We Got a DEMON HORSE! - Conan Exiles
Neebs Gaming

This video comes straight from the Neebs Gaming YouTube channel.
Hey guys, have you checked out the latest episode of Neebs Gaming's Conan Exiles series? If not, you are seriously missing out! In this episode, it's demon horse day - how epic does that sound? And if that wasn't cool enough, get ready for some intense pirate battles and the drama of two resorts competing against each other. I mean, who doesn't love a good resort rivalry, am I right?
If you're a die-hard fan of Neebs Gaming like me, you know that their content is always top-notch. The banter between the guys, the hilarious situations they find themselves in, and the epic adventures they go on never fail to entertain. And this episode is no exception. Plus, who wouldn't want to see demon horses and pirates in the same video? It's like a dream come true for any fan of the channel.
And hey, have you seen their resort merch? I mean, I definitely need to get my hands on some of that. It's the perfect way to show off your love for Neebs Gaming and support the guys at the same time. And let's not forget about their coffee - Neebs Gaming Coffee sounds like the perfect way to start your day while watching their videos.
So, if you're a fan of Conan Exiles, Neebs Gaming, or just love a good adventure, make sure to check out this episode. Trust me, you won't be disappointed. And don't forget to hit that subscribe button, join their Patreon, and follow them on all their socials. Because if you love gaming content that's both entertaining and hilarious, Neebs Gaming is where it's at. Happy gaming, friends!

Caption | Start | Duration |
all right Dora I'm thinking right here | 5.72 | 7.079 |
what's there boom Oh this is a circle of | 8.559 | 6.601 |
power uh-huh and I don't know what it | 12.799 | 4.081 |
does I just know I had enough stuff to | 15.16 | 3.36 |
make it I just know the last time you | 16.88 | 5.239 |
did that Darkness thing that was | 18.52 | 7.04 |
weird hold on what hold on what | 22.119 | 6.841 |
seriously all right let's see if this | 25.56 | 5.959 |
works | 28.96 | 6.72 |
oh ooh | 31.519 | 4.161 |
okay oh my | 36.0 | 5.8 |
God what it's a Damon horse boy I I feel | 38.559 | 6.081 |
like you're going down a a pretty rough | 41.8 | 6.96 |
path oo look look at me oh man I got a | 44.64 | 7.919 |
demon horse God stares through your | 48.76 | 6.56 |
soul it's his is not comfortable to ride | 52.559 | 4.601 |
on it's very hot I'll bet I'll bet like | 55.32 | 3.239 |
I got a steaming little muff going on | 57.16 | 4.76 |
you know what I mean no | 58.559 | 3.361 |
[Music] | 67.87 | 3.549 |
all right what we got today hello | 81.68 | 6.16 |
anybody okay here we go what we looking | 85.64 | 4.439 |
at I'm looking for some skilled workers | 87.84 | 4.16 |
like what are you hold on a second oh | 90.079 | 4.68 |
skilled workers are you looking for | 92.0 | 5.32 |
hello oh my God oh my God yep careful | 94.759 | 4.601 |
wow what kind of wa these guys are | 97.32 | 4.4 |
skilled workers these guys are skilled | 99.36 | 4.0 |
they swing hammers around and they wear | 101.72 | 3.96 |
loin cloths you know it baby how's it | 103.36 | 3.759 |
going over here nebs I just got to | 105.68 | 3.039 |
change something in my settings there we | 107.119 | 3.96 |
go and resume whoa here we goes now I | 108.719 | 4.04 |
can tell here don't worry I have someone | 111.079 | 4.36 |
who can help us Archer Archer my own | 112.759 | 4.64 |
skilled worker will get him attack | 115.439 | 3.481 |
fighter actually yeah these guys are | 117.399 | 2.961 |
more your speed | 118.92 | 2.839 |
none of these guys are skilled get them | 120.36 | 4.0 |
buddy I'll be in the cave okay I just | 121.759 | 4.481 |
wanted to show you my high class of | 124.36 | 5.319 |
workers over at sandalis oh yeah you | 126.24 | 5.96 |
have any like Engineers or scientists or | 129.679 | 5.001 |
things like that no but I have a corpse | 132.2 | 5.28 |
okay oh god well look I strengthen | 134.68 | 5.04 |
numbers neebs I have like 30 people over | 137.48 | 6.839 |
there now maybe 40 maybe 50 working hard | 139.72 | 6.08 |
I don't think you understand what I'm | 144.319 | 3.881 |
after I'm after skilled workers and I | 145.8 | 4.96 |
think you're a [ __ ] corporate hey do | 148.2 | 4.64 |
you do you drive a car do you have a air | 150.76 | 4.0 |
condition in your house I do do you want | 152.84 | 4.16 |
a th000 people building you a I don't | 154.76 | 4.839 |
know a little paper fan or do you want a | 157.0 | 4.879 |
AC and a car neebs you realize you're | 159.599 | 3.72 |
the villain in this right you're you're | 161.879 | 3.401 |
afraid of change you're the villain who | 163.319 | 4.121 |
comes in with their fancy Tech and their | 165.28 | 4.72 |
gear and then I'm the guy who does it | 167.44 | 5.079 |
the Homegrown way unskilled worker here | 170.0 | 4.84 |
Anthony will take you exactly yeah send | 172.519 | 4.841 |
him my way I believe in his potential | 174.84 | 4.2 |
anyone can be anything they want didn't | 177.36 | 3.799 |
you go to public school okay I got a | 179.04 | 6.04 |
carpenter now we're talking and ooh I I | 181.159 | 5.681 |
like whatever this is she's so SK I | 185.08 | 3.719 |
don't even know what she is okay how's | 186.84 | 3.8 |
it going with that Archer out there | 188.799 | 5.041 |
everyone's dead yep including my guy | 190.64 | 6.12 |
everyone oh boy okay don't come in here | 193.84 | 4.759 |
killing anything okay cuz I'm working | 196.76 | 3.08 |
okay I guess I'll just stand out here | 198.599 | 3.56 |
and do nothing no this sounds fun this | 199.84 | 6.0 |
is great yeah how sandal is going just | 202.159 | 5.841 |
it's going well we have a we have a nice | 205.84 | 4.479 |
like hedge uh entrance way that we're | 208.0 | 4.56 |
building you know at least six or seven | 210.319 | 4.12 |
workers all making sure things are nice | 212.56 | 4.52 |
and uhhuh you know clean okay we're | 214.439 | 4.0 |
expanding we're in the middle of an | 217.08 | 3.239 |
expansion right now but I'm currently | 218.439 | 4.681 |
recruiting a very specialized person I | 220.319 | 4.28 |
don't know what she does but it seems | 223.12 | 3.399 |
really cool for what your little | 224.599 | 4.601 |
platform over there yeah sure it doesn't | 226.519 | 5.401 |
even have a roof come out come out my | 229.2 | 5.039 |
people have roofs yeah it's a work in | 231.92 | 4.64 |
progress It's getting better EES I think | 234.239 | 4.08 |
you need help honest obviously you have | 236.56 | 3.239 |
no idea what you're doing what what do | 238.319 | 4.2 |
you mean look at you you're going in | 239.799 | 4.08 |
caves just beating people up you don't | 242.519 | 3.0 |
even have a roof for them to go to this | 243.879 | 3.401 |
is where the good people are yeah but | 245.519 | 3.761 |
good people deserve good amenities this | 247.28 | 4.159 |
is like a Hilton without a pool I | 249.28 | 3.679 |
understand mine's the days in but | 251.439 | 3.281 |
there's no Hilton without pools well you | 252.959 | 3.56 |
look at yours the point is you're trying | 254.72 | 3.68 |
to have a high class dump man what is | 256.519 | 4.041 |
this Archer doing up here good God | 258.4 | 4.16 |
Almighty I thought Anthony I thought you | 260.56 | 4.04 |
were taking these people they had no | 262.56 | 4.4 |
skills I'm good I only take people from | 264.6 | 4.68 |
the south side of town all right now | 266.96 | 6.56 |
listen I got this person who is a temper | 269.28 | 7.32 |
Smith wow what's a temper Smith you're | 273.52 | 4.959 |
high class you should know is it like | 276.6 | 4.28 |
temperature smithing yeah he might work | 278.479 | 4.481 |
on AC there we | 280.88 | 5.039 |
go this this thing seems like I wouldn't | 282.96 | 4.48 |
be able to take him in the water it | 285.919 | 4.481 |
would definitely seem that that that way | 287.44 | 5.599 |
okay I'm going to go in slow | 290.4 | 4.519 |
yeah | 293.039 | 5.241 |
o oh no no no he seems to do okay just | 294.919 | 6.441 |
fine huh yeah huh do this help yeah | 298.28 | 6.12 |
Health looks good I'd love to see um The | 301.36 | 5.96 |
Offspring of these two a combination | 304.4 | 5.04 |
might be lovely yeah what was yours | 307.32 | 4.04 |
cream pie pie I got to figure out what | 309.44 | 6.36 |
to name this guy crusty Crusty's not bad | 311.36 | 6.04 |
when he's swimming he kind of sizzles | 315.8 | 3.48 |
could name him Sizzle yeah all right I | 317.4 | 3.2 |
got options I got to think about | 319.28 | 2.6 |
something he needs a permanent name I | 320.6 | 2.64 |
tell you Bean's going to be jealous been | 321.88 | 2.68 |
riding around with Bean so long I kind | 323.24 | 3.12 |
of feel bad oh you haven't addressed | 324.56 | 4.72 |
this with Bean no no yeah I'm going to | 326.36 | 6.399 |
have treat being real nice okay well | 329.28 | 6.199 |
what I figure we'd do is uh I need to | 332.759 | 5.201 |
make something called an alchemical base | 335.479 | 5.081 |
uh-huh and in order to do that whoa | 337.96 | 5.64 |
whoo what's that move what the are you | 340.56 | 4.84 |
attacking me what just happened it's | 343.6 | 4.96 |
attacking me why cuz it's evil it's pure | 345.4 | 5.6 |
evil hey is it attacking you yeah it's | 348.56 | 5.8 |
attacking me okay no more of those what | 351.0 | 5.12 |
I don't understand get away you get away | 354.36 | 4.24 |
from cream pie right now you get away | 356.12 | 4.44 |
use your magic you freaking demon | 358.6 | 3.76 |
sorcerer hey calm down calm down calm | 360.56 | 2.84 |
down calm | 362.36 | 4.559 |
down that's how you get your pets a bad | 363.4 | 5.88 |
it's a bad damn horse a really bad | 366.919 | 6.4 |
horse like that Satan spawn horse well | 369.28 | 6.44 |
there's a price to pay for dark magic | 373.319 | 5.361 |
huh yeah no just got to learn to tame it | 375.72 | 5.68 |
hey calm down calm down if you were to | 378.68 | 6.919 |
do it again I Y or nay I'd say | 381.4 | 6.68 |
nay cuz it's a horse yeah but you're | 385.599 | 6.241 |
right oh oh wow he kicks I didn't expect | 388.08 | 5.679 |
this today no I didn't either I thought | 391.84 | 3.799 |
it was going to be a cool evil horse not | 393.759 | 3.961 |
a [ __ ] or Bean's going to get extra | 395.639 | 4.241 |
treats oh man be I'm going to feed this | 397.72 | 3.8 |
guy to Bean she's not even going to know | 399.88 | 3.12 |
don't feed that to Bean I'm going to | 401.52 | 4.079 |
feed my do not feed that to be crusty | 403.0 | 5.0 |
horse to Bean man what a it's like a | 405.599 | 4.481 |
boss fight I know she's got one the help | 408.0 | 3.96 |
pool come on come on these are still | 410.08 | 4.04 |
weapons these are good uhhuh it stop it | 411.96 | 6.239 |
stop it ooh don't you kick it me B and | 414.12 | 6.759 |
food oh | 418.199 | 4.761 |
there's a bad damn horse yeah it's a bad | 420.879 | 3.44 |
horse there a bad horse what do I get | 422.96 | 3.2 |
for chopping it up you what I had to use | 424.319 | 4.56 |
to make you I don't know oh I got a | 426.16 | 5.719 |
horse carcass perfect what the hell | 428.879 | 6.72 |
seriously hell is Hell the carcass of a | 431.879 | 5.681 |
horse yeah what the hell could I do with | 435.599 | 3.6 |
that I don't know I wouldn't say that | 437.56 | 3.919 |
was a horse though H damn I have to make | 439.199 | 5.161 |
another one no | 441.479 | 2.881 |
rabbit what are you doing Anthony H just | 445.08 | 5.399 |
relaxing in the shade okay you know it's | 447.8 | 4.679 |
not that hard to just put up a roof in | 450.479 | 4.12 |
this hot sun what about your Resort oh | 452.479 | 3.921 |
they're fine they have a nice roof over | 454.599 | 3.561 |
their head food they're they're they're | 456.4 | 3.72 |
living it up I see you've uh taken care | 458.16 | 4.28 |
of Anthony as a bad dad he's alive you | 460.12 | 4.0 |
know if that's taken care of him yeah | 462.44 | 3.64 |
okay I think parents usually strive for | 464.12 | 4.44 |
more than that but it's a horse okay he | 466.08 | 4.64 |
looks healthy yeah I know I feed him I | 468.56 | 4.479 |
take care of him all right unlike your | 470.72 | 5.039 |
one person you have one person yeah I | 473.039 | 5.28 |
think uh I think she's good at like I | 475.759 | 4.201 |
don't know maybe black Smith table or | 478.319 | 3.72 |
anything like that we're going to see | 479.96 | 3.919 |
okay yeah but look I've already planted | 482.039 | 3.961 |
some plants I'm going to put some shade | 483.879 | 3.921 |
probably have some chairs and maybe oh | 486.0 | 3.8 |
you're you're planning on shade yeah | 487.8 | 3.239 |
okay that's that's a nice thought yeah | 489.8 | 2.92 |
they'll be shade I mean I prioritized | 491.039 | 3.041 |
that but you know whatever got to make | 492.72 | 3.0 |
sure they get to work first yep so I'm | 494.08 | 3.2 |
going to probably head back to the uh | 495.72 | 3.479 |
the original base and grab some supplies | 497.28 | 4.24 |
I want to put some bushes up like some | 499.199 | 4.28 |
some Hedges oh yeah I already have those | 501.52 | 4.119 |
yeah okay gotcha man you're really | 503.479 | 3.761 |
bitter about this whole thing you're my | 505.639 | 3.84 |
rival you're my competition I have to | 507.24 | 3.72 |
fight you yeah see that's the wrong | 509.479 | 3.04 |
that's the wrong mindset is it you | 510.96 | 3.559 |
ditched me I didn't ditch you you chose | 512.519 | 4.281 |
a location you believed in it you gave | 514.519 | 4.241 |
us all hope and then you left nobody | 516.8 | 5.239 |
there can do blacksmithing or nobody in | 518.76 | 5.279 |
America can do these jobs for the price | 522.039 | 4.48 |
we want to pay them let's go to China no | 524.039 | 5.24 |
we won't okay Yep this is oh never mind | 526.519 | 3.801 |
I'm not talking to you about this | 529.279 | 3.24 |
anymore okay yep I'm going to go back to | 530.32 | 4.68 |
my men get away from my horse there you | 532.519 | 4.201 |
go see I'm a good dad get out of here | 535.0 | 3.44 |
and I'm a good influence on you you'll | 536.72 | 3.84 |
thank me someday thank you I'll come | 538.44 | 4.519 |
visit you you'll enjoy your | 540.56 | 6.12 |
stay oo that's a mean looking Snick yeah | 542.959 | 6.641 |
that's not an issue though yeah we can | 546.68 | 4.92 |
take him right well yeah I mean it's | 549.6 | 5.04 |
just a kind of an average Snick in this | 551.6 | 4.84 |
game man I've been killing I've been | 554.64 | 3.48 |
killing crazy people left and right I | 556.44 | 3.28 |
think I can take an anaconda come on | 558.12 | 4.48 |
baby oh well okay oh well okay I don't | 559.72 | 4.32 |
want to do with my fist that's a bad | 562.6 | 4.16 |
idea all right uh yeah you don't want | 564.04 | 7.08 |
that here we go uh-huh uh-huh uh-huh | 566.76 | 4.36 |
uh oh that snake's going down yeah wow | 571.48 | 6.64 |
that's a dramatic Death Super dramatic | 575.279 | 4.881 |
all the drama with that guy oh look at | 578.12 | 3.399 |
oh man look at it twisted and rolling | 580.16 | 4.04 |
into the water oh that looks cool I lost | 581.519 | 4.88 |
I lost visual okay these Pirates are on | 584.2 | 4.56 |
the uh the eastern coast we got a ways | 586.399 | 4.521 |
to travel all right well wish you had a | 588.76 | 4.639 |
horse yeah no I'm I'm going to paying | 590.92 | 4.2 |
for that one aren't I oh that's another | 593.399 | 4.361 |
Snick do you want to fight the Snick um | 595.12 | 4.04 |
don't really get anything for fighting | 597.76 | 2.96 |
the Sni yeah why don't we pass the Snick | 599.16 | 3.119 |
yeah we'll just run right past the Sni | 600.72 | 3.799 |
and since when do we call them snicks um | 602.279 | 3.481 |
I don't know just started doing it it | 604.519 | 4.44 |
was fun yeah let's see oh hey there this | 605.76 | 6.0 |
like Amazon out here it is this is cool | 608.959 | 5.241 |
feels great yeah what the hell is that I | 611.76 | 4.519 |
see it sniffing sniff snicking okay he's | 614.2 | 3.92 |
sniffing is that a castle what am I | 616.279 | 4.081 |
looking at up here you see that up in | 618.12 | 6.32 |
the Rocks yeah uh I think neebs and | 620.36 | 6.4 |
Anthony made that oh oh this was a place | 624.44 | 3.72 |
that was getting attacked there in that | 626.76 | 3.72 |
uh that last hoard yeah I had a great | 628.16 | 4.48 |
battle here at one point really I | 630.48 | 4.68 |
remember very little of it man I guess | 632.64 | 3.72 |
I've been so focused on being a | 635.16 | 3.679 |
homemaker wait a minute is that a horse | 636.36 | 5.279 |
yeah out here take the horse I forget | 638.839 | 4.8 |
what the backstory is here oh my | 641.639 | 5.76 |
goodness y this worked out for me how | 643.639 | 6.681 |
perfect the universe said here who is | 647.399 | 5.321 |
evil person have a horse oh it's just | 650.32 | 6.519 |
horse yeah all right well boom got a | 652.72 | 7.679 |
horse there's my Resort beautiful | 656.839 | 4.961 |
beautiful ladies and gentlemen of | 660.399 | 4.041 |
candalas listen up we have a new member | 661.8 | 4.56 |
and I may have been talking this place | 664.44 | 3.68 |
up to our competition quite a bit so we | 666.36 | 3.88 |
all need to buckle down and really build | 668.12 | 3.68 |
a whole bunch of stuff because I mean | 670.24 | 3.399 |
look I didn't lie I told him we had | 671.8 | 4.159 |
Hedges but you know there's not a lot so | 673.639 | 3.88 |
get to work get building we have we have | 675.959 | 3.32 |
we competition to impress I don't even | 677.519 | 3.161 |
know why I care about his opinion I | 679.279 | 3.721 |
respect neebs even though he's been a | 680.68 | 4.24 |
horrible mean businessman lately all | 683.0 | 3.24 |
right let's build come on and don't | 684.92 | 3.039 |
worry I'll install lights soon I I know | 686.24 | 4.719 |
it's dark sorry | 687.959 | 3.0 |
you know I thought I'd be annoyed by | 695.88 | 3.04 |
this but it's kind of like white noise | 697.32 | 3.6 |
you just kind of get used to it good | 698.92 | 4.159 |
good yeah no I like it the warrior comes | 700.92 | 4.52 |
out at night and I just can't sleep I | 703.079 | 4.601 |
like it man and it it establish as our | 705.44 | 5.079 |
dominance in this area like every animal | 707.68 | 5.88 |
within like a mile radius can hear you | 710.519 | 4.721 |
yeah yeah yeah I'd join you when I'm | 713.56 | 7.399 |
tired right rest well I'm going to | 715.24 | 5.719 |
yeah yeah I can sleep yeah I'm sleeping | 721.56 | 6.56 |
to this no problem I can play this for | 724.16 | 3.96 |
hours oh man sorry you know what I was | 730.0 | 6.48 |
building bushes and I should have been H | 733.279 | 6.0 |
oh no look things are going to get | 736.48 | 4.08 |
better okay I mean I've already got | 739.279 | 2.961 |
light in bushes but you think you could | 740.56 | 3.839 |
just keep pushing that cuz I'm going to | 742.24 | 3.36 |
go over here to Anthony's little thing | 744.399 | 4.161 |
he built ah I should drop hold on I'm | 745.6 | 4.919 |
too heavy too heavy you're okay though | 748.56 | 3.519 |
right you're not going to like I'm not | 750.519 | 5.361 |
taking damage yet so Bo what is so heavy | 752.079 | 6.32 |
oh it's all this rock there we go okay | 755.88 | 4.079 |
you know what I'll hang out here with | 758.399 | 4.24 |
you as long as I can and keep you | 759.959 | 6.361 |
company yeah you're doing great look at | 762.639 | 5.961 |
that you know they say sitting sitting | 766.32 | 4.519 |
today is as bad as smoking it's good | 768.6 | 4.76 |
that we got you out here oh yeah yep | 770.839 | 3.921 |
okay you know what listen I'm going to | 773.36 | 3.12 |
head in but I'm going to get you some | 774.76 | 3.639 |
walls built before the next Sandstorm | 776.48 | 4.32 |
you're going to love love it oh boyy | 778.399 | 5.361 |
okay woo sorry I know this looks bad but | 780.8 | 4.96 |
it's going to get better okay I mean me | 783.76 | 3.4 |
sitting over here in this shelter and | 785.76 | 3.079 |
you pushing in the sandstorm definitely | 787.16 | 4.479 |
is not the look I'm going for so don't | 788.839 | 6.24 |
make any opinions yet you too free hes | 791.639 | 6.121 |
don't judge | 795.079 | 2.681 |
me all right Dora I think go PE is with | 798.839 | 6.081 |
a pirate Z yeah what are we doing again | 802.68 | 3.68 |
what what were you getting I want gold | 804.92 | 3.479 |
and silver and my thought process was | 806.36 | 4.4 |
pirate have gold and silver yeah it's | 808.399 | 7.601 |
true they they do notoriously look at | 810.76 | 5.24 |
this here B you doing great no I'm not | 816.04 | 6.12 |
there we go all right I got him I got | 819.639 | 4.2 |
him I got him oh you just walked in okay | 822.16 | 3.96 |
let me take his blood though zath loves | 823.839 | 4.0 |
that blood oh yeah now get your uh get | 826.12 | 3.519 |
your zath blood oh I cut his arm off | 827.839 | 4.12 |
look at it rolling did I get it I don't | 829.639 | 3.88 |
know if I got it I get it probably got | 831.959 | 3.921 |
it see he have anything good on him oh | 833.519 | 5.32 |
wait what you got a page of sorts h is | 835.88 | 6.84 |
it anything first mates report H oh that | 838.839 | 6.481 |
might help with Intel we were I'll look | 842.72 | 4.559 |
up to the left here wow oh yeah I | 845.32 | 3.439 |
remember this there's a bunch going on | 847.279 | 3.24 |
here oh yeah yeah there's like a pirate | 848.759 | 3.921 |
ship and like a pirate Village oh my God | 850.519 | 4.201 |
like up to the left want I kind of want | 852.68 | 4.0 |
to knock that out all right should we uh | 854.72 | 4.0 |
yeah should we climb yeah going in that | 856.68 | 3.64 |
way I like that that's sneaky right | 858.72 | 3.039 |
isn't that sneaky look at this look at | 860.32 | 3.439 |
this you and me yeah on the world | 861.759 | 4.88 |
sneaking me and a a person whose heart | 863.759 | 6.2 |
is corrupt and nice oh no I'm good now I | 866.639 | 5.161 |
hung out with a dancer oh you did yeah | 869.959 | 3.721 |
oh good prostitutes do wonders for | 871.8 | 3.959 |
corruption that's all it takes all right | 873.68 | 3.48 |
what do you think go in guns blazing | 875.759 | 2.76 |
like oh wait you know what let me put my | 877.16 | 4.32 |
helmet on yeah I'll get this guy no I | 878.519 | 4.721 |
can't come on it doesn't fit through | 881.48 | 3.76 |
there what all right yeah that's a Bull | 883.24 | 5.92 |
guns blazing yep guns blazing hey y yall | 885.24 | 6.959 |
made mistak I can't fit under | 889.16 | 5.119 |
here oh | 892.199 | 4.361 |
W oh wow there there's a lot of them | 894.279 | 5.521 |
there's a lot of them yeah y uh-oh uh-oh | 896.56 | 5.0 |
did you put a bed roll down uh didn't | 899.8 | 4.36 |
did you yeah oh that was always always | 901.56 | 5.12 |
yeah okay well good for you l oh boy | 904.16 | 5.039 |
I'll be back bed roll oh [ __ ] it's in my | 906.68 | 6.399 |
horse [ __ ] oh you you left me here oh no | 909.199 | 6.08 |
I'm here I'm here oh ous the greedy | 913.079 | 3.961 |
sorry buddy you're not fighting I got | 915.279 | 3.441 |
him I got him I got him all | 917.04 | 5.799 |
right oh no come on man well tell you | 918.72 | 5.52 |
what you stand back I'll take them there | 922.839 | 3.841 |
we go all right Jesus calm down you guys | 924.24 | 5.48 |
got anything good on you is that oh hey | 926.68 | 6.0 |
that's good that a spy fighter oh it's a | 929.72 | 6.76 |
merchant okay ignacious the greedy hello | 932.68 | 6.32 |
ignacious it needs gold coins and gold | 936.48 | 5.799 |
bars he wants a sand Reaper egg for 10 | 939.0 | 5.92 |
gold I'm not buying an egg for 10 gold | 942.279 | 5.0 |
yeah we don't want said egg yeah goodbye | 944.92 | 4.88 |
can I kill him guess not there you go | 947.279 | 4.56 |
you idiot all right come over here put a | 949.8 | 4.399 |
bed roll down I will I got to make one | 951.839 | 5.761 |
got some silver coins sweet I need | 954.199 | 5.161 |
them | 957.6 | 4.44 |
all right free H uh if anything comes at | 959.36 | 5.12 |
you you just run okay don't be a hero we | 962.04 | 4.08 |
got to get in that Brimstone I don't I | 964.48 | 2.76 |
don't like that girl out there pushing | 966.12 | 2.76 |
that Wheel by herself we need one of | 967.24 | 3.959 |
those big ones is that noise you hear | 968.88 | 4.24 |
that this lady just walked up there she | 971.199 | 5.08 |
goes this lady is walking oh I guess you | 973.12 | 5.199 |
I mean yeah I knew that come on now all | 976.279 | 3.36 |
right I'm going in for brimstone | 978.319 | 3.041 |
remember I was in here with the queen | 979.639 | 3.76 |
and there was a ton of Brimstone here | 981.36 | 3.2 |
I'll be | 983.399 | 3.8 |
back hey Dora there's a guyy down there | 984.56 | 4.88 |
doing the same dance you were doing oh | 987.199 | 4.12 |
crap look at him he's establishing | 989.44 | 4.92 |
dominance ah or just enjoying that I | 991.319 | 4.32 |
don't feel like I'm dominant it just | 994.36 | 3.68 |
feels really good do okay so it's like | 995.639 | 5.401 |
yoga kind of yeah yeah you do it for the | 998.04 | 5.919 |
exercise yeah that's what I yeah okay | 1001.04 | 5.64 |
I'm thinking we come over here we start | 1003.959 | 5.56 |
at the top and work our way down okay so | 1006.68 | 4.279 |
I mean we can take out a couple without | 1009.519 | 3.081 |
even you know what I mean I mean yeah if | 1010.959 | 3.481 |
you want to I'm I'm going in like a mad | 1012.6 | 4.52 |
man or mad lady uh-oh how do I stand | 1014.44 | 5.56 |
again there's going to be one less yep | 1017.12 | 7.319 |
maybe a Pirates Come on get that up | 1020.0 | 8.28 |
heads oh God you look right oh kushites | 1024.439 | 7.161 |
huh oh the kushites make some good weed | 1028.28 | 5.399 |
die oh | 1031.6 | 4.959 |
boy come on come on come on there's a | 1033.679 | 4.16 |
red Barrel over there I don't know if | 1036.559 | 3.161 |
it's worth shooting yeah but you know | 1037.839 | 4.48 |
how I do I do all right got one of those | 1039.72 | 6.52 |
down okay wo oh or maybe it wasn't a red | 1042.319 | 5.48 |
Barrel it was just a barrel covered in | 1046.24 | 3.52 |
blood watch out we got an Archer here oh | 1047.799 | 3.601 |
yeah oh you little son of a [ __ ] all | 1049.76 | 3.72 |
right go for it I'm going to get this | 1051.4 | 6.0 |
Blood nice yeah you get the blood Z gets | 1053.48 | 5.8 |
the blood you know what I'm saying oh | 1057.4 | 4.04 |
yeah oh what is all this stuff lots of | 1059.28 | 6.0 |
stuffs oo underwater breathing mask | 1061.44 | 7.16 |
really what that's pretty awesome yeah | 1065.28 | 5.96 |
yeah I'll take that I bet you will [ __ ] | 1068.6 | 6.959 |
yeah rare gem stone oh let's see oh is | 1071.24 | 6.679 |
this guy cool oh here we got shamala the | 1075.559 | 5.921 |
pirate Queen oh well hello pirate queen | 1077.919 | 5.88 |
I'm the new Queen in the land so don't | 1081.48 | 4.28 |
you dare screw with me and that's right | 1083.799 | 5.961 |
you kneel you kneel and you pay respects | 1085.76 | 6.36 |
that's right let's see I'll learn oh she | 1089.76 | 6.0 |
can teach me some alchemy what I I want | 1092.12 | 5.96 |
that learn sticking Alchemy all right | 1095.76 | 4.2 |
and I talk to her but I'm not going to | 1098.08 | 3.599 |
because it's boring what is this | 1099.96 | 3.44 |
Merchant sell what do you sell oh it's a | 1101.679 | 3.36 |
cat cat all right I'm going to steal | 1103.4 | 3.8 |
their cats and this is we this guy's | 1105.039 | 3.88 |
name's WEA | 1107.2 | 4.599 |
man you can buy some decent like uh oh | 1108.919 | 5.0 |
you can purchase mercenaries from this | 1111.799 | 4.681 |
guy gotta yep not going to talk to you | 1113.919 | 4.041 |
either cuz it's boring all right you | 1116.48 | 3.079 |
want to work our way uh work our way | 1117.96 | 3.68 |
down I'm after Sil and | 1119.559 | 6.641 |
gold yeah um yeah here I | 1121.64 | 4.56 |
[Music] | 1126.3 | 10.15 |
come you getting in on this uh you know | 1136.919 | 4.441 |
what are you doing we're having our | 1140.36 | 4.48 |
morning drum circle oh a oh you got it's | 1141.36 | 5.24 |
looking good | 1144.84 | 4.56 |
hey hey you guys you guys keep going you | 1146.6 | 4.04 |
guys keep going I'm going to uh I'm | 1149.4 | 2.48 |
going to go talk to this guy you keep | 1150.64 | 2.919 |
going you killing it oh man I'm liking | 1151.88 | 3.52 |
this hey we have morning activities yeah | 1153.559 | 3.761 |
we have like you know plan stru oh sorry | 1155.4 | 5.0 |
let me hey buddy what's up yep yeah | 1157.32 | 5.32 |
what's going on get it yep how long does | 1160.4 | 4.32 |
this go for um you know probably the | 1162.64 | 3.48 |
entire day or until I tell him to | 1164.72 | 4.319 |
[ __ ] stop all right well I feel like | 1166.12 | 5.16 |
you're ruining the you know the chill | 1169.039 | 3.921 |
Vibe you had going by yelling at them | 1171.28 | 3.08 |
it's a little bit of chill but you know | 1172.96 | 3.0 |
they're still slaves we want to have fun | 1174.36 | 3.28 |
but they need to know their place okay | 1175.96 | 4.48 |
listen this looks great oh thank you I | 1177.64 | 5.279 |
love it I love the entrance yeah big | 1180.44 | 4.16 |
entrance you come in it's all about the | 1182.919 | 3.561 |
presentation you know community area you | 1184.6 | 4.04 |
got a dog yeah yeah he hangs out he | 1186.48 | 4.52 |
really makes everyone happy my gosh we | 1188.64 | 3.84 |
got people working on arts and crafts | 1191.0 | 2.76 |
there's a few people back here who are | 1192.48 | 3.84 |
slacking that yelling is uh I don't love | 1193.76 | 5.0 |
the yelling after a minute you know yeah | 1196.32 | 4.64 |
all right I stopped see no you're still | 1198.76 | 4.56 |
at it okay them well that's the activity | 1200.96 | 4.68 |
you know it's like if we have morning | 1203.32 | 4.28 |
swimming in a pool gotcha they're just | 1205.64 | 3.039 |
going to Splash around in the pool you | 1207.6 | 2.559 |
don't get annoyed at the old old people | 1208.679 | 4.88 |
splashing let me guess Archer uhhuh | 1210.159 | 6.321 |
fighter are you I bet I bet these are | 1213.559 | 4.521 |
archers or Fighters huh you judging | 1216.48 | 4.28 |
everyone here just on their occupation | 1218.08 | 5.68 |
what they choose to do arer that's a | 1220.76 | 5.159 |
horrible way to dictate somebody sir | 1223.76 | 4.52 |
fighter they come here to relax Nees | 1225.919 | 4.64 |
gotcha are you ever at a well you might | 1228.28 | 4.44 |
be you might be at a you know hotel and | 1230.559 | 4.281 |
be like so what do you do I can't I | 1232.72 | 3.36 |
can't hear a word you're saying so what | 1234.84 | 3.48 |
do you do like you go to a hotel you | 1236.08 | 4.04 |
right away you're like what do you do I | 1238.32 | 3.239 |
don't go to a hotel where everyone that | 1240.12 | 3.2 |
works there's a fighter right but now | 1241.559 | 3.24 |
the people staying there these people | 1243.32 | 4.04 |
are staying here say that again these | 1244.799 | 4.441 |
people are staying here okay I'm just | 1247.36 | 3.72 |
saying I'm trying to build a hotel hey I | 1249.24 | 3.72 |
think your horse is interested in this | 1251.08 | 3.839 |
uh thing you want to get her in on this | 1252.96 | 6.0 |
oh God okay look I enjoyed the visit I | 1254.919 | 6.401 |
just I can't relax here can't what I | 1258.96 | 4.88 |
can't relax here well this is just the | 1261.32 | 4.719 |
morning it's just a temporary activity | 1263.84 | 4.04 |
that should be okay all right I'm going | 1266.039 | 6.76 |
to put my mask and get back into this | 1267.88 | 4.919 |
y'all you guys are great | 1273.76 | 7.399 |
great all right very nice let's see oh | 1277.679 | 5.961 |
what was that oh hey that's a gem oh oh | 1281.159 | 3.801 |
you that's a pretty that's a pretty good | 1283.64 | 3.519 |
mace all right probably better than what | 1284.96 | 4.319 |
I got really let me look you want to see | 1287.159 | 4.88 |
something fun usually oh that's I'm | 1289.279 | 4.201 |
taking that that's better than my piece | 1292.039 | 4.201 |
of [ __ ] oh yeah use your mace man a | 1293.48 | 4.76 |
masing a shield that'd be that'd be mean | 1296.24 | 4.08 |
okay but uh yeah look at this ready what | 1298.24 | 3.12 |
what what what what what what you're | 1300.32 | 1.8 |
going to love it you're going to love it | 1301.36 | 5.04 |
you're going to love it R what R oh oh | 1302.12 | 8.2 |
hey I got me a pig leg did you remove a | 1306.4 | 8.0 |
leg to do this uh yeah is it worth it y | 1310.32 | 7.8 |
y y it was worth it y o y wow you're | 1314.4 | 6.2 |
losing your [ __ ] man I had a good day | 1318.12 | 5.799 |
look I found this oh man this dress that | 1320.6 | 5.72 |
looks good too oh that looks I like that | 1323.919 | 3.961 |
oh yeah look now now now this is a good | 1326.32 | 4.56 |
combo here when I found these earrings | 1327.88 | 5.48 |
uhhuh let's see it's like we're we're | 1330.88 | 4.679 |
shopping day it was shopping day for me | 1333.36 | 4.6 |
yeah look at me I'm a pirate lord with | 1335.559 | 5.401 |
big old knucker I got me a mace and a | 1337.96 | 4.36 |
better | 1340.96 | 5.719 |
bow y y man good God I got some bazongas | 1342.32 | 7.839 |
yeah I try not to stare out of respect | 1346.679 | 6.201 |
okay okay get the [ __ ] away look at him | 1350.159 | 4.921 |
no I don't want to look no no you're my | 1352.88 | 3.799 |
you're my friend you want to touch him | 1355.08 | 5.52 |
no touch him I will swing this mace at | 1356.679 | 3.921 |
you oh look at this she's ready alumit | 1360.88 | 8.919 |
envil brow is that your name interesting | 1366.2 | 6.44 |
okay so let's get a look at you here we | 1369.799 | 5.521 |
go and | 1372.64 | 5.68 |
um okay I know how to do this I know how | 1375.32 | 5.359 |
to do this right pretty sure I know how | 1378.32 | 4.17 |
to do | 1380.679 | 3.281 |
[Music] | 1382.49 | 4.47 |
this all right we're back okay I don't | 1383.96 | 5.36 |
know which table this lady goes into but | 1386.96 | 3.68 |
I feel like she does kind of like what | 1389.32 | 4.719 |
you do H can you guys just like do | 1390.64 | 5.8 |
multiple jobs what about let's try | 1394.039 | 5.921 |
stinky tanky so her name is alumit Anvil | 1396.44 | 7.64 |
brow oh holy crap she can do it look at | 1399.96 | 7.8 |
this oh right so uh boom boom look at | 1404.08 | 6.839 |
that you guys can just gossip all day | 1407.76 | 6.799 |
and go on about like murder shows and | 1410.919 | 5.801 |
pumpkins and all that stuff let's see | 1414.559 | 5.161 |
hold on can I give you huh can I add | 1416.72 | 5.319 |
clothes can't add clothes can I I'd like | 1419.72 | 4.319 |
to give you something fun to wear I'll | 1422.039 | 4.601 |
pull you out no just take take all I | 1424.039 | 4.401 |
don't see many things all right well | 1426.64 | 3.399 |
listen if I can figure out how to get | 1428.44 | 3.719 |
clothes I will bring clothes but in the | 1430.039 | 4.161 |
meantime I don't know maybe I can make | 1432.159 | 3.441 |
some pumpkin bread or something you | 1434.2 | 3.12 |
girls have fun I'll go get some more | 1435.6 | 3.199 |
friends | 1437.32 | 5.239 |
what the hell was that I don't | 1438.799 | 3.76 |
know all right everyone good job I don't | 1442.64 | 5.279 |
think neeb suspected a thing he thinks | 1446.08 | 5.199 |
we're a nice happy sandala Resort and | 1447.919 | 4.76 |
that's how it's going to stay for now | 1451.279 | 4.121 |
until we reveal ourselves but now oh | 1452.679 | 4.041 |
sorry I keep forgetting I'm wearing this | 1455.4 | 3.24 |
mask there we go can you hear me better | 1456.72 | 4.88 |
okay now that the resort is coming | 1458.64 | 5.96 |
together I think it's time we start on | 1461.6 | 5.199 |
the | 1464.6 | 5.199 |
factory | 1466.799 | 3.0 |
[Music] | 1484.46 | 12.27 |
a | 1496.76 | 6.69 |
[Music] | 1499.03 | 4.42 |
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