MINECRAFT: jackfrags Pt. 2 - New Neebsylvania 37
Neebs Gaming

This video comes straight from the Neebs Gaming YouTube channel.
neebs: Hey there, Simon! Have you seen the latest jackfrags video on New Neebsylvania? It's got chickens and rollercoasters!
simon: Oh yeah, I watched it! Those chickens were hilarious, and that rollercoaster was wild! Definitely one of my favorite videos.
neebs: I know, right? I couldn't stop laughing at those chickens running around. And the rollercoaster had me on the edge of my seat!
simon: Totally! I can't wait to see what jackfrags does next in New Neebsylvania. It's always a blast watching his videos.
Hey there fellow Neebs Gaming fans! Have you seen the latest video from our favorite YouTube channel? Part two of the jackfrags saga is out now and it's filled with chickens and rollercoasters. Can you believe it? Minecraft - New Neebslyvania 37: jackfrags Pt. 2 is a must-watch for all of us die-hard fans.
If you haven't checked out Neebs Gaming yet, you're seriously missing out. Head over to their YouTube channel to watch all the action-packed episodes. Trust me, you won't be disappointed. And while you're at it, don't forget to explore Neebslyvania on their website for even more gaming goodness.
And hey, did you know that you can get awesome discounts on the newest titles through their partnership with G2A? It's like a dream come true for us gamers. Make sure to follow Neebs Gaming on all their social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Twitch, and Google+ to stay up to date on all the latest updates and behind-the-scenes action.
The music in their videos is always on point, don't you think? From "Pooka" by Kevin MacLeod to "Tribal War Council" by Doug Maxwell, the soundtracks always set the perfect mood for their gameplay. And of course, who can forget their iconic Neebs Gaming Intro by Hank and Jed? It's a classic that gets us pumped up every time.
So, grab your snacks, settle in, and get ready for another epic adventure with Neebs Gaming. Let's show our support for our favorite gamers and enjoy the ride together. Here's to many more exciting episodes to come!

The Game
You definitely should check it out!

Caption | Start | Duration |
holy [ __ ] guys I don't know where you | 0.16 | 5.719 |
are abro wow that's cool hold shift do | 2.8 | 6.04 |
not fall all right to come get oh [ __ ] | 5.879 | 6.041 |
there's a creeper he just fell [ __ ] did | 8.84 | 6.039 |
he die no I'm good I'm good I'm good who | 11.92 | 5.519 |
has a pickaxe up there oh Jesus it | 14.879 | 5.56 |
sounds hell there's a problem oh here I | 17.439 | 4.641 |
see okay I found the r what the [ __ ] is | 20.439 | 3.441 |
nees hold on I was looking for y'all | 22.08 | 3.88 |
there was a big problem guys what what | 23.88 | 4.28 |
is it cuz something sh well that creeper | 25.96 | 4.76 |
exploded and the ground beneath me fell | 28.16 | 4.8 |
and I fell now I'm down here we need | 30.72 | 4.2 |
some sort of like rescue effort to help | 32.96 | 5.24 |
me okay follow me oh yeah I see Jack way | 34.92 | 4.52 |
down there Jack do you still have any | 38.2 | 4.359 |
ladders on you you can swim up the water | 39.44 | 4.639 |
I feel like this is too cool to not | 42.559 | 3.881 |
explore though you know just be careful | 44.079 | 4.12 |
with all that can I jump down there | 46.44 | 3.48 |
without dying yeah if you land in the | 48.199 | 7.241 |
water fine o boom | 49.92 | 5.52 |
wow nebs is here as well Creeper Creeper | 57.64 | 5.68 |
he's in the water though guys I'm On | 61.0 | 4.479 |
Fire get in the water Simon get in the | 63.32 | 5.439 |
water get in the water there you go | 65.479 | 6.761 |
[ __ ] Dam it you just make obsidian I did | 68.759 | 5.801 |
good Lord you made a lot boy pile of it | 72.24 | 4.4 |
yeah here com some skeletons I mean some | 74.56 | 4.879 |
zombies Simon what's that got that text | 76.64 | 5.56 |
on the screen buddy you sending us a | 79.439 | 5.761 |
message Simon yes it's an Easter egg | 82.2 | 6.0 |
here I go what is this oh [ __ ] watch | 85.2 | 6.72 |
out get him get him boys like I was what | 88.2 | 5.64 |
the [ __ ] is going tunnel down here | 91.92 | 3.72 |
someone's been building this is this is | 93.84 | 4.919 |
nee's damn yeah this is nee's mine is it | 95.64 | 6.2 |
yeah an Enderman yep it's an Ender if | 98.759 | 5.241 |
this is my mind we're saved cuz we can | 101.84 | 3.959 |
find our way out easily yeah got to kind | 104.0 | 3.799 |
of want to look at him no I want to look | 105.799 | 3.36 |
at him all right well go for | 107.799 | 5.521 |
it oh oh that was bot uh-oh oh God | 109.159 | 6.56 |
they're attacking them that sounds | 113.32 | 4.119 |
horrible guys it's pretty rough it's | 115.719 | 3.881 |
yeah have nightmares about things like | 117.439 | 3.201 |
that | 119.6 | 3.159 |
you guys want to go back to my mind and | 120.64 | 3.92 |
go out that way guys can we please stop | 122.759 | 3.881 |
Meandering about can we do something | 124.56 | 4.679 |
please Meander follow me Jack for future | 126.64 | 4.599 |
reference this is how you make a m look | 129.239 | 4.281 |
how nice and organized this is yeah he's | 131.239 | 3.521 |
never going to play this game again in | 133.52 | 3.24 |
his life dris want you show nees what | 134.76 | 4.08 |
you're looking at I'm I'm gathering | 136.76 | 5.28 |
about 30 mushrooms right now yeah going | 138.84 | 5.88 |
to high as [ __ ] meet us back up top oh | 142.04 | 4.64 |
we're back all right let's wait for knes | 144.72 | 4.599 |
all right come on come this way Jack I'm | 146.68 | 4.199 |
here | 149.319 | 4.361 |
was shot by a SK you're being shot by a | 150.879 | 4.881 |
skeleton no you're dead we got a | 153.68 | 6.44 |
skeleton oh God sorry what did you do | 155.76 | 6.839 |
knock over th are you you could bad I | 160.12 | 4.08 |
freaked out I thought I was safe are you | 162.599 | 7.321 |
dead yep oh yeah get that son of a [ __ ] | 164.2 | 5.72 |
ball should I go back grab your stuff no | 174.76 | 4.88 |
I'm heading down there okay that was a | 177.44 | 4.64 |
nice nice little Adventure right there | 179.64 | 4.599 |
is that spider friendly no it's night | 182.08 | 6.4 |
time well oh sorry he acted friendly at | 184.239 | 6.521 |
first creeper on the hill yeah everybody | 188.48 | 5.319 |
get in the house my snowman's been uh | 190.76 | 5.72 |
wiping his snow everywhere hopefully he | 193.799 | 4.601 |
won't kill himself on that Cactus is | 196.48 | 3.56 |
neebs the best Minecraft player out of | 198.4 | 4.52 |
you lot uh I would say maybe abro is | 200.04 | 5.08 |
okay why why is he better than me I'm | 202.92 | 3.52 |
just going to leave it at that I'm good | 205.12 | 3.839 |
at this mhm do you see my mine oh your | 206.44 | 4.6 |
mine a great mine you see my spider yeah | 208.959 | 3.92 |
how come you're not in the running D I | 211.04 | 3.96 |
just you know I'm humble oh yeah you | 212.879 | 3.961 |
guys have any more glass we can make | 215.0 | 3.64 |
some I know we got some sand somewhere | 216.84 | 5.319 |
let's see uh where can we find sand we | 218.64 | 4.92 |
need to make a journey to the desert | 222.159 | 4.28 |
follow us Jack go this is a rabbit yeah | 223.56 | 5.0 |
probably that's a particularly large | 226.439 | 4.72 |
rabbit kill it get some meat no don't | 228.56 | 4.039 |
kill it I can't allow that thing to | 231.159 | 4.201 |
survive I'm sorry oh boy boy see see we | 232.599 | 5.241 |
live in a vegetarian World here Jack our | 235.36 | 4.959 |
portal is over here um yeah go through | 237.84 | 3.92 |
that that go to the nether you might as | 240.319 | 2.76 |
well take a look while you're here take | 241.76 | 3.28 |
a gander I have never been to the nether | 243.079 | 3.841 |
I've heard it's a nice place yeah it's | 245.04 | 3.96 |
lovely this time of here stand all you | 246.92 | 3.44 |
got to do is stand right here in the | 249.0 | 3.439 |
purple everything gets all Wiggly and | 250.36 | 5.239 |
then it'll pop you right over | 252.439 | 3.16 |
there boom and step out of it bam now | 255.68 | 5.959 |
this is a little house we built oh I | 259.12 | 4.799 |
hear gas that that made me feel a little | 261.639 | 4.521 |
bit sick and and don't hit the Pigman | 263.919 | 4.481 |
yeah don't hit anything they'll attack | 266.16 | 5.8 |
you jeez there's a lot fire | 268.4 | 6.2 |
here what was that little guy don't hit | 271.96 | 4.56 |
it whatever you do don't kill oh there's | 274.6 | 4.2 |
a gas why are the Pigman attacking me I | 276.52 | 4.08 |
can't get back in this this is horrible | 278.8 | 3.36 |
yeah it's pretty pretty rough down there | 280.6 | 3.08 |
surprised you stayed this long what are | 282.16 | 3.039 |
you doing that's pretty good oh jeez | 283.68 | 2.799 |
what is | 285.199 | 3.84 |
that like a whole Army of Pigmen down | 286.479 | 5.041 |
there is Jack still out there yeah can I | 289.039 | 4.041 |
come back I don't like it anymore let | 291.52 | 4.119 |
him is so with the sand we can make | 293.08 | 4.399 |
glass we can yeah I think we got enough | 295.639 | 3.441 |
sand guys probably do yeah so how does | 297.479 | 3.361 |
one create glass do you just put the | 299.08 | 3.64 |
sand in the furnace that's it yeah don't | 300.84 | 4.199 |
let your snowman out it would be | 302.72 | 5.24 |
hilarious if he's nothing but Minecraft | 305.039 | 5.961 |
24/7 from now on I'll be streaming it | 307.96 | 4.84 |
later on that wouldn't throw some people | 311.0 | 4.4 |
off at all it's addictive Jack you you | 312.8 | 3.6 |
hop in you're like I'm just going to | 315.4 | 2.84 |
build a little barn and then s Days | 316.4 | 4.72 |
Later you've got a spider yep well I | 318.24 | 4.72 |
definitely feel like my house um could | 321.12 | 5.44 |
be better you know | 322.96 | 3.6 |
no oh [ __ ] I was tring to sh the true | 327.24 | 5.88 |
neees he's getting out he you let him | 330.199 | 7.081 |
out Jesus oh my God there we go is the | 333.12 | 7.04 |
chicken free | 337.28 | 5.24 |
look now look what you | 340.16 | 5.599 |
done I'll get him back in hold on God | 342.52 | 4.0 |
damn | 345.759 | 3.56 |
it Henry's on the loose | 346.52 | 5.08 |
guys let's somebody block him in there | 349.319 | 5.121 |
come on snow everywhere got got to | 351.6 | 4.96 |
Wrangle him yeah this way Henry all | 354.44 | 3.36 |
right we're going to Wrangle everybody | 356.56 | 3.52 |
Wrangle does he like seeds Circle yeah | 357.8 | 5.32 |
I'm sure loves seeds move budded around | 360.08 | 5.04 |
buddy come on get back in there move | 363.12 | 4.199 |
buddy he looks really confused who | 365.12 | 4.12 |
pushed him that way oh he's going for it | 367.319 | 4.72 |
no no no got a block him on each side | 369.24 | 5.359 |
someone push him in come on get in there | 372.039 | 4.641 |
I'm not moving come on in there you tit | 374.599 | 3.44 |
I like that come on get up there get up | 376.68 | 5.28 |
there you you [ __ ] back house back in | 378.039 | 6.201 |
what an adventure get in there you [ __ ] | 381.96 | 4.6 |
look at all this [ __ ] | 384.24 | 5.88 |
[ __ ] goddamn stupid [ __ ] you [ __ ] Jack | 386.56 | 5.199 |
your house is a | 390.12 | 3.639 |
wreck I think it's beautiful it's got a | 391.759 | 3.801 |
little snow out front it's a beautiful | 393.759 | 3.681 |
wreck it's like the whole thing's a | 395.56 | 4.359 |
train wreck a it's glorious but I like | 397.44 | 4.72 |
it it's glorious you like it you're such | 399.919 | 5.28 |
a jerk man you really are it's got snow | 402.16 | 4.879 |
out front yeah so what other house in | 405.199 | 4.161 |
the black has snow out front none I need | 407.039 | 4.041 |
a roller coaster on the top I think that | 409.36 | 4.08 |
would really seal the deal it' be | 411.08 | 4.0 |
amazing sometimes we come into the | 413.44 | 3.879 |
server Jack's just up there going in a | 415.08 | 5.36 |
circle little Spider-Man everybody go to | 417.319 | 4.801 |
bed night time I got to go get my | 420.44 | 3.84 |
daughter real quick I'll be back shortly | 422.12 | 6.32 |
so abso went to bed already he left yeah | 424.28 | 5.84 |
but did he leave the game yeah that's | 428.44 | 4.479 |
yes he did how do you make a track uh I | 430.12 | 5.0 |
I'm going to make some I think I | 432.919 | 4.441 |
remember how oh | 435.12 | 5.919 |
[ __ ] holy what what the [ __ ] was that | 437.36 | 6.88 |
Simon [ __ ] are you luring | 441.039 | 6.201 |
creeper wow that was dangerously close I | 444.24 | 5.48 |
know all I did was turn and it was in my | 447.24 | 4.399 |
face and I ran don't even stand near | 449.72 | 4.199 |
those houses you know what I'm going to | 451.639 | 4.12 |
stand near the houses don't tell me I'm | 453.919 | 3.361 |
not going to stand near the houses where | 455.759 | 3.0 |
you going you know what you're going to | 457.28 | 2.96 |
talk [ __ ] to me you got to clean this | 458.759 | 2.921 |
mess up I will clean it up but don't | 460.24 | 2.799 |
tell me I can't [ __ ] stand by the | 461.68 | 3.32 |
houses well when you're just blindly if | 463.039 | 5.321 |
you're not look Sky not blindly it's | 465.0 | 5.759 |
snuck up behind me it happen you have to | 468.36 | 4.16 |
be constantly looking around you when | 470.759 | 3.761 |
you're near the houses yeah Simon how's | 472.52 | 3.44 |
it going up there | 474.52 | 3.92 |
Jack it's good I was just uh watching | 475.96 | 4.84 |
that domestic argument don't mind us | 478.44 | 6.08 |
we're fine it was nice I've I've um I've | 480.8 | 6.16 |
got some uh Orange Wood down now so I'm | 484.52 | 4.639 |
ready for the uh the | 486.96 | 5.799 |
tracks where did Henry go Henry gone did | 489.159 | 5.641 |
he leave oh you know what you can blame | 492.759 | 3.761 |
it on me Henry might have fallen | 494.8 | 3.359 |
downstairs I mean there's some snowballs | 496.52 | 2.88 |
here in the corner I don't know if | 498.159 | 3.401 |
that's what he's turned into or there's | 499.4 | 3.919 |
some sort of accident with the cactus | 501.56 | 5.319 |
maybe I bet oh [ __ ] the cactus and Henry | 503.319 | 5.0 |
had it out told you that was going to be | 506.879 | 3.841 |
a problem God damn it Henry he didn't go | 508.319 | 5.321 |
down here down there there's no snow | 510.72 | 4.799 |
let's get rid of the cactus who's the | 513.64 | 4.839 |
dumbass that gave a cactus I I mean I | 515.519 | 5.601 |
didn't but it was me I I like the cactus | 518.479 | 4.24 |
I know so do every time you look at this | 521.12 | 3.6 |
snow now it's going to leave a hole in | 522.719 | 5.641 |
your heart heart y Spirit heart I'm sure | 524.72 | 6.239 |
I'm sure you get over it like I'll get | 528.36 | 4.479 |
rid of the memory of Henry snowball | 530.959 | 4.801 |
fight where's neebs let's go get him | 532.839 | 4.641 |
let's go get him jack where is that | 535.76 | 6.4 |
[ __ ] yeah oh where's he at | 537.48 | 7.799 |
where's he at get this guy too hey | 542.16 | 5.359 |
wonder where neees is he's down in the | 545.279 | 5.961 |
mine nuh-uh he went down the ladder saw | 547.519 | 5.44 |
him oh okay what is he throwing stuff at | 551.24 | 4.56 |
you hey what are you doing yo I'm being | 552.959 | 5.12 |
hunted that's all right here stay right | 555.8 | 4.8 |
there I see where you're at neebs but | 558.079 | 4.961 |
I'm not going to say nothing oh there it | 560.6 | 3.88 |
is I'll get some I'll make a couple | 563.04 | 2.52 |
powered ones where he at where's he at | 564.48 | 5.08 |
where's he at get him thick | 565.56 | 6.32 |
oh | 569.56 | 4.2 |
oh | 571.88 | 5.16 |
hey you | 573.76 | 5.319 |
[ __ ] I like this guy did you get | 577.04 | 4.76 |
any chickens out of that needes no not | 579.079 | 6.401 |
snowall did you make uh Jack a cart to | 581.8 | 5.8 |
go on this no I'm a little bit at a time | 585.48 | 3.4 |
I'm just trying to help you know while | 587.6 | 2.64 |
you guys have snowball fights what are | 588.88 | 2.76 |
you guys doing with the tracks I had | 590.24 | 4.08 |
eggs like that made it better names I | 591.64 | 5.04 |
had eggs thank you well I'm just saying | 594.32 | 4.44 |
it wasn't snowball fight on my part yeah | 596.68 | 4.88 |
he too was just saying Jack the other | 598.76 | 5.199 |
thing we do that everyone all of our | 601.56 | 4.2 |
guests have done in the past is we give | 603.959 | 4.56 |
you a couple signs yeah and you write a | 605.76 | 4.0 |
message and put it in your house | 608.519 | 3.56 |
somewhere so that if your fans come and | 609.76 | 4.16 |
download the map and they want to kind | 612.079 | 4.121 |
of stroll through your house yeah cuz | 613.92 | 3.919 |
everyone would want to do that right yes | 616.2 | 3.4 |
all right I've got some uh powered track | 617.839 | 3.081 |
for you I'm going to throw you some | 619.6 | 3.0 |
stuff again so the more powered rail you | 620.92 | 3.4 |
have the faster it'll go right yeah I | 622.6 | 3.08 |
think so and then you just have to have | 624.32 | 3.759 |
a redstone torch uh right next to it on | 625.68 | 4.36 |
a block as short as this thing is it's | 628.079 | 4.801 |
going to be flying | 630.04 | 7.359 |
around ah rain oh there they going to | 632.88 | 9.079 |
go oh did it there you go it's stucked | 637.399 | 8.521 |
up on the cor sticking hey it just | 641.959 | 5.361 |
leaves you in suspense for a bit you | 645.92 | 3.0 |
know it's like is it going to go going | 647.32 | 3.92 |
to go I don't know I'm going to | 648.92 | 4.76 |
puke hey does anyone want to ride it's | 651.24 | 4.52 |
great i' like to try yeah 10 out of 10 I | 653.68 | 6.599 |
gen recommend God this is this is great | 655.76 | 5.639 |
many times you going to go around you | 660.279 | 3.641 |
waving your arms around I'll give you a | 661.399 | 5.081 |
push there you go there we | 663.92 | 8.159 |
go oh yeah the gunky corner hold forward | 666.48 | 9.4 |
NS there you go bit of inertia that drop | 672.079 | 5.32 |
is that you lose your stomach on that | 675.88 | 4.199 |
drop yeah you do I I must say you do | 677.399 | 4.521 |
have the funnest house on the Block oh | 680.079 | 5.161 |
crap oh it's quite dangerous as well all | 681.92 | 4.919 |
right should we go to sleep yes we | 685.24 | 2.96 |
should you feel pretty good about your | 686.839 | 2.961 |
place now Jack | 688.2 | 3.0 |
yeah I'm happy with it you know we've | 689.8 | 3.68 |
got we've got a nice uh reception area | 691.2 | 4.36 |
with the cactus and what used to be | 693.48 | 4.2 |
Henry we'll never | 695.56 | 5.32 |
forget um I feel like when I go to sleep | 697.68 | 5.959 |
I'm I'm surrounded in Comfort wrapped up | 700.88 | 5.32 |
like a warm little kitten good um | 703.639 | 4.161 |
there's ladders as well so you know you | 706.2 | 4.48 |
got that element of verticality for that | 707.8 | 4.8 |
enhanced gameplay experience and then at | 710.68 | 3.8 |
the top [ __ ] roller coaster you | 712.6 | 3.72 |
know you have a [ __ ] roller coaster | 714.48 | 3.919 |
we have the creepy we can spy on you uh | 716.32 | 3.72 |
underground entrance | 718.399 | 4.281 |
yeah to come and uh are you trying to be | 720.04 | 5.12 |
the only person not sleeping what's that | 722.68 | 4.08 |
what I do I'm in bed now everybody's in | 725.16 | 4.08 |
bed but you right you said that right as | 726.76 | 4.8 |
he was walking to the bed I watched him | 729.24 | 5.039 |
I watched him pace around just chatting | 731.56 | 3.88 |
everybody's waiting for him to go to | 734.279 | 4.201 |
sleep um I'm going to go put my sign up | 735.44 | 5.6 |
yeah having fun right oh God this is oh | 738.48 | 5.44 |
he went back the other way oh how that | 741.04 | 5.919 |
man I'm not telling you | 743.92 | 3.039 |
[ __ ] but seriously how do you do that I | 747.16 | 5.0 |
have no idea well thank you for the ride | 749.24 | 6.279 |
fine gentle sir fine gentle sir fine | 752.16 | 5.2 |
gentle | 755.519 | 4.56 |
sir hey he know that's that's a genuine | 757.36 | 6.64 |
British term it is now I guess yes what | 760.079 | 5.841 |
is that red what's that Red Barn over | 764.0 | 4.12 |
there that's our bar that's the barn | 765.92 | 3.96 |
that looks cool that's where our wheat | 768.12 | 5.56 |
farm and uh cows and sheep yep there's a | 769.88 | 6.519 |
couple chickens a couple there are a | 773.68 | 4.519 |
couple I had a bad experience with | 776.399 | 3.841 |
chickens in this game we heard something | 778.199 | 3.361 |
about something What's your deal with | 780.24 | 2.719 |
the chickens what's going | 781.56 | 3.8 |
on they just trigger something inside of | 782.959 | 5.921 |
me man oh really yeah like your bowels | 785.36 | 6.2 |
something dark oh well you'll like the | 788.88 | 5.44 |
barn then do you have a history with | 791.56 | 6.0 |
uh I do um when I was a small child I | 794.32 | 7.079 |
was um berated by a large rooster oh it | 797.56 | 7.36 |
had its way with you yeah I was uh I was | 801.399 | 5.44 |
on my bicycle you know enjoying this | 804.92 | 3.359 |
enjoying the two weeks of Summer that we | 806.839 | 3.841 |
have in England sure sure sure and uh | 808.279 | 6.281 |
riding down a nice Country Lane and | 810.68 | 7.959 |
uh I uh I a wasp actually flew into my | 814.56 | 7.56 |
ear oh um head on flew into my ear yeah | 818.639 | 5.281 |
and started stinging me you know when | 822.12 | 3.48 |
you're on a bike going down a hill on a | 823.92 | 3.64 |
Country Lane you don't want that right | 825.6 | 4.599 |
nobody would no nobody wants that and | 827.56 | 4.399 |
then I could so I'm there on my bike | 830.199 | 3.56 |
going really fast trying to you know | 831.959 | 3.841 |
balance and then I've got my right hand | 833.759 | 3.921 |
in my ear trying to get the WASP out but | 835.8 | 3.839 |
the WASP is mad cuz I'm poking | 837.68 | 5.36 |
stinging me and inevitably I lost my | 839.639 | 6.401 |
balance and I fell over right yeah and | 843.04 | 4.84 |
it's it's gravel it really hurt hurt | 846.04 | 3.479 |
really bad and I ended up next to a | 847.88 | 5.48 |
field with a fence yeah and then a uh a | 849.519 | 6.76 |
car full of uh chavs we call them uh | 853.36 | 6.8 |
rode up um laughed at me and then a | 856.279 | 7.56 |
rooster in the field came up to me and | 860.16 | 6.76 |
berated me get out of here whilst I was | 863.839 | 5.281 |
you know on the ground dealing with | 866.92 | 5.64 |
travel and wasp [ __ ] this is bringing | 869.12 | 5.68 |
back bad memories | 872.56 | 5.76 |
news big gfell demon be careful the path | 874.8 | 5.159 |
of the righteous man is beset on all | 878.32 | 3.36 |
sides by the inequities of the selfish | 879.959 | 3.68 |
and the tyranny of evil men blessed is | 881.68 | 5.0 |
he who Shadows the I can't do anymore | 883.639 | 3.921 |
these | 886.68 | 4.36 |
[ __ ] me [ __ ] I dare you I'm | 887.56 | 5.079 |
actually beating them to death with a | 891.04 | 3.84 |
chicken breast how embarrassing for them | 892.639 | 4.0 |
Jack how dare you what the [ __ ] do you | 894.88 | 3.8 |
think you're doing Simon do you want | 896.639 | 5.361 |
some oh oh oh we want to play this game | 898.68 | 5.0 |
oh let's play the game [ __ ] let's play | 902.0 | 4.759 |
the game I've been playing for too long | 903.68 | 6.159 |
my friend who's going to no yeah yeah | 906.759 | 5.561 |
you you opened up this can buddy Jack | 909.839 | 4.321 |
take a sip a piece of chicken's not a | 912.32 | 3.92 |
good weapon it's the Ultimate Weapon | 914.16 | 4.4 |
against a uh a chicken though right | 916.24 | 3.64 |
Simon | 918.56 | 5.24 |
Simon did you just killed a guest yeah | 919.88 | 6.199 |
killed the [ __ ] he started he | 923.8 | 5.479 |
drew first blood oh boy oh [ __ ] I don't | 926.079 | 5.041 |
know I don't know what to say did he | 929.279 | 5.321 |
start it maybe he was killing chickens | 931.12 | 5.76 |
not you did he yeah I accidentally hit | 934.6 | 3.919 |
you with the sword it was just a random | 936.88 | 3.6 |
swipe no it looked very accidental I was | 938.519 | 3.521 |
right there was it really cuz I think | 940.48 | 3.12 |
you went after me said do you want some | 942.04 | 4.719 |
of this might have got down I was uh I | 943.6 | 4.799 |
was referring to the | 946.759 | 4.76 |
chicken that's he you translated that as | 948.399 | 5.8 |
a as a threat I translated that to a | 951.519 | 5.041 |
threat come get your stuff you got about | 954.199 | 4.161 |
you got about a thousand chicken breast | 956.56 | 3.68 |
over here | 958.36 | 3.08 |
all right we're good we're good me and | 960.24 | 3.48 |
Simon are good now all right we're good | 961.44 | 4.0 |
you got a real nice World here guys | 963.72 | 4.44 |
thank you man thanks Jack all right guys | 965.44 | 4.399 |
I want to thank Jack Frags for coming | 968.16 | 4.28 |
out and being on nania it's been good | 969.839 | 4.521 |
man I had fun thank you all right Jack | 972.44 | 4.639 |
Frags you're YouTube channel is | 974.36 | 5.52 |
youtube.com/ jackfrags right that's | 977.079 | 4.56 |
correct you should totally not subscribe | 979.88 | 3.72 |
and never watch any of my videos | 981.639 | 3.921 |
everybody go there and tell them I sent | 983.6 | 3.56 |
you and that's why you didn't subscribe | 985.56 | 4.04 |
or watch his videos yes there you go | 987.16 | 4.479 |
it's that simple okay well I've got this | 989.6 | 4.64 |
raw rabbit as a part and gift to you | 991.639 | 6.081 |
guys I feel like I should offer that to | 994.24 | 6.24 |
you oh wow thanks Jack who just sucked | 997.72 | 4.76 |
it up who got that did you get it went | 1000.48 | 4.44 |
up my butt okay it's worth a lot that is | 1002.48 | 3.799 |
you can actually sell that on the steam | 1004.92 | 3.039 |
Marketplace for around | 1006.279 | 4.24 |
$50 well let's sign off thanks guys | 1007.959 | 4.68 |
thanks yay thanks ja thanks guys thank | 1010.519 | 4.281 |
you | 1012.639 | 2.161 |
Jack I'm out I just did a 360 no scope | 1015.72 | 4.96 |
though the no scope because you just | 1019.44 | 4.759 |
don't have a scope | 1020.68 | 3.519 |
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If anyone has any fan art they would like to submit, a post idea or promotional content for the crew just reach out and let me know! This is community supported so feel free to get involved if you love Neebs Gaming half as much as I do!