MINECRAFT: Saddle Up - New Neebsylvania 26
Neebs Gaming

This video comes straight from the Neebs Gaming YouTube channel.
neebs: Hey, Simon! Have you seen the latest episode of New Neebsylvania? It's all about saddling up!
simon: Oh yeah, that one's my favorite! I love how we have to wrangle those horses and find saddles. And don't forget about our quick stop by Appsro Island!
neebs: Haha, Appsro Island always adds some extra fun to our adventures. Plus, who doesn't love a good horseback ride in Minecraft?
simon: Exactly! It's like a virtual equestrian dream come true. I can't get enough of our shenanigans in New Neebsylvania.
Hey there, Neebsylvania fans! Have you checked out the latest episode of Minecraft - New Neebsylvania 26: Saddle Up yet? It's an exciting one, where the gang is getting ready to corral some horses but first, they need to find saddles for everyone. Of course, no adventure in Neebsylvania is complete without a quick stop by Appsro Island.
If you haven't already, make sure to click the link to explore Neebsylvania on the Hank and Jed Movie Pictures website. And don't forget to check out their awesome merchandise on Spreadshirt for some cool Neebs Gaming gear.
For all you gamers out there, Neebs Gaming has some crazy discounts on the newest titles over at G2A. So, make sure to take advantage of those deals and join in on the fun.
As a huge fan of Neebs Gaming, I love following them on social media. From Facebook to Twitter, Twitch to Google+, they always keep us updated on their latest adventures and projects. And let's not forget about the awesome music featured in their videos, from artists like Kevin MacLeod and Silent Partner.
So, if you're ready to saddle up and join the gang on their latest Minecraft adventure, be sure to watch the episode and don't forget to like, comment, and share to show your support for Neebsylvania and Neebs Gaming. Let's keep the fun going and continue to explore the amazing world of Neebsylvania together!

The Game
You definitely should check it out!

Caption | Start | Duration |
so we need some food um wish we had a | 0.03 | 6.869 |
wheat for Alice yep come back upstairs | 4.71 | 4.65 |
bow it out for the ladder your head | 6.899 | 5.671 |
looks weird my head looks weird ah now | 9.36 | 4.77 |
it doesn't your head looks weird their | 12.57 | 2.939 |
head look real zeros because you're | 14.13 | 10.95 |
looking down now again should we do a | 15.509 | 12.27 |
little bread harvest harvest some bread | 25.08 | 5.16 |
uh who needs a saddle I'll have one | 27.779 | 5.401 |
extra I don't have one yet so I love a | 30.24 | 5.31 |
saddle I do not have as we battle I've | 33.18 | 4.44 |
got a horse with a saddle so I'm of | 35.55 | 2.64 |
course you do | 37.62 | 2.279 |
I have books what the hell good of books | 38.19 | 3.18 |
Oh give those books to me | 39.899 | 3.541 |
who needs write other over here they're | 41.37 | 4.29 |
over here I think the rally's just | 43.44 | 3.66 |
picked him up oh wait I'm gonna go try | 45.66 | 3.57 |
out doraleous is a garbage disposal | 47.1 | 4.32 |
there you go doraleous I'll take that | 49.23 | 4.89 |
saddle okay yeah that'll do two rallies | 51.42 | 6.779 |
they'll do um thank you sner yeah | 54.12 | 6.48 |
welcome were you at for what No thank | 58.199 | 4.231 |
you I was responding to him yeah you | 60.6 | 4.29 |
need iron still no I got it Oh creeper | 62.43 | 5.34 |
creeper by the horses and cows are the | 64.89 | 4.799 |
sheep and cows save them can I shoot him | 67.77 | 4.349 |
yeah we can shoot him yeah hold on we | 69.689 | 3.781 |
can to make sure yep sorry did I just | 72.119 | 5.491 |
shot an animal accident there we go | 73.47 | 6.56 |
horse again our livestock is now dead | 77.61 | 4.049 |
good job buddy | 80.03 | 3.76 |
yeah see I'm productive Neves how did | 81.659 | 4.171 |
you put that uh how'd you put that chest | 83.79 | 4.14 |
on i just right-clicked on him when his | 85.83 | 4.109 |
butt so yeah is it working on horses we | 87.93 | 3.149 |
never found that out maybe's come here | 89.939 | 3.301 |
you try it I've there's the chest oh god | 91.079 | 4.891 |
guys what unless things have changed | 93.24 | 4.47 |
apparently it's not possible to craft | 95.97 | 3.66 |
your own saddle which is silly | 97.71 | 3.99 |
also you have to find saddles or I mean | 99.63 | 3.779 |
we've caught them fishing right you | 101.7 | 3.51 |
certainly do it Neves you think you can | 103.409 | 4.021 |
you can craft all this stuff and you | 105.21 | 4.5 |
can't make a saddle that's silly all | 107.43 | 5.25 |
right so we need to prepare for horsies | 109.71 | 5.729 |
the journey right for the journey and | 112.68 | 4.89 |
I'll obviously all have saddles right | 115.439 | 3.511 |
enough sweets and we still have the map | 117.57 | 4.95 |
so how do I make bread absol so yo have | 118.95 | 5.279 |
you looked in all those chests in that | 122.52 | 3.779 |
uh building is there a saddle maybe | 124.229 | 4.56 |
floating around somewhere randomly I do | 126.299 | 3.971 |
not see one | 128.789 | 3.851 |
doraleous sorry to say it buddy got a ho | 130.27 | 6.99 |
no code I hold it I hold it through the | 132.64 | 10.29 |
grapevine nice we need two saddles yes | 137.26 | 7.02 |
cuz I don't have a saddle and Neves | 142.93 | 2.97 |
doesn't have a saddle correct now how | 144.28 | 3.3 |
did you guys get settles you guys got | 145.9 | 4.05 |
them like fishing right fishing and | 147.58 | 4.62 |
maybe in a chess somewhere yeah there | 149.95 | 4.8 |
was one in a chest in that in that | 152.2 | 4.29 |
temple that we went to we all go fishing | 154.75 | 3.39 |
is that how he gets I doing right now | 156.49 | 3.6 |
everybody just fished ourselves well | 158.14 | 2.73 |
let's go to bed | 160.09 | 2.43 |
so that way we don't get attacked by | 160.87 | 3.39 |
that's true go to bed go to bed real | 162.52 | 2.67 |
quick get one more bite | 164.26 | 3.54 |
come on one more bite oh but that's | 165.19 | 4.8 |
great going to bed can we seriously not | 167.8 | 3.96 |
sleep again I'm hearing it again | 169.99 | 3.54 |
everybody in bed I just laid down I just | 171.76 | 4.44 |
got there we're not sleeping you by | 173.53 | 4.74 |
seeing doppelgangers out there when did | 176.2 | 4.08 |
we get a pig Simon I don't think that's | 178.27 | 4.59 |
a pig time the pink sheep ha ha ha oh | 180.28 | 6.57 |
it's big yep should we try sleeping at | 182.86 | 5.97 |
the other place we can try I want to | 186.85 | 3.9 |
make the run let's make a run for it | 188.83 | 4.11 |
alright run to the other place everybody | 190.75 | 4.23 |
get together up creeper already alright | 192.94 | 3.39 |
just keep on trying keep on the right | 194.98 | 3.51 |
keep the right skeleton jump is faster | 196.33 | 4.95 |
by the way I see all these youtubers | 198.49 | 6.87 |
jumping while they run oh yeah no just | 201.28 | 5.76 |
feel silly talk creep think that makes | 205.36 | 3.33 |
you run faster to the left so you're | 207.04 | 3.6 |
almost on open it does it actually does | 208.69 | 3.51 |
make you yeah it does yeah Wow | 210.64 | 3.66 |
it's all Sir Simon which blew right past | 212.2 | 3.87 |
me and I was running full speed hey | 214.3 | 5.43 |
what's up jirobo - want to come in all | 216.07 | 4.2 |
right good deal | 219.73 | 3.09 |
I'm bad in bed in bed in bed yeah | 220.27 | 4.439 |
everybody in bed yeah yeah alright let's | 222.82 | 2.55 |
see what happens | 224.709 | 4.861 |
oh boy that is weird | 225.37 | 6.18 |
what that is weird what is happening | 229.57 | 4.2 |
well we'll reset the server later we | 231.55 | 3.84 |
need to go fishin don't we I I think | 233.77 | 5.01 |
yeah where's your lava thing oh come | 235.39 | 7.58 |
come here straight the way I'm facing | 238.78 | 6.6 |
this is where you throw your trash yeah | 242.97 | 5.26 |
yeah whoa what no I don't know what that | 245.38 | 4.829 |
thing was where are you Simon my | 248.23 | 3.66 |
inventory I'm out I'm out in the | 250.209 | 5.25 |
wilderness what is he what are you doing | 251.89 | 4.44 |
I was fishing | 255.459 | 3.361 |
oh well let's fish together okay but | 256.33 | 4.32 |
guess what yeah I caught something that | 258.82 | 3.27 |
might have been cool but my inventory | 260.65 | 2.64 |
was full | 262.09 | 2.97 |
it's still there probably in the water I | 263.29 | 6.54 |
was here and I think it went somewhere | 265.06 | 6.3 |
around here that's out in the wilderness | 269.83 | 4.62 |
yes it's that one tree near you | 271.36 | 4.95 |
I don't see anything says that we're | 274.45 | 3.12 |
doing out just fishing until we get a | 276.31 | 3.33 |
saddle fishing for saddles mission for | 277.57 | 4.32 |
saddles so Simon you're over there you | 279.64 | 3.96 |
keep an eye on our backs we'll keep an | 281.89 | 2.49 |
eye on your backs | 283.6 | 3.78 |
okay no creeper surprises guys did you | 284.38 | 7.35 |
do come on fishy you're like we're | 287.38 | 10.17 |
overfishing this area yeah probably the | 291.73 | 8.04 |
other place that you can find saddles is | 297.55 | 5.28 |
uh is it like villages oh yeah I've | 299.77 | 4.32 |
already a commandeer at all that yeah | 302.83 | 3.45 |
I'm sure thick's already remember looted | 304.09 | 3.93 |
everything in there not all I'm sure | 306.28 | 3.33 |
there's more oh wait you know what I | 308.02 | 3.06 |
know of a village there's one to the | 309.61 | 3.48 |
north but it's an option we can go there | 311.08 | 3.42 |
and try it's a little it's a boat | 313.09 | 2.73 |
journey though we all need boats | 314.5 | 2.55 |
I'm just getting a bunch of puffer fish | 315.82 | 4.05 |
oh I know me too are we sure you can't | 317.05 | 4.53 |
make a saddle leaves you left the game | 319.87 | 3.45 |
and leaves left the game except he's | 321.58 | 3.45 |
right over there fishing oh wow | 323.32 | 3.6 |
and walking around some crazy glitch | 325.03 | 3.45 |
where it said that for everyone yeah | 326.92 | 3.39 |
yeah yep yeah you may want to like | 328.48 | 4.35 |
disconnect and reconnect man I don't | 330.31 | 4.17 |
know what's going on with you disconnect | 332.83 | 3.96 |
so what do we think keep fishing or make | 334.48 | 3.93 |
a journey dude I say we make the journey | 336.79 | 3.6 |
to a villa Ernie this is boring his dick | 338.41 | 4.59 |
right now he's back he never really left | 340.39 | 3.93 |
all right you're ready for travel | 343.0 | 3.36 |
gentlemen what else do I need guys so I | 344.32 | 3.9 |
don't get yelled at I have a bed I have | 346.36 | 4.5 |
food you got a boat I have a boat okay | 348.22 | 4.8 |
now you're sit all right I have at least | 350.86 | 4.14 |
five extra boats two of us don't have | 353.02 | 4.05 |
saddles but do we all have wheat go look | 355.0 | 4.62 |
at the Sun it's noon all noobs actually | 357.07 | 4.35 |
well I can't show you something if you | 359.62 | 4.35 |
want okay all right so I found something | 361.42 | 4.76 |
Axl | 363.97 | 2.21 |
so well first off this is where I'm | 369.57 | 4.18 |
thinking like possible future | 372.1 | 3.78 |
enchantment room okay we have like a you | 373.75 | 3.48 |
know enchantment table and all down here | 375.88 | 3.45 |
surrounded by books might be a good | 377.23 | 4.97 |
place for it but uh down here I | 379.33 | 6.23 |
discovered just a huge mine mines | 382.2 | 5.56 |
anytime anyone comes down here be very | 385.56 | 4.21 |
very careful because as you can see here | 387.76 | 3.63 |
it splits off into multiple directions | 389.77 | 3.63 |
but this was under our house this looks | 391.39 | 3.84 |
like doraleous has mine it was mine not | 393.4 | 2.82 |
know which way to go | 395.23 | 3.21 |
this is where Simon fell a long time | 396.22 | 4.53 |
doing it oh yeah all right happen right | 398.44 | 4.68 |
oh look at this look at this I can I can | 400.75 | 3.75 |
show you this while I'm here well | 403.12 | 2.43 |
there's something else somebody's | 404.5 | 3.36 |
working on well this hopefully and | 405.55 | 3.24 |
that's what I wanted to talk to you | 407.86 | 2.37 |
about the intersection to the roads for | 408.79 | 3.06 |
because I was thinking this this is | 410.23 | 3.6 |
where our guest will land remember the | 411.85 | 3.93 |
buoy system that Simon wanted uh-huh | 413.83 | 3.45 |
there's a buoy system in place now | 415.78 | 3.54 |
instead of the instead of the tacky road | 417.28 | 4.53 |
yep this is like a lighthouse yeah oh | 419.32 | 4.29 |
yeah and I've also built a lighthouse on | 421.81 | 3.51 |
the other side so eventually you know I | 423.61 | 3.3 |
need to put like a chest here with some | 425.32 | 3.0 |
boats guys we should probably run back | 426.91 | 2.85 |
to the house and go to bed thank you now | 428.32 | 2.61 |
to get back to the house yeah I'm | 429.76 | 3.6 |
looking at it so no there he is | 430.93 | 5.27 |
take your tags take my tags hell no | 433.36 | 5.4 |
let's see if we can sleep now since I | 436.2 | 5.02 |
disconnected okay crossing the fingers | 438.76 | 9.63 |
hey buddy in bed in bed in bed is that | 441.22 | 8.31 |
the way you came back and you're bad | 448.39 | 3.5 |
have sir yep all right and I'm in bed | 449.53 | 9.09 |
come on sleep hey hey we did it it's the | 451.89 | 9.46 |
launch point over by a which we eyes was | 458.62 | 4.74 |
a which maybe she has a saddle all right | 461.35 | 4.32 |
follow everybody on me cuz we got to go | 463.36 | 3.72 |
this way and we got to go through the | 465.67 | 4.38 |
back roads hold on all right bye way for | 467.08 | 4.92 |
Simon trying to eat something and I got | 470.05 | 3.42 |
hit the wrong button all right I'm not | 472.0 | 3.81 |
we're getting you up are you one finger | 473.47 | 4.08 |
in her three finger moves desperately | 475.81 | 3.33 |
trying the entire time to three fingers | 477.55 | 2.94 |
I'm good that's all that's all we ask | 479.14 | 3.9 |
the shocker the journey begins lead the | 480.49 | 2.91 |
way | 483.04 | 2.34 |
ah I've inchi I would love to carve this | 483.4 | 3.57 |
out and make this look nice and big | 485.38 | 4.59 |
yeah like the mines of moria all right | 486.97 | 4.95 |
that from its Lord of the Rings yeah of | 489.97 | 3.6 |
course the hell did you guys go | 491.92 | 3.84 |
Yesi jumpin look how fast yet what do | 493.57 | 3.81 |
you mean where'd we go we were walking | 495.76 | 3.87 |
down a straight how did you lose us and | 497.38 | 2.97 |
they all | 499.63 | 2.73 |
release it are we all here yeah and I | 500.35 | 4.47 |
turn to go to the ball and then we say | 502.36 | 4.26 |
okay we're ready we're leaving all right | 504.82 | 3.39 |
I see you guys Jesus I'm gonna call | 506.62 | 3.39 |
thick Simon number two from now on | 508.21 | 6.15 |
that's an honor thick is it yes | 510.01 | 5.85 |
all right Neves you want me to leave or | 514.36 | 3.059 |
do you want you want my map I want you | 515.86 | 4.38 |
to leave due to lead um yeah you lead | 517.419 | 4.831 |
now whose vote is already in the water | 520.24 | 3.75 |
wait what did I just catch what'd you | 522.25 | 3.3 |
catch what'd you catch | 523.99 | 6.45 |
did I catch something around you're | 525.55 | 6.69 |
going way down there man far down was it | 530.44 | 6.21 |
I catch it what what was it | 532.24 | 7.08 |
it just looked different I don't know if | 536.65 | 4.41 |
I caught it or not hold on I like this | 539.32 | 5.46 |
little Bay Area ah jackpot | 541.06 | 6.6 |
you get a saddle yeah nice dude are you | 544.78 | 5.88 |
[ __ ] me no I'm right through it in | 547.66 | 5.55 |
came out doraleous are you in a boat yep | 550.66 | 4.74 |
he's doraleous is here I'm here are you | 553.21 | 3.93 |
know but really yeah I'm in a boat yeah | 555.4 | 3.39 |
man boats are wonky look at that | 557.14 | 2.7 |
look what I'm looking at freeze you | 558.79 | 4.2 |
wonky oh wow Alistair Ellis is nothing | 559.84 | 5.07 |
against joggle Gator I'm out I'm out | 562.99 | 3.72 |
here if there's thick there's doraleous | 564.91 | 3.75 |
I got the map all right we're gonna come | 566.71 | 4.38 |
out here everybody get on me try not to | 568.66 | 4.82 |
run into each other right I hate it hey | 571.09 | 5.25 |
it doesn't glue any I steered around it | 573.48 | 4.75 |
and I still hit it [ __ ] I'm coming to | 576.34 | 2.85 |
you I got a boat | 578.23 | 6.45 |
watch out well I said watch out you | 579.19 | 6.09 |
dumbass | 584.68 | 3.15 |
yeah watch out if he ride you throw boom | 585.28 | 6.62 |
go die for it dumbass you're the dumb | 587.83 | 6.39 |
dick did you get your boat back no you | 591.9 | 3.58 |
threw it in the water | 594.22 | 3.75 |
yeah I said go diving no all right here | 595.48 | 4.65 |
you can pop up I don't know I feel like | 597.97 | 3.3 |
you're the one that [ __ ] up thanks to | 600.13 | 6.33 |
it just make it hit me [ __ ] and when | 601.27 | 7.05 |
you tangle angry its environment here I | 606.46 | 3.24 |
need tango a three or four should be | 608.32 | 2.93 |
able to sing with a tango all right | 609.7 | 5.88 |
waiting for dick gotta go think what you | 611.25 | 6.67 |
do yeah I have a boat here that | 615.58 | 4.05 |
information would have been solid prior | 617.92 | 4.38 |
to big you are not gonna take two chunks | 619.63 | 5.46 |
out at Trina's leave it yes he is cuz we | 622.3 | 4.44 |
got more important things I'm so happy I | 625.09 | 3.3 |
do not live in your household | 626.74 | 3.75 |
ya can imagine what kind of weird-ass | 628.39 | 3.69 |
rules you have over there live your life | 630.49 | 3.22 |
once you worry about knee | 632.08 | 3.55 |
Pheebs them dude I'm worried about all | 633.71 | 3.93 |
the small people in your house and | 635.63 | 4.08 |
animals that can't make decisions for | 637.64 | 4.2 |
themselves off the small people I breed | 639.71 | 4.23 |
champions they are self-sufficient now | 641.84 | 4.44 |
they eat a bowl of cereal out of the | 643.94 | 3.6 |
Cap'n Crunch and throw the rest of the | 646.28 | 3.45 |
box away yeah and our cats eat shredded | 647.54 | 5.61 |
documents is everybody ready to go yep | 649.73 | 4.86 |
yep all right let's do it | 653.15 | 3.96 |
lead the way I'll be second I'll be last | 654.59 | 4.77 |
that makes sense for you wears thick | 657.11 | 3.96 |
I'm behind you actually everybody looks | 659.36 | 4.38 |
the same damn it so for Simon that you | 661.07 | 3.81 |
should get in front of me I don't trust | 663.74 | 1.68 |
you better | 664.88 | 3.75 |
no all right everybody behind we're good | 665.42 | 5.43 |
I can see Simon I can't see in front of | 668.63 | 4.08 |
Simon right I can see Simon's lines we | 670.85 | 2.82 |
all psychology | 672.71 | 2.82 |
I see doraleous and Simon there's a | 673.67 | 4.38 |
flock of squid to the right block of | 675.53 | 4.53 |
squids I wonder what would a group of | 678.05 | 4.86 |
squids call a gaggle oh boy this is see | 680.06 | 4.5 |
the comments to watch out for like a | 682.91 | 4.56 |
video game here like Frogger holy [ __ ] | 684.56 | 5.28 |
guys that's a lot of squid Simon made it | 687.47 | 4.2 |
through good job buddy thank you | 689.84 | 4.38 |
at SAP sorry you have a map I do so you | 691.67 | 4.83 |
know where the village is you do I know | 694.22 | 3.98 |
it's on this island over here somewhere | 696.5 | 4.11 |
somewhere I don't remember its exact | 698.2 | 5.11 |
location I want you out getting closer | 700.61 | 7.29 |
to the coast more squid yep cool so the | 703.31 | 6.99 |
absolute dude you were super lucky oh | 707.9 | 5.94 |
man good huh yep there's a village to | 710.3 | 4.05 |
the right | 713.84 | 3.96 |
nice good navigate Napster man I know | 714.35 | 5.58 |
what I'm doing I got this Suns going | 717.8 | 2.69 |
down | 719.93 | 3.39 |
well we have a place to stay yeah are | 720.49 | 4.06 |
you gonna eat trying that neebs | 723.32 | 3.27 |
yeah I'll break another one for you see | 724.55 | 3.9 |
if it uh no my little work phone master | 726.59 | 3.99 |
plan work oh here's a to leaves I made | 728.45 | 4.65 |
to write here a minute - yeah try it so | 730.58 | 4.05 |
we're just looking randomly for a saddle | 733.1 | 4.8 |
yep no nothing up there yeah normally um | 734.63 | 6.06 |
these villages have chests in them | 737.9 | 4.41 |
somewhere yeah God she aims to work | 740.69 | 3.75 |
doesn't it I should stay there maybe so | 742.31 | 4.41 |
yeah all right let's find a find a house | 744.44 | 4.41 |
in this village to uh sleep sleep real | 746.72 | 3.87 |
quick everybody get your bed where's my | 748.85 | 5.19 |
bed no don't even kid I keep my key | 750.59 | 7.38 |
thing but a big I'm in bed all right all | 754.04 | 4.59 |
right | 757.97 | 4.43 |
I'm in bed I'm in bed I'm in bed | 758.63 | 3.77 |
yay he did it morning | 766.209 | 6.341 |
horny when he grabbed your bed yes so | 769.97 | 4.559 |
now let's uh let's see if this village | 772.55 | 3.93 |
proves fruitful let me look at it | 774.529 | 4.98 |
his village is on the very south tip of | 776.48 | 3.63 |
this island | 779.509 | 2.25 |
why did none of the villages in our | 780.11 | 4.349 |
world have villagers I don't know the | 781.759 | 4.5 |
Saudis got him oh yeah maybe they're | 784.459 | 3.12 |
zombies Gottlieb's you just want to UM | 786.259 | 3.27 |
I'm gonna show you this map I don't want | 787.579 | 4.231 |
to say thick's the reason but is he no I | 789.529 | 4.68 |
didn't you can't kill villagers Hey look | 791.81 | 4.009 |
at me real good you happen to cause | 794.209 | 3.81 |
zombies to kill our villagers know | 795.819 | 3.911 |
that's that's a negative come over here | 798.019 | 2.88 |
I don't want anybody to grab this | 799.73 | 3.39 |
village is very very small it is Simon | 800.899 | 3.541 |
get the [ __ ] out of the way you know | 803.12 | 3.36 |
what [ __ ] you this is a terrible find | 804.44 | 3.839 |
what are you doing after trying to give | 806.48 | 3.659 |
you this just a [ __ ] just to show you in | 808.279 | 3.54 |
the audience where we're we're where we | 810.139 | 3.301 |
are at now you want to look at the map | 811.819 | 3.421 |
yeah I like to look north no look at the | 813.44 | 5.009 |
map ok facing east yeah we know there's | 815.24 | 4.98 |
nothing right we this and everywhere | 818.449 | 3.57 |
right this is north yes that'll be north | 820.22 | 4.71 |
yep all for naught okay that doesn't | 822.019 | 4.62 |
tell me how what I mean you can see that | 824.93 | 4.08 |
map I have is like a lot bigger than the | 826.639 | 4.2 |
map you have his needle Vania on that | 829.01 | 4.23 |
map to uh the the bottom of it is yeah | 830.839 | 3.87 |
if you'd have kept it longer right I | 833.24 | 3.51 |
showed you but yeah all right so | 834.709 | 4.051 |
nothing's here nothing we've already | 836.75 | 3.66 |
explored everything I would imagine is | 838.76 | 3.54 |
like four places so no one thinks that | 840.41 | 4.26 |
maybe uh because there should be | 842.3 | 5.19 |
villagers and villages and not is it a | 844.67 | 4.95 |
matter of like when you go to a village | 847.49 | 4.5 |
now zombies appear there and they'll | 849.62 | 3.99 |
kill the villagers I don't know how that | 851.99 | 2.73 |
works I've heard something like that | 853.61 | 3.27 |
when you go there then zombies will come | 854.72 | 5.88 |
yeah hmm is the scent of a every every | 856.88 | 6.24 |
village that I brought you never had a | 860.6 | 4.14 |
person in it there was never a there was | 863.12 | 3.18 |
never a person ever saw a person funner | 864.74 | 3.599 |
would you run into Israeli learning did | 866.3 | 3.87 |
the little zombies not die in the Sun | 868.339 | 4.201 |
man I failed some beautiful flowers die | 870.17 | 3.3 |
you little [ __ ] | 872.54 | 3.239 |
as this Sun bum-rush by a little [ __ ] | 873.47 | 4.59 |
zombie during the day | 875.779 | 4.56 |
where were you underground so oh I'm out | 878.06 | 4.62 |
in the bay Justin right here ooh | 880.339 | 3.631 |
you know what we don't have any of these | 882.68 | 3.69 |
kind of trees near our house I'm gonna | 883.97 | 5.219 |
harvest some there you go we need to | 886.37 | 4.38 |
start a little tree farm the white ones | 889.189 | 2.811 |
birch | 890.75 | 3.32 |
our church trees don't they usually have | 892.0 | 4.86 |
chests and stare of their [ __ ] and ran | 894.07 | 5.67 |
not a very fruitful village huh think | 896.86 | 4.59 |
I'm gonna name this area Apsara island | 899.74 | 3.38 |
nothing here | 901.45 | 4.26 |
Michigan I am losing connection a lot | 903.12 | 4.24 |
you get the nicest computer that doesn't | 905.71 | 3.06 |
make any sense would you catch trout | 907.36 | 3.12 |
there's nothing on that one there's | 908.77 | 4.98 |
nothing now so there are two places over | 910.48 | 3.69 |
there | 913.75 | 3.6 |
there are three places here man uh those | 914.17 | 6.36 |
uh squid just just whacked one of those | 917.35 | 5.79 |
boats that's okay I got a I got three | 920.53 | 4.29 |
more used to think the swag tap turn off | 923.14 | 3.06 |
no I hate him I hate it when they whack | 924.82 | 3.6 |
those boats off ah there's a nice little | 926.2 | 3.81 |
swimmin hole over here to the north | 928.42 | 3.78 |
unless you have stuff to do like make | 930.01 | 6.33 |
villages vacant I got a nice visitor oh | 932.2 | 6.27 |
thanks thanks for stopping by what I was | 936.34 | 3.24 |
really looking for when I went on my | 938.47 | 2.64 |
little excursion was a jungle biome | 939.58 | 3.33 |
that'd be fun but there's like no other | 941.11 | 3.75 |
biomes yeah we just got in close to | 942.91 | 4.5 |
desert and Hills yeah and we just got | 944.86 | 4.86 |
that oasis middle of the desert I mean | 947.41 | 4.26 |
granted you like that area yeah it's a | 949.72 | 3.66 |
nice area it sucks when you find out | 951.67 | 3.0 |
that it's not anywhere near anything | 953.38 | 2.37 |
else yeah | 954.67 | 3.3 |
all right so nothing's here where are | 955.75 | 4.08 |
you after I'm just exploring the island | 957.97 | 3.9 |
all right well everybody's explore spend | 959.83 | 3.36 |
a day on the island and we'll sleep and | 961.87 | 2.61 |
then we'll uh we'll head back home that | 963.19 | 3.96 |
works Island fun day Island fun day epps | 964.48 | 4.71 |
ro Alan there's nothing here but there | 967.15 | 4.25 |
will be | 969.19 | 2.21 |
you finally | 980.69 | 3.76 |
you | 982.39 | 2.06 |
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