An Explosive Episode - 7 Days to Die Darkness Falls Mod Ep 20
Neebs Gaming

This video comes straight from the Neebs Gaming YouTube channel.
Hey guys, so I just watched the latest video from Neebs Gaming and it was so epic! Appsro is back at it in Darkness Falls, working on a new horde base. If you're a fan of the channel like me, you won't want to miss this one.
Make sure to hit that subscribe button and support them on Patreon if you can. Their merch is pretty cool too, I might have to grab myself a shirt or two. And shoutout to Xidax PCs for powering Neebs Gaming - those PCs are no joke.
The music in this video is always on point, they have such a great selection. I love how they always credit the artists too, it's nice to see that recognition. Plus, the social media links are there if you want to keep up with all things Neebs Gaming.
If you're looking for more content from Neebs, they have some awesome playlists - from cartoons to games like 7 Days to Die, Scrap Mechanic, Minecraft, GTA V, and Subnautica. Seriously, these guys are always putting out quality videos that keep me coming back for more. Can't wait to see what they do next!

Caption | Start | Duration |
so there's the smoke simon yeah i guess | 10.4 | 4.399 |
there's something | 13.28 | 3.999 |
about it right inside let me use my | 14.799 | 4.56 |
tracking skills and see if i see any | 17.279 | 4.881 |
zombies here i can uh i can see zombies | 19.359 | 5.441 |
at times now really yeah so you're like | 22.16 | 5.039 |
that little kid in that old bruce willis | 24.8 | 4.96 |
movie you have the sixth sense yep you | 27.199 | 4.32 |
have the sense i don't think he could | 29.76 | 3.12 |
like see him through walls and [ __ ] | 31.519 | 2.641 |
though you know what i mean no well i | 32.88 | 2.08 |
mean | 34.16 | 2.559 |
maybe maybe they just cut that out of | 34.96 | 3.52 |
the movie maybe | 36.719 | 3.761 |
notice you have a sore voice yeah i sure | 38.48 | 3.759 |
do i had a rough weekend well i mean a | 40.48 | 5.759 |
fun weekend but fun bit rough oh oh [ __ ] | 42.239 | 6.881 |
oh [ __ ] what a twist this is a twist oh | 46.239 | 4.721 |
and there's like a heavy-duty door right | 49.12 | 3.84 |
here this is like alien [ __ ] wait a | 50.96 | 3.919 |
second i feel like i need to have my | 52.96 | 4.239 |
pistola out there's this door in that | 54.879 | 4.16 |
door they're very high-tech doors maybe | 57.199 | 4.081 |
we need to open them at the same time | 59.039 | 4.081 |
why it's i don't know but it's locked | 61.28 | 4.8 |
okay this one is it okay all right oh | 63.12 | 7.12 |
hello hey anybody what the [ __ ] this is | 66.08 | 7.68 |
pretty awesome it's pretty great yeah | 70.24 | 6.559 |
hello unlocked this way and unlock that | 73.76 | 5.679 |
way let's just take a peek in here okay | 76.799 | 4.481 |
we'll search the desk but looking for | 79.439 | 3.761 |
any life | 81.28 | 3.56 |
hello oh | 83.2 | 3.36 |
life what hey | 84.84 | 3.639 |
and they're not zombies man no they're | 86.56 | 4.239 |
not and guess what what one of them's a | 88.479 | 5.041 |
lady or they're both ladies i know we're | 90.799 | 6.081 |
we just came to heaven we did and | 93.52 | 6.639 |
we don't need to tell the guys | 96.88 | 6.239 |
oh my um hey you got any work wait what | 100.159 | 5.121 |
does that even mean you don't trust you | 103.119 | 4.96 |
go out and help eve she doesn't trust me | 105.28 | 6.0 |
help eve is that eve yeah hey you want | 108.079 | 4.561 |
you got any work | 111.28 | 3.119 |
i'm talking to mine i don't know trust | 112.64 | 3.519 |
you go and help eve we have to help eve | 114.399 | 4.72 |
with the [ __ ] eve | 116.159 | 2.96 |
okay yeah i'm thinking somewhere out | 122.079 | 3.121 |
here | 124.24 | 1.839 |
maybe | 125.2 | 2.72 |
i don't want to get too close to the uh | 126.079 | 3.361 |
church you know for you know i don't | 127.92 | 3.119 |
want to hoard to go in there that's | 129.44 | 3.2 |
pretty far yeah yeah i think this is | 131.039 | 3.361 |
pretty good though sit down bubba we got | 132.64 | 3.599 |
to do like a ground breaking | 134.4 | 3.44 |
yeah or oh | 136.239 | 3.36 |
block you know ribbon cutting kind of | 137.84 | 3.28 |
thing yeah god i wish we could make | 139.599 | 3.921 |
ribbons yep is that what you really wish | 141.12 | 4.16 |
for god if i could only make weapons | 143.52 | 3.84 |
well if you had three wishes one of them | 145.28 | 3.36 |
could be ribbon what what are you | 147.36 | 3.599 |
talking about genie three wishes you had | 148.64 | 3.84 |
one ribbon you'd probably that wouldn't | 150.959 | 3.36 |
be it right what what do you mean what i | 152.48 | 3.28 |
said i wish we could make ribbons yeah | 154.319 | 2.801 |
and he said that's what you want to use | 155.76 | 3.52 |
your wish for right yeah if you had | 157.12 | 3.68 |
three wishes maybe where did the three | 159.28 | 4.48 |
witches come from janiece janie | 160.8 | 4.88 |
[ __ ] jd's we're we're laying ground | 163.76 | 3.6 |
and uh so if you had one wish it'd be | 165.68 | 3.919 |
the ribbon uh no no no no no it'd be | 167.36 | 3.04 |
like a | 169.599 | 2.801 |
i don't know okay i'm just saying giant | 170.4 | 4.96 |
helicopter and boom this is gonna be the | 172.4 | 5.68 |
start i'm doing a custom build okay | 175.36 | 4.879 |
let's see all right i'm just gonna i'm | 178.08 | 3.76 |
gonna be out here probably all day lay | 180.239 | 3.441 |
in frame shapes and kind of you know | 181.84 | 3.44 |
constructing this thing how i want it | 183.68 | 3.279 |
okay is there anything we can uh bring | 185.28 | 3.44 |
you that's you're gonna need man i'm | 186.959 | 2.961 |
just gonna need a lot of wood for just | 188.72 | 3.12 |
kind of the initial build so no but uh | 189.92 | 3.2 |
you know what they're gonna clear it out | 191.84 | 3.2 |
around here um no i can do all that you | 193.12 | 3.36 |
guys you guys should probably do | 195.04 | 2.64 |
something more constructive going | 196.48 | 3.119 |
traitor missions you know to get get | 197.68 | 3.279 |
some more metal we're going to need lots | 199.599 | 3.521 |
of metal clay neebs you have any trailer | 200.959 | 4.56 |
missions you can do uh we can do one but | 203.12 | 4.56 |
real quick before i go can i steal some | 205.519 | 4.08 |
forged iron to make that oven yes of | 207.68 | 3.44 |
course all right yeah make that oven | 209.599 | 2.801 |
apparently that oven doesn't generate | 211.12 | 3.039 |
heat make two of them | 212.4 | 3.839 |
nice all right all right thick me and | 214.159 | 4.64 |
you mission time adios let's go see | 216.239 | 5.36 |
hasta luego | 218.799 | 2.8 |
all right silence come on oh oh yeah i | 221.92 | 5.599 |
can sneak through you can yeah i can | 225.12 | 4.64 |
jump up here like crouch jump it got me | 227.519 | 3.521 |
through it's like a little kind of a | 229.76 | 3.92 |
glitchy thing almost oh yeah yeah look | 231.04 | 3.6 |
at that | 233.68 | 3.68 |
and this one's unlocked all right oh you | 234.64 | 4.56 |
would think it'd be bad in here dude | 237.36 | 4.32 |
stuff like like maybe good stuff i'm | 239.2 | 4.88 |
sorry i'm in your way but i oh man | 241.68 | 6.24 |
hold on come on baby um clipboard energy | 244.08 | 6.56 |
cell 34 energy cells might be good i got | 247.92 | 6.0 |
109 energy cells whoa okay dude we're | 250.64 | 5.2 |
getting some high-tech [ __ ] that we | 253.92 | 4.559 |
don't know what to do with energy cells | 255.84 | 7.359 |
and clipboards a lot of clipboards okay | 258.479 | 4.72 |
i had some before should i even take the | 263.52 | 4.8 |
clipboard yes all right of course well | 265.44 | 4.4 |
there's a green one i can give one to | 268.32 | 3.52 |
neebs there you go whoa maybe they're | 269.84 | 5.6 |
all green i just got 12 pulse grenades | 271.84 | 5.68 |
grenades uh | 275.44 | 6.0 |
another green key card oh key card okay | 277.52 | 5.119 |
all right well we're gonna have to | 281.44 | 3.52 |
freaking see like i need you to test out | 282.639 | 3.84 |
one of these pulse grenades you know | 284.96 | 2.88 |
we're testing it out but i'm getting the | 286.479 | 5.321 |
rest of this [ __ ] simon | 287.84 | 3.96 |
[Music] | 293.47 | 3.919 |
i think you know what i meant by that | 302.88 | 3.2 |
three wishes thing right yeah yeah i | 304.0 | 3.919 |
just don't think it's a probably | 306.08 | 4.0 |
appropriate for this game but you but it | 307.919 | 3.921 |
made sense he was like what what do you | 310.08 | 3.2 |
mean well just | 311.84 | 2.88 |
sounds a little | 313.28 | 3.359 |
stupid sometimes when when you say | 314.72 | 3.6 |
things well what like what do you think | 316.639 | 4.0 |
i meant by if you had three wishes i | 318.32 | 5.439 |
would like three wishes so that's that's | 320.639 | 4.4 |
what it sounds like but i know what | 323.759 | 3.201 |
you're getting at well it'd be nice to | 325.039 | 4.241 |
have three wishes but when you say it it | 326.96 | 3.519 |
sounds like | 329.28 | 2.32 |
just some hill i feel like you don't | 330.479 | 2.641 |
understand what i'm saying either like | 331.6 | 4.4 |
you wouldn't waste a wish on a ribbon no | 333.12 | 4.88 |
are we close can we park here yeah while | 336.0 | 3.52 |
we park okay | 338.0 | 2.88 |
here we go | 339.52 | 3.6 |
yeah it's right this way seems like | 340.88 | 4.08 |
there's some i can hear people zombie | 343.12 | 4.079 |
movement a few zombies out here did we | 344.96 | 4.64 |
get out prematurely hope not come here | 347.199 | 3.761 |
lady | 349.6 | 3.2 |
oh she okay | 350.96 | 3.92 |
there we go oh nice oh she pooped a bag | 352.8 | 4.56 |
she did poop a bag come on | 354.88 | 5.439 |
give me seven six two up nope golden rod | 357.36 | 5.04 |
tea i'll take it cat food i'm gonna | 360.319 | 4.0 |
drink it thirsty you're gonna drink cat | 362.4 | 5.04 |
food uh yep so we can either nerd poll | 364.319 | 5.841 |
or go through the bank and you know do | 367.44 | 4.479 |
our thing i didn't bring you boxes let's | 370.16 | 5.12 |
uh let's go to the bank okay | 371.919 | 6.081 |
let's just let's just run for it yeah | 375.28 | 4.639 |
probably over here i hear a lot of | 378.0 | 4.08 |
something be careful sometimes oh yeah | 379.919 | 4.241 |
business man yep i got a cup i got a | 382.08 | 3.52 |
lady and a hoodie up here here we go | 384.16 | 2.64 |
watch out | 385.6 | 3.2 |
they're coming yup yup all right i'm | 386.8 | 3.6 |
gonna get i'm hurting am i switching out | 388.8 | 3.839 |
come on back come on back yep switch out | 390.4 | 4.0 |
no oh i thought you were okay oh you | 392.639 | 4.241 |
were getting fought too oh god | 394.4 | 4.799 |
oh [ __ ] didn't mean shoot didn't mean to | 396.88 | 4.8 |
shoot you good yeah i think so i'll take | 399.199 | 4.081 |
this guy why is this guy running at me | 401.68 | 4.079 |
oh boy i'm like like a bull just | 403.28 | 5.28 |
charging yeah okay in a business suit | 405.759 | 4.481 |
yeah | 408.56 | 3.6 |
stop it fell a little this is the way | 410.24 | 3.28 |
thick what is down here you don't want | 412.16 | 3.759 |
to go that way i know a bit but i did i | 413.52 | 5.679 |
did find some meds down here as i fell | 415.919 | 5.761 |
uh you do your thing up there um | 419.199 | 4.481 |
yep supply drop let me clear it out | 421.68 | 4.799 |
first okay oh come on | 423.68 | 4.48 |
ah i love it when their head pops off | 426.479 | 3.681 |
but it's not happening | 428.16 | 4.56 |
come on you down got one on thick good | 430.16 | 5.039 |
job just a bunch of workers up here oh | 432.72 | 4.4 |
no there's a dog down here on the | 435.199 | 4.4 |
basketball court you okay yeah i think | 437.12 | 4.479 |
we're clear okay all right got the | 439.599 | 6.961 |
supply drop yep good stuff nice | 441.599 | 4.961 |
all right simon yes sir yes this is the | 446.639 | 3.68 |
time and i just went into the trader | 448.88 | 2.8 |
here and i grabbed something else i'd | 450.319 | 3.521 |
never seen called a | 451.68 | 4.56 |
a nail bomb first of all let me let me | 453.84 | 5.6 |
get this dog up | 456.24 | 4.239 |
i'm missing | 459.44 | 3.599 |
can i can i throw a grenade of regular | 460.479 | 4.241 |
grenade at the dog well it's in the | 463.039 | 4.401 |
kraka book now it is um hold on all | 464.72 | 4.879 |
right first things first let's just go | 467.44 | 3.759 |
ahead i forget how to do these do i | 469.599 | 3.841 |
write [ __ ] i don't know i've got | 471.199 | 3.84 |
grenades for the first time i don't | 473.44 | 3.28 |
think i don't remember ever throwing one | 475.039 | 4.401 |
for a while whoa that was a nail bomb i | 476.72 | 4.0 |
don't think i did it right all right | 479.44 | 3.12 |
well maybe try to throw whatever you do | 480.72 | 4.319 |
at the at a threat yeah that makes that | 482.56 | 4.8 |
one right | 485.039 | 2.321 |
son there a [ __ ] | 491.52 | 4.16 |
yeah | 494.479 | 4.16 |
i'm a little dumbfounded right we really | 495.68 | 5.12 |
i haven't got nothing to say really all | 498.639 | 5.601 |
right i'm gonna get on my bike yep | 500.8 | 7.36 |
i'm gonna go into my bag okay | 504.24 | 3.92 |
aptro | 511.68 | 3.359 |
yo where are you at come past the church | 512.719 | 4.8 |
and way out in the field you'll see me | 515.039 | 5.12 |
we're coming | 517.519 | 5.041 |
more hit here and boop oh wait i guess | 520.159 | 4.161 |
there's one more | 522.56 | 3.6 |
i'm just chewing away at this trying to | 524.32 | 3.44 |
make some room i think there's a little | 526.16 | 3.44 |
thing right there you are | 527.76 | 6.28 |
there you are and kaboom | 529.6 | 4.44 |
i love to see it every time that's a lot | 535.519 | 4.961 |
of fun all right two things yo uh will | 537.279 | 5.68 |
you guys all help me shoot this cow | 540.48 | 3.919 |
because i will get a lot of meat if i | 542.959 | 3.361 |
harvest it should we be like taming | 544.399 | 3.841 |
these things somehow probably all right | 546.32 | 5.12 |
[ __ ] it okay here's the big deal abstro | 548.24 | 4.56 |
we found these things called pulse | 551.44 | 4.64 |
grenades and uh it killed us | 552.8 | 5.599 |
here's five of them i'd love | 556.08 | 4.64 |
if you could try throwing a pulse | 558.399 | 5.201 |
grenade at a cow sure yeah but listen be | 560.72 | 4.88 |
careful because when i i'm going to be | 563.6 | 3.76 |
very far away i'm not going to be near | 565.6 | 3.44 |
you we messed up but you might kill | 567.36 | 3.68 |
yourself so you really need to make sure | 569.04 | 4.239 |
because it's a it's a cluster good guy | 571.04 | 5.28 |
explosion damage of 682 holy balls it | 573.279 | 4.641 |
does more damage to organics than | 576.32 | 3.44 |
standard grenade very little damage to | 577.92 | 3.52 |
structures well that's good to know that | 579.76 | 3.6 |
it's good to know all right so i assume | 581.44 | 4.0 |
you prime it like a normal all right yep | 583.36 | 3.76 |
all right i'm gonna throw it at this cow | 585.44 | 6.32 |
[ __ ] that cow and boop and toss back up | 587.12 | 6.96 |
yo | 591.76 | 2.32 |
count down okay yeah it operates like | 594.24 | 3.68 |
all the other grenades you just prime it | 596.64 | 4.08 |
and toss it yeah what did you do i don't | 597.92 | 4.4 |
know simon | 600.72 | 4.239 |
not that bad i hear i was thinking it | 602.32 | 5.12 |
was a super powerful bomb yeah i just | 604.959 | 4.161 |
messed up let me get this here and how | 607.44 | 2.959 |
much meat you're going to get from old | 609.12 | 2.959 |
maxi that's that's what we're about to | 610.399 | 3.361 |
find this should be great okay here we | 612.079 | 4.0 |
go i got a better hunting knife oh that | 613.76 | 5.36 |
was quick yeah wow two swipes and i i | 616.079 | 5.841 |
got 15 steak nothing crazy but well no | 619.12 | 4.56 |
go give it uh farmer neebs have him | 621.92 | 4.0 |
making some meat yeah yeah once the sun | 623.68 | 3.68 |
gets down everybody gonna get back in | 625.92 | 3.76 |
the church yeah i know i'll uh stand | 627.36 | 3.52 |
guard on the wall tonight for the first | 629.68 | 2.399 |
time in the world you know what hey if | 630.88 | 3.12 |
you got spare time chop wood make spikes | 632.079 | 3.281 |
i want to wrap the whole church kind of | 634.0 | 2.399 |
in spikes you know just having a | 635.36 | 3.2 |
protective barrier okay we got time it's | 636.399 | 3.68 |
got a little wealth | 638.56 | 4.48 |
all right i'm gonna keep trucking | 640.079 | 2.961 |
is that how that works you just smack it | 644.16 | 3.28 |
i don't think so because | 645.839 | 3.601 |
i have my keys bound all weird but it | 647.44 | 3.92 |
goes pretty fast oh i mean that just | 649.44 | 3.68 |
broke it that wouldn't yeah dude didn't | 651.36 | 4.32 |
open it all right you going down uh you | 653.12 | 4.24 |
won't go first since man let's just take | 655.68 | 3.76 |
a peek and go home after this huh can he | 657.36 | 4.4 |
can go home yeah man it's uh yeah if | 659.44 | 4.8 |
they start running am i going first yeah | 661.76 | 5.44 |
i like that idea | 664.24 | 2.96 |
oh wow look at this there's a whole bag | 668.0 | 2.8 |
of stuff | 669.92 | 3.28 |
hey let me sh let me shut this door just | 670.8 | 4.56 |
oh my god there's so much [ __ ] in here | 673.2 | 4.16 |
okay here i'll check this bag real quick | 675.36 | 6.0 |
okay gun parts mods okay there's a lot | 677.36 | 6.24 |
of stuff in here i'm gonna grab this | 681.36 | 4.8 |
we'll sort it later and uh guy right | 683.6 | 3.44 |
here | 686.16 | 3.359 |
fall back oh all of them yep all right | 687.04 | 4.56 |
oh i think that's how you take that side | 689.519 | 4.32 |
just don't hit each other oh my god i | 691.6 | 3.28 |
killed one | 693.839 | 3.761 |
keep swinging thick is he whoa is he | 694.88 | 4.72 |
still alive yep just don't hit each | 697.6 | 4.64 |
other gotcha oh boy i think it's great | 699.6 | 4.72 |
that's stamina for me catboy he's | 702.24 | 4.48 |
hitting start punching things yeah he | 704.32 | 4.079 |
did | 706.72 | 5.04 |
okay that hurt a lot we good yeah | 708.399 | 5.44 |
hey offensive duct tape i found a bunch | 711.76 | 4.319 |
earlier i got to take my medicine we're | 713.839 | 6.401 |
definitely leaving after this yeah | 716.079 | 4.161 |
oh there's my blue ride hey baby hey hey | 720.56 | 5.279 |
how was your day good we got some uh | 723.519 | 3.921 |
stuff there's a sewer we want to explore | 725.839 | 3.201 |
but not at nighttime oh yeah no i can't | 727.44 | 3.12 |
blame you on that all right look i've | 729.04 | 3.12 |
managed to wrap this base in a layer of | 730.56 | 4.32 |
spikes but you know at any time during | 732.16 | 4.4 |
the week if you get a hair up your ass | 734.88 | 4.24 |
make wood add more spikes okay i kind of | 736.56 | 4.48 |
want like at least three layers you know | 739.12 | 3.04 |
for uh | 741.04 | 2.4 |
i mean you know what we experienced the | 742.16 | 3.44 |
other day right yeah that can't happen | 743.44 | 3.839 |
again and then so at night everybody | 745.6 | 3.359 |
needs to be on the wall and we need to | 747.279 | 3.36 |
be crouched and we need to be quiet no | 748.959 | 4.721 |
guns you keep yelling | 750.639 | 4.401 |
just want to make sure everybody knows | 753.68 | 5.0 |
all right well i know | 755.04 | 3.64 |
i see you getting that bag you do | 762.48 | 4.32 |
and i got what i got nothing hardly | 764.88 | 4.0 |
anything crushed rock oh hey that's good | 766.8 | 3.92 |
stuff okay well then good then be happy | 768.88 | 4.24 |
i did it dora how you doing what how you | 770.72 | 4.0 |
doing is that a crossbow you got oh wait | 773.12 | 3.2 |
nevermind that's thick that's me yeah | 774.72 | 3.44 |
would you get a crossbow i don't know | 776.32 | 4.24 |
you found it yeah found it | 778.16 | 4.64 |
yeah it's like how simon finds his | 780.56 | 4.8 |
clothes you know | 782.8 | 5.039 |
i didn't buy it i just found it right | 785.36 | 4.64 |
dumpsters the moon looks beautiful | 787.839 | 4.8 |
tonight oh it's full yeah it is oh man | 790.0 | 3.839 |
you know what they say happens on a full | 792.639 | 2.481 |
moon though | 793.839 | 4.0 |
full moon horny people get weird yep | 795.12 | 4.56 |
weird and horny you talk to anybody that | 797.839 | 3.601 |
works at a hospital or medical facility | 799.68 | 3.68 |
they'll confirm that [ __ ] too yep it's | 801.44 | 4.399 |
the truth | 803.36 | 2.479 |
hey neebs hey what you doing i kind of | 806.16 | 3.6 |
want to jump in your car and just run | 808.32 | 4.24 |
over zombies what for for bags for bags | 809.76 | 3.519 |
you don't know what you're gonna get | 812.56 | 2.399 |
from bags yeah but sometimes you get you | 813.279 | 3.281 |
want to waste gas and possibly damage | 814.959 | 3.601 |
the car you get bullets sometimes | 816.56 | 4.079 |
sometimes there's no guarantee what if i | 818.56 | 4.8 |
hit okay memes go do it yeah let's just | 820.639 | 4.481 |
see let's settle this yeah yeah let's go | 823.36 | 4.8 |
destroy the car yeah sure only took 300 | 825.12 | 4.64 |
damn ford steel to make well can you | 828.16 | 3.28 |
repair it yes you can just use a repair | 829.76 | 3.04 |
kit matter of fact look at it before you | 831.44 | 2.8 |
take it out okay does anyone have a | 832.8 | 4.159 |
repair kit no not one to spare | 834.24 | 4.88 |
i got one all right meet me at the car | 836.959 | 4.56 |
i'm coming to the car all right do you | 839.12 | 3.92 |
like uh have to pick up the car what do | 841.519 | 4.641 |
you do uh no you just you hold e and you | 843.04 | 4.479 |
should there's a little uh one of these | 846.16 | 3.2 |
things just says repair okay yeah and | 847.519 | 3.841 |
it's right here click i repaired it all | 849.36 | 3.279 |
right ready | 851.36 | 4.08 |
go get them guys all right catboy okay | 852.639 | 3.921 |
you know what i'm not going along with | 855.44 | 2.8 |
this i don't know why i got in all right | 856.56 | 3.44 |
well here we go i'm gonna get all the | 858.24 | 3.839 |
bullets who left the bike in the road | 860.0 | 4.959 |
which bike the white one oh not me sorry | 862.079 | 4.761 |
mom | 864.959 | 5.21 |
[Music] | 866.84 | 3.329 |
i feel very safe up here yeah yeah yeah | 874.72 | 5.44 |
this is nice quite nice you think maybe | 877.839 | 4.56 |
we could just stay up here for the next | 880.16 | 4.4 |
horde like couldn't one of us just stay | 882.399 | 4.161 |
up here while everyone else was like out | 884.56 | 3.839 |
there and then nobody will probably mess | 886.56 | 4.16 |
with nope no i don't think that's a good | 888.399 | 4.321 |
idea yeah and plus i think app sure is | 890.72 | 3.919 |
building a new base yeah we were just | 892.72 | 3.28 |
buying it simon | 894.639 | 3.681 |
i know but you know what if i die i | 896.0 | 5.12 |
might put my my bed here with some stuff | 898.32 | 4.16 |
and i'll just chill out here for the | 901.12 | 2.959 |
rest of the horde well we don't want | 902.48 | 3.68 |
this place to get gobble this is our | 904.079 | 4.401 |
home base you know yep i know but it's | 906.16 | 4.56 |
protected but you being here is gonna | 908.48 | 4.799 |
bring zombies here on a horde ah they'll | 910.72 | 4.16 |
be busy with you guys | 913.279 | 5.601 |
no they're gonna come find you somehow | 914.88 | 5.84 |
thinking that they might i'm thinking | 918.88 | 4.24 |
you just heard that yeah played the game | 920.72 | 3.359 |
a minute | 923.12 | 1.839 |
why | 924.079 | 2.481 |
why why for that creepy what are you | 924.959 | 4.32 |
doing laughs | 926.56 | 4.32 |
what the what | 929.279 | 4.8 |
plate trap recipe | 930.88 | 3.199 |
[ __ ] you doing just learning stuff okay | 936.16 | 4.799 |
keep okay he's jacking off yeah i know | 938.24 | 5.92 |
he calls it learning stuff | 940.959 | 3.201 |
that kid's always learning | 944.48 | 4.88 |
smartest [ __ ] i know yeah he's a | 947.44 | 5.24 |
[ __ ] genius | 949.36 | 3.32 |
here we go come on baby boom give me | 955.839 | 5.12 |
back that one that's two what else we | 958.0 | 6.079 |
got all right oh boy gas crap | 960.959 | 7.721 |
oh that's out of gas isn't it uh-oh | 964.079 | 4.601 |
uh oh | 968.72 | 3.359 |
it's night i'm out of gas | 969.839 | 3.201 |
crap | 972.079 | 2.641 |
hey the old base is right over there i | 973.04 | 3.84 |
can go get the old base i gotta take | 974.72 | 4.32 |
that guy out over there | 976.88 | 4.16 |
sneak damage | 979.04 | 3.52 |
okay | 981.04 | 3.039 |
stay quiet | 982.56 | 2.88 |
here we go | 984.079 | 4.241 |
and release | 985.44 | 5.6 |
that was a mess | 988.32 | 6.0 |
yeah oh boy he's coming he's coming he's | 991.04 | 5.919 |
coming oh crap oh boy | 994.32 | 4.72 |
what have i done come on | 996.959 | 3.601 |
okay i can do this | 999.04 | 3.919 |
yeah come on oh boy okay | 1000.56 | 5.199 |
still no bag what i'm look like an idiot | 1002.959 | 5.601 |
when i go back home | 1005.759 | 2.801 |
hey guys hey yeah you think if i uh | 1009.12 | 6.0 |
break this bell apart the zombies will | 1012.56 | 5.92 |
hear yeah we're fine yeah yeah i wanted | 1015.12 | 5.12 |
to hit the bell earlier too and that's | 1018.48 | 3.52 |
why i made that opening i just didn't do | 1020.24 | 4.959 |
it let me try do it | 1022.0 | 3.199 |
they coming well no no i don't even hear | 1026.079 | 6.0 |
anything yeah | 1029.36 | 2.719 |
what am i saying for whom the bell tolls | 1035.039 | 4.721 |
yeah time botch is on ooh | 1037.039 | 5.441 |
that is uh from the ride the lightning | 1039.76 | 5.279 |
album it is metallica [ __ ] metallic | 1042.48 | 4.559 |
is [ __ ] awesome you ever see him live | 1045.039 | 4.721 |
i did it's my first concert oh yeah i | 1047.039 | 4.401 |
saw him with guns and roses and guns and | 1049.76 | 4.0 |
roses was an hour and a half late oh | 1051.44 | 3.359 |
it's like thick when he comes to the | 1053.76 | 1.78 |
office | 1054.799 | 6.561 |
[Laughter] | 1055.54 | 8.62 |
i'm the guns and roses of neebs gaming | 1061.36 | 6.48 |
an hour and a half late every time | 1064.16 | 3.68 |
bam there he comes | 1071.44 | 3.119 |
he's coming you're looking the wrong way | 1073.12 | 4.88 |
you're looking there you go okay | 1074.559 | 3.441 |
oh nice tag team yeah that's my friend | 1078.32 | 3.92 |
there | 1081.44 | 2.56 |
all right coming back to you | 1082.24 | 2.96 |
keep hitting them | 1084.0 | 4.799 |
yep nope okay help me out buddy | 1085.2 | 7.44 |
boy oh boy we're hurt | 1088.799 | 3.841 |
we got some bags | 1092.88 | 4.0 |
huh who's a dummy now | 1094.48 | 3.92 |
look at this | 1096.88 | 3.039 |
what's that what is that | 1098.4 | 3.68 |
is that guy still what are you doing man | 1099.919 | 3.441 |
this is over | 1102.08 | 2.88 |
it's daytime | 1103.36 | 2.72 |
okay | 1104.96 | 3.76 |
and come on baby | 1106.08 | 3.76 |
uh they're not gonna be impressed with | 1108.72 | 4.0 |
mechanical parts this has got to be good | 1109.84 | 4.8 |
come on | 1112.72 | 3.839 |
shotgun shales | 1114.64 | 3.36 |
my nemesis | 1116.559 | 4.24 |
names yeah what are you doing i just | 1118.0 | 5.2 |
loot bags for days man where's the car | 1120.799 | 4.321 |
at it's over there by the trader are you | 1123.2 | 3.2 |
ready i guess | 1125.12 | 4.39 |
do you have any gas no okay | 1126.4 | 13.92 |
[Music] | 1129.51 | 11.77 |
yeah | 1140.32 | 2.8 |
right right right right right come here | 1141.28 | 3.519 |
get in there and get an a little faster | 1143.12 | 3.76 |
absorb you learning again i'm learning | 1144.799 | 5.321 |
so hard | 1146.88 | 3.24 |
[Music] | 1154.77 | 16.51 |
you | 1169.2 | 2.08 |
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