The Nether is BROKEN! (Minecraft Ep 29)
Neebs Gaming
neebs: Hey guys, have you seen that Minecraft video where we tackle the broken Nether? It's hilarious!
simon: Oh yeah, that one was a blast! Especially with Appsro and I goofing off back at home.
appsro: I mean, someone has to keep the base safe while you two are out there causing chaos in the Nether.
neebs: True, true. But let's be real, the real star of the show was that blaze spawner giving us all trouble.

This video comes straight from the Neebs Gaming YouTube channel.
Hey there fellow Neebs Gaming fans! If you haven't already seen it, the latest Minecraft video is here and it's a real treat. In this episode, Neebs, Anthony, and Dora venture into the Nether to take on the blaze spawner. Meanwhile, Appsro and Simon stay back at home and goof around - classic!
And hey, if you're loving the content as much as I am, make sure to check out the awesome Super Simon Defense Squadron shirt they're sporting in the video. You can snag one for yourself over at Design By Humans - I've already got mine ordered!
If you're curious about the mods they're using in this episode, they've got a video explaining their setup that you can check out on their channel. And of course, don't forget to hit that subscribe button to stay up to date with all the Neebs Gaming adventures.
Plus, have you seen their Minecraft playlist? It's full of hilarious moments and epic gameplay, definitely worth a watch if you're a fan of the game. And if you're looking to get in on the action yourself, they've even provided the link to get Minecraft Java Edition.
As a huge fan of Neebs Gaming, I love all the little details they include in their videos - like the music credits at the end. It's those little touches that make their content so enjoyable to watch. From "A Good Day on the African Planes" to "Sneaky Adventure," the music sets the perfect tone for each moment in the video.
Thanks for tuning in to another epic Minecraft adventure with Neebs Gaming.

Caption | Start | Duration |
yeah lost of my experience points oh | 0.329 | 5.76 |
wait I'm falling where am I going | 2.219 | 9.901 |
he's underground oh hey okay weird oh | 6.089 | 20.371 |
geez that was oh well thank you yes | 12.12 | 16.829 |
in the back little campfire yeah the | 26.46 | 5.01 |
same you still got this hell yeah this | 28.949 | 3.211 |
neighborhood | 31.47 | 3.36 |
other than my areas kind of gone to hell | 32.16 | 4.71 |
this neighborhood has been gone to hell | 34.83 | 4.02 |
is it I mean look before you moved in I | 36.87 | 3.27 |
mean look at that there's this tall | 38.85 | 2.82 |
thing my neighbor keeps trying to shoot | 40.14 | 3.84 |
me right dangerous neighborhood and | 41.67 | 12.99 |
we're like feuding neighbors I think see | 43.98 | 11.61 |
what I mean this what I have to deal | 54.66 | 1.92 |
with I think we could turn this | 55.59 | 3.18 |
neighborhood around so I agree listen | 56.58 | 3.6 |
but you got a lot of work to do tearing | 58.77 | 3.63 |
down that well here's first off here's | 60.18 | 4.409 |
one of my plans I finally made a flint | 62.4 | 3.719 |
and steel what happens if I like those | 64.589 | 3.361 |
on fire oh they'll just pay to burn | 66.119 | 3.721 |
it'll burn the advise within the grow | 67.95 | 3.87 |
back but that's already a good start no | 69.84 | 3.15 |
but you though they grow back we've | 71.82 | 2.549 |
trust me I've tried to put it down | 72.99 | 4.32 |
several oh we start with this chef yes | 74.369 | 5.581 |
tear down the chef I don't know I think | 77.31 | 5.36 |
it was mine but go ahead | 79.95 | 2.72 |
[Music] | 82.92 | 6.299 |
defend me I'm more fun we're trying to | 84.979 | 6.49 |
tear down your trash yeah but how fun is | 89.219 | 3.93 |
this there I'll light this whole place | 91.469 | 3.631 |
on fire you keep doing that I'm gonna go | 93.149 | 4.751 |
see what needs up to | 95.1 | 7.41 |
[Laughter] | 97.9 | 7.84 |
oh yeah just up the stairs a touch oh | 102.51 | 5.4 |
there you are what's up what are you | 105.74 | 2.65 |
doing | 107.91 | 3.33 |
so I've blocked off the Mavi lobby okay | 108.39 | 5.07 |
so they fall a little bit short of a | 111.24 | 3.99 |
distance and then I take them out with | 113.46 | 4.74 |
the axe and I get the XP oh oh so you | 115.23 | 4.62 |
just farm an XP now yeah | 118.2 | 2.88 |
what do you farm an XP for what's the | 119.85 | 4.59 |
plan so I can do enchantments what are | 121.08 | 5.28 |
you getting Chan oh I don't know I just | 124.44 | 3.929 |
want to have the points so you just | 126.36 | 4.14 |
stand in here all day collect them XP | 128.369 | 4.261 |
all day long this is your day | 130.5 | 3.93 |
I just want to do I want to go to the | 132.63 | 3.24 |
nether to in a little bit | 134.43 | 3.59 |
oh what's it another that fire stuff | 135.87 | 4.77 |
blaze rod blaze rod yeah I want to go | 138.02 | 8.68 |
with you know we got these hang on hang | 140.64 | 6.33 |
on | 146.7 | 7.23 |
oh yeah I got some too sweet beautiful | 146.97 | 8.67 |
all right okay let's go make | 153.93 | 4.47 |
invisibility potions we're going to the | 155.64 | 4.65 |
nether yeah but I want to take potions | 158.4 | 3.42 |
to the nether you know what I think I | 160.29 | 3.15 |
changed my mind I'm gonna stay here but | 161.82 | 3.51 |
uh I would like one of these potions | 163.44 | 4.55 |
there | 165.33 | 2.66 |
[Music] | 172.45 | 9.179 |
all right Anthony you know how to shoot | 185.33 | 4.03 |
the Pigman right | 187.98 | 3.02 |
same way I've been shooting doraleous | 189.36 | 4.769 |
yeah they will wage war on you and never | 191.0 | 4.03 |
forgive you | 194.129 | 2.761 |
oh so don't shoot them right because I | 195.03 | 4.89 |
can't have you dying on my mission okay | 196.89 | 5.19 |
well I got a shield I just gave you a | 199.92 | 5.49 |
potion yes what is it splash potion of | 202.08 | 4.799 |
invisibility yeah but we're not gonna | 205.41 | 3.81 |
use it just yet you ready okay yeah | 206.879 | 4.231 |
Anthony I kind of wish you would hit a | 209.22 | 12.329 |
pig man go ahead and okay coming I just | 211.11 | 12.9 |
see gray I see gray as well | 221.549 | 4.741 |
oh wait if I look up there is sky oh | 224.01 | 5.43 |
here we go well that was a long transfer | 226.29 | 6.72 |
oh I don't feel good I lost all my stuff | 229.44 | 6.33 |
god I lost all my stuff noobs I don't | 233.01 | 5.28 |
see you Oh God | 235.77 | 4.829 |
okay I came I'm not really here I'm | 238.29 | 4.74 |
walking right away yeah come to your | 240.599 | 4.771 |
which way you facing noobs am I in front | 243.03 | 3.539 |
of you what are y'all doing | 245.37 | 3.21 |
walk around what's going on well oh no I | 246.569 | 4.441 |
got my stuff oh okay alright it worked | 248.58 | 4.71 |
I'll have to stay down there Elias hey I | 251.01 | 3.839 |
see you halfway through come through | 253.29 | 3.66 |
Anthony I am through you're not through | 254.849 | 3.691 |
come through him you come through | 256.95 | 3.27 |
doraleous all you have to do is one more | 258.54 | 3.78 |
step in it's the same to you I think | 260.22 | 5.04 |
there's something wrong wait noobs can | 262.32 | 4.8 |
you see me moving I see both y'all just | 265.26 | 3.719 |
stand in the portal look we're replacing | 267.12 | 4.13 |
babes you're just looking off into the | 268.979 | 5.581 |
connection long up me too | 271.25 | 5.47 |
back to server list we haven't figured | 274.56 | 5.52 |
out the nether yet on the server okay uh | 276.72 | 9.12 |
raid join in Hey okay yeah Alice | 280.08 | 9.75 |
yeah I don't stuff now I lost the | 285.84 | 4.59 |
connection | 289.83 | 4.14 |
yeah oh wait but I just got connection | 290.43 | 6.38 |
me to a server list join a server | 293.97 | 8.25 |
there's noobs guys yes okay there's | 296.81 | 7.66 |
time we have that was not even here can | 302.22 | 4.5 |
I do this with my fists yep nope can't | 304.47 | 5.52 |
put fires out hey look what I'm like are | 306.72 | 5.36 |
you looking at me yes | 309.99 | 5.449 |
what do you what your backs to me up oh | 312.08 | 5.489 |
come on stuff means you joined the game | 315.439 | 4.171 |
can you leave it can you see me damn | 317.569 | 3.331 |
it's late you guys moved for a step | 319.61 | 3.42 |
we're all together on my screen we're | 320.9 | 3.63 |
all together Anthony you're still | 323.03 | 3.389 |
bearing the portal I am NOT I'm right | 324.53 | 4.289 |
next to you don't lie to me we only have | 326.419 | 4.441 |
seconds what do I do means what do we do | 328.819 | 3.69 |
well what would you want to do before | 330.86 | 8.51 |
you die all right guys | 332.509 | 17.791 |
anybody hello looking good looking good | 339.37 | 13.84 |
look at all this cobblestone look at all | 350.3 | 6.66 |
this it's nice to have stuff to get | 353.21 | 7.32 |
things what the hell what the hell's | 356.96 | 5.699 |
just happened what's getting hit by | 360.53 | 9.449 |
something what is going on hello after | 362.659 | 11.1 |
Oh you messing with me no yeah you sort | 369.979 | 7.59 |
of leave me alone please | 373.759 | 6.321 |
leaves gave me an invisibility potion Oh | 377.569 | 5.611 |
see right in front of me yeah right here | 380.08 | 5.17 |
some of them okay I like what you're | 383.18 | 3.539 |
doing with the floor though I know I | 385.25 | 3.27 |
think I found out what I want to do I | 386.719 | 3.75 |
just need to get more wood cuz it really | 388.52 | 4.769 |
I think it's it's simple but it's bold | 390.469 | 5.73 |
at the same time I think yeah it's it's | 393.289 | 4.47 |
it's different yeah | 396.199 | 3.511 |
but I I could see with the right walls | 397.759 | 3.451 |
you really bring the place together | 399.71 | 2.879 |
oh yeah know what the right it's gonna | 401.21 | 2.94 |
be a thing this is I'm going for we | 402.589 | 4.411 |
please appear so I could talk I will | 404.15 | 4.4 |
appear in | 407.0 | 2.93 |
I don't see a timer I don't know how | 408.55 | 2.97 |
long this lasts I might be invisible the | 409.93 | 4.65 |
rest of the day I'm going for a log | 411.52 | 7.019 |
cabin slash not cause y'all fall yeah | 414.58 | 6.839 |
look you know I mean I can just pinch | 418.539 | 3.541 |
your butt all day | 421.419 | 9.18 |
pinch it if you want you can do a little | 422.08 | 10.619 |
bit more than no touch it come out all | 430.599 | 3.66 |
right so what do you need I need I need | 432.699 | 4.44 |
wood wood wood wood like wood like this | 434.259 | 5.31 |
not making it at the plank screw that I | 437.139 | 5.4 |
don't want the plank oak I want oh I'm | 439.569 | 4.621 |
gonna go get you some oak give me some | 442.539 | 15.44 |
oak I'm gone leaving Beauty but you lie | 444.19 | 19.77 |
that's why I like you I think we did it | 457.979 | 7.961 |
I think we did we're animals to be that | 463.96 | 2.459 |
painful | 465.94 | 2.849 |
no one's disconnecting no no playing | 466.419 | 4.71 |
differently today cuz uh throwing a | 468.789 | 3.72 |
virus right actually we should get away | 471.129 | 1.861 |
from each other | 472.509 | 4.021 |
oh yeah lead the way names follow me and | 472.99 | 5.97 |
guys you said you had beef yeah we had a | 476.53 | 5.46 |
uni beef one won't know we had beef wit | 478.96 | 4.65 |
oh thank you I mean that that uh | 481.99 | 3.78 |
no like you like beef in the nether well | 483.61 | 6.179 |
yeah with this fun blaze line it is fun | 485.77 | 6.78 |
blaze spawner so it makes you pleases | 489.789 | 4.651 |
we tried to tackle it and contain it | 492.55 | 5.19 |
before it didn't go well okay what's our | 494.44 | 4.92 |
plan this time to make sure better | 497.74 | 3.09 |
contain it all right | 499.36 | 4.32 |
contain it right behind me yep okay with | 500.83 | 5.79 |
distance of course yeah okay very | 503.68 | 4.26 |
dangerous in here Anthony | 506.62 | 3.69 |
the what it's very dangerous okay very | 507.94 | 4.229 |
dangerous gotcha death happens have | 510.31 | 4.229 |
you'll DUP okay well I'm gonna touched | 512.169 | 3.75 |
your butt names well it's like a castle | 514.539 | 4.231 |
now we should be able to follow these | 515.919 | 4.92 |
candles on the floor right | 518.77 | 4.33 |
I don't remember okay | 520.839 | 5.141 |
and yeah guys put all of these or yes | 523.1 | 7.52 |
okay now with me yeah working here yep | 525.98 | 6.42 |
oh yeah this is it | 530.62 | 5.35 |
oh yes it is all the memories yes the | 532.4 | 6.72 |
memories I remember all right nice | 535.97 | 5.97 |
don't go down there yet so it's a splash | 539.12 | 5.28 |
potion here's the plan okay I throw a | 541.94 | 4.29 |
splash down it should affect all of this | 544.4 | 5.1 |
okay okay and then we go in there and we | 546.23 | 6.24 |
enclose the blaze spawner where if we | 549.5 | 5.43 |
trap it yeah with what I've got glass oh | 552.47 | 4.17 |
you want to see them that sounds fun but | 554.93 | 3.63 |
try glass it will get a little hole and | 556.64 | 3.3 |
we can just spawn them all then I'm | 558.56 | 3.87 |
gonna have my pickaxe out so I can you | 559.94 | 4.35 |
know make the room for all the glass in | 562.43 | 3.9 |
case there's some obstruction okay y'all | 564.29 | 5.52 |
ready yes sure all right out out the | 566.33 | 7.64 |
door and is it that's cool | 569.81 | 4.16 |
you guys are except for the shield yep | 577.13 | 3.45 |
oh my god okay move in we got like three | 578.9 | 3.98 |
minutes yep we got to make this big okay | 580.58 | 4.44 |
we got some obstacles | 582.88 | 4.09 |
yeah we're not worried about those all | 585.02 | 5.01 |
right yeah I'm taking out these gate | 586.97 | 6.12 |
these are out I'm watching how does it | 590.03 | 4.68 |
know I'm here what know you're there | 593.09 | 5.52 |
what okay it's not firing at me you'll | 594.71 | 5.94 |
see one because I took down that block | 598.61 | 6.75 |
get to work boys okay you need fire you | 600.65 | 9.15 |
is it yeah yes maybe not maybe not now | 605.36 | 6.57 |
oh yeah I know it is I would say that's | 609.8 | 5.46 |
how it sees you why should I hit it what | 611.93 | 4.46 |
should I do | 615.26 | 3.68 |
do it my pleasure kill it oh that that | 616.39 | 4.56 |
was that was really easy okay awesome | 618.94 | 4.17 |
this is an ongoing thing we got this | 620.95 | 5.61 |
another one just two roads okay fire | 623.11 | 5.25 |
down this is what we were practicing for | 626.56 | 2.52 |
Oh | 628.36 | 4.82 |
he's in here with me hurry up Oh got him | 629.08 | 6.69 |
beautiful okay prod I got a good eye we | 633.18 | 5.95 |
got to contain this thing close so close | 635.77 | 6.9 |
do it needs do it do it think so oh yeah | 639.13 | 5.25 |
I come in front oh wait no no the back | 642.67 | 4.95 |
for the back right oh oh grant where is | 644.38 | 5.01 |
it wait it spawned outside of your glass | 647.62 | 6.03 |
what it did note of what if we do double | 649.39 | 6.9 |
layers I'm out of glass should we use | 653.65 | 5.01 |
other things have a cobblestone no maybe | 656.29 | 6.39 |
add something on top yeah killing never | 658.66 | 6.0 |
you got him hope the other boy you | 662.68 | 4.29 |
really hurt I am super hurt okay get | 664.66 | 2.73 |
back | 666.97 | 2.01 |
wait our three minutes is up the other | 667.39 | 3.39 |
ones a spa another one take him down | 668.98 | 4.83 |
murder it hey not my fire it hurts okay | 670.78 | 9.54 |
now in pudding if you donate to me what | 673.81 | 8.82 |
Enderman outside the window there is | 680.32 | 5.19 |
let's go look at it now yes no I don't | 682.63 | 6.29 |
really feel like dying right now | 685.51 | 3.41 |
Oh Fanta oh jeez I'm inside you know the | 690.27 | 6.07 |
Phantom's get there they have hearts | 694.54 | 3.84 |
when you hit them with a sword no like | 696.34 | 6.99 |
it I don't hit them with swords alright | 698.38 | 6.69 |
phantoms are burnin yeah | 703.33 | 5.28 |
Enderman I'm looking at you and taste | 705.07 | 5.58 |
Liv Tyler boy oh boy where is he going | 708.61 | 3.74 |
where is it going | 710.65 | 4.76 |
Oh goddamn hit alright but inside | 712.35 | 4.23 |
running time getting hit hard | 715.41 | 3.0 |
hold on get hit hard let me get them | 716.58 | 4.23 |
we're gonna eat oh wait what will you | 718.41 | 3.84 |
what are you been doing Oh what do you | 720.81 | 18.12 |
want and you are for some reason | 722.25 | 19.92 |
surprised dead apps ro yeah | 738.93 | 7.29 |
slain by an Enderman go figure | 742.17 | 6.57 |
let go inside and take a nap keep on | 746.22 | 5.88 |
forgetting it's right what oh hey I'm | 748.74 | 4.59 |
not gonna look at you you're in the | 752.1 | 8.37 |
house hey I think the blazes are trapped | 753.33 | 9.72 |
in there okay how do we harvest them now | 760.47 | 4.26 |
it's working yeah there's like three of | 763.05 | 1.92 |
them | 764.73 | 1.83 |
okay alright y'all keep an eye on the | 764.97 | 8.94 |
guest if you just kill him you get the | 766.56 | 9.78 |
things you want to do ah alright murder | 773.91 | 3.18 |
him he's flying | 776.34 | 6.1 |
exploding they float okay | 777.09 | 7.54 |
that thing needs do that thing all right | 782.44 | 3.81 |
here's what we want to do you want him | 784.63 | 3.48 |
just to come over like this and we vital | 786.25 | 7.38 |
right here yeah see if I can do this and | 788.11 | 7.23 |
just get right in here all right I'll | 793.63 | 2.88 |
watch your button to see if anything's | 795.34 | 3.87 |
gone around you hit that one Oh bond | 796.51 | 5.46 |
outside left on the left and take it up | 799.21 | 5.1 |
oh I see the gas now but it's going away | 801.97 | 5.03 |
right nope nope no it's down to the back | 804.31 | 6.69 |
[Music] | 807.0 | 4.0 |
yeah okay go back in okay go back in oh | 817.74 | 14.32 |
god oh god I'm hurting you okay okay I'm | 827.32 | 6.51 |
gonna shoot this again I keep getting | 832.06 | 6.42 |
confused on how to do the arrow hold | 833.83 | 6.66 |
right till it fires show yourself | 838.48 | 11.61 |
welcome Oh yep there we go all right got | 840.49 | 11.34 |
some points got some blazes going back | 850.09 | 5.46 |
in still in the hole yeah that's great | 851.83 | 5.37 |
for today I blocked in the whole side | 855.55 | 3.57 |
over here yeah if you're happy I'm happy | 857.2 | 3.96 |
all right you got some blaze rod let's | 859.12 | 3.18 |
do it what are you gonna make with the | 861.16 | 7.77 |
blaze rod no I just oh there he is well | 862.3 | 9.69 |
oh geez he's so fast well it's not even | 868.93 | 5.93 |
like he's fast he just disappears | 871.99 | 5.97 |
doesn't he yeah now he teleports yeah | 874.86 | 5.71 |
he's stalking us man oh god this is | 877.96 | 5.04 |
creepy yeah hey buddy I look like your | 880.57 | 5.31 |
face I don't care guys of course I'm so | 883.0 | 5.85 |
weird I don't care man I'm hitting him | 885.88 | 4.11 |
right in the face and he's not doing | 888.85 | 2.7 |
anything them yeah let's say we're | 889.99 | 3.39 |
dealing with the the mix of the lag and | 891.55 | 4.35 |
oh this is the worst way to fight an | 893.38 | 5.7 |
Enderman but it's not even hurting me | 895.9 | 9.36 |
I'm looking right at him come on Bubba | 899.08 | 8.16 |
I'm hitting ya oh I met you actually got | 905.26 | 3.78 |
it you got it beg good hit him again we | 907.24 | 3.96 |
all it's so creepy | 909.04 | 4.02 |
he is zipping around like a nut we're | 911.2 | 3.36 |
gonna kill this guy and we're gonna get | 913.06 | 7.56 |
his ball sack well I got a hit any | 914.56 | 9.23 |
pearls any pearls you sucked up things | 920.62 | 5.76 |
any testicles would have other pearls | 923.79 | 4.96 |
just another name for testicles no they | 926.38 | 4.11 |
might be should be now what I'm thinking | 928.75 | 3.06 |
about it yeah we basically are | 930.49 | 3.36 |
collecting Enderman balls ender | 931.81 | 7.73 |
testicles it's a thing now | 933.85 | 5.69 |
[Music] | 940.9 | 6.77 |
put the shield away it's being a problem | 944.3 | 4.45 |
doesn't it oh there we go | 947.67 | 3.3 |
oh we just okay we just missed that one | 948.75 | 4.2 |
we missed what huh missing that fall | 950.97 | 4.02 |
yeah someone failed Oh cuz your truck | 952.95 | 3.27 |
you're trying to get the points right | 954.99 | 3.75 |
here yes so they fall here we kill them | 956.22 | 4.68 |
with killer feet yeah we get the points | 958.74 | 2.91 |
I can't see | 960.9 | 2.76 |
yeah you're gonna great job don't move | 961.65 | 10.53 |
over Anthony oh good good of it man it's | 963.66 | 10.08 |
like a slot machine you get what you get | 972.18 | 6.12 |
lucky alright um how many plays Ross did | 973.74 | 8.37 |
you get and four I've got one okay do | 978.3 | 5.34 |
you wander I don't know it to do with it | 982.11 | 2.88 |
I don't know I just wanted to have it I | 983.64 | 2.97 |
heard they're cool yeah | 984.99 | 3.63 |
Anthony throw a block down do something | 986.61 | 3.69 |
oh sorry well we're just trying to see | 988.62 | 3.36 |
if the next limit I can't there stairs | 990.3 | 3.27 |
put it on the wall beside you let me | 991.98 | 3.87 |
stand on your head okay here we go here | 993.57 | 2.67 |
we go | 995.85 | 5.61 |
good you can see now yeah up you good | 996.24 | 20.85 |
yep we're good shop here lobby lobby | 1001.46 | 17.09 |
oops | 1017.09 | 4.29 |
what does it take I don't know but that | 1018.55 | 4.9 |
was mommy's mommy's predict mommy's for | 1021.38 | 6.03 |
days Bobby's mom's for days you want to | 1023.45 | 7.499 |
go in there and look no huh no I've | 1027.41 | 6.6 |
already played that game here I'm doing | 1030.949 | 11.421 |
it doing it well folks again spiria I | 1034.01 | 11.13 |
just got to be oh the nineteen already | 1042.37 | 5.02 |
oh wow so you're just kind of alright | 1045.14 | 3.33 |
you just play your own game | 1047.39 | 2.94 |
yeah it seems fun yeah good luck names | 1048.47 | 3.57 |
yeah okay thanks for shopping mommy | 1050.33 | 2.28 |
lobby | 1052.04 | 3.8 |
no refunds | 1052.61 | 3.23 |
see the only problem with the nether | 1059.07 | 6.94 |
netherrack Simon yeah you can light it I | 1062.01 | 6.34 |
know that's not a problem yeah it is if | 1066.01 | 3.48 |
someone wants to come in here and troll | 1068.35 | 3.0 |
you cuz like I do is light all these up | 1069.49 | 3.51 |
and burn your whole house down yeah but | 1071.35 | 4.08 |
who's trolling me I don't know Anthony | 1073.0 | 5.94 |
doraleous me why would you do that like | 1075.43 | 5.64 |
I could burn your house down to a castle | 1078.94 | 4.44 |
hit castles made a stone you know I | 1081.07 | 4.29 |
could burn some things down that you | 1083.38 | 4.98 |
have right good I listen to hey listen | 1085.36 | 6.87 |
uh you need a mind right mine yeah yes I | 1088.36 | 7.29 |
do actually listen I have some TNT so | 1092.23 | 5.25 |
let's start a proper mind for you | 1095.65 | 4.08 |
okay I think that's a good idea maybe | 1097.48 | 6.18 |
yeah where would you like your mind yeah | 1099.73 | 6.54 |
we're close by for sure so yeah what | 1103.66 | 4.44 |
about right here you know what and you | 1106.27 | 3.42 |
know there's a rule in Minecraft don't | 1108.1 | 3.51 |
dig straight down but uh I'm gonna do it | 1109.69 | 11.64 |
good so one two three fell here I can | 1111.61 | 10.47 |
get out of here | 1121.33 | 3.33 |
are you with me of course I am what are | 1122.08 | 3.84 |
you doing in here well I made a mistake | 1124.66 | 7.1 |
okay I didn't want to be this close okay | 1125.92 | 5.84 |
I look down I forgot to hit the damn | 1133.59 | 6.43 |
here you know I'm gonna do can I bury | 1137.07 | 5.41 |
you in here we're already yeah of course | 1140.02 | 3.9 |
you can bury me in here but that's not | 1142.48 | 4.17 |
gonna help anything maybe it's you know | 1143.92 | 4.35 |
I can't lay down anything because you're | 1146.65 | 3.36 |
in here I've ruined everything | 1148.27 | 4.41 |
no Tay okay first off it's so damn dark | 1150.01 | 3.6 |
can't see a thing | 1152.68 | 3.21 |
let me give me a second you mean second | 1153.61 | 3.62 |
trying to get over here | 1155.89 | 4.32 |
alright tell you what yeah do the do the | 1157.23 | 5.08 |
old you watch out what you do the old | 1160.21 | 2.91 |
stare map | 1162.31 | 2.55 |
I want you to stare you're way out of | 1163.12 | 5.52 |
here yep of course of course I don't | 1164.86 | 7.44 |
have my pickaxe broke so you know have | 1168.64 | 5.01 |
mine thank you | 1172.3 | 4.32 |
oh look there's iron yeah look yeah dig | 1173.65 | 4.02 |
your way out of here you can get iron | 1176.62 | 2.97 |
give me some you got the did you give me | 1177.67 | 4.98 |
the pickaxe yes okay I'm gonna get it | 1179.59 | 6.75 |
slow down slow your horses is that a | 1182.65 | 5.58 |
thing do people see it slow your horses | 1186.34 | 4.11 |
they say hold your horses okay well same | 1188.23 | 3.0 |
thing | 1190.45 | 2.88 |
I think so alright or did they do it one | 1191.23 | 10.97 |
two and then one two and then move one | 1193.33 | 12.12 |
two boom yeah are you up yet nope | 1202.2 | 5.109 |
because I've been getting some of this | 1205.45 | 3.449 |
it looks like it's silver it might not | 1207.309 | 4.86 |
be what I'm happy taking my time are you | 1208.899 | 5.101 |
working your way up I need you up here | 1212.169 | 3.691 |
alright I'm working my way up maybe this | 1214.0 | 3.84 |
is just cobblestone and it looks as it's | 1215.86 | 3.51 |
so dark it looks like it's something | 1217.84 | 2.549 |
that it's not | 1219.37 | 8.58 |
I said it's not just get up here no I | 1220.389 | 8.971 |
never did that | 1227.95 | 3.77 |
yeah you did you did it last week tips | 1229.36 | 6.9 |
work you are Jesus called me a dork Oh | 1231.72 | 6.73 |
be a door okay are you you're a | 1236.26 | 5.94 |
dingleberry how about that one okay fine | 1238.45 | 9.359 |
am i up yet you're a Papoose Wow I don't | 1242.2 | 7.92 |
know that creeper I don't know where I | 1247.809 | 4.531 |
am it's all very dark right now and I'm | 1250.12 | 6.48 |
dying oh I don't think I have a torch so | 1252.34 | 5.91 |
I have a torch no don't even I want | 1256.6 | 3.059 |
towards listen hey gob you shouldn't | 1258.25 | 2.909 |
have gone in the damn hole to begin with | 1259.659 | 3.841 |
I got killed by a zombie | 1261.159 | 6.48 |
I wonder where respawns damn fool | 1263.5 | 6.57 |
look where i respawned in the middle of | 1267.639 | 5.611 |
nowhere and I need to go home this is my | 1270.07 | 5.92 |
way of saying goodbye | 1273.25 | 17.139 |
can I go home now Specter that to be | 1275.99 | 14.819 |
worse | 1290.389 | 2.821 |
Wow there was no damage yeah leaves | 1290.809 | 4.08 |
quick question is this your little thing | 1293.21 | 4.049 |
nope okay can I destroy it yep | 1294.889 | 3.63 |
I'm in the process of cleaning up the | 1297.259 | 3.24 |
neighborhood a little bit okay we need | 1298.519 | 3.721 |
valises so have at it | 1300.499 | 3.571 |
thank you I think like a courtyard here | 1302.24 | 3.33 |
would be cool with like stone bricks | 1304.07 | 3.449 |
blocks up here | 1305.57 | 7.76 |
I hear crap it's a AB stress computer | 1307.519 | 5.811 |
here someone's getting attacked by a | 1313.99 | 4.059 |
zombie in their own fire sorry I was a | 1316.22 | 3.959 |
Simon went to the bathroom he got logged | 1318.049 | 4.291 |
now and then I yeah I was working on his | 1320.179 | 4.62 |
PC it's a mess of while I can hear them | 1322.34 | 3.689 |
really clearly even though I don't know | 1324.799 | 2.58 |
where he is that's crazy | 1326.029 | 4.38 |
yeah over there in that direction isn't | 1327.379 | 4.8 |
that direction yep that's kind of an | 1330.409 | 3.421 |
empty skyline there we need something | 1332.179 | 4.021 |
built yeah like a windmill yeah | 1333.83 | 5.13 |
can you make it spin nope is there a mod | 1336.2 | 5.16 |
that can make it spin I don't know let's | 1338.96 | 5.839 |
look in the direction of Goddess ADA hub | 1341.36 | 6.449 |
maybe our miracles will come true I | 1344.799 | 7.421 |
don't think that's a saying that's a | 1347.809 | 6.84 |
prayer you're right prayers arraign true | 1352.22 | 4.529 |
miracles can happen you think she's out | 1354.649 | 3.811 |
there it's like someone saying stop your | 1356.749 | 4.68 |
horses yeah well that's the courage that | 1358.46 | 4.28 |
was a good one | 1361.429 | 10.951 |
[Music] | 1362.74 | 10.06 |
[Applause] | 1372.38 | 2.03 |
[Music] | 1372.8 | 4.07 |
[Applause] | 1374.41 | 9.459 |
[Music] | 1376.87 | 6.999 |
all right well guess if he's gone | 1387.83 | 4.14 |
[Music] | 1396.56 | 3.15 |
boom he's got a mind started when he | 1401.719 | 4.721 |
comes back he can find this stuff cuz | 1404.759 | 2.941 |
that's gonna be his first question | 1406.44 | 2.52 |
where's my stuff | 1407.7 | 2.969 |
I know it's my stuff I don't have | 1408.96 | 4.379 |
anything can somebody give me some stuff | 1410.669 | 6.18 |
oh I don't have my pickaxe anymore pizza | 1413.339 | 6.68 |
pasta pasta pizza | 1416.849 | 3.17 |
[Applause] | 1426.85 | 4.23 |
[Music] | 1427.36 | 3.72 |
[Music] | 1433.9 | 8.219 |
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The Game
You definitely should check it out
Minecraft is the quintessential sandbox game that allows players to unleash their creativity and build anything they can imagine. In this latest Neebs Gaming video, the gang heads into the perilous Nether dimension to take on the dangerous blaze spawners.
I love how Neebs, Anthony, and Dora bravely venture forth, while Appsro and Simon stay back at the base goofing around - it's such a perfect encapsulation of their personalities! The editing is top-notch, seamlessly cutting between the intense Nether exploration and the hilarious antics back home.
Neebs Gaming has such a knack for storytelling in their Minecraft series. Even though it's open world, they always come up with these fun narrative threads to follow in each episode. It makes you feel like you're watching a live-action Minecraft movie!
The cinematic camera angles make you feel immersed in the blocky world, and the music choices are spot-on. That upbeat jungle track as they journey through the Nether is perfect for getting your blood pumping. And who doesn't love the cheerful "Teddy Bear Waltz" tune when Simon and Appsro are joking around?
Neebs Gaming's Minecraft series is honestly the next best thing to playing the game yourself. It captures that same sense of adventure and creativity that makes Minecraft so magical. Whether they're battling ghasts in the Nether or constructing elaborate bases, their videos make you want to jump into the blocky world and start crafting.
If you love Minecraft but don't have the time to play yourself, I highly recommend checking out Neebs Gaming's cinematic videos. They remind you why Minecraft is such a timeless game - the only limit is your imagination. So build a nice cozy house, sit back, and enjoy the blocky hijinks. This is Minecraft content at its finest!