5 Old Men Try to Play Minecraft with Raytracing (Ep 1)
Neebs Gaming
neebs: Hey guys, welcome back to another episode of Old Men Try to Play Minecraft with Raytracing! I'm Neebs, and I'm here with my buddies Simon and Appsro. This is definitely my favorite video because watching us struggle with long, dark nights is just too funny!
simon: Oh yeah, Neebs, this video is a classic! I mean, who knew that five old dudes could be so bad at Minecraft? But hey, at least we have each other to laugh at, right?
appsro: Haha, you guys crack me up! I love how we always manage to mess things up in the most hilarious ways possible. And let's not forget the epic soundtrack that accompanies our Minecraft adventures, it's pure gold!
neebs: That's right, Appsro! And don't forget about the raytracing, making our Minecraft world look so fancy and realistic. I can't wait to see what other shenanigans we get into in the next episode!

This video comes straight from the Neebs Gaming YouTube channel.
Hey there, fellow Neebs Gaming fans! Can you believe it's been five whole years since the first Minecraft series started? Well, guess what? The guys are finally back in Minecraft! I am so excited to see how much they remember and how they cope with those long, dark nights in the game. It's going to be epic!
And hey, did you know that Neebs Gaming is powered by Xidax PCs? If you want a gaming setup like theirs, be sure to check them out at the link provided. Oh, and if you want to copy their mod setup, they've got a tutorial video for that too! How cool is that?
Don't forget to join their Discord server and grab some Neebs Gaming Coffee while you're at it. And if you want to support the channel even more, there's always their Patreon page. Plus, you can catch them live on Twitch and get your hands on some awesome Neebs Gaming merchandise. They've got it all covered!
Now, let's talk about the music in the video. From "Clenched Teeth" to "The Heist," the soundtrack really sets the mood for their Minecraft adventures. And let's not forget those hilarious moments that only Neebs, Simon, Doraleous, and the gang can deliver. I can't wait to see what shenanigans they get into this time around.
So, grab some snacks, settle in, and get ready for some quality Minecraft content from your favorite gaming channel. Thanks for watching and supporting Neebs Gaming.

Caption | Start | Duration |
[Music] | 0.05 | 4.67 |
[Music] | 12.54 | 3.13 |
move over PewDiePie | 17.09 | 4.599 |
move over jacksepticeye they're not | 19.289 | 4.65 |
watching this though so double we're | 21.689 | 4.141 |
just still telling them to look out yeah | 23.939 | 5.58 |
here we come whoa watch it no listen I'm | 25.83 | 6.15 |
actually very excited about this it | 29.519 | 4.351 |
looks great cuz yeah look at this are | 31.98 | 4.53 |
the glorious editor ADA hop has | 33.87 | 5.55 |
installed these wonderful mods like come | 36.51 | 5.4 |
here follow me guys check this out you | 39.42 | 3.72 |
didn't paint the inside of your legs | 41.91 | 5.1 |
today haha like you're wearing like | 43.14 | 11.55 |
buttless chaps hey we're gonna show off | 47.01 | 9.389 |
a little bit of what this the shader can | 54.69 | 4.86 |
do follow me boys I hear some spiders | 56.399 | 5.371 |
and zombies around but that's okay check | 59.55 | 5.009 |
this out look how shut it this is can we | 61.77 | 4.23 |
start surviving yep | 64.559 | 3.661 |
come on yeah yeah yeah wow this is gonna | 66.0 | 5.51 |
be the start of a fun adventure | 68.22 | 3.29 |
[Music] | 72.88 | 25.919 |
good lord look at the flowers we need to | 95.399 | 6.04 |
at least establish our first night place | 98.799 | 4.621 |
well I mean we could be in the flower | 101.439 | 4.171 |
field the first night one is night come | 103.42 | 10.769 |
when the Sun Goes Down sign I know how | 105.61 | 9.66 |
long it's gonna take | 114.189 | 2.43 |
because do we already need to start | 115.27 | 3.48 |
settling like building something on the | 116.619 | 3.511 |
edge of the woods by the water over | 118.75 | 3.39 |
yonder yeah look at these trees these | 120.13 | 4.44 |
trees look awesome alright let's get out | 122.14 | 4.319 |
here get to it let's take a field and | 124.57 | 4.889 |
then say okay here alright pick it up | 126.459 | 4.381 |
field yeah come on give him this way | 129.459 | 3.03 |
come this way guys I know I said that | 130.84 | 2.97 |
earlier but I just want to see it looks | 132.489 | 2.671 |
kind of a little flatter out here a | 133.81 | 5.64 |
little nicer oh yeah I see pigs I see | 135.16 | 10.799 |
trees that's what I'm talking on the top | 139.45 | 8.22 |
over there what do you guys think about | 145.959 | 5.821 |
this spot beautiful alright good spot | 147.67 | 5.37 |
for a starter all right let's start | 151.78 | 2.9 |
chopping wood | 153.04 | 13.05 |
[Music] | 154.68 | 14.479 |
[Applause] | 166.09 | 3.069 |
noobs yeah men how's your home going you | 170.0 | 5.89 |
know would home rock floor would home | 173.16 | 4.5 |
rock flora trying to do that yeah are | 175.89 | 2.73 |
you doing something fancy I'm just | 177.66 | 2.82 |
building me a mud hut yep I was gonna do | 178.62 | 3.66 |
that and I was like well might not be | 180.48 | 4.95 |
here for a little bit yeah well I mean | 182.28 | 5.76 |
if it's like in two days you know might | 185.43 | 4.29 |
as well be comfortable yeah no listen | 188.04 | 3.18 |
you're not wrong we're here for a little | 189.72 | 1.71 |
bit | 191.22 | 1.95 |
uh-huh but I don't want to leave here | 191.43 | 3.21 |
long but they I mean I'm gonna make a | 193.17 | 3.72 |
good-looking mud hat though yeah someone | 194.64 | 5.85 |
should keep an eye on Simon huh I don't | 196.89 | 4.77 |
know if I want him around me too much | 200.49 | 2.88 |
too much but uh where is he | 201.66 | 3.15 |
there's a hole over here in front of my | 203.37 | 5.73 |
house okay yeah up summons in it what | 204.81 | 5.82 |
are you doing Simon what does it look | 209.1 | 3.39 |
like I'm doing he's gonna live in a hole | 210.63 | 5.55 |
no I was told that I was told that uh | 212.49 | 7.71 |
you know what a stone look like it's | 216.18 | 7.29 |
gray all right and it's a gray square | 220.2 | 4.98 |
huh I mean you went to go a lot deeper | 223.47 | 3.12 |
hi Simon | 225.18 | 3.09 |
hey how are ya don't forget you got to | 226.59 | 4.05 |
come back out of there it's a gray yeah | 228.27 | 4.8 |
how do I know I don't I get to know if I | 230.64 | 5.55 |
if I have I see a gray box but I don't | 233.07 | 5.79 |
know if that's stone and it only had it | 236.19 | 4.71 |
doesn't have a number on top of it in | 238.86 | 5.04 |
your inventory yeah if you give a toy | 240.9 | 6.18 |
like that hover over it sand uh-huh | 243.9 | 6.03 |
that's sand yeah so I don't have any | 247.08 | 5.46 |
stone no no what's so many you told me | 249.93 | 4.38 |
what he's like I you just dig down a | 252.54 | 4.009 |
couple dirt you find stone no problem | 254.31 | 4.679 |
look I'll usually here there's stone | 256.549 | 3.94 |
right there I know just that one right | 258.989 | 3.091 |
well I mean if you keep digging there's | 260.489 | 3.541 |
a whole bunch of me he goes he goes just | 262.08 | 3.57 |
take down one or two you're gonna find | 264.03 | 3.45 |
it no problem usually I got one right | 265.65 | 2.25 |
here | 267.48 | 2.37 |
you like like yeah you picked a bad | 267.9 | 4.53 |
place that's what that's the story of my | 269.85 | 6.27 |
life I picked a bad place can't wait to | 272.43 | 6.36 |
see the movie picked a bad game so I | 276.12 | 7.25 |
picked already regret Nick | 278.79 | 7.129 |
don't hang in there buddy yeah you got | 283.37 | 4.91 |
this we love you yeah | 285.919 | 4.231 |
careless what are you doing right here | 288.28 | 3.4 |
oh yeah you building right there huh | 290.15 | 4.049 |
yeah it's a subdivision okay though all | 291.68 | 5.1 |
right yeah okay I ran out of that anyway | 294.199 | 4.801 |
it's time tons of room | 296.78 | 3.66 |
oh well it's gonna look like garbage but | 299.0 | 5.94 |
temporary Hey what help my freakin | 300.44 | 7.14 |
pickaxe go hey break and it just | 304.94 | 6.57 |
disappears yep done all these games work | 307.58 | 9.03 |
that way come on no no not all games and | 311.51 | 7.56 |
you repair them doraleous okay you | 316.61 | 5.61 |
repair them all games you can repair | 319.07 | 4.62 |
them before they break when they break | 322.22 | 2.79 |
all the way you have to make a new one | 323.69 | 4.65 |
fine I'm really glad that I told you | 325.01 | 12.75 |
that I'm yelling from near a cave that's | 328.34 | 11.34 |
got some resources if you're interested | 337.76 | 3.719 |
what direction you and Bubba turn | 339.68 | 12.0 |
directly around like you're six there | 341.479 | 13.741 |
Cole yes I want resources Oh daddy meets | 351.68 | 5.94 |
Cole oh yeah I'm gonna be a cold daddy | 355.22 | 4.5 |
who's daddy Cole daddy | 357.62 | 17.43 |
oh wait pigweed we need food so much has | 359.72 | 16.89 |
been passed yes | 375.05 | 3.48 |
speaking of torches I put some torches | 376.61 | 3.75 |
down here so we have decent amount of | 378.53 | 3.389 |
light oh that's why I need the coal baby | 380.36 | 3.6 |
I feel so far from home already | 381.919 | 4.5 |
oh it's not that bad I'm so scared oh | 383.96 | 4.26 |
let's see where where is the coal | 386.419 | 4.111 |
where's the coke thick oh it's easy yeah | 388.22 | 11.04 |
I got some coal in here oh yeah that's | 390.53 | 11.49 |
cold see Cole daddy you are cold daddy | 399.26 | 7.1 |
look old daddy Jones pulled daddy yep | 402.02 | 6.75 |
Cole's a good resource to have it yeah | 406.36 | 5.26 |
we also need we need pigs we need food | 408.77 | 5.459 |
because my food is already like halfway | 411.62 | 5.43 |
down oh my foods great and I've been | 414.229 | 4.44 |
doing stuff so what the hell you've been | 417.05 | 3.39 |
doing I'm doing pigs and eating their | 418.669 | 9.9 |
food later guys great names hello do you | 420.44 | 11.909 |
make a bed yet no hmm okay I mean a bed | 428.569 | 5.871 |
is only gonna be useful if we want to | 432.349 | 4.561 |
give me a night right well it's gonna be | 434.44 | 3.879 |
night eventually at night yeah but don't | 436.91 | 4.11 |
you want to see your first night yeah | 438.319 | 6.541 |
yes I guess hey I brought you some coal | 441.02 | 5.94 |
oh you did awesome that's a good gift | 444.86 | 4.11 |
that's all of you yeah I went to the | 446.96 | 4.35 |
mines got a McCole daddy Wow | 448.97 | 4.41 |
thank you that's really useful thank you | 451.31 | 3.84 |
some you know torches light the place up | 453.38 | 4.469 |
because Suns going down and look at that | 455.15 | 7.62 |
sunset oh yeah oh man I'm pretty way to | 457.849 | 8.491 |
play Minecraft hello boys hey Simon | 462.77 | 6.51 |
Simon yeah how does my face look to you | 466.34 | 4.35 |
I don't think it looks right oh no it | 469.28 | 3.12 |
looks completely wrong yeah no there's | 470.69 | 3.81 |
something definitely wrong | 472.4 | 4.05 |
I heard you talking about beds though | 474.5 | 4.02 |
and I'm really curious on what well I | 476.45 | 3.45 |
don't know if it's yet because we need a | 478.52 | 4.41 |
ton of wool for that back there but yeah | 479.9 | 4.05 |
we don't have sheers | 482.93 | 3.45 |
oh so really so what happens when we die | 483.95 | 4.38 |
again you're just random place like how | 486.38 | 4.14 |
am I gonna find my way back home when I | 488.33 | 3.87 |
die it's true yeah we must you die you | 490.52 | 3.87 |
go back to spawn where we first started | 492.2 | 5.55 |
oh man don't die no die no die even that | 494.39 | 5.79 |
guy is there a map a way for me to find | 497.75 | 4.5 |
what is it what are the coordinates in | 500.18 | 4.47 |
here what a beautiful hit f3 | 502.25 | 3.72 |
yeah let's write them on the board | 504.65 | 3.96 |
alright slap every time I did give me | 505.97 | 4.62 |
some coordinates there's a lot of | 508.61 | 5.54 |
numbers up here the next Y and a Z | 510.59 | 9.12 |
anybody X Y Z okay so X is 300 point | 514.15 | 9.46 |
nine four seven Y I believe is 69 point | 519.71 | 7.29 |
zero zero zero zero zero yeah yeah I | 523.61 | 4.83 |
don't need the anything after the | 527.0 | 6.54 |
decimal 369 233 all right Wow I'm gonna | 528.44 | 6.75 |
finish my house cuz it's coming down | 533.54 | 2.16 |
quick | 535.19 | 5.339 |
[Music] | 535.7 | 8.169 |
doraleous Simon if I want to make a | 540.529 | 4.96 |
torch | 543.869 | 4.86 |
do you have sticks and coal looks like I | 545.489 | 6.06 |
have coal and it looks like I have one | 548.729 | 4.83 |
stick grab behind you some behind it | 551.549 | 5.43 |
really [ __ ] a ruling bust out this door | 553.559 | 6.9 |
I don't have a sword a shovel oh gosh | 556.979 | 10.47 |
yeah whatever it takes you know that | 560.459 | 11.18 |
you're what I'm a monster hunter for you | 567.449 | 7.19 |
yep | 571.639 | 3.0 |
[Music] | 575.54 | 3.11 |
[Music] | 584.65 | 4.68 |
oh man okay I think this general | 598.41 | 6.6 |
vicinity I'm not even it's so dark | 602.82 | 8.43 |
oh okay okay think this way I can do | 605.01 | 6.66 |
this | 611.25 | 3.6 |
oh there's a creeper but hello I will | 611.67 | 5.43 |
not be dealing with you this evening be | 614.85 | 4.76 |
another time | 617.1 | 2.51 |
rattles hey good you're back good to | 621.23 | 19.57 |
know you can make it back you know what | 639.57 | 3.54 |
next time we should we should light the | 640.8 | 5.31 |
path back yep yep did you have stuff | 643.11 | 4.65 |
yeah get your stuff | 646.11 | 5.37 |
yep it's in my house got out of it like | 647.76 | 4.56 |
it never happened | 651.48 | 2.19 |
which I've known you guys are building | 652.32 | 3.57 |
well yeah you guys are so close I feel | 653.67 | 5.37 |
so far away but my head ah crap that's | 655.89 | 4.92 |
the two of us all right Simon watch out | 659.04 | 3.54 |
now there's a zombie right there how do | 660.81 | 5.52 |
I get my hell you are gonna eat all | 662.58 | 4.86 |
right all right | 666.33 | 3.5 |
dick has all the food my name's thick | 667.44 | 5.58 |
you start making holes see right | 669.83 | 9.61 |
oh no oh can Simon make it back how's my | 673.02 | 9.58 |
friend okay good | 679.44 | 6.34 |
death Oh God | 682.6 | 5.04 |
of course it's night where the hell am I | 685.78 | 4.14 |
going there was something he said f3 | 687.64 | 5.01 |
before wow I can't believe remember that | 689.92 | 7.05 |
I've stuff written down Oh 369 negative | 692.65 | 9.35 |
233 369 negative not even anywhere close | 696.97 | 7.74 |
know where Chloe forget it | 702.0 | 6.18 |
forget this I'm just gonna run | 704.71 | 5.91 |
doraleous was blown up by creeper | 708.18 | 6.22 |
apparently come on great guys | 710.62 | 7.74 |
did anyone hear me nobody's close to me | 714.4 | 5.25 |
right right | 718.36 | 5.1 |
damn it names hey man hey listen I've | 719.65 | 6.39 |
done this before as follow me okay I you | 723.46 | 4.71 |
know how I died how'd you do well I was | 726.04 | 3.96 |
running from some spiders and stuff ah | 728.17 | 3.84 |
humming remember where that big hole | 730.0 | 3.63 |
that Simon just dug in the middle of | 732.01 | 2.04 |
nowhere | 733.63 | 3.21 |
yeah no way out yeah fell into it and I | 734.05 | 3.75 |
was stuck in there with a bunch of | 736.84 | 9.69 |
spiders yeah you with me you with me I'm | 737.8 | 11.52 |
climbing the hill uh I lost you I'm | 746.53 | 6.44 |
beyond the hill oh yeah | 749.32 | 3.65 |
I mean just where were you | 753.49 | 4.68 |
[Music] | 756.13 | 6.61 |
I'm on top of a hill yeah okay okay | 758.17 | 7.85 |
[Music] | 762.74 | 11.29 |
yeah man yeah hiding up on the roof | 766.02 | 8.01 |
[Music] | 778.79 | 3.29 |
Oh God can you guys cut all they get | 797.64 | 5.15 |
[Laughter] | 812.21 | 11.77 |
guys guys follow the whole time hey so | 829.279 | 8.411 |
I'm aware the Hillary I let the whole | 836.16 | 4.2 |
brain sucker oh god I can't really stop | 837.69 | 4.139 |
here oh my god yeah there's all these | 840.36 | 3.9 |
zombies okay good this is where I am oh | 841.829 | 3.661 |
they're gonna I hope they don't fall | 844.26 | 7.62 |
right hi okay well stay safe I'll come | 845.49 | 8.37 |
back I can't stop I don't want to get in | 851.88 | 3.81 |
the hole right now but come back like a | 853.86 | 3.36 |
man good I know where you are I'll | 855.69 | 3.329 |
remember stuff I'll remember stay alive | 857.22 | 2.91 |
lose them | 859.019 | 2.611 |
I did they're in the water now there | 860.13 | 2.91 |
they take forever to get over they come | 861.63 | 3.39 |
back and help me | 863.04 | 4.08 |
got you I'm scared in the hole don't be | 865.02 | 5.28 |
that's your natural environment hasn't | 867.12 | 4.83 |
been here I've been here in a while | 870.3 | 20.13 |
I'm little scared Oh oooh village I'm | 871.95 | 20.7 |
very slow one heart can I get to the | 890.43 | 4.65 |
village because I don't have to remember | 892.65 | 6.72 |
where Simon was cuz he died again okay | 895.08 | 8.28 |
hello friend oh that was bleep er let's | 899.37 | 5.55 |
see okay okay | 903.36 | 7.49 |
and now Oh safety Oh what is this | 904.92 | 9.32 |
brewing stance | 910.85 | 3.39 |
I guess I'll stay here till morning | 914.79 | 5.09 |
sorry Simon | 916.67 | 3.21 |
got the swamp babies babes that's what | 928.46 | 5.26 |
I'm saying then they different anything | 932.1 | 3.6 |
yeah that's cool though | 933.72 | 4.59 |
you still down there uh yeah just I see | 935.7 | 4.05 |
it running around because the stuff just | 938.31 | 5.28 |
chased me all night all night all night | 939.75 | 5.73 |
have been I'm going back to my house now | 943.59 | 4.83 |
the Sun's up so yep | 945.48 | 5.13 |
mommy no I'm still open my little | 948.42 | 3.93 |
treehouse my babies I can't stand around | 950.61 | 4.2 |
and like chitchat all right I'm coming | 952.35 | 6.99 |
down I'm running someone may pass | 954.81 | 6.51 |
fantastic right oh yeah you got a swamp | 959.34 | 4.11 |
baby behind you yep yep it's run running | 961.32 | 3.81 |
like it's light but the sun's not | 963.45 | 2.76 |
technically up yet | 965.13 | 4.01 |
uh-huh Oh God run skeleton cramp Oh | 966.21 | 6.63 |
creeper frickin let's call it skeletons | 969.14 | 5.92 |
eggs take those all right okay all right | 972.84 | 3.75 |
so yeah we just follow this tree line | 975.06 | 6.33 |
uh-huh oh man nighttime it's a lot worse | 976.59 | 6.57 |
than I remember it well listen I would | 981.39 | 3.12 |
have been fine when I had my weapons but | 983.16 | 2.73 |
as soon as I fell in that hole oh yeah | 984.51 | 3.9 |
we were done over we're done so we | 985.89 | 4.83 |
really need to focus this day on finding | 988.41 | 4.47 |
metal getting ourselves like Harvard up | 990.72 | 3.9 |
and filling in Simon's holes and yep | 992.88 | 4.35 |
filling in Simon's holes tell doraleous | 994.62 | 4.59 |
about the rule the other zombie room you | 997.23 | 3.21 |
have a sound b-roll don't ya don't bring | 999.21 | 2.94 |
thousands armies in about how reasonable | 1000.44 | 3.18 |
rules I think yes | 1002.15 | 4.17 |
Simon act like we gonna make him wear a | 1003.62 | 3.96 |
seat belt or something crazy like that | 1006.32 | 2.84 |
he needs a seat belt | 1007.58 | 5.449 |
[Music] | 1009.16 | 9.31 |
safe to come out I assume Oh night but | 1013.029 | 8.62 |
now I can steal from these friendly | 1018.47 | 5.309 |
villagers seems pretty vague and what | 1021.649 | 3.63 |
does that block over there | 1023.779 | 6.06 |
what are you is this I'm gonna steal it | 1025.279 | 8.06 |
that I know and you know what was great | 1029.839 | 5.24 |
that was were pups | 1033.339 | 6.85 |
what whoa is that ha ha yeah I took | 1035.079 | 7.151 |
their stop | 1040.189 | 7.411 |
Hey oh nice hat dude yeah I might just | 1042.23 | 6.63 |
live with you guys you seem to know what | 1047.6 | 2.579 |
you're doing and you seem to have a | 1048.86 | 3.39 |
golem I saw him beating the crap out of | 1050.179 | 5.161 |
some things at night that was cool okay | 1052.25 | 4.679 |
how are you sir | 1055.34 | 6.03 |
Oh what what look at me look at me | 1056.929 | 7.021 |
what's on your face that is cool | 1061.37 | 5.309 |
I don't have any of those but I could | 1063.95 | 4.29 |
steal some from you maybe buy some | 1066.679 | 2.341 |
things from you | 1068.24 | 5.039 |
let's see you're a cartographer yes nice | 1069.02 | 7.289 |
nice dude huh | 1073.279 | 5.791 |
I agree and have a pleasant power | 1076.309 | 5.691 |
yourself | 1079.07 | 2.93 |
oh okay | 1082.17 | 7.44 |
looking at this wonderful wonderful | 1086.97 | 4.95 |
screen here just gonna try to get the | 1089.61 | 5.1 |
300 that's all I need just gonna try to | 1091.92 | 4.32 |
get the 300 I don't like these new | 1094.71 | 8.01 |
buttons oh okay getting close if I make | 1096.24 | 9.66 |
my way back home I'll be very proud of | 1102.72 | 4.22 |
myself | 1105.9 | 5.58 |
hello somebody should be able to hear me | 1106.94 | 7.24 |
I should be so close that somebody can | 1111.48 | 6.78 |
hear me hopefully Oh God wait a second | 1114.18 | 5.34 |
that third number is supposed to be | 1118.26 | 3.99 |
negative to something how do I get that | 1119.52 | 6.15 |
to be this looks like it's hello I'm | 1122.25 | 6.24 |
just gonna live here maybe I'll just do | 1125.67 | 10.14 |
that yeah oh my god oh my god | 1128.49 | 11.34 |
I just ran for like ten minutes | 1135.81 | 6.71 |
and it came back to the same village | 1139.83 | 6.87 |
this is like Twilight Zone crap oh my | 1142.52 | 9.27 |
god am I here forever witch | 1146.7 | 10.47 |
okay I was they do have fine watermelon | 1151.79 | 7.0 |
here but they don't speak my language | 1157.17 | 6.18 |
nothing but math and that gets old | 1158.79 | 10.77 |
really quick and I want to judge them | 1163.35 | 7.53 |
they might understand each other but I | 1169.56 | 2.21 |
doubt it | 1170.88 | 8.99 |
um okay Coast coast to the right I think | 1171.77 | 12.42 |
we're gonna do this we're gonna do this | 1179.87 | 4.32 |
hey hey what's going on | 1190.59 | 5.35 |
nothing hey uh what's your metal | 1194.049 | 3.901 |
situation do you have any oh yeah hold | 1195.94 | 6.569 |
on um oh shoot in my house um I had some | 1197.95 | 7.74 |
cooking and actually my god | 1202.509 | 5.311 |
hey there's seven in there man you can | 1205.69 | 3.839 |
have them I just need a couple so we can | 1207.82 | 6.959 |
make to make shears to get wool yeah | 1209.529 | 7.71 |
this guy just he seems to like me I | 1214.779 | 4.201 |
haven't killed him hold on let's see if | 1217.239 | 3.54 |
I remember how to do this yep made some | 1218.98 | 6.059 |
shears and then now come here buddy you | 1220.779 | 7.97 |
must come up by your cut time and you | 1225.039 | 6.21 |
sweet alright listen I'm gonna go get a | 1228.749 | 4.3 |
bunch of a bunch of wool so we can make | 1231.249 | 4.68 |
beds okay I've got a bed in your house I | 1233.049 | 4.26 |
know you do I don't know if I can pick | 1235.929 | 2.911 |
that up and put it in my house you can't | 1237.309 | 2.761 |
I mean yeah you can destroy it pick it | 1238.84 | 2.789 |
up and put it over in your grave okay | 1240.07 | 3.03 |
cool all right well I'm gonna go get us | 1241.629 | 3.24 |
enough wool to make more beds because if | 1243.1 | 4.669 |
we can all sleep through the night | 1244.869 | 2.9 |
[Music] | 1249.37 | 3.07 |
at a village oh well cool hey I'm making | 1255.119 | 5.591 |
us a ton of bed you should all have beds | 1258.549 | 5.61 |
now agreed yeah except uh notice a lack | 1260.71 | 5.52 |
of complaining recently so we're missing | 1264.159 | 4.77 |
one yes we are which one is it the | 1266.23 | 7.559 |
complaining one all right yeah I'm not | 1268.929 | 9.12 |
going through no we don't need to so | 1273.789 | 6.151 |
yeah we all need to make sure we're nice | 1278.049 | 3.96 |
and defended mm-hmm so when nighttime | 1279.94 | 4.38 |
comes just uh yeah just hop in your | 1282.009 | 3.51 |
house stay cool | 1284.32 | 2.789 |
so are we doing the beds tonight or I | 1285.519 | 3.03 |
think we can't Simon doesn't have a bed | 1287.109 | 2.13 |
he's nowhere near us | 1288.549 | 3.24 |
should we try to find him or right now I | 1289.239 | 5.221 |
don't know he split up you have five | 1291.789 | 5.85 |
beds I do have five beds oh man you know | 1294.46 | 5.789 |
what I guarantee he's probably not far | 1297.639 | 4.92 |
from spawn I could like if he's in a | 1300.249 | 4.321 |
radius so sort of like ten mile radius | 1302.559 | 4.98 |
around spawn ten mile yeah probably I | 1304.57 | 4.14 |
tell what I could do I could take two | 1307.539 | 3.811 |
beds run back to spawn and just see if I | 1308.71 | 3.92 |
can find it run | 1311.35 | 3.59 |
oh boy yep all right I'm doing it now I | 1312.63 | 3.9 |
should go with you probably will grab | 1314.94 | 4.38 |
your bed ah okay hold on hey I'm coming | 1316.53 | 5.64 |
too boy okay hey good luck guys | 1319.32 | 5.97 |
I hope I see you back here at some point | 1322.17 | 5.43 |
oh yeah we better make this fast all | 1325.29 | 4.5 |
right all right thick yes you need a | 1327.6 | 3.96 |
contingency plan we can't find them we | 1329.79 | 3.42 |
have to just Perot in somewhere do you | 1331.56 | 4.23 |
have a we have stuff to make torches yes | 1333.21 | 4.95 |
I have torches I have 20 torches all | 1335.79 | 4.02 |
right so worst-case scenario we can set | 1338.16 | 3.69 |
up a place and just bunk down for the | 1339.81 | 4.41 |
night absolutely you and a furrow like | 1341.85 | 10.11 |
little Badgers get and shut the door and | 1344.22 | 13.5 |
I'm ready okay yep got an e arrow | 1351.96 | 8.13 |
permanently I haven't been shot in the | 1357.72 | 4.26 |
knee since yesterday why is that still | 1360.09 | 3.87 |
there no no got in there real good I | 1361.98 | 5.76 |
guess yeah let it heal it's been plenty | 1363.96 | 6.36 |
of time slip the skin form around it | 1367.74 | 5.13 |
vehicle story for people about how you | 1370.32 | 6.59 |
used to be an adventurer yeah | 1372.87 | 4.04 |
hopefully we'll get a staph infection I | 1377.09 | 7.42 |
forgot my bed okay well I guess it's you | 1379.73 | 7.18 |
to have good luck all right geez well | 1384.51 | 3.81 |
yeah I was you brush me with the sword | 1386.91 | 3.3 |
and the knee thing and you can | 1388.32 | 4.17 |
understand no I can't okay if it gets | 1390.21 | 4.14 |
night we'll all jump in bed yep sounds | 1392.49 | 2.46 |
good | 1394.35 | 3.63 |
good luck oh yeah Sun is going down I | 1394.95 | 4.5 |
want to live in these woods to our left | 1397.98 | 3.57 |
by the way not me come on look it looks | 1399.45 | 4.17 |
like Endor we could be a walk stick you | 1401.55 | 4.17 |
and I no I don't want to be a little | 1403.62 | 3.9 |
Ewok sand just like snuggle up against | 1405.72 | 3.57 |
each other and then one of us gets shot | 1407.52 | 5.97 |
tragically and then we're all like that | 1409.29 | 5.76 |
does sound appealing now now that you | 1413.49 | 3.06 |
put it that way come on he walks baby | 1415.05 | 2.97 |
you and me we're gonna be watched one | 1416.55 | 23.67 |
day we would know that's good I don't | 1418.02 | 24.78 |
like the fact that I can't easily get in | 1440.22 | 5.85 |
there I think I need to change that what | 1442.8 | 5.66 |
do we want to do it's getting dark a | 1446.07 | 5.46 |
little bit a little bit nervous but not | 1448.46 | 5.77 |
very nervous because I'm pretty prepared | 1451.53 | 4.11 |
what's this | 1454.23 | 4.17 |
okay that's two two of those things I | 1455.64 | 4.38 |
need to do torches but let's do this | 1458.4 | 6.99 |
before I go in are we there boom boom | 1460.02 | 6.87 |
yeah they're not the right they don't | 1465.39 | 3.75 |
match but you know what whatever good | 1466.89 | 4.26 |
enough I don't have anything to make a | 1469.14 | 5.64 |
torch do I I'm gonna be in the dark son | 1471.15 | 5.01 |
of it alright well it's gonna be a long | 1474.78 | 5.58 |
night it's gonna be a long night alright | 1476.16 | 6.84 |
but I'm prepared and I'm alive baby look | 1480.36 | 7.16 |
at that we can just check out the sky | 1483.0 | 8.07 |
that's beautiful I could enjoy this | 1487.52 | 4.8 |
tonight | 1491.07 | 7.05 |
so be good enough crap there's so much | 1492.32 | 8.29 |
stuff I don't what to do um I could try | 1498.12 | 4.799 |
to get my bed but they didn't find Simon | 1500.61 | 4.049 |
I'm just gonna be sitting in my freaking | 1502.919 | 3.6 |
bed waiting and then something gonna | 1504.659 | 4.38 |
blow me up and just relish just died so | 1506.519 | 5.601 |
there's no way he's in bed a spider | 1509.039 | 6.72 |
wrapper so much I'm moving slow moving | 1512.12 | 8.139 |
slow I can't even move fast now I know | 1515.759 | 5.79 |
it I need to get somewhere where I can | 1520.259 | 4.351 |
get my stuff back all right come on I'm | 1521.549 | 7.051 |
so slow I can't even move fast crap he's | 1524.61 | 6.689 |
not feeling well I need all my stuff | 1528.6 | 6.329 |
somewhere safe anything Oh me nope | 1531.299 | 5.73 |
might be good right now I can just get | 1534.929 | 3.901 |
this stuff in a box and then die that'd | 1537.029 | 4.631 |
be the way to go I make my food | 1538.83 | 6.05 |
it's behind me what is that creeper | 1541.66 | 9.46 |
there a creeper gonna make like a box | 1544.88 | 12.75 |
be inside to do that dang okay we're | 1551.12 | 9.66 |
going up up and over here we go there we | 1557.63 | 5.13 |
go everything goes in is there an all | 1560.78 | 9.35 |
button keep my sword die its it'll be | 1562.76 | 7.37 |
crap I took the wood out okay peep one | 1570.34 | 6.67 |
piece of coal seems to be attacking me | 1574.25 | 6.75 |
in here huh okay well that's good what's | 1577.01 | 5.39 |
going on out there | 1581.0 | 3.36 |
it's a creeper over there he's not | 1582.4 | 2.56 |
coming | 1584.36 | 3.09 |
it might be all right look at this it | 1584.96 | 3.54 |
might be all right Oh | 1587.45 | 6.18 |
bed okay sweet dreams nobody else is | 1588.5 | 9.0 |
sleeping I guess you think the others | 1593.63 | 6.51 |
are okay oh well they're not asleep we | 1597.5 | 3.72 |
know that much yep | 1600.14 | 3.09 |
wish they would go to sleep yeah I kind | 1601.22 | 3.45 |
of like this though you and I just | 1603.23 | 3.99 |
casual talking to each other yeah Oh | 1604.67 | 4.17 |
what about our a walk village one day | 1607.22 | 3.9 |
thick yeah since yeah you painted a | 1608.84 | 4.23 |
pretty good picture of that you know one | 1611.12 | 4.32 |
of us getting shot yeah that'd be nice | 1613.07 | 6.06 |
then one of us gets shot yeah the other | 1615.44 | 8.25 |
one goes that's the noise hey can I tell | 1619.13 | 5.55 |
you something sure | 1623.69 | 5.3 |
I still hate this game yeah it's great | 1624.68 | 8.369 |
can I take the night after | 1628.99 | 6.12 |
you | 1633.049 | 2.061 |
[Music] | 1637.72 | 17.7 |
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The Game
You definitely should check it out
Neebs Gaming has once again shown their mastery of cinematic storytelling and comedic timing with their latest Minecraft series. Returning to the blocky world after a five year hiatus, the crew show that their chemistry and ability to find adventure in the mundane is as strong as ever.
The first few episodes are a joy to watch as the guys bumble around, trying to remember the basics of crafting and surviving the dangers of night. Their trademark banter and hilarious reactions to jump scares from creepers and zombies make for nonstop entertainment. As they get their bearings, their big personalities shine through - Simon's manic energy, Appsro's dad-like leadership, and Thick's quiet competence balance perfectly.
As day turns to night, the crew light up the landscape with torches and campfires, turning their makeshift shelters into beacons of light and warmth against the darkness. The stunning raytracing effects make the minecraft world more beautiful and atmospheric than ever before.
While the Neebs crew has hilarious misadventures no matter the game, Minecraft is a perfect sandbox for their creativity and storytelling abilities. Whether they are building epic structures, exploring deep caves, or battling monsters, their cinematic editing and voiceover commentary make it feel like you're right there with them. Their ability to roleplay and construct ongoing narratives rivals any scripted show on television.
Watching Neebs Gaming play Minecraft is the next best thing to playing it yourself. Their infectious camaraderie and filmmaking expertise draw you into the world. You'll laugh, cry, and cheer along with their struggles and triumphs. This new series is a must-watch for any fan of gaming entertainment at its best. Neebs creates a cinematic masterpiece with every video.