The HUNTRESS and the HILLBILLY - Dead By Daylight
Neebs Gaming

This video comes straight from the Neebs Gaming YouTube channel.
neebs: Hey there, Appsro! Can you believe that video where I was the Huntress and you were the Hillbilly in Dead By Daylight? Classic!
appsro: Oh, I remember that one! You were chasing me around like a maniac with that axe. Good times, good times.
neebs: Yeah, and remember when I caught you at that generator? You thought you could outsmart me, but nope!
appsro: Haha, I thought I had you fooled for a second there. But in the end, you always get me. It's why it's my favorite video too!
Hey there, fellow Neebs Gaming fans! If you're like me and love watching the Neebs crew take on some intense gaming challenges, you're going to want to check out their latest video - Dead By Daylight, Part 2! It's a classic 4 survivors versus 1 monster scenario, and let me tell you, the tension is real. The monster is out for blood, while the survivors are desperately trying to escape. Who do you think will prevail in this epic showdown?
And hey, if you're looking to show off your Neebs Gaming pride, make sure to check out their awesome merch. They've got Neebs Gaming socks and even some ugly Christmas sweaters that are perfect for the holiday season. I don't know about you, but I'm definitely adding those to my wishlist!
If you haven't caught Part 1 of their Dead By Daylight series yet, make sure to give it a watch. It's full of twists and turns that will keep you on the edge of your seat. And once you're all caught up, dive into the Frighty Night playlist for even more spooky gaming content.
And of course, don't forget to support the Neebs crew by checking out their Patreon, Twitch channel, and awesome Neebs Gaming Coffee. They're also powered by Xidax PCs, so if you're in the market for a new gaming rig, definitely give them a look. And if you want to connect with other Neebs Gaming fans, hop on their Discord server and join the community.
So grab your favorite snacks, settle in, and get ready for some gaming fun with the Neebs crew in Dead By Daylight. Let's see who comes out on top in this thrilling battle. Thanks for watching, and as always, stay awesome, Neebs Gaming fans!

The Game
You definitely should check it out!
Dead By Daylight is a thrilling and chilling multiplayer horror game that will get your heart racing. As either a survivor or the killer monster, it offers an immersive cat-and-mouse experience filled with jump scares, tense moments, and fun gameplay.
Neebs Gaming's latest gameplay video shows off the best parts of Dead By Daylight. Their cinematic approach makes you feel like you're right there with the survivors, desperately trying to escape while avoiding the killer. The group's hilarious commentary and reactions heighten the suspense and hilarity. You get totally drawn into the terrifying atmosphere.
Watching Neebs Gaming play Dead By Daylight is the next best thing to playing it yourself. Their cinematic camera work and editing make it feel like you're in a horror movie. The different camera angles build tension and showcase the creepy environments. Close-ups of the survivors' scared faces make you empathize with their plight.
Meanwhile, the killer's point of view shots make you feel like the predator hunting them down. The immersive sound design amplifies every creepy noise. Neebs Gaming's jokes and screams punctuate the action perfectly. Overall, their video captures the multiplayer dynamics and horror aesthetic that make Dead By Daylight so fun and frightening to play.
So if you're looking for a scare this Halloween, check out Neebs Gaming playing Dead By Daylight. Their cinematic approach showcases the game's thrilling cat-and-mouse multiplayer gameplay and chilling horror vibe. It's the ultimate virtual haunted house experience. Just make sure to watch with the lights on!

Caption | Start | Duration |
hey guys just to let you know for a | 0.32 | 2.48 |
limited time we are selling ugly | 1.52 | 2.799 |
christmas sweaters and neebs gaming | 2.8 | 4.88 |
socks link in the description box | 4.319 | 5.681 |
i am all over there i've been drinking | 7.68 | 3.76 |
oh you're that's what you're doing | 10.0 | 3.04 |
you're fighting it | 11.44 | 4.0 |
oh man that really works when you're | 13.04 | 3.6 |
wiggling like that | 15.44 | 4.48 |
i like your mask thank you i like you | 16.64 | 5.2 |
is that a flashlight in your pocket no | 19.92 | 11.92 |
i'm just happy to see you | 21.84 | 10.0 |
this game has a lot of maps hey y'all | 32.96 | 4.16 |
it's me | 35.92 | 4.639 |
the hillbilly uh-oh yeah i'm coming for | 37.12 | 4.88 |
neebs first | 40.559 | 4.401 |
memes it's me hey i'm over here uncle | 42.0 | 4.96 |
step brother joe bob | 44.96 | 4.72 |
hey joe bob simon hey you got a | 46.96 | 4.239 |
cigarette oh boy | 49.68 | 3.12 |
do i have a sick i want a cigarette you | 51.199 | 3.281 |
got a cigarette no i i don't have | 52.8 | 4.8 |
this my last one i got some school i i | 54.48 | 5.12 |
found it at a nascar event that i got | 57.6 | 3.36 |
kicked out of | 59.6 | 3.759 |
what'd you do i don't know man i might | 60.96 | 3.599 |
have made out with | 63.359 | 3.601 |
with one of the driver's wives but | 64.559 | 3.361 |
that's cool | 66.96 | 3.92 |
ah let's see anybody down anybody down | 67.92 | 4.08 |
in here | 70.88 | 4.16 |
nope nobody down it can i jump damn it | 72.0 | 4.479 |
i could use a mountain dew that's for | 75.04 | 3.6 |
sure damn is that a hillbilly drink | 76.479 | 4.161 |
hell yeah it's a hillbilly drink that's | 78.64 | 4.159 |
okay cause i'm drinking one right now | 80.64 | 6.24 |
i know oh man drink mountain drop | 82.799 | 5.601 |
it's like the off-brand mountain dew | 86.88 | 3.04 |
they can't afford mountain dew | 88.4 | 3.84 |
what about sun drop isn't sundrap like a | 89.92 | 4.239 |
name-brand off-brand | 92.24 | 9.6 |
oh i see somebody | 94.159 | 7.681 |
[Applause] | 102.38 | 3.109 |
that's a good looking girl that's a real | 107.2 | 3.599 |
good looking girl | 109.6 | 3.76 |
let's see we got some what's going on | 110.799 | 3.521 |
here | 113.36 | 2.96 |
what's going on here nothing is there | 114.32 | 3.119 |
something in here | 116.32 | 5.68 |
no hey girl hey girlfriend | 117.439 | 7.801 |
i got you okay it's all right don't | 122.0 | 7.2 |
struggle i'm trying don't you struggle | 125.24 | 6.12 |
just just your good buddy jim bob what | 129.2 | 3.52 |
can i do with this | 131.36 | 4.16 |
hey just hang out here baby oh man the | 132.72 | 4.96 |
sabotage doesn't last very long at all | 135.52 | 4.56 |
i'm gonna go get you some bojangles and | 137.68 | 4.639 |
i'll be right back okay i'll wait here | 140.08 | 5.36 |
oh wait a little bojangles spicy strips | 142.319 | 3.761 |
please | 145.44 | 3.28 |
bojangles is delicious the biscuits are | 146.08 | 3.6 |
overrated | 148.72 | 4.159 |
where are you boys at goodison simon | 149.68 | 6.4 |
overrated i wonder what's over here man | 152.879 | 4.961 |
i wish someone would save me | 156.08 | 2.879 |
i don't think that's gonna happen | 157.84 | 3.36 |
sweetheart oh uh | 158.959 | 5.761 |
not it got it | 161.2 | 6.0 |
somebody's got two i'm pretty far away | 164.72 | 5.36 |
they're not saving you oh she's dead | 167.2 | 5.52 |
oh no she's no i'm not gonna i'm not | 170.08 | 3.76 |
gonna kill you just yet | 172.72 | 2.56 |
i gotta take you to the roller rink | 173.84 | 3.759 |
carry me around | 175.28 | 4.72 |
people still gotta roll the ranks oh hey | 177.599 | 5.201 |
hey who's that | 180.0 | 2.8 |
hold on man i got i'm just going to put | 183.36 | 3.36 |
you up here real quick and | 185.2 | 3.44 |
what about the roller ring i'ma go chase | 186.72 | 4.96 |
that old guy leave me alone | 188.64 | 5.519 |
are you my daddy i might be i don't even | 191.68 | 3.12 |
have to talk | 194.159 | 3.761 |
old yeah i am that is that is my voice | 194.8 | 3.76 |
where are you | 197.92 | 4.64 |
at where are you at | 198.56 | 4.0 |
generators take so damn long i got one | 202.879 | 4.64 |
oh no no oh what's happening over there | 207.599 | 9.92 |
oh hey sir oh you suck | 213.76 | 3.759 |
oh okay yeah yeah you're not my daddy | 218.48 | 6.56 |
nope but i'm a wiggler you're a wiggler | 222.56 | 4.0 |
i'm a wiggler | 225.04 | 3.279 |
is that one of those uh those things | 226.56 | 3.28 |
that my kid watches | 228.319 | 3.92 |
yeah it is they they sing songs on the | 229.84 | 3.28 |
nickelodeon | 232.239 | 3.36 |
yeah the australians the winners the | 233.12 | 4.399 |
wiggles | 235.599 | 4.241 |
hang out here buddy it's all right it's | 237.519 | 3.841 |
just the wiggles | 239.84 | 3.92 |
not the wiggler let me find that neems | 241.36 | 3.04 |
boy | 243.76 | 2.96 |
remember him as a young buck is everyone | 244.4 | 3.68 |
just going to keep calling it wigglers | 246.72 | 2.239 |
rinse wiggles | 248.08 | 3.28 |
no it's the wiggles it's the wigs | 248.959 | 4.321 |
wiggles what are you talking about | 251.36 | 5.28 |
kids show in australia | 253.28 | 3.36 |
i thought i had another second okay my | 259.04 | 3.92 |
good old friend buddy neebs | 261.04 | 5.12 |
hey are you how's your mama my aunt and | 262.96 | 4.56 |
sister | 266.16 | 4.64 |
what what | 267.52 | 6.08 |
you're not supposed to wiggle it i | 270.8 | 3.76 |
forgot to wiggle | 273.6 | 3.44 |
just just hold up right there hey | 274.56 | 4.16 |
where's it where's that little pervert | 277.04 | 2.8 |
after hope | 278.72 | 3.039 |
i want to tickle him i'm jacking it in | 279.84 | 3.52 |
the tool shed leave me alone | 281.759 | 3.841 |
i don't know about that man actually | 283.36 | 3.839 |
that's probably pretty accurate | 285.6 | 5.76 |
yeah you're the man good job sir | 287.199 | 4.161 |
he's going after | 294.24 | 2.8 |
[Music] | 304.1 | 3.089 |
it's turned into some some kfc who's | 309.039 | 4.16 |
here can i pick up some in here i guess | 311.28 | 2.32 |
not | 313.199 | 3.041 |
i can pick you up i was checking out i | 313.6 | 3.36 |
don't know | 316.24 | 2.08 |
you look like freddie mercury what's | 316.96 | 3.76 |
going on man you sing me a song | 318.32 | 5.84 |
don't stop me now | 320.72 | 3.44 |
yep i get confused sometimes what is | 335.039 | 4.241 |
wrong with your face | 337.919 | 3.921 |
well my family tree goes straight up so | 339.28 | 4.56 |
if you know what i mean | 341.84 | 5.6 |
gross it is gross there you go jason | 343.84 | 6.079 |
how'd you sit | 347.44 | 2.479 |
it here it hurts yeah it hurts where's | 351.68 | 4.32 |
that neebs fella at | 354.72 | 2.96 |
he's gone don't worry about it that'll | 356.0 | 3.44 |
take care of his stupid little uh | 357.68 | 3.92 |
generator he's one of those when the | 359.44 | 8.4 |
hurricane comes around | 361.6 | 6.24 |
a new set of snow tires that was a good | 371.12 | 3.84 |
move okay | 374.0 | 3.919 |
yeah the old scoop and poop wow thanks | 374.96 | 3.6 |
for the | 377.919 | 3.521 |
compliment yeah you're a good-looking | 378.56 | 4.16 |
boy | 381.44 | 5.199 |
pretty sweet mouth supple nipples | 382.72 | 6.0 |
okay that's not necessary you can just | 386.639 | 3.761 |
walk it all the way i'm walking out | 388.72 | 7.12 |
take a look at you that looks good | 390.4 | 5.44 |
i was trying to recover | 404.56 | 4.479 |
i'm gonna tickle your butthole does it | 407.68 | 2.72 |
take you over here if you don't mind | 409.039 | 2.56 |
yeah i'm fine with that | 410.4 | 2.32 |
i'll take you right here your sister | 411.599 | 2.401 |
over we'll have a good ass time you | 412.72 | 2.72 |
think i'm i'm not down hey don't just | 414.0 | 2.319 |
tell me about | 415.44 | 4.24 |
my mom like that we can have a good old | 416.319 | 7.521 |
time we don't need to do this | 419.68 | 4.16 |
[Music] | 424.08 | 3.09 |
every time i struggle i die let me take | 430.16 | 3.12 |
a look at you oh | 432.24 | 4.16 |
bye yep who's left | 433.28 | 6.639 |
there we go hillbilly | 436.4 | 6.56 |
rebel flag south will rise again | 439.919 | 4.801 |
father campbell's chapel hey we're all | 442.96 | 3.6 |
together like that tell them that | 444.72 | 4.96 |
hey thick hey hey simon hey hey oh right | 446.56 | 3.6 |
here | 449.68 | 2.72 |
right right here right here that's uh | 450.16 | 3.84 |
all right better hit space bar like you | 452.4 | 2.16 |
need to | 454.0 | 2.639 |
all right i'm gonna try i know i'm not | 454.56 | 4.56 |
very good i believe in you simon | 456.639 | 4.56 |
i'm gonna go find another stay focused | 459.12 | 3.28 |
stay focused | 461.199 | 4.641 |
it's gonna happen it is | 462.4 | 3.44 |
yes i got the first one nice yes yes yes | 466.08 | 5.119 |
we got this | 470.0 | 3.36 |
oh yeah look for professionals how many | 471.199 | 4.72 |
of these oh i got it again | 473.36 | 4.8 |
nice i haven't gotten one this is | 475.919 | 4.0 |
wonderful that is good | 478.16 | 4.24 |
right here at the end yeah nice | 479.919 | 3.361 |
assignment nice | 482.4 | 3.04 |
oh split up split it up watch out watch | 483.28 | 3.359 |
out watch it hey guys | 485.44 | 4.4 |
coming hey what i just got here yeah | 486.639 | 6.4 |
we don't need you sorry simon you just | 489.84 | 4.4 |
happen to be the closest | 493.039 | 3.361 |
oh come on are you right behind me yeah | 494.24 | 3.04 |
i'm right behind you | 496.4 | 3.44 |
i don't like that at all where are we | 497.28 | 3.599 |
going | 499.84 | 3.199 |
i don't know over here i'm listening to | 500.879 | 3.281 |
cpg | 503.039 | 2.961 |
i'm just gonna i'm gonna run around and | 504.16 | 3.439 |
waste your time is what i'm gonna do | 506.0 | 2.8 |
you're gonna take me to her just keep | 507.599 | 2.561 |
running yeah no i don't even know where | 508.8 | 1.92 |
she is | 510.16 | 3.119 |
i'm running oh no he got me through an | 510.72 | 5.52 |
axe i gotcha oh you son of a [ __ ] | 513.279 | 5.44 |
all right oh missed that one hey oh wait | 516.24 | 4.32 |
oh thanks oh no | 518.719 | 3.521 |
there was a hook right here all right | 520.56 | 4.48 |
made this easy for me hello | 522.24 | 6.08 |
your dick all right | 525.04 | 4.96 |
i hate these generators so [ __ ] much | 528.32 | 3.12 |
all right guys | 530.0 | 3.279 |
simon is this hook okay right here no i | 531.44 | 3.839 |
i would prefer you go to the one that's | 533.279 | 3.521 |
a little bit farther away | 535.279 | 2.801 |
is that okay i don't know where the | 536.8 | 3.36 |
other ones are just for now though no i | 538.08 | 2.56 |
don't know | 540.16 | 3.76 |
i mean you i run refer okay | 540.64 | 6.0 |
i'll look for another one though we'll | 543.92 | 4.479 |
come back can i pick you up | 546.64 | 3.28 |
i can't pick you up again you're going | 548.399 | 2.961 |
to get yourself off of there and then | 549.92 | 2.56 |
i'll put you on a different one | 551.36 | 5.68 |
okay my cigarette's still in my mouth | 552.48 | 7.76 |
hey astro hey no it's not me what are | 557.04 | 4.0 |
you talking about | 560.24 | 2.4 |
i can throw hatchets did you know that | 561.04 | 3.52 |
oh yeah but you can't hit me with it | 562.64 | 5.199 |
oh god bullseye can i | 564.56 | 5.92 |
oh boy i tried to can i not get through | 567.839 | 4.481 |
this oh wait oh god | 570.48 | 4.0 |
space yeah i can do that where'd you go | 572.32 | 4.8 |
i don't know where did i go uh | 574.48 | 6.36 |
upstairs no right upstairs | 577.12 | 4.96 |
[Music] | 580.84 | 4.73 |
you are a queen yep | 582.08 | 5.52 |
[Music] | 585.57 | 5.15 |
somebody who that's you answer | 587.6 | 5.44 |
i lost you for a minute no damn it yeah | 590.72 | 3.92 |
leave me alone i | 593.04 | 3.76 |
don't i'm not supposed to all right you | 594.64 | 5.52 |
guys better be fixing generators | 596.8 | 6.159 |
he got me okay sorry absolutely oh look | 600.16 | 3.919 |
at you you look pretty | 602.959 | 3.041 |
thank you you're very nice this whole | 604.079 | 3.2 |
thing yeah | 606.0 | 3.839 |
you're tall i like a tall lady well | 607.279 | 3.441 |
you're in luck | 609.839 | 2.321 |
i'm the tallest good i like to be | 610.72 | 3.44 |
dominated you know what i mean okay | 612.16 | 6.0 |
you'll love this then that's oh yeah | 614.16 | 5.52 |
yep what are you doing later just | 618.16 | 3.6 |
throwing axes getting tall and | 619.68 | 4.48 |
getting pretty you want to hang out sure | 621.76 | 3.44 |
netflix and chill | 624.16 | 5.119 |
call me simon did you get off your hook | 625.2 | 5.92 |
did you get off your hook simon i don't | 629.279 | 3.761 |
know what you're talking about | 631.12 | 4.24 |
you were on a hook oh you still on it uh | 633.04 | 4.56 |
yes i'm still on the hook i promise | 635.36 | 3.919 |
i'm looking at an icon in the corner | 637.6 | 3.84 |
this is uh limpy walkie guy | 639.279 | 5.521 |
i i uh fine i'm fine | 641.44 | 6.88 |
i'm on the hook yes | 644.8 | 6.8 |
this one's almost done oh [ __ ] he's here | 648.32 | 6.32 |
hey hey oh oh you're running you're a | 651.6 | 3.52 |
runner | 654.64 | 2.96 |
okay i gotta i'll throw axes though so | 655.12 | 3.12 |
careful | 657.6 | 2.72 |
sure no not for this axe did i run out | 658.24 | 3.12 |
of axe throws | 660.32 | 3.04 |
sounds like a personal problem sleepy | 661.36 | 3.36 |
how come i can't throw my axe | 663.36 | 3.52 |
try hitting escape you're no help you | 664.72 | 3.52 |
don't even want me to throw an axe | 666.88 | 5.44 |
up nice move going around that | 668.24 | 5.92 |
all right here's a good place for me to | 672.32 | 3.12 |
catch you because there's a hook right | 674.16 | 1.679 |
there | 675.44 | 2.72 |
oh okay i'll just slow down for you then | 675.839 | 3.361 |
okay | 678.16 | 4.32 |
okay thank you though | 679.2 | 5.92 |
i'm a team player i cannot throw my hook | 682.48 | 3.28 |
anymore | 685.12 | 4.32 |
oh my i can't throw my ex anymore hmm | 685.76 | 6.88 |
crap now i lost the hook | 689.44 | 6.32 |
against this one boy you are i cannot | 692.64 | 3.439 |
walk | 695.76 | 3.199 |
good with you on my shoulder i am all | 696.079 | 3.44 |
over the place | 698.959 | 2.721 |
i'm drinking oh you're that's what | 699.519 | 5.281 |
you're doing you're fighting it | 701.68 | 3.12 |
that really works when you're wiggling | 705.04 | 4.08 |
like that i like your mask | 706.56 | 4.48 |
thank you i like you is that a | 709.12 | 3.12 |
flashlight in your pocket | 711.04 | 3.919 |
no i'm just happy to see you don't go | 712.24 | 3.44 |
anywhere | 714.959 | 4.32 |
okay i'll be back man i don't think i'm | 715.68 | 6.32 |
can i sabotage these things did she fix | 719.279 | 3.521 |
this | 722.0 | 4.8 |
um oh yeah here we go | 722.8 | 4.0 |
what i just used my big tall woman leg | 727.04 | 3.039 |
to kick this thing | 729.12 | 3.68 |
ooh hot i want to see you naked well | 730.079 | 4.481 |
that's too far | 732.8 | 4.56 |
is it i thought we were bonding earlier | 734.56 | 4.719 |
you went straight to it yeah | 737.36 | 3.68 |
i ain't got time to mess around tell you | 739.279 | 6.321 |
what i'm after oh | 741.04 | 4.56 |
okay whatever oh okay oh dude one of | 751.12 | 4.0 |
those you can do this | 753.92 | 4.719 |
oh oh god hey neebs | 755.12 | 5.44 |
listen i'm wiggling just a little bit | 758.639 | 3.681 |
you're doing great man i can barely walk | 760.56 | 4.16 |
oh good okay i like that come on oh no | 762.32 | 3.519 |
watch out | 764.72 | 2.64 |
all right this time don't go anywhere | 765.839 | 3.281 |
though because it it makes more work for | 767.36 | 3.479 |
me | 769.12 | 4.08 |
okay | 770.839 | 4.201 |
i just hung you up i'm a rough and | 773.2 | 3.36 |
tumble kid | 775.04 | 3.599 |
you're like did you just get crushed | 776.56 | 3.76 |
under that what happened | 778.639 | 5.76 |
are you the wrong way | 780.32 | 5.519 |
you trapped uh you tracked yourself on | 784.399 | 4.721 |
my side now | 785.839 | 5.041 |
you had to do it way out here where | 789.12 | 4.159 |
there's no hooks all right | 790.88 | 4.32 |
so see if it says two in the generator | 793.279 | 3.441 |
does that mean they have two to fix | 795.2 | 4.72 |
maybe you should go check | 796.72 | 3.2 |
sorry you got tentacle things so good | 801.839 | 5.44 |
luck with that | 804.8 | 2.479 |
sorry oh you're fighting it uh yep | 807.36 | 7.599 |
push the button you can do it | 810.48 | 7.28 |
come on baby she's doing great i think | 814.959 | 4.56 |
you're gonna win this | 817.76 | 3.28 |
i don't know if it's possible i think | 819.519 | 3.12 |
it's just to delay it | 821.04 | 3.599 |
okay i'll go let me know how that turns | 822.639 | 3.44 |
out you're not gonna you're not gonna | 824.639 | 3.041 |
stay | 826.079 | 3.841 |
you're trying to stall me aren't you i | 827.68 | 3.04 |
might make it | 829.92 | 3.279 |
let me know | 830.72 | 2.479 |
yep oh hey not over if i can't throw | 833.839 | 7.841 |
yeah i think i'm out of hatches to throw | 838.24 | 5.52 |
don't quit struggling quit struggling no | 841.68 | 3.599 |
i have to or it's going to kill me | 843.76 | 4.079 |
oh you have to think i'm on your buddy | 845.279 | 3.041 |
all right | 847.839 | 3.68 |
ah all right stupid yeah | 848.32 | 5.84 |
you got time though | 851.519 | 2.641 |
i almost made it hi simon | 854.72 | 6.96 |
hi nick | 858.56 | 4.32 |
i don't feel like you're going to lose | 861.68 | 3.279 |
me oh wow all right | 862.88 | 4.8 |
what's with the bunny head oh you like | 864.959 | 3.361 |
that | 867.68 | 2.8 |
kinda yeah oh you are i'm gonna put you | 868.32 | 3.28 |
on this hook and i gotta get back to | 870.48 | 2.159 |
work okay | 871.6 | 3.359 |
russian you're gonna have to get lying | 872.639 | 3.361 |
russian oh | 874.959 | 3.281 |
neebs yeah just yet because russian | 876.0 | 3.92 |
ladies are sometimes bigger aren't they | 878.24 | 3.76 |
i thought about like scandinavian women | 879.92 | 2.88 |
are tall | 882.0 | 3.76 |
right maybe check ladies yup uh hurry | 882.8 | 3.52 |
didn't flare | 885.76 | 3.04 |
and catch you later well wait hold on | 886.32 | 3.199 |
come here | 888.8 | 4.0 |
nope no i got stuff to do no what am i | 889.519 | 4.961 |
supposed to do over here don't do | 892.8 | 3.76 |
anything just wait for me to win | 894.48 | 5.44 |
oh wait that's what that is | 896.56 | 5.68 |
there's more hatchets in this room i got | 899.92 | 3.44 |
hatchets again | 902.24 | 5.039 |
oh good fantastic | 903.36 | 3.919 |
oh oh god oh yes got him you know i'm | 907.6 | 4.799 |
collecting people right i know | 910.48 | 4.32 |
all right [ __ ] sorry thick i just | 912.399 | 3.841 |
happened to be on you again | 914.8 | 5.039 |
what come on thieves | 916.24 | 5.36 |
if it just makes you feel any better i | 919.839 | 3.601 |
clean my axe every time | 921.6 | 4.88 |
really hey oops oh did you just place | 923.44 | 3.6 |
one | 926.48 | 2.64 |
uh yeah there's more though they're in | 927.04 | 3.84 |
the bathrooms or whatever | 929.12 | 3.6 |
well show me where they're at well you | 930.88 | 5.519 |
wait here and i'll go point to it | 932.72 | 3.679 |
you there um they're | 937.279 | 5.601 |
little red buildings oh wow you guys | 940.399 | 4.321 |
struggle does anybody ever get out of | 942.88 | 2.24 |
this | 944.72 | 1.919 |
sleepy struggle i think she struggled | 945.12 | 4.0 |
too someone came and saved her so | 946.639 | 4.88 |
i see i see i don't think it's how it | 949.12 | 3.12 |
works | 951.519 | 3.12 |
normally i can fight spiders pretty good | 952.24 | 3.519 |
this is a spider | 954.639 | 2.56 |
i don't know how you guys managed to | 955.759 | 3.041 |
stay alive so long | 957.199 | 4.08 |
mickey you're still at it yeah i'm still | 958.8 | 3.52 |
here | 961.279 | 4.0 |
all right i don't give up so easy oh no | 962.32 | 3.28 |
no | 965.279 | 3.521 |
no no no damn it okay uh sorry | 965.6 | 4.4 |
blade's clean though so don't worry | 968.8 | 3.44 |
about it that's all right okay | 970.0 | 5.279 |
so we hit it off pretty let me go oh | 972.24 | 4.159 |
don't do that | 975.279 | 2.56 |
don't do that come on just want to | 976.399 | 3.36 |
wiggle it please say hey | 977.839 | 4.24 |
hello | 979.759 | 2.32 |
wow they're gonna catch me like so quick | 993.36 | 4.0 |
though okay oh god where can i go | 995.199 | 4.721 |
plus i have hatchets yeah exactly like | 997.36 | 4.24 |
it's just me left i'm done | 999.92 | 3.68 |
there's no way oh wait the wrist they're | 1001.6 | 3.84 |
dead yeah the rest are dead well i'm | 1003.6 | 3.359 |
doing better than i thought i was | 1005.44 | 5.28 |
oh it's a horse okay amsterdam | 1006.959 | 5.761 |
don't you want to see my long pretty | 1010.72 | 4.479 |
legs nope i want to see that big black | 1012.72 | 5.28 |
bushy muff though | 1015.199 | 2.801 |
you're not even trying to be a gentleman | 1019.04 | 3.28 |
listen again | 1021.36 | 3.599 |
i ain't got time oh no no no no no no no | 1022.32 | 3.44 |
no no | 1024.959 | 4.561 |
leave me alone leave me alone come in | 1025.76 | 6.64 |
come on leave me alone leave me alone | 1029.52 | 3.2 |
good | 1032.4 | 2.32 |
person we'll have fun together listen | 1032.72 | 3.44 |
i'm down but you know | 1034.72 | 5.119 |
we can bake | 1036.16 | 3.679 |
why don't you like hallmark movies you | 1048.4 | 3.279 |
kidding me they're all the same | 1050.48 | 3.6 |
the waitress marries the prince right | 1051.679 | 3.521 |
[ __ ] | 1054.08 | 3.36 |
[ __ ] listen the prince needs to be a | 1055.2 | 3.76 |
little more honest about what he wants | 1057.44 | 3.28 |
well i don't want to dive into that he | 1058.96 | 3.52 |
doesn't want to be a prince he wants to | 1060.72 | 5.04 |
fall in love with a regular woman | 1062.48 | 4.24 |
regular women | 1065.76 | 3.919 |
okay listen you're gonna be the prince | 1066.72 | 3.68 |
i'm out of here | 1069.679 | 3.921 |
come on leave me alone okay hold on | 1070.4 | 4.399 |
shake it off neebs | 1073.6 | 3.92 |
[ __ ] prince is getting away okay | 1074.799 | 5.201 |
where'd you go | 1077.52 | 4.96 |
scared me | 1080.0 | 2.48 |
do you leave blood on the ground nope i | 1083.84 | 3.6 |
don't bleed from my damn vagina like you | 1085.84 | 4.64 |
do well you can bleed from other places | 1087.44 | 4.72 |
the only place you bleed from take a | 1090.48 | 4.48 |
science class away biology class | 1092.16 | 5.28 |
one of them okay probably both sex and | 1094.96 | 3.44 |
more likely | 1097.44 | 4.32 |
uh you don't just bleeding sex said sex | 1098.4 | 4.32 |
ed | 1101.76 | 3.279 |
yeah but you don't have to take sex ed | 1102.72 | 4.16 |
to know that you can just cut | 1105.039 | 3.681 |
a paper cut can do it just take all the | 1106.88 | 3.679 |
classes education's important | 1108.72 | 5.12 |
not every class give me a clue where you | 1110.559 | 4.721 |
at | 1113.84 | 4.4 |
i tell you [ __ ] are you in a building | 1115.28 | 3.92 |
maybe | 1118.24 | 3.679 |
maybe not are you trying to find a door | 1119.2 | 3.359 |
no | 1121.919 | 3.12 |
trying to find a damn generator you got | 1122.559 | 3.201 |
two left | 1125.039 | 5.041 |
i know or the hatch wait or the hatch | 1125.76 | 7.44 |
oh i got a hatchet if you want it oh | 1130.08 | 5.599 |
find that hatch where's that hatch it's | 1133.2 | 4.4 |
probably my best option at this point | 1135.679 | 5.601 |
or popcorn and hallmark | 1137.6 | 4.88 |
i'm getting a hatch i'm playing hard to | 1141.28 | 3.2 |
get baby cupcakes | 1142.48 | 4.559 |
you got to work with this dong mimosas | 1144.48 | 3.84 |
no you're not going to | 1147.039 | 2.721 |
lull me in with your promise of | 1148.32 | 3.44 |
alcoholic breakfast drinks | 1149.76 | 4.48 |
bloody mary mmm this sounds good but | 1151.76 | 3.84 |
nope i'm hatching out of here | 1154.24 | 3.6 |
you've gotten weird you're pretty sneaky | 1155.6 | 4.319 |
i know i'm nikki | 1157.84 | 5.44 |
i said sneaky okay | 1159.919 | 6.481 |
here are you ah nope | 1163.28 | 4.96 |
hatchets though oh there's this damn | 1166.4 | 4.159 |
edge it's gonna be around here somewhere | 1168.24 | 5.679 |
hello hello you in here are you marco | 1170.559 | 6.0 |
no i think don't i say marco probably | 1173.919 | 4.321 |
marco polo | 1176.559 | 7.521 |
markup i just need one hatch | 1178.24 | 5.84 |
what is that sound ah | 1186.64 | 5.919 |
that's what the hatch looks like did you | 1190.24 | 3.04 |
find the hatch | 1192.559 | 3.12 |
i did you [ __ ] i'll show you where it's | 1193.28 | 4.24 |
at if you want | 1195.679 | 5.601 |
sure is it is it in the church um no | 1197.52 | 7.76 |
it's by a generator and a burning barrel | 1201.28 | 5.68 |
if you come find me it's it's like right | 1205.28 | 4.24 |
here generator to burn a barrel you say | 1206.96 | 5.12 |
yeah there's no need to break that now i | 1209.52 | 3.039 |
guess | 1212.08 | 4.079 |
because uh huh | 1212.559 | 7.921 |
all right oh wait blood | 1216.159 | 4.321 |
[Laughter] | 1222.77 | 7.55 |
oh my goodness that's awesome | 1226.4 | 5.44 |
i wish i could see it is there a | 1230.32 | 3.28 |
spectator or a button i could yeah that | 1231.84 | 2.8 |
was a spectator | 1233.6 | 2.92 |
wow | 1234.64 | 3.039 |
[Applause] | 1236.52 | 2.76 |
oh hey the video is over and just as a | 1237.679 | 3.12 |
reminder you should check out our neebs | 1239.28 | 3.6 |
gaming ugly christmas sweaters and also | 1240.799 | 3.841 |
our neves gaming socks links to both of | 1242.88 | 3.12 |
those are in the description box thank | 1244.64 | 4.03 |
you so much for your support | 1246.0 | 5.779 |
[Music] | 1248.67 | 3.109 |
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