Ark Aberration : Beware of Smiley
Neebs Gaming
neebs: Hey guys, welcome back to Neebs Gaming! Today we're diving into Ark Aberration and you know what? Beware of Smiley!
simon: Oh man, Smiley always gets us into trouble. But hey, that's what makes this video my favorite! It's just so hilarious watching us struggle against that sneaky dino.
appsro: Ha, yeah, Smiley definitely keeps us on our toes. But hey, that's what makes our adventures in Ark Aberration so entertaining! Who knew a giant smiley face could be so menacing?
neebs: Exactly! It's all about the unexpected twists and turns in our gameplay. And Smiley is definitely one of those curveballs that always keeps us laughing.

This video comes straight from the Neebs Gaming YouTube channel.
Hey guys! So, I just watched the latest video from Neebs Gaming on their YouTube channel and let me tell you, it was a wild ride. The video is all about their adventures in Ark Survival Evolved Aberration and they come face to face with a creature called Smiley. Trust me, you do not want to mess with Smiley!
If you're a fan of Neebs Gaming like me, you know that their content is always entertaining and full of laughs. In this video, they take on the challenges of the Aberration map and encounter some crazy creatures along the way. It's always fun to see how they work together as a team to survive and conquer the game.
I love how they interact with their audience and even provide links to support them on Patreon and check out their merchandise. It's cool to see how they engage with their fans and show appreciation for their support. Plus, their music choices in the video add an extra layer of excitement to the gameplay.
Overall, I highly recommend checking out Neebs Gaming's Ark Survival Aberration playlist. It's a great way to escape reality for a bit and immerse yourself in their hilarious and action-packed adventures. I can't wait to see what they come up with next! Thanks for watching their latest video and supporting the channel.

Caption | Start | Duration |
[Music] | 0.36 | 7.239 |
ready so I gotta run the whole way just | 8.15 | 10.42 |
say you're ready I come in peace | 12.719 | 7.771 |
it's gonna sting a little but I think | 18.57 | 8.119 |
you'll be happy coming | 20.49 | 10.47 |
he noticed is he stuck I'm watching him | 26.689 | 5.771 |
he's kind of running in place looks like | 30.96 | 3.54 |
he's on a treadmill I'm gonna shoot him | 32.46 | 8.06 |
again it's my be easier than a thought | 34.5 | 6.02 |
he's free | 40.97 | 6.57 |
oh yes free oh boy easy boy easy | 42.45 | 5.09 |
alright somebody's coming this way | 47.9 | 3.61 |
careful hey bring him through those tall | 49.74 | 9.03 |
trees he brought it I'm running yeah | 51.51 | 9.03 |
this place is looking pretty nice what | 58.77 | 3.63 |
do you think tippy feet pretty good huh | 60.54 | 3.03 |
we gotta go tell the other guys about | 62.4 | 3.21 |
this which means we got to go back and | 63.57 | 4.74 |
find the other guys I also want more | 65.61 | 4.259 |
metal metals hard to come by here and | 68.31 | 3.54 |
wood so you're gonna be you're gonna be | 69.869 | 3.841 |
a little bit of my my workhorse although | 71.85 | 4.23 |
you're not a horse my work hyena they're | 73.71 | 3.51 |
gonna be hauling a lot of wood and I | 76.08 | 2.16 |
need to haul wood and here we need | 77.22 | 2.97 |
supplies I could cut down a lot of these | 78.24 | 3.36 |
trees in here but I don't want to cuz | 80.19 | 2.969 |
they look nice you know what I mean | 81.6 | 3.24 |
Neeb says I think neebs said you could | 83.159 | 3.391 |
grow fertilizer I'm not sure how to do | 84.84 | 2.01 |
it | 86.55 | 2.58 |
damn it you know tippy you don't have | 86.85 | 3.99 |
any idea how to grow fertilizer course | 89.13 | 3.27 |
you don't you're a hyena | 90.84 | 3.48 |
I'm out here talking to a hyena lose my | 92.4 | 4.22 |
[ __ ] mind | 94.32 | 2.3 |
are we looking it goes to rest your | 96.64 | 5.02 |
house sign that's okay you never get | 98.93 | 8.85 |
that thing finish move his body should | 101.66 | 8.85 |
have been here he's coming in | 107.78 | 7.43 |
hey hey look easy boy easy | 110.51 | 4.7 |
keep shooting him I can't shoot him at | 117.35 | 3.719 |
all I got nothing left | 119.84 | 3.839 |
think he got any more for me can't drop | 121.069 | 3.811 |
any right now all right | 123.679 | 11.911 |
just holy [ __ ] holy Sh don't shoot him | 124.88 | 19.8 |
anymore oh boy did he kill needs water | 135.59 | 13.05 |
oh [ __ ] I need to shoot this guy don't | 144.68 | 6.419 |
get deep stuff on the water oh yeah I'm | 148.64 | 3.0 |
on it | 151.099 | 4.23 |
where's he at he's right there where you | 151.64 | 6.2 |
don't see if he's running up the ramp | 155.329 | 6.931 |
I'm back in baby okay I spun on the boat | 157.84 | 6.55 |
hey great you slip for trick arrows I | 162.26 | 3.089 |
stole yours | 164.39 | 2.58 |
well I can't activity not long it took | 165.349 | 3.03 |
me to make those you didn't make any | 166.97 | 4.26 |
problem no I didn't but I'm shooting | 168.379 | 4.021 |
them sir Oh God | 171.23 | 2.64 |
is he coming up here to me he's coming | 172.4 | 4.919 |
down he's alright thanks sorry needs do | 173.87 | 5.1 |
you want me to give you arrows back just | 177.319 | 3.601 |
take them I'll use my slingshot alright | 178.97 | 4.349 |
leaves are ok I'll hit him with | 180.92 | 3.36 |
everything you got | 183.319 | 4.621 |
come on boy he sees me he's got to be | 184.28 | 5.41 |
going down soon man | 187.94 | 3.98 |
[Music] | 189.69 | 7.34 |
yes there we go good shot right I'm | 191.92 | 6.76 |
putting some tranqs in him I'll put some | 197.03 | 3.539 |
berries in him he's gonna need a lot of | 198.68 | 7.74 |
berries I got a lot of berries all right | 200.569 | 7.14 |
we need to go down to the river because | 206.42 | 2.97 |
where we're at the only problem we have | 207.709 | 4.651 |
is water let's see what's down here at | 209.39 | 5.21 |
the river I see a spy know down here | 212.36 | 4.74 |
maybe if we just keep cool he'll keep | 214.6 | 6.01 |
cool and mr. Spinosaurus you're gonna | 217.1 | 5.16 |
stay there I just need a little bit of | 220.61 | 4.67 |
water just coming down here for a drink | 222.26 | 6.259 |
cool all right good deal | 225.28 | 7.65 |
yes coming down here for a drink hmm | 228.519 | 7.601 |
okay okay okay I'm gonna try it a little | 232.93 | 6.339 |
faster here all right oh good there's | 236.12 | 4.619 |
dead [ __ ] in the water can't wait to | 239.269 | 3.271 |
drink it hey you want to hear that way | 240.739 | 4.591 |
there you go what's that for yeah you | 242.54 | 4.53 |
eat then all right turkeys ready we're | 245.33 | 3.06 |
gonna do this fast I got a couple of | 247.07 | 3.93 |
water pouches ffff fill them up take a | 248.39 | 10.11 |
drink boom and we're going okay rivers a | 251.0 | 9.03 |
problem bud once we get our bearings | 258.5 | 2.669 |
about us and we get a little bit | 260.03 | 2.43 |
stronger that rivers not gonna be an | 261.169 | 3.541 |
issue all right we'll get set up a | 262.46 | 3.6 |
little bit more than we're gonna go out | 264.71 | 4.26 |
and find the boys that's a plan okay | 266.06 | 4.56 |
tippy I made you a little garage where I | 268.97 | 7.67 |
can park here dippy gurage | 270.62 | 6.02 |
man dick you got kite karma already I | 277.71 | 5.56 |
made some chitin armor would you know | 281.71 | 3.69 |
that chitin it was in our smithy was | 283.27 | 3.6 |
taking all of our resources and building | 285.4 | 4.01 |
stuff for yourself no no it was there | 286.87 | 5.34 |
yeah it was there so I figured it was | 289.41 | 5.53 |
community stuff so I well that's kind of | 292.21 | 4.38 |
what he just said that you did not tell | 294.94 | 3.75 |
him the stuff and where's his tribe I | 296.59 | 3.54 |
don't think there's anything wrong with | 298.69 | 2.819 |
it I'm just saying that's kind of what | 300.13 | 3.629 |
he said yeah it's not like I make that | 301.509 | 4.53 |
stuff for myself what was in my own | 303.759 | 4.261 |
tribe you got to paint that day you look | 306.039 | 4.47 |
you look weird you are absolutely right | 308.02 | 3.929 |
I can't look like that guy that used to | 310.509 | 3.63 |
have a member salmon he had a suit it | 311.949 | 3.871 |
looked like this is organs these are | 314.139 | 4.351 |
muscles and stuff it's a spandex suit oh | 315.82 | 6.599 |
yeah yeah hard to look at right now well | 318.49 | 5.94 |
you're not too easy on the eyes yourself | 322.419 | 5.731 |
yes I can ol inspector tell him well I | 324.43 | 5.7 |
think that actually you're both easy on | 328.15 | 4.47 |
the eyes okay you so can you take my | 330.13 | 13.34 |
side Tippie come on Timmy | 332.62 | 10.85 |
get it | 344.039 | 5.91 |
[Music] | 345.42 | 4.529 |
[Music] | 360.22 | 7.01 |
we got ourselves a pair sir gentlemen | 370.38 | 4.54 |
all right it's a boy so what do we name | 372.97 | 9.96 |
it hmm smiley smiley name smiley all | 374.92 | 10.11 |
right well no you know Navin sure I'll | 382.93 | 4.53 |
do it I already have it up oh you do | 385.03 | 4.65 |
yeah slam | 387.46 | 26.1 |
we got smiley there we go tippy I owe | 389.68 | 26.58 |
you one good job way to uh | 413.56 | 5.43 |
way to kick that scorpions button and | 416.26 | 7.21 |
I'd say you deserve a reward Lou reward | 418.99 | 7.67 |
[Laughter] | 423.47 | 6.83 |
smiley you are to protect our base this | 426.66 | 6.58 |
rotting corpse and these stats platforms | 430.3 | 5.61 |
are our base yep in this bag that bag | 433.24 | 4.68 |
totally if I touch that bag we don't | 435.91 | 4.5 |
want anything to be different guarded | 437.92 | 5.73 |
with your life smiling understood all | 440.41 | 4.55 |
right ready | 443.65 | 4.46 |
yes these earthquakes all aboard | 444.96 | 4.59 |
so I know you just said what we were | 448.11 | 3.21 |
doing but what are we doing taking a | 449.55 | 4.29 |
boat ride that's it smiley I'll be right | 451.32 | 3.15 |
back buddy | 453.84 | 2.46 |
with lots of berries yeah what are we | 454.47 | 3.66 |
doing back here again I'm gonna show you | 456.3 | 3.989 |
Simon you're you're gonna love this | 458.13 | 4.379 |
okay so you're you're we're back here to | 460.289 | 5.581 |
just do this just do what what we're | 462.509 | 5.25 |
doing what are we doing well I mean what | 465.87 | 3.389 |
are we doing here like even in the game | 467.759 | 3.061 |
that's what I was talking about just | 469.259 | 2.821 |
think we could not be here right now | 470.82 | 4.26 |
Simon we could not be here right let us | 472.08 | 4.8 |
think about it think about the fact that | 475.08 | 3.63 |
we could not be here right now | 476.88 | 4.19 |
Trippi ain't it leaves god I feel like | 478.71 | 4.35 |
you're like you're not making sense | 481.07 | 3.67 |
course that dude all right there's a | 483.06 | 3.21 |
spot on the beach but he's a little bit | 484.74 | 5.04 |
further up now watch this this is why | 486.27 | 6.75 |
this boat is brilliant stop it here see | 489.78 | 4.949 |
all those rocks and wood yeah on the | 493.02 | 3.959 |
count of three everybody run for it got | 494.729 | 3.451 |
as much stuff just can't get back on the | 496.979 | 5.12 |
boat okay one two three | 498.18 | 3.919 |
this is gonna be too much wood take it | 507.77 | 4.36 |
back to the boat that's what I'm doing | 510.389 | 4.411 |
timber and we're racking up I like how | 512.13 | 4.23 |
enthusiastic you are you're trying to | 514.8 | 3.179 |
make it sound like it's exciting it is | 516.36 | 3.599 |
exciting we could build a castle now | 517.979 | 3.99 |
right and we're not even in danger cuz | 519.959 | 2.551 |
the boat | 521.969 | 2.771 |
oh boy McCumber too | 522.51 | 4.0 |
just have to watch it don't get too | 524.74 | 3.42 |
encumbered everybody back to the boat | 526.51 | 4.05 |
get some more stones the last one dick | 528.16 | 3.96 |
back in a boat all right | 530.56 | 3.81 |
he decided about the boat now I'm not | 532.12 | 3.99 |
more excited than I was before we | 534.37 | 4.35 |
started next up brother down the island | 536.11 | 11.25 |
anybody got any metal put it yeah look | 538.72 | 9.929 |
at this tippy now I'm looking real | 547.36 | 3.419 |
professional yeah big blue myth ain't | 548.649 | 3.931 |
you it's not my best paint job but it'll | 550.779 | 5.911 |
do for now what you mind just gonna just | 552.58 | 6.9 |
gonna walk through huh tippy you think | 556.69 | 4.41 |
he wants to join the tribe what if we | 559.48 | 3.51 |
can knock that dude out with a slingshot | 561.1 | 4.47 |
probably not tell you what before we go | 562.99 | 4.62 |
see the guys I'll work on some narcotics | 565.57 | 4.019 |
and I think maybe we'll we'll have a | 567.61 | 3.33 |
little stakeout guarding the place what | 569.589 | 3.181 |
do you think tippy Oh bright back oh | 570.94 | 3.63 |
that's a good name right back you know | 572.77 | 3.54 |
what yeah I'm doing it I'm working on | 574.57 | 2.91 |
that and then we're gonna go we're gonna | 576.31 | 3.27 |
go get the boys I swear right then go | 577.48 | 3.419 |
get the guys telling about this this | 579.58 | 3.93 |
awesome place we don't we don't want to | 580.899 | 4.971 |
keep it to ourselves | 583.51 | 2.36 |
can you hit it from that oh you got a | 587.16 | 3.91 |
crossbow yeah I got a crossbow did you | 589.06 | 3.66 |
get that with the community metal as | 591.07 | 3.9 |
well oh no I harvested the metal in ion | 592.72 | 3.78 |
you didn't use any of the metal that we | 594.97 | 3.71 |
had put and stuff we didn't have any | 596.5 | 4.29 |
speedy and I've been getting metal for | 598.68 | 2.5 |
weeks | 600.79 | 3.21 |
no you have not that's finals a level 36 | 601.18 | 5.279 |
okay should we just do it yeah we're | 604.0 | 3.69 |
like we're safe up here aren't we I | 606.459 | 3.69 |
doubt it the top of the stone fortress | 607.69 | 4.139 |
boat okay let's do it | 610.149 | 6.141 |
yep now boy just shot one it's against I | 611.829 | 6.691 |
cuz I need new shoes and they had better | 616.29 | 6.66 |
judgment I need some spy no shoes nope | 618.52 | 7.21 |
circle around here we go | 622.95 | 10.699 |
on in the face well he's really got some | 625.73 | 10.229 |
damage right yeah all right I'm in | 633.649 | 5.36 |
trouble oh [ __ ] | 635.959 | 3.05 |
oh boy | 641.209 | 7.291 |
you're an [ __ ] my god okay I'm still | 643.73 | 5.549 |
alive | 648.5 | 2.67 |
I'm just gonna watch this thing and I | 649.279 | 3.781 |
want bucket maybe I can draw them over | 651.17 | 4.349 |
here come on | 653.06 | 6.87 |
die don't take my boat our boat forgot | 655.519 | 6.841 |
I'm in the tribe one day only we're here | 659.93 | 5.279 |
only one more day this is stupid if I | 662.36 | 8.07 |
can get closer oh that did it here we go | 665.209 | 8.851 |
you my friend are gonna die today this | 670.43 | 6.33 |
was a good plan attack the boat while I | 674.06 | 7.139 |
kill you buddy oh god it's gonna take | 676.76 | 5.129 |
forever | 681.199 | 10.94 |
oh [ __ ] oh is more valuable than his hi | 681.889 | 10.25 |
all right Tippi we've got old bright | 692.98 | 5.979 |
back here I got a 16 tranq arrows and I | 695.81 | 5.31 |
got my slingshot so we're gonna bring | 698.959 | 3.091 |
this guy down | 701.12 | 3.42 |
Yuki BBI be a good guard dog Oh bright | 702.05 | 3.81 |
back the guard dog all right you ready | 704.54 | 6.979 |
we're doing it I'm home right back | 705.86 | 5.659 |
lure him out into the open a little bit | 712.459 | 3.44 |
alright let's run a little bit tibi this | 719.42 | 4.839 |
is great we got a lot of room here | 722.49 | 5.13 |
turn around here he comes a couple shots | 724.259 | 6.901 |
off tippy we don't want to go that way | 727.62 | 4.769 |
so we're gonna circle around a little | 731.16 | 8.299 |
bit hey come get his fat boy | 732.389 | 7.07 |
oh yeah it's a good shots here | 739.54 | 8.68 |
oh yeah Oh bobbin and Weavin there we go | 742.82 | 6.87 |
two shots how many years all right we | 748.22 | 3.9 |
gotta say arrows left maybe you'll go | 749.69 | 8.79 |
down before then we'll see if not boom | 752.12 | 8.73 |
one more for prosperity plus posterity | 758.48 | 5.91 |
plus plus Patera us posterity I think | 760.85 | 5.79 |
yet it's not prosperity that'd be stupid | 764.39 | 7.16 |
hey Tippi good job buddy | 766.64 | 4.91 |
alright guys any time now Meijin to | 771.85 | 7.71 |
comfy beds Danny up there's somebody oh | 775.07 | 7.92 |
yeah hey the genius who wanted to attack | 779.56 | 6.49 |
a spy now welcome I was bad take our | 782.99 | 9.39 |
things two things we're Simon probably | 786.05 | 10.56 |
spawn in the wrong place let's go find | 792.38 | 6.09 |
him what a crate no this and I wanna get | 796.61 | 4.26 |
my bag back no it's dangerous | 798.47 | 4.32 |
well yeah go go back towards the spine | 800.87 | 3.45 |
Oh kill me do you know where do you know | 802.79 | 3.33 |
where that's at I'll go up top I'll be | 804.32 | 3.3 |
the what do you call it the lookout | 806.12 | 7.26 |
where are we I don't know what the hell | 807.62 | 9.15 |
man did I unclick on the bed I think I | 813.38 | 5.61 |
unclick down the freaking bed I don't | 816.77 | 5.07 |
want to get my [ __ ] and wait and it just | 818.99 | 4.62 |
randomly put me here right by the house | 821.84 | 5.91 |
that's lucky at least hey smilee Simon | 823.61 | 8.07 |
hey hello click on the bed yeah I | 827.75 | 7.5 |
thought I thought I did I unclick wow | 831.68 | 5.7 |
he's doing good let me make sure looks | 835.25 | 4.05 |
like everything's still intact | 837.38 | 7.23 |
oh wait bags gone smile eh come on man | 839.3 | 10.95 |
whoa hold on Hamid alright what hey it | 844.61 | 7.08 |
might not be Smiley's fault remember | 850.25 | 4.35 |
bags will actually despawn all right you | 851.69 | 4.86 |
got lucky this time smiley will be back | 854.6 | 3.42 |
we're gonna bring you some berries we | 856.55 | 3.26 |
died so see you in a minute | 858.02 | 4.71 |
I thought you could join my gun I'm not | 859.81 | 5.5 |
on because what why can't you jump from | 862.73 | 5.52 |
the water here it wasn't new it was it | 865.31 | 4.86 |
just wasn't working it must be the game | 868.25 | 5.41 |
Simon it's just the game's fault | 870.17 | 8.089 |
hey bright back alright | 873.66 | 7.989 |
hi just got you some hide my friends so | 878.259 | 5.611 |
now let's see I got a run inside and get | 881.649 | 5.541 |
my wood real fast stay there | 883.87 | 3.32 |
see boom there goes sad alright | 887.61 | 7.36 |
oh what am I missing I got the hide oh | 892.63 | 3.66 |
that's right the hide | 894.97 | 5.369 |
sorry the hides inside the hyena it's a | 896.29 | 6.479 |
hyena ah sure Alex would appreciate that | 900.339 | 6.031 |
alright stego boom of making a | 902.769 | 6.391 |
Stegosaurus saddle I come I come back a | 906.37 | 4.88 |
confine on cook | 909.16 | 6.45 |
alright let's see and buh buh buh buh | 911.25 | 10.959 |
boom Tippi you stay there all right we | 915.61 | 9.12 |
got a big bodyguard now let's see what | 922.209 | 6.18 |
you can do big boy boom oh man okay so | 924.73 | 5.88 |
you are you are a gatherer cuz that just | 928.389 | 4.921 |
got a ton of freaking berries holy crap | 930.61 | 5.219 |
Tippie we're in the berry business all | 933.31 | 4.62 |
right you got any attack moves I kind of | 935.829 | 3.99 |
want to go attack something but I don't | 937.93 | 4.05 |
want to risk you some tiny around here | 939.819 | 2.76 |
what's over here | 941.98 | 7.52 |
oh that's Raptor Tippi stay there | 942.579 | 10.801 |
can we take a raptor stego versus raptor | 949.5 | 6.61 |
oh man he's coming on our property | 953.38 | 4.949 |
anyway this is a good test to see if | 956.11 | 5.279 |
you're a worthless [ __ ] bodyguard hey I | 958.329 | 5.7 |
don't want any Raptors on my preference | 961.389 | 6.63 |
I better get out of here [ __ ] okay here | 964.029 | 5.201 |
we go | 968.019 | 6.451 |
oh hell yeah okay come on enemy | 969.23 | 5.24 |
back down rafter | 977.05 | 5.43 |
Yeah right back | 979.92 | 5.44 |
this is the start of a long sexy | 982.48 | 5.87 |
relationship | 985.36 | 2.99 |
what's next dick I don't know maybe find | 990.329 | 6.45 |
a Giga tak it yeah from the boat now | 992.98 | 6.87 |
feel like anywhere we go we're gonna get | 996.779 | 5.651 |
attacked by something right we need to | 999.85 | 5.849 |
become the attackers but we tried that | 1002.43 | 5.04 |
it won't work well we could do it again | 1005.699 | 4.2 |
we need to get stronger with something | 1007.47 | 6.479 |
more realistic what's 2 grands right | 1009.899 | 4.531 |
below us | 1013.949 | 4.01 |
Oh dick | 1014.43 | 3.529 |
okay come on all right tomorrow can I | 1023.449 | 7.09 |
get on the boat Oh Sark oh you leaving | 1027.959 | 5.161 |
me behind come on come on you're leaving | 1030.539 | 3.12 |
me behind | 1033.12 | 2.909 |
get out of the boat you'd open up the | 1033.659 | 4.68 |
bank come on Simon hi mom imon | 1036.029 | 5.101 |
attempting thank you should be I'm out | 1038.339 | 5.0 |
now | 1041.13 | 2.209 |
[Music] | 1050.7 | 3.039 |
there's only one thing to do | 1055.01 | 9.51 |
I saved me thank God | 1058.71 | 5.81 |
let's see all right tippy a little bit | 1066.26 | 7.93 |
more stone all right see before we go | 1069.03 | 6.72 |
and find the boys I was just saying I | 1074.19 | 2.82 |
want to work in a little project | 1075.75 | 3.12 |
you know just I'm not happy with the | 1077.01 | 3.57 |
front yard just I want to make sure it | 1078.87 | 4.02 |
looks a little nicer so I was thinking | 1080.58 | 4.71 |
yeah I'm thinking maybe a little fence | 1082.89 | 4.83 |
out front right well spruce up the place | 1085.29 | 5.07 |
a little bit you know when you go in I | 1087.72 | 3.72 |
need to add a little bit more there but | 1090.36 | 3.12 |
yeah when you show up like it's like | 1091.44 | 4.65 |
it's like a defining front yard ah yeah | 1093.48 | 4.98 |
gotta get more of it so yeah you tell | 1096.09 | 3.69 |
you what before we go we're gonna go | 1098.46 | 3.48 |
find the boys after this before we go | 1099.78 | 4.38 |
just have em spruce up the front just a | 1101.94 | 4.38 |
little bit not much just just it's just | 1104.16 | 5.43 |
a wee bit yeah look it's more stone yeah | 1106.32 | 4.35 |
it's a little bit you know actually I'll | 1109.59 | 6.06 |
get stolen wood I mean it both wood here | 1110.67 | 7.16 |
we are | 1115.65 | 2.18 |
[Music] | 1123.16 | 7.03 |
now tipping you [ __ ] you sneaky | 1125.389 | 5.331 |
bastard | 1130.19 | 3.569 |
[Music] | 1130.72 | 3.039 |
[Music] | 1145.99 | 10.85 |
Tippi | 1157.48 | 9.29 |
give me now hey [ __ ] I gonna lose you | 1159.75 | 7.44 |
too | 1166.77 | 4.17 |
all right boom right back go check off | 1167.19 | 7.7 |
god - right there right there | 1170.94 | 24.72 |
[ __ ] the rental buy my stuff Simon hold | 1174.89 | 22.03 |
still for a minute okay | 1195.66 | 3.69 |
what are you doing what are you doing it | 1196.92 | 4.74 |
giving you a haircut yeah but you you | 1199.35 | 4.08 |
don't just go up to somebody give them a | 1201.66 | 4.56 |
ham you look a mess you guys here for a | 1203.43 | 6.06 |
look a message just to me yeah you just | 1206.22 | 5.16 |
walk up to people and just go hold on | 1209.49 | 5.18 |
I'm on your hair yeah no don't touch me | 1211.38 | 7.17 |
you don't touch me no no no you look | 1214.67 | 6.94 |
like a homeless man ask that's all you | 1218.55 | 5.07 |
do why you still going after me | 1221.61 | 3.87 |
seriously you want to do this hey what | 1223.62 | 3.57 |
are we doing here Nick what do you what | 1225.48 | 3.48 |
what shouldn't we be where we lost our | 1227.19 | 3.72 |
stuff well I lost some of my stuff right | 1228.96 | 3.51 |
there but yeah I guess that's from a | 1230.91 | 3.87 |
previous death well I got I had to get | 1232.47 | 4.47 |
us away from the danger Oh like you did | 1234.78 | 3.72 |
when when the danger was actually there | 1236.94 | 3.84 |
he just parked because we were waiting | 1238.5 | 4.17 |
for Simon to get on the boat he's like | 1240.78 | 5.01 |
what do me a favor do me a favor all | 1242.67 | 5.07 |
right can you please not be the normal | 1245.79 | 4.92 |
douche bag that you are swedish bag just | 1247.74 | 5.52 |
bow your this is me you know what you | 1250.71 | 3.81 |
don't know what it was like for me to | 1253.26 | 3.3 |
try to get on there the e wasn't showing | 1254.52 | 4.71 |
up often times and you could see it in | 1256.56 | 5.22 |
the footage okay all right we can go get | 1259.23 | 5.97 |
stuff yeah I want to stop it keeps on | 1261.78 | 4.89 |
trying to cut my hair noobs and it's | 1265.2 | 2.31 |
really getting to me | 1266.67 | 2.7 |
noobs you need a haircut I do need a | 1267.51 | 4.29 |
haircut look I'm down here cut my hair | 1269.37 | 4.23 |
yeah let's see what you got all right | 1271.8 | 4.32 |
let's see I can eat a chair and you | 1273.6 | 4.53 |
squat down because you're can you reach | 1276.12 | 3.75 |
my head no I can reach you just fine | 1278.13 | 3.6 |
look at you how's that all right goods | 1279.87 | 4.26 |
gonna grow out in a certain way and it's | 1281.73 | 6.44 |
gonna look magnificent | 1284.13 | 4.04 |
come on Lady after all you can do this I | 1290.01 | 13.32 |
was making too much noise | 1299.73 | 3.6 |
[Music] | 1305.24 | 5.35 |
stuff all right | 1309.17 | 6.25 |
sneak back a little heavier now tippy | 1310.59 | 12.45 |
die I want to continue saddle hiding | 1315.42 | 9.78 |
hiding this rock and drop some stuff cuz | 1323.04 | 7.07 |
this is really slow also kind of a rock | 1325.2 | 4.91 |
this here is his garbage is absolutely | 1333.9 | 5.16 |
this is garbage | 1337.86 | 5.18 |
the hyenas don't hear these boxes | 1339.06 | 3.98 |
guy alright but [ __ ] me dammit dammit | 1344.03 | 7.56 |
dammit dammit | 1348.78 | 2.81 |
all right I'm going okay | 1357.18 | 5.74 |
get us closer to the thing right let's | 1360.43 | 4.38 |
do this you're gonna turn around yeah | 1362.92 | 4.74 |
I'm kind of ready to book it okay | 1364.81 | 5.34 |
perfect here we go boy | 1367.66 | 4.59 |
what's happening okay Jesus you're gonna | 1370.15 | 3.62 |
be over | 1372.25 | 4.04 |
there we are top of me right now got it | 1373.77 | 6.06 |
all getting off we go okay there can | 1376.29 | 6.11 |
only be one sorry old me get a good run | 1379.83 | 5.61 |
all right oh you're way over there you | 1382.4 | 4.75 |
leave your body just laying around pack | 1385.44 | 3.869 |
it in pack it out Simon yeah well I | 1387.15 | 3.87 |
can't seem to get on is somebody driving | 1389.309 | 3.601 |
yeah kick never gets out of course yeah | 1391.02 | 3.42 |
I think that's what was happening for | 1392.91 | 3.36 |
half of what happened before | 1394.44 | 4.65 |
oh okay we got our stuff back back home | 1396.27 | 5.88 |
seems right can we end the day I mean we | 1399.09 | 6.21 |
got a parecer and I got a haircut and it | 1402.15 | 4.98 |
seems like a full day yeah you're gonna | 1405.3 | 3.6 |
love your haircut by the way I can't | 1407.13 | 8.76 |
wait to see it really go away from my | 1408.9 | 12.37 |
bag my bag that's all you gonna do | 1415.89 | 8.51 |
okay move it away here we go this is | 1421.27 | 6.39 |
when I make my move | 1424.4 | 5.22 |
sounds of the earthquake | 1427.66 | 5.92 |
hide me come on come on right here | 1429.62 | 6.19 |
right | 1433.58 | 11.35 |
and Graham okay I got my stuff back boo | 1435.81 | 13.02 |
boo oh oh | 1444.93 | 5.97 |
small victories that's all it is in this | 1448.83 | 6.65 |
map it's all victories | 1450.9 | 4.58 |
you | 1461.95 | 2.06 |
you | 1471.26 | 2.06 |
Supporting the crew is a no-brainer! Go buy some merch!

If anyone has any fan art they would like to submit, a post idea or promotional content for the crew just reach out and let me know! This is community supported so feel free to get involved if you love Neebs Gaming half as much as I do!

The Game
You definitely should check it out
Neebs Gaming has done it again with their latest Ark Survival Evolved series Aberration! I've been a huge fan of their cinematic Ark content for years now, and this new series set in the Aberration expansion is some of their best work yet.
The Aberration map offers a really unique environment and new challenges compared to the base Ark maps. It's set entirely underground in a maze of glowing mushrooms, winding cave passages, and bio-luminescent lifeforms. Neebs and the gang have captured the eerie, alien beauty of it wonderfully in their cinematography. The way they use camera angles, music, and sound effects creates such an immersive experience.
Gameplay-wise, Aberration shakes things up by taking away flyers and introducing new hazards like radiation zones and nameless creatures that only spawn in the dark. Watching Neebs struggle to adapt to the map's quirks is hilarious, especially when he inevitably gets his butt kicked by the tough new enemies. But he also has some genuinely smart strategies using the new zip lines, climbing picks, and gliding suits to safely navigate the treacherous terrain.
The dynamic between Neebs, Appsro, Thick, Simon, and Dora never gets old either. Their personalities play off each other so well, and they have such great comic timing in their improvised conversations. Even when they're just gathering resources, their banter makes it fun to watch. No matter what they're doing, they find ways to make me laugh.
For me, Neebs Gaming is the ultimate way to experience Ark's world without actually playing it yourself. Their cinematic editing makes it feel like you're watching a movie, and their commentary adds a layer of comedy that the game alone can't provide. Aberration might be the most alien and dangerous Ark environment yet, but Neebs and the gang make exploring it a blast. If you're at all a fan of Ark or this crew's humor, their Aberration series is a must-watch!