Raft Survival Simulator - Shark Head Face
Neebs Gaming
neebs: Hey guys, welcome back to Neebs Gaming! Today we're talking about why 'Raft Survival Simulator - Shark Head Face' is our favorite video. And let me tell you, that shark head face really had us on the edge of our raft!
simon: Oh yeah, that shark head face was a real game changer! I mean, who knew sharks could be so fashionable? I might need to get myself a shark head face hat.
appsro: Haha, you guys are too much! But seriously, that video was hilarious. I couldn't stop laughing when we were trying to survive with that ridiculous shark head face looming over us. Good times, good times.

This video comes straight from the Neebs Gaming YouTube channel.
Hey there fellow Neebs Gaming fans! If you haven't checked out the latest installment of Surviving the deadly seas on a raft, you're missing out! In this 3rd installment of Raft Survival Simulator, the Neebs Gaming crew is facing off against some ferocious sharks in their quest to stay alive on the open water.
If you're a fan of intense survival games, this video is definitely for you. The Neebs Gaming team always brings their A-game when it comes to tackling dangerous situations in the virtual world, and this episode is no exception. From building their raft to fending off hungry sharks, you won't want to miss a minute of the action.
And don't forget to hit that subscribe button for more Raft Survival content from the Neebs Gaming crew. Trust me, you won't want to miss out on any of their adventures as they navigate the treacherous waters and try to stay alive against all odds.
So grab some popcorn, settle in, and get ready to be entertained by the hilarious antics and thrilling gameplay of Neebs Gaming in Raft Survival Simulator. And be sure to check out their Patreon, Twitch channel, and other social media for even more content and updates. Thanks for watching, and happy gaming!

Caption | Start | Duration |
[Music] | 0.27 | 5.37 |
people love the raft | 7.34 | 5.74 |
Simon doraleous in extra yeah today | 9.62 | 5.53 |
we're gonna have a new chapter in our | 13.08 | 4.77 |
ocean survival mm-hmm we're gonna be | 15.15 | 4.86 |
better at this we're gonna collect food | 17.85 | 3.75 |
we're gonna kill that shark when it | 20.01 | 4.529 |
tries to take our F from us should we | 21.6 | 5.429 |
have duties yeah one person on food | 24.539 | 4.23 |
nothing but fishing and cooking that was | 27.029 | 3.09 |
me last time I can do that | 28.769 | 4.021 |
okay Simon you just collect stuff like | 30.119 | 6.21 |
crazy I'm collecting now yeah don't you | 32.79 | 4.679 |
go ahead start a lot of good stuff going | 36.329 | 3.181 |
by look at that just go ahead and grab | 37.469 | 4.621 |
that Simon right there just wear barrel | 39.51 | 3.99 |
just like barrel just going right | 42.09 | 2.82 |
through the ship how about me names what | 43.5 | 1.77 |
do I do | 44.91 | 4.7 |
keep fighting the shark okay and then | 45.27 | 4.34 |
okay | 50.03 | 3.0 |
we're here shark me how do you do it | 60.74 | 6.13 |
come on love it | 65.94 | 2.19 |
just keep stabbing it keep stabbing it | 66.87 | 4.23 |
Narae let's get that shark meat yeah | 68.13 | 8.66 |
yeah don't drift too far we can get | 71.1 | 5.69 |
[Music] | 78.07 | 17.47 |
rap here think you can make it over | 95.979 | 2.861 |
there | 98.42 | 2.759 |
I'm sure I can beautiful beautiful a | 98.84 | 4.709 |
little an Olympic rower see there's a | 101.179 | 3.811 |
good there's like a structure on top of | 103.549 | 3.301 |
that Island oh yeah we get up there Rock | 104.99 | 4.799 |
sure you say the structure I say alright | 106.85 | 4.949 |
you see it up throw yeah seize it | 109.789 | 3.78 |
actually is the loot on the bottom floor | 111.799 | 3.511 |
yeah you may I mean yeah you're in a | 113.569 | 3.061 |
better position to get that and then I | 115.31 | 2.19 |
am I'll get it | 116.63 | 2.79 |
whoa okay all right yeah I've got it I | 117.5 | 3.63 |
got it I got we got it BAM | 119.42 | 6.899 |
is that it yep it's sinking okay oh man | 121.13 | 8.34 |
all right hey effort can you build an | 126.319 | 8.091 |
anchor maybe hold on | 129.47 | 4.94 |
oh boy the thing just broke all right | 139.37 | 9.0 |
better another paddle all right you want | 146.87 | 3.479 |
me toss this acre needs place the anchor | 148.37 | 4.11 |
on the boat I think you hit was an e or | 150.349 | 4.5 |
R to rotate R that's it yeah you got | 152.48 | 5.339 |
good luck it up and don't throw it throw | 154.849 | 4.2 |
it towards the island | 157.819 | 4.95 |
throw the pump towards the pedal that I | 159.049 | 6.231 |
like suck is closer to it | 162.769 | 3.991 |
[Music] | 165.28 | 4.73 |
all right towards the island once hit | 166.76 | 4.81 |
the bat the ground it should bring us in | 170.01 | 5.18 |
tight all right we're in okay | 171.57 | 7.29 |
hmm wavy getting wavy | 175.19 | 6.22 |
I wish the boat was turned around the | 178.86 | 3.06 |
other way | 181.41 | 2.88 |
up over there all right hey somebody I | 181.92 | 4.08 |
don't know okay hey that uh that what | 184.29 | 4.11 |
are these sharp steaks cooked somebody | 186.0 | 4.26 |
get that who's the hungriest yeah well | 188.4 | 6.09 |
I'm gonna probably die soon so as soon | 190.26 | 6.3 |
as I eat it in two minutes I'm gonna | 194.49 | 4.2 |
need to eat more all of us I know all of | 196.56 | 4.08 |
us to see I know that's the thing | 198.69 | 3.57 |
there's still not enough food but it's | 200.64 | 3.6 |
kind of annoying how much you have to | 202.26 | 3.39 |
eat and drink tell you what before we go | 204.24 | 3.12 |
on the island let's just sit here and | 205.65 | 2.85 |
eat and drink until we're completely | 207.36 | 3.42 |
full okay good call I don't think that | 208.5 | 3.94 |
could happen | 210.78 | 7.22 |
[Music] | 212.44 | 5.56 |
hey I know we're using blanks to build | 219.59 | 4.93 |
this wrapped up a little bit but um you | 222.36 | 3.63 |
really could use some planks down here | 224.52 | 3.06 |
on these grilles and there's no fishing | 225.99 | 3.66 |
around oh there's some fishing in there | 227.58 | 3.78 |
I mean you could fish here well I'm | 229.65 | 3.54 |
gonna I'm gonna try to get some planks | 231.36 | 3.33 |
I'll look for planks | 233.19 | 4.62 |
there you go fakie neeps over there keep | 234.69 | 6.45 |
swimming net oh thank you thank you and | 237.81 | 4.92 |
there's a fresh waters available forever | 241.14 | 3.54 |
needs it damn I'm a good cook I have a | 242.73 | 4.35 |
blueprint for an antenna by the way if | 244.68 | 3.27 |
that means anything | 247.08 | 2.94 |
it means the world to me does it forget | 247.95 | 6.14 |
a radio station out here would be nice | 250.02 | 4.07 |
be cool if I could just make that jump I | 256.7 | 4.44 |
don't like being here we just shoved up | 258.71 | 3.26 |
against the rock | 261.14 | 3.879 |
[Music] | 261.97 | 3.049 |
I just like that a running jump and I | 266.56 | 8.19 |
got up here okay I'll get it out we'll | 270.91 | 5.64 |
pull up anchor we'll set sail what do | 274.75 | 5.31 |
you set up there there's a crate I got a | 276.55 | 6.15 |
bunch of scrap and bolt and mash it into | 280.06 | 18.03 |
my inventory I'd drop anything we really | 282.7 | 16.98 |
got to come up with some sort some shark | 298.09 | 4.98 |
defense yeah I just need a spear and | 299.68 | 8.18 |
mine broke everything go down there yeah | 303.07 | 4.79 |
thinking about it okay I got palm leaves | 308.31 | 6.97 |
I got mangoes planks flakes that was | 311.77 | 4.08 |
what we needed | 315.28 | 2.04 |
well yeah if you get flames from trees | 315.85 | 3.66 |
any other good materials though anything | 317.32 | 4.38 |
you put the research station plastic | 319.51 | 4.17 |
scrap nails | 321.7 | 5.12 |
few more trees to harvest | 323.68 | 3.14 |
we got three rope you make that with | 327.55 | 4.9 |
palm leaves I can make a bunch of rope | 330.62 | 3.15 |
for you to rally I sold on its need | 332.45 | 4.32 |
three all right you do my chair here you | 333.77 | 4.65 |
go you ready it's come up to you put it | 336.77 | 3.75 |
there yeah bro | 338.42 | 5.5 |
oh yeah all right beautiful | 340.52 | 6.42 |
I can do my job | 343.92 | 3.02 |
it would take you so long I want to get | 347.74 | 5.989 |
everything I'm eating a watermelon now | 349.69 | 6.27 |
man there's so much good food up here | 353.729 | 5.081 |
yeah at all yeah thanks | 355.96 | 4.769 |
well I need the inventory space get | 358.81 | 3.06 |
meanwhile we're running out of plates | 360.729 | 3.271 |
down here I'm getting can't feel | 361.87 | 2.669 |
anything | 364.0 | 3.569 |
don't worry about it Frank the [ __ ] up I | 364.539 | 6.0 |
see planks I'm going for it careful | 367.569 | 6.841 |
Simon I know coming back keep an eye on | 370.539 | 6.69 |
me oh you're good good yeah I'm on shark | 374.41 | 9.81 |
watch up here we better get back on the | 377.229 | 10.981 |
boats dangerous you guys are clear right | 384.22 | 5.06 |
now | 388.21 | 2.6 |
[Music] | 389.28 | 4.2 |
me no come on back go to you get | 390.81 | 5.4 |
materials Oh minutes so it's one and a | 393.48 | 4.29 |
half three all right well don't get too | 396.21 | 4.05 |
far I'm up too far right here then come | 397.77 | 5.31 |
on this Booker oh you got a shark coming | 400.26 | 6.02 |
till you salmon all right yeah oh oh | 403.08 | 5.72 |
keep coming back right I'm coming I'm | 406.28 | 5.59 |
moving shaking and shimmying yeah jump | 408.8 | 4.6 |
just for you to the boat whoa | 411.87 | 4.35 |
chuckling chef oh boy here we go all | 413.4 | 4.29 |
right till we take off neebs you get | 416.22 | 3.21 |
everything off that out after ooh I | 417.69 | 2.97 |
think we should do one more thing before | 419.43 | 2.58 |
we leave okay what do you wanna do | 420.66 | 6.99 |
we're going in watch your air oh you run | 422.01 | 7.71 |
out of air all the way down just so you | 427.65 | 6.78 |
start seeing things like you seem like | 429.72 | 7.53 |
this scrappier oh boy got bit you just | 434.43 | 4.68 |
hit this scrap and then these little | 437.25 | 4.35 |
like clay mouths you got to hold the | 439.11 | 6.51 |
thing down just hold it alright here | 441.6 | 8.43 |
comes a shark swim I'm trying man I | 445.62 | 6.57 |
don't like that [ __ ] all the seaweed has | 450.03 | 6.35 |
stuff - I think you can harvest these | 452.19 | 4.19 |
I absolutely hate that I want to do that | 461.75 | 4.81 |
anymore hey I think we had a good stop | 464.88 | 3.15 |
so I pull anger yeah we should pull | 466.56 | 2.61 |
anchor we need to get out of here we | 468.03 | 4.92 |
need to gather more resources it's a | 469.17 | 6.12 |
good stop that Island got some good food | 472.95 | 4.35 |
got new to breathe to collect yeah I | 475.29 | 3.54 |
need plates so I can make a fishing pole | 477.3 | 3.18 |
did you make me a fishing boat leaves I | 478.83 | 7.58 |
sure did throw it down there you go | 480.48 | 7.13 |
[Music] | 486.41 | 3.16 |
fantastic thank you sir | 487.61 | 4.99 |
you're welcome it make this you had this | 489.57 | 5.82 |
well it sounds cool that I've had it | 492.6 | 3.09 |
ready | 495.39 | 2.85 |
thanks for the half help fishing rod so | 495.69 | 5.7 |
this table I'm sorry you were saying you | 498.24 | 7.98 |
open it right you go here and you know | 501.39 | 8.49 |
research seeds they've already learned | 506.22 | 5.49 |
I'm in you can see the research this | 509.88 | 6.81 |
fish no yeah I researched so much what | 511.71 | 6.63 |
about a nail well you already did the | 516.69 | 3.75 |
nail I may have a lot of the stuff that | 518.34 | 3.81 |
we already had I already researched it I | 520.44 | 3.12 |
researched pretty much all of the all of | 522.15 | 3.3 |
the stuff we had in our inventory mango | 523.56 | 6.12 |
no blanks scrap | 525.45 | 6.63 |
we searched everything I may have dude I | 529.68 | 5.43 |
mean remember that bursar didn't I did | 532.08 | 5.67 |
the boat Oh awesome when you research it | 535.11 | 3.09 |
you lose it | 537.75 | 2.73 |
yeah exactly all right can you know when | 538.2 | 3.57 |
you put stuff in there you hit learn | 540.48 | 3.9 |
right yeah I learn it's a better fishing | 541.77 | 5.33 |
pole oh hell your hatchet a better | 544.38 | 5.58 |
gathering hook oh boy it's awesome | 547.1 | 5.79 |
that's a lot | 549.96 | 2.93 |
oh yeah all right we know some new stuff | 553.88 | 4.92 |
now guys awesome oh hey I can crap that | 556.4 | 5.99 |
better fishing rod oh yeah | 558.8 | 3.59 |
[Music] | 565.69 | 2.55 |
[Applause] | 566.12 | 18.98 |
I got it I got it oh god damn stuck I'm | 568.24 | 18.36 |
stuck film stuck I'm [ __ ] I'm [ __ ] | 585.1 | 6.739 |
I'm [ __ ] behind very dramatic yes | 586.6 | 10.83 |
drama queen huh hungry good I can't swim | 591.839 | 7.511 |
fast cuz I'm either starving or thirsty | 597.43 | 4.349 |
to death hold on hold on | 599.35 | 4.44 |
okay I made it back I made it back what | 601.779 | 5.25 |
do I do I need water I'm a thirsty [ __ ] | 603.79 | 5.43 |
this cats really funny I just realized | 607.029 | 4.321 |
that that's yeah one of those she would | 609.22 | 2.82 |
name him | 611.35 | 4.049 |
we could name him a char a Shari Shari | 612.04 | 5.97 |
it's like Charlie but yeah hello Chari | 615.399 | 5.31 |
like agent or how about see more cuz we | 618.01 | 5.22 |
found him in the sea yeah and everything | 620.709 | 4.831 |
Seymour Chari | 623.23 | 6.39 |
Seymour chakri yeah you might need more | 625.54 | 5.549 |
of these storage containers that's for | 629.62 | 2.85 |
sure they fill up quick they're pretty | 631.089 | 3.75 |
tiny you know what I can actually make a | 632.47 | 4.26 |
bigger storage container that might be | 634.839 | 4.711 |
cool this out I'm gonna BAM where should | 636.73 | 4.59 |
we put it you got a bigger storage | 639.55 | 3.75 |
container yeah I don't know man I'm | 641.32 | 3.36 |
gonna put it here with the other ones | 643.3 | 2.52 |
yeah keep them all together | 644.68 | 3.27 |
alright thinking cool thing about this | 645.82 | 3.6 |
game is you can pick just about anything | 647.95 | 3.6 |
up all right boom we got a bigger | 649.42 | 4.14 |
storage container oh yeah what's up the | 651.55 | 3.69 |
wrong way but I'll see this you just | 653.56 | 5.85 |
hold X you remove it like this okay up | 655.24 | 7.849 |
and then our | 659.41 | 3.679 |
where is he going maybe we should chase | 668.5 | 5.56 |
them after we heard of repairs we could | 670.85 | 4.65 |
all go in and attack him huh | 674.06 | 9.59 |
I mean we could might be fun I'm ready | 675.5 | 11.73 |
freaking shark meet by your corner son | 683.65 | 5.5 |
oh yeah all right stand back all right | 687.23 | 5.39 |
watch it there you go I see him he's | 689.15 | 21.77 |
Canadian hey man | 692.62 | 21.43 |
should I make us a sail yeah can you | 710.92 | 5.17 |
make one I just need one more play kit | 714.05 | 5.04 |
is one right here boom tell you what now | 716.09 | 4.86 |
let's put it up top all right | 719.09 | 3.96 |
crafting a sail there where our flag is | 720.95 | 6.94 |
okay all right you ready yeah | 723.05 | 7.82 |
we got a sale boy oh yeah this is a | 727.89 | 4.84 |
weird legit it's got a little handle it | 730.87 | 3.89 |
so you just drop it and steer it Robert | 732.73 | 5.25 |
all right hold on hold up look at that I | 734.76 | 5.47 |
know how that rotates smooth that that's | 737.98 | 5.31 |
really so now really dude okay yeah okay | 740.23 | 4.59 |
you get up here you hold our and you | 743.29 | 3.15 |
move the mouse make sure you don't steer | 744.82 | 3.75 |
us out of the out of the debris right | 746.44 | 4.65 |
right right I'll pop it up for now you | 748.57 | 3.9 |
next thing wait right there | 751.09 | 3.12 |
steer in that direction is that that I'm | 752.47 | 6.03 |
ray oh yeah yeah so there we go | 754.21 | 5.49 |
all right is this work and we head | 758.5 | 2.58 |
towards it yeah we're heading towards it | 759.7 | 4.23 |
Morgan oh yeah all right | 761.08 | 5.16 |
almost there apps room no man I know I | 763.93 | 4.26 |
know it looks like something's up top on | 766.24 | 4.29 |
this one okay I know I hope it get us in | 768.19 | 3.45 |
a little quicker all right I'm gonna uh | 770.53 | 3.42 |
yeah I'm gonna raise the sail I feel | 771.64 | 3.66 |
like we're close enough to it now you | 773.95 | 3.81 |
can jump from up there um hey I can't | 775.3 | 3.9 |
really so yeah here yeah | 777.76 | 6.9 |
I'm close I'm jumping from here all | 779.2 | 7.02 |
right let's see what you got on board | 784.66 | 3.51 |
jumping just one that thing behind you | 786.22 | 3.9 |
so you rip up on top right we're gonna | 788.17 | 6.12 |
grill all right rope stone plank ropes | 790.12 | 6.75 |
don't plank the Scarecrow in that raft I | 794.29 | 3.87 |
know always you can pick those up | 796.87 | 2.85 |
there's a girl up that there was a grill | 798.16 | 4.04 |
on there too | 799.72 | 2.48 |
needs yeah if I'm making it should I | 807.3 | 5.14 |
make a calendar and you make a calendar | 810.04 | 5.4 |
I can make a calendar yeah why yeah like | 812.44 | 4.35 |
to know how long they've been here yeah | 815.44 | 3.33 |
keep up with how many days we're out so | 816.79 | 3.6 |
let's see where can I put it Oh | 818.77 | 4.14 |
put it here by the by the torch there on | 820.39 | 5.13 |
the post yeah yeah yeah hey we've | 822.91 | 6.45 |
survived 12 days so far hey holy crap I | 825.52 | 5.67 |
would have said like four yeah now we've | 829.36 | 3.78 |
been out we've been out here 12 days I | 831.19 | 4.5 |
lost track yeah man | 833.14 | 8.73 |
you see Oh land ho land ho hello can you | 835.69 | 8.34 |
do it yeah what is that up there wow | 841.87 | 4.35 |
it's probably a treasure chest | 844.03 | 5.37 |
oh wow can you make that junk we have to | 846.22 | 7.89 |
oh yeah hey what I don't know if I can | 849.4 | 7.17 |
get up to that like the good stuff well | 854.11 | 4.26 |
there's some ways around the island but | 856.57 | 3.75 |
don't chopping trees down until I'm not | 858.37 | 3.66 |
chopping any I don't have a hatchet hey | 860.32 | 3.66 |
see if you can go around that way look | 862.03 | 2.94 |
this way yeah | 863.98 | 2.82 |
and there might be like looks like a | 864.97 | 3.72 |
dead end I mean you can scale that cliff | 866.8 | 4.77 |
oh just kind of jump and shimmy around | 868.69 | 6.83 |
oh yeah we made it you round I'm around | 871.57 | 6.45 |
okay all right so when you wanna go | 875.52 | 4.3 |
davon can I just drop | 878.02 | 4.04 |
[Music] | 879.82 | 5.46 |
Kevin no because I'm hitting the numbers | 882.06 | 6.91 |
and my shift my my fish is moving in my | 885.28 | 5.68 |
inventory I'm trying to eat it | 888.97 | 5.76 |
[Music] | 890.96 | 7.47 |
I'd use the fish yeah great a dive no | 894.73 | 6.669 |
just go without me go without me or stop | 898.43 | 5.94 |
rushing me I don't want because I'm not | 901.399 | 5.19 |
ready okay how long's it gonna take you | 904.37 | 4.139 |
I don't know man it depends it really | 906.589 | 3.24 |
does depends on what's going on because | 908.509 | 3.301 |
you know my brain doesn't work sometimes | 909.829 | 3.481 |
I think I'm ready now | 911.81 | 3.089 |
all right well then come oh yeah okay | 913.31 | 3.269 |
all right hit on a you know you know how | 914.899 | 3.151 |
to harvest stuff down there ya know you | 916.579 | 4.351 |
get this hook out forget it I was just | 918.05 | 4.62 |
getting a spear now I need to repair my | 920.93 | 4.17 |
hook so you'll have to wait again I | 922.67 | 5.279 |
think I live here now was there a crane | 925.1 | 4.859 |
here I did I picked it up what was in it | 927.949 | 4.26 |
I just picked up the crate you just | 929.959 | 5.19 |
picked up the crane yeah maybe it's just | 932.209 | 4.8 |
like another story | 935.149 | 3.48 |
were there things in the crate is a bolt | 937.009 | 6.751 |
of oh yeah it's got a huge make coconuts | 938.629 | 7.951 |
a mango seed yeah we need to get some of | 943.76 | 4.77 |
that [ __ ] going all rights are you ready | 946.58 | 4.14 |
yeah let's go man let's go | 948.53 | 4.83 |
so you see this scrap Simon you come up | 950.72 | 6.0 |
to that just hold hold the mouse button | 953.36 | 5.28 |
and you harvest stuff is this scrap up | 956.72 | 3.33 |
getting hit myself | 958.64 | 3.36 |
yeah man I am sharks down here sharks | 960.05 | 3.3 |
down here so just keep your eye out for | 962.0 | 3.54 |
him try to get as much scrap as you can | 963.35 | 3.78 |
how about I just protect you because I | 965.54 | 4.29 |
don't know how to get the scrap you go | 967.13 | 3.99 |
up to it and you just hold all the | 969.83 | 3.18 |
buttons I know your your description is | 971.12 | 2.61 |
[ __ ] brilliant | 973.01 | 3.15 |
you just go up to it button I don't know | 973.73 | 5.46 |
what it is and it looks like scrap it | 976.16 | 4.82 |
looks like metal you know you see it | 979.19 | 3.33 |
look over here | 980.98 | 6.07 |
see Simon no see push [ __ ] off shark hey | 982.52 | 5.37 |
you see me Simon | 987.05 | 2.49 |
yesterday there ya see these are the | 987.89 | 3.84 |
like little pipes oh that's the scrap | 989.54 | 4.23 |
yeah go up to that and just hit it | 991.73 | 4.95 |
where's my sharks coming back your | 993.77 | 6.57 |
oxygen level oh is that him yeah it's | 996.68 | 6.27 |
him I want to [ __ ] kill them hey I | 1000.34 | 4.23 |
would like to as well alright I'm | 1002.95 | 3.78 |
getting more stuff keep an eye on me I | 1004.57 | 4.5 |
lost you already so good luck with that | 1006.73 | 8.65 |
I've gotta get bit yeah it's not fun | 1009.07 | 8.06 |
[Music] | 1015.38 | 2.9 |
noobs | 1017.13 | 2.56 |
get in I don't think I can get up there | 1018.28 | 3.15 |
man it's just too steep that's just too | 1019.69 | 3.21 |
steep and I tried to do that whole like | 1021.43 | 4.35 |
you just can't I mean one day we'll have | 1022.9 | 5.309 |
a structure we can get up there but ya | 1025.78 | 3.84 |
know right now let's go let's get back | 1028.209 | 2.971 |
yeah we got some good stuff yeah it's | 1029.62 | 2.82 |
time to get back heading back hell we | 1031.18 | 6.39 |
shouldn't do a jump should we that's the | 1032.44 | 7.139 |
way to go yeah couple trees down here oh | 1037.57 | 4.73 |
great I got him | 1039.579 | 6.301 |
hey Simon what's up boys we got some | 1042.3 | 4.0 |
good stuff | 1045.88 | 2.28 |
how'd y'all do oh yeah we tried to die | 1046.3 | 3.54 |
but that damn sharpness keep sniffing at | 1048.16 | 3.81 |
us can we make a big crop plot and plant | 1049.84 | 4.26 |
some mingoes we need to be great to have | 1051.97 | 4.05 |
a real - I've got some mango seeds now - | 1054.1 | 4.44 |
so the big crop plot I have palm trees | 1056.02 | 5.25 |
oh wait let's just found a hinge | 1058.54 | 4.77 |
I got a hinge oh I've had a hinge okay | 1061.27 | 4.71 |
wait a hinge six nails | 1063.31 | 6.45 |
full rope ten plank makes a crop plot I | 1065.98 | 5.97 |
got I have everything with the plank | 1069.76 | 6.08 |
I've got thanks boy | 1071.95 | 3.89 |
big ole crop lunch so now yeah now I got | 1081.42 | 9.94 |
some mangoes to go he's come oh I killed | 1085.51 | 17.07 |
him yeah Simon pulling so long guilin it | 1091.36 | 13.26 |
was fun surprised you guys didn't | 1102.58 | 3.45 |
there's like mango on that side there's | 1104.62 | 3.42 |
more trees way I glad we get more trays | 1106.03 | 3.84 |
me would it all didn't get up all her | 1108.04 | 4.37 |
all the way | 1109.87 | 2.54 |
[Music] | 1118.01 | 4.53 |
[Music] | 1124.78 | 3.52 |
you | 1126.86 | 5.19 |
[Music] | 1128.3 | 3.75 |
Supporting the crew is a no-brainer! Go buy some merch!

If anyone has any fan art they would like to submit, a post idea or promotional content for the crew just reach out and let me know! This is community supported so feel free to get involved if you love Neebs Gaming half as much as I do!

The Game
You definitely should check it out
Neebs Gaming has done it again with their latest survival simulator gameplay series in Raft! I've been hooked on their Raft series since the first episode dropped. There's just something so engaging about watching the Neebs crew try to survive on a tiny raft in the middle of the ocean, at the mercy of sharks, storms, and dwindling resources.
The guys have such great on-screen chemistry that it makes every episode entertaining. Their personalities really shine when they are put in survival situations. You've got Neebs as the cautious, practical one, Appsro as the risk-taking wild card, Thick as the lovable oaf, and Simon as the slightly unhinged one. When they start bickering about how to gather resources or stay safe, it's comedy gold!
The cinematic style of Neebs Gaming's videos really pulls you into the Raft world too. The way they edit the footage with close-ups and dramatic music builds tension and makes me feel like I'm right there on the raft with them. When a shark attack happens out of nowhere, I literally jump! Their editing makes an already engaging game even more immersive.
Overall, Neebs Gaming's Raft series is a must-watch for any gaming or survival simulation fan. It's the perfect blend of comedy, camaraderie, tension, and high stakes drama. I'd say their Raft videos are the absolute best way to experience this game without actually playing it yourself. Their commentary and editing bring so much extra entertainment and energy that just watching someone else stream Raft can't compare. If you're looking for a new gaming series to obsess over, you can't go wrong with Neebs Gaming in Raft!