SHARK ATTACK! - Stranded Deep
Neebs Gaming
neebs: Hey there, Appsro! Have you seen that SHARK ATTACK video we did in Stranded Deep? It's a real nail-biter!
appsro: Oh yeah, Neebs! That was a wild one! I mean, who knew sharks could be so aggressive in a video game?
neebs: I know, right? And the way we handled that situation with such grace and skill - pure genius!
appsro: Absolutely! I think that video really showcased our top-tier gaming abilities. Plus, it's just hilarious to watch back!

This video comes straight from the Neebs Gaming YouTube channel.
Hey there, fellow Neebs Gaming enthusiasts! Today's video is all about the boys making some serious progress in technology on Stranded Deep...but is it all going to pay off in the end? I can't wait to find out!
If you haven't checked out the Stranded Deep playlist yet, you're missing out on some epic adventures. Make sure to hit that link and catch up on all the action.
And hey, have you tried Neebs Gaming Coffee yet? It's the perfect pick-me-up for those late-night gaming sessions. Plus, their Xidax PCs are top-notch - you definitely want to check those out.
I'm always pumped to see what Neebs and the gang are up to, so hitting that subscribe button is a no-brainer. And don't forget to join their Patreon for some exclusive content and perks. Trust me, it's worth it.
I'm loving all the timestamps in this video - it's so easy to jump to the best parts. And that music? Pure fire. "Wingy Dang-Dang" is my jam.
Thanks for tuning in to Stranded Deep with me, folks. Can't wait to see what happens next on this wild ride. #StrandedDeep #CoOp #Sharks.

Caption | Start | Duration |
[Music] | 0.76 | 4.36 |
where are you at i wonder if i can climb | 3.36 | 3.12 |
these rocks | 5.12 | 2.719 |
what rocks have you been to the top of | 6.48 | 2.4 |
these | 7.839 | 2.8 |
no i haven't is there i don't even know | 8.88 | 3.52 |
you can climb those it looks like maybe | 10.639 | 3.92 |
there's a way up over here really | 12.4 | 3.6 |
there's probably nothing up here | 14.559 | 2.881 |
probably i mean it doesn't look like | 16.0 | 3.6 |
it'd be anything up there but come on oh | 17.44 | 4.56 |
yeah oh yeah see anything | 19.6 | 4.8 |
i mean the view's great okay other than | 22.0 | 3.279 |
that | 24.4 | 3.52 |
man there should be something right like | 25.279 | 4.721 |
neebs you did a really good job and | 27.92 | 4.56 |
you're super like proactive right you | 30.0 | 4.32 |
climb that rock real good here's a | 32.48 | 4.0 |
bandage whoa okay careful they're gonna | 34.32 | 3.919 |
reward me with a broken leg aren't they | 36.48 | 3.12 |
yeah you see any pirate treasure up | 38.239 | 3.761 |
there maybe | 39.6 | 4.959 |
yeah or the parts we need for that plane | 42.0 | 5.039 |
oh yeah yeah that'd be good speaking of | 44.559 | 3.761 |
parts uh picked up some of those | 47.039 | 2.961 |
gyrocopter parts i might be able to | 48.32 | 3.52 |
start like tinkering on that oh yeah | 50.0 | 3.12 |
yeah i'm actually gonna come over here | 51.84 | 2.8 |
and start doing it once you uh once | 53.12 | 2.959 |
you're once you're done digging off up | 54.64 | 3.52 |
there won't you come join me hey there | 56.079 | 3.521 |
could have been something up here there | 58.16 | 2.57 |
could have is there | 59.6 | 2.959 |
[Music] | 60.73 | 3.749 |
nobody let's move on to the next thing | 62.559 | 4.001 |
but i feel like what i did was worth | 64.479 | 4.0 |
doing yeah i'm glad you did it okay now | 66.56 | 3.44 |
we know nothing's up there i'm gonna | 68.479 | 2.96 |
come down this way all right come on | 70.0 | 3.76 |
down bubba oh wow yeah i didn't even get | 71.439 | 4.32 |
hurt so come over here yeah these | 73.76 | 5.039 |
gyrocopter parts we picked up let's see | 75.759 | 5.36 |
give me a second here | 78.799 | 5.121 |
i might be able to | 81.119 | 3.68 |
oh | 83.92 | 3.92 |
i uh i gotta be level six in crafting do | 84.799 | 4.64 |
you know what level you are | 87.84 | 5.12 |
uh i don't i don't i don't see that | 89.439 | 5.121 |
on your watch i don't know does it tell | 92.96 | 3.68 |
you | 94.56 | 2.08 |
oh wait how many one two three four five | 97.759 | 5.761 |
six are there seven levels uh maybe each | 100.479 | 6.161 |
skill has seven levels oh [ __ ] okay so i | 103.52 | 4.959 |
need to craft more stuff yeah okay i | 106.64 | 3.519 |
must be level four because yeah i can't | 108.479 | 3.201 |
craft some of this [ __ ] so we gotta | 110.159 | 3.441 |
craft more stuff before i can do all | 111.68 | 4.399 |
this okay which one's crafting | 113.6 | 4.32 |
is it the pickaxe no i think it's just | 116.079 | 3.68 |
the different stuff you craft right | 117.92 | 3.76 |
tools pickaxe is probably tools well the | 119.759 | 4.72 |
first one is probably archetypes okay | 121.68 | 4.079 |
okay i guess that's how it worked that's | 124.479 | 2.561 |
really dumb by the way so that's gotta | 125.759 | 3.601 |
be weapons food tools | 127.04 | 3.919 |
fisting | 129.36 | 3.2 |
and then | 130.959 | 3.36 |
i'm not not not sure what that may be | 132.56 | 3.92 |
building suppositories yeah yeah who | 134.319 | 3.441 |
knows who knows who gives it who gives a | 136.48 | 2.56 |
[ __ ] well okay so we just got to make | 137.76 | 3.92 |
more stuff which is fine okay okay | 139.04 | 4.559 |
so do we want to make this island home | 141.68 | 4.32 |
base uh yeah there's no map in this game | 143.599 | 5.041 |
so i'll draw a map oh good we'll call it | 146.0 | 4.319 |
water pig island because the water pig | 148.64 | 2.959 |
over there okay this is home this is | 150.319 | 3.28 |
home base this is water pig island yeah | 151.599 | 3.36 |
all right so i got to get my crafting | 153.599 | 4.0 |
level up i might make a bigger base than | 154.959 | 3.761 |
what we got here i got this little | 157.599 | 4.0 |
shelter here yeah so oh and i could make | 158.72 | 4.799 |
a bigger raft yep and then i could | 161.599 | 3.521 |
probably craft some other stuff but um | 163.519 | 2.881 |
you we should probably go to other | 165.12 | 2.72 |
islands you know what we should do we | 166.4 | 2.88 |
should go back to our original island | 167.84 | 2.56 |
that one right over there what i'm | 169.28 | 3.12 |
looking at we'll call that first island | 170.4 | 3.28 |
we should go back to first island and | 172.4 | 3.199 |
see if there's vehicle parts yeah let's | 173.68 | 3.36 |
pick up the vehicle parts and bring all | 175.599 | 3.121 |
those back over here because we're gonna | 177.04 | 5.559 |
have to use those okay | 178.72 | 3.879 |
[Music] | 182.92 | 10.62 |
[Applause] | 193.48 | 1.96 |
[Music] | 193.54 | 4.9 |
me | 195.44 | 3.0 |
[Music] | 198.64 | 3.79 |
[Applause] | 203.35 | 3.17 |
turn | 206.56 | 2.959 |
why isn't it turning what the [ __ ] | 208.08 | 2.64 |
what's happening | 209.519 | 2.961 |
you know why they say that about women | 210.72 | 3.92 |
drivers right you want to try this i | 212.48 | 4.56 |
mean not now not that you wedged it | 214.64 | 5.76 |
under a ship let's see | 217.04 | 5.36 |
oh here we go all right can you drag us | 220.4 | 3.68 |
can you drag us out front of the ship | 222.4 | 4.559 |
okay that's what this has come to yeah | 224.08 | 4.879 |
well we gotta get out of here right okay | 226.959 | 4.401 |
do i have it uh looks like it yep okay | 228.959 | 3.84 |
all right hop on | 231.36 | 3.84 |
quick oh boy quick okay that i'm | 232.799 | 4.08 |
surprised that worked okay | 235.2 | 3.119 |
good turning the wrong way hold on | 236.879 | 3.201 |
what's going on here when we get this | 238.319 | 3.92 |
plane built there we go okay i see what | 240.08 | 4.239 |
i was doing i see what i was doing i | 242.239 | 3.841 |
drive right when the plane's ready when | 244.319 | 3.521 |
the plane's written yeah if you want to | 246.08 | 3.04 |
if you want to drive clean go for it | 247.84 | 2.479 |
because it's probably harder than this | 249.12 | 3.36 |
little raft i would think well i don't | 250.319 | 4.241 |
know really all you just need speed | 252.48 | 4.4 |
just speed uh that's why they have a | 254.56 | 4.799 |
pilot's license yeah speed you show up | 256.88 | 4.24 |
they say altitude is really all you give | 259.359 | 3.921 |
[ __ ] about that's it speed and altitude | 261.12 | 4.0 |
i heard landing was the hard part not | 263.28 | 3.6 |
really just kind of glide down don't you | 265.12 | 3.68 |
you've never flown a plane listen man i | 266.88 | 3.52 |
could fly plain easy but yeah have you | 268.8 | 3.28 |
ever no no i haven't i don't have a | 270.4 | 3.92 |
license they won't let me but i bet if i | 272.08 | 3.92 |
could right like if they get just let me | 274.32 | 3.2 |
do it i could land the [ __ ] out of them | 276.0 | 3.28 |
yeah one day | 277.52 | 3.6 |
one day you're licensed | 279.28 | 3.68 |
we're looking for parts over here right | 281.12 | 4.24 |
yeah uh this is the island we started on | 282.96 | 4.72 |
i believe come over here i know we had i | 285.36 | 3.68 |
know we had vehicle parts over here did | 287.68 | 3.2 |
you bring the box uh yeah i have a box | 289.04 | 4.159 |
good and i have a map check out this map | 290.88 | 4.879 |
oh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah so we | 293.199 | 3.521 |
currently | 295.759 | 3.601 |
reside on water pig island right we are | 296.72 | 5.84 |
going to first island first island there | 299.36 | 4.88 |
yeah that island over there you know | 302.56 | 3.199 |
what that island's called | 304.24 | 3.679 |
no leave neebs to die island oh yeah | 305.759 | 3.841 |
that's where i left you to die yep and | 307.919 | 3.601 |
then we got the aircraft carrier gotcha | 309.6 | 4.24 |
all right all right we're looking good | 311.52 | 4.399 |
we should explore more huh well yeah now | 313.84 | 4.16 |
we can because i like naming islands i | 315.919 | 3.681 |
mean also yeah just to expand the ref | 318.0 | 4.16 |
hey i see a little our little base | 319.6 | 5.52 |
ah this brings back memories yep uh | 322.16 | 4.56 |
we're just gonna grab the parts and | 325.12 | 3.2 |
supplies and then head back right i | 326.72 | 3.44 |
think that's all we really need to do | 328.32 | 3.36 |
yeah we would i would love to find a | 330.16 | 3.44 |
vehicle engine part | 331.68 | 3.6 |
we could find a vehicle engine part i | 333.6 | 4.0 |
could make a motor for this damn raft oh | 335.28 | 5.12 |
really yeah but he's good okay here we | 337.6 | 4.879 |
go here we go | 340.4 | 4.4 |
that's it okay | 342.479 | 4.56 |
boom gotcha yeah | 344.8 | 4.0 |
yeah | 347.039 | 5.201 |
welcome back there we go oh yeah all | 348.8 | 6.239 |
right split up and grab resources oh god | 352.24 | 4.16 |
i think that's what we need right there | 355.039 | 4.321 |
yes a vehicle engine part boom putting | 356.4 | 5.359 |
that in my pocket heck yeah man i didn't | 359.36 | 4.48 |
expect it to be here i know all right | 361.759 | 3.681 |
i'm gonna grab stuff and uh i want to | 363.84 | 3.44 |
build a farming plot later oh hey i | 365.44 | 5.12 |
found sally hey kelly | 367.28 | 4.32 |
hey | 370.56 | 3.199 |
oh | 371.6 | 2.159 |
[Music] | 374.23 | 7.29 |
you god doing that by yourself yeah of | 379.6 | 4.8 |
course okay i got a uh hmm yeah you got | 381.52 | 4.08 |
a crate we can put all this stuff in | 384.4 | 3.28 |
yeah put all the rocks in the crate yeah | 385.6 | 4.0 |
sweet put a bunch of stuff in there wait | 387.68 | 3.44 |
i wonder if we left any crates in these | 389.6 | 3.52 |
boats you know what i didn't see the uh | 391.12 | 4.16 |
what i was looking for the hoe oh god | 393.12 | 3.6 |
did we take it maybe we took it over and | 395.28 | 3.919 |
put it a boat or something i mean | 396.72 | 4.08 |
put it in a boat yeah come here with | 399.199 | 2.56 |
that boat | 400.8 | 3.679 |
there's a boat remember the boat no no | 401.759 | 3.841 |
put it in a boat you don't remember the | 404.479 | 3.601 |
boat what like a sunken boat no boat we | 405.6 | 4.08 |
looked at it had like storage cabinets | 408.08 | 2.48 |
in it | 409.68 | 2.4 |
you know what i'm saying like a sunken | 410.56 | 3.919 |
one yeah right that's what i said yes | 412.08 | 4.239 |
it's like a sunken boat right why would | 414.479 | 4.321 |
we have put it in the sunken boat um not | 416.319 | 3.841 |
not sunken | 418.8 | 4.16 |
okay okay just in the boat are you mad | 420.16 | 4.4 |
no i'm just curious what you're saying | 422.96 | 3.679 |
to me i'm just trying to trying to parse | 424.56 | 3.52 |
what language you're speaking did you | 426.639 | 3.761 |
say parse yes parse figure out it's | 428.08 | 4.32 |
parse is that what that means yeah parse | 430.4 | 4.639 |
okay listen there was a boat and a shark | 432.4 | 4.239 |
that was doing a belly spin and there | 435.039 | 3.841 |
was a storage room up there no okay okay | 436.639 | 3.84 |
okay we put some stuff in why would we | 438.88 | 2.879 |
have put it in there that just seems | 440.479 | 3.84 |
crazy okay 100 positive we didn't leave | 441.759 | 4.401 |
it here on the beach i don't see it it's | 444.319 | 2.88 |
beer | 446.16 | 2.56 |
i can't see a damn thing out here hold | 447.199 | 3.521 |
up | 448.72 | 3.919 |
help out a little bit yeah we're going | 450.72 | 4.24 |
to need those one day | 452.639 | 5.201 |
my inventory's full it keeps telling me | 454.96 | 4.88 |
we did something with it well do we want | 457.84 | 4.96 |
to stay here to see if we left any uh | 459.84 | 5.44 |
chest on these boats oh and these | 462.8 | 5.2 |
you want to go explore these boats again | 465.28 | 4.639 |
maybe maybe just to see if we want to | 468.0 | 3.28 |
grab any chests because i mean yeah i | 469.919 | 3.921 |
mean i'm carrying a bunch of stuff yeah | 471.28 | 5.12 |
that sounds less fun to me than leaving | 473.84 | 4.4 |
but whatever i mean it's not about fun | 476.4 | 4.079 |
it's about survival well i mean | 478.24 | 4.56 |
are these chests we could use about both | 480.479 | 4.0 |
right yes it is about both but i'm | 482.8 | 3.28 |
saying yeah we could get the chest and | 484.479 | 4.241 |
that way we just have more storage yeah | 486.08 | 4.64 |
go for it okay well then if i well i'm | 488.72 | 3.12 |
gonna go for it i mean how's your | 490.72 | 2.96 |
inventory mine's full what i'm saying | 491.84 | 4.4 |
well i do have this one box and now i've | 493.68 | 5.6 |
got the box so okay got stuff in the box | 496.24 | 4.959 |
there's stuff in the box well damn it do | 499.28 | 3.039 |
we want to do that or we just want to | 501.199 | 3.12 |
say [ __ ] head back | 502.319 | 5.521 |
head back head back head back uh sure | 504.319 | 5.041 |
all right fine screw it we'll head back | 507.84 | 3.44 |
and i'm taking his log with me | 509.36 | 4.08 |
okay no i i know i got this long if you | 511.28 | 3.679 |
want that log chop it down but i do have | 513.44 | 3.68 |
meg and sally on board nope i'm taking | 514.959 | 3.601 |
the whole log why do you want to take | 517.12 | 3.76 |
the whole log because all right no i | 518.56 | 3.76 |
need you to hold on to meg and sally | 520.88 | 3.44 |
look sally's already falling off okay | 522.32 | 4.639 |
the log should stay on like no no no no | 524.32 | 4.48 |
no no no no no no we're not doing that | 526.959 | 3.121 |
we're not doing that | 528.8 | 3.84 |
put the log back no we got we got a log | 530.08 | 4.319 |
what if we want to build something big | 532.64 | 4.319 |
we got trees over there yeah but we're | 534.399 | 4.641 |
going to run out let's hit it no no | 536.959 | 4.721 |
we're not taking that long's way yeah i | 539.04 | 5.12 |
swear i need you to hold on to | 541.68 | 4.4 |
sally and | 544.16 | 4.239 |
what's his name meg okay put the boat in | 546.08 | 4.879 |
the water uh you got sally i got sally | 548.399 | 4.801 |
in my hands i got meg i need you to okay | 550.959 | 3.521 |
well then i need you to hold on to meg | 553.2 | 3.84 |
drop that log | 554.48 | 4.4 |
push the boat out | 557.04 | 3.44 |
you better hold on to meg i swear to god | 558.88 | 4.0 |
i got meg look she's in my arms no you | 560.48 | 5.12 |
have sally in your arms sally meg is on | 562.88 | 5.28 |
the ramp listen i'm not good with names | 565.6 | 4.56 |
all right are you ready yeah all right | 568.16 | 3.6 |
taking off we'll take a yes game i know | 570.16 | 3.28 |
there's not enough room in my goddamn | 571.76 | 4.639 |
inventory hold on wait you won let me | 573.44 | 5.12 |
yep okay all right okay you got you got | 576.399 | 4.961 |
everything oh oh god did you you tilting | 578.56 | 4.16 |
us nope | 581.36 | 3.68 |
god damn it we lost meg we lost meg | 582.72 | 3.92 |
because you tried to bring a goddamn log | 585.04 | 3.359 |
on we gotta go back we gotta go back | 586.64 | 4.16 |
can't go back what do you mean we can't | 588.399 | 4.0 |
go back i mean we could but now we're | 590.8 | 3.52 |
off already this is your fault we'll | 592.399 | 3.681 |
come back from back one day | 594.32 | 3.92 |
this is on you no this is on you you | 596.08 | 4.319 |
tried to bring an entire log out of this | 598.24 | 4.48 |
little rap you tried to bring a tire | 600.399 | 4.241 |
sally magon around trying to bring an | 602.72 | 3.679 |
elephant onto a cessna that's what you | 604.64 | 3.84 |
did | 606.399 | 3.761 |
you could have turned around this is | 608.48 | 3.12 |
both our faults go back we'll go back | 610.16 | 2.88 |
later i got i got a [ __ ] ton of | 611.6 | 3.12 |
inventory all right well at least we got | 613.04 | 3.52 |
sally all right we get back you put | 614.72 | 3.76 |
sally put sally next to tom sally and | 616.56 | 5.04 |
tom love each other they go way back | 618.48 | 4.88 |
she hasn't seen time since he became a | 621.6 | 3.52 |
hobo stove exactly | 623.36 | 5.4 |
sex is gonna be great | 625.12 | 3.64 |
neebs | 633.519 | 4.641 |
uh-huh where's sally | 634.56 | 3.6 |
thank god | 638.48 | 2.32 |
i don't think i could have dealt with | 639.68 | 2.32 |
two losses | 640.8 | 3.2 |
uh we wouldn't have to if we turned | 642.0 | 3.76 |
around hey we can go back we'll go back | 644.0 | 3.279 |
eventually okay let's go back and get | 645.76 | 4.319 |
meg meg's at the bottom of the ocean | 647.279 | 4.24 |
right back on that island it's fine it's | 650.079 | 3.361 |
fine let's not waste any more time okay | 651.519 | 3.281 |
right no i'm not going to waste any more | 653.44 | 3.28 |
time who do i have in my hands | 654.8 | 5.279 |
sally sally guess what you are being | 656.72 | 4.96 |
reunited | 660.079 | 3.44 |
wait is this tom yeah the hobo stove | 661.68 | 5.67 |
next time yep with time | 663.519 | 6.961 |
[Music] | 667.35 | 6.81 |
the crowd goes crazy | 670.48 | 5.44 |
you don't care huh | 674.16 | 3.919 |
no that's great oh god yeah i'm happy to | 675.92 | 3.68 |
see them back together you like a creep | 678.079 | 3.681 |
over there by the way you were ex okay | 679.6 | 3.84 |
no i wasn't look i ever get rid of | 681.76 | 3.12 |
inventory i'm doing stuff over god damn | 683.44 | 3.2 |
it look at all this myth you were | 684.88 | 3.36 |
okay you built this up like this is | 686.64 | 3.52 |
gonna be a big reunion it is it's good | 688.24 | 4.08 |
on reunion i'm having that together now | 690.16 | 4.239 |
i gotta organize all right well | 692.32 | 5.04 |
i'll organize two all right i got two | 694.399 | 4.56 |
engine parts i might be able to make | 697.36 | 3.44 |
something cool here neebs i'll make | 698.959 | 3.521 |
something cool i'll build something you | 700.8 | 3.44 |
build something yeah and we'll have show | 702.48 | 3.44 |
and tell we'll have a cool off in the | 704.24 | 3.44 |
morning yeah | 705.92 | 3.039 |
sure how many things in the morning i'll | 707.68 | 2.64 |
show you what i'm built okay and i'll | 708.959 | 2.961 |
show you what i built | 710.32 | 4.24 |
who's going to judge it selling time | 711.92 | 5.88 |
don't decide | 714.56 | 3.24 |
[Music] | 718.2 | 11.77 |
navy what'd you build last night is that | 731.6 | 4.88 |
did you build that last night that's | 734.079 | 4.161 |
that's better than what i built probably | 736.48 | 4.56 |
oh yeah yeah this is pretty cool yeah | 738.24 | 4.159 |
it's coming along | 741.04 | 2.56 |
that's not even the coolest thing i | 742.399 | 2.801 |
built last night oh really yeah check | 743.6 | 3.28 |
this out yeah maybe i should show my | 745.2 | 5.12 |
thing before you show your thing then | 746.88 | 3.44 |
is that a motor yeah it's a damn motor | 751.76 | 3.12 |
yeah | 753.839 | 3.761 |
i don't even want to show my thing | 754.88 | 4.72 |
i know what to build i'm a building | 757.6 | 4.56 |
[ __ ] look at me i'm a building [ __ ] | 759.6 | 3.6 |
baby yeah | 762.16 | 2.239 |
you want to see what i built now yeah | 763.2 | 3.52 |
what'd you build okay do i have to go | 764.399 | 5.601 |
well first i guess i built two look oh | 766.72 | 5.919 |
oh we got a hoe again good yeah okay so | 770.0 | 5.519 |
i figured this out um hmm | 772.639 | 4.561 |
i think you got to be up here | 775.519 | 3.201 |
so i do this | 777.2 | 2.879 |
can i do it i don't think i can yeah | 778.72 | 3.119 |
it's got to be up | 780.079 | 3.841 |
yeah okay yeah it's put it up here yeah | 781.839 | 3.0 |
kind of in | 783.92 | 4.4 |
flatland okay so that's a farming plot e | 784.839 | 6.361 |
to clear wait do i do what you want aloe | 788.32 | 4.319 |
aloe would be great | 791.2 | 4.8 |
boom aloe planted hey is this it's got | 792.639 | 5.681 |
like a quarter of water right so you got | 796.0 | 3.6 |
to fill us what do you do put water in a | 798.32 | 3.519 |
coconut | 799.6 | 2.239 |
oh no | 802.32 | 2.88 |
does rain work you would god you would | 803.279 | 2.961 |
hope rain would work maybe we'll get | 805.2 | 2.56 |
lucky you may want to rain today okay | 806.24 | 3.839 |
we'll keep an eye on this and uh | 807.76 | 5.519 |
let's see yep is it growing i i assume | 810.079 | 4.88 |
so so yeah you would hope planning one | 813.279 | 3.601 |
of those is gonna knit us you know two | 814.959 | 3.601 |
or three right yeah hopefully and then | 816.88 | 4.72 |
we can like uh wear aloe during the day | 818.56 | 4.8 |
yes yeah god sunscreen so we can run | 821.6 | 4.16 |
around do stuff do you want to test out | 823.36 | 4.4 |
the motor go get meg oh yeah let's go | 825.76 | 4.96 |
get mig mega rescue okay perfect all | 827.76 | 4.879 |
right we're coming for you meg | 830.72 | 5.04 |
all right let's see uh hold it operate | 832.639 | 4.481 |
do you have gas in there | 835.76 | 3.519 |
do you have to put gas oh there's no gas | 837.12 | 4.159 |
in there i swear yeah there's no gas in | 839.279 | 4.56 |
here | 841.279 | 2.56 |
anything nothing it's felt nice though | 846.24 | 3.44 |
all right all right do we want to try to | 848.16 | 4.0 |
go to a new island to kill the shark to | 849.68 | 5.68 |
find new resources oh new to maybe find | 852.16 | 4.72 |
fuel okay | 855.36 | 4.32 |
yes yes okay yeah and we'll name it and | 856.88 | 4.56 |
add it to the map once we get there | 859.68 | 4.159 |
exactly | 861.44 | 2.399 |
god is this i wish we could turn the | 867.04 | 4.479 |
sail because i feel like this thing just | 869.04 | 4.32 |
doesn't it does whatever it wants to it | 871.519 | 3.68 |
does does whatever it wants to it kind | 873.36 | 3.44 |
of works sometimes when the controls | 875.199 | 5.041 |
flip it inverts itself well we are | 876.8 | 4.719 |
kind of rough | 880.24 | 2.399 |
maybe we should | 881.519 | 2.56 |
almost feel like that rubber raft's | 882.639 | 3.681 |
better don't you | 884.079 | 3.681 |
no i feel like this is quicker you can | 886.32 | 2.879 |
paddle hey maybe once we get this motor | 887.76 | 3.439 |
going oh yeah once we get the motor | 889.199 | 4.241 |
going hopefully you know it'll | 891.199 | 4.401 |
be all over the place how many islands | 893.44 | 3.68 |
are out here i don't know there's a | 895.6 | 4.16 |
bunch yeah there's the aircraft carrier | 897.12 | 4.88 |
there's one over there behind it there's | 899.76 | 5.6 |
two over there we're heading to this one | 902.0 | 4.32 |
there's another one over there we | 905.36 | 2.24 |
haven't been to there's a whole bunch | 906.32 | 3.6 |
out here man there is did you bring your | 907.6 | 4.08 |
uh your pickaxe | 909.92 | 2.96 |
yes | 911.68 | 3.599 |
wait did the sun just come up did the | 912.88 | 4.8 |
whole there was a storm there was yeah | 915.279 | 4.321 |
we've been i feel like this day flew by | 917.68 | 3.76 |
it did it did flew | 919.6 | 3.599 |
right on by | 921.44 | 4.079 |
there she goes all right raft come on | 923.199 | 3.521 |
come on you've been working the same way | 925.519 | 2.56 |
the whole time why why why aren't you | 926.72 | 2.96 |
doing right now remember that remember | 928.079 | 3.12 |
that commercial remember that commercial | 929.68 | 2.56 |
with the kid and the dad and they | 931.199 | 3.361 |
watched the sunset no which one like how | 932.24 | 4.159 |
did it go okay like i'm the dad and | 934.56 | 4.959 |
you're the kid and the sun sets okay | 936.399 | 5.201 |
and then when it's set you go do it | 939.519 | 4.56 |
again dude do it again dude he thought | 941.6 | 4.239 |
he thought daddy did it | 944.079 | 3.2 |
kids are hilarious | 945.839 | 2.8 |
what was it a commercial for yeah i | 947.279 | 2.161 |
don't know | 948.639 | 2.0 |
most commercials that way you don't | 949.44 | 2.56 |
remember what it's for it's true it's | 950.639 | 2.721 |
true yeah it's just like oh i remember | 952.0 | 2.88 |
this thing happened what was it for you | 953.36 | 3.44 |
i don't know i don't know | 954.88 | 5.199 |
ah there goes the sun | 956.8 | 3.279 |
going | 960.32 | 4.24 |
going | 962.399 | 3.601 |
god | 964.56 | 3.68 |
do it again good | 966.0 | 6.399 |
lifesavers candy isn't life | 968.24 | 4.159 |
all right the sun's coming up good | 978.88 | 3.12 |
because i wanted to uh get into these | 980.56 | 3.199 |
shipwrecks but uh | 982.0 | 3.759 |
water and food are getting a little low | 983.759 | 3.921 |
so maybe we'll get into these shipwrecks | 985.759 | 3.52 |
and then we'll head back home shipwrecks | 987.68 | 3.76 |
and go shipwrecks and go all right you | 989.279 | 4.0 |
want to take one i'll take another yep | 991.44 | 3.36 |
anything else you want to do here uh | 993.279 | 4.961 |
yeah we're gonna kill that shark | 994.8 | 6.0 |
you're doing that one i'm doing this one | 998.24 | 3.76 |
what else are you referring to as a | 1000.8 | 2.479 |
shipwreck it looks like there's some | 1002.0 | 2.959 |
[ __ ] over there to the left right that | 1003.279 | 3.12 |
little tony you give me a little tiny | 1004.959 | 2.88 |
one it might be bigger once you get | 1006.399 | 3.041 |
under okay | 1007.839 | 5.041 |
all right we're gonna do it but | 1009.44 | 3.44 |
you get to yours yet | 1013.04 | 2.88 |
i'm getting there | 1014.56 | 4.639 |
still kind of dark oh there we go | 1015.92 | 5.359 |
sun just came up yeah i know but under | 1019.199 | 3.521 |
water | 1021.279 | 3.531 |
still | 1022.72 | 5.129 |
[Music] | 1024.81 | 3.039 |
oh god what the [ __ ] oh god name shirt | 1032.559 | 6.64 |
hey bit me hammerhead | 1036.0 | 3.199 |
oh god there you are | 1049.84 | 3.28 |
to the right of the ship we were looking | 1053.2 | 3.2 |
at right at the ship | 1054.559 | 5.841 |
yeah okay come on come on [ __ ] | 1056.4 | 6.48 |
see me no i'm coming | 1060.4 | 3.84 |
i'm trying to jump | 1062.88 | 3.6 |
i just oh no | 1064.24 | 3.679 |
oh no | 1066.48 | 3.36 |
where did you die from the water to the | 1067.919 | 3.76 |
right of the ship to the right of the | 1069.84 | 4.16 |
ship | 1071.679 | 2.321 |
that's the hammerhead get him hold on i | 1074.24 | 3.92 |
gotta find where you are | 1076.32 | 4.0 |
i mean i'm looking at you i remember i | 1078.16 | 3.519 |
didn't want you oh there you are okay | 1080.32 | 4.0 |
yeah there i am i got to make a a | 1081.679 | 3.681 |
bandage | 1084.32 | 3.04 |
how do you float i don't know how do you | 1085.36 | 4.24 |
[ __ ] i got big tents | 1087.36 | 4.319 |
uh i got big old tits | 1089.6 | 3.24 |
what's happening | 1091.679 | 3.12 |
with is that you | 1092.84 | 4.12 |
it's you yeah can you can you drag me | 1094.799 | 4.321 |
out of here can i no i think i gotta | 1096.96 | 4.8 |
make a bandage hold on what do i need to | 1099.12 | 5.84 |
do a bandage can you quit vaping | 1101.76 | 5.12 |
okay consumable that's a consumable | 1104.96 | 4.079 |
right yeah hurry up these tits aren't | 1106.88 | 3.76 |
going to float forever okay i need a | 1109.039 | 2.721 |
string | 1110.64 | 3.36 |
and a cloth where'd you put the cloth oh | 1111.76 | 3.6 |
god it's in my in | 1114.0 | 3.039 |
it might be in a container if not it's | 1115.36 | 4.4 |
in my inventory it's in me yep got it oh | 1117.039 | 5.201 |
god we gotta waste our cloth yeah damn | 1119.76 | 4.88 |
it okay bandage this is why i said i | 1122.24 | 4.559 |
didn't want to kill the shark man can | 1124.64 | 4.159 |
you not just take the blame for one | 1126.799 | 2.88 |
thing | 1128.799 | 2.801 |
no this was your stupid idea now we're | 1129.679 | 5.201 |
wasting our cloth okay first you've got | 1131.6 | 6.48 |
meg killed now the here we go all right | 1134.88 | 6.08 |
you got me okay boom whoa | 1138.08 | 6.0 |
whoa okay here we go all right uh no | 1140.96 | 5.44 |
help it's all the way damn down man i | 1144.08 | 3.839 |
feel like a hero and i feel like it's | 1146.4 | 3.2 |
not appreciated | 1147.919 | 3.76 |
that's my rock | 1149.6 | 3.36 |
no i took it | 1151.679 | 2.801 |
all right we're going back home right | 1152.96 | 3.52 |
after you say thank you hey yeah thanks | 1154.48 | 4.8 |
for wasting our [ __ ] claw | 1156.48 | 6.12 |
you're welcome | 1159.28 | 3.32 |
oh god | 1165.039 | 3.361 |
babes yep this raft's getting a little | 1166.88 | 2.799 |
hard to steer | 1168.4 | 4.639 |
just steer it i'm i'm trying oh boy | 1169.679 | 6.0 |
it we are drifting hard come on come on | 1173.039 | 5.52 |
come on go that way go that way | 1175.679 | 3.921 |
oh | 1178.559 | 3.041 |
[ __ ] we're still good | 1179.6 | 3.84 |
yeah just make sure | 1181.6 | 3.76 |
no we're drifting i can't i'm just | 1183.44 | 4.64 |
trying to turn as it won't come on come | 1185.36 | 4.319 |
on ref turn | 1188.08 | 3.12 |
oh god no | 1189.679 | 4.081 |
no no | 1191.2 | 4.32 |
i feel like we're getting closer right | 1193.76 | 2.96 |
we're getting closer | 1195.52 | 3.279 |
yeah but it's not turning | 1196.72 | 3.36 |
all right | 1198.799 | 2.801 |
come on turn | 1200.08 | 4.88 |
turn you feel like the wind's got us | 1201.6 | 6.319 |
[ __ ] come on turn it won't turn man | 1204.96 | 4.4 |
we're definitely getting closer i mean | 1207.919 | 3.201 |
we're getting closer but yeah damn i | 1209.36 | 3.439 |
can't turn this thing yeah but if we get | 1211.12 | 7.039 |
closer that's good you know i do oh boy | 1212.799 | 5.36 |
okay now we're not getting closer i know | 1218.48 | 4.0 |
i know because i can't turn the damn | 1220.64 | 3.2 |
thing | 1222.48 | 3.84 |
i can see our house i can see it | 1223.84 | 5.68 |
come on come on just turn yes just do me | 1226.32 | 5.599 |
a favor and turn oh god we can just wait | 1229.52 | 3.68 |
it out you know | 1231.919 | 3.281 |
maybe we don't seem to be flipping oh | 1233.2 | 4.32 |
god my health is really low and oh | 1235.2 | 3.839 |
no status effects | 1237.52 | 3.68 |
oh god damn it what what what if our | 1239.039 | 4.321 |
chest just fell off | 1241.2 | 3.92 |
just get off the damn motor and grab the | 1243.36 | 4.16 |
chest okay oh [ __ ] | 1245.12 | 4.4 |
[ __ ] off the motor picking up the chest | 1247.52 | 4.24 |
i got the one chest yeah hold on to that | 1249.52 | 3.84 |
chest damn it where's the other one what | 1251.76 | 3.68 |
are you gonna go swimming for it no | 1253.36 | 2.96 |
look | 1255.44 | 3.52 |
oh god man my water is bad wait that's | 1256.32 | 4.4 |
home right there that's home right there | 1258.96 | 4.8 |
let's probably keep trying to steer turn | 1260.72 | 6.079 |
oh this is bad this is bad neebs | 1263.76 | 5.6 |
we're in a shitty spot it's not too bad | 1266.799 | 4.481 |
though right uh well according to my | 1269.36 | 4.72 |
health yes it's bad let me see if i can | 1271.28 | 5.2 |
get out and swim this over there uh no | 1274.08 | 4.959 |
you're gonna get my damn shark or i | 1276.48 | 5.84 |
might not or you are you absolutely will | 1279.039 | 4.801 |
you still you never listen to me in this | 1282.32 | 3.04 |
[ __ ] game we always end up in shitty | 1283.84 | 3.36 |
situations because of you like my health | 1285.36 | 3.52 |
right now wouldn't be this bad if you | 1287.2 | 3.12 |
didn't want to go kill a [ __ ] shark | 1288.88 | 4.32 |
you would be dead if it weren't for me | 1290.32 | 5.28 |
remember yeah i remember let's go kill a | 1293.2 | 4.24 |
shark we're drifting towards this island | 1295.6 | 2.8 |
over here | 1297.44 | 2.719 |
nope we're going that way i would love | 1298.4 | 3.92 |
to go that way but i can't i'm grabbing | 1300.159 | 3.921 |
the rudder and i'm trying to tell it hey | 1302.32 | 3.92 |
turn and it will not you want me to try | 1304.08 | 4.56 |
if you want to go for it bubba all right | 1306.24 | 4.64 |
here we go if i lower the sail and learn | 1308.64 | 3.76 |
it again who knows how do you steer | 1310.88 | 3.679 |
again you know what hold on now try to | 1312.4 | 4.08 |
turn is it with the keys or the with the | 1314.559 | 4.161 |
keys yeah you just hold a or d and it | 1316.48 | 3.92 |
kind of points in a direction yeah i | 1318.72 | 3.199 |
think we need to be moving a little bit | 1320.4 | 4.08 |
okay start moving | 1321.919 | 4.401 |
hold me right there | 1324.48 | 3.679 |
my water | 1326.32 | 3.599 |
you know what all right worst case | 1328.159 | 3.281 |
scenario we got to go to this island | 1329.919 | 2.481 |
here | 1331.44 | 3.359 |
get a coconut i can drink some water | 1332.4 | 3.92 |
should be able to just open my mouth and | 1334.799 | 2.88 |
drink this water that's coming down on | 1336.32 | 3.28 |
top of my face right now i'm with you on | 1337.679 | 4.081 |
that one i mean water's water we didn't | 1339.6 | 4.959 |
have any coconuts or anything | 1341.76 | 5.44 |
i don't think so [ __ ] come on at least | 1344.559 | 6.0 |
get to this island can you turn us | 1347.2 | 3.359 |
just does it it doesn't do | 1351.039 | 3.921 |
come on | 1354.0 | 2.96 |
come on just tripped us there all right | 1354.96 | 3.36 |
we might be drifting close enough to get | 1356.96 | 3.599 |
off come on come on just get there just | 1358.32 | 4.479 |
get there yeah we got this one okay just | 1360.559 | 3.441 |
get there so i can get out and i can | 1362.799 | 2.801 |
find a coconut i just want to find a | 1364.0 | 3.12 |
coconut that's all i want all i want in | 1365.6 | 3.52 |
life and earlier this day you're like i | 1367.12 | 4.32 |
don't like coconuts hey i'll take | 1369.12 | 4.4 |
anything right now | 1371.44 | 4.719 |
okay okay better than nothing what do i | 1373.52 | 4.48 |
see all right we got a crab on the beach | 1376.159 | 3.681 |
can you fight the crab because i my | 1378.0 | 4.4 |
health is not yet do it all right fight | 1379.84 | 5.12 |
crap okay get off the rudder where's my | 1382.4 | 3.68 |
spear | 1384.96 | 3.12 |
here we go saving you again feel that | 1386.08 | 5.839 |
crap come on gotcha gotcha come on get | 1388.08 | 6.56 |
away i got a very fragile woman with me | 1391.919 | 5.12 |
i got me a little bit okay come on kill | 1394.64 | 5.12 |
it kill it i'm trying lady there you go | 1397.039 | 3.921 |
jesus okay | 1399.76 | 4.24 |
all right coconut coconut coconut | 1400.96 | 4.0 |
there's a couple right here you can | 1404.0 | 2.799 |
reach without even climbing sweet sweet | 1404.96 | 4.24 |
sweet there you go | 1406.799 | 3.36 |
that one | 1409.2 | 2.959 |
drop it down i'll open it for you | 1410.159 | 2.961 |
there you go | 1412.159 | 2.961 |
bam that one's ready to drink | 1413.12 | 3.52 |
yeah got it | 1415.12 | 2.559 |
bam | 1416.64 | 4.72 |
thank you mmm god thank you wait okay i | 1417.679 | 5.521 |
made you drink | 1421.36 | 3.36 |
two of them | 1423.2 | 4.719 |
my health is still bad okay but my food | 1424.72 | 4.079 |
water | 1427.919 | 2.64 |
okay now okay we're in a shitty | 1428.799 | 3.921 |
situation home is right over there | 1430.559 | 4.0 |
though we drifted onto another island | 1432.72 | 3.839 |
we'll call this don't want to be here | 1434.559 | 4.72 |
island perfect | 1436.559 | 4.881 |
we're in a pickle we're in a pickle | 1439.279 | 4.161 |
we're in a pickle but we're committed to | 1441.44 | 5.2 |
this pickle i just saved | 1443.44 | 3.2 |
it | 1450.08 | 3.0 |
[Music] | 1457.29 | 4.1 |
you'll do | 1461.44 | 3.16 |
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The Game
You definitely should check it out
Neebs Gaming has done it again with their latest Stranded Deep gameplay video! I always get excited when I see a new episode of their Stranded Deep series pop up in my subscriptions feed. The adventures of Neebs, Thick, and the rest of the crew stranded on a deserted island make for such an engaging viewing experience.
In this latest episode, the boys make some big technological advancements, like finally building a motorboat to explore the surrounding islands. However, in classic Neebs Gaming fashion, nothing goes according to plan and they end up right back where they started! The hilarious banter between Neebs and Thick had me laughing out loud throughout the video. Their comedic timing and ability to play off each other is fantastic.
What I love most about Neebs Gaming's cinematic style is that it makes you feel like you're right there stranded on the island with them. The first-person perspective and cinematic camera angles immerse you in the world in a way that feels more like a TV show than just watching someone play a game. The top-notch editing and sound design also help transport you right into the action.
Getting to experience Stranded Deep through Neebs Gaming is the absolute best way to enjoy the game short of playing it yourself. Their entertaining personality and storytelling draw you into the game world and have you invested in the survival journey. I always come away from their videos feeling like I lived through an exciting adventure with friends.
In summary, if you're looking for a genuinely fun, cinematic, and hilarious gameplay experience, you can't go wrong with Neebs Gaming's Stranded Deep series. Their masterful blend of comedy, storytelling, and production quality makes for an incredibly entertaining watch that I just can't get enough of. I can't wait to see what adventures and mishaps unfold next for the Neebs Gaming crew on Stranded Deep island!