Raft Survival - WE GOT A SIGNAL! (Gameplay Series)
Neebs Gaming
neebs: Hey guys, welcome back to another exciting episode of Raft Survival! Today, we finally got a signal! Can you believe it? It's like winning the lottery!
simon: Oh, Neebs, always so dramatic. But I have to admit, getting a signal in the middle of nowhere is pretty cool. It's like finding a diamond in a pile of rocks.
appsro: Ha, you guys crack me up. Finding a signal is great and all, but let's not forget the real highlight of this video - when Neebs tried to use the word 'afoot' in a sentence. Classic Neebs.

This video comes straight from the Neebs Gaming YouTube channel.
Hey there, fellow Neebs Gaming fans! Have you checked out their latest video on Raft Survival Simulator yet? If not, you're definitely missing out on some epic gameplay and hilarious commentary. Trust me, it's a must-watch for all of us who love Neebs Gaming.
In this video, the Neebs crew dives into the world of Raft and encounters some mysterious adventures along the way. And let me tell you, it's not just your average survival game. With their signature humor and teamwork, the Neebs gang takes on the challenges of building their raft, navigating the treacherous waters, and fending off any dangers that come their way.
As a dedicated fan of Neebs Gaming, I always look forward to their Raft Survival Simulator series. From the catchy music to the entertaining banter between the guys, it's a perfect blend of excitement and comedy. Plus, you never know what unexpected twists and turns will happen next, keeping you on the edge of your seat throughout the entire video.
So, if you haven't already subscribed to Neebs Gaming or checked out their Raft playlist, I highly recommend doing so. Trust me, you won't be disappointed. And don't forget to show your support on Patreon or grab some awesome Neebs Gaming merch to rep your favorite YouTube channel.

Caption | Start | Duration |
[Music] | 0.79 | 8.03 |
surprise I was talking to you about okay | 6.529 | 6.461 |
look at my dick yeah that's what it is | 8.82 | 5.21 |
look at it | 12.99 | 3.03 |
wait you're gonna build something over | 14.03 | 6.1 |
here are you ready yeah boom oh wow it's | 16.02 | 5.91 |
a paint bill he's here look at that | 20.13 | 2.55 |
that's crazy | 21.93 | 1.95 |
thank all those flowers you've been | 22.68 | 2.939 |
fighting right there you can make paint | 23.88 | 9.33 |
no oh hold on a minute let's start | 25.619 | 9.301 |
spinning around that thing just making | 33.21 | 3.27 |
paint that was happening | 34.92 | 3.42 |
yeah is that you make weight paint you | 36.48 | 3.48 |
just spin a flower around never done it | 38.34 | 4.26 |
before but uh sure you seen a salmon | 39.96 | 6.81 |
yeah mom is unimpressed is anybody | 42.6 | 10.689 |
[Music] | 46.77 | 6.519 |
alright we're on the other side of the | 55.23 | 3.24 |
island just working | 56.79 | 3.33 |
yep that's working all right now put the | 58.47 | 3.09 |
sails back towards the island and leaves | 60.12 | 3.9 |
okay yes sir get back towards the island | 61.56 | 5.7 |
I'm doing it oh yeah look at here we go | 64.02 | 6.19 |
throwing the anchor the best I could | 67.26 | 5.03 |
[Music] | 70.21 | 5.21 |
awesome fantastic that worked good of | 72.29 | 6.76 |
this hey Simon yeah | 75.42 | 6.24 |
these chicken legs are ready oh I love | 79.05 | 4.29 |
to eat some yeah there's three of them | 81.66 | 3.72 |
oh come over and I have a chicken leg | 83.34 | 4.94 |
sounds good to me | 85.38 | 2.9 |
yeah ticklish I think you need to | 90.05 | 7.66 |
whisper because he's whispering how are | 93.9 | 5.66 |
those chicken legs | 97.71 | 6.03 |
they were good delicious yeah they're | 99.56 | 7.75 |
interesting yep Simon earned is died | 103.74 | 5.97 |
three times hey someone grab this clam | 107.31 | 4.11 |
it's a giant clam oh yeah throw it down | 109.71 | 3.45 |
here I like those things I know thank | 111.42 | 2.13 |
you | 113.16 | 2.58 |
there's some glass - I'll take that | 113.55 | 8.67 |
glass yeah - clay yeah oh here's the | 115.74 | 9.78 |
hinge all right sweet I got it there we | 122.22 | 3.87 |
go | 125.52 | 4.19 |
that it I mean yeah | 126.09 | 3.62 |
yeah okay sweet I'll see you later bye | 130.619 | 6.181 |
he's like like a walking treasure chest | 133.849 | 7.381 |
for me what happened what'd you do sorry | 136.8 | 7.32 |
so in the morning I think you and I | 141.23 | 5.7 |
should die I'd like to have another | 144.12 | 6.21 |
antenna in the morning yeah yeah I think | 146.93 | 4.27 |
that's a great idea | 150.33 | 2.219 |
let me research let me look at that real | 151.2 | 3.36 |
quick man we need another circuit board | 152.549 | 4.651 |
and bolt oh I can make bolts I need to | 154.56 | 4.92 |
cook some metal or circuit board circuit | 157.2 | 3.69 |
boards I need copper copper is gonna be | 159.48 | 2.46 |
the big things work through the night | 160.89 | 12.629 |
and we'll dive in the morning behind you | 161.94 | 13.92 |
yeah I'm just kind of scoping out cuz | 173.519 | 4.231 |
I'm looking for little shiny things | 175.86 | 3.629 |
alright that looks like it's gonna be | 177.75 | 3.5 |
good I'm gonna go up and take a breath | 179.489 | 4.711 |
I've missed my oxygen taking flippers | 181.25 | 4.81 |
alright going down deep I wouldn't | 184.2 | 3.569 |
realize you didn't have that no yeah I | 186.06 | 3.46 |
didn't have enough stuff to make it oh | 187.769 | 3.651 |
[Music] | 189.52 | 4.67 |
yeah I found some copper yeah yeah | 191.42 | 5.89 |
alright I'll get this other stuff sweet | 194.19 | 8.05 |
sweet sweet sweet copper meat meat meat | 197.31 | 7.21 |
what are you doing man dude I'm making | 202.24 | 5.91 |
this making this thing and I I know it's | 204.52 | 5.13 |
got out of here well you know what I | 208.15 | 3.39 |
respect you for the fact that you work | 209.65 | 3.57 |
very hard on it I can't really judge | 211.54 | 5.88 |
right or what's your what's your next | 213.22 | 7.26 |
plan to keep the same thing well I mean | 217.42 | 5.07 |
now same I mean which way which | 220.48 | 3.84 |
direction are you gonna go or are you | 222.49 | 4.65 |
pretty much done no no because we always | 224.32 | 5.43 |
come across stuff that Wow what's going | 227.14 | 5.07 |
on here can't get off first I just | 229.75 | 14.76 |
[ __ ] myself but no I'm good up here | 232.21 | 14.79 |
man what are you doing I'm just getting | 244.51 | 6.23 |
stuff what are you getting | 247.0 | 3.74 |
[Music] | 251.93 | 13.139 |
hurt | 266.83 | 5.56 |
drink some fluids you nibbled on yeah it | 268.96 | 5.05 |
happens be careful out there | 272.39 | 5.85 |
thank Simon hey so what's up man not | 274.01 | 8.16 |
much honestly got like clay and stone I | 278.24 | 4.68 |
got a hammer | 282.17 | 3.63 |
oh yeah so I couldn't repair stuff now | 282.92 | 4.47 |
that the first hammer you've had first | 285.8 | 3.75 |
one really because I was never told to | 287.39 | 5.55 |
repair stuff come on Kevin got where my | 289.55 | 6.24 |
fight thing is cuz my Hut so we hit it | 292.94 | 7.77 |
with a hammer come on I'm going after | 295.79 | 15.12 |
him oh boy come on come on shark sharks | 300.71 | 11.87 |
almost dead if we can kill them we can | 310.91 | 4.68 |
you know dive yeah you're gonna bone air | 312.58 | 9.21 |
man do it oh no | 315.59 | 6.2 |
get those steaks I'll get them yeah now | 332.08 | 4.96 |
we can dive in peace alright we got him | 334.79 | 6.47 |
everybody get out there and scavenge | 337.04 | 4.22 |
[Music] | 344.03 | 14.4 |
metal use metal yeah oh oh what's over | 349.21 | 9.519 |
here | 358.43 | 3.0 |
anything here in a corner before yep | 358.729 | 5.791 |
that's gave all right all right I think | 361.43 | 5.609 |
I'm happy don't think I'm damn happy | 364.52 | 5.519 |
oh that's seaweed wait now I'm really | 367.039 | 4.101 |
happy | 370.039 | 8.24 |
[Music] | 371.14 | 9.659 |
uh yeah I was gonna put this second | 378.279 | 5.73 |
antenna down so we got the receipt wait | 380.799 | 4.41 |
why is this thing off | 384.009 | 4.8 |
oh no ma'am put the antenna down this | 385.209 | 6.24 |
used to be on wait we didn't drink the | 388.809 | 7.71 |
battery did we battery's dead [ __ ] | 391.449 | 8.07 |
don't mean that battery's no good no can | 396.519 | 4.05 |
we charge it yeah there's no way to | 399.519 | 2.82 |
charge this thing son of a [ __ ] we | 400.569 | 3.48 |
should have waited shit'll wait it I | 402.339 | 2.76 |
didn't know I didn't know you'd put it | 404.049 | 2.4 |
on this thing it immediately go to it | 405.099 | 2.52 |
just go to town | 406.449 | 2.67 |
[ __ ] well hey at least we got two | 407.619 | 2.79 |
antennas we're working towards something | 409.119 | 2.79 |
I'm gonna take this battery | 410.409 | 3.15 |
sorry no wait no no ready charge I'm | 411.909 | 3.391 |
throwing it what are you talking about | 413.559 | 3.51 |
throwing it I just tossed it in the | 415.3 | 2.099 |
water | 417.069 | 2.19 |
he's throwing batteries in the water | 417.399 | 3.45 |
yeah okay that doesn't sound | 419.259 | 3.66 |
environmentally friendly exactly have | 420.849 | 3.6 |
you seen this [ __ ] place you have to | 422.919 | 4.2 |
grab that pull anchor soon we need we | 424.449 | 5.18 |
need planks | 427.119 | 2.51 |
[Music] | 430.59 | 28.059 |
i Nev yes sir antenna number three into | 459.71 | 8.28 |
number three already | 467.06 | 3.449 |
yeah are you up there no I just made it | 467.99 | 3.75 |
off forge | 470.509 | 3.171 |
how many antennas do we need three oh | 471.74 | 4.14 |
but now I got to make another [ __ ] | 473.68 | 4.48 |
battery right well though what do you | 475.88 | 5.99 |
need for the battery let me take a look | 478.16 | 3.71 |
uh-oh I got everything copper I just | 482.09 | 3.51 |
need plastic who's got plant oh wait | 484.1 | 3.51 |
with this plenty of plants right here to | 485.6 | 6.45 |
this like this and boom brand new | 487.61 | 5.13 |
battery neebs | 492.05 | 4.5 |
okay so we go plug it in you got the | 492.74 | 5.1 |
antenna and battery not the other | 496.55 | 3.929 |
antenna yeah alright Simon if you want | 497.84 | 5.06 |
to paddle over to that raft go for it oh | 500.479 | 4.951 |
we're gonna go up here and try out this | 502.9 | 9.28 |
receiver transom radio alright that's | 505.43 | 8.099 |
not too close together I'm taking the | 512.18 | 4.13 |
battery I'm putting the battery back in | 513.529 | 6.721 |
and I'm turning it on here we go | 516.31 | 7.51 |
what's this a distance are we the middle | 520.25 | 5.04 |
or with a green blimp I think we're in | 523.82 | 2.43 |
the middle yeah of course with the | 525.29 | 1.919 |
middle okay | 526.25 | 3.63 |
what's the green blip it's a signal it's | 527.209 | 4.411 |
a signal hey Tory head towards the green | 529.88 | 4.649 |
blue angle the sails right what Hagel | 531.62 | 4.86 |
the sails we got it guys we got a signal | 534.529 | 4.461 |
hold on | 536.48 | 2.51 |
oh you're okay which way do I turn this | 539.18 | 5.97 |
hold on name so I'm gonna let Simon get | 543.01 | 7.0 |
all that stuff that stuff Simon yeah you | 545.15 | 9.0 |
got a jump you got a jump there you are | 550.01 | 7.67 |
you getting up there it's sinking anyway | 554.15 | 3.53 |
I'm coming towards you Simon good do you | 558.19 | 4.93 |
get the cooler | 562.43 | 2.97 |
alright sweetness oh yeah swim banks | 563.12 | 4.56 |
with that metal or one metal or worth it | 565.4 | 4.41 |
maybe maybe not | 567.68 | 3.63 |
alright app strode tell me which way to | 569.81 | 5.58 |
angle the sails turn the sails that way | 571.31 | 5.52 |
see which way I'm looking the way that | 575.39 | 4.05 |
I'm Oh turn it a little bit like this | 576.83 | 4.05 |
way yeah go that way go that way with it | 579.44 | 5.28 |
like that and hold on yeah distance is | 580.88 | 6.98 |
getting smaller whoa | 584.72 | 3.14 |
[Music] | 590.74 | 4.409 |
up-up what I hit a by accident and it | 597.799 | 4.48 |
shut that thing off | 601.019 | 3.841 |
oh yeah but then it turn it back on okay | 602.279 | 4.8 |
I thought it I thought I must face it no | 604.86 | 4.079 |
don't push buttons well you know what I | 607.079 | 3.3 |
got a push button this that's a stupid | 608.939 | 2.07 |
thing to say | 610.379 | 3.12 |
yeah really no well what you said no | 611.009 | 4.411 |
what you said no I got a push buttons | 613.499 | 3.78 |
and I say I gotta yeah you're like oh I | 615.42 | 3.959 |
gotta push buttons no I I gotta push | 617.279 | 4.17 |
buttons to play the game don't say oh | 619.379 | 3.51 |
yeah if I don't push the buttons on this | 621.449 | 5.01 |
thing of course which buttons now say | 622.889 | 5.25 |
yeah the reciever butterflies | 626.459 | 3.391 |
yeah just that's the one button how we | 628.139 | 3.93 |
do it how's our home is our battery | 629.85 | 3.539 |
gonna make it we're gonna have to make | 632.069 | 3.51 |
another matter we are making out the | 633.389 | 6.151 |
battery still got more than half way | 635.579 | 5.521 |
what do we all have a hundred go you | 639.54 | 3.12 |
have to make another battery we have | 641.1 | 5.969 |
resources for batteries let's see that's | 642.66 | 6.45 |
not easy to make I mean one copper ingot | 647.069 | 3.721 |
which I can make plastics easy and | 649.11 | 3.719 |
scraps easy yeah yeah yeah I can make | 650.79 | 3.779 |
better well if you turn it off for a | 652.829 | 3.63 |
minute save the battery just let's just | 654.569 | 3.48 |
we know what direction we're going or | 656.459 | 5.401 |
going in the right direction it's check | 658.049 | 7.23 |
the battery out turn last time we had it | 661.86 | 5.49 |
off wait did we turn it off the battery | 665.279 | 3.771 |
ran completely down | 667.35 | 5.15 |
okay let's see dude science here turn it | 669.05 | 9.36 |
off at 600 exactly it was 600 when you | 672.5 | 8.22 |
turned it off 600 and the battery I was | 678.41 | 5.33 |
about a little more than a third okay | 680.72 | 6.809 |
how long should we wait like now yeah | 683.74 | 5.849 |
try now see what happens turn it back on | 687.529 | 5.851 |
the distance is 1185 what are you | 689.589 | 5.471 |
talking about the batter is the same | 693.38 | 4.53 |
thing Jesus cried out what and now that | 695.06 | 11.37 |
green dot someone needs her ass kicked | 697.91 | 10.65 |
for that design decision alright so what | 706.43 | 4.23 |
we got to do is we turn the battery on | 708.56 | 4.23 |
it's gotta stay on gotta stay on good | 710.66 | 4.07 |
call Simon or neebs | 712.79 | 3.21 |
someone | 714.73 | 4.549 |
[Music] | 716.0 | 3.279 |
800 872 yeah oh there goes alright | 724.96 | 8.73 |
taking it out and put the new one in oh | 729.89 | 5.07 |
good | 733.69 | 3.07 |
alright yeah alright hey we're still at | 734.96 | 4.62 |
800 something all right so get another | 736.76 | 4.32 |
battery in another battery I'm working | 739.58 | 2.34 |
on another body | 741.08 | 3.71 |
you got this it didn't change no change | 741.92 | 5.37 |
so if we switch them out quick we think | 744.79 | 5.47 |
it's gonna point oh I need one more | 747.29 | 6.12 |
scrap that's all I need well scrap I got | 750.26 | 5.01 |
any other years I got scraps you ready | 753.41 | 3.72 |
oh yeah give me some scrap neaps pick up | 755.27 | 6.29 |
poop good then BAM got another battery | 757.13 | 10.05 |
ready to go ready to go tight all right | 761.56 | 11.32 |
guys who put this random out here this | 767.18 | 8.67 |
one approve of that okay you need to | 772.88 | 5.34 |
form a sentence oh this one I did | 775.85 | 4.17 |
because look it's gonna catch that leaf | 778.22 | 3.48 |
right there it is but now I feel like I | 780.02 | 5.16 |
have to make like a fool like a stupid | 781.7 | 5.07 |
fool I feel like I need to do a whole | 785.18 | 2.94 |
run that's a leaf we will never have | 786.77 | 3.75 |
just sticks out it's weird right | 788.12 | 4.32 |
you're the one who likes symmetry and | 790.52 | 4.05 |
things like that go around it | 792.44 | 12.99 |
well we man we're done five eighty five | 794.57 | 15.0 |
eighty right now oh wow we should I | 805.43 | 5.52 |
think we should be able to see something | 809.57 | 3.74 |
soon | 810.95 | 2.36 |
[Music] | 815.48 | 3.179 |
where I wanted so I hereby the thing I | 819.31 | 10.09 |
mean it's getting dark maybe here a | 823.16 | 19.44 |
shark yes kills vampires mom yeah mr. | 829.4 | 15.69 |
mom that was a plate that was monkey | 842.6 | 6.54 |
wouldn't yes oh never said that I think | 845.09 | 6.72 |
I saw that in the theater all the kids | 849.14 | 5.25 |
loved miss your mom sure they do Michael | 851.81 | 5.13 |
Kiki got fired and now he's home Woody's | 854.39 | 8.81 |
favorite doing what only women should do | 856.94 | 6.26 |
sort of Hodgins is he gonna get in with | 870.28 | 6.37 |
that Clorox like half that movie was | 872.78 | 5.9 |
about at a boss trying to [ __ ] the mom | 876.65 | 4.92 |
and and it's like totally acceptable at | 878.68 | 5.4 |
the end of it is just like Oh shucks I | 881.57 | 5.55 |
guess he shoulda tried to [ __ ] the mom | 884.08 | 4.69 |
that's not nice | 887.12 | 6.93 |
he wanted to be mr. mom hey we're at 280 | 888.77 | 7.68 |
now boys we might make it we might make | 894.05 | 3.81 |
it with this batter I think we are gonna | 896.45 | 2.52 |
make over this batteries better he's not | 897.86 | 1.77 |
even halfway done | 898.97 | 2.49 |
oh the Greens actually starting to move | 899.63 | 3.72 |
very close oh yeah you're right the | 901.46 | 4.23 |
Greens no but I'm gonna angle the sail | 903.35 | 4.28 |
just a little bit more | 905.69 | 4.94 |
one that way then looking Simon to see | 907.63 | 4.5 |
anything of the distance anybody | 910.63 | 3.75 |
well I'm staring at the screen which way | 912.13 | 6.649 |
start building this way will we see some | 914.38 | 8.34 |
holy [ __ ] I see something huge | 918.779 | 6.821 |
really oh yeah see oh yeah see - see it | 922.72 | 10.5 |
- oh oh I make a mess now let me see it | 925.6 | 10.17 |
I have to turn it turn it off Simon okay | 933.22 | 6.25 |
[Music] | 935.77 | 7.55 |
take animaker got the acre ready we need | 939.47 | 6.58 |
to have the tall in lineups we'll go | 943.32 | 4.83 |
beside it and then we'll anchor hey I'll | 946.05 | 6.66 |
steer you anchor doing great yeah paddle | 948.15 | 6.24 |
it's to work towards it all right we | 952.71 | 3.36 |
should know yeah hey tollens gonna pop | 954.39 | 3.36 |
right on there I think this is gonna be | 956.07 | 2.45 |
great | 957.75 | 3.06 |
we're going good the way we are you | 958.52 | 6.07 |
ready yeah yeah just keep baby ankle the | 960.81 | 5.04 |
sails a little bit more forward toward | 964.59 | 3.21 |
towards it towards it okay where's it | 965.85 | 3.81 |
okay we want the back end to get sucked | 967.8 | 10.11 |
in paddling quit rattling yeah we want | 969.66 | 9.87 |
to get the back end with the backhand | 977.91 | 5.61 |
again drop the sails here here how's | 979.53 | 6.54 |
that can you make the back end suck in | 983.52 | 4.59 |
yeah now yeah angle the sails right | 986.07 | 3.57 |
towards the building now okay I don't | 988.11 | 4.11 |
come back end of that that's good yeah | 989.64 | 4.23 |
keep England keep England I'm about to | 992.22 | 5.61 |
throw acre makers throne | 993.87 | 6.36 |
oh yeah beautiful I think we can get on | 997.83 | 4.13 |
the platform boy | 1000.23 | 4.79 |
[Applause] | 1001.96 | 7.52 |
[Music] | 1005.02 | 4.46 |
[Applause] | 1011.59 | 4.23 |
[Music] | 1012.08 | 3.74 |
[Music] | 1018.64 | 4.1 |
you | 1023.79 | 2.06 |
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The Game
You definitely should check it out
Neebs Gaming has once again struck gold with their latest playthrough of Raft Survival Simulator. This survival game strands players on a tiny raft in the middle of the ocean, forcing them to scavenge resources and build up their raft while staying alive. Neebs Gaming's trademark humor and camaraderie shines through as they hilariously bumble their way through the game's challenges.
The cinematic editing transports you right onto the raft with the gang, making you feel like part of the adventure. Multiple camera angles during intense moments like shark attacks or storms at sea immerse you in the action. The guys' reactions to jump scares or setbacks will having you laughing out loud. Their builder Dora really shines through with creative raft expansions and defenses.
Overall, Neebs Gaming's Raft series is a must-watch for fans of survival games, sea adventures, or laughing until it hurts. Their chemistry and editing style make Raft come alive in a way that's arguably better than playing it yourself. You'll be rooting for them to survive against all odds and expand their ocean empire. So grab your imaginary life preserver and set sail with the hilarious crew of Neebs Gaming's Raft!