She A Spitter! - Enshrouded
Neebs Gaming

This video comes straight from the Neebs Gaming YouTube channel.
neebs: Hey guys, you know why 'She A Spitter! - Enshrouded' is my favorite video? Because nothing says quality content like getting spit on by an acid lady!
simon: Yeah, Neebs, I totally agree. I mean, who doesn't love a good ol' 'Hawk Tuah!' right in the face? It's like a spa treatment... if the spa was run by a dragon!
appsro: Oh, come on, Simon. It's not just the spitting. It's the way she does it with such elegance and precision. It's practically an art form. A very disgusting art form.
neebs: Exactly, Appsro! It's like watching a master painter, except instead of a brush, she's using her mouth and instead of paint, it's acid. Pure genius!
simon: And let’s not forget the sound effects. That 'Hawk Tuah!' is the stuff of legends. I bet even Shakespeare would have written about it if he could!
appsro: You know, Simon, I think you're onto something. Maybe we should pitch 'Acid Spitting Lady: The Musical' to Broadway. It could be a hit!
Hey everyone! You won't believe what went down in the latest episode of Enshrouded on Neebs Gaming! We've got an epic showdown with a fierce, acid-spitting lady that had us all on the edge of our seats. Hawk Tuah! If you're a fan of intense battles and hilarious commentary, this is the episode for you.
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Trust me, you don't want to miss this episode. Dive in and enjoy the ride!

The Game
You definitely should check it out!
Wow, have you seen the latest episode of Neebs Gaming's Enshrouded series? I'm totally hooked on watching their cinematic adventure through this creepy fantasy world. The production quality is insane - it feels like you're watching a big budget fantasy movie at times.
In this episode, the Neebs crew stumble upon this terrifying acid-spitting witch deep in a dark cave. The way they set up the lighting and camera angles makes her look absolutely menacing. And the sound design, with all her creepy vocals echoing through the cave, sent shivers down my spine. You could really feel the peril the characters were in.
And the way Neebs and the gang voice act their characters and react to threats always cracks me up. Even in the most dire situations, they find ways to sprinkle in humor and keep things entertaining. Thick's screams of terror are always priceless!
I also love how they edit together gameplay footage, custom animations, and scripted story scenes to make each episode feel like a cohesive adventure. It's clear how much passion and effort they put into crafting their cinematic vision.
In my opinion, Neebs Gaming is by far the best way to experience games like Enshrouded without actually playing them yourself. Their mix of humor, storytelling, and high production value makes their series as entertaining as they are immersive. I always look forward to joining the Neebs crew on their next big adventure!

Caption | Start | Duration |
Simon hey hey baby you you looking nice | 2.52 | 5.8 |
I know I got my new | 6.279 | 4.681 |
Shield yeah oh watch it yeah I was going | 8.32 | 4.56 |
to you can whack it if you want go ahead | 10.96 | 3.28 |
give it a | 12.88 | 3.56 |
whack you're just you're just damaging | 14.24 | 3.799 |
the bed just hitting the bed come here | 16.44 | 3.08 |
come closer to me son all right closer | 18.039 | 4.0 |
to you oh that's very I don't think you | 19.52 | 4.12 |
you can actually hit each other but yeah | 22.039 | 4.281 |
now I got a new wand I got a new uh top | 23.64 | 5.16 |
I got a new Shield it's it's looking | 26.32 | 4.439 |
fine and dandy good because guess what | 28.8 | 4.08 |
babies today we're doing some fighting | 30.759 | 4.681 |
yes cuz we need to upgrade our flame | 32.88 | 5.28 |
alter cuz if I come out here and | 35.44 | 5.24 |
look uh yeah we need to strengthen the | 38.16 | 5.239 |
flame now we got everything except for | 40.68 | 5.719 |
the scavenger matron head okay so we | 43.399 | 7.921 |
need the head of a big fat [ __ ] | 46.399 | 4.921 |
[Music] | 51.75 | 2.7 |
[Applause] | 53.67 | 3.989 |
[Music] | 54.45 | 3.209 |
[Music] | 61.32 | 3.75 |
oh there it is babies so yeah debes | 76.2 | 4.32 |
you're the tank you're in front Okay | 78.4 | 5.28 |
Simon you're behind am I going I'm | 80.52 | 5.68 |
behind I'm the I'm the the ass end oh | 83.68 | 3.88 |
yeah you got you you you know you're | 86.2 | 3.279 |
ranged you're with the wand okay all | 87.56 | 4.36 |
right I'll do um uh you'll be in the | 89.479 | 4.721 |
middle I mean yeah bow and arrow and can | 91.92 | 4.36 |
ierse I'm a hyb do we do we need to | 94.2 | 4.48 |
crawl uh yes yeah we'll be sneakier if | 96.28 | 5.119 |
we crawl there's yes use the middle kid | 98.68 | 4.64 |
what's the middle kid mean uh I don't | 101.399 | 3.281 |
know I don't know I was just going with | 103.32 | 2.799 |
it there always stereotypes with which | 104.68 | 2.92 |
the middle kid and babyes there's a | 106.119 | 3.721 |
guard on that bridge uhhuh you see I'm a | 107.6 | 4.6 |
tank remember oh hold on oh hey there's | 109.84 | 4.08 |
a grapple hook to your right baby I'll | 112.2 | 4.44 |
do it I just shot the guard oh yeah he | 113.92 | 4.04 |
did he's just shooting them all right | 116.64 | 3.0 |
guard coming he's going over there I'm | 117.96 | 4.24 |
going up where is he C | 119.64 | 6.04 |
here oh yep he's down here oh oh oh I | 122.2 | 5.519 |
couldn't he jumped down already very | 125.68 | 3.999 |
dark they | 127.719 | 5.561 |
dark come on [ __ ] boy I don't know why | 129.679 | 5.241 |
I was calling you that but you seems | 133.28 | 4.0 |
[ __ ] there you go there you go oh you | 134.92 | 3.679 |
know what I got something for the | 137.28 | 4.4 |
darkness oh your whsp yeah I can get a | 138.599 | 5.561 |
wisp going how you doing up there I got | 141.68 | 5.08 |
a guy all right let's go uh grapple up | 144.16 | 3.96 |
there with baby nebes let's all stick | 146.76 | 4.36 |
together okay right oh God | 148.12 | 5.839 |
I don't know coming up who he just | 151.12 | 6.399 |
stunned me okay hold on baby dor I'm | 153.959 | 4.441 |
right | 157.519 | 3.481 |
behind there you go yeah work together | 158.4 | 5.919 |
oh God oh God yep I got my look at this | 161.0 | 5.879 |
you can't break that baby I'll revive | 164.319 | 5.321 |
dris | 166.879 | 5.321 |
maybe focus on this guy get him down | 169.64 | 5.519 |
yeah now all right now get baby baby | 172.2 | 5.039 |
here we go here we | 175.159 | 6.681 |
go wow okay good | 177.239 | 4.601 |
Chapter 58 fatty fatty boom | 183.92 | 4.12 |
batty oh yeah look at this place this is | 189.08 | 5.32 |
where probably some big [ __ ] lives all | 191.64 | 4.84 |
right right behind you nebes okay I | 194.4 | 4.839 |
don't oh nope that's just a lantern that | 196.48 | 6.92 |
was a person oh wolf who he's a big boy | 199.239 | 7.321 |
oh yeah oh here we got someone come on | 203.4 | 6.919 |
Wolfie oh wow that's a big | 206.56 | 8.72 |
oh my god oh no okay we get him D bab oh | 210.319 | 8.721 |
God what are these guys that just bup oh | 215.28 | 6.239 |
jeez babbe yep hold on I don't know if I | 219.04 | 5.399 |
can do it while the guys around can I | 221.519 | 6.36 |
I'll try all right revive oh God oh my | 224.439 | 6.601 |
good come on you sucker don't spit on me | 227.879 | 4.961 |
what do you lure the fat one away and | 231.04 | 4.199 |
then revive us all right hold on all | 232.84 | 3.92 |
right where's it going you're going to | 235.239 | 3.92 |
have to do the reviv I will I will is it | 236.76 | 3.679 |
coming at you though I'm got to make | 239.159 | 4.28 |
sure I'm okay oh damn oh that's what it | 240.439 | 5.921 |
is I used up my wand oh I think I came | 243.439 | 5.201 |
in a little back way this will be fine | 246.36 | 4.239 |
revive he's coming toward a Simon I'm | 248.64 | 4.92 |
hitting revive baby Simon oh God is it | 250.599 | 6.92 |
just a tap it's yet it's just a tap okay | 253.56 | 5.04 |
that's the problem you've done this | 257.519 | 2.96 |
before I was holding it this is a new | 258.6 | 4.319 |
game you son of a [ __ ] no isn't this is | 260.479 | 4.121 |
new run | 262.919 | 4.72 |
away everybody okay no no God I'm | 264.6 | 5.08 |
getting mortar attacked this isn't good | 267.639 | 4.041 |
we need you Dr I know but I'm I got to | 269.68 | 3.92 |
get them away from you they're all | 271.68 | 4.079 |
Waiting by you it's a tap if you get to | 273.6 | 4.4 |
us apparently I swear I | 275.759 | 4.961 |
tapped I think I Hil it didn't work nice | 278.0 | 6.039 |
throw baby Dora did I miss him oh God no | 280.72 | 7.28 |
you got him I did throw it again it got | 284.039 | 6.641 |
him oh yeah get hit oh not there yeah | 288.0 | 5.16 |
yeah got to get you out sucker sucker | 290.68 | 3.799 |
watch out she's | 293.16 | 4.44 |
throwing come on baby Dora come on got | 294.479 | 5.881 |
to get you out of here watch out oh nice | 297.6 | 5.12 |
move run and heal run and heal Baby D | 300.36 | 5.2 |
I'm Healed all right all right all right | 302.72 | 5.319 |
all right we got this all day all day | 305.56 | 4.16 |
all right still got the fat one and this | 308.039 | 4.841 |
guy with a what looks like a [ __ ] log | 309.72 | 7.24 |
mortar I need stamina I need stamina I'm | 312.88 | 5.72 |
going to go around again there you go | 316.96 | 3.48 |
play it safe if you got any water drink | 318.6 | 4.28 |
it it'll increase your stamina oh boy | 320.44 | 5.36 |
that's quite R okay there's no timer on | 322.88 | 5.52 |
this on this uh heel huh oh as long as | 325.8 | 4.399 |
he can get to us okay | 328.4 | 3.28 |
you take your time | 330.199 | 4.601 |
Dres all right this guy's down yeah | 331.68 | 5.4 |
sweet no right the fat one's still on us | 334.8 | 4.239 |
oh God there's one there's another one | 337.08 | 3.959 |
oh wait maybe it wasn't oh there is | 339.039 | 5.081 |
another one God you | 341.039 | 4.841 |
son | 344.12 | 3.919 |
left how you doing baby door I'm all | 345.88 | 4.36 |
right I'm all right I got to heal sorry | 348.039 | 6.961 |
guys just relax okay yeah no it's fine | 350.24 | 7.16 |
take your time I don't see the big guy | 355.0 | 5.16 |
anymore I do she she's right behind us | 357.4 | 5.68 |
oh was that the girl yeah we need her | 360.16 | 4.52 |
head we're going to get your head you | 363.08 | 3.44 |
fat dumb | 364.68 | 4.88 |
[ __ ] can you get one of those gr or no | 366.52 | 5.92 |
looks you look clear except for the | 369.56 | 5.759 |
quickly quickly oh no thr one sorry run | 372.44 | 5.879 |
away run God all right she I'm being | 375.319 | 6.28 |
revived I'm the worst one I'm the worst | 378.319 | 4.32 |
one oh | 381.599 | 4.561 |
God get you no run away heal up that was | 382.639 | 5.68 |
so close it was working though you might | 386.16 | 4.0 |
be able to lure wh lure her away and | 388.319 | 3.16 |
then do a wrap around know what I mean | 390.16 | 4.0 |
she's coming for | 391.479 | 2.681 |
you there you go yeah pistol Rob yeah | 394.479 | 6.56 |
yeah that's my that's my son door it is | 398.8 | 3.119 |
it's | 401.039 | 7.521 |
me oh oh oh or you going to throw | 401.919 | 8.921 |
something she's a good distance away now | 408.56 | 3.44 |
baby | 410.84 | 3.28 |
coming wrapping | 412.0 | 5.8 |
around oh sh B po afro first doing it | 414.12 | 6.799 |
doing it back coming back suck she's | 417.8 | 6.92 |
coming back she's about to throw go | 420.919 | 6.881 |
yeah here we go here we go back action | 424.72 | 4.44 |
all right one of y'all lure away and the | 427.8 | 3.36 |
other heal us needs there's no we don't | 429.16 | 4.759 |
stand a chance door is definitely Abo's | 431.16 | 4.479 |
favorite oh yeah it's fine we'll start | 433.919 | 4.441 |
our own family oh | 435.639 | 6.481 |
boy all right babies oh you got oh can I | 438.36 | 5.839 |
get him he's coming to us God I'm being | 442.12 | 4.479 |
revived dor can you lure her away well I | 444.199 | 3.601 |
thought you were that way that's why I | 446.599 | 3.44 |
came around this way oh okay you're that | 447.8 | 3.959 |
way yeah you you lure her that way and | 450.039 | 4.401 |
then I'll get the babies all | 451.759 | 5.801 |
right coming in coming in coming in | 454.44 | 4.479 |
who's he going to pick probably second | 457.56 | 3.079 |
favorite there she's really it's me I'm | 458.919 | 3.321 |
the second favorite there we go got you | 460.639 | 3.601 |
up oh I'm being | 462.24 | 4.679 |
revived and got you up yes all right | 464.24 | 4.639 |
heal up babies thank you all right let's | 466.919 | 3.801 |
get let's go get this bitch's head yep | 468.879 | 3.841 |
all right you got | 470.72 | 4.919 |
it uh where's my where did my freaking | 472.72 | 5.919 |
Shield go is it broken hit alt it might | 475.639 | 4.481 |
be in your other thing it's probably | 478.639 | 2.96 |
because you got that weapon that weapon | 480.12 | 3.16 |
doesn't work with the shield baby gotcha | 481.599 | 4.56 |
all right does anyone have my my oh damn | 483.28 | 5.4 |
it I need an extra wand I'm looking for | 486.159 | 4.641 |
this lady where' she go uh she was | 488.68 | 3.6 |
following me around the back end now | 490.8 | 3.839 |
where is she uh probably back this way | 492.28 | 4.72 |
all right following following you Dora | 494.639 | 3.721 |
should I keep look out here or follow | 497.0 | 5.039 |
you guys uh keep look out there okay oh | 498.36 | 5.72 |
there she is she's in the tunnel okay we | 502.039 | 3.321 |
can sandwich her be she's on the other | 504.08 | 3.36 |
side of the tunnel I'm coming does The | 505.36 | 5.239 |
Shield help you from the the goo oh | 507.44 | 5.56 |
[ __ ] bees be a little | 510.599 | 5.601 |
ow there's bees I think I got him oh | 513.0 | 6.0 |
she's right she's right red a red Barrel | 516.2 | 5.279 |
oh here we go get her the pooper wolves | 519.0 | 4.8 |
wolves wolves damn it I'm running | 521.479 | 5.961 |
someone hit that Barrel get uh Barrel | 523.8 | 5.88 |
anyone got a shot at the barrel oh yeah | 527.44 | 3.72 |
there's a barrel right beside her baby | 529.68 | 3.32 |
door use your arrows I don't I'm out of | 531.16 | 5.32 |
arrows oh [ __ ] I know I got hold on let | 533.0 | 7.24 |
me get a shot can I hit with | 536.48 | 7.919 |
the thing there you go nice baby Dees | 540.24 | 7.4 |
yeah sucker suck suck there you go on | 544.399 | 4.44 |
her all right now we're getting her give | 547.64 | 2.68 |
it to her | 548.839 | 5.361 |
baby sit yeah spread out yep don't let | 550.32 | 5.56 |
her take any all of us at the same time | 554.2 | 3.12 |
oh you stupid [ __ ] you can't throw it | 555.88 | 6.0 |
at me good plan oh throw to me oh boy | 557.32 | 6.199 |
maybe s we get a little closer all right | 561.88 | 3.72 |
hold on hold on she's about to spit it | 563.519 | 4.041 |
is she does she heal is she | 565.6 | 6.04 |
healing I don't think so oh God stamina | 567.56 | 6.36 |
not stepping this | 571.64 | 7.0 |
goo here we go boom boom he up baby door | 573.92 | 8.599 |
if anyone needs heals call it out oh oh | 578.64 | 5.639 |
boy oh no that's not good all right | 582.519 | 2.76 |
let's spread | 584.279 | 4.041 |
out who's she on she was on me should be | 585.279 | 4.601 |
at me all right I'm going to go in for | 588.32 | 3.84 |
Papa go for go get | 589.88 | 6.04 |
him watch out baby keep problem us I'm | 592.16 | 5.44 |
shooting her she's got to turn on me | 595.92 | 4.96 |
sometime go watch out for that spit that | 597.6 | 4.32 |
spits | 600.88 | 4.68 |
me okay woo I Got You Salon hey watch | 601.92 | 5.039 |
out he's right here right here he's | 605.56 | 3.44 |
right here don't do it don't do it don't | 606.959 | 4.88 |
do it okay we're good okay there you go | 609.0 | 6.76 |
there you go Dora yeah oh I'm telling | 611.839 | 6.641 |
you that spit is so damn me so bad so | 615.76 | 7.319 |
bad oh boy oh God okay I'm door I got | 618.48 | 7.799 |
your door oh I'm going to punch | 623.079 | 6.76 |
her yay there you go get it she's | 626.279 | 7.12 |
stunned heels baby heals oh there you go | 629.839 | 4.44 |
oh she | 633.399 | 4.161 |
spin God we just got you out avoid the | 634.279 | 6.961 |
spit yeah easier said than done all | 637.56 | 6.0 |
right I did eat though which I think is | 641.24 | 4.48 |
going to help yeah baby St and lure your | 643.56 | 4.92 |
way I'll try to get the baby needes okay | 645.72 | 5.04 |
come on baby come on look at me oh boy | 648.48 | 6.12 |
look at me got got her got her oh [ __ ] | 650.76 | 8.96 |
WF watch out sh [ __ ] watch out I did say | 654.6 | 6.32 |
watch | 659.72 | 5.44 |
out oh no shield shield baby door baby | 660.92 | 5.039 |
door | 665.16 | 3.56 |
get oh God I'm coming I'm coming coming | 665.959 | 4.641 |
coming oh god that hurt a lot I got to | 668.72 | 5.16 |
heal all right hold on does it see me | 670.6 | 5.6 |
yep it's on you baby oh jump door | 673.88 | 5.68 |
getting names I will I got to heal she's | 676.2 | 5.92 |
going to move NOP turn around all right | 679.56 | 4.24 |
coming at | 682.12 | 4.64 |
me yeah I'm too quick for you you little | 683.8 | 6.2 |
[ __ ] stay away from me salmon all right | 686.76 | 6.8 |
oh yeah yeah thank you b s it just a | 690.0 | 5.279 |
couple more times we've almost got her | 693.56 | 3.399 |
all right I'm doing it | 695.279 | 5.36 |
Papa doing it Papa oh yeah she's down | 696.959 | 7.401 |
she's down yes you dumb you dumb [ __ ] | 700.639 | 6.081 |
baby | 704.36 | 2.36 |
door that hurt there you go I'll revive | 708.839 | 8.56 |
you good job babies now do we grab this | 714.32 | 5.319 |
right here woo yeah get that that loot | 717.399 | 5.321 |
see if there's a head in it God heal me | 719.639 | 5.841 |
scavenger matron head yeah beautiful | 722.72 | 5.2 |
take it let's go back home Heal Me heal | 725.48 | 4.599 |
me right now here we go here my heal my | 727.92 | 3.88 |
babies I mean should we loot the place | 730.079 | 3.081 |
come on I mean yeah if you want to loot | 731.8 | 2.68 |
the place loot the place and then yeah | 733.16 | 5.52 |
we'll head back in a bit good job | 734.48 | 4.2 |
boys chapter 59 fat [ __ ] head flame | 739.519 | 5.32 |
soup all right I'll commute with the | 745.399 | 5.721 |
flame and now now strengthen the flame | 747.76 | 7.48 |
and we got everything the head and boom | 751.12 | 7.079 |
oh yeah yes flame level up we are level | 755.24 | 4.8 |
three now we can build more of the flame | 758.199 | 4.32 |
alars out in the wild and now uh that | 760.04 | 3.88 |
one part of the Shroud that we couldn't | 762.519 | 3.44 |
go into we can go into it right through | 763.92 | 5.12 |
it right so baby nebes baby Dora you | 765.959 | 4.68 |
guys are good at activating spires get | 769.04 | 3.52 |
out there and activate that last Spire | 770.639 | 4.041 |
oh I didn't know you noticed where's | 772.56 | 3.8 |
that where's that Spire where we'll find | 774.68 | 3.04 |
way to the north all right don't make us | 776.36 | 2.44 |
look like we're not good you ask | 777.72 | 2.84 |
questions like like that it's uh yeah I | 778.8 | 3.36 |
mean you can see it from here it's way | 780.56 | 3.279 |
out there but we do have a we do have | 782.16 | 3.039 |
one flame alter out there that you can | 783.839 | 5.0 |
fast travel to home level one yeah okay | 785.199 | 5.401 |
let's do it huh all right | 788.839 | 5.601 |
bye all right go get him baby | 790.6 | 3.84 |
knes neebs you don't look like you know | 794.8 | 4.52 |
what you're doing I don't I was hoping | 797.279 | 5.36 |
to leave here looking that way yeah crap | 799.32 | 4.879 |
door look good you click on the damn | 802.639 | 3.401 |
thing h | 804.199 | 5.0 |
f one it was I found it my God my God | 806.04 | 5.799 |
baby Simon right all right hey but I got | 809.199 | 5.2 |
something fun to teach you oh leave me | 811.839 | 7.601 |
waiting and wanting more and | 814.399 | 9.841 |
clueless chapter 60 cluster [ __ ] on the | 819.44 | 4.8 |
bridge chish traps yeah I see them oh ow | 826.32 | 7.439 |
what' I just | 831.639 | 5.2 |
say I'm a loot gobl I couldn't help it | 833.759 | 5.361 |
ah but you were good at before the fast | 836.839 | 6.841 |
travel yeah okay that looks like what is | 839.12 | 7.24 |
this oh God two wolves can I bring them | 843.68 | 6.56 |
into the traps y get in the Trap okay I | 846.36 | 7.0 |
on you take hey just take your time okay | 850.24 | 4.92 |
like we did in the big | 853.36 | 6.12 |
fight that a boy ow God oh that's that | 855.16 | 7.0 |
was you pull back I'll be fine that's a | 859.48 | 5.08 |
strong wolf yeah take your time I'll | 862.16 | 4.919 |
just sit here oh neebs I have to take my | 864.56 | 4.12 |
time shut up I just want you to know | 867.079 | 3.12 |
it's okay okay with me if you take your | 868.68 | 4.079 |
time thanks I don't want you to feel | 870.199 | 4.681 |
pressure from me I don't feel pressure | 872.759 | 3.64 |
why don't you just shut up if I didn't | 874.88 | 4.759 |
say anything may you might maybe shut | 876.399 | 7.081 |
up I'm coming the Wolves back by you | 879.639 | 5.681 |
there's wolves on me you heal up you | 883.48 | 3.44 |
take them down one at a time like that | 885.32 | 4.319 |
uh Bruce Willis you get that reference | 886.92 | 5.24 |
um no that hard that we just kind of | 889.639 | 6.281 |
took them out woo it's a lot of stuff up | 892.16 | 6.56 |
here yeah one at a time all right all | 895.92 | 4.12 |
right no | 898.72 | 4.559 |
pressure none | 900.04 | 7.56 |
felt okay come on come | 903.279 | 7.56 |
on I think I'm Papa's least favorite | 907.6 | 5.599 |
what is on my head what's on my head | 910.839 | 4.8 |
just run around just run away it'll I've | 913.199 | 4.32 |
had one of those it'll it'll clear up | 915.639 | 4.921 |
okay it's weird as [ __ ] oh oh it's from | 917.519 | 5.68 |
the plant good God yep it's a plant | 920.56 | 5.12 |
thing is it on my butt oh I see you no | 923.199 | 4.721 |
you look clear okay I'm just a pair of | 925.68 | 4.159 |
feet sticking out from a bsh you see it | 927.92 | 5.159 |
there we are oh gr man you're having a | 929.839 | 5.601 |
stellar day it it took oh my God look at | 933.079 | 5.24 |
these guys my God hurry okay run away oh | 935.44 | 7.959 |
I fell down no oh get I | 938.319 | 5.08 |
fell this the | 943.88 | 6.879 |
worst I'm embarrassed to be me today I | 947.24 | 6.12 |
wish I was you today not me what does | 950.759 | 5.361 |
that mean I'm so stupid today yeah but I | 953.36 | 5.839 |
fell down too nebs yeah but you did good | 956.12 | 4.6 |
in the other fight I haven't done good | 959.199 | 3.0 |
at anything | 960.72 | 3.679 |
today take your time I don't want you | 962.199 | 5.08 |
feeling pressure are you dead again yeah | 964.399 | 5.88 |
I can't believe you're the good | 967.279 | 3.0 |
one well we all know you're the Arrogant | 970.48 | 4.32 |
one yeah well the big guys are still up | 972.759 | 4.56 |
here so look around first well I just | 974.8 | 4.2 |
activated that I didn't mean to do that | 977.319 | 5.08 |
run run away run away there you go this | 979.0 | 5.6 |
is the worst oh here's another one | 982.399 | 4.601 |
hiding around the corner they're just | 984.6 | 5.32 |
everywhere yeah | 987.0 | 5.8 |
you I seeing things blow up why's | 989.92 | 7.12 |
that cuz I'm blowing them up oh wow I'm | 992.8 | 5.519 |
that good I didn't know you were blowing | 997.04 | 4.56 |
up thing oh there you go there's two of | 998.319 | 3.281 |
them did I lose them oh they're not on | 1001.759 | 5.52 |
you oh no they're on you run away keep | 1004.88 | 6.56 |
on it wish I could help yeah me too | 1007.279 | 6.961 |
there you go oh that guy jumped down he | 1011.44 | 5.24 |
jumped off the edge they're both oh one | 1014.24 | 6.159 |
did okay kill the other one oh he fell | 1016.68 | 7.24 |
down idiot yep what an idiot I know I'm | 1020.399 | 5.881 |
glad we're not | 1023.92 | 6.999 |
idiots woo yes so good yeah baby you are | 1026.28 | 8.48 |
a champion man not too bad okay there | 1030.919 | 7.28 |
okay try to stay out of trouble | 1034.76 | 3.439 |
kid chapter 61 big hard | 1038.24 | 5.599 |
[Music] | 1042.5 | 4.419 |
staffs baby Simon hey Pops so hey you've | 1043.839 | 5.481 |
been doing really good with the wands oh | 1046.919 | 4.721 |
thank you but I want to teach you about | 1049.32 | 3.4 |
a | 1051.64 | 4.6 |
staff I have a staff I'm not a big fan | 1052.72 | 5.079 |
well why not well I don't know I mean | 1056.24 | 3.64 |
like I needed ammo for it right right | 1057.799 | 4.0 |
you know what come in here cuz I saw uh | 1059.88 | 3.72 |
when we looted we picked up some ammo | 1061.799 | 4.0 |
look in this box and there is some | 1063.6 | 6.24 |
electric ammo all right um it's not the | 1065.799 | 5.601 |
summoning staff I mean it looks like | 1069.84 | 4.16 |
damn electricity chain lightning yeah | 1071.4 | 5.12 |
pull that in your inventory okay pulling | 1074.0 | 4.08 |
that in the inventory and I also I'm | 1076.52 | 2.519 |
going to I don't know where where the | 1078.08 | 2.52 |
hell I put my staff you going to give me | 1079.039 | 3.441 |
one a good uh no you should have one so | 1080.6 | 6.199 |
now hold Q all right holding Q oh oh | 1082.48 | 7.679 |
okay yeah jeez see I do see but I don't | 1086.799 | 5.081 |
know how to control this what do I how | 1090.159 | 3.481 |
do I use it so you use your uh left | 1091.88 | 3.96 |
Mouse click like you fire it off okay | 1093.64 | 5.0 |
but there's no like I guess there is a | 1095.84 | 5.36 |
reticle huh all right so hold on let me | 1098.64 | 5.36 |
I got to hold that and I'm going to try | 1101.2 | 4.359 |
to hit the | 1104.0 | 3.559 |
tree yeah I don't think itd actually hit | 1105.559 | 2.961 |
the tree yeah you got to be a little | 1107.559 | 3.281 |
Clos but that's how you use a staff baby | 1108.52 | 6.519 |
Simon Okay um and I just got nine shots | 1110.84 | 6.04 |
just now yeah and you'll pick up more as | 1115.039 | 4.281 |
you go out and about okay so I can try | 1116.88 | 4.24 |
to use this but so far I don't know if | 1119.32 | 4.0 |
I'm a fan we're going to have to just | 1121.12 | 4.08 |
wait and see yeah look you start zapping | 1123.32 | 3.359 |
people like you imagine you get up close | 1125.2 | 3.04 |
with the wand zap zap zap and then pull | 1126.679 | 3.88 |
out the staff and then boom you hit them | 1128.24 | 4.919 |
all right zap zap zap pull out the staff | 1130.559 | 4.521 |
yeah that'll be the my goal gotta tell | 1133.159 | 3.64 |
you what it's dark so why don't you and | 1135.08 | 4.079 |
I sleep and uh we'll make it day light | 1136.799 | 4.801 |
again for the other boys all right | 1139.159 | 7.241 |
sounds good yeah sleep | 1141.6 | 4.8 |
sleep I don't want to wear this thing | 1149.64 | 5.279 |
man just wear it you you keep dying you | 1151.72 | 5.079 |
need protection idiot it's dumb look at | 1154.919 | 4.601 |
it yeah it's like it's too big for me | 1156.799 | 4.681 |
yeah I'd rather | 1159.52 | 6.08 |
die oh you look so stupid I know it hold | 1161.48 | 8.84 |
on Hey listen are these um explodable | 1165.6 | 5.76 |
these | 1170.32 | 3.56 |
barrels oh he's oh yeah try that cuz | 1171.36 | 4.72 |
there's a dog behind that | 1173.88 | 5.56 |
one did you get him that was a start | 1176.08 | 6.4 |
there we go yeah that's how you uhoh | 1179.44 | 4.8 |
here we go he's com maybe you can do | 1182.48 | 5.8 |
something I shoot him he's almost down | 1184.24 | 5.36 |
oh he's | 1188.28 | 4.84 |
coming okay you finish done yeah man | 1189.6 | 5.8 |
that was teamwork that the rest of the | 1193.12 | 4.76 |
day huh are you going to be good the | 1195.4 | 4.48 |
rest of the day oh I hope this | 1197.88 | 5.279 |
guy yep okay oh yeah he's got uh he's | 1199.88 | 4.48 |
got thing so be careful I'm going to go | 1203.159 | 3.681 |
into him oh he's yep get up oh there | 1204.36 | 4.72 |
more I'll Rush him that's what I'm doing | 1206.84 | 6.76 |
okay I'll Rush him too there we | 1209.08 | 6.56 |
goam what happens when both of us are | 1213.6 | 4.439 |
conscious that was great all right ooh | 1215.64 | 4.68 |
he's got some weird looking meat I've | 1218.039 | 3.921 |
never seen yeah I got some weird meat | 1220.32 | 4.12 |
too and a copper Arrow the old weird | 1221.96 | 4.52 |
meat tribe | 1224.44 | 4.32 |
uh-huh so at the end of this bridge | 1226.48 | 4.439 |
Bridge oh yeah we're doing a Spire | 1228.76 | 3.88 |
remember yeah we got it yeah that bridge | 1230.919 | 3.721 |
took longer than well any Bridge really | 1232.64 | 3.64 |
we have not even got to the Spire yet | 1234.64 | 3.159 |
where is | 1236.28 | 4.08 |
it oh wow look at those stairs going up | 1237.799 | 5.321 |
that rock right there see that cave no | 1240.36 | 5.799 |
you got a cave off to the left let me | 1243.12 | 5.559 |
see I mean that's no | 1246.159 | 5.161 |
joke oh yeah we should stay focused | 1248.679 | 4.801 |
right all right yep Focus okay you see | 1251.32 | 8.04 |
the Spire nope yep okay to the spire | 1253.48 | 5.88 |
[Music] | 1262.02 | 5.13 |
oh on your back oh you want to keep | 1267.159 | 4.921 |
running or fight hey I'm climbing you | 1269.48 | 5.12 |
found a place oh God okay oh that's | 1272.08 | 3.719 |
right a double | 1274.6 | 4.559 |
jump come on double jump might save me | 1275.799 | 6.36 |
today I don't know what this is oh hey | 1279.159 | 5.76 |
I'm Yep this is good up here yeah I mean | 1282.159 | 5.64 |
we're out of the Shroud oh yeah out of | 1284.919 | 4.12 |
the Shroud oh that guy is still behind | 1287.799 | 4.36 |
you uh help me out for you need to heal | 1289.039 | 7.041 |
oh God he's strong you good no but | 1292.159 | 5.88 |
distracted okay I'm going to heal up | 1296.08 | 4.68 |
boom got that all right I'm coming in | 1298.039 | 7.88 |
holy crap oh no okay oh crap your turn | 1300.76 | 6.76 |
to be good I'm going to wear him down | 1305.919 | 2.961 |
from a distance | 1307.52 | 3.48 |
hopefully oh boy he's coming he's so | 1308.88 | 5.799 |
strong he's so strong Yep this is not | 1311.0 | 6.64 |
good he'll take one hit you're done I | 1314.679 | 5.36 |
know I'm trying not to get hit my | 1317.64 | 4.279 |
stamina is really low you want me to | 1320.039 | 4.52 |
talk about Bruce Willis uh yes that will | 1321.919 | 5.041 |
help me oh God that'll help me be | 1324.559 | 4.841 |
stronger I don't want | 1326.96 | 7.52 |
to one hit he's going to kill me well | 1329.4 | 9.36 |
two okay and oh good job mate I didn't | 1334.48 | 5.92 |
DOD oh God get away get away get away I | 1338.76 | 3.399 |
hit Dodge it didn't dodge I know cuz | 1340.4 | 4.48 |
stamina probably okay oh God oh my God | 1342.159 | 6.0 |
you look so dumb out there he is so fast | 1344.88 | 5.52 |
yeah very fast okay I got to heal up why | 1348.159 | 5.0 |
you just like run up or something like I | 1350.4 | 4.2 |
don't know if I drink this thing is it | 1353.159 | 3.601 |
going to like make me stop and get H | 1354.6 | 3.959 |
probably oh he's right on your oh God | 1356.76 | 4.48 |
yep I see that I need to drink it oh no | 1358.559 | 6.321 |
that's quick okay okay good yeah be good | 1361.24 | 7.72 |
nbes be good I'm going back to the wrong | 1364.88 | 9.2 |
range nice and nice woo you just dodge I | 1368.96 | 7.76 |
hit Dodge don't Dodge yeah not quicking | 1374.08 | 5.36 |
up okay I don't have time under rest no | 1376.72 | 4.319 |
I | 1379.44 | 3.96 |
know | 1381.039 | 8.0 |
a chapter 62 Simon gives a wolf the old | 1383.4 | 5.639 |
shocker o baby Simon yeah they're | 1389.88 | 6.24 |
looking like they're asking for trouble | 1393.559 | 4.24 |
yeah I think they're asking for a bolt | 1396.12 | 4.12 |
of electricity to the face yes now are | 1397.799 | 6.081 |
you saying I do like wand wand then | 1400.24 | 6.039 |
staff yeah when they when they get close | 1403.88 | 5.2 |
maybe okay all right let's see they keep | 1406.279 | 5.161 |
an eye on your Mana though my my Mana | 1409.08 | 3.88 |
yeah that's the that's the blue bar on | 1411.44 | 3.68 |
your top left that's your Mana okay when | 1412.96 | 4.0 |
you use magic your Mana will go down | 1415.12 | 4.799 |
just a little bit hey yeah bring them in | 1416.96 | 5.12 |
hello maybe kill one and then focus on | 1419.919 | 5.24 |
the other yeah yeah look atoll you got | 1422.08 | 4.959 |
to get closer with that wand you always | 1425.159 | 4.481 |
you're further back yes I am hold on | 1427.039 | 6.64 |
yeah Shield up I am I'm going to do | 1429.64 | 6.08 |
this I'm going to all right yeah you got | 1433.679 | 3.961 |
one down all right all right so yeah | 1435.72 | 3.319 |
there you go C | 1437.64 | 2.639 |
oh yeah I got to you got to hold it I | 1439.039 | 2.721 |
got to hold | 1440.279 | 5.121 |
it got you see that was ugly but it | 1441.76 | 6.919 |
worked it did work all right get that | 1445.4 | 5.6 |
wolf meat and yeah you got to get good | 1448.679 | 4.201 |
at using staff so you can like zap zap | 1451.0 | 4.2 |
zap and | 1452.88 | 4.88 |
then you're good at sound effects yeah | 1455.2 | 4.44 |
like that guy from Police Academy | 1457.76 | 5.08 |
exactly you're exactly like | 1459.64 | 6.759 |
him oh my gosh it's like he's here it's | 1462.84 | 5.839 |
like I'm Michael winow was that his name | 1466.399 | 5.64 |
I think it is wow nailed | 1468.679 | 3.36 |
[Music] | 1474.43 | 3.119 |
it this looks really close doesn't it | 1481.0 | 5.24 |
yeah what is that moving over there I | 1484.0 | 5.52 |
don't know look like oh God three of | 1486.24 | 6.6 |
them are they going to fight us probably | 1489.52 | 5.84 |
yeah they are angry all right let's uh | 1492.84 | 4.36 |
maybe wrap around a little lower WP | 1495.36 | 3.799 |
lower okay | 1497.2 | 4.92 |
got you I see you uh-huh oh | 1499.159 | 6.441 |
God what what is quite the drop down | 1502.12 | 6.279 |
there just the drop huh squeeze through | 1505.6 | 5.12 |
here oh yeah they're | 1508.399 | 6.841 |
uh here run past yeah run past there go | 1510.72 | 6.76 |
okay | 1515.24 | 4.159 |
yep is this where we were going to come | 1517.48 | 3.679 |
up earlier this feels like where we died | 1519.399 | 3.321 |
and fought that'd be great wouldn't it | 1521.159 | 5.24 |
this is right here oh man is it yeah | 1522.72 | 5.199 |
this is where there's your stuff look at | 1526.399 | 2.681 |
this hey we should probably put that | 1527.919 | 3.12 |
flame alter down quick all right we'll | 1529.08 | 4.92 |
do it here there it | 1531.039 | 6.88 |
is okay doing it right here there it is | 1534.0 | 8.679 |
yeah okay aha that's it Well for now now | 1537.919 | 7.041 |
we got a respawn point and we are pretty | 1542.679 | 5.281 |
close to that Spire as far as we know | 1544.96 | 5.36 |
we're coming for you Spire just like | 1547.96 | 5.68 |
Bruce Willis | 1550.32 | 3.32 |
[Music] | 1556.17 | 14.879 |
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