GTA 5 ONLINE - Our First Mission - Episode #2
Neebs Gaming
neebs: Hey Simon, remember that time we did our first mission in GTA 5 Online? That was a blast!
simon: Oh yeah, that was hilarious! I still can't believe you crashed the helicopter into that building.
appsro: Guys, that mission was a disaster, but it was so much fun! I couldn't stop laughing the whole time.
neebs: I think that's why this video is my favorite. It perfectly captures our ridiculous antics in GTA 5 Online.

This video comes straight from the Neebs Gaming YouTube channel.
Hey there, fellow Neebs Gaming fans! Have you checked out the latest Grand Theft Auto 5 Online episode on their YouTube channel? It's an absolute blast! In this episode, the guys are on a mission to raise money for Simon's house. And you know it's going to be filled with hilarious moments, epic fails, and some awesome gameplay.
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I always love tuning in to Neebs Gaming's Twitch channel to catch them live in action. It's a great way to interact with the guys and see their gaming skills in real-time. And if you're looking to snag some cool Neebs Gaming merch, head over to their Spreadshirt shop for some awesome gear.
The playlist for their Grand Theft Auto 5 series is a must-watch. It's filled with exciting missions, crazy stunts, and plenty of laughs along the way. Plus, their music selection is always on point, adding an extra layer of fun to the gameplay.
So, grab some snacks, settle in, and get ready to join Neebs Gaming on their epic GTA 5 Online adventure. It's going to be a wild ride, and you won't want to miss a minute of the action. Let's show our support for the Neebs crew and enjoy some quality gaming content together.

Caption | Start | Duration |
[Music] | 0.4 | 19.54 |
just the way home I do not know I don't | 16.72 | 4.75 |
have a home it's a bad part about | 19.94 | 3.21 |
delivering [ __ ] the simian he's all the | 21.47 | 3.33 |
way out here Plus this neighborhood | 23.15 | 4.62 |
looks Shady it's a port it's a shady | 24.8 | 5.37 |
port is not a shady port it's a port how | 27.77 | 3.599 |
do you want to port - look we're gonna | 30.17 | 3.209 |
talk to these guys yeah all right I want | 31.369 | 14.521 |
to call a cab cab oK we've set a car | 33.379 | 17.791 |
should be what you saw now you sitting | 45.89 | 7.98 |
out smoking cigarettes oh you didn't | 51.17 | 4.11 |
want a smoke but taking a smoke break | 53.87 | 3.0 |
that's all right now they've been taking | 55.28 | 3.0 |
a smoke break for the past five minutes | 56.87 | 4.02 |
one-armed workers need boys where's that | 58.28 | 4.619 |
cab I called it should be here any | 60.89 | 8.759 |
second oh hey guys oh damn that cab oh | 62.899 | 8.011 |
hey thick Hey | 69.649 | 2.791 |
you're dropping a cab now all right I'm | 70.91 | 2.97 |
hopping in here man I'm broke I need | 72.44 | 2.94 |
some money all right where are we going | 73.88 | 2.8 |
yeah where you want to go | 75.38 | 4.389 |
[Music] | 76.68 | 3.089 |
are you new to this area sick a little | 85.61 | 6.37 |
bit do you have a house me I know how | 88.08 | 8.22 |
you have a house we've been living here | 91.98 | 6.54 |
together thick do you have a house no | 96.3 | 3.93 |
yeah he's a working man he's driving the | 98.52 | 3.51 |
cab shredder and money Simon debt you | 100.23 | 2.76 |
guys should be roommates | 102.03 | 2.94 |
I'll ruin with you bud hey that sounds | 102.99 | 3.78 |
good oh you want to get you want to get | 104.97 | 4.44 |
like a condo like an apartment yeah some | 106.77 | 4.05 |
sort of pattern we take the ladies back | 109.41 | 4.47 |
to yeah that's what I like what ladies | 110.82 | 4.8 |
that mean who doesn't | 113.88 | 3.96 |
your except for the gays alright so guys | 115.62 | 4.02 |
we need to figure out what our plan | 117.84 | 4.32 |
today is we got a new mouths to feed | 119.64 | 4.17 |
I don't know thick was in on this yeah | 122.16 | 3.42 |
thick you probably what only have like | 123.81 | 5.07 |
16 grand Oh God not even I think I might | 125.58 | 5.25 |
have like eight grand Amy broke dude | 128.88 | 3.75 |
broker than Charles Schwab my friend | 130.83 | 4.11 |
well we can do some mile we can do some | 132.63 | 4.2 |
missions there's four of us we could do | 134.94 | 4.65 |
a heist whoo I would like to do a high I | 136.83 | 4.5 |
don't think I need to have a gun I have | 139.59 | 3.84 |
a shotgun okay here I need to go get | 141.33 | 4.32 |
some ammo too dick I'm not gonna pay you | 143.43 | 3.54 |
for this ride but yeah I feel like we | 145.65 | 2.79 |
know you so well feet of charges to | 146.97 | 2.94 |
Travis yeah I mean they have a real dick | 148.44 | 3.12 |
thing to do as a friend charges for a | 149.91 | 5.64 |
taxi ride we charge you so a two friends | 151.56 | 6.09 |
here new to the area and they are | 155.55 | 5.4 |
interested in a gun so they can pay the | 157.65 | 6.57 |
rent right fellas right these pistols | 160.95 | 5.88 |
are good I recommend those I also like | 164.22 | 5.04 |
something in the automatic category | 166.83 | 4.8 |
maybe one of these I can't afford | 169.26 | 4.29 |
anything here how much is a shotgun | 171.63 | 5.97 |
Simon that shotgun is $3,500 it has | 173.55 | 6.09 |
pretty high damage a low rate of fire | 177.6 | 4.8 |
not very accurate in the short range man | 179.64 | 4.05 |
I should work here what else you | 182.4 | 3.3 |
interested in today Simon I can't get | 183.69 | 4.049 |
anything I wanted an Uzi or something | 185.7 | 3.33 |
some of the cheats a lot of bullets | 187.739 | 3.03 |
could I interest in you in one of these | 189.03 | 4.92 |
too I wish I can't unlock him yeah he's | 190.769 | 5.461 |
not a high enough level yet we got a we | 193.95 | 3.93 |
got to do some jobs man we got to get | 196.23 | 3.509 |
Simon leveled up all right listen listen | 197.88 | 4.56 |
let's come back thank you for time sir | 199.739 | 6.421 |
my friends are new here it's | 202.44 | 5.1 |
embarrassing | 206.16 | 4.409 |
walk in here leave empty-handed | 207.54 | 5.97 |
[ __ ] happens this is going to be another | 210.569 | 5.491 |
free cab ride I'm guessing all right | 213.51 | 4.05 |
what can we do after to level these | 216.06 | 3.48 |
noobs up I got a guy named Martin who | 217.56 | 3.45 |
hires me for work every now and then | 219.54 | 5.779 |
he's got a job for us well Marty a call | 221.01 | 4.309 |
Deeb's yeah come over here okay | 233.75 | 6.37 |
the cover comes up no cover oh [ __ ] what | 236.37 | 5.19 |
you do it's awesome it'll write out the | 240.12 | 4.83 |
open getting the cover what's up needs | 241.56 | 5.759 |
what's up Simon they weren't were cover | 244.95 | 4.08 |
I know all right you guys ready to move | 247.319 | 4.1 |
yeah | 249.03 | 2.389 |
look at this cover cover cover cover | 254.52 | 5.249 |
everything looking good looking good | 256.67 | 7.469 |
all right I don't see anybody yet | 259.769 | 4.37 |
come on baby come on are you jumping | 265.47 | 6.3 |
just to just for fun okay jump but there | 268.38 | 5.27 |
better be some sort of payoff for this | 271.77 | 7.5 |
money all right | 273.65 | 7.72 |
I'm in cover you're not in cover see | 279.27 | 3.69 |
this guy's could actually hit you from | 281.37 | 4.89 |
where you're at you sure think so okay I | 282.96 | 7.41 |
only see as of now I only see three guys | 286.26 | 6.6 |
I think we can take him take out the | 290.37 | 5.85 |
smugglers a ton of them all right open | 292.86 | 7.29 |
fire oh yeah they see us | 296.22 | 6.15 |
oh man must be all in that building | 300.15 | 4.14 |
they're so far away I need something | 302.37 | 8.57 |
with them with a scope hold on I see one | 304.29 | 6.65 |
is the worst cover ever since you | 311.21 | 4.51 |
covered | 313.68 | 5.25 |
we're right behind you do not see any | 315.72 | 5.58 |
threats in your immediate area sir | 318.93 | 4.23 |
alright I'm moving up coming I'm | 321.3 | 3.96 |
watching you back okay I think they're | 323.16 | 3.72 |
all in that building what y'all think I | 325.26 | 3.36 |
think someone's already said that this | 326.88 | 2.46 |
guy's got money | 328.62 | 3.54 |
hold on yeah you can't money Nick watch | 329.34 | 4.83 |
out that's for the cab ride Nick you | 332.16 | 4.37 |
keep that Thanks | 334.17 | 8.85 |
alright I got another guy moving in okay | 336.53 | 9.31 |
we're getting shot at watch out leaves | 343.02 | 5.7 |
clutter if he's right behind you behind | 345.84 | 4.35 |
those crates okay | 348.72 | 3.19 |
[Music] | 350.19 | 4.31 |
hit him nice get it folks you don't | 351.91 | 4.93 |
think he's dead no he's still alive oh | 354.5 | 4.02 |
he's there I got him I got him | 356.84 | 3.539 |
all right then damn need to find an | 358.52 | 4.829 |
entrance move up a little bit it's you | 360.379 | 5.481 |
over here | 363.349 | 2.511 |
Oh see him getting me I think he's down | 366.29 | 6.24 |
nice shirt it looks like when you're | 370.19 | 5.0 |
both one of the duck what over that | 372.53 | 6.7 |
he's down okay nice work | 375.19 | 4.04 |
all right take cover knees yeah cover | 379.51 | 8.19 |
cover get cover man cover up the see one | 384.01 | 8.39 |
engaging think it down across | 387.7 | 4.7 |
but we got to scale the coke now one guy | 393.54 | 6.03 |
left oh I think I got him alright let's | 395.79 | 5.29 |
move in | 399.57 | 4.54 |
damn it in yeah be careful though D oh | 401.08 | 4.38 |
alright where's the coke | 404.11 | 2.79 |
she'll be around here oh I think it's | 405.46 | 3.81 |
upstairs it's pointing up I found stairs | 406.9 | 4.739 |
okay everybody with us see Simon I'm | 409.27 | 4.639 |
here with you | 411.639 | 4.65 |
alright stairs right here alright you're | 413.909 | 6.69 |
doing on careful all right | 416.289 | 4.31 |
all right piggies down work needs well | 422.639 | 8.52 |
there's another one that would still | 427.919 | 11.46 |
lunch got him more damn and damn all | 431.159 | 11.211 |
right | 439.379 | 2.991 |
here watch yeah cover me | 444.85 | 5.74 |
he's down now all right good job dick | 447.76 | 5.59 |
yeah I see the coke can we go in yeah | 450.59 | 4.98 |
noobs go in cover you moving in moving | 453.35 | 4.92 |
for the coast all right we got to get to | 455.57 | 4.38 |
the boats okay we got the coke come on | 458.27 | 3.93 |
put it up hope there's more people down | 459.95 | 5.9 |
on the docks down careful oh boy | 462.2 | 3.65 |
listen to a flanking position here hope | 467.54 | 8.73 |
I see you a guy damn deep staying cool | 471.29 | 8.16 |
stay in cover ah I just took two guys | 476.27 | 5.94 |
alright thick Simon what on me you we | 479.45 | 4.44 |
all together yeah I got to see yeah we | 482.21 | 2.61 |
got to steal these boats | 483.89 | 3.3 |
alright come on come on oh [ __ ] I just | 484.82 | 7.68 |
took a hit a and so did I I see him I | 487.19 | 7.82 |
gotta get my health back oh man | 492.5 | 5.07 |
got one straight ahead yeah I see him | 495.01 | 6.16 |
take him out dick horse Simon or Simon | 497.57 | 5.91 |
either one yeah Simon stepped in front | 501.17 | 5.16 |
of me here watch out I'll throw a | 503.48 | 8.37 |
grenade what say I just took them yeah | 506.33 | 8.97 |
nice job thick you take a boat I'll take | 511.85 | 6.24 |
a boat yeah and then and then we all get | 515.3 | 5.55 |
on one boat now we need to we got to | 518.09 | 6.75 |
take both boats oh okay I got this one | 520.85 | 6.15 |
I'm going with a afro-pop in seven | 524.84 | 3.6 |
quickly look at the water | 527.0 | 4.11 |
yeah it's the same button you would hit | 528.44 | 5.36 |
to get into a car | 531.11 | 2.69 |
oh I'm gonna drown Simon I'm gonna | 534.0 | 4.11 |
ground I haven't get the boat I don't | 536.459 | 3.151 |
know how to get up and get in the boat | 538.11 | 4.079 |
[ __ ] you Simon get the boat don't the | 539.61 | 5.659 |
hattis [ __ ] swim | 542.189 | 3.08 |
being chased egg | 555.74 | 2.93 |
my dick | 559.26 | 4.13 |
trying to shoot them | 561.18 | 6.82 |
got one and the driver whew whoopsies | 563.39 | 4.61 |
whoa Nick | 573.679 | 7.341 |
yeah I'm trying man | 577.21 | 5.72 |
are you doing | 581.02 | 4.74 |
I'm getting really sick boy | 582.93 | 5.0 |
oh [ __ ] | 585.76 | 4.72 |
oh yeah you got one yeah yeah how are | 587.93 | 3.87 |
you doing it you got any more around you | 590.48 | 2.97 |
doesn't look like it | 591.8 | 4.77 |
oh that you I'm seeing behind me yeah oh | 593.45 | 7.52 |
yeah there's one oh [ __ ] come on | 596.57 | 4.4 |
all right we're almost at the rendezvous | 607.72 | 4.34 |
dick can't [ __ ] this up | 608.74 | 3.32 |
they see with Ronnie woman's head toward | 615.52 | 3.31 |
the die | 617.35 | 3.31 |
alright I'm gonna try I'm looking back | 618.83 | 3.66 |
trying to take those [ __ ] out yeah | 620.66 | 6.21 |
I'm trying to help oh I got I got one | 622.49 | 5.58 |
nice yeah I did it | 626.87 | 3.75 |
thank you man save my ass all right all | 628.07 | 3.93 |
we got to do is get to the duck get the | 630.62 | 3.36 |
yellow duck yeah I'm gonna throw up | 632.0 | 4.44 |
better not be an ambush out here at the | 633.98 | 3.45 |
rendezvous | 636.44 | 2.519 |
all right don't drive the boat right | 637.43 | 4.88 |
onto the beach careful | 638.959 | 3.351 |
all right we did it thick yeah no thanks | 645.37 | 4.77 |
to Medes and Simon yeah we need to go | 648.37 | 3.38 |
get them to the hospital | 650.14 | 10.56 |
Winnie Graham easy are they coming to | 651.75 | 10.18 |
pick us up I don't know them they're | 660.7 | 6.11 |
supposed to look at that beauty colors | 661.93 | 9.48 |
nice I could watch this all day | 666.81 | 6.25 |
well not all day cuz it only lasts about | 671.41 | 3.99 |
an hour since that's for about an hour | 673.06 | 5.31 |
yeah yeah about an hour let's say more | 675.4 | 5.43 |
like that yeah the best part is probably | 678.37 | 4.74 |
the last hour you know what I bet what | 680.83 | 4.26 |
if you lived in like Alaska or somewhere | 683.11 | 4.05 |
uh-huh I bet you they have sunsets all | 685.09 | 6.84 |
day oh yeah here we go guys Harriet | 687.16 | 6.54 |
awaits how'd it go did you do the | 691.93 | 3.48 |
mission yeah I did the mission everybody | 693.7 | 6.27 |
got paid we all made like 20 grand is | 695.41 | 6.75 |
that enough to get a house no oh hell no | 699.97 | 4.02 |
that already we know this I don't | 702.16 | 3.69 |
remember numbers right now I could buy | 703.99 | 3.9 |
that first place that we looked at if I | 705.85 | 4.26 |
wanted to but I don't choose to that | 707.89 | 5.16 |
warehouse place out in grapeseed the you | 710.11 | 4.74 |
didn't like that place no it's like 26 | 713.05 | 3.48 |
grand make sure you put your money in | 714.85 | 5.33 |
the bank Simon oh that's true | 716.53 | 3.65 |
[Music] | 720.65 | 9.83 |
over here okay check out this apartment | 727.41 | 5.05 |
I didn't even think about looking at | 730.48 | 5.13 |
apartments yeah so it's $150,000 on the | 732.46 | 5.43 |
beach man it's not a bad deal huh man I | 735.61 | 3.96 |
think I found my new place that I want | 737.89 | 4.41 |
this place eh why not it's great it's a | 739.57 | 5.28 |
really nice atmosphere is there an Asian | 742.3 | 4.2 |
restaurant right up here can you afford | 744.85 | 3.03 |
oh wow | 746.5 | 7.62 |
I can get some pho oh yeah this is gonna | 747.88 | 8.52 |
be my place man if you got pho you'll | 754.12 | 3.33 |
get draw eyes in here | 756.4 | 3.48 |
I know we don't do anything for pho yes | 757.45 | 4.38 |
you will he would kill a baby kitten for | 759.88 | 7.58 |
pho yes how'd you get it ban this video | 761.83 | 8.43 |
okay all right so this is my new this is | 767.46 | 4.51 |
the new place that I want to get well | 770.26 | 4.26 |
you've set a goal wait this isn't a | 771.97 | 6.33 |
restaurant a retreat spa oh [ __ ] all | 774.52 | 5.22 |
right so what are we doing now I don't | 778.3 | 3.27 |
know what the older days I feel like we | 779.74 | 3.0 |
need to go to the beach and have some | 781.57 | 3.3 |
[ __ ] swim lessons sweetie I need swim | 782.74 | 4.14 |
lessons before anything okay all right | 784.87 | 4.11 |
back to the car I always prefer missions | 786.88 | 4.56 |
that involve or that don't involve water | 788.98 | 4.74 |
I learn to swim man you're saying I'd | 791.44 | 3.72 |
rather not have water I'm just saying | 793.72 | 2.61 |
learn to swim and it won't matter if | 795.16 | 5.21 |
there's water right it's one more | 796.33 | 6.75 |
dangerous element if you can eliminate | 800.37 | 4.42 |
from the equation to be better if there | 803.08 | 5.64 |
wasn't water just saying what kind of | 804.79 | 4.65 |
sense does that make | 808.72 | 2.73 |
makes a lot of sense when you're like | 809.44 | 4.92 |
hey if when I was a baby it'd be better | 811.45 | 4.47 |
if we just had situations where I don't | 814.36 | 4.65 |
walk or talk no it's better if you learn | 815.92 | 5.34 |
to walk or talk in it I know but if we | 819.01 | 3.72 |
can pick a mission that doesn't have | 821.26 | 3.66 |
water around just learn to swim hey | 822.73 | 3.33 |
saying that's the point | 824.92 | 3.99 |
yeah that's why we came here fellas all | 826.06 | 6.24 |
right everybody hop out how do I go down | 828.91 | 6.21 |
down under how you go underwater is you | 832.3 | 5.4 |
tap the right bumper look at me I'm so | 835.12 | 5.76 |
free some are you swimming all right | 837.7 | 4.65 |
let's look at Simon Simon where yeah | 840.88 | 5.34 |
buddy you just use the left joystick to | 842.35 | 5.029 |
go up | 846.22 | 3.679 |
you know and then you got to hit the | 847.379 | 4.68 |
bottom right you got to hit the bottom | 849.899 | 3.87 |
right bumper to come up out of the water | 852.059 | 4.77 |
no you don't have to hit the you don't | 853.769 | 4.201 |
have to get a bumper to come out of the | 856.829 | 2.91 |
water dolphin out here I'm trying to | 857.97 | 2.789 |
come up out of the water | 859.739 | 2.55 |
yeah all you got to do is like hold that | 860.759 | 3.66 |
left thumbstick yeah just hold it down | 862.289 | 4.1 |
we'll go straight up | 864.419 | 5.18 |
nah man you're doing it I'm swimming | 866.389 | 10.72 |
yeah buddy yeah after our swimmers I | 869.599 | 9.16 |
know man so if you guys fall in the | 877.109 | 3.3 |
water this time where you gonna drown | 878.759 | 4.89 |
no I'm soaked yeah we're all wet all | 880.409 | 4.32 |
right somebody else drive | 883.649 | 3.72 |
ah what a pretty night huh nice night if | 884.729 | 4.8 |
you drive thank oh hell no I'm driving | 887.369 | 3.75 |
can we just look at the moon for say a | 889.529 | 4.11 |
thick just one side of the moon not | 891.119 | 6.53 |
about their moon so pretty | 893.639 | 4.01 |
should we go to the pier should we go to | 899.899 | 5.38 |
the pier I want to make money yeah I | 903.359 | 3.39 |
need to make money man I just saw those | 905.279 | 3.03 |
lights I'm like oh flashing lights that | 906.749 | 2.64 |
looks fun neebs | 908.309 | 4.26 |
I'm homeless Simon is homeless well look | 909.389 | 4.86 |
after when I have money you guys could | 912.569 | 5.281 |
watch us do rides what no no let's do | 914.249 | 5.31 |
that me and after a round ride you guys | 917.85 | 4.189 |
can watch us | 919.559 | 2.48 |
this is [ __ ] | 933.84 | 5.209 |
[Music] | 935.87 | 3.179 |
oh good ah man may have money well spent | 950.68 | 17.37 |
guys I can't wait you're not broke yeah | 965.77 | 3.87 |
you guys are gonna love this roller | 968.05 | 4.17 |
coaster absolutely do with the poor guys | 969.64 | 5.699 |
let's see I know I got him Gerald let me | 972.22 | 4.35 |
let me let me call him see if he's got | 975.339 | 16.321 |
any jobs hey guys you want to go steal | 976.57 | 18.209 |
some cocaine just a lot of cocaine stuff | 991.66 | 5.52 |
doing Elvis Duke oh no I don't think oh | 994.779 | 5.041 |
no we just make money so just don't say | 997.18 | 4.86 |
don't get high on supply did you make | 999.82 | 3.24 |
that phrase up Nick | 1002.04 | 3.419 |
nope where'd you hear that eazy-e oh no | 1003.06 | 5.94 |
NWA NWA oh you all ready groups have | 1005.459 | 6.481 |
letters in your name Cool J easy eighty | 1009.0 | 5.58 |
well all words are metal letters ice tea | 1011.94 | 5.64 |
crazy G element of P nope | 1014.58 | 5.94 |
LMFAO there there don't even put them in | 1017.58 | 5.25 |
the category with NWA please big flappy | 1020.52 | 5.039 |
pee pee on my face Run DMC huh | 1022.83 | 6.9 |
another good one here my face know what | 1025.559 | 6.841 |
you said yeah antenna group LGBT PYT | 1029.73 | 7.67 |
pretty young thing | 1032.4 | 5.0 |
[Music] | 1038.39 | 8.07 |
thick yeah man | 1053.169 | 4.211 |
do you have a long-range rifle don't I | 1055.46 | 3.9 |
do you'd ask me noobs | 1057.38 | 4.56 |
yeah man range rifle you have a | 1059.36 | 4.41 |
long-range rifle right neebs yes I do I | 1061.94 | 3.18 |
would like you to get out right here | 1063.77 | 4.11 |
okay well get out and then get in cover | 1065.12 | 4.89 |
should I get my rifle yeah get your | 1067.88 | 3.81 |
rifle out and getting cover okay right | 1070.01 | 5.09 |
there right there okay you got it | 1071.69 | 10.77 |
I'm in position sir writing orders over | 1075.1 | 8.5 |
shooting me already | 1082.46 | 2.64 |
why did you poke your head up and look | 1083.6 | 4.65 |
at him you idiot you said get in cover | 1085.1 | 5.959 |
down suck all right everybody get out | 1088.25 | 6.69 |
let's eat these guys asses eat their | 1091.059 | 11.921 |
asses yeah win-win need wind you're | 1094.94 | 11.63 |
welcome yeah get him eaves | 1102.98 | 3.59 |
at one | 1107.87 | 2.81 |
man down | 1112.02 | 2.81 |
there's a guy behind those cars Nev can | 1122.26 | 5.74 |
you get him oh we see him up thick got | 1125.54 | 3.99 |
him no he's not down yet | 1128.0 | 5.4 |
Oh they've hit him got him now | 1129.53 | 8.58 |
gaze down yes I got the coke you got the | 1133.4 | 8.159 |
coke nice cocaina let's take this oh | 1138.11 | 6.23 |
yeah they're like some money I memorize | 1141.559 | 4.681 |
here that's my money | 1144.34 | 3.91 |
how do I get down there Simon how are | 1146.24 | 5.97 |
you down there are you coming back yep | 1148.25 | 4.77 |
keep an eye out | 1152.21 | 3.12 |
they may come they may have called their | 1153.02 | 4.59 |
buddies okay yeah we got to get needs | 1155.33 | 7.08 |
quick he's a sitting duck sitting duck | 1157.61 | 9.84 |
quack quack quack I'm sitting duck in | 1162.41 | 8.75 |
the truck back back up in nimes | 1167.45 | 3.71 |
up in the goddamn car they're down | 1176.02 | 6.94 |
thanks - I like that color man which we | 1179.8 | 5.77 |
have that color we got this like baby | 1182.96 | 5.73 |
[ __ ] brown those guys come from you | 1185.57 | 5.31 |
gotta have decided you will [ __ ] | 1188.69 | 4.1 |
paying attention yeah | 1190.88 | 6.15 |
Oh Lord are they all behind us yes sir | 1192.79 | 5.56 |
behind I wrote him Simon | 1197.03 | 3.62 |
right | 1198.35 | 2.3 |
oh oh hey yeah yeah memes wow man this | 1202.13 | 10.71 |
is an easy one | 1212.0 | 3.95 |
alright Ramos there | 1212.84 | 3.11 |
all right thick delivers coke man | 1218.409 | 9.58 |
all right gerald yeah lease right hey | 1222.08 | 8.419 |
gerald hey what's up buzz up on me | 1227.989 | 6.9 |
what I do what I do you go man | 1230.499 | 7.72 |
yeah I where's my money where's my he | 1234.889 | 5.04 |
just took it yeah he gave his money he's | 1238.219 | 3.03 |
gonna give us a deposit | 1239.929 | 3.54 |
nay CH I didn't know he had my routing | 1241.249 | 5.97 |
number whoo nice hey I made 11 grand | 1243.469 | 12.18 |
yeah 11 360 make sure you really really | 1247.219 | 11.28 |
enjoy all my dream place you know what | 1255.649 | 4.47 |
if you're if you're gonna buy a place | 1258.499 | 3.51 |
it's a good idea to check it out | 1260.119 | 4.35 |
different times a day different weather | 1262.009 | 4.02 |
conditions yeah we saw it at night | 1264.469 | 5.07 |
that's true you know in the daylight you | 1266.029 | 5.4 |
do see some you know there's some | 1269.539 | 3.63 |
neglect here I don't know what the | 1271.429 | 3.57 |
homeowners yeah it looks like some mold | 1273.169 | 4.38 |
yeah woman this is good for you because | 1274.999 | 4.68 |
let's don't forget you're poor that's | 1277.549 | 4.47 |
true I'm very poor and this is a great | 1279.679 | 3.81 |
location yeah you're not too far from | 1282.019 | 3.6 |
the beach man yeah no I like that get a | 1283.489 | 4.081 |
asian massage parlor right down the road | 1285.619 | 3.9 |
yeah no and the water being right here | 1287.57 | 5.88 |
man now it's perfect it really is yes I | 1289.519 | 7.02 |
mean yeah it's got a good view here I | 1293.45 | 4.439 |
could see me this is this would be her | 1296.539 | 3.75 |
place but no I like it this is this area | 1297.889 | 4.29 |
I might be jumping the gun here but I do | 1300.289 | 5.7 |
love it all right uh Simon we're gonna | 1302.179 | 5.271 |
help you make some more money and | 1305.989 | 3.87 |
hopefully we come back you will be a | 1307.45 | 5.889 |
resident of masucci Beach hole the | 1309.859 | 5.04 |
smoochy beats gonna I don't know maybe | 1313.339 | 2.7 |
we're gonna make me some more money | 1314.899 | 2.37 |
we're gonna do some jobs we're gonna | 1316.039 | 3.99 |
steal some cocaine I want to buy I want | 1317.269 | 4.801 |
to buy something next episode BAM we got | 1320.029 | 3.36 |
to earn some money | 1322.07 | 3.509 |
I know folks thanks for watching our GTA | 1323.389 | 6.75 |
video and we will see you next time oh | 1325.579 | 7.28 |
[ __ ] | 1330.139 | 2.72 |
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If anyone has any fan art they would like to submit, a post idea or promotional content for the crew just reach out and let me know! This is community supported so feel free to get involved if you love Neebs Gaming half as much as I do!

The Game
You definitely should check it out
The Grand Theft Auto 5 Online series on the Neebs Gaming channel is an absolute joy to watch! As a long-time fan of their cinematic content, seeing the guys take on GTA Online delivers the perfect blend of humor, camaraderie, and chaotic fun that only Neebs and the crew can provide.
I'll never forget the early episodes where they're just trying to figure everything out, earning those first few dollars to buy some weapons and their first apartment. Watching their excitement grow as they complete missions, unlock new gear, and explore the massive open world of Los Santos and Blaine County is so infectious.
The way they play off each other's personalities is comedy gold too. Simon's matter-of-fact planning, Thick's wild ideas, Appsro's nervous energy, and Dora's aggression make for such an endearing and hilarious group dynamic. And when they eventually get access to all the weaponized vehicles, aircraft, and properties? Forget about it! The action goes through the roof.
But it's not just about the missions and mayhem. The cinematic style brings Los Santos to life in a way that playing GTA Online yourself simply can't match. The carefully edited action sequences, scenic pans across the city, and dramatic musical scores make their adventures feel like a Hollywood blockbuster.
At the end of the day, the Neebs crew clearly have a blast with GTA Online, and their passion for creating fun, story-driven content shines through. As a fan, I couldn't ask for a more enjoyable way to experience everything this incredible game has to offer. Their GTA series is a must-watch!