The BreadWorld Takeover - Minecraft
Neebs Gaming

This video comes straight from the Neebs Gaming YouTube channel.
Hey there, fellow Minecraft enthusiasts! If you're a fan of Neebs Gaming, you're in for a treat with their latest video. Anthony is back and has taken over Pantsylvania, but that's not stopping the gang from embarking on an epic quest to defeat the Ender Dragon.
In this episode, they are using a new resource pack that you can check out at https://www.napplab.com/. Plus, if you want to show your support, you can even snag a cool Super Simon Defense Squadron shirt from their shop!
But wait, there's more! You can also download the map they're using in the video from the link provided. Make sure you unzip it into your Minecraft saves folder and follow the instructions in their video to ensure everything runs smoothly.
And don't forget to join their Folding@Home team and check out their Discord server for even more gaming fun. If you want to replicate their mod setup, they've got a video to guide you through it.
So grab a cup of Neebs Gaming coffee, settle in, and get ready for an adventure in Minecraft like no other. With hilarious commentary, epic battles, and plenty of shenanigans, this video is sure to keep you entertained from start to finish. Don't miss out on the action-packed journey to take down the Ender Dragon in style!

Caption | Start | Duration |
[Music] | 0.0 | 2.72 |
you ready to see it neebs yep all right | 0.799 | 2.561 |
turn around | 2.72 | 2.72 |
okay walk backwards backwards yep come | 3.36 | 3.919 |
out you do it yeah there it is oh wow do | 5.44 | 2.399 |
it pretty well | 7.279 | 2.001 |
come on oh wait hold on i gotta open the | 7.839 | 3.121 |
gate gonna shut my doors too right | 9.28 | 3.12 |
oh yeah yeah i got your doors here we go | 10.96 | 2.719 |
okay here we go all right all right keep | 12.4 | 1.76 |
it down | 13.679 | 1.761 |
yep wait you get ahead of me don't let | 14.16 | 2.72 |
me fall in it all right yeah you want to | 15.44 | 2.08 |
go back | 16.88 | 2.64 |
okay keep going back going back going | 17.52 | 3.599 |
back come on back | 19.52 | 3.2 |
back don't let me how about failing that | 21.119 | 3.041 |
you didn't tell me anything oh yeah | 22.72 | 2.479 |
i would have said something if you were | 24.16 | 2.16 |
getting close to it don't worry you were | 25.199 | 2.32 |
going straight you're fine | 26.32 | 4.24 |
if i fall into a hole well that's that's | 27.519 | 4.321 |
a little thing yep just one jump you're | 30.56 | 1.679 |
good | 31.84 | 1.76 |
okay you're good you're good come on | 32.239 | 3.041 |
back uh-huh jump up that | 33.6 | 4.4 |
okay come on back come on back i'm going | 35.28 | 4.24 |
all right you jump up a little bit here | 38.0 | 2.239 |
okay | 39.52 | 2.879 |
jumping yep keep on backing i'm going | 40.239 | 4.0 |
keep on back i'm keeping on backing | 42.399 | 3.281 |
you'll know if i stop you can jump into | 44.239 | 2.961 |
some water okay you told me a little | 45.68 | 3.039 |
late on that yep that's fine | 47.2 | 3.66 |
keep on mowing back uh-huh | 48.719 | 4.0 |
[Music] | 50.86 | 3.94 |
hold up stop stop stop all right all | 52.719 | 3.36 |
right you ready ready | 54.8 | 4.72 |
and turn around | 56.079 | 3.441 |
that looks great we got us a dragon | 61.359 | 4.721 |
house what's up with all these blue | 64.08 | 4.32 |
posts uh it's a very important uh | 66.08 | 3.52 |
meeting but if you guys want to come in | 68.4 | 2.64 |
first we have to talk about this | 69.6 | 3.199 |
but hey how's everyone doing good how | 71.04 | 3.28 |
you doing anthony i'm good | 72.799 | 3.041 |
i spent a week recovering from that | 74.32 | 3.28 |
terrorist attack but now i'm okay | 75.84 | 4.639 |
that turned out so good oh i see you | 77.6 | 4.4 |
guys have been busy with dragons | 80.479 | 4.241 |
yeah yeah i didn't even get this the | 82.0 | 4.0 |
first time i'm seeing it | 84.72 | 4.56 |
so wow reactions that's really | 86.0 | 5.52 |
very impressive i'm very happy you want | 89.28 | 3.519 |
to see the inside neebs | 91.52 | 3.68 |
i do we should probably uh use the | 92.799 | 3.68 |
boardroom oh yeah | 95.2 | 5.919 |
meeting meetings meeting me okay | 96.479 | 6.801 |
okay everyone thank you for joining me | 101.119 | 3.04 |
in my absolutely | 103.28 | 2.56 |
first order first order of business real | 104.159 | 3.28 |
quick anthony okay sorry to interrupt | 105.84 | 2.639 |
you already but uh | 107.439 | 2.64 |
that that empty seat over there is for | 108.479 | 3.441 |
doraleous not you your seats back there | 110.079 | 2.481 |
in the corner | 111.92 | 2.479 |
okay just wanted to clear that out | 112.56 | 3.36 |
that's right i didn't want you to think | 114.399 | 2.961 |
you had a seat here at the table oh | 115.92 | 2.72 |
that's fine you give it to the dirty | 117.36 | 2.88 |
terrorist anyway speaking of dirty | 118.64 | 2.24 |
terrorists | 120.24 | 2.879 |
in just the last week since my absence | 120.88 | 4.16 |
there has been factory explosions | 123.119 | 4.561 |
but fires on mob spawners all right | 125.04 | 4.96 |
fires on simon's house oh and and most | 127.68 | 3.76 |
importantly of all | 130.0 | 3.12 |
the bread world sign has been changed to | 131.44 | 4.48 |
bj's and that's unacceptable | 133.12 | 4.8 |
this town has gone to hell and bread | 135.92 | 3.44 |
world is taking over | 137.92 | 4.64 |
okay no no it's happening well which | 139.36 | 3.599 |
down | 142.56 | 1.6 |
it's happening this whole town has gone | 142.959 | 2.881 |
to you ever seen robocop absolutely | 144.16 | 2.799 |
you've seen robocop i can't have seen | 145.84 | 3.119 |
robocop redworld is ocp we're taking | 146.959 | 3.441 |
over because this is basically new | 148.959 | 3.92 |
jersey | 150.4 | 2.479 |
[Music] | 153.99 | 5.21 |
imagine an end of hunger | 155.12 | 7.199 |
an end of scarcity | 159.2 | 6.16 |
imagine two million good loafs waiting | 162.319 | 5.681 |
to be eaten | 165.36 | 2.64 |
sounds like a dream doesn't it | 168.08 | 3.76 |
well sometimes dreams come true | 172.16 | 13.28 |
bread world for our children | 176.08 | 11.36 |
this town was never really in that good | 185.44 | 3.28 |
of shape so | 187.44 | 3.439 |
i don't right it's going down listen i'm | 188.72 | 3.68 |
honestly i'm 100 fine with brad world | 190.879 | 2.961 |
taking over this town because this town | 192.4 | 2.72 |
has been a dump good | 193.84 | 2.64 |
we're going to clean it up i just wanted | 195.12 | 2.96 |
to let you know breadworld headquarters | 196.48 | 3.039 |
is you know being built here it's going | 198.08 | 2.56 |
to be a beautiful | 199.519 | 4.161 |
shining example of the city anyways | 200.64 | 4.56 |
ah i'm just going to come over here yep | 203.68 | 3.6 |
go get in your corner here we go | 205.2 | 4.0 |
do i have the floor oh yes you may have | 207.28 | 3.44 |
a floor okay | 209.2 | 4.319 |
item number one i would like to have i | 210.72 | 3.519 |
think | 213.519 | 2.72 |
magma cream cause i want to make you | 214.239 | 3.441 |
want what | 216.239 | 3.841 |
magma cream mag okay i think we got some | 217.68 | 3.44 |
of that in the nether | 220.08 | 2.719 |
okay well i need it because i want to | 221.12 | 5.6 |
make fire resistant potions | 222.799 | 3.921 |
because i'm gonna make uh i'm gonna make | 230.319 | 3.681 |
uh a potion | 232.72 | 3.84 |
where i can go get more blaze rods so we | 234.0 | 3.76 |
can | 236.56 | 2.959 |
why do we need blaze rod again you | 237.76 | 3.039 |
wanted to make potions right | 239.519 | 3.041 |
yeah but then i wanted the blaze rod for | 240.799 | 3.041 |
something don't we need that for the | 242.56 | 2.64 |
ender things | 243.84 | 3.039 |
for dragons this whole building's about | 245.2 | 3.52 |
dragons is that what it's for | 246.879 | 3.681 |
probably yeah no we need to we need to | 248.72 | 3.36 |
make the we need that | 250.56 | 3.92 |
so we can make a blaze cream or blaze | 252.08 | 3.28 |
powder just | 254.48 | 2.64 |
let's once that just get me the magma | 255.36 | 3.52 |
cream and i'll get you the magma cream | 257.12 | 2.799 |
and tell you what you don't worry about | 258.88 | 2.8 |
the eye of enders you leave that to pop | 259.919 | 2.401 |
up | 261.68 | 2.799 |
the blaze rod i'm your blaze rod guy | 262.32 | 3.84 |
you're the blaze rod guy right here | 264.479 | 4.321 |
the floor hey all right i'm your dirt | 266.16 | 3.12 |
guy | 268.8 | 2.56 |
i got you dirt these are i would like | 269.28 | 4.08 |
the floor this is a pornhub clip i found | 271.36 | 3.839 |
that i really like | 273.36 | 6.08 |
oh yeah it's hot it's hot right woo | 275.199 | 22.641 |
damn all right brown chicken brown cow | 279.44 | 18.4 |
oh that place looks cool from a distance | 300.08 | 3.6 |
did you build that dragon i did | 302.0 | 3.6 |
what's it made out of it is made out of | 303.68 | 3.6 |
a lot of um | 305.6 | 3.84 |
not cotton wool wool that's how you got | 307.28 | 3.759 |
the color i was surprised | 309.44 | 3.039 |
all right absolutely wait this point | 311.039 | 3.201 |
right here this is the perfect place to | 312.479 | 2.16 |
do it | 314.24 | 2.799 |
all the race the race yeah all right | 314.639 | 4.161 |
we're gonna race back to appszotopia yes | 317.039 | 3.521 |
when it goes up the ice portal it runs | 318.8 | 3.119 |
all the way from over there to the right | 320.56 | 3.199 |
all the way to abstratopia beautiful so | 321.919 | 3.12 |
i figured we start here | 323.759 | 2.961 |
meet at your entrance of absortopia so | 325.039 | 3.281 |
like like across the bridge like | 326.72 | 2.72 |
right in front of the bridge that's | 328.32 | 3.04 |
that's the that's the end place the | 329.44 | 2.8 |
bridge yes | 331.36 | 2.64 |
okay yeah all right all right do you | 332.24 | 5.519 |
want to count it all right ready yep go | 334.0 | 4.96 |
racing there's no count | 337.759 | 4.16 |
there's no numbers oh okay whatever | 338.96 | 6.0 |
whatever you go all right | 341.919 | 3.041 |
i'm gonna beat him he thinks his stupid | 345.759 | 3.201 |
little ice tracks faster than mine | 347.12 | 4.4 |
so dumb a little disappointed i totally | 348.96 | 3.6 |
think he's gonna win because i've been | 351.52 | 2.16 |
testing this thing out and it's not as | 352.56 | 2.16 |
fast as i thought | 353.68 | 3.12 |
oh here we go all right caught up in | 354.72 | 3.919 |
here they're coming up to the nether | 356.8 | 5.44 |
and okay do your jumps do your jumps | 358.639 | 5.441 |
time them out you sprint and you time | 362.24 | 3.12 |
out the jumps that's what i | 364.08 | 2.959 |
kind of time them up i'm gonna do the | 365.36 | 4.72 |
double finger tap method | 367.039 | 6.0 |
okay there we go | 370.08 | 2.959 |
get that fast all right i'm maybe about | 374.0 | 3.039 |
halfway there | 376.16 | 2.08 |
where do you think he is he's probably | 377.039 | 3.28 |
in hell probably in hell abusing it's | 378.24 | 2.88 |
going to turn through | 380.319 | 3.44 |
god okay how are you getting the hell | 381.12 | 3.919 |
out of me just get the hell out of me he | 383.759 | 2.081 |
teleports | 385.039 | 2.961 |
with with the power of the devil but see | 385.84 | 4.079 |
the ice is blue and that means it's good | 388.0 | 7.84 |
it's usually oh god | 389.919 | 5.921 |
hey astro hey oh | 400.72 | 4.319 |
well it looks like you're a little | 403.759 | 3.201 |
faster you heathen i told you but you | 405.039 | 2.961 |
know what i got here | 406.96 | 3.12 |
pretty close and i'm righteous with the | 408.0 | 3.919 |
lord so i feel good about it yeah well | 410.08 | 3.119 |
yeah you are one with | 411.919 | 3.601 |
jesus okay i'm going to hell to give pig | 413.199 | 3.681 |
some gold all right | 415.52 | 3.679 |
we can't get some uh some eyes of enders | 416.88 | 4.0 |
okay or the uh well not the eyes and | 419.199 | 3.521 |
enders the materials to make the eyes of | 420.88 | 3.52 |
vendors anyway i want to be throwing | 422.72 | 3.44 |
gold in the faces of a bunch of piggies | 424.4 | 3.12 |
let's do it we could use the gold to | 426.16 | 2.64 |
bring them in our religion | 427.52 | 4.48 |
what's that called bribery convert | 428.8 | 7.679 |
the word is convert | 432.0 | 7.039 |
hey names hey so you know what i'm doing | 436.479 | 4.241 |
potion something with potions | 439.039 | 3.921 |
yeah i'm using that magma cream okay and | 440.72 | 4.479 |
that's gonna make a uh like a fire | 442.96 | 3.519 |
resistant potion | 445.199 | 3.361 |
right because we're gonna go to the to | 446.479 | 3.601 |
the fireplace | 448.56 | 3.52 |
nether and then we're gonna get blaze | 450.08 | 3.519 |
rods and they keep shooting fire at us | 452.08 | 1.92 |
so | 453.599 | 2.72 |
okay so i'm gonna be able to have potion | 454.0 | 3.28 |
that keeps me | 456.319 | 2.801 |
getting set on fire actually i'm gonna | 457.28 | 3.28 |
hang on to it because you like to lose | 459.12 | 2.0 |
things | 460.56 | 3.12 |
right yes throw it and it'll break and | 461.12 | 4.0 |
we'll all get the effect | 463.68 | 4.48 |
oh i like that so it's like you're gonna | 465.12 | 6.079 |
dose me yeah is it redstone is it | 468.16 | 3.599 |
redstone | 471.199 | 2.641 |
yeah it's redstone can i talk to aydah | 471.759 | 5.041 |
is it red stoneada | 473.84 | 2.96 |
to make it through it | 476.879 | 4.0 |
[Music] | 478.48 | 5.76 |
was it gunpowder okay yep you sound like | 480.879 | 3.76 |
you don't | 484.24 | 1.91 |
you're not sure | 484.639 | 3.28 |
[Music] | 486.15 | 4.81 |
he's talking to you eda is she there | 487.919 | 6.321 |
i don't know she dosed you man | 490.96 | 3.28 |
oh she's in google she's googling okay | 494.72 | 3.36 |
so | 497.44 | 2.24 |
it's hard to start to get her to do | 498.08 | 3.519 |
anything these days gunpowder will make | 499.68 | 3.28 |
more sense though | 501.599 | 6.241 |
yeah come on google | 502.96 | 4.88 |
[Music] | 509.25 | 5.95 |
we're gonna make a splash potion then | 513.36 | 3.039 |
we're off to the nether | 515.2 | 4.48 |
then we're off to the woods | 516.399 | 7.52 |
to have a donut you sing a lot lately | 519.68 | 8.03 |
then we'll eat some cake | 523.919 | 6.001 |
[Music] | 527.71 | 5.249 |
hey piggy boy piggy boy | 529.92 | 4.72 |
that kind of thing oh that's a baby one | 532.959 | 3.681 |
that's gonna get in ah god oh god | 534.64 | 4.8 |
good luck come here get it kill it | 536.64 | 4.24 |
please why does it have hearts when i | 539.44 | 2.88 |
hit it with something it should hate | 540.88 | 2.959 |
this no it like run out | 542.32 | 4.32 |
it likes the pain okay yeah piggyball | 543.839 | 3.44 |
all right | 546.64 | 2.319 |
i hate these warthogs these warthogs are | 547.279 | 3.841 |
the bane of my nether existence | 548.959 | 4.081 |
okay do the little guys give you stuff | 551.12 | 3.92 |
too uh you know what about to find out | 553.04 | 2.479 |
hey | 555.04 | 2.239 |
hey little dude hey you want some all | 555.519 | 3.121 |
right wait anthony watch out | 557.279 | 3.281 |
big pig up there right up there wait i | 558.64 | 3.199 |
gave him a nugget and he think he took | 560.56 | 2.08 |
the nugget | 561.839 | 2.56 |
here what about one of those hey hey | 562.64 | 3.199 |
really yeah you want to learn oh i took | 564.399 | 3.761 |
it i'm sorry anthony there you go piggy | 565.839 | 3.921 |
little pig friend all right what you | 568.16 | 3.119 |
gonna give me he's a child though he | 569.76 | 2.639 |
probably doesn't have anything good like | 571.279 | 2.881 |
he's gonna give us a yo-yo | 572.399 | 4.801 |
oh he gave me your gold nugget you what | 574.16 | 4.72 |
here have your gold nugget bag ooh | 577.2 | 3.6 |
golden nugget you gave me a gold nugget | 578.88 | 3.92 |
no i'm going to go | 580.8 | 5.2 |
dirt all right hey adult piggies | 582.8 | 5.44 |
oh there's oh there's an enderman over | 586.0 | 3.68 |
there too | 588.24 | 3.36 |
so what are we getting from these guys | 589.68 | 3.839 |
little little pig little pig | 591.6 | 3.44 |
little pig a little pig i can kill you | 593.519 | 3.361 |
knock it off get out of here murder him | 595.04 | 4.16 |
all right hey here check it out | 596.88 | 4.16 |
what you gonna give me oh this little | 599.2 | 3.04 |
kid came running can you get it i've | 601.04 | 4.72 |
already gave him somebody give me sh | 602.24 | 4.88 |
i'm gonna lay a light down here so i can | 605.76 | 3.6 |
actually see you oh yes | 607.12 | 5.6 |
eye vendors five ender pearls oh | 609.36 | 8.64 |
yeah more please | 612.72 | 7.44 |
behind me yeah so what is it i have a | 618.0 | 3.279 |
gold helmet | 620.16 | 3.44 |
and that will make it so that they don't | 621.279 | 4.0 |
some somebody doesn't attack me | 623.6 | 3.76 |
oh yep hey here's a blaze come over here | 625.279 | 3.201 |
in the corner okay | 627.36 | 4.159 |
you ready and that's going to give us | 628.48 | 3.919 |
fire protection | 631.519 | 2.961 |
yep i gave you fire protection boots and | 632.399 | 3.68 |
a gold helmet for the pig people | 634.48 | 4.16 |
all right i don't i still don't have uh | 636.079 | 3.2 |
a bow | 638.64 | 3.6 |
or arrows what oh you don't crap did you | 639.279 | 3.921 |
give them to me | 642.24 | 3.599 |
i forgot i forgot to give you that yeah | 643.2 | 4.319 |
okay got that guy | 645.839 | 4.161 |
all right uh drop anything i don't know | 647.519 | 4.081 |
did he not drop anything | 650.0 | 3.839 |
oh wait it's down in there hold on going | 651.6 | 3.679 |
in go do it | 653.839 | 3.841 |
blaze rod blaze rod all right oh arrow | 655.279 | 3.841 |
did somebody just shoot that arrow at | 657.68 | 1.92 |
you | 659.12 | 3.279 |
was that there hey listen what if i | 659.6 | 3.6 |
shoot this | 662.399 | 4.401 |
ready can you pick that up | 663.2 | 6.72 |
it looks like oh what have you done okay | 666.8 | 5.84 |
yeah i'm fine so uh i don't think i can | 669.92 | 3.28 |
move | 672.64 | 2.72 |
i don't think i can pick it up so you | 673.2 | 3.44 |
just do sword stuff okay | 675.36 | 3.039 |
i guess which probably means where we | 676.64 | 3.92 |
going i do nothing forget how we go in | 678.399 | 3.841 |
is it here i don't know it's how i just | 680.56 | 3.68 |
fell yeah let's go in here oh this is it | 682.24 | 3.92 |
it's the right way all right good my | 684.24 | 3.44 |
instincts that's a good sign | 686.16 | 3.44 |
i i knew that we should have been here | 687.68 | 3.2 |
we left these torches | 689.6 | 3.52 |
uh-huh this should lead us to the blaze | 690.88 | 3.92 |
spawner all right remember | 693.12 | 3.04 |
yeah i don't remember anything i've | 694.8 | 3.52 |
never been here before have i probably | 696.16 | 4.16 |
oh yeah i mean this is it all this stuff | 698.32 | 3.519 |
looks the same to me | 700.32 | 2.88 |
yeah we still got the fire protection | 701.839 | 3.841 |
it's an eight-minute uh spell i added uh | 703.2 | 4.8 |
redstone uh-huh oh i think i do remember | 705.68 | 3.52 |
being here wasn't there | 708.0 | 2.72 |
a lot of people died around here didn't | 709.2 | 2.96 |
they that's that's what we come here to | 710.72 | 1.76 |
do | 712.16 | 3.28 |
okay so we kind of we tried to box this | 712.48 | 3.2 |
in | 715.44 | 1.76 |
you see how well that went yeah it went | 715.68 | 3.04 |
very badly i remember | 717.2 | 4.96 |
bad boxing uh hello we're here for blaze | 718.72 | 4.559 |
rod hello | 722.16 | 4.72 |
blaze rod uh oh there's one okay | 723.279 | 6.8 |
okay you're gonna go chopping he didn't | 726.88 | 4.24 |
drop anything did he | 730.079 | 2.56 |
all right i'm ready to chop up nothing | 731.12 | 3.839 |
you tell me when to drop chop chop chop | 732.639 | 4.081 |
come on you see an enemy all right | 734.959 | 3.12 |
anytime there's an enemy coming i'm | 736.72 | 2.559 |
going to chop away | 738.079 | 4.56 |
yep here we go here's a guy here he is | 739.279 | 5.761 |
here you | 742.639 | 2.401 |
[Music] | 749.86 | 3.1 |
sorry i killed him didn't i | 753.12 | 7.279 |
uh that was horrible but very funny i'm | 756.88 | 5.84 |
sure | 760.399 | 2.321 |
sorry | 763.92 | 2.479 |
could it go on the way could have been | 768.079 | 2.961 |
simon could have been a blaze but i bet | 769.12 | 3.12 |
simon killed me | 771.04 | 3.12 |
let's see you know what i don't have | 772.24 | 3.599 |
anything | 774.16 | 3.76 |
ah i'm getting shot already i should at | 775.839 | 3.44 |
least grab food | 777.92 | 3.76 |
it was too hasty i just left the house | 779.279 | 3.441 |
in a hurry | 781.68 | 3.279 |
i'm never getting that stuff back come | 782.72 | 3.76 |
on baby | 784.959 | 4.641 |
all right nobody follow me okay | 786.48 | 7.52 |
i'm coming simon uh did that hurt just | 789.6 | 6.799 |
jumping a little bit it's dumb okay no | 794.0 | 4.72 |
jumping | 796.399 | 2.321 |
around | 798.839 | 4.171 |
[Applause] | 801.42 | 4.67 |
[Music] | 803.01 | 3.08 |
yeah hold on what i've never seen a | 807.68 | 5.92 |
witch spawn here | 810.639 | 2.961 |
[Music] | 813.73 | 4.24 |
oh yeah to the left there he is g hello | 820.0 | 4.88 |
yeah i don't know i think it's gender | 823.279 | 4.8 |
gender slippery generously | 824.88 | 5.6 |
okay oh oh man my hearts are going down | 828.079 | 3.2 |
holy crap | 830.48 | 2.479 |
i have poison maybe come back in the | 831.279 | 3.281 |
house and just don't mess with that | 832.959 | 4.721 |
oh god oh why am i poisoned still i've | 834.56 | 4.8 |
got a ball and chain i'm poisoned | 837.68 | 5.279 |
holy moly i'm on | 839.36 | 3.599 |
i don't know i can't find the staircase | 845.839 | 3.201 |
to go downstairs in your house so i'm | 847.519 | 2.081 |
just stuck | 849.04 | 1.76 |
up here i mean you can't find the | 849.6 | 3.12 |
staircase it came up here somehow oh | 850.8 | 3.279 |
there it is found it nevermind | 852.72 | 2.799 |
oh yeah there you are hey i kind of | 854.079 | 3.44 |
jumped through all your and found uh | 855.519 | 4.241 |
found some armor so all right where is | 857.519 | 3.041 |
this witch | 859.76 | 2.24 |
oh she's out front you want to go kill | 860.56 | 3.519 |
her oh do i i do | 862.0 | 3.68 |
okay let's let's just go do it again she | 864.079 | 3.521 |
poisoned me no just go in oh god there's | 865.68 | 2.88 |
a bee | 867.6 | 3.599 |
oh jesus christ cousin again what in the | 868.56 | 4.16 |
world oh it's angry when you | 871.199 | 3.601 |
you wake up be angry and sorry it's eyes | 872.72 | 4.479 |
go red what if you made adrian being the | 874.8 | 3.44 |
best piss | 877.199 | 3.2 |
oh yeah it's chasing you why did you | 878.24 | 4.0 |
bring a damn baby i just opened the door | 880.399 | 3.921 |
and it came into the house oh this is | 882.24 | 4.08 |
like real life when a bee comes in | 884.32 | 3.12 |
oh i don't want to kill it though i'll | 886.32 | 3.04 |
lean it outside hang on there's a witch | 887.44 | 3.519 |
out there it's fine | 889.36 | 10.479 |
come on b come and get me | 890.959 | 8.88 |
it went outside it went outside shut the | 900.399 | 4.161 |
door oh oh oh i got it outside | 902.24 | 3.92 |
all right what is going what happened | 904.56 | 3.839 |
last night there's witches there's bees | 906.16 | 4.799 |
i'm poisoned bread is still delicious | 908.399 | 5.44 |
though | 910.959 | 2.88 |
simon lost all my good stuff man i | 915.6 | 5.76 |
man i'm really curious to see what | 919.68 | 3.68 |
really happened if it was me that did it | 921.36 | 3.36 |
which i'm assuming | 923.36 | 4.96 |
but i'm i'm really sorry that's okay um | 924.72 | 5.44 |
yeah your stuff's in here yeah how do i | 928.32 | 3.12 |
get the quick i guess | 930.16 | 3.28 |
how do i take things out quickly | 931.44 | 3.12 |
actually you know what you should leave | 933.44 | 2.24 |
it there we're gonna try to get more | 934.56 | 2.0 |
blaze rod | 935.68 | 2.8 |
yeah i should leave it here i made three | 936.56 | 3.76 |
more potion let's | 938.48 | 3.84 |
uh leave anything important here well i | 940.32 | 3.92 |
should take my two more i should take my | 942.32 | 4.48 |
armor all right uh you're wearing a | 944.24 | 4.32 |
helmet and a pair of shoes i gave you | 946.8 | 3.76 |
i got a pants i have the other i grabbed | 948.56 | 3.04 |
another couple of things | 950.56 | 3.6 |
so at least i'll be protected i got a | 951.6 | 3.28 |
chest | 954.16 | 2.32 |
and i got this okay there it is all | 954.88 | 3.44 |
right atta boy okay all right | 956.48 | 4.479 |
you got your sword yeah i got the potion | 958.32 | 3.6 |
and uh you ready | 960.959 | 2.481 |
i'm ready let's get some more i'm gonna | 961.92 | 3.359 |
be smarter this time okay | 963.44 | 4.319 |
all right we got fire potion let's do it | 965.279 | 3.68 |
all right baby | 967.759 | 3.281 |
where are they at come on simon if you | 968.959 | 4.0 |
get any blaze rod take it back to the | 971.04 | 2.96 |
chest | 972.959 | 4.081 |
immediately that is a pro tip that's a | 974.0 | 4.24 |
tip and i like that | 977.04 | 2.64 |
i like that tip you can put it all the | 978.24 | 3.039 |
way in good tip | 979.68 | 3.36 |
okay all right okay i'll give you | 981.279 | 3.12 |
permission to put it all the way in | 983.04 | 3.039 |
all right come on i don't need that okay | 984.399 | 3.36 |
yeah you do you need permission | 986.079 | 4.0 |
otherwise it's you know i i need to | 987.759 | 3.44 |
leave i'm not gonna | 990.079 | 3.601 |
i'm not gonna need yes but if you have | 991.199 | 3.44 |
permission | 993.68 | 2.88 |
just saying now you know all right thank | 994.639 | 3.521 |
you all right hello | 996.56 | 4.8 |
hey we need more blaze rod yes we do and | 998.16 | 3.44 |
i'm | 1001.36 | 2.32 |
not falling off the thing this time nope | 1001.6 | 3.599 |
nope ain't gonna happen there's one | 1003.68 | 3.04 |
there you see him okay yeah i do on the | 1005.199 | 3.521 |
other side oh reckon | 1006.72 | 4.16 |
whack | 1008.72 | 2.16 |
here we go see one yeah bring them back | 1017.12 | 5.36 |
to me okay come over here | 1019.199 | 5.36 |
come here he comes oh there's one over | 1022.48 | 3.04 |
there okay | 1024.559 | 3.52 |
it's up high up up high there all right | 1025.52 | 3.76 |
i'll stay here | 1028.079 | 4.081 |
huh that's a good spot yeah yeah draw | 1029.28 | 4.32 |
them in | 1032.16 | 4.32 |
come on scooby girl let's do it come on | 1033.6 | 4.56 |
you ever date a french girl before | 1036.48 | 4.8 |
i don't think so you i did yes okay | 1038.16 | 6.24 |
it was we good yes good yes | 1041.28 | 6.48 |
it was yes good baby wee-wee i get him | 1044.4 | 6.08 |
she also what got one okay okay taking | 1047.76 | 6.08 |
it back | 1050.48 | 3.36 |
all right there's three in the box i | 1058.559 | 3.041 |
like this all right | 1060.24 | 4.48 |
we've got a method | 1061.6 | 3.12 |
come on baby get over here huh write | 1065.12 | 3.6 |
something | 1067.84 | 4.48 |
stick him going down yes yes | 1068.72 | 6.319 |
yes that's another one that's oui | 1072.32 | 9.52 |
another one | 1075.039 | 6.801 |
don't die don't die | 1088.0 | 9.64 |
[Music] | 1094.49 | 3.15 |
so where's the executive suite going to | 1097.919 | 5.201 |
be probably at the top | 1099.52 | 5.2 |
how are you going i mean this is already | 1103.12 | 3.2 |
pretty darn high i mean well you look | 1104.72 | 2.24 |
over there | 1106.32 | 2.719 |
and there's that tower to the top right | 1106.96 | 3.28 |
i can't let some | 1109.039 | 3.121 |
dirt tower you know be the symbol of | 1110.24 | 3.28 |
power over here it needs to be bread | 1112.16 | 2.96 |
world that's true but that's easy enough | 1113.52 | 2.399 |
to go over and | 1115.12 | 2.799 |
you know tear down okay we'll we'll | 1115.919 | 3.681 |
build this up and tear them down | 1117.919 | 3.76 |
i'm gonna go all the way up and then my | 1119.6 | 4.16 |
plan is to have like a big office at the | 1121.679 | 2.641 |
top | 1123.76 | 2.32 |
with a desk that i'm sitting behind and | 1124.32 | 4.32 |
i'm just like welcome to my office | 1126.08 | 4.64 |
maybe bread on all the walls that'd be | 1128.64 | 4.32 |
cool you know what i'm 100 | 1130.72 | 4.079 |
behind you hell yeah as long as you | 1132.96 | 4.0 |
don't uh you know move into absentopia | 1134.799 | 3.441 |
oh well you know what you can't even see | 1136.96 | 3.44 |
abstratopia so exactly you're the most | 1138.24 | 3.439 |
powerful over there | 1140.4 | 3.12 |
i'll be the most powerful over here i'd | 1141.679 | 3.681 |
co-exist i love it hey | 1143.52 | 3.519 |
do you want my house want my old home is | 1145.36 | 3.28 |
a vacation home that one over there | 1147.039 | 3.441 |
the little little tree house yeah that's | 1148.64 | 3.52 |
kind of small for the breadworld ceo to | 1150.48 | 2.96 |
be able to okay i understand you need | 1152.16 | 2.56 |
something a little fancier yeah maybe | 1153.44 | 2.72 |
i'll cut down the entire forest and | 1154.72 | 2.64 |
build a mansion there or something | 1156.16 | 2.8 |
perfect that might be nice oh look you | 1157.36 | 3.28 |
can see the ice path | 1158.96 | 3.44 |
it's like going through everything the | 1160.64 | 3.039 |
ice pack the ice | 1162.4 | 3.6 |
the ice way oh yeah no the little deck | 1163.679 | 3.601 |
on the back yeah it looks pretty cool | 1166.0 | 2.24 |
it's like a subway | 1167.28 | 2.96 |
oh yeah this is coming along you put a | 1168.24 | 3.36 |
lot of work you put a lot more work into | 1170.24 | 2.88 |
that than i thought yeah well i needed | 1171.6 | 2.56 |
it to look nice | 1173.12 | 2.559 |
it goes into the rich part of town near | 1174.16 | 3.2 |
abstratopia so i figured the rich people | 1175.679 | 2.641 |
wanted to look good | 1177.36 | 2.4 |
you're not wrong drop drive down | 1178.32 | 3.599 |
property values and stuff | 1179.76 | 3.52 |
i've got another place we need to finish | 1181.919 | 2.801 |
i'm proud of that dragon though that | 1183.28 | 2.96 |
does look really cool | 1184.72 | 3.839 |
it looks so dumb i mean you know what | 1186.24 | 3.52 |
it's going to look even though this will | 1188.559 | 2.561 |
tower over it that's still the coolest | 1189.76 | 3.039 |
thing this is going to be like | 1191.12 | 4.799 |
normal casual corporate world | 1192.799 | 5.521 |
this big tower straight up yeah yeah are | 1195.919 | 3.601 |
you gonna are you gonna build in every | 1198.32 | 1.68 |
floor | 1199.52 | 2.72 |
i think i'm gonna do the entrance and | 1200.0 | 3.84 |
you know and then have like an elevator | 1202.24 | 2.799 |
that goes all the way to the top | 1203.84 | 3.52 |
so you know you don't want to fall that | 1205.039 | 4.581 |
would be awful | 1207.36 | 10.439 |
[Music] | 1209.62 | 8.179 |
all right neebs bestow upon me | 1218.72 | 7.04 |
on my bosom the blaze rods yes sir uh | 1222.559 | 6.24 |
one two three four five | 1225.76 | 5.36 |
six seven uh-huh and you guys are over | 1228.799 | 4.641 |
achievers | 1231.12 | 4.48 |
huh magma cream was that important we | 1233.44 | 3.76 |
needed that to make the potion so we | 1235.6 | 3.199 |
don't burn so yeah | 1237.2 | 3.359 |
all right i'll just hold on to this then | 1238.799 | 4.081 |
all right so if i take these blaze rods | 1240.559 | 5.441 |
i can make 14 blaze powders and with | 1242.88 | 3.679 |
this | 1246.0 | 3.84 |
blaze powder and these into pearls | 1246.559 | 7.281 |
boom we now have a total of 22 | 1249.84 | 7.6 |
i how many 22. how many did we need | 1253.84 | 5.6 |
well we got to start tossing these | 1257.44 | 4.32 |
things and they should lead us | 1259.44 | 5.359 |
to a fortress | 1261.76 | 5.2 |
yeah are we doing that now yeah you know | 1264.799 | 3.36 |
what let's go ahead and toss one | 1266.96 | 2.959 |
okay let's see what happens that's just | 1268.159 | 3.441 |
one right you toss all like until you | 1269.919 | 2.64 |
find it right well | 1271.6 | 2.88 |
yeah if i'm not mistaken you toss one | 1272.559 | 3.281 |
and it kind of goes the direction you | 1274.48 | 2.0 |
need to go | 1275.84 | 3.04 |
okay i think i could be completely wrong | 1276.48 | 3.28 |
but i'm gonna come out here in the | 1278.88 | 2.08 |
middle of this field all right | 1279.76 | 4.32 |
uh-huh and uh do i just toss it in the | 1280.96 | 3.44 |
air | 1284.08 | 3.52 |
let's find out just waste one go oh that | 1284.4 | 3.84 |
way oh | 1287.6 | 2.72 |
i see it that direction landed right | 1288.24 | 3.04 |
here this direction | 1290.32 | 3.28 |
that direction well oh wait it landed | 1291.28 | 4.32 |
wait i got an eye of ender out of that | 1293.6 | 3.76 |
okay so you get the eye of ender back yo | 1295.6 | 4.079 |
you get it back hold up the eye of ender | 1297.36 | 2.72 |
yeah | 1299.679 | 2.321 |
there it is there it is there's another | 1300.08 | 4.24 |
one or is that it oh and that one broke | 1302.0 | 4.08 |
all right this is direction so this | 1304.32 | 3.68 |
direction this direction | 1306.08 | 5.04 |
okay you got to throw another one right | 1308.0 | 4.799 |
uh well i kind of want to go a little | 1311.12 | 3.039 |
ways and then toss it but you know what | 1312.799 | 2.721 |
you know what i mean yeah we only have | 1314.159 | 2.241 |
22 | 1315.52 | 4.0 |
now only 20. okay so i get it i got 19 | 1316.4 | 4.24 |
in my pocket what you said you picked | 1319.52 | 2.08 |
some up names right | 1320.64 | 3.68 |
i picked up two i believe yes we have 21 | 1321.6 | 3.12 |
total | 1324.32 | 1.839 |
so sometimes they don't break that's | 1324.72 | 3.439 |
good math abstract good job okay so then | 1326.159 | 2.64 |
throw | 1328.159 | 3.76 |
another one right right now boom uh | 1328.799 | 5.521 |
that direction that direction okay we'll | 1331.919 | 3.601 |
catch it that's it | 1334.32 | 3.44 |
catch it oh hey i got three of them | 1335.52 | 4.24 |
three eye vendor yeah it's per i thought | 1337.76 | 4.159 |
they broke every time so we have | 1339.76 | 3.68 |
more than enough eye vendor which is | 1341.919 | 3.521 |
great okay now we're running | 1343.44 | 4.08 |
so yeah that's what i was asking earlier | 1345.44 | 4.32 |
how many blaze rods did we actually | 1347.52 | 5.6 |
need we don't know we do know this isn't | 1349.76 | 5.76 |
an exact recipe is it it might be 5 000 | 1353.12 | 3.2 |
miles this way | 1355.52 | 3.039 |
all right and we run out we'll see | 1356.32 | 4.32 |
supposedly it leads us to the closest | 1358.559 | 3.841 |
stronghold | 1360.64 | 4.48 |
all right stop here at the river toss | 1362.4 | 3.36 |
another one | 1365.12 | 4.799 |
toss it and boom somebody catch it | 1365.76 | 5.919 |
we're still going this way that general | 1369.919 | 5.441 |
direction hey all right | 1371.679 | 6.161 |
did you get it yep okay wait so the eyes | 1375.36 | 3.92 |
launch with the rods | 1377.84 | 3.44 |
no no the eyes are its own thing like i | 1379.28 | 3.36 |
have an eye in my hand | 1381.28 | 3.04 |
right when i toss it it just kind of | 1382.64 | 3.279 |
flies into the air and it's like oh you | 1384.32 | 2.16 |
got this | 1385.919 | 1.841 |
and then gives you back like three of | 1386.48 | 2.8 |
them no it doesn't give you back it | 1387.76 | 3.36 |
gives you back the one or it breaks | 1389.28 | 4.08 |
right the rods you use to make them | 1391.12 | 3.439 |
right or | 1393.36 | 2.88 |
i don't know yep do you think you use | 1394.559 | 3.761 |
the rods because our eyes have rods | 1396.24 | 4.08 |
no the the rods i broke down to make the | 1398.32 | 3.76 |
powder right do you think the audience | 1400.32 | 3.28 |
understands this and they're tired of | 1402.08 | 3.2 |
hearing us not understand it | 1403.6 | 3.28 |
all right i'm tossing another eyeball | 1405.28 | 2.72 |
i'm gonna catch it cause i'm good at | 1406.88 | 1.84 |
catching these | 1408.0 | 4.08 |
all right yeah man did i get it i get it | 1408.72 | 6.319 |
i got four nice so what does that mean | 1412.08 | 5.839 |
neebs that means i got the magic hand so | 1415.039 | 4.801 |
we threw one and you got four no no he | 1417.919 | 2.24 |
didn't do | 1419.84 | 3.76 |
it totally total it's just the tour | 1420.159 | 6.64 |
today it's just the one god then why did | 1423.6 | 4.079 |
he say i got | 1426.799 | 4.321 |
four because he has four | 1427.679 | 3.441 |
minecraft is fun | 1438.559 | 7.281 |
put it | 1450.799 | 9.041 |
you | 1461.919 | 2.081 |
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