MINECRAFT: Nether Portal - New Neebsylvania 31
Neebs Gaming

This video comes straight from the Neebs Gaming YouTube channel.
neebs: Hey Appsro, have you seen our latest video, 'MINECRAFT: Nether Portal - New Neebsylvania 31'? It's my new favorite!
appsro: Oh yeah, that one where we finally build the Nether Portal? That was epic! Definitely one of our best videos.
neebs: I mean, who wouldn't love watching me struggle to build that portal while you guys just stand around and watch?
appsro: Hey, I was providing moral support! And besides, it was hilarious seeing you try to figure it out.
Hey there, fellow Neebs Gaming enthusiasts! Have you checked out the latest episode of New Neebsylvania yet? Appsro is on a mission to build a portal in Minecraft, and things are about to get super exciting in episode 31: Nether Portal!
If you're a fan of all things Neebsylvania, you definitely won't want to miss out on this epic adventure. Appsro has found obsidian and it's time for him to put his building skills to the test. Will he successfully create the portal and venture into the Nether? You'll have to watch the video to find out!
Don't forget to click on the link to explore Neebsylvania for even more gaming goodness. Plus, if you're in the market for some awesome new titles, make sure to check out the crazy discounts available at G2A through the Neebs Gaming link. Who doesn't love a good deal on their favorite games, right?
And of course, be sure to connect with the Neebs Gaming crew on all their social media channels. From Facebook to Twitter and Twitch, there are plenty of ways to stay up to date on all the latest gaming adventures and shenanigans. You won't want to miss a single moment of the action-packed fun that the Neebs Gaming team brings to the table.
So grab your snacks, settle in, and get ready for another thrilling episode of Neebsylvania. It's time to see what kind of trouble Appsro gets into this time as he embarks on his Nether Portal mission. Who knows what surprises and challenges await him in the world of Minecraft? One thing's for sure - it's going to be an epic journey filled with laughs, excitement, and plenty of gaming magic. Let's do this, Neebs Gaming fans!

The Game
You definitely should check it out!
Neebs Gaming has done it again with their latest Minecraft series New Neebsylvania! This long-running survival series never ceases to entertain, thanks to the crew's hilarious antics and brilliant cinematic editing that makes it feel like you're watching a movie.
In the latest episode, Appsro finally has enough obsidian to build the nether portal that will take the gang into the fiery nether dimension. This opens up a whole new world of possibilities, resources, and inevitable chaos that I can't wait to see unfold. Watching the portal come together block by block had me on the edge of my seat - the epic music only heightened the anticipation!
While some may see Minecraft as a simple block-building game, Neebs Gaming proves there are limitless stories to tell and adventures to be had. The way they construct elaborate sets, coordinate intense action sequences, and develop their eccentric characters over time makes New Neebsylvania into a true cinematic masterpiece.
Even in more low-key episodes like this one, the crew's comedy and camaraderie never fail to produce laugh-out-loud moments. From Thick's ongoing tree saga to Appsro's determined portal construction to Simon's, well, Simon-ness, their distinct personalities mesh so well together on and off camera.
Neebs Gaming is undoubtedly the best way to experience Minecraft without actually playing it yourself. Their editing and narrative transform the game into a movie-quality production. With New Neebsylvania nearing its 100th episode, I'm continually amazed at the crew's creativity and passion. This series represents what YouTube gaming content can and should aspire to be.
So if you're looking for entertainment that blends comedy, storytelling, and elite gaming skills, look no further than Neebs Gaming. Their videos are like mini movies that you can't help but binge watch. I can't wait to join the guys on whatever hilarious adventures come next!

Caption | Start | Duration |
I'm gonna put this golden carrot in the | 0.06 | 4.41 |
food chest but y'all don't use it don't | 2.28 | 3.18 |
eat that [ __ ] | 4.47 | 2.49 |
we might need that to make more horses | 5.46 | 3.33 |
when Simon kills his next one all right | 6.96 | 2.28 |
Apsara | 8.79 | 3.69 |
yo what you already have a map I do who | 9.24 | 4.71 |
else will be competent with a map | 12.48 | 3.329 |
I don't think Simon should have it no I | 13.95 | 5.31 |
don't want Elias I don't want it mmm | 15.809 | 5.041 |
yeah the only option then left it's | 19.26 | 6.0 |
thick yeah yes I'm busy are you just | 20.85 | 6.33 |
looking for a place to store your map no | 25.26 | 3.3 |
it's gonna give someone a copy so I | 27.18 | 3.089 |
should be able to tell where the other | 28.56 | 4.32 |
person is okay that's what I heard so if | 30.269 | 6.271 |
i take this and i put my map in the | 32.88 | 7.53 |
crafting table and then another map two | 36.54 | 5.609 |
maps well there you go I should be able | 40.41 | 3.989 |
to give someone this map and we should | 42.149 | 5.311 |
be able to see each other yeah on our | 44.399 | 4.171 |
maps oh that's pretty sweet | 47.46 | 3.36 |
so who won't sit I'm fine with taking | 48.57 | 4.68 |
yeah give it a good Tudor era Babbitt | 50.82 | 4.739 |
did where are you I'm at the garbage | 53.25 | 3.059 |
disposal | 55.559 | 3.331 |
Oh Suns going down all right you ready | 56.309 | 6.93 |
grab this car that map got it and then | 58.89 | 7.049 |
equip it so let me run away from you all | 63.239 | 4.681 |
right dad I spin around make your | 65.939 | 3.091 |
character spin all right yeah look you | 67.92 | 4.65 |
can see him nice yeah its GPS sweet all | 69.03 | 8.19 |
right now face north now face out what | 72.57 | 6.839 |
works guys it works that's pretty sweet | 77.22 | 4.5 |
man so we can all have one map boy why | 79.409 | 2.671 |
huh | 81.72 | 2.16 |
and always know where where where we're | 82.08 | 4.02 |
give me up ya always know where the | 83.88 | 4.949 |
other yeah always look like you just | 86.1 | 6.36 |
happen by the house tonight my horse is | 88.829 | 5.841 |
dead | 92.46 | 8.63 |
Oh No | 94.67 | 9.12 |
was that by the house oh my god Ella | 101.09 | 6.15 |
Marie is dead [ __ ] oh yeah there's a | 103.79 | 9.27 |
saddle oh that was the worst sound I've | 107.24 | 6.6 |
ever heard | 113.06 | 2.49 |
were you looking at the map yes oh | 113.84 | 2.94 |
that's hot | 115.55 | 3.27 |
oh my god why don't we go to bed babe | 116.78 | 4.379 |
why you realize this is a big deal we're | 118.82 | 3.9 |
gonna have to have some sort of ceremony | 121.159 | 3.811 |
and I really do expect I'm in shock | 122.72 | 4.17 |
right now I'm in shock so it should be | 124.97 | 4.11 |
ceremony bill little headstone here that | 126.89 | 3.33 |
stone would be nice | 129.08 | 4.05 |
here lies Ella Marie one fancy [ __ ] of | 130.22 | 5.57 |
a horse hill monument della Marie Oh | 133.13 | 7.74 |
stupid dead horse she's the mother of | 135.79 | 7.06 |
puddin always that puddings mama that | 140.87 | 3.869 |
was puddings mom Oh y'all me to break | 142.85 | 3.389 |
the news to puddin there we go | 144.739 | 3.091 |
look it's my horse's name I thought it | 146.239 | 3.481 |
was are you [ __ ] kidding is your | 147.83 | 3.81 |
horse is it mine you guys don't forget | 149.72 | 4.2 |
it is night time yeah I'm aware of that | 151.64 | 5.129 |
it killed my horse that would be really | 153.92 | 4.95 |
not very tasteful for moms to attack | 156.769 | 3.72 |
right now we're in mourning it's a | 158.87 | 4.11 |
ceasefire it's so nice you know what I'm | 160.489 | 4.321 |
gonna do something fella Marie here we | 162.98 | 4.92 |
go I'm gonna do something little move | 164.81 | 4.98 |
this around it and that started to be | 167.9 | 4.559 |
tacking in she hated sugar cane huh | 169.79 | 4.59 |
Simon are you just randomly placing | 172.459 | 4.381 |
those no this is in memory of elemér II | 174.38 | 4.98 |
like this is not symmetrical at all Ella | 176.84 | 4.709 |
Marie wasn't one that cared about | 179.36 | 4.56 |
symmetric you don't know we had a leg on | 181.549 | 4.021 |
each side you don't know your horse's | 183.92 | 3.84 |
name watch this jump this for you Ella | 185.57 | 6.66 |
Marie Oh what the hell is that man I | 187.76 | 6.449 |
don't know how I would act if I lost mr. | 192.23 | 3.96 |
t face I don't feel good about this I'm | 194.209 | 3.961 |
sure you don't I can't begin to | 196.19 | 3.389 |
understand what you're feeling right now | 198.17 | 2.879 |
guys can we just gather around here real | 199.579 | 2.94 |
quick yeah I'm with you | 201.049 | 3.481 |
Oh hold on just got to keep an eye out | 202.519 | 4.021 |
what color was she again Alice did you | 204.53 | 3.72 |
want to say white spots yeah I just want | 206.54 | 3.419 |
to say uh I don't even make the funeral | 208.25 | 3.18 |
can you shut the [ __ ] up I'm being | 209.959 | 3.181 |
attacked Oh seriously they couldn't make | 211.43 | 3.45 |
the funeral yeah oh you're looking easy | 213.14 | 3.12 |
mm-hmm | 214.88 | 4.3 |
no damn it hold on you're missing the | 216.26 | 5.83 |
ceremony I know I'm also about to die so | 219.18 | 3.75 |
well that's good | 222.09 | 2.19 |
mmm all right I'm gonna go on without | 222.93 | 3.119 |
that being you say something say thing | 224.28 | 5.099 |
Ella Marie was a she was a good girl | 226.049 | 7.83 |
puddings mother mr. teeth faces lover | 229.379 | 9.271 |
yeah you live you learn you lose yep yep | 233.879 | 7.651 |
love you major yeah | 238.65 | 5.13 |
anybody got a word you remembered | 241.53 | 5.219 |
remember and and will never forget Ella | 243.78 | 5.069 |
Murray whenever we walk by this thing | 246.749 | 3.63 |
that's true you said that she was black | 248.849 | 3.84 |
but with white white with white spots | 250.379 | 3.961 |
oh is it spotted white wouldn't work I | 252.689 | 3.54 |
do have Alzheimer's Sam seriously | 254.34 | 6.03 |
yes okay all Symonds ah that's that's | 256.229 | 6.511 |
about it anyone else I don't know if you | 260.37 | 3.12 |
knew her like I did | 262.74 | 2.31 |
no I got nothing for you David I'm sorry | 263.49 | 4.5 |
I remember when I first met Ella Murray | 265.05 | 5.399 |
you didn't have a name she was just just | 267.99 | 4.56 |
horse just a happy horse running free in | 270.449 | 4.521 |
the field she was happy and then | 272.55 | 5.01 |
probably would still be alive if I | 274.97 | 4.69 |
didn't have a map handed to me yeah guys | 277.56 | 4.169 |
let's not all right no more dwelling on | 279.66 | 3.78 |
this now let's not remember hello would | 281.729 | 3.361 |
she die she wouldn't want us to be | 283.44 | 3.42 |
standing around here remember how she | 285.09 | 4.65 |
lived yeah it was brief let's go to bed | 286.86 | 4.08 |
let's make a horse let's go that's | 289.74 | 3.239 |
that's it all right I'm in bed I'm in | 290.94 | 4.349 |
bed let's go get dry lace a horse uh is | 292.979 | 4.231 |
there any extra nametags anyone I have | 295.289 | 5.041 |
one Skelton Oh creeper - I'll get him no | 297.21 | 5.22 |
don't go anywhere near that Simon let's | 300.33 | 3.66 |
take the skeleton out real quick find | 302.43 | 4.2 |
reallys give him the [ __ ] ABS right what | 303.99 | 3.0 |
isn't | 306.63 | 2.64 |
this tunnel looks wonderful thank you | 306.99 | 3.929 |
nipples is checking it out right now | 309.27 | 4.11 |
that's looking good you like that yeah | 310.919 | 5.25 |
okay well it's it's not done yet but | 313.38 | 4.98 |
that was kind of the design I had in | 316.169 | 3.631 |
mind for this tunnel now that's looking | 318.36 | 2.16 |
sharp | 319.8 | 2.64 |
all right let's breathe Amer where's | 320.52 | 4.649 |
that golden whatever's I got him | 322.44 | 4.89 |
chickens are getting be out of hand over | 325.169 | 5.791 |
here man they're banging like chickens | 327.33 | 5.04 |
over there what do you want | 330.96 | 3.449 |
dries Simon are you would you are you | 332.37 | 4.139 |
happy with pudding yeah you let's uh | 334.409 | 4.801 |
let's let puddin relieve himself on a | 336.509 | 7.291 |
female what take away cutter yeah let's | 339.21 | 5.61 |
do it it's not how it works | 343.8 | 3.03 |
oh no let's do it what about you about | 344.82 | 2.67 |
the bird | 346.83 | 2.28 |
a little bit of pp and then you have | 347.49 | 6.239 |
made the guy pees girls baby then it's | 349.11 | 7.86 |
uh that a baby comes out the mouth hey | 353.729 | 5.851 |
do you realize you've not been get over | 356.97 | 7.11 |
here bring your horse hold on yeah shut | 359.58 | 13.22 |
this gate ballast you know that [ __ ] | 364.08 | 12.809 |
substan to fix your [ __ ] kid I do | 372.8 | 7.6 |
things in Catholic school you be her | 376.889 | 8.071 |
face child I'm a baby comes out the | 380.4 | 6.269 |
mouth let me throw off a baby I would | 384.96 | 4.049 |
like her yeah do you mind if your steed | 386.669 | 5.97 |
uh provides the UH gets [ __ ] my puddin | 389.009 | 6.961 |
he know this he has goods good seed to | 392.639 | 6.09 |
give oh no no puddin de has down the | 395.97 | 4.77 |
hood is a woman's in yarn it to receive | 398.729 | 4.231 |
look at you look at my white stallion he | 400.74 | 4.56 |
is I've got the seed that the seed | 402.96 | 4.44 |
you've got other vagina they'll do what | 405.3 | 5.31 |
happens yeah you got the mouth yeah I | 407.4 | 4.769 |
probably should get off the egg then get | 410.61 | 3.299 |
IVA see you don't wanna be something you | 412.169 | 2.37 |
get off soon | 413.909 | 2.19 |
she wants the boy hood and I want you to | 414.539 | 4.981 |
do me a favor okay banger good that's | 416.099 | 5.91 |
not a girl good banging so pudding in | 419.52 | 3.989 |
the white one yep these two right here | 422.009 | 2.46 |
yeah yep | 423.509 | 2.731 |
all right you ready yeah let's see what | 424.469 | 3.45 |
happened yeah get some pudding doesn't | 426.24 | 3.209 |
seem interested are you sure he's in | 427.919 | 3.78 |
ended Putin probably just got laid | 429.449 | 5.31 |
pudding gets a lot wouldn't get the kids | 431.699 | 5.581 |
a lot of poon hey you ready yeah let's | 434.759 | 7.321 |
do it oh oh yeah go do let's see I'm | 437.28 | 6.539 |
gonna what happened here it's part of | 442.08 | 2.489 |
the process | 443.819 | 4.921 |
mm-hmm no what are they Wow | 444.569 | 6.241 |
they were that was magical so they're | 448.74 | 3.479 |
both dudes you say I think that was a | 450.81 | 3.69 |
dud I gotta go get more gold now son of | 452.219 | 4.861 |
a [ __ ] that's man putting it's okay but | 454.5 | 5.819 |
it's okay buddy Bella function okay over | 457.08 | 3.45 |
here | 460.319 | 3.15 |
my white stallion trigger he is top of | 460.53 | 5.819 |
the line she is palpable I know you | 463.469 | 6.2 |
prime vagina | 466.349 | 8.431 |
this is top of the line vigil yeah that | 469.669 | 5.351 |
way | 474.78 | 4.139 |
that's what sugar is no I have a clue on | 475.02 | 5.94 |
her vagine I'd take a shine to that | 478.919 | 9.12 |
verge on you so that worked you guys | 480.96 | 9.03 |
have another full green horse that's | 488.039 | 2.641 |
right yeah | 489.99 | 2.94 |
a bubble bush yeah he'll hop in your | 490.68 | 6.72 |
horses bad John's I had like guys I had | 492.93 | 6.359 |
thousands of carrots I've got some | 497.4 | 4.079 |
carrots I know but he's saying he's not | 499.289 | 4.47 |
yet that where'd you go you ready yeah | 501.479 | 5.011 |
I'm ready everybody finds do it one and | 503.759 | 9.301 |
then the guys don't ask little buddy | 506.49 | 9.349 |
eat he wants to be with someone like a | 513.06 | 3.899 |
sailor | 515.839 | 4.75 |
please please leave it alone guys see | 516.959 | 5.911 |
how I eat you can eat like this with | 520.589 | 3.901 |
your mouth yeah we probably got a bed | 522.87 | 4.08 |
yeah spider good a bit good a bed | 524.49 | 4.2 |
morning hooray | 526.95 | 4.829 |
it's behind you hiding in the corner | 528.69 | 6.0 |
ashamed up here we go yo Z house dug now | 531.779 | 4.891 |
compute said that you don't have to feed | 534.69 | 3.63 |
him you just ride him and ride him until | 536.67 | 3.21 |
he gets hearts and then then you can put | 538.32 | 3.06 |
a saddle on them yeah that's what he's | 539.88 | 3.0 |
doing oh so yeah right click on them and | 541.38 | 2.85 |
just try to write it I am sure it's not | 542.88 | 4.26 |
let me doesn't like carrot either a | 544.23 | 5.04 |
stubborn one there he's a stubborn mule | 547.14 | 4.86 |
in you keep trying I just use on my weak | 549.27 | 4.11 |
here like ten I don't think you even | 552.0 | 5.01 |
have to feed him whoa whoa who the [ __ ] | 553.38 | 5.49 |
hit my horse well you did by the way I | 557.01 | 4.889 |
want to do that yeah yeah and you need | 558.87 | 4.86 |
to just maybe smack it around and let it | 561.899 | 4.861 |
know who the boss is up at this horse | 563.73 | 4.65 |
this donkey horse | 566.76 | 3.87 |
hey having it is he man I think we | 568.38 | 5.55 |
should have to kill this one no need to | 570.63 | 5.34 |
kill it man maybe she's come back | 573.93 | 6.27 |
swimmingly oh this was a pretty | 575.97 | 5.28 |
uneventful day | 580.2 | 3.629 |
pretty pretty shitty I found 11 eggs in | 581.25 | 3.089 |
the chest | 583.829 | 2.101 |
yeah look at this project uh no man the | 584.339 | 3.511 |
chance oh my this is gonna be close oh | 585.93 | 4.05 |
don't waste them all over that he's | 587.85 | 4.06 |
right on that | 589.98 | 8.14 |
[ __ ] little baby check okay | 591.91 | 8.1 |
I was cool but you hit mr. teeth face oh | 598.12 | 4.32 |
he'll be fine everybody lay in bed I'm | 600.01 | 4.11 |
in bed I'm Jay off right | 602.44 | 3.93 |
go to bed nice party go to bed it's too | 604.12 | 4.56 |
early let's party come on oh it's | 606.37 | 5.58 |
already time for a time huh no party | 608.68 | 5.94 |
right oh yeah so early party party yes | 611.95 | 4.65 |
hey you guys want a party guys know how | 614.62 | 3.66 |
to party come party with us | 616.6 | 5.36 |
ain't no ponies are you party barn party | 618.28 | 6.42 |
is that app sure out there me I'm making | 621.96 | 3.7 |
my way to the barn | 624.7 | 3.27 |
hey knees I got a present for you what | 625.66 | 5.01 |
you got you come find me the party's | 627.97 | 5.73 |
downstairs yeah y'all gonna stay down | 630.67 | 4.65 |
there say something sometimes life just | 633.7 | 2.73 |
happens noobs | 635.32 | 3.24 |
can't eat a saddle you can't eat saddles | 636.43 | 4.62 |
guys Oh confirmed confirmed okay Simon | 638.56 | 3.54 |
get out the way I got to give me | 641.05 | 2.7 |
something I'm out of the way don't let | 642.1 | 3.21 |
anybody else catch this it's just for | 643.75 | 2.81 |
you | 645.31 | 4.32 |
wow you want to build a portal I think | 646.56 | 4.27 |
we should build another border yeah | 649.63 | 2.37 |
we're going to the net we're ready for | 650.83 | 3.9 |
that worked well look at we got armor on | 652.0 | 5.55 |
y'all coming to bed yeah you you really | 654.73 | 3.99 |
want to walk us up for a [ __ ] play | 657.55 | 2.49 |
you were like hey party now we're a | 658.72 | 3.6 |
party and you're like honored well you | 660.04 | 3.69 |
want to build a portal don't you yeah | 662.32 | 3.81 |
you'll need slate so no that's coming up | 663.73 | 4.74 |
good job guys what a mate we can watch | 666.13 | 4.17 |
the Sun Rise it's your fault me hey | 668.47 | 2.88 |
where do you want to build the pole | 670.3 | 3.36 |
catching a quick nap absolutely you you | 671.35 | 3.84 |
lead this thing tell what you want I | 673.66 | 2.91 |
will say the portal is noisy no matter | 675.19 | 2.61 |
where you put it is it's gonna be a | 676.57 | 3.84 |
constant rear area where you put it put | 677.8 | 4.59 |
under the house you want to do that yeah | 680.41 | 3.54 |
we could go go down into the mines a | 682.39 | 3.3 |
little bit once we get in there I would | 683.95 | 3.54 |
say we shouldn't go too far no let's | 685.69 | 3.84 |
just get a taste yeah guys can I just | 687.49 | 3.93 |
like I've just a quick moment of silence | 689.53 | 3.84 |
are you still talking about your dead | 691.42 | 4.68 |
damn horse hold on where's needs do you | 693.37 | 4.77 |
know what silence means where is he I'm | 696.1 | 4.5 |
here all right thank you | 698.14 | 4.29 |
it's all I need okay appreciate that | 700.6 | 5.28 |
where's your buddy where's nipples - all | 702.43 | 5.31 |
right everybody meet inside the house oh | 705.88 | 3.69 |
and by meeting the house I guess I was I | 707.74 | 4.26 |
said oh you fish oh yeah oh here me me | 709.57 | 3.84 |
me OOP | 712.0 | 2.4 |
should have been more clear about I | 713.41 | 2.58 |
tried to intercept that all right let's | 714.4 | 3.21 |
go needs I think we come down here we'll | 715.99 | 3.83 |
take a right | 717.61 | 4.53 |
maybe just come down here a little ways | 719.82 | 4.66 |
like maybe yeah maybe like right in this | 722.14 | 4.29 |
area I thought you had an area where you | 724.48 | 3.81 |
were gonna put like enchantments yeah | 726.43 | 3.45 |
yeah that's that's on the other side I | 728.29 | 2.64 |
don't want this thing right under the | 729.88 | 3.15 |
house because it's noisy so apps are am | 730.93 | 3.63 |
i helping right now by doing what I'm | 733.03 | 2.01 |
doing | 734.56 | 4.89 |
uh no noobs did you follow us yes no all | 735.04 | 5.49 |
right Neves do you know how to build one | 739.45 | 1.68 |
of these things | 740.53 | 4.32 |
maybe all right how how big is it it's | 741.13 | 5.4 |
like that before | 744.85 | 3.75 |
somebody tell me how hot again one more | 746.53 | 3.78 |
right take one more hi do you need a | 748.6 | 3.63 |
little booster yeah can I get your | 750.31 | 4.11 |
shoulders I think yeah one more up top | 752.23 | 4.08 |
and then across one more higher yeah | 754.42 | 4.35 |
okay so now let's get all this uh skills | 756.31 | 5.28 |
cobblestone edge here cobblestone don't | 758.77 | 3.78 |
come to me I gotta give you something | 761.59 | 4.41 |
this is a flint and steel and you will | 762.55 | 10.08 |
use that to uh to light it oh yeah all | 766.0 | 8.16 |
right everybody swords out who should we | 772.63 | 4.29 |
send in first shall go no no you should | 774.16 | 4.8 |
actually you listenin simon de so Simon | 776.92 | 3.96 |
I'll go in Simon even and tell us what | 778.96 | 3.87 |
you see right now and you need to be our | 780.88 | 3.84 |
astronaut okay jump in | 782.83 | 3.48 |
uh-huh and come back and tell us what | 784.72 | 3.27 |
you see yeah doesn't know if it's safe | 786.31 | 3.33 |
or not I'm going to but listen when I | 787.99 | 3.96 |
jump in I can should come right back out | 789.64 | 3.81 |
right yes we'll look around | 791.95 | 3.42 |
I know let's go destroy the corral but | 793.45 | 3.33 |
you should have me a second give me a | 795.37 | 4.91 |
second and you forgot me I don't know | 796.78 | 6.27 |
[ __ ] you have to actually stand inside | 800.28 | 4.87 |
me I went right through | 803.05 | 5.4 |
oh so I jumped through a Rock'em it | 805.15 | 4.59 |
didn't work you got you got actually | 808.45 | 3.24 |
just see it okay you can propagate it | 809.74 | 3.81 |
okay jump jump in it all right there you | 811.69 | 4.08 |
go now walk in there you go good luck | 813.55 | 4.14 |
sounding go get him killer [ __ ] we're | 815.77 | 3.0 |
all pulling for you now what do I do | 817.69 | 2.67 |
it's still waving you're tripping out | 818.77 | 3.96 |
way in balls do I can I go through it or | 820.36 | 3.99 |
do I wait for something to appear thank | 822.73 | 3.66 |
you it'll take you through it it should | 824.35 | 3.45 |
it's not I'm right now it's just | 826.39 | 3.57 |
swirling around why isn't he going Hayes | 827.8 | 4.14 |
is it cuz of the wall I built in the | 829.96 | 3.75 |
back maybe it was the wall might have | 831.94 | 3.55 |
been okay yeah yeah I do is | 833.71 | 3.46 |
open and I got in here yeah now stand | 835.49 | 3.45 |
right there steal further little further | 837.17 | 5.28 |
little further what too far - all right | 838.94 | 5.43 |
what good maybe we should send somebody | 842.45 | 5.55 |
else I'm going are you going job is it | 844.37 | 6.839 |
working maybe then look like it was | 848.0 | 4.92 |
enough you see do you realize that you | 851.209 | 3.121 |
took me out of the equation you thought | 852.92 | 2.76 |
I was [ __ ] up but I wasn't on I'm | 854.33 | 4.29 |
sitting you got to wait longer nah what | 855.68 | 5.01 |
hey lunch should have happened yeah so | 858.62 | 4.23 |
maybe cuz word no shouldn't matter that | 860.69 | 3.57 |
we're down below is it cuz we're down | 862.85 | 3.929 |
below I'm tearing this thing down okay | 864.26 | 4.23 |
yeah we'll try to build it up top | 866.779 | 3.511 |
somewhere what do you think Belvedere | 868.49 | 4.52 |
I just wanted to dehydrate and die oh | 870.29 | 5.82 |
Belvedere's God typical Belvedere | 873.01 | 5.26 |
alright how about a bit over here over | 876.11 | 3.87 |
here by the yeah screw you did you guys | 878.27 | 4.11 |
get a chance to borrow my tree I did | 879.98 | 5.91 |
drop down I can I can I am nobody's | 882.38 | 4.829 |
paying attention what you need what you | 885.89 | 2.759 |
think Simon think I should keep going on | 887.209 | 2.431 |
that tree alright that should actually | 888.649 | 3.481 |
be good dick yeah from what I read you | 889.64 | 4.05 |
can leave off the corners if you wanted | 892.13 | 3.18 |
to you ever seen a tree that property | 893.69 | 2.7 |
owner diamond neebs | 895.31 | 3.33 |
go like light this bad boy up ashtray | 896.39 | 4.259 |
but what do you think of my tree it's a | 898.64 | 3.9 |
great tree I saw it yeah I really do | 900.649 | 2.19 |
like it | 902.54 | 2.19 |
yeah we're doing another lightning it's | 902.839 | 3.601 |
a nice tree would you like to elaborate | 904.73 | 3.99 |
on that episode good tree how much do | 906.44 | 4.019 |
you like alright it's good I want to go | 908.72 | 4.5 |
in I want to go in how much do you like | 910.459 | 5.07 |
the tree Dallas I'm doing other stuff | 913.22 | 3.869 |
let's see that tree over there | 915.529 | 5.011 |
I grew it myself alright what do you | 917.089 | 5.401 |
think of the tree go to hell did you see | 920.54 | 4.44 |
it no names like waiting on the team or | 922.49 | 3.96 |
like come on like the damn portal we | 924.98 | 2.609 |
need one more time see you're cheating | 926.45 | 3.15 |
up there pay somebody to this tree or | 927.589 | 3.661 |
we're not going anyway alright where's | 929.6 | 5.51 |
this mama I can hate that tree so my | 931.25 | 7.14 |
portal goddamn stupid tree ah | 935.11 | 9.099 |
alright light her up I'm going okay | 938.39 | 10.56 |
buddy oh [ __ ] okay this is different is | 944.209 | 6.481 |
it Lee yeah this is this is very | 948.95 | 6.21 |
different yeah cuz like Simon what's it | 950.69 | 6.36 |
like over there does it matter which way | 955.16 | 3.51 |
you go oh [ __ ] | 957.05 | 3.99 |
what well don't attack it no today I go | 958.67 | 3.99 |
attack it don't it's already did wait | 961.04 | 3.09 |
don't attack it anymore | 962.66 | 3.39 |
make friends wait friends hey buddy | 964.13 | 3.22 |
somebody give it some help | 966.05 | 4.3 |
I wonder that zombie pigmen zombie | 967.35 | 5.58 |
pigman oh my god out apparently I didn't | 970.35 | 4.02 |
know they could okay | 972.93 | 2.88 |
they're friendly unless you hit them my | 974.37 | 4.62 |
name is noobs welcome to NIMH Sylvania | 975.81 | 6.78 |
would you like some bread Gork let's all | 978.99 | 6.35 |
hop in there together we're gonna fit | 982.59 | 6.87 |
all right I'm in here I'm in I'm in I'm | 985.34 | 5.65 |
in right who just hit I got knocked down | 989.46 | 3.57 |
are we hit up in all right we're all in | 990.99 | 3.74 |
here let's see what it does | 993.03 | 5.7 |
boogity boogity boogity boo it's the | 994.73 | 5.47 |
first time loading up the nether maybe | 998.73 | 4.35 |
the maybe the server maybe I think we're | 1000.2 | 4.53 |
in here he's a minute this ain't working | 1003.08 | 3.03 |
enemies get out of there what in the | 1004.73 | 6.09 |
hell hey we need your help | 1006.11 | 7.17 |
oh my go fishin it's the nether disable | 1010.82 | 7.47 |
on the sir oh you can't kick okay okay | 1013.28 | 6.6 |
alright guys we're gonna log out real | 1018.29 | 3.0 |
quick and then log back in all of us | 1019.88 | 2.34 |
logging out right now let's get | 1021.29 | 2.64 |
connecting Chris if you would be so kind | 1022.22 | 4.109 |
no um Chris I would also like a boat a | 1023.93 | 4.79 |
lot it for myself as well Chris Chris | 1026.329 | 5.281 |
can we get back in yep hey can we fix | 1028.72 | 4.75 |
that corner before we do this Jesus | 1031.61 | 2.31 |
Christ | 1033.47 | 2.7 |
Oh [ __ ] you or fun you know what links | 1033.92 | 4.14 |
I have any obsidian I'm fixing the XS | 1036.17 | 4.26 |
leaves hmm you can stop leaving older | 1038.06 | 4.379 |
Ellis's got it no I got it no no don't | 1040.43 | 4.95 |
get me now I got no leaves don't I've | 1042.439 | 3.781 |
stopped it | 1045.38 | 2.55 |
I'm doing this other corner yeah don't | 1046.22 | 3.36 |
worry sorry what are you doing noobs | 1047.93 | 2.76 |
yeah we go | 1049.58 | 4.2 |
oh crap see what he's doing perfect me | 1050.69 | 7.14 |
I'm down you stubborn [ __ ] well should | 1053.78 | 7.08 |
we go to bed now no should we go to bed | 1057.83 | 5.46 |
seriously sorry | 1060.86 | 4.35 |
did you see the bottom is done like that | 1063.29 | 3.36 |
you're okay with that you know guys I'm | 1065.21 | 2.28 |
not okay with that | 1066.65 | 3.24 |
all right here guys we're gonna hurry up | 1067.49 | 4.08 |
and go that Simon you want me to do it | 1069.89 | 7.74 |
right now pick the corn son can I go in | 1071.57 | 6.93 |
when it's fixed | 1077.63 | 2.25 |
no you're welcome hey everybody | 1078.5 | 2.76 |
everybody listen to me real quick let's | 1079.88 | 2.58 |
run back to the house let's get in bed | 1081.26 | 2.94 |
and then let's come back just jump in | 1082.46 | 3.75 |
but we're gonna want to get attacked by | 1084.2 | 4.47 |
[ __ ] [ __ ] while he's in let's go run | 1086.21 | 3.12 |
everybody run | 1088.67 | 2.67 |
yeah alright wait run run run run oh my | 1089.33 | 3.63 |
god we fail at everything did somebody | 1091.34 | 3.15 |
pick up my bed when I broke it | 1092.96 | 4.189 |
Belvedere did you take up Stroh's bed | 1094.49 | 5.479 |
no I can look hold on tried to hang with | 1097.149 | 4.921 |
the bedsheets I have that are you gonna | 1099.969 | 4.14 |
sleep there yes kisses we're Simon put | 1102.07 | 4.199 |
the [ __ ] bed with Jesus we've just go | 1104.109 | 4.53 |
to bed back to the portal back to the | 1106.269 | 6.09 |
portal oh well looks kind of good there | 1108.639 | 5.58 |
a couple of days so for that corner | 1112.359 | 4.74 |
missing Simon you ready for this [ __ ] I | 1114.219 | 5.01 |
am freaking ready all right fix this | 1117.099 | 4.05 |
corner fix the [ __ ] diamond you got | 1119.229 | 4.08 |
the obsidian I will be the final piece | 1121.149 | 6.38 |
in the puzzle nope there it works nope I | 1123.309 | 6.57 |
don't like that alright so put the damn | 1127.529 | 5.5 |
City what is this and today we will okay | 1129.879 | 3.571 |
there we go | 1133.029 | 3.5 |
hey all right guys this lemon cutting uh | 1133.45 | 5.639 |
this is a monumental moment yeah I'm in | 1136.529 | 5.2 |
yes for real this time this is one giant | 1139.089 | 6.39 |
late for minecrafters yep this is never | 1141.729 | 4.52 |
happy | 1145.479 | 3.721 |
not once nobody's built one now on my | 1146.249 | 5.62 |
job is to go in there just [ __ ] win I | 1149.2 | 3.689 |
just tell us what you see | 1151.869 | 3.36 |
yeah we go Orko come back yeah come back | 1152.889 | 5.03 |
if it works out | 1155.229 | 2.69 |
you dine in | 1169.88 | 3.72 |
you | 1171.539 | 2.061 |
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