MINECRAFT: Two Nipples - New Neebsylvania 28
Neebs Gaming

This video comes straight from the Neebs Gaming YouTube channel.
neebs: Hey Appsro, have you seen the latest episode of our Minecraft series, 'Two Nipples' in New Neebsylvania?
appsro: Oh yeah, that's definitely my favorite video so far! Who knew two nipples could cause so much chaos in a game?
neebs: I know, right? It's like Thicks absence just opened the floodgates for all kinds of ridiculousness.
appsro: Exactly! And the adventure they go on in this episode is pure gold. I couldn't stop laughing!
Hey there, Neebs Gaming fans! So, in the latest episode of Minecraft - New Neebsylvania, Thicks is missing, but that doesn't stop the rest of the gang from getting things done before embarking on their own adventure. The title of this episode is "Two Nipples," which already has me intrigued and excited to see what kind of shenanigans are in store for us.
If you're like me and can't get enough of Neebsylvania, make sure to click the link to their website to explore more of their content. And hey, while you're at it, why not check out their merch on their Spreadshirt store? Represent your love for Neebs Gaming with some cool gear!
And for all you gamers out there, they even have crazy discounts on the newest titles through G2A. I know I'll be checking that out after watching this episode. Plus, don't forget to follow Neebs Gaming on all their social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Twitch, and Google+ to stay updated on all the latest Neebsylvania adventures.
The music in this episode is always on point, with tracks from Kevin MacLeod and the Jingle Punks setting the perfect tone for the gameplay. And of course, we can't forget the iconic Neebs Gaming intro by Hank and Jed that gets us hyped up for what's to come. I'm so ready to dive into this episode and see what kind of hilarious moments and epic gameplay Neebs and the gang have in store for us in "Two Nipples." Let's do this, Neebsylvania fans!

The Game
You definitely should check it out!
Neebs Gaming has done it again with their latest Minecraft video! I always get excited when I see a new episode of their Minecraft series Neebsylvania pop up in my subscriptions. This talented group of guys really knows how to make gameplay entertaining with their hilarious banter and cinematic editing.
In this episode, the crew is down a man with Thick44 absent, but they still manage to accomplish quite a bit. It's always fun to see their big projects come together as they transform the world block by block. The giant wheat farm taking shape is especially cool. I love how they incorporate automation to make massive farms that fuel their ambitious building goals.
Of course, no Neebs episode would be complete without some epic adventure too. Venturing out to loot a woodland mansion makes for an action-packed second half. The way they edit the footage to add suspense and drama makes it as entertaining as a movie. Their reactions to the dangers and surprises they encounter are priceless!
While playing Minecraft yourself is great fun, watching the Neebs crew take on huge projects and adventures takes it to another level. Their camaraderie and filmmaking expertise make Neebsylvania the absolute best way to experience Minecraft aside from actually playing. I never miss an episode of their cinematic masterpiece!
Whether you're a hardcore Minecraft fan or simply enjoy their hilarious brand of entertainment, Neebs Gaming delivers exciting and binge-worthy content every time. I can't wait to see what amazing creations and adventures they come up with next!

Caption | Start | Duration |
you know what we should do what um day | 0.06 | 3.72 |
guys what tell me tell me tell me tell | 1.74 | 5.01 |
me don't know tell them I don't know you | 3.78 | 4.649 |
grunt Oh tell me tell me tell me I will | 6.75 | 3.179 |
tell you if you really want to know I do | 8.429 | 3.241 |
tell me I'm not convinced show me tell | 9.929 | 3.54 |
me tell me tell me actually you don't | 11.67 | 3.419 |
tell me will you shut up | 13.469 | 3.931 |
Apsara shut up I want to know I don't | 15.089 | 4.02 |
think he wants tell me tell me tell me | 17.4 | 2.91 |
were you doing this shall we go ahead | 19.109 | 2.941 |
and yeah use your words tell me names | 20.31 | 3.36 |
I'd be great if you if you carried | 22.05 | 3.3 |
through I can't because have you seen | 23.67 | 4.05 |
what I did in that barn guys no I'll | 25.35 | 3.57 |
over the house what do you think names | 27.72 | 2.879 |
now they can be in the barn you want me | 28.92 | 3.659 |
to answer you know you you said you | 30.599 | 4.8 |
weren't gonna answer yeah I like this | 32.579 | 4.41 |
better day thank you it's a it's a it's | 35.399 | 5.101 |
a solution that a recognizes both sides | 36.989 | 4.711 |
you know what we call this in the | 40.5 | 2.489 |
business what do they call it in the biz | 41.7 | 4.32 |
a win-win-win-win they also call it | 42.989 | 7.011 |
compromise didn't do they call that too | 46.02 | 3.98 |
and I show everyone something right wait | 54.71 | 4.149 |
till the Sun comes up should we sleep | 57.449 | 2.25 |
first | 58.859 | 2.551 |
what good sleep one zombie out there | 59.699 | 3.241 |
looking at a sunflower what's he do like | 61.41 | 5.16 |
this flower very much hello is your | 62.94 | 6.66 |
another flower good night everybody good | 66.57 | 5.549 |
night good night y'all date night night | 69.6 | 4.71 |
night night Simon good morning good | 72.119 | 4.261 |
morning morning doraleous good morning | 74.31 | 4.29 |
morning Simon good morning morning me | 76.38 | 3.599 |
mmm | 78.6 | 3.809 |
here he comes Simon I see you you notice | 79.979 | 3.631 |
anything different about me | 82.409 | 4.111 |
I do I do too what is it what is it that | 83.61 | 4.59 |
you notice you're holding sand I've | 86.52 | 3.48 |
never seen you hold sand my name i'm | 88.2 | 4.05 |
simon ah what was my name before i know | 90.0 | 4.56 |
solid one she's great something stupid | 92.25 | 4.92 |
yeah now this is my own account here I'm | 94.56 | 5.07 |
a I'm a veteran now looking good Simon | 97.17 | 4.68 |
oh there's you very much correct how do | 99.63 | 4.29 |
I do you have to take these items from | 101.85 | 3.839 |
here like one at a time or is there a | 103.92 | 2.94 |
quicker way to do it | 105.689 | 2.79 |
come on hours just to grab them and pull | 106.86 | 3.299 |
no dad I don't think we have time for | 108.479 | 3.811 |
you to grab all those Simon yeah I'm | 110.159 | 3.96 |
serious yeah I'm serious about not | 112.29 | 3.48 |
having time for this seriously what do | 114.119 | 2.761 |
you mean this is gonna take you at least | 115.77 | 3.809 |
another thirty second one what's wrong | 116.88 | 3.75 |
with you what do you think you're gonna | 119.579 | 3.031 |
need grab it I named my horse by the way | 120.63 | 3.72 |
yeah I just want to bring that up check | 122.61 | 3.45 |
it out you can name horses mm-hmm Oh | 124.35 | 3.84 |
show me show me show me show me Ella | 126.06 | 3.33 |
Marie hi Marie | 128.19 | 2.599 |
so | 129.39 | 3.439 |
naima donkey you have to have a nametag | 130.789 | 3.631 |
and you have to bring it to the anvil | 132.829 | 2.311 |
let's do it | 134.42 | 2.159 |
what the hell you guys leave without me | 135.14 | 3.719 |
just go worry about your inventory what | 136.579 | 3.871 |
do you mean I got this alright we're | 138.859 | 2.91 |
going back to the house I'm trying to | 140.45 | 3.72 |
lose me yep you'll never find it Simon | 141.769 | 6.871 |
you'll never find it ah alright what do | 144.17 | 6.39 |
I do I'll grab the tag name tags name | 148.64 | 4.769 |
tag oh there is one in here mine alright | 150.56 | 4.59 |
like a five-year-old or should I name a | 153.409 | 2.25 |
donkey | 155.15 | 3.449 |
I can't run you full I'm not far are you | 155.659 | 4.44 |
hungry I'm Alan Goering that's why you | 158.599 | 4.59 |
can't run it took what 27 episodes for | 160.099 | 4.621 |
you to learn that there's that's a good | 163.189 | 2.101 |
thing to know | 164.72 | 2.28 |
alright so use your name tag on the | 165.29 | 4.5 |
anvil yep stick it in there and then | 167.0 | 6.18 |
just type in a name yep did you name | 169.79 | 5.55 |
yours names I know I have to go back to | 173.18 | 3.929 |
the barn oh you're just riding a | 175.34 | 3.269 |
different horse okay yeah I'm rod Nance | 177.109 | 6.571 |
race it's still a horse yeah I gotta go | 178.609 | 7.05 |
in back to the bar [ __ ] yeah Elmarie is | 183.68 | 4.05 |
the name of that's my cat say hello you | 185.659 | 3.811 |
okay have a piece of my captains I know | 187.73 | 3.839 |
you have a cat named Ella yeah hello to | 189.47 | 2.639 |
mommy | 191.569 | 4.2 |
yes mr. teeth face nice do I need to do | 192.109 | 5.791 |
that too or no if you have a nametag | 195.769 | 4.021 |
yeah you could went up but yeah but to | 197.9 | 3.57 |
do our really give a [ __ ] doesn't it | 199.79 | 3.599 |
help your horse to know yes Leon or | 201.47 | 3.84 |
something won't it like almost | 203.389 | 5.1 |
guarantees that it won't just despawn or | 205.31 | 4.709 |
wander or something | 208.489 | 2.791 |
so you just right-click on the horse oh | 210.019 | 3.21 |
yeah there you go I did it so how do I | 211.28 | 2.34 |
do it | 213.229 | 1.921 |
do you have a name tag oh it's in your | 213.62 | 4.259 |
rental rifle puss snuffle puffle puss | 215.15 | 4.259 |
yeah Oh eggs | 217.879 | 3.811 |
I never have any luck with these eggs | 219.409 | 3.51 |
like aren't you supposed to be I've | 221.69 | 3.0 |
never had well one down and yeah you'll | 222.919 | 3.361 |
make a little baby chicken never one | 224.69 | 3.539 |
time I grab like 15 threw them all down | 226.28 | 4.47 |
nothing of dragons it's not gonna work | 228.229 | 5.4 |
you see yeah I'm broke where does pink | 230.75 | 4.949 |
sheep come from you mean the pig so I | 233.629 | 3.42 |
could just jump right out of there huh | 235.699 | 3.811 |
yeah with a horse again neebs has to go | 237.049 | 4.62 |
through the the painful process of gates | 239.51 | 4.349 |
and stuff but can you you can't jump him | 241.669 | 3.27 |
over a fence | 243.859 | 2.34 |
I don't know are you gonna show that | 244.939 | 2.61 |
gate you could have tried right there | 246.199 | 3.69 |
over the Galen II leave it open well you | 247.549 | 5.821 |
wouldn't be able to see okay so we | 249.889 | 5.16 |
should make a fence out here oh wait you | 253.37 | 3.69 |
know I could do oh no Thomas just | 255.049 | 4.53 |
Roseanne sure I know the answer I could | 257.06 | 4.469 |
just keep my donkey on that side that's | 259.579 | 4.22 |
true | 261.529 | 2.27 |
all right now I'm glad you can jump up | 264.159 | 4.961 |
yeah cool you have any plans noobs let's | 266.509 | 3.391 |
see | 269.12 | 3.15 |
I was named my donkey yeah we did a lot | 269.9 | 5.069 |
like we did more in the last ten minutes | 272.27 | 4.919 |
than most youtubers do in 50 episodes | 274.969 | 4.98 |
pretty amazing it's kind of nuts right | 277.189 | 5.671 |
yeah I can show you guys something you | 279.949 | 4.5 |
got something else you got something we | 282.86 | 4.44 |
need what we need those uh rope things | 284.449 | 5.731 |
so if we stop we can tie tie them up I | 287.3 | 5.1 |
knew any misreading many times about | 290.18 | 4.44 |
that's like a fence and when were when | 292.4 | 3.69 |
we're riding them like if we stop | 294.62 | 2.82 |
somewhere how do I keep them from one | 296.09 | 3.09 |
how do it goes anybody cuz if you're | 297.44 | 3.15 |
traveling you're like alright you know | 299.18 | 3.479 |
what we need to stop here's a cable | 300.59 | 3.539 |
let's go in the cave see this was gonna | 302.659 | 2.97 |
leave the horses else it's kind of one | 304.129 | 4.051 |
of my ideas for uh for what we do but | 305.629 | 5.88 |
since we're sans thick like taking a | 308.18 | 7.139 |
horse / donkey quest in one particular | 311.509 | 5.37 |
direction and see if we can actually | 315.319 | 3.361 |
discover something thick hasn't I don't | 316.879 | 3.391 |
know if that's possible the direction | 318.68 | 4.769 |
that I think would be the neatest would | 320.27 | 5.82 |
be against east of the barn well I was | 323.449 | 3.631 |
gonna show you something real quick | 326.09 | 3.0 |
okay it's getting dark guys it's getting | 327.08 | 5.13 |
dark okay okay shine you moving farther | 329.09 | 5.189 |
away from home yeah let's go to the one | 332.21 | 4.079 |
house the close house the horses can't | 334.279 | 3.75 |
fit through here can they ow oh that | 336.289 | 3.87 |
hurt me what hurt you going through the | 338.029 | 5.64 |
gate I hit my head on it and [ __ ] out of | 340.159 | 3.87 |
me | 343.669 | 1.53 |
we can probably make it back to the barn | 344.029 | 2.431 |
real quick yeah we went to the barn | 345.199 | 4.131 |
these things are great | 346.46 | 2.87 |
good ride eleméry it's a new day new day | 349.419 | 7.12 |
how did you sleep mister teeth face a | 353.44 | 6.219 |
lead it is a lead and I know my kid well | 356.539 | 4.291 |
you know obviously you doubted yourself | 359.659 | 2.551 |
well I used to | 360.83 | 3.149 |
you still horseback well remember that | 362.21 | 3.179 |
one uh that one girl used to help with | 363.979 | 3.93 |
her horse trails in TRAI that one chick | 365.389 | 4.861 |
you a bangin I see I wanted to but I | 367.909 | 3.901 |
never did you never got to hold it all | 370.25 | 3.839 |
that way I did for her never hit that | 371.81 | 4.919 |
hit that tang ah would have been Dave | 374.089 | 5.04 |
sweet there was one morning she was so | 376.729 | 5.011 |
hungover that she couldn't make it to do | 379.129 | 4.35 |
her horse ride the [ __ ] that rail rides | 381.74 | 2.849 |
for this family | 383.479 | 3.87 |
yeah and I wouldn't get at all like yeah | 384.589 | 5.64 |
I took them like oh you got a long run | 387.349 | 4.531 |
to the friend zone that sounds like you | 390.229 | 4.031 |
know what an idiot but you did | 391.88 | 6.73 |
huh whatever hello judge | 394.26 | 6.57 |
whatever man probably had herpes anyway | 398.61 | 8.01 |
yeah her P [ __ ] probably had STDs STG | 400.83 | 9.45 |
and stupid disease bimbo no one walks | 406.62 | 6.9 |
you ah it was all for uh it was all for | 410.28 | 5.97 |
a reason yeah she was a cowgirl she was | 413.52 | 3.27 |
a cowgirl | 416.25 | 2.1 |
alright I'm doing a head count we're | 416.79 | 4.35 |
missing somebody elite also knows only | 418.35 | 5.61 |
she's in one position up the thing about | 421.14 | 5.1 |
the leash whatever um it is crafted with | 423.96 | 5.16 |
four string and a slime ball slime ball | 426.24 | 5.34 |
huh I've never seen a slime ball we | 429.12 | 4.68 |
haven't real arms in this world seems | 431.58 | 5.43 |
like they spawn deep in caves sly Ivan | 433.8 | 7.08 |
dig deep in caves hmm else depressing | 437.01 | 5.94 |
all right does not be done then why do | 440.88 | 4.77 |
we have to [ __ ] yellow sheep now oh did | 442.95 | 4.29 |
they bang each other yeah we can't | 445.65 | 3.57 |
control once they're teenagers they're | 447.24 | 3.87 |
out of our hands which ones nipples it's | 449.22 | 3.57 |
funny how we have two nipples yeah we | 451.11 | 4.86 |
got two now asking yeah that's the name | 452.79 | 5.22 |
of this video two nipples finally yeah | 455.97 | 3.18 |
fell in a hole | 458.01 | 3.9 |
with your horse how bad there we go | 459.15 | 4.47 |
don't kill that horse salmon I don't | 461.91 | 4.2 |
want to kill fix horse all right um | 463.62 | 4.62 |
let's see we don't want our horses to | 466.11 | 4.62 |
get away right should we build something | 468.24 | 4.71 |
to kind of hold them yeah we can are | 470.73 | 3.51 |
they gonna go far I mean their name | 472.95 | 3.3 |
darling are we gonna be here long no | 474.24 | 4.44 |
what we should be all right don't you go | 476.25 | 4.38 |
anywhere mister teeth face we're sorry | 478.68 | 3.0 |
what do you got to win the comments I | 480.63 | 2.4 |
should I should remember everybody's | 481.68 | 3.36 |
name that gives me these tips but they | 483.03 | 4.59 |
were talking about the underwater door | 485.04 | 5.43 |
yeah you heard of that oh go into water | 487.62 | 5.7 |
there go underwater yeah oh oh it holds | 490.47 | 5.25 |
like a little air bubble yeah you can be | 493.32 | 2.88 |
underwater | 495.72 | 2.67 |
oh-ho-ho if you're in trouble at night | 496.2 | 4.02 |
this is this is a better place than | 498.39 | 3.48 |
building like a little shack it's true | 500.22 | 2.25 |
yeah | 501.87 | 3.24 |
honey we're underwater okay we're | 502.47 | 4.56 |
underwater he thinks of the community | 505.11 | 3.57 |
today we are need anything lots of good | 507.03 | 3.0 |
tips they'd be a video | 508.68 | 3.12 |
it'd be cool man everybody come here | 510.03 | 2.79 |
let's think about what we wouldn't do | 511.8 | 2.46 |
here we need to make this show | 512.82 | 3.72 |
entertaining whoo so should we talk | 514.26 | 4.89 |
about like controversial topics like | 516.54 | 4.23 |
should gay people be allowed to have | 519.15 | 4.079 |
guns that is not a topic that I don't | 520.77 | 2.97 |
know yeah | 523.229 | 2.671 |
and nobody is disputing the fact that | 523.74 | 3.93 |
gay people I should have doc says is | 525.9 | 4.05 |
that not in the news no not that nope | 527.67 | 4.95 |
gay people being married yeah you kind | 529.95 | 4.98 |
of blended a couple of way things know | 532.62 | 3.96 |
they can they can get married can't they | 534.93 | 3.69 |
know most of the places now cuz people | 536.58 | 4.5 |
are getting common sense do you think I | 538.62 | 5.01 |
should get guns i I think gays | 541.08 | 4.2 |
especially should should own guns | 543.63 | 3.09 |
because there's too many haters it's | 545.28 | 3.27 |
like Thanksgiving at my house I don't | 546.72 | 5.58 |
forces no swords I've never seen gay | 548.55 | 6.06 |
people shoot a gun you don't know that | 552.3 | 4.26 |
yes I've never seen one I know that | 554.61 | 3.57 |
because gay people wear shirts that say | 556.56 | 3.78 |
I'm gay hey you know what I couldn't do | 558.18 | 3.81 |
anything that other people do you have | 560.34 | 3.36 |
no sensitivity you need sensitivity | 561.99 | 3.03 |
training you're making very blanket | 563.7 | 2.76 |
statements what I say is that's | 565.02 | 3.78 |
insensitive the insensitive what the | 566.46 | 4.32 |
[ __ ] I don't doing right now I can't get | 568.8 | 3.81 |
into it alright do something well I | 570.78 | 3.27 |
asked y'all what do you want to do don't | 572.61 | 2.88 |
talk about hot topic I don't want to | 574.05 | 2.97 |
talk about any topics I want to go on | 575.49 | 3.36 |
like some sort of mission do you want a | 577.02 | 9.96 |
venture I heard that oh well here's one | 578.85 | 10.38 |
idea travel let's go find yeah what's | 586.98 | 3.87 |
the new biomes let's go do something | 589.23 | 3.9 |
action oh yeah turn come on what are we | 590.85 | 4.08 |
doing here we across the water in these | 593.13 | 6.36 |
can these guys swim find out Simon Simon | 594.93 | 7.62 |
find out buddy nice face no sorry were | 599.49 | 5.31 |
you doing base is mumbles as well wait | 602.55 | 4.35 |
he's still in there get him out I'm fine | 604.8 | 4.71 |
oh my god no no you said you gave your | 606.9 | 5.4 |
horse to him Simon get sores okay Lizzy | 609.51 | 4.53 |
I'm gonna save your goddamn horses I | 612.3 | 4.02 |
didn't know I was also hold on all right | 614.04 | 3.99 |
no oh wow you're all you're pushing up | 616.32 | 2.88 |
you're pushin I know I'm trying to get | 618.03 | 2.67 |
him over here he's fun emotion the other | 619.2 | 4.47 |
way oh he doesn't know easy | 620.7 | 4.8 |
he's right here there we go don't hit | 623.67 | 5.01 |
him let me push it back push it back you | 625.5 | 4.11 |
want adventure | 628.68 | 4.23 |
Sami you cannot be that irresponsible | 629.61 | 5.58 |
get your horse side animal give your | 632.91 | 4.77 |
[ __ ] horse yeah dude I miss hit on | 635.19 | 4.17 |
Simon you know what not gonna hurt your | 637.68 | 4.32 |
dumb in the land get on the man Simon | 639.36 | 5.52 |
get bill put right-click on this guy | 642.0 | 5.19 |
land under a horse and take him off to | 644.88 | 4.17 |
jeez good lord | 647.19 | 4.2 |
ah so guys horses can't [ __ ] swim | 649.05 | 5.13 |
yeah who knew other than anyone listen | 651.39 | 4.41 |
I'm just trying to have a good time | 654.18 | 3.54 |
yeah that was a great time yeah but hey | 655.8 | 3.959 |
that's Intel you got it happen Sami | 657.72 | 5.25 |
you're a horse owner now that is a large | 659.759 | 6.151 |
responsibility okay I honestly didn't | 662.97 | 4.469 |
know I didn't know what that you know | 665.91 | 3.029 |
what I didn't ask for this | 667.439 | 4.981 |
that's for this responsibility don't | 668.939 | 5.49 |
make me feel like you know I'm doing | 672.42 | 3.599 |
something wrong if the horse dies I die | 674.429 | 4.231 |
look you used to have a dog yeah I know | 676.019 | 3.93 |
when I had what that was like | 678.66 | 3.869 |
and I never killed a beat him fatum 15 | 679.949 | 5.521 |
years al okay dog dog slept in my bed | 682.529 | 4.71 |
though why are that what geez you bout | 685.47 | 4.079 |
killed your horse he's fine okay can we | 687.239 | 3.75 |
please go it's dark | 689.549 | 2.85 |
for Christ's that's true should we go | 690.989 | 3.81 |
back I'm almost in bed I thought you | 692.399 | 4.5 |
just never guess you son of a [ __ ] it's | 694.799 | 4.59 |
getting dark I'll not say everyone go we | 696.899 | 3.84 |
go does work you're gonna go other than | 699.389 | 3.6 |
back where's Neves are you coming Noah | 700.739 | 6.241 |
Riley I'm a survivor all right I'm in | 702.989 | 5.85 |
bed man | 706.98 | 4.74 |
good night no warning time all right | 708.839 | 5.73 |
let's go exploring today guys I came in | 711.72 | 5.489 |
and and redid the potatoes everything on | 714.569 | 4.411 |
the right is potatoes everything on the | 717.209 | 2.701 |
left is carrots | 718.98 | 2.909 |
I got a buttload of carrots - great | 719.91 | 4.769 |
story bro wasn't a story Hey oh [ __ ] | 721.889 | 6.45 |
okay Simon what explain what that was | 724.679 | 4.2 |
about | 728.339 | 3.12 |
did you see that he just hit your horse | 728.879 | 9.45 |
with a sword again accident I forget the | 731.459 | 9.3 |
button neck that does things and I hit | 738.329 | 4.29 |
the wrong button neebs come here three | 740.759 | 4.5 |
more chances for what make a little baby | 742.619 | 4.47 |
chicken it's not gonna work I gave you | 745.259 | 3.93 |
something to misty jeez all right you | 747.089 | 3.05 |
ready yeah | 749.189 | 3.601 |
take one uh-oh | 750.139 | 6.37 |
come on take two come on come Oh take | 752.79 | 5.25 |
three month I this one in the water a | 756.509 | 4.08 |
little baby chicken can drown ready on | 758.04 | 6.81 |
my own that was just sad limp | 760.589 | 6.84 |
it could have lived maybe you seen I'm | 764.85 | 4.019 |
saying there's a better way of doing | 767.429 | 2.91 |
this how you gonna make chickens Neves | 768.869 | 3.241 |
well first we gotta find chickens oh | 770.339 | 4.47 |
damn it Jesus Christ feel sorry for | 772.11 | 4.8 |
Simon's ORS let's find a chicken real | 774.809 | 4.08 |
quick you know ones that nope how do you | 776.91 | 3.349 |
call a chicken coop | 778.889 | 4.01 |
nope | 780.259 | 7.38 |
Kiki that's a little closer Oh [ __ ] some | 782.899 | 19.081 |
like that chick is like when I grew up | 787.639 | 15.63 |
like they were always just like baton | 801.98 | 2.88 |
they never got to the mark part there | 803.269 | 4.68 |
was just always yeah you're right you're | 804.86 | 7.38 |
right that's accurate so let's just stay | 807.949 | 6.151 |
here and call them they with oh yeah got | 812.24 | 2.49 |
a good idea | 814.1 | 11.549 |
again best video has video oh wait what | 814.73 | 13.26 |
work chicken it worked | 825.649 | 5.55 |
nice tell me that stuff doesn't work see | 827.99 | 5.67 |
he likes seeds okay oh yeah he's on me | 831.199 | 4.26 |
now I can follow you into the house this | 833.66 | 3.45 |
is like how the Cowboys used to do they | 835.459 | 3.331 |
won't walk out into the field and slowly | 837.11 | 3.389 |
lure a chicken back to their barn with | 838.79 | 5.07 |
seed yeah huh there we go now look | 840.499 | 6.871 |
alright hey chicken feed that chicken | 843.86 | 4.44 |
uh-uh | 847.37 | 9.469 |
kisses can't chicken kisses all right | 848.3 | 8.539 |
one day nighttime I say we go to bed and | 858.879 | 6.51 |
we wake up and we go west | 862.459 | 2.93 |
April Fool's Newser so funny so funny | 868.779 | 7.591 |
over the door | 877.12 | 4.99 |
I did it cuz you're theirs caught you | 878.809 | 6.12 |
red-handed uh-huh I got the dirt good | 882.11 | 5.399 |
morning mr. chicken good morning mr. | 884.929 | 5.01 |
sheep alright who's leading the way all | 887.509 | 4.38 |
right Simon lead the way hello okay I'm | 889.939 | 4.65 |
off Simon stop going this way for the | 891.889 | 4.74 |
rest of the board all right lead the way | 894.589 | 3.99 |
major abstract how BIG's your map | 896.629 | 4.8 |
fix your map my map is bigger but it | 898.579 | 4.68 |
starts further no always your map bigger | 901.429 | 3.84 |
my map is bigger but it starts freely | 903.259 | 3.631 |
the queen who is the biggest man | 905.269 | 3.631 |
it's just all desert in it it's | 906.89 | 4.41 |
depressing a ship don't go in the water | 908.9 | 4.71 |
well the horse didn't drown did he boy | 911.3 | 5.1 |
no we don't know what would happen in | 913.61 | 6.84 |
that neebs a man drowned his know you | 916.4 | 6.21 |
need this was science oh look at the app | 920.45 | 4.08 |
store you're doing it to your sword is | 922.61 | 2.91 |
right up his butt | 924.53 | 3.45 |
yep yeah over there mr. teeth yep just | 925.52 | 4.05 |
push him over you're up there buddy | 927.98 | 3.18 |
there you go get up you got it you got | 929.57 | 6.33 |
it Oh get up yeah yeah dude hey that's a | 931.16 | 7.41 |
big deal for me guys who's a boozer I'm | 935.9 | 5.97 |
a boozer I was a village yeah we've been | 938.57 | 3.72 |
there | 941.87 | 2.28 |
Suns going down you guys have beds I | 942.29 | 5.37 |
have a bed I have a bed and I have a bed | 944.15 | 4.38 |
that's right | 947.66 | 3.84 |
[ __ ] out mr. teeth be careful I'm we're | 948.53 | 4.95 |
in danger now lives yeah please go to | 951.5 | 4.89 |
bed hello mr. snuff pop-up it hello | 953.48 | 3.3 |
Marie | 956.39 | 7.31 |
oh I gotta get my head right let me eat | 956.78 | 6.92 |
are you doing it Simon that's really | 964.72 | 6.58 |
good timing I'm better than apps ro no I | 968.72 | 4.05 |
wouldn't say that you got to make the | 971.3 | 7.56 |
noise yeah guys I need more beer and | 972.77 | 8.46 |
this is gonna interfere a beam grab a | 978.86 | 4.86 |
beer you wait then you [ __ ] I'll wait I | 981.23 | 4.41 |
keep going guys keep it keep it moving | 983.72 | 3.21 |
okay gasp | 985.64 | 5.13 |
follow me here can you get across that | 986.93 | 6.15 |
abso mmm okay | 990.77 | 5.97 |
nice jump good job Simon just straight | 993.08 | 6.78 |
ahead work we're not far oh come on good | 996.74 | 4.65 |
work John around the freaking bend | 999.86 | 4.2 |
you'll find us hold on you see you | 1001.39 | 4.5 |
straight ahead yeah we just went | 1004.06 | 3.33 |
straight just jump across the river no I | 1005.89 | 3.84 |
can tell there's lies in your voice here | 1007.39 | 4.68 |
no just go we just had all I get across | 1009.73 | 4.74 |
with the the river with the horse same | 1012.07 | 4.41 |
way we need the same way I felt love | 1014.47 | 5.4 |
last oh I got to get off [ __ ] do we need | 1016.48 | 6.54 |
to go back for you maybe sure see how's | 1019.87 | 4.14 |
it going did you make it | 1023.02 | 3.6 |
I made it across Wow good job signs I'll | 1024.01 | 4.079 |
come back the other way do you see us | 1026.62 | 3.719 |
were you watching me you [ __ ] we're | 1028.089 | 3.181 |
right behind you | 1030.339 | 4.681 |
yep I made it yeah there's my donkey | 1031.27 | 7.65 |
good this way Adventure excitement to | 1035.02 | 5.91 |
the barn what will they run into next | 1038.92 | 4.77 |
will it be hookers well Simon chop is | 1040.93 | 4.86 |
horses balls off a nice little Mountain | 1043.69 | 3.45 |
the area over here yeah I'm wondering | 1045.79 | 3.36 |
like so the way I'm facing right now is | 1047.14 | 3.87 |
off the map yeah | 1049.15 | 3.63 |
and I'm just wondering if there's any | 1051.01 | 3.36 |
other biomes around here let's tell me | 1052.78 | 3.18 |
there's only one way to find out holy | 1054.37 | 4.32 |
[ __ ] guys yeah guys get up here good job | 1055.96 | 4.23 |
mr. teeth face he really went up that | 1058.69 | 3.42 |
mountain he really did he scooted up | 1060.19 | 3.3 |
that thing and I'm here I am I Keith | 1062.11 | 3.3 |
there come on come on buck oh I don't | 1063.49 | 3.24 |
know what you're seeing yet but keep | 1065.41 | 3.66 |
going this way dude this area over here | 1066.73 | 3.63 |
is pretty amazing | 1069.07 | 3.27 |
oh this is beautiful look at this I'm | 1070.36 | 4.2 |
over here needs some fun here common oh | 1072.34 | 3.93 |
yeah here there okay there you go that | 1074.56 | 3.78 |
is incredible that is quite the | 1076.27 | 4.92 |
structure sheep yeah look at those shape | 1078.34 | 6.36 |
up there on that thing oh there she goes | 1081.19 | 8.07 |
like holy [ __ ] guys look I want to go up | 1084.7 | 6.9 |
in there I know it all oh yeah it's got | 1089.26 | 4.17 |
a middle section let me do it Nev should | 1091.6 | 3.15 |
we check this out let's all take a | 1093.43 | 2.76 |
gamble over here come over where I am | 1094.75 | 4.43 |
take a gamble huh let's see what happens | 1096.19 | 5.37 |
I'm gonna hook us up knee buddies horse | 1099.18 | 4.03 |
just went in there whose horse was that | 1101.56 | 5.16 |
I would guess in mine note wasn't my oh | 1103.21 | 6.3 |
yes right really let your horse up ah | 1106.72 | 5.94 |
you're spooking the fish Simon I'm sorry | 1109.51 | 4.17 |
we're fishing what are you doing I'm | 1112.66 | 2.7 |
like yeah I'm making a temporary horse | 1113.68 | 3.45 |
storage so we can go explore over there | 1115.36 | 4.41 |
oh my god yeah just someone gave me so I | 1117.13 | 4.83 |
hoped my horse somebody just caught my | 1119.77 | 5.4 |
horse out who did that your horse is | 1121.96 | 6.12 |
like hot Dillman's crap I don't wanna I | 1125.17 | 4.17 |
didn't want to put our horse here I | 1128.08 | 3.6 |
wanted to fish so we can go over there | 1129.34 | 3.9 |
and explore and I'm not gonna be worried | 1131.68 | 3.03 |
about my horse getting away you can't go | 1133.24 | 3.33 |
in there before it's dark there you go | 1134.71 | 3.27 |
all right I'm gonna make this pretty | 1136.57 | 3.75 |
only went out so bad all right we're | 1137.98 | 4.2 |
good all right heading toward heading | 1140.32 | 4.77 |
Gordon you guys have fun we're back this | 1142.18 | 4.59 |
is a cool area oh man it's getting | 1145.09 | 3.72 |
nighttime [ __ ] should we sleep before we | 1146.77 | 4.44 |
go do this well we can go on a place | 1148.81 | 4.11 |
yeah this is wonderful | 1151.21 | 4.8 |
oh yeah Wow sleep in here hello this is | 1152.92 | 3.7 |
a me | 1156.01 | 4.9 |
easy we shame this place Oh God Oh | 1156.62 | 6.45 |
creeper yeah see that's the thing with | 1160.91 | 3.84 |
these uh that's the only downside of a | 1163.07 | 3.51 |
place like this better sleep quickly | 1164.75 | 3.36 |
yeah let's go ahead and yeah everybody | 1166.58 | 2.79 |
throw your bed down real quick and go to | 1168.11 | 1.65 |
sleep | 1169.37 | 2.28 |
oh [ __ ] I don't have my bed I have two | 1169.76 | 3.71 |
beds doraleous put two down real quick | 1171.65 | 6.09 |
no Simon come over that one can I sleep | 1173.47 | 5.98 |
on yep thank you | 1177.74 | 4.98 |
did you pick up my bed yeah yeah yeah | 1179.45 | 7.65 |
creeper creeper can I stay in bed oh | 1182.72 | 5.64 |
Jesus Christ | 1187.1 | 3.27 |
I just stay in bed oh we hope you can | 1188.36 | 5.16 |
Samba you can use Oh Simon get up what | 1190.37 | 7.34 |
happened about that Wireless | 1193.52 | 4.19 |
you dine in you live | 1207.86 | 3.72 |
you | 1209.52 | 2.06 |
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