GTA 5 ONLINE - The Nicest Criminals - Episode #1
Neebs Gaming
neebs: Hey guys, welcome back to another episode of GTA 5 ONLINE - The Nicest Criminals! This video is our favorite because it really shows off our criminal skills with a touch of kindness.
simon: Oh yeah, remember that time when we robbed a bank but then helped an old lady cross the street right after? Classic Nicest Criminals move right there.
appsro: Haha, I still can't believe we pulled off that heist while handing out flowers to pedestrians. This video really captures the essence of our criminal but kind-hearted ways.
neebs: Exactly! It's all about balance, you know? Being ruthless criminals in the virtual world, but also spreading love and joy. That's why this video is our favorite.

This video comes straight from the Neebs Gaming YouTube channel.
Hey guys, have you checked out the latest GTA 5 Online video from Neebs Gaming? It's seriously epic! They've been listening to all of our requests and now they're delivering some amazing content that will blow your mind.
I mean, come on, who wouldn't want to see their favorite YouTubers play GTA 5 Online in a whole new way? And the best part is, they're asking for our help to reach 1,000,000,000 subscribers - let's make it happen, guys!
Plus, they're partnering with Xidax PCs, so you know the quality of the gameplay is going to be top-notch. And don't even get me started on their Twitch streams - every Thursday at 8:00 EST, it's the best way to spend your evening.
If you haven't already, check out their Spreadshirt shop for some awesome merch and their music videos are seriously catchy. And let's not forget about their social media sites - they're always keeping us updated on Facebook and Twitter.
So, what are you waiting for? Head over to Neebs Gaming's website and dive into their playlists, including Battlefield 4 and Grand Theft Auto 5. Trust me, you won't be disappointed. And make sure to listen to their awesome music choices in the video - they always know how to set the mood right.

Caption | Start | Duration |
pardon me folks I gotta get to the | 0.03 | 3.48 |
airport my friends been waiting forever | 2.129 | 3.031 |
you know how to give you the airport I | 3.51 | 3.18 |
know the airports in this direction but | 5.16 | 3.57 |
I don't know exactly which streets keep | 6.69 | 3.6 |
cruising up here you're gonna need to | 8.73 | 5.22 |
take a left at some point now yeah now | 10.29 | 12.03 |
take right here take a look drifting | 13.95 | 18.359 |
you're being a damn fool which terminal | 22.32 | 11.7 |
is he in oh no I think it's this one | 32.309 | 4.351 |
pretty sure where we told him to be I | 34.02 | 8.42 |
call him yeah call him okay it's ringing | 36.66 | 5.78 |
Simon yeah where are you | 42.53 | 4.45 |
we're at the main terminal where we told | 44.94 | 3.75 |
you to be come on by these ramps you | 46.98 | 3.78 |
know these are like ramps that look like | 48.69 | 4.2 |
their signs and they're on the Sun Road | 50.76 | 3.54 |
and they have a fake car on them I've | 52.89 | 2.88 |
one to my left and one to my right | 54.3 | 3.54 |
that's where I'm at and see maybe this | 55.77 | 4.98 |
way is he talking about oh yeah gotta | 57.84 | 4.649 |
love before you cross the street son of | 60.75 | 4.26 |
a [ __ ] don't you know pedestrians got | 62.489 | 4.711 |
the [ __ ] ride away buddy hey can we | 65.01 | 3.359 |
not get distracted if we're trying to | 67.2 | 5.279 |
find Simon oh right so Simon yeah can | 68.369 | 5.911 |
you just come to the main terminal where | 72.479 | 4.651 |
we'd say we pick you up I mean the | 74.28 | 5.07 |
terminal shaped like a you listen you | 77.13 | 4.11 |
just go to the bottom of the you I went | 79.35 | 4.47 |
where I went okay I see you I see you I | 81.24 | 5.57 |
see this | 83.82 | 2.99 |
running off stuff shot run Oh God to the | 88.56 | 9.76 |
car | 97.99 | 3.57 |
dude that was quick Oh I'm dead I'm dead | 98.32 | 3.83 |
too | 101.56 | 4.68 |
Lister what is this welcome to Los | 102.15 | 10.24 |
Santos salmon now patients outpatient | 106.24 | 8.01 |
it's here on the other side I still | 112.39 | 3.839 |
don't know why we got killed you started | 114.25 | 3.3 |
fighting right that you think you can | 116.229 | 2.731 |
just get into a fight at the airport no | 117.55 | 5.76 |
one's gonna say anything well if you and | 118.96 | 6.0 |
I went to the mall got into a fight you | 123.31 | 2.88 |
think they'd go they know each other | 124.96 | 2.73 |
it's cool yeah they might no they | 126.19 | 2.819 |
wouldn't you wouldn't think they'd just | 127.69 | 3.0 |
start shooting yeah that's kind of | 129.009 | 3.211 |
ridiculous yeah you went start shooting | 130.69 | 3.24 |
yeah where two fellas | 132.22 | 3.54 |
uh well I'm new to this world I need | 133.93 | 3.39 |
stuff don't I you don't even have a | 135.76 | 2.759 |
house do you nothing | 137.32 | 2.97 |
how much money do you have what can I do | 138.519 | 3.811 |
with 16 grand not much can you buy a | 140.29 | 3.63 |
house all right it looks like you're | 142.33 | 3.54 |
gonna need 26 grand at least | 143.92 | 3.87 |
all right and that buys you a little | 145.87 | 4.589 |
house with a two-car garage oh let's | 147.79 | 4.08 |
look at that house where is it grape | 150.459 | 4.801 |
seed can you get off on that exit right | 151.87 | 5.369 |
here yeah right here right there here | 155.26 | 8.25 |
take a bring it right out of town folks | 157.239 | 8.431 |
it's nice humming I want to get out I | 163.51 | 3.84 |
could see you living here alright let's | 165.67 | 4.409 |
see we got hang on so that's a like a | 167.35 | 5.01 |
barn yeah like a barn that's not that's | 170.079 | 3.391 |
not where you would live though is it | 172.36 | 3.48 |
apparently is that it well this is more | 173.47 | 4.35 |
like a garage but it's a place room to | 175.84 | 4.56 |
stay oh it's not a house well let's see | 177.82 | 3.66 |
let's check the place out | 180.4 | 3.51 |
oh [ __ ] see this sparking neebs yeah | 181.48 | 4.41 |
yeah leaves this is dangerous now you | 183.91 | 3.329 |
mean that means you get a discount | 185.89 | 3.48 |
Oh complain about that why it's so damn | 187.239 | 3.991 |
cheap I'm gonna be honest with you guys | 189.37 | 3.81 |
I was really hoping to get a trailer or | 191.23 | 4.349 |
something that could at least pose as a | 193.18 | 3.99 |
house okay what's the first thing you | 195.579 | 3.241 |
looked at okay so yeah you're gonna need | 197.17 | 3.15 |
something anywhere from like a hundred | 198.82 | 3.24 |
twenty to two hundred thousand dollars | 200.32 | 3.1 |
oh that's a lot | 202.06 | 3.07 |
would you let's find the place you won't | 203.42 | 3.0 |
first so we know how much money we got a | 205.13 | 2.64 |
raise that's a good idea there's a | 206.42 | 2.31 |
paleto Bay | 207.77 | 2.34 |
I actually I have a house there but | 208.73 | 2.76 |
there's a house down the road for sale | 210.11 | 2.82 |
Oh so we'd be neighbor it could be | 211.49 | 3.15 |
neighbors man let's go look at it | 212.93 | 3.9 |
all right the place that uh that I'm | 214.64 | 4.08 |
gonna show you some Simon yeah it's a | 216.83 | 7.23 |
cool $165,000 oh [ __ ] but it has a | 218.72 | 8.81 |
six-car garage oh really | 224.06 | 3.47 |
look at this nice this is yeah I could | 227.95 | 8.11 |
see you in this place oh okay oh he's | 233.27 | 4.71 |
got is that the garage here yeah it's a | 236.06 | 5.28 |
six-car garage garage I like this so can | 237.98 | 5.31 |
I go inside check it out I don't think | 241.34 | 4.59 |
so damn it hey you could have a dog | 243.29 | 5.61 |
whoa closed area nice and there's | 245.93 | 4.44 |
security there's like a little digital | 248.9 | 5.339 |
pad up here noobs really yeah check that | 250.37 | 5.28 |
out it might be that like ring thing | 254.239 | 3.12 |
like it goes to your phone but someone's | 255.65 | 4.11 |
at the door yeah like can I help you I'm | 257.359 | 2.791 |
busy | 259.76 | 2.25 |
I came over the door yeah I'm sorry I'm | 260.15 | 8.43 |
taking a shower with a lady I would love | 262.01 | 7.38 |
you living here because then I could | 268.58 | 2.58 |
walk over and visit well I'd like to see | 269.39 | 5.07 |
your place come on we can walk it yeah | 271.16 | 5.759 |
we walk it perfect cuz I can drift it | 274.46 | 5.43 |
see once you drift into it noobs | 276.919 | 5.011 |
[ __ ] I spring a car where you at | 279.89 | 5.04 |
laughter I'm all one block up one more | 281.93 | 5.85 |
block yeah damn Audi we should what are | 284.93 | 4.44 |
you doing all right what are you doing | 287.78 | 1.83 |
all right | 289.37 | 2.22 |
don't weep who's running the road you're | 289.61 | 3.36 |
running in the road don't even start | 291.59 | 3.18 |
with me it's a sidewalk right there oh | 292.97 | 4.56 |
well hey this place is for sale to Simon | 294.77 | 5.73 |
oh oh some of the compare let's see you | 297.53 | 3.72 |
like this better | 300.5 | 4.41 |
oh no no way look at that [ __ ] attached | 301.25 | 6.21 |
single car coverage what am i poor | 304.91 | 5.069 |
please think it looks that bad this | 307.46 | 4.49 |
isn't as nice how much is it | 309.979 | 4.831 |
155 no it's about ten thousand cheaper | 311.95 | 5.11 |
no comparison okay just saying | 314.81 | 4.98 |
we got a diva on our hands | 317.06 | 5.52 |
right here this right here I believe so | 319.79 | 5.43 |
it's been a while dude damn my potential | 322.58 | 4.89 |
house is nicer than yours I shouldn't be | 325.22 | 3.75 |
talking [ __ ] but you don't have a garage | 327.47 | 3.72 |
dear oh no it's not that one guys it's | 328.97 | 3.35 |
the one next to it | 331.19 | 3.63 |
I don't even know your own house hey | 332.32 | 5.8 |
it's been a while that's true yes I've | 334.82 | 4.89 |
been here before and there's your garage | 338.12 | 4.8 |
yeah this is my place so can you get a | 339.71 | 5.07 |
flag yeah America damn it | 342.92 | 6.09 |
can we go in yeah of course hey very | 344.78 | 6.96 |
nice it's uh you know it's cozy | 349.01 | 3.93 |
what do you have black people when | 351.74 | 2.91 |
you're in your big game for the photo | 352.94 | 2.85 |
and I thought they were like a nice | 354.65 | 5.19 |
[ __ ] couple I like those kind of | 355.79 | 6.18 |
pictures the candid ones the ones you're | 359.84 | 4.17 |
not even posing for that's Sam that's | 361.97 | 3.6 |
the only way people should take pictures | 364.01 | 3.39 |
right you should never be say cheese or | 365.57 | 3.3 |
look at this camera no those are the | 367.4 | 2.7 |
worst especially like the ones you get | 368.87 | 3.84 |
like Walmart yeah hate those who gets | 370.1 | 4.14 |
those let's do one right now just act | 372.71 | 2.43 |
like I'm not even here | 374.24 | 4.65 |
yeah smoke up okay I'm not here just act | 375.14 | 5.16 |
like you normally would yeah look that's | 378.89 | 3.69 |
a good photo yep I'm glad you guys are | 380.3 | 4.29 |
here this is nice where's your bedroom | 382.58 | 5.01 |
all right oh nice bedroom thank you | 384.59 | 4.68 |
nice-sized bathroom you got one and a | 387.59 | 3.51 |
half bath what's the deal um yeah | 389.27 | 2.46 |
something like that | 391.1 | 2.97 |
something like that is it back here it's | 391.73 | 5.82 |
important you there's my bathroom Oh mom | 394.07 | 5.22 |
I take a shower go for it take a shower | 397.55 | 3.03 |
man we're here might as well clean up | 399.29 | 4.17 |
your mind um I'm gonna grab a beer now | 400.58 | 10.2 |
go for it yeah what's up man hey don't | 403.46 | 11.94 |
worry about it you'll be fine yeah I | 410.78 | 6.39 |
know but hey it's just soap just use it | 415.4 | 3.89 |
I feel like I'm getting worse in here | 417.17 | 4.71 |
dirtier no you can't be it's water and | 419.29 | 4.03 |
soap but it doesn't matter if it's | 421.88 | 4.26 |
[ __ ] hairy dude all right what's next | 423.32 | 4.5 |
I don't know I changed clothes too I | 426.14 | 3.42 |
feel nice we leaving yeah let's get out | 427.82 | 3.54 |
of here can I crash at somebody else's | 429.56 | 3.72 |
house if I don't have a new house this | 431.36 | 3.0 |
episode I guess you're gonna have to | 433.28 | 2.43 |
there's no way you're gonna make enough | 434.36 | 3.39 |
money today no no no well let's see what | 435.71 | 4.29 |
we can get into man let's rob a store uh | 437.75 | 4.11 |
huh see how much money there gets us all | 440.0 | 2.25 |
right | 441.86 | 2.07 |
then we'll know if that's a feasible way | 442.25 | 4.56 |
to make money Park yeah where's your car | 443.93 | 4.44 |
needs a park right here | 446.81 | 4.189 |
someone steal your shirt steal my car | 448.37 | 4.49 |
Simon yeah what's up buddy this might be | 450.999 | 4.59 |
another good way to make money steal car | 452.86 | 5.069 |
we steal cars yes since apparently no | 455.589 | 4.08 |
one here respects my car and then we | 457.929 | 3.9 |
sell it we need to get at least a good | 459.669 | 4.83 |
SUV SUV huh yeah so we gotta go stake | 461.829 | 5.27 |
out the town | 464.499 | 2.6 |
well I already see a truck is that | 472.96 | 4.269 |
considered an SUV you think that would | 475.309 | 3.63 |
make some good money though there's only | 477.229 | 3.69 |
one way to find out please just walk | 478.939 | 3.45 |
over here and act like we're just on our | 480.919 | 14.881 |
shoe or something right behind though | 482.389 | 14.791 |
SUV good one | 495.8 | 3.899 |
Oh grab it Simon I am Oh I act like I'm | 497.18 | 5.609 |
hurt oh come on so hurt I thought my bag | 499.699 | 6.47 |
in in would go okay | 502.789 | 8.731 |
oops I'm in alright yeah we did that | 506.169 | 12.941 |
real coy like really yeah I mean you'll | 511.52 | 8.819 |
have to repair it but it's only like | 519.11 | 3.179 |
four bucks yeah look we're not wanted | 520.339 | 2.911 |
just slow down | 522.289 | 3.511 |
bunny shops over here yep yeah I got I | 523.25 | 4.8 |
got to go up here is it right here | 525.8 | 4.56 |
yep yep see that as garages over there | 528.05 | 11.37 |
on the left yes open parking lot all | 530.36 | 10.02 |
right we're good | 539.42 | 4.349 |
cilix yet so vehicle 2,900 is that a | 540.38 | 4.769 |
good news that's all right yeah | 543.769 | 2.611 |
that's good I could have been better all | 545.149 | 3.24 |
right we made money like it all right | 546.38 | 3.78 |
it's a salmon yeah what do you think is | 548.389 | 3.45 |
this a feasible way for you to make | 550.16 | 3.39 |
enough money to buy a house dude if we | 551.839 | 4.081 |
could steal car after car it would be | 553.55 | 3.659 |
wouldn't be that bad you got to wait | 555.92 | 3.3 |
like what six hours I think we should | 557.209 | 3.56 |
rob a store I want to experience that | 559.22 | 3.96 |
all right Simon our targets up here on | 560.769 | 5.711 |
the left okay shitty gas station I want | 563.18 | 4.95 |
to go scope it out let's go scope it up | 566.48 | 4.049 |
hey after I you'd be driver oh I'll be | 568.13 | 3.899 |
the driver you get the car ready | 570.529 | 3.99 |
all right cars ready all uh leaves you | 572.029 | 4.231 |
come let me back up yeah thank you | 574.519 | 3.18 |
I need I need backup you go in first | 576.26 | 3.449 |
I'll come in behind you or should I go | 577.699 | 2.551 |
in first | 579.709 | 2.641 |
okay first yeah going first you act like | 580.25 | 3.69 |
you don't even know me yeah exactly | 582.35 | 5.549 |
oh hello sir just uh looking for cereal | 583.94 | 7.44 |
any cereal oh right in front of me would | 587.899 | 5.541 |
a bit me | 591.38 | 5.96 |
hello sir how are you today I was | 593.44 | 6.81 |
wondering if you sold nudie magazines | 597.34 | 5.55 |
yes you do very good let me see if I can | 600.25 | 3.51 |
get a drink | 602.89 | 3.81 |
hello sir I don't know hello others sir | 603.76 | 4.23 |
I don't know yes | 606.7 | 3.27 |
oh just gonna get cereal then i started | 607.99 | 5.28 |
looking at these salsas salsas huh did | 609.97 | 5.37 |
they sell chips you're mighty chatty | 613.27 | 4.92 |
stranger what should we do just go point | 615.34 | 4.35 |
your gun and aiming at him its own give | 618.19 | 6.23 |
your money and that's it okay Stu ik | 619.69 | 9.15 |
SOPA I got soap mmm give me all the | 624.42 | 7.27 |
freaking money you son of a [ __ ] come | 628.84 | 9.69 |
on I would call ya you better not or | 631.69 | 9.0 |
I'll kill you dead I'm just gonna go I | 638.53 | 4.32 |
didn't see any cereal or salsa likes | 640.69 | 4.47 |
thank you get out of here frosty or | 642.85 | 4.53 |
please oh dear okay now I'm good that's | 645.16 | 2.61 |
it | 647.38 | 2.76 |
yeah run okay running you got the money | 647.77 | 5.42 |
I think you get the money to open okay | 650.14 | 8.46 |
all right we're out of here oh you took | 653.19 | 6.66 |
over that me | 658.6 | 5.54 |
Peyman copter here Kobzar here come on | 659.85 | 7.29 |
you son of a [ __ ] damn it that was cool | 664.14 | 5.73 |
here they cut there quick all right now | 667.14 | 4.68 |
we need to go their own 'its hurry up | 669.87 | 4.05 |
after you to give the export driver here | 671.82 | 3.96 |
we need an escape route got it man I got | 673.92 | 3.69 |
it yeah you got take him to the country | 675.78 | 5.07 |
Oh God fine it's fine don't worry about | 677.61 | 5.04 |
it I don't want to [ __ ] go to jail | 680.85 | 3.27 |
did I know I'm gonna take him off road | 682.65 | 2.73 |
don't worry about it all right I thought | 684.12 | 2.7 |
you'd better jail in this game that's | 685.38 | 8.67 |
right according to you Speer get to the | 686.82 | 8.58 |
beach and just hide they won't find us | 694.05 | 5.22 |
you sure about this plan yeah there's a | 695.4 | 5.31 |
cop right in front of us on the beach | 699.27 | 2.7 |
maybe he won't see us | 700.71 | 3.39 |
are you serious now maybe he won't see | 701.97 | 3.6 |
us Wow that'd be interesting if they | 704.1 | 6.05 |
didn't see us I hope you see this | 705.57 | 4.58 |
criminal plan I've ever seen aah sirens | 710.81 | 6.61 |
have stopped beautiful get away boys | 715.2 | 5.72 |
all right so how'd you make 1,600 bucks | 717.42 | 6.09 |
1,600 and you made 2,000 something on | 720.92 | 3.1 |
the car | 723.51 | 2.85 |
I made 2,900 that and we can just keep | 724.02 | 4.35 |
on robbing places yeah the more we | 726.36 | 3.63 |
robbed the harder it gets to get away we | 728.37 | 3.15 |
can like go up to people and rob them | 729.99 | 4.08 |
right yeah you only get like 20 bucks | 731.52 | 4.14 |
oh that's it sometimes you can get a lot | 734.07 | 3.03 |
of money if you catch somebody at an ATM | 735.66 | 5.49 |
machine it's one of these up here on the | 737.1 | 6.03 |
right well now we think we gotta find | 741.15 | 4.86 |
parking all right you tell me where to | 743.13 | 4.02 |
park needs I'll do it left right | 746.01 | 4.13 |
straight left take a left | 747.15 | 2.99 |
so you see you parking up here right I | 751.07 | 6.55 |
see right here right here that part this | 755.97 | 3.54 |
parking there you park there I'm not | 757.62 | 3.63 |
here you're in a lot you're in the lines | 759.51 | 3.3 |
you need to move up so there's a meter | 761.25 | 2.97 |
here it's gotta be it right can't | 762.81 | 3.24 |
believe a meter here but yeah there you | 764.22 | 3.15 |
go this hold on you know what I want to | 766.05 | 3.03 |
parallel park can i parallel park yeah | 767.37 | 5.79 |
go for it hold on hello miss my friend | 769.08 | 6.51 |
is to parallel park hopper wait talented | 773.16 | 5.67 |
[ __ ] at parking some people don't write | 775.59 | 4.5 |
the car low because it's too difficult | 778.83 | 4.02 |
but my friend no [ __ ] parallel park | 780.09 | 5.13 |
like a champion I am good let me get | 782.85 | 4.32 |
this figured out here ok never done it | 785.22 | 3.9 |
in a game before I'm really good at it | 787.17 | 3.81 |
mill I've actually lost her to teaching | 789.12 | 4.35 |
yeah that's my friend parallel parking | 790.98 | 7.77 |
he's really good at it just know usually | 793.47 | 7.41 |
he is good at yeah usually a train on it | 798.75 | 9.21 |
not working in yeah just today hold on | 800.88 | 12.93 |
right here hey wait bringing bringing | 807.96 | 7.29 |
clothes listen we're gonna start being | 813.81 | 3.27 |
keep this on the down-low right here | 815.25 | 3.57 |
okay yeah we don't know I get two we | 817.08 | 2.85 |
don't want people know what we're doing | 818.82 | 5.06 |
but there's check the same machines okay | 819.93 | 6.75 |
you gotta keep it quiet yeah got you | 823.88 | 6.04 |
some good here's plan you sit closest to | 826.68 | 4.62 |
it and pull your phone out like you're | 829.92 | 3.51 |
just checking through numbers and then | 831.3 | 4.65 |
we will watch you a little further away | 833.43 | 5.07 |
we'll go across the street maybe okay | 835.95 | 3.54 |
hold on | 838.5 | 2.67 |
there's a sister right here she's | 839.49 | 3.81 |
walking tight to the building you see | 841.17 | 3.69 |
her let's see here she's kind of tight | 843.3 | 3.78 |
to the more tight than usual yeah I see | 844.86 | 5.28 |
her come on you [ __ ] I probably wouldn't | 847.08 | 4.35 |
pull that out I'm sure that's gonna | 850.14 | 4.26 |
raise suspicion now I'm just using it as | 851.43 | 3.51 |
a telescope | 854.4 | 2.34 |
I know but no if someone just looks over | 854.94 | 4.02 |
here like this that looks conspicuous | 856.74 | 5.61 |
that's America a mess there's a ATM up | 858.96 | 5.22 |
here in case you need any cash right | 862.35 | 4.56 |
over here you see it to your left | 864.18 | 4.17 |
let me in case you need something you | 866.91 | 2.55 |
never know when you're gonna need money | 868.35 | 3.51 |
tell her there's no fee Simon there's no | 869.46 | 4.32 |
fee so your fees to actually cash back | 871.86 | 3.03 |
they give you cash back | 873.78 | 3.9 |
this guy's got a suit this would be this | 874.89 | 4.41 |
could be a payday right here all right | 877.68 | 3.54 |
see him yeah I see him come on you | 879.3 | 4.05 |
little [ __ ] all right Simon come on if | 881.22 | 3.51 |
he doesn't go to the ATM I'll blow his | 883.35 | 2.52 |
head off and you steal his money will | 884.73 | 4.38 |
run I love it please and that's more | 885.87 | 6.18 |
than ya know all right ready sad when | 889.11 | 4.29 |
you take his money I've got some more | 892.05 | 2.46 |
than what we should do that'll mean we | 893.4 | 4.17 |
start yes there you go there's money how | 894.51 | 4.8 |
do I get it just go dear | 897.57 | 4.98 |
that's it all right we got a run BAM we | 899.31 | 5.13 |
should go that far oh [ __ ] we should be | 902.55 | 4.86 |
shooting people in Simon's house okay so | 904.44 | 4.92 |
guys this afford it's just a gimmick | 907.41 | 7.17 |
I don't need a two-door dude stop no all | 909.36 | 8.76 |
right no V let's get a big man make a | 914.58 | 6.96 |
rum cake man guys this whole thing went | 918.12 | 4.11 |
south | 921.54 | 3.33 |
then go south come on Simon you get any | 922.23 | 6.29 |
money off the dude I mean 20 bucks that | 924.87 | 3.65 |
was poorly executed guys really well | 931.339 | 6.531 |
and we're wanted okay we can outrun | 935.71 | 5.43 |
these [ __ ] you're good I still hear | 937.87 | 5.19 |
sirens over these you're still looking | 941.14 | 3.93 |
I think we've got two stars over the | 943.06 | 6.0 |
tunnel yeah there we go oh we're good to | 945.07 | 5.54 |
go now | 949.06 | 4.59 |
nice jump apps right yeah I think we got | 950.61 | 3.7 |
away from them | 953.65 | 2.73 |
this vehicle is wanted by Simeon in | 954.31 | 4.29 |
every Sun and deliver it to him at the | 956.38 | 4.68 |
docks for cash Simeon wants this car you | 958.6 | 4.2 |
paid good money for it it's money you | 961.06 | 3.33 |
think we'll get uh yeah I think you | 962.8 | 2.58 |
might get a good chunk they like | 964.39 | 3.39 |
downside of these Simeon things you see | 965.38 | 4.59 |
what's the car in pristine condition all | 967.78 | 3.57 |
right we'll fix it up do they give more | 969.97 | 3.39 |
money than than the chop shops do I | 971.35 | 4.05 |
don't know how Simeon pain he called us | 973.36 | 3.54 |
we should be able to bargain with him | 975.4 | 3.78 |
yeah I want to see how much he's gonna | 976.9 | 4.41 |
offer us yeah just see if I were to sell | 979.18 | 3.84 |
this vehicle right now he will give me | 981.31 | 3.63 |
five grand for this vehicle whoa no less | 983.02 | 3.78 |
than five grand no less man seemed you | 984.94 | 2.88 |
better not come unless I was like four | 986.8 | 2.25 |
that'd be stupid | 987.82 | 3.66 |
we're walking sucker all right now I | 989.05 | 3.96 |
just got to get it there without banging | 991.48 | 3.0 |
the thing up that's how men you want to | 993.01 | 8.1 |
drive sure no why no names so we can get | 994.48 | 7.92 |
a hat we're not gonna make anything you | 1001.11 | 2.97 |
were making it for Sam he's making I | 1002.4 | 3.54 |
want him to have a house I think I could | 1004.08 | 13.23 |
do it this I'm usually fine driving I | 1005.94 | 13.14 |
swear you swore you were good at | 1017.31 | 4.29 |
parallel parking dinya it's true I think | 1019.08 | 3.84 |
you'll have to let you in so you'll have | 1021.6 | 2.88 |
to like wheel up don't run through that | 1022.92 | 3.18 |
guard thing yeah you have to go up | 1024.48 | 3.45 |
you'll have to stop the guy I'll lift it | 1026.1 | 2.91 |
up then you can go through all right | 1027.93 | 2.81 |
come on bucko | 1029.01 | 4.829 |
dude it's like I'm always in the I'm | 1030.74 | 5.29 |
always in the wrong lane at the grocery | 1033.839 | 4.681 |
store yeah and this is the same [ __ ] | 1036.03 | 4.2 |
thing this is ridiculous you're like oh | 1038.52 | 3.18 |
this lady's got two items she pulls out | 1040.23 | 3.81 |
a check what the hell happened back it | 1041.7 | 4.11 |
up well wait look behind you first okay | 1044.04 | 4.29 |
go to the left get a left gonna hold on | 1045.81 | 5.04 |
hold on hold on where's it that does it | 1048.33 | 4.62 |
looks like it so yeah just pull slowly | 1050.85 | 4.43 |
up there that was really bad | 1052.95 | 5.6 |
slowly slowly yeah there you go all | 1055.28 | 5.25 |
right take your in Simon hit it babe I'm | 1058.55 | 5.15 |
a good job man thank you | 1060.53 | 6.57 |
all right five more than ten grand and | 1063.7 | 5.83 |
we walk away yeah how much he gonna give | 1067.1 | 3.0 |
you Simon | 1069.53 | 4.35 |
I don't know I'm out oh I got cash I got | 1070.1 | 6.18 |
cash what would you get because we were | 1073.88 | 4.47 |
all in there he gave us all cash did you | 1076.28 | 5.1 |
get cash hold on I got it like 3,700 how | 1078.35 | 4.74 |
much do you get you're like 4,000 he | 1081.38 | 2.34 |
meant sour | 1083.09 | 3.27 |
what'd I get 37 you know what I got I | 1083.72 | 5.34 |
got nothing i got the $28 from the | 1086.36 | 4.74 |
[ __ ] person that we robbed that's all | 1089.06 | 6.3 |
I had so you guys got out of the car and | 1091.1 | 8.22 |
I got [ __ ] just funny side check this | 1095.36 | 6.21 |
out man I can share the money I made | 1099.32 | 4.77 |
from my last job so the the $4,000 I | 1101.57 | 6.05 |
just made boom cheers now baby oh yeah | 1104.09 | 6.03 |
money yes thirty seven hundred and fifty | 1107.62 | 4.18 |
dollars an app store gave me four | 1110.12 | 16.32 |
thousand and forty four dollars alright | 1111.8 | 15.99 |
folks hope you enjoyed this adventure | 1126.44 | 6.29 |
GTA see you next time in lo Santos | 1127.79 | 4.94 |
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If anyone has any fan art they would like to submit, a post idea or promotional content for the crew just reach out and let me know! This is community supported so feel free to get involved if you love Neebs Gaming half as much as I do!

The Game
You definitely should check it out
Dude, have you seen Neebs Gaming's GTA 5 series on YouTube? It's honestly the most hilarious and entertaining GTA content out there. Their cinematic storytelling and characters like Thick44, Apples, and Ghost bring the game to life in a way that's even better than playing it yourself.
I'm telling you, their chaotic shenanigans in GTA Online with the whole Neebs Gaming crew is comedy gold. The way they play off each other's personalities and improvise scenarios had me cracking up nonstop. And the high production value with custom animations and music makes it feel like you're watching a GTA TV show or movie.
But it's not just laughs - their storylines have compelling drama too. Remember when Thick44 got amnesia and Ghost had to help him piece together his criminal past? Or how about the tense rivalry between Apples and Mayor Racc? Neebs Gaming takes you on a wild ride from start to finish.
And you can tell how much passion and heart they put into these videos. It's clear they have a blast making each chaotic episode. Their chemistry and improv skills are top-notch.
So if you're looking for the definitive way to experience GTA 5 without actually playing, look no further than Neebs Gaming. Their cinematic approach brings Los Santos to life in a way that needs to be seen to be believed. I'd go so far as to say their GTA 5 series is a must-watch for any fan of the game or comedy videos in general. Take my word for it and go binge those crazy episodes! You won't regret it.