MINECRAFT: The Map Pt.1 - New Neebsylvania 22
Neebs Gaming

This video comes straight from the Neebs Gaming YouTube channel.
neebs: Hey guys, welcome back to another episode of Minecraft with Neebsylvania! Today, we're diving into The Map Pt.1 - New Neebsylvania 22. And let me tell you, this one's my favorite video yet!
simon: Oh, come on Neebs, every video is your favorite video!
neebs: Hey, I can't help it if every video is a masterpiece. But seriously, this one is extra special because we're on the verge of a new adventure!
appsro: I have to agree with Neebs on this one. The discoveries and creations in this episode are top-notch. Plus, who wouldn't want to explore uncharted territories in Minecraft?
Hey Neebs Gaming fans! Have you checked out the latest video from the team on their Minecraft adventure in Neebsylvania 22: The Map Pt.1? It's full of new discoveries and creations that are sure to get you excited for the beginning of a brand new adventure.
In this video, the team dives into uncharted territory in Minecraft, exploring their surroundings and getting ready for what lies ahead. It's always fun to see the team working together and coming up with new ideas as they embark on their journey.
If you're a fan of Neebs Gaming, you'll definitely want to check out this latest video. And don't forget to take advantage of the discounts on the newest titles available through the link in the description. Plus, make sure to follow Neebs Gaming on all their social media channels to stay up to date on all their latest videos and adventures.
So grab some popcorn, settle in, and get ready to join the team on their latest Minecraft escapade in Neebsylvania 22: The Map Pt.1. It's sure to be a wild ride filled with laughter, creativity, and plenty of fun. Let's see what new adventures await in the world of Neebsylvania!

The Game
You definitely should check it out!
Man, have you seen Neebs Gaming's latest Minecraft series, New Neebsylvania 22? It's absolutely incredible. The production quality is through the roof. The way they turn Minecraft into an immersive cinematic experience blows my mind every time.
In the latest episode, The Map Pt.1, the guys make some really cool new discoveries that had me on the edge of my seat. Seeing their reactions as they explore the new terrain and slowly uncover the secrets of Neebsylvania is so entertaining. You can tell they're having a blast playing together.
And the banter between them all is hilarious as always. Simon cracks me up with his dry British humor. Thick's one-liners get me every time. Appsro is a riot when he gets excited about finding new resources. You can just feel the chemistry and camaraderie between these guys.
The cinematic camera work makes it feel like you're right there exploring alongside them. The custom textures and resource packs make Neebsylvania feel like a living, breathing world. And the original music by Neebs Gaming brings so much atmosphere and takes things to the next level.
Honestly, watching Neebs Gaming play Minecraft is better than playing it yourself. You get all the entertainment and adventure without having to do any mining or crafting yourself. It's like watching the most immersive, hilarious Minecraft movie ever.
These guys are brilliant content creators. If you're even remotely interested in Minecraft or gaming videos in general, you have to check out Neebs Gaming's cinematic masterpiece of a series. It will blow you away. I can't wait to see what adventures they get up to next in Neebsylvania!

Caption | Start | Duration |
alright guys we just found out something | 0.06 | 4.86 |
crazy yeah | 3.36 | 4.38 |
crazy right yeah like crazy happens | 4.92 | 5.73 |
crazy yeah what up and we just had a | 7.74 | 5.399 |
hole in the barn that we had to fix so I | 10.65 | 5.729 |
had a red sheep and then the red sheep | 13.139 | 7.65 |
and the white sheep mated pink sheep and | 16.379 | 6.361 |
made a little pink sheep little bitty | 20.789 | 11.941 |
pink sheep and you get a cow and a sheep | 22.74 | 13.62 |
to mate oh oh that what you got Simon I | 32.73 | 4.62 |
have a gift | 36.36 | 2.73 |
I guess I'm given Simon a gift what'd | 37.35 | 4.2 |
you give him man ok I've got a chest it | 39.09 | 4.44 |
says a gift for Simon a little sign next | 41.55 | 3.84 |
to it and his points at it and the | 43.53 | 4.98 |
inside of it is armor not iron leggings | 45.39 | 5.73 |
our thing for your chest the boots the | 48.51 | 4.95 |
the metal hat and hey I like what you | 51.12 | 3.09 |
build here though | 53.46 | 2.52 |
this little system for getting in and | 54.21 | 4.11 |
out of the yes some fans come in and say | 55.98 | 3.66 |
this apparently can do something with | 58.32 | 3.87 |
carpet - should we try that give any | 59.64 | 5.15 |
wool uh yeah make a piece of carpet oh | 62.19 | 3.84 |
crap | 64.79 | 4.75 |
what what look in the attic we got | 66.03 | 5.25 |
a creeper in the attic I'm pretty sure | 69.54 | 3.84 |
how would he spawn up there there's all | 71.28 | 4.019 |
kinds of yeah what are you son of a | 73.38 | 4.349 |
what are you doing in there I got | 75.299 | 3.541 |
this Oh No | 77.729 | 3.21 |
take him down you want to get this Q | 78.84 | 5.279 |
action music oh boy alright go handle | 80.939 | 4.831 |
the creep I usually just add it when I | 84.119 | 3.901 |
need do it I'm enough to tell me to do | 85.77 | 4.65 |
it I do eat all right I mean I already | 88.02 | 4.02 |
do it I'm gonna make carpet but if you | 90.42 | 3.36 |
guys want to wait for the archery | 92.04 | 4.41 |
champion of the world he's making his | 93.78 | 4.74 |
way within a new sense of pride and | 96.45 | 5.19 |
confidence hey back off I got him in my | 98.52 | 4.52 |
sights | 101.64 | 8.009 |
hit him thick yeah I missed the action | 103.04 | 9.1 |
you did but now you're ready for more | 109.649 | 5.731 |
action than ever that's right and we all | 112.14 | 5.759 |
look like clones man that was like crazy | 115.38 | 5.01 |
action movie teamwork right right do you | 117.899 | 4.381 |
guys see this guy coming what guy | 120.39 | 5.009 |
oh look at you salmon let me see well | 122.28 | 4.92 |
that's not Simon | 125.399 | 6.12 |
Simon has a yellow shirt yay I can take | 127.2 | 4.83 |
a hit | 131.519 | 3.391 |
befo do you still have a gold helmet | 132.03 | 6.209 |
Simon that would make sign oh yeah why | 134.91 | 3.9 |
don't you do that | 138.239 | 3.181 |
ah I got him twice out there got me | 138.81 | 4.56 |
twice alright we're good alright I'm | 141.42 | 4.26 |
gonna take my helmet off there you go | 143.37 | 4.29 |
well sun's about to go down again yeah | 145.68 | 4.11 |
we should go to bed before the monsters | 147.66 | 4.109 |
come out Simon yeah is that a stone | 149.79 | 4.11 |
sword you're using let's not use those | 151.769 | 4.44 |
is it a skull better than that Simon it | 153.9 | 5.61 |
is stone yeah I got a beard I am yep | 156.209 | 6.84 |
everybody saw that I planted carriages | 159.51 | 5.789 |
and hair haters all right you're welcome | 163.049 | 4.02 |
oh I made wheat did you'll see oh they | 165.299 | 4.111 |
have the bay the hay labelled yeah oh | 167.069 | 4.89 |
hello Bay that's nice hey that you've | 169.41 | 4.35 |
been really haven't made guys I'm in the | 171.959 | 3.271 |
lagoon if anybody wants to take a dip | 173.76 | 3.059 |
well that's nice not a romantic over | 175.23 | 3.27 |
here you need some more light over here | 176.819 | 4.5 |
don't you yeah I had one right here yeah | 178.5 | 4.709 |
hey go to our Alice it looks good good | 181.319 | 3.091 |
all right guys let's go to bed for the | 183.209 | 2.881 |
monsters come out alright I did that you | 184.41 | 3.45 |
look nice in all in the morning I show | 186.09 | 3.66 |
you more things okay okay | 187.86 | 5.909 |
sounds fun why aren't we sleeping | 189.75 | 6.45 |
I'm cuz why aren't we sleeping yeah oh | 193.769 | 4.381 |
there he goes there there we go get my | 196.2 | 4.02 |
away from you guys bed guys today's | 198.15 | 2.76 |
agenda | 200.22 | 2.16 |
alright with me yeah yeah checking | 200.91 | 3.69 |
outside for creepers and alright | 202.38 | 3.78 |
come just everybody pay attention | 204.6 | 3.3 |
alright here we go Syme in front of you | 206.16 | 2.52 |
where you going | 207.9 | 2.52 |
yes sir we can hear you cuz we're in the | 208.68 | 3.649 |
same room alright today we're gonna try | 210.42 | 4.89 |
carpet fence climbing and then I'm gonna | 212.329 | 4.66 |
show you I'm gonna take you on a field | 215.31 | 3.39 |
trip so apparently you can place the | 216.989 | 3.391 |
carpet like on top of the fence all | 218.7 | 2.31 |
right really | 220.38 | 4.109 |
so if I do that right now yeah so then | 221.01 | 5.009 |
you should just be able to climb up and | 224.489 | 2.991 |
climb over | 226.019 | 3.981 |
that's cool but it looks really ugly it | 227.48 | 4.259 |
doesn't look that good does it no just | 230.0 | 3.569 |
so that you would quit making stuff that | 231.739 | 3.75 |
there it's already already crowded in | 233.569 | 3.691 |
there they're not happy they're happy | 235.489 | 2.371 |
now | 237.26 | 2.82 |
look at those love ya rolling around in | 237.86 | 4.47 |
the wrong species right babies born in a | 240.08 | 4.47 |
pile of alright who wants to see | 242.33 | 4.68 |
something cool sure we taking us to see | 244.55 | 3.12 |
something cool | 247.01 | 2.91 |
hey nipples do we need traveling music | 247.67 | 4.38 |
again I'll decide where the music goes | 249.92 | 4.86 |
it'll valleys hit it hit it I feel like | 252.05 | 4.83 |
you guys are going way too fast are you | 254.78 | 3.75 |
running you know how to sprint right I | 256.88 | 3.3 |
know I forgot have y'all been out of | 258.53 | 4.5 |
here yes of course did you see what I | 260.18 | 4.56 |
built thick I know I didn't see what you | 263.03 | 4.26 |
built well there that know how crafty is | 264.74 | 3.06 |
Neves | 267.29 | 2.37 |
it's neat what is it what is it see if | 267.8 | 3.51 |
you can guess what it is let me take a | 269.66 | 3.27 |
look I could tell you what it is | 271.31 | 3.66 |
wait a minute make a margarita sir all | 272.93 | 4.32 |
right obviously something's whatever you | 274.97 | 4.05 |
grow here does it flow into the chest | 277.25 | 2.46 |
yeah | 279.02 | 2.97 |
so you're collecting cactus right now | 279.71 | 4.44 |
yeah it's like a cactus Harvester the | 281.99 | 4.77 |
cactus when they when they grow up to | 284.15 | 5.519 |
the sign they just snap and then they | 286.76 | 5.73 |
fall in the water oh then you go | 289.669 | 6.901 |
downstairs and there's a just this just | 292.49 | 5.79 |
that's a hot is that called a hopper I | 296.57 | 3.15 |
don't know you built it this great thing | 298.28 | 3.24 |
and then it puts it it pops it into the | 299.72 | 3.33 |
chest so what do you do with them you | 301.52 | 4.2 |
just eat the cactus no yeah I don't know | 303.05 | 3.869 |
what you do with cactus we could build a | 305.72 | 3.93 |
cactus Finch so spiders I like that if | 306.919 | 4.981 |
we talk about putting cactus around the | 309.65 | 3.69 |
perimeter it's only a matter of time | 311.9 | 4.829 |
till valleys comes up with a pun why is | 313.34 | 5.91 |
that cuz that's what you do | 316.729 | 4.41 |
you're a pun guy a punch just because of | 319.25 | 4.08 |
cactus one yeah I understand you make a | 321.139 | 4.021 |
fence so far I mean you're gonna have | 323.33 | 6.0 |
some pun with that perimeter we get away | 325.16 | 6.629 |
with are you trying to figure out the | 329.33 | 4.68 |
the pun ballast is there one that I'm | 331.789 | 2.581 |
missing | 334.01 | 2.85 |
oh boy great one oh shoot why don't you | 334.37 | 5.63 |
go ahead and do it uh we could put um | 336.86 | 8.179 |
defense use these cactus for defense Oh | 340.0 | 6.37 |
get it | 345.039 | 3.551 |
sure I just sort of been a big ocean | 346.37 | 3.93 |
yeah it was its revenge and its | 348.59 | 3.69 |
defensive I think it gets if I'm on the | 350.3 | 5.299 |
fence about that pun okay | 352.28 | 3.319 |
I'm in a cave system down here that's | 356.319 | 4.32 |
got some iron yeah oh get that iron we | 358.419 | 4.14 |
need it I'm getting that sweet iron we | 360.639 | 4.17 |
need to make more Butler's honestly I | 362.559 | 3.871 |
need the iron when you guys have it | 364.809 | 3.03 |
because I've kind of been I kind of been | 366.43 | 4.139 |
working on something too oh that's where | 367.839 | 4.711 |
I came up is that when I came out of the | 370.569 | 3.69 |
ground this well they get back down | 372.55 | 3.089 |
there so we got to fill this in you | 374.259 | 3.69 |
can't leave that what it is it's fill | 375.639 | 4.11 |
that in that's a mess that's an eyesore | 377.949 | 4.02 |
do there's mess everywhere with that | 379.749 | 4.41 |
attitude I mean no you look over here so | 381.969 | 4.081 |
we feel this giant no because that's a | 384.159 | 4.921 |
canyon this is just a man-made hole nice | 386.05 | 5.099 |
watch this watch this I got a stunt for | 389.08 | 5.22 |
you go back to the hole ready uh-huh | 391.149 | 6.75 |
just jump the canyon okay I can't go | 394.3 | 5.28 |
back in canyons over there well the | 397.899 | 3.841 |
jumpers next week that's not a canyon | 399.58 | 4.35 |
this is the canvas I'm German | 401.74 | 5.069 |
this is absurd you want this uh do you | 403.93 | 4.59 |
want all this oh I do yeah all your iron | 406.809 | 4.56 |
Suns going down give unto me your on | 408.52 | 4.979 |
dish look at look at this natural mess | 411.369 | 4.08 |
right here we need to fill this in | 413.499 | 3.54 |
y'all ready you follow me yep I'm right | 415.449 | 4.291 |
behind you where we going now follow and | 417.039 | 4.321 |
I'll show you the next wonder of the | 419.74 | 2.009 |
world | 421.36 | 3.209 |
oh boy where you taking us I'm gonna | 421.749 | 4.35 |
show you something underground Oh | 424.569 | 3.12 |
all right I just wanna go down the mine | 426.099 | 3.451 |
and show you guys babe's did you make a | 427.689 | 5.09 |
memorial for the time you killed me whoo | 429.55 | 5.699 |
careful so guys we're at the bottom of | 432.779 | 5.14 |
the mine shaft yeah yep so if you look | 435.249 | 5.82 |
behind the ladder behind the look yeah | 437.919 | 6.2 |
okay there's an entrance uh uh-huh | 441.069 | 5.99 |
thank you head down here this is all | 444.119 | 6.311 |
I did this a long time ago | 447.059 | 6.79 |
whoa what is whoa what are you doing | 450.43 | 5.939 |
this is how you make a mine see this is | 453.849 | 3.03 |
nice | 456.369 | 2.34 |
see how good this look what looks really | 456.879 | 3.54 |
good it just seems like overkill oh it's | 458.709 | 4.77 |
not no one's gonna come down well once | 460.419 | 4.8 |
you've mined it like why would you ever | 463.479 | 2.821 |
come back | 465.219 | 3.42 |
Oh creeper it's very impressive though | 466.3 | 5.19 |
he's down Oh boys down all this glass | 468.639 | 5.01 |
you made oh no I just pulled that up a | 471.49 | 4.529 |
chance to rub it in busy little bee so I | 473.649 | 5.73 |
made it on it so um but look when you do | 476.019 | 5.081 |
this you are you | 479.379 | 3.671 |
but I'm lost you don't get you don't | 481.1 | 4.11 |
lose track of what you did no that's | 483.05 | 4.35 |
good idea I never did and look I do this | 485.21 | 4.8 |
differently this this is my home base | 487.4 | 4.92 |
right here in the middle yep everybody | 490.01 | 3.81 |
just come come to me so I can show you | 492.32 | 2.76 |
all around yep I'm here | 493.82 | 4.65 |
so I had it like this and I had torches | 495.08 | 4.29 |
on the left | 498.47 | 2.52 |
mm-hmm that means you're leaving home | 499.37 | 3.75 |
base any time you're in a cavern you | 500.99 | 4.38 |
gotta hold that unless believing it's on | 503.12 | 3.87 |
the left if they're on the right that | 505.37 | 3.63 |
means you're returning then you go up on | 506.99 | 4.53 |
the next vein mm-hmm what are we making | 509.0 | 5.479 |
with obsidian again nether portal | 511.52 | 5.79 |
hahahahaha oh and there's a good bed of | 514.479 | 4.271 |
it right here that I've blocked off all | 517.31 | 2.82 |
right so I'm gonna have to leave and | 518.75 | 4.169 |
come back down to this but hey can y'all | 520.13 | 3.99 |
come back over this way for a minute | 522.919 | 2.941 |
yeah but I gotta go pick up my daughter | 524.12 | 3.93 |
so I'm gonna log out I'll be back okay | 525.86 | 5.19 |
hold on son this much back down | 528.05 | 6.24 |
alright Lisa do you see me do I see you | 531.05 | 5.13 |
yeah yeah yes I do | 534.29 | 4.62 |
okay walk towards me yeah all right now | 536.18 | 4.23 |
back up back away from me | 538.91 | 4.32 |
back away time okay now go to your left | 540.41 | 6.39 |
it's my left Simon what what you are | 543.23 | 5.67 |
using your index finger to move every | 546.8 | 5.76 |
direction you please leave me alone you | 548.9 | 5.16 |
can't just use one finger to move around | 552.56 | 2.7 |
that's what I do | 554.06 | 3.12 |
oh so you know the right way cuz it's | 555.26 | 3.57 |
uncomfortable cuz then when I panic I go | 557.18 | 3.87 |
like this what do you do he pushes all | 558.83 | 2.91 |
the bosu-ball | 561.05 | 4.53 |
oh I need to retrace learn to do that | 561.74 | 5.01 |
can we move on please | 565.58 | 2.58 |
well are you gonna try to learn that way | 566.75 | 3.6 |
you're gonna keep doing the wrong finger | 568.16 | 4.71 |
method noobs yeah this mine is | 570.35 | 6.21 |
impressive and also showcases your OCD I | 572.87 | 5.88 |
just last time I saw your mind Alice I | 576.56 | 4.35 |
was like oh my goodness yeah people get | 578.75 | 3.51 |
lost in here and I'm never gonna find it | 580.91 | 3.15 |
ah I mean you'd have to really have some | 582.26 | 3.87 |
problems to get lost this is dry Lisa's | 584.06 | 3.96 |
mother made food better you gotta | 586.13 | 3.51 |
swallow your food before you tell before | 588.02 | 4.47 |
you just asking to get lost up here are | 589.64 | 4.86 |
you up in it yeah I don't wanna go too | 592.49 | 4.56 |
far they'll get lost there's just it's | 594.5 | 4.59 |
so much work into yours that it's just | 597.05 | 4.35 |
it wasn't so it wasn't you have like | 599.09 | 4.65 |
yeah it's a work of art I'm done showing | 601.4 | 4.65 |
I don't know it's impressive grumble | 603.74 | 7.149 |
pants grumble grumble grumble I like it | 606.05 | 8.559 |
do I just I probably won't make mine | 610.889 | 7.41 |
like that mm-hmm um I think that's all I | 614.609 | 5.34 |
had to show that's really good | 618.299 | 4.02 |
no no it's great it is a float neebs | 619.949 | 4.32 |
boat day right does anybody else want to | 622.319 | 2.61 |
show anything | 624.269 | 3.63 |
I made a spider castle up on the UH we | 624.929 | 5.16 |
saw then Simon did you build anything | 627.899 | 4.081 |
you guys have checked out my Museum | 630.089 | 4.47 |
right Simon yeah how's your sandwich | 631.98 | 4.859 |
it's uh it's actually pretty nice what | 634.559 | 4.43 |
is this what you got in there um | 636.839 | 8.97 |
pam-pam no chicken why'd you say ham | 638.989 | 10.12 |
would you say this dragged that you're | 645.809 | 5.161 |
just climbing a ladder it's not so hard | 649.109 | 3.42 |
do you realize it took me that long to | 650.97 | 3.329 |
get to the ladder and get up I'm still a | 652.529 | 3.66 |
target on what ladders and identifying | 654.299 | 6.72 |
meat so last week | 656.189 | 6.96 |
f-forgive me a map have you ever used | 661.019 | 3.93 |
maps before I've never used a map no | 663.149 | 3.54 |
okay so I've got this map and I have a | 664.949 | 4.771 |
lot of the land mapped out this whole | 666.689 | 5.19 |
East I've not yet explored | 669.72 | 4.739 |
isn't that like don't you want to yeah | 671.879 | 4.05 |
let's go know what don't tell thik that | 674.459 | 3.48 |
he'll be there in a heartbeat probably I | 675.929 | 3.84 |
was probably probably on establish you | 677.939 | 3.661 |
have that flag and I hate that we don't | 679.769 | 3.961 |
have Native women in the East let's see | 681.6 | 4.56 |
what's in the top right corner and then | 683.73 | 4.139 |
in the middle and then in the bottom I | 686.16 | 4.289 |
guess the bottom south east so what are | 687.869 | 3.84 |
we doing we're going back to the place | 690.449 | 3.211 |
and gearing up yeah go check your | 691.709 | 3.66 |
inventory drop things off you don't need | 693.66 | 4.2 |
grab a maybe even grab an extra bed all | 695.369 | 3.87 |
right everybody ready for the morning | 697.86 | 4.589 |
I just need food all right can we sleep | 699.239 | 11.09 |
so close I'm already in bed so I know my | 702.449 | 10.98 |
bed for a while okay you guys are cool I | 710.329 | 5.831 |
guys doing all right going to be ad yeah | 713.429 | 6.47 |
hey Belva ders looking down on Simon as | 716.16 | 6.089 |
Simon eats sandwich all right I'm ready | 719.899 | 4.831 |
for explorations let's all get together | 722.249 | 6.59 |
it balls all right I got my map okay so | 724.73 | 7.809 |
you're right here I'm here no no one's | 728.839 | 5.74 |
here no we're all here right there yeah | 732.539 | 3.24 |
just yell down to him neebs | 734.579 | 4.141 |
y'all come over here Simon where are you | 735.779 | 5.64 |
Alice at the in the road all right so | 738.72 | 4.199 |
that's north I'm looking north roll most | 741.419 | 3.571 |
the top of the map some of this map | 742.919 | 5.341 |
mapped out by apps ro and Magellan and | 744.99 | 5.94 |
some by me this is all old hat too thick | 748.26 | 3.96 |
though all right we want to check out | 750.93 | 5.04 |
the Northeast the mid I guess the West | 752.22 | 5.429 |
is mysore southeast | 755.97 | 4.739 |
get ready oh yeah yeah let's see what's | 757.649 | 4.531 |
out here someone pick up my sword | 760.709 | 3.63 |
connect thick drop this sword someone | 762.18 | 5.04 |
picked it up so I only have so on the | 764.339 | 5.69 |
stone sword was it iron it was iron I | 767.22 | 5.309 |
don't have it you get it there I did | 770.029 | 3.161 |
thank you | 772.529 | 3.331 |
all right lead the way okay we are going | 773.19 | 6.47 |
this way it was a good start | 775.86 | 3.8 |
you trying to live | 788.77 | 3.66 |
you | 790.37 | 2.06 |
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