Fallout 4: GAMEPLAY + ANIMATION Part 10: Courser Hunting
Neebs Gaming

This video comes straight from the Neebs Gaming YouTube channel.
neebs: Hey guys, Neebs here and I gotta tell ya, this Courser Hunting video is my absolute favorite! I mean, who doesn't love a good ol' hunt in Fallout 4?
simon: Oh Neebs, you know I love this video too! I mean, watching you take down that Courser dude is just too hilarious. It's like watching a comedy show!
appsro: Haha, you guys crack me up! But seriously, this video is top-notch entertainment. I mean, who wouldn't want to see Neebs go all Rambo on a Courser in Fallout 4? It's pure gold!
Hey everyone, I am so excited to share with you the latest video from one of my favorite YouTube channels, Neebs Gaming! In this video, they are going hunting in Fallout 4 and taking on the Courser dude. I can already tell it's going to be epic!
If you haven't already, make sure to subscribe to their channel and help them reach 1 billion subscribers. They are so close and they deserve all the support they can get. Plus, they have the world's greatest stream on Twitch every Thursday at 8:00 EST. You don't want to miss out on all the fun and action.
Also, don't forget to check out their Spreadshirt Shop for some awesome merch and their music on their website. Neebs Gaming is not just about gaming, they have some killer music too. And let's not forget their social media sites where you can stay connected with them and other fans. They are always interacting with their audience and it makes me feel like part of the Neebs Gaming family.
I can't wait to dive into this video and see how they handle the Courser dude in Fallout 4. Their gameplay is always entertaining and I know I'll be on the edge of my seat the whole time. Neebs Gaming never fails to deliver top-notch content and I am so grateful for all the laughs and excitement they bring into my life. Time to grab some popcorn and enjoy the show!

The Game
You definitely should check it out!
Man, I just love watching Neebs Gaming play Fallout 4! Their cinematic style really makes me feel like I'm right there in the wasteland with them. The way they edit the footage to tell a story, with close-ups at just the right moments, makes their videos so engaging and entertaining.
And the banter between the guys is hilarious! They play off each other so well, and you can tell they're just having a blast exploring the world together. Like when Thick was sneaking around hunting that Courser and Dora kept messing with him, I was cracking up! Their chemistry really shines through.
The production value on Neebs' videos is top-notch too. The graphics are crisp, the audio is clear, and the editing is seamless. You can tell they put a lot of work into making high quality content. I mean, the custom intros they make for each series are fantastic!
Overall, Neebs Gaming's cinematic approach makes their gameplay videos as enjoyable to watch as a TV show or movie. Getting to see all their hilarious reactions and commentary makes me feel like I'm right there hanging out with friends, going on adventures in these huge open worlds.
It's really the next best thing to playing the games myself. In fact, I almost prefer watching Neebs play through story-driven games like Fallout 4 because I get to see the narrative brought to life with their signature comedic touch, without worrying about making gameplay decisions myself.
If you haven't seen their stuff, I highly recommend checking out their Fallout 4 playlist. It's a wild ride, and their cinematic style will pull you right into the post-apocalyptic world. Neebs Gaming is definitely my favorite way to experience open world games!

Caption | Start | Duration |
hey this place is hustling and bustling | 8.42 | 7.5 |
this morning huh Nick yeah I got it | 10.95 | 7.02 |
alright Nick should we take the power | 15.92 | 3.97 |
armor I'm worried that we're gonna run | 17.97 | 3.719 |
out of fuel all the way let's not do it | 19.89 | 3.6 |
okay let's start heading over to the CIT | 21.689 | 3.75 |
place see if we can hunt down this | 23.49 | 4.47 |
[ __ ] courser okay Nick we made it to | 25.439 | 6.391 |
CIT over there the diamond City past | 27.96 | 6.54 |
that bridge so what were you supposed to | 31.83 | 4.53 |
do oh yeah there's a radio signal right | 34.5 | 9.03 |
oh yeah here we go oh okay so I guess we | 36.36 | 8.49 |
follow it until the beeps get louder | 43.53 | 3.48 |
right Nick | 44.85 | 4.49 |
I found a floating car floating pink car | 47.01 | 5.85 |
that defies all logic and physics see | 49.34 | 6.129 |
that see that Nick see that Bethesda | 52.86 | 10.08 |
okay Green Tech genetics think you think | 55.469 | 10.05 |
you think you think Nick I think we | 62.94 | 4.56 |
found the place let me turn this [ __ ] | 65.519 | 4.011 |
off | 67.5 | 2.03 |
hello what you got bottle-cap | 70.77 | 4.41 |
yellow oh boy | 75.329 | 4.511 |
alright I think they've just seen us | 78.0 | 11.11 |
Nick hello okay we got turrets huh eat | 79.84 | 12.47 |
them with the turrets at | 89.11 | 3.2 |
alright we're dead there it is try yeah | 102.17 | 8.32 |
I got it Nick | 109.229 | 4.141 |
got it crowding me let's try to be Nick | 110.49 | 14.64 |
Oh what is that what Vegeta and Goku | 113.37 | 15.499 |
fighting what the [ __ ] going on | 125.13 | 3.739 |
all right I guess that was something all | 131.269 | 5.741 |
right Nick we got to stay safe oh [ __ ] | 134.4 | 5.309 |
soon as I open my stupid mouth all right | 137.01 | 5.85 |
let's see leg out come over here let's | 139.709 | 14.491 |
see take that left arm out oh yes I am | 142.86 | 13.799 |
okay okay back it up back it up back it | 154.2 | 14.25 |
up back it up Nick yeah go to sleep | 156.659 | 15.48 |
little prince impact maybe we should | 168.45 | 5.069 |
start eating some of the [ __ ] I have | 172.139 | 5.281 |
anything useful oh yeah some ammo and | 173.519 | 6.72 |
those always useful in that Nick hello | 177.42 | 8.3 |
anyone in here oh speaking of hello | 180.239 | 8.25 |
hello oh okay hi | 185.72 | 10.12 |
hey just me three great mmm all that | 188.489 | 11.61 |
work ah like a charm oh my god what have | 195.84 | 6.35 |
I done | 200.099 | 2.091 |
okay well what the [ __ ] see I got my | 202.489 | 8.191 |
pipe pistol its tactical its life | 206.4 | 4.28 |
super [ __ ] hey I love it up / I got | 213.59 | 6.25 |
perks damage resistance important to me | 217.41 | 4.47 |
right now because I'm very vulnerable I | 219.84 | 3.42 |
don't have any power armor I'm gonna do | 221.88 | 1.71 |
it | 223.26 | 4.22 |
yep I'm tough Nick look how tough I am I | 223.59 | 6.89 |
look | 227.48 | 3.0 |
there go Goku Vegeta again oh boy Yello | 232.1 | 14.16 |
ooh oh my god that guy's got a rocket | 242.39 | 8.01 |
launcher Oh God shoot him and probably | 246.26 | 5.55 |
need to take him out don't I | 250.4 | 11.309 |
oh boy oh [ __ ] run oh sorry coming Nick | 251.81 | 10.89 |
Oh God | 261.709 | 2.581 |
alright Nick I'm about to pull the most | 262.7 | 3.15 |
badass move of the century I'm gonna run | 264.29 | 3.0 |
out there I'm gonna toss a grenade and | 265.85 | 3.33 |
then your day into the midair | 267.29 | 7.38 |
watch this yeah that didn't go as I | 269.18 | 7.92 |
planned Acosta grenade too far run run | 274.67 | 10.77 |
run Nick son of a [ __ ] come on just | 277.1 | 8.79 |
once | 285.44 | 5.24 |
come on just once critical dance | 285.89 | 4.79 |
in fact | 292.02 | 4.84 |
son of a [ __ ] no rocket launcher | 293.8 | 17.94 |
oh hi oh oh hey guys Jesus ah [ __ ] | 296.86 | 16.47 |
catch it jet jet jet jet of course | 311.74 | 5.549 |
there's a ton of them what are you doing | 313.33 | 8.63 |
laying down in the floor good job Nick | 317.289 | 4.671 |
what the [ __ ] | 324.12 | 5.139 |
stealth boy a missile yeah I'll take | 325.93 | 3.87 |
that | 329.259 | 2.551 |
oh speaking of missiles that guy had a | 329.8 | 4.47 |
rocket launcher remember Nick how much | 331.81 | 3.84 |
you want to bet I try to pick it up and | 334.27 | 5.399 |
it's too fat I'll be damned | 335.65 | 6.18 |
missile all and I only have one missile | 339.669 | 4.171 |
for it that's ok so I'll make it my | 341.83 | 5.459 |
favourite let's put it up here oh god | 343.84 | 8.069 |
what is that what is that we're ok yeah | 347.289 | 6.72 |
that's the goku thing I get it he's | 351.909 | 4.951 |
powerful Jesus you know Nick you'd look | 354.009 | 5.011 |
better with two heads I mean you're a | 356.86 | 3.69 |
robot maybe we can just sew another one | 359.02 | 3.69 |
on you you can be what you can be that | 360.55 | 6.419 |
guy can argue with yourself it'll be | 362.71 | 6.6 |
funny alright come on now come on now | 366.969 | 4.711 |
work with me work with me now work with | 369.31 | 5.759 |
me now yes oh yeah Oh Nate a minor | 371.68 | 8.519 |
cocktail yes Oh oh that's good | 375.069 | 11.93 |
come here me I don't even see anybody | 380.199 | 10.74 |
get over here are you here for the | 386.999 | 5.2 |
Senate Oh God | 390.939 | 7.47 |
okay this is a courser ah the synth no | 392.199 | 7.53 |
that's not why I'm here | 398.409 | 3.6 |
if you're not here for the sin then | 399.729 | 4.151 |
you're here for me | 402.009 | 4.471 |
what | 403.88 | 2.6 |
I need I need that coarser Jim you got | 407.13 | 5.43 |
it in your head that you cannot have the | 409.26 | 6.03 |
[ __ ] I can't rule its own now baby oh | 412.56 | 6.03 |
boy this guy's alright first thing is | 415.29 | 5.37 |
sin let's try to do that arm thing | 418.59 | 4.37 |
remember Nick where we take out the arms | 420.66 | 4.53 |
we doesn't have a weapon that might be | 422.96 | 4.54 |
advantageous to us oh boy he's gonna | 425.19 | 4.83 |
take a lot of skill a big oh all right | 427.5 | 5.31 |
all right all right yeah get a Mick you | 430.02 | 4.92 |
did already you dumb [ __ ] you are | 432.81 | 4.08 |
usin why do they always do that | 434.94 | 9.72 |
I hate this still boys [ __ ] [ __ ] out of | 436.89 | 14.869 |
here yeah | 444.66 | 10.24 |
go back there down huh | 451.759 | 3.141 |
[ __ ] all right let's see how | 465.049 | 6.7 |
about left arms not doing so good pinch | 469.199 | 10.25 |
that off a little bit what are you oh | 471.749 | 10.02 |
man I almost got you oh wait you're | 479.449 | 5.89 |
trying to heal Beast impact your nights | 481.769 | 19.62 |
with stim pack all right I got you right | 485.339 | 19.86 |
where I want you you're the baby oh yes | 501.389 | 7.44 |
hi Nick I got him oh [ __ ] | 505.199 | 7.62 |
tried to jump how do I kill there's a | 508.829 | 5.911 |
jump button I got him I'm playing too | 512.819 | 3.45 |
much Battlefield I forgot what the jump | 514.74 | 4.019 |
button was Nick what the [ __ ] who's that | 516.269 | 4.88 |
I know you're not here for me but I | 518.759 | 5.94 |
can't get out not on my own I'm going to | 521.149 | 6.011 |
have to trust you to help me I promise | 524.699 | 4.74 |
not to hurt you I guess I don't really | 527.16 | 4.14 |
have a choice do I | 529.439 | 4.08 |
the guard put the password in a toolbox | 531.3 | 4.889 |
over there under the stairs hold on | 533.519 | 4.231 |
first I want to search this courser guy | 536.189 | 3.63 |
you've got any good cheat on him you got | 537.75 | 4.11 |
baby courts your chip that's what I'm | 539.819 | 2.52 |
after | 541.86 | 3.75 |
ah oh here's that toolbox oh it's right | 542.339 | 11.3 |
here that's all right I got it Nick | 545.61 | 8.029 |
I got it Nick damn stubborn ass robot | 556.12 | 9.95 |
hey y'all over the door for you baby | 563.14 | 5.22 |
you're welcome thanks again for your | 566.07 | 4.66 |
house I'm gonna look for supplies before | 568.36 | 6.06 |
heading out good good idea no I don't | 570.73 | 5.76 |
need any more help the Commonwealth is | 574.42 | 4.65 |
unforgiving I need to make I was gonna | 576.49 | 4.29 |
ask I'm gonna see if you'd give me a | 579.07 | 4.59 |
[ __ ] all right Nick we got to go get | 580.78 | 5.42 |
this thing this chip analyzed right | 583.66 | 6.42 |
where the [ __ ] are we gonna do that okay | 586.2 | 5.56 |
we are done with that nonsense oh it's | 590.08 | 2.91 |
all dark out here | 591.76 | 4.53 |
my buffout as worn out flock you know | 592.99 | 4.77 |
these fallout games really need and I | 596.29 | 3.75 |
hope I'm mater does it camping I need to | 597.76 | 3.69 |
be able to just go all right I'll just | 600.04 | 3.18 |
come over here and start a fire I'm | 601.45 | 4.14 |
gonna throw down a sleeping bag I want | 603.22 | 3.63 |
to be able to carry around a sleeping | 605.59 | 2.76 |
bag with me and throw it down anywhere | 606.85 | 3.48 |
is I don't like walking around at night | 608.35 | 4.41 |
do you Nick have the courser chip | 610.33 | 5.43 |
analyzed good neighbor oh we can go to | 612.76 | 6.18 |
good neighbor and do it well it seems | 615.76 | 5.07 |
like the place to go huh head on over to | 618.94 | 3.48 |
good neighbor and analyze this cross the | 620.83 | 4.17 |
chip what do you think Nick oh wait you | 622.42 | 4.47 |
know I never used my missile launcher | 625.0 | 4.41 |
and I really wanted to let's see this | 626.89 | 5.42 |
poor [ __ ] over here | 629.41 | 2.9 |
god I really hope I don't miss I miss | 632.55 | 5.53 |
it's gonna suck only got one all right | 635.47 | 6.38 |
let's do it come on | 638.08 | 3.77 |
Oh God that's satisfying NIC that is | 641.93 | 24.06 |
damn satisfying oh you kidding me | 651.86 | 17.16 |
look at that oh do this be a great | 665.99 | 5.849 |
hideout I want to make this my home this | 669.02 | 4.35 |
is where I want to set up camp | 671.839 | 3.841 |
you got a building here with a little | 673.37 | 5.07 |
gondola gonna hop on Nick all right I'll | 675.68 | 4.14 |
see you want to get back you just hang | 678.44 | 5.64 |
out here okay hi I wonder who's coming I | 679.82 | 16.34 |
wonder if I should turn around camera Oh | 684.08 | 12.08 |
see somebody down there set up a | 701.29 | 4.57 |
campfire lucky bastards or is that a | 703.64 | 4.11 |
pile of burning bodies either way it's | 705.86 | 5.19 |
more than I get to do okay I'm gonna go | 707.75 | 5.51 |
to sleep | 711.05 | 2.21 |
uh-oh yeah look at this | 714.279 | 6.31 |
look at this I want to live here I want | 717.2 | 4.44 |
to wake up to this view every morning | 720.589 | 3.861 |
this is where I want my house to be I | 721.64 | 5.81 |
could just stare at this for | 724.45 | 7.59 |
least three seconds all right to good | 727.45 | 11.45 |
neighbor good neighbor we go let's see | 732.04 | 9.48 |
take a look at the map real quick oh | 738.9 | 4.21 |
wait what about doing been the good | 741.52 | 3.48 |
neighbor before fast travel Jesus Christ | 743.11 | 3.78 |
I'm an idiot all right we're back in | 745.0 | 3.33 |
good neighbor Nick I think we need to go | 746.89 | 2.88 |
talk to dr. Amaury | 748.33 | 11.16 |
hello hello see Virgil I found Virgil he | 749.77 | 12.66 |
has a way inside the Institute but I | 759.49 | 4.86 |
need a code from a courser chip a | 762.43 | 5.96 |
coarser chip reporter Corson you did | 764.35 | 6.78 |
unfortunately I can't help you I worked | 768.39 | 5.29 |
on a lot of sins but never a course I | 771.13 | 5.04 |
don't know what that chip does let alone | 773.68 | 4.68 |
how to decode it but there are people | 776.17 | 5.87 |
who might I work with a group that well | 778.36 | 6.15 |
they're the only ones I know that even | 782.04 | 4.33 |
have a chance at cracking Institute | 784.51 | 5.67 |
security okay called the railroad the | 786.37 | 6.72 |
railroad the railroad they help sense | 790.18 | 5.22 |
escape the Institute I don't know who | 793.09 | 5.01 |
they all are usually an agent of theirs | 795.4 | 4.35 |
just shows up with someone who needs new | 798.1 | 3.81 |
memories one of them gave me a code | 799.75 | 4.41 |
phrase said it would help me find them | 801.91 | 4.59 |
if there was ever an emergency die | 804.16 | 5.69 |
follow the Freedom Trail | 806.5 | 5.73 |
exactly idea what the code phrase means | 809.85 | 5.23 |
I'm not sure but I remember there was a | 812.23 | 6.24 |
pre-war landmark with a similar name I'd | 815.08 | 6.03 |
start there alright Nick we gotta go | 818.47 | 5.37 |
find a railroad people yep | 821.11 | 5.93 |
always something | 823.84 | 3.2 |
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