401 |
little bit ha I hit a guy from afar we | 652.839 | 7.081 |
can pepper him down uh early long range | 655.92 | 7.599 |
yeah sucker think he's dead | 659.92 | 6.28 |
nice | 663.519 | 5.081 |
yeah you stay up there and snipe we'll | 666.2 | 5.319 |
get in tight get my melee on we're going | 668.6 | 7.12 |
to way down behind you uh | 671.519 | 7.401 |
block might hit you guys get him yep | 675.72 | 4.119 |
there we | 678.92 | 2.96 |
go right | 679.839 | 4.761 |
there's light head bring them over to me | 681.88 | 4.68 |
I'll I'll be up here they they'll never | 684.6 | 3.56 |
know like look at this oh yeah you got a | 686.56 | 4.959 |
shot yep oh nice hold on you're welcome | 688.16 | 7.28 |
boom nailed him great job sumon yeah get | 691.519 | 8.921 |
that ass son Arcane Wick | 695.44 | 5.0 |
oh | 700.48 | 4.599 |
reload watch out pal I'm going to get | 702.36 | 6.84 |
you one more hit on him head up oh | 705.079 | 7.121 |
de Everybody's Health good uh yeah doing | 709.2 | 6.199 |
all right get some of | 712.2 | 3.199 |
this this is stairs going down go this | 715.44 | 5.68 |
way I guess keep going all the way down | 718.279 | 5.721 |
mhm oh if there'll be like a fire pole | 721.12 | 5.44 |
or something it seems like the bottom | 724.0 | 4.639 |
okay that's something big yeah oh yeah | 726.56 | 3.959 |
something definitely big yep we got a | 728.639 | 4.0 |
bunch of demon guys come on you | 730.519 | 4.0 |
punk he's | 732.639 | 5.281 |
dead dead dead sucker | 734.519 | 7.44 |
sucker come on is that up the stairs | 737.92 | 6.599 |
yeah bring them down fellas oh here | 741.959 | 6.68 |
comes one oh Bo yeah there very dark in | 744.519 | 4.88 |
here | 748.639 | 2.641 |
oh in the back of your | 749.399 | 4.641 |
[Music] | 751.28 | 5.799 |
head okay oh man you guys are fighting | 754.04 | 5.359 |
stairs huh yeah they came up man not a | 757.079 | 4.44 |
bad place to fight we got a big room in | 759.399 | 4.281 |
here to fight in I know well funneling | 761.519 | 5.32 |
is good too gotcha all right good plan | 763.68 | 6.08 |
mhm all right we got to keep going down | 766.839 | 4.601 |
oh there's more down there's more down | 769.76 | 5.96 |
come on Simon let's go down going | 771.44 | 4.28 |
down that's | 775.839 | 6.0 |
up oh I see a lot of demon things down | 777.839 | 8.401 |
here oh yeah okay all right spread out | 781.839 | 6.601 |
we'll surround them hey these guys | 786.24 | 4.279 |
are like Smoky | 788.44 | 6.16 |
who well that was a 69 head | 790.519 | 7.601 |
shot buddy watch your help I'm lighting | 794.6 | 5.64 |
you up okay lighting you guys up so you | 798.12 | 5.88 |
can do your fightings yep oh boy oh boy | 800.24 | 5.92 |
except | 804.0 | 4.92 |
for oh sh oh God he's coming to light | 806.16 | 4.76 |
there's a lot how y'all looking over | 808.92 | 4.279 |
there o got one of them finally oh his | 810.92 | 4.32 |
head a bong you guys love fighting on | 813.199 | 4.281 |
the stairs don't you yes it's my | 815.24 | 4.8 |
favorite place me and recruit suon got | 817.48 | 4.159 |
this | 820.04 | 4.159 |
guy everybody want to get the all right | 821.639 | 6.241 |
oh in the face ni that's right stairs | 824.199 | 6.801 |
baby very super nice can't tell who's | 827.88 | 5.92 |
who oh there he | 831.0 | 2.8 |
is oh yeah he's on a | 834.759 | 6.0 |
run recruitable Simon get | 837.759 | 5.76 |
him got you in the face yeah nice shot | 840.759 | 4.2 |
Simon yeah yeah I was talking | 843.519 | 3.641 |
recruitable Simon though yeah well and | 844.959 | 4.281 |
we keep going down maybe we'll have | 847.16 | 5.359 |
Simon lead the way I'm leading oh okay | 849.24 | 6.12 |
which Simon the other Simon not me all | 852.519 | 6.0 |
right heads up okay this looks uh bottom | 855.36 | 5.96 |
is looks seriousish oh yeah this is the | 858.519 | 5.12 |
bottom oh yeah that's something this is | 861.32 | 3.84 |
when we yeah you got to go over there | 863.639 | 4.601 |
and activate the thing all right uh I | 865.16 | 5.72 |
could get in that spot I'll bet it's | 868.24 | 5.519 |
this guy mhm that's going to do a thing | 870.88 | 5.0 |
activate mechanism um all right I'm | 873.759 | 6.401 |
going to get my uh my uh sling bow ready | 875.88 | 6.72 |
oh I need to get my uh put the fire fire | 880.16 | 3.88 |
things | 882.6 | 4.52 |
on yeah oh do they equip they do equip | 884.04 | 5.039 |
you got to hold down R okay you've got | 887.12 | 3.839 |
some specials don't you that's right | 889.079 | 4.721 |
I've got some things called lightning | 890.959 | 5.761 |
marbles sounds like a blast everybody | 893.8 | 6.24 |
ready yep Ready activate ating Good Luck | 896.72 | 4.76 |
Good | 900.04 | 5.08 |
Luck nope don't hit caps lock that's not | 901.48 | 8.799 |
good uh-huh is that it there oh yeah | 905.12 | 7.44 |
that doesn't look good oh I shot you in | 910.279 | 6.201 |
the face though ooh oh no no Salon | 912.56 | 6.04 |
recruitable salon's on fire did you | 916.48 | 5.44 |
shoot them with that ball yeah GMO these | 918.6 | 5.599 |
uh fire ones are working on oh okay I'm | 921.92 | 3.52 |
going to try to lightning when you ready | 924.199 | 6.401 |
do it be careful recruitable Simon | 925.44 | 5.16 |
oh | 930.639 | 5.68 |
yeah man did these uh where did we get | 932.959 | 5.24 |
these with found them in chest or | 936.319 | 4.481 |
something found inest man they're doing | 938.199 | 4.56 |
crazy damage oh yeah awesome this | 940.8 | 3.56 |
thing's a look at this oh God he's | 942.759 | 4.32 |
coming at me head | 944.36 | 2.719 |
up | 947.16 | 5.239 |
help recruitable Simon you you're on | 949.56 | 4.519 |
fire again | 952.399 | 4.521 |
buddy oh yeah oh I always got to reload | 954.079 | 5.521 |
I get it oh pleas every shot has been a | 956.92 | 5.32 |
head shot oh yeah this guy's going to be | 959.6 | 4.919 |
easy for us I think super easy one more | 962.24 | 4.8 |
hit was it this easy for you well I | 964.519 | 5.921 |
soloed it you solo it yeah that sounds | 967.04 | 6.479 |
like an excuse it was hard yeah it would | 970.44 | 6.199 |
be hard by yourself it was all right I'm | 973.519 | 7.12 |
going to release the Hope Echo do | 976.639 | 4.0 |
it all right play this card to seek a | 981.56 | 5.519 |
realm of middling danger oo hey what's | 983.92 | 5.24 |
up puug oh | 987.079 | 4.24 |
well done realm | 989.16 | 4.359 |
Walker well | 991.319 | 6.481 |
done your deed befits the title and The | 993.519 | 6.88 |
Wider Realms are within your | 997.8 | 7.24 |
reach go then with newly fashioned cards | 1000.399 | 8.401 |
awaken Yonder portal and tread on toward | 1005.04 | 7.359 |
that which is boundless beyond the | 1008.8 | 6.32 |
measurable okay so we beat the boss um | 1012.399 | 4.88 |
we unlocked a thing to what what build a | 1015.12 | 3.88 |
card or something something like that | 1017.279 | 3.441 |
some enchanting thing yeah we're going | 1019.0 | 3.36 |
to make an enchanters Focus which will | 1020.72 | 3.52 |
allow us to make the cards to open a | 1022.36 | 4.16 |
portal to another realm perfect so we | 1024.24 | 4.16 |
need to build that table and then use | 1026.52 | 3.72 |
the cards to open that portal behind us | 1028.4 | 4.039 |
right yeah exactly okay now which table | 1030.24 | 4.839 |
are we building the enchanters focus oh | 1032.439 | 5.24 |
yeah enchanters Focus there it is let's | 1035.079 | 4.401 |
place that we'll just put it right here | 1037.679 | 4.16 |
on the ground huh sounds good and then | 1039.48 | 4.839 |
let's all I got the ingots we need | 1041.839 | 5.641 |
lumber ingots done we need glass mhm now | 1044.319 | 5.48 |
can we buy that from Dave guy over there | 1047.48 | 5.72 |
we sure can okay I'll go talk to Dave | 1049.799 | 5.921 |
Dave got one Lumber and five glass one | 1053.2 | 4.76 |
Lumber five glass be right back someone | 1055.72 | 4.199 |
text me that so don't forget one Lumber | 1057.96 | 4.36 |
five glass just yell just text me say | 1059.919 | 5.721 |
one Lumber say it one Lumber five glass | 1062.32 | 5.239 |
five glass see that's it you just needed | 1065.64 | 3.399 |
to say it you won't forget it now one | 1067.559 | 3.681 |
Lum five glass one Lumber five glass one | 1069.039 | 4.681 |
Lumber five glass here we go all right | 1071.24 | 5.96 |
Dave I need some Lumber and glass and | 1073.72 | 5.28 |
simple items Maybe | 1077.2 | 4.88 |
nope resources okay it's it's hardwood | 1079.0 | 5.84 |
lumber right I would imagine yes uh you | 1082.08 | 6.599 |
said one one Lumber five glass glass yep | 1084.84 | 6.24 |
just want to see if you remembered yeah | 1088.679 | 5.721 |
yeah glass quartz what are the options | 1091.08 | 6.04 |
that paper soft wood twine yeah those | 1094.4 | 4.519 |
don't sound right do they probably glass | 1097.12 | 7.32 |
quartz yeah doing it an idiot Simon yeah | 1098.919 | 9.24 |
recruitable Simon's being a creepo is he | 1104.44 | 4.44 |
oh | 1108.159 | 2.4 |
he stays real close by I like it when | 1108.88 | 4.32 |
he's close all right how's it goings uh | 1110.559 | 6.041 |
yep I got one extra I got six glass okay | 1113.2 | 5.44 |
I'm coming back all right so he's got | 1116.6 | 4.16 |
everything that's needed for this and | 1118.64 | 4.039 |
then what is happening after this it's | 1120.76 | 4.64 |
going to finish the bench here we go I | 1122.679 | 4.36 |
know but I mean I don't know what's | 1125.4 | 3.68 |
being made we don't knowes come on now I | 1127.039 | 3.281 |
think the bench we make the bench and | 1129.08 | 2.88 |
now we can make a card and which card | 1130.32 | 4.12 |
was it card we want to make the forest | 1131.96 | 5.4 |
card and the antiquarian card okay | 1134.44 | 5.52 |
that's going to call need some o paper | 1137.36 | 5.92 |
ink paper and ink we have Essence dust | 1139.96 | 6.16 |
you know who has paper and ink same guy | 1143.28 | 7.639 |
Dave oh God okay I'm going back um did | 1146.12 | 6.12 |
you did you look at what you need for | 1150.919 | 2.64 |
both cards I was going to yell at you | 1152.24 | 3.6 |
and you tell me okay all right names be | 1153.559 | 5.681 |
right back okay buddy great that table | 1155.84 | 5.719 |
looks almost like an old school live | 1159.24 | 6.36 |
streamer's table a microphone on it okay | 1161.559 | 5.841 |
Dave I'm back I didn't have the full | 1165.6 | 4.319 |
list all right I see | 1167.4 | 5.519 |
paper and I'm looking for ink yeah I'm | 1169.919 | 4.681 |
looking at it right now it says ink | 1172.919 | 3.921 |
perfect one second oh boy we're going to | 1174.6 | 4.72 |
get hail I know it oh somebody uh you | 1176.84 | 4.0 |
know what we should make we should make | 1179.32 | 4.719 |
a a thing right go ahead Simon go for it | 1180.84 | 4.56 |
communicate with the idiot how many | 1184.039 | 3.52 |
sticks do you have all right I got the | 1185.4 | 5.04 |
ink what's on the next card uh the other | 1187.559 | 5.641 |
card yeah what's the other card we need | 1190.44 | 5.16 |
a bance and an antiquarian the forest | 1193.2 | 5.719 |
card Forest that's going to need need | 1195.6 | 5.079 |
one ink and one | 1198.919 | 3.801 |
paper perfect Dave you're not going to | 1200.679 | 4.161 |
believe this I need exactly what I just | 1202.72 | 4.6 |
bought a second ago here we go let's | 1204.84 | 5.6 |
build a shelter yep I I have 11 out of | 1207.32 | 5.479 |
12 sticks all I need is one more little | 1210.44 | 3.52 |
stick there's some sticks right in front | 1212.799 | 3.36 |
of me S okay I got one more paper and | 1213.96 | 4.52 |
one more ink okay come on back then | 1216.159 | 4.361 |
nebes come on back thanks Dave hopefully | 1218.48 | 4.88 |
this is the last time but stay open okay | 1220.52 | 4.68 |
you needed more didn't you Simon no it's | 1223.36 | 4.88 |
12 12 66 stick tent says I got | 1225.2 | 4.92 |
everything just takeing a minute right | 1228.24 | 5.76 |
there you go hey all right see okay | 1230.12 | 8.559 |
antiquarian card autoi craft one okay we | 1234.0 | 7.28 |
wait for this one to build uh did y'all | 1238.679 | 4.12 |
build a bed maybe we should rest before | 1241.28 | 3.32 |
we or actually we're just're to open a | 1242.799 | 3.281 |
portal and take a look aren't we yeah | 1244.6 | 3.12 |
we're taking a peek and we'll come home | 1246.08 | 6.079 |
all right good deal antiquarian card is | 1247.72 | 7.959 |
done oh yeah here we go oh yeah click | 1252.159 | 5.321 |
that one and I got to build one more | 1255.679 | 5.921 |
which is the for card yeah Auto feel | 1257.48 | 6.439 |
craft there go I'll meet I'll meet you | 1261.6 | 4.84 |
at the thingy thing you do the thing | 1263.919 | 6.841 |
thingy portal okay yeah be right | 1266.44 | 8.2 |
there inable Simon everyone's leaving | 1270.76 | 8.08 |
okay I'll wait for it in the rain not | 1274.64 | 7.279 |
raining too bad though no just as he | 1278.84 | 6.36 |
said it yeah every day with that hail | 1281.919 | 7.801 |
and there got it okay that's it all | 1285.2 | 6.8 |
right over here huh right over here you | 1289.72 | 4.76 |
want me to hit the open Real no he's got | 1292.0 | 6.12 |
to put the cards in the to do it okay so | 1294.48 | 7.64 |
there we go Forest card boom and then oh | 1298.12 | 6.48 |
it's coming down now oh yeah let's get | 1302.12 | 5.08 |
to uh better weather better weather | 1304.6 | 5.12 |
coming up yeah going to like West or | 1307.2 | 4.32 |
something I'm going in come on you got | 1309.72 | 6.0 |
to wait a second oh I'm going | 1311.52 | 8.159 |
in hurry up portal it's hailing out here | 1315.72 | 7.4 |
it is hailing come on man I'm going in I | 1319.679 | 6.721 |
don't think it's ready yet oh that's | 1323.12 | 4.679 |
what's happening we got to fight all | 1326.4 | 2.879 |
right we got to | 1327.799 | 5.76 |
fight this is a lot okay Dam take him | 1329.279 | 7.201 |
down it's storming oh God yeah that's | 1333.559 | 7.161 |
not a good time all right buddy oh boy | 1336.48 | 6.76 |
oh I'm hurting uhoh pull it together | 1340.72 | 7.04 |
folks oh god oh boy yep yep oh you dead | 1343.24 | 5.24 |
uh | 1347.76 | 3.799 |
oh oh boy uh-oh you all right uhoh go | 1348.48 | 5.64 |
down okay that one's down woo double how | 1351.559 | 4.641 |
many we got left couple behind me nice | 1354.12 | 3.799 |
shot oh | 1356.2 | 5.4 |
Simon by accident oh there's more yeah | 1357.919 | 5.801 |
they were following | 1361.6 | 6.6 |
me okay uh I don't see any oh NES you | 1363.72 | 6.64 |
are hurt I hurt bad hurt real bad can I | 1368.2 | 4.04 |
eat food you want healing potion I think | 1370.36 | 3.76 |
I got one hold on a second okay okay | 1372.24 | 3.84 |
there we're getting Hur in this hail | 1374.12 | 3.08 |
okay that's hurting all right let's just | 1376.08 | 3.32 |
get through this thing huh jump in | 1377.2 | 4.359 |
jumping in here we go everybody go all | 1379.4 | 4.56 |
right coming oh damn please make it come | 1381.559 | 4.761 |
on | 1383.96 | 2.36 |
[Music] | 1387.51 | 4.079 |
[Music] | 1394.85 | 7.829 |
now oh oh the hell of an | 1398.919 | 7.36 |
entrance is this is a oh hey salimon how | 1402.679 | 6.12 |
are you you're looking good you need to | 1406.279 | 5.4 |
work on your posture pal okay so this is | 1408.799 | 7.48 |
a a whole new biome right yeah fantastic | 1411.679 | 6.281 |
it's pretty looks like fall it's like | 1416.279 | 4.601 |
fall Ville mhm W man recruitable Simon | 1417.96 | 6.0 |
just straight to work yeah all right so | 1420.88 | 4.32 |
folks if you would like to become a | 1423.96 | 3.079 |
realm Walker and navigate the web of | 1425.2 | 3.52 |
transdimensional portals Like Us in | 1427.039 | 3.081 |
search of the magical city of | 1428.72 | 5.04 |
Nightingale check out the link in the | 1430.12 | 3.64 |
description the Fay Wilds await | 1434.88 | 6.159 |
and so too | 1438.72 | 5.199 |
Nightingale awaken your first portal and | 1441.039 | 6.12 |
tread on towards that which is boundless | 1443.919 | 6.041 |
beyond the | 1447.159 | 2.801 |
[Music] | 1450.77 | 3.43 |
measurable | 1452.64 | 5.399 |
sequestered struck by woe and lacking | 1454.2 | 6.76 |
supplies the question | 1458.039 | 6.961 |
becomes wil thou be a | 1460.96 | 4.04 |
survivor | 1466.799 | 3.0 |
[Music] | 1477.33 | 6.359 |
[Music] | 1486.45 | 3.23 |
regardless of which portal variety you | 1490.12 | 4.6 |
favor | 1496.76 | 5.919 |
realm cards will be | 1498.84 | 3.839 |
necessary | 1526.679 | 3.0 |
[Music] | 1531.15 | 3.099 |
H can fly Let My Words steer your | 1538.72 | 7.0 |
[Music] | 1547.57 | 4.709 |
steps | 1549.279 | 3.0 |
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The Game
You definitely should get it out
Hey friends! Have you heard about this new game called Nightingale? Well let me tell you, it's incredible! I've been watching the guys over at Neebs Gaming play it and I'm telling you, it's the next big thing.
Just look at the world - it's like a gorgeous gaslamp fantasy landscape, with these mystical portals to different realms. One minute you're in a lush forest and the next you've stepped through a portal into an icy tundra! And there's magic and mystical creatures everywhere. It's just beautiful.
But it's not just a pretty world to look at. There's so much to do! You can craft, build, farm, fish, hunt, cook - pretty much anything you can think of. And the combat looks so fun, with all kinds of weapons and magic to mix up your fighting style.
And of course with the Neebs crew playing it, you know it's going to be hilarious. Watching them bumble through this world, getting into scrapes and shenanigans, it's comedy gold! Their commentary and reactions make the game even more enjoyable to watch.
Really, watching Neebs Gaming play Nightingale is the next best thing to playing it yourself.