A Quicksand Disaster that's HYSTERICAL - Lethal Company
Neebs Gaming
neebs: Hey guys, have you seen that hilarious quicksand disaster video by Lethal Company? It's our favorite!
simon: Oh yeah, that one where they almost get swallowed up whole? Classic! I can't stop laughing every time I watch it.
appsro: I love how they warn you to beware of the quicksand. Like, no kidding, Lethal Company can really suck you in!
neebs: And did you see the part where they try to escape but just sink deeper? Priceless! Definitely a must-watch for anyone looking for a good laugh.

This video comes straight from the Neebs Gaming YouTube channel.
Hey there Neebs Gaming fans, have you checked out the latest video from Lethal Company? If not, you better watch out because it's a wild ride! These guys can really suck you in with their content, so be prepared to get hooked.
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So, what are you waiting for? Dive into the world of Neebs Gaming and get ready for some epic adventures with Lethal Company!

Caption | Start | Duration |
okay so it looks like we have 60 bucks | 2.399 | 4.761 |
to spend seed money that have been good | 4.64 | 4.36 |
to know the first two missions it really | 7.16 | 4.24 |
would have but we we're learning this so | 9.0 | 5.24 |
what two walkie-talkies for sure right | 11.4 | 4.639 |
uh that didn't hurt did it two | 14.24 | 3.959 |
flashlights maybe maybe more let's see | 16.039 | 4.041 |
how much are they I mean they're pretty | 18.199 | 3.721 |
we all have a flashlight all right so we | 20.08 | 3.92 |
got really nice if we did we can do this | 21.92 | 5.04 |
we be so we all have flashlights right | 24.0 | 4.8 |
well we got 30 after the two walkies we | 26.96 | 4.079 |
only have 36 bucks left flashlights are | 28.8 | 4.8 |
15 a piece so yeah two flashlight all | 31.039 | 4.481 |
right then the first the priority you | 33.6 | 3.76 |
know is getting another one so we got | 35.52 | 3.039 |
yeah we're going to order two walkies | 37.36 | 2.879 |
two flashlights all right so let's go | 38.559 | 5.52 |
down we'll go ahead and land | 40.239 | 3.84 |
this who wants what it don't matter | 51.239 | 4.201 |
you're so smart do you want a walkie and | 54.079 | 3.681 |
a flashy I like having a walkie at least | 55.44 | 4.16 |
yeah well one do you uh yeah one do you | 57.76 | 3.959 |
take the flashy when you take the walkie | 59.6 | 3.119 |
give me a | 61.719 | 3.001 |
flashy that's all I need in life | 62.719 | 3.681 |
hopefully that oh there's a there's a | 64.72 | 4.399 |
creature already oh really can we oh | 66.4 | 5.039 |
it's called a mano oh so when I scanned | 69.119 | 4.201 |
it that I just added that to the data | 71.439 | 6.241 |
hold on okay so if I go to the | 73.32 | 7.759 |
terminal oh it's on its way the door | 77.68 | 5.32 |
Here Comes Here Comes oh God open the | 81.079 | 6.201 |
door open the door sorry open the door | 83.0 | 7.439 |
come in close the door in close the no | 87.28 | 5.72 |
I'm up in top no he's not in open it I'm | 90.439 | 5.601 |
on the roof are we clear out here uh | 93.0 | 6.439 |
it's got a danger level of zero oh never | 96.04 | 5.119 |
mind I'm hitting e on the door it | 99.439 | 6.081 |
doesn't do anything uh or over | 101.159 | 7.24 |
here oh God | 105.52 | 6.639 |
I okay they feed on small insects and | 108.399 | 5.76 |
small rodents they're highly intelligent | 112.159 | 6.56 |
social dude you okay guys there was a | 114.159 | 7.121 |
giant worm that just shot out of the | 118.719 | 5.961 |
ground what the hell and into the | 121.28 | 6.159 |
sky did anyone else see that that was | 124.68 | 4.16 |
the rocket that was our stuff we bought | 127.439 | 4.081 |
that was the rocket no no no no no it | 128.84 | 5.84 |
was something else there was a war all | 131.52 | 5.92 |
right hey like a big thing walk yeah | 134.68 | 5.36 |
like through the | 137.44 | 2.6 |
ground oh God what is that oh no oh oh | 141.16 | 7.6 |
[Music] | 146.84 | 4.92 |
no | 148.76 | 3.0 |
what a what a way to start is anybody | 164.44 | 5.64 |
monit | 167.84 | 5.24 |
anyone door's open why's the door | 170.08 | 5.159 |
open oh that's | 173.08 | 5.159 |
Simon that's Simon's | 175.239 | 6.521 |
guts this is is day one we didn't make | 178.239 | 5.841 |
in the | 181.76 | 2.32 |
building okay let me just | 184.68 | 6.279 |
look that's me I'm alive that's off | 187.519 | 5.561 |
that's on switch | 190.959 | 4.881 |
camera that's ABS he looks dead he's not | 193.08 | 6.36 |
moving that's time he look | 195.84 | 7.039 |
dead good | 199.44 | 3.439 |
God why was this so horrible all right | 203.72 | 5.04 |
you know what I'm going to go in there | 207.0 | 4.68 |
and I'm going to get | 208.76 | 2.92 |
um $130 worth of stuff come back to the | 211.799 | 7.8 |
ship and then here we go I'm doing | 214.56 | 5.039 |
it where's all that stuff we | 220.48 | 4.16 |
bought yeah oh that was a giant hor | 227.04 | 5.32 |
right | 233.599 | 3.0 |
yeah how do you do that that's like a | 236.68 | 4.399 |
cold open how do you even do | 238.439 | 5.601 |
that that think I think we just set a | 241.079 | 6.481 |
record in this game for quickest crew to | 244.04 | 6.44 |
die God what's the clock on | 247.56 | 6.48 |
it oh my God insane did I not | 250.48 | 6.439 |
man we got none of our stuff oh damn it | 254.04 | 6.319 |
it's eclipsed n oh it's Eclipse it was | 256.919 | 6.481 |
Eclipse yeah that was me it was Eclipse | 260.359 | 4.881 |
so man so hold on we should go to a | 263.4 | 3.88 |
different moon right now cuz there's an | 265.24 | 3.6 |
now we only got two days to do this I | 267.28 | 4.4 |
know and we lost our flashlights or | 268.84 | 5.12 |
whatever they we had did we get more | 271.68 | 4.48 |
money no we have | 273.96 | 5.2 |
$2 and we got none of our gear blow that | 276.16 | 4.08 |
was a | 279.16 | 3.879 |
blow all right we're going to try a new | 280.24 | 5.48 |
planet called offense well let's learn | 283.039 | 4.641 |
about a little bit it's uh dominated by | 285.72 | 3.12 |
a few | 287.68 | 3.76 |
species competitive ecosystem supports | 288.84 | 4.199 |
aggressive life forms Jagged and | 291.44 | 4.96 |
weathered terrain sounds great all right | 293.039 | 4.681 |
what about let's see anything we can buy | 296.4 | 3.32 |
with our $2 let's uh let's look at get | 297.72 | 5.039 |
Assurance right now this assurance look | 299.72 | 6.4 |
let's see Rainy yeah if it's | 302.759 | 6.041 |
rainy okay that's better than better | 306.12 | 4.519 |
than eclipsed let's do it let's do it | 308.8 | 6.8 |
let's see what happens okay stuff | 310.639 | 4.961 |
yeah oh no gear like we used to play no | 315.639 | 7.56 |
stuff yeah like like back in the | 319.24 | 7.799 |
day exactly remember that all right yeah | 323.199 | 5.881 |
all right all right so I guess we're all | 327.039 | 3.081 |
go | 329.08 | 2.64 |
oh God what am I | 330.12 | 5.12 |
sinking you are wait oh no oh God cuz | 331.72 | 6.44 |
it's rainy it's muddy oh no uh oh | 335.24 | 4.48 |
there's quick sa we just got to get to | 338.16 | 3.319 |
the place we just got to move all right | 339.72 | 3.36 |
so yeah follow Dora Dora is going the | 341.479 | 3.961 |
right way here so we've been this planet | 343.08 | 5.92 |
before huh yeah yeah this is Assurance | 345.44 | 5.599 |
Insurance okay okay quick in and out | 349.0 | 5.56 |
just grab the good stuff and get out | 351.039 | 6.121 |
yeah we've got making up to do though we | 354.56 | 6.919 |
we lost a lot oh I know yeah it was | 357.16 | 4.319 |
bad [ __ ] right away that's good stuff | 363.88 | 4.48 |
all right I'm going to go left man yeah | 366.44 | 4.199 |
we I got bottles bringing back bottles | 368.36 | 3.8 |
and there's other individual bottles in | 370.639 | 3.441 |
this room guys oh let's grab all the | 372.16 | 4.039 |
bottles yeah I'm bringing this back | 374.08 | 3.36 |
hands are | 376.199 | 3.681 |
full | 377.44 | 5.08 |
here I found an | 379.88 | 6.759 |
engine gra it where are the other ones I | 382.52 | 5.239 |
don't know he said there were other ones | 386.639 | 3.84 |
but I don't see them yeah me neither | 387.759 | 4.081 |
got a coffee mug | 390.479 | 4.12 |
salmon what oh you got one good for you | 391.84 | 3.919 |
I don't see his bottles though where's | 394.599 | 2.44 |
his bottles | 395.759 | 4.921 |
at hey Salon hey go grab this engine | 397.039 | 7.801 |
Take It Outside oh wait is that yeah | 400.68 | 7.079 |
that's what grab open the | 404.84 | 5.12 |
door and then we'll just put them right | 407.759 | 5.201 |
here okay fine okay they're outside | 409.96 | 5.44 |
they're ready to go found a door but I | 412.96 | 4.2 |
can only access it with a damn ship | 415.4 | 5.32 |
computer oh okay | 417.16 | 4.92 |
open | 420.72 | 3.12 |
j6 hey | 422.08 | 5.04 |
neebs yeah or who's this in front of me | 423.84 | 5.919 |
who am I looking at Simon not | 427.12 | 5.799 |
me uh nees behind you behind | 429.759 | 5.321 |
you I'm in the main room come to the | 432.919 | 3.84 |
main room was that you that walked by or | 435.08 | 5.72 |
was that Dora Dora's not here | 436.759 | 7.761 |
okay okay okay okay | 440.8 | 9.56 |
okay who whoa wait what no no no | 444.52 | 8.64 |
all right so say Simon come here yeah so | 450.36 | 4.519 |
check this out at the end of this | 453.16 | 4.039 |
hallway there's this door called | 454.879 | 5.04 |
j6 uh I'm going to try to run back to | 457.199 | 6.0 |
the ship and open this door um with the | 459.919 | 4.801 |
ship computer so just keep an eye on | 463.199 | 4.521 |
this door okay all | 464.72 | 3.0 |
right all right I'll be I'm going back | 467.879 | 4.121 |
to the | 470.08 | 5.64 |
ship all right there's a flashy red | 472.0 | 6.319 |
light there that's that's | 475.72 | 5.599 |
disturbing | 478.319 | 3.0 |
oh no oh no no no no no the bees that's | 485.96 | 5.44 |
bees oh God I made | 488.879 | 4.961 |
it | 491.4 | 6.84 |
nice oh steering wheel yeah can I carry | 493.84 | 6.4 |
more things | 498.24 | 7.84 |
yeah what else is in here [ __ ] door | 500.24 | 5.84 |
up [ __ ] man did I get lost remember the | 506.96 | 5.519 |
way we came I was just following Dora | 510.0 | 4.62 |
this is how Simon feels | 512.479 | 3.68 |
[Music] | 514.62 | 5.38 |
[ __ ] here we go okay the Mug's here key | 516.159 | 6.56 |
I should keep with me steering wheel I | 520.0 | 5.0 |
will | 522.719 | 2.281 |
drop God I wish somebody was here with | 525.16 | 7.0 |
me had to have been this way come out oh | 528.16 | 6.2 |
yeah there's a ship sweet | 532.16 | 5.96 |
Dora where the hell did he | 534.36 | 3.76 |
go | 538.2 | 3.0 |
oh [ __ ] oh god oh no oh no oh no no no | 542.6 | 4.41 |
no | 546.0 | 2.32 |
[Music] | 547.01 | 4.31 |
[Laughter] | 548.32 | 5.72 |
no that's how I died it said what | 551.32 | 6.079 |
happened to you | 554.04 | 3.359 |
I the same exact | 561.48 | 4.16 |
spot hey hey are hey shh be quiet what | 567.92 | 6.919 |
are you | 573.44 | 5.56 |
crazy yeah okay do you do you see | 574.839 | 7.841 |
me no okay well we're close cuz I can | 579.0 | 7.36 |
hear you I'm waiting by this door do you | 582.68 | 5.32 |
need me to come to | 586.36 | 5.479 |
you no AO left me here I don't even know | 588.0 | 6.44 |
where I am in comparison to the front | 591.839 | 4.961 |
entrance I'll come | 594.44 | 7.2 |
look watching you do it [ __ ] was | 596.8 | 4.84 |
perfect oh and I told Simon to wait by | 602.56 | 3.92 |
this door for | 605.079 | 3.961 |
me I told him I was going to open it at | 606.48 | 5.44 |
the um with the | 609.04 | 5.08 |
computer he's got to realize at some | 611.92 | 4.72 |
point oh | 614.12 | 2.52 |
God Ed door it's really | 617.279 | 8.12 |
dark who just whispered that are you in | 621.519 | 5.601 |
front of | 625.399 | 4.56 |
me no somebody just whispered something | 627.12 | 3.839 |
who was | 629.959 | 5.601 |
that uh was it not me I don't I didn't | 630.959 | 8.0 |
think it was okay I don't like | 635.56 | 8.12 |
this neither do I do you want to | 638.959 | 7.44 |
leave no I'm waiting for abs for I'm | 643.68 | 6.399 |
trusting unless he's dead he might be | 646.399 | 5.44 |
dead so you don't know if when you came | 650.079 | 3.241 |
in if you went left or | 651.839 | 4.481 |
right had to be left | 653.32 | 6.88 |
uh it had to be left here Let Me Wait I | 656.32 | 6.48 |
see some Ooze there's | 660.2 | 5.52 |
ooze there's a blob of | 662.8 | 8.88 |
oo blob ofoo yeah is it coming to | 665.72 | 8.64 |
me yep it's coming to me I'm going | 671.68 | 6.279 |
outside okay man I barely moved and all | 674.36 | 5.64 |
of a sudden I'm like where am | 677.959 | 5.041 |
I | 680.0 | 3.0 |
nope did a door | 683.519 | 6.76 |
open the door that I was was looking at | 687.24 | 7.2 |
opened and I didn't even see it | 690.279 | 7.161 |
open | 694.44 | 3.0 |
[ __ ] all right I'm going to do | 697.56 | 6.839 |
this okay there's the Ooze | 700.24 | 4.159 |
too is that | 704.56 | 5.2 |
water started the ship oh God he started | 706.639 | 3.801 |
the | 709.76 | 4.56 |
ship where is that ship oh see some | 710.44 | 6.88 |
railing is that the ship what is | 714.32 | 6.079 |
this yeah ship | 717.32 | 6.959 |
okay here we go please please fall in | 720.399 | 6.761 |
the quicksand nees oh I know go left | 724.279 | 5.841 |
left side oh [ __ ] he did the he did the | 727.16 | 4.32 |
right | 730.12 | 3.64 |
thing all right where's the door oh | 731.48 | 4.24 |
other side anybody | 733.76 | 5.04 |
here nobody's | 735.72 | 5.359 |
here I'm going to shut this door I don't | 738.8 | 5.24 |
like it I don't like it being open put | 741.079 | 8.041 |
the coffee mug here and the key why not | 744.04 | 7.72 |
got a steering wheel right there it | 749.12 | 6.279 |
is that's in there oh that's | 751.76 | 7.68 |
$29 all right let's take a look that is | 755.399 | 7.161 |
dalas no | 759.44 | 6.04 |
movement oh | 762.56 | 5.92 |
crap | 765.48 | 3.0 |
uh I think I'm going to go oh oh no | 769.16 | 6.76 |
those aren't good those are bad | 772.279 | 8.24 |
no oh crap [ __ ] oh God I can't believe I | 775.92 | 7.359 |
found this you got to be kidding me um | 780.519 | 5.161 |
oh no some | 783.279 | 7.521 |
hello I'm trying to trying to trying to | 785.68 | 8.68 |
oh God I'm I'm stuck | 790.8 | 3.56 |
[Music] | 795.63 | 3.209 |
in | 796.92 | 4.919 |
[ __ ] | 798.839 | 3.0 |
[ __ ] | 807.76 | 3.0 |
oh my God what happened to | 814.839 | 8.12 |
him it's okay shut the | 819.519 | 5.281 |
door | 822.959 | 5.12 |
um that's | 824.8 | 3.279 |
me um abro does not seem to be | 828.76 | 7.4 |
anywhere Simon | 833.12 | 7.04 |
nowhere dris not moving | 836.16 | 6.88 |
I'm pretty sure I'm the only one | 840.16 | 6.479 |
left why this open who opened | 843.04 | 6.2 |
this | 846.639 | 5.56 |
okay okay | 849.24 | 5.0 |
Simon oh wait I wonder if I can get | 852.199 | 4.56 |
Simon's | 854.24 | 2.519 |
body what killed him oh oh I seea | 857.079 | 5.161 |
monsters okay sorry | 859.839 | 4.281 |
Simon we're | 862.24 | 4.08 |
going we're | 864.12 | 6.56 |
out hope you were all dead | 866.32 | 4.36 |
surely they were dead I think they were | 872.279 | 4.601 |
dead all right I got a steering wheel | 874.399 | 4.921 |
it's going to be worth a lot of | 876.88 | 8.04 |
money alive dead dead dead there we go | 879.32 | 9.0 |
perfect made the right decision F | 884.92 | 10.88 |
crap oh my God yeah oh wow wow | 888.32 | 11.4 |
hey one one day left | 895.8 | 5.8 |
you have no idea what you missed dude | 899.72 | 4.4 |
yeah dude yeah I'm I'm crying I'm | 901.6 | 5.2 |
laughing so damn hard it's insan we all | 904.12 | 6.279 |
three died the same exact way oh no and | 906.8 | 5.599 |
it's the the entrance on the other side | 910.399 | 4.24 |
of the ship that you took like you took | 912.399 | 4.601 |
the right one the other one we just fell | 914.639 | 7.2 |
down into mud and [ __ ] oh no all | 917.0 | 7.079 |
right well hey we got a steering wheel | 921.839 | 5.44 |
so we got one more day perfect yeah we | 924.079 | 5.361 |
got this we got this | 927.279 | 5.201 |
yeah this is going | 929.44 | 3.04 |
great um we could go back to | 932.639 | 3.721 |
experimentation but it's | 934.6 | 4.64 |
foggy okay long as it's not hides | 936.36 | 5.2 |
enemies big deal oh that's horrible | 939.24 | 3.8 |
that's a horrible idea you really want | 941.56 | 5.0 |
to do that do we have money to buy we | 943.04 | 5.2 |
got no money to buy anything oh there we | 946.56 | 4.079 |
go thank God all right if I die and you | 948.24 | 3.76 |
don't see me there's here all the stuff | 950.639 | 3.801 |
we got to sell right | 952.0 | 6.04 |
here this might be the worst we go run | 954.44 | 5.399 |
in this game that I think anybody's ever | 958.04 | 5.56 |
done and I'm so happy we're us yeah us | 959.839 | 6.281 |
three to | 963.6 | 2.52 |
getg I can't believe we the fog I didn't | 966.279 | 4.401 |
think the fog was going to be this bad I | 969.24 | 2.44 |
didn't think it was but once we're | 970.68 | 3.12 |
inside it's going to be better let's try | 971.68 | 4.399 |
to remember which way we're going one of | 973.8 | 4.76 |
us should stay at the ship then man um | 976.079 | 3.68 |
yeah I'll stay at the ship so I can | 978.56 | 3.279 |
yield like hey over here or Simon you're | 979.759 | 3.921 |
the worst like with | 981.839 | 5.041 |
directions he's also wor communicating | 983.68 | 5.12 |
so I'm I'm horrible at communicating all | 986.88 | 4.84 |
right so okay I'll I'll stay here and | 988.8 | 5.599 |
I'll yell so when you guys are outside | 991.72 | 4.44 |
just listen for my voice or or yell and | 994.399 | 3.36 |
I'll try to yell back and you got to | 996.16 | 4.2 |
follow my voice okay do we stay together | 997.759 | 4.121 |
or do we split up oh my God stay | 1000.36 | 4.0 |
together right stay that's going to be | 1001.88 | 7.0 |
very hard to do I know well I'm stop | 1004.36 | 4.52 |
trying got there's no no Compass we got | 1009.48 | 7.039 |
to find the entrance together and then | 1013.68 | 4.599 |
got to find the entrance God I wish we | 1016.519 | 2.8 |
had a | 1018.279 | 5.001 |
that' be dope can you still hear me yeah | 1019.319 | 6.36 |
barely we're going to lose remember I'm | 1023.28 | 5.559 |
this way I'm scanning all over here guys | 1025.679 | 5.561 |
can you hear | 1028.839 | 6.321 |
me oh God I lost you guys I hear youon | 1031.24 | 5.599 |
there's no way oh hey guys hey right | 1035.16 | 4.399 |
there to your left to your left to your | 1036.839 | 5.041 |
Lefton stop moving stop moving stop | 1039.559 | 4.721 |
moving all right I did right here right | 1041.88 | 5.079 |
here thank you but yeah follow | 1044.28 | 5.12 |
follow can I see what they're | 1046.959 | 6.401 |
going uh okay they're all three together | 1049.4 | 5.48 |
there's no way we're going to do this we | 1053.36 | 3.559 |
shouldn't have come down here when it's | 1054.88 | 5.2 |
foggy this is so dumb this is the | 1056.919 | 6.721 |
dumbest thing we've done all day and | 1060.08 | 6.479 |
we've had an entire day of dumb the | 1063.64 | 5.68 |
company is not going to be happy I might | 1066.559 | 5.321 |
be going the right wrong oh the moon | 1069.32 | 3.96 |
might have been a good thing to use if | 1071.88 | 3.32 |
we remembered but the sun is a great way | 1073.28 | 2.879 |
to | 1075.2 | 3.8 |
navigate yeah | 1076.159 | 5.081 |
yeah you shut it this is the | 1079.0 | 6.76 |
worst oh my God we're not going to | 1081.24 | 9.76 |
find so stupid shut up shut up oh God I | 1085.76 | 7.72 |
just want one win I could be right in | 1091.0 | 4.28 |
front of the ship right now and I | 1093.48 | 3.48 |
wouldn't know main entrance found the | 1095.28 | 6.16 |
entrance Simon wow shocking it is | 1096.96 | 6.64 |
shocking it's going to reward us with | 1101.44 | 5.8 |
great loot so now I feel like I feel | 1103.6 | 6.559 |
like if we get something and we get out | 1107.24 | 7.28 |
of there oh my God is there a ladder | 1110.159 | 6.281 |
just out the main entrance you can see | 1114.52 | 4.6 |
it right if you do your right I see a | 1116.44 | 6.32 |
building I see [ __ ] see building that's | 1119.12 | 7.039 |
you guys with me follow me Yep this is I | 1122.76 | 4.799 |
can't believe the Triumph we have just | 1126.159 | 4.76 |
from finding this ladder it's a big deal | 1127.559 | 6.281 |
oh wait place I my vote is if you get | 1130.919 | 4.921 |
something go down the ladder turn around | 1133.84 | 6.079 |
180 and go straight yeah like | 1135.84 | 6.6 |
I saw Nee switching pretty | 1139.919 | 5.081 |
oh oh that's how you do it damn it I was | 1142.44 | 6.92 |
changing one by one oh they found the | 1145.0 | 6.48 |
entrance oh that's a good start | 1149.36 | 3.76 |
hopefully it's not foggy in there oh no | 1151.48 | 4.72 |
that's me God damn | 1153.12 | 6.039 |
it okay come on guys find the door did | 1156.2 | 5.839 |
you find the door | 1159.159 | 2.88 |
yes so we got left and right options | 1162.2 | 5.479 |
split up stay together I'm going to go | 1165.36 | 5.679 |
right I'll go | 1167.679 | 3.36 |
left open the door you go ahead if you | 1171.32 | 6.88 |
want I'm going to check the top side | 1174.72 | 7.12 |
here oh boy | 1178.2 | 7.28 |
Whoa what nothing Simon yeah oh God | 1181.84 | 5.48 |
scare me like when you talk and then you | 1185.48 | 4.0 |
don't talk it's like you just assume | 1187.32 | 3.599 |
death ooh is | 1189.48 | 5.559 |
that it's not like oh God not hurting | 1190.919 | 9.12 |
you good there's Simon | 1195.039 | 8.12 |
Dora together nebes is by | 1200.039 | 6.481 |
himself a | 1203.159 | 3.361 |
crap I haven't heard it asst in a while | 1207.0 | 6.0 |
but or needs I meant I'm down here I | 1210.08 | 5.68 |
went I'm I'm on to something maybe there | 1213.0 | 6.919 |
you are oh oh nothing the other | 1215.76 | 9.76 |
way no potentially um uh what's the with | 1219.919 | 8.0 |
radiation potentially okay there should | 1225.52 | 3.639 |
be a door right there I'm going to take | 1227.919 | 2.801 |
this other door and then | 1229.159 | 3.961 |
Darkness all right we're going to go | 1230.72 | 5.6 |
in this one oh this has got to be oh | 1233.12 | 5.679 |
this is the light thing if I take the | 1236.32 | 4.64 |
light is that you nebes yeah but don't | 1238.799 | 4.041 |
take it yet let's look around the room | 1240.96 | 3.599 |
no I don't want to we need more than | 1242.84 | 4.319 |
just that yeah we | 1244.559 | 5.081 |
do oh cuz that's going to screw us all | 1247.159 | 6.081 |
isn't it yep I don't see anything else | 1249.64 | 5.159 |
we just need to take it I | 1253.24 | 4.52 |
guess and that's it that's what we got | 1254.799 | 4.0 |
for this | 1257.76 | 2.52 |
well let's check maybe there's something | 1258.799 | 4.481 |
you could I'm going take it I'll I'll | 1260.28 | 4.519 |
push through that other way on the other | 1263.28 | 4.92 |
side but um and I'll follow you cuz | 1264.799 | 5.081 |
that's yeah we don't want to just that's | 1268.2 | 3.68 |
not going to be enough | 1269.88 | 4.96 |
oh this thing works like a flashlight | 1271.88 | 5.72 |
yeah there it goes radiation yeah we | 1274.84 | 5.959 |
know we know it does you ready Simon no | 1277.6 | 5.439 |
this is in the | 1280.799 | 5.641 |
dark yeah is if I've already lost you | 1283.039 | 6.441 |
you're [ __ ] gone all right pull back | 1286.44 | 5.88 |
we can't [ __ ] in there dude I can't see | 1289.48 | 6.0 |
[ __ ] all right s can you can you can you | 1292.32 | 6.76 |
turn around I can hear | 1295.48 | 8.28 |
you go up yeah steam no no Up's nothing | 1299.08 | 7.56 |
he just it gets all wonky Once you walk | 1303.76 | 4.2 |
a certain distance we don't know what | 1306.64 | 3.44 |
time of is | 1307.96 | 6.16 |
do go up and there's nothing you guys uh | 1310.08 | 7.12 |
hear me still I not know what time it is | 1314.12 | 4.36 |
all right good news is is everybody | 1317.2 | 4.44 |
still alive what time is | 1318.48 | 3.16 |
it 4:42 4:42 doing all right doing all | 1321.919 | 8.921 |
right come on guys oh I found the | 1326.6 | 7.12 |
key | 1330.84 | 6.959 |
okay oh neees hey oh God thank God I | 1333.72 | 6.6 |
found somebody we got to stick with man | 1337.799 | 3.801 |
yeah I don't know what's going on I | 1340.32 | 3.959 |
don't know where I'm going I think maybe | 1341.6 | 5.36 |
out this way let's try this way [ __ ] | 1344.279 | 5.681 |
okay | 1346.96 | 3.0 |
oh yes up up | 1350.039 | 6.961 |
up up right I can go grab that light but | 1352.32 | 6.359 |
I don't want to lose it I'm going to go | 1357.0 | 4.88 |
grab the light oh God all right well I | 1358.679 | 8.24 |
am hey guys oh sh hey there I got a | 1361.88 | 8.039 |
key what time is it this thing works as | 1366.919 | 3.721 |
a | 1369.919 | 4.12 |
light I don't know upstairs I thought | 1370.64 | 5.56 |
this was a good idea going up but I | 1374.039 | 5.201 |
don't think so anymore | 1376.2 | 6.959 |
oh um I think I'm at the | 1379.24 | 3.919 |
front yeah hey damn thank God I found my | 1383.64 | 6.8 |
way out so we have two hours to yeah two | 1387.6 | 4.92 |
hours to get back to the | 1390.44 | 4.2 |
ship which we don't know if we can do | 1392.52 | 4.08 |
less than 2 hours it's flying was nebs | 1394.64 | 3.88 |
by you | 1396.6 | 7.0 |
um I don't know nebes yeah | 1398.52 | 7.639 |
Nies y use the ship computer terminal to | 1403.6 | 5.28 |
access secure doors come on NS | 1406.159 | 4.241 |
what do you mean come on we got to go | 1408.88 | 2.52 |
it's almost | 1410.4 | 3.24 |
8 yeah but we don't have enough money do | 1411.4 | 3.92 |
we no we're going to we're getting | 1413.64 | 3.039 |
killed no matter what but we it's going | 1415.32 | 3.479 |
to take two hours to get | 1416.679 | 7.401 |
back yeah we got to go okay they're all | 1418.799 | 8.521 |
outside so if the ship's that way I go | 1424.08 | 5.52 |
out and turn | 1427.32 | 6.959 |
left hey guys can you hear | 1429.6 | 7.28 |
me oh | 1434.279 | 5.081 |
[ __ ] what we ain't got enough it don't | 1436.88 | 3.919 |
matter if we go back we not enough we | 1439.36 | 2.919 |
going to lose well we're going to die no | 1440.799 | 3.0 |
matter what but we can at least say hi | 1442.279 | 4.64 |
to oh [ __ ] I understand that reasoning | 1443.799 | 5.681 |
okay what you don't want to leave you | 1446.919 | 5.921 |
don't want to leave I to | 1449.48 | 7.48 |
get guys damn it I can't see anybody | 1452.84 | 7.16 |
anymore where' y'all find a | 1456.96 | 6.36 |
ladder here it is | 1460.0 | 6.039 |
uh did you say there it is yep the | 1463.32 | 4.599 |
ladder oh wait did I just jump down down | 1466.039 | 2.681 |
the | 1467.919 | 3.76 |
ladder okay oh [ __ ] the fact that you | 1468.72 | 5.679 |
could hear me yep I have a big light on | 1471.679 | 4.48 |
me don't see a light | 1474.399 | 6.081 |
bulb oh no no no he yeah you're getting | 1476.159 | 6.481 |
quieter here's the wall I'm going to | 1480.48 | 4.48 |
back to the wall and just head this way | 1482.64 | 4.68 |
all right you're getting loud okay hold | 1484.96 | 5.28 |
on [ __ ] oh you're very you don't see a | 1487.32 | 5.68 |
light I'm carrying a giant light see my | 1490.24 | 4.799 |
shadow up against a | 1493.0 | 6.48 |
rock it's 817 uh oh boy that's a problem | 1495.039 | 6.88 |
all right follow my voice okay oh see | 1499.48 | 4.6 |
you there you go gotcha okay I'm going | 1501.919 | 3.921 |
go around this rock you see me stay | 1504.08 | 3.36 |
right on my back yep staying on your | 1505.84 | 3.76 |
back okay I'm just going to keep walking | 1507.44 | 6.719 |
this way I'm hoping we will hear abro or | 1509.6 | 8.88 |
Dr soon I hope so too hello hello AB | 1514.159 | 6.52 |
true can you hear | 1518.48 | 7.96 |
us hey hey we're coming yes yes yes oh | 1520.679 | 7.681 |
okay come on | 1526.44 | 4.52 |
all right awesome | 1528.36 | 5.199 |
nice uh that's two of you where's the | 1530.96 | 5.28 |
other one oh | 1533.559 | 7.36 |
[ __ ] the door yeah where's Dora I don't | 1536.24 | 7.319 |
know look there's something outside uh | 1540.919 | 5.401 |
oh it looks like d a moving no he's not | 1543.559 | 6.161 |
moving I'd say he's done is uh is is | 1546.32 | 6.4 |
that all we got that's all we got I want | 1549.72 | 5.48 |
to get more we got I know but listen we | 1552.72 | 5.319 |
got lucky we even got that if we don't | 1555.2 | 4.599 |
have enough money they going to throw us | 1558.039 | 3.64 |
in space it ain't going to matter well | 1559.799 | 4.081 |
then let's go back out | 1561.679 | 7.12 |
neees do it why why the time to do | 1563.88 | 10.679 |
that off oh God oh God sh I started it I | 1568.799 | 9.641 |
started it I started it okay we lost him | 1574.559 | 7.441 |
we lost him shut the door good God Jesus | 1578.44 | 6.0 |
shut the door yeah let's go back out | 1582.0 | 5.76 |
there neebs come on you don't go back | 1584.44 | 5.16 |
out you stay there and do | 1587.76 | 4.279 |
it we could have kept we could have went | 1589.6 | 4.76 |
back no we made the right call we made | 1592.039 | 4.681 |
the right call that's basically what I | 1594.36 | 5.96 |
was saying in the first place hey oh my | 1596.72 | 7.16 |
God that was so my shot my shot over | 1600.32 | 4.88 |
Abo's | 1603.88 | 4.279 |
shoulder with that thing coming in was | 1605.2 | 4.479 |
great | 1608.159 | 5.0 |
awesome also when I ran into the fog | 1609.679 | 5.6 |
like I died immediately from that one of | 1613.159 | 3.441 |
those | 1615.279 | 3.76 |
immediately meet the prophet yeah let's | 1616.6 | 5.04 |
go see what we | 1619.039 | 2.601 |
made okay I don't think it's everybody | 1622.279 | 3.88 |
grab something I don't think it's going | 1624.84 | 2.28 |
to be | 1626.159 | 3.841 |
enough something something tells me | 1627.12 | 5.76 |
steering wheel e mug all right oh okay I | 1630.0 | 6.76 |
was going to go landing | 1632.88 | 3.88 |
okay okay might be the best we've done | 1637.24 | 5.88 |
though huh no and only two | 1640.039 | 5.721 |
days we've made more money than this no | 1643.12 | 4.96 |
this this was a | 1645.76 | 4.68 |
in uh how bad someone can be at this | 1648.08 | 4.4 |
game I'm curious though about how much | 1650.44 | 3.76 |
money we're going to make off for us | 1652.48 | 3.64 |
though for us we're we're we're it's | 1654.2 | 4.56 |
going to make 60 bucks if we're lucky | 1656.12 | 6.32 |
that coffee mug is valued at 30 bucks | 1658.76 | 5.88 |
almost the steering wheel is about 30 | 1662.44 | 6.16 |
bucks too wow and we don't know the | 1664.64 | 7.68 |
value of the uh the light going ring it | 1668.6 | 5.52 |
yeah ring it oh so we might actually | 1672.32 | 4.4 |
ring it's possible we're not going to | 1674.12 | 4.799 |
it's not hey from the the freaking mug | 1676.72 | 5.12 |
is 30 bucks that's kind of shocking okay | 1678.919 | 5.161 |
so everything without the other thing is | 1681.84 | 3.959 |
like 50 bucks there's no way that | 1684.08 | 5.079 |
thing's worth a 100 no it hasn't been no | 1685.799 | 5.161 |
it | 1689.159 | 3.4 |
wasn't | 1690.96 | 5.92 |
hey to the oh my God hey 135 wait did we | 1692.559 | 6.48 |
that's what we needed right no wait what | 1696.88 | 5.159 |
just look I thought we needed 130 that's | 1699.039 | 6.76 |
what we needed hey we did it hey wo oh | 1702.039 | 6.321 |
my God we did it hey | 1705.799 | 4.72 |
one day | 1708.36 | 5.0 |
yes take it you | 1710.519 | 6.321 |
see I you | 1713.36 | 10.4 |
wow wow we're the comeback kids baby we | 1716.84 | 6.92 |
[Music] | 1725.6 | 13.799 |
are | 1736.399 | 3.0 |
[Music] | 1739.94 | 5.369 |
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If anyone has any fan art they would like to submit, a post idea or promotional content for the crew just reach out and let me know! This is community supported so feel free to get involved if you love Neebs Gaming half as much as I do!

The Game
You definitely should check it out
Lethal Company is an absolute blast! I've been watching Neebs Gaming play it on their channel and I'm hooked. The gameplay looks intense yet super fun - it reminds me of the thrill of playing an immersive shooter but with way more laughs thanks to the Neebs crew's hilarious commentary.
The cinematic style of Neebs' videos really pulls you into the action too. It's shot and edited like a movie, with great camera angles and dramatic background music. When Thick44 takes a headshot or Appsro screams as he's chased by zombies, I feel like I'm right there with them! It's the next best thing to playing Lethal Company yourself.
And that's the beauty of Neebs Gaming - they take you on an entertaining journey through these games. Sure I could play Lethal Company on my own, but it wouldn't be nearly as fun without the gang's jokes, screams, and camaraderie. That's what makes their content so special.
So if you're looking for an amazing gameplay experience peppered with chaotic cinematic moments and nonstop laughs, check out Neebs Gaming's Lethal Company series. It's scary, exciting, and hilarious - everything you could want in a zombie apocalypse adventure! I can't wait to see what sort of trouble the guys get into next. However it goes down, I know it'll be a blast to watch!