Nightingale: A Different kind of Survival Game (Neebscast)
Neebs Gaming
neebs: Hey Simon, have you seen that Nightingale video? It's like a survival game, but with a twist!
simon: Oh yeah, I love that one! It's so different from the usual survival games we play.
appsro: Guys, that video is hilarious! I can't believe they managed to survive in such a unique way.
neebs: I know, right? I couldn't stop laughing the whole time. Definitely one of my favorites!

This video comes straight from the Neebs Gaming YouTube channel.
Hey there, fellow Neebs Gaming fans! I just watched the latest video on their YouTube channel and boy, was it a blast! Before we dive into the content, I wanted to give a quick shoutout to their sponsors. If you're in need of a VPN, be sure to check out the NordVPN deal they have going on - you get 4 extra months and a 30-day money-back guarantee. And if you're into mystery gifts, signing up for Bespoke Post through Neebs Gaming will get you a free one with your first monthly shipment.
In the video, they mentioned a cool game called Nightingale that I'm definitely going to check out. They also shared links to free audio downloads on Spotify and other platforms, so you can enjoy their content on the go. Plus, if you're looking for some sweet Neebs Gaming merch, they've got you covered with their Spreadshop and Design By Humans stores.
One thing I love about Neebs Gaming is their engagement with the community. They have a Patreon where you can support them, a new channel called Neebs Magic Dumpster that looks super fun, and even channel perks if you want to take your support to the next level. And let's not forget their partnership with Xidax PCs - those machines are top-notch! Neebs Gaming is also supported by Nitrado for their game servers, so you know they're in good hands.
If you're a coffee lover like me, don't miss out on the special Neebs Gaming blend from Player One Coffee - use code NEEBS10 for a discount. And make sure to follow them on social media to stay up to date on all their latest adventures. From cartoons to gameplay videos, Neebs Gaming has something for everyone. So grab your favorite snack, kick back, and enjoy the ride with Neebs and the gang!

Caption | Start | Duration |
hey guys we made a game about hot dogs | 0.44 | 4.56 |
yeah it's called hot dog runner is it | 3.199 | 4.68 |
coming out March 7th Simon yes you can | 5.0 | 4.8 |
put on your wish list as of today there | 7.879 | 3.521 |
you go so go to steam right now go ahead | 9.8 | 4.08 |
and wish list it and uh this drops March | 11.4 | 5.36 |
7th hot dog runner we're excited it's | 13.88 | 6.319 |
cheap it it better be | 16.76 | 6.519 |
yeah all right I have questions oh bring | 20.199 | 4.801 |
it well you guys got to play night | 23.279 | 4.121 |
Andale I was gone that week you were | 25.0 | 4.08 |
sending me like pictures of like we're | 27.4 | 3.32 |
having so much fun playing night Andale | 29.08 | 3.72 |
yeah know you poor I want to know what | 30.72 | 4.44 |
night Andale is like well we've been | 32.8 | 4.4 |
having our eyes on that for years now | 35.16 | 4.36 |
yeah you especially D you were jazzed | 37.2 | 4.32 |
about this one super jazzed we only | 39.52 | 4.44 |
scratched the surface really like super | 41.52 | 4.559 |
surface yeah cuz that game you you can | 43.96 | 4.48 |
tell from the trailer it goes deep yes | 46.079 | 5.32 |
um but the beginning stuff is is yeah if | 48.44 | 4.36 |
you're a survival gamer you can figure | 51.399 | 5.881 |
it out the portals chood get yes it is | 52.8 | 7.64 |
that rock sure yeah | 57.28 | 6.36 |
um it's the portal opening that you | 60.44 | 6.16 |
eventually get to yeah now that was I I | 63.64 | 4.32 |
did watch I can't remember the name of | 66.6 | 2.92 |
the channel I watch but I I saw like a | 67.96 | 4.08 |
brief just kind of a how it works yeah | 69.52 | 4.36 |
kind of thing so I guess as you play you | 72.04 | 3.84 |
collect cards there cards involved and | 73.88 | 5.36 |
you use those cards to structure the | 75.88 | 5.199 |
next World you're going to go into each | 79.24 | 4.0 |
portal needs two cards so I guess the | 81.079 | 5.641 |
blending of the two cars kind of I guess | 83.24 | 5.0 |
dictates what kind of world you're going | 86.72 | 3.96 |
to be opening yeah one is like what the | 88.24 | 4.8 |
environment is like and then one is like | 90.68 | 6.24 |
how essentially how dangerous it is oh | 93.04 | 5.92 |
okay sort of those are kind of like a | 96.92 | 3.6 |
rough description of the two but there | 98.96 | 3.6 |
are other cards that you can go to this | 100.52 | 4.639 |
I forget what it's called I played a | 102.56 | 4.44 |
little bit after we we played for our | 105.159 | 4.24 |
recording um other cards that you will | 107.0 | 5.36 |
get from time to time that uh | 109.399 | 5.201 |
affect certain skills you can be playing | 112.36 | 4.16 |
a card at any given point and Go | 114.6 | 4.479 |
activate that card one could make you | 116.52 | 6.76 |
just faster in general okay also applies | 119.079 | 6.481 |
to your player yeah but a lot of those | 123.28 | 4.68 |
those or the realm or the like there's | 125.56 | 4.039 |
certain cards you can put into this | 127.96 | 2.999 |
machine all of a sudden your realm | 129.599 | 2.72 |
changes like all of a sudden you're | 130.959 | 3.121 |
harvesting more meat or | 132.319 | 4.2 |
your the realm you're in yeah the | 134.08 | 4.68 |
reality of that real that's man that's | 136.519 | 4.521 |
unique but usually there's a price to | 138.76 | 5.16 |
pay on a lot of them like um like I'm | 141.04 | 5.0 |
remember seeing one that you inflict | 143.92 | 4.16 |
more damage but you take more damage oh | 146.04 | 3.919 |
so some monkey paw [ __ ] those kind of | 148.08 | 5.56 |
than okay yeah but uh that part was cool | 149.959 | 7.121 |
the tutorial is um it's pretty long and | 153.64 | 6.239 |
thorough yeah I would say I I love the | 157.08 | 6.36 |
host of it you guys didn't like Yeah The | 159.879 | 6.801 |
Host I forget his name Puck that's right | 163.44 | 6.799 |
I mean yeah he speaks all fancy I was | 166.68 | 6.479 |
frustrated already trying to learn a new | 170.239 | 5.561 |
game thr a fcy you hate you hate | 173.159 | 5.281 |
tutorials his language I don't mind | 175.8 | 5.439 |
listen I I get so M at tutorial get so | 178.44 | 6.519 |
worked up and so [ __ ] insecure about | 181.239 | 6.0 |
everything now I guess this is kind of a | 184.959 | 3.84 |
preview but to well today we played a | 187.239 | 4.56 |
little uh hell divers did two and you | 188.799 | 5.041 |
were so frustrated at that first bit of | 191.799 | 5.561 |
the tutorial yeah well I I I've got I've | 193.84 | 5.8 |
got brain issues you played through it | 197.36 | 4.439 |
again and you were fine oh yeah I know | 199.64 | 3.8 |
you're supposed to suck at a tutorial | 201.799 | 3.681 |
everyone sucks at a tutorial in the | 203.44 | 4.879 |
moment I feel so overwhelmed and then | 205.48 | 4.72 |
then I get annoyed at myself cuz you go | 208.319 | 3.441 |
what the [ __ ] wrong with you man why | 210.2 | 3.08 |
are you so nothing you're supposed to | 211.76 | 3.96 |
suck at a tutorial no not sucking being | 213.28 | 5.92 |
overwhelmed with emotion anyway still | 215.72 | 5.64 |
it's an important lesson there yeah | 219.2 | 4.959 |
until yeah how long do you do | 221.36 | 5.84 |
something until you get it oh yeah no I | 224.159 | 4.561 |
if it takes a 100 times you do it 100 | 227.2 | 3.399 |
times and then you got it there you go | 228.72 | 3.76 |
yeah no I don't like it when people are | 230.599 | 4.881 |
standing over me talking to me but when | 232.48 | 5.479 |
it's us you'd like it no friends trying | 235.48 | 5.039 |
to help that make it better I hate it | 237.959 | 5.521 |
the most it's when I absolutely hate it | 240.519 | 4.841 |
because I feel pressure and I feel like | 243.48 | 4.92 |
I'm being Jud even though you're very | 245.36 | 5.879 |
nice I feel that extreme judgment he's | 248.4 | 4.559 |
like ah they're being nice just to be | 251.239 | 3.801 |
mean they're trying to help me I hate | 252.959 | 3.641 |
their patience right now I don't think | 255.04 | 3.08 |
that you're being nice in the moment in | 256.6 | 4.08 |
the moment all I hear is you're stupid | 258.12 | 4.68 |
yeah you're stupid for not understanding | 260.68 | 3.36 |
nobody says that it's you telling | 262.8 | 3.48 |
yourself that well that's my mental yeah | 264.04 | 4.4 |
that's you that's I understand that so | 266.28 | 3.6 |
let's jump back to Nightingale a little | 268.44 | 4.52 |
bit more huh noing this Simon therapy | 269.88 | 6.28 |
session damn it he doesn't enjoy it no | 272.96 | 5.72 |
Puck the thing is when I was overwhelmed | 276.16 | 4.879 |
Puck does does anything but get to the | 278.68 | 6.16 |
point he's long he uses and he uses his | 281.039 | 6.0 |
his vernacular fancy fancies is it | 284.84 | 4.799 |
vernacular vernacular yeah language yeah | 287.039 | 6.201 |
that is just [ __ ] go what now stop it | 289.639 | 5.961 |
and I was enjoying it it was well | 293.24 | 4.399 |
written Puck's a fun character It is | 295.6 | 5.039 |
Well written well voice acted okay I | 297.639 | 5.041 |
can't judge I got to play it myself | 300.639 | 4.441 |
longwinded is true but I'm not going to | 302.68 | 5.4 |
play the game to hear Puck talk no we're | 305.08 | 5.72 |
you that quick because we're here to see | 308.08 | 5.679 |
Puck leave because Puck has the best | 310.8 | 5.44 |
exit like you've said many times he's | 313.759 | 4.961 |
got great his exit is pretty wonderful | 316.24 | 5.16 |
anyway curious when he leaves it's | 318.72 | 5.16 |
certainly a moment man tutorials are an | 321.4 | 4.4 |
interesting thing to even have to do in | 323.88 | 4.8 |
a game you kind of need them but I mean | 325.8 | 4.2 |
I I do miss | 328.68 | 3.68 |
sometimes have just just dropped me in | 330.0 | 4.88 |
depends on the game like how many things | 332.36 | 4.24 |
are different from other games you've | 334.88 | 4.56 |
played in general like in the case of um | 336.6 | 5.2 |
night Andale the whole portal thing and | 339.44 | 3.879 |
a lot of those things there's a lot to | 341.8 | 3.92 |
it it is there's a it's pretty deep you | 343.319 | 3.481 |
know what I think it you know what I | 345.72 | 2.72 |
think I prefer I guess Survival Games is | 346.8 | 2.92 |
a little different because there's not | 348.44 | 3.0 |
like structured missions a lot of the | 349.72 | 4.68 |
time but I I guess something like Red | 351.44 | 5.36 |
Dead Redemption where a lot of the | 354.4 | 4.72 |
missions are tutorial based it's like | 356.8 | 3.92 |
you are learning how to play the games | 359.12 | 3.28 |
like okay here's a mission where like | 360.72 | 3.8 |
you got to go out and hunt and bring | 362.4 | 4.32 |
food back and that mission teaches you | 364.52 | 4.76 |
how to hunt sure within that yeah but I | 366.72 | 4.8 |
mean that is tough to do in a survival | 369.28 | 4.359 |
game or even something like I don't know | 371.52 | 5.0 |
like hell divers you could see kind of a | 373.639 | 4.56 |
first mission but yeah I mean yeah you | 376.52 | 3.0 |
do need some sort of tutorial of like | 378.199 | 3.961 |
here hey here's the easy you know here's | 379.52 | 5.2 |
the quick button commands yeah well I | 382.16 | 4.36 |
mean you would you would think since | 384.72 | 3.599 |
they're making the tutorial anyway why | 386.52 | 3.56 |
not just like you're saying incorporated | 388.319 | 3.361 |
into the game and just spread it out and | 390.08 | 2.839 |
you can it's tougher to do the | 391.68 | 2.799 |
multiplayer game cuz you know single | 392.919 | 3.521 |
player game yes I could I can understand | 394.479 | 3.641 |
yeah but the multiplayer now yeah | 396.44 | 3.56 |
multiplayer is like you don't you're not | 398.12 | 3.6 |
going to give everyone the tutorial | 400.0 | 3.12 |
Mission but then again like I think in | 401.72 | 3.84 |
shrouded and shrouded does it very well | 403.12 | 4.519 |
because when you first spawn in there's | 405.56 | 4.759 |
like certain things you see uh where | 407.639 | 5.96 |
like a little a box will pop up around | 410.319 | 5.641 |
like I don't know like a chest mhm | 413.599 | 3.681 |
you'll walk up to a chest and there'll | 415.96 | 2.959 |
be like one box just at the starting | 417.28 | 2.639 |
point that says | 418.919 | 3.361 |
these are chests hit EGS to open there's | 419.919 | 3.4 |
a thousand of them out there on the | 422.28 | 3.52 |
world go for it or like oh here's wood | 423.319 | 4.521 |
pick up wood to build campfires right | 425.8 | 3.679 |
just little things like that where it's | 427.84 | 3.6 |
not like overbearing you're not having | 429.479 | 3.881 |
to listen to all this character dialogue | 431.44 | 3.759 |
it's just there you read it quickly and | 433.36 | 3.92 |
you move on right I like that when you | 435.199 | 3.801 |
learn something when it's relevant to | 437.28 | 4.759 |
you yeah like I think a school should be | 439.0 | 5.479 |
that way I felt that way all through my | 442.039 | 4.521 |
school career it's like hey learn this | 444.479 | 3.481 |
thing I'm like I don't need to know that | 446.56 | 2.8 |
like yeah that's wait are you saying | 447.96 | 3.2 |
education's a scam I'm saying it could | 449.36 | 3.6 |
be done different back there and maybe | 451.16 | 3.879 |
it is different now are you College just | 452.96 | 3.919 |
charge me uh money to learn things that | 455.039 | 3.041 |
I'm not going to use you saying | 456.879 | 2.76 |
education's a scam needs when you're | 458.08 | 3.92 |
13year old and you and you go hey you | 459.639 | 4.0 |
got to learn how these these fish | 462.0 | 3.4 |
reproduce and I'm like this is not a | 463.639 | 3.441 |
part of my daily life right now don't | 465.4 | 2.919 |
you teach me about something that's in | 467.08 | 3.36 |
my life and then as I get older I'll | 468.319 | 4.041 |
gain more interest about how fish | 470.44 | 3.68 |
reproduce right right if you go into a | 472.36 | 3.92 |
field where that's necessary to learn | 474.12 | 4.28 |
right yeah the people who uh hate | 476.28 | 3.919 |
certain subjects when they're children | 478.4 | 3.479 |
and they're not necessary should never | 480.199 | 3.96 |
be forced to [ __ ] learn there you go | 481.879 | 4.121 |
it's waste of time and anyway back to | 484.159 | 4.121 |
Nightingale here um I was going to | 486.0 | 4.44 |
address this playing it a little bit | 488.28 | 7.16 |
longer um I'm not sure I like how you | 490.44 | 6.759 |
sort of | 495.44 | 3.68 |
Advance because it's not like you're | 497.199 | 5.761 |
going up levels based on like | 499.12 | 7.16 |
XP on uh it's based on the strength of | 502.96 | 6.48 |
your equipment and your tools and stuff | 506.28 | 4.52 |
I find it | 509.44 | 3.76 |
confusing just I don't because you have | 510.8 | 6.919 |
to have a certain level of stuff to go | 513.2 | 6.48 |
into these certain temples and basically | 517.719 | 3.601 |
like a gate like this electric gate | 519.68 | 2.839 |
thing that won't let you through it'll | 521.32 | 2.519 |
kill you I guess if you try to go | 522.519 | 2.481 |
through it doesn't kill you it just | 523.839 | 3.281 |
shocks you okay but once you're strong | 525.0 | 3.48 |
enough you can go through it yeah and | 527.12 | 2.52 |
there's going to be some sort of boss | 528.48 | 4.24 |
fight behind that you can not be wearing | 529.64 | 5.319 |
the stuff and it's on your in your | 532.72 | 4.239 |
inventory and it's still not good enough | 534.959 | 3.601 |
whatever your level is your overall | 536.959 | 2.921 |
level up top | 538.56 | 4.399 |
but don't you have to be holding the | 539.88 | 5.24 |
weapon said it had to be equipped well | 542.959 | 4.481 |
like the clothing okay clothing okay | 545.12 | 4.32 |
yeah so I don't know how I like that | 547.44 | 3.8 |
because like I still haven't been able | 549.44 | 4.28 |
to bring mine up from the 20 I was at | 551.24 | 4.24 |
and when I played a little on my own I | 553.72 | 5.96 |
uh opened up um I went to like a swamp | 555.48 | 7.68 |
realm and uh made a lovely house and | 559.68 | 4.8 |
walked around a little bit and I'm still | 563.16 | 3.16 |
building's pretty good isn't it it is I | 564.48 | 3.28 |
like it so now way I guess this is a | 566.32 | 3.88 |
question I have your goal from realm to | 567.76 | 4.639 |
realm and you're generating these Realms | 570.2 | 3.28 |
with | 572.399 | 3.801 |
cards when you go from one realm to | 573.48 | 4.24 |
another can you go back to that realm | 576.2 | 3.28 |
like where your house is yeah okay | 577.72 | 3.76 |
gotcha so yeah you can build a house in | 579.48 | 3.68 |
one realm and like okay that's my house | 581.48 | 3.4 |
and apparently you can like copy paste | 583.16 | 4.72 |
the build of your houses really like the | 584.88 | 4.36 |
whole build I haven't done that yet but | 587.88 | 3.0 |
I heard his Tech you talking about it oh | 589.24 | 4.159 |
[ __ ] which I think is dope yeah that's | 590.88 | 5.0 |
awesome yeah like that worked for me | 593.399 | 4.68 |
back there awesome I like this house I'm | 595.88 | 4.12 |
going to build it copy house yep paste | 598.079 | 3.88 |
house that was a nice new feature yeah | 600.0 | 3.8 |
all right if that is in fact true that | 601.959 | 4.681 |
that may or may not exist if it doesn't | 603.8 | 4.68 |
add it it does exist it's take you | 606.64 | 3.92 |
shaking your head it doesn't exist you | 608.48 | 3.28 |
didn't say that the first time she's | 610.56 | 6.2 |
hearing this you can cop like | 611.76 | 5.0 |
wall oh [ __ ] fake news making this up | 617.24 | 5.76 |
fake news that should be added if you're | 621.2 | 3.56 |
a Game Dev out | 623.0 | 3.76 |
there what happens if you get yeah I | 624.76 | 2.96 |
mean that's the thing it's like you | 626.76 | 2.68 |
start building in one realm and then you | 627.72 | 3.32 |
jump to another realm like man I really | 629.44 | 2.959 |
like this realm I wish I'd built my | 631.04 | 3.16 |
house here would be cool if you could | 632.399 | 4.0 |
just yeah copy paste I yeah I think | 634.2 | 3.52 |
that'd be great I me so that's what I | 636.399 | 3.961 |
meant to say is how great would that be | 637.72 | 3.919 |
they have that in games I mean they have | 640.36 | 3.88 |
that in scrap you know you go oh yeah | 641.639 | 5.161 |
scrap you it right you could save it you | 644.24 | 3.88 |
take it save it and then bring it to | 646.8 | 2.76 |
wherever you're at whenever you're at so | 648.12 | 3.92 |
it' be nice and just laying a blueprint | 649.56 | 3.959 |
you'd think it really wouldn't be that | 652.04 | 3.44 |
difficult but who knows yeah it'd be | 653.519 | 5.041 |
cool make this year kickass with a box | 655.48 | 5.919 |
of all awesome from bespoke post every | 658.56 | 5.2 |
month the box of awesome is filled with | 661.399 | 4.481 |
carefully chosen gear from the best | 663.76 | 4.28 |
small Brands around the world you want | 665.88 | 4.16 |
to see what I got this month it's a | 668.04 | 5.28 |
Damascus steel knife made by bucking | 670.04 | 6.56 |
bear knives and damasus Steel knives are | 673.32 | 5.8 |
known for their extraordinary hardness | 676.6 | 4.88 |
because it's made with a wavy surface | 679.12 | 4.719 |
pattern produced by Hammer welding | 681.48 | 5.039 |
strips of steel and iron filed by | 683.839 | 5.24 |
repeated Heating and forging and the | 686.519 | 5.401 |
more hardness implied requires less | 689.079 | 5.32 |
effort on the Blade's Edge making it | 691.92 | 5.28 |
last longer I mean it's beautiful it's a | 694.399 | 5.0 |
work of art I love it I'm going to use | 697.2 | 4.36 |
this puppy every time I go camping and | 699.399 | 4.721 |
whether you want to drink and eat more | 701.56 | 5.88 |
awesome dress and travel more awesome or | 704.12 | 6.12 |
Explore More awesome box of awesome has | 707.44 | 5.56 |
you covered to get started take the quiz | 710.24 | 5.399 |
at box ofawesome.com your answers will | 713.0 | 4.959 |
help them pick the right box of awesome | 715.639 | 4.2 |
for you it's free free to join and they | 717.959 | 4.68 |
release new items every month across a | 719.839 | 5.881 |
ton of different categories and 90% of | 722.639 | 4.561 |
everything that comes in your box of | 725.72 | 4.2 |
awesome is from a small and upand | 727.2 | 4.639 |
cominging brand and you'll get a free | 729.92 | 4.2 |
mystery gift with your first monthly | 731.839 | 4.641 |
shipment when you sign up at box | 734.12 | 5.44 |
ofawesome.com and enter code nebs a | 736.48 | 5.88 |
checkout that's box ofawesome.com and | 739.56 | 5.44 |
use code nebs for a free mystery gift | 742.36 | 5.599 |
with your first monthly shipment where's | 745.0 | 6.36 |
that at box awesome.com and use code | 747.959 | 7.041 |
neees but uh but we'll see what type of | 751.36 | 6.159 |
cuz the trailer saw kinds of crazy | 755.0 | 4.04 |
enemies you guys probably didn't see | 757.519 | 4.56 |
Giants yeah we were in the easy the very | 759.04 | 5.0 |
first basic realm they put you what was | 762.079 | 4.961 |
the combat like is it more for firsters | 764.04 | 6.44 |
shootery based you like rock sling kind | 767.04 | 5.2 |
of crossbow looking things sling | 770.48 | 3.719 |
slingbow it shoots marbles they do | 772.24 | 3.32 |
pretty good oh and there's different | 774.199 | 2.88 |
types of marbles you can have one that | 775.56 | 3.8 |
like set fire | 777.079 | 5.44 |
electric explosion mares mhm marbles all | 779.36 | 5.8 |
right and there melee crossbow slingshot | 782.519 | 4.721 |
type thing okay so early stuff is all | 785.16 | 4.2 |
you guys really saw yeah yeah like | 787.24 | 4.2 |
really it it was that was one thing that | 789.36 | 3.479 |
was kind of like oh it's too bad we | 791.44 | 2.959 |
didn't get to see anything really cool | 792.839 | 4.041 |
cuz one of the first things I saw that | 794.399 | 4.201 |
was cool was just very simple it was | 796.88 | 3.48 |
like a tree yeah that tree walking | 798.6 | 4.72 |
arounde animal in the desert yeah did | 800.36 | 4.8 |
you see those flying like golden they | 803.32 | 4.8 |
look like chest pieces on the desert at | 805.16 | 4.76 |
all oh yeah they looked I didn't get | 808.12 | 3.159 |
close to them they looked like they're | 809.92 | 2.56 |
going to mess my world up I wonder how | 811.279 | 3.56 |
many creatures the game has around yeah | 812.48 | 3.719 |
but yeah early game haven't seen many | 814.839 | 5.44 |
saw that big like Celestial looking um I | 816.199 | 5.801 |
think it showed you like a giant deer | 820.279 | 3.12 |
kind of thing walking around I remember | 822.0 | 2.839 |
that from the trailer can't do anything | 823.399 | 4.401 |
to that but uh you know it's going to | 824.839 | 5.36 |
open up I'm curious to see oh and back | 827.8 | 5.36 |
to the like workbenches and stuff like | 830.199 | 6.521 |
that it was getting a little Conan uhoh | 833.16 | 5.76 |
uhoh not to the degree of Conan but | 836.72 | 4.239 |
think so well you didn't get oh I didn't | 838.92 | 5.64 |
get you yeah I probably in My Places | 840.959 | 7.761 |
got nine or things uh cuz there's a I | 844.56 | 5.44 |
know there's a sewing bench there's a | 848.72 | 2.679 |
workbench and there's a bench that you | 850.0 | 3.88 |
make the portal cards in yeah so how | 851.399 | 4.56 |
many workbench smelter I don't know how | 853.88 | 3.959 |
many there are total but I've got like | 855.959 | 4.161 |
eight or nine yeah eight or nine work oh | 857.839 | 5.281 |
but they do work like you're you benefit | 860.12 | 5.959 |
by the proximity of them like um if it's | 863.12 | 5.8 |
near a light source it works faster | 866.079 | 6.2 |
faster if your fire is by your bed it's | 868.92 | 4.76 |
going to give you better sleep cuz | 872.279 | 3.961 |
you're warmer better lighting so you can | 873.68 | 5.04 |
see like lines coming off of some stuff | 876.24 | 3.92 |
that you place if it's actually | 878.72 | 3.64 |
beneficial is okay and eating is kind of | 880.16 | 4.479 |
like valheim like if you have like a | 882.36 | 4.68 |
cook piece of meat and some mushrooms | 884.639 | 4.521 |
and some cook berries they give you like | 887.04 | 3.599 |
three types of Buffs higher Health | 889.16 | 3.4 |
higher stamina that's right the Buffs I | 890.639 | 4.56 |
like the essence system you buy a lot of | 892.56 | 4.639 |
things with Essence all right is that | 895.199 | 4.241 |
like magic or | 897.199 | 4.481 |
Curren yeah it's your currency but we | 899.44 | 5.639 |
didn't even go what we in the video we | 901.68 | 5.8 |
we did [ __ ] we had to we had to go | 905.079 | 4.241 |
into the P I didn't remember spending | 907.48 | 3.76 |
any of well you didn't have to only one | 909.32 | 3.319 |
of us did okay that's what they were | 911.24 | 4.36 |
doing but um if you're walking around | 912.639 | 4.961 |
with a [ __ ] ton of uh if you're if | 915.6 | 4.44 |
you're encumbered you could like take | 917.6 | 4.799 |
your rocks cut them in half and make | 920.04 | 4.2 |
half of them into essence you just | 922.399 | 4.201 |
basically scrap them for Essence yeah oh | 924.24 | 4.079 |
okay and that's worth money you can | 926.6 | 2.56 |
scrap | 928.319 | 3.041 |
for Ence okay well what do you spend | 929.16 | 4.599 |
Essence on uh could be a blueprint for a | 931.36 | 4.719 |
new work table so is there a | 933.759 | 5.0 |
store Essence Trader yeah okay you go | 936.079 | 4.76 |
see the essence there's a Trader system | 938.759 | 3.801 |
all right Trader system that's cool oh | 940.839 | 4.201 |
and you can recruit helpers and in our | 942.56 | 5.079 |
video which I think is out already uh | 945.04 | 3.84 |
there just happened to be a character | 947.639 | 3.12 |
named Simon which was confusing yeah | 948.88 | 5.48 |
that Simon recruited he was great really | 950.759 | 5.08 |
really tough guy too yeah you put oh | 954.36 | 3.959 |
they follow you around yeah put an oh | 955.839 | 4.881 |
[ __ ] okay help you build stuff if you | 958.319 | 3.64 |
put an axe in their inventory they're | 960.72 | 2.96 |
going to be how many of these uh | 961.959 | 3.44 |
recruits can you have probably one a | 963.68 | 3.959 |
person one per person so and you can | 965.399 | 3.92 |
tell them to stop go away y I'm done | 967.639 | 4.161 |
with you nice dress like a Kelvin in a | 969.319 | 4.52 |
sons of the forest little bit okay and | 971.8 | 3.68 |
you got to do something to get them like | 973.839 | 2.641 |
you got to help them do something | 975.48 | 2.12 |
they're trying to build something you | 976.48 | 3.599 |
help them out and then yeah did you have | 977.6 | 4.2 |
to do anything to get Simon though yeah | 980.079 | 3.2 |
we had to build those beds in that fire | 981.8 | 2.8 |
remember oh that was where where we | 983.279 | 2.841 |
found Simon that's right yeah don't | 984.6 | 3.599 |
worry that's all right yeah you I wasn't | 986.12 | 3.32 |
here when you recorded I'm excited to | 988.199 | 2.76 |
see the video NE you're cutting it right | 989.44 | 4.6 |
now yeah yeah we got an early look and | 990.959 | 5.201 |
it's quick turnar around but uh yeah we | 994.04 | 5.2 |
had fun yeah it's a good you can tell | 996.16 | 5.88 |
it's um it's got the long game in mind | 999.24 | 5.12 |
you know yeah so I'm excited to go to | 1002.04 | 4.52 |
those more dangerous places and and | 1004.36 | 4.039 |
start seeing some of the real cool [ __ ] | 1006.56 | 4.04 |
I I love the idea of the card system | 1008.399 | 3.281 |
because yeah it's like okay we're about | 1010.6 | 2.919 |
to generate a new world what do you want | 1011.68 | 3.68 |
to put down how are we going to alter it | 1013.519 | 4.201 |
like that's that's unique yeah agreed I | 1015.36 | 3.88 |
like it I'm going to I'm going to stay | 1017.72 | 4.039 |
on it I want to play like when we don't | 1019.24 | 4.64 |
know when it comes out do we I look it | 1021.759 | 5.8 |
up 20th the 20th and we're streaming it | 1023.88 | 5.919 |
tonight like on the release of this | 1027.559 | 4.601 |
podcast that's right okay yeah February | 1029.799 | 5.04 |
20th so yeah so we should probably jump | 1032.16 | 5.919 |
into whose account is the furthest | 1034.839 | 5.441 |
shouldn't we probably you might be but I | 1038.079 | 4.041 |
don't know I want to see more stuff I'm | 1040.28 | 5.12 |
curious I that's exciting yeah I know | 1042.12 | 5.16 |
you mentioned workbenches playing more | 1045.4 | 3.72 |
and shrouded yeah | 1047.28 | 3.84 |
started to kind of feel that way too | 1049.12 | 3.679 |
like oh wow you go to make but what I do | 1051.12 | 3.72 |
like about uh in shrouded is their | 1052.799 | 4.601 |
workbenches aren't benches they're | 1054.84 | 5.199 |
people as you play a game as you play | 1057.4 | 4.6 |
the game uh you go out and it's like | 1060.039 | 3.681 |
okay we got to go rescue a blacksmith | 1062.0 | 3.08 |
and like now you got a blacksmith and | 1063.72 | 3.48 |
you put him in your um compound or | 1065.08 | 4.839 |
whatever all right so to craft you know | 1067.2 | 4.12 |
armor and stuff you go see the | 1069.919 | 3.88 |
blacksmith uh bows and certain things | 1071.32 | 6.32 |
you go see the hunter um construction | 1073.799 | 6.521 |
stuff you go see see the carpenter so | 1077.64 | 4.279 |
you don't have to build where they're | 1080.32 | 4.04 |
work where they're working on they they | 1081.919 | 4.521 |
kind of like come with all their tools | 1084.36 | 3.84 |
and whatever they need yeah and you | 1086.44 | 3.84 |
expand them by you know yeah you can put | 1088.2 | 5.08 |
benches down around them to basically uh | 1090.28 | 5.279 |
increase the stuff they can craft but | 1093.28 | 4.399 |
they they are basically crafting benches | 1095.559 | 4.881 |
I don't mind a lot of crafting stations | 1097.679 | 5.48 |
but I want to visibly look at it and go | 1100.44 | 5.719 |
yep that's for weapons like if | 1103.159 | 5.241 |
everything just look like a table I | 1106.159 | 3.241 |
don't want to be looking around guys | 1108.4 | 2.399 |
right well I think what does that do | 1109.4 | 2.8 |
then in Shroud is good because yeah then | 1110.799 | 3.481 |
you can like take the the blacksmith and | 1112.2 | 3.68 |
say okay we're going to build a house | 1114.28 | 3.32 |
for the blacksmith and all the chest and | 1115.88 | 3.64 |
everything in here is metal it's | 1117.6 | 3.72 |
blacksmith related stuff just put all | 1119.52 | 3.8 |
that in there and thank God it does uh | 1121.32 | 4.56 |
in shrouded does have a chest that's a | 1123.32 | 5.28 |
magic chest that all the um all the | 1125.88 | 4.72 |
workbenches talk to I really think | 1128.6 | 3.52 |
that's what's what Conan's missing more | 1130.6 | 3.84 |
than anything that that's the fact that | 1132.12 | 3.919 |
you got to pull [ __ ] out or put [ __ ] | 1134.44 | 3.44 |
into the workbench it's like no let me | 1136.039 | 4.12 |
have a of chest laying around that just | 1137.88 | 5.08 |
the work B suck from that's so much it's | 1140.159 | 5.161 |
so much of a nicer system grounded has | 1142.96 | 4.599 |
that yeah grounded really they really | 1145.32 | 4.52 |
spoiled us with that yeah that and then | 1147.559 | 4.6 |
in the hot deposit yes just hit one key | 1149.84 | 4.04 |
and all your stuff goes into the chest | 1152.159 | 3.601 |
yeah program the chest like okay yeah | 1153.88 | 4.0 |
agree you hope in the next five years | 1155.76 | 3.72 |
all the every game would be like that | 1157.88 | 3.039 |
it's going to be like they've got to | 1159.48 | 3.4 |
evolve at some point realize nobody | 1160.919 | 4.24 |
finds a benefit in trying to do the | 1162.88 | 4.12 |
tedious task of going into each | 1165.159 | 4.281 |
individual thing and breaking it down | 1167.0 | 3.84 |
they all kind of like start mimicking | 1169.44 | 3.64 |
each other in certain ways the good ones | 1170.84 | 3.959 |
do yeah well you hope anyone making a | 1173.08 | 4.079 |
survival game plays Survival Games you | 1174.799 | 4.161 |
know it's like okay I like that genre | 1177.159 | 3.241 |
yeah so when you see someone in that | 1178.96 | 4.16 |
genre do something unique or something | 1180.4 | 4.759 |
that's intriguing you go oh yeah I got | 1183.12 | 3.4 |
to put that in my game that's just going | 1185.159 | 2.721 |
to make my game better you got me | 1186.52 | 3.519 |
thinking of uh I'm sure it exists to a | 1187.88 | 4.08 |
certain degree in hell even South Park | 1190.039 | 3.921 |
kind of works this way but a a good role | 1191.96 | 6.68 |
playing game that's modern day and like | 1193.96 | 7.839 |
you know you find you've got a carpenter | 1198.64 | 5.64 |
you know like but everything's like | 1201.799 | 5.321 |
represented in just mhm real life well | 1204.28 | 5.04 |
bum simulator was kind of like like I | 1207.12 | 5.48 |
guess you're right if that game was done | 1209.32 | 6.04 |
at the next level yeah yeah you're right | 1212.6 | 4.24 |
those kind of things it's cool it's I | 1215.36 | 4.84 |
like that kind of get clever on how uh | 1216.84 | 5.56 |
you interact like your work benches and | 1220.2 | 4.719 |
stuff like obviously you're I mean I | 1222.4 | 6.48 |
guess seven days is modern day know | 1224.919 | 6.76 |
think about it a lot of them I guess are | 1228.88 | 5.84 |
but but in just a normal neighborhood | 1231.679 | 4.88 |
yeah would be interesting we got cars | 1234.72 | 4.6 |
and everything else yeah want to talk | 1236.559 | 3.921 |
about hell divers a little bit more | 1239.32 | 2.839 |
since that's the hotness at the moment | 1240.48 | 3.88 |
yeah yeah we play we played it a little | 1242.159 | 3.88 |
bit today uh or I played some last night | 1244.36 | 2.72 |
and then we played a little bit today at | 1246.039 | 3.12 |
the office it yeah it's solid it is | 1247.08 | 4.719 |
solid a good four player romp I tell you | 1249.159 | 4.241 |
what my uh one of my favorite things | 1251.799 | 4.041 |
about the game is its use of Music it | 1253.4 | 6.04 |
has a really intive theme | 1255.84 | 5.959 |
that it knows when to kick it in it's | 1259.44 | 4.479 |
like when you're joining a multiplayer | 1261.799 | 3.961 |
thing and you see your ship you know | 1263.919 | 3.321 |
come under your buddy you know it kicks | 1265.76 | 2.76 |
in the music there and then like you | 1267.24 | 3.0 |
know when you decide we're going to go | 1268.52 | 3.08 |
down to this planet and you all get in | 1270.24 | 3.2 |
the pods kicks in the music again while | 1271.6 | 4.199 |
you're going down there it just it's | 1273.44 | 4.92 |
it's so good with its musical cues that | 1275.799 | 4.921 |
I'm like every game needs to do that and | 1278.36 | 4.319 |
the overall tone of the game's on point | 1280.72 | 4.88 |
too like Starship Troopers the it is the | 1282.679 | 5.961 |
comedy the um the kind of dryness of it | 1285.6 | 5.24 |
yeah is uh is great it's like this crazy | 1288.64 | 4.519 |
voice good fascist Society that's just | 1290.84 | 4.24 |
like yeah we're killing bugs for freedom | 1293.159 | 3.721 |
and they're so yeah yeah they're just | 1295.08 | 4.12 |
into it it's got a good yeah just it | 1296.88 | 4.52 |
knows what it is it's Unapologetic about | 1299.2 | 4.0 |
it I'm excited to play that more I'm I'm | 1301.4 | 3.84 |
curious because it's like off the bat | 1303.2 | 4.4 |
when you get those um like what were the | 1305.24 | 5.08 |
attack like that orbital strike you're | 1307.6 | 5.16 |
getting that | 1310.32 | 4.56 |
early yeah they teach you that in the | 1312.76 | 3.68 |
freaking tutorial you're getting | 1314.88 | 3.32 |
something big like that early I'm really | 1316.44 | 4.239 |
curious to see what all those open up | 1318.2 | 5.0 |
into yeah so far we've unlocked or | 1320.679 | 4.841 |
abster has unlocked really cool stuff | 1323.2 | 4.16 |
really cool strikes yeah yeah yeah the | 1325.52 | 4.6 |
mines are are are love the mines awesome | 1327.36 | 4.88 |
cluster mines that thing just pops out | 1330.12 | 3.919 |
and Spins and they go everywhere have | 1332.24 | 5.16 |
you seen where some of those go beyond I | 1334.039 | 4.801 |
mean you can you can I guess you can | 1337.4 | 3.04 |
peek ahead when you play the game it'll | 1338.84 | 3.319 |
show you like you know what the strike | 1340.44 | 3.64 |
does yeah but as you play more and more | 1342.159 | 3.441 |
you just unlock more and more powerful | 1344.08 | 4.56 |
[ __ ] yeah I think I saw um two anger | 1345.6 | 5.16 |
Gamers they had like some type of a | 1348.64 | 5.24 |
shield up around them oh really yeah | 1350.76 | 4.88 |
okay you know one of those kind of like | 1353.88 | 2.84 |
Hollow | 1355.64 | 3.48 |
Shields yeah that makes sense like they | 1356.72 | 4.6 |
used to have like in Battlefront 2 yeah | 1359.12 | 3.76 |
Shield of | 1361.32 | 4.56 |
protection yeah like uh like we all need | 1362.88 | 4.32 |
protection that's my favorite kind of | 1365.88 | 4.36 |
Shield yes like uh sometimes you're on | 1367.2 | 4.56 |
the web you need to be protected I was | 1370.24 | 2.84 |
about to say are you about to segue into | 1371.76 | 4.039 |
a VPN why wouldn't I N | 1373.08 | 6.92 |
VPN you [ __ ] wow masterful and nordvpn | 1375.799 | 6.801 |
boost your online privacy and security | 1380.0 | 4.799 |
so you can browse the internet with no | 1382.6 | 4.4 |
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with nordvpn your online traffic is | 1393.559 | 5.36 |
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nordvpn's file scanning feature works on | 1417.96 | 5.44 |
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plus four extra months that's a good | 1446.96 | 4.76 |
deal thank you | 1449.559 | 4.6 |
nordvpn I know nebes you started playing | 1451.72 | 3.72 |
hell divers and you're like I wish I | 1454.159 | 3.0 |
could take off this cape yeah I don't | 1455.44 | 3.76 |
want the cape but I don't blame it I | 1457.159 | 3.561 |
well you know that's another thing they | 1459.2 | 3.88 |
can sell you that's true that's why it's | 1460.72 | 3.92 |
there I want a green cape I tell you | 1463.08 | 3.28 |
what what what kind of upset me when I | 1464.64 | 4.68 |
started playing the game is uh you earn | 1466.36 | 5.559 |
medals and then those medals you can | 1469.32 | 7.0 |
spend um as you rank up um but as I | 1471.919 | 5.921 |
started ranking up I was like man I'm | 1476.32 | 4.64 |
saving up for this uh this rifle on on | 1477.84 | 5.199 |
Layer Two or whatever it is I got to buy | 1480.96 | 5.28 |
the rifle it's like oh nope this is on | 1483.039 | 5.201 |
you got enough Metals but it's on level | 1486.24 | 3.799 |
two you have to spend a certain amount | 1488.24 | 5.08 |
of levels uh metals on level one shut up | 1490.039 | 5.601 |
before you can it's like I don't want to | 1493.32 | 4.68 |
buy a cape I don't want to buy an emote | 1495.64 | 4.519 |
give a [ __ ] I want the rifle it's like | 1498.0 | 4.799 |
don't don't lock me don't gate me from | 1500.159 | 4.681 |
what I can spend my medals on no [ __ ] | 1502.799 | 4.36 |
especially if it's further down it's | 1504.84 | 4.24 |
down there just who cares it's down | 1507.159 | 3.601 |
there just let me have it let me get it | 1509.08 | 2.88 |
it's it's my medals let me do what I | 1510.76 | 3.039 |
want I want to I'm a saver I want to | 1511.96 | 3.48 |
save my medals for the good stuff The | 1513.799 | 3.681 |
Incredibles got me to permanently look | 1515.44 | 5.119 |
at capes differently yeah they're not no | 1517.48 | 5.04 |
capes they're not safe no man I love | 1520.559 | 3.401 |
that movie it's such a good that movie | 1522.52 | 3.12 |
great movie now hell divers I don't know | 1523.96 | 4.839 |
if it's always this way but um very big | 1525.64 | 6.159 |
part of the early game anyway is | 1528.799 | 5.521 |
watching your ammo cuz you will run an | 1531.799 | 4.6 |
ammo in the blink of an eye yeah it's | 1534.32 | 4.28 |
pretty pretty annoying and then you so | 1536.399 | 3.961 |
you got to conserve it and then you got | 1538.6 | 4.36 |
to so you can call in more ammo yeah but | 1540.36 | 3.799 |
then there's a cool down on calling in | 1542.96 | 3.64 |
more ammo so yeah you guys were I didn't | 1544.159 | 4.081 |
really have a run out of ammo problem | 1546.6 | 2.88 |
because I was being real smart about it | 1548.24 | 2.799 |
see that's the thing yeah you you you | 1549.48 | 3.48 |
have to be strategic with you only | 1551.039 | 3.281 |
because I heard you guys talk about it I | 1552.96 | 3.24 |
was only I was tap shooting everybody I | 1554.32 | 3.56 |
was like okay I don't want to shoot | 1556.2 | 3.479 |
anything more bullets and have to take | 1557.88 | 3.76 |
to kill it I wasn't running out I was | 1559.679 | 5.081 |
annoyed about how much I couldn't blow | 1561.64 | 5.759 |
the ammo so like I really didn't hardly | 1564.76 | 4.88 |
run out but I was like I had to be very | 1567.399 | 4.361 |
conservative yeah and that I found | 1569.64 | 3.88 |
annoying I wonder if you'll get long | 1571.76 | 4.24 |
larger Clips at any point yeah May yeah | 1573.52 | 5.92 |
maybe that's the thing is um it's one of | 1576.0 | 6.679 |
those games where if you hit reload you | 1579.44 | 6.2 |
don't keep the clips that are that sucks | 1582.679 | 5.48 |
in the magazine it just tosses it all a | 1585.64 | 4.56 |
lot of us have that bad habit I'm | 1588.159 | 3.601 |
horrible about it yeah if you played | 1590.2 | 4.44 |
first person shooters you're just like r | 1591.76 | 4.919 |
r and this game you don't want to do | 1594.64 | 3.519 |
that no you want to look at your ammo | 1596.679 | 3.401 |
and go okay I've only got I got half a | 1598.159 | 4.041 |
clip left I just reload when I when I | 1600.08 | 3.64 |
click and nothing shoots I'm like all | 1602.2 | 3.359 |
right yeah now it's time to reload I'll | 1603.72 | 5.64 |
give them one thumbs up on them verbally | 1605.559 | 6.6 |
reminding you you need to reload mhm so | 1609.36 | 5.199 |
that's a good thing just it's a click | 1612.159 | 4.601 |
and your character goes Magazine's empty | 1614.559 | 4.161 |
y oh my God and that's enough of a | 1616.76 | 5.0 |
verbal warning yeah and the dive I love | 1618.72 | 4.6 |
the dive the dive is great actually like | 1621.76 | 3.799 |
the belly flop yeah I guess that was in | 1623.32 | 4.44 |
one twoo maybe okay I don't know I | 1625.559 | 3.72 |
didn't even know anything about one or | 1627.76 | 3.68 |
if I heard of it about it I'd forgotten | 1629.279 | 4.041 |
completely yeah but it it's fun to see | 1631.44 | 5.64 |
every time just dive and belly dive yeah | 1633.32 | 5.959 |
and also it's a cool setup just the | 1637.08 | 5.319 |
Galaxy map yeah of how Okay this enemy | 1639.279 | 7.28 |
faction is heading towards Earth and you | 1642.399 | 6.201 |
can see the amount of players working on | 1646.559 | 3.84 |
different planets to secure the planets | 1648.6 | 3.679 |
from the bugs it's like that's kind of | 1650.399 | 3.681 |
it brings the community together let you | 1652.279 | 3.601 |
see what the community is doing it's | 1654.08 | 3.599 |
like that's kind of neat are there | 1655.88 | 4.799 |
bosses I don't know I hope so I'm sure | 1657.679 | 4.48 |
some of those missions are yeah you | 1660.679 | 2.88 |
would hope it'd be great yeah they' | 1662.159 | 4.081 |
always adds another layer yeah something | 1663.559 | 4.801 |
anytime you see any of those you know | 1666.24 | 3.96 |
whatever we were fighting today you know | 1668.36 | 5.0 |
even boss versions of them really really | 1670.2 | 5.92 |
big one shows up sure the things we saw | 1673.36 | 5.08 |
today looked like a big scale like some | 1676.12 | 5.64 |
of the bugs end we saw bigger than we | 1678.44 | 5.839 |
did the other times but even that nuke | 1681.76 | 4.68 |
like that nuke was cool we launched a | 1684.279 | 4.12 |
nuke and blew up in the distance love it | 1686.44 | 4.76 |
like that's a mission launch a nuke yeah | 1688.399 | 5.201 |
and then we felt the the um shock wave | 1691.2 | 5.24 |
yeah yeah n it's got It's got a lot of | 1693.6 | 5.04 |
good stuff in there hell D yeah you know | 1696.44 | 3.4 |
yeah we play a lot of games here but | 1698.64 | 2.759 |
that's one like after playing it I was | 1699.84 | 2.839 |
like yeah I would play more of that I'm | 1701.399 | 3.481 |
ready for some more yeah in a heartbeat | 1702.679 | 6.441 |
definitely yeah yeah challenging me oh | 1704.88 | 5.919 |
man look at us talking about games for a | 1709.12 | 3.799 |
good while there's a lot of games man | 1710.799 | 6.041 |
hey I uh I bought a game today what what | 1712.919 | 7.401 |
um just the poppy the third one Poppy's | 1716.84 | 6.52 |
playtime yeah they did it right they | 1720.32 | 5.12 |
popular the first one was free second | 1723.36 | 5.12 |
one $9.99 third one's 20 bucks oh my God | 1725.44 | 4.88 |
$20 but they get better and better don't | 1728.48 | 4.039 |
they I think yeah there's a lot more of | 1730.32 | 5.479 |
it like I was going to myself yeah I'll | 1732.519 | 5.52 |
play this and I'll do it on the dumpster | 1735.799 | 4.6 |
and then I was like after I bought it I | 1738.039 | 5.561 |
was like how long is this it's a [ __ ] | 1740.399 | 5.0 |
5 Hour | 1743.6 | 5.48 |
game that's a long game that to me | 1745.399 | 5.041 |
that's long for you yeah and you'd have | 1749.08 | 3.56 |
to play it like I want to say the second | 1750.44 | 4.4 |
one was maybe I don't know two or maybe | 1752.64 | 4.279 |
three it's funny Simon's upset that | 1754.84 | 3.6 |
there's so much game in there for that | 1756.919 | 4.321 |
20 this game's too long yeah I mean you | 1758.44 | 4.4 |
know you're the only gamer that's ever | 1761.24 | 5.08 |
said that can't you make this game | 1762.84 | 6.24 |
shorter it's too long for a game right I | 1766.32 | 4.239 |
mean like you know I'm I going to play | 1769.08 | 3.24 |
this thing for 5 hours I got to make it | 1770.559 | 3.48 |
like you know I'm not going to make that | 1772.32 | 4.44 |
one video no no yeah that's a couple | 1774.039 | 6.561 |
videos it's a few so anyway that is | 1776.76 | 5.759 |
world and it has gotten that's not a bad | 1780.6 | 3.0 |
I didn't realize like that was their | 1782.519 | 2.681 |
business model that's not a bad idea so | 1783.6 | 3.319 |
the first one's free gives you a little | 1785.2 | 3.92 |
taste Okay and like okay here's number | 1786.919 | 4.081 |
two little bit longer here's number | 1789.12 | 4.72 |
three it's the longest yeah and they're | 1791.0 | 5.6 |
they're quality made oh yeah gamepl is | 1793.84 | 4.719 |
pretty good yeah it is it's uh no I | 1796.6 | 3.199 |
really enjoyed watching you play the | 1798.559 | 7.081 |
first one it's good [ __ ] oh uhoh NE is | 1799.799 | 7.801 |
taking a picture of poppy speaking of | 1805.64 | 4.2 |
poppy Simon's poppy looks super | 1807.6 | 4.079 |
comfortable right now she's just | 1809.84 | 3.76 |
lounging | 1811.679 | 4.48 |
back got a what is that a bed or a bean | 1813.6 | 6.04 |
bag no it's Simon's vanity dog | 1816.159 | 7.441 |
bag he got a he's got a purse for his | 1819.64 | 7.24 |
dog it's uh it's my dog's bed my | 1823.6 | 6.36 |
daughter got it for my dog for for | 1826.88 | 5.48 |
Christmas that last week when poppy fell | 1829.96 | 3.4 |
out of the | 1832.36 | 4.919 |
bag oh poppy he's fine though everyone | 1833.36 | 5.96 |
she's fine she's fine she's fine yeah | 1837.279 | 4.841 |
yeah she I get [ __ ] no man I get | 1839.32 | 5.56 |
yelled at all the time for calling he or | 1842.12 | 5.88 |
she back and forth I got one of each | 1844.88 | 5.0 |
yeah who yell wrong all the time your | 1848.0 | 3.96 |
children yell at you for I see the wrong | 1849.88 | 4.159 |
names for the kids I see the wrong sex | 1851.96 | 3.52 |
for the | 1854.039 | 4.081 |
dogs all the time when I was playing | 1855.48 | 5.079 |
frisbee the other day with Emily um two | 1858.12 | 5.32 |
kids probably I don't | 1860.559 | 6.401 |
know eight and 12 something came up and | 1863.44 | 6.719 |
the little girl was like oh he's so fast | 1866.96 | 6.079 |
I'm like she is really fast look at how | 1870.159 | 6.64 |
fast she is I mean he is she kept saying | 1873.039 | 5.921 |
he and I kept trying to [ __ ] Pi up | 1876.799 | 5.281 |
the CL she she is pretty fast she really | 1878.96 | 7.559 |
is oh he sure is I want to kick her she | 1882.08 | 6.52 |
knew oh she's [ __ ] she was [ __ ] | 1886.519 | 3.681 |
with you I bet she's telling the story | 1888.6 | 3.199 |
now about how this older dude was | 1890.2 | 3.76 |
getting so upset how funny it was I was | 1891.799 | 5.281 |
[ __ ] with Grandpa call dog a he I had | 1893.96 | 5.88 |
just gotten there man and and like her | 1897.08 | 4.839 |
parent their parents were like right up | 1899.84 | 4.199 |
on this hill like enjoying their little | 1901.919 | 4.281 |
picnic time and their kids were supposed | 1904.039 | 4.561 |
to be riding their bikes but they came | 1906.2 | 3.8 |
straight to me like I didn't get any | 1908.6 | 3.079 |
throws in before they were asking if | 1910.0 | 3.12 |
they could throw the frisbee I'm like | 1911.679 | 2.761 |
yeah you get a couple in and they | 1913.12 | 2.96 |
wouldn't [ __ ] leave you know the | 1914.44 | 2.92 |
parents didn't think twice about about | 1916.08 | 2.959 |
this I'm like maybe he wants to play | 1917.36 | 4.0 |
Frisbee with his dog he just got here | 1919.039 | 3.961 |
I've seen this happen to nees before I | 1921.36 | 4.039 |
was going to say you remember I was | 1923.0 | 4.24 |
thinking about that same thing I did | 1925.399 | 3.4 |
that was | 1927.24 | 3.88 |
uh that wait that was near Raleigh | 1928.799 | 4.88 |
wasn't it yeah that was near um what | 1931.12 | 5.399 |
lake lake something Lake something the | 1933.679 | 6.281 |
parents didn't want a parent no this kid | 1936.519 | 5.04 |
I don't know felt really comfortable | 1939.96 | 3.079 |
around me yeah and didn't want to leave | 1941.559 | 3.281 |
my side I remember hearing about that | 1943.039 | 3.76 |
yeah yeah and didn't leave your side | 1944.84 | 3.199 |
remember | 1946.799 | 3.961 |
yeah everywhere I went there he went Ian | 1948.039 | 5.24 |
all right I'm coming too yeah up in durm | 1950.76 | 4.279 |
up in a god what is that damn Lake | 1953.279 | 3.24 |
camping trip we went on yeah we went | 1955.039 | 2.88 |
camping up there and then one day we | 1956.519 | 3.481 |
went swimming and it was one you know a | 1957.919 | 3.401 |
little swimming area where a bunch of | 1960.0 | 3.32 |
people were hanging out when you know | 1961.32 | 3.079 |
got a | 1963.32 | 5.199 |
bench bathrooms and a Sandy what do what | 1964.399 | 5.4 |
do you think the parents are thinking | 1968.519 | 3.201 |
like in this they're like uh we don't | 1969.799 | 3.36 |
have to deal with the kid I could have | 1971.72 | 3.64 |
been crazy yeah you could been a crazy | 1973.159 | 4.041 |
person yeah yeah these little kids kids | 1975.36 | 3.24 |
come up and start talking to us and this | 1977.2 | 3.16 |
one little kid just Globs on the knees | 1978.6 | 4.4 |
and doesn't let go mhm he's like this | 1980.36 | 5.039 |
this guy's my hero yeah he's tall and | 1983.0 | 3.6 |
strong and I'm gonna follow him around | 1985.399 | 4.361 |
all day yeah God bless him what's that | 1986.6 | 4.319 |
anyway he gave me a quarter at the end | 1989.76 | 2.399 |
of the day I'm like this feel was like a | 1990.919 | 4.081 |
trap I'm not keeping this quarter no wow | 1992.159 | 4.88 |
no take your quarterback yeah after | 1995.0 | 4.0 |
about I don't know 10 minutes which felt | 1997.039 | 5.081 |
like an hour um the parents are like hey | 1999.0 | 5.799 |
you guys go ride your bikes okay and | 2002.12 | 5.439 |
they were like no we want to play quit | 2004.799 | 5.641 |
Ling that metrosexual yeah exactly and I | 2007.559 | 6.6 |
said him and his boy dog want to | 2010.44 | 3.719 |
play and then I had to be the one to | 2014.88 | 3.96 |
convince them to ride their [ __ ] | 2017.519 | 3.64 |
bikes yeah I was like you know what no | 2018.84 | 4.24 |
I'm going to be here for a while you | 2021.159 | 3.681 |
guys go ride the bikes a little bit | 2023.08 | 3.559 |
still nice out we got rain coming so you | 2024.84 | 3.52 |
want to get that in first I had to want | 2026.639 | 3.601 |
I had to convince him and then you left | 2028.36 | 5.12 |
I parented better you know yeah it would | 2030.24 | 6.0 |
see that's fun too to have me like no | 2033.48 | 4.319 |
until you finally get to the point where | 2036.24 | 4.399 |
it's like you leave get away from me get | 2037.799 | 4.24 |
away from me cuz we don't like I was | 2040.639 | 3.201 |
trying to be polite get away from me you | 2042.039 | 4.321 |
can't throw for | 2043.84 | 4.319 |
[ __ ] | 2046.36 | 4.999 |
yeah uh so what else is new what else is | 2048.159 | 4.68 |
new let's see what | 2051.359 | 5.24 |
happened I just heard about how you | 2052.839 | 5.0 |
before like I was listening to the | 2056.599 | 3.361 |
podcast that I always listen to um the | 2057.839 | 4.961 |
one today was about kind of before Foods | 2059.96 | 5.639 |
were regulated in the states mhm like | 2062.8 | 4.92 |
what some of these bigger we're getting | 2065.599 | 6.56 |
away with yeah oh my God like what yeah | 2067.72 | 10.159 |
in milk was really bad like before the | 2072.159 | 8.641 |
1900s um there were | 2077.879 | 7.48 |
400,000 babies dying a year from Bad | 2080.8 | 8.52 |
milk just spoiled or not even real milk | 2085.359 | 6.841 |
it would well that's just it like it was | 2089.32 | 5.599 |
like uh they would mix it with like | 2092.2 | 5.08 |
stagnant pond water they water down the | 2094.919 | 6.401 |
milk oh God the things they add um you | 2097.28 | 6.04 |
know how like the like the fro milk | 2101.32 | 4.2 |
froth on the top they'd sometimes add | 2103.32 | 6.08 |
like um what's the word like soap no | 2105.52 | 5.68 |
like if you're to blend it when you | 2109.4 | 4.76 |
blend stuff like cream something like | 2111.2 | 4.96 |
you blend really really hardcore | 2114.16 | 3.439 |
blending there's a word that I'm not | 2116.16 | 3.56 |
thinking of whip yeah kind of but like | 2117.599 | 5.801 |
calf brains CF brains would reproduce | 2119.72 | 7.56 |
like that frothy H stuff like that just | 2123.4 | 7.64 |
man at least food like brain brain is | 2127.28 | 6.48 |
food man and potted meat and stuff like | 2131.04 | 5.4 |
that what they were doing oh my God I | 2133.76 | 5.28 |
don't know I just we need no regulations | 2136.44 | 5.159 |
oh so bad there's fahid and [ __ ] | 2139.04 | 4.64 |
government and it was not perf but I'm | 2141.599 | 5.401 |
glad food's regulated yeah y yeah oh it | 2143.68 | 5.72 |
needed it needed a little help that's | 2147.0 | 4.88 |
very clear it was getting out of control | 2149.4 | 3.959 |
we'll just we got to pass the test to | 2151.88 | 4.32 |
sell that 400,000 babies that sounded | 2153.359 | 6.72 |
like a crazy number like [ __ ] crazy | 2156.2 | 5.84 |
that's yeah it is a crazy number mhm cuz | 2160.079 | 3.441 |
I didn't even think I believe it I was | 2162.04 | 3.72 |
in a cemetery recently you know you go | 2163.52 | 4.44 |
back to like the 1800s and you're like | 2165.76 | 5.04 |
yeah Oney old Oney old he made it two | 2167.96 | 5.8 |
days threey old they were dropping like | 2170.8 | 5.48 |
flies you see a lot of kids in Old | 2173.76 | 5.48 |
cemeteries I'll tell you that yeah cuz | 2176.28 | 5.839 |
they were drinking cowb brain milk MH | 2179.24 | 6.2 |
Ching it down water [ __ ] we give you I | 2182.119 | 6.081 |
like this cow milk Daddy yeah yeah | 2185.44 | 3.679 |
pretty | 2188.2 | 3.68 |
nuts anyway good stuff | 2189.119 | 4.96 |
there I'm not done with it I've got more | 2191.88 | 4.36 |
to soak in and I was eating a burger on | 2194.079 | 3.401 |
the way back when they were getting into | 2196.24 | 4.48 |
the real like this bad | 2197.48 | 6.2 |
timing we're so soft like you know when | 2200.72 | 4.76 |
it comes down to like of course back | 2203.68 | 3.76 |
then it's horrible things people are | 2205.48 | 4.32 |
dying you don't have food regulated and | 2207.44 | 5.28 |
stuff but then look at look at what we | 2209.8 | 5.36 |
what we consider today to be like what | 2212.72 | 5.399 |
you have to do in order to stay clean | 2215.16 | 5.36 |
you know like we've we've we've been | 2218.119 | 5.081 |
like the soap industry and like all | 2220.52 | 4.2 |
these things that we've been like I | 2223.2 | 3.8 |
don't know programmed to feel that are | 2224.72 | 4.399 |
necessary you know like I don't think | 2227.0 | 4.64 |
it's necessary to have to wash my jeans | 2229.119 | 5.681 |
every time I wear them or take a shower | 2231.64 | 5.76 |
every we go a little too far like a lot | 2234.8 | 4.4 |
of these things like brushing your teeth | 2237.4 | 3.88 |
every day is [ __ ] super important you | 2239.2 | 3.68 |
know your hygiene and stuff like that | 2241.28 | 2.76 |
you only have one set of teeth you want | 2242.88 | 2.64 |
to take care of them yeah you know and | 2244.04 | 3.079 |
sure it's nice to be able to like I | 2245.52 | 4.04 |
don't know rinse off like I think that | 2247.119 | 4.0 |
these soaps and all the [ __ ] that we | 2249.56 | 3.039 |
were told like oh you got to clean with | 2251.119 | 3.761 |
soap why for [ __ ] I want to say for | 2252.599 | 4.361 |
years I just [ __ ] cleaned myself with | 2254.88 | 4.199 |
hot water when I took showers oh I could | 2256.96 | 3.879 |
tell you know | 2259.079 | 5.04 |
yeah probably could you know shampoo | 2260.839 | 4.321 |
would be like all right you know | 2264.119 | 2.281 |
whatever I get a little bit of that and | 2265.16 | 2.64 |
I'd wear deodorant and stuff but you | 2266.4 | 3.12 |
know that shit's not good for you anyway | 2267.8 | 3.319 |
well I mean I've been on Plenty of | 2269.52 | 3.92 |
camping trips the last weeks and you | 2271.119 | 6.041 |
swim every day and nobody stinks yeah | 2273.44 | 5.399 |
but you spend like an hour in the water | 2277.16 | 4.959 |
right it's Case by case like I took me a | 2278.839 | 5.681 |
long time but U | 2282.119 | 5.401 |
jeans I'll wear them three four times | 2284.52 | 6.2 |
before I wash jeans shirts different | 2287.52 | 6.48 |
shirts I swe get it does yeah it's Case | 2290.72 | 5.0 |
by case summer day yeah summer day | 2294.0 | 5.44 |
you're out there you know what it yeah | 2295.72 | 5.72 |
you can pick up a shirt sniff it and go | 2299.44 | 4.72 |
yeah nope this one's done yeah I'm not | 2301.44 | 4.84 |
I'm not playing this game yeah and new | 2304.16 | 4.76 |
so you can wear five to six times before | 2306.28 | 6.72 |
you have to wash two weeks two weeks | 2308.92 | 6.6 |
Max I like them when when you have to | 2313.0 | 5.0 |
peel them off yeah yeah when they're the | 2315.52 | 5.52 |
same shape as your feet man yeah but it | 2318.0 | 4.2 |
can't be over I mean especially like | 2321.04 | 4.039 |
shampoos like you know I don't think you | 2322.2 | 4.48 |
should wash your hair that damn much | 2325.079 | 3.28 |
you're not supposed to yeah exactly | 2326.68 | 3.639 |
you're really not supposed to apparently | 2328.359 | 4.841 |
like those oils are are healthy for your | 2330.319 | 4.881 |
hair yeah the oil the natural oils | 2333.2 | 3.96 |
natural oils that are in your hair well | 2335.2 | 3.159 |
people with long hair don't wash their | 2337.16 | 2.959 |
hair every day it's true yeah I don't | 2338.359 | 4.081 |
blame them cuz just the drying alone | 2340.119 | 3.801 |
like what a pain in the ass take forever | 2342.44 | 3.0 |
no it's easy to do with short hair but | 2343.92 | 5.399 |
and you had long hair yeah I when I left | 2345.44 | 5.399 |
home I was like haircuts are expensive | 2349.319 | 2.481 |
I'm done with | 2350.839 | 4.441 |
those no more mhm yeah I mean you had | 2351.8 | 6.16 |
very uh like down to the you were Jesus | 2355.28 | 4.079 |
you were straight Jesus it was past my | 2357.96 | 3.76 |
shoulders 100% Jesus | 2359.359 | 5.041 |
look and some some lovely long hair you | 2361.72 | 4.359 |
had NES not you ever think about going | 2364.4 | 4.16 |
back to it I have fur I don't have hair | 2366.079 | 4.481 |
I don't know very thick locks it was | 2368.56 | 4.84 |
thick right locks I would describe them | 2370.56 | 6.96 |
as yeah I would say locks is the correct | 2373.4 | 6.719 |
description remember when you got uh in | 2377.52 | 4.52 |
that one the movie where you had you | 2380.119 | 4.561 |
played Jesus uhhuh um didn't you cut | 2382.04 | 4.039 |
your hair and they had to get a wig for | 2384.68 | 3.439 |
you probably I don't know I don't | 2386.079 | 3.24 |
remember that's funny I don't remember | 2388.119 | 3.561 |
that but I do know that that uh there | 2389.319 | 4.161 |
could be a movie written about the | 2391.68 | 3.88 |
making of that movie yeah that would | 2393.48 | 4.68 |
have been much better than because that | 2395.56 | 5.6 |
was some really funny ass [ __ ] it was | 2398.16 | 5.04 |
the movie that like that and that's out | 2401.16 | 4.8 |
there I know it'd be interesting to find | 2403.2 | 5.68 |
that you that movie and almost you know | 2405.96 | 5.32 |
like you just get our community on it be | 2408.88 | 6.239 |
like find the lost let's let's not talk | 2411.28 | 6.68 |
about this so much what movie our buddy | 2415.119 | 6.681 |
having was even yeah at a time where | 2417.96 | 5.92 |
just everything was so disorg it wasn't | 2421.8 | 5.12 |
even really like on PCS right I'm sure | 2423.88 | 4.36 |
it never even made it to a finished | 2426.92 | 3.679 |
product that was and it wasn't our movie | 2428.24 | 4.32 |
it was a friend of ours that was the | 2430.599 | 5.281 |
movie you were in but it was like 1999 | 2432.56 | 6.0 |
2000 it's probably like that movie you | 2435.88 | 5.56 |
you and Anthony bought and torola | 2438.56 | 5.32 |
where'd y'all buy that movie yeah this | 2441.44 | 5.36 |
was uh Swedish mango Antigua Antigua are | 2443.88 | 5.04 |
you bought your a movie yeah um this is | 2446.8 | 4.68 |
for bad movie night yeah Anthony got | 2448.92 | 5.56 |
ripped off like completely ripped off it | 2451.48 | 5.8 |
was good what do you mean no no well we | 2454.48 | 6.119 |
went on a cruise yeah a little catamaran | 2457.28 | 6.16 |
oh Cruise oh he got financially got nice | 2460.599 | 5.681 |
R nice and rumed up yeah then after that | 2463.44 | 4.76 |
we end up in this like little town near | 2466.28 | 5.24 |
the cruise ship in like just the port of | 2468.2 | 5.76 |
Antigua and there's a bunch of DVDs and | 2471.52 | 4.44 |
you know I have bad movie night a lot | 2473.96 | 3.48 |
where we're always looking for trash | 2475.96 | 2.879 |
looking for something weird these are | 2477.44 | 5.8 |
DVDs right rights be cheap they are yes | 2478.839 | 6.401 |
well one DVD we found is a movie made in | 2483.24 | 4.119 |
Antigua okay so that's fascinating the | 2485.24 | 4.04 |
only only first movie ever made in | 2487.359 | 4.48 |
Antigua okay called the sweetest mango I | 2489.28 | 4.28 |
can see the appeal or the fascination in | 2491.839 | 3.041 |
it yes it's like okay this is perfect | 2493.56 | 3.0 |
for bad movie night let's get this and | 2494.88 | 3.36 |
then he also found like little two packs | 2496.56 | 3.96 |
of DVDs he's like and he got excited | 2498.24 | 3.72 |
he's like oh man look these look great | 2500.52 | 3.28 |
for bad movie night the these will be | 2501.96 | 3.6 |
awesome it goes up to the counter how | 2503.8 | 6.16 |
much are these 50 bucks what pay 50 | 2505.56 | 7.68 |
bucks for he paid it for like three DVDs | 2509.96 | 5.6 |
right well it was one DVD the Swedish | 2513.24 | 5.119 |
mango and then like a two pack so really | 2515.56 | 5.4 |
five movies but still oh no that's | 2518.359 | 4.561 |
ridiculous it's ridiculous it's rid but | 2520.96 | 4.399 |
he he got way too excited and he showed | 2522.92 | 4.399 |
his excitement to the guy working the | 2525.359 | 4.441 |
counter can't do that 50 bucks and you | 2527.319 | 4.961 |
know what price on anything yeah exactly | 2529.8 | 5.0 |
pretty insulting to to buy the only | 2532.28 | 4.64 |
movie that's ever been been made in | 2534.8 | 5.4 |
Antigua and then tell say outright this | 2536.92 | 4.679 |
is going to be for it's going be great | 2540.2 | 3.6 |
for bad movie night well he didn't say | 2541.599 | 4.081 |
it to that I thought well he was might | 2543.8 | 4.799 |
have been I doubt the guy he had a lot | 2545.68 | 4.439 |
now now we watched things at bad movie | 2548.599 | 3.081 |
night we think this is going to be bad | 2550.119 | 5.681 |
but it turns out to be watch L of course | 2551.68 | 6.08 |
you watch Trading Places lately yeah | 2555.8 | 3.84 |
trading why would you watch it on bad | 2557.76 | 3.359 |
movie night yeah that's a good movie | 2559.64 | 2.959 |
sometimes we have to wash our mouth out | 2561.119 | 4.72 |
from the Swedish mango okay fair enough | 2562.599 | 4.841 |
need something better guess what the | 2565.839 | 3.641 |
Swedish mango was not a very good movie | 2567.44 | 5.8 |
did you watch r r yet no okay have not I | 2569.48 | 5.599 |
did watch um it's it's actually pretty | 2573.24 | 4.44 |
good I watched one the new wiie Wonka | 2575.079 | 4.201 |
yeah I heard it was all right it's good | 2577.68 | 5.04 |
like was it's not bad sham mumo I'd like | 2579.28 | 5.36 |
to see it i't yet are we at that point | 2582.72 | 3.399 |
of the is this where we're at right now | 2584.64 | 3.56 |
we at what did I watch Dune 2 coming out | 2586.119 | 4.841 |
soon I can't wait Dune 2 with Timo CH I | 2588.2 | 5.76 |
cannot wait yep I need to watch Dune one | 2590.96 | 4.52 |
again in a place where I can control the | 2593.96 | 3.399 |
volume yeah understood you've been doing | 2595.48 | 4.359 |
the True Detective right Simon yeah oh | 2597.359 | 4.561 |
I'm I'm caught up well yeah we have the | 2599.839 | 4.041 |
final episodes coming this weekend well | 2601.92 | 4.28 |
it will have played now yeah I'm | 2603.88 | 4.719 |
impressed with the setting I love the | 2606.2 | 4.96 |
setting and I feel like they've uh it | 2608.599 | 5.52 |
just feels low it's Alaska but it's like | 2611.16 | 4.84 |
you feel so lonely and cold and it's | 2614.119 | 5.841 |
those nights it's the the no sun time of | 2616.0 | 6.64 |
year for this what's True Detective it's | 2619.96 | 4.04 |
an HBO | 2622.64 | 5.56 |
series uh and each each season is | 2624.0 | 6.4 |
different detectives from different | 2628.2 | 4.159 |
either different times different areas | 2630.4 | 4.719 |
wherever it is this last season current | 2632.359 | 5.76 |
fost true social accounts yeah jod | 2635.119 | 4.321 |
Foster but I've noticed like almost | 2638.119 | 3.2 |
every shot no matter what it if it's | 2639.44 | 4.28 |
like an interior whatever they always | 2641.319 | 5.121 |
just an observation there's always a | 2643.72 | 5.359 |
window for you to see snow like they | 2646.44 | 5.36 |
want you to always feel like cold and | 2649.079 | 5.52 |
desolate and lonely like almost every | 2651.8 | 4.68 |
yeah and it's effective it's a | 2654.599 | 4.0 |
depressing environment foru like I'm | 2656.48 | 4.48 |
depressed and it makes me want to it's | 2658.599 | 4.72 |
like The Long Dark sounds like like it's | 2660.96 | 4.119 |
that environment it's odd that I want to | 2663.319 | 4.361 |
go there cuz I'm watching and I want to | 2665.079 | 5.321 |
go there too and I want to go to a place | 2667.68 | 4.48 |
like that and I want to sit in that | 2670.4 | 4.76 |
misery for like you know five minutes no | 2672.16 | 5.28 |
a week it's like right on the ocean and | 2675.16 | 4.8 |
there's mountains right behind it's like | 2677.44 | 5.96 |
gorgeous but um but that lifestyle man | 2679.96 | 5.28 |
it'll make you appreciate what you got | 2683.4 | 5.199 |
when it's in the extreme cold to me it | 2685.24 | 5.879 |
stands out even more so and that you | 2688.599 | 4.401 |
have certain times of the year where | 2691.119 | 4.881 |
it's just dark for how [ __ ] long | 2693.0 | 6.4 |
right like yeah who might be month and a | 2696.0 | 7.24 |
or of just darkness I don't know I don't | 2699.4 | 5.28 |
know how long I'm totally [ __ ] | 2703.24 | 3.48 |
guessing there yeah I'm curious how long | 2704.68 | 4.48 |
that goes but um that's a that's a | 2706.72 | 4.839 |
different thing like it getting dark | 2709.16 | 4.48 |
early and stuff like that we dealt with | 2711.559 | 4.881 |
in Sweden a little bit and like getting | 2713.64 | 4.52 |
used to that but you know you're seeing | 2716.44 | 4.36 |
Sun at some point a little hours of it I | 2718.16 | 5.04 |
remember that but when you don't at all | 2720.8 | 4.0 |
that's just a weird thing to wrap your | 2723.2 | 3.48 |
around I was so excited on the way to | 2724.8 | 4.0 |
dinner cuzz I could still see just a | 2726.68 | 5.52 |
little pink on the horizon coming back | 2728.8 | 5.84 |
cuz in the summer we leave we leave the | 2732.2 | 5.0 |
office for dinner yeah Sun's Up we eat | 2734.64 | 4.12 |
dinner the Sun's Up we come back the | 2737.2 | 3.24 |
sun's up if we feel like walking around | 2738.76 | 3.52 |
for a little bit walk off dinner Sun's | 2740.44 | 5.639 |
still up I can't wait yeah it's nice not | 2742.28 | 6.44 |
in the winter though no so in Barrow | 2746.079 | 5.121 |
Alaska is that where this is cuz it's | 2748.72 | 4.96 |
based on they made up the place the Enis | 2751.2 | 5.159 |
Alaska but it's based on that's the | 2753.68 | 4.399 |
northern most point in Alaska isn't it | 2756.359 | 3.161 |
it's called Anis but that's a fake place | 2758.079 | 3.0 |
it's based on a real town though yeah | 2759.52 | 3.24 |
this will sun cannot be seen for more | 2761.079 | 4.921 |
than 30 days yeah in November yeah the | 2762.76 | 6.52 |
Norther damn 30 days without Alaska | 2766.0 | 4.8 |
pretty nuts no thanks I remember there | 2769.28 | 5.079 |
was a probably in the90s there was a um | 2770.8 | 6.64 |
a vampire movie that came out that took | 2774.359 | 5.921 |
place up in like that area and I thought | 2777.44 | 5.72 |
that was clever yeah because you | 2780.28 | 4.52 |
know | 2783.16 | 3.959 |
there yeah it's a great place to live if | 2784.8 | 5.6 |
you're a vampire I'm was brilliant 30 | 2787.119 | 4.641 |
days the Sun goes away I think it was a | 2790.4 | 4.28 |
[ __ ] movie but yeah in theat and stuff | 2791.76 | 4.68 |
well you guys check it out I will bad | 2794.68 | 3.8 |
movie night what's it called I forget | 2796.44 | 3.6 |
comment section will tell me comment | 2798.48 | 3.4 |
section what is this what is this movie | 2800.04 | 4.36 |
some names in it about vampires Alaskan | 2801.88 | 5.36 |
vampires Alaskan vampires cold Pires | 2804.4 | 4.4 |
cold suckers yeah you're going to want | 2807.24 | 3.16 |
to you're going to want to move South | 2808.8 | 4.48 |
that time of year Arctic blood I had | 2810.4 | 5.48 |
some uh blood work done today yeah okay | 2813.28 | 5.24 |
my wife's likey yeah we like to do it | 2815.88 | 5.479 |
for Giggles every now and then yeah no | 2818.52 | 4.039 |
wife's like hey we should go see the | 2821.359 | 3.601 |
doctor we a been the doctor in a while | 2822.559 | 4.0 |
and then she's like let's just go get | 2824.96 | 2.92 |
some blood work and we'll take it in | 2826.559 | 4.161 |
with us to the doctor and go hey do this | 2827.88 | 6.12 |
all look good and uh every time I go in | 2830.72 | 4.639 |
it's like they're just messing with me | 2834.0 | 4.599 |
all the time wait a sec like why like | 2835.359 | 4.72 |
like I started walking back cuz they | 2838.599 | 3.0 |
always usually when I go there you go to | 2840.079 | 3.601 |
the back room hang a right and I'm just | 2841.599 | 3.561 |
walking back there she's like all right | 2843.68 | 2.56 |
ready for you and walking back she's | 2845.16 | 3.0 |
like where you going I'm like oh you're | 2846.24 | 3.4 |
always back over here she like you over | 2848.16 | 4.24 |
here today I'm like okay then I sit down | 2849.64 | 4.199 |
and I'm like trying to turn I'm like | 2852.4 | 2.56 |
which arm I was like I don't know do | 2853.839 | 3.561 |
left I guess so I'm like turning she's | 2854.96 | 4.159 |
like I'm going to come to you I'm like | 2857.4 | 3.88 |
I'm just trying to help it's like she's | 2859.119 | 5.121 |
just she's messing with me Rel she's | 2861.28 | 4.48 |
messing with you is that is that what | 2864.24 | 2.76 |
you call messing with you well you | 2865.76 | 3.839 |
should hear her voice it's the tone Oh | 2867.0 | 4.92 |
okay uhhuh I got you soit you brought in | 2869.599 | 4.96 |
blood to the doctor from somewhere else | 2871.92 | 4.36 |
no I will bring | 2874.559 | 4.161 |
you then I went to a place that does lab | 2876.28 | 4.36 |
testing that's all they do is like any | 2878.72 | 5.0 |
lab test now I go there too I got blood | 2880.64 | 4.56 |
taken in the last month yeah they'll | 2883.72 | 3.119 |
send you your results tell you how all | 2885.2 | 3.84 |
your cholesterol looks everything and | 2886.839 | 4.681 |
then I'll take that to the doctor M that | 2889.04 | 3.64 |
way they're not like we got to do some | 2891.52 | 2.52 |
blood works like we already got it here | 2892.68 | 3.52 |
it is just did it here it is cheaper | 2894.04 | 4.519 |
that way too yeah I'll bet got to figure | 2896.2 | 4.96 |
out some way to get Healthcare yeah you | 2898.559 | 5.121 |
got to find loopholes man listen here's | 2901.16 | 4.72 |
a loophole dark chocolate can load your | 2903.68 | 4.919 |
blood sugar there you go bam o I'm | 2905.88 | 5.0 |
eating this for my health I am 1 to two | 2908.599 | 4.24 |
ounces a day cuz I am actually | 2910.88 | 4.56 |
pre-diabetic are you I love do chocolate | 2912.839 | 5.121 |
so good I do too yeah it's that older | 2915.44 | 4.159 |
person chocolate it's funny how it kind | 2917.96 | 2.72 |
of works that way because when you're | 2919.599 | 2.401 |
younger you know you're passing up the | 2920.68 | 3.96 |
special darks the Hershey special darks | 2922.0 | 4.319 |
those are the ones that as a kid you | 2924.64 | 3.8 |
didn't want around Halloween or whatever | 2926.319 | 3.76 |
the [ __ ] you seeing them but then as you | 2928.44 | 4.359 |
grow older you're like that's the one I | 2930.079 | 4.561 |
want I want dark chocolate and burnt | 2932.799 | 4.401 |
toast burnt wait Simon you're | 2934.64 | 5.12 |
pre-diabetic I'm not pre-diabetic but if | 2937.2 | 6.04 |
I don't if I don't watch what I'm eating | 2939.76 | 6.799 |
cuz I I've come to eat more sweets in | 2943.24 | 7.079 |
the last few years so my levels aren't | 2946.559 | 5.641 |
aren't doing too good I got to keep an | 2950.319 | 4.121 |
eye on that [ __ ] so that's what I'm | 2952.2 | 4.04 |
trying to do now fair enough everybody | 2954.44 | 4.32 |
just needs like a [ __ ] blood test | 2956.24 | 4.2 |
machine in their house as well right | 2958.76 | 3.559 |
yeah every 3 months you're supposed to | 2960.44 | 3.679 |
be [ __ ] checking your blood give a | 2962.319 | 4.52 |
blood pressure machine | 2964.119 | 4.121 |
everyone's got that in the house and | 2966.839 | 2.841 |
then you got like an app that you can | 2968.24 | 3.96 |
hook up with your doctor all the all the | 2969.68 | 4.08 |
damn blood test machine and all it's | 2972.2 | 3.24 |
like hooked up to it be one of those | 2973.76 | 3.28 |
good things that teach at school you | 2975.44 | 3.2 |
know be good to know your body a little | 2977.04 | 3.84 |
bit more yeah just across the board | 2978.64 | 4.36 |
anybody I should be able to give myself | 2980.88 | 4.16 |
my own colonoscopy yeah doing your own | 2983.0 | 4.88 |
uh I've got one of the little yeah blood | 2985.04 | 5.4 |
pressure I got one here's my blood | 2987.88 | 4.08 |
pressure here's my blood work there you | 2990.44 | 4.159 |
go upload it put that [ __ ] on the cloud | 2991.96 | 4.359 |
do you guys do you guys just mind it at | 2994.599 | 3.641 |
all cuz it's a thing getting your blood | 2996.319 | 4.24 |
pressure taken I don't don't mind it | 2998.24 | 5.0 |
okay my heart beats faster instantly so | 3000.559 | 4.04 |
I'm like you're not that's the thing | 3003.24 | 2.48 |
you're not going to get right reading | 3004.599 | 2.281 |
the same thing I have like that White | 3005.72 | 2.96 |
Coat Syndrome or whatever like anytime | 3006.88 | 3.719 |
I'm in a doctor's office I'm like | 3008.68 | 4.04 |
nervous which I shouldn't be but it's | 3010.599 | 4.321 |
just like uh I'm annoyed my blood | 3012.72 | 3.24 |
pressure is high just because I don't | 3014.92 | 5.199 |
want to be there that in it's all of it | 3015.96 | 6.04 |
go ahead you go yeah I have an internal | 3020.119 | 3.96 |
struggle with getting my blood pressure | 3022.0 | 4.28 |
taken because I hate feeling my own | 3024.079 | 4.161 |
pulse I don't care if I'm in got I've | 3026.28 | 4.279 |
heard that before but when I I can't | 3028.24 | 4.559 |
seem to let go of concentrating on | 3030.559 | 4.721 |
feeling that pulse and then it won't go | 3032.799 | 4.8 |
away it's like this drag it's like come | 3035.28 | 4.76 |
on I just and and amazingly enough I | 3037.599 | 4.361 |
never have high blood pressure or I'm | 3040.04 | 3.92 |
always during during getting mid I'm | 3041.96 | 3.68 |
always kind of having a mini panic | 3043.96 | 4.119 |
attack right and my blood pressure is | 3045.64 | 5.439 |
always high well no it's always fine | 3048.079 | 4.801 |
it's always fine even during a panic oh | 3051.079 | 3.841 |
so you're you're just feeling the panic | 3052.88 | 3.08 |
and it's fine | 3054.92 | 3.639 |
yeah gotta no if if I know someone's | 3055.96 | 5.399 |
listening to my heart it acts up like | 3058.559 | 4.441 |
even if my wife's like leaning on my | 3061.359 | 3.0 |
chest or something and she's like oh I | 3063.0 | 4.48 |
hear your heart all of a sudden starts | 3064.359 | 5.681 |
going like don't listen to it one of | 3067.48 | 5.04 |
those things when I uh went down and did | 3070.04 | 5.36 |
the the iasa again of course this place | 3072.52 | 4.279 |
I have doctor and stuff and you go | 3075.4 | 2.679 |
through like the medical when you get | 3076.799 | 2.161 |
there because they want to make sure | 3078.079 | 2.561 |
your heart's fine it slows down your | 3078.96 | 4.0 |
heart a bit when you're doing it so they | 3080.64 | 3.8 |
got to cover their asses and stuff like | 3082.96 | 3.76 |
that but the first time and I went years | 3084.44 | 4.28 |
ago like I got nervous enough to where | 3086.72 | 4.079 |
it was too high and I was like well [ __ ] | 3088.72 | 3.92 |
I'm down here for like no reason you | 3090.799 | 3.081 |
know like this what I'm going to be here | 3092.64 | 3.24 |
a whole week and not do any of that | 3093.88 | 3.6 |
right but then they're like this happens | 3095.88 | 3.64 |
all the time people get like nervous | 3097.48 | 3.92 |
about it and just come back in a half | 3099.52 | 3.2 |
hour don't worry you're going to get to | 3101.4 | 3.28 |
puke and poop you're going to puke and | 3102.72 | 4.24 |
poop all you want and uh this time yeah | 3104.68 | 4.159 |
no problem whatsoever but talk to a | 3106.96 | 3.44 |
couple other people that had to have | 3108.839 | 3.121 |
that old half hour just come back in a | 3110.4 | 4.04 |
half hour you're fine yeah go relax by | 3111.96 | 5.08 |
the pool a little bit listen to some sh | 3114.44 | 5.72 |
yeah sha anyone yeah maybe do you know | 3117.04 | 6.079 |
that naps make your brain bigger naps | 3120.16 | 5.24 |
like brain swelling no like in a good | 3123.119 | 4.081 |
way okay because our brains shrink | 3125.4 | 3.88 |
through time through age skulls are only | 3127.2 | 4.119 |
so big so I'm saying naps are really | 3129.28 | 4.76 |
good for you apparently really sweet I | 3131.319 | 5.081 |
take naps naps are great oh man love me | 3134.04 | 4.799 |
a 45 minute power nap some people can't | 3136.4 | 6.0 |
pull it off yeah yeah naps at all or | 3138.839 | 5.361 |
whatever like even if I don't fall | 3142.4 | 3.56 |
asleep I feel so much better after | 3144.2 | 4.52 |
laying there 10 20 minutes man I'd love | 3145.96 | 4.8 |
to know what qualifies is now cuz my | 3148.72 | 5.359 |
favorite type of sleep or what they call | 3150.76 | 7.039 |
a nap is I'm never like I can still hear | 3154.079 | 6.321 |
[ __ ] yeah it's kind of meditation really | 3157.799 | 4.601 |
yeah and I'm and I'm just sitting I'm | 3160.4 | 4.24 |
not never laying down do you ever hear | 3162.4 | 4.919 |
yourself snore when you're in that isn't | 3164.64 | 4.719 |
that interesting yeah when you're hear | 3167.319 | 4.24 |
yourself snore it's [ __ ] nuts but I | 3169.359 | 4.921 |
usually it's it's only for a very short | 3171.559 | 4.76 |
while and then I wake up | 3174.28 | 5.44 |
yeah no it's fun when you when you hear | 3176.319 | 6.201 |
that it startles you Anthony did out on | 3179.72 | 5.76 |
a plane and scared the whole | 3182.52 | 2.96 |
plane I'll bet it | 3185.88 | 5.32 |
did I think as techi was with him and he | 3188.359 | 5.44 |
like did this gasp and and the plane's | 3191.2 | 4.599 |
all looking around like do we is there a | 3193.799 | 4.76 |
doctor so he's with his woman right now | 3195.799 | 5.401 |
right yeah yeah right she knows she | 3198.559 | 6.04 |
knows what she's in yeah on of course at | 3201.2 | 5.96 |
this point that poor girl I think he's a | 3204.599 | 5.401 |
he's a Sor I was with him Rec oh yeah we | 3207.16 | 5.12 |
were flying and he fell asleep and he | 3210.0 | 4.24 |
wasn't snoring oh got you I mean it's a | 3212.28 | 3.799 |
pretty if you think about it I mean if | 3214.24 | 4.52 |
you're prepared yeah it's a pretty easy | 3216.079 | 6.561 |
fix you know for your very loud snorer | 3218.76 | 6.599 |
he's not just snore yeah I mean you know | 3222.64 | 4.679 |
he's a loud guy in general true he's | 3225.359 | 4.0 |
just he's got a boisterous voice and so | 3227.319 | 4.081 |
just imagine that snoring I don't know | 3229.359 | 4.601 |
if y'all heard his uh GrubHub story but | 3231.4 | 4.32 |
I'll tell it uh oh | 3233.96 | 4.96 |
so yeah uh last week we all get a a | 3235.72 | 7.119 |
group text from Anthony saying hey is uh | 3238.92 | 6.159 |
anybody at the office 9:30 and we're all | 3242.839 | 6.121 |
like nope okay I I got the message I was | 3245.079 | 5.321 |
you know I was on vacation and then he | 3248.96 | 3.8 |
leaves it at that and I'm like well I | 3250.4 | 4.08 |
want to know what's going on yeah so I'm | 3252.76 | 3.319 |
like hey what's up and he's like ah I | 3254.48 | 2.92 |
just ordered | 3256.079 | 3.921 |
GrubHub and it didn't come to my house | 3257.4 | 6.159 |
to the office and he lives like 20 | 3260.0 | 6.319 |
minutes from here yeah | 3263.559 | 4.641 |
so he he didn't feel like going to get | 3266.319 | 3.8 |
food so he orders it and he's like he's | 3268.2 | 3.72 |
like I don't want to waste it oh my God | 3270.119 | 4.041 |
so he has to get in his car drive 20 | 3271.92 | 4.04 |
minutes further than it would have been | 3274.16 | 4.32 |
just to go get something get his cold | 3275.96 | 5.44 |
food which cost him like twice as much | 3278.48 | 5.879 |
oh yeah he got it on Crum Hub and he | 3281.4 | 5.12 |
didn't know until he got a picture of it | 3284.359 | 4.801 |
it's been delivered and he sees right | 3286.52 | 6.36 |
fck in front of here that's what he do | 3289.16 | 5.6 |
yeah in my head I was like oh he must | 3292.88 | 3.6 |
have like left some footage you wanted | 3294.76 | 3.52 |
you know is anybody at the office can | 3296.48 | 4.879 |
you transfer footage to Google Drive no | 3298.28 | 6.36 |
his [ __ ] he ordered grum up but it | 3301.359 | 5.361 |
showed up here oops and it's such a | 3304.64 | 4.0 |
great thing like that Co happened for | 3306.72 | 3.2 |
these companies cuz they're just like | 3308.64 | 2.28 |
all I got to do is Drop It where they | 3309.92 | 2.159 |
tell me I don't care if they get it or | 3310.92 | 3.08 |
not yeah they don't care yeah there's | 3312.079 | 4.561 |
the picture I did my part and downtown | 3314.0 | 5.559 |
you know that where I live the amount of | 3316.64 | 5.959 |
times I've seen GrubHub orders just left | 3319.559 | 6.681 |
out in front of these build bus yeah | 3322.599 | 5.801 |
anyone can grab it anyone to [ __ ] | 3326.24 | 5.16 |
grab yeah it's crazy I've definitely | 3328.4 | 5.159 |
ordered I we went to Boon a while back | 3331.4 | 3.399 |
and they got their own thing called like | 3333.559 | 3.0 |
apple cart or something their own little | 3334.799 | 4.721 |
food local service and we were at a | 3336.559 | 4.361 |
hotel and we ordered it we just never | 3339.52 | 4.16 |
saw it and then we call the company and | 3340.92 | 5.84 |
we're like hey we've been waiting we're | 3343.68 | 4.48 |
right here waiting and they're like | 3346.76 | 2.76 |
we'll give you a credit I'm like we | 3348.16 | 3.0 |
don't live here want there's no apple | 3349.52 | 2.839 |
cart anywhere | 3351.16 | 5.879 |
else right yeah yeah that's crazy what a | 3352.359 | 6.401 |
day and age we live though I know pick | 3357.039 | 4.641 |
up your phone boop boop bring me food I | 3358.76 | 5.0 |
know here it comes it is weird to live | 3361.68 | 4.399 |
through co co and see such a drastic | 3363.76 | 4.799 |
change in a short amount of time hugely | 3366.079 | 5.161 |
um do you any of you guys | 3368.559 | 5.76 |
instacart no I uh I will door Dash on | 3371.24 | 4.72 |
occasion so do you know what instacart | 3374.319 | 5.161 |
though is I do it yes I've gross | 3375.96 | 5.56 |
reorders and they're texting you hey | 3379.48 | 4.4 |
they're out of C yeah I just started | 3381.52 | 6.519 |
kind of doing it I I love it yeah yeah | 3383.88 | 5.76 |
you don't want to get in the car and go | 3388.039 | 4.201 |
all the way on | 3389.64 | 6.56 |
to De a hub just open the app you got to | 3392.24 | 5.68 |
you got to look at peanut you say | 3396.2 | 3.359 |
[ __ ] peanut butter and [ __ ] | 3397.92 | 3.199 |
strawberry it'll lead you like oh | 3399.559 | 3.961 |
there's a there's recipes here I might I | 3401.119 | 4.281 |
might do that up and then it gives you | 3403.52 | 3.68 |
all the ingredients for said recipe and | 3405.4 | 4.959 |
like I'm the opposite I you love grocery | 3407.2 | 5.919 |
stores I if I just got back from the | 3410.359 | 4.801 |
store and I forgot a couple things I'll | 3413.119 | 4.321 |
go right like yeah you live right by a | 3415.16 | 3.919 |
grocery store though I live pretty close | 3417.44 | 3.879 |
that's a big difference if I did I mean | 3419.079 | 4.96 |
you do I don't well there's downtown | 3421.319 | 4.52 |
there's a pretty good grocery store | 3424.039 | 4.361 |
where there's not right down on it's not | 3425.839 | 5.28 |
a good grocery | 3428.4 | 2.719 |
store it's really not good it's not a | 3431.4 | 4.159 |
good grocery store for you I have to go | 3433.64 | 3.56 |
to a food lineer across the bridge to | 3435.559 | 4.601 |
Harry tis um but it's still it's first | 3437.2 | 5.159 |
world problem I I admit | 3440.16 | 5.48 |
that have to drive an exra minutes to | 3442.359 | 5.68 |
get to the Harris Thea [ __ ] that I'm | 3445.64 | 4.32 |
getting the app ah [ __ ] well I'm not | 3448.039 | 3.441 |
going to go [ __ ] with that bridge now we | 3449.96 | 3.72 |
got to all that traffic how's that yeah | 3451.48 | 4.16 |
how's that going oh that's let's not | 3453.68 | 4.28 |
talk about traffic talk about traffic | 3455.64 | 4.32 |
traffic we have a drawbridge in our we | 3457.96 | 4.2 |
have a river in our city the river and | 3459.96 | 3.72 |
two bridges that cross it in the | 3462.16 | 4.12 |
downtown area the main bridge and the | 3463.68 | 4.0 |
whatever the other bridge is this with | 3466.28 | 5.279 |
homes and the main bridge is closed yeah | 3467.68 | 5.879 |
death trap is it closed or one Lane's | 3471.559 | 4.0 |
closed one Lane's closed closed but you | 3473.559 | 4.56 |
know it's [ __ ] bad you you know it's | 3475.559 | 4.921 |
like cuz traffic got bad before even | 3478.119 | 4.121 |
this oh but I'm just talking about just | 3480.48 | 4.879 |
the the the bridge I'm surprised that | 3482.24 | 4.879 |
people oh that bridge is old it needs | 3485.359 | 3.72 |
repairs yeah so [ __ ] bad that's why | 3487.119 | 3.121 |
they're doing this they apparently | 3489.079 | 2.28 |
they've been trying to get money from | 3490.24 | 2.599 |
the state to repair that bridge for | 3491.359 | 4.041 |
years it should be replaced and yeah how | 3492.839 | 5.081 |
many bridges do we need to see go down | 3495.4 | 4.959 |
in the country killing how do we not | 3497.92 | 4.76 |
have money for Bridges we have taxes we | 3500.359 | 4.76 |
have taxes on gas we taxes on car that's | 3502.68 | 3.8 |
not going to our bridges not for | 3505.119 | 4.081 |
infrastructure I mean taxes the thing is | 3506.48 | 5.079 |
every so often people are like well we | 3509.2 | 4.8 |
need to add more because of this so you | 3511.559 | 4.681 |
go okay we're going to add more for you | 3514.0 | 4.0 |
know the [ __ ] something to be built | 3516.24 | 3.839 |
like a you know a stadium or we going to | 3518.0 | 3.76 |
do it for a bridge we probably need a | 3520.079 | 3.361 |
bridge probably the bridge let's go | 3521.76 | 4.0 |
Bridges first Bridge let's increase this | 3523.44 | 4.399 |
for x amount of time for this so let's | 3525.76 | 3.799 |
let's prioritize Bridges can we all | 3527.839 | 3.401 |
agree on that kind I mean let's face the | 3529.559 | 3.8 |
other [ __ ] bridg is bad too but this | 3531.24 | 3.799 |
we couldn't be talking about wor [ __ ] | 3533.359 | 5.281 |
right now Bridges historically Bridge | 3535.039 | 5.881 |
stories have done well that's true yeah | 3538.64 | 3.8 |
we get a lot of clicks Bridges of | 3540.92 | 3.56 |
Madison County that was a big hit end on | 3542.44 | 3.8 |
brid yeah we should end on | 3544.48 | 4.119 |
Bridges that's how you end Bridges you | 3546.24 | 4.0 |
want to go out with a bang is that what | 3548.599 | 4.081 |
we want I do yeah let's blow up Bridge | 3550.24 | 4.0 |
hands we're not going to blow up brige | 3552.68 | 3.0 |
we're going we can show video of a blown | 3554.24 | 2.119 |
up | 3555.68 | 3.28 |
Bridge mhm one of those ones like | 3556.359 | 4.801 |
twisting in the wind before they really | 3558.96 | 4.159 |
knew how to build them well some of them | 3561.16 | 3.639 |
are meant to do that that's meant to do | 3563.119 | 3.44 |
no yeah but like some of them like like | 3564.799 | 3.8 |
they o this got out of hand not the one | 3566.559 | 4.0 |
that one didn't it fell apart that one | 3568.599 | 3.601 |
that didn't that was no good that's how | 3570.559 | 3.0 |
they go crazy footage that's how they | 3572.2 | 3.24 |
went like oh wow let's not build one | 3573.559 | 4.841 |
like that anymore mm | 3575.44 | 7.24 |
no Bridges the end the end all thanks | 3578.4 | 5.919 |
for listening at the beginning of this | 3582.68 | 4.639 |
podcast put stick around to the | 3584.319 | 7.561 |
end we got a bridge Story Bridge | 3587.319 | 4.561 |
stories oh [ __ ] | 3592.319 | 12.62 |
[Music] | 3595.59 | 9.349 |
yeah | 3606.16 | 5.269 |
[Music] | 3608.09 | 3.339 |
I | 3615.599 | 3.0 |
Supporting the crew is a no-brainer! Go buy some merch!

If anyone has any fan art they would like to submit, a post idea or promotional content for the crew just reach out and let me know! This is community supported so feel free to get involved if you love Neebs Gaming half as much as I do!

The Game
You definitely should get it out
Here is a multi-paragraph endorsement of the video game Neebs Gaming is playing, praising their cinematic approach:.
Neebs Gaming has once again outdone themselves with their latest let's play series. Their immersive cinematic style brings this game to life in a way that makes you feel like you're right there with the crew on their epic adventures.
In the masterful hands of Neebs Gaming, the expansive open world comes alive through creative storytelling and hilarious improvised dialog. The chemistry between the crew makes every quest feel fresh and exciting. Their trademark banter and camaraderie enhances the gameplay exponentially.
Each episode is expertly edited to highlight the most thrilling action sequences and side-splitting comedic moments. The cinematic camera work makes you feel immersed in every battle and conversation. It's the next best thing to playing it yourself!
Neebs Gaming has a knack for choosing fantastic games to showcase through their signature style. Their ability to roleplay scenarios and flesh out characters is unparalleled in the let's play space. They transform gameplay into an engaging cinematic experience.
If you want to see this game realized to its full potential with masterful storytelling, you need to watch Neebs Gaming's series. Their love for the game is infectious and their cinematic approach makes it come alive.