Frighty Night - Halloween Special 2016: Layers of Fear Returns! (plus bonus appetizer)
Neebs Gaming

This video comes straight from the Neebs Gaming YouTube channel.
neebs: Hey guys, welcome back to another Frighty Night Halloween special! I'm so excited to dive back into Layers of Fear with you all.
simon: Oh yeah, Layers of Fear is such a spooky game, I can't wait to see you scream like a little baby, Neebs.
appsro: Haha, yeah Neebs, I'm sure this Halloween special will be full of jump scares and hilarious reactions from you.
neebs: Hey, I'm not scared! I just have a healthy appreciation for horror games, that's all. And don't even get me started on that bonus appetizer game we tried, what a disaster.
Hey there, fellow Neebs Gaming fans! Are you ready for a spooktacular Halloween treat? Because in this year's Halloween special, our favorite crew is diving back into the terrifying world of Layers of Fear to finally finish the game. I don't know about you, but I've been waiting for this moment ever since they started playing it.
But wait, there's more! Doraleous had another game in mind to kick things off, but let's just say it didn't go as planned. It's all part of the fun and chaos that we love about Neebs Gaming, right? And of course, it wouldn't be a proper Halloween special without a few surprises and scares along the way. I can't wait to see how they handle it all!
If you're a die-hard Neebs Gaming fan like me, you know that this Halloween special is going to be epic. So grab some popcorn, turn off the lights, and get ready for a night of laughter, screams, and maybe even a few jump scares. And don't forget to hit that subscribe button to help them reach their goal of 1,000,000,000 subscribers. Let's show our support for the best gaming channel on YouTube!

The Game
You definitely should check it out!
Layers of Fear is a true horror masterpiece that Neebs Gaming has brought to life in their trademark cinematic style. As soon as the game starts, you feel drawn into the dark and creepy world. The atmosphere is incredibly immersive with the detailed Victorian mansion and eerie soundtrack.
Neebs Gaming perfectly captures the tension and jump scares of the gameplay while adding their humorous commentary. You get totally invested in their journey through the ever-changing halls of the mansion. It's amazing how they piece together the disturbing story of the tortured painter while trying not to lose their minds.
The editing and camera work make it feel like you're watching a movie or TV show, not just another boring playthrough. Close-ups, creepy angles, and quick cuts ramp up the suspense. This is really the next best thing to playing Layers of Fear yourself.
Neebs Gaming is hands down the best way to experience new games short of playing them. Their cinematic approach draws you into the world and their personalities shine through. Layers of Fear is a perfect match for their talents. It's an artistic, psychological thriller brought to life through excellent storytelling and production. I can't recommend this series enough for horror fans. Their content stands out from all the other gaming channels out there.

Caption | Start | Duration |
boogy boo boogo what is this please tell | 0.04 | 4.04 |
me I'm not playing the game right now | 2.72 | 3.88 |
it's our Halloween special hey hey | 4.08 | 4.24 |
Friday night we have an appetizer | 6.6 | 4.44 |
haunted house e a childhood favorite | 8.32 | 5.08 |
from the Atari 2600 hit | 11.04 | 5.36 |
it | 13.4 | 3.0 |
[Music] | 18.75 | 3.19 |
wow I knew this was going to suck so I | 24.199 | 5.521 |
had a lot of beers already okay to | 27.48 | 4.88 |
prepare me for this thank God I'm into | 29.72 | 4.72 |
my second 40 right now so can you move | 32.36 | 4.28 |
around I can look that's what I couldn't | 34.44 | 3.639 |
figure out Anthony pulled up this | 36.64 | 3.399 |
emulator and like when I played this as | 38.079 | 3.8 |
a kid I could move around are you tell | 40.039 | 3.921 |
me you don't even know if this works | 41.879 | 3.641 |
well | 43.96 | 4.079 |
why Anthony was saying that that you | 45.52 | 3.8 |
could move around and then you could | 48.039 | 4.84 |
find a a a torch I reject this hit every | 49.32 | 6.32 |
button on the keyboard is mindblowing it | 52.879 | 6.041 |
really is absolutely mind blowing true | 55.64 | 6.04 |
the confidence is the only thing that | 58.92 | 4.92 |
that's making this good right now how | 61.68 | 4.24 |
scary is this huh super scary that you | 63.84 | 5.08 |
would show this to us I had uh medium | 65.92 | 5.12 |
hopes for Friday night so I reached out | 68.92 | 4.4 |
to the uh the Friday the 13th guys that | 71.04 | 3.64 |
have that new game but apparently I | 73.32 | 3.159 |
can't have that in time for this and | 74.68 | 3.24 |
there's another game that I can't have | 76.479 | 4.041 |
in time for this so I came up with this | 77.92 | 6.0 |
appetizer before we do the main event | 80.52 | 4.52 |
which it looks like we're going to come | 83.92 | 3.44 |
to now we're going to put something to | 85.04 | 4.2 |
bed okay go ahead and click on layers of | 87.36 | 4.92 |
fear do you guys remember this no I do I | 89.24 | 6.12 |
do I do I had I had repressed this | 92.28 | 6.28 |
slobber team is that BL blubber I looks | 95.36 | 6.799 |
like blubber to me ASP asper this one | 98.56 | 5.44 |
looked good yeah it's visually | 102.159 | 3.401 |
stimulating was this the one when you | 104.0 | 3.479 |
looked at the roof it went like way up | 105.56 | 5.04 |
yep step five we've done everything but | 107.479 | 5.121 |
the final two so we're in this world | 110.6 | 3.44 |
what were we doing I forgot what we were | 112.6 | 4.04 |
doing ah I should have watched the video | 114.04 | 4.759 |
that we did already you believe you | 116.64 | 4.28 |
didn't even refresh yourself what were | 118.799 | 4.96 |
you doing hey Friday night hey hey | 120.92 | 4.559 |
Friday night man listen these are great | 123.759 | 3.561 |
videos what you got there bone who puts | 125.479 | 4.441 |
a bone in a | 127.32 | 4.68 |
doesn't lock yeah these are our final | 129.92 | 3.44 |
two that we have to do and then we beat | 132.0 | 4.0 |
the game oh really guys uh we did a | 133.36 | 4.76 |
bunch of Friday nights in the past and | 136.0 | 3.84 |
they were all awesome what do I do let's | 138.12 | 2.759 |
leave this room let's get the hell out | 139.84 | 2.679 |
of here that's a good [ __ ] start yeah | 140.879 | 4.0 |
we are gone baby that's called Shadow | 142.519 | 5.0 |
Boxing by the way what that carpentry in | 144.879 | 3.36 |
the | 147.519 | 3.401 |
lower shadow box I like that decorative | 148.239 | 5.08 |
scon those scones are very nice scon is | 150.92 | 5.679 |
a fun word window look at this do the | 153.319 | 5.681 |
curtains match the carpet oh look at | 156.599 | 3.521 |
that there's | 159.0 | 4.519 |
a all right boogy [ __ ] boo oh | 160.12 | 7.36 |
treasure oh treasure treasure L man what | 163.519 | 5.481 |
why why is it getting dark something oh | 167.48 | 4.52 |
oh I saw a [ __ ] that's creepy as [ __ ] | 169.0 | 4.4 |
all right | 172.0 | 4.68 |
good hey that's oh | 173.4 | 5.36 |
God | 176.68 | 3.8 |
oo | 178.76 | 3.96 |
hey time flies right that's | 180.48 | 4.759 |
spooky okay you're paying for that sir | 182.72 | 4.799 |
he owns it it's in his house oh you paid | 185.239 | 4.72 |
for that sir put the sweater on did that | 187.519 | 4.0 |
look like a sweater to you that was like | 189.959 | 3.721 |
a handkerchief that's a handkerchief no | 191.519 | 4.761 |
that's a that's a Blazer a very thin | 193.68 | 4.639 |
Blazer Blazer looks like a child's | 196.28 | 4.28 |
Blazer then yeah maybe or a thick 44 | 198.319 | 4.401 |
Blazer all right here we go here we go | 200.56 | 6.599 |
on somewhere new Friday night God we're | 202.72 | 7.84 |
just trying to take your teeth out oh | 207.159 | 6.08 |
hey look at you hey go give her a | 210.56 | 5.399 |
kiss I like that that's the first creepy | 213.239 | 4.041 |
thing we've | 215.959 | 3.241 |
seen remember | 217.28 | 3.84 |
that | 219.2 | 5.399 |
hey a little scarier hey buddy how you | 221.12 | 4.28 |
doing | 224.599 | 3.64 |
bucko oh I see you yeah follow your | 225.4 | 5.16 |
little rat friend he he's leing the | 228.239 | 5.321 |
right way over here sir where is it my | 230.56 | 5.56 |
friend hey buddy I like this part this | 233.56 | 4.519 |
part's fun let's call them squeakers | 236.12 | 4.52 |
squeakers MC whiskers oh hey little guy | 238.079 | 3.72 |
where | 240.64 | 4.239 |
next up the | 241.799 | 4.921 |
ramp oh | 244.879 | 5.761 |
sh whiskers a you stupid [ __ ] rat cat | 246.72 | 6.76 |
dog rat 1 2 3 5 n oh God I'm going to go | 250.64 | 4.84 |
piss oh look at that to get back out we | 253.48 | 4.319 |
need to fill in oh God there's a cat | 255.48 | 4.4 |
right so maybe we should follow cat | 257.799 | 3.601 |
because there's a cat on the picture so | 259.88 | 4.96 |
we're the cat chasing the rat three four | 261.4 | 9.32 |
four 1 3 4 1 come on baby that yeah | 264.84 | 9.68 |
come baby this is it come | 270.72 | 6.8 |
on we have [ __ ] | 274.52 | 5.119 |
Geniuses | 277.52 | 4.8 |
yeah oh what's that | 279.639 | 5.441 |
oh go towards the light Caroline toward | 282.32 | 5.159 |
the light Caroline grab me a beer | 285.08 | 6.399 |
Caroline look up yeah yeah look at that | 287.479 | 6.72 |
[ __ ] good | 291.479 | 4.801 |
oh oh There was a thick Blazer on the | 294.199 | 6.321 |
floor down there was there yeah | 296.28 | 7.24 |
oh | 300.52 | 5.92 |
yeah we're tra oh you're tra we [ __ ] | 303.52 | 4.32 |
dead look | 306.44 | 4.08 |
up | 307.84 | 6.04 |
yeah make a | 310.52 | 3.36 |
wish who oh something | 316.199 | 8.881 |
something ooh oh hey oh that's what I | 320.12 | 8.359 |
yeah that's kind of fun ooh that was | 325.08 | 6.399 |
trippy | 328.479 | 3.0 |
that's his eyeball turn around it's | 332.36 | 5.6 |
going to get weird no oh [ __ ] oh no oh | 334.28 | 9.56 |
[ __ ] all right then oh boy oh oh | 337.96 | 5.88 |
oh you cute [ __ ] that was | 345.8 | 4.839 |
whiskers MC | 348.639 | 4.56 |
whiskers hey goodness what was that well | 350.639 | 6.041 |
the bookk sneezed or had an orgasm oh oh | 353.199 | 7.44 |
is that squeak squeakers no let's take a | 356.68 | 8.48 |
moment no don't look back do | 360.639 | 4.521 |
it yes oh I remember this you remember | 365.72 | 8.96 |
this the hell I like | 370.599 | 4.081 |
that | 375.16 | 3.0 |
yeah listen to | 378.199 | 6.041 |
that there we go could just open it that | 381.24 | 5.16 |
was you might not had to do oh wait | 384.24 | 4.16 |
there's a switch on the wall sorry | 386.4 | 4.56 |
bullet | 388.4 | 3.4 |
oh | 390.96 | 2.84 |
squeaker where is he squeakers where is | 391.8 | 4.56 |
he is squeaker still alive show yourself | 393.8 | 4.6 |
sque that might have been whiskers come | 396.36 | 3.48 |
back baby you didn't want to check out | 398.4 | 3.519 |
that painting of The Upside Down [ __ ] | 399.84 | 3.16 |
is | 401.919 | 5.481 |
that yeah SS great | 403.0 | 6.759 |
ancestor I like this room around seems | 407.4 | 3.84 |
like a good place to masturbate you | 409.759 | 3.88 |
remember this I don't the game glitched | 411.24 | 4.48 |
out when we did this oh the first time | 413.639 | 6.0 |
we played it y ooh hey nice a remember | 415.72 | 6.159 |
this room yes I do oh there's a book | 419.639 | 5.24 |
your book hold the to the book and | 421.879 | 4.521 |
you're | 424.879 | 4.04 |
oh not ready for that are we look at the | 426.4 | 5.12 |
numbers there it | 428.919 | 6.201 |
is 363 | 431.52 | 6.44 |
roll what type of phone you just dbed oh | 435.12 | 5.359 |
there it is | 437.96 | 2.519 |
again ooh look at this there's a | 442.479 | 8.16 |
perspective jump oh this is cool | 446.199 | 6.921 |
W hey hello | 450.639 | 4.641 |
hello | 453.12 | 5.84 |
ohy down here | 455.28 | 3.68 |
oh right wait numbers oh hey hey number | 459.479 | 7.961 |
853 all we had to do is wait for a | 465.24 | 4.12 |
[ __ ] bookshelf to fall out of the sky | 467.44 | 3.68 |
I could stand here and wait like I did | 469.36 | 3.399 |
last time that paid | 471.12 | 7.519 |
off [ __ ] four yeah get that phone hello | 472.759 | 7.4 |
and then | 478.639 | 5.56 |
oh CH of intimacy oh this looks | 480.159 | 7.121 |
cool okay all right all right all right | 484.199 | 5.921 |
easy hey another [ __ ] phone great oh | 487.28 | 6.759 |
easy oh we need | 490.12 | 3.919 |
that are we in another layer of fear now | 495.56 | 6.24 |
how fun is this guys super fun we have | 498.68 | 4.959 |
to answer any more [ __ ] | 501.8 | 4.799 |
phones a finger so did we just pick up a | 503.639 | 5.24 |
finger [ __ ] this room sick of this let's | 506.599 | 3.241 |
go out here | 508.879 | 3.84 |
there we good job fing look | 509.84 | 6.8 |
up a nice looking fan oh we're back okay | 512.719 | 6.12 |
awesome one more layer Jesus and then | 516.64 | 4.48 |
we'll be done oh God I don't know want | 518.839 | 4.32 |
to sit through any more of this hey | 521.12 | 4.24 |
finger so now we got hair we got bone | 523.159 | 3.601 |
with are we just collecting all this | 525.36 | 3.479 |
[ __ ] from are these parts of the lady | 526.76 | 4.16 |
this is going to be who knows so we're | 528.839 | 4.161 |
[ __ ] so we're [ __ ] crazy all right | 530.92 | 3.44 |
let's go out let's collect that tit | 533.0 | 3.959 |
speedrun Speed Run Hey Oh I like that | 534.36 | 4.44 |
floor it's a good floor a good looking | 536.959 | 3.081 |
chicken | 538.8 | 5.4 |
oh bunch of apples Monas oh look at that | 540.04 | 6.96 |
remember this yes I do this was the | 544.2 | 4.28 |
thumbnail for the first layers of fear | 547.0 | 3.8 |
we did | 548.48 | 5.68 |
oh I remember that animation yep very | 550.8 | 5.479 |
Wiggly it's a bunch of rats it's like a | 554.16 | 3.56 |
rat orgy on the back of every one of | 556.279 | 3.521 |
these you got any numbers for me I sure | 557.72 | 3.16 |
like | 559.8 | 3.56 |
numbers rats rats | 560.88 | 5.32 |
sers oh look oh yeah all right that's | 563.36 | 4.76 |
easy there we go bug | 566.2 | 3.639 |
hallway | 568.12 | 4.12 |
look we really don't have time trying to | 569.839 | 5.761 |
do a speed run guys after this we get a | 572.24 | 6.839 |
whole year off we have to do this again | 575.6 | 5.16 |
I'm not playing Friday night oh that's a | 579.079 | 4.0 |
squeaker uh shadow on the left look at | 580.76 | 5.04 |
the left wall is that a shadow or here's | 583.079 | 5.841 |
the light source right and then squeers | 585.8 | 5.719 |
is that's his tail oh we got it now we | 588.92 | 5.52 |
know that's really cool that's I like | 591.519 | 5.681 |
that they took a lot of time on that and | 594.44 | 4.639 |
very few people will appreciate it | 597.2 | 3.079 |
especially since you don't see your own | 599.079 | 3.32 |
shadow which is weird right right right | 600.279 | 3.601 |
oh look at this I like the colors door | 602.399 | 3.801 |
on the ground yeah well let's learn from | 603.88 | 5.76 |
our mistakes into the pitfall here we | 606.2 | 5.319 |
go like there was something in the | 609.64 | 5.52 |
corner there go in that corner no no | 611.519 | 6.681 |
yeah we're speed speed speed got a boob | 615.16 | 6.16 |
to find it looks like some type of a a | 618.2 | 8.319 |
winch wiench winch grab it come | 621.32 | 9.68 |
along titty tit yeah come here baby oh | 626.519 | 6.0 |
boy oh I'm going to have to approach you | 631.0 | 5.68 |
to bed early boy oh [ __ ] door pit let's | 632.519 | 6.76 |
try the door first door yeah or door | 636.68 | 5.399 |
door door door door door it is we should | 639.279 | 4.841 |
have done that first I don't know why | 642.079 | 4.121 |
they're they're painting here so oh it's | 644.12 | 3.839 |
a Ouija board Ouija oh let's play with a | 646.2 | 3.079 |
Ouija board let's see if there's a ghost | 647.959 | 2.841 |
in this house ask her if she wants to | 649.279 | 5.161 |
[ __ ] us go d | 650.8 | 7.44 |
d o and then do f u k do you want [ __ ] | 654.44 | 6.6 |
you'll know what it means | 658.24 | 2.8 |
now go to yes yes you can't answer you | 661.44 | 4.839 |
can't answer the question wait our | 664.639 | 4.081 |
number is 363 853 might want to write | 666.279 | 4.761 |
that one | 668.72 | 2.32 |
down [ __ ] wow that was kind chair is a | 672.2 | 4.48 |
big deal yeah don't touch | 675.079 | 5.161 |
that o Alo all right oh look at that | 676.68 | 7.08 |
bathtub okay | 680.24 | 3.52 |
yes wow oh all right this oh hey there's | 686.48 | 5.2 |
cutie hey can you grab my face | 689.839 | 4.641 |
underwater please hey come on let's do | 691.68 | 5.32 |
it she doesn't see us we're going to | 694.48 | 4.72 |
surprise hey I wonder if she got our | 697.0 | 4.0 |
Ouija board message now we're on the | 699.2 | 3.879 |
Titanic there was plenty of room for | 701.0 | 4.32 |
Jack on the door there really was it | 703.079 | 5.801 |
really was [ __ ] stupid oh this feels | 705.32 | 4.759 |
like the | 708.88 | 3.84 |
end because there's music please just | 710.079 | 4.801 |
let him drown himself please God let | 712.72 | 4.64 |
this end oh wait no I think we made it | 714.88 | 4.519 |
guys damn it we're still alive scooped | 717.36 | 7.279 |
it up like ice cream yum like a ice | 719.399 | 5.24 |
cream hey check | 725.44 | 6.36 |
Checkers here we go | 729.48 | 5.12 |
Checkers hell | 731.8 | 5.88 |
wa Checkers in | 734.6 | 6.88 |
space look thick it's a | 737.68 | 3.8 |
jacket oh they're playing they're | 741.68 | 3.56 |
playing oh wait look at them look at | 744.0 | 3.56 |
them what are they doing oh look oh hey | 745.24 | 5.33 |
it's a whole new I that room | 747.56 | 6.089 |
[Music] | 750.57 | 3.079 |
wow | 762.079 | 3.0 |
remix oh shut up there it is | 765.88 | 5.04 |
yeah okay all right oh oh | 771.24 | 5.76 |
check hey go back to the board go back | 774.16 | 6.679 |
to the bo we're going to the board | 777.0 | 3.839 |
oh big things | 780.88 | 5.16 |
happening there we | 783.079 | 5.601 |
go that's not a real move you can't do | 786.04 | 4.159 |
that nope nobody can oh that was | 788.68 | 3.519 |
nonsense when you cheat you only cheat | 790.199 | 4.44 |
yourself yep oh what the hell is this | 792.199 | 4.64 |
man now it's poker oh hey this is | 794.639 | 5.481 |
different uh-huh and right right where | 796.839 | 4.401 |
is this | 800.12 | 3.959 |
banana hear it yeah yeah here it's | 801.24 | 6.52 |
freaking me out look up panan | 804.079 | 6.681 |
yeah | 807.76 | 3.0 |
oh oh now | 812.56 | 6.279 |
we're okay thank goodness oh wait are we | 815.639 | 8.231 |
done we're back W wo w Wait a ey | 818.839 | 6.161 |
[Music] | 823.87 | 5.05 |
wa guys did we do it cross thy fingers | 825.0 | 6.04 |
oh God no there's no | 828.92 | 5.599 |
way oh it's her | 831.04 | 9.68 |
Manion oh boy what what is this | 834.519 | 8.041 |
I don't understand that actually looks | 840.72 | 3.84 |
really cool you understood everything | 842.56 | 4.24 |
else it's really good artwork the way | 844.56 | 6.24 |
they did that that looks great artworks | 846.8 | 4.0 |
great G oh oh added to | 850.92 | 6.8 |
the | 854.72 | 3.0 |
[Laughter] | 857.77 | 7.35 |
again I'm still | 861.56 | 3.56 |
playing so we've clearly gone in saying | 866.56 | 4.32 |
we've gone to every room and just torn | 869.079 | 5.281 |
[ __ ] up because we're crazy oh yes | 870.88 | 8.28 |
yes an empty wait what it was blank oh | 874.36 | 7.2 |
my God that's it very | 879.16 | 4.96 |
good happy Friday night everybody see | 881.56 | 5.05 |
you next year | 884.12 | 5.559 |
[Music] | 886.61 | 3.069 |
[Music] | 894.77 | 6.989 |
boogo remix | 897.68 | 4.079 |
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