Ark Aberration : 2nd and Last Day
Neebs Gaming
neebs: Hey guys, welcome back to another episode of Ark Aberration! This is our 2nd and last day... no really, we promise this time!
simon: Oh, come on Neebs, we always say it's the last day and then we keep coming back for more. It's like an addiction!
neebs: Haha, you're right Simon! But hey, that's why this is our favorite video, we just can't stay away from the craziness of Ark Aberration.
appsro: I don't know about you guys, but I blame Neebs for dragging us back in every time. But hey, I can't complain, it's always a blast!

This video comes straight from the Neebs Gaming YouTube channel.
Hey there, fellow Neebs Gaming fans! Have you checked out the latest video on the channel? It's all about Ark Aberration on the 2nd and Last Day. And this time, they really mean it! The gang is back at it again, exploring the world of Ark and facing all sorts of challenges and adventures.
If you're a huge fan of Neebs Gaming like me, you know that they always bring the laughs and excitement in every video. And this one is no exception! From building bases to taming dinosaurs, there's never a dull moment with these guys. Plus, they always have the best commentary that keeps you entertained from start to finish.
Don't forget to show your support by subscribing to their channel and helping them reach their goal of 1,000,000,000 subscribers. And if you want to see more epic gaming content, be sure to check out their Patreon and Twitch channel for even more fun and exclusive perks. Trust me, you won't want to miss out on their World's Greatest Stream!
And of course, if you want to rock some awesome Neebs Gaming merch, head over to their Spreadshirt Shop to snag some cool gear. And if you're a fan of their music, you can even buy their tracks to jam out to while playing your favorite games. So what are you waiting for? Dive into the world of Neebs Gaming and join the adventure today!

Caption | Start | Duration |
[Music] | 1.67 | 6.249 |
okay so one more day one more day yeah I | 4.279 | 5.32 |
mean why not we should be acknowledged | 7.919 | 3.241 |
aspyn oh right outside of our base yeah | 9.599 | 3.061 |
swimming around right I already don't | 11.16 | 3.42 |
feel comfortable here and I just got my | 12.66 | 2.46 |
new pet | 14.58 | 3.36 |
Melinda so don't don't get her killed | 15.12 | 4.739 |
all right I'll try that - yeah well | 17.94 | 3.63 |
listen I wanted to build a little place | 19.859 | 4.59 |
over there on that side of the thing | 21.57 | 7.01 |
over there I'm gonna throw this Ayers | 24.449 | 7.441 |
weapons okay anyway so who wants to come | 28.58 | 5.77 |
with me anybody me my hand up we're hey | 31.89 | 3.81 |
listen we're gonna be neighbors we're | 34.35 | 2.79 |
gonna go over there we're gonna build a | 35.7 | 3.78 |
hut and then we'll put a raffle | 37.14 | 3.96 |
Neil them fair you back and forth all | 39.48 | 3.09 |
right let's go we'll split up | 41.1 | 2.7 |
we're grew up a little bit all right | 42.57 | 3.39 |
what do you want to do things let's | 43.8 | 2.88 |
explore | 45.96 | 2.91 |
let's gather resources at the same time | 46.68 | 7.109 |
and fortify I like your plan I hope you | 48.87 | 6.119 |
don't mind me tagging along | 53.789 | 3.991 |
I don't what do you need listen I just | 54.989 | 5.611 |
need to be a supportive partner where I | 57.78 | 4.96 |
apply Steven everything | 60.6 | 11.33 |
[Music] | 62.74 | 12.25 |
all right look at this look at these | 71.93 | 5.24 |
guys these guys are all friendly all | 74.99 | 4.26 |
that thing I don't know about that thing | 77.17 | 4.12 |
though you see that EPS red is that a | 79.25 | 4.26 |
kitty cat and I've never seen one of | 81.29 | 4.29 |
those is he oh he's digging himself in | 83.51 | 5.01 |
the ground what it's like a mole he's | 85.58 | 4.86 |
back out oh there's a bunch of dangerous | 88.52 | 2.46 |
things | 90.44 | 1.71 |
oh yeah there's something getting chased | 90.98 | 3.81 |
by a raptor up there yeah no that's a | 92.15 | 4.2 |
that's a Paris or being chased | 94.79 | 3.69 |
oh crap by a raptor the raptor coming | 96.35 | 5.67 |
this way no maybe not yet what should we | 98.48 | 8.4 |
do well up here sores down with a pair | 102.02 | 7.68 |
of sores down okay here comes mole guy | 106.88 | 4.17 |
we should see if that guy's friendly | 109.7 | 3.06 |
because we honestly don't know right um | 111.05 | 3.27 |
oh yeah I'm more worried about up there | 112.76 | 3.15 |
all right oh okay yeah maybe yeah maybe | 114.32 | 2.61 |
they'll kill each other maybe the killer | 115.91 | 2.7 |
you know the hang back hang back hanging | 116.93 | 2.97 |
back but tell you what if the Raptor | 118.61 | 2.46 |
wins that's great because then we can | 119.9 | 2.4 |
follow the Raptor we can get around the | 121.07 | 3.21 |
Raptor who's gonna win I think the ball | 122.3 | 4.95 |
is gonna win and lo did win oh sweet I | 124.28 | 4.589 |
bet we can run past that mold then right | 127.25 | 3.81 |
he looks slow you ready yep after you | 128.869 | 10.921 |
all right here we go hey around - he's | 131.06 | 10.59 |
jumping out you jump out if he did I | 139.79 | 3.6 |
didn't see it what's happening I cannot | 141.65 | 3.57 |
get up it's tough to get up this hill | 143.39 | 3.3 |
you got a counter run sideways might be | 145.22 | 3.33 |
Tuesday are you doing it oh yeah I did | 146.69 | 4.17 |
it run side right yeah just ran sideways | 148.55 | 5.37 |
got update here we go oh yeah all right | 150.86 | 6.17 |
now oh yeah we have climbed the hill hey | 153.92 | 7.05 |
got a good view up here love it | 157.03 | 6.74 |
another Dodos straight ahead did I kill | 160.97 | 6.24 |
this guy in third person yeah oh yeah | 163.77 | 7.29 |
that's a third person kill yep come on | 167.21 | 7.09 |
Oh Simon look at this what a beehive | 171.06 | 6.39 |
you've messed with these before yes so | 174.3 | 4.74 |
we got to worry about bees | 177.45 | 5.04 |
but we need honey you need honey no we I | 179.04 | 6.83 |
know I'm fine without it | 182.49 | 3.38 |
[Music] | 195.59 | 8.46 |
no I was not supposed to happen | 198.2 | 5.85 |
man would you look at there's like a big | 205.31 | 4.63 |
building across the way see that like | 207.69 | 3.3 |
there used to be a bridge there or | 209.94 | 2.85 |
something looks awesome that doesn't | 210.99 | 3.33 |
look pretty well right so now where do | 212.79 | 2.73 |
you were you thinking about building a | 214.32 | 3.57 |
place well Simon and thicker living on | 215.52 | 3.87 |
that beach so we could just live right | 217.89 | 2.16 |
down there | 219.39 | 3.3 |
and that point right there then we can | 220.05 | 3.39 |
wave at them Oh | 222.69 | 3.06 |
I mean like Oh Oh God oh oh that's how I | 223.44 | 6.87 |
get to bed oh you okay out here | 225.75 | 6.48 |
can we get get back up well I guess we | 230.31 | 3.27 |
can build ramps and get up right get | 232.23 | 4.41 |
build yeah build stuff yeah so that crab | 233.58 | 5.82 |
out there though he's just slamming on | 236.64 | 4.23 |
something yep | 239.4 | 4.02 |
it's like doraleous in his drums we live | 240.87 | 5.85 |
right here waterfront condo yep seems | 243.42 | 6.29 |
like a beautiful location | 246.72 | 2.99 |
[Music] | 251.16 | 3.12 |
[Music] | 259.11 | 5.759 |
okay they can't go that way giant crab | 268.51 | 4.84 |
monster going this way Oh what Sam what | 271.01 | 5.05 |
Sam is that a car to soar Oh God | 273.35 | 5.42 |
[Music] | 276.06 | 5.75 |
Simon yes sir we learned a lesson today | 278.77 | 5.29 |
a valuable lesson yeah well I actually | 281.81 | 4.859 |
knew that lesson I didn't know that they | 284.06 | 4.35 |
were gonna slow me down normally when I | 286.669 | 4.291 |
mess with bees I'm on a wyvern oh I'm | 288.41 | 3.72 |
turning purple | 290.96 | 4.98 |
I'm sorry hold on I'm dying to thirst oh | 292.13 | 4.8 |
boy | 295.94 | 11.25 |
it's fine see the water any threats you | 296.93 | 12.63 |
save yourself Oh God come after me Oh | 307.19 | 3.27 |
God | 309.56 | 10.37 |
I know my stamina Simon | 310.46 | 12.619 |
[Music] | 319.93 | 3.149 |
okay go that way goes up nope nope nope | 323.949 | 6.571 |
nope nope nope nope nope | 327.439 | 3.081 |
yeah run away you can't swim | 330.639 | 6.43 |
freakin mongrel don't stay away from me | 333.379 | 7.651 |
grab manta ray with the men okay out of | 337.069 | 6.511 |
all this stuff to handle the manta ray | 341.03 | 4.889 |
me is this crab still over here one day | 343.58 | 9.29 |
they'd need probably all right screw it | 345.919 | 9.93 |
really like this manta ray all the way | 352.87 | 9.18 |
around alright man - right | 355.849 | 6.201 |
let's do this let's do it's just uh crab | 362.51 | 9.5 |
you stay there what's that what is it | 366.41 | 5.6 |
[Music] | 372.91 | 5.17 |
come on come on bring it on bring it | 374.5 | 6.06 |
bring it | 378.08 | 5.24 |
[Music] | 380.56 | 4.92 |
rock rock | 383.32 | 5.02 |
better a flood of rappers playing is | 385.48 | 7.51 |
[ __ ] [ __ ] you do you see where | 388.34 | 6.6 |
your stuff is that I should be able to | 392.99 | 4.23 |
just go right around here | 394.94 | 4.71 |
there's the Beehive as long as I don't | 397.22 | 8.07 |
hit anything I'm good right hold on hold | 399.65 | 10.74 |
on I'm getting an eye on the board | 405.29 | 10.77 |
oh that thing can shoot things it was | 410.39 | 8.33 |
exciting | 416.06 | 2.66 |
[Music] | 419.35 | 7.16 |
take and swim yeah kids swim oh boy | 420.99 | 7.89 |
alright Simon go back to your stuff I'm | 426.51 | 5.67 |
already what yeah oh god it's still | 428.88 | 9.26 |
chasing me go back to my stuff Oh | 432.18 | 5.96 |
oh my god it's still right here it's | 453.15 | 7.22 |
just hanging out at our house | 457.29 | 3.08 |
[Music] | 463.06 | 8.41 |
dick yeah how y'all doing over there I'm | 479.66 | 8.46 |
waiting for Simon it seems that we | 483.56 | 6.93 |
actually can't spawn in our house some | 488.12 | 3.84 |
wondering what he's gonna do | 490.49 | 2.96 |
what's wrong with your house again | 491.96 | 3.87 |
there's a giant dragon snake that is | 493.45 | 4.39 |
buried itself over there it's a good | 495.83 | 4.23 |
ragged snake out of that dragon snake | 497.84 | 5.13 |
get in our house it chased us I'm sorry | 500.06 | 4.71 |
I think we moved at the right time I do | 502.97 | 3.48 |
almost have enough supplies to build a | 504.77 | 10.95 |
raft though [ __ ] I won't come up you get | 506.45 | 14.279 |
out of my house you stay Oh God where is | 515.72 | 11.16 |
it all right I'm running running yeah | 520.729 | 7.561 |
it's just eating the house man come | 526.88 | 4.83 |
towards me where's you right here on the | 528.29 | 5.1 |
Terkel water look at the water water | 531.71 | 3.66 |
look at the metal things sticking out of | 533.39 | 2.34 |
the water | 535.37 | 6.78 |
mouth big stick it up hey how you doing | 535.73 | 10.05 |
I look that's the water - yeah cause I | 542.15 | 5.67 |
watch out what is there something behind | 545.78 | 4.74 |
me leaving it's leaving you son of a | 547.82 | 5.25 |
[ __ ] don't know don't taunt it I will | 550.52 | 5.15 |
taught you | 553.07 | 2.6 |
[Music] | 562.09 | 7.87 |
I'm sorry can you come grab some things | 568.22 | 4.02 |
yeah where you're at my throw them up to | 569.96 | 5.01 |
you oh hey hello what are you doing over | 572.24 | 5.55 |
here we need maybe some help with that | 574.97 | 5.58 |
whole big snake thing and thick it seems | 577.79 | 4.89 |
to think we can kill it no I didn't say | 580.55 | 4.65 |
that we could use some supplies y'all | 582.68 | 3.45 |
trying to make something in particular | 585.2 | 3.48 |
I'm gonna make a raft now wow that | 586.13 | 3.81 |
actually weather that will help a lot | 588.68 | 3.18 |
out here what else you need wooden fiber | 589.94 | 3.54 |
we got a lot of fiber out there in the | 591.86 | 3.45 |
box needs just wouldn't go would these | 593.48 | 5.04 |
ball sack moles they seem very docile I | 595.31 | 4.8 |
don't trust them we need to get this | 598.52 | 3.63 |
boat in the water before we all die yep | 600.11 | 3.72 |
yeah these guys are friendlier now let | 602.15 | 5.67 |
me check hey you good oh yeah they seem | 603.83 | 13.23 |
good okay all right making progress | 607.82 | 11.85 |
who's driving I'm driving let's go for a | 617.06 | 7.32 |
spin just jumping out oh yeah watch out | 619.67 | 7.13 |
for those crabs they're uh they're jerks | 624.38 | 5.67 |
this is awesome we're mobile you can go | 626.8 | 6.04 |
anywhere except towards us by now or the | 630.05 | 5.69 |
crabs whoever there | 632.84 | 2.9 |
[Music] | 649.98 | 9.33 |
keep on further away from me jump and | 655.52 | 6.66 |
get out of the seat | 659.31 | 2.87 |
what oh that was something the hooks | 665.129 | 8.26 |
were on either side of us there's | 671.11 | 5.279 |
nowhere safe to go that's why we're only | 673.389 | 5.76 |
here for this is the last episode we | 676.389 | 4.291 |
just go back to our first beach we were | 679.149 | 3.651 |
on | 680.68 | 2.12 |
okay back where we started yep and back | 684.72 | 5.4 |
we've got to take our place back take | 688.02 | 3.3 |
your PO you want to fight that thing | 690.12 | 3.57 |
yeah yeah so now what is it it's like a | 691.32 | 4.38 |
snake it's like a dragon snake it looks | 693.69 | 3.87 |
like to me can handle that thing I mean | 695.7 | 5.13 |
listen we can't but we got to go out and | 697.56 | 6.5 |
try yeah what weapons do y'all have | 700.83 | 5.67 |
Spears I've got a boat I'm gonna get a | 704.06 | 4.48 |
pie ground look at you do that aye I | 706.5 | 4.38 |
also have a foe how many do you have | 708.54 | 5.52 |
arrows yeah how many arrows forty here | 710.88 | 5.82 |
give me 20 and we'll hit it high they | 714.06 | 4.41 |
hit it low okay here you go | 716.7 | 3.87 |
only the two of us down well that's it | 718.47 | 3.57 |
we're gonna get demolished right all | 720.57 | 5.43 |
right away time it's no good at climbing | 722.04 | 6.57 |
we don't have enough stuff just don't | 726.0 | 3.69 |
die let's kill it | 728.61 | 3.36 |
all right ready hold on we're getting | 729.69 | 3.63 |
high ground going with you | 731.97 | 3.66 |
this is ridiculous absolutely I know | 733.32 | 3.27 |
this is insane | 735.63 | 2.64 |
I thought all four of us would go up and | 736.59 | 3.27 |
that'd be something different but you | 738.27 | 2.73 |
know we're gonna die immediately | 739.86 | 3.24 |
immediately maybe we should watch them | 741.0 | 4.83 |
do it hey you guys start it off yes sir | 743.1 | 5.07 |
maybe we can watch them die yeah well I | 745.83 | 3.78 |
mean maybe they'll be able to snipe it | 748.17 | 2.55 |
you know maybe it'll get stuck and won't | 749.61 | 2.55 |
be able to get to him oh wait I got an | 750.72 | 5.92 |
idea can anybody make wooden spikes | 752.16 | 7.0 |
you don't want to think I can do' needs | 756.64 | 5.55 |
it's coming oh crap run away run away | 759.16 | 6.96 |
thank you spikes after yeah are you | 762.19 | 4.41 |
ready | 766.12 | 3.57 |
uh okay oh yeah I only have two spiked | 766.6 | 5.669 |
walls hope that'll do it's gonna have to | 769.69 | 4.26 |
do all right where do you want me to put | 772.269 | 3.661 |
them Biebs snake retreated back into | 773.95 | 3.54 |
those trees we should probably get close | 775.93 | 3.27 |
to him huh yeah we should | 777.49 | 4.92 |
oh no I'm coming down oh I see his | 779.2 | 5.879 |
little antlers over there you will just | 782.41 | 4.07 |
go put them like right in front of him | 785.079 | 3.63 |
as close as you can get right you guys | 786.48 | 3.609 |
want to get some high ground so you can | 788.709 | 2.07 |
start shooting | 790.089 | 2.161 |
yeah all right can high ground one | 790.779 | 3.361 |
second I - I'm taking high ground | 792.25 | 3.24 |
all right I'm waiting for you guys his | 794.14 | 4.139 |
word Oh oh crap where's he going where's | 795.49 | 3.81 |
he going where's he going | 798.279 | 2.731 |
you better throw in between you and him | 799.3 | 5.159 |
are you sure to me is he coming oh it's | 801.01 | 5.78 |
coming up here | 804.459 | 2.331 |
[Music] | 810.98 | 3.21 |
oh victim still despite Sydney hey yes | 814.35 | 18.9 |
come on baby go down leaves if you do | 829.8 | 6.15 |
this oh god my self is right there | 833.25 | 4.71 |
should I go over there and get it you | 835.95 | 8.74 |
can man come on | 837.96 | 9.82 |
[Music] | 844.69 | 5.34 |
I'm out getting close to being out you | 847.78 | 19.17 |
have to go Spears thick okay stay on the | 850.03 | 19.44 |
spikes stay on the spikes oh crap | 866.95 | 5.64 |
you mustn't you mister no get get that | 869.47 | 5.45 |
stuff | 872.59 | 2.33 |
[Music] | 876.01 | 5.039 |
don't trip | 882.19 | 5.28 |
oh crap Oh No | 883.879 | 3.591 |
[Music] | 893.52 | 14.999 |
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The Game
You definitely should check it out
Wow, I just watched the latest Neebs Gaming video where they play Ark Aberration and it was awesome! Those guys really know how to make exploring a new map entertaining. The banter between them had me cracking up, especially when Thick kept getting himself into sticky situations. You can tell they're all good friends having a blast together.
The cinematic shots they get are so cool too. The way they use fly cam to capture these sweeping views of the aberrant landscape really immerses you in the environment. And their thumbnails are always top notch, like little works of art. It makes clicking on a new Neebs video feel like stepping into a blockbuster movie.
Overall, Neebs Gaming is just the best way to experience new games short of playing them yourself. Their adventures are always hilarious, yet you still get a feel for what the gameplay is like. And they keep things fresh by switching between long series, one-offs, and collaborations with other YouTube gaming channels.
These guys clearly have a passion for creating entertaining content. I mean, they've been posting consistently for over 5 years now! The production quality keeps getting better too. Subscribing to Neebs Gaming is easily one of the best decisions I've made on YouTube. Their videos never fail to make my day a little brighter. So do yourself a favor and check out their channel. You won't regret it!